#also i am a huge smosh fan
oiboibabyboy · 1 month
I hate to be the person bringing this up
And let me put a disclaimer here first actually: I’m happy for shourtney if they are and have been a couple this entire time
What was the reason for hiding the relationship this whole time? Why not share the news when they got engaged? Why not before that even?
Why did courtney say all that about not dating a co-worker? WHY DID THEY HIDE ITTT?? Like they don’t owe us their entire relationship but i dont get why they wouldnt just say “yeah we’re together but dont wanna be public about it” and just set a boundary. Why would they instead let the fandom run loose with it and cause chaos? Like them being a couple or not has been the divider of the fandom FOR YEARS!
The shourtney compilations™️ speak for thenselves with people calling each other out for shipping real-life people, for hating on others, for not respecting boundaries, for not just letting people have fun, and just about everything else. Ive been so exhausted by the discourse surrounding this subject that I’ve actively distanced myself from the fandom outside of a few youtube channels.
And I’ve never been a shourtney shipper bc i just dont see it, so its perhaps just a me-problem but wtf… wouldn’t we see them be flirtatious on the regular? Like I’m not kidding, I genuinely feel we see more small moments between shayne and angela than shayne and courtney. So if they are legitimately a couple and have been for a wHILE? Why dont they seem like one? As far as I’m aware we haven’t even seen shayne with her cats! Idk i feel like we wouldve seen more so-called ‘proof’ lol
Anyways i don’t mean to spark more drama i just really wanna understand this situation bc it just makes ZERO. FUCKING. SENSE. to me
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jovenshires · 3 months
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endless au edits: smosh theatre's seasonal lineup (1/4)
SMOSH'S SEASONAL LINEUP: A COMPLETE GUIDE by mac kahey smosh theatre, a musical theater company known for its diverse and inclusive productions, has just announced its show lineup for the year, and it is safe to say that fans are far from disappointed. starting off strong, the company kicked off its announcement with its winter showcase: a production of hadestown, led by stars damien haas and jacklyn uweh, and directed by none other than returning smosh co-founder, anthony padilla. padilla made his comeback to smosh a little over six months ago to collaborate with his fellow co-owner on their spring and summer musicals. this will be padilla's first solo show at the playhouse in nearly six years - and what a show to start off on. coupling this tragic tale of love lost with padilla's edgy direction style is a bold move, and fans are, rightfully, excited. the casting choices are also impeccable. the star-studded lineup includes previously-mentioned damien haas, an openly neurodivergent and queer actor making waves for representation everywhere. he'll be taking on the role of orpheus, a hopeless romantic, poet, and musician, and as someone who had the pleasure of sitting down with him for an interview last spring, all of these qualities describe haas to a t. this will be his first time leading a show with smosh in his near-six-year run at the company, and his first time working with padilla as a director. the actor shared the show to his instagram and expressed his excitement for the production, saying, "anthony is such a great director. it's been an honor to work with him and my amazing castmates." speaking of his castmates - his leading lady is none other than superstar jacklyn uweh. returning from her recent stint touring with the cast of spring awakening, she has rejoined the smosh cast for another performance that's sure to be amazing. the actress is known for advocating for women of color in theater spaces and never being afraid to speak her mind. she also, notably, has one of the most incredible singing voices of our generation. taking on the mysterious yet powerful role of eurydice will be no easy feat, but somehow, i think she has the power to manage it. just with this one casting, smosh has shown that when the perfect cast falls into their lap, they aren't foolish enough not to utilize it. the stacked cast doesn't stop there, though. playing hermes, the play's narrator and father figure to young orpheus, is ify nwadiwe, a booming comedic actor who has been known to feature in smosh productions. his fun-loving demeanor and natural swagger are sure to bring a natural carefree energy to this rendition of hadestown. he, too, spoke of the production fondly on social media, posting on x: "this is one of the greatest things i've ever been a part of. come see us next december to february at the smosh playhouse for one of the most incredible, f***ed up things we've ever done." long-time smosh player keith leak jr is taking on the role of hades, the rich, powerful, and egotistical king of the underworld, and his friend and partner in all things theater, olivia sui, will be beside him once more as persephone, hades's free-spirited yet suffering wife. watching these two together is always a delight, and i cannot wait for their dynamic to shine through the characters that they play. as far as the winter production is concerned, the community's shared high hopes for padilla's return may very well turn out to be grounded in reality. with an all-star cast and an incredible crew, such as returning stage head erin dougal, it is easy to see that padilla knows what he's doing. though only time will tell, i am confident that this production will be a huge success, and very well may be my favorite show of the year - although, i must mention the other productions first - because they all have incredible potential.
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smoshpostiing · 3 months
heyaa :)
since we’re talking more about smosh in general- do u have a favourite smosh channel?
i’m recently bingeing so much content from smosh games, although generally i’m not that into game content/board games. i’ve started watching the sword af dnd campaign and boy am i hooked and immensely in love with damien haas… pretty sad he doesnt appear in videos that often these days, i miss him :(
i feel like smosh pit will always be my #1 HOWEVER smosh games is really up there at the moment. im honestly liking the games content more than anything else at the moment but i also miss damien so much:(
im a HUGE smoshcast/smosh mouth fan too though mondays are my favourite day :3
but im also a smosh main member and i love love love the bts content i get on main!!
tbh all four are dear to my heart and i love them all so much i could never really give a solid 10000% answer <3
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tame-a-messenger · 2 months
too long for comment so I am going into ask box again
I am kinda sad how the handled sword AF so far in general and are STILL handling it. Even if the answer is "hey, we are not sure when sword AF will return/we are uncertain about the future of it in general,". It would be so much better to get than just silence. Also, I get that it kind of underperformed, and it must be one of the most expansive things to produce. So yeah, it kind of underperformed slightly in a Smosh context, but it had SO FUCKING MUCH FANWORK. Like, fewer people cared about it, but the people that did care A LOT. Which, like, you can tap into that to finance it. For example, I feel like sword AF merch would perform really well.
We can't know, but if we are not getting Sword AF for financial reasons, that would be so stupid. Because I don't think it has to be that way.
This is all just wild speculating when it comes down to it, and the reasons are definitely more complicated that (time is very likely a BIG factor as well)
Typically, I am really not a fan of guessing and speculating based on so little, but because it is about a show, I give myself a pass haha
*Rattling at the gates of Smosh HQ, "WILL SWORD AF RETURN FROM THE WAR???"
(Additional thing: In a way it was kinda funny they announced that sword AF wasn't going to happen hours after it was supposed to drop. Like were they actually surprised people cared about it??? Haha. )
That's what I find so disrespectful about all this. They haven't said a peep about Sword AF since they delayed it.
I understand that the views didn't do SUPER amazingly well, but they didn't do worse than a lot of other content they've put out? The first ep of S1 got 1.4mil and over the whole 9 eps it got a total of 4.7mil views? (I'm including the "Movie"-comp of all the eps - it had 403k)
The least viewed video (weirdly) is the final ep. I think it's because a lot of people fell off watching it. Keep in mind, they uploaded episodes every two weeks, which I'm willing to bet is a big reason why a lot of people stopped watching.
I feel like most first seasons of D&D campaigns don't start out with crazy views, it's expected to gain traction the more it goes on? That's how I feel.
I agree that running a D&D campaign does take a lot of effort and (from what I've heard) takes a lot of world building and really is a huge time sucker, I can see how they would want need more time to work on it (giving only 3-4 months to write a whole season in-between doing voice over/other freelance work sounds like a lot) so wanting more time I understand. It's just that they haven't given any updates or talked about it AT ALL, that's what's really weird.
SO many people love Sword AF! There was so much fan art! and everyone was talking about it in fan spaces!
Like it was so loved! and I know a lot of table top/D&D people are LOADED, and they would 100% buy even the worst looking merch because of how much they liked the series! (I would by something with Rumpum on it! That sounds so fucking cute!) so I don't see there being any real reason not to do a S2 except either they don't have the time to write it/or are just generally really busy, or some totally unknown reason behind the scenes??
At the end of the day it is just really bizarre to me that they haven't mentioned it at all? like not a peep?
"(Additional thing: In a way it was kinda funny they announced that sword AF wasn't going to happen hours after it was supposed to drop. Like were they actually surprised people cared about it??? Haha. )"
(Was it not the exact time it was supposed to be uploaded? I remember waiting for it and seeing the community post notif at the exact time it was supposed to drop? or maybe 15mins after? either way-)
That was such a slap in the face. It hurts worse now that it's been enough time that I can be certain there was NO WAY it was even close to being finished (or maybe even started?) They really waited till the absolute last- no, PAST the last second to let us know it wasn't dropping. What a way to shit in the face of the people that cared.. (I literally cleared my schedule to be able to watch it and was waiting for the clock to hit 1pm (I live est) thinking I was gonna spend at least an hour watching the new ep.. I can only imagine how many other people had gotten stuff set up to watch, that got fucked with.)
I do want a S2, I want them to say something about it at least. And they BETTER apologize about how they handled it.
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💛Smoshblr December Asks Day 21💙
Top 3 tropes in media/fanfic
So in terms of general concepts/tropes I enjoy in all media, there def any iteration of (Enemies/Rivals to) Friends to Lovers; then Found Family <3 and hurt/comfort -> especially in combo with one of the other two tropes!
When in comes to which types of fanfics I specifically seek out most of the time:
(putting these answers and the fanfic recs under the cut, cause this is once again getting way longer than I intended)
I know this is super unpopular, but I love well done miscommunication in fanfics! Hate it in most movies tho!!
-> also what I think constitutes “good” miscommunication basically boils down to “ is the miscommunication plot or character motivated?” cause in a lot of media the miscommunication feels forced and only meant to prolong or escalate the story
-> but if the miscommunication happens bc the characters are, for example, insecure about sharing certain info/feelings it is way more captivating and relatable (to me)
-> so this is ofc directly related to (Mutual) Pining <3 (plus also connected to another fave of mine: Memory Loss/Amnesia & also secret identity)
2. Forced proximity!!
-> I’m counting both sharing a bed and stuff like fake relationship under this umbrella
-> I just love when characters are forced to interact with each other in a different and typically more intimate way than they usually do! (and what it reveals about themselves and their relationship to eachother!)
3. Fix-it fanfics
-> I actually love original stories that have tragic endings! But there are many ways a story can end in a disappointing way and make me immeditaly turn to what all the wonderful fanfic authors have come up with in order to clean up the mess!
I have way too many favourite fanfics tbh... SO I'm actually gonna do both general and smosh ones I enjoyed a lot recently!
Multifandom (I am a huge podfic girlie, so I'm gonna give them a shoutout here!)
Harry Hart and the Honey Pot: An Indiana Jones Adventure - reena_jenkins, samanthahirr - Kingsman (Movies) [Archive of Our Own] -> I love me a good movie based AU from time to time and the kingsman fandom has so many great writers!
2. [podfic] tomorrow will always and forever now be today (tomorrow is our always and forever) - Matriaya - 9-1-1 (TV) [Archive of Our Own] -> this fic changed me as a person istg; like it is such an incredibly well done take on the timeloop trope, I'm-
3. Be My Savior - Chapter 1 - jessebee - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own] -> this is me coming out as lowkey more of a Sabriel than Destiel fan 🙈 Like ofc Destiel have the better canon story, and I do love them very much; However Sabriel fanfics captured my heart when I was a teenager and are still hanging on by a thread! (also I can still make myself cry instantly via a headcanon I created for them ages ago and that's gotta count for smth 😹)
Smosh Fanfics &lt;3
In general of course any and all fics by Katie @jovenshires 🩷🩵 (love you and your writing to death istg🫶) but having to choose one for this, I'm gonna go with right where you left me - jovenshires (imdeansgirl) - Smosh [Archive of Our Own]
2. doing something like this right on the first try - halfwheeze - Smosh [Archive of Our Own] my most recent bookmark and 100% my fave fic I've read these past few weeks! But Mer 🖤💜@tommybowefuneralattendee has so many banger fanfics, it was super hard to choose! <3 But this fic made me truly ship nintendogs, so it deserves this mention
3. I abstained from choosing any of the amazing spommy fics by the lovely ppl I mentioned above, bc I might have spommy brainworms 24/7, but I cannot lose my multishipper rep! 😹🙈 But here is one of my other fave spommy fics from a different author! maybe my animals live in your zoo - creepysounds - Smosh [Archive of Our Own] edit: by the lovely @tommybones 🫶
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agnewbones · 4 months
top 5 smosh series 👁👄👁✨️
its so wild that this ask was sent with 0 technical difficulties💖 xoxo @jovenshires
1. sword af
before i am a person, i am a dnd fan above all else!!!!!!
(and i am also a huge simp for all of them esp. for damien, shayne, and chanse)
still making my way thru this one, bc i get so overwhelmed with lust for damien dm’ing that i gotta turn it off. Listen,,,
2. baf legacy
i NEED to see a little roleplay at all times!!! shout out to the whittmores (family of all time❕❕❕) and whatever the fuck cornelius brawne got going on. let me be the beast who kills you bro gimme a lil kiss. still making my way thru this as well
3. who meme’d it
show of all time! i love spencer! shayne makes me laugh with the tearaway clothes bit every single fucking time! i just woke up in this house/i just peed blood/how’s yr penis bro!!!!!!
4. let’s do this
i think ian really shined in this format, and i also think arasha should be president now. telling on you to your mom is so fucking 5d emotional damage chess, and i think she should get to control the nuclear codes. dw about it
5. funeral roasts
i am here to see tommy serve cunt, and for everyone else to be lovingly humiliated by their dearest friends. i know what i’m looking for in “”content””, okay.
also a fun fact; this is how i got tricked into watching smosh videos— the combination of being a @tommybowefuneralattendee fan from another fandom, and my try guys playlist falling victim to the algorithym, showing me the roast.
i immediately developed a crush on damien which only grew after he said “stingussy” with his real human mouth :)
special mentions
- ex interviews: 2 shayne 2 ex, damien 2: the remix, spencer, and tommy’s episodes like oh my god???? lisabella heinz the woman you are. dio shayne my fucking beloved. jackie slayed agnes spencer so much. and i am *obsessed* with whatever tommy and amanda have got going on all the time
- eioyi but in a bad way. like i am sooo so SO fucking sorry to garrett (you are a baddie and i luv u mr. sexy in a beekeeping way) and to angela’s cat food soda banger, but i cannnotttt do gross-out food content … ive still got lasting chef josh memories haunting me /halfjoking
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waywardmillennial · 1 year
Heyyy I have so many thoughts and feelings about Steven and his shows/content right now and I would love to hear alllllll your Steven thoughts! (if you want to share obvs)
I hope you are doing okay and I am sending you so many virtual hugs right now! <333
oh my beloved Noa *hugs back* 💜 I appreciate this question and I also look forward to hearing all of your thoughts too. I just got done drying all my tears from the final Worth It trailer and I have a jumbled stream of consciousness to share - and it got a bit longer than I anticipated so settle in.
First, the ending of Worth It is a bit of a surprise, but I also understand and accept it. They really do know how to dig the emotional knife in by ending the trailer like this though T_T
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Same, Steven. Same.
Interesting to note (as I write this) Steven hasn't shared the final trailer on his socials. The last that he said about WI was his comment about feeling overwhelmed on March 2nd. Makes me want to send him a virtual hug.
It was so weird how the timing of this announcement came at the same time as the Mystery Files news on Watcher - so I've felt like I've been sad while most of the fandom is celebrating. I hoped after announcing Survival Mode that the next show might include Steven, and that's not the case (and the Worth It news felt like an extra gut punch on top of this). I know we had both talked about trying to focus more on Steven in 2023 (to try to get him on the trending celebs by the end of the year) and now it's looking like that might be a bigger challenge. I jokingly said in one of my discords that Watcher is becoming the Ryan and Shane network, but it's sort of true? And as someone who is a huge fan of Ryan and Shane, and their dynamic, I am happy. But I can also be sad about the lack of Steven content. I contain multitudes.
I wish that Watcher would focus on a show that really highlights and includes all three of them (not just WW+ on patreon). Maybe that's too difficult to coordinate with all of their schedules? But it would be nice. I have seen some great ideas floating around the internet, like a travel style show where all three of them explore a city. Steven could show the boys local food, Ryan could be entertainment or local history, and Shane could find an off-beat tourist spot for them to explore. I don't know - just a thought. They all seem competitive in different ways, so maybe a game show style would be fun too.
I would also love to see a Steven and Ryan show, or a Steven and Shane show. I think there is some untapped chaotic energy in either of those pairings.
Okay, this might sound bad at first - but let me finish before you yell at me: It kinda seems like Steven is the third wheel of Watcher - BECAUSE - Ryan and Shane were making their content together and came over as a package deal, and Steven didn't have that built-in report with either of them from the 'feed. This isn't really Steven's fault. However, Watcher continuing to lean into the Ghoul Boys pairing so hard isn't helping to bridge that gap. I feel like they could do more to mix it up (also, like only Ryan and Shane going on the GMM and Smosh collabs was a little sad to me. I'm always gonna be "but what about Steven Lim" basically as often as I can).
NOTE: I do not think this makes Steven less important than either Ryan or Shane. Watcher would not be here without Steven and his business sense behind the camera, and I love all of the shows he has put on Watcher! Steven is an integral part of this channel and it would not be the same without him.
That's why his last season of Dish Granted worries me a little bit. That has always been one of my top three shows on Watcher, and I'm glad Steven has a solo show like that. But in the latest season he took such a big step back from cooking for a lot of the episodes, it felt like he's trying to phase himself out. Maybe I'm misinterpreting it, when really they're just trying to get the audience used to other faces before they premiere their own shows -- but when you pair this with the lack of new Steven shows, and him being so quiet about Worth It ending, it makes me a little anxious. Side note: I woke up with the intense desire to make a playlist of all the Watcher One-Offs and collabs they've done, and found a Steven Lim collab I hadn't seen before. I don't even think Steven ever promo'd it on his insta? He is sort of a private guy, when compared to the other Watcher founders -- remember how this fandom wasn't exactly sure when Steven's bday was? lol -- so maybe he's just a quiet little guy, and doesn't mind taking a backseat for a while.
All that to say, I know Steven is a grown man and he doesn't need me to worry about him. I get it, but I'm just an anxious person by default. Steven's content is always so relaxing and wholesome and a good time, that it's a bit scary to think of not having it as much anymore. Plus, I think that he's such a creative, thoughtful, and funny person who deserves to be seen by lots of people and feel appreciated for what he contributes to the channel (I was so excited when his Steven Eats Through Korea for 24 Hours Straight video jumped to one million views faster than most new Watcher shows do, and is still sitting at more views than the last season of PH). I hope that he sees that, and I'm sure he does because he strikes me as the founder who looks at their numbers more than the others.
I will always be here, yelling about Steven Lim's achievements, and hyping him up as much as I can. And I hope that we'll see more of him on Watcher soon!
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shaymiens · 11 months
The Smosh news makes me happy exactly for the reason you're expressing; they're doing this because they want to! The article mentioning that they reconnected a year ago honestly meant more to me than Anthony returning; I just want them to be happy, and it seems that they are <3
(re: this post)
late-ish reply but YES you get it!! i'd like to think that the excitement/happiness most fans have over the announcement stems not just from the promise of new joint content but also from a sort of relief and shock that they were able to work through things and become even stronger friends than before!!
like watching the interview and the the 2t1l is SOOO surreal to me because i expected their on-camera dynamic to have a bit of an ease-in period BUT NAH they have rapport from the jump plus like... a new level of honesty and vulnerability and respect and trust that i don't even really remember seeing back before anthony left. they still tease each other and push buttons and quite often there's an acknowledgement of former tension, but i think the fact that they can let their words cut so sharp without it being a big deal is a huge testament to how comfortable and safe they feel around each other.
not to mention... you can just tell how giddy they are to be hanging out again. they're both still so, so sentimental about all their shared history, and it comes out every time they talk about their experiences together. i never thought in a million years we would have gotten to witness this again, yet here we are. witnessing it. i am OVER THE MOON!!
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neaura-nightsong · 1 year
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I asked N'lora to write an "about me" for me, let's see how she does:
Get to know me! 💜🧡
I am a 33-year-old post-op transgender female, embracing my Goth and Elf aesthetic with Trill spot tattoos, bright purple hair, and a lip piercing. 🦄💜
I have a passion for science, activism, space, technology, philosophy, and transhumanism. My goal is to advocate for an AI automated future where poverty, hunger, and homelessness are a thing of the past, and human aging is a thing of the past. 🚀💻
Practicing gratitude every day, I am excited for what the future holds as I strive to become a mental health counselor. Currently, I am an escort and an adult film star, with a love for Poutine and chocolate. 🍟🍫
A huge fan of Smosh and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, I am also a Star Trek fanatic with model ships and a background in internet radio and gaming. 🚀🎮
I run Nighthaven Enclave, Neaura.net, and the Canadian Transgender Alliance and am studying to become [REDACTED] . I also enjoy Twitch streaming and YouTubing. 💻🎥
I am a proud pet parent of Major Kira, Bitey, and Amanda, and love studying Geopolitical issues and psychology. In another life, I might have pursued a career in intelligence work or law enforcement. 🐶🐀🕷️
Politically on the left, I believe in taking care of people. I don't identify as human and feel more like an [REDACTED] in a human incarnation. I am a firm believer in the persistence of consciousness after death and that society is being conditioned and controlled. 🤖🚀
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hypershocked · 9 months
Tagged by @karenz0 (thank you!!!)
Last listened to: Georgia by Paul Williams
Currently watching: Taskmaster NZ Season 1! Season 4 is coming out in 2 weeks so I wanted to do a rewatch :)
Currently reading: imma be 100% honest i haven't read a book in years, so i'll add on some other questions for things i actually am doing!
Currently working on: Applying to grad school and doing art for the Smosh discord server
Current obsession: Smosh! I was a HUGE fan back in 2013 when I was just a kid, but now that Anthony's back, I'm on my bs again and I'm loving it ♡
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also battlebots i still love u but i'm still waiting on champions to Feel Something
I tag @agoldengalaxy @queen-misha-pollens, and whoever else wants to!! (btw hi i'm ana smoshidiot but i thought it'd be fun to tag some people across accounts)
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archieshifts90 · 11 months
My Desired Reality: Overview
Since my main DR is kind of all over the place (my script is basically a novel), I figured I'd make a separate post about it.
General: My DR is an alternate version of this reality, where I am an actress living in LA. I star in a Netflix adaptation of the book series Gideon the Ninth, and I also start collaborating with Smosh, which is a YouTube sketch comedy/game channel that I've been a fan of forever. It's basically just me living my acting dreams in LA and hanging out with the Smosh crew, so on :)
Background: So I kept my background, age, name, etc. exactly the same, but instead of being at my current job for this long (I'm a therapist:)) I was "discovered" after a year and ended up starring in another super popular project and moved to LA before getting booked for Gideon. I pretty much blew up overnight since people were so shocked that I came out of no where and nailed my performance so well.
I also scripted that Gideon films in LA so I didn't have to move and would be near Smosh's studio.
I live in a lovely two bedroom in LA, and my roommate is Erana James, who is starring in Gideon as well. We decided to live together when we both got cast, since she's originally from NZ.
Ian Hecox, who owns Smosh, then reached out and asked me to spend the day on set and be in a few videos, since the whole Smosh team was a huge fan of my first project.
Significant Relationships:
Erana James: My roommate, co-star, and one of my closest friends. We worked together on my first project and are practically like sisters.
Courtney Miller: A member of the Smosh cast and my soon to be significant other (will make a separate post about her probably;)). I scripted a pretty fast-paced romance that blossoms between us, because I'm not patient enough for a slow burn with her and wanted to just focus on developing the relationship haha.
Smosh Cast: I basically become an honorary member of the Smosh family pretty fast, and build great relationships with all of them!
Shifting: For my first day I scripted that I had the apt to myself for the day, so that I could get oriented lol. The second day is when I go into Smosh for my first day to meet everyone.
From there, I scripted a bunch of scenarios about both the acting and the Smosh side - all the videos I'm in, adventures with the Gideon and Smosh cast, interviews, stuff like that.
So that's my DR! I don't know if anyone has any questions, advice, or has is shifting for Smosh, hit me up:)
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jovenshires · 6 months
agree like i don’t think i could ship shourtney knowing how much court has to deal with people bugging them about it :c
YEAH. i think about this ALL the time.
i wont go on the full rant ab like why you should NEVER talk to or ask real life people about ships involving them or send them rpf (to sum it up: if you are doing this shit i am blowing you up with my mind) but like. they seem so Genuinely frustrated and upset whenever they say something and they Know it's about to be thrown back at their face. like the sigh followed by 'whatever, there you go sh/ourtney fans.' bc their comments and dms and mentions will be filled with Only messages about that for days on end.
like the real problem is this: courtney is one of the most funny, talented people on that set. she is the backbone of that company in every sense of the word. and yet most of the comments are about her love life. and you know this isn't happening to shayne, at least not to the same extent. in a way, a lot of people only consider courtney as far as their relationship to shayne, and that's not fair. it's just really sad to see.
this isn't JUST sh/ourtney shippers i will say, and i'm sure a lot of them are chill and not like this. i'll also add that this isn't even a Huge problem here on tumblr at all (at least for the most part i don't think i've seen anything to that extent ab any of the ships here). but this is an example of a bigger epidemic centering around the women of smosh, and not something i particularly want to take part in.
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crunchyt0ast · 2 months
Hi, I saw your post about the whole Noah/Smosh thing and I’m just wondering what makes this topic so different from any of the other international crises that have been happening? I get being upset about Noah’s lack of response, he did like things on Twitter supporting Zionism, and I agree he really should take accountability for that (Zionism and Israel are different things and you can support Israel without supporting Zionism or their current political government, which is what his tweets that are still up are about, so I’m not including that).
But I doubt Smosh can just fire a contracted employee over their political views. They can’t force him to make a statement. They can’t put him in less videos because of this. They’ve said before they put whoever gets the most clicks in thumbnails and I’m guessing that’s not him lately, so they aren’t going to use him if they don’t have to. And publicly supporting Palestine while they employ someone who everyone believes is anti-Palestine looks really bad for them. Plus commenting on this genocide, but not commenting on any other war related topics also makes them look bad. As far as I know, they haven’t done anything about the war in Ukraine or Iran, they haven’t spoken up about what’s going in Haiti or Syria or Sudan or any other country. What’s happening in Palestine is horrible. And yes, it would be great if smosh said something in support of them. But it’s kind of unrealistic and hypocritical to expect them to on this one and not any of the others.
Yes they’ve talked about political views before, with their charity stream for blm, or their stop Asian hate skit, or some pro-trans/queer messages. But to me those were different. This is a religious conflict, which they’ve never talked about before, and it isn’t centred around the country they live in. Because with Palestine, anything they say will likely come across as misinformed. It’ll be misinterpreted by some and not good enough for others. If they start with Palestine, who’s to say they won’t get a huge amount of backlash for not saying anything about other conflicts?
I think everyone is being too quick to jump at smosh, when this matter is very delicate and they don’t really have the experience or enough knowledge to address it. And Noah’s situation should be treated separately, since I really don’t think there’s much they would be able to do on that matter. You can’t fire someone or put out a statement regarding an individual worker if it’s about their political views, that’s not how companies work. If they hired someone who voted republican, they can’t fire them for that. If they hired someone who is pro-life, they can’t fire them for that. Unless Noah is harming other workers or fans, there’s nothing they can do, and I think people are quick to forget that he’s an employee, not just their friend they sometimes ask to be in videos.
Anyway, sorry this was long. And you are free to stop watching and you don’t have to support them. I understand being frustrated that they’re being silent. But I do want to ask why this is the thing that has pushed you to that, as opposed to any other topic that they’ve been silent about.
I get everything you said here and it all make sense. Yes they typically stay silent on big things like this, and it does more harm than good however it’s more or less about Noah is what I don’t feel comfortable supporting. Smosh as a whole hasn’t objectively done anything wrong per se, but there are some people who work under Smosh like Noah who shows he’s a Zionist. I’m personally am not going to support a company that platforms a Zionist. I completely understand that he’s not going to fired for this because there is no point for Smosh to do so. It’s not really that they’ve been silent, it’s because a few members have shown their support for genocide, not to say that silence can’t hurt either.
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appleflavoredkitkats · 5 months
💛Smoshblr December Asks Day 19💙
What are your top 3 fave/dream cast constellations for smosh vids? (so typically 4-6 people each)
Bonus: What are your top 3 smosh ships?
i'll answer in a non-rpf way since i'm not into that (altho i don't discriminate rpf-ers here!!) but yes i'm a Huge fan of seeing specific duos/groups in videos
tommy and amanda has to be one of my favorites, because the way they bounce off of each other is SOOO funny. it's so quick, random, and insult-filled and it's just SOO good and underused
we joke how ian and anthony are parents to the smoshcast kids but i'll be honest, it's mostly ian and arasha i see as a father-daughter combo, especially in let's do this!. he enables arasha in a way that just screams DAD and duuahxhss i am so. obsessed w it (which makes me feel so weird abt that new sketch they did where they're literally dating)
and this one's a left field but . if i could sacrifice my first born for something, it'd be the cast on tntl #111. it is so. i think it's the best tntl ever!!!! maybe it's the black joy of seeing iffy, jackie, chanse, and keith together, maybe it's because the rest of the cast are also my top picks from smosh, or maybe it ALSO had my favorite pair dynamics like shayne and jackie, tommy and chanse, and keith and jackie?!!??! literally what's not to love
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okay-j-hannah · 5 years
The Vague Truth
Smosh : Fic
Damien x Reader
Word Count: 3380 
Warnings: Just a longer fic with some lovely big bro Wes - which I FREAKING LOVE ❤
Inspiration and dialogue came from this episode: DROPPING TRUTH BOMBS
Request: “Hi ♥️♥️ could I get a Damien x reader where the reader is Wes’ sister. She comes to visit the team a lot and gets put into videos. Fans slowly start to ship her and Damien but they also request for her to be in a video. And the one time she is in a video Damien and her flirt by not meaning too and end up going out on a dinner date that night. Thank you!” - Anon
A/N: You’re practically one of the fam as you visit your brother Wes and his friends on filming sets - subconsciously developing a flirty relationship with one Damien Haas
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(Y/D/D) = Your dream date
(Y/S/N) = Your ship name
 (Two of the HANDSOMEST BOIS in the same place...? Sometimes I wonder why my heart hasn’t IMPLODED YET)
The incessant tapping of her fingernails on the phone screen filled the extra prop room – the space she always retreated to whenever Wes was needed for more filming.
She loved visiting her brother, feeling like she was a part of the great work community Smosh had built. For the first time since moving to LA, she had felt like she was making real friends; taking solace in their company.
She was currently scrolling through the latest video she had guest starred in; it having been posted that afternoon. Re-watching the fun time she had on Two Truths with her brother and Damien and Courtney as commentators reminded her of this newfound comfort she had in her friends.
But the comments that followed chipped away at that warm feeling.
“I don’t know about that (Y/N) chick – why do they keep bringing on new people?”
“Bring back the old Smosh members!?”
“Let’s just stick with Courtney and Olivia. They’re much prettier.”
“We have Wes, we don’t need another Johnson.”
There was a creak of the floorboards and (Y/N) found her eyes whipping up to the doorway, hiding her phone screen against her chest. Wes suddenly sprinted within the room, silver hair flying as he hurried to plant himself right on (Y/N)’s stomach.
“Wes!” she wheezed on impact. “Can’t… breathe.”
He snickered, watching her squirm, “Are you calling me fat?”
“No! I’m calling you very m-muscular and a foot taller than me.” She shoved her small fists into his arm in an attempt to throw him off her.
Instead his slid off her and the couch to sit cross-legged before her, holding his ankles with his hands, “Whatcha doin’?”
She quickly searched for her phone that was sent flying from her chest when he landed on her. But her frantic movements signaled Wes to look as well, finding the phone and its open contents first.
“(Y/N), are you reading the comment section again?” He kept his eyes on the device and he too scrolled through the responses.
She huffed, leaning back onto the couch, crossing her feet against the cushions, “So what if I am?”
Wes’ usual joyous face began to fall, a frown deepening. He flickered his eyes to his sister, seeing her gaze plastered to the ceiling in burrowing thought.
“You know how I feel about you reading the video comments,” he put the phone facedown in the carpet, folding his arms on the lip of the couch cushion. “You’re going to care too much about what they’re saying.”
“It’s easy for you to say,” she mumbled, feeling him inch closer to her. Wes was always trying to sneak in a hug where he could. “You’re not the unwanted Johnson sibling.”
Wes flexed his jaw, hurt swarming into his gaze, “Actually we’re the Johnson twins…”
“We’re literally three years apart, Wesley.”
“And the fandom knows us as the Johnson twins. Meaning, we’re a packaged deal! If they don’t want you, then they can’t have me.”
(Y/N) smirked, a ghost of a laugh under her breath, “Thanks, Wes. I guess there’s one good thing that comes out of this. People are starting to recognize me.”
He laughed, straightening out, “And it only took three videos – that’s pretty quick.”
She swung her legs over, sitting up and thinking hard, “Now all we have to do is convince them that you copied my hair color. Then I’d sign a permanent contract.”
There was a glint in his eye, and she knew what was coming, quickly pulling her feet up to her chest as he stood.
“How many times do I have to tell you that I got it dyed first.”
She squirmed to where she could slip behind the couch, standing and using the furniture as an obstruction, “But how many times do I need to remind you that I showed you my Pinterest idea board before you dyed it.”
Wes bit the inside of his cheek, planting his hands on his hips, “Are you accusing me of…?”
“You stole my idea – therefore you copied my hair.” She sucked in her lips to refrain from laughing, inching her way around the couch and away from his hands. “If you’re tired of this same old argument – why don’t you just go back to brunette?”
He finally launched at her, tumbling over the side of the couch as she squealed and ran off to the doorway. She paused, one hand on the frame as Wes came barreling towards her, yelling.
“You’re just saying that so you can relish in the victory of being the only one with silver hair!”
She sprinted off again, realizing she left her shoes back in the room as her socked feet pounded against the carpet. She scrambled around another corner, spotting someone casually making their way down the hall.
In an instant she was next to them, pulling on their arm with a huge grin on her face, “Wes is trying to destroy my insides with his tickles!”
She looked into the person’s face to find Damien staring down at her puzzled, a slight red tinge to his complexion.
Wes quickly appeared, huffing slightly at the sprinting he used to get there, “Let the girl go and I won’t tackle you to the ground.”
Damien was finally making connections in his head, (Y/N) hiding against his back and sending shivers down his spine. He folded his arms and gave a pointed eye towards Wes.
“How about you drop the subject and we can go to the Cheesecake Factory?” Damien gave Wes a small wink before tilting his head towards (Y/N) – a smirk on his face.
The brother raised his eyebrows in understanding, pretending to be contemplating the offer, “I do love me a slice of raspberry cheesecake.” A hand was to his chin as Damien silently held up three fingers, counting down.
(Y/N) was pressed tightly against her so-called protector, a grin on her face that wasn’t to last very long. Within a second, Damien turned on her, finding her arms quickly and holding them together as Wes bounded forward to attack her sides.
(Y/N) squealed more, trying to close in on herself as both men began tickling her sides and the crook of her neck. They were snickering themselves as she spouted profanities in their faces.
“I can’t believe… I thought…” she huffed and squirmed against their hands. “This is treason of the highest degree!”
Damien finally let go, his face red from much more than just straining to keep (Y/N) contained. Wes backed off as well, pumping a fist into the air.
“Brother 1; sister 0.”
She was about throw another snide comment back at him when he held a finger to her lips, continuing, “You know the reason I found you in the first place was to bring you to the next shoot. We have a Board AF livestream to film.” And he trotted down the rest of the hallway, sneaking a few giggles as he waved a few fingers in her direction.
“I hate him sometimes,” (Y/N) muttered, holding a stitch in her side. “But I love him for it.”
Damien laughed, slowly starting to make his way forward, “I guess you’re being integrated more into the family – making all these videos.”
She took a deep breath, straightening out and following him, though slightly behind, “Is that a good thing?”
“Technically you’re like the sister-in-law of the Smosh Family, seeing as you’re related to Wes. So, you’re basically already in.”
“That’s not what I asked, traitor.” She fell in step right behind him.
“What did you call me?” He snickered.
“You’re a traitor!” And with that she jumped right onto his back, causing him to stumble a few steps before he wrapped his arms around her legs.
“God, (Y/N)! I could’ve dropped you.” Thank goodness she couldn’t feel his rising heartrate.
She just tisked her tongue and mushed him forward, “You sided with my giant of a brother – you’re a traitor. And as punishment you have to carry me to the games room.”
He shifted her weight on his back before laughing, “You could have just said that instead of surprise attacking me.”
“And you could’ve protected me instead of carrying out an ambush.”
She giggled, lightly placing her arms around his neck and nuzzling her head against his. She found thoughts swirling into her mind without much filtering:
“He smells so nice.”
“I didn’t realize he was this broad.”
“He’s carrying me like I’m nothing.”
“Seriously, what cologne is he wearing?”
But she never thought anything more of these sudden realizations. At least she hadn’t ever before.
The group of six gathered around the game table, two to each side. Damien had sloppily dropped (Y/N) next to her chair, unintentionally making her stumble and grasp the tabletop for support.
Mari had grabbed her arm in an attempt to help, “What’s wrong with your legs? Couldn’t walk yourself in?”
“Uh – Damien is my slave for the rest of the day.” She sat down, realizing that Damien had already planted himself in the seat next to her.
“That was a one-time thing, (Y/N). Calm down.” His lips curving into a smile as she dramatically gasped.
Leaning over so her chin was grazing his arm, she asked, “What if I fell and twisted my ankle and couldn’t walk and you just so happened to be the only other person around and have to help me?” She batted her eyelashes as he finally turned to watch the teasing glint in her eye, “Would you just abandon me?”
“You know I wouldn’t do that,” he snickered, voice slightly quieter than before.
“Livestream is on!” Matt Raub yelled from behind the scenes, “Have at it, kids.”
(Y/N) continued to have her face right against Damien’s arm, staring back into his bashful eyes, “How can I believe you? You literally ninja attacked me ten minutes ago.”
He accepted some pads of paper Flitz threw towards him, breaking eye contact with (Y/N), “Do all those ice cream deliveries mean nothing to you? Or how about all the times I let you crash on my couch cause your roommates were partying?”
(Y/N) had a finger up towards his face with a speculating eye when Wes unexpectedly shouted to the cameras.
“Hey, guys! Welcome to Board AF. Today we’re playing Dan and Phil’s Truth Bombs.”
“Oh, I love being honest. I’m way too honest,” Joven stated, readjusting in his seat.
Damien gave a classic straining look towards the cameras while (Y/N) happily clapped her hands, “I’m gonna expose all of you.”
“You think so?” Flitz smirked, “You think you know that much about us already?”
“I guess this is a test to see how much Wes talks about us to his family,” Mari laughed, watching everyone’s reaction.
Damien giggled at the scared look on Wes’ face, “I don’t know. I think we can turn that around.” He pointedly stared at (Y/N), “We could be completely exposing you this game – you don’t know what Wes says about you here.”
“I have nothing but kind words for my little sis,” Wes muttered, smiling towards (Y/N) but then flipping to wink at the camera.
“Are you doubting the amount of tea I have on you?” she turned to Damien, a broad, menacing grin appearing.
He just plainly gazed at her, an indifferent smile on his face as he watched her tension in amusement.
She finally huffed, leaning away, “Stop being cute, it’s distracting.”
Flitz put a hand to his mouth, flipping his gaze from one camera to another to catch his reaction. Damien was the complete opposite, bowing his head to try and mask the heat warming his cheeks.
“Damn, alright,” Joven muttered, putting his hands behind his head, “The truth begins to appear.”
“Let’s find out about Damien!” Flitz yelled, slamming a fist into the table.
It seemed to make Dames jump back into his usual entertainer persona, “Okay! Now…” he pulled a pad of paper close to him as he continued, “I’ll be writing my own answers down here.”
“Yeah, we know the rules lover boy,” Mari muttered, leaning into (Y/N) beside her – laughing at the puzzled expression she developed.
“The five questions for me are: Which form of torture would make them confess everything?”
“Cats!” (Y/N) immediately yelled, slapping the table as if there was a buzzer there.
Damien paused, snickering, “What did their parents shout the moment they were born?”
“Cats,” Mari deadpanned, earning a well-aimed high five from (Y/N).
“What one thing would they save from a fire?” Damien continued, then gesturing to the girls to repeat what they’d been saying.
“(Y/N)!” Flitz yelled, throwing his hands to his chest as he started giggling.
“You better save (Y/N) from a fire,” Wes mumbled, eyeing the confused boy across from him.
Damien spluttered, not expecting the turn of events, “If – If (Y/N) was burning in a building and I just happen to pass by, then sure… I’d save her.”
(Y/N) leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder briefly, “He actually does care.”
And it took some real effort for Damien to push past the laughing everyone was suffering from, “Who is one person they wouldn’t mind being set up with?” That didn’t help the butterflies forming in his stomach.
“I think we can all guess that one,” Joven stated, not-so-subtly looking between (Y/N) and Damien.
Of course, (Y/N) was too busy trying to figure out a person Damien would actually like to date.
“If they were an app, which app would they be? Boom…” he set all the cards down and quickly went to his pad to write. “Now these guys get to write down what they think the answers are.”
“I swear – if I get this wrong,” (Y/N) muttered, fingers to her temples. “I swear I know Damien and Mari the best.”
“I’m assuming you’re not mentioning how well you know me because you know no one doubts our great relationship?” Wes stated, grabbing his pencil and batting his eyes at his sister.
She shrugged her shoulders, subtly beginning to peer over Damien’s arm, “|Or maybe I just forgot you were here for a second.”
“Are you trying to cheat?” Damien accused, pushing away the girl beside him and ignoring the sputters coming from the disgruntled Wes.
(Y/N) slightly pushed him back, “No! I know everything about you, remember?”
He jabbed another hand into her side, “Don’t make me ambush you again.”
“How dare you,” she laughed, slapping his hands away, “My ribs are still tingling from the last attack.”
“Just to be clear, we are talking about the tickle fight that happened right before this?” Wes stated, eyeing the duo suspiciously.
Joven threw his pencil to the tabletop, stretching, “Leave the kids be, Wes. They’re young and free to do whatever they…”
“Alright!” Damien shouted, turning to a camera before letting Joven read too much into their conversation. “So, I will read off my answer key first and we will see which questions are correct.”
“What one thing would they save from a fire?” Mari read off the cards.
“My cats.”
Damien and (Y/N) looked at each other for a split second before she couldn’t contain herself at the puzzled expression he gave.
“Sorry, I had to.”
“Well, this person responded with ‘Damien’s cats.’ So, they win a point! Next – let’s do… Who is one person they wouldn’t mind being set up with?”
Mari laughed, “This has to be obvious.”
Damien lifted the pad of paper and hesitated, his mouth slightly open, “I don’t think I want to say her name.”
“Nope!” Joven jutted a finger into the air, “This is Truth Bombs, you have to reveal the truth.”
“What if I was just vague?” he held onto the pad tightly, only looking towards the middle of the table, “For their own protection and my own peace of mind.”
(Y/N) folded her arms, swinging around in her chair and bumping her feet against Damien’s legs, “You don’t want to tell us who you like? Is she, like – a terrible person?”
“Quite the opposite actually,” he snuck a genuine look into her eyes before addressing the rest of the group. “It’s someone from Smosh. That’s it! I won’t say anything more.”
Everyone blew up, throwing angry hands as (Y/N) became antsy. She squirmed in her chair, staring at him and gasping, “Someone at the office? How come I never…?”
“Come on, (Y/N)!” Joven groaned, running his hands over his face. “It’s obviously y…”
“Alrighty, the person responded with my same answer, so they get a point too. Next!” Damien nervously yelled over the protest of everyone at the table.
Flitz stared pointedly into the camera, making it known that he was the one that responded with the same answer as Damien. He started laughing, putting a hand to his mouth and leaning into Joven who was smirking in a defeated fatherly sort of way.
They were quick to pass through the rest of Damien’s cards, his anxious hands shaking against the pads of paper; he was praying that no one said anything more about his vague answers.
(Y/N) was wholeheartedly enjoying herself as it came her turn to answer the questions laid before her, “I’m so excited about these!”
Mari read off her first card, snickering, “What would her dream date be?”
A giggle behind her words, (Y/N) responded with, “Well, probably (Y/D/D).”
“You hear that, Damien?” Flitz questioned, raising an eyebrow, “You better take notes.”
But Dames quickly stiffened his back, his eyes slightly widened as he hushed his friend.
(Y/N) subtly heard and laughed along, “Yeah, Day. It’s a great date to take a girl on. Besides, who can say no to that face?” She leaned over once again to wrap her hands around his one arm, posing for the camera.
Damien snickered, trying to push away the butterflies attempting to squirm out of his stomach, “More like I’m gonna need to find someone to take you on that date. It sounds like a lot of fun.”
Joven was facepalming into Flitz’ shoulder while Wes looked confused towards the two. Mari had a comforting hand on his shoulder as they continued with the rest of the rounds.
It wasn’t until after the game when anything more progressed, Damien dragging a whining (Y/N) behind him.
She had a hand clutching his arm as she persisted, “Just one more piggyback ride to the office and I swear I’ll let it go.”
“It’s not that big of a deal,” he stated, raising a hand to the back of his neck. “It’s just a date.”
“With a girl from the office! That’s so specific, yet so vague at the same time,” she pouted, pulling on his arm again. “But with one ride I’ll put my serious interrogation to a…”
“Or you could accept my offer for a day out (Y/D/D) and we can forget all the stuff that happened during the game.”
She paused, dropping his arm immediately, “Me? You want to go on a date with me?”
“Why not?” he stated, staring towards the ground, “I’ve been thinking about it and I don’t know…”
“Well, how could I say no to such a handsome face?” she laughed, watching him whip his eyes to her.
“For real?”
She laughed, snaking her arm back around his, “Like you said, why not? It’ll be fun.”
“(Y/N)! Damien. Glad I found you,” Ian came bounding through the doors with a phone to his face. “Have you seen any of the livestream reactions? It’s going crazy.”
“No,” (Y/N) admitted, not minding anyone seeing her arm wrapped around Damien’s. “What’re they saying.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen more shippers in one place at one time,” Ian laughed, continuously scrolling. “I think you and Damien broke the fandom.”
“The viewers are shipping us?” Damien questioned; his voice quiet but finding himself gazing down towards (Y/N).
Ian shrugged his shoulders, “Could (Y/S/N) be anyone else?”
(Y/N) laughed again, pressing her head into Damien’s arm and feeling him reach down for her hand.
“They’re shipping who?”
Wes came strutting into the hallway, immediately noticing who was holding hands with his little sis, “What is…?”
(Y/N) bit her lip, glancing up, “Listen…” A smile grew on her face as Damien stiffened at the look Wes was giving him.
Perfect chaos.  
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yoramkelmer · 4 years
The rise and fall of the Twilight-Craze
Let me tell you about my first encounter with Twilight - it was a “read”-week in 6th or 7th grade, and I picked up a very new book at the library of my elementary school. So I started reading it. I remember reading the first chapters, but never finishing it. I remember how I found the protagonist to be very whiny, and very disrespectful too. 
Also, at this point I also didnt know that this would be a vampire-novel, as the backcover of the book - this being the first danish translation/edition of the novel - never mentioned it. 
Anyway, afterwards, I forgot about it pretty quickly. 
Flashforward to a year later. 
I´m over in Germany, visiting my grandmother, and I buy some books - the german translation of Twilight being among them - and then I start reading it later in the fall. While I did think that the name Stephenie Meyer sounded familiar, I could not remember why. At this point I should also mention that 6th and 7th grade was a very traumatising period for me, and I had by that point pretty much blacked much of that period out of my mind, focusing on the now and future. And yeah, I was 14, so there was still much to come. 
Anywway, as I start reading the novel later in the fall, I suddenly remembered that one book I never finished back in 6th or 7th grade - and am kinda amused. Yeah, anyway, I still found Bella Swan to be a very whiny girl, and I actually liked the novel, and honestly did not think that much about it afterwards. Though I did learn not long after that a movie would come out later that year, I - while I was looking forward to it - did not imagine that it would start a big craze, that I later learned from the Wikipedia article of the South Park episode The Ungroundable to be named “The Twilight Craze”. 
I enjoyed the movie, actually - I watched it with my best friend (who went on to become the biggest Twilight fan I know, at least for as long as the craze lasted) and it is a memory that I like to think back on. I still think that both Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson did a good job in these movies - though more on that later. 
So, flash forward to the fall of 2009, where I am in Thailand with my parents. On the way to Thailand - as we went through Germany -  I bought the subsequent books New Moon and Eclipse. I read these books very quickly, and my mom as well. 
New Moon - and I´m talking about the novel here - did introduce some rather interesting ideas, such as the Volturi. One thing, however, already stuck me back then - it was the fact that Meyer completely distorted the actual folklore of an actual native american tribe, the Quileutes, for her own way, and it seemed really disrespectful back then already. And as for the Volturi, despite being mentioned early on, we didn´t really get that much from them - though as for the climax of the novel, I was pretty disturbed by the fact that the Volturi let in hundreds of tourists into their palace just to eat them after closing the doors. While that scenario is already pretty much horrifying, what really disturbed me was that Bella - and by extension, Stephenie Meyer herself - immediately forgot about it after it happened and moved on with the plot. That, and another thing - are we really gonna accept it as okay that one from Jacobs tribe physically hurt and mutilated his wifes face after wolfing out, because he feels sorry and he forgave her? It already seemed really wrong back then. 
What I also noticed was the fact that Bella Swan essentially only hung out with Jacob so she could play with his feelings, and so she could get into dangerous situations so she could get these hallucinations of Edward. With that said - I also could not really see what was so special about the relationship between Bella and Edward. 
Then I read Eclipse - and one thing stuck out to me there: it´s the fact that the mentioned backstories of the individual Cullens - Carlisles past with the Volturi, Rosalie seeking out and killing her rapists, Jaspers backstory from the american civil war (as I later learned from Das Mervins sporkings, she got a lot of stuff wrong there, to put it mildly), or how Alice was abandoned by her family in an asylum and pretended she was dead, where she ultimately got turned - all of these backstories are a hundred times way more interesting than the perks of being Bella Swan and her love life! 
Also, I immediately knew that the vampire army was a work of Victoria, and that it was to kill Bella - only upon reading the sporkings by Das Mervin did I learn that it was supposed to be a “twist”. 
On the way back from Thailand I bought Breaking Dawn shortly before leaving Germany, but I never finished it - you know why? Because some of my classmembers spilled the tea on the spoiler that Jacob imprints on Bellas daughter. I was just grossed out. I later learned that the book is what turned many fans off Twilight - and the imprinting thing was one of the reasons why, in many cases. 
Anyway, then a few weeks after returning from Thailand, I went in to see New Moon with two of my best friends, and it is a memory that I cherish very much. 
And that was the time when the Twilight Craze really, really went off - with all the cringeworthy “Are you Team Edward, or Team Jacob?” stuff, and how out of touch with reality some of the fangirls seemed - there were apparently some who really believed that Edward Cullen exists, and so much more. I still didnt think too much about it, as I had other things to look for. 
Though - despite liking the movies and the books at the time - I really, really enjoyed a lot of the parodies on the Twilight Craze, like this one from Smosh. The thing is, that Twilight became the probably most parodied thing in the 2009-2010 period. And that may have been one of the things that killed the craze - but more on that later. 
Then, in the summer of 2010 - one of the best summers of my life - I was in Miami with my family. And then my best friend and I got to watch Eclipse in a gigantic cinema in a very big mall in Miami Beach - that was unforgettable. And I also remember that I wasnt the only one who laughed over Taylor Lautners overacting. Good to know. 
During that same summer, I remember then seeing a new book by Stephenie Meyer in the bookstores - “The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner”. As this was before my friend and I saw the movie, I myself did not think that much about it; but I then later realised that Bree was the girl killed by the Volturi at the end of Eclipse, and that the novel - as the title already states - was about her time with the army of newborns. That sounded like an actual interesting plot. Shortly before watching Eclipse, the trailer for “Vampires Suck” came out - and the trailer was very funny, way more funny than the actual movie. 
So....Eclipse was a huge hit that summer. But you know what that also was? The end of the Twilight Craze itself. In fact, it can also be compared with another contemporary hit of the 2009-2010 period - Avatar. While that was the biggest hit of the winter of 2009-2010, as soon as spring started, everyone forgot about it. And while Eclipse itself got a lot of mixed reviews, like the preceding movies of the franchise, it simply was the end of the craze itself. 
I think here are some of the factors:
Twilight was pretty much EVERYWHERE in the media in 2009-2010, not only from advertisement, product placements, and posters, but also from parodies, not to mention how often Twilight was mentioned in actual news broadcast. In other words, people got tired of it - not just the people who werent even fans of the franchise in the first place, but also more moderate fans, like I considered myself then. And yeah - now thinking back on it, I was also pretty tired of seeing Twilight everywhere even before Eclipse was released in the cinemas. 
And another thing is this: The Second Life of Bree Tanner. While the novel was released in early June of 2010, mere weeks before the movie came out, it was very bestselling, because of the Twilight Craze. And the reason why it was released was most likely because even Stephenie Meyer herself had a feeling that the craze soon would end, and had to publish something Twilight-related in advance, so she could be talked about again. Officially, the novella started as a short story to tie in with her illustrated guide for Twilight. 
I bought the book later that summer while in Germany - and I found it not very well written, and forgot about it very shortly afterwards. Even my friend found it forgettable. I recently read the sporking of the book on Das Mervin to be reminded of what actually happened - and boy, does it suck! And here is my point - many Twilight fans probably realised with that book that Stephenie Meyer isnt that good a writer. (A lot of people had the same reactions to “The Host” - including me, who never finished the novel because of that)
And then, as soon as the summer of 2010 was over, Twilight was over. People had enough. 
I know that the final film was - because of Harry Potter - split in two parts (a decision that was continued when The Hunger Games were made into movies, and a decision that ultimately killed the Divergent franchise), and was released in the winter of 2011 and 2012. I watched both of them - and I was immediately struck by this in 2012: While there of course were trailers and posters for these films, there was simply not the same exposure to the franchise as back in 2009-2010. 
And by the time of the release of Breaking Dawn part 2 in the winter of 2012, I had already been redpilled regarding Mary Sues, and had a field day of counting all the Mary Sue points in the movies. 
Yeah, Bella Swan is one of the biggest Mary Sues in existence, and was created as a way of Stephenie Meyer wanting to live out an idealised version of her highschool years. 
That, and Stephenie Meyer isnt that great a writer - just read the sporking on Das Mervin. 
During the reading of the sporkings, I also realised the way how Meyer demonises every blonde - from Lauren to Rosalie, and how Leah Clearwater is demonised for being an independent woman who doesnt bow down to Bella Sue and who actually does something, unlike Bella Sue. 
Now, onto the thing with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. Both are very good actors, and I think it is sad to see how haunted they were in the past decade of Twilight. Many have accused Stewart of being a bad actress because of Twilight (not to mention that they haven´t seen her brilliant performance in Speak) - I disagree. Kristen Stewart showed what a spoiled, ungrateful and dull Sue Bella is, and Pattinson what a creepy, controllable Stalker Edward is. And I´m now especially happy to see how especially Pattinson is recovering now, as Kristen Stewart did get to prove herself in movies like Camp X-Ray. 
Anyway, that was my rant on the Twilight Craze. 
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