#adhd tiktok
thatadhdmood · 1 year
@nutmegan17 on tiktoks eating tray hack
By keeping a tray full of no prepare necessary food, in the fridge it can be used to aid neurodivergent or fatigued people.
By putting food like, cheese and crackers, or whatever is a safe food for you personally on the tray, it can be taken easily to the couch or bed to be eaten from whenever you are hungry.
This prevents executive dysfunction or fatigue and any reason preventing you from eating. You need to care of yourself because everyone needs food to stay alive including you.
You deserve to eat even when on a bad brain day and are unable to prepare a meal for yourself.
If not having a full meal doesn't satisfy you, a snack may even give you the energy to make a full meal afterwards!
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alanaartdream · 1 year
As @catieosaurus from TikTok and YouTube says here
With Adhd it’s hard to remember things for us so if we’re asking you a million times about something it’s because we’re trying to make sure we don’t forget the thing
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blue-hail · 2 years
I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this but I’m so fucking tried of every ADHD audio on tiktok being full of dog videos- like no your 8 month old puppy doesn’t have ADHD because he’s energetic, it’s a fucking puppy- I feel like it just fuels and is fueled by the misconception that ADHD is just some cute quirky thing that makes you have a lot of energy and be kinda silly 🤪
And I’m just so over it at this point
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tmmyhug · 8 months
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every once in a while i learn some wild new piece of information that explains years of behavior and reminds me that i will never truly understand everything about my ridiculous adhd brain
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aura-dragonfly · 3 months
TikTok about the H in ADHD. This is a good one folks. Listen!…
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american-boyboss · 29 days
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evilesbiautism · 3 months
The most common argument you'll hear against self diagnosis is that people will fake being [X] for attention. But every disabled person, physical or otherwise, knows this could only work in online spaces - the world was not made for us, and brandishing your disability as a badge of honor that gives you ~special privileges~ is such a funny idea.
Like, honey - that doesn't happen. No one gets anything from being disabled. Maybe extra accommodations if you're lucky - but nothing else. And the internet isn't as important as you seem to think - eventually it just feels hollow.
Ask disabled people how often they had to fight to get diagnosed so their medical needs could be met and their complaints would be heard. Doctors are just hardwired to delay this as much as possible.
I knew I was autistic since late 2018 - I got an official diagnosis 4 months ago. Knowing yourself and how you can make your own life easier is a lifesaver.
And this isn't even going into how many *cons* there are to a professional diagnosis, like being met with disdain at most and denied services at worst.
I don't care if a 16 year old who self diagnosed after taking 1 online quiz about autism is wrong. And honestly I think it's weird people treat this 'issue' with so much hatred.
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thatadhdmood · 1 year
How to reach goals as a neurodivergent person by not creating them from a neurotypical standpoint
Make the tasks fun & engaging
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alanaartdream · 1 year
Sharing one of my fave ADHD tiktok videos
Adhd ⭐️✨DAVE✨⭐️
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spacebugarts · 1 year
Neurotypicals will never know the experience of seeing a person wearing big headphones or stimming with something at the store and taking out your own stim toy to try and gauge if they're neurodivergent too or just vibing, while also trying to telepathically communicate that you are also neurodivergent.
Thats true solidarity
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sergle · 9 months
Another day of “do I have adhd, or autism, or both, or do I just spend too much time on the websites that categorize all thoughts and behaviors as symptoms of some type of neurodivergence” 
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aura-dragonfly · 4 months
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Say it with me: ADHD ≠ being lazy
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wigglebox · 8 months
It’s really not that hard to understand how Destiel is canon despite not having Dean verbally textually concretely saying “I love you” back, which is what most people who only consume media on a surface level understand.
You have a jigsaw puzzle. Let’s say there’s 327 pieces. One by one you put it together with some bright spots where you get a bunch of them in a row and some more complicated spots where it took you longer than you wanted and the picture made it difficult to match up the pieces.
After awhile, you get 326 of them in, even tho your dog almost ate the 326th piece and it’s a little chewed up but whatever. It’s passable.
But, you realize you can’t find that 327th piece. It’s somewhere — it’s gotta be somewhere. You can see the hole where it belongs. You see it’s shape in it’s empty space, you see how many curves it has and how many sticky-out bits it has to connect perfectly with the rest of the puzzle.
However that final piece is still missing.
You look up and down, come up with theories about where it could possibly be (did the dog eat it? Did the manufacturers just screw up and there was a glitch in processing? Was it your own fault you lost it and it’s somewhere super obvious?).
But despite you being unable to find it, you’ve stared at that empty space for so long it’s almost like it is already filled because the shape is so clearly outlined. It’s the final piece and even if it’s not there, the rest of the picture is, and, the empty space is so well defined that there is no QUESTION that’s where the missing piece should go.
So Destiel is canon because the rest of the puzzle was filled in through years and years of subtext, text, basic narrative structure, romantic tropes, queer coding, etc etc.
The one piece that’s still missing is Dean saying three words but you don’t know where that piece is, aka, we don’t know why he wasn’t allowed to say it back. But we know that’s what has to be said. There won’t be a refusal of reciprocation because if that was the case we would have gotten it when the show was airing because there’s no harm from executives perspectives in denying queer feelings. They’d probably prefer it.
Dean’s missing words is the one single puzzle piece that’s missing right now. And we are all still searching for it but that doesn’t mean that it’s clearly defined space isn’t already there outlining exactly what could only fit right. There.
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