#You know jojo from horton hears a who
daltonblaine · 2 years
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mmmYeah whatever
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wesleysniperking · 25 days
usopp positivity post #12
I’m feeling crazy nostalgic today. And it’s a bit of an odd-ball post. But here you go:
You know what strikes me about Usopp from One Piece and Jojo from "Horton Hears a Who"? It's how they both share this incredible knack for invention and creativity. Usopp's always tinkering away, coming up with crazy gadgets and strategies to outsmart his opponents. And Jojo, with his imaginative mind, finds solutions to problems others overlook. What's even more striking is how both of them often fly under the radar. Usopp, the "weakling" of the crew, and Jojo, the overlooked little Who in Whoville. But despite being underestimated, they both possess this inner strength and determination that shines through when it matters most. It's a reminder that sometimes, it's the ones we least expect who end up making the biggest impact.
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Horton Hears a Who! will always be my number 1 favorite Dr. Seuss book.
I enjoyed both the book and movie so much growing up.
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desertwaterwitch · 1 year
But like…. Please answer?
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allhoneysfantasies · 1 year
#10, #23, #53
10. Weirdest thing that ever turned you on?
jojo from horton hears a who yelling “yop.” idk why but that scene altered my brain chemistry
23. What is too big for you to take?
i don’t know yet🙈 i haven’t had anything too big
53. Can you deepthroat?
absolutely 😋🍆💞
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sgcairo · 2 years
Okay so i was reading your blog about the clones and stuff and when you mentioned they all share a room i just thought of this scene from Horton Hears A Who
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Ngl the description of Earl kinda reminded me of Jojo too
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I'm bleeding out the eyeballs.
So funny story, the clone room is more like a barrack than whatever that monstrosity is. It's been over a decade since I've seen Horton Hears a Who, so I don't remember this-
But this is Earl slander. It's true though, he's emo.
How do I obtain this power of crackposting? I don't know where you're pulling these ideas, but I want in.
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I know you have a list for the name "Jo," but if there's enough distinction there to make a separate list for the name "Jojo," I just came up with some contenders:
Jojo from Horton Hears a Who! (2009)
Jojo from Jojo's Circus (2003-2007)
Mojo Jojo from The Powerpuff Girls (1998-2004)
Jojo Betzler from Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Any of the "Jojo" characters from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (idk, I haven't read/watched any of it, so maybe someone else can suggest a particular one to go here)
Thank you for the suggestions!
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misterdeplume · 4 months
Anyone remember this movie?
Maybe its just me, but I feel like 'Horton Hears a Who' is pretty underrated.
Like this movie, despite some very outdated jokes making me actively go 'why would you do this please stop-', as well as a joke that's in incredibly bad taste and could have also been VERY easily replaced by something else that would still have been funny and not meanspirited and degrading cough cough-
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But 'joke that aged like spoiled milk' aside, this movie is honestly kinda great.
The animation holds up very nice, the characters are fun and relatable, the slapstick comedy is great and the world building is so incredibly creative and innovative that it kinda blows my mind how magical they made Whoville feel.
And of course, the score of the movie was made by John Powell who of course decides to go absolutely HAM with it in the best way possible.
Like, there is something so freaking fun about the concept of an entire town that is just so stupidly positive and optimistic in their outlook on life, that they just cannot grasp that their world is ending all around them. Hell even when the ground is shaking, they'd rather pretend everything is fine! There is no war in Ba Sing Se! Everyone is happy! Like- what a wonderful freaking metaphor. And of course, the one person who DOES see that there is a problem, gets silenced and ridiculed, despite constantly throughout the entirety of the movie during everything he can to prevent it.
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Like, honestly, I just love the Mayor so much. This is a guy that is just having a meltdown this entire movie, but yet he still does everything he can even if it means no one will believe him, in order to protect his people. Even if everyone thinks he's crazy, like this guy is the only one who sees the problem, and yet even when his entire world is about to be poured into a pot of coconut oil, you can SEE the determination in him, despite how terrified he is. I love that. Great character.
And of course, it helps that he's played by Steve Carrell, what's not to love?
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And then of course we have Horton who despite also being excluded and poked and treated like a freak for believing, he still sticks to his guns and goes out of his way to protect someone so small, because he knows its the right thing to do. He doesn't see the way he thinks as a problem despite being warned numerous times. I will NEVER forget the moment the clover is dropped into the field, and he just keeps searching and searching and searching-
Just the direction of seeing the town shatter at the impact alone made my heart drop! Accompanied by that absolutely beautiful western trompet solo to boot...! AH such a great scene.
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The there's JoJo, arguably the only character people remember from this movie. And a relatable short king.
There is something so wonderful to me about the parallel to him and his father. Here's a kid that never ever speaks, and even if the scenes got caught in production, I still feel like the moments where he is ridiculed and babied by everyone, reflects perfectly what its like when no one listens to you. Not even your own father.
And throughout the movie we then see the exact same thing happen to Ned! Now he is the one being ridiculed and now HE'S the one that nobody listens to. Which even if he completely misses the point with his son, in the end its part of what makes them understand each other, as 'small' (pun intended) as their screen time was.
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But I also love the JoJo we got that never speaks, because oh my god I have never felt so seen in a fictional character. Like, if you think no one will listen, why bother speaking? Which also creates a wonderful dramatic irony, as it is the smallest and quietest voice in all of Whoville that ultimately saves the day. So while I love the speaking scenes that were cut, I do feel like the silent JoJo works just as well.
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And then there's the climax- oh my GOD. Not only do we get that beautiful, beautiful western trumpet during the chase with Vlad, but we also get John Powell at his absolute best. This man did not have to go that hard.
There is something so powerful about an entire town, despite having refused to believe that anything is going wrong throughout most of the film, now coming together to save themselves. The way it starts with that small chant, and then every who joins in as the music swells, and the drums join in. The way the movie conveys all the Who's fantastical instrumants and weird whimsical inventions in this world- how they play with physics and balancing objects, with wavy doors and buildings and non-sensical every day stuff just adds so so much and it is SO creative!
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Or the scene at the observatory where JoJo is finally able to express himself and the way as he runs through his amalgamations, one by one the synphony is joined by clocks, and bottles clanking together, by marbles clinking and trumpets roaring. The way they edited the freaking sound wave coming from the observatory over the Who's chant- it is SO SO GOOD!
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Like by god it is so clear how much passion went into this movie, just from the behind the scenes alone. It has a great score, good animation, a POWERFUL message about being heard no matter who or how small, and it is all wrapped up in (in my opinion) a superb homage to Dr. Seuss' work.
Every time I listen to Symphonophone I just get chills- its so beautiful and so oddly impactful.
There is a lot of scary stuff happening in the world right now and a lot of people struggling to be heard, which is why I think this movie hits so close to home, because as Horton puts it best:
"Don't give up! I believe in you all! A person's a person, no matter how small."
So yeah if you haven't, check the movie out, it's neat. Its fun, and in my opinion, it's a really good Dr. Seuss adaptation!
Or, you know, maybe its not and its just nostalgia giving me a brain rot, I dunno...
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Wait a minute, I just realized something...
"The Mayor and his wife had children to spare, 96 daughters, some here and some there..."
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"And a few of my daughters: Hailey, Hollie, Hoolie, Hilda and Heddy!"
D-Did... did the other 90 daughters DIE!?
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ask-artsy-oncie · 4 years
Two types of bitches on tumblr dot com:
"I wasn't here during the onceler fandom but here's my completely, definitely, 100% informed take --"
"I WAS here during the onceler fandom, and I bullied the fuck out of them because that's what everyone else did. Anyways here's my completely, definitely, 100% un-biased take --"
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what-if-nct · 3 years
Taeyong: Why is Chanyeol crying?
Johnny: Renjun looked him straight in the eyes and said he looks like Sid the Sloth from Ice Age.
Chanyeol: *crying* I...I..I wanna go home.
Johnny: I know. I know. I'll take you home.
Taeyong: Renjun stop bullying people almost ten years older then you.
Renjun: I can't help Jojo from Horton hears a Who is friends with Sid the Sloth.
Johnny: I thought we moved past this! I'm just trying to live my life!
Taeyong: Renjun, can you please stop.
Renjun: Sure, by the way, you have really long duck like feet.
Taeyong: Wow.
Doyoung: You're doing amazing Renjun.
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It's my favorite time of year.
When Christmas is in full swing and all the movies are playing on loop.
And I get to talk about my theory of the connection between the WhoVille's of The Grinch and Horton Hears a Who.
So we all know the icon that is Jim Carrey's Grinch and his love interest, (*cough* Cryptidfucker *cough*) Martha May Who.
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And there's a good chance that if you had a crush on the Onceler,
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You simped for that black haired mf Jojo and noticed the furry complexion of the Who's of his time.
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Now let's take a step back. Horton's Who's are living on what?
A speck
A speck of what?
Likely dust
And there's this fascinating thing called clouds. We're aware that clouds are made of water, but did you know that they look like that because those particles stick to dust?
And that dust sticks to precipitation, which includes rain, sleet and SNOW. Now where is the Grinch's WhoVille said to be located? Oh, I wonder. Could it be a SNOWFLAKE?
So location-wise, it doesn't seem like such a stretch that these two places to be one in the same, just in different seasons.
But there's more
What if I told you that Horton's Who's are living in the future- and I don't just mean when the movie was made!
Let's circle back to the relationship between Martha and Grinch
Certainly it's not a stretch to think that Martha was hella thirsty. I mean look at the scene where the Grinch bowls her the fuck over when he goes to recieve his award for Holiday Cheermister!
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Bitch was in shock for a good ten minutes just l i v i n g.
And if I know my genetics, it's not a stretch to believe that any child between her and the Grinch could come out a little more hairy than your average Who. Maybe they keep the green, or maybe it fades with a few generations- either way, the genes may end up favoring a color more like skin or fair hair- at least in certain areas.
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Ya see, I'm not entirely convinced that blue and white is a "suit." Could just be his fur- if we already know there are green genes, then blue is hardly beyond belief. Unless Who clothes are made from shaving the fur of other Who's... or maybe animals? May need to think on that a bit more... But I digress!
The fur becomes a dominant gene. I guess the sexual charm that comes with it does too because if we are meant to end up with a society where hairlessness is nonexistent, that trait must have become extremely favored. The only issue left is the horrors of the eventual inbreeding that has resulted from this twist of fate, but that is something neither you, nor I, can fix.
If you cannot tell, I am running on less than optimal sleep. Your day better be as ruined as mine.
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toweroftickles · 3 years
UNCATEGORIZED FILES: Completely Random Ticklish Character Examinations
Exploring the multiverse for ticklish test subjects is surprisingly tedious sometimes. There’s so much data to sift through, tons of organization, and you’re often stuck with the same popular victims.
It’s fun to go after underutilized, unknown, or obscure entities. As of yet these personality profiles cannot properly be sorted within existing folders.
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Mary Smith (Mary & The Witch’s Flower)
Most Ticklish Spots: Arches, Belly, Knees
A kind but proud witch student…skillful, protective of own image. Can’t stand being tickled - considers it humiliating and frustrating. Post-release, will immediately curl up into a ball, or cover her stomach with her arms and pout.
Sad-sounding laughter that really lers you know that she hates it. Helplessly begs for it to stop.
Will react with fury, and fight back.
Tickle Talk: Playful teasing with plenty of giggles, if she’s the one who starts it. If enacting revenge, however, she taunts aggressively and angrily to embarrass her playmate as much as possible.
When allowed the use of magic, imaginatively utilizes tickling finger spells, as well as object manipulation and stasis.
Teased about how ticklish she is by her boyfriend Peter. Tickle fights common.
Add. Notes: Comparisons to (her contemporary) Kiki are all but inevitable - not quite as ticklish but much less open to enjoying it. Direct side-by-side comparison may be beneficial for studying the impact of magic on sensitivity.
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Razor Lemay (Starlink: Battle for Atlas)
Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Abs and Belly Button, Upper Ribcage
This no-nonsense metal band pilot is highly resistant - use stronger restraints in future. A violent thrasher. Headbanging skills came in handy when freeing herself.
Never ceased to let me know that I’m a “sick weirdo.” Consider this possibility.
Though toned and muscular, her skin is surprisingly soft. Weak to any kind of tickling.
Most effective tool: backscratchers
Has an airy laugh that is mostly gasps and wheezes; runs out of breath quickly.
Used the phrase “oh my god” more than any other subject studied so far. Offered up nonstop torrent of swearing, violent threats, and begging for mercy.
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Jojo McDodd (Horton Hears A Who)
Most Ticklish Spots: Sides, Feet
Hates it. Becomes embarrassed and angry when tickled. Will frustratedly sulk rather than fight back or seek revenge.
Usually groans through teeth but can’t prevent the odd chuckle from slipping out. Skilled at holding his voice in. Press the matter further.
Involuntary reflex - noodly arm flailing if not restrained.
Very responsive to poking and light, fluttery touches.
Often depressed. His mother, Sally O’Malley (who, according to him, is also quite ticklish - investigate) used to tickle him in attempt to cheer him up, but abandoned this years ago upon realizing it bothered him.
When his younger sisters want to pester him, tickling is a go-to option.
Add. Notes: With their long, fuzzy, highly-animated fingers, natural mischievous mirth, and piano-playing aptitude, the Who species has evolved anatomy well-suited for tickling others.
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Schell The Spacewitch (Yooka-Laylee)
Most Ticklish Spots: Belly, Armpits
Considers tickling to be her “one true weakness” - doesn’t hate it, but it renders her utterly incapacitated.
Has one of those hearty laughs that carries well over distances.
Feathers are very effective.
Will eagerly return the favor - once used feather tickling as an interrogation method on a fellow spacewitch.
Interplanetary adventures have put her in conflict with various alien plants and monsters, some of which accidentally tickled her with tongues or tentacles or the like - take samples for further lab testing.
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Sphinx (Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy)
Most Ticklish Spots: Belly Button, Feet
The adventurous and heroic sort, he’s a little bit cocky….tickling is a good way to make him slightly less so.
A surprisingly effective technique is to tickle his stomach with his own tail. Good results.
He himself occasionally uses his tail this way to flirt with girls.
Not excessively ticklish, but ticklish enough. Will at least squirm and try to pull away.
Doesn’t show much strong emotion…more vaguely weirded out by this than anything else.
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Pipirika (Magi: Adventure of Sinbad)
Most Ticklish Spots: Toes/Balls of Feet, Ribs, Inner Thighs
Unusual Ticklish Spots: Inner Elbow
Loud and rough, unrefined. But also very friendly, excitable, and loves to laugh.
Like all Imuchakk people, huge in stature and musculature. Between her large size and insistence on always going barefoot, she’s a tempting target.
If you ask if she’s ticklish, or for permission to tickle her, she’ll gladly say yes and volunteer with a big smile on her face.
That said, she frequently seems to find herself much more ticklish than she remembers.
She likes it but she’s a kicker. Hard to pin down and will not hold still. Tough restraints essential.
Will always seek playful vengeance or start a tickle brawl. Loves to tickle her brother and friends. Often giggles and laughs more than the people she tickles.
Hearty, rumbling belly laugh. Very cute.
Can’t keep a secret; will tell others if you like tickling. (Not out of malice - she thinks it’s hilarious.)
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Fire (Adventurers: Masters of Time)
Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Lower Tummy, Belly Button
Self-described as “a total tickler. You better watch out!”
Her default attack when trying to escape an enemy’s grip is to tickle them. Has done it more than once. It’s canon. So there.
Claims to have used her school’s time travel computer specifically to visit and “play tickle pranks” on famous historical figures. Seemed very excited by the multiversal capabilities of the Tower.
Spunky and playful. Very energetic. Tickle Talk: mean, merciless, and will make fun of her victims for being so ticklish and weak.
Apparently aware that her constantly-exposed belly invites tickling. Will dare others to start a tickle fight with her “because you’ll lose.”
Most vulnerable to rough tickles (especially brushes).
Always laughs wildly and tells her tickler to stop, but seems to enjoy it at less-intense levels.
Add. Notes: I like this girl. She could be very useful.
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Saki Amamiya & Airan Jo (Sin & Punishment/Smash Bros.)
Most Ticklish Spots (Saki): Feet, Belly, Lower Ribcage
Most Ticklish Spots (Airan): Toes, Sides
Virtually inseparable couple. Could not tickle one without the other.
A highly skilled gymnast and gunner, Saki will jump out of his skin when tickled. Airan will lash out physically or curl up into a defensive ball.
Saki is the more ticklish of the two. He’s a live wire of sensitivity; a poke can cripple him. Has a high-pitched giggle.
Airan has a low, wailing laugh. Quickly tears up and complains about how much her tummy hurts when tickled.
Airan sometimes tickles Saki awake in the morning and teases him when he squirms.
Both hate being tickled: feel it’s a silly, embarrassing vulnerability.
Neither are particularly touchy/physical and never really tickle each other. Don’t think about it often.
Saki eventually develops Ruffian physiology after an experiment with his blood - effects of this on ticklishness unknown.
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Tess Darrett (Pole Position)
Most Ticklish Spots: Arches, Armpits
Unusual Ticklish Spots: Upper Back, Under Chin
Rarely far separated from her stunt rally cars and spy technology. Exceptionally difficult to apprehend.
Resourceful and skilled in combat. Exercise caution.
Once captured by a criminal organization and interrogated with feathers to make her reveal the access codes to her stunt car computer AI, Wheels. Strong willpower - laughed and laughed but refused to talk.
Otherwise is only ever tickled by her younger sister Daisy (who reportedly is also very ticklish, and has also been interrogated to force her older siblings’ hands).
Not usually a tickler. Avoids going after her younger brother, because he’s not ticklish and would definitely get her back.
Typical sibling relationship: her brother used to pin her down and tickle her when they were kids. She hates it.
Add. Notes: If a woman who is deeply entrenched in the seedy underworld has big 70s/80s hair and often wears a jumpsuit, just assume that she’s tough but with a soft side and also very ticklish. (See also: Fujiko Mine, Carmen Boom, April O’Neil.)
I might indeed be a sick weirdo. This merits further study.
Breaking character…yeah, IDK what the hell this is and I’m assuming none of you care. Just kinda wanted to blow off steam. I like weird characters that nobody else really cares about.
And why the hell do I even write some of my blog entries this way? Deliberately making things “less fun” seems kinda like a bad idea.
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bunkernine · 4 years
a lot of you have been asking but here's my nico di angelo fancast for the titans curse!!! 🥰
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FC: Timothee Chalamet!!! 🥰
[Image Description: A picture of JoJo from the animated movie Horton Hears a Who. He gives the camera a knowing look with a smile. END ID]
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veethewriter · 3 years
hiya! i saw you were doing matchup's, and i wanted to join! can i get one for haikyuu + mha?
i am eighteen, my pronouns are she/her. i don't have a gender preference, and i'm unlabelled [if that helps with anything]. i'm 5'2 😫 i basically look like jojo mcdodd [from horton hears a who!] but with longer hair.
if i'm talking about personality, i am a pisces sun with a leo rising and an intp. i really enjoy that whole aesthetic where it's like, late-night train rides, blurry/grainy photos, underground music bars and [i'm sorry if this makes no sense] but brick walls, ribs by lorde, and dim neon red light at night.
i like listening music, even though i only listen to the same five songs over and over – and one of them is the glee version. i play the drums, but i haven't practiced in over a month :) and i actively enjoy making a joke out of everything! and despite being very emotional, i'm not at the same time. and i have a love/hate relationship with arguing, i love it but i get so frustrated.
thank you! and i hope you have a good rest of your day!
Of course!! For mha I match you with mina!!
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Mina loves going to underground music bars with you (she's finds them so cool!) Mina loves going out to places at night because that's when all the lights outside look cool. You two will go on late night drives just blasting music, Mina loves taking you to this one spot on a hill where you get a good view of the stars. You and Mina will watch shows together, when you do Mina usually has your head in her lap (she likes messing with your long hair.)
You and Mina rarely argue but when you do Mina is usually the one to apologize first since your so frustrated at the moment. When Mina knows your high in emotion at the moment, she'll hug you to try to clam you down. For gifts she'll buy you a few neon signs for you room, for decoration. Mina loves when you make jokes, you make her laugh a lot, in return she'll try to make you happy a lot.
For haikyuu I match you with oikawa!!
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Listen we all know that oikawa is into all things about space so is obvious that he would be into bright lights too. Oikawa will take you out on dates during the night since that when the lights are the brightest. He'll take you to all the cool night clubs that he knows about. Oikawa is gone often for sports so he'll leave cool glow in the dark notes for you to find around your house (some of them flirtious or stupid jokes.)
Oikawa will play your music out loud whenever you two are just hanging out (of course he'll mix his music in but he'll make sure you like it.) When you and oikawa argue, you always apologize first because oikawa is bad at apologizing. Oikawa doesn't like fighting with you at all, he hates seeing you upset at him for some reason. When oikawa can't apologize, he'll give you a small gift and a note that has sorry on it.
I hope you like it 😌😌😌
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a-pretty-nerd · 3 years
IKUHEWUFHWEIF this this is an odd request but would u perhaps, maybe, i don't know, write a one shot about uhhhhh jojo mcdodd from horton hears a who LMFAOO PLS i'm so embarassed but my crush on him from like 2010 recently resurfaced and i'd luv to see ur take on it u.u if not i TOTALLy get it but it was worth a shot heheh =)
I'm so sorry...
Just to clarify.
(this is amazing)
You want me to write fanfiction, about this lil bastard?
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I'm fucking DYING dude!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 JOJO MCDODD!!!!
I'm gonna McFrikin' lose it.
Dude I get it when this movie came out I had the biggest crush on the little asshole. Everything I ever wanted. Then I realized I didn't want him, I wanted to BE him.
I love that you requested this. But at the moment I'm a little swamped with work and other requests and if I'm being honest, I don't wanna write Dr. Seuss fanfiction.
But bless you for making the request anon. 🙏 It really made my day. I love you!
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aceiduna · 3 years
today i found out people were unironically attracted to jojo from that animated horton hears a who movie that came out a few years ago. this information came as a shock to me but honestly i should know by now that the allos are full of surprises. shoutout to my funky allo people i will never understand you guys but i love you lol
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ask-the-maniac · 4 years
I heard someone say you looked like Jojo Mcdodd from that animated Horton Hears a Who movie You know, the really short, mute emo kid everyone wants as a husband?
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“...Who and what the absolute fucking hell are you talking about?”
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