#Yoga teacher Sam
pssy-wagn · 2 years
Day 20: Spa Day
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Bonus: Couldn't leave the iconic line out of this
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preseriesdean · 2 years
i feel like the fact that we only have three bare knee sightings from sam and dean in the whole show is a punishable offence
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
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!this is a repost because something was wrong with the original!
Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun with this. Already looking forward to all the other imagines lined up 🥰
Secret Relationship (Bingo Game)
BuckyBarnes x Female!Avenger!Reader
word count: 1.4k
warnings: fluffy af, little angst
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Your eyes stared over the coffee mug at him from across the room. He was stealing glances over to the kitchen in which you sat as Sam and Tony tried to convince him to meet the smoking hot yoga teacher bachelorette the two of them had found for him this week. 
You felt a little bad for him, to be honest. Bucky seemed exhausted from their constant nagging. It was weird to see the two men together like this. Normally, Tony and Sam would just pass in the hallway with subtle nods. But when it came to finding a woman for Bucky, the two could be mistaken for best friends. 
“Her name is Ronda and she is hot.”
“Mhm. Gives hot yoga a whole new meaning.”
“That’s right. And she’s willing to meet you!”
“Well, I’m not willing.”
“Why are you always like this, Bucky? We go out and we find you a nice girl and you decline every time.”
“Maybe he’s like this because Dr. No over here isn’t getting laid. Which is why you should go on this date.”
“I don’t need to get laid to be in a good mood, Tony.”
“We don’t know that. You’re always grumpy and you’re most certainly not getting laid. Doesn’t sound like a coincidence to me.”
“Oh, that definitely isn’t a coincidence.”
“I’m a scientist I know that stuff.”
“Yeah, he’s a scientist. Listen to him.”
“Shut up, Sam.”
But Bucky was panicking, you could see it in his eyes. He wanted to say it, that he didn’t want to go on dates because was already dating you. But you had forbidden him from doing so. It was better this way, and he had not spoken up when you suggested keeping your relationship a secret for now. 
With a small smirk, you got off your chair.
“Have you two geniuses ever thought about your annoying banter being the reason for his bad mood?” You sauntered past the men with your mug still in hand, the other slightly grazing Bucky’s back on your way to the door. You could feel his muscles relax just from the small touch. 
“How are we being annoying? We are literally helping him get some.”
“I don’t need to get any!” 
That was the last thing you heard Bucky shout frustratedly when you entered the hallway, a small chuckle leaving your lips before you went to your room to finish the report you had yet to hand in. 
It wasn’t long before Bucky entered your room with an exhausted sigh. He leaned against the closed door when you looked up and then proceeded to approach you at your desk, where he leaned over your shoulder, arms caging you to his chest and chin nuzzling in your neck. 
“They’re the worst,” he mumbled into your sweater before placing small kisses along your neck. 
“I know, baby.” You stroked his arms. “For the geniuses, they claim to be, they’re really hardheaded.”
“I feel like it’s just me they’re bothering with this. For all they know, you are single too.”
Another pang went through your chest. Bucky had not been part of the team for long. And you had spared him all of the details about most members that Steve hadn’t already told him about. 
There was a reason why Tony and Sam didn’t suggest eligible partners to you, and that was because you had multiple suitors amongst the team and beyond already. If you wanted to have someone, they just assumed you would get them. Not to mention the total embarrassment they had witnessed when you had rejected Pietro in front of the team during movie night. You hadn’t meant to, but he had sprung it upon you without warning, and you hadn’t wanted to lead him on. 
Then there was Peter, the intern, that harbored a silly schoolboy crush on you since he had gotten his first action figure of you, and letting him down gently was harder than you had thought. Tony and Sam, especially, had gotten amusement from the frequent serenades and suggestive fan mail you received. They even suggested an “open mail + wine night” for their personal entertainment one time. And, well, you didn’t say no to wine and gossip. 
But despite all this, it wasn’t the reason why you wanted to keep your relationship a secret. Bucky had been closed up from the very first time Steve introduced him to the team. It had taken two months for him to reply to simple questions such as if he wanted coffee, too. But somehow, you had the honor of being the first person he trusted after Steve. And once you had gotten to know him better, he was the sweetest person ever. Caring, funny, charming - very touchy. But you were scared this would go away once everyone started teasing him about it. So yes, it might have been to protect Bucky, but it felt more and more like personal gain to you. 
“I want you to know that I don’t need Yoga Brenda, or Coffeeshop Mandy, or anyone else. I just wanna tell them that I’m already dating the most gorgeous woman they could ever find.”
“You are wonderful, do you know that?” Your head leaned against his shoulder when you felt Bucky smile into the crook of your neck. “And I guess I could deal with a little more PDA - warm the team up to it slowly.”
“Sounds like a great plan.” And with that Bucky turned your chair and pulled you up and towards the bed. “Until then,” he patted his lap once he sat down, “I demand a kiss for every time I had to vouch for us.”
You smirked before straddling him. “Oh, I’ll gladly pay up, then.”
You knew Bucky was touchy, but now that he had permission to do so outside your rooms, it lit a whole new fire within you. You couldn’t reach the cupboard? He would press up against you with a hand on your hip and get whatever item you needed. You walked through a door? You bet he would hold that thing open until you were all the way through. 
But those were just the, in his way, subtle approaches for when everyone was around. When the two of you happened to catch a quiet moment, he wouldn’t hesitate to hug and kiss you in every common area of the compound. 
You didn’t mind it too much - Bucky was a great lover all around. But you were still a little nervous as to what the team’s reaction would be. You had already gotten glimpses of it. A raised brow from Natasha, who really was just surprised it had gone past her for so long. A double take from Pietro when Bucky brushed an eyelash from your face. And a knowing smile from Wanda, who to be honest, had probably known all along - your thoughts weren’t exactly subtle... or PG.
Though you had yet to see Sam or Tony react to the increase in affection Bucky gave you. It wasn’t unusual that he asked you to train or make a joke - you were friends in everyone’s eyes. But it would become obvious if he kept up the thing he was doing right now. 
Bucky had just swiped some chocolate from your face in the kitchen, and when Clint had left the room, Bucky’s hand just lingered on your face. You were staring at him. And every time those eyes gazed into yours, it was hard to remember that there was a world around you. 
“I like this,” Bucky smirked when his thumb grazed over your cheek. His mouth followed shortly and soon he was stealing pecks from your soft lips.
“It is very nice,” you admitted flustered from the kisses, your hands now grabbing at his shirt. 
“See, it’s not so bad.”
You just hummed in response when Bucky patted your ass affectionately.
“Ahhh! What did I just see?” Sam’s eyes were wide, his head immediately snapping to Tony. You just sighed as you leaned against Bucky’s chest. It had to happen sooner or later...
“Holy smokes, Barnes. Had we known you got Miss Unattainable, we would have shut up a long time ago.” Tony whistled in acknowledgment before he approached the fridge and retrieved a water bottle.
Bucky just looked at you with a lazy smile, his hands rubbing up and down your back. It was nice not to hide anymore.
“What can I say?” He was looking into your eyes when he spoke. “She likes to keep me to herself.” And when you responded with a smile, he leaned in and kissed you shamelessly.
“Geez, get a room,” you heard Sam mumble gruffly. 
But all you could do was giggle as Bucky hid his smile in the crook of your neck, his scruff tickling your skin and the weight of the secret falling from your shoulders.
Wanna be added to the Taglist?
@circe143 @valkyrie418 @mirikusashes @noideawhyimdoingthislol @nikkitc0703 @lethallyprotected @erynnnn @misshale21 @almosttoopizza @sociallyimpairedme @royalwritersoftheuniverses @i-l-y-3000 @mrsgweasley @prettylittlepluviophile
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stardewremixed · 1 year
What Each Townie Adds to the Community Center After Complete, Pt. 1
Farmer - a farm-to-table dinner once a month and everyone brings a side dish to share
Caroline - expands her fitness class and moves it to the Center (offers 3-4x's a week)
Evelyn - a baking class once a month (mostly cookies, some cakes too. Haley sometimes helps).
Gus - cooking class once a week (and he would be such a good teacher with a gentle, encouraging voice) AND a near daily breakfast for seniors and vets (because he's that kind of guy)
Sebastian - basic computer classes because these townsfolk need to get outta the dark ages. Jk... but seriously, he would open a computer lab. People could come work on resumes, kids could play games after school and on weekends (Sam included), and folks could pay bills online.
Penny would create a kids club for after school on Wednesdays. Vincent, Jas, and Leo all come for storytime, homework help, snacks, and playtime. Jas would donate some of her old dolls and toys. Vincent would create a bug display. Leo would fix up a treehouse out front with help from Robin.
Robin would offer woodworking classes, and she would co-lead an environmental science club with Demetrius (for the social and moral support).
Willy and Elliott would arrange beach clean-up days, and use the Center to create a place for recycling gathering. (And compost - Leah and the Farmer would add).
Gunther would partner with the Adventurer's Guild to host a series of guest lectures on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Archeologists, botanists, monster hunters, travelers, other experts.
Shane would open an AA chapter and suicide prevention support group (with some encouragement from Harvey). Bad coffee. Stale donuts. Everyone feels welcome though.
Band practice would move out of Sam's bedroom and into the Center. He would also organize an open mic night (Abigail would do most of the work, but his enthusiasm counts). He would support and cheer for everyone equally (no matter how off-key).
Elliott would do poetry readings. Once he was published, he would host his book reveal party at the Center. Over wine for the 21+.
Leah would host art classes - sculpting, painting, etc. She would also organize a tri-athlon with Alex.
Alex would fix up the backyard for a kids gridball team. He would have a sports mentorship program (and kids from surrounding towns would attend). Work hard. Play hard. And learn life skills. With a lot of help from other townies.
Haley would create a dark room for anyone wanting to develop their own photos. And she would gladly have many of her own photos on display.
I feel like George would host movie nights with help from Alex, Sebastian and Maru. Alex would hang the projector, Seb would set up the equipment, and Maru would decorate with lights in the yard for movies under the stars in summertime. And bring strawberries to share, of course. Old timey movies. Black and whites.
Harvey (and Maru) would host health clinics, offering free wellness checkups. Gus would provide healthy lunches. They would team up with Caroline for a fitness class. Emily would call her Swami friend for a yoga and meditation demonstration.
Emily would definitely start a sewing circle. Jodi would join. Maybe Marnie. And Caroline would enjoy cross-stitch.
Em would also do additional projects. The younger ladies like Abigail, Sophia, and Scarlett would definitely be into cosplay and costuming together. Abs would drag Sebastian in every once in awhile and Sam would tag along, just cuz. Seb would rock Puck from A Midsummer's Night Dream. And Elliott would make a fantastic Romeo. Haley would definitely be Juliet.
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bcacstuff · 7 months
Hi bcacstuff. Just wanted to mention a few things here. Been following Sam Heughan for a while, and was in Edinburgh for the Clanlands in New Zealand book event on the 5th of November.
As someone else posted on Twitter or on another blog (don’t remember well), the event in Edinburgh left me a bit disappointed. Although there were some funny moments, I could notice there was something definitely off about Sam and Graham, and it seemed that they actually didn’t want to be there (Sam was looking down many times). Their connection and interaction with the audience was practically null. I also have to say the host, Eleanor Morton, lacked charisma and didn’t really know how to conduct the interviews. This was completely the opposite to the first event I saw of them, for the book Clanlands Almanac, in November of 2021 in London. They both were funny, witty and you could see they enjoyed themselves. The host, Edith Bowman, was fantastic.
Regarding the book Clanlands in New Zealand, I still haven’t started reading it yet because I’m still going through the previous ones, Clanlands Almanac and the one about Sam Heughan himself, Waypoints. However, seeing and reading the excerpts of the new book about New Zealand added here in some posts, I feel displeased about its content. This is supposed to be a book about New Zealand, but then we have Sam telling his dating stories and how drunk he was. He comes across as a 43-year-old desperate man, following the barmaid, then the yoga teacher, and trying to show everyone how attractive he is to women. And then the story of the shish kebab in his bed linen…Quite unattractive getting so drunk at that age and thinking it’s funny. He sounds ridiculous.
I also have to say this is the best blog about SH. I also used to read P. one at the beginning of this year, but I stopped doing it as this person basically is trying all the time to confirm and assure Sam is seriously dating x woman just because there was a rumour Sam saw/had a coffee with whoever woman, all with no proof of him being with whatever woman P. insists to link him to. She always does this annoying thing they do in the US (merging two names of a couple), for example, when SH was said to be with KE (samrina). Seriously??? And she does it with every single woman. Oh, and she has “sources” everywhere, which they can confirm everything she writes. Sure 😂
I also left that blog because I could see she doesn’t accept opinions different than hers, and she’s quite rude and unpleasant when directing those opinions.
Bcastuff, you are the voice of truth and common sense. Keep the good work.
Thanks Anon for all the lovely words, really appreciate it. As for that other blog... yeah, well... we all know what you just concluded. Reading there takes a big bag of salt and a strong stomach from time to time... 🫣
I've seen both the Edinburgh and the London event on video. Must say London was better, I agree Eleanor Morton disappointed me, I really expected more from her. And yes, Sam was very reserved for as much as I saw. In London it was better, but still Sam seems to be distracted, tried to be funny but Graham's stories seem to be more fun.
I don't think the excerpts I posted are representative for the whole book, I hope at least not. I don't have the book myself, and given the amount of booze involved, I wont buy it. I already had the same with the former CL books, too much booze stories. But okay, that's just a personal thing. I simply don't think drunk stories are funny. And as a businessman selling liquors, I don't think it's a good image he's putting out there this way.
I do got some more excerpts sent to me, which I will post in the future. Don't want to post too much as many still are waiting for their book. but there are better stories in it as well. Like the one about the Ta Moko, and Graham's wedding f.i. I also think Graham writes the most parts about the history and information about NZ.
Again thank you for reading my blog, as well as for sharing your experience on the book event 🧡
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Tagged by @help-help-i-need-an-adult to share 15 facts about myself
Thank you 🥰
I'm not good with coming up with facts about myself so I went back to the original questions 😅
Are you named after anyone?
Kinda? My irl name is the same as one of my parents friends but I don't think it was anything special like "we named our baby after you" they just liked the name
My online name is a made-up-by-@does-your-flag-mean-death female version of a character from a book I was obsessed with as a kid (Wolfsaga by Käthe Recheis)
When was the last time you cried?
I don't fully remember tbh it's been surprisingly long (a few weeks maybe?) but I'm guessing it was during a movie
Do you have any kids?
love that we're all so old that this is a valid question now lol. but no
What sports do you play/have played?
Never was much of a teamsports person but I used to do ballet in elementary school, was in a swim club and now I hike & do yoga. Also used to boulder semi-regularly before the pandemic but never got back into it
Do you use sarcasm often?
Not really? Not notably often at least I think?
What's the first thing you notice about someone?
Usually their hair. And like... a general vibe that's mostly "alternative/metalhead/nerd or not"
Eye color?
Greenish-brownish? Hazel? something like that
Any talents?
Apparently I'm talented at playing the drums at least according to my drum teacher but I can't practice at home so idk. and i think I'm pretty good at writing when it comes to scientific reports and papers. I don't think I could write prose very well but writing in a concise and easily readable way comes pretty easy to me
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way. If the scary movie is good it's fine but I'm just a sucker for happy cheesy endings. Nothing makes me cry more than people hugging at the end of dramatic movies
Where were you born?
Do you have any hobbies?
I play the drums, play & DM DnD, love hiking & reading and recently started crotcheting. Also gaming
Do you have any pets?
Not right now! Grew up with bunnies, had a snake for a few years and we're planning to get cats once i have a stable job
176cm I think
Favorite school subject?
Well I'm doing my master's in biology so take a wild gues haha
But looking back I also really fondly remember German class. And Theater if that counts haha
Dream job?
Researcher but also being payed well & not working overtime & with a non-temporary contract. About as realistic as my actual dreams.
And here's a bonus fact: I ramble lol so here's some people I'd like to hear from
@kitsune-sam @helianthus21 @spookyshadowfox @a-hearts-a-heavy-burden @crescendoofstars @asongaboutpirates @augusta-imperatrix and i guess @does-your-flag-mean-death (if i find out anything new about you like this I'm gonna be pissed though 😘)
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Her big bear - Kinktober 15
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Summary: The alpha moving in next door catches your attention.
Square 15 filled for @samwinchesterbingo​: Size Kink
Square 14 filled for @anyfandomaubingo​: High School AU
Square 11 filled for @spnabobingo​ : Anise/Honeysuckle/Lavender
Square 18 filled for @spnfluffbingo​: Highschool teacher au
Square 23 filled for @spnaubingo (expired): Omega!Dean
Pairing: Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Reader
Kink: Size kink
Rating: Mature
Warnings: angst, unrequited feelings, a/b/o, scenting, light making out, fluff, implied smut, implied claiming
A/N: This is one of the few flufftober fics I wrote for Kinktober to make sure everyone enjoys kinktober/flufftober.
Words: 1,3k
Kinktober 2022
AFG AU BINGO masterlist
2022 SPN A/B/O BINGO masterlist
2022 SPN FLUFF BINGO masterlist
2021 SPN AU BINGO masterlist
Sam Winchester Bingo masterlist
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He’s so tall. He’s huge. He’s got even bigger hands. He’s all you ever dreamed of and more.
Sadly, the alpha of your dreams is flirting with some other girl. 
“Heya sweetheart,” his brother says, eagerly hugging you. “Are you enjoying yourself? We did good, right?”
“It’s a great party,” you reply with a smile. The brothers moved to town some weeks ago and invited the neighbors over for a welcome party. “Thanks for inviting me, Mr. Winchester.”
“I told you to call me Dean,” he grins. “Anyone bringing me pie, food and beer can call me Dean. The pie was something else. What did you put inside?”
“My pleasure, Dean. I used anise,” The tall omega chuckles now. “I like to bake and take care of-“ you bite your tongue. “You know, share food and all.”
“It’s quite alright, Y/N. I know that you have a thing for my brother,” you gasp audibly. “He’s a good catch, sweetheart. Trust me. I’m an omega and recognize a good alpha when I see one. And he’s single.”
“Oh, I forgot to ask what you are doing for a living,” you glance at Sam while talking to his elder brother. You try to make small talk, but all of your senses seem to focus on Sam.
“I’m a mechanic, and Sammy over there,” Dean smirks as he points toward his brother is a lawyer. He just opened his own law company. So, if you ever need help with…uh you know. The law. He can help you.”
“That’s nice. I guess.”
“What are you doing for a living, Y/N?” the friendly omega asks. Dean tries to loosen you up a little before he pushes you into his brother’s arms. He already imagines welcoming you to their family. 
“I’m a teacher at the local high school. Boring I know,” you lick your lips while watching Sam. “Not like Jess. She’s a creative director and Lisa over there, the one talking to your brother is a yoga instructor and knows everything about workouts and such.”
“Y/N, I will tell you this only once,” the omega lowers his voice, “you need to be a little more forward and aggressive when it comes to courting for an alpha you want. Go over there, and make sure to get my brother’s attention. He loves your scent; he told me so.”
“He likes my scent?”
“Lavender and honeysuckle, right? Samy was telling me he scented you before he saw you. Honeysuckle, heady and nectarous, and lavender, a pleasant smell that is floral and herbal at the same time according to my brother.”
“He scented me,” you mumble. “Sam scented me.”
“Yes. Now go over there and make your claim on my brother known.”
Dean smirks. You sigh.
There is no way that a tall and handsome alpha like Sam would ever want to claim someone plain and boring like you. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you lie as Dean looks at you, brows furrowed. “I totally forgot about the time. I need to have a look at my students' homework and there are a few emails I need to answer.”
“Don’t just leave. At least say goodbye to my brother if you are too chicken to get what you want.”
You sigh again.
“Sammy is a nice guy. I know the beard and his size can be intimidating, but you don’t have to be afraid of my brother.”
You gasp.
“Dean, I’m not scared of Sam. I just don’t know how to talk to him.”
“You talked to me the whole time.”
“That’s…you are not him,” Dean chuckles as you try to explain how you feel about his younger brother. “Don’t get me wrong. You are a nice guy but he’s just…so perfect, and tall.”
“Sammy is not perfect. He’s smart, kind, and yes, tall. But you are special too. Go and talk to him. If only to say goodnight.”
You take a deep breath. “I can do this.”
“That’s the spirit, sweetheart.”
While you slowly make your way toward Sam, Dean secretly cheers for you and his brother. It’s been a while since Sam wanted to settle down and find himself an omega. Since he and Amelia broke things up, Sam became a loner.
“Sam, hi,” fuck, you hate the sound of your own voice. Your hands start to sweat, and you don’t know if you can make it out of the house without embarrassing yourself. “It was nice of you to invite me to the party, but I have to go.”
You hold out your hand.
“You want to go?” 
“I got some more work to do,” you feel your heartbeat quicken when Sam shakes your hand. “Welcome to the neighborhood again. I hope you like it here.”
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“Y/N? Hi, uh…can you open the door? It’s me, Sam from next door,” you slowly blink your eyes open as someone repeatedly rings your doorbell. “Y/N! Omega!”
“What? Who?” rubbing your face with your hand you groan. “Fuck’s sake. Who rings at my door in the middle of the night.”
You turn back around and try to get some sleep.
To hell with whoever tried to disturb your goodnight sleep…
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“Morning neighbor,” you wave at Dean as he hurriedly makes his way toward his car. A black Impala he likes to call Baby. 
“Hey, sweetheart.”
You snicker as he blows you a kiss. Dean and you feel comfortable around each other, and it shows.
You spent the last few weeks getting to know the cocky omega better.
“Where do you go?”
“My garage.”
“Oh, I just came home from work.”
“Sammy is back in town too,” you stop in your tracks at the news.
At the same time as Dean decided to become your new best friend, Sam left town. Or was it the other way around?
“How was his business trip?”
“Good…it was good.”
“I should head home. Have a great day, Dean.”
Dean doesn’t tell you that Sam had to leave town to sit out his rut. His brother was ready to just pounce on you. Before Sam left, he asked his brother to keep an eye on you...
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“You kept me waiting,” you drop your bag and keys as Sam Winchester stands in your living room. He looks you up and down but says nothing else. “I have been waiting for you.”
“Sam? How did you get—Dean,” groaning you realize Dean must’ve given the spare key you handed him to to join you for movie nights, to his brother. “He let you into my house.”
“Y/N, I was worried about you,” the alpha steps closer to tower over you. “Dean said you’ll be at home at seven. Uh-I wanted to cook for us.”
You just stare up at Sam. He’s even taller up close and it makes you feel small and vulnerable. But there is something else. Your pussy clenches around nothing and you can already feel the slick run down your thighs. “Sam, I…”
“Do you know how hard it is to me to see and scent you every day and not be able to act on it? I wanted to make you mine for so long,” your throat is suddenly a little too dry. Sam’s scent hits you, and you can only stare up at him as he moves his large hand to cradle your face. “Answer me, omega.”
His warm hand on your face makes you whimper. “I will tell you.” He scoops you up in his strong arms to carry you toward the bedroom. “Did you think I missed the way you looked at me?”
Sam presses you against the wall next to your bedroom. His lips claim yours in a heated kiss. You moan, eagerly returning the kiss as Sam starts to grind against your thigh.
“I waited long enough to make you mine. Dean told me that you want to be mine,” he claims your lips again. A little softer this time. “Do you want me to become your alpha?”
You smirk. “I want you to become my big bear…”
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Tags in reblog.
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gvftea · 1 month
Two months ago I received The Sims 4 as a gift, and thought it would be fun to add GVF to my neighborhood. I made all four of them, put them in an apartment in San Myshuno, gave them full autonomy and pretty much let them do whatever they want, only intervening if it's absolutely necessary. I also switch to other households so the GVF one can progress without me doing much and I check on them periodically. Here are some of my highlights:
-Unfortunately, you can't form bands in TS4 (TS3 did have that feature) so I had to find each of them an individual career to pursue. Jake is a musician, Josh is a comedian, Danny is a social media personality and Sam is a lifeguard. Initially I wanted Sam to be a conservationist but then I saw that the uniform for lifeguards involved tiny shorts and sandals and suddenly it made sense in my head.
-Left them unattended for a few days, came back to see that Sam had moved out of the apartment and into a beach house with his girlfriend, a red-headed teacher covered head to toe in tattoos. Looking closely at her in the Creat-A-Sim panel I found she's definitely a lesbian, not even in the experimentation phase. Not sure what is up with that.
-Josh has a rival at his job that continuously sabotages him and prevents him from getting a promotion. Josh's solution? Fucking the guy in what seems to be EA's version of a trailer park. Job rival is now obsessed with Josh, but Josh wants nothing to do with him.
-Jake will go days and I mean DAYS without showering. He leaves the house, goes to work and returns with a green stench.
-Danny has a fear of failure/fear of unfulfilled dreams so intense he's rarely ever happy, I'm actually considering cheating that fear off.
-Left Sam and his lesbian girlfriend unattended for a few days, came back to see that Sam was now a mermaid. I like it for the most part, sometimes he makes these dolphin screeches that I find deeply disturbing though.
-Bought Josh a yoga mat. Does he ever use it? No.
-Danny made a post promoting a product and it flopped so terribly he got in bed under the sheets and sobbed.
-Every time Josh tries to use the washing machine/dryer it catches on fire.
-Jake has beef with a dude who lives next door because he turns his TV on loud as hell when Jake is trying to sleep, so in true twin solidarity, Josh practices his stand-up using a mic into the wee hours of the night.
-They went three days with no electricity and no water because Jake didn't pay the bills on time and apparently neither Josh nor Danny could bring themselves to do it.
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softmick · 8 months
hey tag games are back! thanks for tagging me friends, Nosho @creepkinginc , Ling @lingy910y , Kat @mybrainismelted , Krystal @krystallouwho , and Jess @jrooc
Name: meagan
Age: thirty-four
Favorite color: today it’s baby blue like the shirt my guy is wearing and his pretty eyes
What emoji best describes your current mood? 😴🥱 capital F fatigued
What season is it where you are right now? fall
Were you up before or after the sun this morning? we woke up together but that is a RARE occurrence
Are you currently in possession of a pumpkin? nope, i’m gonna gone for halloween
Do you prefer to carve or paint your jack-o-lanterns? i like carving, never tried painting one
Do you have a favorite pumpkin-spice flavored treat? the lattes are not good anymore imo, they fucked with the syrup or something. i like pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and pumpkin bread and pie though.
What's your favorite season and what's your favorite pie that you associate with it? summer, mixed berries
We're having a pot-luck, what are you going to bring? no clue. 🤷‍♀️ ziti, pasta salad, charcuterie?
It's chilly outside and you need a hot drink in your hands, what are you drinking? irish breakfast tea or a latte
Will you be wearing a costume for Halloween? Is it ready? nope! i haven’t dressed up for halloween since like 2008?
Finally, what's something you've made or done recently that you're proud of? i finished my drabble series even though i didn’t want to. also i got good feedback in my yoga teacher training last week 🥰
i think a lot of people have done this or have been tagged so ya know, ignore me if i missed yours and also do this if you haven’t and i didn’t tag you. @sam-loves-seb @m4ndysk4nkovich @flamingbluepanda @pilwsy @swiftfootedachilles
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kickedshins · 6 months
where everyone from glee ends up in the beautiful beautiful better canon that exists in my head (ft. help from @girlmeetsghoul)
this got... really long so i'm putting it under a keep reading
rachel — broadway. obviously. does NOT marry jesse but they do date again and perhaps even get engaged and they remain in weird toxic kinda gay love for the rest of their lives on the downlow. she ends up getting married at around 40 to someone else (if young rachel berry knew she wouldn't get married until FOURTY!!!). also on/off dates finn for many years. it is a much more dramatic deal to her than it is to him he's relatively chill about it albeit confused and passionate. she is characteristically a drama queen. ends up in nyc
finn — i do think he ends up an educator in the burbs like they actually were dead on w that one i don't think he'd do glee or anything but teacher fs. realizes he's bisexual at age 32 while married to a woman so it's a revelation that he can't really act on but it gives rachel an existential crisis when she hears abt it which is funny. part of this revelation does come from one of his students being gay and on the football team and finn having a troy bolton moment of realizing you can do both. ends up in a suburb of chicago
kurt  — stanley tucci in devil wears prada. also he expats in berlin for like a year or two. dates an accountant. ends up in nyc
mercedes — canon, absolute worldwide singing star. glee did very few things right when it came to mercedes but having her be a successful singer was correct. ends up w someone famous in their own right but in a Very different way than her like her fans do not know who that person is. ends up in LA
brittana — they don't stay together after high school but they do reconnect a little later after santana has a freakout crisis and drops out of school (canon) but instead of moving to ny and doing all that she moves to LA and ends up as the world's craziest talent agent. and britt runs a dispo and does goat yoga. end up in LA
blaine — okay the first thing you have to know about me is i am a blam truther forever and always. anyway blaine goes to nyu not nyada and most of that drama with kurt happens just to a much lesser extent cuz theyre not at school together so he does end up graduating, maybe takes a gap year in the middle tho. but also blaine starts getting really into local politics and after a few off off off bway roles that don't really lead to anything bigger and a lot of stressful fighting w kurt he decides actually he wants his new goal in life to be becoming a city council member. he and kurt still have the world's best most toxic insane person on/off relationship until theyre like 28 and then a blam romcom ensues. nyc til early/mid 30s, then he and sam move to the burbs (potentially in the state sam grew up in?) to raise a kid
sam — bumpy twisty turny road for him, feels like he should go to college/should want to go to college but does not want to go. wanders around lima for a year or two getting by and trying to find his #purpose and moves to nyc essentially on a whim after a phone call w blaine and is like hi i live in your house now. maybe the modeling thing for a bit? but less weird than in the show. some samcedes for a bit bc i am a fucking sucker for them <3 anyway eventually sam becomes a comix artist. he meets gerard way and doesnt know who he is and tina wants to throttle him about this. nyc til early/mid 30s, then he and blaine move to the burbs (potentially in the state sam grew up in?) to raise a kid
tina — kiki and i have such a beautiful tina in our brains anyway she makes some kind of awful art that sells way better than it should and becomes a trophy wife to a hot lesbian doctor and also once or twice collabs w sam on smth. no one knows what degree she got from brown even she's not entirely sure. stoner. fucks rachel's co-star at some point and it gives rachel 1000000 problems. ends up in nyc
quinn — academia (english) or law. the only ppl she has talked to from hs since graduation are cedes and brittana and she is so happy to not give a single shit about anyone else. i love you quinn go get lesbian married and write a book. i can't get into the one (1) time rachel and quinn see each other post canon cuz that would be a whole other post but trust me i have many thoughts on that. ends up somewhere almost rural in the northeast but not Too far from a city if that makes sense
mike — does the dance thing, i think probably hes on some tours which means blaine and sam have to put up with tina on the phone w him for hours giving him life updates like every single day (theyre not dating anymore obv but they are besties also there's like one year where blamtina are all living together i have an insane amount of headcanon lore dont worry abt it). gets married to the most normal person in the world and sometimes casually drops lore about highschool and his partner is like i dont think the midwest is a real place. ends up right outside of nyc
artie — director ofc. like mike ends up w someone in the same industry who is relatively normal but also like so obviously grew up in santa monica and was a child actor. ends up in LA
puck — travels a bit to ~find himself~, ends up back in lima doing a relatively normal job and settles down w a wife and becomes the most intense guy at the pta. his ass is organizing bake sales up the wazoo. as mentioned ends up back in lima
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This kiss between Alfie Enoch and Eleanor Tomlinson is more convincing than the one between Eleanor and SH copied from “The Notebook” film
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The Couple Next Door wastes no time in telling us that its psychodrama is heading nowhere good.
The new six-part Channel 4 thriller opens with a dramatic flashforward of Gone Girl-esque menace to a woodland cabin in the Yorkshire Dales. Evie (Poldark's Eleanor Tomlinson) emerges clearly unprepared for the elements around her, barefoot, in a negligée and on the run.
In hot pursuit is her other half Pete (Alfred Enoch) and her neighbours-with-benefits Danny (Outlander star Sam Heughan) and his wife Becka (Jessica De Gouw). Evie's crying, Pete has a gun, Danny's wearing an extremely tight jeans and jacket combo. It's all very dramatic, if a tad soapy.
Then we jump back to when this central quartet first met, as a pregnant Evie and her hubby move onto the Leeds cul-de-sac they will shortly meet that titular couple on. The drama bats off the inevitable Desperate Housewives comparisons in the first few lines of dialogue: "I'm sold. Bit Desperate Housewives, maybe, but it's nice," says Pete.
Like that show, it plays on the curtain-twitching and behind-closed-doors intrigue of suburbia, albeit sidestepping the humdrum nosiness and mind-numbing boredom that setting has been captured with on screen before.
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Danny, or Tarzan with a Leeds accent and a vast array of muscle tees, welcomes the newbies to the 'burbs by taking their fridge into the house, which he picks up with the ease most people use to retrieve a milk carton from within the fridge.
His wife and yoga nut Becka instantly takes to the couple and when Evie and Pete lose their baby, they turn to their non-monogamous neighbours for support and a friendship between the core four soon blooms.
Danny is a traffic copper taking bribes on the side. Pete is a snarky journalist whose work speaking truth to power will inevitably collide with Danny's dodgy dealings at some point. Evie is a kindergarten teacher desperate to have children of her own. Becka mostly brings the good vibes.
Oh, and Hugh Dennis is also here, down the road from that lot, in the role of a lifetime as a creepy peeping Tom. His main characteristic is a hyper-fixation on Becka, for which he has a telescope station and an ominous Becka-themed folder of JPEGs on his computer, which he has conspicuously named 'untitled'.
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Outlander's Heughan and Poldark's Tomlinson are both breaking their 18th century period drama moulds in this psychological couple-swap thriller. However, their chemistry on screen doesn't quite simmer in the way you hope it would from something billed as a drama in which its characters are "chasing deepest desires" and reckoning with the fallout.
It's just a lot of Heughan and Tomlinson staring at each other, often in a way that trends towards cringe as opposed to sexy. When the pair go for a joyride around the neighbourhood on Danny's motorcycle, the thing feels more like an F1 hot lap than seduction by scooter.
The pair told the Radio Times they never did a chemistry test before being cast and questioned what they even really achieve, but maybe the answer would have been better chemistry?
Meanwhile, De Gouw exudes the sexuality required as Becka, so much so you're occasionally left wondering why Danny gives a fig about Evie to begin with. Enoch is solid as the one who's not really down with all of this swinging stuff, questioning whether he's actually as authentic to his progressive persona as he assumed he was.
Both the couples sort of have better chemistry with their own partners in the drama – we get a fairly steamy no-nudity sex scene between Pete and Evie in the first episode, begging the question of whether there's any point in the partner swap that comes later.
A surprising highlight is Dennis with his dark, dead-eyed stare, offering a more family-friendly incarnation of You's "I'll love you to death" Joe Goldberg.
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The chief notable absence when comparing this to those other shows is the gaping chasm where some light relief might have gone. Desperate Housewives balanced adultery and arson with both unintentional and intentional gags aplenty, while You has had the biting commentary of Joe's voiceover, particularly in its standout third season.p
But what it does have bubbling underneath the psychodrama is something fairly interesting to say about the way society views non-monogamous relationships, and the unconscious rules we largely abide by in coupledom, which here sex and desire throw into question.
Outlander fans coming over to The Couple Next Door in the hopes of more hot and heavy Heughan won't be disappointed, although this contains less of the romance and never quite reaches the sparky heights of Jamie and Claire.
Ultimately, Pete sort of said it best: bit Desperate Housewives – although perhaps not enough in the ways we would want – but it's nice enough.
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She is not wrong! 🤫
She’s not impressed by SH, with zero romantic/sexual chemistry. Could be He does have platonic chemistry with other co-actors. But it means He’s very inconsistent in his approach. Sometimes it goes beyond his acting ability, and it's just the way he works 🤷‍♀️
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renegadepack · 2 years
when writing “beautifully happy & painless romantic,” one of my favorite parts was imagining where the members of the pack were in their lives. as it wasn’t the focus of the fic, i didn’t dive too much into the details. but i do what i want and really love thinking about it (plus i’m always down for more pack content) so i’m beginning to write longer pieces focusing on each of the members. here’s leah’s.
Leah was the first one to leave La Push with no intentions to come back for any significant length of time. Seth, Sue - of course she would visit them. And some of the guys - Paul, Quil, Embry, even Jacob - she had grown close with and knew she would miss. But even the love she finally found couldn’t erase the memories in every nook and cranny of La Push. She was haunted by the losses, by the betrayals, all the hurt and anger that had built up for years. Even if the wounds no longer hurt, the reminders did. She had to move on, in every sense of the phrase.
After a year working at the library, and picking up shifts at the diner, she had enough saved to make it a few months on her own. Some quick packing skill, and one bus ticket later, she was in Seattle. She had found a small apartment in an old, neglected part of town, but cheap rent was cheap rent and she didn’t care to be picky. 
After some time to settle in, and plenty of trips to thrift shops to furnish her apartment and fill her closet, she began to look for work. Something to fill her days, and keep her bank account a positive number. Her diner experience made it easy to get some serving jobs. They weren’t her favorite, but she was good at it.
With an income secured, Leah knew it was time to branch out further. She loved her life, but couldn’t deny she felt a little lonely. She joined a women’s running group hosted by a local athletic store, and found she fit right in. her last years at home, she had felt so angry, so closed off. And she had every right to be, but it was nice to find herself opening up, joking and laughing with people like she used to before… everything.
The running group led her to a local gym, where some of them worked and all of them worked out at. While there one day dropping off something for a friend, she saw sign-ups for yoga classes. She laughed, remembering telling Jacob she might pick it up to help with her anger. She didn’t need that aspect of it anymore, but signed up nonetheless. One thing led to another, and she found she loved it so much that she applied to be an instructor.
A few months later, all the teachers at the gym were asked to take part in a promotional photoshoot. Leah went along with it, expecting some free food and the ability to dick around with her friends. Until the photographer showed up, a girl Leah vaguely recognised, and she got the feeling her life was about to change. For the better, this time.
Angela became her friend quickly. They had pretty much nothing in common, but that only meant they had plenty to talk about. Before too long, Leah knew she wanted Angela in her life forever, however she would have her. Luckily, (and obviously to anyone who had been watching them since they had met) Angela felt the same. A few more weeks went by, and both their leases were almost up, leading to them looking for a place together. Like they expected, what they found was small, but they made the place cozy and theirs.
For the first time since her early teenage years, Leah felt settled. She loved the work she did, and the people she did it with. She had cats to cuddle and dogs to walk, and a partner she felt safe with. Visits home felt like a gift, not an obligation. La Push hadn’t been her home for a long time, but the people still were. Her biological and chosen families kept her as close as they could, but she finally had room to breathe. 
She never wanted to go far.
full fic // jacob // sam & emily
more fic // request fic
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watchingspnagain · 2 years
Rewatching The Kids Are Alright
Welcome to “Dean and Lisa Clearly Didn’t Put Safty First: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s3,e2: The Kids Are Alright
 After a dad drops his little girl off with his ex-wife because she didn’t want to spend the night with him, he goes home and dies oddly on his own power saw. Cut to Dean wanting to go to that town because there’s been a string of odd deaths and Sam badgering him into admitting he wants to look up a hot yoga instructor there with whom he once had a fling. As the episode progresses, more children are acting not quite right and more dads are dying bloody and weird. Dean meets up with Lisa, his fling, and discovers she has an eight-year-old son, Ben, who looks a little like Dean, acts a little like Dean, and is just the right age… Dean goes into protective mode immediately. Ben responds well to him, but Lisa tells him to take a hike… until he saves Ben from the monster of the week. Lisa had been insistent that Ben was not Dean’s, but when Dean admits that he’d have been proud to be Ben’s dad, Lisa’s reaction suggests she may not have been truthful. She invites him to stay, but he has things to hunt… and dying to do. So off he goes.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 Ooooh THIS one
 this is where Lisa is her most interesting and she just gets... less
 oof yep
 some people didn't have a safty freak for a shop teacher in high school and it shows
 yep, safty first, I always say
 i hatejoo (I luff you)
 "I was just ordering pizza" SAMMY
 Dean with his newspaper
 one power saw and one ex bendy girlfriend
 omg DEAN
 "does that make me pokey?"
 that means he was NINETEEN
 my god if you opened your door to THAT SMILE
 nineteen, jesus
 maybe JUST squeaked past twenty
 omg Dean "how old?"
 you can SEE him doing the math
 omg him trying to pick a direction. too adorable
 Dean, honey, behavior isn't genetic, sweetie
 plus, 9yo boys generally aren’t into girls in that way just yet
(no one can convince me Ben isn't Dean's kid though. that is absolutely his child)
 oh absolutely
 yeah that's definitely a woman telling the truth
 I love that shirt on Sammy
 goddammit, Ruby GO AWAY
 you don't close someone else's laptop and you DON'T STEAL THEIR FRENCH FRIES
 I also hate it when people say a certain food is “like crack” so crass and uninventive
 christ, she’s such a bad actor
 i don't know if it's just that I don't like the actress or if it's bleed over from not liking Laurel [from Arrow] or what but I cannot get past feeling like I can't forget she's ACTING
 like, this twelve year old kid blows her right out of the water
 ug pushy people at the door
the worst
 a sad child. Dean must fix
HAHAHA “only bitches send a grownup"
 the way he draws back like he's surprised and then deeply impressed
 omg the one kid doing the moves like on the controls even though he isn't playing
 Dean looking around and giggling omg
 omg Dean’s guilty look
 dean! no one here but us previous one-night stands
 Dean Winchester, do NOT tell a mom to relax
 oooof YEP
 oh Dean
 I kinda get where Lisa’s coming from. She hasn’t seen Dean with kids and only knows one part of him and that part doesn’t seem like a good father figure
 oh yeah absolutely
from her point of view she should send him packing
she doesn't even know him as a full-blown grown-up
 jesus, this woman’s solution to the problem is extreme to say the least
like, you don't even start with the pediatrician?
 Sammy is looking SO GOOD in this episode
 he really is
 Dean just casually putting together some flamethrowers
 "no no, I feel terrible"
 oh DEAN
you mess with his kid, you’re IN TROUBLE
look at that pissed off FACE
 I know we've talked about class markers in the set dressing and what that's doing, but it is FASCINATING to me that Lisa lives in the upper middle class gated neighborhood here and the next time we see her she's in a house/setting MUCH more aligned with the working-class aesthetic of the boys
 oh YES
 I can’t remember what the next house is like, but I believe you and that’s very cool
 yeah, it's not like rundown or anything but it is definitely not this brand new house with the fancy kitchen and the stone stairs in the lawn and all whatnot
 oooh Sammy with the flamethrower!
 the parallel Ben hugs
 and I LOVE that Lisa is like "yeah nah" as soon as it's clear something is up
 while the other mom is having a meltdown in the bathroom
 not that I blame her
 but Lisa is much more Dean’s style
 but it makes it believable that Dean likes her
 Sam's little look and the tap on the windshield
 he’s a smarty, he knows what’s up here
 you didn't mention your job because YOU WERE NINETEEN
 she is LYING
 oh DEAN
 "I swear you look disappointed" FUCK 327
 his freckle game is… wow… in this ep
 "I would have been proud to be his dad" and then that kiss. Ben's his
 the turnaround here is amazing. he came to this town to see her and now he’s refusing to… see her
 have we talked about how I assume she's gotta be older than him too?
 yeah she must be if she was an established yoga instructor i would assume she’d be more than 19
 um, except for her dad, right?
 and the fact that eight years after getting unexpectedly pregnant with no partner in the picture she has that kind of house and what not
 oh god Sam yelling right in her face DED AGAIN
 Mary's dad? doesn't he get resurrected? like, he is dead now, I think?
 oh is that right? I can’t remember
 she had to be more established in life than she would have been at ~19 or ~20, I'd think
 i think so?
 i think he's only around in S6 and it's a whole "why are you alive?" situation. and then the time travel eps
 (there's honestly SO MUCH show and a fair amount of hand waving, that I sometimes have a lot of trouble keeping bits straight)
 Yeah I’m hopelessly forgetful about so many things in this show. it’ll take me a few more times through to get things halfway straight. We’ll be in the retirement home watching together before that happens
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theupsidedowndoll · 2 years
About the Doll:
Commissions: Open, Details or see link at the bottom of post.
Names: Doll, Ary, A, most terms of endearment or pet names are also fine.
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 25 => 26
Zodiac: Taurus, Sun: Taurus, Moon: Libra, Rising: Taurus
16 Personalities: INFJ-T: “Advocates gravitate toward work as counselors, therapists, psychologists, social workers, teachers, yoga instructors, and spiritual leaders. They may enjoy service industry positions that allow them to interact directly and build genuine relationships with their customers. Careers in health care can also be rewarding options, including occupations such as nursing, physical or occupational therapy, medicine, nutrition, or more holistic paths such as acupuncture.”
Education: Eventually going back to school for Paralegal studies and Massage Therapy, early Human Services training completed, Early Childhood and Psychology independently studied
Personality: Mom/Dad friend (have adopted younger friends, will do again), neurodivergent, omnisexual, gender fluid, polyamorous (exercised only when partner is consenting), Borderline Personality (pardon my mental illness)
Hobbies: Writing (original and fanfiction), Visual Art (original, fan pieces, portrait, character, still life, traditional, digital), Reading, Knitting (not very well), Fairy/Wiccan Bottles (very proud, will sell customs)
Belief Systems: Ars Goetian (Astaroth, Mammon, Asmodeus, Lilith, Beelzebub), Norse (Loki, Thor), Greek (Athena)
Interesting Tidbits:
Top 5 ships: Steddie (Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson), Hannigram (Hannibal Lector x Will Graham), Frenchie x Kimiko, Rin x Bon, Stilly (Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove- under Alternate Universe Billy redemption head canons only- we do not stan racism or anything of the like in this family)
Last Song Listened to: Sing to Me by Missio for Death Stranding Timefall
Last Game Played: Cult of the Lamb and God Of War 4 (First Norse installation)
Last Movie Watched: actual = The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, YouTube= Sam and Colby’s The Conjuring House (paranormal investigations)
Currently Watching: Stranger Things (re-watch all seasons), The Boys (re-watch all seasons)
Currently Reading: Fanfiction mostly (last read: Can’t Fight This Feeling by thatbitttchbeanie on A03), In Search Of and Other Stories by Will Ludwigsen (I have a signed copy from a writer’s workshop at a university that is in the lap of a haunted porcelain doll I bought from a secondhand/thrift shop)
Collections: Tangled/Rapunzel dolls (i.e.: Disney Masquerade edition, Disney 10 year anniversary, porcelain variations), Porcelain dolls, dead moths (ethically collected post mortem), dried flowers, four eyes tees/shirts from Spencers, stones (ex: aventurine, Opal, and more)
Tattoos: moon and stars below corner of my right eye, a giant chest piece of a tree of life with a Celtic knot shamrock as the trunk and Aurora borealis behind it, left hip has Sans the skeleton with an echo flower crown and two Gaster blasters one on each side of him, right hip has Rin Okumora with Kuro, neck right side has a little water color fox
Piercings: nose on the right side (current), belly button (former, rejection from agitation- hit it with too many boxes while working order fulfillment), snake bites (former, took out for a surgery but holes closed before I could get the jewelry back in)
Other Appearance Facts: fun size/short, somewhat visually impaired (glasses/contacts at high strength)
Stories I’ve Written:
Master Post
I love to interact! Send Asks and Requests!
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nostrike · 2 years
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like in some verses, shan wants out of the valley and to take robb.y with her. by season 5 she is tired of having to clean up wounds on robb.y or seeing him upset. her deciding he goes to her parents house for the summer is canon except is not her parents house but grandparents as my sha.n would never put her kid in the reach of her stepfather and her neglectful mother. 
taking him to her parents house would’ve been a test to see if he likes the zone and place to move. her other options were to move out of state. 
eventually, she craps that idea because of johnny. in both verses it was @senseimercy​ who convinces her not to move out, both in the one where they coparent together and the one they are together.
by the end of season five, she is finally ending her night classes, meaning she can start thinking of some more advance classes to built her resume. 
she teaches at a dance studio and still working at the diner and the goal is to have her own dance studio soon and take some yoga classes to become a teacher.  
she avoids anything cobra k.ai related through the season, but it is shocked to hear about the news of the rigged tournament. she is happy for sam though, who she talks about plenty with amanda. 
she arrives at the dojo post fight worried sick about robb.y. and spoilers, she might be crying or not because she really is tired of karate as a whole but what matters is that robb.y was okay and at least they can have some peace for the time being.
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About the Doll:
Commissions: Open, Details or see link at the bottom of post.
Names: Doll, Ary, A, most terms of endearment or pet names are also fine if we are mutuals with some DM contact
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 26 ==> 27 🥲😞
Zodiac: Taurus, Sun: Taurus, Moon: Libra, Rising: Taurus
16 Personalities: INFJ-T: “Advocates gravitate toward work as counselors, therapists, psychologists, social workers, teachers, yoga instructors, and spiritual leaders. They may enjoy service industry positions that allow them to interact directly and build genuine relationships with their customers. Careers in health care can also be rewarding options, including occupations such as nursing, physical or occupational therapy, medicine, nutrition, or more holistic paths such as acupuncture.”
Education: Eventually going back to school for Paralegal studies and Massage Therapy, early Human Services training completed, Early Childhood and Psychology independently studied, Registered Behavior Tech certified (I help individuals with Autism acquire and improve life skills)
Personality: Mom/Dad friend (have adopted younger friends, will do again), neurodivergent, omnisexual, gender fluid, polyamorous (exercised only when partner is consenting), Borderline Personality (pardon my mental illness)
Hobbies: Writing (original and fanfiction), Visual Art (original, fan pieces, portrait, character, still life, traditional, digital), Reading, Knitting (not very well), Fairy/Wiccan Bottles (very proud, will sell customs)
Belief Systems: Ars Goetian (Lucifer, Astaroth, Mammon, Asmodeus, Beelzebub), Norse (Loki, Thor), Greek (Athena)
Interesting Tidbits:
Top 5 ships: Steddie (Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson), Hannigram (Hannibal Lector x Will Graham), Denji x Power (Chainsaw Man)- I will argue endlessly don’t try to tell me I’m wrong, Geto Suguro x Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen), Rin x Bon
Other Ships: Stilly (Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove- under Alternate Universe Billy redemption head canons only- we do not stan racism or anything of the like in this family)
Last Song Listened to: Frog by Cavetown
Last Movie Watched: actual = The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, YouTube= Sam and Colby’s The Conjuring House (paranormal investigations)
Currently Watching: Stranger Things (re-watch all seasons), The Boys (re-watch all seasons)
Currently Reading: Chainsaw Man (manga), Fanfiction mostly (last read: Can’t Fight This Feeling by thatbitttchbeanie on A03), In Search Of and Other Stories by Will Ludwigsen (I have a signed copy from a writer’s workshop at a university that is in the lap of a haunted porcelain doll I bought from a secondhand/thrift shop)
Collections: Tangled/Rapunzel dolls (i.e.: Disney Masquerade edition, Disney 10 year anniversary, porcelain variations), Porcelain dolls, dead moths (ethically collected post mortem), dried flowers, four eyes tees/shirts from Spencers, Wizard of Barge shirts and blankets, stones (ex: aventurine, Opal, and more)
Tattoos: moon and stars below corner of my right eye, a giant chest piece of a tree of life with a Celtic knot shamrock as the trunk and Aurora borealis behind it, left hip has Sans the skeleton with an echo flower crown and two Gaster blasters one on each side of him, right hip has Rin Okumora with Kuro, neck right side has a little water color fox
Piercings: nose on the right side (current), belly button (former, rejection from agitation- hit it with too many boxes while working order fulfillment), snake bites (former, took out for a surgery but holes closed before I could get the jewelry back in)
Other Appearance Facts: fun size/short, somewhat visually impaired (glasses/contacts at high strength)
Stories I’ve Written: Master Post
I love to interact! Send Asks and Requests!
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