#alec oh honey
carelessflower · 6 months
magnus's gift for camille: expensive ruby pendant that cost a london townhouse in 1857 with a romantic ass latin phrase etched on the frame. also functioning to alert wearer of danger
magnus's gift for alec: coffee machine, blue sweater, school girl diary
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thebiggerbear · 5 months
Beau Arlen x Reader - Prompt Response - "I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
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Summary: He put you with Hoyt and Tonya. For the day. What the hell had he been thinking?
A/N: Prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting (#941). I couldn't resist. I love Beau so much.
Thank you to my beta @rieleatiel for her services. You rock, girl!
Pairing: Beau Arlen x Female!Reader; Beau Arlen x Female!DeputySheriff!Reader
Warnings: sex (smut-light); implied sex; mention of violence; mention of injury
Word Count: 2486
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Please do not do any of the above. Thank you for your understanding.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
Beau Taglist: @heartlessdelusions; @nancymcl
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
Soldier Boy version | Dean version | Jenny version | Jason version | Tom version | CJ version | Rachel version | Anael version | SDV Leah version | Alec version
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You made your way past everyone in the station, intent on one office in particular.
“Oh, hey, Y/N,” Poppernak greeted you with a grin. His smile slowly faded as he took in your expression. “Everything okay?”
“Just dandy,” you spat, surging past him. His eyes widened and he quickly got out of your way. If you were pissed and heading where it looked like you were heading, then he knew the best thing to do was to stay out of your way and possibly duck for cover. He hoped that when all was said and done that the office was still standing… as well as its sheriff.
You stormed into Beau’s office and slammed the door behind you. The man in question, who was on the phone, frowned and turned to see you standing in place, fuming. You were pretty sure he could see steam coming out of your ears from the bugging of his eyes and his hurry to get off the call he was on.
“Gotta run, Jas. Get back to me as soon as you have something. Thanks.” He quickly hung up the phone.
“Who’s Jas?” You seethed as he studied you, most likely determining how to respond.
Apparently choosing to try to butter you up, he gave you a bright smile. “Jas — Jasmine from Tech. You know that, honey, you’ve met her.”
You snorted and slowly approached his desk. “Don’t you honey me, Arlen.”
“Why?” He chuckled nervously, a response he had when he was anxious or becoming so. If you were using his last name, you were definitely pissed. “What’s wrong, darlin’?” Beau saw your eyes flash and he knew he had said the wrong thing. Oh boy.
“What’s wrong?” You asked in disbelief. “What’s wrong?!”
He knew better than to say anything else, especially since you were repeating his words in a rhetorical-yet-sarcastic manner. Besides, he knew you were going to tell him whether he wanted to hear it or not.
“What’s wrong is you sent me out with Hoyt all day.”
Beau relaxed a little, thinking maybe it had been something worse: a forgotten birthday, or maybe he was supposed to have done something you asked him to do but he didn’t — that kind of thing. “I did, but what’s wrong with that? You two have been getting along better these days and you work great together.” Your eyes narrowed and Beau realized he was in for a world of shit. He had tried to be complimentary and positive, but apparently that was the wrong way to go.
“What’s wrong is that you sent me out with her for the day. With Tonya.”
Beau briefly closed his eyes. He should have known this would come back to bite him in the ass. The truth was he had been caught off guard himself and had to quickly scramble to make it work. 
Seeing him hang his head, you hissed, “Yeah, exactly.”
Tonya and Donno, for some reason, had not moved on after everything that happened with Paige and the 15 million. All of you knew that the two had most likely gotten what they sought after; why they remained in town instead of taking off to some tropical paradise that catered to those wishing to remain anonymous was a mystery. You happened to think Tonya had something else up her sleeve, but like Beau had said: unless there was evidence of some kind of crime happening, there was nothing that could be done. You also thought that Beau and Hoyt were both purposely looking in other directions when it came to Tonya and Donno because the latter two had helped them in dire situations involving their family members. You didn’t really care about Tonya or Donno, but from what your friends had told you, both had put the group through the wringer — and often, at that. You had no desire to see that happen again so you’d rather see them skip town altogether instead of sticking around to further scheme things that could end up getting your friends hurt in some way.
Unfortunately, Tonya had risen in the ranks of realty; she was now one of Helena’s most sought after real estate agents, so much so that she had become friendly with the mayor and even began rubbing shoulders with some county officials. For some strange reason, out of the blue, Tonya decided she wanted to do a ridealong with law enforcement — your department specifically, today of all days. Beau, in a spur of the moment, decided to spare Pops and the rest of his department as well as himself, so naturally, you got saddled with that duty as did Hoyt. You knew Hoyt and Tonya didn’t get along, yet you had no idea just how much the two women hated one another. You basically spent the whole day keeping Hoyt from arresting the woman on some trumped up charge, keeping Hoyt from her own would-be assault charge, and endured hours upon hours of bickering. Tonya constantly — and loudly — questioned the two of you as you did your job, in front of perps, bystanders, and witnesses alike. She even told a suspect you were handcuffing — with a wink — that she knew a good lawyer who also happened to specialize in police brutality. The man decided to go all Mike Tyson and had knocked Hoyt down with a punch and tried to take a swing at you, forcing you to outmaneuver him and slam him onto the hood of your car to swiftly get his arms behind his back and regain control of the situation. But according to her, you were using brutality with him. Sure. You may have snapped out that she should get her ass back in the car before she’d join him, causing a smug smirk to form on the woman’s face. “I’ll get you that number,” she told the man, and then slinked back into the car. You grit your teeth and handed the suspect over to a deputy, going to check on Hoyt who was back on her feet, prodding at a bloody cut on her lip.  
Tonya had been a grade-A pain in the ass all day and she seemed to get off on irking both of you, Hoyt especially. And not once did Beau ever give you a heads-up on just what you would be facing after willfully sacrificing you and throwing you into the mess without a second of hesitation. For someone who used to be your partner back in the day, he sure hadn’t acted like one today. How could you not be pissed? 
Hoyt wasn’t happy with Beau either, but she was currently getting looked at by a doctor due to your insistence. Cassie had met you both at a walk-in clinic and she was waiting to drive Hoyt back once the blonde got the all-clear. Tonya had scampered off the minute you put your car in park, chirping how much she enjoyed today and thanking you for showing her how Lewis & Clark County’s finest did for their county day to day. Before you could retort, she was gone and you knew she definitely had something in the works that was not going to bode well for any of you in the long run. However, at that moment, you were so pissed you could barely see straight and you only had one destination in mind: Beau’s office. So here you were, infuriated and ready to send heads rolling. How could he do that? To you of all people? 
Beau sighed and got to his feet, rounding his desk to sit on the edge. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting that today and when she requested Hoyt… I could’ve sent Pop, but I didn’t think he’d be able to shut any crap down as quickly as you would. That’s why I sent you with them. But, I should’ve been the one to go, not you, and I’m sorry.”
“Yes, you should’ve been,” you hissed, crossing your arms.
He nodded and, after a moment, he reached out a hand.
You snorted in disbelief. “Really?”
Beau didn’t say anything, only moved his hand in a come hither motion, holding it out for you to take.
You let out an angry sigh and rolled your eyes, but moved forward to place your hand in his nonetheless. He pulled you to him, framed your face with his hands, and softly kissed you. You refused to kiss him back but ultimately, like always, you lost the battle and gave in, gently grasping one of his wrists as you did. “I’m sorry, baby,” he whispered to your lips.
“Don’t you ever do that to me again.”
“I promise.” He kissed you once more and you began to relax and melt into him, even going so far as to wrap your arms around his neck and slot your mouth against his more insistently. He released your face and circled his arms around your waist, picking you up so he could place you on his lap, your knees bracketing his hips as you straddled him. You could feel the tell-tale bulge pressing against you. You could definitely use some stress relief after the day you had, yet still —
“I’m still mad at you,” you panted harshly as he pressed kisses down your jaw line, his hands roaming insistently on your lower back. You weren’t surprised when a moment later they traveled further south and squeezed while he moved you back and forth over his growing arousal.
“As you should be,” he murmured, trailing his lips down your neck. “Matter of fact, I think you should show me how mad. Right here, right now.” Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he began to suck on that spot right below your ear, the spot he knew drove you crazy. 
“I hate you,” you moaned, beginning to grind against him more insistently.
“You have a weird way of showing that, darlin’,” he chuckled, one hand on your hip now to help your movements. He bit his lip watching you grind on him and he let out a throaty groan. “Fuck, I ever tell you how much I love it when you get all riled up like this and you need to get it out of your system? Because I do. Hell, maybe I oughta do something that pisses you off every so often so you can— ” 
“Shut up,” you growled and covered his mouth with yours, plunging your tongue deep inside to taste him and effectively shut him up. You were practically riding him on his desk and he was doing everything he could to hold onto you while keeping upright. At one point, you got so turned on, you broke away and began unbuckling his belt, desperate to get inside his jeans. 
“Door’s not locked,” he panted out though he didn’t move to stop you. 
“Don’t care.” Normally, you would have cared, but the infuriating bastard was right: you had all the pent up anger and frustration from today coursing through your system. You needed to get it out, now. You yanked his belt through his belt loops and tossed it to the floor. “And just so we’re clear,” you unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, reaching inside and grabbing him, making him hiss when you gave him a couple of pumps with your hand. “We are not done talking about this.” You got to your feet and quickly whipped off your jacket and shirt, leaving you in only your lacy bra. You stripped down and then gently pulled him out of his jeans. You climbed back up and stared down into those fierce green eyes that were currently blown wide with lust. Despite mentioning it, he didn’t seem too bothered by the unlocked door either. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you hoped Poppernak and Madge didn’t walk in on something they couldn’t unsee because you highly doubted either of you would stop. You were both too worked up, especially you, and you were the one in control. Nothing short of a natural disaster or act of God would keep you from working the tension out of your body. Your phone buzzed on the floor, most likely a text from Cassie to let you know she was bringing Hoyt back to the station. Besides, you had a feeling that Pops witnessing your fury earlier and all of them out there hearing the never before slammed door, they most likely knew they should probably knock first before entering the Sheriff’s office. 
“Now, we have exactly twenty-five minutes, thirty if we’re lucky, before Hoyt gets here to rip you a new one herself. Think you can manage to make it up to me and have me all relaxed by then, cowboy?” You challenged.
His answer was to line himself up with you and push into you, making you gasp as his other hand gently pulled your hip down so you would sink fully onto him. You both groaned at the feeling and he gave you his own challenging smirk. “I think you better start moving,” he growled. “Because if she’s going to kill me, I intend to die a happy man. Which means I’m going to be buried deep in you, sweetheart, with you making a mess all over me for the fourth time.”
“Four? That’s super ambitious,” you teased. You began to move and pressed your lips together, balancing your hands on his clothed chest. “Don’t worry, baby. I won’t let her kill you. I love this way too much… And you.”
The fire in his eyes dimmed slightly and he suddenly shot up, making you adjust a little to stay on him, and he cupped your chin. “I love you, too, and darlin’...I am sorry.” You knew he was, you could hear it in his voice and see it deep in his green gaze. You gave him a soft nod and a tender smile, pecking his lips — one final sweet moment —before you pushed him back down onto the now cleared desk and resumed your position once more. He let out a chuckle at the devious smirk plastered on your lips.
“You will be,” you promised in a tease. You then went about working your frustrations out, Beau keeping to his prediction of getting you to a point that you were very relaxed (and mostly dressed albeit in need of a serious shower) by the time Hoyt stormed into his office. And just as you had promised, you made sure he survived Hurricane Hoyt and you even let him drive you home, his hand on your thigh most of the ride. You were pretty confident that he wouldn’t be making the mistake of throwing you to the wolves again anytime soon but you ended up enticing him to pull over into a discreet area to serve up a reminder once more just in case.
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A/N: Please let me know what you think. 😊
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skyward-floored · 1 month
Malon and the glasses
A little addition to the Incredibles au glasses fic (found here!) I posted the other day, it takes place during that one, so I suggest reading that first (though you don’t have to to understand this).
This is also in honor of Mother’s Day, cause Malon is the best :)
Nobody saw much of Twilight the day he got his glasses, the teenager keeping pointedly to himself.
He barely ate any dinner that night, and quickly asked to be excused, shutting himself up in his room without waiting for dessert. His brothers watched him go, but soon went back to eating, the fight over who got the last slice of bread much more exciting than Twilight’s mood.
Malon exchanged looks with Time after Twilight left though, and once dinner was over and done with, she headed up to the room Twilight and Wild shared, joined by a slice of the cake Wild had made.
Here goes, she thought, bracing herself as she walked down the hallway. Twilight didn’t often get moody, but when he did, he really did.
“Hey honey, can I come in?” Malon asked, knocking softly on Twilight’s door.
A noise of confirmation came from inside, and Malon pushed the door open, greeted by the sight of Twilight sitting grumpily on his bed as a wolf. She set the slice of cake on his bedside table, then sat on the bed beside him, his ears twitching softly at her arrival.
“All right, come here,” she said gently, and Twilight scooted himself over, sadly flopping his head in Malon’s lap. Malon adjusted herself so they’d both be more comfortable, and Twilight let out a breathy sigh, not looking at her.
Malon looked at him a moment, then let out a sigh of her own.
“Oh hon, I’m sorry. I know you didn’t want glasses,” she said gently, and Twilight let out a morose sound.
“Does anyone ever want glasses?” he woofed grumpily, and Malon hummed.
“Well... at least you just need them for long distances, you’ll pretty much only have to wear them while you’re driving,” Malon said encouragingly, but Twilight didn’t look cheered up.
“Yeah. I can pull up to school and have everyone see how dorky I look.”
“Hey, I’m sure you don’t look dorky,” Malon said, and scratched a soft hand over his fur. Twilight leaned into the touch. “I’d bet they make you look nice. Sophisticated.”
“Silly,” Twilight added glumly, leaning against her arm. “Like some kind of smart alec. Glasses are just asking for trouble.”
“Now why do you say that?” she asked, and Twilight gave a small shrug.
Malon waited for him to speak further, switching from scratching behind his ears to running her hand along his head, more like how she used to do when he was smaller. Twilight relaxed, and a moment or two went by before he spoke again.
“...I’m already weird,” he mumbled finally. “Glasses are just going to add to that.”
“Twilight, you’re not weird,” Malon said firmly. “Unusual maybe, but that’s just how things are with superpowers. We’re all a bit unusual.”
Twilight gave her a flat look. “Mom, I have five brothers with the same name as me. Not to mention Dad. And Warriors. And Sky. Powers aside, that’s not normal.”
“Okay, okay, you got me there. You know half of the names were accidents though,” she said with a pointed scratch, and Twilight softly huffed.
“I know. I just... don’t want glasses.”
Malon sighed, patting him by the thick fur at his neck. “At least give them a bit of a try, hon. It’s this or no learner’s permit, so you’re gonna have to decide which you dislike more; not being able to drive, or wearing some frames while you do.”
Twilight sighed, and his mother scratched him behind the ears in silence.
“Can I see them?” she asked after a minute.
Twilight hesitated, then slipped back into his hylian form, leaning over and grabbing the glasses case she’d seen Time bring in earlier. He handed it to her and Malon opened it, picking up the glasses and inspecting them.
“Well they don’t seem so bad to me,” she said kindly, peering through them. “The frames you chose are nice.”
“It was those or the ones with these giant rims,” Twilight said with a small smile, and Malon chuckled. “...I guess they could be worse.”
“Can you model them for me?” Malon asked, and Twilight hesitated, looking at them. Then he slowly took the frames from her, and put them on.
Malon studied the way they sat on her son’s nose, how they made his eyes look, and how they looked with the shape of his face. Twilight’s ears flattened in embarrassment the longer Malon silently studied him, and he looked at the floor again, until she gently cupped his cheek and tilted his head back up.
“Look at that. I was right. They do make you look nice,” she said with a smile.
“...You sure?” he asked quietly, and she nodded.
“I’m sure. And I’m not just saying that because I’m your mother,” she said as she gave him a squeeze. “You look fine, hon. I promise. And if I’m being completely honest... they make you look more grown-up. Mature.”
A hesitant smile formed on Twilight’s face, and Malon reached over and grabbed the plate she’d brought up.
“Wild mixed up another cake, I brought you a slice,” she offered, and Twilight’s ears pricked. He took the plate from her, and leaned on her shoulder as he began to poke at it, his smile growing just a little as he ate.
“Thanks Mom,” he said quietly as he nibbled at it, and Malon nodded, rubbing his shoulder.
“Sure thing, honey,”
Twilight set his head on her shoulder, and they sat there together as he quietly ate the cake, Malon smiling at the sight of the glasses still on his nose.
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Hi! It’s my first time asking or posting something on tumblr, I just joined to be able to read your works! They are amazing thank you for sharing with us! ❤️ I recently read all Wednesday prompts they make my day, I was wondering if you could maybe do something where mob wife Alec has super femme fatal vibes, I was really taken with that prompt, Simon rambling and almost dying was hilarious (sorry if my writing is too formal or is not expressed correctly English is not my first language) thanks again for sharing your work I really love it!
oh this is so sweet! I hope you enjoy being on here and I'm so glad you like my writing so much <3
I had so much fun with this and I hope you enjoy it! I love writing in this verse so prompts for it are always welcome, even if it may take me a while to get all of the pieces together for an actual fic!
your writing is absolutely fine and your prompt easy to work with!
<3 lumine
“Honey, are you sure this is a good idea?” Mari can’t help but ask her husband as he finishes zipping up her dress for her. It’s been a point of tension between them, though not because she doesn’t trust Leo or mind when he gets a bit friendly with the entertainment.
It’s just that Bane’s brought his husband with him every single time since the first he introduced him, and this will be the first-time entertainment’s there at the same time.
Most people know to ignore Bane, to avoid him and respect his boundaries and space but not everyone is as aware, and Mari knows that most of the girls coming are from a different city. Somewhere they don’t know the rules, with someone leading them who might not know to give Bane the respect he demands.
So, Mari is nervous, both because she doesn’t know how Bane will react to being propositioned, but also because Bane’s boy is terrifying, and Mari isn’t sure any of those poor girls will survive.
“It’ll be fine, sweetie.” Leo promises her and Mari hopes that this isn’t another promise that’s about to be broken.
It is not fine. Nothing about it is fine and Mari knows it from the moment Bane enters, holding the door open like he’s escorting royalty and entering with his hand on his boy’s back. Mari bites her lip, not caring about the waxy taste of her lipstick or that the red might stain her lips.
She’s gotten used to how Bane dresses and when his husband first showed up, she’d gotten used to that as well.
This is, she takes a ragged breath and just hopes that Bane won’t make them pay for any drycleaning he’ll need to get the inevitable blood from his clothes.
Her hand shakes a little as she grabs a passing waiter and for once, instead of juice, she takes the champagne.
Bane is dressed to kill as he always is, but it’s his boy, taller than ever with boots that go to his knees, gold buckles, black leather pants and a gold and black waistcoat that Mari is sure ends in a corset. He’s stunning but terrifying, his dark eyes rimmed with gold, and he looks inhuman, his lips dusted with gold as well, as if he’s been kissing the sun.
Mari shudders and hopes that this evening goes better than she fears, because Bane’s husband has a smile on his face and Mari is pretty sure that poison is less deadly than it.
She gets her wits about her and goes to greet them, trying to find a way to unattached Alec from Bane. It sends a shiver down her spine to use his name — to even think it — but there is only one Bane, even if they share a last name.
“We have a new painting; you really have to see it.” Mari tries, her third and final attempt and she reaches out, fingers barely trembling to quickly pat Alec’s arm. “We can get our men fresh drinks.”
It’s a ridiculous thing, to act like Alec is anything like one of the wives but it works, and Mari has never been so glad that he and Bane don’t care about gender stereotypes.  It means that she gets him out of the room, but she doesn’t have a plan after that, and the other wives and girls all know better than to try conversing with Alec.
It normally ends in tears and Alec’s latest response of offering to get a bottle ‘just in case your husband wants to drink your tears’ was not normal, no matter how nonchalant he was about it.
It means that the painting and Mari’s frantic attempts to discuss its meaning and technique only hold his attention for about twenty minutes.  Then, as it always does, he focuses back on his husband.
There’s an intensity to Alec when he’s not around Bane, a terrifying aura that melts away and Mari knows Leo has never noticed.
She still doesn’t think he’s a cop and he’s not undercover for anyone else, but he is something, someone dangerous and he’s unknown, which makes it all the worse.
They get back to the others and Mari realizes that despite her best efforts, she’s only made things worse.
The newcomer is there, all slick smiles and easy words and he’s got a girl in his lap and one on each side. It’s not uncommon, the young and untested thinking that easy sex and pretty women are the best way to prove their power, but it’s gauche and Mari can’t help but wrinkle her nose.
And then she sees the two girls focusing on Bane, approaching him with coy smiles and plunging necklines and Mari has never wished more to hide two people away.
She turns, hoping to figure out how to handle this but Alec is gone, as if he was never next to her at all.
It’s a shock, because he’s even taller than normal and Mari feels dwarfed in his presence on a good day and this was not a good day.
But there he is, gliding like a swan across a frozen lake. Ignorant of the appreciative gazes of some of the new girls or the mocking look of the newcomer and Mari just knows whoever this Cameron fellow is, that things aren’t going to go the way he wants.
One of the girls is next to Bane, fluttering lashes that Mari knows for a fact won’t compare to Alec’s natural ones — the bastard — and she reaches out, as if to touch and there’s a dark, low chuckle.
“If you want to keep your fingers, then keep them to yourselves.”
Mari has never heard such a cold, deadly tone before.
She’s never seen a threat like the one being made.
Alec doesn’t walk around the low sofa Bane is sitting on, he steps over it. One ridiculously long and leather clad leg elegantly sweeping over the back and then the rest of him follows. He drapes himself over Bane’s lap with a cool elegance that wouldn’t look out of place on a hunting anaconda and when he grins, Mari swallows.
“What the fuck—” Leo mutters, coming up behind her, eyes wide and little wild.
There is a tension in the air that wasn’t there before and while the girls are listening, both of them tripping over themselves to put space between Bane and his husband, Alec isn’t watching them.
Alec is watching Cameron.
There is a glint to his eyes that promises a wealth of cruelty and he smirks, tongue darting out over his lips before he just lays back, legs and heels crossing over the arm of the sofa as he settles down in Bane’s lap, looking up coquettishly at his husband.
Like he has any business turning soft when he’s clearly made of steel and kept sharpened.
“I think I’ll stay here tonight, babe.” He tells Bane, “keep you company.”
Mari mentally wishes Leo the best of luck during his meeting, relieved that Alec will be haunting someone else tonight.dr
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katsune-nya · 6 months
Just some lines/songs that remind me of TR characters
Manjiro "Mikey" Sano:
I feel so alone on the Friday nights,
Can you make it feel like home if I tell you you're mine?,
It's like I told you, honey (louder),
Don't make me sad, don't make me cry,
Sometimes love is not enough,
And the road gets tough, I don't know why,
Keep making me laugh,
Let's go get high,
The road is long, we carry on,
Try to have fun in the meantime. - Born To Die by Lana Del Rey.
Baby, how do I get in?
I want you.
I want you to call me daddy,
Lay your pretty head down,
I'm in control now,
I wanna be your daddy.
Oh you're a big, strong man,
So Imma do what I can.
You spend so much time being tough, honey,
I know that job can get a little rough,
So let me be your daddy,
Lay your pretty head down,
I'm in control now.
The way that you're lovin' me.
I wanna lighten that body of steel,
I won't undermine your masculinity, baby,
It's just how I feel.
So you can come on over,
Lean on my shoulder,
Let yourself heal. - Daddy by Cera Gibson.
I run away when things are good
And never really understood
The way you laid your eyes on me
In ways that no one ever could
And so it seems I broke your heart
My ignorance has struck again
I failed to see it from the start
And tore you open 'til the end
And I'm sorry to my unknown lover
Sorry that I can't believe
That anybody ever really
Starts to fall in love with me
Sorry to my unknown lover
Sorry I could be so blind
Didn't mean to leave you
And all of the things that we had behind
And someone will love you
Someone will love you
Someone will love you
But someone isn't me
Someone will love you
Someone will love you
Someone will love you
But someone isn't me. - Sorry by Halsey.
I'm 23, and my folks are getting old
I know they don't have forever and I'm scared to be alone
So I'm thankful for my sister, even though sometimes we fight
When high school wasn't easy, she's the reason I survived
I know she'd never leave me and I hate to see her cry
So I wrote this verse to tell her that I'm always by her side
I wrote this verse to tell her that I'm always by her side
I wrote this verse to tell her that
The world's not perfect, but it's not that bad
If we got each other, and that's all we have
I will be your brother, and I'll hold your hand
You should know I'll be there for you
When the world's not perfect
When the world's not kind
If we have each other, then we'll both be fine
I will be your brother, and I'll hold your hand
You should know I'll be there for you. - If We Have Eachother by Alec Benjamin
Shuji Hanma:
He's so tall, and handsome as hell. He's so bad, but he does it so well,
I can see the end as it begins,
My one condition is,
Say you'll remember me,
Standing in a nice dress,
Staring at the sunset, babe. - Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift.
Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street,
Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly,
Loving him is like trying to change your mind
Once you're already flying through the free fall,
Like the colors in autumn, so bright, just before they lose it all. - Red by Taylor Swift.
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain,
And it's 2 a.m. and I'm cursing your name,
So in love that you act insane,
And that's the way I loved you,
Breaking down and coming undone,
It's a roller coaster kind of rush,
And I never knew I could feel that much
And that's the way I loved you. - The Way I Loved You by Taylor Swift.
Do you remember, we were sittin' there by the water?
You put your arm around me, for the first time,
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter,
You are the best thing that's ever been mine.
Do you remember all the city lights on the water?
You saw me start to believe for the first time,
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter,
You are the best thing that's ever been mine. - Mine by Taylor Swift.
Ran Haitani:
Push me, shove me,
I don't wanna have no gushy loving,
Make it hot till your makeup's coming, off your face but
Baby you aren't looking ugly, yeah,
Hit me, punch me,
Give me more, baby, this is nothing,
Feel the sweat on your forehead, soaking all of your bed.
When we're fucking,
I feel your nails in my back,
Punish me for my past,
Like how you're making it last.
If you're gonna hurt me, hurt me,
I feel your nails in my back. - Nails by Call Me Karizma.
Takashi Mitsuya:
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go,
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home,
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew,
This night is flawless, don't you let it go,
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone,
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you.
Please don't be in love with someone else,
Please don't have somebody waiting on you. - Enchanted by Taylor Swift.
In a world of boys he's a gentleman. - "Slut!" by Taylor Swift.
Wakasa Imaushi:
I could suck a titty while I'm standing up, don't ever fucking tell me I ain't man enough. (Lmao, sorry). - short kings anthem by blackbear ft. Tiny Meat Gang.
You got that long hair, slicked back, white t-shirt
And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style. -Style! by Taylor Swift.
Senju "Kawaragi" Akashi:
If you have a mother, daughter or a friend,
Maybe it is time, time you comprehend
The world that you live in ain't the same one as them,
So don't punish me for not being a man.
Spring appears when the time is right,
Women are violets coming to light,
Don't underestimate the making of life,
The planet has a funny way of stopping a fight. - Man's World by Marina.
Why are you cranky, boy?
What’s all the frown on your face
Do you want a blond barbie doll?
It's not here, I'm not a doll. - Tomboy by G-idle.
"Sanzu" Haruchiyo Akashi:
I only call you when it's half-past five,
The only time that I'll be by your side,
I only love it when you touch me, not feel me,
When I'm fucked up, that's the real me,
When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, yeah,
I only call you when it's half-past five,
The only time I'd ever call you mine,
I only love it when you touch me, not feel me,
When I'm fucked up, that's the real me,
When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, babe. - The hills by The Weeknd. (Bad timelines).
Yuzuha Shiba:
I could be a better boyfriend than him,
I could do the shit that he never did,
Up all night, I won't quit,
Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him,
I could be such a gentleman,
Plus all my clothes would fit. - Boyfriend by Dove Cameron.
Hakkai Shiba:
I can't break the cycle, am I just a fool?
Falling down like dominoes, hit by family jewels.
Pass it down from kid to kid, the chain will never end,
'Less I decide to go to it, will I see the end?
Ooh, don't you find it strange?
Only thing we share is one last name.
Did I beat you at your own game?
Typical of me to put us all to shame.
Welcome to the family jewels,
Coal to diamond, sold to fools.
Welcome to the family jewels,
Simmerin' sapphire can't keep his cool.
I can't keep my cool,
I can't keep my cool. - The Family Jewels by Marina.
Places, places
Get in your places
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
I see things that nobody else sees. -Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez.
I just turned 14
And I think this year I'm gonna be mean
Don't mess with me, I'm a big boy now, and I'm very scary
I punch my walls, stay out at night, and I do karate
Don't message me 'cause I won't reply, I wanna make you cry
Ain't that how it's s'posed to be? Though it isn't me
Boys will be bugs, right? - Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown.
All their little gangs:
They're gonna rip up your heads,
Your aspirations to shreds,
Another cog in the murder machine.
They said, "All teenagers scare the livin' shit out of me",
They could care less as long as someone'll bleed,
So darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose,
Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me. - Teenagers by My Chemical Romance.
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allaboardthevespa · 10 months
Let's go everyone: time to share my Ellabby headcanons
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Been wanting to get these out there for a good long while. I won't HC too much about what happens in the present season cuz it's still airing, but this is how I see them as a couple.
So when everyone grows more used to Gabby's eccentricities or Ellie helps everyone accept her more, I can definitely see Alec, Jake, Dan (once he apologizes for trying to vote Gabby off), Ashley+Will and Drew getting along with them best. They all keep in touch with one another post-DC. And I definitely see Jake and Ashill going "awww!" when they're being affectionate or exchanging words of love...while Drew just holds up a piece of paper saying "Nice" lmao
In terms on if they met the contestants of Total Drama...I feel like they'd get on best with Bridgette (especially her), Geoff, Izzy, Owen, Dawn, Ella, Jasmine, 2023 Emma (provided she's not still dating Chase) and the Vegans from RR. Maybe Gwen too.
It's already canonically confirmed that Gabby owns a LOT of pets, though given her father didn't take care of them well...oof. Well when they move in together they're gonna get a LOT of pets. Like...a LOT a lot of pets.
Ellie's the kind of girl that usually is introverted, quiet and often a little snarky, but I get the feeling she just melts like putty when she's with her girlfriend, and they tend to be quite affectionate in public. Nothing over-the-top or constantly make-outy like Geoff and Bridgette, but they love to give each other hugs, lots of kisses on their forehead, nose, cheek and a few lip kisses too, and exchanging lots of "I love you"s and terms of endearment.
Speaking of which, I see them as a pet name-using couple, but nothing sugary like "sweetiekins" or "googoopie", but rather simple ones like "my love", "darling" and "honey", or pretty-sounding ones like "forest rose" and "twinkling star". Gabby's favorite pet name for Ellie is "Sunset Angel" while Ellie's favorite pet name for Gabby is "Nature Princess".
Given the kind of person Gabby is, they don't go to big, bustling cities often for their vacations, often preferring less busy places like small towns and countrysides.
They also love having picnics. Especially in parks and gardens, or on beaches at nighttime.
Along with picnics, one of their favored kinds of dates is to simply go on nature walks together in quiet places like a forest or a meadow, just enjoying nature and one another's company.
They. Love. Exchanging flowers. Gabby's favorites are tulips and hyacinths while Ellie's favorites are peonies and lavenders. They often sneak in some red roses too to represent their love for one another. (Oh and they love stitching flower crowns for one another two.)
They're both pretty ticklish. However I feel like Gabby's the more ticklish of the two. Ellie loves tickling her simply cuz it makes her happy to see Gabby laughing (and she LOVES the way she laughs)
Every night when there's a full moon, they go out to cuddle underneath it together. Even if it's raining, cuz they l-o-v-e to kiss under the rain
Ellie's great at playing guitar and is an AMAZING singer when are we going to get a musical DC season???. She often loves serenading her girlfriend when they're out on nature walks or moonlit cuddles. (Definitely seeing her singing some girl in red tunes here. Especially "we fell in love in october" or "I'll Call You Mine")
Close to their second anniversary I feel like Ellie worked with some of her fellow DC campers she befriended in season 1 and the likely All-Stars season to bring Gabby on a safari vacation to Africa. And on the night of the anniversary itself (which was also a full moon night), they went on one of their nature hikes through the beautiful wilderness. The entire time, Ellie told her just how much she loved her, more than anything else in the world, and how happy she made her - and at the climax of that night, Ellie proposed to her. Yes there were tears of joy, from BOTH of them.
At the wedding, which took place deep in a forest just like Gabby would love, almost everyone from DC was present (not gonna say who's banned yet depending on how the rest of Season 1 goes...Yul's definitely banned though), as well as a good amount of Total Drama contestants. Alec was their best man while I get the feeling Lill and Ashley were their maids of honor. They gave one another wedding rings with star ruby gemstones (also Dan is the ring-bearer because yes). Oh and since Ellie wished to work in fashion, Imma say she designed both her and Gabby's clothes. Also Kai being their officiator won't leave my head cuz he's a very nature-minded person and he'd definitely see a good future for the two of them.
I see them moving in together in a cabin or cottage in a forest or mountainside (these two girls give big cottagecore vibes)
I'm seeing them use IVF to have their daughter. As for names I'm seeing something nature-related like Rose/Rosie/Rosita, Autumn, Daisy, Willow or Hazel.
Well that's all I'm coming up with for now, time to rest my brain lol
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I go back to my roots when I’m stressed. Self indulgent blurb because comprehending growing up is a lot. Pre adulthood anxiety go brrrr
I had Older by Alec Benjamin on loop while I wrote this lmao
warnings: crying, breakdown, stress/anxiety about the future, suggested abuse but nothing explicitly stated
also Sugawara is 19 in this and starting university, reader is a 3rd year in Highschool
“Hey, Koushi? What was it like? Finally saying goodbye to your childhood?” You asked, sitting at the edge of his bed as he typed away on his computer. 
“It was hard, but exciting. I thankfully had my dad to help me with all this adulting stuff, so, it was scary, and I do sometimes miss my childhood, but growing up isn’t so bad,” he responded earnestly. 
“That doesn’t sound as bad as my extended family makes it sound,” you chuckled lightly. 
The former setter turned around to study your face. “You still worried about it? Getting older?” 
Your eyes fell to your lap. “Yeah.” You forced a laugh. Your boyfriend was a year older than you and was currently talking university courses, but you were finishing your final year of Highschool. Graduating wasn’t the scariest thing to you, you were ready to say goodbye to these school halls. You however, weren’t quite sure how prepared you were for the future, the closer it got to adulthood. You knew your boyfriend was there to support you, but nonetheless it terrified you. And there was one other thing… 
“Oh gosh, does it worry you that much, my love?” You hadn’t realized you were crying until Koushi spoke in a lower, concerned tone. 
He moved to the bed, sitting next to you, bringing his hand to hold the side of your face carefully. He wiped away your tears as they fell. He wished he could do the same with your anxieties. When you didn’t respond, it worried him more. “Darling, what’s wrong? You can talk to me.”
You met his eyes with your teary ones, trying to find the words to describe the mess in your mind. “I just. It feels so sudden. I, I don’t really have much of a childhood to say goodbye to, yknow? I feel so.. robbed. I had to grow up way too fast, I missed out on my childhood and teen years, and now I’m being thrusted into adulthood, clueless of how to do anything.” You explained, voice breaking as you spoke. “How can I miss something I never had?” After that, you couldn’t keep it in, and the sobs that were building in your throat finally escaped.
Koushi’s eyes knitted together, his hand on your cheek moving to the back of your neck, gently pushing you to the crook of his neck. His thumb soothingly stroked your skin. “Oh honey,” he whispered, pressing comforting kisses to your temple. He held you there like that, shushing you softly. You were so precious to him, he treated you like porcelain, not as in weak, but because you’re valuable. You remained there like that, face tucked under his chin, one of his hands on the back of your neck, the other holding you. He waited till your sobs had calmed down to sniffles to speak.
“It’s perfectly understandable to mourn that you never properly got to be a kid, or a teen for that matter. I wish things were better for you, you deserve so much more than this.” He paused to look you in the eyes, so he could convey his words. His heart ached seeing the lost look in your eyes, he wanted nothing more than to take it away and replace it with happiness. Then he got an idea. 
“I know it’s not much, but I know of something that might help, even a little. How about you tell me about the things you wanted to do as a child, or even recently, and we’ll do it. I’ll get you the things your parents didn’t let you have,” he smiled, brushing the hair from your face. “Within reason of course.” He added, trying to lighten the mood. 
Your heart swelled up at his offer, tears beginning to fill your eyes once again because of how kind he was. “But you’re busy with uni, I couldn’t bother you, I’d feel too bad.”
“I’m never too busy for you, darling. Besides,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I love being bothered. You don’t bother me enough. I want to do this for you, I promise. I know I’ll never be able to make up for all the years of your life that you’ll never get back, but you deserve better than this, so I want to do what I can.” 
“You don’t have to, Koushi..” you mumbled, feeling bad. 
“True, but I want to. You’re worth this, love, and so much more.” 
You two spent the rest of the evening cuddling, watching a movie of your. He got you tea before bed, which was set on the nightstand before you snuggled into his bed next to him. You laid your head on his shoulder, and he pulled you closer to him in response. 
“Goodnight my love, tomorrow will be better, I love you,” he whispered before giving you a kiss.
“Goodnight, I love you too.”
The next morning you found a plushie you wanted since you were little sitting on the bed, a card with your name on it resting in front of him. You smiled to yourself, grateful to have someone like Koushi in your life. 
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azraphels · 1 year
Mason: If you had to choose, what would you give up, food or sex?
Corey: Sex.
Mason: Seriously, answer faster.
Corey: I'm sorry honey, when you said sex I wasn't thinking about sex with you.
Mason: Excuse me, then with whom?! Do you have a lover? It's like a knife in the side.
Corey: No honey, it's not like you think! I was thinking about sex in general
Mason: So in general instead of doing it like me you'd rather eat
Mason: Now you can't take back eh
Corey: I was quicker to become invisible
Mason: Stay silent, we'll talk about it later.
Mason: Alec, what about you? What would you give up, sex or food?
Alec: Food? To sex? To food? AHH
Mason: Okay, how about sex or dinosaurs?
Alec: Oh my God, it's like the movie Sophie's Choice.
Mason: What about you Liam? What would you give up, sex or food?
Liam: Oh... um... I don't know, it's too hard.
Mason: You have to choose only one, come on!
Liam: Um, food... no, sex... no, food... sex... food.
Liam: Ugh! I don't know! I want both! I want hot people on bread!
Theo: I should have left Beacon Hills when I could...
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barclaysangel · 2 months
Junior Wheeler Playlist
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*pats playlist* This bad boy can fit 207 songs that lasts in total 12 hours and 27 minutes. I fixate too much on Junior. But I got inspired by @high-functioning-fang1rl Nica playlist so I had to do one for Junior too.
This is on my iTunes account and idk how to manage Spotify so if y'all wanna listen to it, I'm going to put all the songs down below. The ones with * on it are the ones I 1000000% relate for Junior. And feel free to send asks about any of the songs and I'll legit do a lyric analyst to explain why I chose it for Junior.
Anyway, enjoy :)
Avril Lavigne
Losing Grip*
Wish You Were Here
Let Me Go
Billie Eilish
you should see me in a crown*
bury a friend
everything i wanted*
Therefore I Am
Happier Than Ever*
Christina Perri
The Lonely*
Digital Daggers
Where the Lonely Ones Roam*
The Devil Within*
Can't Sleep, Can't Breathe
Still Here*
Bad Intentions
Raise Hell*
Wicked Ones
Beetlejuice the Musical
Dead Mom*
Say My Name
That Beautiful Sound
Going Under*
Bring Me To Life
Everybody's Fool*
My Immortal*
My Last Breath
Sweet Sacrifice*
Weight of the World*
Like You
Lose Control*
All That I Am Living For
Made of Stone*
The Change*
My Heart Is Broken
The Other Side
Lost in Paradise*
Never Go Back
A New Way To Bleed*
Even in Death
Farther Away
Fall Out Boy
I Don't Care*
My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark
Alone Together*
Young Volcanoes*
Empty Gold
Hold Me Down*
New Americana*
Colors, Pt. II
I Walk the Line
Now or Never
Good Mourning*
Angel on Fire*
Devil in Me*
Forever ... (is a long time)*
Finally // beautiful stranger*
Still Learning
Bells in Santa Fe*
Easier than Lying*
People Disappear Here*
Hollywood Undead
Paradise Lost*
Another Way Out
We Are*
Imagine Dragons
I'm So Sorry*
Who We Are
What I've Done*
Marina and The Diamonds
Oh No!*
Teen Idle
Melanie Martinez
Training Wheels
Pity Party*
Milk and Cookies*
Mad Hatter*
The Principal
Show & Tell*
Drama Club
Lunchbox Friends*
Orange Juice*
High School Sweethearts
Olivia Rodrigo
Can't Catch Me Now*
Bohemian Rhapsody*
Under Pressure
The Show Must Go On*
Set It Off
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead*
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Falling Inside the Black*
Taylor Swift
I Did Something Bad*
Don't Blame Me*
Look What You Made Me Do*
my tears ricochet
this is me trying*
You're On Your Own, Kid*
Vigilante Shit*
Three Days Grace
Just Like You*
I Hate Everything About You
Born Like This
Animal I Have Become*
Let It Die
Bitter Taste*
The Good Life*
Someone Who Cares*
Chalk Outline
Misery Loves My Company*
Human Race*
Pain Killer*
Fallen Angel
So What*
Nothing's Fair in Love and War
One Too Many
twenty one pilots
Stressed Out*
Fairly Local*
Other Artists
Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin
Here by Alessia Cara*
Panic Room by Au/Ra*
I'm Gonna Show You Crazy by Bebe Rexha*
Dark Side by Bishop Briggs*
idfc by blackbear
Break the Rules by Charli XCX
Arcade by Duncan Laurence
The Monster by Eminem*
Gorgeous Nightmare by Escape the Fate*
Seven Devils by Florence + the Machine*
You Found Me by The Fray
Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths*
So Alive by The Goo Goo Dolls*
Blood // Water by grandson*
Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day
Impossible by James Arthur*
Human by John "The Ragin Cajun" Jones*
Broken by lovelytheband
How Villains Are Made by Madalen Duke*
Twisted by MISSIO
Voices by Motionless In White
Funeral by Neoni*
How You Remind Me by Nickleback*
Don't Let Me Get Me by P!nk
Cradles by Sub Urban*
Bad Things by Summer Kennedy*
Shattered by Trading Yesterday*
Unsteady by X Ambassadors*
Heads Will Roll by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
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ghostboymichael · 3 months
City of Bones: A Summary
I made this shitty stage play of City of Bones (book one of The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare) for giggles. It's full of expository statements and idiocy but I think it's funny. And it's still better than the books.
Spoilers for City of Bones. Obviously.
Come on, Simon, let’s use our fake IDs to get into a club called Pandemonium. This couldn’t possibly go wrong— Woah! Who is that hot blond guy?
What hot blond guy?
Are you gaslighting me?
About what?
You can see me?
Duh. Quirky Girl Sarcasm Intensifies. HAIR FLIP
Subtly Worried Brooding Silence
Let’s go, Clary. I don’t like you hallucinating hot guys. He’s probably not even a natural blond.
Dance Dance Dance.
The hot blond guy and another guy are following that blue-haired kid and the girl into the storeroom. And he has a knife! I should follow them. Go get help, Simon.
I don’t know what’s happening but I’m so whipped that I’ll do whatever.
Hey, you! Don’t stab people!
You idiot! You stopped me from killing a demon!
Don’t worry, she didn’t stop me and Alec.
Demon Dying Noises.
Clary, I got security. Why are you standing in an empty room?
To isolate me in the narrative.
I have to tell her, Luke. It’s only a matter of time before— 
Oh hi honey!
Hi Mom, what’s going on?
Honey, we’re moving to the country to live with Luke, who I am not in love with.
Nooo, Mom! We can’t move! Then everything won’t be about me and my struggles!
Let’s go do poetry. I’m in a band.
Hey Clary, your Mom has weird scars.
No she doesn’t.
Yeah she does, I’ve seen her in a bathing suit. Your mom’s hella fine.
Simon, you’re not gay, are you?
Hello there. 
OMG, hot blond murderer. You’re stalking me. That’s not suspicious.
I’m a Shadowhunter, which means I kill demons. You can see me, which means you have the Sight and need to come with me.
TO AUDIENCE Hold that thought. What? Mom? Don’t come home? Tell Luke that “he” found you? Who’s “he”? Mom?
JOINING HER Clary, we should go find Luke and not go home.
Let’s go home.
STILL SITTING Okay bye. Just shattered your world view and told you about a whole secret universe, but go off I guess.
My home is shattered and my mom is gone!
Demon Noises.
LURKING WITH ARMS CROSSED Wow. Good work killing a demon.
ON GROUND You followed me again? I guess I’ll trust you over my best friend of ten years.
KNEELING Great. But you’re dying. I will heal you with my magic wand that will kill you if you aren’t a Shadowhunter.
Wait but I’m not a Shadowhunter—
PRESSING STELE TO NECK Huh it worked. Guess you’re a Shadowhunter.
That was a lousy experiment.
We Go To The Institute, Where Like Five People, Three Of Which Are Teenagers, Purge The Biggest City In America Of Demons All By Themselves. We Do Nothing, Then Leave The Institute.
Let’s go back to my messed up house and find things. Oh my gosh it’s my neighbour Dorothea, who didn’t get kidnapped because the TV show is really weird and full of unnecessary plotlines. 
Dorothea, are you a witch? ‘Cause you are serving witch. Alright, good talk, let’s jump through this mysterious portal that you told us not to jump through.
Portal Noises.
We’re at Luke’s house. Huh. Let’s be super sneaky and HOLY CRAP WE’RE BEING ATTACKED.
Dude why were you in the bushes that’s super weird.
Says the stalker.
We’re in. Wait, hide! Somebody's coming. 
The men who killed my father…
They’re looking for something called the Mortal Cup that my mom stole from Valentine, but Luke says he doesn’t know— wait WHAT?
No further context required… I need to maintain an aura of alluring and brooding mystery. 
You’re a traumatized sixteen-year-old. Also, why do we all have dead dads?
I’m Batman.
I am Hodge, leader of the Institute. Your mother was a magical Nazi, and your father is dead.
Omg twinning.
I knew that.
No, your REAL father. Your mom made up the dead dad. Your real dad was THE magical Nazi, Valentine. Actually all the adults here were once magical Nazis. But we got better. PUTS BANDAID ON FOREHEAD
Are you sure Valentine’s dead? He seems sort of alive.
He is definitely totally dead.
I don’t remember anything about anything. Let’s go to some scary monks and have them break my brain.
I don’t think that’s a good idea.
Nah it sounds legit.
ACTOR ONSTAGE BUT VOICE DOESN’T COME FROM MOUTH There is a block in your mind that we cannot remove. But the mysterious person who put it there signed it “Magnus Bane xoxo” so go find him.
Let’s go to a party.
Hello, Magnus Bane, High Warlock of Brooklyn. Please remove the block from my mind.
I can’t, but it will fade naturally. Don’t worry. Also your Jewish friend just turned into a rat. No weird subtext there.
Holy crap vampires just took Simon the rat.
Let’s rescue him. I hope there are no lasting side effects from this traumatizing voyage.
Wow, I think there were some lasting side effects from that traumatizing voyage. 
That can wait until book two. Right now it’s my birthday.
Let’s have a picnic in the middle of the night.
Let’s kiss.
I’m in love with you forever.
I’m still here, you know.
I’m gonna be really mean to everyone now.
I hate Jace.
I’m jealous.
Why? You have Isabelle.
I don’t want Isabelle.
Then why do you flirt with her?
To make you jealous.
Why would you want to do that?
Are you genuinely, actually stupid?
I might be. I’m going to go draw Jace as an angel some more. That’s not foreshadowing anything.
What is wrong with you?
I just made a drawing come out of paper and I think my mom hid the Mortal Cup in Dorothea the witch’s tarot cards.
Yay we got the Mortal Cup and HOLY CRAP DOROTHEA IS A DEMON.
I like tea. Also I don’t like Simon and I’m going to make fun of him.
You know, most psychologists agree that hostility is really just sublimated sexual attraction.
I’m not gay. Everyone hates me.
I am gay. I don’t hate you. But I don’t really love you, I just tell myself I do because you’re a safe option because you are unavailable. Also I’m very wounded and slightly delusional right now.
I just shot a demon to death with arrows as a powerless human but everybody’s still going to underestimate me for the next four books.
Thank you for giving me the Mortal Cup. I am still a magical Nazi and I will now give it to our leader, who is not dead.
Woah, who could have anticipated that plot twist? 
I’m going to chase Hodge down this alleyway and goodness gracious me who could have predicted that a grown man could overpower me, a defenseless fifteen-year-old girl?
I will save you with my werewolf powers, Clary.
Luke! You’re a werewolf!
Go find your mom who I’m in love with while my pack fends off Valentine’s army.
Hello, my son.
Dad? You’re not dead?
Jace, that’s MY evil Nazi dad.
Omg we really are twinning.
Come home with me, son. I love you.
No, you abused me really bad and made me think you were dead. But I’m gonna be indecisive about it for five more books anyway.
Okay. Magic portal activate! 
Portal Noises
Wow great adventure.
Valentine literally has the Mortal Cup and we are siblings. 
Details. Let’s debate the morality of us dating for the next two books and be inconsistent about who’s for it and who’s against it.
Sounds like a plan.
Am I the only one who thinks incest is bad?
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ummpati · 11 months
After Date Jitters
Krew never gave us the angst we needed after Funneh and Alec's date.
That's where I come in.
Crickets chirped around the dorms as Funneh approached her front doors, still cradling a froyo cup in her hands. She looked over her shoulder as she reached for the handle. Evan was standing by the entrance, watching to make sure she made it inside. Funneh smiled and lifted a hand to wave, Evan returned the gesture before turning and going back to his own dorm building.
Funneh yawned as she opened the door, stepping in quietly. It was long past dark, the lights were out and the dorm was quiet. She assumed Gold was upstairs; she was never one to stay up this late. Shutting the door behind her, she flicked the lock and walked over to the trash can. Scraping out the last bits of Froyo, she tossed the cardboard cup inside.
“Hmm,” Funneh paused at the small sound, glancing back towards the living room. “..Funneh?” Gold popped up from behind the back of the couch, hair tousled and rubbing sleep from her eye. 
“Oh, Gold, what’re you doing up?”
Gold yawned, “waiting for you.” Funneh walked around the couch to stand in front of her. The brunette sat up fully and fixed one of her sleeves that had rolled up in her sleep. “How are you? Thought you would be back earlier.”
“I'm fine!” Funneh chirped, clapping her hands in front of her, “Evan bought me Froyo!”
Gold glances to the left and Funneh follows her gaze. On the coffee table were two tubs of ice cream and spoons to go along with them, rings of condensation spread around the base of the cartons, infecting the grooves of the wooden table. Funneh winced, she hadn't thought Gold would wait up like this.
“Doesn't matter,” Gold shook her head, waving the ice cream away. “Are you okay? What happened?”
“Well, you remember how I told you Evan was playing for Ocean Metal? He totally flunked!” Funneh laughed, reaching her hands up to play with the end of her braid. “You shoulda seen him, he got a slushie spilled on him too! Then we went for Froyo, ate it on the sidewalk, got more, and came back here!”
Gold smiled, “well, that's good, I'm glad you had fun. But, uhm,” she hesitated and bit her lip, “what about Alec..?”
Funneh paused. A feeling of…. Actually, she didn't know what she was feeling. But it washed over her; she tried her best to shake it off. She plastered a smile on her lips. “Mhm, Alec got a phone call. I told you, right?”
“Well, yeah, but…”
“No, it's fine!” Funneh waved a hand in dismissal, but couldn't help the lump that rose in her throat. “He said it was an emergency so it's fine.”
“It's not fine if you’re upset, Funneh.” Gold reached out a hand, grabbing Funneh’s clammy ones in hers.
Funneh sniffed, forced her smile brighter but turned her head away nonetheless. “Well, he said he was sorry?” Gold kept quiet, rubbing soothing circles into the back of Funneh’s hand. The silence overwhelmed her, she had to keep talking.
“It's no big deal, yeah? This kind of thing happens all the time! I'm sure he’ll make it up to-!” Funneh’s voice broke off into a sob. Immediately, she brought her free hand to cover her face. Tears started to stream down her cheeks and fell to soak her newly bought hoodie.
Gold stood up immediately, placing a gentle hand on her friend's cheeks as she hiccuped and sobbed, her shoulders shaking. “Oh, Funneh..”
“Why am I cryin-g-G-g?! This is so stu-u-u-upid!” Funneh choked out. She felt so pathetic. She told herself that it was barely a date, and it wasn't like he never showed up; they had fun until he had a family emergency. An emergency! Was she so entitled to think she was more important?
“No, honey, no,” Gold wrapped her arms around her, Funneh buried her face into her best friend's shoulder. The plush pink pajamas were soft and warm. “He left,” Funneh sobbed harder. “You have a right to feel upset.”
“But-!” Funneh tried to raise her hands to wipe her face, to hide from her friend. Gold didn't let her, grabbing her hands in a firm but comforting hold. Funneh looked up, and through her tears, she saw Gold’s face. Perfect, as it usually was, flawless, but burdened. She looked so sad, so hurt.
But why would Gold be sad? Was it because of her? Was she making Gold sad?
Funneh felt her knees shake and Gold gently lowered them to the rough carpet. Funneh’s exposed knees rubbed against the carpet, they burned as she shifted her posture to lean against the couch, still facing Gold.
“I-I’m sorry!” Funneh lowered her head, too afraid to look her in the eyes. It seemed like she always ruined everything. She didn't want Gold to leave too.
“‘Sorry’? Why are you sorry?”
“I'm making you sad!”
Gold hummed, squinting her eyes and tilting her head in sympathy, though Funneh didn't see it. “Funneh, Funneh, Funneh, no.” When she failed to raise Funneh’s head, Gold sighed. Funneh hiccuped, it was getting hard to breathe through her sobs. She felt Gold rest her forehead against hers. Brown and blue hair tangled together. “I'm not sad because of you, I'm sad for you.”
Funneh’s brows furrowed. What did she mean? 
She finally looked up, only to be greeted by Gold’s smile. “What happened sucks, and I’m so so so incredibly sorry this happened to you, Funneh. It was a jerk move and he needs to apologize.” Gold paused, waiting for a response. When Funneh nodded, shakily and unsure. 
“You’re tired,”  Funneh couldn't help but laugh, a wet chuckle escaping her lips, slipping past the slowly dying sobs. “How about we go get you cleaned up and head to bed? Clear your head and talk more in the morning?”
“Mhm..” Funneh mumbled, wiping her face frantically with her sleeves. She winced, she would need to wash the hoodie already. She felt a feather-light weight she had become accustomed to being lifted from her head, Gold laying her flower crown on the couch cushions beside them. “I’m sorry-”
“Funneh,” Gold interrupted gently, raising herself to her knees. “There's absolutely nothing to apologize for, especially not for crying. Your hurt, it's okay.”
“Okay…” Funneh repeated as Gold pulled her to her feet and lead her to the stairs. She didn't brush her teeth or do her normal skin care, but she did wipe down her face, wiping away the tear tracks burned into her cheeks, the black of her mascara a reminder of their existence. Behind her, Gold stood, undoing the hairstyle she had created but hours ago; gently pulling out bobby pins and rubber bands. 
By the time they left the bathroom, Funneh felt sluggish and tired and still sad but more numb and the tension of tears was  building again and-
“Can you stay with me?” she asked meekly as a lone tear streamed silently down her raw cheek. She fiddled with her sleeve, she would probably sleep in it. 
She wondered if Alec had taken his off yet.
Gold smiled at her, connecting their hands together once more. “Of course. But, can we stay in your room? I doubt we’ll both fit in mine.” 
Funneh chuckled, opening her bedroom door. Stepping inside, they neglected to turn on the lights, only slipping under the covers together. 
“Goodnight, Funneh.”
“G’night, Gold.”
Funneh was asleep practically before she finished talking.
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carelessflower · 9 months
One lost one life
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For September 24 prompt: sacrifice @animalecfest
Winds blew past Alec's hair, cold and wild, screeching down the bottom of the cliff, where none escaped, even the brightest beacon of light.
This was it. All of those nights, tangled up in each other's arms, hid away in places whose future wouldn't weigh them down.
Alec should have known better.
He suddenly got the urge to laugh, what use of tears anyway?
Alec should have known better, didn't he?
The cruelest joke he could delude himself in.
With his life.
Camille was still speaking, honey voice cutting through the air, the web of her poison dipped in victory.
Alec stared at the man he thought he knew, drank in every detail, the curve of his lips, the spark in his eyes, that fleck of hair falling into his star-lit eyes.
Axel was rendered useless like Alec but he wasn't shaking, Alec had no doubt. An honorable fighter,, his steely blue eyes determined, in spite of all the cuts and bruises on his face.
Axel was the moon, Alec was the bug who got lucky enough to fall in the holy light.
Axel. Alec. Magnus wasn’t even trying to hide it. Alec was just too much of a lovesick fool to stay awake.
"Didn't you want to date him for his heart? To save your precious Axel? Nine-tailed fox heart is quite the treat for immortality, you know." Camille sneered.
“Let them go,” Magnus replied calmly. “And you might go unharmed.”
“On the contrary my dear, I’m feeling a bit more generous today.” She sneered, and pointed towards where Axel and Alec were tied up. “I’ll release one, your pick. The other’s coming with me. Don’t try any funny business dear. You know I don’t like disobedience.” Her voice was sweet, the kind one could drown in.
Alec fixed his eyes on Magnus, that fleeting hope died every second. When Magnus spoke next, Alec knew fate had sign the death sentence for him
“—Release Axel.” Magnus was looking straight at Camille, then Axel. Not even sparing Alec a pitiful final glance.
Of course.
Of course.
“Poor Alexander,” Camille faked a sigh. “Never the first choice. Oh well, since you don’t want him, I guess there’s no use for him.”
She was about to push Alec’s off when he started laughing, hard. The sound wasn’t louder than a whisper, yet he laughed as if his life depended on it.
"I'll repay my debt to you, Magnus Bane." Alec smiled, using the only power left in him to pull the sword from Camille's hand. "From now on, we’re equal. I hope we never see each other again.”
Nine-tailed foxes had nine lives, their tails represented that. Cutting of one required a life.
A life for a life.
How fair.
The cold knife cut slashed like butter, it was the pain of millions of shards exploding, burying themselves in his chest, and rotten away the flesh. His every nerve was pulling itself apart, burned and writhed and torn, an infinite inferno.
Alec cried out in pain, body empty and lost.
When he fell, he heard a scream.
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thebiggerbear · 5 months
SDV Leah x Reader - Prompt Response - "I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
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Summary: Leah tells you she wants a baby...a month after you've been married.
A/N: Prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting (#941). I love writing Leah and the farmer so much. I may or may not be a tad obsessed with this game sometimes. So naturally, I had to add Leah into this whole thing. 😊
Can be read as a continuation of A Prize Unlike Any Other and Where Were You On Our Wedding Day or as a standalone.
Unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine.
Pairing: Leah x Female!Reader; Leah x Female!Farmer
Warnings: a smidgen of angst; fluff; mention of implied sex
Word Count: 1618
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Please do not do any of the above. Thank you for your understanding.
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
Soldier Boy version | Beau version | Dean version | Jenny version | Jason version | Tom version | CJ version | Rachel version | Anael version | Alec version
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“I want a baby.”
You started choking on the omelet your wife had surprised you with this morning along with a fresh cup of coffee. After coughing and sputtering, you looked up at Leah, your eyes wide. “What?” You croaked out.
“I want a baby,” she repeated, crossing her arms.
You sucked down more coffee, still trying to clear your very irritated airway as you thought of what to say. You had only just gotten married a month ago! Shouldn’t there be some sort of grace period for you to be newlyweds and settle into married life before you even started thinking about adding to your newly renovated household?
“Well?” She challenged. 
You cleared your throat and set your cup down as you decided to answer her very carefully. “Honey, isn’t it…kind of early for us to be talking about this?”
Her eyes narrowed and her jaw clenched, making your heart drop.
“I mean, we just got married and we just got the house finished,” you rushed out. Damn Robin for adding a crib in the spare room upstairs when she was finished. What had she been thinking? “And we’re still settling in…you know?”  
A dark pink tinge began to take residence in her cheeks. Uh oh.
“I told you I wanted a family. You knew this when you asked me to marry you.”
That was true. She had told you that and you both were on the same page. You wanted a family, too, especially with her. But you also thought you’d have some time to yourselves for a little while before making the leap together into parenthood. That you’d have time to enjoy each other while getting ready financially and emotionally for that next step. You hadn’t imagined that a mere two days before your first month as a married couple that she’d be demanding you speed into that next chapter of your lives. You’d barely begun the first one. 
“I know you do, Leah, and I want one, too. But, babe, can we maybe postpone the baby talk just by…a few months?”
Her eyes began to shimmer. Oh no.
“Fine,” she snapped. She spun on her heel and stormed out the door. Well, you were in for a world of trouble.
You let out a heavy sigh and hurriedly finished eating. You gulped down the rest of your coffee, got up, placed your dishes in the sink, and made your way after her.  
You should’ve known something was up. She had been fidgeting around the kitchen, moving from room to room to water the plants she’d imbued your house with when she moved in. You liked for the greenery to stay outside (or in the greenhouse) but she insisted she needed a little nature around her in the home, too. It had been one of your first compromises as a newly married couple just living together for the first time. For you, it was an easy thing to give. If she needed plants for it to feel more like home for her, then plants would be all throughout your main living space (and they were). But you had seen her water the plants yesterday so you knew that in conjunction with the coffee and breakfast, her having watered your crops for you after getting up early, and the fidgeting…you should’ve seen this coming.
You found her working on her sculpture in the back that she had been working on almost every single day since she’d moved to your farm. She always told you not to look too closely, it wasn’t finished yet by any means, but you loved to watch her work. The look of concentration she got on her beautiful face, the intensity in her eyes, the peeking of her tongue out of the corner of her mouth as she hacked away at the wood, the strength with which she wielded the chisel — all of it was a joy to watch.
Right now, she appeared to be attacking the huge piece of wood than she was shaping and molding it into something. You sighed quietly and then cleared your throat. “Leah, can we talk?”
“Not right now. I’m busy.”
You deflated slightly. She was really angry with you. She never refused to talk to you unless she was beyond furious. 
You carefully approached her and laid a gentle hand on her shoulder, stopping her motions. “Babe, we really need to talk,” you implored.
She tossed the chisel onto the work bench she had situated next to her and slowly turned to face you. It broke your heart to see recent tear tracks on her cheeks, her eyes still glistening and threatening to renew them. “What is there to talk about? I want a baby and you don’t.”
“That’s not true, Leah. I want a baby, too.”
“No, you don’t. You just said—”
“I just said that maybe we should wait a few months and then revisit the issue. That’s all. Babe,” You placed your hands on her shoulders, rubbing reassuring circles into them with your thumbs. “We just got married and you just moved in. Let us settle in a little first before we start bringing kids into the mix.” She dropped her gaze to the ground and you squeezed her shoulders. “I don’t think what I’m asking is unreasonable,” you said in the gentlest tone possible.
She sniffled and wiped her cheeks. “No. It’s not.” Her watery eyes met yours then. “But you don’t know how long the adoption process takes. Once we put in papers, we have to wait to be approved and then it could take a year or more for them to find us a baby.” Her eyes began to shimmer more intensely. “And I really want a baby,” she choked out before bursting into a sob.
You pulled her into your arms and hugged her, rubbing her back soothingly and shushing her in her ear. When she had cried herself out, when you heard sniffles and ragged inhales coming from your shoulder, then and only then did you move back and gently cup her face, wiping away any leftover tears with your thumbs. Even though her eyes were puffy and her face was red and her nose was running, she still was the most beautiful woman in the world to you. No one, not even Hayley, could top her beauty in your eyes.
“How about this? Give me two months—”
She opened her mouth to protest but you continued. 
“Two months and then we’ll revisit the kids conversation.” You felt her deflate under your touch but you worked to reassure her. “I want kids just like you do. I really do. And you’re right, I knew that about you when I married you. But like I said, we just got married and we need to settle into our life together first. So please give me that at least.”
Her eyes were wet once more but she sniffled and croaked out, “Okay.”
You smiled and pecked her lips, happy that you had been able to find a compromise. “In the meantime, why don’t you go ahead and fill out the adoption paperwork so we can file it and get approved?” Her expression brightened at that, her eyes now filling with a glimmer of hope instead of tears. “This way, when we’re ready, say, a couple of months down the line, we’ll already be approved and they can start looking right away for a baby for us.”
“You mean it?”
“Of course I mean it, babe. Now, what part of the paperwork do I need to fill out? And how much are we talking for a filing fee? I have a little money saved so that shouldn’t be—mmph.”
Leah had launched herself at you and was kissing you passionately. You chuckled into her mouth, knowing that made her happy. When she pulled away so you could get some air, she peppered kisses all over your face before pecking your lips again. 
“Thank you,” she whispered, smiling as she wrapped her arms around your neck. 
“Of course, sweetheart. I want you to be happy,” you whispered back. “I want us both to be happy.”
Her smile grew. “I am happy.”
“Good. Me too.” You kissed her sweetly but after a moment it began to turn heated. When you finally broke apart, seeing the light pink tinge in her cheeks, her lips a little swollen, and her gasping for air, you leaned into her ear to whisper huskily to her, “You know. That looks like a mighty fine workbench you’ve got there.”
“Oh no. Not my workbench and definitely not outside where anyone can walk up and see us. I still haven’t recovered from what happened last Spirit’s Eve. That was embarrassing enough for a lifetime, thank you.”
You pulled back, smirking down at her. “I don’t know why you keep going on about that. People thought any moans they heard were part of the haunted maze and I know you enjoyed yourself more than you’re willing to admit.”
Her cheeks reddened but her hands gripped your hips tightly and she dug her teeth into her bottom lip at the memory. “I hate you.”
She yanked you closer to her, and began to trail her lips down your jawline. “You sure have a weird way of showing that.”
“Shut up already and take me inside,” she murmured before kissing you again. 
“Yes ma’am,” you muttered to her lips. You picked her up and slung her over your shoulder fireman style, making her shriek and then giggle as you ran, right before you did just that. Tomorrow you could fill out the adoption paperwork; today, you intended to enjoy your time with your wife.
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A/N: Please let me know what you think. 😊
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freshie44 · 4 months
Spoiler Alert Well, that episode happened. Time to update the tier list. At least everyone has a storyline. But time to get into spoilers so be warned. The Bias Tier
Alec - Definitely feeling out expanding his allies. Time will tell when it gets deeper into the run. But if they want to go for a more villainous slightly tweener status (wrestling term for morally neutral or ambiguous character) it is a good pick. I doubt they'll ever really give a full-blown villain a win. Looking at you Yul. But again I am hugely biased. But Alec I feel is currently playing the best game out of everyone. Aiden - this is the start of a comeback right? You ain't just going to take Aiden out back and eliminate him next right? Like you just took his 2 biggest supporters. You're setting him up to start PLAYING the game right? Like convincing Tess and Tom by narrow margins to send Ellie home next time Magenta is up to eliminate. I think this is going to happen and yeah bias but likely. Definitely Going Far but Not Winning
Tom & Jake - Oh the drama, it will get them fairly far at least to the merger. The writers know you all are going to eat this stuff up and will ensure it sticks around to simmer. Not Safe But Not in Immediate Danger Ashely - The obvious storyline as support for Jake will get her far. But she going to need that extra step to get her into the next tier. Show some gumption and take control and you got it. Gabby - It would most Gabby thing ever to eat the punishment meant for Ellie right? I don't think she going to but oh it would be the most Gabby thing ever. I don't Magenta is losing next time. But when Ellie goes she is very much in trouble. God, it would be the most Gabby thing though. Tess - is sitting pretty as the tiebreaker. Where that goes from there, we'll have to see. Conner - well look at you Conner getting some development, I had you a no chancer but you might just stick around. The Alec and Riya stuff may just see Conner to the merger. Fiore - going to stick around she not winning but she sticking around. Ellie - I almost put her a tier down, but I said Magenta is probably not losing the next episode and there is always a team swap option so I'll let her ride out one more episode. The Dead Weights Grett - Yul storyline will one see to her demise Ally - See above but make it Hunter No Chancers Hunter - hey making him kind of a dick. Easy way to get the crowd excited for when Fiore turns the table and sends him packing. Riya - like no you aren't winning honey, no one in the crowd would be happy about it so it's only a matter of time. Miriam - going to tap out it just a matter of time. Yul - is Yul Comments on the elimination: I smelt it in the water but didn't think she be sent home this episode until well I watched the episode. She is a good candidate for revival though. So maybe I might be right in the end. Last Episode | Next Episode
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thanks for the tag @us-costco-official :3
Name — Ed (unsure of whether it comes from Edwin or Edgar) but I also have been considering Alec/Alex (from Alexander. for narrative reasons, you see). Have gone by Bread in the past
Pronouns — he/they mostly, but wouldn't say no to 'it' or neopronouns
Favourite animal — Ferrets are the animals ever, but bats are up there too
Last Tv show — Winx Club, because I felt nostalgic, and Hannibal. (God somebody should make fanart of them with the "I think we're gonna have to kill this guy, musa" "damn")
Least favourite fruit — pears 🤢 also avocados. they taste of nothing AND they have awful texture? fuck no
Last name — whatever max from black sails has going on
Last videogame — not a videogame person but it was a zombie-killing one my friend had. I sucked ass.
Credit card details — I don't believe in money
How many stuffed animals? — here only two (Bugsy and Tito), at home at least 30
Do you own a flag? — I only stand for one flag and one flag only 🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅 (iron maiden flag on my door)
ethnicity — white but with that spicy bit of Mediterranean that will make americans call Italians non-white name your
address — your nearest punk venue
would you rather die peacefully in the opposite gender or die painfully (physically/mentally) but in your preferred gender? — die painfully because it's sexier
are you stronger than average — not in the slightest
do you own any firearms or weapons? — I carry a pocket knife on me at all times. at home I have a smallsword (decoration) and two daggers + various blades :3
have you drunken alcohol? — yes and I miss it so bad (can't drink it here). vodka where are you my girl 😫😫😫
would you say you have many friends — I have some, but not a lot. they would def look for me if I were to disappear tho
are you in a relationship? — I'M FUCKING TRYING TO
at what times is no-one at your house? — never. the eye is always watching and the ghost of the girl i used to be is always haunting the hallways.
do you have a spare key outside your home? — yea it's up my ass
how close is the nearest bus stop to your house? — oh honey. there aren't any bus stops in a 20km area
what are your favourite passwords? — pissword
tagging some mutuals because I always wanna know more about everyone ever @codeoth @gay4way @dandelions-arent-weeds @bitchboy @bloodyboybreakdowns @mychemvampires @batjpeg
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treason-and-plot · 2 years
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“Okay, Roy,” giggles Chantal. “You’re gonna have to lemme go now, sugar. My boobs are gonna be all squished! And they cost Freddie an absolute fortune!”  
“Awww, just let me forgive you for a few more seconds,” says Roy. He reluctantly lets her go just as Alec from Adidas comes bounding up to them, his eyes glazed with lust. He pauses for dramatic effect
“I have just been sitting in a private booth with Jake Penney,” he says. “Alone. And we have now drunk three Simsmapolitans each.” 
“Damn. Shoot your shot, son,” says Roy.
“Doesn’t Jake Penney have a girlfriend?” says Chantal. 
“Oh, honey,” says Alec, fluttering his eyelids at her from behind an errant strand of hair. He bounds away again and Chantal opens her mouth to say something to Roy but then her phone rings. She stares at the screen with an inscrutable expression on her face. 
“Who is it?” says Roy.
“Nobody I really want to speak to at the moment,” she says, putting her phone away. “Hey, I love this song! What about we order some champagne and  cocktails and hit the dance floor, huh? It’s about time we got this party started!”
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