#Wanda and Stephen ended up with 5 more kids and she might be expecting more
wispymirage · 3 months
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Sims 2 has some incredibly beautiful sims, in my opinion. Melody Tinker being one of them!
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escapingreality1992 · 5 years
Secret Pen Pals Ch. 6
Steve’s POV
           Another day of training began at 5 a.m., most of us spread out sparring off with our assigned partners for this round. Today mine happened to be Wanda. I thought it’d be a good idea to work on her hand to hand combat skills. She had her ability, but I wanted her to be able to fight off enemies if they were too close; if she had no other option, but to defend herself without her ability.
           “Don’t hold back Wanda. Enemies could slip in moves you’re not expecting. If you hold back, you could get…hurt,” I explained, taking a punch to the ribs.
           “You talk too much,” She said. “You might want to work on that,” I chuckled, getting back into a defensive position. Ready to go again, we were interrupted by FRIDAY, Tony’s A.I.
           “Sorry to interrupt, but there appears to be trouble in Queens. Mr. Stark is already over there. He’s asked me to tell you to grab a few team members and join him in the fight,” She alerted us.
           “Thank you, FRIDAY. We’ll be on our way shortly,” I said. Turning to the group in the room, I decided who I would bring with me on this mission.
           “Wanda, Nat, Bucky, and Sam. Suit up. The training session is over,” I ordered.
             Arriving on site, I noticed Tony taking down some creature I didn’t recognize. It was translucent and grey. They were faceless with only sharp teeth to eat its prey.
           “Stark, what’s the situation? More aliens?” I greeted him, assessing what our next move should be.
           “Ghouls. Glad you could join us Rogers,” he responded.
           “Us? I thought you were on your own. Please, tell me you didn’t bring the kid in,” I said, referring to Peter Parker.
           “No, I didn’t ask him to help me with this. Strange showed up a few minutes ago. He said he got a warning as well. I thought more hands were needed, which is why I got FRIDAY to alert you at the compound,”
           A horrifying shriek from beside us had Tony and I turning to be face to face with another ghoul. This one was larger than the one Tony took down on arrival.
           “Oh good. They come in all shapes and sizes,” I said, throwing my shield through its middle. The move didn’t kill it, the severed top crawling towards us. Tony blasted its head and the thing exploded, raining ghoulish gunk onto our suits.
           “That’s disgusting. I just cleaned this suit from the last time we fought things that exploded,” Tony complained.
           More shrieks echoed around us; we gulped as we located the source…or sources of the shrieks. A horde had gathered behind us, swaying and screaming as more joined. Everyone huddled around Tony and me, Strange levitating in from one of the alleyways.
           “What are they waiting for?” Bucky asked, keeping his aim locked on the ghouls in front of us.
           “For one of us to make a move. They only need one of us to be stupid enough to take them all at once,” Strange answered.
           “Good thing there’s more of us to take that risk,” Natasha said. She readied her weapons and moved into an offensive position, waiting for a command. Wanda flared her magic as did Strange, Tony raised an iron hand ready to fire, while the rest of us prepared to charge at the ever-growing horde.
           “You heard her. Let’s take these ghouls out,” I said. We charged the gathering horde, expecting them to do the same. We tore them apart, some of us team effort, others on our own.
           A yell from Wanda caught me off guard and a couple ghouls pinned me to the ground, faceless mouths with sharp teeth looming over my body; thick saliva dripped onto my suit as they went in for the kill. I tried fighting them off me to no avail as there were too many holding me down. I’d been dead if not for Strange coming to my aid by slashing through most of them with a magical sword. I fought off the two holding my legs, getting to my feet.
           “Are you alright?” Strange asked me.
           “Yeah. Thanks for the help,”
           “You’re welcome. Wanda’s fine if you’re wondering. She smashed a few ghouls into a brick wall,” he said. Movement from behind him caught my eye; Strange turned to see what caught my attention. Globs of severed ghouls slid across the pavement, forming into one larger mass.
           “Uh, Strange? Should that be happening?” We watched as more attached to create the massive form.
           “They’re forming to turn into a giant ghoul. I haven’t seen anything like this,” he said.
           “Any ideas on how to-,” I began to ask until a large arm hit me, slinging my body against a concrete wall. I grunted, falling to my knees, wincing as pain shot through me. Stars blurred my vision. I blinked a few times to clear them, pulling myself from the ground, holding my ribs on my left side.
           “Steve! Are you okay?” Natasha said, running to my side.
           “Fine. It’s formed into a massive ghoul,” I gritted through my teeth, nausea turning my stomach.
           “Wonderful. I guess we’re going to have to fight harder to win this one,” she said.
           “As if we haven’t already. You’re bleeding,” I commented, noticing a cut on her forehead.
           “A couple of them cornered me, slammed me into the ground. Who knew there would be a shard of glass on the asphalt? I’ll be alright. Wanda got a few cuts on her hands from the sidewalk,” She told me. A large flash of light had us shielding our eyes until it faded; the massive ghoul burned, the shriek sharp enough for us to cover our ears. We watched as it kept burning for another 10 seconds until it burst, spraying remains all over the buildings and the street. Making our way over to where Strange, Tony, and Wanda stood, Bucky running over to us from a few feet away.
           “What happened?” I asked.
           “Fire spell and I had Wanda help with aiming it…well everywhere. Tony assisted with the rest of the, uh, explosion,” Strange explained.
           “Ah. Good work. Any idea how to clean this up?”
           “I’ll call in a crew. We can go home,” Tony stated.
              If the battle hadn’t been tiring, the meeting with General Ross wore us out to the bone. The team got back to check injuries; my ribs were broken, but would soon heal in a few weeks, thanks to the serum coursing through my veins. Others had cuts and bruises, but not too much damage had been done to them. We received word from FRIDAY; Ross had opted to stop by. He wanted to talk about the mission and even invited Strange along for the “party”.
           “…people fearing for their lives, the street covered in goop…” he fussed, making me lose interest in the conversation. Strange interrupted him to explain the technical term for the goop, earning him a glare.
           “You had to bring Strange along and the Maximoff woman who caused-,”
           “She doesn’t need a reminder. Strange received his own warning and offered to help,” Tony cut in, his arms crossed over his chest.
           “Both caused destruction. I-,”
           “I helped with explosion of ghoul insides. More people would’ve been hurt. Be grateful that they were there. This meeting is over,” Tony said, dismissing everyone. Ross glowered over the table at us before leaving the room. Once he reached an area out of earshot, the tension in the room released; our shoulders dropped.
           “He still despises us since the whole disagreement a couple years ago. No one is at fault here. Stephen, thank you for your help. Wanda, you did a great job. As did everyone else. We can all go relax, eat something,” I addressed everyone. As they filed out, I leaned back in the office chair, carding a hand through my hair. I blew out a sigh of frustration and stress; I wanted to write to Keira. I couldn’t tell her about this without revealing a crucial detail. Still, I needed to vent to someone; someone outside of the situation. Getting up, I walked over to the table with the projector on it. I picked up a pen and a few sheets of paper, sitting down again.
           Taking a deep breath, I began writing out detail after detail. I kept writing until my hand hurt and kept going, At the end of it, I requested a day to meet her and how thrilled I was to have received her answer. Once I had completed the letter, I carried it to my room to get an envelope. Slipping the pages in, I planned to send it out first thing in the morning. Right now, I needed to soak in the bath to soothe the pain in my ribs.
   Keira’s POV
           Christmas would be arriving in a few weeks and I had yet to decorate. Making it my mission to get the apartment decked out in the holiday spirit, I set out to the nearby craft shop and purchased the necessary items. A tree, ornaments and lights piled up in my shopping cart; the theme this year being silver and light blue. My own decisions and not my mother’s, who had her own opinion of what colors to use. Satisfied with all the balls and baubles I picked up, I made my way to check out and returned home to drop off everything.
           The next thing on my list to take care of was to pick up the ingredients for dinner tonight. Jana, Charlotte, and Lena were coming over for Christmas dinner. We were having it early because I had a trip to go on next week. A much-needed vacation at the beach where I could do nothing except read. It was my turn to host anyway and I had decided on making chili. Nothing fancy, I know, but the weather had made it a perfect meal. There would be red velvet cake for dessert. Not to mention gift giving, which I had already done; even wrapped them as well. As I shopped around for the necessary ingredients, I noticed people had gathered around one of the TVs by the meat department.
           Looking up, I saw a major battle going on involving the Avengers. They only showed a clip of the monster of fire and exploding; I almost gagged at the remains of it, walking down to look at the choices of meat for chili. I resumed shopping, grabbing beans and chili mix as well as typical items to put on top when ready.
           I even picked out a few bottles of wine to have with our dinner. Making my way to the baking aisle, I picked up two boxes of cake mix and a bottle of oil to replace the empty one at home. Finishing up, I checked out and walked back to my apartment, unloading the groceries. Putting on some music to get me in the mood to decorate and set to work. I took breaks to eat and rest, not wanting to strain myself. Around noon, I set to making the chili and set it in the crockpot to cook and be ready in time for dinner.
           I stringed lights around my bedroom to create a Christmas atmosphere when I read or wrote to Steve. Next the tree to decorate, hanging the balls and baubles to make the tree look alive, I needed it to provide the Christmas spirit to all who entered my apartment. Around four, I worked on the cake, assembling it with the icing and putting it in the fridge to chill. I decided to get a shower in and to get ready for dinner.
              I dressed in a red dress, black leggings and black booties. Waiting on my friends, I sat on the couch, a book in my lap. At seven, a knock sounded at my door. I answered it to find my friends standing outside.
           “Merry early Christmas,” they greeted me as I let them in. Each one gave me a hug and set their presents in front of the tree.
           “My, you’ve outdone yourself this year. I love the colors,” Lena said, glancing around the room at the decorations.
           “Thank you. I try my best,”
           “I brought cookies. I know you made cake, but I thought we could have both,” Charlotte told me, handing me a Tupperware container.
           “I’ll lay them out when it’s time for dessert. Your outfits look lovely,” I said. Lena wore a sapphire blue dress with beige heels, Charlotte had on an emerald green dress with matching heels and Jana had on a purple dress with dark brown boots.
           “So, does yours. Red is the best color on you. Did you see the news this morning? The Avengers. They’re always causing problems,” Charlotte said.
           “They save the world. I highly doubt they’re the ones causing the problems. There might be destruction, but lives are saved,” I said, doing my best to hide my annoyance.
           “The creature left monster insides on the street. It’s disgusting. Plus, that Strange guy and the Maximoff woman? She caused deaths in Lagos and he’s…well he’s an ass and involved in magic,” Lena complained.
           “That’s no excuse to judge them. They’re doing their best. Besides, I’m sure Tony Stark had someone come clean up the mess,” I said, a little harsh with my words.
           “Keira, why are you so quick to defend them? You don’t know them,” Jana stated.
           “Someone needs to. They’re blamed for things that aren’t necessarily their fault. You don’t know them either. Why are you so quick to condemn them? If I remember correctly, you love Captain America, Jana,” I snapped. Silence filled the space around us.
           “Who’s hungry? Let’s eat,” I commented, going over to spoon out chili into individual bowls. We ate in silence, attempting to put the conversation behind us.
             “I’m sorry. You met someone at that gala and didn’t get his name?” Lena exclaimed when Jana told us about the man she flirted with.
           “Well if someone didn’t bring attention to herself by stomping on a guy’s foot, then I could have,” Jana stated.
           “He was an asshole. Plus, I heard later he got into trouble with plotting against the world,” I said.
           “What did he look like?” Charlotte asked, turning her attention on Jana.
           “The guy at the gala you flirted with,”
           “Oh. He was tall, blonde, muscular. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen,” she stated.
           “Damn, he sounds dreamy. Too bad you didn’t get his name,” Lena commented.
           “He also turned me down anyway. He was very gentleman like about it too,” Jana said.
           “Maybe you came on too strong,” I commented, getting a glare from her. The others burst into laughter and soon it became time for cake the exchange of presents. My presents to my friends were as follows:
           To Jana, a nurse and lover of cats, I got a red blood cell keychain and a mystery book, which had a cat helping out a detective with certain cases.
           To Lena, a lover of spas, I put together a mini spa kit fit with bath bombs, oils and face masks. A large bath towel came with them as well as mini nail polishes.
           To Charlotte, a planner she’d been eyeing and a new bathrobe because she was simple and practical. The expressions on their faces were ones of surprise, followed by guilt. I opened my gifts from them.    
           From Jana, lingerie, I suspected for it I ever got a date. Seeing it, heat spread across my face.
           From Lena, a book on careers and how to achieve a better one. I winced, knowing she’d never approve of my choice of a career.
           From Charlotte, a gift card to the bookstore I loved. Also, a tablet, most likely a way for me to stop buying physical books. I cleared my throat of the sob caught in it and said my thanks, though inside I felt terrible. Here I was, gifting things to my friends that closely resembled their personalities or what I thought they’d love and they in return gifted me things that didn’t match with me at all. They left me alone in the apartment to clean and put away leftovers from the night.
           I shut off the tree and lights in the living room to retreat to my bedroom. Tears sprung to my eyes at the gifts shoved in the closet, all except the gift card which I’d use. I sat down at my desk, touching the doodle from Steve. Opening the notebook that I used, I focused my energy on writing to Steve, pouring everything out of my soul into something original. I kept writing into the late night, finishing at one in the morning. I climbed in bed crying myself to sleep, wishing I had Steve’s arms wrapped around me.
  Three Days Later
Steve’s POV
           We were late to the party when it came to be decorating for Christmas. Tony had bought a giant tree to be placed in the center of the lounge. The girls had bought the lights, ornaments and garland to hand around the apartment. All of us worked hard to get everything decorated, the Christmas spirit alive in the compound. Thoughts of Christmas got me to thinking of Keira and what to send to her. I wanted it to be perfect, to match what she’d love.
           I was on the ladder hanging up ornaments when I heard my name called from below. Glancing down, I spied Natasha holding a letter and waving it through the air, a smirk on her face.
           “Keira,” she mouthed, keeping the secret from everyone around us, but to alert me to who the letter was from. I climbed down and approached her; she handed me the letter, leaning close to my ear.
           “It’s a lot heavier this time,” she told me, letting go of the envelope. My fingers passed over Keira’s name before I disappeared downstairs to a room we hardly used; the billiards room. I sat down on one of the leather couches placed at the back of the room, opening the envelope. My hands shook pulling out the contents wondering what she had written. I leaned back and began reading.
           Christmas is on the way and I realized I hadn’t decorated. I did what any normal person did and went out to buy ornaments and a Christmas tree. It’s artificial so I can unpack it each year.
           My theme colors for this special time are light blue and silver. The blue reminds me of your eyes or what I imagine them to be and silver is a beautiful color for the season. I’ll send you pictures of the decorated apartment next time.
           Tonight, I needed to write. I’ve had the most horrible night. No, not the most horrible because I have a different idea of a horrible night. You see, tonight was supposed to be fun. My friends were supposed to come over for a Christmas dinner.
           Early I know, but I’m going on a mini trip next week and the week after, work will take over most of my time. You know, the actual week of Christmas I’ll be at my parents’ house again. The plan was to eat, have cake and exchange gifts. Celebrate. I made homemade chili after buying the ingredients at the store. I made the red velvet cake, though it came from a box (I got behind on the decorating, so I didn’t have enough time to fix dinner and make a cake from scratch; still good though).
           The thing with the gifts is I tend to cater to what people love or what people love or what matches their personality. Sometimes, the gifts are homemade or something I throw together as a kit. They’re special to me, just like your present will be.
             She’s getting me a present. I can’t wait to see what it will be, I thought. I could sense something was about to turn out wrong based on what she wrote. I knew she had already said the night was horrible. I wondered where things were leading.
             My friends came over. They said some things about the Avengers I didn’t like. Did you hear about the attack this morning? Each one of them tried blaming most of it on them, how they cause destruction wherever they go. Their tone set me on edge, made me angry.
                       I tensed waiting for her response. She may not agree with her friends’ remarks, but it didn’t mean she adored us. At least she knew about us, though I found she still didn’t make the connection about my other identity. I took a deep breath and kept reading.
             I defended the heroes. They’re doing so much good for this world. People should be grateful for them. Yes, there is destruction, but everyone seems to forget some higher authority commanded a missile to hit city. I’m grateful that Iron Man stopped it. I’m sure others are as grateful as I am, but others might not be. In Washington, the organization HYDRA targeted important figures, including Stephen Strange. Captain America, Black Widow and Falcon, along with others stopped the assassinations, revealing to everyone their secrets.
           I feel for the lives lost in Lagos. Though, I have a hard time placing all the blame on Wanda Maximoff. I’m sure she never meant to hurt anyone. Then there’s Sokovia. More evil stopped. Today I watched the clip where Strange, Wanda and Iron Man helped to stop a creature from hurting anyone. I was quite amazed by them to be honest with you. I’m sorry, but it’s how I feel.
           I expressed such feelings tonight, which made it awkward and uncomfortable. I had thought it was put behind us until Jana mentioned I was the unfortunate cause of a lost date. Though, he turned her down before my exchange with that awful person at the gala. After dessert, we exchanged gifts. They weren’t expecting mine to be thoughtful. Theirs were disappointing, hurtful. Lingerie, which under other circumstances would be inviting. A career book, though I’m happy with my career. I’ll give credit to Charlotte. She gave me a gift card to my favorite bookstore, but the tablet she gifted made me think she was trying to get me to stop buying physical books.
           I’ll have to find another use for it. The looks on their faces at that moment were of surprise and then of guilt.
              My heart hammered in my chest at her defense of us. She made good points. Natasha would end up befriending her more, especially for her defense of Wanda. Hell, even Wanda would love her. Her friends kept trying to change her into someone she wasn’t. My heart ached at her next sentence.
              I cried later in my bedroom. Tears of sadness, of anger. It inspired me to sit down and write to you. Plus, something came out I thought you might like.
                        I turn around and come to find while I’m surrounded by people, I’m alone. Who do you turn to when you have no one who understands? Who do you turn to when you feel invisible? In the dark, I can’t find my way out. No escape. I sit here at this desk, penning my heart in a letter. I always thought I’d be able to find someone who would care.
           My family cares, but they don’t see. They think they know me, but do they really? They want what they’d love to do. Use me as a way for a future they didn’t have. My friends hurt me when they don’t know it. Now, here’s someone I can write to.
           I can write to you. I can talk to you. You’re my light in the shadows. As cliché as it sounds, it’s true. You make me feel like everything will be okay. The warmth in your words ignites a fire I’ve never had before. I crave you. I’d love to meet you. My heart will belong to you. I need you, my friend. My love, should it come to be. Stay being my light, Steve. You’re the one I can turn to. You make me feel I can stand out and not be invisible.
              Tears rolled down my cheeks as my heart swelled with love. With passion. She’d been inspired by heartache, but also by the love she felt for me. The desire to meet grew stronger when she asked to set a date to do just that.
              Here are the dates I’m available to meet in January. The 16th through the 20th. If any of those work for you let me know. I hope you liked what I sent. Still waiting for you.
               The 16th through the 20th of January. A long time but it would be worth it. I could try for the 18th. A Saturday with nothing to do. I marked it on my phone’s calendar, anticipating our first conversation outside of the letters. It wouldn’t be the 18th. Fate would have other plans in store for us.
   Keira’s POV
           I got ready to pack for my trip to the beach. I wanted to get away from my friends, even though it meant temporarily leaving Steve behind. I made sure things were in order, going down to check the mail and clearing out the slot for it to be empty. I had a temporary hold on mail coming to the apartment starting on the 11th and ending on the 16th when I’d get back. Upon going through it in the apartment, I found the next letter from Steve. All other envelopes fell to the floor when I let go of them, sitting on the couch to read this one.
           Though I haven’t done this to anyone outside of work, I find I must get frustration off my chest. My work got to be too much. There is too much at stake to be in danger all of the time. I rescue people from impending doom only for some to be ungrateful. I’ve lost battles to no end on what I should do and how I should do it.
           I’ve gotten hurt more times than I’d like we’ve been unappreciated by those who don’t understand. My job can be exhausting and there are days I want to relax, maybe throw it all away. But I can’t stop. Or better put, I haven’t found someone to stop me. Maybe one, but that was a long time ago.
           I didn’t want to talk about this with anyone else, but you. My friends here may do the same thing, but I needed someone outside of this to talk to. Without discussing the job. I’m constantly trying to defend others I care about from scrutiny, from blame. And yet it doesn’t stop. It never stops. I don’t trust most people. Only the ones who I’m close to. I trust you. I trust I can spill everything to you. Almost everything. There’s something I want to tell you. About me, but I can’t bring myself to write it over letters.
           It’s something I’d rather tell you face to face. I don’t mean to keep it private. From you of all people. I’ve come across people – women - who have seen me, recognized me and all they wanted was to be dating that part of me. They don’t see me for who I truly am.
           I’m not worried about your reaction. I imagine you’re already going to see the person I long to be. I don’t think you’ll be as expressive as others. I’ve already shown you who I am through these letters. I’ve only kept this from you because I…there’s no excuse. I’m going to reveal everything to you, I promise.
             He’s hiding something. It must be something important, I thought. At least he planned to tell me. I understood why he’d rather say something in person. First impressions were interesting an everything. He was right. He had been himself through the letters he sent me. Never holding anything back. I had to admit, he had me curious about what he needed to tell me.
             If the trials from earlier this morning had me frustrated, the meeting after only made the frustration worse. We were fussed at about stopping something again. Told we weren’t supposed to have two team members part of the effort to stop the danger. It boiled my blood to hear such talk. Wanda deserved better than being cast off as danger to everyone. I needed to get this off my chest.
           It burned far too much to leave it in my heart. I waited until everyone left the room to write to you. I’m ranting, venting, bringing myself to write everything out. I even want to tell you everything about me, about my past. I can’t, not yet. In time. Please trust me.
              “I trust you. Until now, you’ve not given me any reason not to. I trust you even if you’re not telling me something,” I said. A truth, but I could sense this secret bothered him, hurt him to keep it from me. Even in writing.
              It feels great to get this off my chest. I feel much lighter, relieved. I can breathe easier; the tension releasing. The stress is disappearing. Keira, you’ve been a great help to me. You still are. I have to meet you. I need to see you. I think maybe towards the middle of January would be a good time. It would good to have a day in hand just in case we don’t meet earlier. This might be a short letter but I’ve nothing left to say. I think we’re about to decorate for Christmas.
           Christmas. A fun holiday. Brings me back to the dream of being with you in a cabin. I hear Tennessee is pretty this time of year. We could go there. Be among the Smoky Mountains. I’ll be sending you a present before you leave for your parents’. I’ll try my best to find something that fits you best. Tell me what you think of meeting in the middle of January. Perhaps you have a suggestion of an actual date. You made me extremely happy when you told me you’d like to meet. I have to tell you it kept me in a good mood for the rest of the night.
Patiently waiting for you,
              My breath hitched as he brought me back to the picture, he painted of us together. It was so vivid; I could feel the warmth of the fire and his skin. I craved his arms around me, his lips pressed to mine.
           Don’t get too carried away with your imagination, I thought. I had picked a day to meet in my letter or days. I selected the 18th to be precise. A Saturday when I’d have nothing but time to spend. I waited for the day his response would come. We wouldn’t be prepared for Fate’s plan to bring us together.
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survivor-kuwait · 5 years
Episode 1 - “Okay, I’m back so fucking buckle up” - Trace
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But not two minutes into the game and I'm already stressed out of my mind to see that Nehemiah is here. I swear to god if that kid decides to fuck up my game YET AGAIN, I will lose my fucking mind.
Timmy doesn't seem like a gemini. He seems a little boring. Maybe I'll make a f2 deal with him. That seems predictable though.
Okay, I'm back so fucking buckle up.
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This is an interesting twist. I really hope we don't get targeted because I filmed my introduction for 5 minutes. that would suck.
Also, am I the only one that thinks Devon on the Leo tribe looks like Bertram from the show Jessie?
Also, willow, my sign partner seems cool from the one exchange we've had. Hopefully we can work together in this game.
Ok, matt the saggitarius seems really cool. His entire introduction was memes which I approve of. He may be a social threat down the road as he seems very likable.
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So anyway the twist of our two person tribes is that we must vote out an entire star sign. This is supposed to be taken sort of as a "first impressions" vote.
The way I see it it would make the most sense to vote for a star sign pairing with a winner since they have already made it to the end in the series and got the votes to win. I think that narrows it to two people (I could be wrong as I am on my phone looking at stuff and it is unreliable.
Owen and Kait have won and Kaits win is less relevant in my eyes since she has gotten sixteenth on her following games. So it makes sense to me to target Owen's sign.
On the other side of this, should we or others choose to target players they perceive as annoying or a liability in the game I think my sign has a high likelihood of being first gone. Nehemiah does not have the best reputation and some might see it better to vote him out before he stirs the pot.
I dont blame them.
Anyway, I kind of like this twist and if I am one of the first out and it's not a twisted twist where we go to redemption island or something to that effect I want my survivor avatar for this season to not be Lil but to be changed to Wanda Shirk.
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I am aggrivated at the fact that Matt S. does not know the correct way to eat an oreo.
I sware everyone in this season is from Chicago except for me. 
Bro Matt stop eating the damn oreos. I'm trying to hear what you're saying but all I can hear is the crunching noises from the chewing!
mr oreo literaly said he has a deep history of being a wildcard and that you should work with him because he's trustworthy.. this doesn't add up my guy
this dude is literally named chips. now that is epic
Nehe is really ecstatic that he is legal. bruh
Nehe has the weirdest ways of showing the number 6 on his fingers.. like what?
Nehe says he is very emotional.. idk how willing I'm gonna be to work with someone who could potentially use emotions in this game.
Nehe, stop with the gang signs please
Drinking Game: Take a shot Nehe does a gang sign.. post your results below
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hmm.... this ascension twist is funny. I am crying laughing because i was like, so timmy, who do we think we should go for? and he was like... nehe hates me.
JOIN THE CLUB. this is the only time that i think a vendetta worked in my favor! so luckily me and timmy are on the same page and hopefully nehemiah is packed up before the game even begins.
I am going to be paranoid quite honestly all day long, because if nehe doesn't like both me and timmy, then that is a big problem for me. also gemini's are batshit, so people could target us for that reason alone. I am hoping that some people will look at other star signs that have really big players and target them, but i'm not idiot. the sheer number of seasons I have played already puts a major target on my back.
I hate this because I basically just have to sit back and watch. but hopefully the pisces will be sent packing and trace will live to see another cracked out day.
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Ok so this twist got me big mad. Like I’m happy I don’t have to try to message many people, but only one other person...and this twist wtf. But I’m happy it’s Trace because he seems cool yet here I am being a dead lobster because I suck at having good opening conversations. But I want to talk about the cast I can remember, or at least all I feel like typing right now. Trace and I want the pisces out and thank god because nehe hates me so that’s exactly what I want so it’s lit. Chips is ok but still I’ve fought him in orgs before so it’s for the best that he goes too. Owen and Stevie are scary and this probably is a perfect time to get rid of them but I guess that’s how they (mainly Owen) go far since they know how not to be the biggest threat while still technically being a threat. Maynor is a king...but the last game I played with him I idoled him out so that’s a thing, hopefully we can work on that though because he is a friend. OH OH OH CULLANS INTRO VIDEO OMG THAT WAS A RIDE. Like omg it was over 5 minutes long and he just kept going and I loved every second of it. I’ll look at the rest of the cast tomorrow so expect another cast assessment. Stay litty.
Ok, so I’m looking at the cast reveal now so I’ll talk about those who I haven’t yet. Renée: I think I’ve see Renée around before and like I feel she does well a lot...she might be the one who has won bb Pokémon but idk, if so, gotta keep an eye out. Chole: we stan a European queen like love her accent and she seems cool. Ian: idk who that is and...idk their intro is sports so who cares. Timmy: oh fuck that ugly bitch, they don’t know how to have a social game so they’re gonna flop majorly because they suck. Jacob: honestly idk how I feel about Jacob. I like him more as a person than i have previously like I respect him, but idk how this game will go. Madison: oh she scary and I love her with all my heart and yea but she scary. Idk who Corey and Devon are. Stephen: I LOVE STEPHEN. So I was in his first game ever, which was also Madison’s first game, so they’re family because that cast honestly is tight. At least we were, but I love them all and he is such a good person and I want to play this game with him but idk how it’s going to go. Either way he is one of my favorite people in the community because he is nice and real. Also side note, i was in Maynors first game too (different game than Stephen and Madison) and he won so he’s scary but I love him because I knew him from his start. Idk Taylor but we stan. There are 12 cast reveals so imma stop here because I’m so tired.
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First of all, I have never done Tumblr Survivor until now and right of that bat, I'm confused as fuck. My partner, Kait, seems extremely nice and we were forced to be besties day 1. She seems to know more about this community than me so hopefully she can help. I noticed that Beastman (Matt B.) was in this game and Willow? I don't know if that is the Willow I played with previously. I think I also noticed Maynor and Chloe from the FB Survivor community and I am glad to be playing with them. I hope this first vote me and Kait can survive because going out day 2 would be a shame.
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Pre challenge eliminations are dumb, that being said I honestly don't care if Taurus is eliminated because of it, literally nothing to be done to avoid it. Fucking do it. I know jack shit about Chloe, I don't care to at this point in time, if we aren't eliminated we'll be on opposite tribes, if we both last long enough to be on a tribe together, that's chill. Every game I've lost because I've played for other people, this go around I don't give a shit about nothing or anybody.
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This sign partner twist is very nerve wracking. Because u cant talk with anyone but your sign partner, makes it hard to figure out what the others would vote for. I just hope my partner and I dont get voted out.
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This twist was not the way I was expecting the game to start. Clearly the hosts are ready to send us right into it, but at this point I just really feel like me and Timmy are being lead to the slaughterhouse.
I was talking to Timmy about it, but neither of us know that many people in the game, which could be a good thing for us while we hope our names are kept out of their mouths. Of the few people I have interacted with on this cast, we have pretty mutually pleasant relationships so hopefully that will also keep us safe. I don't know, this is just really tough because there is not much we can do in terms of trying to save ourselves. I will most definitely be sweating all day long until these results are posted.
I am starting to like Timmy more and more. He seems like a nice guy, but sometimes can be a little bit hard to talk to just because he seems to be a man of very few words. No problem with that, just hard to read people that aren't super talkative and open. I have a feeling that we will be split from our teams to make tribes if we make it past this round, so hopefully the little seeds I have planted in Timmy and my's relationship will grow into a beautiful flower by the time we get to a swap or merge situation.
Other than that, there isn't much I can do but to cross my fingers and hope for the best. Hopefully this won't be the end of my journey in Kuwait, but at this point I have to expect the worst possible scenario...
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It feels good to be back but I did assume there was gonna bemore newbies than veterans. Yet there isn’t so that’s interesting. The whole zodiac thing is cool in itself but it sucks that someone has to go home so fast best based off past impressions of others. I mean people do t like me. I have a reputation so this twist is not in my favor and Chips my Pisces partner does not necessarily help me jut there either. Chips is likeable but conniving. I mean we def could be the one to go. And it sucks
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We ‘decided’ our votes are going on the Scorpios. Like we didn’t have a lot to go by. We brought it down to Libra and Scorpio then we random.org to decide their fate. I cant believe we did that but o well. I just want to survive this first vote.
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This is a crazy twist but oh so much fun. I definitely do not feel safe, but that’s every round. I think we made a good choice.
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Fun fact: my reasoning for wanting to eliminate Cancer is more than "fuck cancer" that's just the excuse I came up with to tell people as to why I "randomly" voted for Cancer when they inevitably aren't the ones eliminated.  It's purely my motivation to eliminate everyone I have have been in a game with before, starting with Madison.  If it happens, chill if it doesn't I'll have to find another way to go about getting her, Devon, and Trace eliminated in this game.
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omg. Devon is fake as shite I don’t trust his judgment but I also think I can play him in the long run and I genuinely think he thinks I’m a d*mbass (which is what i want). I think I might go home especially if Renee spoke to ppl she has preexisting relationships with (I know it’s not allowed I just think it could happen). I hope I remain in this game bc I’m excited to compete tho!
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So... this is annoying. This whole star sign twist is kind of forcing my hand in who to try and connect with, and you know the others are bonding too. But still, even when voting out one star sign thats 22 people, i mean Australian Survivor starts with 24, but most tumblr seasons dont get near that. What else do they have up their sleeve to speed things up?
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Willow is really chill and cool. I think we can work well together and stay libra strong. I'm personally wanting to try and get Pisces here because they have the potential to be social threats later on so might as well vote off threats while we have the chance.. however, I have a gut feeling they aren't actually going to be eliminated and may come back later so that is something to look out for.. if so, we need to claim we voted someone else incase they find out.
Willow and I had a very long conversation about college and stuff and I can really see myself working with her in this game. We have lots in common so as long as we trust each other we should be able to go far together. I have a feeling we are going to be split by ourselves after this so I probably won’t have willow by myside until a future tribe swap
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Also, my partner seemed a little all over the place at first. He eventually calmed down. The problem with new players is they usually try to make their mark early and that could be trouble.
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I had anxiety through out that whole tribal. I’m glad that Renee and I survived and didn’t get a vote. Pisces being voted out is 🤷‍♂️. Like idk why but I felt they were gunna get a few votes. Between the two I want Chips to survive and come back. I think I could work with Renee but we havent talked much so going to try and see howni feel later.
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You had no fucking idea how stressed I was when I saw that there was one gemini votes. Whoever did that has one person to answer to: jeff fucking probst christ.
I am SO happy that Nehemiah clearly has enough adversaries in this game to make himself an automatic target. Hopefully he will be sent home during this retrograde situation, but I have a feeling he will stay because he is very strong in challenges. I feel a little ridiculous for having such a strong vendetta for him this early on in the game, but I know that he is a number I cannot trust so it'd be ideal for him to head home earlier than later.
Thank god I can rest for another day...
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hello friends.  i told myself that i’m gonna force myself to write these .   So first couple days have gone past.  not too much has been going on.  24 person cast was kinda expected tbh with the season being battle of the signs and whatnot.  my partner SUCKS!!! he hasn’t talked all game until this morning so we’ll see how that goes moving forward.  having all the teams vote out one team was something else and unexpected but expected to cut down the size of the cast.  where the game goes from here, i have no idea and i’m excited.  i’m even more interested to see how the game shakes down after the pisces challenge.  cause that leaves 23 ppl and a whole lot of ppl left
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randomly voting people without talking to people I'm sleep. my partner is boring and doesn't talk to me it's all zzz
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Im BEYOND thrilled that there is someone looking out for me and like seeing what a fucking snake Nehe is. Karma got to him last night and I was living for it. 4 votes from 12 tribes. That's 8 people that DID NOT want him here. And oh my god, I was living. Yeah sure we (Aquarius) got a vote but that didn't matter because I'm very close, oh so very close to not seeing Nehe in this game EVER! So I'm pulling for Chips to win and let's put that out in the fucking universe because Nehe winning and returning probably means that he'll get some secret advantage that may bite me in the ass down the road.
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Sorry I’m just sending one for the first time. Just kinda ranted to my Skype.
I’m indifferent about Pisces getting voted into the elimination. I didn’t talk to anybody so as long as I’m okay i don’t really care at this point. My partner seems nice enough - hopefully he sticks with me.
I’m looking forward to interacting with people. The intros made everyone look like they have very similar personalities, so I’m hoping to find a few people who i actually think are cool and interesting. I’m out for blood, mawma.
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So far so good? The two person tribe thing definitely freaks me out, and it shows that I have to put in work to maintaining a good relationship, but I feel like Adrian and I are on the same page. I always strive to have one really really solid ride or die per game and usually it doesn’t work out for me, so this time I’m willing to do what it takes to keep this duo. It was interesting to see that there were four tribes who wanted Pisces out, but I also was nervous about the one Aquarius vote (I hope it was from Pisces so that we don’t have to worry about them, but if it was from Willow then I’m anxious!).
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This twist is weird FHSHSHD at least we voted in the majority tho?? I kinda wanna see Nehe come back from the challenge bc we've played before and he was pretty cool and he's friends w Benj!! Anyways I like Cullen he's pretty cool to talk to
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Welcome to Kuwait bitches !!!! I just had a huge margarita and I’m drunk so now I’m gonna tell u about it.
Nothing has happened for me yet except I’m with Stevie who is a Capricorn. He said nice he is my masc gay friend because he plays flag football. Kinda cool he’s my bud but I rlly wanna TALK TO OTHER POEOL!!!!!!!! 24 is a too much cast I hope Nehemiah beats chips because I am friend with Nehe and people clearly don’t like him I guess Iran kinda suspicious that four teams all voted him!!!!
But hey listen you wanna know what’s even fucking worse ?????!!!!!!! = TWO FUCKER ZODIAC SIGNS VORED FOR ME AND STEVIE!!!!! What the Afuck is UP WITH THAT!? So I’m coming into this game with a grudge already except I have no clue who the grudge is against. It’s honestly kind of upsetting and I rlly want things to get started so I can talk to people and be cute. I’m trying to think they’re rlly aren’t many hot boys yet except trace is kinda cute. I need to find out which straight boys there are the.
Ummmmm I love corey I was in nyc with him so thays cool we met and we’re sisters. Kait is a queen and I rlly hope she wants to work with me but it’s scary bc sometimes she ones after me. I bet she wrote the same thing about me lol. If she voted for me and Stevie she is dead to me!!!!!!!! Redhead Timmy is cool he’s nice and my friend. Love Brandon, I hope he wants to work w/ me bc last time we played a game together he got mad evacez. That girl named Chloe seems nice too bad I voted for her but a t least no one else did
This confessional has been so fonking boring I’m gonna make a video later don’t worry
brought my poppers to the party now I’m ready to watch the fun xo
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Hello, So Aries got no votes and I feel blessed but also y’all stuck me with maynor, the drunkest person in this game, who’s chill but also I feel like he’ll fuck me over first chance he gets. But anyway I didn’t really want Pisces to go, mostly for chips because I think he’s the one that sent me a $10 google play gift card in 2016 for winning fan favorite once in a game he hosted and I STILL remember the movie I bought with that $$$ so I wanted to play with him so hopefully nehe goes so I can play with chips and get more google play gift cards hehe. Ok I need to go talk to maynor more even if it’s difficult bc I need allies ok bye.
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So here I am!!! First confessional of the game! I am honestly shook that Kait and Owen are playing ahhhhh!!! Scary!!! But also my first impressions made me not like Chips so much so I’m glad he’s been voted “out”. My only hope is that he is the actual first boot of the season and that the other guy comes back! 🤞🏻
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So it comes as not surprise to me that the Pisces get the majority of the votes. Even not knowing the details of Nehemiah and his relationship with others I am aware of the impression he gives. I was in the viewing lounge for International House of Survivor where people actively rooted against him as well as the duo's season of House of Shade where he was not taken seriously at the finale.
Truthfully it is kind of terrible to be targeted because I am on a tribe with someone who is not well liked by a chunk of the cast but I guess those are the punches you roll with. It would be similar in situation for anyone who had been put with a winner had the players not voted personally.
Instead of getting voted out we were given the chance to do a challenge. The challenge is counting as high as you can go and Nehemiah asked me to throw it for him. He said that he is not playing anything and that this is all he has. I told him that I didnt sign up for the season not to play at all.
I decided I am going to count to 1337 and then stop. If Nehemiah wants it more than me and he counts higher then he deserves to continue on. I want to play and I want to compete but I have had a busy day with my wife celebrating her birthday and my infant needing lots of attention.
I hope this is not my last confession but if it is it will be a fun experience getting first boot.
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So we have this TikTok challenge for immunity and the one thing going through my mind is how the Hell are me and Kait going to do this? Neither one of us know how to use TikTok and now we have to make a video using it? Hopefully we can adapt quickly. It shouldn't be that hard.
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A tiktok challenge. Really why. I hope Renee and I are able to be part of the 6 signs who are safe. I dont know how tiktok works so hopefully what we came up with is fine. I will literally die if tiktok is the reason we lose immunity and i go home. Like please dont let that happen.
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I feel fairly confident that I’ll be going to tribal council this episode, because the Tik Tok challenge is proving to be a bit difficult, and I would do it alone if I could but I can’t! I wanna make this whole thang work with Adrian but now it’s making me nervous. If I get eliminated from Survivor because of Tik Tok I’ll SCREAM for a hot minute then work it into a standup bit or something
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Well it is day 3 in this game and I am still pretty bored. I am PRAYING that me and Timmy can pull out a top 3 win in the video challenge so that way I can have other people to talk to. It's not that Timmy is THAT boring, it's just hard to only speak with one person when the game has 22 others.
Normally I hate these kinds of challenges, but I actually think that I came up with a pretty good idea. Hopefully Timmy can supply and we will be able to pull this one out. Obviously I am happy to not be first boot, but sitting around and waiting for stuff to happen is my least favorite way to play these games. Wish us luck!
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Renee is editing our video. I am very nervous cuz idk if the judges will like it. We dont have go be the best. All i care is for us to be in one of the 6 spots of saftey. I dont want to have either one of us in danger of leaving. Im crossing my fingers and i hope they like it enough. This 2 tribe  twist is so nerve wracking. 😧
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Think I might just take a nap bc stevie isn’t giving me any ideas to work with and I rlly don’t have a single creative idea in me rn I’m actually so annoyed like can he please just come up with something I’ll do all the work I’ll edit and whatever if he can just make the CHOICE!
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So the past round has definitely been eventful for the sole fact that I was already voted out of this game before it even started. Like it kinda fits though seeing how I am and the relationships I’ve made over the months and years I’ve played these games. There are definitely tons of people from different games and different reasons to which I screwed them over. Definitely left sour tastes in majority of their mouths and I didn’t even realize who majority of the cast was until I was voted out 4-2-1-1-1-1 cause we voted with our sun sign. Chips was cool and I personally wanted to rebond with the dude after Kilimanjaro and on top of that I just feel bad. The dude was voted out for being my partner. I sent that motherfucker home unintentionally.
I had no faith in myself that I was winning that challenge yet now here I am still in the game with a chance. Yet the game was hit with another massive wave in the form of a twist that honestly is clever. The tribes of 2 is staying that way which unfortunately for me means my tribe of 1 is also staying that way. Top 6 teams will be safe meanwhile the bottom 6 go to the war zone aka tribal council. Where one is voted out. Now in my perspective if I was to lose this challenge (which hehe all on a tribe by myself having to depend on comp skills puhlease) I  will be attending an 11 person tribal council with all tribes having 2 but me. So I would outright stand as an easy target but I’m not going to roll over and die. The best way to survive would definitely be to worm my way into the ins. I also definitely need to right the wrongs that I have committed to some of these people who already decided to not want to deal with me. I mean what’s the point of getting rid of someone who is definitely going to be in the war zone a lot cause he can’t win by himself BUT he would most definitely be a number for your game if you choose to use him. The game is gonna merge into official better tribes sooner or later and I want to be there when it happens and I know I’m a loyal person to have by my side. There are people in this game that I haven’t played with or met and this is good for the power of surprise to the type of player I am.
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Ok woo, so trace and I voted in the majority for the first vote so that was amazing. I'm sad Chips left and not Nehe because that would've made the game a lot better. I'm just hoping with this challenge and nehe being alone that his score is lower since it'll probably lose some comedic value...or at least I hope. I hate this challenge with all my being though because music video type challenges are the thing that gives me the most anxiety in orgs. Going to tribal doesn't even give me as much anxiety tbh. I usually don't even submit this challenge but I can't let trace down because that would suck for both our games and right now I need to focus on his game as well. Trace has been so helpful with this challenge and I'm so thankful that I'm on this tribe with him since he came up with the song and is doing the editing (i just had to film 15 seconds of me not trying to look totally disgusting). But all in all I think this will be a good video and I'm excited to see the results.
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So my partner Devon and I are safe this week. For now, this is ideal as I need my first impression to be lackluster but still.. safe. I want people to see me as a loyal but foolish pawn who could be useful in competitions (not deadweight) but no comp threat. The downside is the lack of socialization. I can still only interact with Devon and am isolated from people I need to interact with, such as Madison or Owen or literally all the people I have absolutely no knowledge on. I fear pre-mades / pre-existing relationships. 4 votes on Virgo seemed unlikely but Chips leaving was good imo as there seemed to be more than 1 person from their cast in this game if I correctly recall from the intros. I will try to DM Devon more than I have as I need us to have somewhat of a bond or understanding even if it's only till ponderosa as I know most duos will have similar kinds of deals/bonds and to not have one is a disservice at this point although having him leave could get rid of the potential deadweight in upcoming challenges. Regardless, a healthy social bond never hurt me. I am excited for this twist to end whenever it does because it really is slowing down my momentum and makes me feel like I'm behind (I said this before I was isolated with immunity too). Final thoughts: not bad for a dead bitch!
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Wofhei Stephen ❤️ Hopefully he wants to work with me. The last time we played I did blindside him, very hard. The two ppl i want to strengthen my bonds with is Stephen and Madison. Ive meet Madison before so this is gunna be exciting to get to know her more. And hopefully wants to work together in this game. Matt B from Marmoreal I need to talk to because it’ll be noce since I kinda talked to him in my host chat. Also someone Im leaning towards working with.
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This twist is so awful, so much strategy and factors are removed by not actually being in tribes. Its a mess, and a 12 person tribal? awful. But hey I have a planning day tomorrow so I dont teach, get to spend the day getting some form of alliance going, hopefully that can protect me cause..... if this twist continues ill be going to tribal a lot
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Hello, Honestly fuck this twist!!! Making me play the first night small talk game AND the first tribal panic game in 1 day this is NOT fair. Actually I’m being dramatic it’s kinda interesting because it’s forcing me to play without knowing shit. Anyway I think I can trust maynor, ian has been really fun to talk to so I’m glad for that, I reached out to almost everyone else.. hopefully we can all agree to just go for someone inactive for this vote, then hopefully y’all will finally make us real tribes (hint hint) thanks ok bye
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It’s been nixe talking and getting to know the other people but like we have a tribal and vote someone off. So kinda nervous havent heard anything about that. Renee and I decided to try and get votes for Cloe. She seems really nice but havent talked to her much. Im sorry Cloe if you do end up going.
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Safety? For being the only duo to make a TikTok with a Survivor moment and not a song? Iconique! Who knew the judges were such avid Brenda Lowe stans. I live and love them for that! AND we scraped by the first tribal!!! YES safety!
In other words, Nehe being the one with the top score this challenge..... What the fuck? I seriously need him to go like NOW. Its probably weird of me to be all obsessive about him, but like the things that this kid can do. Like people should fucking learn that you never can trust him and since he's all alone- the moment he goes to tribal, Im gunning for his ass.
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I have talked to Cullan, Willow, Ian. (New people to me). Ive talked to Stephen, Matt B, and Madison (who i know). I havent talked to Cloe, Brandon, Taylor, and Jacob. I really like Ian but idk how he feels about his partner Cloe. Since Cloe is mine and Renee’s target.
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At some point the ball has to start rolling, if it already has I'm fucked and didn't get out ahead of it fast enough. I've played real nice and friendly because first and foremost you need numbers and have to maintain those numbers before you can get into a position to start trimming the fat. I need this vote to go one really anyone but me and Chloe, I still need her, for now. Chloe needs to be my get out of jail free card. As of writing this, Brandon seems like the most likely target to pin the vote on. He hasn't talked to me yet and I'm under the impression he hasn't talked to others either.
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We roughly have 2 hrs before tribal and None of these FOOLS are talking about the vote. :p imma die but i think atleast it might end up being between Cloe and BDC. I really like Ian and Matt B but the two targets are their partners so i hope me voting BDC or Cloe wont affect them potentially working with me.
It looks like BDC may be going which is awesome because he really hasn’t talked to me (or anyone else). I really hope people aren’t lying to me when they say they are good with voting BDC tonight. This is giving me facebook game flashbacks where there wasn’t much game talk and I was blindsided. That once tribal has given me soo much anxiety and makes me very paranoid this first tribal. I just hope me and Renne dont get any votes tonight.
0 notes