#it’s like an mtv video that’s on what could be improved by drag go watch it if you haven’t
sexynetra · 6 months
top five silly anetra moments go 🎤
Omg omg okay going off the top of my head here so I’m sure I’m missing so many iconic moments and this list would be entirely different at any other moment in time but let’s go!!! In no particular order:
5. The ridiculous faces she makes when people give her large quantities of money <3
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4. That one video of her at a show in I think Texas where someone gave her one of those duck push toys and she duck walked with it (the video file is too big to attach but it’s on my blog somewhere)
3. During the ball challenge when they are in the werkroom and Neech is cutting up with Malaysia while she puts her ICONIC crystal gown together and she’s quoting Kennedys iconic trade didn’t like the session monologue but then also right in the middle she interjects “time is of the Jaida Essence Hall” just for me :)
2. When she doesn’t know how to react to something or what to do she just puts her hand on her hip and pops it I think it’s so cute and funny every time, especially paired with the fact that Anetra is physically incapable of not showing every emotion she feels on her face like you’d think she’d have a great poker face and she says she does but it’s a LIE that bitch is so expressive all the time she gives GREAT reaction
1. When she wins the first challenge of the season and instead of a normal reaction she just throws her arms behind her and screams for like a full two seconds and then has to immediately go “I mean thank you, sorry”
Bonus: every time she does the voice and also that she’s incapable of saying a single sentence that doesn’t either have the word bitch or cunt in it :)
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