#X ray boss
p3talll · 5 months
I just want to be that girl, the one who loves herself and prioritizes her future but also reads Peeta Mellark, Harry Styles and Mike Schimdt fanfic from time to time
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angellcake1 · 3 months
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ldr-is-my-life · 2 months
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im feeling sick, i need to take a puff
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saturnhas82moons · 3 months
When life hands you juicy fanfiction you stay up till 4:00am to read it
Sorry I don’t make the rules
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asterjennifer · 2 months
Ray as a part of the Goetia Family 6~
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Prince Ray doesn't fight often.
Actually, whenever he can avoid it, be sure he will do whatever it takes to not get into a fight.
He doesn't feel physically or mentally capable... Even though he has very great powers since birth.
BUT! If Flower should be in danger? Then he's not batting an eye.
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The Morningstar's Rays: The Prodigal Son
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss Summary: Love is free in Heaven, it flows between the angels and to the other creatures that God has created. For one Morningstar, it ends up creating a life that none of them thought was even possible. With that comes a host of surprises and problems that he has to overcome to keep that love flowing as naturally as it needs to, and extending it to his son as well. Warnings: Pregnancy, mpreg, intersex characters, sex, graphically described childbirth scenes, social stigmas, and evangelic beliefs Word Count: 13,982 Ship(s): Lucifer Morningstar/Michael, Lucifer Morningstar/Lilith Morningstar, Lucifer Morningstar/Adam (endgame)
Archive link!
A/N: So this is based off a rp that I did with my mutual a while ago, which is why the world is so different than the one that Hazbin Hotel began to show us in the beginning. I really wanted to explore further into Lucifer's backstory and the creation of Hell, so I chose this niche little mpreg fanfic to do that with! It's the beginning of a series that details all of the conceptions, a lot of the pregnancies, and some of the births of Lucifer's children throughout his life. I'm mostly using them as a window into the life that he led before and after the canon so I hope that you're all excited to come on the ride with me! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
Morning was Lucifer’s favorite time of the day.
Days in general were a relatively new construction, having been something that God just came up with. They were as new as the garden and mankind, which was what made Lucifer love them as much as he did. He liked the way that the light from the sun would streak through the windows in Heaven. He liked the way that the birds would woke up and begin to chirp incessantly at his window while they searched for their breakfast. He liked the way that he felt when he rose from his slumber and could see that time had passed. He loved the planning stage of the creation of everything, coming up with ideas was a favorite pass time of his, but he felt so much better when he could see that he had slept through the entirety of the night. Darkness and cold would creep into his very bones whenever the night fell, leaving him exhausted and weary enough to actually sleep.
Allegedly, it was all the same way that it happened down on Earth and the Garden. He had been trying to figure out a way to spend a night in Eden so that he could compare what the morning looked like in his home and his friend’s home. He wanted to know what it was like to be Adam and Lilith, what they saw when they woke next to each other and what it felt like to have the sun on their skin instead of through a pane of glass. 
He slipped from his bed before he remembered that it was not his own. The night before, he had fallen into the sheets with Michael again. The Sword of God wasn’t someone that a lot of angels got to know personally because he had so many responsibilities that he had to tend to. Lucifer was a different story, he was as close to God as someone could be without literally being the Metatron. His dreamer tendencies made it so that God valued his input when it came to creating creatures and items that would one day populate the Earth. Due to that, during the seven days and nights that it took to make everything in creation, Lucifer had grown quite close to Michael.
Love flowed freely in Heaven. There was no need for them to marry because there had never been an angelic baby, thus there was no need for a child to be born in the sanctity of vows to God. They were all the direct servants of God anyway, so they didn’t need to do it again during a wedding ceremony. Marriage was something that was reserved for the first man and woman, Adam and Lilith.
That meant that Lucifer got to visit Michael as often as he wished, even if it was considered for the best if he didn’t broadcast his comings and goings to the rest of the angelic hoard. He knew that part of that was to stop jealousy from arousing in the other angels. Others weren’t as close to God, which had already caused a bit of contention within some of them. Others had even fallen in love with Michael themselves and would no doubt be upset to find out that he had bedded another but refused to even look their way.
Lucifer knew that was silly, but he also had no way to articulate that to others whom had not been there to see what he had. He had been there when Michael had sworn to be the Sword of God, when he had pledged his life to a job that he would serve in until his death. He took that job very seriously and thus did not have time for someone that wouldn’t be passive about their relationship the way that Lucifer was. 
The Morningstar himself liked to have as much attention as he could get and he drank it up every time. He spent a lot of time with other angels, a certain set that got along with him and shared quite a few of his values. They had different ways that they thought his proposed changes should be implemented and they didn’t want to rock the boat as much as he did, but they were willing to listen to him anyway. He had already shared a bed with a few of them as well, though none as often as he shared Michael’s at the moment. The two beings that he preferred to get attention from were the ones that he was meant to be watching and guiding.
He was thankful that God had been rather vague when He asked Lucifer to tend to the humans in the Garden of Eden. It meant that he had room to say that he didn’t quite know what the Almighty had meant. He could flutter his way down to the Garden when he pleased and spend time with Adam and Lilith, who were always elated to see him when he came. Being the center of their world for the moments that he was talking felt even better than when he was presenting in front of the other angels. He liked the way that their eyes felt on him when they roved over the hand motions he made while he spoke, or the way that they would grin when they finally understood something.
Thoughts of what his day would entail was enough to get him out of the bed and on his feet. Michael had been draped over most of the plush mattress, his six wings fluttering in the light breeze that was coming in through the open window. Lucifer had tucked his wings in, as he did every time that he went to bed, so that they would be more space for him.
The other angel being as spread out as he was did make it more difficult for him to slip out without being seen. He had been doing this for quite some time, though, so he managed to roll from the bed and catch himself before he reached the floor. 
He carefully sprang to his feet and then grabbed the robe that he always wore. The humans had to invent everything that they wanted to work with, so they were not provided with the wonderful amenities that Heaven included yet. According to the High Seraphim, they would receive them once they did something that would warrant them becoming a Saint. Lucifer wondered how many of the babies that Lilith and Adam made together would get to come to the wonderful Kingdom, he was already excited to meet them again even if it meant that they had to die.
He slipped out of Michael’s home and into the streets of Heaven. The sky above was the palest, most delicate blue that could be perceived by the Heavenly mind. The ground was made of evenly constructed bricks of cold and white tile, which made the entire thing shimmer. The buildings around the place that Lucifer was in were low down to the ground and hued with blue and pink, some of them gold to indicate some of the higher level angels that lived within. The angelic homes were segregated into a different part of Heaven so once the humans had been created and began to ascend to Sainthood, they wouldn’t have to deal with a creature that was so different than themselves.
Lucifer walked through the weaving streets, walking around and around in a massive circle, before he finally reached his own home. It was the same as all the others were, though the roof and window sills were gilded in gold instead of the baby blue that surrounded him. He slipped in through the door and then shed the robe that he had worn before, leaving it for the principalities that had been made to help care of the angels that had more important jobs. He then picked out another one of them and laid it down on his untouched bed, though he mused the covers so it looked as though he was just being tidy instead of having spent the night in another place entirely.
He walked to the basin that held the water pitcher and bowl in it, using it to wash his face and hands. He also made sure to clean the last of the stickiness that Michael had missed the night before from between his legs. The angel was kind enough to try and wash him off despite them both being exhausted from going three rounds without sleep after a full day of work, so who was Lucifer to complain about him missing a massive streak of cum along his inner thigh.
Once he was clean, he dressed in his robes and then said his quick prayer to God. He thanked his Father every day, just to affirm that he was grateful for the life that he had been given. It was something all the angels did, even the ones that were close enough to God to actually talk to Him.
His morning routine was completed as quickly as he could because he already had a fun day planned for himself down in the Garden. He managed to slip his way through his fellow angels often enough that he could spend a good deal of his time there. It didn’t seem as though anyone really cared as long as he was able to give them his plans and ideas at the next meeting that they held. The only person that would really care was Michael because he was charged with protecting God’s favorite pastime, which was currently the humans, but he didn’t seem to care much either.
So Lucifer once again slipped from his home after grabbing an apple from the bowl in the center of his dining room table. Angels didn’t have to eat so that they could survive, but they were told that it would make the humans that would eventually ascend to the Heavens as Saints more comfortable to see the angels doing something akin to what they had done their whole lives. Lucifer didn’t mind, especially recently.
He had discovered some of the wonderful foods that God had placed down in the Garden for Adam and Lilith. The apple was his favorite, delectably sweet and crunchy and tart at the same time. He wasn’t sure if anything would ever come to top it, especially when the core was fun to gnaw on after all the flesh had been devoured.
Some of the other angels had also risen from their slumbers and were milling about with each other. There were a couple already standing by the meeting room as they got prepared to give the orders out to the lower ranking principalities and archangels. As he passed by, Lucifer greeted each of them in turn. The rank of Seraphim had only been given to a handful of angels at that point, not including the special beings that had been given specific jobs by God. Michael and The Metatron were the two that came to mind immediately, but Lucifer barely even considered them to be angels at that point because they rarely strayed into the lives of others.
“Lucifer!” Beelzebub chirped when she saw her friend. She had long blond hair that puffed up around her head and fell into her face, almost imitating fennec fox ears. Her eyes were wide and golden, sparkling with a kind of desire to drink in everything that they could witness at all times. She was wearing a similar robe to Lucifer but it was faded pink instead of only gold.
“Bee!” he responded to her, throwing his arms out to the side of him. She squealed as she was able to wrap him up in a hug. “What are you doing here? I thought that you were going to be experimenting with food today since it was your day off.”
She looked a little put out when he reminded her of what she had said yesterday. He wondered if she had gotten in trouble again, it had already happened a couple of times. He knew that some of the other Seraphim were beginning to push back on what they were told to do. It was the influence of the humans, Lucifer was sure of that. He knew that they all respected God, He was their creator and thus had to be respected. The humans asked questions and inspired them to do things that they hadn’t done before, which meant that they were pushing boundaries that they hadn’t known existed before that point.
She turned her head back to Sera and gave a little wave, “I had a dear friend come and ask me for some help with giving out the orders to the Cherubim, so I decided that I would come and do that instead. After all, we are all God’s servants and must put aside our own desires for Him.”
“Of course,” Lucifer nodded. “I hope that you are able to help Sera the way that she needs.”
The words felt like ash as he spoke them. The apple that he had eaten while he was walking over to the entrance to the Garden from Heaven felt like it was sitting a stone in his belly. Almost to the point where the skin over his hips felt stretched and bloated, but he was sure that he was simply making that up. He had been feeling that way for a very long time, but he wasn’t sure where it had originated from. He loved Heaven and he loved being a servant of God because it meant that he got to do all the wonderful things that he did. 
At the same time, he could see how being called to do the bidding of someone that they rarely got any affection from was hurting his friends. Mammon and Leviathan appeared to be struggling most of all, but now Beelzebub was looking as though someone had just told her she was never permitted to indulge in sugar ever again.
Lucifer reached out and gave her hand a gentle squeeze before he continued on his way. He needed to drown out his sorrows with other voices, something that he did often. He spent his time in the Garden so he could not only come up with ideas, spurred on by Adam and Lilith, but so that he could get the voices of the other angels out of his head and settle himself.
He wanted to stay with Beelzebub and argue that she should get to actually spend her day off doing what she liked. She worked every other day of the month doing her actual job, she didn’t need to help Sera with her own jobs as well. It was unfair to keep her from doing something that she loved just because God or someone under him had asked them to do something else. They should be able to say no.
He knew that they couldn’t, that his pushback on some of his assignments had already gotten him shoved to the edge of the inner circle. So he didn’t say anything and simply continued on his way towards the door that would lead him to Eden.
The door was built into the side of a wall, the one that ringed all the way around the settlement where the angels lived and did their business. It was taller than Lucifer by three or four times and intricately carved with all of the creations that God and the other angels had placed in the garden. The left side held the plants, so there were pops of color as the flowers and buds of fruit were illustrated to bring attention to them. The other side was entirely made up of animals that were all chasing each other to demonstrate the way that the food chain worked. The prey animals were the closest to the seam of the door with the prey animals that ate both plants and meat in between, then the predators behind them furthest away from the plant side. It was technically a portal down to earth, but they had manifested it into a door for the ease of the angels that were coming and going as they checked on the humans inside. 
Lucifer checked the panel on the side of the door to make sure that none of the other angels had already gone through. They had once only come to check on the semi-immortal duo once a week, when they weren’t in their meetings while trying to figure out what to introduce to them. That had changed recently with some revelations of what was happening in the Garden thanks to Leviathan. Lilith and Adam seemed to be getting along about as well as some of the fish in the bigger rivers did, but it was nothing that Lucifer couldn’t smooth over. He was a showman at heart and loved having the attention on him, especially when he was hanging around people that he believed to be his friends. It was happening less and less frequently with the other Seraphim, but more and more frequently with the new humans in the Garden.
He pulled on the heavy metal handle and then stepped through the magical barrier that swirled with yellow, purple, and green. When he reached the other side, he appeared in the Garden of Eden down on earth.
The Garden was full of flush vegetation, every item that had been on the door outside flourishing inside. 
To the left was a dense forest with almost every type of tree, clustered in little bundles so that they could thrive by themselves and not have to battle with the others. On the ground was sorrel and lichen and struggling grass that stretched up futility towards the sun that was being blocked from it. Vines and ivy had their way with the low hanging branches and thick trunks so that they could escape the massive ferns and bushes threaded between the thickets. A few colorful birds darted out of the larger trees and rabbits and mice hid amongst the smaller ones. Water could be heard trickling inside of the forest, hidden by the dancing shadows and critters scurrying about so that they could hide from the newcomer.
To the right was a meadow where the grass was thick and so vibrantly green that it almost hurt to look at. There were flowers dotted in clustered patches, imitating much smaller versions of what the trees were doing on the other side. They were a variety of different colors and Lucifer already knew that Adam had named quite a few of them himself. There were bright red poppies, stunning violets, orange and purple tulips, stark daffodils, and even a bush full of pretty pink weeping hearts. The animals in the meadow were delicately eating from it and lazing about in the sun, basking as they should have been.
Lucifer took a moment to breathe in the sweet scent of something new and fresh, as he always did when he came to the Garden. He loved Heaven, it was his home, but it didn’t compare to the place where God had chosen to put His most treasured creations. Nothing would ever compare to the smell of rain after it had just fallen or the way that the grass would brush through the nice wind that came from the desert surrounding the Garden.
He embarked into the meadow half of the world in front of him so that he could find the camp that Adam had set up. It was a wondrous thing, to watch the First Man and Woman make what humans would begin using for years and years to come afterwards. Lucifer didn’t know what God had planned for when that time came, no one other than the Heavenly Father Himself did, but he was excited to get to see it.
The camp was relatively close to the stream that fed the meadow’s plants, sheltered on a patch of ground that no longer had grass growing on it because of how often Adam had walked over it. There was a hut made out of sticks and leaves, woven so thickly together that they created a good roof when the Garden got rain. There was a firepit, currently stacked with kindling for that night’s dinner but left empty for the time being. Over the top of it was a clay pot made for boiling and cooking, also empty for the time being.
Lucifer turned his craned his neck as he carefully walked into the camp and looked for the human. He knew that Adam liked to jump out at him sometimes, he found it amusing when he startled the angel according to the man himself, but Lucifer didn’t care for the feeling it left him with. When he was sure that he was safe from being scared, he began to trace Adam’s footprints up the side of the river while hoping it would actually lead to his friend.
There was always a chance that he was following a long cold trail when he tried to track his friend, but he had high confidence that he was going to get it right that time. Lilith had been teaching him how to better recognize something that had been left two days ago instead of thinking that everything was fresh. According to her, it was very important that they know where the prey was for eating and where the predators were for their own protection.
It didn’t take long before Lucifer finally stumbled across his friend. Adam was sitting with his legs stretched out in front of him, ankle deep in the river as it flowed merrily along to the other edge of the garden. He was wearing a tunic made of roughly woven cloth, probably using the grass that grew so abundantly in the land around his makeshift hut. He had a flower grasped in his fingers, twirling it back and forth as he examined it even closer.
Lucifer stepped behind him and tilted his head down so that they were staring at each other, Adam from the ground and Lucifer from above. “Hello, friend,” he beamed.
“I was wondering when you were going to be coming back to visit us, angel,” Adam grinned in reply. Lucifer could see the way that the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes, the way that his mouth dipped down immediately afterwards.
He shucked off his sandals and then sat down beside his friend, giving him a worried look. “Adam, something is bothering you.”
“It’s nothing, promise,” he shrugged. He set the flower down between the two of them, keeping the stem underneath his palm so that the wind wouldn’t pick it up.
“It’s not nothing if it is making you sad,” Lucifer replied, touching his pale fingers to Adam’s, which had been long-tanned by the sun in the Garden.
He sighed and laid back down on the ground, passing the flower over to Lucifer. “I tried to be romantic with Lilith so that she might decide to like me more, but it didn’t work. I named this after her, I called it a lily.”
“That’s very pretty, a very good name for a flower that looks like this,” Lucifer confirmed. The flower had several thin petals that left a lot of gap between them, branching out and curling back so that their points were almost touching the base. The inside of the flower had several long stems covered in golden pollen and green feelers. The petals themselves were a speckled white and pink color, the white taking over towards the edges.
“She didn’t think so. She said that she would find me again for dinner but that she needed to be by herself for now,” Adam explained. Lucifer could see the turmoil happening inside of the man and wished that he knew how to help.
He kept the flower in his fingers as he crossed his arms and balanced them on his knees. He tilted his head down so that he was looking sideways at Adam. It was hard to get his thoughts into line when he was feeling like this, so taking a moment to simply breathe in the sweet air of the world around them was helping him get it all into order. “Do you think that maybe she’s pregnant?” he asked. It felt like a stupid question, given how many fights the two of them had, but it was also what they had been put into the Garden for.
Adam shrugged helplessly. He threw his arms out to the side of his body and picked at the grass with both hands, just to have something to do. “How would you even tell something like that? I know God told us the main one, but I’m never around Lilith enough to see if she’s stopped bleeding,” the man huffed.
Lucifer suppressed a shudder at the mention of that. Angels had been created with both sets of genitals and a main presentation so that they were more humanoid for the future Saints of Heaven. They didn’t have cycles the way that some mammals did, no heats or periods to speak of. Lucifer couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have to walk through life knowing that every thirty days one would start bleeding for a week. He was glad that he never had to deal with that even if he did have the libido fluctuations that normally came with that having a menstrual cycle.
“I think that there are some other signs. Other than her belly getting bigger, of course. I’ve heard that odd dreams are something that might happen, as well as her nails and hair growing faster because she’s growing another person. Then there’s also an increase in appetite and some mood changes,” Lucifer then answered. “That was why I asked. Maybe she didn’t want the flower because she was pregnant.”
“Maybe you’re pregnant,” Adam said. His face had split into that grin that was almost too big for his face, mischievous and happy. He cuddled closer to Lucifer while poking at his body and making him squirm.
The angel laughed as the sensation caused his nerves to spasm and bat at the man’s hand. Eventually they stopped, a bit closer to the river than they had been before but not quiet inside of it yet. Lucifer sat back up, dusting off the gold and blue robe that he had dawned that morning. He asked, “Why do you think that I’m pregnant, Adam?”
“Your hair is longer, angel,” Adam replied. He reached up and brushed back a long of golden hair with his calloused fingers, which made golden blood rush to his cheeks and tint them dark.
“I’m sure that’s just because I haven’t cut it in a while. It’d be a very rapid growth,” Lucifer shook his head. Something about what Adam had said, likely as a joke to make him uncomfortable on purpose, was squirming its way under his skin. He had noticed that it was getting harder to write when he was sketching his ideas for upcoming meetings because his nails had gotten longer before they usually did.
Adam laughed and then set his head down on his friend’s chest. Adam had always been close with him, ready to touch and be touched in return. They had never done anything like what Lucifer did with Michael, but he had to admit that there were times when he wanted to. “I think that you’ve got a bit of a belly too, like this,” he said as he smoothed his hand down Lucifer’s stomach from just under his flat chest to where his cock lay flaccid under the robe.
The Morningstar took in a sharp breath as he tried not to think about how close Adam was to some very sensitive parts of his body. He thought that the night he had spent with Michael was more intense than the ones previous had been, but he had assumed that was because it had been longer in between sessions at the time. “Angels can’t get pregnant,” he finally said.
“Why not?”
“We don’t have menstrual cycles the same way that humans do,” Lucifer said. Some part of his mind knew that it wasn’t quite the whole truth. An angel likely should be able to get pregnant simply because they had all the parts to do so, including what was inside. Perhaps there was some other part of their physicality that let them conceive even if they didn’t have a specific time where their body released an ova.
The man gave a shrug and then flopped back down onto the cool grass. “Do you want to come hunting with me today? I think I know a thicket of blackberries that you can hang out in instead of doing the heavy lifting,” Adam teased. The smile was slightly different, once again dimming from when he had been teasing Lucifer.
He didn’t want to have to tell him no, he wanted to say that he would love to spend the rest of the day walking around with Adam in the forest and the meadow, but he had other things he had to attend to. “I have a meeting soon,” he lied, which also felt bitter on his tongue but somehow not as much as what he had said to Bee did. “I think that I’m going to visit Lilith and then head back to Heaven. But I’ll come visit you again soon.”
“Do you promise?” Adam asked, dark eyes begging for the answer that he was only half sure was coming to him.
Lucifer grinned and nodded, just as he always did. There was very little in either realm that he inhabited that would keep him from coming to see his friend. He stood up and brushed his clothing off as he began to walk to the place that Lilith frequented when she had enough of her husband for the day. Lucifer didn’t really understand why she felt that way, but he assumed that every human was different the same way that every angel was different.
As he walked, he began to think more about what Adam had said to him. His nails and hair were growing faster than they had previously, and the rest of his body was changing as well. His nipples and the tissue around them felt more sensitive, like someone was electrocuting him every time they brushed their fingers against them even if it was through clothing. He grew more interested in the idea of sex and proximity the longer that the months wore on as well. He also couldn’t deny what Adam had said about the rounding of his belly, even if it was still caused by what he had assumed it was before.
By the time that he reached Lilith, he had realized with a wave of crippling fear that he was pregnant despite thinking that angels did not possess that ability until that very moment. He was glad that he was with the more sullen of the two humans when he came to that realization so that he could talk to someone about it seriously instead of having Adam’s constant need for humor interfering with it.
Lilith was sitting on the highest branch of the tree that would support her weight. She had her head leaned against the trunk, her arm wrapped around it for extra support. She was staring straight ahead at the vast desert that surrounded the Garden with a wistful expression on her face. She had something similar to Adam covering her body, but had wrapped it around every part of her body that was going to be touching the tree so she didn’t get scraped up as she climbed.
Lucifer squatted down slightly and then launched into the air with his wings propelling him up higher. He sat on the branch that was on the other side of the tree and slightly higher than her own. “Hello Lilith,” he greeted with a shy smile falling over his features.
“Hello, Luci,” she beamed back at him. She was so beautiful when she smiled, almost enchanting with the curve and shimmer that it brought with her. “How did your visit with Adam go?”
“He said that he was sorry for what he did to upset you,” Lucifer replied. Adam hadn’t said that exactly and hadn’t sent Lucifer to deliver the message, but the angel figured that it would help patch up what was wrong with his friends. He wanted to keep the lily that Adam had gifted him, but he knew it would do more good and bring more joy if it was in her possession. “And he said to give you this.”
She sighed as she took the flower from him. She spun it back and forth in two of her fingers as she brought the bud to her nose to sniff the sweet smell from the center of the bud. “He certainly is dedicated, isn’t he?”
“Why are you so discontent with him?” Lucifer asked. While he was beginning to question the Will of God himself, he knew that the two humans had been created for each other and thus should have been able to get along better than they were currently.
The woman huffed and brushed her long golden hair back over her shoulder. She tucked the flower between her ear and her hair so that it was stuck there while she spoke. “He doesn’t want to let me be as free as I need to be happy. He tries to stop me from creating what I want, from hunting as I wish, and from exploring outside of the Garden.”
“Outside the Garden?” Lucifer gasped. He definitely agreed with Adam on that matter, even if he could see why not letting her have a bigger say in their shared business would be a problem for her. “Lilith, there is nothing out there but sand dunes!”
“What if there isn’t?” she asked. She reached around the trunk of the tree and pointed out towards the horizon, where the moon was just barely beginning to peak up. “Can you see it, all the way out there? I want to see what that is. I don’t care if it’s nothing, or if it’s dangerous. I just want to see it.” 
Lucifer knew that they had yet to make anything other than the Garden, it was where everything was concentrated to make sure that it was good to interact with humans before they dispersed more of it amongst the earth. At least, that was what they had assumed God intended for the vast wasteland that lay along the rest of earth. “Maybe I can create something for you,” he grinned. “But you’re going to have to wait a little while longer, I’m afraid.”
The beam that had spread across her face at the idea of him creating something just for her to explore fell as she asked, “Why is that?”
He took the hand that wasn’t wrapped around the trunk of the tree and then placed it on the bottom swell of his belly. “I believe that I am going to have a child. I need to spend the next couple months of my pregnancy preparing to have a baby and conserving my magic to teach them how to use it.”
“Lucifer, when a baby is born they are helpless for months and months. They won’t be able to use magic then,” Lilith laughed as if he had said something particularly foolish.
“You don’t know that,” he shook his head. “There has never been an angelic baby born, we were wall created in our early teenage years and then grew to when we would naturally stop for our jobs and destinies,” he explained. He didn’t know what his babe was going to look like when they were born or what power they would possess at that tiny stage of their life.
They were both quiet for a bit as they considered what was going to happen in the future of their lives. Lucifer felt as though he had something much heavier than Lilith did, but he didn’t know what was going on in her mind and would never assume that he did. Eventually, she sighed and took her hand away from his stomach, “I’ll stay until the baby is old enough to watch after themself. Then, maybe that point you’ll have made something more for me to explore.”
Lucifer returned to the Garden as often as he could. Before, he had done it because it was the only place where he could get real inspiration for the things that he needed to make for Earth. 
Now he was doing it because he wanted to spend as little time around the other Seraphim and angels as possible. He had stopped going to visit Michael, worried that his naked body would reveal the life that was growing inside of him. He had stopped hanging out with the other Seraphim as often as he had before as well, usually retreating to his room as soon as he got back and only popping out when he needed to restock the food in his house or go to meetings. The isolation of it all was very hard on him, but he knew that he had to keep it up if he wanted to be safe.
He noticed the changes in his body more than he had before he realized that he was with child. His nails grew at a rate that required he clip them every other day just to make sure that he didn’t accidentally scratch himself and that he could write properly. His hair grew just as quickly, so he had gotten very adept at cutting it himself even though Beelzebub had always done it for him prior. He began to wear his clothing baggier and baggier without making a big deal out of it. He was glad that everyone in Heaven already wore loose fitting robes, it made it easier to hide his belly when it began to bloom.
He could understand how he thought his increase in appetite was the thing that was making his body change the way it was now that he was in the later stages of his pregnancy. His belly had started as a bloating in between the expanse of his hips and then turned into a teardrop, getting smaller the closer that it got to his diaphragm. He knew that there was going to be a ‘popping’ of sorts now that he was over halfway, but it felt as though it had all happened overnight. His stomach had turned from the teardrop shape into something totally round, to the point where it was obvious he was expecting a baby when he wasn’t wearing his robes.
Lucifer entered through the door that led to the Garden of Eden as he had done most days since his pregnancy began. He was uncomfortable and upset, this time because he was so horny he thought he was going to die. He hadn’t realized how cathartic it was for him to be having an orgasm or two every night for a couple of years before he was no longer getting that. It wasn’t as though he hadn’t tried to keep up on the habit, but he fell asleep every time he got into bed after a long day and he could barely even reach his cock or his cunt any longer.
He tried to keep a happy smile on his face as he walked through the Garden to find where his friends were. They had gotten along a lot better now that they both knew that Lucifer was expecting a baby, almost as if they had rallied together to support him as he went through that rather tumultuous time in his life. Just as they had been for the last couple of weeks, he found them together in a glade of grass and poppy flowers.
“Lucifer,” Lilith beamed as she saw him. She was wearing a simpler version of the clothing that she had made to protect her when she was climbing trees. They had a blanket spread out over the soft grass to stop any bugs from crawling over them as easily and to stop the grass from poking unpleasant places.
“Hello Lilith, Hello Adam,” he said as he sat down on the edge of the blanket. He set his staff down next to him and then removed the first layer of his robe so that it was more open, tilting himself up towards the sun. “I didn’t know that pregnancy was going to make me so hot.”
“In more ways that one,” Lilith giggled, her yellow eyes roving over his body.
He raised a brow at her as he tilted his head towards her, “You find me more attractive now that I have a huge watermelon strapped to my stomach than you did when I was all slender.”
He had been expected Adam to laugh or tease them as he normally did when they flirted with each other. It was something special that Lucifer shared with the humans, the ability to imply that they might share some of the intimacies that he had with Michael or what they were supposed to be doing with each other. Instead, Adam reached out and placed his hand on Lucifer’s swollen belly as he said, “You’re glowing, Lucifer. Not in the angelic way either, there’s something different about you now that you’re pregnant.”
“If that different thing means that all the horniness is building up inside of me so that I’m about to explode then we can agree on something,” he complained lightheartedly. He was trying to not pay too much attention to the way that Adam’s tenderness and compliment was making his heart flutter madly in his chest. He was having a baby and Adam had never shown any desire to be intimate with him in that kind of way, so he wouldn’t push it even though he wanted to.
“You’re horny?” Lilith asked, her hand still trailing up and down his thigh like it was going to lead somewhere. Lucifer couldn’t imagine where, he felt like he was one of the whale’s that Leviathan had pitched for the ocean during their last meeting.
“Terribly so,” he whined. He should have known better than to do something that intimate with the humans even if he joked about it with them all the time. He knew that they were barely supposed to even interact with him, but it was so hard when that want and desire was sitting so heavily in his gut. It was like it was radiating out of him, as if he had turned into the sun but made out of lust.
“What happened to the person that got you into this situation?” Lilith asked as she continued the motions with her hand. She inched forward on the blanket every couple of words so that they got closer and closer together. Lucifer could feel the heat of her body leaking off of her and into his own, which made him forget about his worries of it proceeding all the more.
“I can’t go to him, he’s an angel,” Lucifer said. He wasn’t going to tell her who had fathered his child, he was hoping that she would just take that as a good enough answer. No one was even supposed to know that he and Michael were being intimate together. That was only half of the reason that Lucifer had kept the pregnancy a secret from Heaven.
“Mm, I’m glad that you felt like you could come to me about it, then,” Lilith smirked. She leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek. It felt different than when Michael had kissed him there, her lips chapped and almost painful against his silk-smooth skin. He didn’t mind it though because the pain shot through his body and right to his cunt, making him leak dramatically over his smalls.
He let out a breathy gasp as his head fell backwards to allow her to have more room. She then shifted so that her legs were over the top of his and her hands were on either side of his shoulders. She had caged him in, like she was a predator and he was her prey. Lucifer had never known how much he was going to enjoy the idea of that until he was stuck in the middle of it.
“Are you okay with little old me being the one to do the honors, angel?” she asked, brushing her hand down the side of his body and hovering near his belly.
“Please, Lilith. I think that if I don’t cum within the hour then I’m going to break,” he whispered. It honestly did feel like there was a fire burning inside of him that was going to burst out and shatter him if he didn’t get a handle on it.
She didn’t need to be told twice. She leaned down and caught his lips on top of her own, which reminded him once again that she was a human and thus inherently flawed. He didn’t mind it as he surged forward to chase after her lips, just to make it last a little bit longer. The way that she was touching his body felt electric and he wanted to drown himself in the feeling of it all.
She grinned when she pulled away from the kiss. She sat back on her haunches and then pulled the makeshift clothing off of her body, tossing it to the side. Nakedness wasn’t something that was considered indecent in the Garden, mostly because Lilith and Adam had to make their own clothing. When the weather was good and they weren’t doing anything that might result in them getting nicked or scratched, they often walked around their camps in nothing.
To Lucifer, though, it was the most delicious thing that he had ever seen. Adam and Lilith had been made with the same genital configuration as the angels, though they had been given it so that they could produce at least two babies at the same time instead of one baby every year. Lilith had the female presenting body, which was why she was meant to be following Adam’s lead. Her breasts were shapely and round, hanging off of her body so that it was obvious that the point of them led to her red areola and nipple. The rest of her body was a pale milky white, different from the dark tan that Adam had gotten from all his time spent out in the sun. She had beautiful hips and a trail of black hair that led down to where her cock was pointing up towards her bellybutton, already leaking.
“Should we see what you have under here, angel? I think I’d rather like to see the rest of that beautiful body,” Lilith purred as she began to pull at the rest of Lucifer’s wrapping. He moved his hips up and tugged at the fabric as well, just to get it off of him as quickly as he could. He wanted to be close to someone the same way that he had been before he had gotten pregnant, and that meant shedding the clothing that kept him safe from view of others.
When the fabric was finally off of him and pooling around them in sizable piles, Lilith pulled away to look over her partner. He could feel the yellow of her eyes taking in the perkiness of his own nipples, the way that his chest had swollen with milk for the babe inside of him despite having months to go. He could almost feel her tongue on him when he noticed the way she licked her lips at the sight of his hard cock straining against his belly.
Lucifer could feel the anticipation coiling in his gut the same way that he had when he was staring at the edge of a cloud, thinking about what it might be like to fly. He had been the first of his brethren to take flight, the first to show them what their wings were meant for and the first to experience the joy of a freefall.
He was given the same amount of ecstasy that time as he had when he had flown, a hand wrapped around his swollen member and the head drawn into the warm mouth of the first woman. He let out a cry as pleasure shocked through his system. His hands scrambled for a bit of purchase and he ended up balling up the material of the blanket underneath them so that his nails didn’t dig into his palms. He could feel his cock continuing to leak as Lilith drew it further and further into her mouth, spurred on by the little sounds that he was making.
When her nose hit his swollen belly, she reached the end of his member with her tongue. She licked all the way up his shaft until her tongue reached his slit, digging into it so that she could smear the pearly precum over her tongue and lips. She grinned wickedly at him when she pulled off so that she could ask, “How did you like that?”
“If you keep going like that then I’m not going to be able to last for very long,” he breathed. “I wasn’t kidding when I said that I was so horny I thought I might die.”
“As long as you can finish me off in turn, I don’t care how long you end up lasting,” she grinned in reply.
The Morningstar released the blanket and then hefted himself up onto his elbows so that he could better see her. It tilted his bump down slightly and gave her a different amount of access to his cock, completely blocking off his cunt from her. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t able to pleasure him in both places at once, though, because he got to see what she looked like when her hands began to wander.
Lilith took the head of his cock back into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the different texture of skin that the glans held. Her hand traveled to her breasts, pulling twice at each nipple so that they were as pert as his own before she moved on. Her mouth moved up and down his cock while her hands had a mind of her own, reaching her cunt underneath her erection. She spread her lips apart and then stuffed two fingers into herself at once, Lucifer could hear the squelch of her juices even if he wasn’t able to see what she was doing entirely.
The view that he had been provided was quickly replaced by an overwhelming rush of pleasure so strong that it whited out his vision. He let out a gasp and bucked his hips forward to chase after the pleasure. The wire that was ever-present in the recesses of his gut was tightening more and more the longer that the pleasure continued. He could feel it as it reached the height, right before it snapped and released the orgasm that he had been waiting months for.
He moaned loud and long as he collapsed back onto the blanket. His cunt clenched around nothing as the wetness that plagued him every time he shifted the wrong direction leaked down his thighs. The mouth on his cock sucked harder as his member twitched and spurted hot cum deep into Lilith’s mouth.
She pulled off of him with the same cat-like grin that she had sported when she had pounced on her prey in the first place. She was still fingering herself, two digits buried into her cunt and her thumb brushing over her cock. “Was that what you needed, angel?” she asked, almost breathless.
“It was, it was wonderful,” Lucifer nodded. He turned and kissed her, which quickly escalated. It had started as their lips pushed against one another and then their heads bucking back and forth as they tried to consume one another. Soon enough, someone had opened their mouth and now their tongues were swirling together in a dance of intimacy that felt almost as if it should have been against the rules. Lucifer could taste himself on her tongue and that simply spurred him on further.
He let his own hands explore her body, the divots of her hips and the dimples on her back. His favorite thing about her body that he hadn’t already seen was her cunt, glistening with her arousal and red from where she had been abusing it while she got him off. It was shaped similar to his, but the second set of folds was longer than the first and made it easier for him to find where she would be pleasured best.
Lucifer leaned down and licked up the length of her cock before he took the head into his mouth. Instead of delving deeper the way that she had with his own member, he simply sucked on the tip. He replaced her fingers with his own after tracing the rim of her vagina a couple of times, just to tease her and see how much she could leak before she got frustrated.
He plunged his fingers as deep into her as they would go and then began to fuck her with them. He curled them forward, back, to the side, and rubbed them against all of her walls. He kept suckling on her cock and watching the way that her face contorted with either discomfort or pleasure to learn what was working best for her. It was the first time that he had played with a pussy outside of his own, Michael had never allowed himself to be put in the rather more submissive position that Lucifer himself often took.
His eyes never strayed away from Lilith’s supple form as he fucked her. He paid attention to the way that his fingers were when she let out one of her gasping moans and how she reacted when he rubbed that spot while sucking the tip of her cock. Eventually, he felt the signature twitch that penises made when they were about to ejaculate, so he pulled off and let the pearly white or her cum decorate her stomach and the blanket next to her. He kept his fingers inside, rubbing the spot inside of her that made her almost scream with pleasure.
When she came down from the high, she let out a contented sigh and collapsed properly back down against the blanket. “Thank you for that, angel. I didn’t know how much I needed it until I had gotten it.”
“I’m here to help. Not that you didn’t also do me a favor,” he teased back. It was easy to do that kind of thing with Lilith, she smiled at his jokes even if they were bad and her laugh made him feel so special. He stretched his arms above his head and then cringed when he felt the crumbling, flaking between his legs from the cum that had dried there during his turn. “I’m going to go clean off. I’ll see you the next time I come to the garden?”
“You’d better, especially if our next visit goes anything like this one did,” she winked mischievously at him.
Lucifer felt his cheeks tinge pink as he turned around and quickly walked in the direction of the river. He was going to have to delve further into his thoughts and feelings for the humans that he had surrounded himself with. He had a lot going in his mind already, though, so he figured that it could wait a little bit.
By the time that Lucifer hit eight months pregnant, he was absolutely exhausted. He found it a struggle to avoid falling asleep during the meetings that he had with the other angels. He spent most of his time down in the Garden either eating the foods that the humans offered him or dosing with one of them in the shade. 
There was also a fair bit of time that he spent with Lilith buried in him, either her tongue or fingers or cock. He had yet to figure out what it meant when his heart fluttered while she laughed or his stomach became twisted in knots when he thought of her. He just knew that he liked the way he felt when he was around her, the same way that he liked being around Adam but also somehow different. He knew that for the time being, he could find protection and solace amongst the humans of the Garden.
He stumbled through the door of the Garden after writing his name down underneath the other lines he had already left. If any other angel that was as high as him had as much interest in the Garden as he did, then he surely would have already gotten caught and interrogated about why he was spending so much time with the humans suddenly. Thankfully, he was the only one that wanted to go and visit Adam and Lilith that much so the markings had gone unnoticed.
As soon as the door had shut behind him, he unwound some of the heavy material from his robes so that his belly and skin could breath. He felt huge, like he had become one of the stars in the sky that he had gotten his namesake from. He knew that wasn’t true, he was just more aware of his body than he would have been if the change was a bit more gradual. While the majority of his brain was not enthused about the idea of him looking as he did, he knew that it was better that the baby make him swell than to be born quite yet. He had only just barely fashioned a cot for them to sleep in and hadn’t quite figured out how he was going to introduce an angelic baby to the rest of his friends.
He walked through the grassy forest of the Garden until he came across the home that Adam had made for himself. He walked a bit further so that he was near the river, standing on the grass that made up the area around the frequently tread path. He slowly lowered himself down and then let out a long sigh as he tried to find a comfortable position.
It wasn’t long before one of his friends found him, Adam returning from the foraging that he had done for his evening meal. “I was wondering when you were going to show up today. Have you had any more of those pains from yesterday?”
“No, I think it was only a false alarm,” Lucifer sighed. He didn’t know how angelic pregnancies differed from the ones that the first man and woman would experience, but God had mentioned something about pains happening before labor began. He’d only have two of them while he was the Garden and one when he was trying to sleep later that night, which made for a total of three. He doubted that his baby was going to be making an appearance after such a lackluster announcement.
“That lets me have a bit more time with you, then,” Adam grinned as he sat down beside his friend. “How are you feeling?”
“Better than I was yesterday, I promise. I’m about done being pregnant, though. I would like the baby to stay in there for only a couple more days and then I’m done,” Lucifer placed one hand on the top of his rounded stomach, which was exposed to the warm air and son of the Garden.
Adam’s hand lifted and nervously moved towards his friend before Lucifer tugged him into position. The angel quickly shifted them around so that he was between Adam’s legs and the man was behind him. He leaned back against his friend as he took both of Adam’s hands and placed them underneath his bump. “Do you want to feel how heavy the baby is?” he asked.
“How would I do that? They’re still inside of you,” Adam argued.
“Just lift up really gently,” Lucifer replied. He was unable to stop the grin from spreading over his pale features. It was something that he had discovered when he had been experimenting with different ways to wrap his robe around himself. He had placed one of the stretches of fabric underneath his heavy belly and then pulled up, which distributed the weight of his baby in a different way that actually relieved some of the tension in his back and hips.
A beat passed where Adam was likely deliberating about whether or not Lucifer was pulling his leg. Eventually, he did as he was asked and slowly pressed upwards with his hands. Lucifer let out a moan close to the noise that he made when he was orgasming as the weight was finally lifted from him. “Woah, they really are solid in there,” Adam commented as he hefted the weight gently in his hands. 
“You’re telling me. It gets annoying when they’ve been rattling around in there and kicking me all night,” he chuckled.
Adam looked to be in amazement that his friend’s body was doing something so intricate so naturally. It was just a small taste of what would likely happen in his mind when he or Lilith had their first baby. He placed Lucifer’s stomach back where it belonged but didn’t remove his hands, allowing them to rest on the top of the bump. “What do you think you want to name the baby when they come?”
“I was thinking something like Satan or Damon, I like both of those names,” Lucifer said.
“They don’t sound very angelic, too harsh on the tongue,” Adam shook his head. “What about something like Asmodeus?”
Just then, the baby gave a sharp kick to the center of Adam’s left palm, as if approving of the name that their father’s friend had given them.
Lucifer laughed and settled further back against his friend. “I think that he likes it. I like the name Asmodeus, it fits with the rest of the Seraphims.”
“They kicked me! Lucifer, they kicked me,” Adam beamed. He leaned down so that his head was closer to his friend’s swollen belly. He spoke directly to the baby, though his dark green eyes were flickering over to Lucifer with every word so that he could see what the angel thought of his actions. “I’m very excited to meet you, little one. I’ve heard that you’ve been causing your papa here a lot of grief and that’s not very nice. Be better to him and maybe I can show you some of the prettiest flowers in the garden when you decide to make your appearance.”
Lucifer felt as if his entire heart was going to burst in his chest when he saw how sweet Adam was being about the baby. Lilith was kind enough, but it seemed as though the thing that excited her most about his pregnancy was how horny it made him instead of the idea of another life coming into the world. It was nice to know that not only did Adam care about him enough to take care of him, but also cared about his unborn baby. He couldn’t want to see what the first man would do when he conceived his first child.
He had almost drifted off into the dozing form that was always tugging on him when he realized where the sun had gotten to. He usually tried to make it to the Garden earlier in the day, but things during his morning had distracted him from getting there on time. The finishing touches on the crib for the baby and his mid-morning nap had taken a lot of his day from him. He had still wanted to come visit Adam, but they had been laying in the grass for almost an hour together. That meant that he was at least twenty minutes late for the meeting that he was supposed to be at so that he could maintain his cover.
He whimpered as he pulled himself out of Adam’s arms, the sudden movement triggering another one of the pains he had experienced the day before. It started at the base of his spine and then spread out in a crescent along his hips before it traveled all the way around his pelvis. The last thing that it did was wrap around his belly and constrict it as tightly as it could. He felt almost like he could feel each divot and limb that the baby had because of how tight his muscles were in that present moment.
He let out a low breath as he tried to get the pain and pressure to leave him alone but to no avail. Adam was up in a second, helping Lucifer stand like he had done the day before. “Are you okay?”
“I have to get back to Heaven. I have a meeting that I’m late for,” he said instead of answering the question that he had been asked. He knew that he wasn’t alright, that something was wrong, but acknowledging it made it all too real. He had been trying to avoid the idea of the actual birth since he had realized that he was carrying his little babe. The logical part of him knew that it would come and there was no other way that the baby would come into the world, but no one had ever done it before and so he was scared.
“I can walk you back to the door,” Adam volunteered.
Lucifer shook his head and gave his friend a shaky smile. “I know that you are only trying to help, but I have to do this alone. If you’re shown being too attached to me then it could mean bad things for us both.”
Adam didn’t look too sure about that but nodded his head anyway. He walked Lucifer back to the camp and helped him get his robe back onto his body in the way that disguised the size of his stomach. Instead of walking back to the gate like he did when he had time or since he had started doing post-pregnancy reveal, Lucifer summoned up a well of his magic and teleported to the outside of the meeting room. 
As soon as his body rematerialized where he had asked it to, he knew that he had made the wrong decision. His hand met the brick wall as bile crept up into the back of his throat. He gagged twice before the contents of his stomach, including the berries that he had shared with Adam on the riverbank, spewed back up and down onto the ground.
It wasn’t impossible for angels to get sick but it was very uncommon. They didn’t have the same type of bodies as the humans had and thus were not susceptible to the same kind of viruses and bacteria. There were a couple of things that they could do that would cripple their bodies or cause adverse reactions. Overindulging in food was one of them, as was overworking their physical forms. It was one of the reasons each of them had a bed and a bathroom in their homes despite not technically needing either of those things to function.
Lucifer himself had only been sick once before. He found out that oranges didn’t agree with his system in the slightest and had become bedridden for an entire week as his body purged it from his system. He had seen Leviathan and Beelzebub both get sick from overworking themselves, though that never seemed to be a problem for Mammon or Belphegor.
The door behind him opened as someone stepped out, likely having heard Lucifer being sick. “Lucifer?” Belphegor’s voice rang out through the hallway that he was standing in. He still hadn’t pulled himself away from the wall as he tried to keep the nausea at bay despite his body trying to cling to it.
“I’m alright,” he managed.
“You most certainly are not. Did you have another orange when you were down in the Garden? Is that why you’re late?” she asked. Her voice was so prim and proper that it almost made Lucifer feel like he was a child being scolded despite them not being family in that way.
“No, I just got ill after I teleported out here. I’m sorry for being late to the meeting, we can go in and things can get started,” he waved her away. He could already feel another one of the pains beginning to creep up his back. He had been under the impression that once labor actually started it would be much slower than what was happening now. Perhaps something had happened with his magic that was expediting the process, which was why he had been so wary of doing anything with it after knowing that he was pregnant.
“Sera can do something without us,” Belphegor replied easily. She placed a hand on Lucifer’s shoulder and said, “They’d likely send me with you anyway, once they found out that you were sick. I’m helping you.”
He couldn’t object to her any more than he already had as another wave of nausea took over him. She gave his arm a brief squeeze before she poked her head into the meeting room again. He could briefly hear her telling the other Seraphim that Lucifer had tried another citrus fruit that really wasn’t agreeing with his system and that she was going to take care of him. Knowing that he would have someone with him when he gave birth was a massive relief, he had to admit that to himself at least.
When Belphegor returned, she took his hand and began to slowly lead him through the winding streets that led to their homes. She opened the door with a swirl of her hand and then brought him to his bathroom. “How else are you feeling, other than the nausea?”
“I have these horrible cramps,” he sighed as he collapsed down onto the closed lit of his toilet.
She nodded her head in understanding as she began to get him out of his robes. “I’ve heard that’s rather common when someone is in labor, as is the nausea. Do you think that you’re going to be sick again?”
“You know?” Lucifer asked. He had never actually told her that he was pregnant or that he was going to be giving birth in the imminent future, so he wasn’t quite sure how she had figured it out.
“Lucifer, I am the angel that has come up with most of the sicknesses and their cures,” she replied. He could see the pain that it still caused her to know that she was responsible for the things that would be taxing the humans once they were populating the earth. He felt the same when it came to the animals that he had created where their only purpose was to fuel the bigger beasts that ate them, including humans. “I knew that you were pregnant the moment that you started spending more time in the Garden. Were you hoping that the humans could help you?”
He shook his head, “I knew that they couldn’t, neither of them have conceived or given birth yet so they’re just as lost as I am. They were the only ones that I thought knew so I tried to find comfort with them.”
His friend looked at him with a sad expression and cupped the side of his face. “You’re not alone anymore, I’m here with you,” she promised.
She finished getting him out of the baggy robes that he wore to hide his belly and then changed him into something far more comfortable. It had a series of buttons and laces on the front that could turn it into multiple different garments but the way that Lucifer wore it allowed it to be somewhat open in the front while also giving him privacy. It was loose fitting around his belly and sensitive chest, but tight enough that it wouldn’t snag on anything.
They paced around his small home while each contraction came and went. Belphegor was by his side the entire time, helping him find something to lean against when the pains came and then helping him stand and move when they were gone. She was able to get him to eat about half an apple and drink an entire glass of water while they worked together. Eventually, his waters broke all over the rug in front of his bed during one of the worst contractions that he’d had yet.
“You’re alright, don’t worry about it. It’s just water and I can get it out later,” Belphegor reminded him when she noticed the way that he was staring down at the growing puddle at his feet.
“Doesn’t this mean that the baby is going to start coming faster?” he asked.
“Not necessarily. And weren’t you just complaining that you didn’t want to have to be in pain anymore? This is the way to do it,” Belphegor chuckled as she led him back to his little bathroom.
He couldn’t say anything to her after that, simply reaching panickily towards the sink. He leaned heavily against it as another contraction tore through his system. The other angel focused on filling his bathtub, which she helped him step into once the water was at a good temperature and level.
That was, of course, when a knock on the door rang through the rest of the house and got both of their attention. Belphegor motioned for him to stay in the tub while she went to investigate, which Lucifer was okay with because he wasn’t sure if he could get up even if he wanted to. He had shifted so that he was on his knees with his legs spread far enough apart that it felt like his pelvis had changed shape completely. He breathed out slowly as he rocked through the contraction, though the water was definitely helping his labor.
“Hello?” Belphegor asked as she opened the door of Lucifer’s home to their unwelcome guest.
“I heard that Lucifer was sick. I was wondering if I could come and be of some assistance,” Michael said.
At the sound of his ex-lover’s voice, a rush of adrenaline and panic rushed through the Morningstar. The last thing that he wanted to deal with was another angel, especially the one that was closest to God outside of His literal voice. As if sensing that he was desiring for someone to go away instead of welcoming the help that was being offered to him by the Allmighty’s hand, the baby slipped lower in Lucifer and he felt something that made him call out for his friend.
She rushed back into the bathroom as quickly as she could, asking, “What? What’s wrong?”
“I think that I can feel the head,” he breathed.
“You didn’t mention anything about needing to push when I got you into the bathtub,” Belphegor nearly chastised as she collapsed down next to the bath beside him. She rinsed her hands off and then reached down into the water of the tub so that she could check Lucifer’s cervix, as she had many times since helping him labor. The only problem with that was the head of the baby preventing her from getting into his vaginal canal in the slightest. She sucked in a sharp breath and then said, “You’re right, that’s the head. I want you to stay calm and breath through the contractions as you push.”
Lucifer whimpered as he reached out for her. She helped him wrap his arms around her body so that he was leaning half out of the bathtub and pushing down into the water. He clung to her as hard as he could each time he got a contraction and pushed as hard as he could, eager for the pain to be over. He opened his eyes just long enough during one of his breaks to see that Michael was standing there. 
He had loved the other angel dearly despite them agreeing that wasn’t something they could do in their relationship. He felt his heart shatter in his heart as he watched the Sword of God turn around and high-tail it out of his little house. He could hear the wind whistling through the open door at the front of his home, Michael hadn’t even bothered to close it in his desperation to run away from the problem that he had helped create.
Belphegor brushed Lucifer’s hair off of his forehead as she felt down in the water again. “Good, you’re doing so well. I can already feel the whole head and the cord is nowhere in sight. I want you to let go of my now and reach down. Cup the head with your hands so that when the rest of the body comes out you can lift him onto your chest,” she instructed. Her voice was so calm and level that it eased the panic that had been sitting heavy in Lucifer’s chest ever since he had gotten pregnant in the first place.
He did as he was asked, unweaving his arms from around her neck and sitting back against the tub as he reached down for the babe. It felt magical, to touch his baby with his hands for the first time even if they were still connected to his body through the process of their birth. Another contraction interrupted his thoughts before he had even finished having them and he bore down again.
It took a single push for the shoulders and the rest of the babe’s body to be born, bringing Asmodeus into the world. Lucifer let out a gasp of surprise at the rate with which his baby was born, but was able to bring him up and out of the water just as he took his first breath and began to cry. The angel brought his son closer to his body as he collapsed down onto the water.
Someone had apparently been walking by the door when Asmodeus was born because Mammon appeared in the doorway to the bathroom. “Shit, man. You should have told us that you were planning on popping out a little sproggy today. We would have moved the meeting,” he joked.
“Are you here to help or to cause problems?” Belphegor asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I guess I can help,” the other Seraphim shrugged.
Lucifer stopped paying attention to either of them after that. The only thing that he could focus on was the tiny life that he had spent the last nine months creating. As an angel, and one of them on the Counsel of God no less, he knew what it was like to create something that was living. Growing a being inside of him and then enduring hours of pain to bring them into the world was an entirely different feeling. He knew that he would endure every moment of anxiety and panic afterwards if it meant that he got to hold his baby son in his arms again.
The next three hours were a whirl in his mind. He delivered the afterbirth, a mess of blood vessels and flesh that had helped keep Asmodues alive in the womb, and was then checked by Belphegor. When she determined that he needed rest but no stitches or medication. He was toweled off and then moved into his bed. He felt sticky around his neck and hair and he knew he was bleeding out of his cunt, but it didn’t matter. Asmodeus had been cleaned and checked over by the other angel as well, so they were settled into bed together.
The babe was sleeping against a pillow on Lucifer’s bed as the angel dozed beside him. Despite the effort it had taken to get him there, the Morningstar couldn’t find the restfulness inside of him that was required to sleep. He wanted to stay as awake as he could and simply gaze down at his tiny baby boy. He hummed gently to him so that the baby could sleep more, though he noticed that Mammon also adjusted in his sleep. Belphegor had left after she determined that everything was fine so she could sleep in her own bed, but Mammon had agreed to stay so that if anything happened he could get her.
The door to Lucifer’s home opened and another unexpected visitor entered. Dark hair and eyes immediately clued the Seraphim into the fact that it was Michael. Anger brewed in him for a moment as he wanted to demand where the other angel got off on abandoning him during the terror of birth only to come in when everything had settled. He had already missed their son’s first meal, first dressing, and first breath. In Lucifer’s mind, that meant that the other angel shouldn’t get to see anything else either.
He had been laying on the bed when the door was opened, so he remained there to see what would happen. He may have been sore from the birth, but he already knew that he could overpower Michael if the other angel tried to do anything to his baby.
Michael crossed over the floor, giving Mammon a wide berth, before he picked up the baby. He cradled the little one in his arms like he had been the one preparing for nine months instead of Lucifer. He brushed his fingers over the side of Asmodeus’ face and said, “I swear that you will live a happy life full of people that love you. I apologize that I cannot be one of these people for you.”
He couldn’t stand the idea of his baby being in the arms of another any longer, so he sat up on the bed. Lucifer had apparently startled the other angel because Michael jerked back, waking Asmodeus in the process. Lucifer held his arms out for his son and then immediately soothed him like it was second nature, rocking him gently back and forth. He then turned to his ex-lover and asked, “What are you doing with him?”
“I came to say goodbye to him,” Michael said.
“Goodbye? You’ve hardly even said hello,” he scoffed.
“Lucifer. You knew in the beginning of our dalliance that I would never be anything more than a means to an end. I don’t know why you’re acting shocked now,” he shook his head as if the other angel was foolish.
Lucifer could feel tears welling in his eyes, though it was nothing compared to the anger that was already burning away in his veins. How dare an angel that had abandoned him during the worst time of his life come into his own home and try to humiliate him? “I’m upset because it’s not just me now. I knew that you didn’t love me and that you refused to let yourself admit that you enjoyed my company outside of what I could do for your cock. I’m upset because Asmodeus deserves better.”
“Perhaps he does, but that is entirely the fault of his father,” Michael replied as he turned and walked out. He closed the door this time, which made it feel all the more final.
Lucifer wrapped his arms around his baby a bit tighter, just to remind himself that Asmodeus was there and perfectly safe as he laid them down on the bed. He would love his son enough for two parents, cherish him enough for all of Heaven, and adore him enough to rival the way God looked upon humans.
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ultimate-guardian · 2 months
Mighty: Ugh, I wasted so much time with a bag of holes like that.
Amy: You know Honey?!!
Mighty: Huh? Oh yeah, her. We dated.
Rouge: Was it before or after she became a famous fashion designer?
Ray: You dated a fashion designer?!?
Mighty: Why are you all acting like that's such a shock?
Vector: Hello~ It's Honey the cat
Charmy: It's you
Espio: I just- Is she blind? Suffering some sort of brain damage?
Mighty: Okay, look, you are all making this into a way bigger deal than it needs to be!
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askmafiabobvelseb · 1 year
.....H-Hello Mr. Velseb...I would like to...tell you something.... please don't be confused of wtf I'm talking about, but I think I'm starting to simp for ya....and I do not regret it..... please do not do anything stupid please, you're stupid enough, like god damn you hold the world record for most cake and yes I'm telling the god damn truth!!! (I am sorry if I'm asking a lot on this blog-)
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(aye man your good ^^)
Uhh spicy warning-
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Hehe just kidding! ^w^ you get kisses!
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burlap-bows · 1 year
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Mia Goth pngs
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jacquesthepigeon · 2 months
i too have to work tomorrow. why are companies so entitled :(
They should pay me for free
UBI when?
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p3talll · 5 months
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I need him in my trinket box 😭😭🎀🎀🎀🎀
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the-everqueen · 10 months
good news: heard from [institution redacted] and they want my official start date to be Sept. 1st and are working with HR to get me the onboarding paperwork. bad news: my mom got x-rays and the neurosurgeon thinks she might need surgery to correct the fractured vertebrae because it may be impinging on nerves/otherwise displaced in a way that will limit her future mobility.
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saturnhas82moons · 3 months
being sick and on my period fucking sucks
i wanna sleep
i dont want my uterus
i wanna be comforted and taking care of by my favs
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asterjennifer · 7 months
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❗ Slight domestic violence scene
“Shit, shit shit shit shit…!”
She cursed under her breath when crossing over the familiar rooftop made out of what resembled pure marble. Her tiptoing sounds unnoticeable even to herself. She'd been lying if saying this new way of sneaking around didn't appealed to her the most when it came to this entire sinner form she'd taken after her downfall.
Jumping from one smug brick to another, landing gracefully onto the railing, onto one of the million endless balcony's of the castle. She's not fond climbing over its walls as she kept fearing that one day — someone would catch her right handed and then do whatever is worse imaginable inside her head. She might be an immortal being in hell now, but not immune to any pain.
That's what sinners had to deal with, the enteral punishment of experiencing pain repeatedly. And no way to stop it. Neither due to getting used to it, nor by the choice to kill yourself. No sinner could actually kill themselves unless they owned angelic weapons. And that chance was lower than the chance of the Happy Hotel succeed. Okay, maybe not that low. But still low.
She sneaked around a pipe attached to the edge of the second tower, lifting her head into the red sky. Day or night, lunch or dinner time, it didn't matter considering the red stayed the same shade throughout the year. Were there any signs for seasons at all? If so, she'd not seen them yet. At least familiar looking stars shone at random spots around the white planet that must've been heaven. Or at least she assumed so.
Shaking her head free, she jumped to the other pipe. It's not her intention to run late as it's not her style pushing the schedule around. However; how could she have said no when they practically begged her to help with the spontaneous side job they involved themselves in rather involuntarily. It's not really their fault and therefore she found no strength to brush their pleading off.
But now she risked the tragedy of getting spotted since she usually was long gone by this time of the night. Not in any sight, invisible to the world of royals that lived inside this castle. Despite only having seen a few faces before — she didn't want to test her luck either. It's better she stayed unaware of the actual number of residents inside the big place she used as shortcut.
Her bare paws landed silently on the floor of the balcony, another one she crossed every single time she's required to get to the other side of Pentagram City. Which was, if nothing messed up, every single work day. It was part of her everyday life after all. She sighed out after realizing it's still empty inside. What a lucky bitch, she thought to herself bewildered and in pity.
It's always a risk using this pathway. At least then she knew what hour was the best in order to avoid the rare chance of an encounter. That's something she inspected before even trying to use the castle as her own personal bridge, it's just so much easier and quicker walking and climbing this insanely big building than running around it. Making her ignore anxiety entirely.
“You're a fucking disgrace!!”
She yelled into his face with her shrill tone of voice. Filled to the brim with anger that caused his stomach to twist until it threatened to throw up the remaining content right in front of her feet. His pulse overpowered the shattering reality of these pathetic, whiny nosies coming out his beak.
“You have one job, Ray. One! And you can't even do this right, can you!?” She ignored his sad sounds.
He felt both legs shake. “I… I'm really sorry, Rika—”
Her hand shot into the air, shutting him up the same millisecond. He swallowed the bitter taste of both fear mixed with guilt once her brows twisted furious.
“Dare you call me by name at this moment. You're not allowed to.”
Her glaring green eyes drilled through his every single thought — making it impossible to think about his next words. How to present the apology burning on his tongue.
Her tone sharpened drastically. “I don't want to fucking hear it… Seriously. You're a Goetia Prince, for Satan's sake!”
These words left with such desperation, as if she waited for someone to come in and explain this circus of a display to her. All Ray could do was pressing his hands into each other for a little grounding and let her continue scream until it echoed against the walls, coming back into his ears a second time afterwards. Like a second punishment.
“All you had to do was present the next centurie's climate change on earth! How hard can it be when it's your purpose!?”
She raised both arms into the air, looking up while her white bird face started to turn red from the madness he caused her. That's what he always did, he was painfully aware.
“Yet you didn't even finish the research… Am I and everyone who has to deal with your lazy ass a joke to you!?” Her eyes shaded a dark, crazy green.
“No!” He yelped back helplessly.
Hands pressed into fists out of pure desperation to fix his mistakes, his blue glowing eyes met her green ones, thus she narrowed them.
“I- I'm sorry I didn't finfish yet— the earth is a very wild climatic place! It's hard to b-be consistent in the results if one tiny bit can change everything! It—”
The blabbering died by the sound of her flat hand hitting his cheek with all her might. He felt the electric pain shooting through his nerves, almost knocking him to the ground by how she liked using all her strength when putting him into his rightful place.
“I so not care about your excuses, Ray…” She mumbled threatening low.
He rubbed his cheek to ease some of the pain. Yet the tears strung in his eyes regardless. Not brave enough to meet hers again.
“You embarrass me, the entire Goetia family!...” Her hand wiggled as she must've caused herself some pain by the impact as well. “Have some class and skill for once in your otherwise useless existence… For all our sakes. You're a fucking headache like this.”
He lowered his head as deep as he could — letting her spit the words with the venom of hatred he made her feel towards him since what felt like forever. Without waiting for a response from him, she turned on her heels to leave the room. Her golden locks curled around her arm gently in contrast to her radical movement of tearing the door open. He couldn't even hear it over the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears.
“Oh, and Ray.” Air thicker than butter.
She looked over her shoulder, much calmer in her appearance now. Both of them knew better, though.
“Do my decision of taking care of you dirty one more time and you can rot away all alone in this castle forever. I don't care.”
“Yes, Ri— My Savior.” He quickly corrected his mistake.
Although he's praying internally she didn't notice, she either did not or she simply didn't care — she just left the room with a bang. Ray's body flinched hard from head to toe at the deafening sound of her going out of the castle. Letting him stand in silence and guilt to think about the mistake he'd done.
Somehow nothing he ever did seemed to be right, good enough or just worth acknowledging with more than a mere nod. A sigh left his beak, coming out from the deepest place of his stomach which still spun uncomfortably fast. His face shifted into a disgusted grimace, forcing him to close his eyes.
Why can't I be better? Not look like a disgrace to the rest of his peers who were more than talented and royal blue than he ever felt. It's unfair, he thought sad. It's unfair that no matter how hard he tried being better, being a Goetia Prince, it was never good enough to anyone. Was he doomed to live in this misery of being a failure forever?
The tears that had been on the edge finally found their premission to run down his cheeks. It made him feel only worse about himself, though. He wasn't supposed to cry. Or be this weak in general. It was disgraceful. With that he took his steps towards the balcony, perhaps some fresh air would help him relax both his racing pulse and the uneasy carousel inside his belly.
On his way, he wiped the tears as well. Although nobody should be able to see him from that height — it was better not risking someone being able to catch him in this state and take a photo for social media. Then she'd make her threat come true, leaving him forever lonely to rot away inside these walls made for influential royals.
She froze in her place when the doors to the balcony opened without a warning. The sound of marbel hit the glas once they were out of the way — there was the face she'd been avoiding the most, right after the blond bird woman. Her heart stopped working and came to a standstill.
Any plan of escape, the ideas she played through endlessly for her safety now vanished altogether. Leaving her defenseless to the loud gasp of the Prince. Who's eyes widened in pure shock when his hands shot up to his chest the same second. Shit, she thought panicked. I'm so busted...!!!
Ray couldn't move for a good while. Somehow his muscles didn't listen to any order after finding an unexpected visitor on his private balcony.
Her purple hair moved slightly with the warm wind of hell. Big, round yellow eyes stared directly into his, as if they tried to reflect his own. She was smaller than him, but to be fair, most people were. A sinner... he noticed immidiately because of her form. She's no native to hell. This cat-like appearance must've been a result of either her sins on earth or the silent story of how she died.
He ears dropped down onto her head, hiding away almost. The panic ate away at her nerves, wondering what punishment a Prince of the Goetias would come up with. After all, not only was she rudely invadig his private place, but she also sneaked around like she's about to actually break in. It made the sweat run down her back.
Then, by the most rooted reflex, she felt her legs shake heavily. "I don't mean any harm!!" She yelled out.
"I- I swear I only pass over your castle t-to reach my town faster-! It- It's not what it looks like-"
However, the Prince didn't take in her justfications, nor the whimmering tone of voice under her words. He kept staring at her. For some reason he wasn't feeling anything. He neither felt anger, nor fear. No worry, offense or confusion. All he could do was look at her roundly shaped face and eyes.
The darkness of earlier suddenly left his shoulders. She was pretty, her straight hair fading into a colder purple down along her strains, her clothes reminded him a bit of that gothic style some people wore throughout their daily lives. The fact she wore no shoes was a good way to realize just how small her figure truly was. These soft looking feet were maybe as big as the palm of his hand.
It's obvious that she couldn't be older than him. Time moved foward differently in hell, yes, but there's this qurik to her that revealed she must've come here not too long ago. The Prince blinked out of his trance — hearing her still ramble while being pressed against the railing.
She's scared, he finally made the conclusion for himself. Her pupils were only a point wide and continued shaking with tremor of pure fear. And while he's having every right to be filled with wrath, his intuiton made him decide to not be bitter towards her. He's able to see she didn't mean to come rob or harm him.
Her fearfull attitude, this slim albeit elegant body of hers, it all screamed innocence. And while it should never be taken for granted — he's aware it was the truth. A foreign wamth spread inside his chest.
"No, stop." He said calmly, lifting his hand.
The way her mouth snapped shut wasn't what he intended, so he shook his head. "I mean... tell me the reasoning."
The air around them burned for her. She had no idea how it felt on his feathers. The soft tone caused mistrust to bubble up. Why was he behaving like she didn't just land on his balcony as a stranger?
Knowing there's no choice, she swallowed the lump blocking her throat. "I... use the castle as a shortcut to reach my city faster, My Prince."
Although they quavered at the edges, the Prince's cheeks heat up until they turned a deep pinkish color due to her words.
The title definitely was nothing new. Despite the most stuff calling him Mr. Ray on his demand, being called a Prince shouldn't have made his heart jump as high as it did. No, he thought half conciously. It's not about being adressed as Prince. She said "My Prince."
What was going on with him? He never felt this way before, clueless he wondered what spell she probably used to tame him for her benefit. For now, however, he didn't mind all that much and instead nodded thoughtfully because of her simple answer. It seemed logical — she's a cat demon. Sneaking around places had been a new gift amongst the torture of this enternal life.
He scanned the floor for a second. Then he raised his eyes again. "You swear upon your wounds its the truth?"
No room to interpert this oath, considering it sounded oddly specific, she breathed through silently. "Yes, My Prince." She swore.
The Goetia noticed the breeze of the night came flowing easier now. Without awareness, a smile creeped under his beak. And while she's no expert on bird demons — she realized that it was a smile indeed. Confusing her further, feeding this doubt that cricled around her head.
"What's your name?" He couldn't help the question.
The stranger blinked once, then a second time. "....(N), My Prince." The fright too present for his and her taste.
(N).. he replayed her name in his mind with his own voice. (N) sounds beautiful. That's the first thing he came up with. Her name was just like her apperance. It was beautiful. His smile widened an inch.
"How long have you been using my castle as your shortcut?"
"Since... two months, My Prince."
"When did you die?"
"Five months ago, My Prince..."
"(N), certainly you're aware of what you're doing."
No answer to reciprocate. Of course she knew, it's not like she was stupid enough to sneak over places she didn't at least did surface research on. All she's able to offer was a reluctant nod. The Prince sighed conflicted.
On one hand it's his duty to punish intruders, regardless their intentions. On the other though, he couldn't deny this shot of excitement once they first made eye contact. This Sinner reminded him of a pet. Of a cute, little kitten that's just seeking shelter when breaking into the back of a house. It didn't mean to cause trouble. It was looking for a comfortable place to rest in.
Exactly that's what she looked like to him. It's not the truth, it couldn't be and neither of them would have the power to convince him otherwise. But maybe, just maybe, he found a new opportunity. Something better than this msierable, lonely life he was forced to live. She looked like she needed shelter — he could give her shelter.
His shoulders relaxed. "Come, (N)." He meant it as an invintation, but sounded more of an order by accident.
The girl's ears shot back into the air. Wiggling her tail unconsciously fast by the insane situation. She knew she couldn't make it if she tried to run away. He'd catch her before she managed to jump off the balcony.
That's it, she shivered defeated. Stomach spinning and making her sick to the bones. He's going to do the worse to me for touching his castle...
Plagued by intense fear, her legs managed to move along his enormous steps regardless. She hugged herself, feeling the goosebumbs even underneath the layers of fur. Praying to whatever's there that it would only result in instant death, that's the best outcome she could imagine. What else would be better?
He closed the doors behind her after they entered the living room. Mint eyes fixated on the handle — a new wave of excitement overcame his system.
His heart pulsed hard in his neck, hands and feet. This was totally forbbiden. He never ever could invite a lower class demon into his private walls. If Rika knew... The mere thought of her finding out ran down in an ice cold shower. With all these warnings, this ungodly risk he took, it was still so thrilling. This had to happen and he told himself it was nothing other than fate.
She's a lost kitten that needed shelter. And he could provide her the best shelter in all of hell. Ray shook himself from the words and turned his head around. She stood in the middle of the room. Taking all attention, as if pulling it onto only her. Her arms were wrapped around her chest, it made him a bit sad he couldn't see her chest now. Yet her face — it was everything.
"(N)," He made her flinch by accident. "Tell me about yourself."
The second the order left his beak, he's bewildered by himself for asking such a trivial thing. Again, he couldnt't win against these intrusive thoughts. She was like a flower than an actual cat when thinking about it. He would scrap through the dirt until she had space to bloom. He's certain she would be gorgeous after she presented him her petals. All he had to do was digging into the depths of the dirt. She would come out.
She licked over her lips in a nervous manner. "I... W-What would you like to know, My Prince..?"
"Whatever there is to learn, Flower. Whatever it is. I want to know."
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Guess who fucked up her knee again??? And AT WORK no less
#oh god i hate this. everything about this. like i am crying and screaming and throwing up#GOD girl. honestly i think the worst part was it was almost the end of my shift. it was ~4:05 and i was sipping my water as i do#and i was about to go back to the counter and get back at it and serve the customers that were there. but i must have.. slipped? or twisted#something wrong??? i don’t know. all i know is my knee popped straight out of its socket and i SCREAMED and fell to the fucking ground#my coworker (we’ll call the sheriff) tried to grab me and failed. i just sat there with my head in my hands thinking PLEASE tell me this#didn’t fucking happen. it did though. VERY publicly#i don’t know who summoned them but the retail manager and my ultimate boss wheeled me out 🫠 and the marketing guy drove me to the hospital 🫠#which didn’t have an x-ray because shitty small town hospital 🫠🫠🫠 but we managed to rendezous with my stepdad there#at which point i was handed over to him. at which point i decided ‘fuck the hospital’ because literally they did NOTHING the first time i#dislocated my knee. they didn’t even x-ray it or prescribe me anything!!!! they just hurt me more; told me i’d overextended a ligament#and sent me home to convalesce. so i was like.. i mean i don’t feel like doing that again#i can tell my kneecap is back in the socket because girl i made it upstairs. like. yes it hurts like hell but i don’t think anything#is broken. i DO need to find out why this shit keeps happening to me and what i can do to stop it; but that’s not an a&e situation#that’s a gp or a physio or a fucking knee expert or something#so basically i’m going to stay in my bed with my brace and an ice pack and some entertainment and see what happens to me#i already know this is bad. like. as bad as the first time probably#the second and third times i was able to walk unassisted afterwards. i can’t walk unassisted. so.#basically tomorrow i’m going to call my boss and be like ‘i don’t think i can come in for the rest of the week on account of my knee#is approximately the size of texas and i have officially sprained it badly. but i’ll update you’#i hope i’m wrong. i hope i wake up tomorrow to just like a mild ache and feel STUPID#girl i can’t believe i’m saying this but i want to go to work. i want to work bank holiday sunday PLEEEEEAAAAAASE#i don’t want to limp around my house and cry. recuperating from an injury is the fucking worst WHY must i do it again#so. if you need me i’m going to be eating whatever the hell my mom has prepared (worst part of this is i can’t even cook for myself)#and reading… something. or i might play stardew honestly. or write!! i’ve been wanting to write for so long my god#so that’s my life currently 🙃🙃🙃#personal
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catcr4ft · 7 months
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