#almost done with the first chapter!
a-cloud-for-dreams · 5 months
So excited for your series 😍😍😍😘
I will definitly signal boost it
Aww ty bestie that's really kind of you 💖🫶🏽🥹
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rexxkazu · 5 months
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boom💥 have some concept art for the au im trying to piece together - i think i’ve finally figured out how i want to draw these two critters
the fic im writing for it will (probably) be called “To Dead Futures” - i’ll probably make a tag for the sake of organization
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megaerakles · 1 year
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Tim Drake be like…
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boojangs · 6 months
So my writing anniversary for the Wenclair Fandom is coming up on December 7th, and I plan to have everything updated and posted on that date. You, Me, Us; To Dance With Wolves; Two for Tripping (Into Love).
I also have a one-shot planned for that day as well, something that's been on my mind for a while, that I wanted to get out. Hope you guys enjoy it. Be on the look out for that quad update!
Thank you all for everything, from the bottom of my heart. 🩷🖤
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Dear Violet, will you remember the past you have forsaken, the future yet to pass?
Inspired by @senblades's Faith for the Second Run (go read it. go read it.) Lately I've been experimenting with like abstract stuff and really enjoying it, and really wanted to do something with FFTSR's Sumire. <3
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cozmos-talkin · 2 months
here’s a snippet from that one Zukka fic I started writing. I feel like Toph and Katara becoming a team to make fun of Sokka is something that can only be accurate to their characters. [“Is Sokka being gross again?” Toph asked. 
Katara snorted, “When is Sokka not being gross?” 
“Fair enough,” Toph said, shrugging
“Hey! Rude! I’m right here you know,” 
“I know,” Katara said.]
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soupbtch · 1 month
ummm. my fic is done.
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steddielations · 2 years
I’m sorry what’s this about a jock steve / eddie strength kink fic I hear??
Update: It’s now here on Ao3!
oh yes you did hear correctly 👀 here take a lil snippet:
Eddie overindulges.
He likes to push everything. He wants to know just how far someone will go if he tinkers with their buttons enough. He needs to see how much he can get out of any situation if he just goes one step further. 
It’s his thing. That’s why he still deals even though he has a “proper” job now. The record shop pays shit but it’s plenty enough for his third of the rent between Steve and Gareth, or when his van decides to break down and he needs a quick wad of cash. 
But if Eddie wants anything extra, he’s gotta do a little extra and yeah, screw his dad for giving him that insatiable goddamn need for more no matter the risk. He’s slowed down at least, only dimebags now, but still. He’s pushing it. 
Anyway, Eddie Munson has an impulsive need for overindulgence. That’s why the first time that he runs and outright flings himself at Steve simply because he’s curious if Steve will catch him, and Steve does… Well, Eddie just can't stop after that. 
He’s not getting off on it, he hasn’t sunk that low, it’s actually just fun to see what Steve will let him get away with. 
He really takes a gamble one night after his band finishes playing their set.
“You left Robin all alone with that pretty redhead at the bar?” Eddie sets his guitar aside, grinning down at Steve near the edge of the stage.
“Yeah, wanted to be the first to congratulate the rockstar for his cool show.” Of course Steve did, he’s stupid sweet like that, smirking up at Eddie, “Or should I say it was metal?” 
“Thanks, charmer, but no.” 
Eddie can’t help it, doesn’t give any warning before he jumps right off the stage, just knowing that Steve won’t let him fall and he doesn’t. Steve throws his arms out with a surprised grunt just in time to catch Eddie like a bride over the damn threshold, both of them laughing. 
“Now that was metal.”
“You’re outta your mind, Munson,” Steve doesn’t even care that Eddie’s all sweaty, just carries him over to the bar and buys him round after round. He never stopped smiling the entire night. 
Then, when Eddie’s nervous out of his mind, opening the letter after his third time taking his GED test, psyched to find out that he finally passed and could start community college with everyone next semester. Hell, Steve seems even happier than Eddie, having been there the first two times when Eddie sulked on the couch and tried not to cry. 
So Eddie can’t help it then either, jumping into Steve’s arms and cackling when Steve spun him around in a hug like something out of a stupid Disney movie. 
And later, Gareth called over Jeff and Grant, and Steve rounded up Dustin and Robin so they could all surprise Eddie and celebrate. That night was the first time Steve stopped Eddie from launching at him.
Instead, he turned Eddie around, dipped down to hoist Eddie’s legs around his neck, and lifted him on his shoulders while everyone cheered and toasted. They even let Dustin spray them with the cheapest champagne from the corner-store. 
Steve carried Eddie around like that for a good half-hour. When he finally sat him down on the counter, it was with a quiet smile, standing between Eddie’s knees, cheeks rosy wine colored as he murmured, “Can I say, in the least sappy way, I’m proud of you, Eds. Congrats.” 
By the end of the night, Eddie was warm and buzzing pleasantly all over, not just from the bubbly. 
And then another time, and another time, and another, and then. 
It happens. 
It’s a boring Wednesday afternoon, they both have to be at work at the same time, so Eddie decided to make it interesting and bet Steve he’d be ready to go before him. 
By the time he’s changed into one of his endless band tees, Steve’s already stuffed himself into another pair of his torturously short shorts, both of them racing down the stairs at the same time. 
Of course, Eddie hops onto Steve’s back as soon as Steve gains the lead, latching around him like something feral, laughing maniacally as Steve tries to throw him off. Only when they reach the bottom of the staircase does Steve manage to pry Eddie off, swinging him around until he’s back on his own feet. 
Eddie tries to take off toward the door, but Steve holds him back with a handful of his shirt, making heat swoop low in Eddie’s stomach at the rough contact.
“Ah ah ah, where do you think you’re going?”
It happens like a fever dream. Steve rasps right into his ear, close enough for his warm breath to scald Eddie’s skin. 
“Try not to get in too much trouble today, Munson. You’re already off to a bad start.” 
Then Steve, Honest to God, gives Eddie a swift pat on the ass, leaving him stunned in place as he jogs out the door. 
It takes Eddie’s mind a long… long moment to wrap around what just happened. 
It’s obviously some stupid jock habit that’s stuck with Steve, smacking each other’s asses in the locker room or on the basketball court, completely oblivious to the implications. He’s such a damn token straight golden boy, he probably doesn’t even realize he’s got his little gay nerd friend going all kinds of crazy. 
So Eddie reels it in. He doesn’t want to look too much into what was clearly just some lighthearted gesture, not even a proper smack. It definitely wasn’t meant to have Eddie’s knees going weak, or turning his blood hot under his skin in the shape of Steve’s hand or— Nope, because Eddie’s not even into that.
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nachosforfree · 15 days
Alright I'm going to release happily ever afton as a fanfic and you guys have to prommy on your mommy to be nice to me about my writing. I'm full of fear
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angelpuns · 2 months
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Late night fic sneak peek cause I have heartburn :)
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
what if i say fuck it and post the first chapter of the Kon Agonies fic today. i have the power
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snowangeldotmp3 · 8 months
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there's no place like home
(or, a 5 +1 of the ouat au)
(for the ronancetober free day, but also could count as a modern au, too)
Robin grabs an apple off the countertop and takes a bite. Nancy raises a brow. “You’re not scared I’ll try to poison you?” “Again, you mean?” Robin grins. The barest hint of a smile tugs on the corners of Nancy’s lips. “Nah, I figure if you wanted me dead by now you would’ve already killed me. Even despite your failed attempts. You would’ve figured out a way eventually.” “Hm,” Nancy says, moving to the other side of the counter. “Plus, why leave out poison apples all day long? What if you forget they’re poison and accidentally eat one and then boom. Dead. All because you wanted a red delicious.” Nancy hums, seemingly agreeing with Robin and Robin can’t believe that one: Nancy has let her into her house, two: they’ve gone this long without getting into an argument.
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c0smiccom3t · 6 months
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"Bad girls, bad girls, whatcha gonna do?"
So.... Since Nina Cortex, Tiny Tiger and Pinstripe are in rumble according to the latest datamine...
I decided to make this because YOU KNOW I WOULD!!
IDK if it could be either for season 4 (possibly) or season 5 (also possibly) but the whole thing may be true.
So here, have a drawing of Nina Cortex i did because i love her so much and im a sucker for the "kid who is related to the silly evil villain" trope.
Source for it btw, from bird app:
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tastytoastz · 1 month
I'm sorry but I couldn't stop myself, you get to see the first chapter of my new fic.
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rotworld · 7 days
a century of peace and quiet under distant imperial rule has made your homeworld complacent. a son of the emperor arrives to pass judgement and further his own personal agenda, and you are caught in the middle.
->horus heresy/great crusade era. konrad curze/reader. contains gore, torture, murder, power imbalance and people burning alive.
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burning-thistles-bt · 6 months
Wow we're really digging into morals in this new chapter, huh? Fingers-crossed I do it justice🤞
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