#Y’all seriously need to calm down with that because jealousy is not a good reason to make fake accounts to talk sh!t about us
beegriffs · 26 days
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Throwback to when Sean, Cote, and Michael tried to solve the mystery of how to take a serious photo…
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rfsak2 · 3 months
Easy Target, Pt 1.
So we'll see if anyone even reads this but Ima post it anyways. This has been brewing for decades at this point and it is somewhat of a rewrite of something I posted on Sycophant Hex (~I’m aging myself~) years ago.
For the record I acknowledge that Snape is OOC. He’s taller (by a lot), capable of healing and kindness, and has a sense of humor and hella PTSD.
His characterization is due partly to having started reading these books as a kiddo well before the end of the series (which ended when I was in college ~I’m old~). I have been collecting and revising headcanons since I was a child and now, as an adult and a therapist, I have a very specific idea of Snape that may not be canon, but I might like better.
I also have un-unalived some characters. Lupin and Tonks and maybe more as we go. We’ll see. Again it may not be canon, but I like it and my Snape better. (Fuck JKR).
If you like my Snape, let me know. If ya don’t… also let me know. I’d love to discuss and compare our thoughts
Easy Target
They thought wrong. Severus/OC
Warnings: nothing right now, some bad language words. There will be warnings if continued including mentions of past abuse/assault, violence, smut.
“Little Lottie Beauregard.” The woman grinned maliciously. “How the hell are you doin’?” 
Charlotte sighed and set down the book she had been perusing. She glanced over her shoulder and made sure her son was out of earshot. “My last name is de Vilieré, Annabelle, or are your drinking habits finally impairing your memory?”
Annabelle grit her teeth. “No, ‘course not. Say, did you hear about who was at Antoine’s last night?” 
Charlotte made a face. “Can’t say I care about gossip.”
“Beau was seen with the Dreaux girl.” 
“Good for her.”
Annabelle fidgeted with her hair, disconcerted that she wasn’t getting a reaction. “I mean, I would think you’d be interested as that’s why y’all got divorce ‘n all.”
“I didn’t get divorce because Beau was fuckin’ other women. Sorry that I can't validate your petty jealousy.”
“My petty jealousy?” Annabelle shook herself free of following that line of thought. “Why did you get divorced then?”
Charlotte caught her eyes and held them, dispassionate and disinterested, sliding a book back onto the shelf.
Annabelle shied away from her. “I just know that the Beauregards aren’t the kinda family you leave. So you had to have reason to try.” 
“I didn’t try, Annabelle, I succeeded.” Charlotte began flipping through another book. “Maybe, they aren’t as bulletproof as all y’all thought.”
“Rumor has it, your mother has already started undoing all your success.” Annabelle managed to make faux sympathy look as vicious as direct assault. “I reckon you’ll be back at home in no time.” 
Charlotte chuckled, eyes fixed on a spell in the book she was reading. “Well, my mother is hot on the heels of her own divorce, so maybe she should mind her business.” Charlotte turned towards Annabelle and shut the book with a snap. “Ironically, that’s advice you’d find helpful too.” 
Annabelle batted her eyelashes. “Oh, didn’t y’know: my business is anything I make my business.”
“That’s why your family business is failing, ain’t it?” Charlotte nodded. “Makes sense, too many fingers in too many pies.”
Annabelle blanched.
“Though, gotta say, don’t know why’d you want me to remarry Beau.” Charlotte mimicked her simpering tone. “After all, now you can fuck him all you want and you’ll be the only one committing adultery. I mean, he may need to hire a secretary to manage his…  social calendar but I’d imagined this would be good news for you… and the others too, ‘course.”
Annabelle ignored her, pushing her straight, dark hair over her shoulder. “Don’t be silly. Your father isn’t going to divorce your mother. Seriously, it’s a bluff.”
Charlotte smiled. “Would you look at that? There’s at least one thing you don’t know anything about.”
Annabelle hummed, trying very hard to remain calm and disinterested. She failed.
Charlotte bared her teeth. “You don’t know my dad.”
Annabelle rolled her eyes. “No one knows your father.”
Charlotte nodded, eyes on Hadrien, lest he hear more than he should. “That’s not one hundred percent true. I mean he is the eldest son of one of the founding families of this city, a descendant of the first Creole governor of Louisiana. He’s a philanthropist, an expert in his field, he’s active in all the right circles. Everyone knows my father. My father just doesn’t cast pearls before pigs.” 
“Pigs?” Annabelle sucked in a breath and looked down at her hands, trying to school her emotions. “And yet, even the illustrious de Vilierés needed the Beauregards-“
Charlotte laughed. “We didn’t need the Beauregards. My mother made what she thought was a calculated bet. She put her money on the wrong horse, hence the divorce.”
“What horse should she have betted on?”
Charlotte grinned. “Me.”
Annabelle swallowed. “Seems to me that the de Vilierés aren't as prominent as they used to be. Seems to me that she bet on the only horse she had.” She simpered. “After all, the shame was only narrowly avoided. If she had not acted so soon… well, one shudders to think.”
“Must not shudder often, huh?”
Annabelle shot her a nasty glance. Charlotte returned it.
“I just think y’all are awfully big in your britches, considering…”
“Considering, what?” Charlotte challenged. “Quit pussyfooting and say it.”
Annabelle demurred.
Charlotte nodded, sighing. “See now… That’s how I know just how prominent my family is. You wanna drop hints and flirt with what you think is true, but you are too coward to say it. You lack conviction. I doubt you really believe the shit in your mouth. It’s just fodder for your imagined superiority.” Charlotte shrugged and returned Annabelle’s earlier malicious grin. “But then, maybe you just don’t know. Just like you don’t know my dad. You don’t run in the right circles. You want to, for sure. Badly. Desperately. You spend too much money -more than the rumor mill says you have- on dresses for balls and cotillions hosted by social circles you’ll never be welcomed in, to climb a ladder you can only get so high on.”
Annabelle shrunk back.
Charlotte didn’t press forward. Her posture remained loose and unbothered. “Just remember, Annie, my family built the ladder you’re trying to climb. I firmly believe everyone deserves a chance to try to climb the ladder, but knocking us off won’t get you any closer to the top any faster.”
“How egalitarian of you.” She sneered
Charlotte shook her head. “It’s not equality per say, but desire for quality competition. Can’t know how good I am if I don’t know how good my competition is. As it is, I’m not sure I have competition.”
Annabelle flushed. “See, the problem with y’all is-“
Charlotte hummed, cutting her off and set the book in her hand back on the shelf. “The problem is you decided to make my life momentarily difficult instead of minding your damn business. The problem is you’re boxin’ outta your weight class. Shoulda kept your mouth shut and you wouldn’t have embarrassed yourself. But then, the problem is that you got that inferiority complex gnawing at your brain. Makes it difficult to think, I reckon.”
Charlotte turned over her shoulder, away from Annabelle’s slack-jawed stare, and smiled at her brother-in-law’s mother, her godmother.
“Bonjou, Mama Oya! Koman sa va?”
“Mo bon, babygirl.” Tall and ebony-skinned, Oya Dillioles glared down her nose at Annabelle with more regal dignity than any monarch the world over had ever possessed. “Mrs. Brennan.”
Annabelle just managed to not sneer. “Mrs-“
Charlotte tsked. “Madame.” She tilted her head, blonde ringlets tumbling over her shoulder. “I mean, you gotta know I ain’t about to let you address her recklessly.”
Annabelle locked her jaw. “Madame Dillioles.”
Charlotte smiled. “That’s better.”
Oya hummed and turned sharply away from the fuming brunette. Leaning down, she placed a kiss on each of Charlotte’s cheeks. Charlotte stretched up to return the gesture.
Oya shifted so she was standing full in front of Annabelle. “Charlie, cher, I was on my way to the Shop and felt faint. I was hoping you and my strapping, young grand-baby could walk me over, if y’all were done here?”
Charlotte fought back a smile, knowing full well that Oya Dillioles had never felt faint a day in her life. Charlotte would unhesitatingly put money on her living forever. 
“Of course, Mama. We’re meandering that way.” Charlotte called over to Hadrien, who stood from where he had been inspecting a low shelf of books. “Baby, is there anything you wanted to buy? We’re gonna walk over to the Shop with Mama Oya.”
“No, I’m good. I didn’t see anything that we don’t already have at the house.” Hadrien approached with a bright smile, giving Annabelle Brennan a wide berth. “Hey, Mimi!”
Oya’s smile was beaming as she reached up for Hadrien’s peach-fuzzed cheek. “I see you everyday, baby, and I swear you get taller every time. Just the spittin’ image of your Grandpa and Uncle.”
Hadrien beamed and stopped ever so slightly to press a kiss to his de facto grandmother’s cheek.
They left without glancing at Annabelle Brennan. Meandering idly, Hadrien regaled Mama Oya and Charlotte with a complicated potion he had been helping his uncles with all summer.
“Nonc Ogun said that my-“ he stopped short in front of a beignet shop. “Do you think they’ve eaten?” 
“Your uncles?” Charlotte glanced at her watch. “I doubt it. It’s only 10:30, baby.”
“I’ll get them coffee and some pastries then. Be back in a second.” 
Charlotte smiled. “Get me a coffee too, H. Mama Oya?”
Mama Oya pinched Hadrien’s cheek. “Me too, baby. Thank you.”
When Hadrien was clear of the door, Mama Oya glanced down at Charlotte. “You shouldn’t let her get to you.”
Charlotte smiled. “She doesn’t. I’ve known her all my life and the worst she can do is try to taunt me about my divorce? A divorce I wanted and instigated?” Charlotte grinned. “Pathetic. I ain’t worried about her.”
Oya hooked her hand in Charlotte’s elbow. “Who then? Who are you worried about?”
“My son, me, all of my family including the Dillioles..” Charlotte shrugged. “I love NOLA, it’s in my blood-“
Charlotte sighed. “But I’m not sure how much longer I can be here without hexing someone into the next century.”
Oya frowned. “Are people harassing you? If so, I can get Amadioha or Eshu to walk around with you.”
“No… that’s not necessary. They both have more important things to be doin’ than babysitting me.”
Oya clicked her tongue. “They would happy -proud- to keep their Auntie Charlie safe, you know that, especially if you’re being harassed.”
“It’s not that bad.” Charlotte sighed. “People mostly just stare or make little snide comments. I kinda wish someone would try something. Give me a reason.” Charlotte caught her eyes. “I just- I’m done. I don’t have it in me to pretend anymore. To show people only what they want. To allow them to spew shit about situations they know nothing about without retaliation. It’s killin’ me.”
Oya nodded. “You’ve never been good at politicking, playing nice. Straight to the point. It’s one of the reasons we should’ve known that you didn’t want to be with him. That there was more going on.”
Charlotte shook her head. “I worked real hard for a long time to keep y’all out of it. I just wish I had said something sooner.”
Oya nodded. “I know, baby, I know.”
“I just don't know if I can be me here. Everyone already has an opinion here. About me, about the family, about the divorce. I feel like I’m suffocating.” She sighed. “I'm trying to make it to January but I don’t know if I can.”
“When Hadrien turns eighteen.” 
Charlotte nodded. “I have an interview. I haven’t told anyone yet.”
“For a job?” 
“Yeah, with a school out in the UK.”
“Hogwarts?” Oya whistled. “Ain’t that somethin’?”
Charlotte swallowed. “They’ve finished fixing up the school after the- after and the Headmistress was their transfiguration professor so they need a new one.”
Oya smiled and pinched at her cheek. “Well, I’ll miss you for sure, but I can’t think of a better person to take over a transfiguration professorship.”
Charlotte turned wide, vulnerable eyes on Oya. “Are you sure?”
Oya pressed a kiss to Charlotte’s forehead. “Never been surer about anythin’, cher. You are the best transfiguration master I’ve ever met.”
Charlotte breathed deep and nodded. “One thing that would make it easier, tell you what. Once Dad’s divorce is final…”
Oya sucked on her tongue. “Hush you.”
Charlotte grinned. “Gotta get rid of your boy toys though.”
Oya pursed her lips to tamp down her smile.
Charlotte yawned and glanced at her watch. 
6:00 am. Goddamn.
She could barely keep her eyes open as she dropped her portkey into the waiting basket, set down the bird cage in her hands and stepped off the platform. 
This is bullshit. People don’t actually exist at this hour.
She looked around quietly, hoping to catch sight of not only the customs office, but also a coffee shop? Or at least someone who could tell her where to find one?
She sighed upon seeing the customs office, sans coffee, and made her way towards the line she could already see forming, catching a brief glimpse of herself in a large decorative mirror. 
She winced, taking in her bedraggled appearance.  
As per normal, her blonde hair was a mess of frizzy ringlets, her blue eyes tired and clouded over the bags that normally haunted the sleepless. To top it off, she hadn't really even bothered to get dressed beyond a faded t-shirt and a pair of cuffed, faded blue jeans that had once been dark. It just seemed too much effort to get all dressed up for traveling and the inevitable errands she had to run.
She shivered. It was full-summer sweltering, bordering on hellish in NOLA. She had worked up a sweat walking from the car to the porkey office in NOLA not thirty minutes ago. She would have to dig a sweater out of one of her bags at first opportunity.
She swallowed dryly and set her shoulders. She was a de Vilierè. She could do this.
She felt her posture collapse, the energy required to keep upright almost too taxing on her frayed nervous system. 
I’m not sure I’m human currently, much less me.
She pinched the bridge of her nose feeling the caffeine headache starting up.
There was so much to do after she finished fighting her way through the red tape. There were new clothes to buy, books to peruse, money to exchange and bank vaults to set up. She then had to portkey to some remote town in Scotland and become acquainted with the school that she would be living in for the foreseeable future.
She sighed and shook off a raging headache and a distinct sense of melancholy. Best get to work.
After an hour waiting in the line at the customs desk in the British Ministry's International Portkey Office, she imagined she had seriously considered casting nearly dozen unforgivables, a great majority of them directed at either the execrably slow customs officer or the man in front of her that sported excruciatingly severe body odor.
It took a further fifteen minutes of abject torture before the man in front of her moved away from the counter and cleared the way.
To be fair, she tried valiantly to put on a smile and remember the manners society expected of her, but upon reaching the front of the line, the portly woman found there launched into a laundry list of items that the Ministry had deemed 'restricted.' 
No hello. No good morning. Just a list of vegetables and restricted potions ingredients.
It took another ten minutes and all of her easily exhausted patience, after pulling nearly all of her worldly possessions out of her bespelled satchel, to convince the officer that she was carrying none of the restricted items  in her luggage.
Finally, after checking the last item off her list, the witch turned back to her and held out one chubby hand. “Hand me your wand, Ms. de Vilieré.”
Charlotte raised a blonde eyebrow in response, both at the butchering of her name (de Vil-ear) and the idea of placing what amounted to a part of her soul into the hand of a customs officer who she doubted would treat it with the respect it deserved. Knowing it would get her nowhere, she relented and handed her the wand.
The woman examined the wand carefully and then measured it, calling back to one of her cronies, “Yew, ten inches, with...” She paused and cast a spell on the wand, “A snake's scale.” She shot Charlotte a skeptical look. “You yanks believe that snake scales hold magical properties?”
Charlotte smiled frostily, her deep south accent deepening further (if that was even possible) in irritation. “It's not just any snake, it's Li Grand Zombi and it does hold magical properties or it wouldn't be in my wand.”
“It's a zombie snake?” The woman guffawed. “I'll believe it when I see it.” 
“I can demonstrate if y’want.”
The woman froze, staring at her from under her lashes. “No, mum, it’s not necessary.” 
Charlotte simpered. “If you’re sure.”
She cleared her throat and gave the wand an experimental flick, turning her back on Charlotte. “Yew, ten inches, springy and with a zombie snake's scale at the heart.”
A red-headed man sat behind her and stared at Charlotte from behind a set of clerical file drawers. “Got it, Matilda.”
Matilda cast an appraising look at Charlotte and whispered, a bad parody of sotte voce. “Though, I reckon she’s not the type we’d be wantin’ ‘ere after You Know Who.”
The man nodded. “Yew wood and a snake core. Bad omens, they are.”
Charlotte grit her teeth. “Can I please have my wand back, Matilda?”
Matilda looked uncomfortable and handed back her wand. “Here y’go, mum.” She nodded, awkward anxiety written in her posture. “You’re done ‘ere, mum. Passport control and visas are two floors up.”
Charlotte thanked her quietly as she accepted her wand. She made to leave and paused. “For the record, Voldemort didn’t have nothin’  on some of our racist madmen.” Charlotte delighted in their shivers, fighting down her conscience. “And I’m an absolute pussycat compared to them. Adieu.”
She didn’t get far before regretting her ill temper. She’d be lucky to make it to Hogwarts at this rate. Matilda was probably calling the passport office right now.
Tossed out because I couldn’t watch my mouth. Who’da thunk?
Charlotte glanced up at the clock and cussed under her breath. She made her way towards where she assumed the elevators were. She had at least another hour of bureaucracy and red tape before she could do something fun.
Three hours later, she was sitting on a bench in the middle of the now-bustling Portkey Authority, trying valiantly to fight of the wave of sleepiness that had latched onto her mind with a vengeance as soon as she stopped moving.
As it were, she was quickly falling into a light doze when an indignant squawk broke its way through the fog of sleepiness.
“Hermés, shh.”
The squawking did not stop and the bird-cage sitting next to her on the bench shook violently. Charlotte sighed a little and, with a small indulgent smile, twisted around to find her steadily over-filled satchel on the other side of the bench next to her. She pulled out a bird treat and moved the leather cover out of the way looking at the falcon within.
She offered the treat as one would offer a peace treaty and got a hearty nip to her forefinger for her trouble.
“Yeah, yeah, screw you too, bitch. You never stay angry for long, and you know it.” She reached into the cage and smoothed the ruffled feathers on the falcon’s head, before retrieving another bird treat.
“I don't mean to intrude, mum, but are you Charlotte de Vilierè?”
Vil-i-ear. She shrugged. It was better.
Charlotte started and turned toward the representative of the Authority she somehow missed approaching. “Um yeah, that’s me.”
The short man cleared his throat. “Well, we are ready when you are, ma’am.”
“Yeah. Okay.” She took a deep breath and grabbed Hermés’ cage. “Let's go.”
Charlotte took another deep breath of clean, cool air, trying really hard to not jostle Hermés in his cage. She looked around Hogsmeade slowly, taking in what amounted to a tiny sleepy village in its full summer splendor. The sun was bright, the foliage green and the air cool and clean, a startling difference to the muggy, sweltering heat of New Orleanian summers. 
She took another deep breath to savor the beauty around her and stepped further onto the street.
“Oh and yeh must be the new professor!”
Charlotte started and turned towards the large man standing next to a carriage. She nodded slowly watching as the man began to walk towards her. He shot her a broad grin, then stuck a hand out.
“Th' name is Hagrid, I teach Care of Magical Creatures. Nice ta meet yeh, Professor.”
Charlotte felt her body relax, smiling easily and slipping her hand into his. “Charlotte de Vilieré. Nice to make your acquaintance.”
Smiling, he reached for the bird cage in her hand and relieved her of her satchel as well. He bowed slightly and opened the door for her. “Go ahead, then. Get in the carriage. I'll be taking yeh up to the grounds.”
She nodded again and made for the carriage quickly. “Um thank you.”
He smiled and nodded then followed her into the carriage, setting Hermés on the ground between them. “You're welcome.” He settled back and shifted around her until he was comfortable. “So where are you from, Professor? The headmistress said you were from across the pond, but was mum as to where exactly.” A small self-deprecating smile flitted across his face. “Probably guessed we wouldn't have no clue what she was talking about anyways.”
Charlotte smiled softly.  “I'm from New Orleans, Louisiana.” At his look of confusion, she clarified. “It's in the South, along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.”
Hagrid nodded enthusiastically. “Mardi Gras, right? I don’t rightly know where that is but I've heard about Mardi Gras. I probably coulda guessed that you were from the South from your accent.”
She chuckled lightly. “It is rather distinct. Maybe when I am settled in I can show you New Orleans on a map.”
“I would like that, professor.” Hagrid smiled broadly again. “So you're gonna be takin' over teachin' Transfiguration?”
“Um, yes. I'll be teaching Transfiguration and taking over a couple of the Arithmancy classes so that Professor Vector, I believe, can do more research.”
The sound of gates swinging open cut off the rest of the conversation.
“We're here.”
“This here is Professor Snape, our Deputy Headmaster. He'll be showin' yeh around Hogwarts.” Hagrid smiled brightly and motioned to the dour-looking man in all black standing on the steps of the school. As if sensing her anxiety, he whispered from somewhere over her head, and took Hermés’ birdcage from her hand. “I know he looks a fright, but he's a war-hero. Never met someone as brave ‘n trustworthy as the professor. Man deserves to be a little grumpy after what all happened. I’ll take your owl and your bags to your quarters.”
She nodded absently, choosing not to mention that he didn’t look a ‘fright’. He wasn’t smiling, sure, looked to be pretty ticked to be standing there, but that wasn’t the problem. 
She had done her research and knew who Severus Snape was. She knew to expect some curmudgeon-esque behavior. His personality had been extensively reported on, but so had his deeds, his skill, his intelligence. 
Severus Snape was capable and, while she knew she was intelligent and the Headmistress had been impressed with her, seventeen years trapped in a marriage had done little for her professional confidence. The imposter syndrome was kicking her ass. 
That and he was attractive. Sure, he wasn’t Brad Pitt or Leonardo DiCaprio, but she’d never been really interested in conventional. He was tall and intense and wore intelligence and ambition like armor. 
It had been a long while since she’d felt any type of attraction for anyone. It was enough to set her nerves on edge.
And honestly, she probably looked like she had been dragged backwards through a swamp. Bedraggled and disheveled.
Her mother’s voice came to her unbidden. Really Lottie. Put more effort into how you look. That’s your job as a wife, to be ornamental. He didn’t marry you for your brain.
Maybe if you took being Beau’s wife more seriously he wouldn’t-
She shook herself free of that memory and started up the stairs toward the tall man. She wiped her hands on her jeans, hoping he didn’t see, knowing by his sneer that he did. “Hello, Professor Snape. I am Charlotte de Vilieré.”
One black eyebrow rose as a pair of black eyes looked down in disgust at her hand. His eyes flickered back up to hers and he intoned a brief: “I'm aware.”
She breathed deep. So it begins. “‘Course.”
He hummed. 
Her jaw clenched slightly, before she forced herself to relax. “Nice to meet you.”
“I'm sure.” He sighed negligently and waved her into the castle. “Shall we? The Headmistress thinks it a good idea that I show you around the school.” His tone left no room for imagination as to his feelings on the matter. 
She sighed and followed after him, noting with more than a little resignation, that he seemed determined to lose her. At maybe six-three or six-four and towering a foot-plus over her not particularly impressive five-two, he had a much longer stride and used it to his advantage. He was in the building before she even had time to clear the first level of stairs.
Breathing deeply, she scampered behind him. Once in the building - the castle, good god, where am I?- she became easily distracted by the architecture, the smell, the feel of the place. Nothing in NOLA, as opulent and storied as it was, could compare to this.
He stopped abruptly, she almost ran full-tilt into his back, and turned towards her, watching in sarcastic amusement as she put a hand to her chest and huffed a shaky, “Shit.”
“Having problems keeping up, Ms. de Vilieré?”
What a dick. She glared at him and stood up straight. “Please continue, Professor.”
The smirk fell from his face, indicating that she had likely said that out loud. She flushed and felt a brief stab of something more than anxiety as he appraised her with dark eyes. 
He seemed to come to some decision and turned away, drawling a quiet: “Indeed.”
Turning toward the giant doors in front of them, one large hand came out from the depths of his pockets with a wand. A negligent flick of his wrist later and the doors opened.
She followed him into the room and looked up at the enchanted ceiling silently, awestruck by the sheer complexity of the charms needed to pull something like that off.
“Do close your mouth, Ms. de Vilieré. It is rude to gape.” He shot her a smug look and continued to walk further into the room. “This is the Great Hall...”
After that she found it rather hard to concentrate on what he was saying. Somewhere in between imagining a dozen or so wordless, wandless jinxes she could throw at him, she completely zoned out.
She was just considering the mathematics behind a wandless color change spell, when the subject of these musings cleared his throat.
“Ms. de Vilieré, if you would kindly listen when I speak to you.” 
With a swift shake of the head, the woman rejoined the world of the living and stared up at the very tall man in black with tired eyes, realizing yet again just how tired she was. She sighed and rubbed a hand over her face, chastising herself. She seriously considered attempting to throw a jinx at the man just because he was being a little ornery.
“Professor Snape?” A sour look passed over his face briefly as he waited for her to continue. Her accent was thick with exhaustion and she was sure she looked a mess, but she struggled to focus on his disapproving black eyes for more than a few seconds. “I know that it's pretty late in the afternoon here, and that by all rights I should be as cheerful as you, but,” she paused to yawn, peeking with one eye over the hand shielding her mouth at the glowering man, “But I have not stopped goin' since midnight and I need to sleep desperately.”
He looked down his long nose at her, black eyebrow raised in disdain. “I see. In that case, I will show you to your quarters. Will that suffice?”
She nodded mid-yawn before adjusting her tote on her shoulder. “By all means, lead the way.”
He nodded curtly and turned sharply on his heel. “This way, Professor.”
When next he saw her, this time hours later at staff dinner, she looked if possible, even more ridiculous. She seemed to be wearing the same trousers as she had been wearing this afternoon, wrinkled as if she had fallen asleep in them, accompanied by an over-large gray sweatshirt, with the word ‘Saints’ emblazoned across the front in garish gold lettering. Her curly blonde hair was free of the ponytail it had been in earlier and had formed a cloud around her head that made her look like an overgrown mushroom.
A beautiful mushroom, to be honest, with an alluring, impressively glowing recommendation from Minerva and a surname that tickled at his memory for some god forsaken reason. 
But a mushroom, nonetheless. 
She approached the table timidly, with the near imperceptible scuff of trainers on stone, and made for the only open seat, the one directly across from him.
The table fell silent, even Rolanda and Lupin choosing to forgo their rather obnoxiously loud discussion of quidditch in lieu of watching the tiny, blushing woman take her seat.
Minerva cringed slightly at the woman's less-than-professional appearance, before forcing a thin, polite smile on her face. She cast a look at Severus and he knew immediately that she was warning him to play nice. “And how did your travels go, Professor de Vilieré?”
“Charlotte’s fine.” The woman smiled, her hair arranging itself into a neat bun of its own accord. 
Wandless and wordless. Severus shrugged it off, it was likely a spell she had been using most of her life. Proficiency was a given. 
“It went alright, I guess, Headmistress. Thanks for askin’. I'm exhausted but I reckon I'll be right as rain in the morning.” She shrugged with a self-deprecating smile. “And more put together too.”
Minerva responded with a pleasantry he didn't care to catch and the woman responded in kind with a soft smile and soft admonition he couldn’t make out. 
As she spoke recounting some particular or another about her journey, he allowed himself to listen to the odd cadence of her voice. Her voice was soft and her accent thick and drawling, lacking the staccato rhythm of the Minerva’s brogue and brusque quality of his own voice, but there was something annoyingly pleasant about it.
Like almost everything else about her, he decided it was irritating. She was a lesson in extremes. She was too short, her hair too wild, her jumper too garish and her accent too American. She couldn't just be average.
That thought led into another rather interesting thought. Why was it that this blasted school couldn't hire anyone normal? 
“Severus!” A long fingered hand landed on his sleeve heavily. “Are you quite alright, dear?”
Severus snapped to attention and focused on Minerva. “Yes.”
“What has you so distracted?” She retracted her hand.
He sighed, frustrated that he had been caught lost in his thoughts. “It is of no importance.” He caught de Vilieré’s eyes and grunted, looking down at his food.
“That jumper, Ms. de Vilieré, may I assume that it is in...support, shall we say, of a sports team?” Despite his polite, maybe even pleasant, phrasing, the deep baritone of his voice dripped with sarcasm. He didn’t like her or her sweater and desired that she knew it.
The asshole.
She looked up from the mush she had made on her plate and caught his arched eyebrow with one of her own, and spoke in a deliberately cheerful voice, nodding. “The New Orleans Saints. They are my hometown’s professional football- American Football- team.” She deliberately ignored his contemptuous look.
“Ahh,” he drawled, smirking slightly. “Muggle football, I’d suspect.”
She breathed deep, trying to steady herself. “Yeah, it’s a no-maj sport.”
“Not Quidditch?” Professor Hooch frowned. “Do Americans play quidditch?”
“Some people are into it. There’s a club league in NOLA that my brother-in-law tried out once. Quidditch is more popular up north, I think. The South has been obsessed with Football as long as people have been playing it.” Charlotte smiled. “To be honest, I don't think I've ever watched Quidditch. I’m not really a sports girl."
Snape arched an eyebrow. "Then why the jumper, I wonder?"
Charlotte shrugged, watching as the Headmistress shot Snape a look. "I think my brother gave me this sweater, to be honest, or my dad.”
Professor Hooch looked scandalized. “Did you play quidditch at Ilvermorny?”
Charlotte smiled. “I didn’t go to Ilvermorny. The US is a very large country. Most states have their own school or schools. I went to the Convent - the Lafreniere School of Magic in New Orleans. The no-majs believe the school buildings are an old Ursuline Convent. Most still call it the Convent rather than by the school’s official name. Everyone in my family went there and it’s, like, right around the corner from our house. My dad wouldn’t have felt too secure sending his children that far from home.”
“It’s not a boarding school?” Professor Lupin leaned forward.
Charlotte rubbed at her face. Their questions were to be expected but this level of social engagement was exhausting her already rock bottom stores of energy. “No. Most schools in the States don’t board their students. Ilvermorny does and I think there’s a boarding school out in California.”
“I’ve heard that Americans often pursue higher education. Did you attend university?”
Charlotte winced imperceptibly, having dreaded this question. “I had planned to. Life got complicated around the end of my time at the Convent.”
“Complicated?” Snape drummed the pad of his middle finger against the table, dark eyes on her.
Charlotte nodded. “Complicated. I decided it would be more feasible to pursue apprenticeship in my chosen fields.”
“Complicated how?” 
She turned back to Snape and considered him quietly. “Complicated enough that it derailed many of my personal plans.”
He caught her eyes and held them for a long moment.
“How interesting.” The Headmistress smiled, sensing the rising tension. “The differences in culture are astounding.”
She blinked and he looked down.
Sprout leaned forward, ignoring her. “I’ve heard about something called Mardi Gras?”
Mar-tee Grass. Jesus Christ. 
Charlotte chuckled but didn’t correct her. “It’s one of the things New Orleans is famous for. It means Fat Tuesday. It’s the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.” 
“Ash Wednesday?”
Professor Snape sighed. “The Wednesday before the start of Lent.”
He was met with blank stares. He caught Charlotte’s eyes. “The forty days before Easter. Meant as a time of repentance. Catholics observe it.”
Professor Sprout turned back to her. “Are you Catholic?” 
The look on her face must have been unedited because Professor Lupin chuckled. 
She marshaled herself and made a so-so motion with her hands. “Culturally, I guess. I did all the sh- rites that were expected of me. But I haven’t willingly stepped inside a church in years.” She shrugged. 
“Why did you do all the rites if you don’t think you believe it?”
Charlotte nodded at the Headmistress. “It’s okay. It was expected of me, given my cultural heritage and family. I don’t know of any member of a Creole family that would risk social censure by rejecting Catholicism. You just do it, take Communion, light the candle, get it over with. Grease the wheels and all that.”
“How do you know about Lent, Severus?” Pomona turned to Snape with curious eyes. 
“I was raised Catholic.” Snape nodded to Charlotte. “Similarly to Ms. de Vilierè, I did all the shite that was expected of me and no longer practice.”
“I didn’t know that about you, Severus.” Flitwick hummed, kind smile on his face. “What did you mean by Creole, Charlotte?”
“Being of French heritage from the city of New Orleans.” 
“And being Catholic is part of being Creole?”
“I think it’s widely assumed to be essential to being Creole.” 
“You would disagree?” Severus watched her quietly.
“I don’t think it matters if I agree.” She sighed. “New Orleanian magical communities are very… culture-bound and committed to maintaining tradition. As a result, these communities retain a lot of the historical prejudices that the no-maj communities have lost to some extent. My family is Creole and, outside of school, I didn’t really socialize with people who weren’t. Creoles live in the Quarter and go to Mass at St. Louis, Americans live across Canal Street and attend church at First Magical Baptist, the Irish live in the Channel and go to their local Catholic church, and so on. If I had wanted to change that, make a different decision, -hell, if I had wanted to move out of the Quarter- the social pressure would’ve been intense.”
“Americans? Aren’t you all American?” Lupin smiled.
“Now, yes, but again, the Creole magical community holds to a lot of older, traditional prejudices. There’s a pecking order- a superiority complex. We were the original colonists. I’ve always been taught to identify as Creole first, American second.” 
“What’s Cajun?”
Charlotte blinked. “I’m sorry?”
“What does the word Cajun refer to?” 
Charlotte’s smile felt tight. “Of French heritage from outside of the city.”
Professor Binns nodded. “I thought it was food.”
Charlotte breathed deep. “It means that too.”
The Headmistress sighed loudly and set her hands on the table with some amount of finality. “I think we’ve all asked too much of our new colleague already. She’ll be here past today so you can ask more questions at a later date.”
Professor Sinistra smiled. “New Orleans sounds fascinating.”
Charlotte ducked her head. “NOLA is unlike anywhere else in the US. It’s truly unique.”
“Why are you in Scotland then, I wonder?”
The air left the room with a whimper. The Headmistress rubbed at her face.
Charlotte nodded, biting at her lip, glancing over at Snape. There was a part of her that wanted to be honest and another, larger part that wanted to meet his sarcasm head-on. 
The latter part won. 
“The weather.”
Professor Sprout snorted.
He hummed, eyes on hers. “You’ll be disappointed then.”
She chuckled. “I already am. It was summer when I left NOLA this morning. I should’ve kept a jacket out when I packed. ‘Bout near froze.”
“Disappointed and of delicate constitution.” Snape sighed dramatically. “You’re not likely to last long here.”
The Headmistress's jaw clenched. “Severus.”
“I’m cold-natured, sure.” She shrugged, smiling the edgy little smile that used to irritate Beau. Despite the obvious being exactly what she meant, she clarified for the sake of professionalism. “I do get cold easily, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m delicate.” She fluttered her eyelashes at him. “I wouldn’t worry about my longevity, I have survived much more frigid climes. I’m tougher than I look.”
Severus made a face that communicated clearly that he didn’t believe her. “I’m sure.”
She hummed. She wasn’t going to let him goad her into revealing more about herself than she was ready to share.
Professor Lupin glanced between the two of them. “At the risk of being nosy, why did you decide to move to Scotland?”
She considered Professor Lupin and saw Snape watch her out of the corner of her eye. After a moment, she shrugged. “The magical community of NOLA isn’t small, per say, but it is insulated and very interconnected.“ She paused and looked at Snape again. “I felt a little stifled at home, I guess. Needed a new environment.”
“A new environment for what?” Snape traced the wood grain of the table with a single long finger.
She bit back the urge to shock him with an absurd lie. “To grow, develop. A bit like a houseplant, I needed a new pot.”
Professor Sprout made a pleased sound.
“You felt stifled in a city with the culture and history you’ve spent the last hour describing?” He demurred sarcastically. “Your new pot may be a mite small.”
“I’m sure it’ll be alright. After all, it seems big enough for the current residents.” She lowered her chin, eyeing him from under her lashes. “If such illustrious company can grow to fit such a space, I’m sure I will do alright.”
Professor Lupin choked on his wine. Professor Flitwick dropped his silverware with a clatter. Hagrid froze as if he was in the presence of a predator.
“Touché, Ms. de Vilierè.” Snape nodded. 
Part 2
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otakusheep15 · 3 years
SFW Alphabet - Barbatos
I know I haven’t posted in a while, but since today’s Barb’s b-day, I decided I would
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
The thing is, he actually really loves giving affection. He’s usually just busy, so he never has the time. But when he does have time, expect him to be all over you (respectfully of course). His favorite form of affection is when one of you is cooking and the other will come up and give a hug from behind. He melts no matter which position he’s in. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Most of y’alls hangouts include baking or having tea. He also likes when you follow him around while he works so that he has company. In his free time, he likes to take you to different stores and restaurants in both the Human World and the Devildom so that you two can sample what they have. He’s also lowkey chaotic, so he might drag you into pulling pranks every now and then. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Again, he’s actually really affectionate, so cuddles aren’t off the table. For him, cuddling after a long day is a great way to unwind. It’s also one of the few times he lets his guard down a bit and actually begins to relax. Basically what I’m saying is, please give this man cuddles. He deserves it. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He’s honestly one of the best choices if you want to settle down. He can cook, clean, and any other chores you so desire. And he also loves the idea of settling down. He’s been working for so long and, while he loves his job, it can be pretty taxing on him sometimes. The idea of just leaving it all behind to settle down with the one he loves sounds like a dream to him. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Probably the bluntest out of anyone. Like, he does not care about how the other will react. He’s more used to people breaking up with him since he cares about his job more than them in most cases, so if he’s the one initiating the break up, then it’s for a reason. And that reason is probably not a good one. He will probably make the person cry. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Marriage isn’t all that interesting to him. he doesn’t find it all that necessary like others do. To him, just being together is enough, so he doesn’t need anyone to certify it for him. However, if you wanted to get married, he would never refuse.  
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s surprisingly gentle. He understands how sensitive emotions can be, so he’s super careful with the one’s he cares about. The last thing he wants is to hurt someone he loves, so he’s super gentle. He’s also aware of how physically strong he is, so he tries his best to control himself so that he doesn’t accidentally lash out and hurt you. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He doesn’t have a lot of time, so hugs are usually rare. But he loves them anyway. they’re a great way for him to recharge throughout the day. Just pop in every now and then and give him a quick hug and he’ll just die but you won’t know that.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes him a long time to say it. Not necessarily because he’s scared or not ready, but just because he doesn’t see the point in rushing it. He knows you love him and that he loves you too, so he knows the words themselves aren’t needed. When he does say it, it’ll be absolutely perfect. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He may seem like he doesn’t get jealous, but he does. In fact, he gets insanely jealous, especially of the brothers. You spend so much time with them, and he never has any time to spend with you since he’s always working. He hates that you two never seem to have time to be together, and that ends up making him jealous. Just give him some attention and he should calm down some. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are so amazing. He always knows just what to do and when/where to do it. You will always be satisfied with him. His favorite place to kiss you is the nape of your neck since he likes the reaction it gets out of you. He also likes when you kiss his cheek since he finds it cute. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Oh, he hates kids. Absolutely despises them. The only exception is Luke since he is tolerable for the most part. But other than that, kids are one of his least favorite things. They’re messy, loud, and distract him from his work like Dia and the brothers lol.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He usually has to wake up pretty early in the mornings, so they can go one of two ways. If you’re an early riser like him, you two will get ready and go to the kitchen to have breakfast together before he has to start work. If you tend to sleep in, he’ll get out of bed without waking you and send in another servant to bring you breakfast in bed with a schedule of where he has to be today so that you can come find him. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Night time is pretty much the only time he ever gets to just relax and not have to worry about work. Expect to be pulled away to his room and not leave until morning. This is maybe the only time he can spend with you without the fear of being pulled away from you, and he’s going to enjoy it damnit. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I doubt he’d ever reveal everything about himself. After all, he is quite mysterious. Obviously, he’d trust you enough to open up about some aspects of himself, but mostly just surface level things. If you really want to know something about him, your best bet is going to Diavolo, and even then it’s most likely a lost cause. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
This man is the definition of patient. It takes a lot to rile him up enough to actually snap. He’s been working a Dia’s butler forever now, so he knows how to keep his emotions under control. He may feel irritated or annoyed fairly often, but he will not let it show unless he is truly angered. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Of course he remembers absolutely everything about you. You so much as mention something you enjoy, he already has it to give to you. He has a great memory, and that’s only enhanced by how in love with you he is. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He isn’t one to have any one specific favorite, but he does love any time you two bake together. It’s such a calming thing, and you two can simply just have fun alone without having to deal with Dia or the brothers. It always brings such a smile to his face when he remembers all of the baking sessions you two have had. Even if you don’t know how to bake, that’s fine with him, cause he’s with you. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s very protective, but in a subtle way. He’s never one to be bold or over the top, but he still feels the need to protect you if he ever feels you’re in danger. Honestly, he’s scary enough on his own, so most other demons tend to leave you alone if you’re with him. And because you’re always around him, his scent started to rub off on you, alerting other demons to stay away even when he isn’t there. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He’s used to planning huge events, so he can go as all out as you want. You want a party with every demon in the Devildom? It’s done. You just want a lowkey date alone with him? He can do that to. It all depends on what you want him to do. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He has a hard time separating himself from his work. After all, he’s been working for Dia for so long, so it makes sense that it would be hard for him to leave it alone, even for a few hours. Sometimes, you may have to pull him away from his work and force him to rest. If that doesn’t work, you might have to talk to Dia about getting him some time off. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He is concerned with his looks, but only because of who he works for. He knows that he has to keep up appearances lest he embarrass Dia at all. Other than that, he could honestly care less about his looks. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Quite honestly, he was already incomplete before he even met you, and he’s still somewhat incomplete now. He’s never once felt whole, and that didn’t change very much when you arrived. Yes, he loves you, but you didn’t change much of how complete he feels inside. So, yeah, he’d feel incomplete without you, but he feels incomplete regardless. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
This isn’t so much a headcanon as just me being an angsty mess, but I just love the idea of him being lowkey jealous of Lucifer. I mean, ever since Luci fell and started working for Dia, he’s been getting so much credit for basically everything. I like the idea that maybe he gets a bit jealous of Luci and the attention and praise that he gets despite doing the same amount of work. (and yeah, I know this totally isn’t the case at all, and I’m sure he gets plenty of attention, but I love the idea of jealous, and kinda sad Barb). 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn’t like someone who's lazy and doesn’t take work seriously. he also doesn’t like anyone who consistently distracts him from his work without legitimate reason. Also anyone who insults Dia or presents any possible threat to him. Other than that, he’s surprisingly chill with almost anyone. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
More like lack of sleep habit honestly. I genuinely don’t believe that he sleeps. And if he does, it’s for a couple hours at the most. Really, he just works too much to sleep that much.  
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shreddedparchment · 3 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.15
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader          Word Count: 5,747
Warnings: angst, jealousy, anxiety, talks of pregnancy, conception troubles
A/N: I’m sorry this came so late and that it’s taking me time to get these out. I’m writing very slowly right now and I only have my brain to blame. I’m finding it so hard to focus right now and I’m not sure why. I’ve gotten away from my usual habit of writing when I wake up and before I go to sleep. Hopefully, I’ll get back to normal soon. I hope y’all like (hate?) this chapter! Things will start to get tough from here on out. I hope y’all will stick with me through it. xoxo
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“Well, I’ve got to get back to my girls. Some of them have taken to sneaking out at night in an attempt to earn their wings. If I catch them, I get to make them do whatever I want and I’m not going to lie, it’s the best part of my day.”
Hilde smiles at you, and you try to give her a returning social exchange with the same energy but your mind and eyes keep drifting back to the astronomer across the room currently chatting with Bruce and Tony animatedly about something scientific that you don’t understand.
“Are you seriously stressing about her?” Hilde asks, exasperated with you already.
“No,” you answer with your feathers obviously ruffled. “I’m not.”
Hilde clearly doesn’t believe you as she skews her lips and tilts her head.
“I’m not!”
You say it too loudly and the trio on the other side of the table turn to look at you.
“Not what?” Tony asks, brow furrowed a little with curiosity.
“She’s not tired,” Hilde covers. “How about a tour from Her Majesty?”
“Uh, yeah, I can give you all a tour of the palace. It’s really big.”
“No,” Tony shakes his head. “No tour for me. As fun as following you around while you brag about how much bigger your house is than mine sounds, I just spent weeks in the trenches and I’m going to try and get some sleep or Pepper will ground me and won’t let me come out and play. So, I think, good night?”
“Right. Of course, yeah. Estrid?” You call out to the two large open doors.
“Yes, Your Majesty?” Estrid hurries into view, giving you a quick curtsy before standing with her hands at her front.
“Can you show Mr. Stark-”
“Really?” he asks, incredulous.
“Sorry, habit,” you laugh nervously. “Can you show Tony to his room, please? And Bruce?”
“Uh, yeah. I’d love some sleep,” he nods, rubbing his chest with one hand in slow circles.
“And Bruce as well,” you nod to Estrid who gives you another curtsy.
They all begin to stand, shoving their chairs back in under the table and taking a last drink.
“And…” with odd trepidation, you look at your husband’s very recent former lover and try not to feel too overwhelmed. “Jane?”
“No, actually I was hoping I could speak with you?”
She takes a step towards you, hands pulled to her front as she fidgets with the tips of her fingers for a second then drops them at her sides.
“Oh, yeah. Sure. Thank you, Estrid. When you’ve escorted the gentlemen to their rooms, come find me so that you can show Jane hers when she’s ready.”
“Very good, Your Majesty,” Estrid nods, another curtsy before she turns to Bruce and Tony who now look nervous too as they give you and then Jane inquisitive looks. “This way, gentlemen.”
As Estrid disappears into the hallway, Tony and Bruce follow slowly leaving you, Hilde, and Jane to stand awkwardly in the smaller of the two dining rooms in the palace.
“Should I stay?” Hilde wonders, inching a little closer to you and reaching out to grab your elbow.
“Hm? No. It’s okay. But if you’re going-?”
“Your Majesty,” Heimdall’s warm voice fills the space strangely washing over you with a soothing calm.
Something about Heimdall always makes you feel at ease and the night suddenly seems very bearable.
“Heimdall will be taking over your care until Thor returns, is that alright?” Hilde checks, sounding genuinely worried.
“Will I do, Your Majesty?” Heimdall asks, his voice a gentle teasing.
“Of course, Heimdall!” your huff of a laugh pulls from him a gentle chuckle and he moves around towards you to draw your hand up to his lips.
It’s a genuine sign of respect and it warms your heart.
“Alright, well, I’m off. I will see you tomorrow, Your Majesty. Jane.” Hilde gives her a nod and quickly slides from the room eager to catch her troops out of bed.
Heimdall makes his way towards Jane and as she turns to him, she smiles wide, “Heimdall, it’s so nice to see you again.”
“Jane Foster,” he says her name in full though it doesn’t sound as if he’s being formal.
In fact, they sound pretty close.
“It has been quite a while.” They hug and your heart gives a strange uncertain clench. “How are you?”
“I’m good, all things considered,” Jane says.
All things considered? What things considered?
“Yes, well…” Heimdall leaves his words hanging there, full of meaning that you don’t understand and suddenly the warmth his greeting had left you with is gone and in its place is a sense of intrusion.
Jane was the Queen they had all been expecting. Suddenly feeling dismal, you turn away from their reunion to fill up your fancy silver cup with wine and take a nice long drink.
Without turning back around to look at her because in the moment you can’t really bear it, you address her and hope that your voice doesn’t give you away.
“What was it that you wanted to speak to me about, Jane?”
Hopefully it has nothing to do with Thor or you might just lose your head a little. While a part of you would very much like to bury the hatchet and put everything that happened with her and Thor in the past behind you, in this moment, the last thing you want to do is talk about how she is or was the love of his life.
That you know, right?
This is all so fucked.
“I was actually just wondering if you had a space that I could set up my equipment? Somewhere with clear access to the sky is preferable, and lots of space? I’ll need to set up my equipment to show Thor--and yourself what I’ve been seeing the last few months.”
You can hear it in her voice that she added you as an afterthought. She came to show Thor. To see him?
You hate this sudden insecurity growing inside of you, this second guessing that didn’t even exist until she walked into your home tonight.
Are you thinking too much? Is this wrong of you? Thor is your husband. He loves you. He says it every day. Several times a day because he knows you need to hear it. He physically shows you, also several times a day if he can. Just today, in the hallway downstairs…
“Your Majesty?” Heimdall prompts, pulling you from your thoughts.
You dismiss his concern without acknowledging it because it’s in his all-seeing eyes. Instead, you focus on Jane.
“I have the perfect space. It’s a bit of a walk. I mean, it’s still on palace grounds, just a bit further up the hill behind us. But it’s an observation tower Loki was having built probably for this exact reason.”
“Perfect,” she smiles, then moves to her chair to pick up a large brown bag you hadn’t noticed she’d brought in here with her. “After you?”
Heimdall follows behind the two of you and Jane follows a step behind as you lead her out of the palace back entrance which is hidden behind a smaller room behind the throne room.
The night is chilly and you wrap your arms around yourself and regret the shorter choice of dress.
Jane also seems to shiver for a moment but her own clothes are more tailored to the weather outside than yours is. Her shiver passes.
“Do you enjoy living here?” she asks.
For a moment you don’t realize she’s talking to you, then when no one else answers, you start and quickly clear your throat.
“Yes, I do. I mean, it’s cold a lot. I’ll be glad when Summer’s here. Spring is also kind of on the chillier side.”
“Yeah,” she smiles, as if she’s been here often.
The silence after her affirmation grows tense and your heart begins to pound as your mind goes into a flurry of what she might have gotten up to here in New Asgard before you’d come into the picture.
Warmth suddenly envelops you and you turn to look at Heimdall as he places his dark cloak over your shoulders.
“Thank you, Heimdall,” you gasp, reaching up to pull the cloak around yourself more tightly.
“Of course, Your Majesty,” Heimdall nods, “It’s my honor.”
The terrain suddenly grows more rugged and Heimdall is quick to offer you his arm as you adjust your steps to accommodate the rockier path.
You make a mental note to have this pathway fixed. Smoothed out and maybe even given a railing as it gets steeper.
The only thing you can hear is the sound of three pairs of feet trudging along shifting stone and dirt then a softer step as the hill evens out a bit more and becomes covered in grass.
When you don’t have to look down at where you’re stepping anymore, you look up at the tower that looms ahead.
The base is made of heavy stone, each placed with precision and reinforced with steel supports. Wooden beams line each of the corners, decorated with carved images of what you can only assume are Asgardian moments in history.
When you’d come to see its progress at the beginning of its creation, you’d recognized the images of Thor and Odin in battle just above the beam that lines the doorway.
The rest of the tower is a mix of wood, stone, and iron. The aesthetic is very much like the palace, Asgardian curves and shapes fit into more modern Norse lines.
The three of you stop as you reach it and Heimdall hurries forward to throw the large door open.
As you step through, you see that the inside of the tower has not changed much since the last time you came to inspect it.
The bottom floor is a large empty room with only a fireplace against the back wall, exposed rafters up above before the height is cut short by the ceiling.
“Wow,” Jane does sound impressed, “This is great. Is there a-?”
“Upstairs,” you point towards the staircase to the right that rises up around the side of the room. “There’s another room, smaller, but it has a lot of balcony space.”
“Great! Thanks,” she sighs with relief as if she really didn’t expect you to give her some space to work, then heads towards the staircase.
“Um, there’s no furniture in here yet. I’ll have someone bring you some tables and chairs, is there anything more specific that you need?”
Jane stops at the foot of the stairs then turns to look at you and then the space of the bottom floor.
“Would it be possible to get a bed in here? You’re right, and it is a long way from the palace. I’m gonna be in here probably all the time so…?”
You know that she isn’t asking for the impossible or anything out of the question, but suddenly the idea of making this tower her little space has a whole other life playing out in your head.
A life where you had married Thor and he had been unable to give up Jane. A life of her living here at the palace with you in her own space where Thor can come and be with her in private away from prying eyes while still giving the appearance of being with you, his Queen in name only.
“Your Majesty?” Heimdall prompts you quietly, reaching out to touch your elbow again and pull you from the pain and panic you’re trying to hide.
You force a smile, a small shake of your head, “Yes, of course. Sorry, I’ve had a busy day. I’ll have them bring you everything you need within the hour.”
“Thank you. Once I have everything set up I’ll make sure to show you what I’ve found and then Thor can um, plan for what might come?”
“Of course,” you agree, eager to get the hell out of here and back to your room where you can fall apart in private. “Now, I hope you’ll excuse my bad hosting skills, but I really am super tired and I think I’m going to turn in a little early.”
“Oh, yeah, sure! No problem at all,” Jane smiles, “Thank you for all your help. And dinner! Dinner was so good. Thanks.”
“My pleasure. I’ll let Cook know,” you nod, hoping that your smile isn’t too tense for the moment. “Good night.”
You’re almost grateful for the cold night air as it bites the skin of your cheeks. Anything is better than the stress you just felt in that tower.
You hear the heavy door of the tower close behind you, then Heimdall’s footsteps join your own though your heavy breathing is alone as he walks calmly beside you.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Heimdall wonders, gentle and honestly concerned.
“I’m fine,” You lie.
“Does having Jane Foster here bother you? There is no need for you to worry. I have seen Thor be with many women-”
“Oh, my God,” and you can’t help but huff a laugh. “Not helping, Heimdall.”
“-and I have never seen him be with anyone the way he is with you. It’s more than just love. It's a partnership. Companionship. It’s friendship. Trust. After their initial reconnection, Thor’s trust in Jane and their courtship dwindled and as you know, by the end, it was completely gone.”
“So, what you’re saying is he’s so sure that I love him that he has no reason to worry?”
Which is true, you do and he has no reason to worry about you not loving him or falling for someone else at this point. You can’t even imagine being with anyone the way you’ve been with Thor.
“He’s not afraid to lose me?” You hate giving into these thoughts.
Honestly though, talking about them to someone will help you sleep tonight. Maybe.
“Yes,” Heimdall agrees. “And no. Even now, this very moment, all he can think of is you.”
You stop walking, stunned by his words because you’ve never asked him to look for you. You’ve heard Thor ask him to see things before, to search, and Heimdall always has. It had never crossed your mind to do the same.
Then again, this is the first time you and Thor have been apart since before you were married.
“What-You can see him?” Heimdall looks down at your feet, focuses what must be his mental eyes, and then slowly nods.
“He’s distressed at leaving you here alone, he’s finding it hard to focus on what Fandral is telling him and Fandral is growing more and more upset.”
You smile, completely absorbed by this information.
“Did he ever ask you to look for her? For Jane?”
Your words are quiet, hesitant, though your heart feels slightly more at ease by Heimdall’s reassurance.
“In the very beginning of their courtship, just after he left Earth and the bifrost was destroyed. Their love was new then. It was short-lived. Then Thor came back to Earth and they were able to be together, for a time.
“But their compatibility has always had its trials. After some time together, Thor was called back to the Universe and Jane had her own work to do. Their responsibilities have always pulled them apart and if I’m honest, Thor is the more hopeless romantic between them.”
You think about all of the small things that Thor has done for you since you came back home. The flowers, the baths, surprise dinners, the small presents hidden under your pillow or in drawers he knows you’ll get into. He’s done a lot more to show you he’s thinking about you during the day than you have and you can understand what Heimdall is saying.
You’re not so much a gift giver in love it seems, and instead give him all of the affection he’d seemed so starved for in the beginning.
“Her being here will not damage your marriage. Trust me.” Heimdall finishes.
You lead the walk again, moving slower but calmer after Heimdall’s reassurance.
“Will you come back up and check that Jane gets everything she needs? We really should have had the tower set up a long time ago.”
“As soon as I am certain you are in your quarters safe, with a guard outside your door, yes. I can ensure that she has everything that she requires.”
For a few minutes you walk in silence, at ease. When you reach the back doors of the palace however and he holds the doors open for you, you turn to Heimdall and after a quick bite to your lip, “Is he still with Fandral?”
Heimdall smiles and nods, “Fandral is yelling at him for not paying attention.”
Both of you laugh.
It’s so early when you wake. It’s still dark outside and you’re almost sure that sunrise is still a few hours away.
You’re exhausted. Eyes burning as you push yourself up and the night plays itself over.
So suddenly you’re anxious again, nerves making your fingertips tingle and your stomach do an uncomfortable flip as you turn over onto your back to look at Thor’s side of the bed.
It’s undisturbed. Both pillows are still in their made up position.
He said he’d be back very late at night, early morning at the latest. You’d been hoping for the former.
With a groan, you sit up, sliding slowly down to the end of the bed and the bench where Thor sits to put his boots on.
You’re so groggy. The night was restless and you’ve really only gotten about an hour of sleep. Two at the most.
It’s stuffy in the room, the fire still burning and leaving you a little sticky from being huddled underneath a heavy blanket because you’d missed the weight of Thor’s arms all night.
The large glass doors across from you rattle from the wintry breeze outside, beckoning you forward for relief from this heat.
As you step on the floor, your body is rocked with a shiver that pushes you up onto your toes. As fancy as this palace is, you’ll have to ask Thor if it’s possible to get some heated floors installed.
Moving as quickly as you can, you don’t stop until you’re at the doors and then thrust them open and absolutely inhale the frigid late night air.
You scan the distant ocean as it spreads into the horizon, the sky it touches still an inky black with a breathtaking scattering of stars.
You can hear the Valkyrie below in their barracks and training grounds already working hard to get into shape. Hilde must have really caught them sneaking out.
Heimdall should be waiting close by. You really want to see if he has news about Thor’s schedule and if maybe he’s on his way home and just running late.
As you turn to walk back into the room, you freeze as your eyes scan the tower you’d set Jane up in.
From this angle you have a clear view of the balcony. She’s already set up her equipment. You didn’t know that you could see this well into the tower.
It’s all lit up like a beacon in the dark.
It’s an unpleasant reminder that she’s here and you make a mental note to keep the curtains drawn when you know she’s up there. Which you realize that unfortunately, will probably mean all the time.
Sighing, you move towards the door but then freeze again as Thor moves from the balcony doorway towards a large telescope attached to what looks like heavily modified computers.
He’s still in uniform, smiling. Behind him, Jane follows, arms wrapped around herself before she stops too close to Thor for your liking.
She rushes around him and looks through the eyepiece. You can see her talking away, mouth moving at the speed of light as she explains something to him, her hands flying around her as she talks, apparently the cold is forgotten.
She pulls away from the telescope as Thor chuckles then moves back inside out of sight as Thor sidles up to the eyepiece but doesn’t touch it yet.
The telescope moves, clearly Jane adjusting it from inside where she must have set up her computer equipment.
Thor takes a step back then the telescope stops and Jane flutters back out onto the balcony and gestures for Thor to look through.
He does, Jane moves in beside him, saying something that must be a whisper if she’s standing that close. He says something back.
The two of them having a pleasant conversation.
The clench in your chest feels choking.
Thor pulls back from the eyepiece and turns to look at her.
He’s too far away for you to see his expression, too small. But their faces are so close and he doesn’t pull away.
You sink back into your room, terrified to see something that will ruin the perfect bliss you’ve been in these first three months of your marriage.
Not that it isn’t already ruined. You’ve been a mess since Jane showed her face and now with what you just saw, how can you feel anything but lousy?
You don’t do what you want to do. You don’t slink back into bed and hide under the covers to wallow.
Instead you move to your closet and look for a dignified dress. Something that you can wear that will scream Queen of New Asgard but also be relaxed enough for you to work in.
You choose something with a simple cut. Long sleeves, a deep V in the front, with a loose flowing skirt but a tight bodice to match the equally tight sleeves. The color is an iridescent black that shimmers in teal and startling pink.
The color reminds you of the northern lights with a splash of the hazy pink in the orion nebula. It’s beautiful and otherworldly, and it screams Queen of Asgard in casual formal.
With the dress you move back into the room and hang it on the small stand in front of the full length mirror by your vanity before grabbing some new underwear and moving into the bath.
You ignore the large tub you and Thor have spent hours upon hours in and quickly shower instead. You emerge fresh and clean, though not exactly refreshed.
You’re stepping out of the shower when your bedroom doors open and you freeze, staring at them as they swing forward with your hands pressed to the top of your towel holding it shut.
Your heart drops when Estrid smiles prettily at you, turning around to close the doors as she greets you.
“Good morning, Your Majesty, did you sleep well?” She moves straight for your vanity to pull out the brush, pins, and makeup she usually uses on you in the morning.
She’s in here much earlier than normal and she can’t have gotten that much sleep herself. She’s so attuned to you now that you’re worried for her but also grateful.
“Good morning, Estrid,” you reply, refusing to answer her question because she’d only worry. “Did Ms. Foster get all of the things she needed in the tower?”
“Yes, m’am. Heimdall made sure that she had everything she would need for her research before he retired to stand guard at your door.”
You have an endless stream of questions about Thor in your head, things you want to ask Estrid but you bite your tongue as Estrid helps you on with your dress then sits you down at your vanity to dry your hair and work on today’s set of braids.
Time passes as she works. Time that feels like seconds to you as your mind works hard to try and reassure your heart that you have nothing to worry about, and yet, it still aches.
“You’re very quiet this morning, Your Majesty,” she observes.
“Yeah. I don’t really feel like talking unless I have to.”
“Very well, Your Majesty,” she accepts, but then after a few minutes of silence. “Are you not feeling well? Shall I send for the doctor?”
“No, Estrid. I’m not sick. I’m-shit, what’s the date today?”
Reaching around, you look for your phone to check the date.
“‘Tis the fifteenth, Your Majesty,” Estrid informs you.
“Did you forget about me already?” A deep smooth voice slides in from your doorway and you turn in search of the comfort the tone gives you.
On your feet and across the room, David greets you with open arms. A small firm hug is what he gives you before kissing the side of your head and then pushing you back to look at you.
His eyes linger on your stomach for a moment before he frowns playfully.
“Nothing yet? I guess we’ll find out today if we’re to expect anything in the next month.”
“No pressure,” you reply sarcastically.
David chuckles, his fancy four piece navy suit a display of his busy nature. As much as he wants to visit, you know that he’s busier now with so many people wanting his services. The prestige of being the Queen of New Asgard’s lawyer has brought him a windfall.
Not that he needs it, but he appreciates the work.
“I did forget we had a testing today. Something happened yesterday.”
Your voice filters into a whisper at the end, though you’re not even aware of it.
David matches your energy, though he doesn’t whisper, he recognizes your stress and concern saturates his entire person.
“What’s happened?”
“I-” You look towards Estrid, and she’s so good that she’s cleaning your vanity, ignoring your conversation as best she can, but still. “Estrid, were you finished with my hair?”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” she turns to you and smiles. “Will you be needing anything else? Breakfast in the breakfast room?”
“Are you hungry, David?”
“No, I’m not. Thank you.”
“No breakfast, Estrid. Thank you. When the doctor arrives, can you show him in?”
Estrid curtsies, and without another word, she leaves you and David in the room.
“You look beautiful today, by the way,” David tells you as he moves towards the small table in the corner to sit but waits for you to reach your chair first to pull it out for you.
“Thanks, I chose it very carefully,” you admit. “Does it make me look like a real Queen?”
“You are a real Queen,” David assures you, then cocks his head as he registers your stress again. “What happened last night?”
You sigh heavily, using your nails to pick at the woodgrain of the table, shoulders slouched a little as you deflate.
“Jane showed up with Tony and Bruce,” you reveal, a shaky breath accompanying your desperate information.
“Oh? At Thor’s invitation?” David wonders, which honestly sobers you up a little from your depression.
“No. I don’t think so. I mean, Tony and Bruce were supposed to come to install a security system for the palace and I guess maybe she just tagged along?”
“And you are upset that your husband’s former lover has forced her way into your new home.”
It’s not a question. David has always been very observant and he sucks for it. Jerk.
“Well...yeah. But that’s not why-”
“Something else happened?”
David leans towards you and places his hand over yours, a soft knowing look on your surrogate father’s face.
With a quick little sigh you tell him about your stress over not getting pregnant and the pressures from the ambassadors to do that before more time goes by to secure the ties between the Asgardians to Earth. You tell him about your worries about Jane that have died down a little since you and Thor got married but have never truly gone away. Lastly, you tell him about what you saw this morning and how you’d been expecting Thor to come directly to you when he got back but clearly that’s not happening.
“Maybe I’m being too sensitive? But I mean, it’s been what? An hour and a half since you got here and he still hasn’t come to look for me?”
You reach over and rub your arm, the soft fabric of your dress pleasing but only in the back of your mind where you’re not thinking about Thor and Jane.
“If that is how you feel, then that is how you feel. The important part now is talking to Thor about it. Couples lose out when they feel about something the way that they do and then keep it to themselves. Even Gods are not mind readers.”
David tilts his head, eyes looking across the room for a moment before he looks right back at you.
“At least not to my knowledge.”
You almost smile, but the stress of talking to Thor about this is giving your anxiety a nice boost.
“What if I don’t like what he says?”
“Then you don’t like it. You cannot avoid the confrontation because you might not hear what you want to hear. That is not how a marriage, or any relationship works. In big moments like these, honesty I think is the best policy.”
He’s right of course. You know he is. That doesn’t mean you have to like it.
You close your eyes and try to see Thor’s handsome face smiling sweetly at you, just as he had yesterday before he left. Instead you see him smiling down at Jane next to that stupid telescope, him chuckling at whatever she’s saying as she talks away about her work.
Two knocks to your door pull you from your stupid thoughts and drop your heart into the pit of your stomach, but Estrid peeks in to make sure that you’re okay to see her.
Suddenly, you’re dreading seeing Thor.
“Come in, Estrid.”
She moves in, behind her follows two doctors. One is a woman with a lovely heart shaped face and long full dark brown hair that compliments her olive skin. She’s wearing a sleek gray pantsuit, pink camisole underneath, and a thick black coat draped over her arm.
Her name is Amana Wilson and she has been your gynecologist since David gave you your inheritance and you were able to afford better healthcare.
The second doctor is an older man with a thick black beard streaked through with bits of gray. He glows an almost ethereal way. Clearly Asgardian. Your general caregiver since you moved to New Asgard, Doctor Alric Orvinson smiles eagerly, kindly, a pure excitement radiating off of him.
He’s always so eager to put everything he’s learning into practice.
Doctor Wilson curtsies and Doctor Alric bows before they both greet you in unison.
“Your Majesty,” they say.
David waits until you’re standing before he stands too, but then he moves towards the doors.
“I think I’ll go have some of that breakfast you offered me,” he tells you then makes his way towards the large doors. “Doctors, I know you will give Her Majesty the best care you can offer?”
“Of course,” Doctor Wilson assures him and he leaves you with a quick wink of his eye.
“Thank you, Estrid. Make sure David gets a proper meal? No pop tarts!”
“Party pooper!” David shouts back.
Estrid curtsies, “Right away, Your Majesty.”
She leaves you quickly with a chuckle in her throat at your exchange with David.
As the door closes, you take a step towards your doctors and slowly release a held breath.
“So, what will it be today? Should I go strip or…?”
“No. Not today. Since we did a physical on you last time, we won’t worry about that during this visit,” Doctor Wilson assures you.
“Today, Doctor Wilson will be watching me take some blood and perform a pregnancy test to see if you are expecting our heir!”
Our heir?
New Asgard sees the future prince or princess to come as their own. It’s not just your and Thor’s baby. This baby, if and when there is a baby, is an entire people’s baby.
You feel your anxiety rise again. Clenching your hands, you nod and force a smile as Doctor Alric moves towards you with a large metallic box that he places down and opens.
Inside comes a rush of cold air and what looks like medical equipment used to test blood. You don’t know what it’s called and it’s super high tech. Nothing that you’ve ever seen before.
Your two tests before had been sent to labs and then you’d received the results a few days later, if they’re testing the blood here, does that mean faster results?
“So, how long will I have to wait this time then? To know whether I’m doing my job or not?”
Doctor Alric looks up at you with slight surprise and worry.
There must be something in your voice since he seems to realize what he’s said is putting pressure on you because he stands up straight and fixes his own suit jacket before speaking.
“Your Majesty,” he begins, but Doctor Wilson moves to stand beside you and places her hand on your shoulder.
“Within the hour. This is Stark tech, so it’ll be quick and accurate. Have you been stressing about getting pregnant?” She’s so much softer than Doctor Alric, but not because she’s a woman.
She just knows you better.
“Kinda hard not to with an entire planet waiting for it,” you admit. “Do you think that if-if it’s negative, should Thor and I stop trying so hard? We’re trying daily. No breaks.”
“I think the stress more than the trying will probably make it harder but you’re both healthy. It will happen. If you are tired and you think the stress is too much, then take a break. It won’t do any harm if you lose a couple nights of sleeping with your husband.”
You feel a swell of relief for this human woman who knows just what to say. You give her a sly smirk.
“Have you seen my husband? It’ll hurt.”
She laughs a quick knowing chuckle, “Trust me, you don’t gotta tell me how fine he is, Your Majesty.”
Both of you laugh a few seconds then you take the seat that Doctor Alric sets beside you and while you roll up your sleeve, he and Doctor Wilson fly off into medical jargon that you don’t understand and consequently zone out into thoughts of Thor and why the fuck he still hasn’t come to see you.
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glitxhwayventeen · 3 years
A Different Kind Of Love…
Wonwoo: Chapter 2 (All I Ask)
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Characters: Wonwoo x female reader
Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, smut (it got dirty fast my bad), breeding kinks, creampie, oral sex (female), pet names, dirty talk, biting (but y’all knew that this was a wolf fic so you should’ve been known about that one), angst, fluff, potential blood mentions, cheating (maybe?), violence mentions. Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written.
Author’s Note: I recommend listening to All I Ask by Adele. The song just has this need to it that I was trying to convey in this chapter. It was just really… necessary.
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold= Dialogue Italics= Thoughts
Some 🥀, a little ☁️ towards the end, but mainly 💋
A Different Kind Of Love… Master List
Chapter 2: All I Ask
“What- what do you mean you aren’t ready for it?” Wonwoo asked, still so completely stunned at your last remark, he was unsure that you had actually said it.
You had moved to his room as you wanted to head back inside once it had started to rain. He ran his hand through his damp hair in frustration before he looked back to you for an answer.
“I mean, your girlfriend JUST tried to kill me in a fit of jealousy. But I thought SHE was your mate, not me. I’ve- I’ve never even been in a relationship before. How am I supposed to just jump into one with you when yours isn’t even really over yet? Everything’s too… messed up” You explained, sitting down on his bed, brushing out your soaked locks with your fingers.
“I know it’s not really… normal. But we’re wolves. None of what we do is normal…” Wonwoo tried to reason as he resettled his glasses on his face after having cleaned the water droplets off of them.
“No it’s not. But being a wolf doesn’t give me the right to be a home wrecker. How am I supposed to be with you knowing that I’m the reason your relationship is ending?” You questioned, tears starting to brim your vision when you looked down at your hands to distract yourself from your anger at the entire situation you found yourself in, “I don’t want to be the cause of someone else’s misery. Even if I never really thought she was a good person, Song deserves better than this. I mean, have you even broke up with her yet?” You managed to whimper out.
“Of course I did!” Wonwoo defended himself, “Or at least, I thought I did. I didn’t necessarily say those exact words, but she knows she fucked up too badly to continue coming back here.” He spoke, seeming to be trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince you.
You scoffed in annoyance and crossed your arms over your chest in a huff.
“So you didn’t ACTUALLY end things with her? See this is what the fuck I’m talking about! You ARE just as confused as I KNOW I am. How the hell are we supposed to be with each other? I refuse to just be some sort of mistress to somebody, even if my instincts are telling me otherwise. Whether you’re my mate or not, I can resist them” you declared, looking him dead in the eyes with complete seriousness.
“But I can’t! I’ve been trying. It’s not working! I’m already in love with you. I don’t care what happens with Song. Sure I’ll always care about her because of everything we’ve been through together, but I love YOU. I want YOU.” He responded, getting closer to you on his bed and taking your face in his hands.
Your heart started to race at the minimal contact. His hands were so warm and soft, you could’ve just started to melt into them with ease. Usually you’d have asked for your space, but you felt comfortable with him touching you. In fact, you loved him touching you. It had been SO hard for you to stay away from him during your stay, you truly wondered how you were able to keep from going insane.
“I know you can’t fight it for much longer. I know your heart speeds up when I walk into the room. I know you can’t think when we’re in the same room. I know that you look at me like I’m the only reason you wake up in the morning.” He continued as he started to stroke your cheeks with his thumbs.
“I know you feel the same dizziness I feel whenever you get close to me. I know that me touching you sends lightening through your every vein because that all happens to me whenever I’m with you. I don’t care about anything else anymore. I just want you to be mine already. I NEED you to be mine already.” He said in desperation while biting his lip, still holding your decision torn face between his hands.
He was tired of having to run to the bathroom in the middle of the night to rub one out from sheer thought of knowing you were in the next room behind Song’s back. He NEEDED to actually have you soon or he was worried he’d physically explode. He was about to start his rut and, although he’d NEVER EVER guilt or push you into having sex with him for it, every part of him was begging to touch you to relieve the aches he was beginning to feel. He was hoping if he could calm your anxieties about the situation that you’d want him as much as he’d want you. He already knew he had an affect on your more than you were willing to admit.
A deafening silence started to overtake the both of you. You didn’t want to start anything with him until things were sorted. But God, you wanted the same thing as he did. It made you sooo angry to see him with Song, but you didn’t understand why until now. Now, knowing he was your mate, you realized it was the primal jealousy you held from another woman being that close to him. You had wanted him from the very start, but you always had to hold yourself back out of respect for their pre-existing relationship.
You weren’t really sure where they stood at that moment, but you were starting to not care. Him being so close to you and not actually touching you where you wanted him to made you feel like you were going to catch fire. He smelled like Heaven, and his slight touch made you begin to lose your better judgement. His presence was started to cause a pool of arousal to form in your panties.
He was the first one of you to speak up again, “I know we still have so much to figure out.” Put it out of your head. No matter how much you need him and his plush lips right now.
“And I know that you’re worried about feeling guilt over Song,” Don’t do it. Control yourself!
“But please, if there’s any guilt let it be all on me.” You’re gonna regret it, no matter how phenomenal he smelt. You’re stronger than this. RESIST.
“A- All I Ask is that you at least give us a chance before-” Oh Fuck it, you thought before you quickly interrupted him with a passionate kiss, stopping him from speaking any further.
He was clearly dumbfounded by your sudden actions that had contradicted your previous statements. Even so, he reciprocated immediately anyways, kissing you so roughly that your teeth clashed together. Everything that followed happened in a blur.
You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled it upward. He caught your hint quite fast and all but tore his shirt off, barely even breaking the kiss in the process.
You then locked your hands behind his neck and jerked him as close to you as you possibly could, raising yourself to your knees in the process. He growled lowly before he ripped your shirt from your body, leaving you in just your shorts and bra.
He put his hands on your hips and pushed you down on the bed. He threw his body to hover over yours and feverishly reattached your lips. Your tongues started fighting for dominance, though he inevitably won the battle.
Your wrapped your right leg around him and attempted to use it as leverage to grind against his pelvis, needing some sort of friction to satisfy the growing hunger between your legs. He groaned into the kiss before he pulled himself back.
He gave you a dirty smirk before he grabbed your leg and used it to push you up the bed slightly, giving him better access to your shorts. He slid them and your panties off in one go before he lowered himself down to your heat.
You soon felt his lips attach themselves to your clit, he drew in one harsh suck that drove you crazy. Your hands found their way to his hair and you tugged at the locks, letting out a high pitched whine due to his action. He repeated it a few more times, just to be an tease. He liked watching you squirm because of something he had done. It made him feel powerful, and you looked fucking gorgeous while doing it.
After he was done with his little game, he had his tongue run up and down your slit before he thrust two fingers into your tight entrance, knowing he had to stretch you so he could have you the way he really wanted to. This caused you to take in a breath of air and gasp loudly. It was music to his ears. He didn’t even mind the death grip you had on his hair, it just egged him to keep going.
He started to scissor his fingers before he added a third into you. It was getting harder and harder for you to control your volume, if the others could hear, they’d be deaf by morning. He was making you feel so good, your legs had started shaking. Before you knew it, they locked around his head and your vision went white.
As you came back down to Earth, you started to become sensitive from the orgasm you had just had. Wonwoo was still licking and sucking at your bundle of nerves, the feeling hurting so bad but so good. You let him continue his actions for a bit longer, jerking every now and then from your vulnerability.
Eventually. the overstimulation got the best of you and you started to push away from him, earning a smirk and small chuckle from him. He wiped his mouth off before he stood up and brought his wet fingers to his lips, cleaning your release from them.
Watching you come undone so easily beneath him had his cock begging to be released from it’s restraints. So he quickly rid himself of his jeans and boxers he was wearing. You had propped yourself up on your elbows and licked your lips when you saw his member bounce back to his abs as it was freed. God, he was huge. You absolutely could not wait to have him inside you.
You motioned for him to come back to you, which he did gladly, crawling his way back up the bed. You grabbed him by the hair on the back of his head and crashed your lips back to his again, tasting what remained of your juices on his tongue. The kiss continued as he slowly lowered you to lay back down on your back.
He moved his mouth down to your neck and began to leave small love bites, earning little mewls from you. He had used his left hand to steady himself and used his other to unhook your bra, getting a full view of your chest. He trailed his bites down to the mounds of your breasts before he took one of your nipples in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the bud, flicking the other nipple with his fingers so it wouldn’t be left out.
He unlatched his mouth from your breast with a small ‘pop’ sounds and started kissing you again, grabbing his member in one hand and smearing the beads of precum that had gathered at his slit down his shaft. He began rubbing his tip up and down your opening, partly to tease you and partly to give you time to back out if you wanted. He halted the kiss, earning a small whine from you which caused a proud smile to appear on his face.
“Are you sure about this (Y/N)? We can stop if you want to” he said as he pushed some stray hairs behind your hair with the hand that wasn’t holding his dick.
“Yes I’m sure. Now PLEASE just get inside me before I scream” you joked, sort of anyways, placing a peck on his nose. You thought it was sweet how much he cared about your comfort, but you serious just needed him to plow you like a corn field.
He positioned his tip at your entrance before he stopped one last time to look at you asking for approval, to which you nodding your head gently. You grabbed his biceps, readying yourself for the pain that was about to come.
Wonwoo thought it would be best to get the pain part over with as quickly as possible. So he lifted your chin and kissed you to distract you from your nerves and relax you before he pushed himself fully inside you all in one go.
“Oh fuck!” you all but screamed out, gripping his arms tighter, your nails no doubt having left marks on his soft skin
“Shit.” Wonwoo says through gritted teeth as he tried to control himself.
He wanted to start fucking you into next week already, but he didn’t want to move before you were ready. So he held still, using every bit of strength he had to hold himself back.
A small tear slipped down the side of your cheek as a reaction from the sudden feeling of being so full. He wiped it away with his thumb and kissed your lips.
“I’m sorry princess. Do you want to stop?” He asked eyes full of concern and worry. You gave him a short kiss back.
“No. I’m okay now. Please keep going. I really need you to keep going”
And, ever the eager people pleaser he was, he started to pull out almost completely before he pushed back in to you with a groan.
“Fuck. You’re so fucking tight. I dont know how much you’ll be able to take baby” he half joked to you. He nibbled on the sweet spot under your ear and continued his previous action again and again, making you see stars.
“I- I can take all of it. I’ll take anything you give me. Just please, go fast. I- I need you to go faster.” You whimpered out, attempting to meet his thrusts with your hips.
Your words lit a fire in him he couldn’t explain. The thought of you asking him to give you all he had sent an unexplained excitement through his veins. He didn’t know what it was about them that made it happen. But one thing was for sure, he was gonna give you everything he possibly could and he was gonna make sure you took all of it like a good girl.
He quickly sped up his thrusts to an almost inhumane pace, watching every pretty face you made in the process. You started chanting for him to ‘please go deeper.’ And who was he to deny you something when you were being so polite?
So he grabbed one of your legs that you had wrapped around him and pulled it up to rest on his shoulder.
“Oh God right there! Fuck please don’t stop!” You yelled out, dragging your nails down his back leaving bright red lines, some of which must’ve broken skin.
He smiled to himself as your eyes screwed shut at the pleasure he was giving you, small pleas and thank yous leaving your lips in rhythm with his thrusts.
He lowered his eyes to watch himself disappear into you as he pounded you harder and harder. You had never had sex before today and yet, here you were, taking him like a good little cockslut. Fuck. You were incredible.
“You’re doing so good baby. You look so good on my cock” he groaned out, laying his forehead on your shoulder.
“Come on princess, let everyone know how good I’m making you feel. Let everyone know who owns this pretty little cunt.” He cooed at you when he realized you had started to bite his shoulder in an effort to muffle your noises.
You whine in response, knowing normally you wouldn’t have wanted people to know about something so private, but also starting to lose focus on your priorities as his cock started brushing up against that special spot inside you.
“Oh Fuck Wonwoo! Right there! Fuck do that again!” You moaned out, begging him to repeat what he had just done. He smiled to you smuggly.
“Oh you mean right…” he teased as he fixed his position to touch your sweet spot again before you started to scream out in euphoria, “there?”
“Yes yes yes! Fuck yes! Don’t stop! God please don’t ever stop!” You choked out, starting to lose yourself to the immense pleasure he was giving you.
“Well I’m gonna have to in a minute baby. I’m almost there and I’ll need to pull out” he reminded you while tilting his head backward to try and hold his orgasm off just a little bit longer to get you there again.
“Fuck I- I don’t care! Cum inside me then! Just please don’t stop!” You wail, holding onto Wonwoo for dear life at this point.
Wonwoo’s eyes shot wide open at your words, “Princess I could get you pregnant if I do that. You don’t want that” he spoke while begging any fucking god listening to give him the strength to say no to your request.
“Ye- Yes I do. Fuck please cum in me Wonwoo! Please! I want you to fill me up! I want everyone to know I’m yours!” You sobbed, getting so close to your high tears were now freely falling down your face.
Wonwoo’s eyes went bright red. Fuck. You were gonna be the death of him. “Is that what you want baby? For me to fill you up? To get you nice and pregnant so everyone can see your belly and know you’re mine? So everyone’ll know you’re my little cumslut?” He responded, pounding into you harder and harder as he neared his high.
“Yes please! Fuck please! I want your baby! I want you to fill me up! I wanna be your dirty little cum slut! Make me yours” You screamed as his words sent you closer and closer to your orgasm.
Wonwoo couldn’t help it. You asked him to get you pregnant and every instinct in him told him to do it, he was starting his rut. To hell with the consequences. If anything happened, he’d take care of you and everything would be fine. You were his mate after all. He’d breed you some day anyways, why not today?
His fangs elongated as he drew closer to his own orgasm. He sunk them into the apex between your neck and shoulder, the feeling pushing you over the edge. The pleasure mixed with the pain drove you to a release so amazing, you never even thought it possible. And it sent him to his as well. The last thing you remember was feeling his hot cum jet against your walls right as the darkness took over you.
“Well looks like sleeping beauty finally woke up” Wonwoo stated as he kissed your nose. You noticed he didn’t have his shirt on, you did. You didn’t remember putting it on…
“What- what happened…?” You groaned out, still pretty groggy from the activities of the previous night.
“We fucked. You passed out after. You must’ve either been super exhausted or super fucked up from cumming really hard.” He said matter of factly while he rubbed your back.
“I think it was the second one” You pieced together as you tried to sit up, soon realizing that your muscles didn’t want to work.
“Considering you were so out of it you were begging me to knock you up, I’d go with number two too” he joked while massaging your sore thigh.
“I- I did that?” You questioned, shocked that you had gotten that fucked up.
“Well… yeah. Don’t worry. We can get you the day after pill when we go to the market today. Of course… you’ll have to cover this…” he responded while moving your hair behind yout shoulder, pointing out the bite he had left on you.
“You marked me??” Your eyes widened at the thought, had you SERIOUSLY been SO fucked out that you didn’t even remember him biting you? You seriously were so lost in cumming that you didn’t realize he marked you as his?
“Yeah I guess I did…” Wonwoo whispered as he rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m sorry. I hardly even remember doing it. I remember you saying you wanted me to cum inside of you. I remember how that made me have this sudden primal urge to make you mine, then everything went blurry.”
“It- It’s okay. I can’t really be mad if I was literally asking you to… well you know. We both ended up getting pretty fucked out huh?” You joked, a small smile forming as you spoke.
“Yeah. Pretty fucked out is a bit of an understatement. But still, I’m sorry for the unintentional marking and mating. I can’t really do anything about the marking… but we can at least help the mating thing by getting you that weird pill” he shrugged out, already getting ready to put his jeans back on.
“Wait!” You stopped him by grabbing his arm, surprising both him and yourself with the action. He looked back at you with confusion plastered all over his face.
“What? Isn’t taking it as early as possible better?” He questioned, your hand still holding his arm.
“Yeah… but I don’t want to get out of bed. I’m kinda sore. So do we… absolutely have to get it…?” You wondered aloud, trying your best to convey to him what you were trying to say.
“I- uh if you don’t want to get pregnant… kinda?” He stuttered out, now grabbing your petite hand in his large one and placing a little kiss to the center of it’s palm.
“What if- what if I don’t mind it? Getting pregnant I mean. Do we have to go get it…? Unless you want me to take it…?” You trailed on. His eyes widened and his heart rate sped up. Were you saying what he thought you were saying?
“Are you saying- are you saying that you’d actually be okay if I just got you pregnant?” He gulped, hand still encasing yours.
“Well… yeah. Kind of? I mean- we’re already mates right? We already know we’ll be together till the day we die. So I don’t see why it matters if we have a kid now or twenty years from now” you explained cautiously, hoping you didn’t just freak the poor wolf out. He looked back at you, his face completely unreadable.
“If- if you’re okay with it then- Yeah that’s- that’s fine. We don’t have to go get it if you don’t want. We can just stay here and uh… talk?” He let out very questionably, still not completely sure what to say. After everything you had said to him about… well- about everything, he had NEVER expected those words to come out of your mouth.
“Are you… mad? Because we can go get the pill if you-” you started, worried that you had in fact, upset him with your request.
“No- no! I’m not mad. Just… kind of shocked is all. I didn’t think that you’d… be okay with something like that so soon” he defended, holding his hands up in the air as a way to stop you from talking any further.
“Oh. Yeah well… me either really. But I’m not… absolutely hating the idea, ya know? I mean I’m not saying ‘I want a baby right this second so let’s keep going till I get pregnant’ or anything. But I just mean- if it happens, it happens. Why try to fight it if we’re supposed to be together anyways? Unless you hate the idea then I-” You say, slightly losing steam at the end of your sentence, while looking down and biting your lip.
“Hey” Wonwoo said while lifting your chin with his hand, “I dont hate the idea either. I know what you’re saying and… I feel the same way about it” he admitted with a small smile playing on his lips.
“Really? You’re not mad or gonna like freak out?” You quizzed him, still very worried that he was a mess inside and was just hiding it fo your sake.
“Really. I’m not mad and I’m not gonna freak. What you’re saying, it makes sense. I already know I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone. Hell, I’ve already marked and mated you, so why try and stop it if we’d both be okay with it.” He added taking your hand and kissing it once more, this time with love and adoration in his eyes rather than concern.
“Okay. Good. Now that that’s settled… can we lay back down now before you start your mating season? I’m in a bit of pain and kind of need to get my strength back before I have to deal with you for a whole week” you declared, earning a small laugh from Wonwoo.
“Yeah baby. We can lay back down. Come on” he chuckled out as he quickly moved under the sheets to lay beside you.
“Better?” He asked, playing with your hair as you laid on his chest.
“Better.” You answered before you snuggled further into him.
You knew that you trusted Wonwoo and that you loved and cared for him more than you did yourself. You may not have planned how today went, but you sure as hell weren’t complaining. No matter what hardships decided to come your way…
Another Author’s Note: Ahhh. This was a fun chapter. Wonwoo’s next chapter is where it’ll really start to hit home. I’m not that good at writing smut but honestly, something about this boy makes me always wanna just smash my lips to his and fuck him. Don’t know why. Don’t know if I’m the only one. Either way, I promised smut for his chapter and I delivered as best as I could.
(Updated 9/6)
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jae-daddy · 4 years
im jaebum mini series 
one / two / three / four / five / six (final) masterlist 
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pairing: jaebum x reader genre: friends, angst, jealousy plot: you and jaebum have been really great friends. things have been going smoothly because neither of you were in a real relationship, flings? sure, but girlfriends/boyfriends? no. so when Jaebum starts going out with Emma (a bitch), you can’t help but act out <3 a/n: I dont know why I do this to myself... hope y’all like it. this is written very casually. this one will be like six part absolute max. 
“Hey, you know this isn’t going to happen right?”
“This,” he gestured to the two of you sitting in your dark room. The bed comfortable underneath you as you watched Tangled. You realised how you were leaning against him; your head on his shoulder, your side pressed against him. “This isn’t going to happen.”
“Yeah,” you blew out, making a comical face as you snorted. “Of course not.”
You leaned away from him slightly, straightening onto the pillows behind you instead. You stared at the screen, your cheeks burning, “That would be hilariously disgusting, honestly.”
“Excuse me,” you said once the movie ended. Before the dark-haired boy could reply you walked into your bathroom, closing the door behind you.
You caught yourself in the mirror. Your eyes wide, your hair a mess, and a face of a fucked up girl staring back at you.
“Shit!” You hissed, quietly, as you stared at yourself.
“Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.” You repeated as you kicked the cabinet underneath the sink. You closed your eyes, running your hands through your hair. You kept out a quick breath, as you rested your hands on the bench.
You leaned in closer to the mirror as you stared into your eyes.
“You got this,” you spoke with resolution. “You’re going to go back in there and act like everything is normal.”
You took in your messed up hair and fixed it into place. You corrected yourself and checked in the mirror. You bit your lip as you gawked at the neckline of your t-shirt in contemplation.
“Fucks sake,” you muttered under your breath, tugging it down to reveal your bra strap. You check your hair once again, sighing deeply to calm yourself.
“Alright, let’s do this.” You walked out the door and into your dimly lit room.
You found your friend sitting on the bed where you had left him. He looked up from his phone, his lips quirking up as he rose his eyebrows, “Have a good piss?”
“Yup, I had been holding it the whole movie,” you replied, as you strolled over to the bed.
Maybe that was why Im Jaebum did not want to fuck you. You talked without a filter and had a grand total of freaking zero charm and wit that other girls had. For some reason when you hung out with Jaebum, you liked to talk and behave like a guy with a dick, instead of a girl who wanted to jump his bones.
You were the goddess of seduction, taking about holding in your piss. Who in their right mind would not want to bury their cock inside a pussy that had been holding its pee for a whole movie.
“We could’ve paused the movie,” Jaebum tsked, getting up to sit straight. The laptop slipped from his lap and onto the bed.
You paused and spun on your heels as you began walking towards the mini-fridge in your room. It wasn’t that you were rich. You had saved up to get this mini prize keeper, so the thieves you lived with didn’t steal your treasure.
“A drink, Jae?” You asked as you bent to open the fridge and grab a bottle for yourself.
“Yeah, why not,” he answered, and you grabbed his favourite. You turned, holding it up and he chuckled before staring at you with a smirk, “You have a problem, y/n.”
“What do you mean?” You frowned, skipping over before jumping onto the bed. You didn’t have a bed frame. You weren’t sure if it was because you were poor or if you liked the low-key fashionable homeless aesthetic.
Jaebum took the drink from you, sipping it as he stared at you over the bottle.
“It is a Wednesday night,” he smiled at you, those ridiculously cute little bumps appearing on his cheekbones as he teased, “and you’re drinking.”
“So? are you too,” You scowled.
“Yes, but that’s cause you offered.”
“Yeah, how is that any different?” Your frown deepened as you took a big gulp. You reached for the laptop bringing it onto your lap. You opened a new tab, “Lesbian or gay porn?”
“Y/n,” Jaebum warned. His voice light, a little stern.
You peeped over at him with a teasing smile. You rose an eyebrow holding back your growing grin, “Gang bang then?”
His eyes widened, with a warning.
“With animal suits on?” You gasped, beaming at him as he shook his head. “Now wouldn’t you say that’s a little too furry for a Wednesday night?”
“Shut up,” he closed the laptop, making you turn towards him. You rolled your eyes as you bought the bottle to your lips, chugging it.
“Hey, come on,” he took the bottle off you.
“Hey!” You whined, watching as he placed both your bottles on the floor behind him. He took your hands in his warm hands, and you felt an entire zoo go wild in your stomach.
How could he not realise what he does to you?
“Y/n, listen to me,” Jaebum sighed heavily. You studied his face and instantly looked away. He was terribly gorgeous, so attractive that it should be illegal.
And the way he was looking at you... How could he possibly say nothing could ever happen between you when he looks at you like that.
No one ever looked at anyone like that, not unless they wanted to fuck. Im Jaebum looked at you, properly, truly looked at you. He was looking at you with the presence of his mind, not just staring at you while his mind was elsewhere.
He was watching you, studying you.
You didn’t know if friends did that, especially ones you met a few years ago. It wasn’t just you who felt this energy between you. Everyone else watches the two of you too. Always monitoring for a change between the two of you, a classic would they- won’t they.
There were times when you were so close. There were times when you and him were a second away from finally getting rid of this stressful sexual tension between the two of you.
You glanced away from his eyes. You wouldn't be able to help yourself if you kept looking into those melting brown eyes, and those delicate lips.
You would end up kissing him and whose fault would that be? You would have no choice but to blame him and those beautiful brown eyes.
Jaebum tugged at your hand, making you look up at him. You sulked at him, letting him know you didn’t enjoy this. His eyes watched you, even in the dim fairy lights of your room, you could make out the golden streaks in them as if you had memorised the patterns they made.
You probably did. You were always looking into them, or thinking about them.
About him.
You gulped as his eyes darted down towards your lips for a split second.
“Y/n,” he spoke, his voice soft and serious.
“Jaebum,” you sang, trying to be clever when truly you were scared he’ll realise how sweaty your palms were getting.
“I can’t look after you forever.”
You nodded, snorting, “I don’t need you on my ass all day too, Jae.”
“I’m serious.”
“So am I,” you replied, holding his hand now. “I am a grown woman. I have a job and a degree and everything. The sixteen-year-old me would be crying if she saw me right now.”
“She’d be proud to see you live without a bed frame?” He rose an eyebrow.
“It’s a lifestyle choice.” You deadpanned, he bit his lip to hold back that betraying smirk.
“Alright, fine,” he sighed, he gazed down at you. His hands holding yours again, once again, he was holding power in the conversation. “You know we can’t always be like this, right?”
“Yeah, but that’s not happening anytime soon,” you snorted, you tried smiling but you couldn’t. Your smile weakened when you saw that look flash in his eyes.
Pity, it was fucking pity.
“Actually,” he started, and you wanted to stop him. You wanted to send him away before he began. “Emma and I have been getting serious now.”
“Hook up Emma?”
They had been hooking up for a few months now. It was causal, she was just the new flavour of the season. Or at least that’s what she was meant to be, but then she started showing up everywhere.
You open Jaebum’s car door to sit shotgun, she is sitting there. You go to Joanna’s for the weekly Friday nights, Emma is there. You make a plan to go hiking over the weekend, surprise, Emma has made herself available.
You wouldn’t have minded if she was nice, but she was an actual bitch. You saw the way she looked at you. You could see straight through the expression on her face as she kissed Jaebum, making sure you were watching.
His phone dinged beside him, and you could bet your firstborn it was her. You felt happy when Jaebum didn't reach for it instantly.
“She isn’t just a hookup,” Jaebum told you, his eyes holding yours. You felt your heart drop at his words. It hurt to see him so protective over someone else, so much that he spoke to you like that.
Jaebum never told you anything. He would tell you stuff, joke, talk, but he never told you something. He never corrected you off so seriously, not unless it was something important.
Seems like Emma unlocked a new level.
“Alright,” you replied soulless, as you took your hand out from his grasp. You pressed the nail of your middle finger into your thumb-pad to stop the prickling in your eyes. “Don’t get your panties in a twist.”
You both sat quietly for a few more seconds before you reached over him. You felt your chests press against his arm as you grabbed your bottle from his other side. You could’ve moved away, but you didn’t want to.
You felt his breath catch before he held it, exhaling it out softly. You felt its warmth brush against your neck, you wanted to feel it all over your body.
You straightened, downing the whole bottle as you held his gaze.
Jaebum gulped visibly before casting his eyes away. He reached for his own bottle taking a big swig, his eyes not looking at you.
“We’re together, y/n.”
You laughed.
“I’m sorry?” you chuckled, staring at him as if he was losing his marbles. She would eat him up alive, and then vomit it out and make him eat himself up. She would ruin him.
“Emma and I are in a relationship. She’s my girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?” You laughed, your mind blanking. Your heart speeding up frantically as your body went into overdrive.
Stupid. This whole thing was stupid.
A fucking stupid shit show.
“What are you in fifth grade? Girlfriend?” You snickered at him. Jaebum only stared at you a frown on his face.
“Stop laughing at me.”
“I’m not laughing at you,” you tried to make it better but you couldn’t.
You were laughing at yourself. At how fucking stupid you were, at how you were having a literal mental breakdown right now.
“No, actually I am laughing at you.” You shrugged.
“Fuck you,” he groaned, staring at you with loathing.
“Oh, come on,” you hit his arm, playfully. You didn’t know what you were doing. You had absolutely no fucking idea what to do. What is one to do when their crush is going out with the spawn of the devil, and not even the hot kinda devil.
“No, fuck you, y/n,” he grunted, annoyed, as he watched you who was failing to stop laughing. You weren’t laughing because you wanted to, your body just didn’t know what else to do.
“I’m not laughing at you. I just don’t know how to process this.”
“There isn’t anything for you to process,” Jaebum grumbled, lifting his arms in confused defeat. “Just accept.”
“You don’t need any approval of mine, Jae,” you rolled your eyes as you got off the bed and walked towards the mini-fridge. You needed another drink, another lot more drinks. “You are just informing me, and you have. You know I don’t like her vibes.”
“Oh, stop with your witchy voodoo crap,” he groaned, and you could recognise him roll his eyes. You turned to ask him if he wanted another drink, he just shook his head.
“It’s not voodoo, I don’t chant any spells. Her energy is just off.”
“She’s great-”
“-at sucking dick.”
“Y/n,” he warned.
“Fine,” you gave in. Your phone dinged, and you reached over, smiling at the glowing screen.
Dickdown 9/10: You up?
“Are you staying?” You asked Jaebum, inspecting up when he didn’t reply.
You found him staring at you, and you rose an eyebrow, “What?”
“Who’s that?” He narrowed his eyes.
“It’s none of your business,” you smirked. You needed to fuck Im Jaebum out of your system. There was no way you were going to spend tonight sober, and drinking alone would be worse.
And spending the night with Jaebum would be just sad mostly.
“Are you kicking me out?” He smirked at you, teasing.
“Well, Emma isn’t here to kick me out, so...” you trailed off.
“Alright, fine,” he got grabbing his jacket. You watched as he put it on, before running his hands through his hair.
“Bye, Jae,” you whispered.
Jaebum looked down at you, his eyes soft as he sighed, “I wish you weren’t so much trouble, y/n.”
You didn't say anything and only smiled up at him.
“Goodbye, y/n,” Jaebum leaned down, kissing your forehead.
You watched him walk out of your room, the door closing behind him.
You let out a shaky breath as you wiped the tears that slipped from your eyes.
“Fucking hell,” you muttered before downing the second bottle.
You reached for your phone.
Get here in 15 mins.
Dickdown 9/10: Five ;)
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spencervoid · 4 years
Envy Pt. 1 | Derek Morgan
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*I do not own this GIF nor do I take any credit for it!*
Summary: Alongside a few other agents, you ask a couple of questions around the local area to help with understanding the case when one local makes a comment, jealousy kicking in.
Part 1 | Part 2 
A/N: Writing another imagine for my cute little baby, Derek sad makes me sad I don’t care. Hope you enjoy it! (also, completely made up the name of the superintendent.)
Warnings: jealousy, slight tension, mentions of murder and cases, not really any fluff :(
Disclaimer: this imagine is super long so bear with me. I couldn’t do a word count cause my laptop’s broken so I’m writing everything off my phone right now!
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“Y/L/N, Morgan and Prentiss, you can head round the local neighbourhood and see if anyone saw or heard anything last night around the time of the murder.” Hotch spoke firmly, looking around to the three of you.
You all nodded in unison, looking towards Superintendent Benning who spoke up. “I thought we had ruled out the possibility of witnesses.”
You placed your hands in your pockets, replying to her. “It’s a quiet place Ma’am, the people are afraid and so no one speaks up because no one wants to. Yet we can’t rule out the possibility of someone hearing or seeing anything out of the blue whether it be before or after the crime itself.”
She nodded in your direction and grabbed her keys from the desk behind, “I’ll go with you, it’s easier if you have someone who knows the place well.” You all wordlessly agreed and made your way outside of the police department quickly.
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“Maybe even someone who kept their head down or looked like he was in his own personal bubble.” The lady in front of you chewed her gum as she listened to the questions we were hoping she would have somewhat of an answer for.
“Nah, see everyone around here like that. I didn’t see a thang.” You clenched your jaw in frustration and looked down at your feet, this was the thirteenth person you’d saw who claimed they didn’t have a clue about what had happened.
“Y’all together or somethin’?”
You picked your head up and saw that the woman was pointing to Benning and Morgan, signifying her words were to them. You knew not to make it personal but you couldn’t help the sudden pang of jealousy wave over you when Derek nodded towards Benning, a cheeky smirk on his lips.
Prentiss glanced at you, being the only agent alongside Garcia who knew about your true feelings towards Derek. Garcia was the first one to find out and claimed that she ‘couldn’t keep it in’ so went to Emily and ‘spilled the beans.’
You cleared your throat and went away to another part of the area, Emily following you and motioning to Morgan and Benning to go away somewhere else (nicely, obviously TPWK.)
“You okay?” You simply nodded your head and approached another man, asking him the same questions from before only to get the same set of answers from the last bazillion. “Seriously? Nothing? This area is known for crime and all you can do is bat your eyes somewhere else knowing full well someone has taken the life of an innocent woman who had her entire life ahead of her?!”
Morgan and Benning heard the commotion and turned around to see what it was about, their eyebrows furrowing when they saw it was you. “Y/N.” Emily placed a hand on your shoulder, pulling you back. The man was visibly intimidated, strolling off somewhere else, the street resuming back to normal.
“I’m fine.” You shook Emily’s hand off your shoulder and sighed, rubbing your hand over your forehead in frustration. “I’ll see you back at the station.” The agent besides you was about to speak up but only mumbled a small ‘okay’.
Derek called after you but you just ignored him and opened the car door to the SUV, driving off without a second look. He looked over at Emily who was now stood alone with a notebook and pen in one hand and her phone in the other, punching various numbers in.
“I’ll take the men, you can take the prostitutes.” Benning nodded and walked off, they had to improvise now that they were an agent less.
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You sat in the conference room, looking around to the sticky notes and photos of the women, your words towards the man earlier ringing through your head. You didn’t acknowledge anyone walking in until you saw a tall figure lean on the desk on the other side of the room.
“Why are you back here?”
“The neighbourhood was a miss, figured it would do a lot more good if I was here instead.”
Hotch knew that that wasn’t the only reason you left the neighbourhood but dropped it and just simply nodded his head, looking over to the evidence board. “You see anything?”
You stood up and walked over to the board, looking at the marks on each of the victim’s bodies. “Well, some unsubs have different levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin or dopamine than normal brains. Serotonin at the proper levels keeps people from acting aggressively when they are frustrated, so when someone’s brain has lower amounts of the chemical, the person may react impulsively and violently.”
“What are you implying?” Hotch was interested in what you were saying, tilting his head to see the board a little bit clearer. “Hotch, I think we’re dealing with a psychopath.”
He furrowed his eyebrows as you both turned your head to the door, hearing a deep familiar voice. “I agree.” You swallowed and turned back round, pretending to be busy thinking.
“Why?” Derek walked further into the room and crossed his arms over his chest, looking at you and hoping for you to turn around with that usual smile on your lips but sighed and looked down at his feet then back up at Hotch.
“Uh, psychopaths especially those who commit violent crimes, may not have brains that register fearful expressions on others’ people faces. Unsubs with antisocial personality disorder have trouble recognising faces showing fear and sadness. Um, our unsub could be on a psychotic break and the way he killed these victims was quick, he didn’t spend any time with them.”
Hotch noticed the slight tension in the room between both of his agents but grabbed his cell from his pocket, dialling Garcia’s number. “Garcia. Narrow down the list to anyone who has been released from a mental institution within the last 6 months, has cut off his medication or visited a local pharmacy to pick up any refills of carbamazepine or even SSRIs.”
There was a small pause as you looked to Hotch, the usual focused expression built up on his face. “Thanks.” He flipped his phone close and put it back into his pocket, looking back up.
“Whatever you two have going on, sort it out. We have an unsub on a psychotic break and I need everyone to be focused.” You glanced at Derek for a brief moment, his eyes already set on you. “Good job.” Hotch nodded towards the both of you before walking back out the room the way he came in, updating the rest of the team on what you were just conversing about.
“What’s going on?”
“You tell me.” You spoke almost instantly, Derek wincing at the sound of your suddenly cold voice. “Y/N/N, I only want to help.” You turned your head to him, his fingers interlaced with each other as he just looked at you with concern laced in his voice.
You glanced outside of the room when you noticed the superintendent eyeing you and Derek suspiciously, your anger returning to you as you balled your hand into a fist. The agent opposite you noticed your shift in behaviour, following your eyes to where they looked.
He furrowed his brows and looked back at you, “Y/N, what is it?”
“I don’t know Derek, fondling with the superintendent when there’s an unsub on a ‘psychotic break’ isn’t calming in any way whatsoever.” He stood up slowly, taking a few steps towards you and standing in front to block the superintendent outside from your line of sight.
“It isn’t fondling, and seriously? That’s what this is all about?” When Derek finished, it felt even more of a trivial issue than the voice in your head was making it out to be. “No it’s that we have three girls dead, an unsub on the verge of losing his entire mind and very distraught families who are looking for closure and to bury their daughters in peace.”
You scoffed and walked out of the room, every pair of eyes on you and Derek as you took a seat at one of the desk’s, bringing up Garcia to ask her if she had found anything.
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Alone (2/2)
Leviathan x gn!MC
Content Warnings - implied/reference self harm, self harm scars, LOTS of angst, kinda Yandere Levi, setting healthy relationship boundaries, happy ending
Summary -  After talking to Mammon, you manage to figure out what’s wrong with Levi and the two of you have a serious heart to heart, setting some important boundaries. PART ONE HERE
Chapter 2 - After
You had barely been able to concentrate during school. Your thoughts were full of Levi and what had happened this morning. You weren’t sure what had caused him to snap like that, but you were willing to bet it had something to do with why he was so upset yesterday. Now if only you could figure out what had upset him then, you might be able to figure out a way to help.
You sighed again, as you poked the food on your plate. It was lunch time now and normally you would be texting Levi to see how things were going in his classes and to update him on your day, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to do that until you got your thoughts in order and had a proper conversation with him.
“Whattya sighin’ for? Ya been doing it all day and it’s startin’ ta get on my nerves.”
Though he was trying to sound annoyed, you could tell that Mammon was concerned. He had apologized to you while helping you prepare breakfast for crashing your date with Levi yesterday. He knew he should have changed his plans once he realized everyone else wanted to tag along. (He didn’t bother to try to deny the fact that he still would have shown up on his own if it had been possible.)
You had been quick to forgive him, which Mammon appreciated, but he also wasn’t sure you had been really listening to him all that much. Your mind had seemed to be elsewhere. Normally he would have called you out on it too, demanding you pay attention to The Great Mammon and act a bit more grateful he was helping you out. But he got the feeling that even if he had said anything it wouldn’t have made a difference - you just seemed that distracted.
“Hey. Ya gonna tell me what’s up?”
His voice had softened now, the teasing tone gone. You looked up to see Mammon watching you intently. You tried to offer him a smile, but you were unsuccessful and the face you made was somewhere between pain and worry.
“I...ummm...promise this stays between us ok? You can’t tell ANYONE. And you have to promise that you will not try to do anything about it. Ok?”
Mammon did not like the sound of that. He furrowed his brow, but agreed nonetheless.
“I...I got in a fight with Levi. I think at least. I’m not sure. This morning he just wasn’t...well, he wasn’t himself. And it kinda scared me. So I left. And we haven’t talked yet. I don’t even know what to say to him.”
Mammon listened closely to your words. He still didn’t know what happened, but he could tell you were doing everything you could to avoid saying it. A fight with Levi? Pfft. What did you do? Insult Ruri-chan? How could you not be sure if you had a fight? And what do you mean Levi wasn’t….
“HE WHAT?!” Mammon jumped to his feet, ready to head home immediately and beat the living daylights out of his younger brother. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. That pathetic, whiny brat transformed on you?! What the fuck was he thinking??
“Mammon! Please! Calm down!”, you pleaded with him. People were staring now and you really didn’t want to cause a scene. The last thing you needed was more trouble with angry demons, upset because you disturbed their lunch.
Taking one look at you, Mammon sat down with a huff. He was still ready to rip Levi limb from limb, but had promised you that he wouldn’t try to do anything about what you had told him. He’d just have to come up with some reason to teach him a lesson later.
“Thank you. It wasn’t like it was on purpose…”
“That’s even worse!”
“...He was just so upset. He was scared of something, but I don’t know what. And he just kept asking me not to leave.”
“So what are ya gonna do? You’re not seriously going back to him, are ya?”
“Of course I’m going back to him! Don’t be ridiculous. He didn’t actually DO anything. He got upset, but he let me go.
I just...need to find out what happened to him that got him so worked up. Everything seemed to be going so well until yesterday afternoon when y’all showed up at the tea house.”
“What do you mean ‘oh’? Do you know something I don’t?”
You were glaring at Mammon now. ‘Kinda’ my ass, you thought.
“Alright alright! Stop lookin’ at me like that! I’ll tell ya! Sheesh.
Ok. So look. Levi’s the Avatar of Envy right? Means he gets jealous real easy. Up until now, y’all have sorta been off in your own little world and haven’t paid much attention to the rest of us.
But yesterday, we all showed up durin’ your date, yeah? When Levi wasn’t even at the table.
So I’m thinkin’ he saw us all talkin’ and havin’ fun and whatever and got jealous. And that’s what set him off.”
Ah. That made sense. Why didn’t you think of that earlier? How could you possibly be so dense as to not notice that your own boyfriend was jealous?? He’s the personification of Envy for crying out loud! You knew that! Jealousy should have been the first thing you suspected given the timing of everything.
“Ughhhhh,” you groaned, leaning back in your seat, covering your face with your hands. Just how oblivious were you?
“So, this morning, when he was saying all the stuff about not wanting me to leave….”
“Probably ‘cause he was feeling insecure and scared ya’d leave ‘im for good.”
You let out another loud groan of frustration at your own stupidity. You didn’t mean to, but you had hurt Levi unintentionally. No wonder he was upset. You knew that didn’t excuse his behavior, especially him grabbing you, but it at least gave you a place to start so that you could try to work things out with him.
“Thanks, Mammon. Don’t you dare let anyone ever make you feel like the stupid one, you got it? You’re a lifesaver.”
“Whatever,” Mammon replied, blushing. You couldn’t help but laugh. He really was a great best friend and you had never been more thankful that he was part of your life than right now.
“Levi? Hey, I’m home.”
You knocked on his door again, but still no response. You had been expecting that though. So taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you opened his door and let yourself inside.
What greeted you, was an absolute disaster. Figurines, plushies, books, and DVD cases were scattered everywhere. One of his computer monitors was even on the floor, cracked and ruined beyond repair. Your chest tightened as you surveyed the damage. What had happened after you left?
Careful of where you were walking, trying to avoid stepping on anything as best you could, you moved further inside the room to look for your Leviathan. When you found him, he was curled up in his tub, still in his demon form with his shirt removed. Seeing him like that made you gasp, and you had to fight back tears. He just looked so broken. His face was red from crying and stained with dried tears, his hair was a disheveled, tangled mess, and you saw what had appeared to be claw marks all over his chest, that by now were mostly healed but still appeared very fresh.
Without another thought, you slipped into the tub with him, spooning him from behind, pressing gentle kisses to his shoulder. You knew you still needed to talk to him, but you had to make sure he was alright first before anything else. He wasn’t going to be able to listen to a thing you said if he was still as worked up as he had been. Levi continued to sleep, breathing steadily, and you knew he must have been exhausted. Pulling the blanket up to cover you both, you settled down, snuggled behind him and went to sleep.
As Levi started to wake up, the first thing he became aware of was the blanket covering his body. He didn’t remember covering himself up and wondered when he had managed to do that. But while he was pondering about the origins of the blanket, he started to become aware of the warmth that was pressing against his back, and the arm draped over his side.
His breath hitched, and he desperately fought the urge to immediately turn around. You couldn’t possibly be here. There was no way you could. After what he did...he choked back a sob as another flood of memories and anxieties washed over him.
“Levi, you okay?”
That was your voice. There was no mistaking it. It was so soft, and clear, and soothing. Cautiously, Levi rolled over so he was facing you.
“Hey babe,” you whispered, brushing the tangled mess that was his bangs out of his eyes so you could get a better look at him.
Levi couldn’t hold it back any longer, and broke down again, in a mixture of relief and regret now that you were right in front of him. His guilt still weighed heavily on him, but he was so incredibly happy that you were here.
As you watched Levi cry, you did the only thing you could and wrapped him up in a hug. You didn’t want to tell him everything was “alright” because it honestly wasn’t, so you decided on “I’m here” as you rubbed gentle circles on his back.
“I’m here, Levi. I’m here.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.”
“Hey, shhhhh. We will talk later ok? Just calm down right now, alright? I’m here. We will talk later. I promise.”
Levi nodded, burying his face into your shoulder, careful not to stab you with his horns. He had tried to shift back to his human form when he first noticed you, but he was still too anxious and agitated to manage it.
It took a good hour for Levi to finally calm down enough to talk to you. At some point his tail had become entwined around your leg, but his hold was gentle. You could tell he was being cautious and you appreciated it and the intimate gesture.
After another moment of silence as Levi gathered his thoughts, he started to apologize:
“I’m sorry,” Levi said, “I shouldn’t….I shouldn’t have grabbed you….”
Levi struggled to get his words out. His throat burned and felt so raw. But he knew he needed to say this. He needed to tell you how he felt and that he knew it was all his fault. He knew you were going to leave after you finished talking, so he had to make sure he said all he had to say before that.
“Thank you for saying that,” you replied, kissing his forehead, “I mean it. I really appreciate it. Thank you.”
You could tell he had more to say, so you calmly waited, rubbing his back gently and resting your cheek against his head, reassuring him that you were still here and ready to listen.
“I saw you with my brothers yesterday and...I just...I got jealous,” his voice was scarcely above a whisper now, but he kept going, “And, I...I...I know that you have to be disgusted with me after that. I know that...who wouldn’t…”
“Disgusted? Why would I be disgusted with you?”
“Because. Because I was jealous. And that’s not good, right? Good boyfriends aren’t supposed to be jealous. If I’m jealous that means I don’t trust you, right? Or that I’m a loser...which I know I am...but still. I shouldn’t have been jealous…”
“Aw, Levi, sweetie, there’s nothing wrong with jealousy. That’s normal. Everyone...”
“No! You don’t get it. I was really really really jealous,” he pulled back so he could look you in the eyes, desperate for you to understand just how despicable he was, “Really jealous. Like lock-you-up-and-never-let-you-go, yandere type of jealousy.”
“But you didn’t Levi; you did let me go.”
“It doesn’t matter! I still felt that way! I...I...I...still feel that way. Even now. I don’t want you to leave. I want you to stay here. Forever. And I don’t care if it makes you hate me. I still….I still don’t want you to leave me.”
You listened carefully as Levi spoke, piecing together how he was feeling bit by bit. This sounded like it was more than just the incident at the tea house that had bothered him. It seemed like this is something he had been struggling with and battling all on his own, hiding it from you out of fear. The thought made you pull him close again, and he didn’t even attempt to resist you, he just melted in your arms.
There was so much you had to say to him now that you had a clearer picture of what he had been dealing with, that you scarcely knew where to begin.
“Ok Levi, I’m going to talk now alright? And I need you to listen. Don’t interrupt me. Just listen. Ok?”
He nodded against your chest, he knew what was coming. This was the part where you would tell him how awful he was and how you never wanted to see him again and how much more wonderful all his other brothers were and how you regretted ever…
“I love you, Levi. You’re...well you’re my favorite person. The first one I always think of. The first one I want to share good news with. The first one I want to see when I’m upset. It’s you. It’s all you.
I want you to tell me these things. Please. It’s ok to be jealous. I get jealous sometimes too. And well, I think because you tried to hide it and keep it to yourself...I think that’s what allowed it to fester. But if you had talked to me about it? If you had talked about it, we could have worked something out. Together.
I mean, we’re supposed to be a couple right? So aren’t we supposed to solve problems together? That’s all I want.”
“How am I supposed to tell you that I want to lock you in my room and never let you leave? How is that supposed to help? It’s not like you’re suddenly going to let me do it. All it would do is prove what a twisted pervert I am…”
“...I might.”
“Huh?!” Levi jerked back once more so that he could see your face. He had to be sure of what he was hearing. You...wanted…him to lock you up…? That can’t be right. There’s no way you’d sink to his level of depravity, even if you were only doing it to comfort him.
“I said, if you were to ask me, I might let you lock me up.”
Levi was now frozen in place. His brain was misfiring and he didn’t know if he should laugh, cry, or just be plain embarrassed. Why were you saying these things? Did you even understand what you were saying? You couldn’t just say something like that. Here he was trying to control his darker urges and you were...encouraging them.
“We could do it like any other kink. Come up with a safeword. Have a plan in place. Talk about what was allowed and what wasn’t. I don’t see any reason not to, honestly. And if it’ll make you feel better, and give you some sort of outlet for your anxiety, then all the more reason to.”
He really didn’t know how to process this. He had just revealed the darkest, ugliest parts of himself to you, and you weren’t even batting an eye. He had assumed you were going to take off running at some point during the conversation and never look back, but you were still here. You were still talking to him, still trying to understand him. And he just couldn’t believe it. How could you love him so much?
“Hey, I mean it, Levi,” you reached out and cupped his cheek, stroking it gently with your thumb, “This isn’t something I want you to keep to yourself. You should tell me these things. You HAVE to tell me these things. If it’s something simple I can fix, then I can fix it. And if it’s not, then we can come up with a way to reassure you, and help you work through those emotions. Just...trust me a little, please?”
He wasn’t sure when, but at some point he had started crying again. But these weren’t the sad, angry, bitter tears from before. No, these were tears of pure relief. You understood him. You accepted him. You weren’t disgusted by him. He couldn’t put into words how happy that made him right now, so he just nodded again and held your hand closer to his cheek.
“So now that we are on the same page...do you think you could tell me what it was you were so worried about yesterday?”
Levi didn’t even need to think about it now, of course he would tell you. He’d tell you everything. His demonic form was finally fading away, and he curled up as close as he could manage next to you, wanting to feel more of your warmth.
“I...umm...just...well…you looked like you were having a lot of fun with my brothers. And I well, I wondered if you had been having that much fun with me...because I didn’t really talk with you yesterday. I just sorta did my own thing while you watched…”
You were struggling not to laugh now. You really needed to keep it together because you didn’t want Levi to get the wrong idea, but it was a battle that was more difficult than you would have thought possible under the circumstances.
“I’m sorry Levi,” you gave him another kiss to his forehead before resting yours against his, closing your eyes, “I’m not laughing at you I swear. I’m just laughing at the situation I guess? I mean, I don’t know what you saw when you found me sitting with your brothers, but I can promise you I was not enjoying myself. Frankly I was beyond pissed. Mammon I understood you know, because he’s always tagging along...but for everyone else to show up? It infuriated me.
And as for you being excited and ignoring me...sweetheart, that’s why I took you there in the first place. I know how much you love that stuff. And you are just so incredibly cute when you’re in your element and enjoying yourself. So I took you there knowing full well what I was getting myself into. That was the entire point.”
Well, now he just felt foolish. Everything he had been worried about...the anxiety that had been eating at him for the past 24 hours...he could have avoided it all if he had just talked to you earlier. He hated how simple it was.
“Is there anything else?” you asked, checking in on Levi as he continued to come to terms with the fact your idea of a good time included watching him be the biggest dork he could.
“Oh yeah, I guess. I uh, I wasn’t trying to ignore you yesterday. After we got home I mean. It was just like...like I couldn’t even hear you. I mean I could hear you...I knew you were talking...but I didn’t know what you were saying.”
You had to smile at his confession just now, maybe he hadn’t realized it before, but that was far from the first time he had stopped being able to verbally respond to you. There were plenty of other times where he had been stressed, that he just opted for laying near you and zoning out while you played with his hair or you cuddled and watched a movie together.
“I know, Levi. I get it. I don’t know if you realize this but...that’s not the first time something like that has happened. And I didn’t think for a moment you were ignoring me on purpose, ok?”
Levi breathed another sigh of relief. You were amazing, so incredibly amazing. How did he manage to be this lucky? He knew there had been other times where he had struggled to respond to you, and he thought you hadn’t noticed because you never said anything to him. But it turns out you knew the whole time and had already decided to embrace that along with the rest of his quirks.
The two of you continued to lay there in comfortable silence, holding each other close. You were hoping against hope that you had gotten through to Levi, and that he knew how much he meant to you and how willing you were to work things out with him. Telling you everything, and laying it all out there couldn’t have been easy for him. He was self conscious enough as it is about normal things, you couldn’t imagine how much resolve it had to have taken for him to open up to you about this.
Now that the anxiety, tension, and fear had left Levi’s body completely, he found himself struggling to remain awake. He wasn’t ready to sleep yet. Sleep was a waste. If he slept, you really would have to go.
You could see how much of a fight he was putting up to remain awake. His eyelids kept drooping, and his head would occasionally bob, before he’d jerk himself awake once more. So cute, you thought.
“Hey, why don’t you get some rest? I’m gonna get started cleaning things up. But I promise I’ll still be here when you wake. I won’t go anywhere without telling you, ok?”
Levi nodded, he was so exhausted at this point, and your permission was all his body needed to stop its attempts at resistance. The last thing he remembered before he drifted off was the feeling of your lips on his cheek as you climbed out of the tub, and tucked him in.
Leaving Levi in the tub, you set to work tidying up his room. If you were being honest, you wished you could stay by his side and get some rest yourself, but you knew that this had to be taken care of first. You didn’t want Levi to see the damage he’d done to his room when he had been in his demon form, because you were sure he wasn’t even completely aware of what he had been doing. If he saw things as they were, you imagined it may only send him into another guilty spiral of anxiety, and you didn’t want to chance it. You would just have to explain things to him later.
As you worked, you couldn’t help but think of just how upset he had to have been. He loved his collections. He treasured them and went through great pains to preserve them so that they could always be enjoyed in perfect condition, as intended by their creators.
But seeing everything scattered about how it was only served to remind you of the depth of his self loathing. He had been doing so well as of late, that you nearly had forgotten just how dark his thoughts tend to turn. For every thing you loved about him, he had something he hated about himself.
And while he was proud in his declarations of love for his interests, he also was very much aware how people viewed him because of it. You wished you could get him to see himself as you did. Then maybe he could learn to have just a tiny bit more confidence, and just be slightly less anxious all the time. You didn’t want to change him - you just didn’t want to see him suffer.
Just as you placed the last figurine back in its rightful position, you felt your DDD vibrate in your pocket. It was Mammon, and he was checking in on you.
“Hey. Everything goin’ alright? He’s not refusin’ to let you leave, is he?”
You were about to type a reply, when another message came through soon after,
“If ya don’t answer me I’m comin’ over there and kickin’ his ass.”
He was looking out for you, and it warmed your heart. You had dumped a lot on him earlier, and he had been so supportive and understanding. It couldn’t have been easy for him, you knew, to let you go back and see Levi again after the things you had confided in him. Mammon was insanely protective of you. And you really couldn’t blame him, especially considering you had had a couple near death experiences at the hands of his brothers, Levi included.
“I’m fine. Levi is asleep.” You sent your message through quickly, before deciding to send along another with a new selfie attached as proof of your condition.
“Good. Stay that way. Dinner is soon.”
You smiled as you flicked the screen of your DDD off, and slipped it back into your pocket. Looking over the room once more, you felt a tiny bit proud at how well you had done restoring order.
You didn’t notice it, but Levi had woken up a little bit ago and had been watching you work. He was so grateful to you for cleaning things up, even if he was embarrassed that you had to have seen him like that. The fact that you managed to return everything to its rightful place was a testament to how much time you had spent with him, and how much attention you paid to things he was interested in, and it made him feel so incredibly loved.
His memories from most of the day were fuzzy, as they usually were whenever he lost control of himself like that. He was thankful he had managed to keep it together long enough for you to leave this morning too. He didn’t know what he would have done if he really had hurt you, instead of just taking out his anxiety on himself. The thought made him shiver, and as he pulled his blanket tighter around his shoulders, he realized his shirt was missing.
His cheeks flushed once he remembered that only a few hours ago you had been snuggled up close to him, and therefore had to have noticed. Even though it made no sense after everything else that had happened, the realization embarrassed him greatly. You may have already been intimate plenty of times before, but letting you see him naked outside of those times still felt awkward.
When he looked up again, he saw you smiling at him. You had been watching as he tried to cover his body with his blanket. The fact that he was blushing and embarrassed about his state of undress helped you relax. If he had the wherewithal to care about that, you knew he was going to be alright.
You walked over to him, and knelt by the edge of the tub, crossing your arms and resting them on its side. Levi looked away from you now that you were close, and you reached out to tuck some stray hairs behind his ear. It was a sweet gesture, but entirely unproductive given the state of the rest of his beautiful purplish, blue locks.
“Hey you. How are you feeling?”
“Better. Just a little tired, I guess.” He gave you a sheepish smile, “Umm, thank you. For cleaning up. I know it had to have been a hassle. Sorry you had to see things like that. But ummm...thanks.”
You shook your head, “Don’t worry about it. That’s what I’m here for. I mean, you’d do the same for me right?”
Levi blushed again, and gave you a small nod. Of course he would do the same for you. How could you possibly think anything else? He might not be as eloquent as you, but he definitely would have done his absolute best to be there for you. He wouldn’t have abandoned you, that’s for sure.
“I uh...think I need to shower. Before dinner, you know.”
“Hmm, maybe I should join you,” you teased, a smile playing at your lips.
“Yeah, maybe you should.”
Now it was your turn to be embarrassed, and your face flushed crimson. You were used to being the one with the upper hand, and you weren’t sure how you felt about this sudden role reversal. But one thing was for sure - you certainly enjoyed that hungry, needy look in his eyes as he waited for your response.
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songficsbyrissi · 5 years
Jealous (T’Challa x Reader) *alternate version*
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A/N: I bet y’all thinking “Rissi, didn’t you already do a “Jealous” one shot? Girl what the fuck is you doing?” And to answer your thoughts, yes you’re right. I did do one with T’Challa being jealous (btw click here if you haven’t read it or you wanna reread before you read this) Anyways, I got to thinking. What if I wrote an alternate version where the READER gets jealous and how that would go down? Well let’s find out....btw I created my own avenger for this oneshot. Think of Nina as a hero like Black Widow but she’s not Black Widow. Make sure to click the bold word to see how she looks like ;)
************** “Who the hell is that?” You thought angrily. Your blazing eyes narrowed as you glared at that bitch that was holding a conversation with YOUR HUSBAND. She was getting flirtatious and it annoyed you. You were so invested in the scene before you it took the third try for your sister in law to finally get your attention. “Y/N?” You snapped out of it and gave her a fake smile. “Oh hello Shuri! What is the matter?” “I should be asking you that. You seem really upset seeing T’Challa converse with that Avenger. Do you not like Nina?” You didn’t hear her question over the grinding of your teeth. Shuri giggled into her hands. “Oh I get it! You don’t like her because you are jealous!” “I AM NOT JEALOUS OF THAT COLONIZER!” You roared staring at your sister in law with fire in your eyes and turned back to the sight of your husband and the avenger. You weren’t jealous. You just didn’t appreciate this white woman hogging your husband from his other guests and getting too touchy with him. You wanted to smack him for not noticing her advances but you remembered your poor husband is slow sometimes.
You walked up next to your husband and he immediately wrapped his arm around your waist which made you beam in content. You resisted giving her the “Suck it bitch. This is my man” face. “This is my wife, Queen Y/N.” “Oh so it is nice to meet you, my queen!” She took your hand, shaking it vigorously. “Your King is so wonderful. You have a nice taste in men, I see!” “Oh stop it.” T’Challa told her sheepishly and she kept looking him taking a sip of her wine. “King T’Challa, I’m just letting the queen know how lucky she is!” “I’m not lucky, Miss. I am blessed. Now if you would excuse us.” You took your husband’s firm hand leading him away from the woman. Tony Stark needed to speak with him so you let him go but continued to keep an eye on that Nina girl. You didn’t like her and you didn’t know why. “Tonight was fun, wasn’t it, my love?” T’Challa walked in the bedroom, fresh from his shower. On any normal occasion, you would’ve taken that shower with him but for some reason, you didn’t want him anywhere near you. You were beyond irritated with him for some reason, so you said nothing as you were removing your jewelry. “Baby?” “Yes?” You replied sharply. T’Challa came up behind you as you kept staring at your reflection in the mirror of your vanity. “Are you all right?” He questioned skeptically. “Yes I am fine, T’Challa.” He groaned dramatically, falling onto the bed. “Oh Bast, you called me by my real name! You are upset. What did I do?” You wanted to smile at his antics but you couldn’t. “Nothing.” “I thought we agree not to lie to each other.” T’Challa scolded turning you around to face him. “Come on. Tell me. I refuse to go to bed with a woman who’s upset with me because that is dangerous.” You sighed deeply trying to figure out a way to tell him how you feel without it coming out wrong. “I’m just not sure about you going on this mission with the avengers. I don’t trust them, especially that Nina. She just seems so....unprofessional and does not take her job seriously. I don’t trust her around you.” Your eyes widened at the last sentence so you corrected your self. “I don’t trust her around you to have your back in combat. I fear something will happen to you because she isn’t doing her job.” T’Challa seemed to buy it. “I know you are worried about me but I will be fine. I always come out fine. You trusting everyone else does not matter. As long you trust me on that, everything will be fine.” He kisses your forehead and you smiled in response. “Ok, my love. I trust you.” But you still didn’t trust that white bitch Nina and you were still going to watch her ass. “Ehhh T seems like the type to like snow bunnies.” Erik commented as you, him, and Shuri watched the avengers sparring. Of course your husband was paired up with the white girl which made your annoyance rise, along with Erik’s unwarranted commentary. Those two were getting awfully close and you couldn’t stand to watch. You walked away from the scene with the two following behind. Shuri rolled her eyes at her cousin. “Will you shut up? T’Challa has no interest in Nina. Stop trying to annoy Y/N.” “I’m just saying! Niggas back in America, they love white bitches! Some prefer them over black women. Mind you, there’s white women EVERYWHERE over there. Here, there’s none of that! She’s exotic to the men over here.” You hated to admit it but Erik was making sense. You didn’t want to believe he was right but a part of you was believing it. Once you three reached the gardens, Shuri turned to you. “Please don’t listen to him, sister. My brother loves you with all his heart. Now I have to return to the lab.” Shuri pulled you into a goodbye hug and went on her way. You gave her a small smile before she left. “You want my advice?” “No! I do not want your advice!” You snapped, hoping it’ll make Erik and the urge to listen to him go away. Erik held his hands in defense and backed away. “I was just trying to help but what do I know? I’m just a black man just like your husband and share the same blood as your husband so I wouldn’t know shit about how to handle this. Good luck, Y/N.” He began to walk away from you and you were wrestling with what your brain was urging you to do. He was annoying but convincing. What he saying is stupid, right? Unbelievable! It’s dumb! Completely dumb! “Wait!” You found yourself yelling after Erik and he turned around, failing to hide the smug look on his face. You sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of your nose. “What do you have in mind?” Erik rubbed his hands together. “Aight so all you gotta do is get ghetto on ‘em.” Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “Ghetto? I’m not familiar with this term.” Erik smiled wickedly wrapping his arm around you. “Oh you will be.”
The next day, you tried to push Erik’s lesson in “ghetto” of your head. It was stupid and you were a queen, for bast’s sake! You couldn’t act the way Erik was telling you to act. It was completely preposterous. You were being ridiculous. You just needed to find your husband, spend time with him, and forget your foolish thoughts. When you made it to the training grounds, you didn’t find your husband or the rest of the avengers. You only found Nina on a phone call and you turned on your heel to find your man when your ears perked up at the mention of T’Challa and you hid behind a boulder. “You know I actually wouldn’t mind getting with King T’Challa though. He’s rich and black. That’s the jackpot right there. I wish his wife would just disappear and I would successfully snatch him up. Let’s just see how far I can get with her around.” Your blood got hot overhearing her words. So you were fucking right. This bitch was after your man and tried to make you look crazy. Now it’s time to take Erik’s advice. Get ghetto and whoop her ass. You popped from your hiding space and approached her quickly. She turned to you with a big fake smile on her pasty face. “My queen-“ “Nah! Nah! Save that fake shit, sis!” You shouted clapping your hands like Erik taught you to do. “Who the...uh... fuck do you think I am?! You got me fucked up!” You bent down turning your head with every word. She was stunned at your actions and completely speechless. “Your highness-“ “You got me....FUCKED....UP! BOO BOO! You aint messing with my man....BITCH! Now....” you went to remove your hoops like Erik told you to do but you weren’t wearing hoops so that was dumb as hell. You went to tie your hair in a ponytail but you already had it in a ponytail. Damn, you need to get it together. “Now I’M GONNA FUCK YOU UP, YOU COTTAGE CHEESE BITCH! BEAT THAT PRIVILEGE OUT OF YOUR CRACKER ASS!” You lunged at her tackling her to the ground and landing punches on her face. Oh yeah, you gotta say “bitch” every time you connect. “BITCH! BITCH! BITCH!” No surprise that the avenger managed to roll you over, getting on top and began choking you while banging your head. You two rolled over, kicking and scratching at each other until you felt yourself pulled away from her and she was being pulled away by a Dora. You were so focused on your anger you weren’t paying attention to who was pulling you back. “You ain’t snatching shit up, bitch! He’s my man, hoe!” You shouted as she got escorted to Wakanda prison and you pushed yourself off the person. You turned to see it was your husband. He was shooting daggers at you and you gulped nervously. “Have you lost your mind Y/N?!??!! What were you doing fighting her?!??!” He was pissed. “We were.....training?” You meant to say it as an answer but it came out as a question. T’Challa was still glaring at you so clearly your lie didn’t work. “I can’t even look at you right now.” T’Challa stormed off and you bowed your head in shame. Now that you looked back at it, it was one of the most idiotic things you’ve ever done. You’re a queen, for Bast’s sake! Queens don’t fight, especially out of jealousy. You retired to your chambers, thankful that the only people who witnessed the incident were the Dora’s. It felt like hours had passed before your husband finally made his way in your shared bedroom. You could see that the time apart gave him some time to cool down because he didn’t look angry anymore. He was more calm. You waited for him to speak first. “Why would you fight Nina? Did she insult you? Did she hit you? That is what we have the Dora’s for!” You resisted rolling your eyes and sighed instead. “No and T’Challa, I used to be a War Dog-“ He cut you off. “Yes I know that. I am reminded that multiple times. The key phrase is “used to”. You are no longer one anymore. You are a queen now. So why? Why were you fighting her?” “I overheard her saying she wanted to snatch you up because you were rich and black and I was just annoyed, really. Because she was getting so close to you and I just knew that colonizer whore wanted you. Once I heard her words......” You shrugged your shoulders sighing once again. “I just lost it.” “So.....you were jealous?” T’Challa questioned with some humor in his tone. Your eyes fell on his face and you saw his mouth was twitching in amusement. You cocked your head to the side. “T’Challa Udaku, are you amused by this?” He let a chuckle shaking his head as he took a seat next to you. “I am, just a little. I’m still mad but you being jealous makes me laugh. How are you jealous of Nina?” “She was getting so close to you and she’s a American white woman. Those women are exotic to men of this country. I don’t see why but they are. Erik was telling me he sees black men love white women back in America and prefer them and......I was never jealous of her. I just feared you would fall for her.” You confessed, feeling a weight off your chest and T’Challa placed his hands over yours staring in your eyes. “That is ridiculous, my love. I have no interest in white women. Never did and never will. I love my beautiful Wakandan queen.” He pecked your lips causing you to smile wide and wrapped your arms around his neck. “I was actually surprised you got jealous over me. I should be jealous over you. People keep telling me you are out of my league.” “Are “people” your sister and your cousin?” “For the most part.” You giggles which caused him to break into a little smile. “But other people think it too. Bast has blessed me with you.” You took his face in your hands and kissed him passionately. “Bast has blessed me with you, my handsome king and I would like to show you how thankful I am for my blessing.” You climbed on top of your husband, ready to get it on when he slightly pushed you off. “I really want to, sithandwa sam. But I have a combat meeting with the avengers.....which includes Nina.” You sighed dramatically. “I guess I should go apologize. Even though she deserved it.” T’Challa chuckled, sitting up and placing tender kisses on your neck. “Yes but the sooner it happens, the sooner I get you to myself.” You smirked seductively and exited your chambers holding hands with your husband. As you two walked the corridors, you ran into Erik and your content demeanor dropped. “Aww look at y’all. In love and cupcaking and shit! Hey Y/N! I heard you beat the white privilege out of shorty!” Erik cackled into his fist, jumping up and down in joy. “See? My advice works!” You stared at Erik with so much anger, clenching your fists tightly. T’Challa glanced at your expression and stepped back. “N’Jadaka.....stop talking. You upset her with your advice.” “Upset her??? That was solid advice!” “No it was not! It was stupid!” T’Challa hissed. “Now just apologize before she gives you what she gave Nina.” Erik let out an obnoxious laugh. “Nigga you think I’m scared of your little wife? Nigga, I’m the Golden Jaguar! I ain’t bitch made like the Black Panther! She can run up but she ain’t doing shi-“ He was interrupted from his shit talking by you tackling him to the ground and used one hand to choke him and the other to punch his face. His attempts to get up were unsuccessful. He underestimated your strength greatly. “T...help!” Erik managed to choke out through your attack. T’Challa shook his head, clicking his tongue. “I told you to just apologize, N’Jadaka. But I will help....my wife.” T’Challa went to join in and a few seconds later, Shuri appeared with her mother and they gazed at the scene in shock. Shuri began to giggle in excitement. “Yes! We are finally beating up Erik?!” She wiped a fake tear from her eye. “Dreams really do come true! Ahhh!” “Shuri, get out of there! T’Challa and Y/N, stop it! This is not right!” Ramonda reprimanded as she stood watching her son, her daughter and her daughter in law all attack her poor, annoying nephew. The Dora’s appeared almost immediately. “Queen Mother, shall we break this up?” Okoye questioned as she gestured towards the sight of T’Challa having Erik in a full Nelson on the ground, you delivering blows to his body, and Shuri kicking him in glee. Ramonda sighed shaking her head. “Just give them another 30 seconds....maybe a minute then break it up, please.”
Tags: @iamrheaspeaks @chaneajoyyy @oceanscorazon @marvelmaree @purple-apricots @brattywriters-anonymous @cancerianprincess @blowmymbackout @ljstraightnochaser @blackpinup22 @airis-paris14 @vibranium-chakra @sociallyawkward18 @chefjessypooh @mychemicalimagines @nerd-lovely @slimmiyagi @imasmille @ashanti-notthesinger @thehomierobbstark @give-me-a-million-dollars-pls @quietstorm-73 @90sinspiredgirl @lewatigress @kaykay0829 @queennanayaa @mysticbrownie @holy-minseok @queenof-wakanda @destinio1 @raysunshine78 @amelatonin
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✿ I always have Mint Eye AU ideas.
Precious little angel tries his best to tame this horribly traumatized cultist
You’ve been raised to believe that this world is horrible and unsavable, so on bad days, he texts you pictures of the things that make living worth it.
Kittens! Puppies! It doesn’t really fix the horrible drug treatments that Blonde Voldemort forced you to endure, but it does make you remember that the entire world doesn’t need to be purged in holy fire.
Just most of it.
Half of it?
A quarter of it?
…Okay, Yoosung, no purging. :(
He reads cute romance novels with you to help teach you Normal People Socialization, because, while he loves you dearly, you’re just -
you don’t
he brought you flowers and you ate them. 
you thought the box of chocolates he got you belonged on the mantle.
he bought you a Christmas gift and you thought the gift was the pretty wrapping.
of course romance novels are not the best place to get your life advice from but w/e it’s sadly a better guide than what you had previously.
all of your LOLOL friends think this is hilarious and frequently convince you that wacky things are true. you are just as gullible as Yoosung.
So, in one of those Weird Bad Ends, Unknown got all into playing dress up with some weird Zen sleeping beauty thing, which leads me to believe that, in his Free Time, Saeran definitely is into costuming and reading scripts for plays. on tuesdays Mint Eye has drama practice and you’re kind of into acting.
particularly fairy tales
zen wants to dress up like a fairy tale prince and do recitals with you, his fairy tale princess.
despite you being, y’know.
a cultist.
who used to worship a woman in the basement of some weird mountain monastary.
You’re the Weirdest Princess Ever.
Religious cults tend to be into the whole “do not be vain and eschew material possessions” thing so you’re a.) kind of weirded out by how much Zen preens and b.) feel weird about the dressing up thing, but he coaxes you into it and gradually helps you feel beautiful about yourself.
is going to punch Rika twice for you.
seriously she is SO MAD about how you were treated and she just QUIETLY SEETHES WITH RIGHTEOUS FURY.
Jaehee’s lovely little bakery is a great place for you, though, and she ends up hiring both you and Saeran as cafe workers. You become particularly fond of decorating cakes, he gets really into latte art, and Jaehee basically starts running the Cultist Rehabilitation Center.
There is that time when a customer gets really pissy with Jaehee and both you and Saeran end up threatening him with a knife but
she… manages to smooth that over with the police.
(you are both very protective of her.)
the both of you can be emotionally stunted together. how fun!
It’s weird, slowly coming to the realization that Rika Wasn’t a Great Person with him. 
It’s also weird, seeing people throw themselves at Jumin. It makes you….. jealous? really, really jealous? like, your role model up to this point has been Rika, the Queen of Vicious Jealousy, so yeah, you’re kind of ultra super jealous of these people TRYING TO STEAL YOUR NEW FAVORITE PERSON.
Jumin has to pat you on the heat to calm you down, and he reaffirms that it is you he loves and he’ll never leave you.
but i’m broken, you say.
but i’m worthless, you say.
but god doesn’t love me and i turned on my savior and -
shhhhh it’s okay. only dreams now.
man this poor boy has his hands full with you and Saeran.
It doesn’t help that the emotional politics of this situation are wack. Like, imagine this - you’re great cult pals with Saeran. You’re conditioned to hate Seven because of what Saeran has told you about him. Yet Seven is fantastically in love with you, and he also loves Saeran so much, and you love Seven despite yourself, and Saeran wants to trust him but can’t, and you want to hate Seven to stay on Saeran’s side but YOU CAN’T AND THIS IS SO DIFFICULT
y’all need therapy.
you frequently lock yourself in the bathroom to escape how painful this all is.
One of the nice moments you share though is when he coaxes you outside to go see the stars, and it’s so dark outside, and the sky is so pretty that it takes your breath away and -
And yeah everything is really complicated but sometimes you see Seven’s timid, tired smile when he’s too exhausted to pretend but he can’t help but smile at you and you think things might just be alright.
the fact that V let this happen to you has him just dying in guilt, and you kind of hate him at first because of What Rika Has Told You, so for a long time, interacting with V follows a pattern of, “V wants to help you, you shout at him to go away.”
(honestly there is some fodder for some REALLY interesting conversations here, because of his ties to you and Rika and everything, and how much you loved her, and how much he loved her, and how you’re both so disenchanted and disillusioned about… everything.)
It’s the photographs that get to you, first. Someone shows you some of them, someday, and you’re fascinated by how he makes the world look so beautiful.
How he makes it look like it’s… worth it.
He starts teaching you how to use a camera, and you start letting him, and that’s kind of the first point of healing for the two of you. You start to appreciate what he lost when he lost almost all of his sight, and he starts to want to help you for reasons beyond his paralyzing guilt.
he starts to see you as something more than his mistake.
Unknown (Saeran)
oh boy. 
You’re Saeran’s friend. You’ve been Saeran’s friend for so long. And Saeran, being Saeran, is possessive, controlling, and doesn’t want you to leave him. So when he sees you becoming close to the RFA…
this boy kind of flips.
like, he tries to extract you from the apartment and when Rika chastises him, he tries to kidnap you for himself.
There’s a lot of soothing this poor boy’s scared heart in the beginning, because he just doesn’t want you to leave him like Saeyoung left him and you’re like no I won’t you’re my friend and neither of you really know what Love is but you’re starting to kind of try to figure it out.
All the while, the RFA is trying to reach out to you too and you like them but??? Saeran??? How do you choose?
Can you choose?
How do you figure out what’s best for the both of you?
Mint Eye ends up trying to snag you both again and make you go through more Drug Therapy to cleanse your souls, and that’s when you realize…
this place isn’t good for Saeran. 
you need to get out. 
He’s pretty betrayed that you ask for Saeyoung’s help to get you both out, and won’t talk to you for awhile, but you’re just happy he isn’t being hurt anymore.
Poor Vandy gets a reputation for liking biters after hooking up with you, because you definitely bit them a few times while you were trying to escape from their protective custody.
IT’S NOT THAT, they try to defend themselves. THEY JUST.
You get really into soap operas! You cry at the end of Pixar movies! You’re cute, they don’t like you because you’re kind of
(it’s just a bonus)
Really they’re the most… practical and normal about your whole situation. They consult psychiatrists, they get you therapy, they honestly try to help you integrate with the normal world.
They listen to your problems, and while they frequently make sarcastic comments to the tune of what the hell is this complicated bullshit, they’re ultimately supportive.
They teach you how to cook and while it is initially a disaster, you are very enthusiastic, and you make Saeran try everything you make.
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