#Video Toolbox Talks
multiplyme · 23 days
TalksUsing Multiplyme's Video Toolbox Talks, your safety training programs will be elevated. Our cutting-edge platform, created to encourage a safety-conscious work environment, offers interesting and educational video lectures on important safety subjects. Give your staff the tools they need to prevent mishaps and injuries by using Multiplyme to keep them informed, watchful, and proactive. Take part in the safer workplace movement by using Multiplyme's Video Toolbox Talks now.  
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gynecologistmsfrizzle · 2 months
we need mandatory computer literacy programs in schools so bad. like i get that the idea of teaching the 'digital generation' how computers work feels ridiculous, but the ability to competently USE a piece of tech, and the ability to understand the basics of how it works, are totally different things. and you NEED to understand the basics of how it works!
even if all you know is a super broken-down metaphorical version of how your computer saves files, or how websites work, or whatever, you can build on that to solve almost any computer problem with 20 minutes of Googling. it's so important! and the only reason i learned ANY of it is because i wanted to give my character BROWN EYES in DRAGON AGE INQUISITION!!!!!!
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moongreenlight · 7 months
Insane reader my beloved. Literally my babygirl.
@katz-chow been ruminating on this one just for you <3
CW: Gore and violence
Reader who shows up late to their first meeting with the task force. Rolls up in their dark sedan with blacked-out windows and one too many dents on the front bumper wearing civvies instead of the uniform they were given and instructed to wear.
Reader who is a privately hired detective with a talent for interrogations. Not officially a member of the task force or the military because the tactics they use are far less than legal. More a secret weapon on retainer for when doing things by the book doesn’t do the trick.
Reader who gets on the good sides of the task force boys by being sugary sweet and barely hiding their true colors. Skins and bleaches the skulls of interrogations gone South and gives them to Ghost insisting they’re better than the costume store shit he’s got on now.
Gifts Price expensive cigars tucked between the fingers of a severed hand. Drops them off in large pink boxes with delicate ribbons and giggles when he asks a thousand questions about why and how and what the fuck he was supposed to do with this.
Tosses Gaz new knives on the field when they’ve landed a kill or just wrenched them out of someone’s stomach. They make a game out of chucking the gore-slicked blades at one another’s heads to see if they can dodge in time.
Starts playing dodgeball with Soap where they toss his less-stable bombs and unpinned grenades back and forth. Only stops after they’ve accidentally blown up the camp two missions in a row. (Also heavily rumored they have tramp stamps of each other’s names because they’re both too stubborn to back down from a dare but that’s just for vibes)
Reader who gets flown out on specialty missions where a hostage really refuses to talk and takes matters into their own hands. Sometimes hopping on radio when they’re in transit and requesting the force pulls extra men so they can play a live game of operation. They’ve been watching videos on the dark web and the first two seasons of Grey’s Anatomy from their military issued laptop so it’s like an 80% chance all the hostages live.
Reader who stops being allowed to train rookies because the first and only faux-deployment they led they told the group they ran out of rations three days in to a two week long training and they had to play rock-paper-scissors to create a bracket of people to eat first. The mission gets called early when Price gets word that there was actually a field amputation done. Reader doesn’t even apologize, just laughs their way through a barely reasonable explanation. I didn’t think they’d actually do it.
Reader who begs the boys to let them play kill, kiss, marry, kill in the middle of a boring interrogation and when they get told no or to focus on the task at hand, they throw such a fit that they end up sending a screwdriver through the eye of the person they’re supposed to be interrogating.
Reader who brings their own kit to interrogations. Lugs around pincers, rusted blades, rotary bone saws, and dull axes in a flamingo pink toolbox. Sets it up on a small table in front of the hostage and unboxes it like an influencer showing off PR.
Reader who also stops being able to run conditioning and drills with rookies because they pitted the privates against one another during a sparring session. Saying something about whoever could sheath a blade in the other first got a bonus check before tossing a few knives on the mat and walking away. Gaz had to run over and tell them you weren’t serious when he saw blood.
Reader who insists on being able to puppeteer the decapitated head of an enemy grunt they took down and reciting a few lines of Shakespeare to the boys. Dragging the mission out because they know as well as the boys do that everyone is on their timeline.
Reader who dances around hostages that have been zip tied to chairs and beat within an inch of their life. Singsonging threats and having the boys drag the limp bodies of their chain of command across the floor.
Reader who pouts when their victims pass out during questioning after a few of their fingers have been chopped off with a butcher’s knife. Huffs like they’re being put through a massive inconvenience and fishes smelling salts out of their toolkit to wake the poor sap back up.
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archangeldyke-all · 10 days
Hiii i love ur writing, do u think u could do something for Sev with a reader w adhd ?? How shed keep you on task but not condescendingly and remind you to get up and eat, listen to you talk about fixations and stuff :) having a hard time with people calling me distracting and lazy atm and some cute fluff would be adorbs if u have any time !! :)
men and minors dni
sevika takes it upon herself to put reminders, alarms, and appointments in your phone for you. she knows that you fully intend to each time, but you just forget. she doesn't mind slipping your phone out of your pocket and setting a quick alarm titled 'facetime mom' at 8 pm after overhearing you making the plan over the phone earlier that day.
she thinks it's adorable when you get super intense and focused on a project. even if it's completely absurd. in fact, she realized she was in love with you one night when she stumbled home and found you in her kitchen, your phone playing a tutorial video, your laptop playing a movie, the radio playing music, surrounded by parts of her once-assembled microwave.
"babe?" she asked, blinking down at you.
you looked up at her and smiled. "hi love! your microwave was makin' a weird noise, but then when i started looking into it i realized it needed a deep clean. but then i got distracted taking it apart because i've always been curious as to how microwaves work-- like i get that it's radiation but how is it conducted? and where does it go? so i found a manual and got out the toolbox..."
you ramble on while sevika looks down at you fondly, a small smile on her lips as she realizes she's not even a little bit mad. in fact, she's happy that you've trashed her microwave, because you seem so interested and entertained. she's gone completely soft for you.
she'd also really appreciate the fact that you're always 'bugging' her. that's what you call it, worried that you distract her when you chat her ear off or track her down across the house to ask her what her favorite species of fish is, but she always assures you it's the exact oppisite.
sevika's mind doesn't work like yours. when she's in 'work' mode, it's all she's focused on. so when she's scrubbing the tiles of the kitchen, or filing your taxes, or tinkering on her arm, she's never expecting your funny questions or sweet anecdotes. you're always surprising her, making her bark a sweet laugh as she tries to think up a response to your ramblings. in short: you keep her entertained, you keep her day to day life lively.
and, if she ever overheard someone calling you annoying or distracting or lazy, she'd go to war for you babe. she knows how frustrating it is for you sometimes the way your mind works, but she also sees how unique and special it makes you, and she's never gonna let somebody else make you feel like shit for something she loves so much about you.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352
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metalhoops · 1 year
Steve never liked the cities. 
They were always too crowded, too noisy. He liked Hawkins. He liked a quiet life in the suburbs. It was part of the reason he’d never gone to college, that and having to worry about his adopted band of misfit kids and the hell dimension that opened every year. Yet, somehow he found himself on a weekend trip to Chicago.
It was all Eddie’s fault. He had to pick some things up from a music store in town for the band, he’d mention strings or amps. Steve only half understood. It was an excuse for Eddie to take his van to Chicago. Steve had been surprised to find himself invited.
“You never leave town since Vecna went dark, dude. How are you going to travel around with six kids and a Winnebago if you never leave Hawkins?” Eddie asked, somehow managing to convince Steve to join him. 
They took turns driving Eddie’s van.  Eddie’s choice of music was questionable, but his version of road trip games was even more worrisome. They’d been travelling behind an old truck for the better part of an hour when Eddie kicked his feet on the dash and questioned,
“What do you think would be the worst way to die right now? Because I’ve spent the past half hour watching that guy’s toolbox rattle around and I’m convinced a nail gun to the head would be a killer way to go.” 
Steve should’ve known better, but he’d give anything for a distraction from the long stretch of road. 
“Probably getting set on fire at a pump while you insist you need a smoke the second we pulled over at the last gas station,” Steve noted, switching on his indicator and passing the vehicle, using all the horsepower the poor-beat up van had. 
“And here I was thinking I had a twisted imagination,” Eddie spoke, before listing off a series  of more gruesome scenarios. 
By the time the two reached their motel, Steve felt strangely lighter. Whether it was the distance from Hawkins and the trouble it had caused him or because he and Eddie had spent an hour listing out worst-case scenarios until they felt comical and absurd instead of real and imminent threats, he didn’t know. Being trapped in a town with a rip in the fabric of space and time had a way of making you always feel on your guard. That night the two slept quickly and soundlessly. 
It was when they walked through town Steve remembered why he hated cities. He was left shuffling through unfamiliar streets, elbow to elbow with strangers, trying desperately to keep up with Eddie as the man weaved and ebbed with the crowd as Steve used to slice through water. Eddie was one with the city. Steve was apart from it.
Without thinking, Steve reached out, grabbing onto the hem of Eddie’s jacket, letting himself be guided. Eddie showed him where to step, how to move. He kept his head down and followed Eddie’s lead to the music store. Much to his surprise, when they were all done, and once more ready to head back into the fray of the foot traffic, Eddie offered the crook of his elbow for Steve to hold onto. 
“Hey, it’s easier than you almost tugging a hole in a perfectly good jacket. You don’t have a good track record, Harrington,” Eddie teased. He had a point. 
He hadn’t meant to make a habit of it. Yet the small action of latching onto Eddie to keep him at arm’s length followed the two back to Hawkins. 
The thing about hanging out with Eddie was that the man was surprisingly hard to keep up with. He was always rushing places at the drop of a hat, jerked one way or the other by whatever flight of fancy caught his attention. 
He’d be beside Steve at the Family Video store one minute, then darting to the horror section driven there by some tangential conversation, which then of course, would lead him to remember some old sci-fi film and send him running to the sci-fi section, only to find it lacking. That would lead him to Robin and their extensive movie catalogue on the computer, all the while, he’d still be talking to Steve. He found it easier to keep up with Eddie if he had a hold of him. 
He’d find his fingers tucked into the crook of Eddie’s elbow, hooked in the chain of his jeans or clinging to the cuff or hem of his shirt and trailing in the wake of him. 
Contrary to popular belief, Steve wasn’t an idiot. Not when it came to social situations. He knew being extra touchy with Eddie was something he could only do in certain situations. He was hyper-aware of it when he’d made the mistake of hooking his thumb into the back pocket of Eddie’s jeans in the arcade. The two had driven the kids there and were wasting time bouncing between watching the kids and playing pinball. 
A group of teenagers had been gawking at the two already, likely trying to work out what twist of fate had landed the former king of Hawkins High and current school Freak together. With the action, the mumbled whispers turned into slack jaws and less favourable words muttered just loud enough for Steve to hear. 
Steve wasn’t an idiot. He knew what it looked like. He would be lying if he said he didn’t want it to be like that, not that he’d voiced any of it. Not yet. He needed to do it in a town where people didn’t know his name, so people wouldn’t talk if he was reading Eddie all wrong. He didn’t think he was, he was good with reading people. 
In a crowd, holding onto Eddie was okay.  On their increasingly frequent trips to the city, Indianapolis, Chicago, and Fort Wayne. When no one else could see, that was okay. In small-town Hawkins, in broad daylight, it wasn’t. 
Steve suddenly understood the appeal of the city.  
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funkin-news · 3 months
funkin blog update!!: THANK YOU ERIC
lots of good stuff in this one :) i highly recommend reading the original blog post itself, there's so much juice that tumblr won't let me put all the juice in one post
but for the sake of tradition, summary ⬇️
so. been a while yeah
they've been working on a lot of stuff that's secret/under NDA/for a different update so they couldn't share any of that on the blog
while they've had instances of people having little things they could and wanted to talk about, they couldn't just put out a post that's like one paragraph and leave it at that lol
so, eric is now going to show us some stuff! yay!!
remember this?
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well, eric's been working on rebuilding the chart editor from the ground up!
he's also been pulled aside occasionally to work on other stuff (redo input system, get cutscenes working, redo scoring, work on thing that was blacked out because NDA but when i clicked it i got this video, fix issues with gamepad)
ok now put this song on while you continue reading ⬇️
and now... the chart editor is COOLER!
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now featuring:
chart isn't divided into sections to scroll through anymore, just one long scroll
opponent is always on the left and player is always on the right, no weird flips
waveforms under the character icons! you can see those!
icons can be clicked to change the character
measure ticks on the left (that thing that looks like a ruler!)
note preview on the further left
video-player-like controls at the bottom for the song
oh, and it's now powered by HaxeUI instead of Flixel UI, which allows for these toolbox windows:
and neat tools like this, which lets you set offsets for each of the tracks:
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this new chart editor's toolbar has all kinds of neat stuff, like these!
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for the third pic: "The Window menu. No the screenshot isn't cutting anything off you're imagining things." 🤨
there's more but at this point you might just wanna go read the original post
FNFC files - new standard for making charts! contains the chart data, including the audio files!
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LOTS of new keyboard shortcuts for the editor too!
also a live input mode, where you can place notes at wherever the playhead currently is by pressing WASD/⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️
what that means is you can tap out some notes as the song plays and then proofread them after!
this is the part where i'd put another video because there's another one, but tumblr only lets me put one, so... go read the original post i guess
SONG EVENTS FEATURE! you see that ninth strumline on the right? anything put there doesn't show up as notes for either player, but instead runs a chunk of code at the given time
right now the only built-in events are camera control and getting a character or stage prop to play an animation, but modders are probably gonna have a field day
another video! i already forgot i can't add more than 1. damn you tumblr.
also, it, like, never crashes!
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except for when it does!
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mastersoftheair · 3 months
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"Masters of the Air detail- Part 4-The Lemmons magneto scene E4.
"Apple released one scene with Master Sgt. Lemmons, the Crew Chief, and the rest appeared recently in E4.
"He had an engine problem that they were troubleshooting just before the engine start for the mission. Lemmons actually rode in the gear well of number 3 fixing the engine, as the Fortress taxied out on three engines.
"Cary, the director for the first four episodes, was asking about what Lemmons could be fixing and wanted to know if various things were plausible. One was changing a carburetor, uh, no. It’s not only a massive job but doesn’t fit with Lemmons riding in the gear well. I suggested working on a magneto, as just about the only things that you can get to, through the access panel in the firewall on a B-17, are the magnetos and the starter.
"Okay he said, can we change the magneto? Uh, no, not within the confines of this scene and taxiing out to takeoff. How about setting the magneto points as it would fit the timeline, look good and would be plausible. He said to set it up. Okay, off we go.
"Edit- I did not have access to Lemmons book or John Orloff’s notes at the time this scene was being discussed. Soon after Jessica was kind enough to give me a copy of Lemmons book and it said that he indeed did adjust the magneto points from inside of the gear well.
"I talked to Stewart Heath from BGI. A guy who can, and did, make miracles happen. We talked about the magneto, and I showed him what it and the B-17 accessory section looked like through the firewall opening. He was also going to build a B-17 engine nacelle for this scene!
"I said that almost any radial engine magneto would work and that I could source one if he needed. He said go so I contacted Carl Scholl at Aerotrader in California and asked if he had a mag for a Curtis Wright R1820. Of course he did! And he shipped it off to us in the UK. Thanks Carl.
"Stewart made the nacelle and a box housing the real mag, a dummy mag and starter. It was painted black and looked pretty good on camera.
"Raff Law is the actor who portrayed Sgt. Lemmons. He and I sat down with the ‘accessory box’ and I taught him how to look like he was setting up and adjusting the points on a magneto.
"I pictured the original WWII radial engine feeler gauge tool, with the bent ends, in my toolbox back home and hoped that Props Department may have something close. They supplied some nice period tools and Raff learned what he needed to do on the table at our “office”. Next was time for him to practice in the nacelle that Stewart and BGI built.
"During the building of the nacelle the oil tank was a topic of discussion. I gave them some photos, especially of the stenciling which could be visible and they, as usual, did a wonderful job.
"The nacelle was set up for the scene and the video walls were set up underneath the nacelle. Incidentally the wheels and tires used on MOTA were actual un-airworthy B-17 wheels and tires from the Collings Foundation. Some of you Collings pilots might recognize the flat spots on the tires!! It is cool to see some actual B-17 parts that flew a lot and made it into the series. We will not talk about the tread pattern though will we…
"Several camera angles set up in and around the nacelle and really looked good and helped to convey just how difficult it must have been for Sgt. Lemmons to accomplish what he did. Amazing for sure. I only hope that the Lemmons family is happy with the result.
"So much was put into making this and every scene as rich and authentic as possible that it is a shame that so many of these details didn’t make the final cut. But that’s the way this business is, it’s better to have too much and cut things out than to have too little and the need for more. MOTA was way up on the quality and detail and doing it with all of this specialized aircraft equipment is many times more difficult to do than most other subjects. Well done folks! So many people behind the scenes going above and beyond to make this special [...]"
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vinxhwrites · 7 months
fanfic: ghost is your neighbor (part 2)
cw: allusion to violence I not proofread
word count: 2,165 I part 1 here
"I can't believe you did that" Jess sounded exasperated on the phone.
It was a friday night and you were painting your own nails on the kitchen counter. Your two closest friends were on your phone, appearing to you in video form. Jess was looking directly at you through the camera and Cat was running errands while listening to you on her headphones.
"I said I thought about it, but I didn't invite him inside"
"Good, and you shouldn't!" Jess responded, you could feel she was upset with you.
"She's right" Cat joined the conversation speaking closely to her mic "You should be careful about these things...are you sure you don't want one of us living with you there?" she offered, you'd already lost track of how many times your friends had brought this up.
You took a deep breath.
"It's OK." you assured them "I know you guys are worried, but I truly don't want to exist in a constant state of paranoia"
Jess tilted her head on the screen, "I know, sweetie. Sorry"
"You don't really help us, though" Cat chimed in again, you could see parts of her face from inside of her purse, where the phone had been placed while he walked "A guy that casually covers his face seems like the worst possible choice you could have."
"True" Jess said "And you think he's hot? Honey, you really need to go out and meet new people"
"I said I think he is probably hot" you explained yourself again, getting tired of this conversation and already regretting telling your friends about the highlights of your week. "The rest of him is hot" you added.
Simon had first noticed the man on the other side of the street two days after you moved in. He always remembered people's faces and had never seen this guy before. Now he'd seen him three times already, the man was either standing on the sidewalk or inside his car. Always talking on the phone, always looking at the apartment building where the two of you lived.
He made a mental note to keep an eye on him, but didn't think much of it since the man didn't really seem affected by Simon's presence there. It could just be his own mind making him paranoid.
When you saw Simon again it was a Saturday morning, you were coming back from the bakery and saw him leaving someone else's apartment on the third floor while moving up the stairs. You froze on the step for a second, mentally rehearsing a 'good morning' that would seem casual and unfazed.
It ended up not being necessary, as you realized he was talking to someone else when you reached the third floor. He had a big toolbox with him, but waved slightly with his free hand upon seeing you. You waved and smiled back, hoping he was smiling behind the mask too.
"Really, mr. Riley, thank you again. We are really glad to have you back here." said a soft voice behind him, he moved into the hall revealing a short old lady, probably in her 80's, smiling inside the apartment.
"It's not a problem'' he said, and she thanked him again before closing the door.
You kept moving to the next flight of stairs and he caught up with you quickly.
"I help her with some housekeeping stuff" he explained suddenly, even though you didn't ask.
"That's nice of you," you answered, and he proceeded to walk up the stairs beside you, but neither of you said anything else until you reached the fourth floor.
You stood at your door looking at him on the opposite side of the hall. "Would you like to have some tea with me?" you offered before thinking.
He shrugged, "Sure". He unlocked his own door and placed his toolbox on the floor, before locking it again and crossing the hall to meet you.
You left the door open for him and closed it once he came in. You rested the bag on the counter and felt the atmosphere of your home shift, adjusting to his presence there. Simon looked around your apartment nonchalantly, making you uneasy.
You filled a kettle with water and rested it on the stove, the sound of his heavy boots walking around kept you a bit tense, but you proceeded to take the pastries you bought out of the bag.
"These are some intense curtains you've got her'" he commented, you raised your head to see him on the opposite side of the room, taking the heavy black fabric in his hands.
"Yeah" you said.
"I bet it gets really dark in here" he continued, experimenting with the movement of the curtains over the window. And that's when he noticed a familiar car outside, and there was that man again, looking directly at your window.
"Would you like something to eat?" you asked
"No, I'm fine" he said, still looking at the street "Are you a cop?" the question came suddenly.
You chuckled in response, arranging the tea bags inside the mugs you've just gotten out of the cabinets. "Do I look like a cop?"
"Not really" he murmured, but kept looking outside. He turned to look at you as you poured the hot water in the mugs "What is it that you do?" his head tilted to the side.
"I'm an environmental lawyer" you answered, you felt his gaze at you but didn't look up.
He took another glance at the bookcase on his side and felt a bit stupid for asking. "That's tough"
"Yeah, I guess."
He drew the rest of the conclusions from another look around your cozy but small apartment. "Fighting corporations, are we?"
"I try" you answered, getting rid of the now soaked tea bags. "What do you do?" you tried to change the subject.
"Military" he answered, not paying much attention as he kept looking out of your window. Of course, you thought. You felt uneasy again.
You sipped the tea observing his back, the silence bothered you, it gave too much space for your mind to wander around. He could easily kill you if he wanted, you thought, and you invited him inside. You thought of what your friends would think if they saw you now.
"Do you live by yourself?" you asked, trying to get rid of your intrusive thoughts.
"Do you work with politicians?" he asked, ignoring your question completely.
"Kind of" you said, you didn't enjoy how hard it seemed to be to breathe normally now.
After a few seconds of silence, while you tried to distract yourself with the tea, he asked "Do you have a stalker?"
You choked a bit. "Why would you say that?" your voice cracked.
Simon looked back at you and you opened the cutlery drawer beside yourself instinctively.
He approached the counter slowly and sat down, eyes glued to you as he got the other mug into his hands, making no sign of drinking it. He leaned a bit towards you and his tone of voice changed to something softer: "I don't know how to say this..." he started "but I think there's someone spying on you."
Your face was drained of color, you felt your blood pressure drop and slowly grabbed a knife inside the drawer, holding it under the counter with a shaky hand. Stupid, stupid, stupid, it kept repeating in your head, shouldn't have let him inside.
Simon frowned looking at your hand hidden under the counter, then let out a muffled chuckle "Well, it's not me, silly."
You took a deep breath and let go of the knife.
"I see" he examined your face carefully "It's happened before, hasn't it?"
You nodded, and drowned your head between your own hands, praying he wouldn't notice the anxious tears that started rolling down your face. "Fuck" was the only thing you could mumble.
"Is that why you moved?" he continued with the questions.
You nodded again, knowing that you'd start crying if you tried to use your words.
Simon moved uncomfortably on his chair, not really sure of how to comfort your emotions. You heard him take a sip out of the cup now, but couldn't look up to see his face.
He stood up again and paced around your living room, trying to be helpful. "You need better protection on these windows," he commented. "I don't see a security system installed"
"I haven't installed one yet" you mumbled, your voice muffled against your arms.
"Hm" he disapproved. " 've you got locks on the bedroom window?"
You shook your head, finally recomposing yourself again to look at him "Just the regular ones".
"That's not enough"
"Yes, I know." you said, a little more dry than you intended to sound. "Sorry," you sighed "I really don't want to move again.''
"You don't have to" he said casually.
"What makes you think there's someone spying on me?" you asked, playing with the spoon in your mug.
"I noticed a man outside the building since you moved, it was just a hunch"
You nodded. "They doxxed me the last time." you explained. "It wasn't that bad." you tried to make light of it in response to his pitiful look, forcing the memories of panic attacks and all-consuming stress out of your mind. The guy had been to war, probably.
"That's scary." he said in a very serious tone. "Have you thought of hiring a bodyguard?"
"I can't afford one" you admitted.
"Right" he murmured, he'd sat back at the chair in front of the counter now "I guess the endangered animals aren't paying you the big bucks, huh?"
"Endangered rivers" you corrected.
"That's even worse." he chuckled lightly. He took the tea mug back into his hands but didn't drink it. "Did you really think you'd hurt me with a butter knife?" it was a genuine question.
"It wasn't a butter knife." you defended yourself, a bit embarrassed by your previous reaction.
"Let me see it." he seemed amused.
You opened the drawer again and took out the knife. It was small and had a sharp-ish blade, good enough to cut vegetables, for sure.
He smirked "That's cute."
Simon gave you his phone number scribbled on a napkin. "Call me if you need anything." you thanked him and said you would, but he repeated to make sure you understood it "Anything. Call me."
You felt a bit ashamed that you had already cried in front of someone you barely knew. Probably failed your chances to seduce him already, but at least he was kind.
Simon spent the rest of his day wondering if something's bad had happened to you before, if someone had hurt you somehow. He kept thinking about your reaction the first time you saw him, how scared you looked, and he couldn't help but wonder if you've ever been hurt by someone who looked like him.
A couple of hours of online searching were enough to tell him two things: first, you were way too humble about your accomplishments when it came to "trying" to fight corporations, he found your name attached to some high-profile cases that distributed huge fines to different companies and got some lobbyists in trouble. Second: you were absolutely irresponsible with your data online, he found your previous address in a forum, your full name, a list of all non-profits you've worked for. He made sure to report and flag any and every comment that exposed any of your information on forums, gathering all of the information he could on those people.
Just two days later, while trying to fall asleep on his sofa late at night, the TV volume at almost zero, Simon heard something on the hallway. He jumped out of the sofa immediately, taking a quick look at the peephole was enough for him to see a man on his knees at your door, trying to pick the lock.
He didn't change clothes before getting his gun beside the door and moving through the hallway silently, still barefoot and wearing nothing but sweatpants and a white cotton shirt.
"Can I help you, buddy?" he asked, gun pointed to the man's neck. He was now completely sure that was the man that kept staring from across the street.
He put his hands up immediately, "I for-forgot my keys" he explained "I live here"
"No, you don't". he easily grabbed the man by his arm and pressed his gun to the man's back "Who's here with you?"
The next day, you woke up to loud knocks on your door. You tried to quickly adjust your hair in the mirror before opening the door.
"Morning" Simon greeted you, he looked like he hadn't slept much. “We're changing your locks," he announced, moving past you before you could even invite him in. He was carrying his heavy toolbox with him, and some plastic bags with new complicated locks in them.
He mentioned nothing of the events of the past night. He didn't want to scare you unnecessarily. Plus, he'd taken care of it.
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saltineofswing · 4 months
Hello! I'm the person that made the rant post about my dislike on the lack of natural dichotomy of the Pyramids and Traveler since the introduction of the Veil that turned into a whole thing. You mentioned a lack of pulp in your reblog and it's stuck with me since then. I wasn't familiar with the term and did some research on it, but I still don't think I get what it is. I tried looking it up but a lot of articles and videos I could find explain the history of pulp and its influences in modern day sci-fi but not necessarily what it is, especially in a way that would give me context to better understand your reblog. If it's not too much trouble, can you explain a little more what the "pulp" is that destiny is lacking?
I’d be happy to try and give you a little more insight into what I feel are important tenets of pulp as a genre/concept! I decided this might be a good opportunity to talk a little about it generally because I am really feeling its absence generally in the past couple years, so I included some historical backing which you’re probably already familiar with – hope that’s OK.
I did a little digging personally, for some good places to familiarize oneself with the basics of pulp as a concept and/or genre. It was nice to re-affirm some info that I’ve felt secure in holding as true without a ton of evidentiary support, and I also learned some cool new stuff as well! I think a good place to start would be to link to the TV Tropes page about pulp magazines, which does a pretty good job of explaining the origins and foundational aspects of the concept in a way that is easy to digest. It also has a lot of examples available to peruse. I also found this cool article on the golden age of pulps, which is an interesting read.
This got long, so below the cut!
To reiterate, the original ‘pulp’ terminology and vibe comes from early/mid-20th century magazines, which were cheap and easy ways to access genre fiction and action/adventure stories before comics, paperback novels, and TV/movies were really on the scene. Pulp magazines spanned a very wide array of genres, but because of a lack of appreciation for the medium, a majority of pulp magazines and aspects of what I would consider to be pulp as a genre have been allowed to fall into obscurity. There are places where I feel it is particularly obvious, especially the superhero genre (don’t get me started we’ll be here all week) but also in fantasy and science fiction – a term which was, in fact, coined by Hugo Gernsback, an editor for pulp magazine Amazing Stories.
They were cheap to make, cheap to buy, and easy to serialize; they could be really schlocky, crass, and unpolished. They could also be fucking incredible! The Shadow is a good example of an early pulp property with screaming highs and frankly peat-bog lows. Lovecraft published a lot of what is considered to be his ‘best work’ in Weird Tales! Conan the Barbarian, too! They kind of came out of the gate with a somewhat negative connotation associated with ‘low-brow’ forms of literature like dime novels, but where other magazines of the time tended to incorporate non-fiction articles and photography, pulp mags tended to be fiction stories only – short stories, or longer stories split into serialized chapters. Early on, not many of them had art, though with the advent of comic books that changed (you could argue that books like Creepy and Eerie are direct offspring of early pulp mags). Similar to what Weekly Shonen Jump does with manga.
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If you think of a genre as a toolbox, pulp is a box full of tools that function fine alone, but excel at assisting the function of other toolboxes. I would almost liken ‘pulp’ to the concept of ‘camp’, which are also two concepts that can and do overlap with a high degree of synergy. Pulp has its own foundational attributes that are distinct from camp – for example, camp is gay relies a lot more on its self-awareness, at being able to wink at the viewer or participant, and telling you ‘yeah, we know it, but isn’t it fun?’ Pulp, on the other hand, is the (no pun intended) straight man counterpart to this aesthetic sensibility; pulp is at its best when it is being completely earnest. The quippy lines and dramatic proclamations are meant to be taken on their face. Nowadays it’s the kind of stuff that memes are made of – ‘That Wizard Came From The Moon’, ‘I don’t have time to explain why I don’t have time to explain’, ‘Whether we wanted it or not, we’ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars’. Saying shit that has no explanation with your whole chest. Trying to be cool on purpose, the ultimate cringe move.
Nowadays I think that this kind of thing has mostly died out of modern media, but the counter-motion is still prevalent in mainstream superhero movies. A good example is the ‘Would you have preferred ~YeLlOw SpAnDeX~’ line from the OG X-Men movie. Hey dickhead! The yellow spandex is cool if you, the guy making the movie, believes its cool! Crucially, while a lot of modern superhero stuff is quippy and irreverent, it often uses these tropes in a self-aware or cynical manner – afraid of being earnest, committing the aforementioned cardinal sin of trying to look cool on purpose.
(God damn it, I’m talking about superheroes again. Sorry. Before I get back on task this is why I loved the recent Moon Knight run so much; Jed MacKay is NOT afraid to have the characters say some absolutely batshit thing but it comes off as so, so cool. And yes, a little cheesy.)
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And then, where modern sci-fi typically has an ultra-detailed explanation on-hand, I think a lot of early pulp stuff just… didn’t. Ask a sci-fi property for an explanation on, oh I don’t know, ‘where did these super-humanoid sapient machine warriors come from’ and it will likely have a molecule-deep explanation of how those unnamed machine people were created. Ask a fantasy property for an explanation on the same and it might say, ‘no’. It’s not that a pulp-leaning property won’t give you the answer to that question… it just might not have it. The ‘why is it/how is it’ is not as important as the ‘what is it’ and ‘how is it relevant’; a writer had a limited amount of page real estate, as multiple features were typically crammed into a single magazine. Even if a feature was serialized, much like television episodes (before the binge trend), one had to keep information digestible, and not too reliant on a prior or later edition that a reader might never see.
Explanations tended to be in service of an emotional beat, or to a theme, versus as a grounding agent to immerse a reader in the world. For the record I don’t necessarily think of either method as being better or worse, and heavy worldbuilding can still utilize pulp as a veneer or filter to engage audience expectations in different ways. Pulp stuff relies a lot on suspension of disbelief without utilizing a rigid lore-based framework to – though, you know, your story/setting still has to have its own internal logical consistency.
(I feel that it is important to note, as a partial consequence of the time period in which these magazines were being made, and when pulp fiction was most heavily consumed, xenophobia and racism are also heavily present in pulp works. I think everybody knows at this point about how much Lovecraft sucked but it’s a valuable example of how a lot of ‘fear of the unknown’ in that time was transliterated into ‘fear of the different’, in general but especially relating to genre fiction. If you decide to explore material in this genre, in this time period, be forewarned! Some of it was pretty glaring!)
So, let me tie some of this stuff to my previous statements about Destiny. I think that Destiny is an excellent example of how pulp tropes, aesthetic, and genre conventions can be used to enhance and streamline a setting… and how stripping too much pulp away can have a detrimental impact on the depth of a narrative.
The original narrative and worldbuilding of Destiny drew very heavily on pulp aesthetics to create a foundation, both in its appearance and its lore. The ‘Golden Age of Science Fiction’ was a period of time in the mid-20th century that sort of transitioned sci-fi out of pulp magazines and into its own thing, but the foundational structure of science fiction at this time was still heavily pulp-influenced. I think this is very well-represented by the portrayal of Venus as a ‘garden’ (jungle) world, very lush and with sulfurous and sometimes acidic rains. Before advancements in astronomical technology went and fucked everything up for us writers, Venus’s opaque cloud-covered atmosphere was impenetrable enough that there could be anything under there – and a popular portrayal of Venus was a muggy, humid, rain-heavy world that sometimes also included lush jungles. In Bradbury’s short story The Long Rain (WHICH ran in Planet Stories, a pulp mag, by the way!) this portrayal is a central obstacle to the narrative; it’s also used in Heinlein’s novel Space Cadet.
The color scheme that Destiny uses for Venus also matches a common color scheme for Venus in this era – see this cover for Fantastic Adventures. Visually, I think that this comparison between the postcard that went out with the D1 limited/collector’s edition and this Planet Stories cover for The Golden Amazons of Venus demonstrates the influence, at least regarding terrain and biome.
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In fact, I think that you can see from this Eververse postcard – which could have been peeled off of any era-appropriate paperback novel – that the influence goes bone-deep. Destiny even refers to humanity’s halcyon age as ‘The Golden Age’.
(Below: Is this image from Destiny dev, or a science fiction paperback from the 60s? Who knows! I know. It’s Destiny.)
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In the modern era of Destiny storytelling, though the visual elements of the universe remain largely rigid relative to this early framework, the pulp underpinning of the narrative has been largely left behind. The original game’s story, and the stories of subsequent DLCs, felt very pulp-inspired – this ranged from ‘sort of effective’, like in House of Wolves, to ‘game-savingly effective’, like in The Taken King. Pulp lends itself to straightforward conceptual executions, and brisk narratives, because of its roots as short-form literature. The narrative of D1 was simple and to the point; Light good, Dark bad, humanity is in the shit, think you can kill a god? The surrounding world scaffold was rich but not deep. As I like to say, sometimes a river can be wide but shallow. This is not a commentary on its quality – something can be good but not complex, and IMO, sophistication is not necessarily synonymous with complexity. Destiny managed to pull off a trick that many high-quality pulp stories employ: it made the river look deeper than it was. This is the whole reason that Lovecraft’s oeuvre has the staying power it has: other writers got to play in the space because it felt very deep, even though the stories themselves were fairly straightforward.
I also don’t mean to say or accidentally imply that ‘morally grey storytelling cannot exist within pulp stories’, because that would probably get me torn apart; that’s just not the kind of straightforward foundation that the original Destiny was built on. ‘It is what you see, but what you see could be anything’, you know? The problem that began to muddy the waters in the Destiny narrative is that they started to say, ‘You know, actually, it ISN’T what you see’.
Tentpole narrative additions to the Destiny 2 game employ varying levels of pulp. As I said in the other post, the Hive have a potent pulp influence built into their foundational coding, and so subsequent portrayals of the Hive as a main antagonist have higher degrees of pulp genre naturally present in the narrative – it’s hard to separate the two of them. Shadowkeep and The Dark Below draw strongly on the ‘sword and sorcery’ convention, a subgenre of fantasy that is a heavy (perhaps 1:1) blend of fantasy and pulp; think Conan, or Elric of Melniboné (who, hey! Showed up in a novella feature, in an issue of Science Fantasy magazine, named… THE DREAMING CITY). The Witch Queen leaned away from pure sword and sorcery and more towards noir/detective pulp – though, I think, TWQ is a good example of the pulp slippage in its narrative, resulting in some more bland moments and things that feel ham-fisted in a bad way. Part of it, I think, is the need to make these expansions ‘long’ and complicated without making the player feel like they’re slogging; in a more pulp-forward TWQ narrative, the reveal that Savathûn is actually NOT evil-aligned and is a potential ally would come much earlier in the story, and the central mystery would be MORE about ‘what the fuck is she trying to do/prevent’, leading to the Witness reveal as the centerpiece of the finale and the ‘solution’ to the central mystery.
The decision to start retroactively appending more complex connections between disparate pieces of content naturally leads to a reduction of pulp prominence, in my opinion. If you imagine Destiny as a vessel that is mainly full of three component liquids – Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Pulp – you can say that adding more of one genre pushes out another to make room. You can always pour more of one genre in to re-balance, but in response to increasing levels of sci-fi the narrative seems reticent to reintroduce pulp back into the mix, instead favoring fantasy. But another problem is that once you take it out, Pulp is really hard to put back; once you solidify and unionize world-lore, every subsequent retcon risks diluting and destabilizing that world-lore until a) nobody cares about it anymore and b) it stops being mutable at all, and becomes sludge.
The lore behind the existence of the Exo was originally very pulp, with no real explanations given for exactly what they were and where they came from, and how they attained sapience. Early hints that Cayde and a few other Exo having once been human didn’t preclude other Exo from having other origins – for example, implications that Exo war-frames eventually achieved sapience as a result of the ‘Deep Stone Crypt’, and that they were originally simple AI-equipped warriors designed and overseen by Rasputin to minimize human casualties. This early mystique around the origins of the Exo is classically pulp: we don’t need to know how the hyper-advanced robots were made, we just need to know what they are, why they are relevant to the story. It allows You, The Player, to engage with it at whatever level you want. In a game where You, The Player, are also being asked to step into the role of You, The Protagonist, this is beneficial to engagement for people (like me!) who like to think too much about the backstory of the your-name-here protagonist on-screen. It is also beneficial to not distracting the player with conflicting information, or accidentally contradicting previously-established lore.
Enter Big-Head Bray. The Beyond Light-era explanation of why Exo were created and how they were made is a retroactive nuclear strike on the Exo lore; it strips away a lot of flexibility and thematic richness from the concept of the Exo, shoehorns them into a single narrow use case, and directly conflicts with early-game Exo lore implying their connections to Rasputin (which they then had to go back and hastily shoehorn back in later) or existence as war machines for the Collapse. If D1 lore is wide but shallow, the D2 lore is narrow but deep. Just because something has a lot of ‘depth’, I.E. many layers to traverse before you reach foundational bedrock, it doesn’t make it good.
Same thing with the Fallen. Season of Plunder felt to me like an attempt to reintroduce pulp genre back into the setting, but it fell flat because of two reasons: it didn’t really want to be pulp, and it was more concerned with its tethers to the science-fantasy exterior world than it was with creating its own cohesive narrative. Why was Mithrax doing evil pirate shit when he was young? Because he comes from a race of fucking evil space pirates! It Does Not Need To Be More Complex Than That! But the exculpation of pulp from the D2 narrative means that if Mithrax doesn’t have a good enough reason, WRT the larger narrative, it would be a glaringly obvious plot hole. By Plunder, Destiny had already undertaken the task of filling out the Eliksni lore with sympathetic science-fantasy excuses for why they were trying to exterminate humankind – the more earnest, pulp-forward explanation would just be that desperate, hurt, suffering people will do desperate things, hurt people, and may perpetuate the cycle of suffering.
Oy. There’s a lot you COULD get into. How the Destiny macro-narrative seems to be decaying the rigidity of good and evil in its original lore vs. how the micro-narrative is obsessed with trying to recapture that good/evil dichotomy in order to give players a reason to like the main characters. How the determination to connect and explain everything has resulted in a general flattening of the background lore, and the subsequent trivialization of many things the game included in earlier iterations of the narrative/lore. How the narrative has basically nothing to do with the Vex because they wrote themselves into a corner by trying to explain them too much while simultaneously not altering the foundational lore of the race, meaning there were too many things they can no longer do without retconning again.
Overall, I guess I will just end by saying that many of the things that Destiny is CURRENTLY doing, feels like the game is straining to rip the part of it out which proudly asks its audience not to think too hard about sweeping, dramatic statements that built a lot of the things people love about the game’s setting and narrative… and in doing so, is just ripping itself to pieces.
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krisp-xyz · 8 months
Found your work. You inspired me to take another shot at technical art and graphics programming. Do you recommend any specific resources for getting started and beyond?
Thanks so much! Really glad I could inspire you to do that bc graphics and tech art things are so much fun :D
(Also sorry for the late response. I've been a bit busy and was also thinking about how I wanted to format this)
I'm mostly self taught with a lot of stuff and have done lots of research on a per-project basis, but Acerola and Freya Holmer are two of my favorite channels for learning graphics or technical art things. Shadertoy is also an amazing resource to not only create and view other's shaders, but learn about algorithms and see how people do things!
While I don't have many general resources. I'll steal these resources for graphics programming that Acerola shared in his discord server:
For getting started with graphics engine development: DX11: https://www.rastertek.com/tutdx11s3.html OpenGL: https://learnopengl.com/ DX12: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3d12/directx-12-programming-guide Vulkan: https://vulkan-tutorial.com/
For getting started with shaders: catlikecoding: https://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/rendering/ the book of shaders: https://thebookofshaders.com/ daniel ilett's image effects series: https://danielilett.com/2019-04-24-tut1-intro-smo/
For getting started with compute shaders: Kyle Halladay: http://kylehalladay.com/blog/tutorial/2014/06/27/Compute-Shaders-Are-Nifty.html Ronja: https://www.ronja-tutorials.com/post/050-compute-shader/ Three Eyed Games (this one teaches ray tracing AND compute shaders, what a bargain!): http://three-eyed-games.com/2018/05/03/gpu-ray-tracing-in-unity-part-1/
I also wanted to talk a little bit about I do research for projects!
A lot of my proficiency in shaders just comes from practice and slowly building a better understanding of how to best utilize the tools at my disposal, almost like each project is solving a puzzle and I want to find the most optimal solution I can come up with.
This is definitely easier said than done and while a lot of my proficiency comes from just doodling around with projects and practicing, I understand that "just practice more lol" is a boring and kinda unhelpful answer. When it comes to projects like my lighting engine, I came up with a lot of the algorithm stuff myself, but there were certainly lots of details that I learned about from past projects and research like ray marching (calculating the ray intersection of a distance function) and I learned about the jump flood algorithm from a tech artist friend (calculating distance functions from textures)
Each new algorithm you learn in various projects ends up being another tool in your toolbox, and each project becomes a combination of researching new tools and applying the tools you've learned in the past.
One last example. I made a Chladni plate simulation in blender (that thing where you put sand on a metal plate and play noises and it makes patterns) and it started with me researching and looking up chladni plates, I watched youtube videos related to why the sand forms the patterns it does, which ended up being due to how the sound waves displaced the plane. I googled some more and found the actual equation that represents it, and used it to simulate particle motion.
Figure out some projects you want to do and just do some googling or ask for help in game dev discord servers or whatever. Lot's of research on a per-project basis is honestly how you'll learn the most imo :3
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bunnyandcoffeeposts · 6 months
Saving a Bad Situation
If you ever have a day/outing/conversation that just isnt going the way you want it to, everything just feels icky and wrong, and youre starting to think absolutely nothing can salvage it, consider Starting It Over! Not everything is going to perfectly all the time, but if you feel like you're losing control of a situation this play-pretend strategy can help you get back on course! Here are some ways we've used Starting Over to help get things back on the right track:
We were having quite a yucky morning - We woke up because of a bad dream, our morning tea wasn't made right, we forgot to eat breakfast until we were way too hungry, and we found out the plans for the day had changed drastically. It felt like the whole day was going to be miserable. So we Started Over! We got back into bed and set an alarm for 5 or 10 or 15 minutes, then closed our eyes and just laid under the covers hugging a stuffie until our "reset period" was over. We could pretend that the change of plans had been made the night before and so that was now just the plan for the day "like always", we remade our "first" cup of tea, reminded ourself to put toast on, and that bad dream was from "yesterday" morning!
Through neither person's intention, an important conversation was miscommunicated or misinterpreted, or a little bit of both. We both were long past upset and neither of us wanted to snap at each other. So, I said that I'd Like to Start the Conversation Over. We hung up our call, we both took a deep breath, and used our own mistakes, and our now better understanding of the other person's thoughts and needs to work through the conversation more carefully and considerately. We started the call over, greeted each other just like we hadn't talked at all that day, pretend that the previous talk never happened, but still had a productive and positive talk
I really wanted to play video games with Mama, and Mama really wanted to play video games with me! So, understandably, she moved rooms to the computer that has her games on it. I wasn't sure on how to communicate beforehand that I wasn't ready to change rooms, so the quick change with no transition period made me feel jostled and upset. So i said "I'm almost ready to go to the computer" and put in censored text that i would like to play pretend for a few minutes. We both pretended that we were still in bed and when i felt comfortable enough said that i was ready to "go" to the new room, covered my eyes for a few moments as we "went to the new room" and then took a few minutes to get adjusted. Physically we stayed sitting at the computer the whole time because there are a number of stairs in between, but it still gave me the effect of that transition period i needed
This is something mainly used with the littles or on days where emotional regulation is more challenging, but that doesn't mean that its little or autistic exclusive; everyone needs to hit the reset button sometimes! No, not everything in life is going to go exactly how we want it to, and we all need to be able to adapt to things out of our control, but that doesn't mean something "small" has to ruin your day, or that you can't take a breather before giving something a second go!
This is just something we've found helpful for us and been using more often lately to keep issues from snowballing out of control, and has also been a good exercise for us to better communicate our needs and feelings. It's a lot easier to say I Need To Start Over than trying to work through articulating emotions while upset. Its easier (and usually more protective, for us) to explain how we felt and what we felt went wrong once we're calmer. No, this probably wont work for everyone, we used to find it too hard to play pretend, but since getting back in touch with our imagination its become much easier, but its an extra tool you might want to add to your emotional and communication toolboxes and consider trying out!
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bumblepony · 3 months
as you’re well aware I’m a foul little sicko so I’d love a Joel x reader “angry kiss, teeth clashing”
dear god please do your worst i love u 🫶🏻
Here you go, girly. I love a good enemies-to-lovers story, and that's what we got here!
You fly down the steps of your front porch, bare feet slapping against the sidewalk. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Miller?” You shout as you get close enough to his truck you’re sure he’ll hear you. He sighs and rolls his eyes as he sees you coming towards him. With a huff, he slams the door of his truck shut and trudges to his truck bed to pull out his toolbox.
“I don’t know what the fuck have I done now?” He grits between his teeth, purposely striding up his front walk as you come up behind him.
“You know what the fuck I’m talking about, Joel.” You hiss, hustling to get in front of him, blocking his path. You stand in front of him, hands on your hips and eyes blazing.
“I hate to tell you, sweetheart, but I got more important things in my life to worry about than what ever problem you got with me now.” He pushes past you, knocking your shoulder as he does.
“You are such a goddamn asshole.” You spit and spin after him, grabbing his arm and pulling him back. “The shed, Joel. The fucking shed that you put on my property last night when I was sleeping.” You say, pointing to the shed in question.
Joel stops and stares at you in frustration. “It ain’t your property; it’s mine, and it’s been mine since before you moved here.”
“Just because my grandmother didn’t fight you on it doesn’t make it your property. The deed to my house clearly states that that plot is mine.”
“Well, the deed to my house says that plot is mine, and I’ve been here longer,” Joel says with a petulant tone.
“What does that fucking matter? My house was built first.”
“Yeah, on my family’s land!”
“That was sold to the original owner of my home, my great-great-grandfather!”
“My great-great-grandmother sold him the land, and then your great-great-grandfather stole that plot from her!”
“He did not!” You throw your hands up in indignation, “It was on the fucking deed!”
“It weren’t!”
“It was!” You spin and start walking purposely towards the wood pile in your yard. “That’s it, I’m done with this crap.” You yell. Joel stands staring after you until his eye catches what you’re heading for.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doin'?” When you don’t answer, Joel drops his toolbox and starts striding after you. You start walking faster towards the ax stuck in the stump you use to cut firewood. “Don’t you fuckin dare!” He yells, speeding up his pace.
Your hand closes over the ax handle, and you tug it out with a grunt. Then you start running towards the shed. You hear him swear and start jogging after you. Your blood is pumping fast as you careen forward. “You had no right to put this up. I’m taking it down right now,” you shout over your shoulder, almost at the shed.
You're lifting the ax up to swing when a large hand wraps around your wrist, stopping you. You shriek in surprise, not realizing that he had caught up to you that quickly. Then he pries the ax out of your hand and flings it halfway across the lawn.
“Let me go you-you brute.” You yell, trying to pull from his grasp.
“You brute?” Really, is that all you got.” He chuckles darkly, catching your other hand in his when you try and fail to deck him.
“Fine, then let me go, you goddamn mother fucking asshole. That good enough for you?” You seethe uselessly, flailing your legs at him as he holds you far enough away so that you can’t connect.
“That’s a little better. But I ain’t letting you go until I can be sure that you’re not going to try to go and get that ax again.” He says.
“What if I do?” You challenge, pushing your face right up into his. “What are you going to do about it? You can’t hold on to be forever.”
“Oh, I can’t, can I?” He growls, shoving you up against the side of the offending shed. His large body presses you against the hard surface. You gasp and struggle beneath him. His hands pinning your wrists above your head. You shift, wiggle, and buck against him, but he doesn’t move his body like a fucking stone wall. Finally, you stop fighting and slump, defeated in his grasp. He takes a deep breath and pulls back a little bit, his hands loosening on yours and his mouth opening to say something. But before he can, you lift your knee up and catch him right in the groin. He groans and lets go of you completely as he stumbles back, his hands going down to cradle his maligned balls.
You push off the wall and dart for the ax lying in the grass. You're halfway to it when a large body collides with yours, dragging you down to the ground. Joel rolls so he takes the impact of the fall but then rolls further so that you are beneath him. You try bringing your knee up again, but he’s on to you now and blocks you by putting his whole body weight down on top of you.
“I don’t think so, girly. You better calm down,” he says, his breath puffing out of him as he struggles to keep you down. 
“Don’t tell me to calm down, you dick. You’re the one who has me pinned on the ground.”
“I’m just tryin’ to keep ya from hurtin’ yourself or someone else. Fuckin’ usin’ an ax with no shoes on. No eye protection, no goddamn gloves. You are gonna rip up your hands or lose a goddamn foot.” He grates as you continue to try and push against him.
“Oh my god. You’re ridiculous.” Of course, all he can think about is how you were using the ax wrong. Of course, Joel Miller, your stupid fucking neighbor who has been a thorn in your side since the moment you moved into your grandmother's house after she passed away, can only focus on what you were doing wrong. All he’s ever done since you met him is point out every fucking thing you do wrong around your house. ‘No, that’s not how you clean out your gutters, let me do that.’ or ‘That ain’t how you use a power washer, give it here.’ or your all-time favorite, ‘What are ya doin’? You’re liable to break a blade mowin’ your lawn like that.’ 
“I’m ridiculous?” He scoffs, “Look at where we are right now, over a stupid fuckin’ shed.”
“I can not believe you, Joel Miller, you make me want to scream. Tear my hair out and run naked down the street.” You growl, trying to buck him off you.
“Would you just hold still for one fuckin’ second,” 
“No,” You hiss.
“You are so goddamn stubborn,” Joel grunts.
“Well, you’re a jackass.” You growl.
“Well, you’re a pain in my ass.” Joel spits.
You glare up at him, lips pursed, and he glares back, brow furrowing in annoyance. Your breaths are both coming fast and heavy as you glower at each other, you could almost start a fire with the sparks that are flying between the two of you. Then suddenly, the mood shifts, and Joel's hands are coming down to grab your face as your arms are coming up to wrap around his neck. Your mouths meet, teeth clashing, tongues roughly fighting against one another. You roll him over onto his back with a groan, straddling him, dragging his lower lip through your teeth. He rumbles a growl from deep in his chest and rolls you back over onto your back. His arms come around you, crushing you to his chest, as his mouth angles against yours so he can take the kiss deeper. The taste of him is heady, and you lose sense of time or place, your body vibrating with a desperate need.
As quickly as you were pulled into this mood, you’re dragged out of it when you’re hit with a spray of freezing cold water. You gasp and sputter as Joel pulls away from you, doing the same.
“Would you two please start acting like some fucking adults, your 14-year-old daughter is watching the two of you hiss and spit at each other like wild cats, then start to roll around on the ground like horny teenagers. If you’re going to do this crap, could you at least do it inside her house so the whole neighborhood don’t have to watch it.” Tommy says, garden hose in hand, ready to shoot again if the need arises. Happily, it does not.
“Ah, you want to talk this out at my house? I have some towels so we can dry off.” You say as Joel helps you up from the ground, his fingers lingering on your hip as he brushes off some grass from your back.
“Yeah that might be okay.” Joel turns to Tommy and hands him his wallet. “Order you and Sarah some pizza. You okay with stayin’?”
“Yeah, Joel, I'm fine with staying.” He turns, looks at both you and Joel, and then lifts his brow with a smirk. “Should I expect you home tonight?”
You blush as Joel's gaze rakes over you, blistering with heat. “I think we might have a lot to talk about, could take all night. What do you think, sugar?” The fingers still on your hip slide into the space between your T-shirt and shorts and press just the slightest bit into the flesh exposed there, sending a shiver of anticipation through your body.
“Lots to talk about,” you mumble, watching Joel’s swirling amber eyes widen as you lick your suddenly dry lips. Don’t expect him back before dawn,” you say lightly to Tommy, letting a little mischievous smile curve your lips as you take Joel’s hand and start leading him back to your house.
“Make that noon, Tommy,” Joel shouts over his shoulder as he hustles you up the stairs of your porch the both of you laughing like little children.
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gatitties · 2 years
─ Dbd x gn!teen!reader
─ Summary: a demogorgon and a dog, the same in your eyes
─ warnings: none
1 < 2 > 3 
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“For God's sake Steve, it's not that complicated to hold a ‘mirror’”
“It is when you're being chased by a killer, even more so when it's the fucking Demogorgon.”
You rolled your eyes, ignoring the worried mutterings of the boy who was holding up a piece of broken glass so you could get on with your business. What the hell was so important that you had to stand up in the middle of a trial? Well, your eyeliner took precedence over being killed, and since you helped Steve get away from the killer, he was forced to hold the piece of glass for you to finish your makeup.
You had a good defense, your self-esteem could only improve with the eyeliner on, which would mean a better performance in your purposes, basically you guaranteed the escape ten percent more safety and you had faster generators.
“Hurry up, he's on top of us!”
You finished just as a growl was heard, the boy ran ahead of you and you followed him knocking the pallet out of the hut just as the Demogorgon was pouncing to attack, that's why the wooden planks didn't last a second, a chase started though it didn't towards you, apparently the monster had a certain grudge against Steve. You shrugged, jumping towards any nearby generator, with your new state of mind you managed to activate it in a couple of minutes, just enough to return to a chase in which this time you were the prey.
No matter how long you've been here, you'd always get tired of playing cat and mouse very quickly, normally you'd let them hook you, but you promised to help out a little more in the trials so you looked for other options to get rid of the monster without passing him to another one of your mates, the last thing you needed right now is to stress poor Dwight more.
You looked around your stage for something, a rock, a toolbox, a flashlight left on the ground... there was nothing really useful, so at the last moment you grabbed the first thing on the ground, a stick. You waved it to hit it but you miscalculated when you noticed that you only attacked the air, although after that you didn't feel like you were hit, so when you opened your eyes you found the Demogorgon looking ─or so you assumed since he doesn't have eyes─ at the stick, you gasped covering your mouth, holding back small laughs.
You swung the stick back and forth without actually throwing it, this just made the killer sit up, intently following the object you were shaking in the air with his head, needless to say, the result of that game was a complete success, as maybe not for Quentin because he had overslept and got hooked twice in a row in the beginning, but at least Steve, Dwight and you got away with barely a hang up.
There was a bad part of this whole victory, The entity was not very happy with the assassin's performance, knowing that you were behind this beforehand, she decided to give you both a little punishment.
All the survivors were startled when the Demogorgon jumped out of nowhere, knocking you to the ground as he crushed you with his huge body, slobbe dripping from his head or mouth? whatever, the point is that The Entity made him behave more like a canine and aren't the adorable little dogs faithful? Of course, and who was the one who played with a monster from another dimension as if he were a puppy? Yes, you had to play animal shelter caretaker and you wouldn't be upset if it wasn't for how protective he was of his 'owner'.
Did you want to talk to Feng Min about video games? The Demogorgon's claws pulled you away as he growled. Did you want to bet blood points with Ace that Claudette and Jake would end up together? More growling and biting attempts Did you just want to bother Tapp with stupid meme questions about Criminal Minds, Castle, or Hawaii5-0? Don't even think about it, your guard dog had to keep you safe from everyone.
The Entity enjoyed being the winner this time seeing how irritated you were, but the fun was short lived when you decided to take advantage of the situation, it was easier to play pranks on the survivors! Kate has scolded you so many times this week for pretending the Demo attacked you, you gave Dwight and Claudette a mini heart attack for every time you did. It was so much easier to annoy Jake, it was like he had two sphinxes staring at him for a whole day, not to mention Steve's shrill screams, not even Nancy was as uptight as he was, he got a new nickname from you, pussy.
Without a doubt the funniest thing was recording the Demo in a static position while you put dupsted in the background, or when you sometimes mounted on his back and he ran aimlessly, although you discovered that in the fog there were certain hostile creatures, blocked from the camps, but dangerous, you almost died outside of a game, which scared the others a lot, even the Demogorgon because he lived that moment by your side, if it wasn't for him you would surely be dead. No one had ever died outside of a trial, but you doubted the perception of death, you were sure that you would return to the camp as if nothing happened if you ever leave without anyone noticing, something that you are already planning for the future.
Apparently the discovery of something new did not like The Entity very much and decided that the state of the Demo would return to his normal behavior, it ruined some fun for you but you would find another way to spend your time here.
“Maaaan how boring, now I have dependency on a monster that pretended to be a dog.”
You complained, resting your back against a log a little away from the campfire, you closed your eyes trying to relax, but you opened them when you felt something slimy in your hand, you shrank on the spot but quickly recovered when you saw how Demo had left a stick with slobber next to your hand, you eyed it suspiciously silently until he made a gurgling noise to spur you on. You smiled mischievously when you noticed that despite the fact that the killer was initially influenced to behave like a protective canine, now he did it for the pleasure of spending time with you, anyway, the killers' camp was somewhat boring for him, he prefers to play with you.
And speaking of killers... maybe it's time you paid one of your visits.
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duckapus · 6 months
Oops, all Phineas and Ferb Quotes
Mario: *walks into Meggy's apartment while looking at his phone* Hey Meggy, have you seen that video with the Inkling girl that went viral all of a sudden? It's hilarious! *notices that the apartment's completely dark despite it being the middle of the day, with lights off and curtains drawn* Uh...Meggy?
Meggy: *sitting at her desk with her head in her hands, staring blankly at the monitor, which is the only source of light in the room* Did you ever have an old box of junk that's been sitting in the attic forever, and you think, "I bet I could just get rid of this whole box, and my life would go on completely unaffected by the loss of whatever would be inside?"
Meggy: Like, for instance, an old forgotten video tape, made in high school on a dare?
Meggy: *finally turns to look at him, eyes haunted* Look in the box, Mario. Always. Look. In. The box.
(during yet another attempt to use the Showgrounds as...well...a showgrounds)
Bob, standing in front of the entrance to a small tent: Step right up, ladies and gentlemen! Step right up! It's only a dollar to see...the mysteeeerious Penguin-man. Is he Man? Is he Penguin?
Bob: Or perhaps some logic-defying amalgamation of Man and Penguin! A Manguin, if you will.
*cut to SMG3 with a Penguin Suit powerup, sitting in an animal pen inside the tent and scowling*
SMG3: ...I used to have goals.
SMG3: They were evil goals, but they were goals.
Kaizo: *sitting in a small crater, covered in leaves, rope and scorch marks* Well, it's not the worst date I've ever had. There was the one that kept stabbing me with a fork.
(context: the kids are trying to help Lily and Root with their first actual formal date, and Franky's somehow ended up in charge of the whole operation, and it's going...well, it's going. also Sage was the last one to get involved and due to some slight miscommunication initially thought Franky was finally asking her out)
Franky: Man, do I know romance or what?
Sage: What.
Franky: I said, do I know romance or-
Sage: I heard you.
SMG4: *trying to come up with a new merch idea* What we need is a toy so stupidly simple...so basically bland...so idiotically uncomplicated...that it can do absolutely anything.
Elanore: *quietly building a full-size replica of Jub Jub with posable limbs out of wood and felt in the background while he talks*
SMG3: *chasing after Eggpup, who's chasing Meggy's cat* No, Eggpup! Chasing after a cat is so cliché! You're better than that!
Morton: You got tossed out too, huh?
Desmond: Yeah, for yelling.
Morton: You yelled in a museum? That is hard core!
Desmond: Why did you get thrown out?
Morton: Stole a pterodactyl. *gestures to the pterodactyl skeleton next to him* But it's not like I yelled.
(Tulip's trying to come up with ideas for something to do for Dale's birthday and asked the rest of the Teen Squad for advice)
Ash: Well, do you have cherished memories with him that you could draw inspiration from?
Tulip: ...You know I think I might have just the thing. *rummages through her favorite toolbox and pulls out a whole photo album*
Pikachu: She keeps her cherished memories in a toolbox...
Elanore: Dad, we don't build stuff to compete. We do it for fun.
Barney: And for the ladies... *rrrawr*
Arle: Look at this! It's a doorway with ancient runes telling us how to open it! *pulls out a thick journal, presumably with notes on rune decoding*
Laharl: Forget that! Step aside. *punches the door in two*
Arle: Or we could do that.
Bowser Jr: I don't get all the stress about naughty vs nice. We Koopas have a system, see? You act any way you want all year long, but then right before Christmas, you do one big selfless act of kindness and Santa will wipe your slate clean. Works like a charm.
(back during halloween)
Franky: Nice fairy princess costume! Where'd you get it?
Sage: Actually, I'm not wearing a costume.
Franky, not getting the hint: Oh, okay.
Sage: ...Orbot makes character reskin mods in his spare time.
Saiko: Tell me again, why do you have a life-sized plastic mold of Luigi?
Bob: I have life-sized molds of all my friends.
Tari: I am not sure how to feel about that.
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heir-less · 1 year
The dumber and more incoherent PR is usually from Kensington Palace. - ROFLing at this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 only because w&k think themselves so superior and they think all their strategies are "long-term", but they are absolutely nothing when it comes to Charles' pr games! As much as I despise everyone in that family, I dislike w&k more, ONLY because they never get called out, for anything! At max it'll be couple of hours or a day of uproar, then they'll bring out the kids and everyone will go gaga over them again. I'm soooooooo looking forward for this war between KP and BP!
Did I lie, a lot of the KP PR is just one-note and stupid and doesn't help William and Kate at all? Like, here are some examples of glaring PR flubs that are laughable if you think about it for 0.5 seconds:
William's "interest" in homelessness is framed as a long-time passion he inherited from Diana, but William has never done anything notable for the homeless and he comes off as pompous because he's just sitting on a money pile while saying "Wow, someone should help these people, OMG, something needs to be done!" The interview where he said "any one of us could be a few steps from homelessness" was so rich, I thought it was a joke.
Kate's rotating hobbies and "passions" that either come and go (textiles, sustainability, the piano, baking) or are seasonal interests that are ignored outside of slices of the year (scouts, tennis, photography)
Mental illness "advocates" who demonize therapy when it suits them. William has a "toolbox" of needs or whatever but can't find a clue in the damn thing
William got COVID in April 2020, hid it at the time, but then when KP maybe accidentally leaked it that November they reported it as if he was on death's door, aka it would have caused alarm had the public known. They also did not disclose when or where he isolated, making it seem like he exposed his entire family at Amner Hall. The whole thing was a mess.
William's work with football players has regressed to him just attending games and making "Good Luck" videos. Remember Heads Up? What happened to talking about mental health and football? I can only assume he gave up after he kept putting his foot in his mouth during the documentaries and podcasts.
Kate saying she'll work less until her kids are in their twenties, but also, oh, she's ready to step up and work hard as Princess of Wales. She is the "Top CEO"
Meghan was bad for being political and ambitious but Kate still wants to do these things on a way bigger scale for some reason
Kate being compared to the Queen Mother on her 40th birthday but then "rebranding" into a modern, innovative, pantsuit-wearing business-savvy, lady-boss the very next year
Kate is Diana, Meghan, and Elizabeth II with her fashion choices. All of these women occupied different periods of fashion history and have very different tastes.
The entire Caribbean tour was an incoherent slog that was tone-deaf at best
William talking about sustainability in Dubai of all damn places
Kensington Palace doesn't know what they're doing. They often just throw stuff at the walls and sees what sticks.
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Real Intrusive Thoughts *CW Descriptions of Violence*
Every day on Twitter someone shares a screenshot of a TikTok where some woman is talking about how she is fighting her intrusive thoughts and it's just her thinking about getting a haircut or painting her walls a new color. Or one was some girl lying in bed and thinking about how she occasionally got the urge to go bungee jumping despite how heights scare her.
Real intrusive thoughts are dangerous. Not just something random that has no consequences or lasting trauma to anyone or anything. It's not changing shampoos or hairdressers, or rock climbing, or going to haunted houses for a thrill.
It's called intrusive because it forces your mind to travel in unsafe directions and makes you contemplate ideas you'd much rather avoid.
For instance, my intrusive thoughts center around harming myself and other people. The moment something of significant weight, that can fit in my palm, is in my grasp, my mind instantly envisions what it would be like to mutilate myself with it, or possibly bash a stranger's head in. This includes grotesques mental images with extreme violence plus what the results would be. I'm imaginative and my mind supplies very detailed scenes with ease, and they make me feel ill.
As a result, I don't like tools. I don't like being near toolboxes. I don't like having these thoughts. I want to not think this way. I want to not sound like a serial killer as I explain these thoughts I've had.
I hate how the one time I had an alligator wrench in hand and the thought of hitting someone came to mind, I almost struck my mother upside the head with it and managed to switch targets to my leg in the last second once I realized what I was about to do.
I was in full motion without even noticing. I almost did something incredibly fucked up simply because the thought came to mind. I had a bruise for weeks. I felt terribly guilty and never told my mom because I wasn't sure how to word it where it didn't sound fucked up.
Even now, when I avoid heavy things because of this, it still happens on a minor scale because palm-sized fruits have always made me think of lobbing them at people to cause harm. Every single time. To the point where I was talking aloud about hitting people with things and laughing at the potential pain it would cause them. And people would laugh with me. Until... It was funny when I was holding oranges, it wasn't funny when I was holding a santoku knife.
Maybe I'm irrationally scared, IDK. I haven't actually hurt anyone but myself so far. It's been over a decade but the thoughts still happen and I still occasionally end up acting before realizing.
I have Anxiety and Depression, and probably a few undiagnosed problems I haven't had a proper doctor check out yet. I am aware that my mental state isn't in the best of places half the time.
Intrusive Thoughts are dark and terrible. It's like my life is a YouTube video and every half hour I get a random ad that's just a terrible urge to cause harm of some sort, and sometimes it escalates to that point and my body is on the receiving end.
I'm so sick Ms. Mayo-Anne over here confusing impulsive with intrusive. If my problems were as simple as cutting my hair or going rock climbing, I'd be a much healthier individual mentally.
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