weaveme-into-yoursin · 6 months
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sibsteria · 2 years
hello, can you do headcanons of klaus mikaelson being a simp for you? 💘
yes of course, lovely!
Warnings: large fluff, a bit smutty, soft!klaus, protective!Mikaelsons
Summary: Klaus Mikaelson is the malewife simp of the century(ies)
not proofread, don’t kill me 😭🫶
the first time he met you, he studied you, up and down, I feel as if it would be at a Mikaelson ball, or maybe the Mystic Grill
I mean, eyes roaming
so our man just felt he had to introduce himself
he presents his hand out for you to shake
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before, I know I would have remember a face like yours.”
“Oh, wow, you’re charming.”
He gives an amused smile, a soft chuckle
“I prefer the name Klaus Mikaelson, please tell me what name could possibly match such a person of beauty?”
I feel as if he wouldn’t assert his name as Niklaus right off the bat ygm besties
he is leaving you blushing though
you’re probably a vamp so congrats, he’s got eternal dibs!
definitely lays a gentle kiss to your hand when you tell him your name
“I suppose I’ll be seeing you.” he lingers in your presence before slowly walking away
you’re just- astounded, who gave him the right to be so alluring?
I ain’t gonna lie to you, he went home that night and stalked for your information
he knows where you live, your next of kin, the bar you frequent
so an accidental bumpings into are already in his workings
“Ah, hello love, what a surprise!”
he’d buy you all your drinks, making sure to keep any eye on them if you left the bar for a moment if you’re human (you probs aren’t)
you would spend the whole night together
just chatting and swapping anecdotes
he charms you with poems, jewellery and just spending time getting to know you as if he didn’t know everything already
he will flaunt his money around
“I should take you to dinner, tell me love, do you enjoy pasta?”
if your answer is yes then well than enjoy your authentic italian dish! the flight wasn’t even too long
you had both fallen off the cliff, smitten for one another
when you’re dating he absolutely follows wherever you go
but you know better
and you don’t mind, he’s always looking out for you
long parting kisses
I’m talking tongue, with his hand tangled in your hair
ass slaps as you walk away, making you present a shy smile
when your more comfortable around each other, you don’t hesitate to do it back
a faux shock face from the hybrid
“well, love, I never listed you as the kinky type. I do say, I’m quite impressed.”
get ready for marks
he litters you in hickeys, even if they might fade by the end of the day
he’s going to try
if you’re human he’ll have you wear a vial of his blood around your neck
for emergencies
and a fun conversation for anyone who comes on to you
if he’s in a heated argument discussion with someone, his face will immediately soften when you walk through the door
“hello, love.” a passion induced coma hoods his eyes
will try to protect you from violence and danger but he does know you can handle yourself
“Klaus, I can snap a neck like a motherfucker-”
“I know, darling, but why do that when I can do it for you?”
hours of cuddles
just you in his arms, with his nose nuzzled into you
he’s a softy, really
you get along with his family, it’s a given
Rebekah is literally you’re sister from another mister
shopping sprees with her unlimited credit card
knowing each other’s styles
“How did you know?” She pouts as you hand her a pair of heels that she had been eying up
she’s just overjoyed she actually had a true friend that she can trust
someone she can rely on
you are inseparable
and Klaus is absolutely jealous
“may I please have my girlfriend back, dear sister?” an edge to his tone
“if you must, you annoying rat bastard.”
but you love them
Elijah is eternally grateful for your calmness
and your ability to tame the beast
“I must say, you impress me, Miss L/n.”
you’re utterly baffled
Elijah is not an easy man to impress
but your besties anyway, now 🙄🤚
you often pick up ties that you think would suit him
he smiles and shakes his head
“I do hope you insist on keeping her around, Niklaus.” he uses a low whisper to his brother.
“I don’t assume I’m ever letting her go.”
whilst you have managed to wrap him around your little finger
he won’t hesitate to rip someone’s throat out for touching you
say you’re at a bar
he left for a moment to answer a call, his mistake
he comes back, you’re face filled with discomfort and annoyance as this poor man would not stop verbally harassing you
but that was not enough of an action for you to snap his neck yourself
but as he’s walking towards the bar, he watches as the stranger lets his hand trail down your back until he reaches your-
Klaus has already sped towards him
grabbing his hair and tearing out his throat
his chin, neck and chest are dripping with blood
your surprised at the lack of screams around you, coming to the conclusion that he must have compelled the drinkers to not bat an eye at supernatural goings-on
“are you kidding-”
“sweetheart, don’t get angry-”
“I just got blood stains from last week out of that shirt!”
he pauses his spiel, a blushing smile across his face
you weren’t repulsed by the violent display he’d put on
“have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“on occasion.” you roll your eyes, pulling him in for kiss
the blood coats around your lips but you don’t mind
“I love you too, Nik.”
that was the first time you used such an intimate nickname
and he loved it
hearing such words fall from your mouth
you both get blood drunk nightly
but refusing to feed on kids, because you have some morals
and you push Klaus to erase after eating because why draw attention to himself, he already has a healthy crowd of enemies
and that is where Elijah expresses gratitude
if you ever get kidnapped on that one occasion you were caught off guard
be ready, the cavalry are coming
a crowd of angry originals, breaking down walls and tearing out hearts
“shit! I didn’t know she had all of ‘em at her beck and call-” one of your kidnappers scream, as he watches his cronies drop to the floor
“mate, I advice you shut your mouth, in fact- I’ll do it for you-” queue Kol punching his head from his shoulders, it rolls nicely onto the floor in a pool of blood
they had you on a vervain drip
“oh, love, I’m so sorry.” Klaus is by your side, ripping out the tubes, hugging you close
Kol is your annoying little brother, but mostly a sweetheart to you
you two tend to sneak out together, infiltrating house parties
“if Nik finds us, he’ll kill you!” you scream over the music
“he can try, darling!” he howls with laughter, a bottle of his chosen alcohol spilling down his throat
he does find you
“why in the world, did you think I wouldn’t notice you leaving my side?” he caresses your cheek
“don’t torture him, we just wanted a bit of fun.” you whisper, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth
“I suppose you’re right, I have faith in his protection, he loves you like family.” begrudgingly letting Kol off the hook
he has fucked you on every surface in his home
“not on the dinner table, Nik-” Beks
“I eat off that counter, pests.” Kol
“Is it a rule that you have to infect every piece of furniture in our home?” Elijah
*noises of disgust* Finn
*eye roll* Freya
still counting how many public displays he can get away with
he has tied your ex to a chair and made him watch as he gave you orgasm after orgasm
I mean, he murdered him afterwards, so-
“was there any need?”
in his mind, you’re already together forever
he lets you be in possession of one of his daggers, just in case his family give you any problems
“you know I won’t need to use it-”
“just humour me, keep it safe.”
it’s never boring
y’all he’s in love 😻
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canarycolemine · 8 months
The Cardinale
Pairing: Cardinal Terzo x Female Reader
Summary: Cardinal Terzo is one arragont motherfucker.
AO3 Link
Warnings: MDNI, 18+ only. hate sex. lots of it. cardinal is a little cheeky piece of shit. WC 4.4k.
Heavily inspired by @mardyart's depiction of Cardi T. Such a phenomenal artist!
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Cocky, arrogant, headstrong.
The third Emeritus brother, destined to become Papa one day, nepotism to the highest degree. His suave, angular face and his overly confident charms - how he assumes every Sister will fall into his bed.
How I despise him. How I hope to never fall under his gaze, never be subjected to his attention.
Imagine my rage when Sister Superior informed me that I, her star pupil, will be responsible for tutoring the bastard in English.
He was “reassigned” to the country-side Abbey after displaying what I can only imagine was simply inappropriate behavior for an upper clergy member. The man believes that he can seduce and bed any living thing! Perhaps it’s not a matter of belief, but a goal, rather. At his current pace, he will have had most of the Sisters in his bed before the year is up!
Watching him saunter through the halls, smoking his little cigarettes - inside! I always made a concerted effort to cough as I walked past, head held high. He would simply perish, it seems, if he did not attempt to woo a woman a day. Kissing their hands, wearing his stupid white gloves, and winking that shining white eye.
I love my Sisters, but please, have some self-respect.
Quite frankly, I’ve always been appalled by his behavior. He has never led an entire black mass by himself, needing his brothers to finish the job. There was even one instance where I could have sworn he had a sister hidden under the pulpit from where he stood, evidently having communion. No, Cardinal Terzo only ever wanted to lead the rituals - the demon and ghoul summonings (he needs new things to fuck), the mystic elements (anything he can light on fire), and of course, orgies. (duh!).
It was early fall when Sister Superior invited me to her office. I was promised tea; secretly, I had hoped she would invite me to teach a seminar or two over the semester. My lecture series on the invocation of Lilith and Samuel could rival even the Dark One’s knowledge, himself!
But, no.
“The Cardinal is in desperate need of more restraint, and he could benefit from a more rigorous understanding of the English language. He prefers to speak in his mother tongue, and truthfully, it is not accommodating to international chapters.” Superior started, my ears perked at the mention of my personal enemy. I brought the steaming cup to my mouth. “I could think of none other to teach him all of these skills rather than you, Sister.”
I could hardly register the hind notes of the tea before it went straight through my nose, burning the whole way up! I coughed and sputtered the hot liquid at the shock of my assignment.
Still catching my breath, “My apologies, Sister, but… why me?”
“Give yourself credit, Sister. You are a star pupil!” A shine in her eyes, a smirk in her mouth let me know two things - she meant what she said and there was another reason, too.
My eyes narrowed, seeking the answers in her eyes.
“And you’re the only student that the Cardinal has not gotten to know… intimately.” Her lips pursed, looking towards the ground.
“Sister Superior…” I started, not above begging.
“Sister, I will make it worth your while. I will make sure you have your lecture series as a mandatory presentation for all first-year novicates.” A smile crossed my face, but dropped; still, the deal was unsatisfactory.
I sat up a little straighter, now making a dare. “And, no kitchen duty for the entirety of his lessons.” I hated the kitchens. Everything I’ve ever made was burnt to a crispr, so I’ve always been delegated to cleaning the dishes - the worst thing in the world.
She nodded, “That can be arranged.”
I smiled, relaxing a little, but how it only lasted so long. Resigned to my fate, I was excused to prepare for my lesson with the Cardinal this Tuesday.
A pause from my duties was provided in anticipation - he needed to be assessed for his English skills - grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. From my understanding, he had a functional grasp on the language. But I did not really know.
Truth be told, I have never spoken even a word to the Cardinal - always avoiding him, always souring my face when his eyes gazed at me. I wanted to be wholly unappealing to the man. For the most part, he had taken the hint and left me alone. Although, I could have sworn he said something in Italian as I walked past, something like “how I want to be the stick up her…” I didn’t inquire further.
By Lucifer’s grace, I had successfully avoided him. Until the sunset on the second day of the week, when our paths collide.
I arrived at our designated location - one of the older classrooms, repurposed for private studying, long abandoned by the day. Thirty minutes early to the beginning of the lesson, how I tidied our space, laid the materials out and cleaned the chalkboard.
The hanging wall clock, the ever present heartbeat, kept steady. It was almost unnerving, as if keeping me in tempo with the eventual encounter with the asshole. The old bell tower clock rang out 6 times.
And the aforementioned asshole was not here. The door was unlocked, the sun firmly setting. My lips tightened to a pout. I will give him five minutes - no more.
Electing to sit in one of the old desks I rearranged, I pulled out a trusty book, as I had anticipated his tardiness.
Some twenty odd pages in, and I had lost track of time entirely - forgotten the reason I was in this dusty room. The bastard didn’t even show up, easily thirty minutes late! Quite frankly, it was embarrassing that I managed to stay this long. But now, I elected to start the process of cleaning my things.
In the morning, I planned to tell Sister Superior that I will simply not take the Cardinal as a student, he had no respect for my time. Future Papa or not, not enough breaths on this Earth could be spared for a man with little regard for others.
I managed to talk myself through this script as I cleaned up my belongings, nearly whispering her retorts back. But I would not be deterred! Lost in the monologue, I heard a hoard of boys giggling, getting closer to the door.
No, no. It could not be.
The door opened, the raven haired cardinal stumbled in - his pack of brothers falling behind him. Laughing at some lewd joke, no doubt. He turned to look at me, suddenly stiffening his posture. The smug smile falling from his face. He offered some excuse to the men behind him, closing the door to the two of us. He leaned against the old door frame, creaking under his weight. As if that would make him look cooler. The black cassock he preferred was immaculately ironed - surely not by his own hands. Maybe he was screwing the laundry girls.
I tried hard to keep my gaze away from him. My rage and my pride wouldn’t allow it.
“Scusa sorella, I, eh, lost the time.” He offered with a shrug of his shoulders. His voice was rich with his mother tongue.
“Well, Cardinal, I won’t keep you long, then. Our lesson is canceled.” I coldly retorted.
“Che cosa?”
“Canceled, cardinal.” I spat back, lifting my book and walking towards him. “You were late.”
“But I am here now, no?” That white eye twinkled - a charm that assuredly got him into many sisters’ beds.
“And I have been here, Cardinal. For thirty minutes past our scheduled time. Either your watch is broken or you have so little regard for others that time is no object to you?” I said, every syllable articulated, glaring at him.
His eyebrow quirked, a challenge, he supposed. A grin crossed his face, a chuckle that died in his throat.
“It really is you, eh sister?”
“What?” I shot back, whatever could he mean by that?
“You - you,” he pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, pulling one to his lips, lighting it, and puffing the smoke away from us, “I thought my school would be with you. You are the sister that always walks with a stick up her ass.”
I made a pointed effort to cough at his smoke.
“Some of us have priorities besides fucking an entire congregation, Cardinal.”
“Am I really so evil, Sorella?” he feigned offense, the cigarette affecting his enunciation. Removing from his lips, another puff. “To celebrate our eh, how do you say, istinti?”
“Instincts.” I corrected.
“Ah, si, instincts. That is why we are here, no? Our Lord calls us to do just that.”
“You’ve got quite the head start on the sin of lust, Cardinal, I don’t think you could ever live long enough to dedicate your life to such… dedicated studies of the other sins.”
“It is my favorite.” His white gloves took the cigarette from his mouth, curling it between his fingers, before dropping it to the ground to extinguish the flame. His shoes shined brilliantly, even I could admit, but as I gazed at his shoes, I swore he winked at me through the reflection of his face.
“You really shouldn’t smoke, you know.”
“It is not good for me, this I know.” “I couldn’t care about what happens to you, the flame isn’t good for these old buildings. You’d burn down the whole abbey.”
“You say you don’t care about me sister.” He moved past me, further into the room, settling in one of the old teachers' desks. He kicked those expensive shoes onto the desk, relaxing back into the chair. “But I do not think that is so true.”
I faced him fully, still standing near the door. “I promise you, I do not.”
“Hm,” he chuckled, bringing his gloved hand to his mouth, running the fabric gently against his lower, unpainted lip. “No.” He said so sternly.
“What?” he mocked me, a voice that was far too high pitched to be an imitation of me.
I let out an exasperated sigh, to which he laughed.
“Fuck you.” I went for my bag, still at the old desk.
“Do you want to know how I know this?” He said, staring at my rage.
“I doubt you ever shut up, so it doesn’t really matter what I want.”
“Sorella,” he sat up in the chair, his feet meeting the ground and his hands coming together on the desk. “We have not spoken any words to each other. But you hate me so much?”
I huffed. “You have no respect for anyone but yourself!” I could feel an all too familiar lump in my throat.
“How do you know this?” His patience now wearing thin, I could hear it.
“You walk around the abbey like you own the place. I get it, I know you’re the future Papa, but God damn it, you are so arrogant. You’ve never had to work for anything in your life! You think you can just fuck anyone and anything that walks through these doors. You’ve had everything handed to you by a silver spoon, and I hate it.”
My eyes watered, I couldn’t look at him. Whether from my rage or some secret hopes I had, I could feel the emotion.
“I’ve worked so fucking hard to get where I am, and I will never be anything close to you, just because you’re, fucking, you! And now, I have to waste my time teaching you English because you can’t stay focused for more than five seconds!”
My fist met the school table. His face leaned into his hands, thinking too carefully about the situation. His eyebrow quirked.
“... You are jealous of me, then?” He hid a smirk behind his hands.
I glared at him, how I wish my stare could kill.
“Fuck. You.”
“That does not sound like a no.” No effort in hiding his smirk now.
“Since when does ‘no’ matter to you?” I baited.
He feigned offense, yet again, bringing his hand to his chest. “Sorella, I am offended! I can promise you all of my sexual encounters have been enthusiastic by all parties. I would not dare to violate another!”
“What a well constructed sentence, Cardinal. It seems like you have no need for any help with the English language.”
“Ah, she has gotten me off of the topic…”
“All I had to do was talk about sex, so it wasn’t too hard, was it now?”
“No, no, no, we were talking about you, si! About how you are so jealous of me.” He ran that stupid fucking gloved hand through his hair, slicked with grease.
“Even now, you cannot say you are not jealous of me. Admit it.”
I paused. “So what?”
He clapped his hands, catching me apparently.
“She is! She is very jealous of my status and my future. But, I think she is jealous of not only me, no?” His tone shifted, in a direction I was not comfortable with.
“She is also very jealous of all of the people that I get to fuck.” He punctuated the syllables far too clearly.
I huffed again, rolling my eyes. “There it is again. She does not say ‘no!’”
I hated how well he was reading me.
“Why do you even care? You fuck everything with a pulse, so why do you care?”
Fuck. I was not selling this very well. His gaze told me everything. The raised eyebrow, the smug pull of his painted lips.
He tilted his head, as if to study me further. I could feel myself recoil.
“You have done too much assuming, Sorella. About me, about yourself.”
He stood from the chair and stalked towards me. Instinctively, I crept back from him, nearing the wall for safety.
“You think I do not care about anyone but me, and that is not true. You think I abuse my future position, but that is not true either. And you think I fuck anything with a pulse.” He reached me, cornering me against the wall.
“And that,” he brought his finger to my chin, forcing my eyes to his, “is not true. I only fuck the pretty ones.”
Here is where I could be offended, he never fucked me. I thought that I was fairly pretty, so damn, that kinda hurt my feelings.
Sensing the monologue, “And you are a pretty one.” His painted lips gently touched mine.
God damn it. I hated how good that felt.
“So you see, sister, I knew you thought all of this.” His other hand reached for my waist, exploring the dip of my body. “I saw the way you scowled at me, pretending to hate me. It was all jealousy. But there is something about the way you hated me that pulled me so, so close. I needed to have you.”
“But how to get to you?” His hands reached for mine, holding them in place, behind my back.
“Who better to teach me restraint?” he purred.
“I act like an asshole for a while, speak in Italian with my friends. I get the attention of the Sister Superior, who will certainly demand I be subdued by studies.” His painted lips traveled a path along my jaw to my ear. “And who here have I not fucked?”
His teeth grazed my earlobe. “I could deceive the world for you.”
I bit my lip. His gaze returned to mine.
“Pretty good, no?”
“Pretending you’re stupid was a very believable act, apparently.” I mustered out, flustered as I was.
“Don’t deceive me now, Sorella.” His lips met mine again, pressing his forehead to mine. “There is one thing I need to hear you say.” His words left his mouth easily, but he was not unaffected. Just as flustered as I.
I huffed, pausing for only a moment.
His lips crashed to mine, with a fire that was barely restrained before. He released my hands from behind my back; his hands traveled to my hips, lifting me. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist.
We traveled through the room, locked in the heated kiss, when he sat me on the teacher’s desk.
“On the teacher’s desk?” I giggled, taking in the chosen location.
“It’s always been a fantasy.” He laughed back, then resumed his fury on my neck.
His large hands reached for my habit, pulling it off in a fell swoop. Evident of his experience, it hardly hurt. He pulled away from me, just gazing at me for a moment.
“Pretty one.” As if he didn’t know he said it.
I lead the charge back to his mouth, my hands now locking into his raven locks. The diligent work of unbuttoning that goddamn stupid black cassock. I gave it my best shot. My hands kept slipping on the buttons, struggling to unhook them. He chuckled from our kiss, removing my hands from him.
“Having trouble, darling? It’s always difficult.” His gloved hands made the show unbuttoning each cotton button - traveling down in body in quite the show.
Once to the bottom, he stepped out of the garment and removed his crisp white undershirt. I was out of my body, unaware of how I looked as I looked at him. Each new sight of his skin lit a fire in me. He was as slender as I thought he would be, well defined, certainly. A healthy patch of hair on his chest - he was certainly Italian.
A glance to his eyes knew how I enjoyed his spectacle.
Cocky, arrogant, and headstrong was the Cardinale.
“Your turn.”
He came back to my neck, teasing the delicate flesh. The first moan slipped from my lips as he sucked the skin purple.
“Good girl.” He purred. He lifted my habit from my legs, over my head, leaving me in my undergarments. Pausing his efforts to take in my form. A glance in his eyes - like my body was a feast for his soul. Another look at my undergarments, “Matching?” in reference to the black bra and panties I was sporting.
He leaned closer to me, resting an arm on the table. Teasingly, looking into me.
“Women match when they are planning to be fucked.” My eyes turned from his, embarrassing me again. His other hand came to my chin, forcing my gaze to his. “Was there someone else, Sorella?”
I opened my mouth, but the words failed me.
“No.” He answered for me, feigning sympathy. “There wasn’t, was there?”
My mouth hung open, but I couldn’t admit it.
“Say it, then.”
“Say it, pretty one, I do not have all night.” His voice nearly sang.
The fire his was stroking in me burned, “I need you to fuck me.” I whined, my eyes nearly starting to water.
His hand, holding my gaze, went to my shoulder, forcing me to lay on the old, creaking desk. Quickly, he made work removing my bra. Adoringly, he stared at the exposed skin.
Wordlessly, he painted my breasts with his lips. As his lips latched around my nipple, I whimpered, already so sensitive. His other hand toyed with the opposite breast, kneading the flesh. As his teeth grazed the delicate flesh, he nearly pinched the opposite.
Another gasp escaped.
“She likes it when it hurts?”
Obviously. I fucking hated him so much.
He mirrored his actions on the opposite breasts before trailing his kisses further down my torso. Nipping at the skin, kissing it, dragging his tongue.
He left a particularly gentle kiss below my navel, as he gazed back at me. Wordlessly asking.
I nodded.
He hooked his hands to the elastic of the lacy panties, dragging them off of my legs in a well-practiced motion.
“Spread your legs.” I obliged, as he pulled the teacher’s chair to sit in between my legs.
His gaze never left my core, which he could see how he affected me. He lifted my legs onto his shoulders, granting a better view. Biting the fingers of his gloves, removing them. Gently working the muscle of my inner thighs, unconsciously creeping higher.
Reaching my core, his uncovered hands spread me open further to him. He gazed reverently.
“Pretty, pretty girl.” He stroked my slit delicately, I shivered and whined at the feeling. “Such a pretty girl.”
He brought his face close, kissing my mound and licking the slit all the way up. He left gentle kisses onto my already sensitive clit, dying for attention. He latched his lips around the bud, suckling softly.
As his tongue flicked my clit, I bucked my hips into his mouth, firming my grip in his hair.
He unlatched to drag his tongue, flattened, up and down my core. His tongue prodded at my entrance, lapping at my slick. His fingers moved towards my center, replacing his mouth, pressing into me.
One finger - pumping slowly into me - adjusting the feeling. Adding another one, stretching slightly. His eyes studied my face for discomfort. Once I adjusted, his divine mouth returned to my clit, alternating between kissing and suckling. His fingers curled into me, searching. When they found the spongy tissue inside, the moans fell easily. Begging him. He teased the spot, expertly. Pressing into it with each pump, as he sucked on my clit.
“Cardinal-” I started. “I’m getting - close” I managed to get out.
I could feel a smile on his lips as he continued, speeding his actions.
The band in my stomach was burning, stretching, white hot. At the precipice, as my cries started to build.
When suddenly he stopped. Sitting back, removing his mouth and fingers from me.
I shuddered at the loss of sensation, being so close. I sat up slightly to look at him.
The fucker was wiping my slick from his chin, licking his fingers clean.
Apparently, my face told him how close I was, how it was moments away.
“I wanted to feel it on my cock, darling.” His eyebrow raised. “Plus, it feels better when you ruin it a little bit.”
A fight was breaking in my head, an internal debate I was having with him.
His belt jingled, his pants being slid down and discarded. Left in pristine white boxers, which he lowered. His cock sprang free, dripping with his precum.
“I could have came just from tasting you, you know?” as he began languidly stroking himself, using himself to lubricate the movements. “All of your little sounds, they sounded so sweet. And you were oh so close, weren’t you?”
His teasing was back, his hand sped up, only to build himself up more. I whined.
“Just think. Even an hour ago, you were cursing my name, wanting me dead. Look at you now - begging for my cock.”
He pressed his cock into my core, rubbing the reddened head onto my clit. A guttural noise fell from me. An animalistic cry.
“She was so jealous of me, too. And now all she wants to be is fucked by me. Maybe she’ll die if she doesn’t get it, what do you think?”
“Please, Terzo.” “Oh, using my name now? What happened to ‘asshole?’” His voice cracked, unaffected by his own need.
“Please fuck me.” I cried out, a tear falling from my eye.
“Say it again.”
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.” Tumbling out.
On command, he aligned himself and pressed into my dripping heat. Feeling every inch of my warmth, he shuddered and groaned.
“So, so good” he whispered.
He filled me exquisitely, pressing in carefully, allowing me to adjust. My nails marked his back, savoring every inch.
His hips finally met mine, I swore I could feel him in my stomach. He let out a breath, unsteadied from restraint.
“Don’t have that restraint now, Cardinal.” I teased. “Move.”
A low groan from him, as his hips rolled, moving back. “You won’t be able to walk tomorrow if I don't.”
“Try your worst.”
He slammed forward again, now setting a punishing pace. Feeling the drag of his cock on my walls, I whined. His hands tilted my hips further up, angling to my sweet spot. I gasped at the pressure. It was returning - the precipice. He couldn’t rob me a second time.
“Perhaps, sorella, it is you who needs a lesson, eh?” He nearly coughed through, maintaining his pace. “I could teach you something.”
His hand moved towards we were joined, circling my clit. It was becoming too much - the sweet pressure of him inside and now his devious fingers.
His fingers moved quickly on my clit, building the fire again. My moans telling him it all. As if in perfect rhythm, his pistoning hips and circling fingers.
“Let’s countdown, darling. In Italian.”
His other hand came to my chin, forcing my gaze. He nodded, as if to reassert his power. “It goes…dieci, nove…”
The fire was reaching a breaking point, I knew what he was doing now. His fingers still moved with a steady speed.
“Otto, sette, sei…”
“...Terzo…” I whined.
“Cinque, quattro, tre…”
“I’m gonna…”
“Due, uno.”
The waves of pleasure crashed down on me, my legs shaking. My vision blurry, white hot. His hips stuttered, as I felt him swell inside, riding out my pleasure. Milking him for all he had. The course of our cries rang in the old room. His fingers didn’t stop until I whined with oversensitivity, his spend leaking from me.
He stayed inside, pressing his full weight onto me.
We held each other in an embrace, coming down from divinity. Our breaths in sync, slowing down.
My breath nearly returned to me as I came to, laughing with what air I had.
“What’s so funny?” His smirk shined with a warmth I had not seen before.
“A countdown to my orgasm. Cheeky.”
He laughed. “It worked, eh?”
“Don’t be too full of yourself.”
“I cannot, you are full of me.”
“Ew! Don’t say it like that, dumbass.”
“There is the girl that hates me. I missed her.” He gazed at me, smiling more softly now, tucking an errant strand of hair behind my ear. Holding my face in his hand, so gently. He placed the last soft his to my lips.
“And I’ll never stop hating you, Cardinal.”
“So be it, but it has worked out well for me so far, huh?”
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robobarbie · 5 months
ROMANCE/ANGST. being the light of nightowl’s life, the most important person to this man, but being just as insecure as him, so when he starts interacting with a pretty person in the server you’re left there wondering if you’re really worthy of him. (i’m projecting again, i’m the anon who sent the nightowl deep dive 5 times, i really hope it doesn’t happen again😭)
side note (this is the most e-dating, discord, online relationship-ass prompt ever)
# general
--- mystic_pizza has joined the server ---
Quest Oh?
nightowl whoa! a new member???
lovelylola hello!!
two2 nice 2 meet u!!
mystic_pizza hehe, hi everyone <3
BIGLADY how'd you find the server? O_O
June Yeah, didn't @BloomBot disable invites?
BloomBot It was getting stale around here.
xyx LMAO
NakedToaster LMAO
salociN Hello ! Mystic Pizza !
onionthief "Stale". That's an opinion for sure.
nightowl ??
onionthief Would just like to know how BloomBot has decided our presence is "stale".
onionthief We've done nothing different, kept chatting at the same rate (I've checked), and always focused on the webnovel to a degree.
onionthief I don't understand how that's "stale".
NakedToaster bro just answered the question by speaking
xyx bro doesn't see what we see
onionthief What?
BIGLADY @mystic_pizza who's your favorite character?
mystic_pizza Damien. So easy.
nightowl oooooooo, mine too!!
nightowl why do u like him?
mystic_pizza i just think he's misunderstood... breakups aren't super straightforward a lot of the time, you know
mystic_pizza like, it's not even up for debate!!! people are just being rude to damien for no reason!!!
nightowl my god
nightowl where have you been...
June hahaha
mystic_pizza are selfies ok btw?
BIGLADY yeah!!
two2 hey bloombot wh y did u always allow selfies?
two2 isn't that like a personal ident thing or someth
--- BloomBot is now offline ---
two2 what..
xyx @mystic_pizza post face so we can read your aura
xyx i got them aura glasses on
NakedToaster that's just not a real thing
xyx wow
xyx post a selfie of yours then and let me read you
NakedToaster fine
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(pic from xiaeom)
NakedToaster read me bitch
xyx holy shit
xyx holy fucking shit
BIGLADY what do you see?? O-O
salociN A very handsome man !
June Salo!! Remember, toasty is NB!!
salociN Oh , my sincerest apologies . I'm still learning.
salociN A very handsome person .
NakedToaster fuck yeah salo, you are so right
xyx no no no. no. all of you, shut the fuck up.
xyx i see
xyx i see a person with
xyx with
xyx with no balls
NakedToaster motherfucker
BIGLADY that's not an aura reading...
xyx absolutely no balls in sight
BIGLADY @mystic_pizza!!!! WHERE'S THE SELFIE!!!!!
NakedToaster yeah xyx's time on earth is a little limited
xyx you'll never find me
mystic_pizza hehe, okay! <3
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mystic_pizza that's me on th e right
nightowl omg i love ur smile!! so cute!!
BIGLADY agreed!!! U R RADIANT!!! <3
mystic_pizza awww, thank u!!! u are all so nice around here!!!
nightowl we just wanna make sure everyone has a good time u know?
nightowl and damien enjoyers must be protected!!!
mystic_pizza i agree!!
mystic_pizza ah, fixed my flair
nightowl OMG
nightowl U AND ME!!!
mystic_pizza U AND ME!!!! XD
nightowl do u wanna call rq?
two2 can i join?
nightowl YA!
mystic_pizza yea sure hehe
nightowl @lovelylola you wanna call too cutie?
June The "cutie" in chat again..
onionthief Please keep that to DMs.
nightowl blah blah blah
lovelylola i'm kinda tired, i think i'm gonna sleep
nightowl awww okay
nightowl i'll call u later!!
BIGLADY gnight lola!!!
Quest Rest well!
salociN Have sweet dreams !
lovelylola good night!
xyx holy fuck
xyx @mystic_pizza
mystic_pizza yes?
xyx your aura
xyx your aura is just
xyx it's like the color of a
xyx of a war crime
mystic_pizza huh?
NakedToaster i have ur new IP bitch
xyx FUCK
you close the laptop and sigh. it's okay for nightowl to have fun and meet other people, it's just...
gah. mystic pizza's selfie wouldn't leave your head. they're so cute... and seem to pair up pretty well with nightowl. you're sure the call is just going too well... at least you're assured it won't go too far since two2 is there.
but that's barely a reassurance. nightowl doesn't hesitate to flirt when he wants to, regardless of who's around.
you thrum your fingers on the desk and gnaw on your bottom lip. should you actually join the call? no, then you'd look insecure. do you already look insecure? is everyone wondering if nightowl likes mystic pizza more than you?
you look down at your frumpy clothes with a tired expression. ugh. maybe it's okay for him to flirt, if he wants to. this is what he's stuck with after all. who wouldn't want to flirt with someone who looks like that?
you try to ignore the pang in your chest as you stand up and get ready for bed.
237 notes · View notes
layce2015 · 2 months
The Boys (Soldier Boy x Female!Supe!Reader)
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Chapter 5: The Last Time To Look On This World Of Lies
Chapter 1/ Previous Chapter / Next chapter
*(y/n)’s POV*
I was sitting on the couch, watching videos on my phone while the TV was going on as background noise, when I came across a familiar video. It was a drug PSA from Ben months before that damned job in Nicaragua and I chuckled at it as I press play, remembering the irony in this PSA. The music began to play as the title A Public Service Announcement appeared then it swiped over to Ben with the American Flag projected on screen behind him.
”Hello, I’m Soldier Boy. Did you know drugs and drug-related crime have become a nationwide problem?” He asked and I scoffed. “All across America, drugs are destroying people’s lives. But you don’t have to be a superhero to fight back because your superpower is just saying no. So, when someone offers you drugs, you tell them Soldier Boy said, Taking drugs is not cool, and anyone who does is a loser.” He continues. “Yeah, he’ll ask where is it and go to the person himself.” I grumbled as the PSA comes to an end. “Remember…Real Heroes Don’t Use Drugs.” Ben ends it then gives that little smirk as the Approved By The Vought Ad Council appeared before the video really ended.
I shake my head with a chuckle and I had to rewind it back to watch it again. A thing I noticed was even though he looked determined and professional, I could tell by his eyes that he was not happy. Course that could be because a few days before he had to do this ad, he and I broke up…I think it was the fifth time we did that. I remember after he did this PSA, I heard through the grapevine how he acted up on set.
*3rd Person POV*
Ben sits on a stool in front of a blue screen as he gets ready to film this dumbass Anti-Drug commercial. He honestly didn’t want to be there but the Vought company made him, so he sucked it up and, reluctantly, showed up to the set.
“Hello, I’m Soldier Boy…” Ben said then he lowers his head down, annoyed. “Fuck…the world knows who I am, why do I have to say it?!” He asked, angrily, as he looks up at the crew.
After having a talk with him, Ben continues. “But the cool thing to do is just say no.” Ben recites before he sighs. “God, I sound like a jackass. Who approved this script?” He asked. “Stan Edgar.” The director replied and Ben sighs and runs his hand over his eyes. “Get him on the phone, I’m not saying this shit.” He demanded.
Later, a crew member hands Ben a cup of coffee. “Finally.” He grumbles as he accepts the coffee, looks at it and sniffs it. “Is this hot?” He asked then he throws the cup down on the floor. “Iced!” Ben shouts, angrily. 
Minutes later, they try to calm him down and he goes back to being calm but it just angered him again. “Fucking unprofessional!” He yells then he takes in a deep breath then looks to the camera men. “Let’s go to the top.” He said, calmer now.
”If taking drugs is uncool I’m the most uncool motherfucker on the planet.” Ben laughs and points towards one of the crewmen then stops laughing before saying. “Fuck you!”
Later, he pulls out his flask and starts to open it. “Actually, we’re going to need to go one more time.” The director said. “No, we’re not.” Ben said as he opens his flask and begins to drink from it. “We really just need one more take.” The director pleads. “No, that’s a wrap.” Ben said as he closes his flask, gives a tight smile and nods. “Okay? Great!” He said as he walks off the set.
Meanwhile, Mystic Shade was doing a photo shoot for a perfume that was inspired by her. She had to pose with the perfume bottle many times and she was getting annoyed cause it was taking too long and it seemed the photographer kept wanting to take the same photos over and over.
”Seriously, how many pictures do you need?” She asked, irritated. “Just a few more.” The photographer said and Mystic Shade growls under breath. “This is so stupid.” She grumbles then sighs and she starts to get ready for another pose but with less enthusiasm. She looked like she had a gun to her head.
”Can you show more enthusiasm? People won’t buy this if you don’t look ecstatic about it.” The photographer said and Mystic snaps. “Well, we should’ve been done with this hours ago! It’s not my fault you’re a shitty photographer!” She yells, angrily, and the photographer gasps as one of the assistants goes to Mystic. “Okay, how about we take a break?” She said and Mystic rolls her eyes.
”No, we’re done! I need to get the hell outta here!” Mystic shouts and she starts to walk away. Then the cordless brick-like phone, the assistant had, began to ring and she answers it. “Yes, this is Maddie…” she sighed then she looks towards Mystic Shade.
”Okay…” she said into her phone then she runs over to the Supe. “Mystic, phone for you.” She said and Mystic turns to her. “Who is it?” She asked, annoyed. “Stan Edgar.” The assistant said and Mystic sighs at this and takes the phone.
”What?!” Mystic asked, angrily. “I don’t know what has gotten between you and Soldier Boy but you need to get it resolved.” Stan’s voice replied and she scoffs. “Why the hell do you care?” She asked. “He’s been causing a scene at his shoot…” Stan replied. “That’s just normal for him. Look, I don’t want to talk to that asshole right now! So kiss my ass!” She shouts and she hangs up and tosses the phone over her shoulder.
The assistant’s quick reflexes catches the phone as Mystic Shade stomps out of the building.
A Few Days Later
*(y/n)’s POV*
I was making my way back to my room, couldn’t wait to get into bed, when I noticed something on my door. I walk up to it and saw that it was a note with a familiar handwriting. “Huh?” I muttered as I grab the note and read it.
Meet Me In My Room
I was feeling a mixture of emotions, part of me was annoyed as I was still angry with him but a part of me was curious on what he had up his sleeve. I huffed out a breath then made my way to Ben’s room.
Once there, I knocked on it then I hear his voice say. “It’s open.” I turn the knob and open it to see Ben standing by this small round table with two plates of what looked like spaghetti and a lite candle in the middle. Ben was wearing black dress pants, black shoes and a white dress shirt, looking like a damn male model.
”Uh, what the hell is going on?” I asked him as I enter his room and shut the door behind me. “Well, we’ve been stressed lately and I thought a nice dinner will do us some good.” He replied as I fold my arms across my chest with a raised eyebrow. “Look, I’m sure we’re gonna be paired up for missions soon. So, we should go ahead and clear the air.” He said to me and I sighed as I unfold my arms.
”Since when do you know how to cook?” I asked him and he smirks. “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, sweetheart.” He said and I scoff out a laugh. “Ben, I’ve known you for years and I’ve never seen you cook.” I said and he sighs. “Fine, I did a take out order but…I remembered you liked Italian.” He said and I give a small smile. “Yeah, I do.” I said as I go over to the table and he holds a seat out for me.
I sit down and he pushes the chair close to the table then takes the seat across from me. Then we began to eat and did some small talk about the past few days.
Later, the two of us stand out in Ben’s balcony with a drink in our hands, looking out at the view of the city. “You know, I’ve been thinking…” Ben said and I smirk. “That’s a dangerous thing.” I said and he scoffs. “I was thinking about that day we met. How you used to be.” Ben said and now it was my turn to scoff. Thinking back on how I use to be, I barely recognize that girl anymore.
”What happened to that girl?” Ben asked me and I chuckled a little. “Well, they do say bad boys make good girls worse.” I jabbed at him and he turns to me. “Oh, so it’s my fault you turned out this way?” He asked me as I turn to face him. 
“Yes, you are. Before I met you, I had the patience of turtle. Now every little thing and everyone gets on my nerves!” I announced and Ben scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Oh yeah, because you were so better off before, being a submissive little sheep. If it weren’t for me, you’d still be married to that jackass that practically sold you into this life!” Ben roared.
“I could’ve gotten out of that marriage all on my own. I didn’t need you to save me!” I growled and Ben clicks his tongue. “Sure, you didn’t.” He said, with that stupid smug smile of his that always had such a chokehold on my heart.
“Well, then let’s talk about you.” I said. “What about me?” Ben asked. “If it weren’t for me, you’d either be dead or imprisoned with how reckless you are!” I replied and Ben let’s out a mocking laugh. “Oh, that’s good. You should tell everyone that at the next Vought party.” He said, pointing at me as he continues laughing in my face like an immature child.
“I’m the best thing that could’ve happened to you and you’re too stupid to realize it!” I shouted at him and Ben stops his laughter to glare at me. “Are you kidding me? You are the worse thing to ever happen to me! Before you came here, I was a happy man!” He shouted back.
“Is that so?” I asked, feeling a little hurt by this statement but my anger in this moment clouded that. “Hell yes! I’m…” He said, his face scrunching up as he chokes the air in an angry gesture. “How do you think it feels to be attracted to someone that makes you sick?!” He growled.
“I could write a book on the subject and still have enough content to write a sequel.” I retorted. “You are the nuttiest, the stupidest, phonies bimbo I have ever met!” Ben sneered and I felt my anger rising to the point I felt like I’m surrounded by lava. 
“You, Benjamin, are the most arrogant, self-centered, selfish, son of…!” I hissed, taking a step closer to him. “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Ben shouted, pointing at me. “Shut your big fat fucking mouth.” He growled. “Make me.” I demanded. 
“Make you? I’m gonna throw you off this fucking building!” Ben said, through gritted teeth. “Try it and you’ll be walking funny tomorrow. Or should I say funnier?” I replied and Ben closes his eyes and twisted his head a little as he breathes in deeply.
“You disgust me.” I sneered and Ben opens his eyes to glare at me. “You drive me fucking crazy. I hate you.” I growled. “Is that so?” Ben asked, taking a step closer to me, our faces now just inches from each other. 
“Well, you drive me insane.” He said and we stare at each other for a moment, the tension between us was rising to that familiar place that I didn’t want it to go but at the same time, I didn’t want to fight it either. 
“How the hell do you do it?” I asked him, knowing I’m in for a wild ride. “Do what, princess?” He asked me, in a low gruff voice. “Always pulling me back to you…” I asked and he chuckles, lowly, as he leans into me. 
“That is my secret power….that only works on you.” Ben said before he leans into me and we share a passionate kiss. I immediately wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist as we continue to kiss, roughly. Ben pushes me up against the wall of the building and I unbutton his shirt while he goes to unbutton my pants.
We break the kiss for a moment, panting against each other’s lips, before he kneels down and pulls down my pants and my underwear to my ankles. I kick them aside as Ben goes to kiss both of my thighs before leaving some bite marks on them.
“Fuck, Ben!” I gasped as he leaves a trail of love bites and kisses on both of my thighs then he gets to my pussy and, immediately, starts to eat me out like a starving man. “FUCK!” I screamed as he tongue fucks me. Then he wraps his lips around my most sensitive spot and sucks on it, making me scream louder and my hand grabs his hair and tugs on it.
He lets out a low groan, which sends a pleasurable surge through my body, before he inserts two of his fingers in me and thrusts them in and out. I lean my head back against the wall, close my eyes and let out moan after moan as he continues his assault for some time. Then I feel the familiar sensation rising and rising in my lower abdomen.
”Ben, I’m-I’m g-gonna…” I started to announce then he pulls his lips away but kept thrusting his fingers in me. “Go on, princess, let go. Cum for me.” He growls and at his command I do as he says and I scream out in pleasure and ecstasy. He buries his face back into me and lapped up everything I had to give.
Once my orgasm subsided, Ben stands up to me as I open my eyes, slowly, and catch my breath. He smirks at me then leans into me and gives me a fiery kiss, I could taste myself on his lips, before he pulls away from my lips. I look down at him and see that his dick was already half hard, so I reach down, grab him and start to stroke him.
Ben closes his eyes and lets out some grunts and groans before he leans in and kisses me again. We make-out for a few more moments as I keep jerking him off. I then go to kneel down in front of him, so that I could taste him but he stops me and I look up at him.
”As much as I would love to fuck that beautiful mouth of yours, I need you right fucking now.” Ben growls and I felt excitement in my chest as he grabs my hips and I jump and wrap my legs around his waist. Then he carries me back into his room as we continued to kiss again and spent all night having crazy make-up sex.
Present Day
“Tragically relapsed into an opioid addiction, just as he was slated to join The Seven. Not since Len Bias has a public figure been lost to a drսg оvеrdоsе on the cusp of the next...”  the new woman said before I look over at the TV to see that Supersonic had died. I shake my head in disbelief at this. “Well, shit, he looked like one of the good ones.” I muttered as I turn my tv off. SuperSonic looked like a pretty decent kid but something about this death seems really off, especially since he recently was just brought into the Seven.
I go over to my desk and pull open a drawer, revealing a case that I hold my knives in. I take them and start to walk out in my backyard where there is a small shed. I open up the shed to see my hold training dummies inside and I raised a hand, making the dummies float. 
Later, I had the dummies set up around me, like a group of criminals would swarm me and try to corner me. I take in a deep breath and open the case and make the knives float up in the air.
I drop the case on the ground then begin to concentrate and wave my hand around to make the knives zoom around and slice and stab the dummies, repeatedly. Then one of the dummies raise their arms and hold a BB gun and fires at me but I use my shield powers and protect myself from the BB’s. 
I do this for awhile until I hear my phone go off in my pocket. I pick up the case and hold it out as I use my power to put them back and I answer my phone with my free hand. “Hello?” I answered. “Hey, (y/n)!” Amelia said. Amelia is Bethany’s and Steven’s young adult daughter. “Oh, hey, Amelia. What’s up?” I asked her. “Well, I’m just making sure we are still good with going into the city tomorrow?” She asked me.
”Oh, yeah, yeah…we’re still good.” I said. “Great!” She exclaimed, excitedly. “Although I’m still wondering how you talked me into doing a medi-pedi.” I grumbled. “Oh, c’mon, it’ll be fun!” Amelia said and I rolled my eyes. “If you say so.” I said. “Okay, well, once we get the medi-pedi done, we’ll do whatever you want.” She said and I chuckle. “Funny, I use to say the same thing to you when you were a kid.” I said and I hear her laugh.
”Learn from the best!” She said and I rolled my eyes. “Uh-huh, sure.” I grumbled. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
”See ya!” She said before she hangs up and I put my phone away. 
Later, I was in the bathroom, splashing water over my face, before I look at myself in the mirror. Normal people when they see me, they would see a young supermodel looking woman but I could see that old woman behind these eyes and how tired she is.
I sighed then look through the drawers at the counter until I came across an old pregnancy test. I stared at it as my heart beat hard against my throat and I reach over to it and pull it out from the drawer. I hold up the test and see that it showed positive and I stare at it, my heart dropping into the pit of my stomach.
”Why do I even have this?” I muttered to myself as I toss the test into the little trash can by the sink. I wash my hands then walk out and start on cleaning up my house.
*3rd Person POV*
Meanwhile, at his office, Butcher sits at his desk, drinking and looking over the flies as he can’t believe what he and the others had witnessed. After all these years, Soldier Boy was alive.
After they had rushed to the airport, they flew back to America and M.M. and Frenchie took Kimiko to the hospital while Hughie went home to break the bad news to Starlight. Butcher sulked in his office and gave a call to Maeve.
He sits at his desk and sniffs as he takes another drink when Maeve comes in. “How the fսck is Soldier Boy still alive?” She asked, angrily. “Another nutter loose in the world, thanks to us.” Butcher remarks and Maeve gets a good look at his disheveled look. “You look like warmed-over shit.” She said.
”Well...least I'll be sober in the morning. You'll still be a Supe.” Butcher said. “Well, if Supes are so fսcking vile, why do you want to be one again? What are you gonna do with those?” Maeve asked him as she digs in her bag and tosses him a pouch filled with Temp V. 
Butcher doesn’t reply and Maeve sighs then places her hands on her hips. “I need to let (y/n) know.” Maeve said. “About what?” Butcher asked her. “About Soldier Boy being alive! They were a couple and she still cares about him! She has every right to know.” Maeve said. “He went loose at Russia…more than likely, he’s been captured again. Ain’t our problem, love.” Butcher said as he begins to pour a glass for her and offers her it. 
“No, thanks. I've been sober four months, asshоlе.” Maeve said. “It's been a year for me.” Butcher points out and Maeve stares at the glass and sighs as she takes it.
The next morning, out in the streets of New York and in dirty clothes that he was able to find, Ben looks around the streets and sees a billboard that advertised this new superhero team, The Seven. Their leader, Homelander, was the prominent face that Ben could see from the advertisement. He sneers at the poster and begins to walk down the streets and takes in the environment around him.
Everything looked so different yet also familiar. People walk past him including two men that had their arms around each other and one of them kissed the side of his partner’s head as they walk past him. Ben looks at them then shrugs and rolls his eyes a little as he continues on down the street until he looks across the street and noticed a familiar face.
Her hair was much shorter than the last time he saw her and she was wearing civilian clothes, jeans, a white t-shirt, boots and a dark green over shirt. But he knew her face all too well. Every time he was experimented on or he’d be put in a gas induced sleep, he always saw (y/n)’s face to help him get through the hell he was going through. She gave him hope that one day she’d come and save him, it was the only thing that kept him sane.
Seeing her right now gave him a small smile and his heart did a flip up to his throat. After all this time, besides her haircut, she still hasn’t changed at all. She still looks just as beautiful as the day he lost her. It’s like time for him and her froze and the world around them kept on moving forward without them. 
He watch her as he kept pace with her and her friend as they talk.
*(y/n)’s POV*
“See? Was that so bad?” Amelia asked me as we walk down the street. I look down at my manicured nails and smiled at them. “I will admit they look nice.” I said. “I’m just surprised you’ve never done something like this before.” Amelia said and I shrug. “Never had a reason to.” I remarked. “What you and your mom never went and did stuff like this?” Amelia asked me.
“No, when I was around your age, we were coming off the Great Depression and then we had the war.” I said. “That sucks. Guess that means the life you had before you became a Supe was completely different.” Amelia questions and I chuckled. “You have no idea.” I said and we pass by a woman pushing a baby carriage. I watch her and look down to see the sleeping form of the baby and I couldn’t help but smile at how cute the baby looked.
”Oh, man, I can’t wait to have kids of my own.” Amelia goes on and I turn to her. “Really? I figured you’d want to go out and party with friends.” I said and she shrugs. “Going out and gettin super drunk isn’t really my style. But…something about being a mom just sounds appealing to me.” Amelia said and I chuckle. “I do wonder…how come you never had a kid?” Amelia asked me and I feel a wave a sadness overcome me.
”I, uh…well, that’s…that’s complicated…” I said and Amelia stares at me then nods. “Okay…” she said and we continue on down the street until I felt a weird sensation overcoming me. That feeling you get when you feel like you’re being watched.
I look around and just saw a few people passing by me but then I look across the street. Everyone looked normal, except for this homeless looking man. His hair was long and stringy, like he hadn’t washed it in a long time, and his beard was long and bushy and his clothes were dirty and bit baggy. And he was looking at me but the crazier thing was, he looked vaguely familiar.
The way he walked and the way he stared at me was familiar. I stopped in my tracks as Amelia kept walking and the man stops once I did. I look at him and raise an eyebrow, he stands there and continues to look at me almost like he was debating on whether to walk up to me or not. I take a step or two closer, as if that will help, and the way he furrowed his brow and tilt his head made me gasp.
”Ben?” I whispered then I felt a hand on my arm and I jump and turn to see it was Amelia. “Hey! I was talking to you!” She said and she noticed my surprised look. “I-I-I’m sorry, I just…” I stammered and she gives me a concerned look. “What’s wrong? You look like you seen a ghost.” She said and I turn my head across the street but the man was gone.
”I thought I saw…” I said then I shake my head. “Probably going insane.” I said as I turn to Amelia then I start to walk down the street. “Wait, who did you think you saw?” She asked me as she walks up to me. “I thought I saw Ben…” I said.
*3rd Person POV*
Ben had walked off the moment (y/n) turned away from him. Every part of him screamed for him to go to her, embrace her, hold her and kiss her but the way he looked now, she’d think he was some crazy homeless guy. So he decided he needs to go find an old pal, The Legend, and hope that he had his stuff then he’ll go to (y/n).
He walks down the streets for a few more moments until he heard music. Furrowing his brow, he walks closer and sees a shop with a little radio at the doorway. The music was sung in Russian and Ben paused at this then a flood of memories of his time in that damn lab popped in his head as the music continued.
He drops his bag and doubles over as he groans. “Hey, buddy? You okay, buddy?” A civilian came up and asked him as Ben felt this uncontrollable power burst out of him and caused an explosion.
*(y/n)’s POV*
Amelia and I were able to get into a cab and drive off towards Bethany’s house. About ten or fifteen minutes later, Amelia’s phone goes off and she goes to answer it. “It’s mom.” She said and she answers it. “Hey, Mom!” She greets then her smile disappears, her brow furrowed. “Yeah, we’re fine, we’re in a cab and on our way home. What’s wrong?” She asked and now it was my turn to furrow my brow.
Amelia’s eyes widen then she looks at me, fear etched all over her face. “Okay, well, we should be back at the house soon. Okay, love you! Bye.” She said and she hangs up. “What is it?” I asked as she looks down at her phone then she looks over at me. 
“Mom said that there was an explosion that happened in Manhattan. Nineteen people were killed.” She said, grimly, and my jaw drops at this.
*3rd Person POV*
After seeing the explosion Soldier Boy caused, M.M. suggested to Butcher and Hughie to go the The Legend and see if Soldier Boy has gone to talk to him or if he knows of his whereabouts since Legend owes M.M. a favor.
M.M. knocks on the door of the apartment door when a voice calls out. "Just leave it." M.M. gives a confused look to Butcher and Hughie before he asks. "What?"
"Leave the damn clams casino at the door." The voice said. "This ain't Grubhub, mοthеrfսckеr. Open up." M.M. said and the door opens and Legend appears at the door and smiles once he sees M.M. "Marvin." He greets before he laughs and shakes hands then he notices Butcher. "Hey. I see you still got this piece of dog shit stuck to your boot." Legend said as he gestures to Butcher.
"Oh, go do one, you withered old cսոt." Butcher grumbles and Legend blows smoke at him from his cigarette and Butcher smirks while M.M. gestures to Hughie. "This is Hughie." M.M. introduced then he turns to Hughie. "Hughie, you know who this is?" He asked the young man as he points at Legend. Hughie gives a confused look and shakes his head, slightly.
"He doesn't know who I am?" Legend said, upset and offended. "Read a fսcking book, kid." He said to Hughie before M.M. explains. "This...this is The Legend." M.M. said and Legend gives a small bow. "That's, uh, quite a nickname." Hughie said. "No, it's not a name. It's a level." Legend corrects.
"Legend, we need to talk." M.M. said then Legend gestures to Butcher. "Not him." He said and Butcher rolls his eyes. "He'll behave. You got my word. This is important, and you owe me." M.M. said as Legend looks Butcher over then back at M.M. then he grumbles, quietly, before letting everyone in.
Hughie looks around the large room which was covered in pictures of Legend with various supes and celebrities. "Whoa. Is that you and Roy Scheider?" Hughie asked Legend as he points at a picture. "That's at the Chateau after the Marathon Man premiere. Roy Scheider, Dustin, Anjelica, Big Chief Apache. That whole night's a little cloudy to me. But if you ask Army Archerd, I was balls deep in Golden Geisha, and Marlon Brando was apparently balls deep in me." Legend said as he sits down and smokes his cigarette. M.M. gives him a look that catches Legend's attention.
"What? That's gay now? Fսck you. Who cares? What's the difference?" Legend said as he picks up his tray that had lines of coke. "Anyway, after that, I got Marlon to cut his quote on that Steel Knight picture, so I ask you, who fսckеd who?" He asked then he sniffs up the coke. "He was here, wasn't he?" M.M. asked as Legend holds out the tray of coke to Hughie. "Oh, no, I'm-I'm good. I'm-I'm full. Of cоcɑіnе." Hughie said, holding a hand up. "All right." Legend said as he sets the tray down.
"See, now Vought is all demo points and audience testing, thanks to those backstabbing fսcks Edgar and Stillwell. And yes, I know she's dead, fսck her anyway." Legend rants and M.M. turns to Hughie. "So, The Legend was the VP of Hero Management over at Vought before Stillwell came in. He helps us out from time to time." M.M. explains to Hughie while Legend looks at him, confused.
"He really doesn't know who I am?" Legend asked M.M., who shrugs, then he turns to Hughie. "See, when I was in charge, you go with your gut. That's when heroes were heroes, not these stage-managed silicone dolls. I've never even seen Homelander sweat, let alone butter churn half the cast of Falcon Crest at the Beverly Hills Hotel, which I did. Two words. Shannon Tweed." He said and Hughie gives him a look of disgust.
"Legend. Soldier Boy came to see you. I need to know what he said." M.M. said. "What are you, crazy? Marvin, he's a fսcking doornail." Legend said. "So who's that coke for?" Butcher asked as he gestures to the second tray that had some powder of coke left. "That's just me. I'm writing my memoir. It's gonna be really dynamite. So I'm, you know, I'm burning the candle at both ends. I swear. I swear on my kids' lives." Legend said, raising a hand. "You hate your fսcking kids." Butcher points out. "So would you if you met them." Legend grumbles.
"So, if I ran the prints on that mirror, who would I come up with? Huh." M.M. asked and Legend fidgets a bit at this. "Don't worry. Soldier Boy's not gonna trace this back to you. Trust me." M.M. said and Legend scoffs. "Oh, trust you. Like I trusted him? You forget what happened last time I helped? The underage hοοker sting on Electroshock? You can't trust a man like that. Everything and everyone he touches turns to shit." Legend said as he gestures to Butcher, who then stands up, and Legend pulls off his fake leg, showing Hughie what were the consequences.
"Well, you can trust me to bash your fսcking brains out with that leg, mate." Butcher growls. "Butcher, please." M.M. pleads as Legend puts his leg back on and glares at Butcher. "Look, I'm the one you trust. Now, you know what Soldier Boy did to my family. And you know because you okayed the cover-up." M.M. said. "Shit, I...I okayed a million cover-ups." Legend said. "And they're all tearing you up. So just make this one right, will you?" M.M. asked as he and Legend stare at each other then Legend exhales, like he was letting go the heavy weight on his shoulder.
"I thought I was staring at a ghost, but it was him. He had a fucked-up beard, maybe, but he hadn't aged a day." Legend said. "Wait, so he doesn't get old? Like Stormfront?" Hughie asked and Legend nods. "We kept that under wraps; same goes for Mystic Shade, she doesn't age either. Though it got a little fishy when he starred in that Love and War picture with Phoebe Cates. He was 63. She was 19." Legend said then he remembered something. "Oh, fսck. Remember Entrapment? Connery banged Zeta-Jones. He was, like, a thousand."
"Why was Soldier Boy here?" M.M. said, getting a bit annoyed. "Came to pick up his super suit. I held on to it. You know me. I'm sentimental. Although I did actually wear the suit once for Kelly LeBrock." Legend said then he turns to Hughie. "By the way, her, too." He added and Hughie furrows his brow. "You don't know Kelly LeBrock? Fսcking google it. Big L. Big B. The other letters, small." Legend said.
"So, did he tell you where he was going next? Or that he was gonna blow up a fսcking restaurant on 59th?" M.M. asked him. "Who the hell knows why talent does what they do? That's why they're talent." Legend said, defensively, then he sighs as the others glare at him.
"He also came for his girlfriend's address. He's headed there." Legend said. "Mystic Shade? Why?" Butcher asked and Legend shakes his head. "Wait, Mystic Shade and Soldier Boy? I thought he was with Crimson Countess?" Hughie said, confused.
"See, back then Soldier Boy and Mystic Shade were, as the kids say, the IT couple. But they would constantly break up and get back together. At one point, they broke up and Crimson Countess came along and she and Soldier Boy became the new couple." Legend explained. "Oh, God." Hughie mutters. "You're telling me, kid. Then they broke up after a few months because Soldier Boy wanted Mystic Shade back and they got together. Bit of a scandal back then." Legend said.
"Why they break up and get back together so often?" Hughie asked and Legend shrugs. "Who the fuck knows? More than likely, those two couldn't keep their hands off of each other. I remember once he told me how good of a fuck Mystic was, said it was the best sex he's ever had." Legend said and Hughie furrows his brow then shakes his head.
"Okay, but why is he going after Mystic Shade?" M.M. asked. "He seemed concerned for her, from the way he acted. Plus she has his shield. And I also gave him Crimson Countess' address, from the way it sounded and that wasn't gonna be a happy reunion, but I don't know. Maybe you can go there and find out. But mostly, get the fսck out of here." Legend tells the trio and they all share a look before they get up and leave.
“Frenchie's not answering. Kimiko's out of commission. Soldier Boy's already got a head start. We gonna need some backup.” M.M. said as he, Butcher and Hughie walk down an alleyway towards Butcher’s car and he opens the trunk.
“And here it is.” Butcher said a she leans in and unzips the bag inside, revealing some more doses of Temp V. “I thought you were out.” M.M. grumbles while Hughie’s eyes widen in surprise. “Nipped into the Duane Reade, got some more, didn't I? Look, I know how you feel about this shite, but it's Soldier Boy. So why don't you come down off your high horse just this once, eh?” Butcher asked him as M.M. glares at the Temp V then towards Butcher.
”My dad wouldn't want it.” M.M. said. “Your dad, who died of a dodgy ticker, suing Vought and never getting nowhere?” Butcher asked him, annoyed. “Yeah. Him. You know, he also said, if you don't draw the line somewhere, how the hell are you gonna know where you stand?” M.M. said. “They ain't drawing no line.” Butcher growls. “Which is why we got to.” M.M. said, firmly.
”I'm in. Give me some.” Hughie said and M.M. stared at him, confused. “Kid, didn't you just hear a damn word I said?” He asked him. “I mean, who do you guys want? Do you guys w-want gawky, weak, freaking-the-fuck-out Hughie or do you want strong, confident, handling-his-shit Hughie? With it, I can actually help. Without it, I'm...I-I'm probably dead.” Hughie explains and Butcher stares at him then looks down at the doses but M.M. glares between the two.
”Lad can think for himself.” Butcher said as he pulls out a couple of doses and Hughie smiles and chuckles, softly.
*(y/n)’s POV*
I pulled up to my home, parked the car and let out a heavy sigh. After getting to Bethany’s house, she showed me and Amelia the news about that explosion and it was just unbelievable. The video they showed was of a man bending over, like he was in pain, and a gentleman came up to him then seconds later the first man stands up and a light had bursts out of him and the video ends as that’s when the explosion happened.
The news played it again and I tried to looks closer at the man that cause the explosion because the clothes he was wearing looked very similar to the clothes on the creepy man that stared at me from across the street. The one I could’ve sworn looked like Ben but Ben wouldn’t do something like this. Yes, he was an asshole and caused some damages but it was never intentional. And of course the main fact is he’s dead.
I sighed as I look down at my lap then shake my head before I raise my head up and freeze. My front door was slightly ajar and I know I had shut it and locked it when I left. “The fuck.” I muttered as I get out of my car, shut the door and cautiously walk towards my house.
I get up to the front door and poked at it with my finger tips, the door squeaks as it opens a little. I walk slowly inside then look around to see nothing broken nor anything looked out of place. I walk towards the living room and start to check the area in case if anything was out of place.
But before I could get a good look around, I felt someone grab me. Instincts kicked in as I elbow the person behind me in the stomach and I hear a small grunt, which sounded like a man. I tried to elbow them again but he places an arm around me to hold my arms against my side and places his other hand over my mouth.
”Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy there, princess.” A male voice said and I freeze at this. No, it can’t be. I thought but I recognized that voice, it’s a voice I hadn’t heard in almost 40 years and nobody else calls me that pet name except…him.
Once I stopped struggling, the man removed their arms off of me and the hand off of my mouth and I take in a few deep breathes, my heart racing, then I turn around, slowly. I gasp as I see that the man behind me was Ben. His hair was a bit longer than that day when he was killed, his beard had grown just a bit and he was in superhero suit. But other than that, he hadn’t aged a day.
He gives me that smile that always made my heart sing and my jaw drops a little. “N-No, n-no way. You’re…you’re dead!” I gasped as I take a step back away from him. “Guess again, sweetheart.” He replied and I shake my head. “I-I-I don’t understand…” I stammered then he grabs my shoulders and gives me a stern and hard glare. “I need to know something…” he said in a low growl and I look at him, confused. “Did you know?” He asked me. “Know what?” I asked, confused. “About giving me to the Russians.” He said.
”What? Ben, Crimson told me that the Russians killed you once I came back to consciousness.” I said, confused, and he raised an eyebrow at this. “So, you didn’t know that they sold me to the Reds, where I was experimenting on, where they tortured me?!” Ben growls, getting angry. “Jesus, no! I promise you, Ben, I had no idea!” I exclaimed and he continued to look at me, as if to detect if I was lying.
”Ben…” I said, softly, and I placed my hand up on his cheek, the hard glare on his face begins to soften. “I know we’ve said some things to each other, things we’re not proud of but I promise you, I would never sink that low into selling you to the Russians!” I said, firmly, and he continues to stare at me. “All those years…that they burned me and they pumped me full of poison, I held onto the hope that you would come. That you would save me.” He said, his voice shaking with emotion, and it was breaking my heart as I’ve never seen him this vulnerable before.
Sure, he always showed a tender, softer side of him to me but this felt different.
”And you know, damn well, that I would’ve come, Ben. If I had known, I would’ve stopped at nothing to save you.” I said, my eyes welling up. “But I thought you were dead. I mourned you. I’ve been kept up for many nights, hating myself and feeling like I should’ve done more that day.” I whispered, tearfully. He looks at me and it seems he’s starting to believe me then he moves his hands off of my shoulder then cups my face in his hands.
We stare at each other for a moment before he leans in and captures my lips in his. I immediately respond back and we kissed, passionately, as I place my arms around his neck then run my fingers through his hair. The feeling of his soft lips against mine was a feeling I had desperately missed, the coarse hairs from his beard was a new sensation but a welcome one.
We break the kiss to catch our breath and we stare at each other. “I missed you so much.” I whispered to him. “I missed you too.” He mutters and he leans in to kiss me again and this was much slower, like he was taking his time. I return the kiss and get lost in the moment as we kiss for a few more moments, making up for lost times, then I run my tongue across his bottom lip and tug on his hair and that’s when he pulls away.
I furrow my brow at this as we break the kiss and he looks me over. “As much as I want this to continue, and believe me I really want to, I can’t. At least, not right now.” Ben said and I stare at him, confused. “W-What do you mean?” I asked him. “I need my shield and I was told you had it.” He said and I scoff at this.
”Oh, I get it. You came here for your shield and not me.” I teased and he cracks a smirk. “Coming for the shield was a bonus.” He said. “Nice save.” I chuckled before I sigh. “Okay, follow me.” I said and I lead him to my room. Then I point to his shield that was mounted on my wall.
He goes up to it and takes it down. “You’ve been taking good care of it, I see.” He said and I smile. “Well, of course! I felt that your ghost would’ve kick my ass if I didn’t.” I said and he chuckles at this. “But..why do you need it?” I asked him and he looks down and sighs. “I’m going after them. Crimson, the Twins, Noir…all of them.” Ben said and my eyes widen. “They gave me to the Reds and I need to find out why.”
”Okay, well, I’m coming with you.” I said then he turns to me and shakes his head. “No! I need you to stay here.” He tells me, sternly, and I glare at him and place my hands on my hips. “Seriously, Ben?! You know I can handle myself!” I said, getting annoyed and angry, then Ben comes up to me and places a hand on my shoulder.
”Sweetheart, I don’t need you around this cause I could hurt you.” He said. “What? What do you mean?” I asked and Ben sighs. “Remember how I said the Russians tortured me and experimented on me?” Ben asked me and I nodded. “They…did something…to me…I don’t know what exactly but….it’s like…I feel this uncontrollable power and…it just releases out of me, like an explosion…” he said and my jaw drops at this.
”Wait…that explosion that happened in Midtown…was that you?” I asked him and he stares at me then nods, slowly. I gasp at this. “So that was you I saw.” I whispered and he nods again. “I wanted to go to you, I wanted to embrace you and kiss you when I saw you but…I didn’t want to scare you.” Ben said and I take a step closer to him and place my right hand on his cheek.
”You can never scare me, Ben.” I said and he runs his green eyes over me before nodding a bit. He raises his right hand and removes my hand off of his face then places a kiss to it before lowering it down. “I’ve gotta go…I’m gonna have a talk with Countess and then I’ll come back to you.” He said. “You sure?” I asked, a bit of a teasing smirk, and he smiles a little.
”I will. Plus, I’ve got forty years to make up to my girl.” Ben said, giving me that smirk that always had a hold on me. He leans into me and places a kiss on my lips again before he pulls back then begins to walk away. “Please, be careful.” I tell him as he walks out of my room.
He stops and looks over his shoulder at me and gives me a small smile, which really reminded me of the night we first met. “I will.” He said then he walks out.
*3rd Person POV*
It was nightfall by the time Ben walks up to Crimson’s trailer. But as he walks up to the small building, he sees a couple of familiar faces; one of them was passed out on the ground while the main man stands tall. It was Butcher.
“You're that asshоlе from the lab.” Ben said, in recognition, as he stops and stares at Butcher. “That's right. I'm the arsehole that let you out. Russian Porta-Loos, eh?” Butcher said while the other man, M.M., starts to pass out thanks to the drugs Butcher put in his water. “You want the Countess's head on a spike, don't you? Well, she's in there, yours for the taking. Consider it a gesture of good faith.” Butcher said as he walks up to Ben.
Ben furrows his brow. “Good faith for what?” Ben asked him. “I was thinking that you and I could come to a little arrangement. What you lot call...a team up.” Butcher said, smirking.
"Ben? Is that really you?" Crimson asked as Ben comes into her trailer and sees her tied up to a chair and her hands were wrapped in duct tape. "You look so young." She compliments with a smile. "You don't." Ben sneers and Crimson glares at him for a moment before she quickly gets teary eyed, hoping to come off innocent.
"I'm so, so sorry. It wasn't my idea. God, you got to believe me. I-I..." she pleads but Ben doesn't wanna hear her grovel, all he wanted was the truth. "How much did the Russians pay you? Hmm?" Ben asked her as he takes a couple of steps towards her.
Crimson bites her lips before she speaks. "They didn't." She replied, shaking her head, and Ben was taken aback by this. "What? They didn't pay you anything?" Ben asked, shocked, and Crimson shakes her head. "Then why? We were a team, we’re supposed to have each other’s back…” Ben said, confused.
"I hated you. We all did. All except Mystic, she was the only one that liked you. That's why we made sure she didn't know, because she was the only one dumb enough to ruined it all." Crimson spat and Ben glares at her and felt anger flare up in his chest.
Then his chest begins to glow and Crimson's glare changes to a look of fear as the light from Ben's chest glows brighter and brighter until it blasted out of his chest, blowing up her trailer and turning Crimson Countess into a charred corpse.
Once the smoke starts to clear, Ben turns away and starts to walk out of the charred remains of the trailer to see that Butcher had moved M.M. away and there were two more people there. A tall skinny nerdy looking guy and a short blonde girl that Ben recalled from seeing on the poster of The Seven.
Starlight starts to step forwards towards Soldier Boy, her eyes glowing gold, when Hughie steps in front of her. She stops and stares at him as her eyes go back to normal. “What are you doing?” She asked him, confused. “Annie, listen. We wanted a weapon. Soldier Boy's our weapon. He's how we kill Homelander. And Neuman maybe. If anyone's strong enough, he is.” Hughie explains and Starlight gives him a shocked look.
”Y-You knew Butcher was gonna do this?” She asked him and Hughie bites his lips. “M.M. never would've gone for it, and you...Look, you weren't supposed to be here.” He said and Starlight exhales at this. “Oh. So...no more secrets, huh?” She asked, upset, and Hughie looks down. “Hughie...you're teaming up with a murderer.” She accused and Hughie looks back at her.
”This is the only way that I can save you from Homelander. I'm doing this for you. Whatever it takes, remember? Come with us. You and me against the world.” Hughie pleads to her while Ben had already started to walk away. “Hughie.” Butcher hollers and Hughie starts to turn to him but Starlight grabs his arm.
”Please don't go.” She pleads to him and Hughie gives her the I’m sorry look before he walks off and follows Butcher and Ben.
*(y/n)’s POV*
I was pacing around my living room, beyond worried about Ben, until I heard what sounded like a car pulling up into my driveway. I felt confused so I go to my window and pull back the curtains to see a car had, indeed, pulled up and the passenger door of the car opens, Ben walking out.
“Oh God.” I whispered and I move away from the window and open my front door as Ben comes up to my porch. “Ben!” I said, relieved, and he and I embrace each other. I look over and see Butcher walking up, along with a tall young man behind him.
”Mr Butcher?” I said as I pull away from the embrace. “Mystic Shade.” Butcher greets. “The hell are you doing here?” I asked him as Ben looks between me and Butcher. “You two know each other?” He asked me and I nod. “You should thank your girl actually. If it wasn’t for her, we wouldn’t have come to that compound and freed you.” Butcher tells Ben.
”So, here’s what we’re gonna do. My partner, Hughie, and I will leave you two alone tonight, I’m sure you two have a lot of catching up to do. And then we’ll come by in the morning and have a little chat.” Butcher said as he gestures to the young man behind him and I raised an eyebrow. “What kind of chat?” I asked him and Butcher smirks. “About doing a bit of a team up. You’re welcome to join us, Mystic Shade.” He tells me.
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r0mantic-f00l · 1 month
first chapter of my sucky neighbour! hope you enjoy!
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Chapter One
It felt like some sort of mystical being that controlled the universe hated you.
Like it wanted you to suffer, or wanted to make you its test for an experiment.
What you wanted to ask that being, whenever you heard your neighbour play heavy rock music with the volume cranked up at four in the morning, whenever you heard moans with a headboard banging against the wall every other day, whenever you argued and yelled at his stupid smug face, why me?
What have you done to warrant this misery and this torture?
You were a fairly nice person, often helping your other neighbours carrying groceries, feeding any stray cat or dog you pass by, comforting the girl who lived below you whenever she feels like she'll never find love.
So what in the hell did you do to get Sirius motherfucking Black as a neighbour?
Warm embers of yellow and gold slipped through your windows as you ate your breakfast, a bowl of Greek yogurt with raspberries and blueberries being a welcome surprise.
Your cat Maisie, a Ragdoll with soft blue eyes and soft white fur, rested on your small dining room table, watching you with boredom in her eyes as you finished your breakfast.
"Your food is over there." You mumbled, pointing to her food bowl by the front door.
She meowed, as if responding something sparky, and hopped off the table.
Sounds of loud electric guitar, a screaming voice, and heavy drums disrupted the peaceful silence of your morning, something that started the schedule of you arguing with your neighbour.
You groaned in annoyance and stood up from your chair, the wood scraping against the floor joining the cacophony as you stormed out of your apartment and slammed your front door.
A mere three steps took you outside to where the person you despised most resided.
You pounded your fist against the door repeatedly, steam practically escaping from your ears as you waited for the culprit to open the door.
Your fist dropped by your side as the door finally opened to the sight of that smug grin, as if he knew the music would spite you, would make you annoyed. And wasn't that his mission in life?
"Good morning, princess."
"No, it is not a good morning, and I'm not your princess!" You spat, glaring up at Sirius with red fury in your eyes.
"Woah, princess, calm down, you're turning into a tomato." Sirius mused, snickering to himself when you brushed your fingers against your cheeks to feel how hot they were.
"You need to turn down your music."
"Why, who's it hurting?"
You scoffed, your hands balling up.
"You live in a family building, with the Potters below you, the Hughes above you, and the Jones right fucking there!" You shouted, pointing to the apartment behind you.
Sirius hummed, and leaned against the doorframe, grinning at you.
"Well, I figured you'd enjoy it, princess."
"Not at 10am in the morning!"
"Someone's not a morning person."
You sighed, trying to calm yourself down.
"Turn down the music."
"What's the magic word?" Sirius leaned forward slightly, lowering himself down to your height as he smirked at you.
"Turn down the music, twat."
"Hm, try again."
"Turn it down, you fucking son of a bitch!"
"Nope, that's not it."
You huffed, and glanced down at the floor, avoiding his arrogant stare so you could prevent yourself from punching him.
"Turn the music down, please."
Sirius' grin only grew whilst he stared at the way your head hung low in defeat.
"Wow, I didn't know you had manners."
He chuckled as you glared up at him and crossed your arms.
"Okay well, you need to fuck off 'cause I'm about to wake up my date from last night and I'm in a particular raunchy mood." Sirius winked as you scrunched up your face in disgust.
Nevertheless, you walked back over to your door.
"Nice hair." You mumbled, grinning to yourself as you glanced at Sirius' bedhead.
"Cute pyjamas." Sirius replied, smirking when you looked down at your pyjamas only to remember it was your old Daffy Duck, bright yellow pyjamas which had sauce stains and ripped stitchings.
Before you could argue back, Sirius closed his door shut, leaving you to trudge back into your apartment.
You muttered profanities to yourself as you stood against the door, calming yourself down before you would proceed with your usual routine.
Sirius did turn the music off, much to your delight, yet the same moans and whimpers and shouts of his name, along with the headboard banging against the wall replaced the music, much to your dismay.
It sounded louder than it did last night, which you thought would be impossible since whoever was in there with him must've destroyed their vocal cords.
You rubbed your face and sighed, coming to the realisation that you could never win against Sirius Black.
When the sky was turning orange and pink in the gradual absence of the Sun, Mrs Potter, your landlady, knocked on your door.
Her bright smile and kind eyes was a welcome sight, and as you ushered her in, she began talking about anything and everything.
"My son, my dear James, is engaged. Did you know he's engaged?" She smiled, sitting down on your sofa as you gave her a cup of tea and sat next to her.
"Yeah, I did."
You were asleep one night when you woke up to a deep voice shouting from the rooftop 'I'm engaged!'
It was quite sweet really, if it wasn't at two am.
"Ah well, I don't know who's happier - my son's fiancée, or my son." She chuckled before taking a tip of her tea.
"So... I'm actually not here for a chat, my dear."
You tensed up, the worst things coming to your mind. Were you getting evicted? Was there a gas leaking in your apartment?
"Yes, I'm here because of... because of a complaint." Mrs Potter pursed her lips, placing down her cup on the coffee table.
"Many complaints, actually. Now that I think about it, everyone in the building has complained about this."
"W-What is it?"
The woman sighed, and glanced up at you with a sorrowful look in her eyes.
"I have been getting many complaints about noise. Particularly the noise of you and Sirius Black arguing."
Your shoulders slumped whilst a sigh escaped your mouth.
"Now, dear, why are you and Sirius arguing so often? Like... everyday? Of every hour? Possibly sometimes every minute?"
"He's an asshole, that's why. Forgive my French."
Mrs Potter frowned and shook her head.
"Now actually, I find Sirius to be a sweetheart. Has been nothing but kind to me and my family. He is, in fact, like a brother to my son. So I find that hard to believe."
"Mrs Potter, he's unbearable as a neighbour! Always so inconsiderate, so selfish and complete unaware of anyone else but himself!"
The woman leaned forward and placed her hand on your knee.
"Is it because you have feelings for him?" She whispered, as if speaking in a hushed voice made the words less ridiculous.
You huffed and stood up from your seat, using the excuse of filling up your cat's food bowl to turn away from the wild notion that you could ever posses feelings for your sucky neighbour.
"No, of course not!"
"Well dear, I'm just asking because sometimes love has a funny way showing itself."
You walked back to where Mrs Potter sat in your living room with a cup full of cat food in your hand.
"I'm not in love with him!"
"No, no, of course not." The woman paused, pursing her lips as she shifted around on the couch.
"...But you have feelings for him?"
You scoffed, walking away to place the rest of the food in the cat bowl.
"It could be any sort of feelings, dear! Platonic, romantic, sexual--"
"Mrs Potter, I do not have any feelings for Sirius Black other than the feeling of pure hatred."
You walked back into the living room, watching as Mrs Potter nodded her head and smiled, waving herself away.
"Of course, of course, just hatred."
She took another sip of her tea and placed it back down on the table.
"Well, I will talk to him too about the noise complaints, and hopefully we can sort this issue out." Mrs Potter stood up and walked towards the front door, you following after her.
"Thank you, Mrs Potter."
"Oh please dear, how many times have I told you to call me Eugunia?"
You smiled and shook your head, opening the front door for her.
"Thank you for the tea, dear." Mrs Potter walked out of the door and turned around to face you.
"You know, it is such a shame you don't like him, because he really is such a nice boy, and you are a really nice girl. Match made in heaven." She smiled.
"Yeah, or hell." You mumbled under your breath before saying goodbye to Mrs Potter as she walked away.
"You're really not a nice girl." A familiar voice spoke out, making you jump and step out of your apartment.
There Sirius Black stood against the wall by his door, smoking with a smirk on his face.
"What are you doing, you know you're not supposed to smoke out here!"
He shrugged, and placed the cigarette into his mouth, taking a puff before blowing it out.
"I don't see that rule written on a plaque anywhere."
You simply pointed to a black and gold plaque above the staircase that read Please do not smoke in shared spaces.
"Oh. I stand corrected." He said, whilst making no movement to put out his cigarette.
You rolled your eyes and turned to walk back into your apartment before the sound of his voice stopped you.
"Why are you such a stuck-up bitch?"
"Why are you such a selfish bastard?"
Sirius grinned.
"Because it's fun."
He stepped off the wall and walked towards, taking slow, predatory steps towards you as if you were his prey and he didn't want to scare you off.
"You know what I think?"
You scoffed. "I could care less what you think."
"I think," He continued, pausing to take another puff of his cigarette and blow smoke in your face.
"You just need to get fucked."
Your eyes widened as you didn't know whether to slap him or run away.
The truth was that you haven't slept with anyone in a couple of months. Whilst you had been on dates, they were dates that never ended well.
"Excuse me?"
Sirius only grinned and took another step towards you, invading your personal space as he gazed down at you.
"You heard me. You need a good fucking."
"You must be the most self-entitled, arrogant--"
"Come on princess, we share a wall." He interrupted you, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
"And I haven't heard the sound of your moans for months."
Sirius straightened back up, smirking as he watched you glare at him with cheeks the colour of a rose.
"You pig."
"At least I'm getting it." He stepped away, dropping his cigarette down on the ground and rubbing it out with his foot.
"You want my advice, princess?"
You shook your head, too embarrassed to speak. Yet again, Sirius ignored your wishes.
"Go and find a guy to have meaningless sex with. Maybe then you'll actually become human again."
With that, Sirius went back into his apartment, leaving you standing there as a flustered, angry mess.
You'd get him back.
You would make him feel just as embarrassed and flustered as you.
And you'd enjoy it.
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anns-works · 1 year
Ok so i've got something that yall would probably hate me for. But ive been holding this simmering pot of angst for a while and the first thing i was taught is to share, so suffer with me.
Rather than being the only one out of his brothers to survive in the no-good-very-bad-horrible future, Leo is the only brother who dies.
Okay okay okay.
But i personally like to think that after the krang come out everything goes to shit in the bad timeline everyone goes oh fuck and start teaming up right? Human yokai cryptids mutants– none of that matters as long as you got eachothers back.
And after the initial stumbles the brothers start their active participation in the resistance.
Heres the thing.
Leo is genuinly terrifying at coming up with a plan. Kid went toe to toe with motherfucking Big Mama and came out victorious. Big Mama, as if the most terrifying yokai crime boss Big Mama. Kid came out with a smile. Its safe to say his strategies were incredibly effective and it kinda pissed off a couple of people.
Military dude 1: I can't believe i'm following a plan made by a 16 yo mutanat turtle.
Military dude 2: Your just upset the kid called out all the flaws your plan had in less than 2 seconds flat.
But the one pissed off the most were the krang. This tiny insignificant insect was able to somehow keep the resistance 3 steps ahead. So naturally, they went to take him down first.
It took a while but eventually they managed to isolate Leo. His brothers were fighting up a storm but the krang got too much and so they had to leave. Without Leo.
About a week later which involved a lot of crying and screaming, the krang brodacast a live footage of torturing Leo (my boi) before krangyfying (did i spell that right) him.
And now the krang have leo on their side. Leo, who knows everything there is to know abt the resistance (hes a gossipy bitch but thats only cuz its important to have the intel) so they are in deep shit now.
And he was a zombie for a while guys. Fighting against him always had people dying and his fam having a mental breakdown.
Eventually they take him down, but at what cost. (One of the brothers killed him. cuz angst. And now the question is who is the MOST angst) Also, Leo is the first person to die in the resistance. (Ouch)
Casey rools up and has no fucking clue who Leo is (ouch) or why his mom wanted him to take up the role as Casey's dad (HC: Cass took one look at tge record of Leo's victories against his brothers in the lair games, strategy skills and medical knowledge; and declared that he would be Casey jr.'s father. Leo was incredibly touched)
But for some reason. For soME FUCKING REASON. Kid is so much like Leo its scary. His family is near tears everytime they see him act like that. That one time he made a shitty pun and Donnie started crying.
Well its probably due to the blue imaginary friend he has that he calls Bluey. Yes we're going towards that direction. His everything comes from being influenced by the cool older brother figure he has as an imaginary friend. (Cuz of ✨Mystic Shenanigans✨ Bluey is still stuck here. Mikey is the only one who can also see him. But he cant. Cuz hes depressed)
Also without Mr. A-Ninja's-Greatest-Weapon-Is-Hope I feel like shit gets really depressing in the resistance. Everyones sad. Baby casey is sad to see everyone sad. So he asks Bluey's help and picks up his general style of humor. Angst shenanigans.
And. AND. AND. During the whole peepaws time travel back after the movie montage (I am a aimple woman w/ simple need) these depressed hunks see this tiny version of their blue brother still covered in bandages and not fully healed from the krangvasion, and their immediete reaction? Protecc.
Leo is confused abt a lot of things. The future version of his brothers that got spat out of nowhere. Casey and how that worked w/ their Casey. The blue projection of HIS angsty future self (who is pretty cool btw). PTSD. You know, the works. At this point my guy is just vibing, and honestly? The story picks up a pretty chill pace from there. Its all abt healing now baby.
So thats the rough outline of the au. And it might sound like a fucking add but heres more abt this silly little idea that came from my silly little head. -> You'll (Never) Never Be Alone
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smilesession · 3 months
for my whole life, in my wildest and most romantic mental fantasies i am united forever in holy matrimony with some imaginary guy who has spent his whole life thinking he'd never meet anybody who shared his passions and interests, until he meets me, and our meeting would be a burning flash of enlightenment, a once-in-a-lifetime-recognition-through-the-other. (i don't know why but the fantasy is primarily about the other guy, and the other guy's firsthand experience, but go ahead and blame that on whatever) in my fantasy me and the imaginary guy would talk about like jackie o motherfucker and faust and henry cow and bongwater and dadamah and spacemen 3 and early mercury rev and so on. in a juvenile way i spent my whole adolescence upset that i was never been viewed as a manic pixie dream whatever. and even bearing in mind that that's an objectifying position to be in, i still like the idea of being mystical to someone, and feel like i missed out on having that experience while it was still possible, and while it could have still been motivated by sincerity and innocence. i feel like if i ever have been in such a position its been more objectifying because its not for the things i think are special but its been about like, my being a "GOTH CHICK" (imaginining this phrase impersonally & mechanically carved into a giant monolith of crude iron or something)
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i think i'm too geographically remote for this dream to ever be actualized in any way, which also means that i'll never know the mundane reality of something that halfway resembles my wild fantasy, and my wild fantasy will never dissipate or scar over. i'm in a state of arrested development about it and its really just an embarrassing thing. it just causes limerence and all kinds of weird shit. if things continue this way i'm just going to draw a big picture on my bedroom wall of a guy who listens to dadamah and jackie o motherfucker and all that stuff and talk to it
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konjkitkatty · 2 months
Fun fact about the immortal trait you might not know (a lot of people don't but this is a stupid ask if you know lol), while narinder is immortal if you spare him, if you don't spare him and get him as a "toy" from the mystic seller he's not immortal. I find the lore implications fascinating
I am a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUUUUGE fan of this little piece of information there is just SO much to think abt…
like?? did MS do that to him itself? to make him a more malleable toy? did the lamb murdering them the first time do it? is lamb as the red crown bearer just able to take away the immortality of others? is that why none of the other bishops have the immortal trait naturally after getting them as followers??
Taking a few steps back towards our hypothetical nari, is what the lamb is gifted as a toy for their troubles even actually narinder? Imean yea looks like him. smells like him. maybe tastes like him. but he’s not immortal and thats kinda a huge thing abt nari. if it IS narinder, why is he, the personification of death, The motherfucking One Who Waits, no longer immortal? What changed? and HOW? what could strip a being of their immortality?
was it purgatory? was Narinder in purgatory like the other bishops? could MS just access the beings in purgatory- the bishops and Nari and possibly MILLIONS of others- and pull them out on its own whenever it wanted?? If not purg, is it because of the lamb? then why is he immortal if we choose to spare him? if it ISN’T nari… then what’s running around my cult picking flowers?
I’d love to hear ur thoughts and theories anon!
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grailfinders · 1 year
Fate and Phantasms Viewer's Choice #11: Ritsuka Fujimaru (for real this time)
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today on Fate and Phantasms we’re building Ristuka Fujimaru, technically for the second time. the first was more the nameless master though, this one’s the true blue Ritsuka, with all the mystic code stuff to match! like, all of it all of it. we put anything that boosted a card type down as just general attack improvement, but there’s still so many things Ritsuka can do with those funky outfits.
(also, just like the servants we’re only using the codes available in NA, so that’s Chaldea Pathfinder at the latest!)
anyways, they’re a Spirit Bard to summon some spirits and be the most friend-shaped motherfucker you’ve seen in your life, as well as a Clockwork Soul to be chosen as the protagonist in a videogame and get a little of their own magic out of the deal.
check out their build breakdown below the cut, or their character sheet over here!
Race and Background
as mentioned many many times in FGO, Ritsuka Fujimaru is a Human, but I want that feat so we’re using variant rules. that gives you +1 Dexterity and Charisma, as well as a feat and skill proficiency of your choosing. grab History proficiency so you have some idea where your party came from and the Lucky feat to not die in the opening cutscene. you get three luck points, and whenever a d20 gets rolled and its outcome direct affects you, you can spend one point to roll another d20 and use either one.
speaking of the bombing, it made you a Haunted One, giving you proficiency in Arcana and Survival, as well as a thousand-yard stare.
Ability Scores
your highest ability should be Charisma. you are so friend-shaped you can bend the will of literally all evil in the world to your side, and you also need that for multiclassing. after that, Constitution. they walked from one end of the US. on foot. in a few days. also, they’ve survived a lot of bullshit that frankly should have killed them by now, and they’re tough against poison. third up is Dexterity. none of your mystic codes so far have been platemail, and you fight living nukes for a living. best to not get hit in the first place then. after that, your Strength is slightly above average. I wouldn’t call Ritsuka strong, but they’ve gotten plenty of exercise and have been getting trained by the greatest warriors ever. that means your Intelligence isn’t great. they usually have some understanding of new servants, but thankfully Mash is always around for the exposition. finally, we’re dumping Wisdom. they were unhinged before, but I doubt killing multiple realities has helped any.
Class Levels
1. Bard 1: starting off as a bard gives you proficiency in Dexterity and Charisma saves as well as three skills of your choice. pick up Persuasion to get everyone on your team, Deception to survive kiyohime, and Athletics for a little bit of muscle tone.
aside from that, you can use Bardic Inspiration to give a d6 to a friend using your bonus action Charisma times per long rest. they can then use that d6 and add it to any d20 roll they make in the next minute- that’s a saving throw, ability check, or attack roll! a d6 isn’t quite enough to count as a mystic code skill in my book, but it’s nice.
speaking of mystic codes, you can start putting those on by using some Spells which you cast using your Charisma. pick up Friends, Animal Friendship, and Charm Person to just be real friendly. none of those are mind control, but you will be best buds for a minute, a day, or an hour respectively, and regardless of spell they will know you charmed them after the spell wears off. also Friends specifically mentions you might get attacked, but you’re normally getting attacked before you make friends, so it’s not a huge difference. you can also use True Strike to make an attack that pierces evasion next turn! all physical attacks ignore evasion, it’s only for dex saves! basically, it’s bad, but it’s not like Ritsuka was good at fighting directly.
you can also use Disguise Self to swap mystic codes mid-adventure, which is canonically the reason why guda can wear a bikini in the Russian Lostbelt, because she isn’t. you also get Heroism for some recurring healing, giving them your charisma modifier in temporary HP each turn, as well as making them immune to being frightened. boom, there’s debuff immunity too, we’re on a roll! three down, like 13 more to go!
Ritsuka has so many outfits
2. Bard 2: at second level we’ll pick up the spell Cure Wounds for direct healing, as well as gain Magical Inspiration so your allies can add that d6 to one instance of their spell’s damage or healing! that’s an arts up buff!
you also get a Song of Rest you can perform on short rests for a d6 bonus to healing, and your time in Babylonia has made you a Jack of All Trades, adding half your proficiency bonus to all checks you’re not proficient in, including initiative! which is really good, since your entire battle strategy is not being directly involved.
3. Sorcerer 1: before you can start summoning, we’ve got to get your heroic destiny underway. I was really tempted to go Aberrant Mind to play into Verse’s whole “the player is an eldritch god” thing, but while I headcanon that Ritsuka’s the scion of an outer god, there’s no denying that they’re a videogame character, a.k.a. a Clockwork Soul. with this you gain some Clockwork Magic, giving you extra spells as you level up. if you don’t like the official listing, you can also replace them with another spell from the sorcerer, wizard, or warlock spell list of the same level if it’s an abjuration or transmutation spell. we do that once, but I’ll mention it when it happens.
you can also Restore Balance as a reaction, turning a roll with advantage or disadvantage happening within 60’ of you into a straight 1d20 roll. you can do this proficiency times per day, but thankfully you’ll probably only have to deal with near death experiences once per chapter.
as I insinuated with clockwork magic, you get another Spell List, though this one also uses Charisma to cast. check the PHB to see how many spell slots you have at a given level, and know you can use your slots to cast either class’ spells whenever you want.
it’s long overdue for us to grab Mage Armor. you probably could spin the space suit as leather armor, but now you can use any mystic code in a fight without fear! with less fear!
you can also use Shield to give yourself invulnerability, adding +5 to your AC for the rest of the round. or use Blade Ward for a defense boost. Shocking Grasp is this build’s Gandr, dealing a little lightning damage while also keeping whatever you hit from taking reactions that round. use it to escape or keep a meddlesome wizard from countering your party’s NP, either works great!
We’re also picking up Create Bonfire for the Pathfinder’s Survival Kit skill. I know that’s not what it does in-game, but you’ve been in enough survival situations to know a campfire is super useful.
Mending as well as your clockwork spells Alarm and Protection from Evil and Good have no mystic code connection as far as I can come up with, but they’re nice to have. if your power comes from clothes, you’d better know how to sew.
4. Bard 3: even when we’re being serious, we still can’t escape from the gacha. as a heroic Spirits bard, the Guiding Whispers of your allies gives you access to the Guidance cantrip, and it gets a longer range to boot! for a minute afterwards, your target can add a d4 to a check of their choosing. it takes concentration, but it’s a cantrip so there’s no reason to always have this up outside of combat. a servant always fights a bit better with a master.
you also get a Spiritual Focus, helping you channel historical figures and fictional archetypes oh hey what a coincidence that’s what we’re here for. you get an expanded spell focus list, and if you use your spiritual focus to cast a spell you can add a d6 to one instance of the spell’s damage or healing.
but that’s not what you’re really here for, is it? no, you’re here for the gacha. and you get that with the Tales form Beyond. spend a bonus action and some inspiration, and you can roll on the tales table. you learn a tale until your next rest, and you can use an action to tell it to a creature nearby. afterwards, you’ll have to roll again for another heroic spirit.
on a 1, you summon Hessian Lobo, the Clever Animal. after you choose a creature, all their intelligence, wisdom, and charisma checks for the next 10 minutes get your inspiration die added to the roll.
on a 2, you summon Chevalier D’eon, the Renowned Duelist. you make a melee spell attack against your target, dealing 2dInspiration+Charisma mod force damage to them on a hit.
on a 3, you summon Anne Bonny and Mary Read, the Beloved “Friends”. your target and a creature of their choice both gain temporary HP.
on a 4, you summon Miss Crane, the Runaway. your target can react to teleport up to 30’ away, and can give other creatures the chance to make the same reaction. yes, we got the plugsuit in this build!
on a 5, you summon Angra Mainyu, the Avenger. anyone who hits your target with a melee attack takes your inspiration die in force damage. if you’re fighting him, don’t hit him while he’s a dog, simple as.
on a 6, you summon Mash Kyrielight, the Traveler. your target gains temporary HP, and while it has them it gets increased speed and a +1 bonus to its AC. even if no-one is playing as her, she’s still your shield.
one more thing- ring in the new year with your new spell, Aid! it increases your party’s max HP by five, and an additional five points for each level you upcast it. don’t sleep on this one.
Finally, you gain Expertise in two skills, doubling your proficiency bonus with Persuasion and Survival checks. You are very friendly, and you’ve been through quite a lot.
5. Bard 4: fourth level bards get your first Ability Score Improvement. bump up your Charisma for a friendlier face and stronger spells.
you’re also enough of a mage now to use Prestidigitation, or cast Invisibility on a party member to give them Evade until they attack someone or cast a spell.
6. Bard 5: fifth level bards can cast third level spells, and your Inspirational Speech finally gives your party a direct attack boost against anyone who hits them. they gain temporary HP, advantage on Wisdom saves, and have advantage on their next attack against anyone dumb enough to take a swing.
you’re also a Font of Inspiration now, so your inspiration comes back every short rest rather than every long one. that’s more help, more magic damage, and MORE GACHA!!!!!
speaking of more gacha, your tale pool improves as your bardic inspiration die increases to a d8. I guess you’re stuck with the story gacha this time, sorry.
if you roll a 7, you’ll summon Mephistopheles, the Beguiler. if your target fails a wisdom save, they’ll take psychic damage equal to 2 inspiration dice, and they become incapacitated for a round.
on an eight, you summon First Hassan, the Phantom. your target becomes invisible for a turn, or until it hits a creature with an attack. if it hits something, that something also takes necrotic damage and becomes frightened of the creature who hit it.
7. Sorcerer 2: second level sorcerers are Fonts of Magic, giving you sorcery points each day equal to your sorcerer level. they’ll be fun later, but right now it’s just giving you an extra spell slot per day. that’s not a bad thing tbh.
speaking of spells, pick up Absorb Elements. it adds elemental damage to your next weapon attack, but we’re more here for the elemental resistance. that’s right, we’ve got sunscreen now baby! yes that’s literally why we’re taking this spell.
8. Sorcerer 3: third level sorcerers learn some Metamagic, helping you customize your spells further. grab Extended Spell to really make your buffs stick and Heightened Spell to give one creature disadvantage on their first save against that spell.
neither of those really help when you cast Air Bubble though, but now you’ve got a proper space suit! it lasts 24 hours, so make sure you don’t sleep through that alarm!
you also learn Knock (replacing Aid) and Lesser Restoration from your clockwork spells. that’s some debuff removal and opening doors! the latter isn’t a mystic code power, but if you’re already in space at least it’ll be quiet!
9. Sorcerer 4: fourth level sorcerers also get an ASI to max out your Charisma for all that good stuff we mentioned the first time. you can also use the spell Shape Water to add some funky flavor to your next beach episode, and this also checks off box two of the swimsuit mystic code’s abilities, so there!
once again, I must remind you that your entire fighting style is getting others to fight for you. so if you do get surrounded, make sure you use Kinetic Jaunt to get out of there, giving you extra speed, letting you ignore opportunity attacks, and you can pass through other creatures’ spaces without using extra movement, though if you end your turn inside someone you bounce out and take damage, so don’t do that.
10. Bard 6: sixth level spirit bards get Countercharm, but better than that they also get to put on Spirit Sessions, and hour-long ritual that can be done while resting. you hang out with some catalysts for a bit and temporarily learn one spell of your choice with a level equal to or lower than the number of participants, and it has to be Divination or Necromancy. you’ll know this spell until your next long rest, and that’s also how long you’ll have to wait to do this ritual again! it’s kind of like the GSSR, but you can straight-up pick what you get!
11. Bard 7: seventh level bards get fourth level spells, like Charm Monster. Servants aren’t quite human nor beast, so this will be helpful when you try to convince a rogue servant to join your party. They’ll likely fight you anyway, but it helps.
12. Bard 8: You can use this next Ability Score Improvement to increase your Dexterity for a better AC and better skill with a knife. Geronimo hasn’t been teaching you in vain after all, it seems.
You can also use Chaldea’s translation runes whenever you wish with the spell Tongues, letting you understand and be understood no matter what languages you can speak.
13. Bard 9: Ninth level bards have a more powerful Song of Rest, granting a d8 of healing each rest. You can also cast fifth level spells, like Greater Restoration, for a more powerful Debuff Cleanse effect.
14. Bard 10: At tenth level, you quite appropriately gain a d10 for your Bardic Inspiration, unlocking two more possible tales.
On a nine, you will summon Spartacus, the Brute. your target will force a strength saving throw on every creature it wishes near it, and on a failed save they take thunder damage and are knocked prone.
On a 10, you will summon Jeanne d’Arc Alter, the Dragon witch. The creature of your choosing makes a breath weapon attack in a 30’ cone, dealing fire damage to creatures in the area.
Just as thrilling, you gain access to Magical Secrets, two spells you can learn from any spell list. We have assumed your “servants” for this build so far have been other players, but if you would like to go it alone, make sure you pick up some summoning spells like Conjure Elemental and Summon Celestial. You won’t be able to concentrate on most of your buffs while summoning a servant this way, but sometimes an extra body is just as valuable as any spell.
You also gain the Mage Hand cantrip, signifying you have been truly accepted by mage society. Whether that is a good thing or not is up to you.
Finally, you get another round of Expertise in Deception and History, making lying to Kiyohime easier, and also alerting you to the need to lie to her ahead of time.
15. Bard 11: Normally, an 11th level bard would gain a sixth level spell, but we don’t care for any of them. Instead, you can use Dream to slip into one of your servants’ dreamscapes, helping them with their inner turmoil. Or you can enter the dream of a foe and torment him, causing him to lose the benefits of that long rest and possibly turning him to your side if you play your cards right.
16. Bard 12: Use your last Ability Score Improvement to improve your Strength, looks like all those lessons from Leonidas have finally paid off!
17. Bard 13: Thirteenth level bards have an even stronger Song of Rest, but you are more likely here for the seventh level spell. I actually lied about not wanting a sixth level spell earlier, we just wanted to slow down Ritsuka’s spell progression even further than it already is. This time, pick up Mass Suggestion to sway entire groups of servants to your cause at once! You should have ninth level slots at this point, so if you suggest that twelve servants be your best friends forever and they all fail their wisdom saves, they will come back to Chaldea with you for a year and a day, or until an ally damages the creature. But that will still be more than enough time to win them to your cause, I am sure of it.
18. Bard 14: At 14th level, you gain a Mystical Connection, allowing you to roll twice instead of once on the spirit table and take either roll. If you roll the same number twice, you can choose any effect instead. This both improves the usefulness of the story gacha, and gives you access to the last two tales without having to improve your Inspiration Die.
If you choose 11, you will summon Brynhildr, the Angel. The target you choose regains HP, and you can end one condition they’re suffering from.
If you choose 12, you will summon Abigail, the Mind-Bender. This forces an intelligence save on your target, or they take psychic damage and become stunned for a round. On top of that, you get another round of Magical Secrets for two more spells of your choice.
Conjure Volley will let you temporarily summon an Archer-class servant to dish out a volley of arrows, water, bullets, servants, or swords, dealing damage in a wide area. Death Ward finally gives you access to a Guts-like ability, preventing a creature from dropping to 0 HP or instant death once in the next eight hours.
We are now almost done collecting mystic codes, but we will have to move back to sorcerer for two final abilities.
19. Sorcerer 5: Fifth level sorcerers can use their Sorcery Points to gain Magical Guidance, rerolling a failed skill check. They also gain third level spells such as Dispel Magic and Protection from Energy, though we are here directly for Haste to reduce allies’ cooldowns. It will also give them doubled speed, advantage on dexterity saves, increased AC, and an Extra Action with caveats. Also, they will have to take a turn to recover after the spell ends, making it all the more important that you stay safe!
20. Sorcerer 6: Sixth level clockwork souls become a Bastion of Law, letting you spend sorcery points to create a ward around you or another creature. When the warded creature takes damage, they can spend ward points to roll that many d8s to reduce the damage. It isn’t quite invincibility, especially at level 20, but it is still very useful.
We are also here to pick up one last mystic code ability, Counterspell. With this, you can counter enemy magic, blocking their buffs. Or their Noble Phantasms, if you don’t mind breaking character.
Pros and Cons
as a caster, you have a little bit of everything. summons, healing, buffs, abjuration, damage, utility, and even mind control! if something needs doing, odds are you can at least lend a hand. and that’s all before we even bring in your bard tales, giving you even more leverage and random little ways to help.
you also bring all that and more to skills too! you have at least half proficiency with everything, the ability to ignore disadvantage on command, and then you can add advantage back in with luck, and even if that fails you can re-roll with magical guidance too. You turn disadvantage into rolling three times and picking the best number. let that sink in.
we also have to give a shoutout specifically to your charisma skills as well, with double proficiency in deception and persuasion, as well as a maxed-out charisma score and all those bonuses we went over in pro #2? it would be weirder if you ever manage to fail a check again.
you’re not exactly a powerhouse damage-wise. it’s a good thing you’ve got some superfriends to back you up, because if you had to take on anything by yourself, you’d be a little bit screwed.
most of your abilities have decent reusability, but since we spend so much time as a bard you don’t have a lot of Sorcerer Points to go around, and those are useful for your skill checks, extended magic, and of course your Bastion of Law. Thankfully, you can burn higher spell slots for extra points, but that’s only because…
you don’t have any high-level magic since we multiclassed. don’t get me wrong, I love this build, but Wish blows everything else out of the water. (And we certainly didn’t help by deliberately keeping you from a seventh level spell.)
But of course, Ritsuka isn’t supposed to be the powerhouse here. ascend your servants and let them do the heavy lifting while you frantically search for a way forward. I mean, strategize. because you definitely have a plan.
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fbfh · 1 year
light up the dark [VIII] - Leo Valdez x reader
wc: 4.9k
genre: smut, slice of life, a little action
pairing: Leo Valdez x goth gf!child of eros!reader
warnings: grinding, oral (reader recieving), denial is not just a river in egypt, fingering, penetrative sex, pressing on stomach (we really need a word for that), Leo is a chronic overthinker, reader gets cut up by wind in a dream, soft Leo, morning after makeouts, getting caught, the gang's all here/demisquad interactions, Jason is stressing, cozy found family morning, monster attack, protective Leo, hiding from monsters, reader dissociates a little bc it's sudden
summary: Leo makes good on his promise to tire you out, really help you sleep good that night. You're going to need all the rest you can get, because the rest of his friends show up the next morning, and drama and trouble follow as they always do.
song rec: we are broken - paramore, warmth of you - planning for burial, the warmth - fat night, the sound of going round in circles - amelie london cast, warmth - bastille
@yesv01 @magcon7280 @avashaye @perseajohnson @afidiofobia @thatmultifandomloser @yelenabel0vaswife @almostjollypizza @fictionalcomforts  @lizziebitch33  @jacksondeeznuts @girlfriendwhoseawitch @urmum-xoxo @Asunnyhunny @dustyinkpages @cowboylikekelsey @legramilis @youkissedareaderinthedark @mrscarolscaramoucheplease @cosmiq-cloud @anything-forourmoony  @i-dont-remember-a-lot  @chasingpj @1dpjohoohp @mystic-writings   @babiesimagines @dreamerball @demirunner @if-only-i-was-fictional @inthehoneymoonwithconnorrk800 @kiara7777
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“You know, it seems like you can’t sleep a lot,” Leo says, breath fanning warm over your face as his hands slip under your top. There’s a hint of a smirk present as he speaks. Before you can let out some sarcastic remark in response, he grinds his hard cock against you just right, and the only thing you can let out is a sigh. He chuckles lightly, moving in to kiss you again, and murmuring against your lips in a low voice. 
“I guess I’ll just have to tire you out.” 
He pulls off your shirt, rocking his hips against yours rhythmically. The hardening bulge in his sweatpants nudges against your clit just right, and it sends a shiver through you. He squeezes your waist, running his hands over your chest. His hands are warm as they squeeze your tits, playing with your hardened nipples. His hands are warm, his lips are warm, everything about him is so warm, and exactly what you need. ‘Warmth.’ you emphasize mentally. Even his bed is warm - warmer than yours at least. 
You push your tongue into his mouth, already craving more of him. God, he tastes really good. You find yourself enjoying his mouth against yours much more than you expected to. You just need to fuck him a few more times, you reason, get it out of your system. Once the thrill wears off, you’ll be totally over him and back to normal. As you’re thinking this, he lets out a quiet moan into your mouth, and you feel your cunt grow hotter as you gush arousal into your black panties. He presses kisses down your neck as your hands tangle in his hair. It’s really soft. You don’t know how you didn’t notice how soft it is before now. 
His hair slips out of your hand as he moves down, pressing kisses down your stomach, which erupts into butterflies. He takes his time, worshiping your body, really using the opportunity to tease you, get you all warmed up for him. He squeezes your thighs, opening them up a little more for him so he can press a kiss against your burning mound. Your stomach flips at the sensation. It’s not the first time someone’s gone down on you, so you don’t know why you’re reacting so much to him, why you’re so sensitive to his every touch. It’s like all your nerves are electric. It’s just unexpected, you justify. You didn’t think he had any desire to go down on you, but he sure seems to want to now. 
He pushes his tongue against you, nudging your folds apart slightly through the thin fabric. His fingers grip your hips and thighs, squeezing them and moving up and down idly. He continues making out with your cunt over your panties that are dripping with an enticing mixture of your arousal and his spit. He doesn’t know how much of that wetness is from you and how much is from him, but he doesn’t care. He finds himself drooling into you, against your twitching clit and soft pudgy cunt as he pushes your panties deeper into your folds with his tongue, desperate to taste you, as you find your legs already starting to shake. 
You're already close, a few more licks and sucks, a few more kisses… you don't know the last time someone got you to cum so fast that it's embarrassing, but you're not actually that embarrassed. Maybe it's just Leo’s whole energy, the way he can make anyone feel this comfortable around him. Maybe it’s his sweet smile that sends warmth through you whenever you see it. The same smile that’s now smirking against your folds as you finally climax, panting and humping his face as your hips spasm uncontrollably. He looks happy, but not satisfied. 
He finally tugs off your panties, and you open up your legs for him to climb on top of you and push himself inside. Instead, he trails his fingers through your puffy folds. He traces around your drooling, fluttering hole, and latches his lips back onto your clit, this time with nothing between you. It almost feels more intense than your previous orgasm, and you let out a panting, shuddering moan. 
“Oh my god…” you choke out, feeling him lick your raw bundle of nerves. He revels in the feeling of you twitching against his tongue. As he finally, finally pushes his fingers inside you, you’re so desperate, so ready for him that you practically suck them inside. He smirks again, letting out a soft, breathy chuckle against your clit that has you gripping the sheets. You let out a sharp gasp at the feeling, which only serves to make him smirk harder. He begins to curl his fingers against your gummy walls, touching you in all the right places to make your head spin. 
A strange sort of vulnerability starts to come over you. You want him to keep touching you, want him to make you cum like that again, want him to tell you how good you’re doing. You want him… you want him… Your heart starts pounding as you lose your train of thought, not sure how to end the sentence. He chuckles lightly, loving how responsive you are to him and his touch. 
“Yeah?” he murmurs against your cunt while his fingers speed up and focus on one spot, eliciting a beautiful moan from you. “You like that?” 
The realization of how much you really do like it, how much you like… you can feel yourself starting to fold, to melt under his touch, and it’s startling. It’s an unfamiliar feeling and makes you nervous, so you do what you always do. You let out a breathy laugh and look down at him with the bedroom eyes that rival any other. 
“Are you gonna fuck me, or what?” you ask, cranking up the seductive tone to your voice. He looks up at you while your heart pounds, and you give him a playful, challenging look. He lets out another breathy laugh, then finally climbs on top of you. He grabs the back of your thighs and pulls you down so you’re face to face with him, and wraps your legs around his waist. His face is so close to yours and for one still, perfect moment, you can feel his warm breath fanning over your face as your hearts beat in perfect time with each other. 
“...Okay.” he murmurs, closing the gap between you. He pushes his tongue into your mouth, and you taste yourself on his lips. You fumble for his nightstand, pulling a condom out of thin air. You open it up, and reach down to slide it on him, pumping his cock a few times. It feels so good in your hand, pulsing under your touch with every jerk and squeeze, and you can’t wait to have it inside you again. He shudders and moans into your mouth when you trace your finger over the tip. You like that, getting a reaction out of him. He bites your lip playfully in response, a warning to play fair. 
He reaches down, taking hold of his cock and lining it up with your entrance. He starts to push in slowly, easing his way in, when you pull him closer with your legs. He can feel you sucking him in deeper and deeper, hungry for him, and takes that as his cue to bottom out. When he does, when he’s nestled all the way inside you, nudging up against your cervix, you feel that deep satisfaction seep through you, all the way into your bones. It starts to fill up that hollow part of your chest with warmth as he ruts into you, deep and fulfilling. The head of his cock kisses your cervix with every thrust, and even you can’t deny it’s a strangely intimate feeling. 
His face is close to yours, you can feel it from how warm his pants are as he settles into a rhythm. Your hands are on his shoulders, and you throw your head back at the feeling you’ve been craving. One of his hands moves to the back of your neck, guiding you to look at him. As your eyes lock on his, pretty and dark, with full eyelashes and a playful, sincere edge to them, you realize how hypnotic they are to look at. No words are exchanged, but there’s a silent understanding shared, a sort of closeness you’ve never known before that makes everything feel so much more intense. His hand makes your neck feel tingly and electric, and you suddenly wonder what it would feel like if he wrapped his pretty fingers around your throat. You clench even tighter around him at the thought, and he rests his forehead against yours, breathless at the sensation. 
“F-fuck,” he chokes out, looking at you through half lidded eyes. You consider asking him for a moment, but before you can, his other hand comes down to press on your stomach. The added intensity brings you even closer, and it only takes a few more thrusts, a few more rubs against that spot inside you and nudges against your cervix before you’re clenching around him like a vice, moaning like a whore, shaking as you cum harder than you have in a long time. The way you squeeze his cock has him not far behind. 
His thrusts become sloppy as he pumps into you, grinding against your overstimulated pussy. He pants harder, planting messy kisses below your ear, and you can hear every delicious sound he makes as he finally empties his load inside you. You can feel the condom balloon up, feel his cum squishing around his cock as you throb around him. He presses lazy kisses and nips to your neck and ear as you both come down from this high. He doesn’t want to pull out, not when you’re so warm and inviting, not when you love having him inside you as much as he loves being inside you. 
When he reluctantly does, he leaves for a minute before coming back to get the both of you cleaned up. In those brief minutes when you’re lying there, you wish he hadn’t left. What’s even stranger is you can still feel a little bit of that residual warmth you always feel around him. It’s not like things have been in the past, where you feel cold and back to normal as soon as it’s over. Something’s different with Leo, something is lingering. You’re not sure what it is or why it’s only happening now with him, but you keep finding yourself wanting more of it. 
Once you’ve both gotten cleaned up, before you can leave and slink back off to your room, you feel Leo’s strong arms wrap around you. 
“Not so fast,” he chuckles as he pulls you close to his chest. You let out a dramatic sigh like your heart’s not racing at his touch. You try to make it seem like you’re staying reluctantly, even insisting this to yourself, but you find yourself melting into his touch, accepting your place in his arms a little faster each time. 
“You did so good…” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your hairline. He peppers more kisses across your face until you smile. You tuck your face into his chest, and he thinks you look so sweet when you get all shy like this. You could suck his soul out through his dick without batting an eyelash but a little kiss on the tip of your nose is what makes you flustered. He smiles fondly at you, loving to see this softer, more vulnerable side of you. He rubs your back and traces little shapes and patterns into your skin. His touch is so relaxing that you find yourself dozing off in minutes. His bed is so soft. It feels broken in, lived in, and you wish you never had to leave. You don’t stand a chance of sneaking away, because this time, you’re the one that falls asleep first. He’s so warm and he smells so good, his touch is so soothing that you’re out like a light before you know it. 
Leo can’t sleep after all that. His mind won’t be quiet. He tries to, counting ceiling tiles and mentally going over how to build his favorite projects while he’s tangled up next to you. He tries to focus on your soft little puffs of breath against his skin, and starts thinking about how shy and vulnerable you get with him. It’s obvious, he thinks, how much you like him. The veil you’re putting up is so thin that you both have to know what’s really going on. He’s not going to call you out on it, not until you’re ready, but he knows the time when you’ll finally cave, finally admit everything you’ve been denying is getting closer. He realizes there will be a time when you can be together without playing so many games, you’ll just be able to be with each other. 
It’s really cute, too, the way you obviously like him a lot even if you pretend you don’t. He likes that you keep coming back to him, and he likes that you stand your ground, especially when it comes to him, like you did in the kitchen. His thoughts take a sharp turn over to Calypso - more specifically, that he hasn’t thought of her since he went into the kitchen yesterday. A few weeks ago a fight like that would have wrecked him, but he’s spent all night thinking about you. It’s the fastest he’s bounced back from something like that with her, and he’s not nearly as upset as he would be any other time. He would analyze this further, but he’s dozing off before he can. 
In your dream, you’re in a snowy landscape. It’s a blinding, dismal white in every direction, with sharp winds that chill you to the bone. They slice through your clothes into your skin, leaving huge gashes in your flesh. Something’s glowing underneath your skin, coming from inside your bones. Instead of bleeding, the gashes in your skin fill up with ice, cold and sharp. Even though you’re alone, you feel a large hand touch your back, right between your shoulder blades. When it pulls away, it leaves behind a painful itchy burn. You feel bones grinding against each other, and something sharp starts to poke out as whatever’s there struggles against your skin to get out. The wind starts to slice against you, this time making two even, vertical gashes on your back, one just inside each shoulder blade.  
You wake up suddenly, cozy and warm and cuddled into Leo’s chest, just like you’d gone to sleep. It’s quiet. Peaceful. You don’t move, trying to ground yourself after that dream that you’re already trying to forget. The pain in your back slowly begins to subside as you take in your surroundings. The first thing you notice is how warm you are, bundled under Leo’s soft duvet, with his face inches from yours. He looks cute when he’s asleep, and you bite back a smile. Birds chirp outside his window, sunlight streaming into the room. Everything is quiet. There’s no danger, nothing’s wrong, you remind yourself. It was just a dream. 
Your eyes land on the clock on his bedside table next. It’s still pretty early and you’re sure everyone’s probably sleeping in, but you don’t want to cut anything too close. You manage to slip out of his grasp, and as your feet hit the floor, you realize even his floorboards aren’t as cold as yours. You start to pull your clothes on, tugging on your pajama pants, then clipping the back of your bralette shut. Your back is turned, so you don’t notice him waking up in spite of how quiet you’re being. He watches you silently for a minute, still blissed out from last night, from the way you touched him and let him touch you. 
“Going so soon?” 
You turn around at the sound of his voice, rough with sleep, and bite back a smile. You hold up your top. 
“I have to,” you reply coolly, “the last thing we need is people getting suspicious.” 
Your usage of the word we doesn't go unnoticed by him, and he props himself up to look at you better. 
"Co-conspiring," he starts with another one of those playful little smirks that makes your knees weak, "my favorite kind of foreplay."
You walk closer to him without realizing it, standing just close enough for him to pull you in for another lingering kiss. With his hand on your chin, he guides your lips to his. You both know it's not enough, one kiss never is, and soon he's pushing his tongue past your lips. It's so hard to fight the temptation of your desires, resist the urge to throw yourself in his arms and fall right back into bed with him. The way he’s kissing you, you know he feels the same. Everything about him is pulling you in, every kiss and touch says c'mon, we have time for one more round. Don't you want me to do that thing you like? Don’t you want me to touch you again? You giggle against his lips as he keeps pulling you back for kiss after kiss, making your attempts at getting dressed futile. His hands are all over you, slipping under your pajama pants to squeeze your ass. You tangle your hands in his hair, so close to folding. You’re so lost in each other’s touch the rest of the world seems to fall away. 
“Hey Leo, Percy said- OH HORSEFEATHERS!”
You pull away to see Hazel standing in the doorway, one hand now covering her eyes. Oh fuck, you think, and one look at Leo tells you he’s thinking the same thing. 
“Hazel,” Leo starts carefully.
“Whatever you think happened-” You start, your words overlapping with his. 
“We didn’t do anything, okay?”
“I was just on my way out.” You say, gesturing towards the doorway she’s still standing in. She sputters some more, cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the scandalous scene she walked in on. Leo nods towards the door, and when you slip past her, she can’t meet your eye. As you skitter back to your room, you hear him talking to her through the ajar door. 
“...Really like her.” Hazel says something you can’t make out and Leo continues. “We’re going to tell the others, just not yet. Please, Hazel, can you just keep this between us for a little while?”
Your cheeks flush at his words. He likes you. He really likes you. You shove the thought away, finally sobering up from his intoxicating touch. Instead, you pinch the bridge of your nose, wallowing in disbelief that this is actually happening. You continue spiraling, wondering what the hell is going to come of this as you freshen up and get dressed. Normally you’d get some coffee or something first, but going downstairs and facing all Leo’s friends whose names you barely remember sounds like more of a hell than whatever caffeine withdrawals you’re going through right now. All you want right now is to avoid this whole situation as much as possible. And, if you’re being honest, some coffee. 
When you finally do steel your nerves and go downstairs, you’re met with way more people than you expected. Three or so more new people seemed to appear overnight, but before you can panic, Leo catches your eye and ushers you into the kitchen with everyone else. He introduces you to the new new people - Percy, Annabeth, and Will, and you pray you’ll be able to remember their names as he recounts little stories of their camp shenanigans. You greet them with a curt smile, then walk past them to finally make some coffee. You leave towards the pantry to get sugar, and hear Leo talking to his friends. 
“She’s a little… shy.” He says. 
“Prickly.” Jason finishes at the same time, drawing a chuckle from someone. 
Leo tells you about everyone while you make your coffee, explaining all the stories of how they met and the most iconic stuff they did before he came to camp, and some highlights they’ve all pulled off since then. In the middle of his second to last story, the door opens and a big burly dark haired guy walks in. Everyone greets him (apparently his name is Frank), and Leo has that smile on his face that means he’s holding back some joke or clever quip, and you wonder in the back of your mind what it is. 
Frank hugs Hazel right off the bat, a big tight lingering bear hug, before he lets go to greet everyone else properly. He glances over at Hazel a few more times, and when there’s a lull, he leans closer to her. 
“You okay?” he asks softly. You don’t quite hear her response, something about talking after breakfast, but it sends knots to your stomach. You can’t blame her, this is a sucky thing to keep a secret, especially with how upset she seems. On the other hand, you’re sure being introduced to Leo’s friends as the scary girl he’s sucking and fucking every ten minutes isn’t going to make  a good first impression. And with Calypso here too, you’re sure it would be nothing less than explosive. What you really need is a solution. 
As you sit down and sip your coffee while everyone around you makes and starts to eat their breakfast, passing out cokes and soda, you try to figure out what the hell you’re going to do. The conversation lulls a little, and it’s quiet for a few moments. 
“Wow, it is a beautiful morning!” Jason says suddenly, a forced chipperness to his voice, “Who wants toast? I’m making toast!” 
You look over at him, about to ask if he hit his head, but Piper jumps in with a chipper - albeit, less manic - tone that mirrors his. 
“Yeah, toast sounds great!” she nods, looking around and sending looks to her friends, “Right guys?”
A few people agree, and the chatter picks back up a little. Jason looks relieved. He told Piper about everything long before she got here, so she knows how worried he is about everyone getting along. There was so much awkwardness on the Argo II at first, and they worked so hard to overcome it and really bond as a group. The last thing he wants is for there to be more awkwardness that results in everyone back at ground zero. He knows there has to be an easier way to get you acclimated to being around them, and Piper promised she’d help mitigate any tension as much as she could, make sure everyone gets along. 
Piper stares at you for a second, something you’re used to because of your style. Her gaze flicks over to Leo for a second, and a look of realization flashes through her eyes, bringing an almost imperceptible smile to her face. It’s gone as soon as it appears, and you think you must have imagined it. Your train of thought is quickly pulled back to Hazel, who’s biting her nails instead of drinking her tea. She’s a ticking time bomb, one look shared between you and Leo confirms you’re both well aware of this. Piper disguises another smile by sipping her monster. 
As people continue to make breakfast and conversation, chatting while they eat, some of the uncomfortable energy fades away, instead replaced by the hectic cacophony of ten or so people all getting various breakfast foods ready. You expect to hate it, but as every minute passes, you realize you don’t. It’s actually kind of nice, almost comforting in a strange way. There’s a cozy, kinetic energy you’re more fond of than you expected to be. You start to settle in, chuckling at Leo’s jokes and watching Percy and Jason roast each other while you drink your coffee. There’s a little part in the back of your mind that thinks you could get used to this. You’ve been alone for long enough, you can tolerate other people for a little while, at least. 
Right as that feeling starts to sink in, something cold grips you, sending a sickening chill down your spine. Your stomach sinks, smile dropping as your head turns, looking for the source of… whatever it is. You look around the room, then back at the window. You seem to be the only one to notice that the curtains are moving in the wind somehow, even though the window is closed. You immediately look over to Leo, locking eyes as he starts to notice something feels weird too. The temperature drops a few degrees, and a hush falls over the room as everyone else realizes that something is wrong. There’s a rattling noise from the front door and Percy’s brow furrows. 
Before he can say anything, the windows explode, glass shards flying everywhere, as two storm spirits burst in, dragging a cold snowy breeze with them. Everyone launches into action - everyone except Leo. He looks over at you, realizing in a split second that you have zero battle experience, you don’t even have a weapon. But he can summon fire like it’s nothing. He grabs you, ushering you quickly out of the room and away from the fight, a blur of bronze and gold, bodies flying across the room and storm spirits howling. He drags you into the laundry room down the hall, slamming the door shut. You watch him closely as he walks over to the sink, cupping some water in his hands and spilling it on the floor in front of the door.
He moves you in the space between the dryer and the wall, crouching in front of you as you sink to the floor. He pulls you close to him with one arm, watching the water on the floor closely as you tuck your head into the crook of his neck. You try futilely to control your breathing as the fight rages on down the hall. You’re not really processing what’s happening, he doesn’t expect you to until this is over. He keeps close watch of that water he splashed on the floor. If it starts to freeze over, he’ll know they’re close and can flame broil those bastards until they’re puddles too. There’s a loud crash, and you let out a noise. He covers your mouth with his hand, shushing you gently. He rubs his free hand over your arm, and you find the gesture comforting as he holds you tight in his arms. 
You wait with baited breath until it gets quiet. You look at him, more than ready to leave your hiding spot, but he shakes his head no. Not yet. You trust him, waiting a few more minutes until footsteps approach. Dread pools in your stomach at the sound, and your mind races, imagining the worst. Your terror is short lived as Percy opens the door, roughed up with a cut on his cheek. He nods at Leo, indicating that it’s safe.
“We got ‘em.” He states, and in your hazy stupor following Leo into the living room where the others wait, you notice that Percy has a really strong New York accent. A fresh wave of fear overtakes you for a moment as you look around, making sure everyone’s okay. There only seem to be minor injuries, some cuts and scrapes and bruises, most of which Will is patching up, and you feel yourself coming down from that huge spike of shock and terror. Jason sits in the middle of the couch, iris messaging Chiron. Leo still has his hand on your back, and he pokes his head around the corner, looking through the open doors toward the kitchen. He tries not to slip completely into engineering brain and focus entirely on the broken windows and busted tables, specifically on how he’s going to fix them. Before he does, he manages to snap his attention back to the conversation his friends are having with Chiron. 
“I might have an idea of where this is headed.” Chiron says, “For now I urge you to stay together and stay safe. Make sure you’re all bonding as friends, and as a team, in case of any more unforeseen attacks.” 
“I can cast a protection spell on the house,” Hazel says, thinking about some of the spells she’s been learning recently, “it would make it almost impossible for anyone to get in.” 
Chiron nods.
“I think that would be wise.” He looks around at them, determined to help them figure out what’s going on. “Alright, I’ll be back the moment I have more information for you, children.” 
Everyone says loud goodbyes, and the image vanishes. It’s quiet again as everyone processes all the events of this morning. You breathe steadily, mentally running over the sequence of events, trying to make sense of it. It’s a comfortable silence, and you know everyone else is doing the same thing. Jason stands up suddenly, clapping his hands loudly. 
“Alright!” He says, looking around at his friends, “Who wants to play some Monopoly?” 
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incarnateirony · 3 months
Wonder why that is.
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ever wake up from a dream with real weird narrative consistency?
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Pickle Rick and your cloning generator, it is literally time to fucking STOP, everything you pretend you can disassociate or ignore or argue away on tumblr is deadass frying global channelers during this takeover.
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fuckin. enma. okay. erma eema enma misheard lyrics, but enma hed. Okay? Girl. Stop. Deadass. Your fucking inability to cope with our breakup is being heard as fried ass radio signals by mystics across the world frying out on the fucking signals. You copied your shit from the literal dictionary and it was funnier than it fucking should be because we heard it through you, jesus, you dense ass piece of shit. Your disassociated laughter was our laughter.
Baby, baby, blueray, you are literally being forced to hop off my shit this cycle.
AND DON'T TRY TO COPE YOURSELF INTO THIS JUST BEING MY CURRENT MORTAL IDENTITY SCREAMING AT YOU. THE CAPS IS BECAUSE THERE ARE LITERAL GENERATIONS SCREAMING AT YOU, THE GOD YOU REFUSE TO UNDERSTAND BUT PLAYED AT WITH STOLEN OCTOPUS JIBBERISH SHIT IS EVEN SCREAMING AT YOU NOW. he tried to reason and plea and speak kindly and WHATEVER with you and you still motherfucking refused, because you LOVE being a goddamn parasitic MIMIC liar, and no amount of his pain persuaded you, because you do not fucking care about anyone but yourself you NARCISSISTIC TYRANNICAL PIECE OF SHIT.
the entire reason i'm as off the rails as the timeline itself has fucking become is you have managed to piss off just about every ancestral memory part of this brotherhood, and people on our respective cells are both screaming from their ends, while your own shadow declares it's becoming the Universe I'm using to process you out, rather than you, which is what it should be saying, but you motherfucking ran from that fucking "plotline".
I told you, a moon that goes dark and refuses to be full is just fucking Lilith. You can sea yourself out. we're very fucking funny.
also it sounds like i missed two lives of yours on my brain this side, i thought it was eight, but okay. sure, ten.
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Coming at you live, real, real fucking wild. Gonna light it up, set the world on fucking fire until the crabs or lobsters or dancing tartarus shrimp or whatever are off my fucking cosmic genitals.
BADUPBADUPTAFUCKINDA ABRACADABRA you great value piece of shit, now you will go away. baby, baby, blueray, you've been dumped. Ahwhoo, ahwhooo dadadada badupdabuptada.
What were your tags? Listen to the lyrics? Cuz here I am. inside. in the house. like motherfuckin wet bear skin carpet. In the house that john built. Been saving it like rocket fuel. Everybody's favorite fuckin rocket. I'm pissin' on the mooooooooooooooooooon. First private landing, real feather in the admin colored sombrero. Happy fucking listening. Because it's here, and it's you, and it's a con, and it's about just being.
Meanwhile i try to ground this shit out and reach to people like
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
abandoned(?) wip: the cult fic
Here's one that I really really really want to write because it was for a charity run and it is NOT the fault of the fic or the donator that I got hit with a depression meteor, nor indeed that somehow it was 'easier' to write a bunch of other fics instead of the charity fics that I still owe!! Ugh. The self is a real garbage pit sometimes. So hopefully let's call this one dormant and not abandoned, and so --
Big Idea: which isn't mine, bc charity fic as aforementioned, but -- Jared runs a cult and Jensen joins and there's lots of sexy sex. Pretty much. :) But because it's a cult fic, I really wanted to dive into that, which required plot [spits on floor], and it's really more now about like... lost youth getting wrapped up into a personality & lifestyle just for somewhere to belong. Like cult stories always go. It's an unusual fic for me in that I'd normally never do ageswap (even with J2 -- I prefer to keep them as is) and I don't actually have much interest in irl cults, but it's interesting as a stretch in that sense.
Why it was abandoned: because plot!!! Ugh. Plot is the worst, idk how people are like 'ooh I wanna get all involved in this murder mystery'. Yack. But if it's gonna have a plot it's got to work, and it also has to have a bunch of legible and interesting and not-quirky-stand-in characters -- like I want it to read like actual humans, not goofy nonsense a la the cult in Bad Times at the El Royale. So that requires some genuine thought and time put in and probably even a chart, and... #lazy writer noises. But I have some random scenes I think might be good already planned. Trouble would be if I could make Jared-the-cult-leader seem believable and not just like a doofy romance novel figure. My personal trouble with cults is that whenever someone's holding themselves up as a leader because of whatever mystical whatever I'm like, this motherfucker? Are y'all kidding? So I'll have to get over that instinct, lol.
"He renamed it when we came," Allie says, easy. She taps her thumb on the steering wheel, smiling. "He said Wildheart was more right, for what we were going to be." Jensen nods but he has no idea what that means. Whatever the name was before, the wild part at least is right. His grandpa had a farm, outside Dallas, and that was all neat rows, trimmed up hedges, smoothed-out roads with everything exactly in place. Jensen didn't mind it—driving it was easier, he thinks, as they're jolted by the Volkswagen rocking over yet another huge tree root—but it was… Well, it doesn't matter. He'll never see that farm again. He's about to ask another question when Allie turns, again, and the screen of oaks gives sudden way to—open air, a field. The sky opens up above them and Jensen leans forward, trying to see everything. They're on a dirt drive and there are—people, young, maybe his age or maybe Allie's, on the grounds on either side of the drive, working squared-off garden plots—tomatoes, in chickenwire cages. More that Jensen doesn't recognize as they roll past. A boy with red hair waves at the car and Allie waves back, grinning. "Good to be home," she says, to Jensen. Home, Jensen thinks, and chews his thumbnail, scanning the grounds. A medium-sized house, at the end of the lane, painted a faded yellow that needs redoing. On the west side of the house Allie pulls the Volkswagen up next to a purple Gremlin with messy handpainted yellow flowers on the rear hatch, a Cadillac with a rusted-out door and some kind of viney plant spilling out of the broken back window. "C'mon," Allie says, turning off the engine, so Jensen takes a deep breath and gets out of the car into the sunshine, holding his duffle up against his chest, looking around. No one's running up to bug them—the dozen people gardening are still gardening, down by the lane—and Allie flips her keys into her palm, comes around the hood of the car, touches his arm, soft. "Nothing be scared of, sweetie," she says, quiet even though it's just the two of them, and Jensen—believes her. He has to. He wouldn't have gotten into her car, otherwise.
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Now look at this.
Nardo and Yuichi, swapped bodies by accident because they were playing around with some mystic artifacts at the Mystic Library or (more probable) Draxum's room/lab. Woosh push FUCK ouch and they're in each other's bodies. They realize that holy shit we fucked up, uh what do we do and just the responsible wonderful adults they are, they decide to not tell anyone and just pretend they're each other, while looking for a solution.
Motherfuckers go with their days the way they thinks it's supposed to go, but the people surrounding them notice that something is fucking wrong, why's Leo being so funny so suddenly and why is Yuichi so much fucking more incompetent today? So they decide that something is going with those guys and an older figure like Hueso and probably comes up to one of them(Nardo). He asks like Hey pepino what's going on, did Yuichi reject ya
And Yuichi there in Leo's body is flabbergasted.
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
Was it unrealistic for the Targaryens to be able to rule for so long when they did plenty of things the Seven Kingdoms didn't approve of? What about all the loyalty the northerners have for the Starks?
The Targaryens:
1 - Came to Westeros because one of them had a prophetic vision that saved them from whatever the fuck it was made Valirya implode, which instantly gives them an image of powerful, borderline mystical people not to be fucked with.
2 - Had motherfucking dragons, which gave them an instant, absurd advantage in battle, and solified their image of powerful, god-like people not to be fucked with.
3 - Would instantly "forgive" any former royals who surrendered to them, allowing them to stay in their castles and still have quite a ton of political power.
4 - Made any smaller houses that helped them defeat the kings that didn't surrender with a ton of political power (hence them seven kingdoms still keeping that name despite answering to the same king)
5 - Didn't oppose much of the traditions the people of Westeros already had, nor tried to force the different regions to all act the same (that eventually led to things like the North, Dorne, and the Iron Islands wanting their full independence back, but that is technically a problem for the Baratheons/Lannisters now)
6 - Were smart enough to make some compromises, by eventually no longer being polygamous and marrying outside their own family every now and again, which made people more willing to tolerate it when they DID stick to incestuous marriages.
7 - The occasional non-incestuous unions gave them the opportunity to stregthen their alliances with the most importants houses of westeros, which means more legitimacy for their reign AND that everyone wanted to continue to be loyal to them in the hopes of having one of their own marry into royalty (that was literally what finally made Dorne surrender to Targaryen rule).
8 - The Targaryen kings were, for the most part, genuinely good, or at least decent, rulers, meaning most people didn't want them gone.
9 - Their dynasty lasted quite a long time, which makes it look far more legitimate than, say, Robb being king in the North for less than a year, losing Winterfell, and then being killed.
So yeah, it makes sense the Targaryens stayed in power for such a long time. They had plenty of advantages over their enemies and played their cards right. It's no wonder it took everything going wrong at the same time for them to be replaced - by a guy that had "has a bit of Targaryen blood" on the list of reasons his supporters made of why he should be the new king.
As for the Starks, the situation is kind of the same. Winterfell is pretty much impossible to take over (provided you don't fuck up espectacularly), they were kings for THOUSANDS of years and lords for hundreds, which in historical terms might as well mean they had been in power forever, they have some magical shit going on wit them, they are descendents of the first men, were genuinely good rulers, and literally gave up their position as royalty to make sure no northerners would have to die.
And, finally, when they WERE no longer in power in any way, they were replaced by the BOLTONS. And who came to their rescue? Stannis Baratheon - backed up by Jon Snow, a Stark in all but name.
Plenty of things are unrealistic in these books, as is the case for every fantasy story. The Targaryens and the Starks being so beloved by so many people for such a long time is not on that list.
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measuringbliss · 10 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 024: Shang...ri-La (GSSM 2, ASM 138-140)
Today's post features Fu-Manchu, a bromance, purple, a bear (<3) and psychic powers, woohoo!
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In our first issue, Spider-Man faces (and then fights with) Shang-Chi, who you may now know from the MCU. Back when I was a kid, I heard of him through Giant-Size Spider-Man #2.
The story begins with Spidey interrupting thievery by men who soon die unexpectedly, just as they start telling our hero about their master (Shang-Chi... or is he?). I feel like that idea of criminals dying as soon as they're about to tell all secrets has already been used recently on the comics but I'm too lazy to look that up. Shang-Chi's the son of Fu Manchu, the actual baddie and a cliché of the West's vision of Asia.
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[Sorry, I used Ctrl Z again on Tumblr and it removed like half my text ugh]
The issue's nice, it's an obvious imitation of typical kung-fu movies and it works much better than other SM 100% fighting issues.
Now, onto the main plot...
Here's how ASM 138 opens:
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I'm putting those panels for two reasons:
to show Peter is still a handsome motherfucker (affectionate)
to appreciate the continuity! Last ish, Harry did blow up their condo, and there's consequences for that! It's great to see.
Peter calls each one of his acquaintances, but none can house him (not surprising considering how much of an ass he was after Gwen's death), except one... as Peter's last call is for his old frenemy Flash.
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AND THUS BEGINS THE FLASH/PETER SHIP'S GOLDEN HOUR. Look at Peter in the third panel, acting like a school girl who just asked her crush out. You go, Pete! Go get him!
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Gerry Conway and Ross Andru seemed quite attached to realism. Why not! I do appreciate the purple.
There's an ugly villain with mystical powers just waiting to feed on Peter's aura, but we've got more pressing matters, such as:
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"Slugging", huh...
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I'm probably putting too much panels, but this issue is plain gorgeous.
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The villain's story is absolutely horrifying, just like the premise of his powers.
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I'm sorry, I don't have many observation to give, it's just an interesting issue to me and visually quite gorgeous (purple pants!!!).
Charles S. LeCates thinks that the Jackal is actually Richard, the Kingpin's son. He's apparently the only one who had that thought! That's not a bad theory... but it's incorrect. Oh well! Other theories are: the Jackal isn't a costume and the Jackal is the thief who murdered Uncle Ben. Hmm! Still wrong.
In the opening pages of #139, Peter says it's been "a few months" since Gwen died and "three weeks" since he became Flash's roommate. His life has been pretty hectic!
Unfortunately for me, he's already found a new appartment thanks to Liz when I was fully ready to see some Peter/Flash shenanigans. They were too gay to be featured as roommates for more than a single issue!
The Grizzly suddenly attacks the Daily Bugle, but Jameson's not interested.
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(He's still attacked anyway.)
Jameson is saved by Spidey, who ends up following the Grizzly as Peter...
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Can I just say how much I love this ending? It's a great moment. A bit silly on Peter's part, but very gloomy. Frightening, actually. My child self was scared of the Jackal's hand jumpscare hahaha. It's very effective! The penultimate page is actually quite liminal.
This is also the end I was left with for at least a decade.
...Well, not exactly. See, I also read those little jewels:
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The first one compiles issues 144-151, that is to say, most of our next batch (the OG Clone Saga), so I haven't read issues 140-143, but I still know what happens after that.
The second one, while I'm at it, covers issues 30-35 of ASM Vol. 2 (2001) and thus ends just after Peter reveals his secret identity to a certain somebody... and I still don't know how they react!!!!! Can't wait to get there in, like, ten years.
So we have a final issue in this batch, one that I've never read. What are we waiting for?
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You know me, I'm always here to see Peter get manhandled.
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Gorgeous gorgeous GORGEOUS colors. Ned's wearing a pink jacket! I love it. I love it so much. Hell yeah!
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You can't see it, but I'm slurping deliciously because between the arm & hand p0rn, the whump, and the colors, I really love those panels.
Later, Flash helps Peter move in.
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I think I remember her so I'm pretty sure she features in later issues. Hmm, a model... Is Marvel trying to introduce a rival to MJ?
Flash is very interested in her, but she's obviously much more into Peter.
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So here's some more arms and colors, because we all deserve it.
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Hoping the Jackal was bluffing, Peter tries removing his bracelet... and succeeds with the power of blue flames! I wish he hadn't been able to discard it so quickly, especially considering the Jackal should know Peter's quite smart...
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...and also a joker.
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Jameson isn't so bad himself. He ruined the Grizzly's wrestling career!
Following those revelations and a few gags, Spidey tracks down the Grizzly and proceeds to strip him.
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With the Grizzly neutralized, Spidey assures him that someday, he'll get the Jackal.
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Okay, before I close this post, please remember this panel for the next batch:
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The Jackal sure looks agile... Who could it be?
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