#affinity group
jonasgoonface · 1 year
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form affinity groups, be nimble and ruthless and attack in every direction. 
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one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
I tried to join an affinity group at my school for an group I am not apart of and it was in the Backrooms, they made me fill out a really personal questionnaire and a mean gay Jon Hamm kept insulting my intelligence.
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queersatanic · 3 months
Holy SHIT I had no idea TST did that kind of stuff, and used to think they were kinda cool. I'm sharing your posts and stuff to donate, but beyond that, what else can be done? Is there another "Satanist organization", as it were, that we should support and cheer on instead?
We do have a standard answer for your main question, which is, "Build your own non-hierarchical, satanic affinity group."
However, if you're looking to join a community, we so far have not had bad experiences with Global Order of Satan or Capital Area Satanists.
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pwi-culture-is · 2 years
Pwi culture is feeling empathy for the head of the latino affinity group when only four people show up to the first meeting but also being surprised that they seem shocked.
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mxjackparker · 8 months
To trans men and transmascs who make a constant point of saying they are not like cis men or don't relate to them:
You will not convince the people who view cis men as being fundamentally bad/evil that you are both a man and also not like those cis men. You will either have them not view you as a man, or have them think you are a bad person for 'choosing' to be viewed as one and leaving womanhood behind. Give up on trying to convince them.
Instead, you can have solidarity with the cis men who are a part of your community, particularly the queer ones whose experiences you may be surprised to find will mirror yours in a lot of important ways.
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wobblydev · 28 days
I've seen a lot of posts talking about the merits of joining a union even if you don't have a job, but I've never seen one that answers my main hang up, so I'm just going to ask, what if I absolutely could not pay dues? I can't work due to disability and I can only survive thanks to the support of family, as a result I rarely have any money at all. Is it possible to join a union if I can't afford to pay dues, and if not are there other ways I can support them?
a very good question, i'm so glad you asked. dues are a mechanism of democracy within the union structure, so to join a union there isn't much way around that. however, there are things you can do to support unions without spending a dime.
if you see unions trying to spread the word about an action, or a campaign, signal boost them where and how you can.
unions and adjacent groups, such as the Incarcerated Workers Organising Committee, will perform what's known as a phone or email "zap" where a mass of people will contact a target to make their voices heard about an issue. joining in on those actions is always an enormous help.
solidarity union organisations like the IWW are always looking for people to help with the myriad tasks it takes to keep things running. folks i know who were ineligible for membership still volunteered their time and efforts in research, or submitting FOIA requests, or maintaining spreadsheets. they didn't have voting power in union business, but if the branch is amenable, why turn away people who want to help the work along?
what do you enjoy doing? do you stream? do you write? do you draw? do you sing? how might you direct a portion of your creative energy to supporting emancipation work?
i may be an old union thug, but i admit there are also different ways to organise for change outside of a dues-based structure. others will know more about this than myself, but there are affinity groups all over the country who don't collect money from members.
what are you passionate about? disability rights and liberation? queer liberation? prison abolition? is there a group in your area or online that is doing the work to make real change in a sphere that is important to you? if so, reach out and see if you have the capacity to assist with that work.
this is all very vague, and i hope others will see this question and offer their own suggestions. anything you do to help will be wonderful, in whatever capacity you are able. we need all of us, and none of us need to solve these problems alone.
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gobblemonster300000 · 4 months
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Cred affinity group
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captnbas · 1 year
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mini mooms say it’s time to organise & educate
feel free to use these as matching lock-screens comrades!!
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anarchotolkienist · 8 months
Jesus Christ, what people(s) first arrived in Scandinavia after the melting of the ice has absolutely no relevance to the colonisation of the Sámi. Who cares that, yes, technically Germanic-speaking groups probably arrived in (southern) Scandinavia before the Finno-Ugric ancestors of the Sámi. It's not a matter about blood relation to the actual literal first humans that arrived in some arbitrarily delineated physical space, it's about your concrete relationship to settler-colonialism - as settler or settled, something which is determined through actually existing legal, social and political structures. This is the kind of shit analysis you get as a result of the emphasis of noble savage wooery about being 'one with the land' and whatever being emphasised in left-wing spaces over any concrete material understanding of colonialism and the economic meaning of colonialism - the Sámi are an indigenous people because the Swedish and Danish empires decided to uproot their lifeways and force them away from their traditional lands to seize it in order to make use of the mineral and forest wealth there. Whatever happened between groups of people that no-one save the most crazed 19th century nationalist would describe as "Swedes" and the Sámi some four thousand years ago has zero relevance for this discussion.
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By: Joseph (Jake) Klein
Published: Apr 13, 2023
Segregation has a new brand name: racial “affinity groups.” Race-based “affinity groups” have exploded in prevalence across the United States over the last few years, moving from workplaces into schools, religious congregations, and other organizations all across the country. Affinity groups can also be organized around other identity categories such as gender, sexuality, disability, and religion, but affinity groups were first created around racial identity.
In 1969, Xerox employees based in San Francisco launched the Bay Area Black Employees (BABE) caucus, the first known workplace affinity group ("caucus," "employee resource group," and "affinity group," are all terms that have been used to describe the same idea).  Overall, Xerox's chairman at the time, Joseph C. Wilson, was an important leader in driving workplace integration. He reacted to race riots in the 1960's with a mission to increase integration and hire African-Americans who had previously been denied employment opportunities, and took numerous concrete actions to do so.
However, as has happened on numerous occasions to other well-intentioned leaders (including in response to other 1960’s race-riots), Wilson chose to take advice not just from integration-oriented civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., but from the Black Power activists responsible for the riots. Wilson enlisted the counsel of a group called “F.I.G.H.T.” While much of F.I.G.H.T.’s activism was productive and aimed at pushing back on genuine and oppressive racism, it was also a “decidedly militant” organization that “alienated much of the black middle class” and worked closely with the explicitly anti-integrationist founder of the Black Power movement, Stokely Carmichael.
Today, more than 50 years later, affinity groups have spread to 90% of Fortune 500 companies. These companies sometimes claim that racial affinity groups help foster communication and help bring new ideas to leadership. Corporations also point out that membership in racial affinity groups is usually voluntary, and therefore it cannot be a form of racial discrimination as banned under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 
However, despite these claimed positives, many corporations have also found that affinity groups polarize employees, and many people of color are reluctant to join such groups for “fear of being reduced to their racial identity.” Even when they are organized and advertised as voluntary, the social pressures on individuals to join racial affinity groups are substantial. And although some data supports companies’ intuitions that affinity groups are helpful idea generators, these positive results may be better explained by the existence of a group creating increased discussion time, rather than the racial makeup of that group.
With affinity groups’ recent spread throughout K-12 schools, higher education, religious groups, and many other key institutions throughout our society, we face an even worse danger. While businesses are beholden to the profit motive, schools and other non-profit institutions are not. This creates more opportunities for affinity groups in non-profit institutions to advance a fanatical ideology, since organizational leadership doesn't need to worry, as businesses do, about the possibility that a Marxist ideological agenda would compromise their ability to operate in a financially viable manner.
Advocates of racial affinity groups claim they are not racist or segregationist, but do so while practicing racial segregation and making explicitly racist claims. For example, Truss Leadership, a so-called “racial equity” consulting group that works with numerous school districts, declares that “Racial Affinity Groups are NOT … Racist or segregationist,” but also says they are a place where white people can “reckon with their Whiteness” and non-white people can “take care of themselves and one another…in the absence of Whiteness.”
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FAIR ally Ye Zhang Pogue has written beautifully for this Substack on how affinity groups in schools can harm our society by needlessly pitting people against each other along racial lines. What advocates of affinity groups often ignore is how prejudice and discrimination is often caused by diminished contact between groups, and can be overcome by increasing that contact and having group members work cooperatively instead of separately (one of psychologist Gordon Allport’s four conditions for reducing racial prejudice). This insight into the power of contact is the same idea that has driven FAIR Senior Fellow Daryl Davis’s pioneering efforts to get Klan members and neo-Nazis to give up their lives of hate.
Even racial affinity groups' most extreme and vocal advocates have acknowledged that “Caucusing can generate anxiety even at a visceral level for some. For people of color, history has shown that real harm can come from spaces exclusively reserved for white people. … People of color may also experience racial anxiety and stereotype threat, the fear of being viewed through societal stereotype ‘lenses’ by white colleagues and supervisors.” These are not ungrounded fears. Corporations seeking to pursue effective anti-racist strategies would do well to remember the horrors of the interoffice segregation of America’s past.
Segregation in the form of racial affinity groups today is disturbingly similar in concept to the separate bathrooms, water fountains, bus sections, and other spaces in generations past. Then as now, we ought to remember the worldchanging verdict from Brown v. Board of Education, that “Separate [is] inherently unequal.” As Supreme Court Chief Justice Fred M. Vincent explained in the Court’s also unanimous decision for McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents, which was cited in Brown v. Board of Education, “To separate [children] from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their-hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone.”
The KKK must be beaming with pride at the outright enthusiasm of re-implementating segregation.
Were it discovered that they were shadow-funding this, I would be incapable of feigning any amount of surprise.
Wokeness divides and destroys.
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That's so weird. We keep being told that "cRt iS nOt iN sChOoLs." And yet, here we find out that not only is it in schools, but it's a good thing, because "opposing" - as ominous, authoritarian, and nigh on DiAngelo-istic choice of words as I've ever heard - is wrong. Gee, when did that happen? They must have done that really quickly. /s
"DiAngelo's essay doesn't talk about disagreements or debates, but only about those who 'practice' social justice, and those who, quote, 'resist' it."
To actually tell people "[not to] entertain this blog or its opinions" or "don't read the post" has really strong religious blasphemy overtones. Like the priest telling the congregation not to read Harry Potter.
Still, the very first thing the kids do when they get home from church after being told not to read Harry Potter is to read Harry Potter. So sermonizing people on how to close their ears to maintain their moral purity usually doesn't work out that well for the clergy. So, thank you for dangling an irresistible temptation for them, like the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden..
P.S. Opposing gay conversion therapy and child mutilation is a hill I'm willing to die on. Line in the sand. Pretty comfortable there. The latter, at least, used to be a self-evident taboo: you don't tattoo kids, you don't cut children's testicles or breasts off, you don't drug girls by flooding their bodies with quantities of hormones their body is not equipped to handle so they're balding and infertile at 16. Despite pretence to the contrary, these positions aren't the slightest bit controversial.
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dessertgeek · 4 months
I wanted to throw out some thoughts on the US not voting discussion as someone with relevant training.
So I don't talk about it a whole lot on here nowadays, but I have a Master of Public Administration, also known as the 'government cat herding' graduate degree. And I am all for Land Back and doing what we can to survive now. So let's talk surviving while voting and Biden.
First, local elections - and local political events - matter a ton. Most of the things that affect your day to day aren't coming from the President, they're from your governor, mayor, and city council. And some of the most effective folks at making change I have ever seen are semi-retired and retired folks who care about one thing and attend every last relevant small town hall and mayoral coffee meeting possible. Government staff have to listen to them disproportionately because they show up.
Can't show up? Then can you work on making these events accessible, or on ways for folks who can go instead of you to show up? We need more online town halls desperately, but also childcare and support for folks who want to attend but can't otherwise. (Local mutual aid orgs and voting groups might be working on some of this, but very few work on disability stuff when bringing back online town halls could change the game.) Same to fighting for mail in ballots, since more people could vote then (though we will always need in person options for some folks, this will help a ton).
Like I said over on Mastodon, they've tracked most school book bannings in the US to less than a dozen people, and most garbage Seattle area policies come from one horrible dude. You can absolutely overwhelm them.
Second, don't want Biden in the primary? Then it's time to start calling/writing his office and your representatives now to tell him to not run. While he will likely push for running as incumbent, going in super unpopular is Just Bad Strategy. If all everyone hears is that their constituencies won't support him, that's going to matter. And we don't have a whole lot of time, these gears are already turning.
And as a bonus, if you ever want a quick summary of a major political issue so you can talk effectively at events, likely the Government Accountability Office has already written a nonpartisan summary, along with a one page executive summary and recommendations, all available for free. They also do huge analyses and draft recommendations on various topics, also free. If anyone takes anything from this, it's that the GAO's out here doing the research you don't want to. (In theory elected officials read these too, but really most only read the first page/column. If you read two pages you likely know more than they do.)
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dailyanarchistposts · 2 months
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Contrary to what is often believed, affinity between comrades does not depend on sympathy or sentiment. To have affinity means to have knowledge of the other, to know how they think on social issues, and how they think they can intervene in the social clash. This deepening of knowledge between comrades is an aspect that is often neglected, impeding effective action.
One of the most difficult problems anarchists have had to face throughout their history is what form of organisation to adopt in the struggle.
At the two ends of the spectrum we find on the one hand the individualists who refuse any kind of stable relationship; on the other those who support a permanent organisation which acts on a programme established at the moment of its constitution.
Both of the forms sketched out here have characteristics that are criticizable from an insurrectional point of view.
In fact, when individualists single out and strike the class enemy they are sometimes far ahead of the most combative of the class components of the time, and their action is not understood. On the contrary, those who support the need for a permanent organisation often wait until there is already a considerable number of exploited indicating how and when to strike the class enemy. The former carry out actions that turn out to be too far ahead of the level of the struggle, the latter too far behind.
One of the reasons for this deficiency is in our opinion lack of perspective.
Clearly no one has a sure recipe that contains no defects, we can however point out the limitations we see in certain kinds of organisation, and indicate possible alternatives.
One of these is known as “affinity groups”.
The term requires an explanation.
Affinity is often confused with sentiment. Although not distinctly separate, the two terms should not be considered synonymous. There could be comrades with whom we consider we have an affinity, but whom we do not find sympathetic and vice versa.
Basically, to have an affinity with a comrade means to know them, to have deepened one’s knowledge of them. As that knowledge grows, the affinity can increase to the point of making an action together possible, but it can also diminish to the point of making it practically impossible.
Knowledge of another is an infinite process which can stop at any level according to the circumstances and objectives one wants to reach together. One could therefore have an affinity for doing some things and not others. It becomes obvious that when one speaks of knowledge that does not mean it is necessary to discuss one’s personal problems, although these can become important when they interfere with the process of deepening knowledge of one another.
In this sense having knowledge of the other does not necessarily mean having an intimate relationship. What it is necessary to know is how the comrade thinks concerning the social problems which the class struggle confronts him with, how he thinks he can intervene, what methods he thinks should be used in given situations, etc.
The first step in the deepening of knowledge between comrades is discussion. It is preferable to have a clarifying premise, such as something written, so the various problems can be gone into well.
Once the essentials are clarified the affinity group or groups are practically formed. The deepening of knowledge between comrades continues in relation to their action as a group and the latter’s encounter with reality as a whole. While this process is taking place their knowledge often widens and strong bonds between comrades often emerge. This however is a consequence of the affinity, not its primal aim.
It often happens that comrades go about things the other way round, beginning some kind of activity and only proceeding to the necessary clarifications later, without ever having assessed the level of affinity required to do anything together. Things are left to chance, as though some kind of clarity were automatically to emerge from the group simply by its formation. Of course this does not happen: the group either stagnates because there is no clear road for it to take, or it follows the tendency of the comrade or comrades who have the clearest ideas as to what they want to do while others allow themselves to be pulled along, often with little enthusiasm or real engagement.
The affinity group on the other hand finds it has great potential and is immediately addressed towards action, basing itself not on the quantity of its adherents, but on the qualitative strength of a number of individuals working together in a projectuality that they develop together as they go along.
From being a specific structure of the anarchist movement and the whole arc of activity that this presents — propaganda, direct action, perhaps producing a paper, working within an informal organisation — it can also look outwards to forming a base nucleus or some other mass structure and thus intervene more effectively in the social clash.
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sexynetra · 7 months
top five silly anetra moments go 🎤
Omg omg okay going off the top of my head here so I’m sure I’m missing so many iconic moments and this list would be entirely different at any other moment in time but let’s go!!! In no particular order:
5. The ridiculous faces she makes when people give her large quantities of money <3
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4. That one video of her at a show in I think Texas where someone gave her one of those duck push toys and she duck walked with it (the video file is too big to attach but it’s on my blog somewhere)
3. During the ball challenge when they are in the werkroom and Neech is cutting up with Malaysia while she puts her ICONIC crystal gown together and she’s quoting Kennedys iconic trade didn’t like the session monologue but then also right in the middle she interjects “time is of the Jaida Essence Hall” just for me :)
2. When she doesn’t know how to react to something or what to do she just puts her hand on her hip and pops it I think it’s so cute and funny every time, especially paired with the fact that Anetra is physically incapable of not showing every emotion she feels on her face like you’d think she’d have a great poker face and she says she does but it’s a LIE that bitch is so expressive all the time she gives GREAT reaction
1. When she wins the first challenge of the season and instead of a normal reaction she just throws her arms behind her and screams for like a full two seconds and then has to immediately go “I mean thank you, sorry”
Bonus: every time she does the voice and also that she’s incapable of saying a single sentence that doesn’t either have the word bitch or cunt in it :)
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troublcmakcrs · 3 months
//i'm obsessed with tweek bc he'll agree to do shit and then the second anything goes even slightly wrong he decides he hates it here and wants every single person involved dead
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bloomfish · 3 months
honestly my explorations through spotify are so wild sometime. now i've somehow landed on corsican reggae
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rose-lalondde · 3 months
naruto but it's my modern fantasy world au
#moon posts#naruto au#the “world” is called nexus b/c rly its an interconnecting set of pocket dimensions that intertwine with earth#setting is like fantasy new york and they all attend one of the elite magic schools#its actually a rival school to the college my ocs attend#one of the arcs is them being invited back to the winter ball tradition that the legacy colleges host#DISGRACED in the magical academia society b/c of orochimaru and danzo omg#during his first run hiruzen had a little bit of sway and respect but then shit hit the fan in his second run and they got blacklisted#minato was working on bringing them back into the elite magical academia scene but ofc he died#fastforwarding tsunade is the one who gets the back into the good graces again and this is when the story takes place#its my au so sasuke parents are alive ummm little bit of an estranged relationship#akatsuki is an underground activist group mostly made of criminals and often dabbling in the black market saurrrr#also as for hire mercenaries and bodyguards#the sand sibs are transfer students and temari is in a master's program#kinda using this au as a way to flesh out my magical academia program lol#oh! and everyone has an affinity to certain magic but there are Restrictions#easy way to explain: overuse of magic that you are affiliated to can cause loss of self (there are exceptions to this rule)#the exceptions are those who are basically already their affinity (elementals).#i also have my own set of gods and divinity but im including the bijuu as like....reminders of the past??? they're still around tho#oh!!!!! and Rin is alive (came back wrong)#instead of being the children of..whatever his name is they're the children of Order and Chaos (who are divorced)#Order and Chaos are some of thee oldest divine beings and are largely responsible for the creation and destruction of the universe#in canon they don't rly have children together
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