#ain't no way imma let this get away from me
I'm a dummy
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ssaluv-a-lot · 9 months
Tyrone/Fontaine who never lets you walk any damn where..
A/N: Just some soft fluff
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So you don't have a license right? Well that was fine for most of your life but ever since you and Tyrone/Fontaine made whatever it is that yall was fooling around with official AND exclusive, he would rather get shot again than let you walk anywhere.
He'd pull up when you wanted to go anywhere and he'd stick around when you were ready to leave.
You never forget the first time he established this little rule of his. Your phone was sitting up on your vanity while you applied your makeup, getting ready to go shopping with your girls when he facetimed you.
"Where you goin lookin like that?"
"Nigga, what happened to 'Hey, baby. How you doin?' Chill out. It's just shopping with the girls."
You had yet to look at him since you answered the phone so you didn't see him climb into his car and crank the engine to life.
"Yeah? You need some money?"
"No, daddy. I'm good." You couldn't help the smile that always seemed to be on your lips when he talked. "Besides ion think imma stay wit them long. Got shit to do."
"You ain't riding wit them?" His face screwed into confusion as he already started to make the U-turn going towards your place.
"Hell nah. They drive crazy. I ain't got time for a heart attack today." You scoff, taking one last look in the mirror before picking up the phone to show him. "How do I look?"
His gaze traveled down to the phone from the road and a smile found his lips. "Beautiful baby. Might have to come wit you. Kill a nigga, he look at you too fuckin long."
"Shut up. Where you at?" Your eyes squinted, looking at the passing scene.
"Outside where?" Not a word from him, just his gold smile and a blaring honk outside your window.
It took you all of 10 seconds to get your shoes and bag before climbing into his car and planting an eager kiss to his cheek.
"I ain't tell you to come all way down here."
"You ain't have to. Gimme a real kiss. Childish shit.." His fingers gripped your chin as he kissed your lips, pulling at your bottom one with a groan before snaking his tongue into your mouth.
"Mmmm. Wait, my makeup!" You pushed against his chest and snapped you head away from him with a giggle.
"Shit..Imma fuck up all that shit later and you know it. Here." He dug into his pockets until he found the stack of cash and tossed it into your lap.
"I told you ion need no money."
"Take it, girl. Stop actin like that and anytime you wanna go somewhere you betta call me. Don't let me catch you walkin no where."
"Okay, daddy."
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 6 months
Can you do a story where jey starts dating this girl and she is veryyyyy independent and like to do everything her self but jey has to always tell her to sit down and let him do basically Ms.I can do it myself meets mr.sit tf down imma do it plz 🤭
🌹** This is my first ever fic request for @mya2real. I hope you like it. ❤️
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
Taglist: @christinabae@southerngirl41@reci24@jeyusos-girl@jeyusosgirl@melaninsugababy@baconeggndcheez@bemybabiibish@jstarr86@nbanenefrmdao@purplehairgawdess@arination99@alyyaanna@m3llowww@gomussy@jeysbae@babysyhsy @bebesobrielo@empressdede@venusesworld@harmshake@mustafumilf@theninthwonder @badbitchcentralinc @alyyaanna @romansnumberonegirl
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Noelle was a do-er. She’s been that way her whole life. She learned from an early age that she could only count on herself to get shit done. She thought that was a good quality to have but her boyfriend Josh did not. Now, don’t get him wrong he absolutely loved Noelle but her ‘i can do it myself’ attitude made him feel not needed. 
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It was a Saturday afternoon and Noelle had run to the store to get some groceries to make dinner. He paused his game and smiled when he heard the door to their shared apartment open but Josh’s smile dropped from his face as he watched his girlfriend struggle to open the front door and hold onto the grocery bags. He sighed as he stood up from the couch to help her. 
“Why you ain't call me Noelle? I would’ve came down and helped you.” He said taking the bags out of her hands and walking into the kitchen to place them on the counter. His frown deepened when she flagged him off. 
“I had it Josh.” She said as she started to put the groceries away. He sucked his teeth, as he watched her try to reach up and put something away on the top shelf. He waited for her to ask for his help and when she didn’t he gently picked her up and moved her aside before putting the cans on the top shelf. “Thank you.” 
“You know I can help you with stuff right? You don’t have to do everything yourself.” Noelle stopped putting groceries away and turned to face him. 
“I’m sorry. You know I just like to do everything myself.” 
“Aight, but I'm here now. You ain’t gotta do everything ya self. It’s okay to sit ya’ ass down sometimes.” Noelle furrowed her eyebrows at the tone of his voice. He actually sounded mad at her. 
“Are you seriously mad at me right now?” 
“No, I'm not mad Noelle..” He sighed “Just, let me help you.” She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it upsets you.” 
“Yeah, well.” He shrugged, trailing off. “I just don’t want to feel useless. You know?” 
Noelle frowned and lifted her head off his cheat to look him in his eyes. “What? You're not useless Josh.” 
“I’m not?” He scoffed. “You damn near do everything without ever asking for help.” She opened her mouth to reply but he cut her off. “You changed a flat tire the other day. In the rain. You coulda called me, that’s what I’m here for.” Now Noelle felt bad, she wasn’t use to being treated this way, by any of her boyfriends, they all were pretty happy that she did everything and never asked them for help. 
When she didn’t reply Josh cupped her cheek in his. “Let me take care of you, Noelle.” He muttered leaning down, capturing her lips in a sweet, soft kiss. “It’s what I'm here for.” Noelle sighed and melted into the kiss. When he pulled away she nodded. 
“Okay,” She whispered,  “I can let you take care of me.” 
“Good.” Josh said, smiling wide. “Gotta take care of my princess right?” 
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ehh... i'm sorry it's so short. This is my first time writing what someone else wants lol so I hope I didn't disappoint. Hopefully I can get better with more request ❤️
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restinslices · 9 days
I really liked your post for LKBS parents. Can I request more HC about them as parents?My main idea was what they would be like with a girl or boy who tends to behave quite badly, but you can do it however you want if you decide to answer this :3Thanks in advance. Your blog is very entertaining :D
Here you go bookie. Also I broke a thumb nail and my typing is so off now😔
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May the Elder Gods give him strength-
Bi-Han has such low patience and a kid that acts bad would drive him insane 
Especially if this child is the first born and therefore has to be the next Grandmaster? Oh boy 
Imma be real with y'all, I can see him whooping his kids-
Y'all know how people debate on whether or not whooping your kids is okay? I think he's on the pro whooping side. Not ABUSE tho. There's a line there 
“give me my belt” type shit. Very much a black mother-
If his kid wanna act up, then he's making life terrible 
He's pulling all the stops. They ass ain't going NOWHERE. 
Oh they wanna sneak out? Aight. He's boarding up the window. He's boarding up the front door. He might even take their own door off 
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes 
He's already a strict dad, so acting out will really get him heated 
Kids are assholes but I think there's a difference between regular kid shit and making life way more difficult than it has to be 
The type of parent to make his child sit next to him for the whole day. He's not playing with them 
He's escorting them to school and escorting them back home 
They legit have no freedom until they're over this phase 
And cursing at him? Absolutely not. 
This man does not argue with children at all. The going back and forth shit ain't happening. If you wanna act like a toddler that needs to be watched, then he'll treat you as such 
“I don't wanna be out here anymore” the teenager next to him sulked with their arms crossed and their mouth in a deep frown. Wrinkles spread from their frown and their pulled down eyebrows. How they hadn't gotten a headache yet, he was unsure of. 
Bi-Han ignored them, so they repeated themselves louder. “I don't wanna be out here anymore! Did you hear me?!”. 
Bi-Han didn't spare a glance at them. He turned a page in his book and said in a dangerously calm voice, “control your emotions before I let mine loose. What you want is irrelevant now. If you don't want to sit, then stand”. The teenager huffed and slouched more in the seat. 
“Is there something you'd like to say?” he said in response to them mumbling something under their breath. They knew better than to repeat themselves, and stayed silent. 
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Not dealing with that shit at all 
Do I think he has more patience than Bi-Han? Yes 
Does that mean he'll deal with disrespect? Absolutely not 
It's not even the rebellious acts that bother him. He knows teens will be teens. It's the disrespecting him that pisses him off 
He's also not going back and forth with nobody 
Arguing isn't happening. At some point he's just finna start handing out groundings 
Since they have so much energy when they're doing all that extra shit, he has them train more 
Keeps them incredibly busy so they're too tired to do anything stupid 
Not entirely foolproof but it works 99% of the time
Has no problem taking away their door if they're always up to bullshit 
Lowkey I can see any of them pulling up to the school if his kid is acting up there too 
Will forbid them from seeing any of their bad acting friends 
He cannot wait until this phase is over. He is EXHAUSTED 
The teenager collided with the hard ground under them and winced. Their breath was knocked out their lungs and they glared at the older man that knocked their feet from under them. 
“Again” Kuai Liang said sternly and stepped back. The teenager stayed on the ground and crossed their arms over their chest in defiance. 
“So I can get knocked down again? No thanks! And you can't make me!”. Kuai Liang rolled his eyes. He put his hands on his hips and looked down at the teenager, that acted more like a toddler with each passing day. 
“You're right. I can't. Well if you won't do this, then I won't give you any of your privileges back-”
“No no” the older man walked towards their house with the teenager quickly jumping to their feet to catch up with him. “You can tell me all about what I can't make you do over dinner”
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He just wants to live life without hearing bullshit in his ears 
Tries to figure out what the problem is but when he finds out they're just being a brat to be a brat, he's at a loss for words 
He assumes that maybe he said or did something and the acting out was a result of that 
He didn't know they're just in an asshole phase 
He has hope that this phase will end soon, so he doesn't react immediately 
Once the week is up he's like “they're still going? Damn. Now I gotta be strict”
In one of the dialogues he said his mom was no nonsense and tough as nails so I can see him trying to embody her spirit and do what she would do 
It probably surprised his kid that he starts actually being strict with them and raising his voice
He's the most chill parent out the 3 so the strictness is a switch up they weren't expecting 
Groundings getting handed out like coupons 
They're losing any privileges they have 
He doesn't enjoy making life miserable for them but he can't NOT parent them 
Hoping the phase ends soon 
“What?!” The teen exclaimed. “You can't ground me!”. 
“Why not?”. The teen had no answer. They just stammered nonsensical sentences that Tomas didn't care to hear. He kept trying to be patient with them, but everyone has a limit, and he had reached his. 
“I keep trying to hear you out but you don't wanna talk-”
“We can talk now!”
“You're right! We can talk after you hand over all your electronics and anything else you've been hiding in your room! Now!”. 
By the end of the day Tomas cleared their room of anything that resembled fun. Needless to say, his kid was far from pleased. It was fine though. They'd look back on this time soon enough and be embarrassed by their actions. 
Or so he hoped. 
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slippinninque · 3 months
Fontaine vs Usher
Notes: fluff, short n sweet, pouty 'taine, goofy reader, I added a bit more cause this one wouldn't leave me alone lol.
Fontaine video called while you were puttering around your kitchen cleaning up after your snack, your laptop still at the table open and flickering through playlists.
"Ugh, I had the biggest crush on Usher-- I'm glad he's still doing alright .."
"....Fuck him."
You snorted, pausing in wiping down your counter, "Now, 'Taine..."
"Mhmm, I said it...fuck 'em."
"What did he do to you?!"
"It ain't about what Usher did, it's what he does. He come over here an' call himself serendaing-- he'll be finishing that hook up at them pearly gates...."
You crumbled onto the counter, outdone and incredulous at your man. Fontaine's expression was every bit serious aside from the slight lift of his brow.
"You are terrible, Fontaine, you can't be out here taking out the greats!"
Fontaines face was suddenly up against his camera, "Turn me 'round, lemme see him..."
"You acting like he's here!"
"I said turn me, woman!"
Dutifully doing as you were asked, you held him in the direction of your laptop right when Usher took off his shirt, tossing it into the crowd.
"See? Look at 'em.... whore."
You couldn't stop laughing as Fontaine wished the absolute worst on the singer.
"I hope you roll your ankle the next time you slide up to a lady, you audacious bitch. Aight, I'm done."
Sighing as you wiped away tears, you shook your head once he could see you again, "You're terrible, but I'm lucky to have you."
Fontaine huffed, "Let him breathe in your direction, Imma bust his head down to the white meat."
Lost to your giggles, you went and plopped onto the couch as you reassured your the superstar in your life.
The radio played aimlessly as you waited for your food to come up at the drive thru. Fontaine was watching the flow of traffic in front of him, when his ears perked at the music playing.
"Right in front of me?" He matched your surprised stare with his own, unimpressed one.
You floundered for a minute before tucking it behind an saccharine little grin, reaching and turning the radio up a bit louder.
"Its 9:00 on the dot I'm your green car parked on the street/ you got a real pretty pretty lil' thing that's waiting for yooooou..../ You-you pull up, anticipating good love, I won't keep you waiting/ I got plans to put your haa-aands in places you always see, boy you know what I mee-eean..."
Unbuckling your seatbelt, you threw yourself over Fontaine as much as you could, wriggling your brows as he tried to ignore you and your terrible remix.
"Gonna take me to a place nice and quiet/ so there were no one left to interrupt, ain't got to rush, you just wanna take it niiiice and sloooow..."
When you tried to kiss him, he turned his face away making you crack a bit.
"No, I don' want kisses." He said, petulant.
"Don't kiss you? I can't kiss you now?"
Saying nothing, Fontaine shifted away from you as if he was rolling over in bed and stared moodily out the window.
"Here, lemme sing to you some more, that might help-- NOW TEEEEEELLL ME, DO YOU WANNA GET FREEEAKY?"
He jumped at the sudden volume of your voice and you slapped a hand on the center of his back, sliding it every which-way as you babbled through the next few rhymes.
Giving your best show, you unzipped your hoodie and rolled your body in the passenger seat. The ruckus of it all making him turn to face you with surprise.
"What... in the Pretty Ricky is happenin' right now?"
"I'm serenading you! We can be each others Usher--
The window finally spun open and your carry out was provided. Fontaine hurried to grab the bags after handing you the drinks.
"I don't wanna be no damn Usher, girl, you lost yo' mind--can I get some straws, please?"
"They call you F-O-N-T-A-I-N and they need an' E-- now why you laughing like that at me in front of this nice Coney Island lady?"
It wasn't really a question, afterall to get that pout off his face was all you wanted.
Fontaine accepted the straws from the giggling worker and you thanked her before Fontaine pulled off and into the street.
"Yo' lil tail play too much." Fontaine eventually said, shaking his head and putting a hand onto your thigh. He was smiling, though, so at least your show was appreciated.
"Just say the word and I'll play you all the jams. Ooo, y'knowanothergoodone-- I'll be yo' grooupie, babyy, 'cause you are my suuperstah--
"Stop, stop!"
Pausing to cackle for a moment and turn the radio completely off, you went back into show mode much to the mirth of your Fontaine.
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strawhatkia · 10 months
love you more when the day is new.
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INCLUDES ! katsuki bakugo, eijirou kirishima, and hitoshi shinsou x black!fem!reader
GENRE ! fluff
SYNOPSIS ! weekend morning antics or, what it's like to wake up to the boys !
WARNINGS ! y'all live in an apartment (not the dorms), characters have been aged up, if i miss anything let me know (it's so fcking late)
WORD COUNT ! i have no clue...
A/N ! imma do a pt.2 because i wanted to add sero and izuku but i can't fucking focus so y'all have this for now !
SONG SUGGESTION ! breakfast in bed by rayana jay, breakfast by fana hues, one love by cleo sol
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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— ☾⋆⁺₊🧨💢✧ KATSUKI BAKUGO !
with how early this boy goes to sleep, waking up before him is quite literally impossible
usually it's you waking up to him on his phone as he rubs your side with his free hand, tucking you in closer to his chest while looking the most relaxed you will ever see him
he always knows when you're about to wake up, and og i am not kidding, the boy picks up on when you're heart rate changes
but there's a reason, i promise ! kats is vv afraid of losing his hearing one day due to his quirk so he kinda asked recovery girl to teach him how to pick up on someone's pulse from their neck
after that, he always positioned himself so you would be laying on his arm and his hand would be on your neck some how cute right?
this is the best time for cuddles because he is so pliant and peaceful and warm
the moment you look like you're getting up, he immediately puts his phone down (he really didn't care for it but he was bored waiting on you to wake up)
he quietly accepts your hug, tangling his legs with yours and tucking his head into your neck with a sigh as you slowly wake up
"morning suki" "g'morning" "did you sleep okay?" "hm...i was bored waiting on you" "my bad, how long did you wait?" "not long...go to bed early" "not everyone is an old man like you kats" "shut up, talking shit this early- don't laugh-"
his arms tighten around you when you shift and he continues to rub circles on your back and rub your sides in hopes of you getting to relax more so you don't get out of the bed
"babes, we gotta get up" "hm." "we can't stay here all day" "like hell we can't" "kat-"
prepare for some soft kisses to shut that nonsense up because he ain't hearing none of it
i feel like if you had a scarf on and the knot was pressing into his face, he would just snatch that shit off in the middle of your sleep and either redo it or put a bonnet on for you
"kats...where's my scarf?" "hm? i took it off" WHAT-" "the damn knot was hurting my face" "...i oughta whoop yo ass" "oh shut up, i know you feel that damn bonnet on your head ! it's not like i left your head unprotected !"
how he gets away with taking it off without you noticing is a mystery (and a profound skill)
when it comes to breakfast, he is definitely making it and no you can't help
"one of these days you'll get tired of making breakfast every morning we have off" "dumbass, if that day comes i'm either sick or you need to come knock some sense into me" "i can cook, kats, you do know that right?" "i didn't ask, you do know that right?" "aight, nigga-"
he'll never say it out loud, but you're his girl and he's supposed to take care of you so breakfast is the least he can do; plus you're still sleepy, he doesn't want you to burn yourself (never mind the years you spent making breakfast for yourself)
big on french toast with brioche bread just because he can and he loves the way you struggle a lil to bite into that thick ass piece a bread ; you stuffing your face with food he cooked always makes him happy
(if you're the type of person that dances or hums or makes a face when eating good food, just know he's looking for that cue and won't be satisfied until sees it)
also food = love pipeline !
— ☾⋆⁺₊🐈‍⬛🌀✧ HITOSHI SHINSOU !
you always wake up first, always
toshi has trouble sleeping most days and with him being a stealth hero, sleep often alludes him
sleeping with you helps as much as it can but he still struggles sometimes so in the morning, you let him sleep as long as he wants
i'd like to think that he runs a little cold most nights so the bed being warm is important to him sleeping peacefully so in the morning when you wake up, you don't get out of the bed too quickly
he's such a cat, even in his sleep, so cuddling with him will get you an immediate response; if you tuck him into you chest and rub his back, he'll snuggle closer to you and sigh, relaxing even further into your hold ; if you kiss his forehead and rub his side, he'll roll into your touch; if you try to spoon him and nuzzle into his back, he'll hold your arms in his hands, stroking his thumb against your forearm
blankets *
it's getting out of bed that is incredibly hard because there's a chance he'll wake up which we don't want= mf needs sleep ; even if he sleeps for a little while long, he'll notice the bed get cold almost immediately
technically, this is the morning but y'all don't roll out the bed until noon because toshi needs sleep and you'll feel bad if you wake him before he actually gets up
great cuddler tho !
one of the few times, his hair isn't trying to impale everything near it
despite how much gel the boy puts into his hair, his hair is very soft and fluff (also do to the fact you make him take better care of his hair bc whew-)
smooth, silky, and soft ! it's hard not to touch as soon as you wake up because it's just right in front of your face and so you run your hands through it (kiri definitely wakes up the moment you start stroking his hair but like hell he's moving away, to relaxed to move)
when he does want to wake up, he stretches very slowly before letting out the loudest groan and popping every bone down his spinal cord
"well damn, kiri, you good" "never better" "okay well don't break your back, old man, we ain't even got out the bed yet" yea haha very funny"
another cuddle bug but definitely more aggressive, pulling you on top of him and wrapping his arms around you while kissing your cheeks multiple times, laughing when you groan or yell at him to put you down
he doesn't
i envision kiri as the type to just go back to sleep as soon as he's comfortable again so getting out of the bed is a very long affair
even so, he does not stop trying to kiss you anywhere he can reach (ofc a lil softer than before) and humming when you kiss him back
he's just so soft and loving in the morning, shit is almost overwhelming
just letting you know, i fully believe that if you let him start or start it yourself, he'll kiss you the entire morning and start tearing up because he just loves you so much
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©STRAWHATKIA ━ all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to starsoir. please refrain from copying, stealing, profiting off my works, or using my works for asmr related work. i don’t allow my works to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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boyfriend. | f. | katsuki bakugo
lip gloss, lil mama. | f. | bakugo, sero, shinsou, hawks, and mirio.
taglist : @mypimpademia @sevvnt @cosmiles @megurulvr @dreampurpledreams
eijirou kirishima taglist: @cosmiles
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Hobie can't find Diane. He hasn't seen her in days. And sure, he's not one to worry. But how could he not? He checks everywhere, and then as a final resort - he asks Miles.
"You've seen Di?"
Miles gives him a sympathetic look. "Hobie, I'm really sorry." He says, and for a second Hobie thinks something is wrong. But no, it's even worse than he can imagine.
"I...I got her into this anime and now... I don't know man."
Miles introduces Disco-Spider Diane to Anime
[Aka Diane loves Gojo and writes smut on the DL]
Now Hobie has NEVER been jealous in his life. He'd be damned before he lets himself get jealous.
But when your girl is laid up on the couch watching JJK for two weeks straight and you walk in on her staring at this on the screen???
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Going "Gojo~ 🥺 ... Sigh..."
When she starts watching BNHA, it's game over.
She's always talking about how cool Dabi is and how she wishes she had a hot morally questionable superpowered boytoy to squeeze.
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Meanwhile Hobie is sitting besides her like 'I guess I'm just chopped liver, ain't I 😭. Might as well take this bloody guitar and end my misery, why don'tcha?'
She sees one photo of Mirko and goes 'Oh my god, Bie. She's literally just like me right? Babe, she's just like me? I remind you of her right? We like.. the same person 🥺'
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And then THE COSPLAY BEGINS. Not that Hobie is complaining about Diane walking around in sexy cosplay outfits. It's just weird when he compliments her outfit, and she's like "Thanks! I got it from-"
And then proceeds to show him the most ridiculous anime character ever.
It starts leaking into real life.
They're in the middle of fights and whenever they win she stops to do a Jojo pose.
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She wears Sailor Moon cosplay to Spider Society HQ and loudly proclaims "I'm a Sailor Scout. Not a Spider-person."
(Spider-Scout, the half Sailor-Scout, half Spider-person is not amused)
She says very loudly during a meeting "OMG isn't Miguel like, Levi from Attack on Titan but tall? Like he has to use the lazer webs to fly in the air the same way Levi needs the wires to kill Titans and-
And everyone is like GIRL WHAT and Gwen, the only other person who has ACTUALLY seen AOT is like "No?? Diane. What are you talking about??"
It all comes to a head finally when one day Hobie comes to eat lunch with Diane.
He's always fashionable late within reason, but he walks into the cafeteria to see Diane hunched over a notebook, writing away.
That's rare.
With her dyslexia, Diane hardly ever writes - typically Hobie reads books outloud, recording them on cassette tapes for Diane to listen to later. But here she was, scribbling away.
And even in her twisted tiny handwriting he could make out the words
'Gojo x Black!Reader: Eyes like Oceans'
Hobie has no idea what the word 'Smut' means, but she's written it all over the page with the words "MINORS DON'T READ!!!!"
When he asks what he's doing, she jumps out her skin.
Hobie fights back a smile. And maybe even a laugh. "You writing fanfiction?"
"Maybe. No. Yes."
"What? You think Imma tease you? Can't be that bad can it-"
Cue Hobie reading most raunchiest, detailed, hoe-ish Gojo smut imaginable while Diane sits there like
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Meanwhile Hobie side-eying the hell outta her 😭😭
She's like "We don't need to talk about the blindfold part-"
"And the part with the spankin-"
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Finally, after weeks - Hobie caves.
He agrees to watch ONE anime with her and Miles, cause he wants his girl back wth 😭😭
Miles gets to choose - and he chooses one he thinks Hobie will like: Death Note.
Hobie doesn't just like it - HE LOVES IT.
"Oi, why's this L coming after Light? Mans is in the right."
"Uhhh?? No??? He's killing people with a magical notebook. L is in the right."
"And I kill people with a guitar, ain't no difference."
"Yes there is-"
"Oh but when Jogo kills people it's fine but when I-"
"FIRST OF ALL his name is Gojo and second of all Do NOT bring up my man. Hobie we will get to brawling right now, don't test me-"
Meanwhile Miles is like "WILL THE TWO OF YOU SHUT UP 😭😭😭😭 GODDAAAMMNN."
.... They agree to disagree. And Miles regrets his decision.
Now Everytime Hobie catches her watching anime Hobie will point at the screen at Diane's character crush and go "Bet I could beat his arse" - just to establish dominance.
Is he jealous? NO! Is Gojo his mortal enemy because he stole his girl without even being real? YES!!!
It's okay Hobie. Just cosplay as Sasuke Uchiha and you'll have her back right away. Maybe.
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morisdann · 26 days
Your bitch is watching the second season of Blood of Zeus and lemme tell you, I don't like it. At least the very first 10 minutes. As I did previously, imma put here all of my thoughts regarding each episode as I watch, so beware of MASSIVE SPOILERS.
Also, small disclaimer: I'm not a professional writer, nor a movie critic. So everything here is my pure humble opinion so if you don't like it - don't read it.
So without further ado:
Episode 1:
Gods, it's been 10 minutes and half of the visuals (if not more) are just parts of the final episode of the first season. And also the plot didn't really moved past the point "yeah, Hades is the bbeg. Again." Although I sense some bits that it's more like "oh he's a misunderstood guy who did it all for love and whatnot" but the line of "Hera and Zeus made us fools and now we get to have our revenge" is already pissing me off. 10 minutes of almost nothing but being cliché. Not a good start, but imma give it a shot.
Another thing that irritates me is the "romantic" tension between Alexia and Heron. First of all, I don't get it how Heron is so good at fighting despite the fact that he lived with his mother and never really had to fight anyone with a sword. Like I get the arrows and such (tho hunting an animal in a forest and shooting a moving fucking warrior on a bloody battlefield seem kinda different, but aight, I'll let it slide). But how in the fuck after a few days-weeks of training with Zeus he manages to be so fucking op in the battle that it impresses an Amazonian Fucking Warrior Lady that spent at least half her life perfecting her martial skills?? This guy was not a warrior to begin with, how is he so good at killing people and demons?? He was BULLIED AND HAD NO ONE TO TEACH HIM KICK BALLS! So anyways, I don't like that it's implied that Alexia is falling in love with Heron. No, she's a powerful ass Amazonian, she's supposed to be COOL AND NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH THIS WIBBLY WOBBLY HERON THAT HADN'T EVEN LIVED FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS!!! Like, c'mon, how old is he? 17? 18? He maybe has a body of a perfect athlete, but he's a fucking baby... And don't tell me Alexia is below 20, she's in her late 20's AT LEAST, cuz ain't no way a 20 year old is commanding an elite squad in ancient Greece. So no to Heron×Alexia. Not on my watch.
Also, what the fuck is elusinian stone and why are we supposed to care whether Hades gets it not?
What the fuck did they do to Hestia's and Athena's designs?? Like what the honest fuck is this bullshit?? Who do winged dead eating demons look more interesting that obviously very important characters?? Also, the scream Hestia lets out burning the demons away from her 💀💀💀
Why does Gaia look like she stepped out of a marvel movie...?
Episode 2:
Alexia, girl, why are you sleeping in full armour?? Also what happened to your face??
Heron, what happened to your face?? Did they ever give proper character references to the animators??
Also, why is Heron having a mental breakdown over some noname bro that killed their mother??
Bro, why are you so suddenly questioning gods?? (Ye, he should question who the fuck these gods are to rule over humanity, but it's smth he was supposed to do in the previous season, not now when he beat the shit out of his step brother in the name of gods)
Yay, my babygirl Seraphim is still here, serving cunt as usual 💖 And fuck yeah, eternal judgement >> serving gods!! Slay babe! (I am kinda ashamed for this passage, but I won't apologise for it)
Ok, I understand the lack of colours for Hades, he is kinda gothic, but why is Persephone such a goth chick?? She's the goddess of spring and such no?? Why'd she wear black fucking lipstick and look like a depressed teen??
What in the Hades the game is this?? Listen, I didn't want to bring the game into this discussion, but you did it yourself, netflix. Y'all are not ready to be compared to the supergiants' masterpiece. Don't drag Zag and Melinoë into this, y'all are not on the same level of deepness into the greek mythology to have them here.
Seriously? The same punishment as Loki? Y'all ain't even creative. Don't tell me this bitch lover of Sera is gonna stay there with a cup to "help with the pain"
Bro, stop it already with y'all's "well I've always tried to help you, I'm not like the others" it's not gonna cut it anymore
So like, Hades was very hot and you redesigned him into edge lord? Ok.
Ah, so now you explain us about the elusinian stone and why it's so important, at the end of the 2nd episode? Thanks, cool.
Episode 3
Apollo is still serving. By now you should see the pattern of what men I like.
Drop it with the love interest for Seraphim already. I don't believe that a murder machine like him is able to fall for a simple mortal woman. Like this fuck would even care for anything else than his revenge. Well, tbh I didn't believe that he'd care for his biological mother either, so... I just don't like how they portrait him as a weak for love bud. Isn't that a bit unrealistic for a mass murderer with no empathy? Like ain't one supposed to be empathetic to love? Ain't one supposed to feel nothing when killing a shit load of people with no remorse whatsoever? Isn't there some psychological repercussions? No? Ok.
Lmao, suicidal Hades is something new.
Yeah, ofc, let's make Hades seem like a creep again...
Is that weird that I'm more attracted to the demon Seraphim more than to his human form?
Honestly, I'm so tired of media portraying Hera and Demeter as hysterical bitches that know no boundaries. Like come up with something new.
Lol, Hades just made my man enter into an invisible wall to make the wall disappear a second after.
Aren't you supposed to win over his trust? For now you're just venting about your shit ass family to a man that has no family at all. Not very kind tbh
"Look at her! Look at how she suffers!" Meanwhile the girl is just sitting on the ground bumboozeled that the god of the dead and some hot demon guy are looking at her talking some nonsense.
Why, of course she's not gonna suffer ugly like the other wraiths, she's the main hero's love interest, so that's why she looks like she's on some heavy tranquilizers
Yes, of course the prideful demon Seraphim, the murderer of guilty and innocent, the vengeful spirit will succumb to be a pawn in god's hands once again, only to alleviate the suffering of the soul of his beloved! What a bunch of horseshit, guys... I may be delusional enough to be attracted to that man and call him babygirl, but even I understand that this fuck is incapable of love. This isn't his character, it was done to just make him into the "good guy that was just too miserable so he caused a lot of pain to the others". Let's be fair for a sec here, he's a mass murderer, he deserves no forgiveness. Yes, he can be redeemed, but it's a long fucking process, that doesn't always include forgiveness, but a shit load of work and reflection. And therapy. Hades could've "tempt" him to join forces by manipulating his pride and desire to be free, to be above gods. Not love. Love can be ugly, love can be beautiful, love can be an instrument to redeem someone, but by gods, stop using it on every Joe to make him into hero, it's just stupid.
Sera, why are you so easy to manipulate??
Episode 4:
Off topic, but wasn't heron impaled in the middle of his chest? Why's the scar on his tit?
I can't, Aphrodite clinging to Ares's arm 😭😭😭 Stop with itttt!
Okok, one good thing: I like how in the games Heron is drawn to always be in Ares's shadow. A bit on the nose, but I appreciate the symbolism.
Apollo's refusing to compete with Ares?? Apollo?! You're making me laugh.
There's this background god with blueish skin and black wings and I cannot, who are they?? I have to know whom I'm falling for. Is that Thanatos??
Hm, so half the season is wasted on some weird intro to the story itself? Cool. Wow. Never seen that happen.
Episode 5:
You serious? The mighty Zeus, the king of gods, is judged by mere mortals? The pure-blood god, not a bastard child ascended to godhood, but the child of Rhea and Kronos, is judged by some mortal and has to go through the same path as any other human?? Y'all aren't serious. I can't. This is idiotic.
Hera, I don't believe you, that now, all of the sudden you're changing your mind and vouching for Zeus, that he's not that bad. Girl, you unleashed a whole ass box of giants to kill that man just a few weeks ago, why such sudden change of mind??
Zeus, how in the fuck you managed to build a whole ass knowledge bunker under that shabby house of your son without anyone noticing?? Please, share the secret, I also want to be capable of that
Greatest quote of the greatest man in these series, Evios: "Look, I'm alive for two reasons: I was born and I hadn't died yet."
Oke, I can understand why Sera might've fallen for the priestess in a normal situation (if he hadn't been fucked up beyond repair, that is). She's smart, she's beautiful, she's compassionate. A perfect woman, if she had any character to her. But my man is, unfortunately, beyond salvation of any kind, when he met her, he wasn't recovering from the hatred, he was driven by it. How can one love another, when one is fueled by hatred and anger? How can one love, when one had long forgotten what is it to be loved? How can one love, when one is no longer feeling?
Episode 6:
I suddenly like the Heron's arc. Is he gaining some depth to his character? Wow.
Lmao, Sera, you fell from gods know what height and you're still in one piece and not smushed into the ground and around? You are a solid rock of a man.
Ok, maybe Sera is slay in his human form. It's just that he needs to be dressed appropriately. Stop walking around with tits out in and wearing this stupid furry mini skirt and he's looking like a decent man.
Icarus?? Sera, choose another pseudonym, this ain't a good one.
Honestly, I'm kinda digging all that "Demeter, the great mastermind " vibe. Slay queen! Love it for her. She's a bitch in this scenario, but damn she's good at it.
Episode 7:
Y'all, I'm in love with Demeter. This bitch? The bitchiest of them all. Slay 💅
Alexia, girl, how did you survive Talos exploding?? You demigod too? And that big fella who's name wasn't mentioned once this season is he also the same or just explosion-proof?
Ah, yes, his name is Kofi. Could've guessed.
Bruh, you've already done Alexia wrong in this season, why open her character like that in under a minute?? 😭 Opened and immediately closed. Feels like "That's rough, buddy" from Zuko but make it lvl 99 of idgf
And now you're Nobody?? Babe, you decided to fuck with mythology, didn't you? Bad idea.
Also, hadn't Kronos had another design in the beginning, no? Then who was that cosmos looking titan in the beginning?
Wait a moment. Does Sera classify as a demigod? Like, he is partially giant, cuz he ate flesh of one. And he possesses a ton of demigod-like qualities. Could it be that he's the prophecy demigod? Meh, I'm too lazy to look for the prophecy to compare it and actually find out. Will see in a moment what happens.
Episode 8 (finally):
Sera is getting sexier with each challenge.
Heron, surprisingly, is too, getting more attractive.
I absolutely hate Gaia's design. Disgusting.
Lmao, I was right, there's a possibility for Sera to be the prophecy child.
Oh my, are you serious, Hera is a pacifist now?? Y'all are crazy.
This is just a massive slaughter house at this point, gods, what the fuck.
Aw, the brothers are helping eachother in this butchery, how cute.
Heron, chill your ass, you're about to explode.
Btw, where's Evios? And that interesting associate of his.
So, what's that terrible horrible monster whose name we do not say?
Oops, someone pissed off the primordial Gaia. Y'all are fucked. Btw his name's Typhoon. Meh.
In conclusion:
The majority of the script is shite. Some (almost all) of the arcs can be done so much better. Designs suck an ass too. But did I enjoy watching it? Yes. Is it because of Seraphim? Primarily so. But will I wait for the 3rd season? Absolutely yes.
So I loved and hated the show at the same time. The main line is quite interesting nevertheless, so see y'all when the 3rd season is out.
I have a shit load of stuff to say on addition, but this post is long enough in it self, so maybe later.
23 notes · View notes
heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Forever and Always? Part 2
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: Let’s do this 😘
Synopsis: You and Jack alert the world of your decision to separate from one another and your best friends are trying to do everything they possibly can to change both of your minds
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Read Part 1 first
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
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Liked by y/ninsta, giveon, anitta, hollywoodunlocked, theshaderoom, and 4,268,901 others
jackharlow: I've been going back and forth about what I was going to say about this for days. Me and my wife y/ninsta have decided to separate. We'll always love each other but we feel that this is the best decision for us. 💔
lilnasx: please say sike 🥺
druski2funny: no. I'm not having this. absolutely not. yall are forever.
urbanwyatt: FUCK! yall really were serious? 😫
jackandy/naremyparents: NO. I DON'T ACCEPT THIS. NO. NO. THIS IS A BAD DREAM.
giveon: y/ninsta soooo what you tryna do? I'm single, you're single....
saweetie: giveon FUCK OFF
anitta: oh, well look at that!
theestallion: Y/N!!! Jack!!!
theshaderoom: looks like the Harlows are no more! say it ain't so! 😫🥺
jackharlow: maggieharlow I just need some time. I'll call you later. promise.
You were currently laying on your bed with your head in Urban’s lap crying your eyes out and he was trying to console you.
“Come on, Y/N, I.... you two should talk this out. This isn’t the two of you I know. You would literally do anything for each other.” Urban confessed while rubbing your back in an attempt to calm you down.
“Urb, just let it go!”
“How?!? My best friends are DIVORCING. You’ve been together since you two were fifteen. FIFTEEN! Doesn’t that mean anything?!”
“It does, but you see the way he’s been acting towards me. Maybe he found someone else. He’s so secretive.”
“But, how can we be so sure?” You replied while wiping your eyes with a tissue that Urban handed you.
“Y/N, you two are literally talking out of your asses. You would go to literal WAR for him and he would do the same for you!”
“Just... I don’t know.”
You noticed that Blanche and Rose, two of your puppies had come into your room and YOU reached down to scoop the both of them up.
“At least I know they won’t leave me.”
“Urb... you truly are one of my best friends and I appreciate you for trying to help us. But, maybe it’s time to move on. I mean we’ve only ever been with each other and sometimes you just want something different.”
“NO! You two do NOT want something different. Can’t yall just fuck and make up?”
“It’s going to take a lot more than that.”
“Just show up to his condo in lingerie. Purple. Multiple rounds.”
“He’ll probably reject me.”
“I’m about to take them for a walk. Are you coming? I need to take my mind off things.”
“No, I’ll give you some alone time.”
You quickly went into the bathroom to rinse off your face washing away the remnants of your tears before slipping on your slides and getting the girls ready for their walk. 
You were out of earshot when Urban decided to FaceTime your husband or soon to be ex-husband, Jack to plead with him to fix this.
“Hey Urb.”
“I’m serious! All Y/N is doing is crying! You hate when your wife cries so come and fix this! I’m about to throw up! She cried so hard last night that she actually did throw up!”
“She won’t be my wife for long.”
“But she’s your best friend too! YALL JUST WANT TO KILL ME, DON’T YOU!? If yall not fucking and traumatizing me, yall are now causing me to be stressed the fuck out. Imma be bald by 28 if yall keep this shit up.”
“No, not at all. Not trying to kill you. We’ve just been growing apart.”
“Did you meet someone else?”
“You said that a little too quickly.”
“I haven’t Urb. It’s just we met when we were kids and now we’re adults. Things just aren’t the same.”
“Well FIX IT! Your ass better turn into fix it Felix jr. from Wreck-it-Ralph.”
“You really aren’t letting this go, are you?”
“No! You know what? I’m signing the two of you up for therapy and getting yall weed so you can sort this shit out.”
When you were out for your walk, your phone vibrated indicating a new text from Neelam.
Nee- You better start explaining and you better start right now. what the hell is going on?!?!
You- We’re just growing apart Nee. It’s just.... he’s not the same person I married. He’s been acting cold and standoffish towards me for awhile
Nee- Well talk this shit out! I’m not accepting this!
You- You sound like everyone else
Nee- Well yeah I guess so! Yall have been together forever and talk about your future all the time. all of a sudden that doesn’t mean anything?
You- It can’t mean anything if we’re not on the same page
Nee- I see imma have to knock some sense into both of you
You- I love you Nee, but it’s time for this to end
Nee- NO IT’S NOT. Why are the two of you being so hard headed? talk it out and fix it!
You- Now you sound like Urban
Nee- You two love each other. that doesn’t go away overnight
You- I do still love him, that’s probably not going to change
Nee- I’m telling both of your mothers
Nee- Since the both of you want to do this the hard way, you’re leaving me no choice
You- Just let it go
Nee- Not a chance in hell
All of PG were now sitting in a circle with you and Jack making literal daggers at each other.
Urban wasn’t playing when he said the two of you would be going to a therapy session.
And all of PG.
“Okay, so Urban do you want to start since it was your idea to get everyone together?” the therapist Lisa asked while looking over at him.
“Sure. Okay so, I decided to do this for us to be able to talk some sense into our best friends for them to fix whatever happened in their marriage and not divorce. I still remember the first time I saw the way that Jack would stare at Y/N and vice versa. When he finally asked her to be his girlfriend, it was all she wrote. I just don’t want my best friends to be miserable.”
“I’m not miserable, I’m fine.” Jack confessed without taking his eyes off you.
“I call bullshit!” 2fo piped up and all eyes were on him.
“You were crying while looking through the pictures of the two of you last night.”
“Yeah, that sounds like him. He a simp for her.”
“And all Y/N has been doing for the past few weeks is crying. It’s like she’s given up.” Shloob said putting his two cents in.
“It’s like the two of you have accepted this and... I don’t get why. Yall would kill for the other one to make sure that they were happy.”
“Hmm maybe it was his weak ass pullout game that I didn’t want to deal with anymore.” You finally spoke for the first time while rolling your eyes.
“HEY! I’ve gotten better and that was ONE TIME.”
“Oh shit. He not lying though.”
“Okay! Okay! Everyone relax for a second. No yelling. Everyone should have a chance to express how they feel.”
“Look, as much as yall get on my nerves with how much yall love to fuck each other’s brains out. I miss hearing about it.”
“WHAT?! Come on we’re all thinking it.”
“Nah, I can do without that. Keep in mind I live with them and I’m tired of being traumatized almost every night. Fucking rabbits.” Urban said while looking over at Quiiso.
“So, Jack tell us how you feel about your wife.”
“Almost ex-wife.”
“NOT IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT!” Urban practically screamed.
“She’s an amazing person and I’m not taking anything away from her on that front. But, we’ve just grown apart. There’s a problem if you don’t want to be in the same room as your wife.”
“I can take care of that and kill you right now and collect the insurance money.”
“I know she was mean but got damn that was a low blow.”
“Well, he said he doesn’t want to be in the same room as me! That’s okay. I’ll just light the rest of your shit on fire when I get home.”
“See, we can’t even have a simple conversation without your ass getting violent.”
“Jackman, watch yourself because I will literally beat the shit out of you. 6′3 my ass.”
“And she’ll do it too.” Shloob replied as he took a drink out of his water bottle.
“I’d like to see her try.”
“JACK! YOU HAVE SEEN YOUR WIFE IN ACTION. TAKE IT BACK.” Nemo yelled knowing what was about to happen.
Just then everyone’s eyes were on you and Urban just knew you were about to lunge at him.
You were too small and too fast for him.
Even with the heels that you were wearing.
You had knocked Jack out of his chair and were now on top of Jack straddling him and it almost looked as if you were attempting to choke him when Urban and 2fo pulled you off.
“This is not the BDSM shit I signed up for.”
“SOON TO BE EX-HUSBAND! And there is plenty more where that came from. I want half of EVERYTHING!”
“EVERYONE CALM DOWN!” Lisa was now beyond terrified of the scene unfolding in front of her.
“No, yall. It’s fine. I know where you live now and that is not an empty threat. Do what you want with that information. I’m out.”
You said while grabbing your purse, but not before looking at Jack and bucking like you were about to come after him and he flinched.
“Mm hmm, scared ass.”
“I told your ass to take that shit back.” Nemo said while looking at Jack who was trying to recover.
"Jack you know you don't have to sign them."
Urban said as Jack was now looking down at the divorce papers that you decided to issue him at the studio in front of everyone.
Talk about a low blow.
Jack pulled out his glasses so he could see the documents better. 
"But I'm the one who asked for this."
"Now I know it's bad if he done whipped out the damn bifocals to see that shit."
"And you can be the one to fix it!"
"This shit is insane. Both of yall need to get a fucking grip and get this shit in order. Yall belong together."
"I used to think that, but not anymore."
"Used to!?!? Used to!?!"
"Let it go 2fo."
"I'm not letting this shit go any time soon. Like you just woke up and was like I don't love her anymore?"
"I do still love her."
"Then why did you ask for the divorce?"
"I just want different things I guess."
"I'm not believing this shit for a second."
"Well believe it."
"You better not sign that shit." Shloob basically yelled.
No one wanted to see the two of you at odds.
"We both want this so…. And she wants half of everything."
"Well without her, you definitely wouldn't be as far along in your career as you are. She's right to want half."
"Shloob, you scared as shit of Y/N, so of course you about to say that shit."
"She's little and angry and can fight! I don't want to be on the receiving end! You saw how she almost choked her husband to death."
"Yeah you were starting to turn blue, Jack."
"Them little hands and her nails? Count me out. She is vicious."
"She'll scratch the shit outta you."
"Jack is used to her scratching the shit out of his back, not her trying to kill him." 
"And yall don't have kids which makes it easier."
"It's just better this way."
"For who!? Yall can't even be in the same room as each other without shooting daggers at one another. Uhh you realize she is your wife and the FIRST LADY of Private Garden."
"We’ll work around it. Maybe she can finally get with Giveon."
"Now I know he done lost his muthafuckin mind."
"Ain't no way in hell we would even let him near her. Dude is a fucking creep."
"She don't want him, she wants you!"
"No, she wants a divorce."
It has now been a total of three months since the two of you began having problems and one entire month of being separated and not living together.
PG was not having it. 
"This is insane like they're our friends. We shouldn't be picking sides.” 2fo complained. 
They just didn’t know what to do anymore. 
"We shouldn't and we need to let them work this out on their own."
"But that isn't working. You saw how Y/N basically attacked him at that therapy session."
"I never thought I'd see the day. She'll fight everyone else over him, but to actually fight your husband? She is seriously on some other shit." Shloob confessed knowing that Jack had literally asked for it that day.
"That's why I have a plan to get them back together."
"Like that therapy session? That was your bright idea too and you see how that went. Y/N will fight in front of anyone, she doesn't give a flying fuck." 2fo said while turning towards Urban. 
"This will work, trust me."
Urban rented out an entire banquet hall and invited all of your friends to hopefully be able to talk some sense into the both of you.
He was just praying that you didn’t end up fighting Jack like at the therapy session.
Only thing he had to do now was get the both of you there without the other one knowing that the other would be there.
Somehow someway when 6 PM rolled around both of you were in attendance and trying to avoid talking to each other. Urban was in charge of bringing you and 2fo was in charge of bringing Jack. 
“Okay first off, Jack and Y/N, we all love you and support yall, but this has gone on far too long. Yall needed to make up like yesterday.”
All you and Jack did was look at each other since they made the two of you stand next to each other as everyone pleaded their cases on why the two of you should get back together.
This went on for another thirty minutes, when it was finally your best friend Saweetie’s turn.
“Look yall got me in tears up in here. Like yall are soulmates and I’m not accepting this. The way yall love each other and have always gone hard for each other is suddenly over? It doesn’t make sense. Yall have been stressing us out and I’m tired of hearing Y/N crying on the phone to me just about every night.” Saweetie confessed while looking at the both of you.
You simply sighed as Jack rubbed the back of his neck.
“Hmm, Jackman what do you think?” You asked looking up at him.
“Well, they do have a point, I guess.”
“Sooo, you’ll get back together?!?” Urban yelled as there was a bright smile on his face along with the rest of PG.
The two of you looked at each other and proceeded to bust out laughing.
“Uhh. what’s so funny?”
“We have a confession to make. We never were separated really..... yall honestly thought I was divorcing my wife?!? Like my fine ass wife?!? IN WHAT UNIVERSE?! Yall are fucking crazy.”
Everyone’s mouth was hanging wide open.
“I’m going to kill the both of you!! WHY WOULD YOU STRESS ME OUT LIKE THAT?!?”
“Sorry, Urban but... let this be a lesson to you and PG. Stop pranking us while we’re on tour. We had to get yall back somehow.”
“I told your stupid ass we shouldn’t have done it! I should have known their asses were going to get us back, but not like this!” Shloob yelled at 2fo.
“And to think I wasted tears on yall asses!” Lil Nas X confessed while looking over at yall in disbelief.
“I’m.... speechless.” Druski was looking around absolutely dumbfounded.
“My baby’s acting skills are top tier aren’t they?” You said as you hugged him and he leaned down to kiss you.
“I missed your kisses.”
“And I missed something else.” Jack responded while wiggling his eyebrows and laughing.
“Like Jack was mean as hell towards you and we were all like what the fuck is his problem?!”
“We had to make sure yall believed us! And yall did! Come on now, we’re never breaking up!”
“And Y/N actually fought Jack at therapy!”
“She did?!?!”
“I just knew she was going to kill him and he called her a bitch. Talking about I’d like to see her try and fight me, Jack was asking for it that day!”
“And then when she served him the divorce papers he took out his glasses to read that shit!”
“Those lenses are thick as shit!”
“And we planned out the whole thing. I was going back and forth about calling her that though and she was like nope, we have to make it seem like it’s real.”
“Yall are fucking made for each other. Pulling this stupid ass shit.” Normani said as she rolled her eyes.
“Thank God this is over. We’ve been holding off on sex for too long. Come on pretty girl, I’ve got a lot of build up.” Jack said as he scooped you up bridal style and kissing you.
“He’s gonna give me that sweet, sweet, sweet semen!”
“I cannot fucking stand the two of yall.” Urban said still shaking his head in disbelief. 
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Liked by y/ninsta, druski2funny, urbanwyatt, saweetie, maggieharlow, and 10,382,693 others
jackharlow: y/ninsta and I cannot thank you enough for all the support you've shown us these past few months when we decided to separate. We just wanted to say thank you and to let yall know.... WE GOT YALL! Did yall HONESTLY think I was getting a divorce from my baby? Yall had us fucked up. 😂😂
y/ninsta: WE GOT EM GOOD!
urbanwyatt: saweetie nah ME FIRST
druski2funny: yall foul as shit for this
normani: we should’ve known. yall love each other entirely too much.
2forwoyne: but yall acting skills were TOP TIER. yall kept this shit up for 3 months?!?!
y/ninsta: 2forwoyne we did however, we still saw each other. I snuck out when Urban was asleep lol
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta your ass was crying actual crocodile tears all for this TO BE A LIE
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt saweetie yall truly are my best friends because you two were ready to go to war for me against jackharlow
saweetie: jackharlow your wife kept me from coming to the condo and kicking your ass. let this be a lesson to you. I’m watching you. 
jackharlow: saweetie you just as violent as she is 🙄
saweetie: jackharlow and that’s why she’s my best friend, DUH!
giveon: y/ninsta well if your man ever acts out again you know where to find me
jackharlow: giveon take your goofy ass on somewhere. now you out here looking stupid. 
urbanwyatt: his name is forever now goofy giveon 🤭🤭
jackharlow: urbanwyatt lmaooo he need to worry about how his mic is not working and not worry about my wife who don’t even want his ass 😂😂
saweetie: jackharlow lmaoooo AYO!!!
dualipa: y/ninsta you promised me after the divorce we would get married!
jackharlow: dualipa imma be dead and gone before that happens but then again, even from the grave I’ll make sure your ass doesn’t touch my baby
y/ninsta: dualipa don’t pay him no mind, he’s just acting like a big baby today
jackharlow: y/ninsta I am your big baby and no one else’s. dualipa STAY FAR AWAY.
dualipa: jackharlow imma take you down. just wait and see
jackharlow: dualipa wait and see what?!?! COME AND GET THIS SMOKE NEOW!
dualipa: jackharlow DROP THE ADDRESS
jackharlow: y/ninsta SHE STARTED IT
jackharlow: dualipa TIMEOUT! FLAG ON THE PLAY! 
y/ninsta: I just wanted for us to go out and get some food and they up here arguing as per usual. I’m just sitting up here hungry.
dualipa: y/ninsta sit on my face and I’ll stop harassing your husband
jackharlow: dualipa only face she’s sitting on is MINE
dualipa: jackharlow FOR NOW
jackharlow: dualipa that’s it. RESTRAINING ORDER.
maggieharlow: when I get my hands on the two of you 😡🤬
y/ninsta: uh oh claybornharlow come get your mama! she tryna kill us!
claybornharlow: y/ninsta as she should. 
y/ninsta: claybornharlow now as much shit that you have spilled about us, the LEAST you could do is hold her off for a few hours because knowing her, she about to catch a flight and beat our asses 😣
maggieharlow: y/ninsta you know me well.
claybornharlow: y/ninsta oh like the time you and jackharlow forgot to pick me up from soccer practice and I had to walk home because he was too busy rearranging your guts?
y/ninsta: claybornharlow I just..... you not my favorite anymore. I keep trying to look past all your faults and....
claybornharlow: y/ninsta I’m bringing gifts next week
y/ninsta: claybornharlow YOU ARE FORGIVEN BABY BRO
jackharlow: y/ninsta NO THE FUCK HE’S NOT
maggieharlow: I’m about to catch this flight y/ninsta jackharlow see you in a few
y/ninsta: jackharlow BABY!
jackharlow: y/ninsta yes mamas?
y/ninsta: jackharlow how fast can we pack up the house and move? 🙃
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mythicalcowboyatheart · 7 months
Warnings: smut that it basically
An: @alleennnnn the war is over I finally wrote a Johnny fic! Smut below the cut!
You were relevantly new to the small Texan town of Newt, you lived all alone in a small house the only other house closest was a farmhouse near the old slaughter house. All you knew about said farmhouse is your boss Drayton lives there with his family. Working at the gas station wasn't all that bad, not a lot of people came by, and if people did come by they usually were lost and or had car problems. Drayton was always so happy to help those folk, he would usualy have his nephew Johnny drive them somewhere you weren't quite sure ware they went but they never came back, and usually there would also be a fresh pot of chili to serve at the small gas station.
Johnny always peaked your interest for some reason, maybe it was his pretty face or maybe it was the way just his signature smirk could get you to blush.
Today at the store you noticed the lack of Drayton, you called out for him no answer, until you heard a deep southern voice come from the brake room. "He aint here, old man came down with a cold so I'm filling in for him." "Oh is he okay?" "He'll be fine," Johnny chuckled as he moved to the counter up front "he ain't that old yet." He chuckled again. You laugh "I know that but just checking to see if he was okay, anyway he say what he wants us to do today?" "Nah, jus wanted me to make sure you don't burn the place down." He smirks, "ha ha very funny!" You roll your eyes "well until a customer comes in imma go through some magazines." You say taking a seat in  the chair behind the counter. "Well while you do that imma go work on my truck" Johnny says walking out the front door.
Time skip broght to you by Johnnys assˏˋ°•*⁀➷
It had been bout an hour or two since Johnny and you had split off to do your own things. You had read through your magazine about ten times already. You let out a sigh as you got up from your seat and peaked out the window to see what Johnny was doing. You saw Johnny shirtless leaning over the front of his truck messing with something under the hood. You stare for maybe a moment too long as you notice Johnny starring back at you through the store window. You freeze knowing you've been caught checking him out. Johnny smirks putting the hood of the truck back down and taking his gloves walking back towards the gas station never once brakeing eye contact. 'oh fuck' you thought moving quickly back to your original spot. It didn't take Johnny long to get back to the station, when he re entered you looked at you. He come to the front of the counter and leaned against it starring straight at you the entire time. "Was you just checking me out doll?" You swallow the lump in your throat. "No I wasn't" Johnny's smirk some how gets bigger. "Well darlin I think the Texas heat is finally getting to ya cuz I know you was starring." Johnny let's out a chuckle. You look at the ground knowing you'd been caught. "There isn't no harm in starring doll." Johnny now says standing behind the counter now a foot away from you. "I like it when you stare." Johnny says leaning closer and whispering in your ear "how bout you show me what your pretty little mouth can do." You look up at him and see his face looks completely serious. "Come on doll we ain't got all day."
 Johnny says starting to unbuckle his belt and unbuttoning his jeans. You get the hint and kneel in front of him. He pulls his boxers down just enough to pull his already hard cock out. You look up at him again and he gives you a nod. You take him in your hand first pumping him afew times before teasing his tip with your tongue swirling it around his red head. You hear Johnny let out a groan as you take him deeper in your mouth, when you have all of his cock in your mouth you begin moving your head up and down. "Fuck" he groans grabbing a fist full of your hair pulling your mouth further on his cock causing you to gag. He pulls you back and pulling you back towrd him the more you gag the faster he fucks your face. You have tears and spit running down your face by the time he cums and when he does cum he moans out your name as he  just adds to the fluids running down on your face. "Jesus darling look at you! Who knew you were such a cock slut?" Johnny laughs re doing his pants and exiting the store once again leaveing you on the floor covered in spit,tears, sweat and now Johnny's spend... And god did you love it!
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axailslink · 1 year
You don't look happy how can I fix that?
Riri Williams x FEM reader
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Summary: Your girlfriend won't let you shake ass at a party so you drop her and have fun with Riri Williams instead who ends up becoming far more than just her name to you as the night goes on.
You love yourself a good party so of course what were you doing on a Friday night instead of studying for the exam that you know you have on Monday? You're at a party trying to live your best life but your girlfriend isn't too into that she keeps trying to grab you by your waist trying to keep you from the dance circle she honestly is pissing you off. "Why can't I dance? I'm just trying to have a good time and you are really killing the vibe right now" you say you arms crossing your chest she groans "because I don't need no other chick or dude looking at you or tryna get behind you..." Oh you could slap her right now "I'm going to dance if someone was going to look at me they would have done it so suck it up" she grabs your wrist and you're quick to push her into the wall "you must have forgot who I am if you don't get your mother fucking hands off of me before I shoot you" she lets go because she's aware that you aren't joking matter of fact your gun was never too far.
You walk to the floor dress rising around your thighs that's when you see Riri who's been watching the whole thing you knew of her but you didn't know her. She's cute though she's sipping on her drink before she approaches you "you good?" You nod "of course I am just uhm wanted to get the fuck away from her before I showed her where I was from" she laughs and glances you up and down it was subtle and quick but you still noticed. "I thought that was your girl..." You nod "I'm looking for something new she's now off the menu" she nods before grabbing your hand gently. "So you just dropping em like that?" You shrug "no I liked her but I can't deal with the insecurities I'mma dance imma wear what I want to and ain't nobody gone stop that" you realize you've probably talked her head off so you come to a pause and drink your drink. "You said you want to dance yet you're still here" you nod groaning to yourself "she ruined my mood to be honest I just want to go home."
"Don't let her fuck up your night just cause she insecure c'mon dance with me" you look at her confused "I'm so serious" she says seeing your reaction "I'm not insecure I can handle it shake some ass be happy fuck her!" You shush her but she only laughs and yells louder "fuck you!" You grab her hand and drag her to the floor so her voice is drowned out by the sounds of music and the hyping of others you can really only hear each other clearly. "get wild I'm sure you ain't wear this dress just to look this pretty" you smile when she calls you pretty and nod "you right you sure right."
Girl the way you're movin', got me in a trance
DJ turn me up, ladies, this yo' jam (come on)
I'ma sip Moscato and you 'gon lose them pants
Then I'ma throw this money while you do it with no hands (leggo)
Girl, drop it to the floor
The music and the constant smiling of Riri is too much for you to handle at this moment but it is a moment of a lifetime and you are going to live it just like the moment it truly is. She grabs your hand and you turn around immediately throwing it all as if your girlfriend was behind you watching you. You love to make a bitch jealous but to make a pussy bitch jealous that just had some extra kick to it. Riri holds her dress with one hand and places her other hand on your waist guiding you onto her crotch.
love the way yo' booty go
All I wanna do is sit back and watch you move
And I'll proceed to throw this cash (Flocka, Waka Flocka, Waka Flocka)
"Aye aye get it damn damn!" Soon most of the attention is on you and her she was known for getting wild at these types of parties you on the other hand not so much you enjoy the newfound attention and you enjoy the jealousy in your ex-lovers eyes as she watches you both.
The music continues to change throughout the night and each song you and Riri are cutting it up you eventually kick your heels off so she's holding them in the air and matching your movements at the same time.
Slow down, grab the wall
Wiggle like you tryna make yo ass fall off
Hella thick I wanna smash 'em all, now
Speed up, gas pedal, now
Speed up, gas pedal
By the time Gas Pedal comes on you've forgotten all about who you came with and you were more worried about who you're going home with. Maybe Riri was just being friendly but the way she was looking you up and down between songs had you in a chokehold. Your body was on hers the whole night and you didn't mind you were sweaty and tired but you were having fun and that's what matters. It didn't matter if you acted like a fool or sweat out your hair all that mattered was how much fun you were having and with her you were having a lot.
When you two finally decide to call it a night you're leaning on her shoulder outside as she is still holding your shoes "I had fun" she smiles at you and nods "I saw same here uhm..." she smiles at you and then shakes her head "you don't even like girls do you? You're too pretty to really like girls" You don't know what the hell that meant but you answer anyways "I like whatever likes me" she nods "okay so if I was to kiss you you wouldn't scream or anything would you?" You laugh and shake your head "no not at all but only if you give me a ride home too" she nods and licks her lips "okay I can give you that ride" you grab her hand and pull her to you "then I can give you that kiss."
She hums and lets her arms wrap around your waist pulling you close as she closes the gap between you two. You wish you could say the kiss is polite and sweet but it is a whole violation you feel like you should have waited until you were in the car or something because anyone within eye range was getting a show. Riri wasn't shy in anything you knew this she was confident in her walk, her skill and now you know the same thing goes for when she likes someone.
You pull away and stare at her smiling like a fool in the corner of your eye notice a guy staring at you both he pats his friends shoulder and whispers very terribly might you add "oh she is getting some tonight" you and Riri laugh at the obviously drunk guys "you are so not getting any just because he said all that" she gasps "you know what I don't fuck on the first date anyways" you laugh and smile at her causing her to smile back. "you mentioned while we were dancing your feet hurt are you good enough to walk?" You shake your head "not at all never dancing in heels that long again" she turns around "get on my back" you smile "I will knock your tiny ass over" "no you won't and call me tiny again you'll be limping to the car by yourself" you laugh as you hike your dress up over your thighs and you get on her back she holds your legs in place and walks you to the car.
You can't even lie she makes you feel like a modern day Cinderella doing everything your girlfriend wouldn't do...you keep thinking girlfriend but she's in the past. She's doing everything your ex-girlfriend wouldn't do. You liked that.
When she pulls up to your off campus apartment you smile at her before shaking your head "I lied earlier" she raises her perfect damn eyebrows as if to question what you were speaking of "you might get some tonight" she looks at you and smiles widely "oh so you feeling generous?" You laugh and shake your head "no I just think you deserve it don't you?" She turns off the car engine "then please lead the way" you get out of the car and run over to her side opening the door for her she smiles and looks at your messy state "you're so fucking pretty" you're stopped in your little excited tracks by the comment "you really think so?" You had heard this compliment thousands of times especially from your ex but from her lips it meant nothing because she only said it to make you feel good however Riri means it.
"Oh please tell me you do know how beautiful you are? Because if not we have to work on that" you shake your head "oh no I know I'm gorgeous but it's been a while since someone said it like that you're tryna get me to do some things for real huh?" She laughs and gets out the car closing and locking the door. Now she's turned her full attention to you "no I'm just telling the truth when I saw you tonight my first thought wasn't 'damn I want to see what she's like in bed' my first thought was 'she don't look happy how can I fix that?' All of this happening right now I wasn't expecting it but I'm not mad at the way this night is ending. If you were to just walk in there by yourself and I were to go home I wouldn't care because I'd know I made you happy even if just for tonight."
You roll your eyes and turn around for a moment "oh lord forgive me for the things I'm about to do to her...c'mon" you say grabbing her hand and turning on your heel she laughs and follows behind you all giggly.
A/n: Every ship has a song and you and Riri's song is Girl by The Internet and KayTranada (give it a listen you'll see why.) Not going to lie I'm kind of in love with this fic but scared it's not going to get the attention it deserves because it's a Riri Williams x reader and people like to act like she ain't just as fine as Shuri.
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rhodesrider · 2 years
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No Peace.
The Bloodline x short!black fem reader
Requested by: @cumxxslutt ❤️
SFW 18+, Cussing, Lite thoughts of sex (No sex thou) , the Affirmation of the name “Daddy”, Poly
Word count: 1766
I can’t even have peace.
After a match, especially one that I won, the least I can have is some peace. And what happens? I hear them.
“Great show out there short stack.” My eye twitched. Those annoying ass twins. I looked seeing them walk up. Ever since I left NXT I've been seeing these bastards and they fucking “chief” just giggling and being dicks. “Call me short again Imma show you short and break my foot in yo-” “Woah woah missy~” I looked behind them seeing roman come up smiling. “What's going on? You always getting hostile with the boys..” He said as Solo walked up as well smirking. “Please tell them to leave my ass alone then.” I hissed, solo looked at me as he was drinking some water. “Aye y'all weren't kidding, I heard that south in her uce.” I blushed at his statement as I forgot when I get pissed you hear my southern accent. Great, more they pick at. “Hey I mean it ain't bad, it's cute.” Roman stated as Jey nodded agreeing.
I can't have any fuckin peace.
I wiped the sweat from my face and put the towel around my neck walking to the locker room, trying my hardest to ignore them. Strangely feeing eyes on me. “Come on Shorty we was just kidding-“ “Fuck off.” I hissed and slammed the door. I sighed and turned around facing Alexa. I squealed some startled. “Fuck Alex you scared me.” Alexia apologized. “Sorry hun, but I heard the yelling outside and I was worried.” I rolled my eyes relaxing so my heart can chill out from the scare. “It’s just those Dumb,Dumb,Dumber and Bigger Dumbass out there.” I scoffed and walked pass her getting to my things.
Alexia sat down crossing her legs on the bench. “Why are they always bothering you? You know you can report them-“ I turned around quick dropping my bag. “N-no! I mean it’s not that damn deep.” I said face trying to hide my face, I could feel my cheeks getting hot. “Reporting them for something as little as what? Them calling me ShortStack? That’s dumb.” Alexis blinked confused. “Does it bother you?”
I wanted to lie. I mean they get on my fucking nerves but reporting them is childish. We are adults. “Meh it’s not that big of a deal.” I answer. Alexia shrugged. “Nice show by the way.” She said. “You’ll be getting that tag team belt in no time.” She smiled because she really wants to be teamed up with me.
We walked out looking in twitter from tonight’s show and I stopped her hearing the twins near by. I hushed her as they were talking around the corner arguing. “No why the fuck do you think she would like you more?” Jimmy said looking at Solo’s cocky ass smirking. “Well for one, I don’t always pick at her every chance I get. I at least put cute in it-“ “Dude just cause you put cute in it don’t mean you getting her number.” Jey intervened and Solo gave him a slight death glare but rolled his eyes letting it go smirking. “You see how she wanted to kick yo ass when you called out on her accent. She threw a shoe at yo ass!” Solo reminded Jey. “And Jimmy you ain’t shit either. You see how you piss her off too.” Jimmy smacked his lips.
“It’s cute if y’all think if she’s just gonna fall for y’all.” Roman bellowed and smirked finishing his water tossing the bottle in the trash. “Oh? And what she can’t stand yo ass either uce.” Jimmy said and Roman cocked an eyebrow. “Remember when you called her Polly pocket at Survivor Series?” Roman thought about it remembering her screaming in anger and throwing water on him and walking away steaming mad. Roman smirked. “So some water never hurt me.” He remembered trying no to go after her, hunting her down and making her say sorry his way.
“Come back to earth big dog.” Solo snapped in his face, Roman cleared his throat. “Either way she’s gonna come daddy’s way.” “Sure she would.” Jey mumbled. Me and Alexia looked at each other and put two and two together. “Me?” I mouthed and she nodded. We soon tried to sneak away but soon we bumped into someone with a very loud mouth. Sami. “Oh hey-“ We covered his mouth and dragged him away. I’m pretty sure they heard him struggle, but we made it to a safe place terrified letting Sami go. “What the hell?!” “Shut the fuck up do boy!” I whispered yelled. Alexia went to look out for any of the guys. “Sami I’m sorry but we would have been dead if they heard us.” I explained. “I was just getting my bags and ride with them back to the hotel. Why were you too spying on them?” He looked at Alexia a bit scared too. “Dude I just fucking heard a death sentence.” I said realizing the worst thing possible for myself in this fucking brand.
The bloodline has a taste for me.
“They were all talking about me over there! They all like me!” Alexia shushed me and I nodded. “Why? I don’t fucking know.” I sighed and leaned on the wall. Sami blinked. “The guys liked you for a while now.” I looked at him in disbelief. “No you say, no they were talking about some other bitch. Not me.” Sami shook his head no. “Jey started liking you since you hit NXT. Jimmy followed remembering you and Alexia dancing to Meg the stallion in the hall after you won your first match.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Why does Roman like me then?!” I ask scared of that answer. “Oh he loves short girls, he loves your attitude and temper. It’s like a challenge.” My face started to get even more red. “…And solo?” “He saw you break out and attack Shanya once and he was just watching excited and stuff.” I wanted to scream. But soon I heard someone struggle and peeked seeing Alexia being picked up by Roman smirking. The boys walked up from the corner Alexia was watching. “Put me down!” She whined. Roman nodded putting her down and chuckled when she hit his chest. “Alexia that didn’t hurt.” She groaned and went to me groaning. “You hurt your hand didn’t you?” I asked. She nodded rubbing her hand. “Fucking steel under that shirt…” she whimpered.
Sami smiled and walked back to them. “Sorry but they asked me where I was.” “Oh just suck a dick Sami.” I groaned. He shrugged and walked out back to the car. I looked at each member of the bloodline and showed no fear. “So, I’m guessing you have questions?” Roman asked walking up to me and Alexia. She scooted away. “Oh no my flight-“ High tailing it, leaving me dry. “Some Tag Team Partner..” I mumbled watching her leave. “Yea, I have a lot of questions-“ I turned back seeing Roman squatting down to meet my face. I started to get heated again. “FOR THE LAST TIME. IM NOT THAT FUCKING SHORT.” I hissed in his face.
He smirked and he took my hand kissing it softly. Jey, Jimmy and Solo started to get mad seeing he got to get that close. “No need to be so mean to me. I’m sorry if I offended you.” Roman said softly. I blushed snatching my hand away. “What me and the guys were talking about was, yes you, but who would be a better fit for you.” I blinked. “None of y’all.” I say bluntly. “I can’t stand y’all asses. Every time I have a show I see y’all just laughing and giggling about me like y’all fuckin obsessed with me-“ I soon felt lips on me. Roman kissed me. He kissed me. And…why am I not mad…I’m enjoying it?!
He moved and he looked at me getting up from his squat. “You are an amazing wrestler Y/N. We watch you in the dressing room each time you’re on the line for a house show or live. We love watching you work baby girl.” I couldn’t stop blushing. The boys nodded. “We are sorry for teasing you like that. We do respect for your work.” Jimmy took a shirt out his bag, a bloodline shirt. He tossed it to me. “I don’t want this.” I say, but I do actually want it. “Oh we can just take it back-“ I smack away Solos hand. “No…I’ll take it.” He smirked and kissed my forehead. “You need a ride to your crib ma?” Jey asked as the car was being pulled around. I sigh and I nod since I missed my car. “I promise we ain’t gonna do shit to you.” Jimmy reassured and helped me in. “I go missing it’s on camera.” Solo rolled his eyes and everyone got in.
In that car was tense. I stayed quiet the whole time. “Y/N we really are sorry if we make you uncomfortable and mad…” Jimmy apologized for everyone in the car. I sighed. “How would that even fucking work? Like it’s four of y’all damnit.” I hid my face in the shirt. “Well I mean I don’t mind sharing.” Solo said first. Roman agreed and put his arm around my waist slow. I mean it’s not bad, this is hot because I know they around about to-
“I ain’t sharing shit.” There we go. Jey said standing his ground. I blushed as Roman looked him and soon I yelped Romans’ lap. “Guys don’t be throwing me around-“ “If we are sharing how come she’s sitting in your lap.” Roman was about to say the same shit he always say. “Say you the fucking oldest, I swear to god I’ll smack the shit outta you.” Jey said. Oh wow ok, I forgot their personas are left at work. This is family fighting. “Y/N, you wanna stay in daddy’s lap?” My ear fixed back to their convo. I looked at a smirking Roman and I got off his lap. “I don’t wanna be in any of y’all laps. When did I even say I like y’all back?!” I exclaimed and they looked at each other. “Yea, just because it’s four of y’all bitches don’t mean I won’t fight.” I say serious. They all soon laughed and I was ready to beat they ass.
It’s gonna be a long ass ride.
And…I’ll be ok with that. <3
I can’t have peace anyway.
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paisholotus · 9 months
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Nalae and her older brother and sister, Tisha and Anthony, walked out of the corner store, beginning to make their way to meet their younger brother Mar. It was hot as fuck today, so they decided to get something to drink. They were on the rough side of Philly, and Mar had told them to meet him over here.
They walked down the sidewalk while listening to the loud music coming from cars. There were boys out on the street playing basketball, occasionally moving out of the way for cars. What drew their attention was a group of boys beating boxing while one boy rapped.
Nalae cracked a small smile as the boy and she made eye contact. Tisha and Anthony glared at the group of boys. They all stopped walking when they noticed their younger brother, Mar, talking to one of the boys. They stared at him, confused as to why the fuck he was over there. 
Nalae brought down her drink, turning her gaze away from the light-skinned boy and back towards her younger brother.
"Mar!" Nalae called for him; he smiled and motioned for them to come over. Tisha grabbed her arm and shook her head. Tisha wasn't about to let Nalae walk over there because they were already in a bad neighborhood and needed to get home before their parents got worried. Mar needed to bring his ass so they could go home.
Mar frowned, shaking his head, and said something to the light-skinned boy, who nodded and returned his gaze to Nalae, smirking. Mar approached them with a smile that quickly faded when he saw his big brother and big sister glaring at him, but not Nalae, who only looked concerned.
"What you doing over there, Mar? And how the fuck you know them? You were supposed to meet us at school, but you got your little sister walking around this badass neighborhood. We don't even live over here! FUCK YOU DOING TALKING TO THEM!" Anthony yelled at him. 
Mar scrunched up his brow and stared at Anthony. "You not the boss of me, Nigga! Just because you are the oldest! I'm free to do whatever the fuck I want!" Mar yelled back. Anthony walked up to Mar and got in his face. Anthony was way taller than Mar; he was standing at a smooth 6'5, while Mar was 5'6.
"You better listen well when I tell you this. When Ma, Pop, or me and Tish tell you something, YOU DO THAT SHIT! It's because we fucking care! You over there associating yourself with hood niggas when you ain't grown up in the hood a day in your fucking life, MAR! WHAT IF SOMETHING POPPED OFF OVER HERE? How were you going to protect yourself, huh? Answer me that shit! Oh, you can't." Anthony pushed Mar over to his two sisters, and they started making their way home.
Nalae looked at the group of boys one last time, and they were all looking at them. She looked at the light-skinned boy who blew her a kiss and smiled at her. Nalae looked forward, feeling herself blush. Tisha grabbed Mar by his shirt collar and dragged him to the front. "AND LET ME CATCH YO ASS BACK OVER HERE, AND IMMA BEAT THE BLACK OFF YO MFING ASS! THEN IMMA TELL MA AND POPS SO THEY CAN BEAT THE BLACK OFF YO ASS! BETTER HOPE SHE DON'T USE THAT BROOM STICK!" Tisha yelled, smacking the back of Mar's head and calling him an idiot under her breath.
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vannahmontannah · 27 days
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I don't usually do parties because I don't go out that often. I got up and went to go get dressed for the event. Not sure what imma wear, but it's gone be something simple. I don't usually go to parties like that so getting ready for this event is kind of irritating. But my friends convinced me to come out and have a good time. So here I am, trying to find something to wear that won't make me stand out too much. I don't want to be the center of attention, but I also don't want to look like I didn't put any effort into my appearance. I finally settle on a plain black t-shirt and some jeans. It's nothing fancy, but it's comfortable and I feel like myself in it.
Davion and Cam are picking me up, even though I have a car. But we all agreed to go together, so any minute they should be here. Pretty soon, I feel a strong vibration and loud music from a distance, I open my door to see Davion and Cam cruising down the street.
"Is this nigga fucking serious?! Is he fucking serious?" I yelled.
"I'm not riding with this nigga like this!"
"Wassup, you ready to go?" He asked.
"Not with this shit playing! No!"
"Boy, get yo ass in the car," he said, turning the volume down.
Cam was the one driving, so I was confused as to why he allowed Dave to play this stupid shit. I made sure I got everything and went to the car. This shit better be fun. We pulled off and started our way to the party location.
"Boy, what you got on?" Cam asked.
"An outfit? What was I supposed to wear?"
"Nothing, man, but that don't even matter. When we get there, it's an invite only. With that being said, ya gone have to stick by me u til we get in. They have a list of guests," Cam said.
"Are you sure we can get in?"
"Yeah. My friend got the hook up. We good," Cam reassured me.
As we arrived at the party, I could already hear the loud music and see the flashing lights. My heart started to race with excitement. We walked up to the entrance and Cam whispered something to the bouncer. He nodded and let us in. I couldn't believe it, we were actually getting into this exclusive party.
Inside, the party was even crazier than I imagined. There were people dancing, drinking, and having a good time everywhere. I couldn't help but feel a little out of place in my casual outfit, but Cam and Dave seemed to fit right in with his designer clothes and confident swagger. He led me through the crowd, introducing me to some of his friends and acquaintances.
"Yo, these are my boys Dean and Davion," Cam said, pointing to me. "He's cool, don't worry."
I smiled awkwardly, not used to being introduced like that. But everyone seemed friendly enough and I started to relax and enjoy myself. Cam disappeared for a while, leaving me to mingle on my own. I grabbed a drink and struck up a conversation with a group of girls. They were all laughing and having a good time, and I couldn't help but feel a little more confident in this new environment. They were touching my hair and I didn't really know what to do. As long as they don't pull my hat off, we good. I tried to find Dave, but looks like he was gone too. I guess it's just me for now.
"How long you've been growing your hair?" This girl asked.
"A year and a half,"
"My boyfriend been growing his hair for the same amount of time and his is way longer," another girl chimed in.
"Congrats to him,"
"You don't have to get smart,"
"And you ain't have to point that out,"
"You niggas is sassy,"
"All I said was—"
"Boy, fuck you," she said as her and her friends walked away.
Some women just don't deserve respect. I leaned against the wall and drank the juice I had. Everyone was having fun, but me. I wanted to have fun, but I'm not used to this environment. Cam said he needed someone with him, but he looks occupied. I shook my head and started explore the area. The party took place in a three story home. The place wasn't really crowded though, which was a shocker. But again, its invite only. I scurried up the stairs to see if I can find a quiet place. I don't even care if it was a closet, I just wanna sit down.
I opened the door to each room and I finally found an empty room. I searched around and didn't see anyone.
I sat down on a recliner chair and propped my feet up. I pulled out my phone and watched some videos. I know this seems so lame, however, them girls already threw me off and I was done for. As I'm scrolling on instagram, I click on Davion's story and there he is dancing like there was no tomorrow.
"You're really starting to irk," a girl said.
"You doing too much," a man said.
"No, you are. I'm literally greeting everyone who's attending and you're being insecure about shit!"
It sounded like they were headed to the room. I need somewhere to hide! I got up and went inside the closet. The two people entered and continued to argue.
"You have no respect for me!" The guy expressed.
That's the guy from the phone shop!
"You did this last time with a guy I was having a conversation with. Like...you're stressing me out, Malik! Real talk!"
(Malik is Mark who is apart of RDC)
"Barbie, you know how I feel! I don't want you around no other man!"
"I'm not with no other man—you know what? Fuck this! Get out my face,"
"I need to be alone for a minute,"
He stormed out the room and slammed the door. He sure has a temper. She laid back on the bed and took a deep breath. She seemed stressed and angered by her boyfriend's actions.
I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. I've been in a similar situation before, where a partner becomes overly possessive and controlling. It's suffocating and exhausting. She got up and walked over to the window, gazing outside. I could see the tears streaming down her face. I wanted to comfort her, but I knew it wasn't my place. I could only hope that she would find the strength to stand up for herself and not let this toxic relationship consume her. As I listened to her sobs, I couldn't help but reflect on my own experiences and how I eventually found the courage to leave a toxic relationship. It's not easy, but it's necessary for our own well-being. I silently prayed for her to find the strength and courage to do the same. Eventually, the tears stopped and she wiped her face. She took a deep breath and composed herself before leaving the room. I waited a few moments before coming out of the closet, making sure she was gone. As I walked out, I couldn't help but feel relieved that I didn't get caught in the middle of their argument. But at the same time, I couldn't shake off the feeling of empathy for the girl and a sense of gratitude for my own journey towards self-love and independence.
Should I look for her? Should I speak to her? I don't want her boyfriend to get mad and have a reaction though. I went back downstairs to see Cam and some random guy having a dance-off.
I couldn't help but smile at the sight of my best friend having a good time. But my thoughts kept going back to the girl I saw earlier. I couldn't shake off the feeling that I needed to find her and speak to her. But at the same time, I was hesitant. What if her boyfriend gets angry and causes a scene? I didn't want to ruin the night for my friends and myself. But then again, what if she needed someone to talk to? What if she was going through a tough time and just needed a listening ear? I couldn't just ignore that possibility. I decided to take a chance and look for her. I made my way through the crowded room, dodging dancing bodies and spilled drinks. My heart was racing as I searched for her, hoping she was still at the party. And then I saw her, standing by the refreshment table, looking lost and alone. I took a deep breath and approached her, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible. She looked up at me with surprise and confusion in her eyes.
"Who are you?"
"Uh, my name is Dean,"
"Sorry, but we can't be seen together,"
"No. Wait, I'm just trynna introduce myself—"
"My boyfriend is like really insecure and shit and I don't wanna see him mad again,"
"Then that's something he just has to work on. That is not your fault and you do not have to deal with that,"
She looked out into the crowd and shook her head. I looked back and there Malik was having a good time like nothing happened.
"He just gets on my nerves. I can't do anything! I feel alone most of the time,"
"I understand,"
"No, you don't! He's just a pain in the ass!"
"Then why are you with him?"
"He wasn't always like this. I don't even wanna talk about it,"
"It's okay. So, what's your name?"
"Nice to meet you,"
"Nice to meet you too,"
"You know, if you ever feel like you need support, I can be that for you,"
"I had support, but he done ran all my friends away! I don't know how imma plan my escape, but I'm planning it,"
"Same for me. I wasn't even supposed to be here. My friends wanted me to come with them, but they out dancing to Sexyy Red and Ice Spice,"
"Not Sexyy Red and Ice Spice,"
"You should have seen them earlier!"
"Sounds like the kind of friends I need...just some to have fun,"
"You're welcome to join mine—"
"Sure, you got an Instagram?"
We exchanged contacts and continued to talk. But just as I was starting to really enjoy myself, I heard a commotion coming from the other side of the room. I turned to see Cam in the middle of a heated argument with another guy. I quickly made my way over, worried that things were about to get out of hand.
"What's going on?" I asked, trying to diffuse the situation.
"This dude is just talking shit," Cam said, his voice laced with anger.
I looked at the other guy, who was clearly drunk and looking for a fight. I tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't back down. Before I knew it, a fight had broken out and the party was quickly turning into chaos. I grabbed Cam and pulled him away, trying to get us out of there before things got even worse.
As we made our way back to the car, I couldn't help but feel disappointed. This was not the fun night out that I was expecting. I looked over at Cam, who was still fuming from the altercation. I couldn't believe he had let things get so out of hand.
"Why did you even let that guy get to you?" I asked, frustrated.
"I don't know, man. I just wanted to have a good time," Cam replied, his anger starting to dissipate.
I sighed, realizing that this was just another example of Cam's impulsive and sometimes reckless behavior. But despite the chaos and disappointment, I couldn't help but be grateful for the experience. It may not have been the perfect night, but it was definitely a memorable one. And at the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
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naptimewithyoongi · 1 year
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Imma take a moment to hype my girl @yoongiofmine . Don't like it? Don't care.
Ella is one of the most creative and hard working writers that I know. Full stop. She's constantly dreaming up new storylines, troubleshooting issues with existing ones, researching (to the point where the FBI might know her on a first-name basis), and writing about 85 stories at once. Unlike most writers, her stories aren't just the same thing with a new skin. She does her best to give her readers a new world to walk into every time and that universe is ever expanding.
In addition to that, she is truly the kindest soul ever put on this shitshow of a planet. It doesn't matter how bad her day has been, how much she has on her to-do list, or how many people are demanding her attention, she treats you as if you are the only star in the sky. It's a reason to both love her and fear for her. It makes one a little (a lot) protective (violently so) over her. 
You see, when you're that good it attracts the opposite: Dusty ass, petty ass, jealousy having, lost-and-found level leeches. These people claimed to love her and then tried their hardest to carve away everything she is.
● She begins to write as an outlet for her feelings and to connect to other people because she's shy? They get jealous that she's getting attention and might suddenly be competition. (You fuckin wish. I read your shit. You ain't even sittin in the same room, let alone on the same level.)
● Her stories start to become popular enough to get tips through Ko-fi? They tell her that a real paid writer makes enough to live off of their writing. She should be making more. (AND just how much were YOU makin off your basic Marysue bullshit? Get all the way fucked.)
● She begins to get popular on Tumblr and Ao3, surpassing their piddlin' asses? They tell her that if she loved them she would stop writing. (Because you know, nothin says 'I love you' like asking someone to make themselves small enough to make room for your insecurities.)
So, Darling, from all of us who DO actually love you and applaud your success: Congrats on everything. Congrats on all the subscribers. Congrats on the success of your MANY unique stories. Congrats on shedding all those haters like a winter coat. Congrats on everything amazing you're going to do in the future. You shine, baby girl. Stay hungry. Let those who hate you, fuel you because to quote my girl Meg:
"Hoes tryna call me a snake, shit, I guess I can relate.
'Cause a bitch spit a whole lotta venom
And since these hoes all rats, when they come around me
All I see is a whole lotta dinner"
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mooodyblue · 1 year
congrats on 500!! you definitely deserve it, your blog always makes me smile and your writing warms my heart so much <3
could I request 🍼 with cg!elvis with the prompt “there it is, there’s that smile!” ?
thank you so much!! 🥺💓
500 follower celebration
it was no secret that you were very clumsy when you were little. most of the time you could just get back up and go back to what you were doing, rarely ever did you cry even you tripped or fell.
your clumsiness was not a concern to elvis as he chased you around the house, running after you and making grabby hands, playfully going after you saying "imma getcha! daddy's comin' to get ya!". you giggled happily as elvis attempted to grab at you again, failing and continuing to run after you. "lord, you gotta slow down!"
as you looked back at him, your foot met with the edge of a table causing you to trip onto the carpeted floor. "oh!" elvis exclaimed, rushing to your side as tears immediately began to fall down your cheeks. you raised your knee, covering the red mark from the carpet where your knee slid slightly on the carpet, the burn only making you cry even more.
"hey, hey. you're okay, let's see that knee." you moved your hand, wincing as his finger grazed at it. "daddy, i-it burns."
he scooped you up into his arms, taking you to the bathroom and setting you on the counter as he took care of the carpet burn on your knee. you wiped your face with the back of your hand, sniffling as elvis took care of you. he frowned, trying to think of a way to cheer you up. "y'know daddy hates seein ya cry, c'mon now." he tickled at your side, getting a small whine from you. "i ain't gonna stop till i see those tears go away!"
"daddy!" you squealed, trying to escape from him.
"where's that smile? where's that smile?" he grinned, peppering kisses all over your face. you giggled softly as you attempted to push away from him, a big smile appearing on your face. "there it is! there's that smile!" he pressed his lips against your forehead and your bandaid covered burn, helping you off the counter and back to playing.
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