bisexualwintermoon · 9 months
do u guys remember raphael santiago from the hit 2007 novel city of bones. i miss him.
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valthevalkyrie · 1 year
A Twist of Fate (1)
A beautiful young woman struggles after trading her life for her father's. When left in the care of a beast she becomes plagued by erotic dreams of a handsome prince. She tries to make the most of her situation but eventually comes to find out the hard way that a happy ending is never guaranteed.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x f!reader (addressed by nickname Belle)
Word Count: 9.6k
Series Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, NONCON/DUBCON, dark fantasy, dark fic, named reader (nickname Belle), blood, monsterfucking, smut (wet dreams, masturbation, fingering, piv, oral sex), angst, unwanted advances, language, degradation, humiliation, possessive behavior, imprisonment, psychosis, major character death, takes place in France like original version, vampire/incubus thing, it admittedly takes a while to get to the dark stuff
A/N: this is for @boxofbonesfic Once Upon a Time... Challenge in celebration for a much deserved 10k followers. This was a lot of fun to write. I did so much research for this, looking at as many versions of beauty and the beast as possible. This grabs a lot of the plot points from the original Villeneuve version. I've written smut like maybe 3 or 4 times and have no real life experience, so please have mercy on me. I had grand ideas for this and hopefully I am able to execute it well.
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Once upon a time, there was a man named Eliott. He was once known to be a very lucky man. 
It was hard to pinpoint exactly when Eilott’s luck had turned to shit. 
It could have been when his beautiful and loving wife passed, leaving him to raise six children all on his own. 
Or when his fleet of trade ships were lost at sea, ending his fortune as a merchant and forcing him to move his family to their small summer cottage deep in the woods. 
Who knows. What he did know was that after spending years forcing his entire family to work for a living wage, he’d received word that one of his ships had returned to port. 
He was sure his luck was about to turn for the better. How naive he’d been. At the port, he had been notified that the ship’s cargo had been seized to pay for his debts. And now, on his trip back home, he’s been caught in the middle of a vicious storm. Just his luck. 
The rain was coming down in thick fat drops, pelting his skin and surely leaving bruises on his poor balding head, the blustering winds regularly throwing him about. Eliott had been trekking through the storm for quite a while, having lost his horse and small wagon what felt like hours ago. 
Unbeknownst to him, his horse was on its way home thanks to his innate sense of direction. Eliott, on the other hand, was traveling farther and farther away from his little cottage. 
He slugged through the mud and rain for ages, sustaining scratches and tears on his skin and clothes. The cold ache in his bones from the freezing rain was overwhelming. It was almost a guarantee that every other step was going to be a slip on the uneven ground and every other breath would be full of water thanks to the onslaught of rain. The farther he went, the more gnarled the forest got around him, branches leafless and twisted. 
Just when he thought there would be no end to the storm and he would surely perish in it due to his waning strength, there was a break in the wood. As soon as he breached it, he could just barely make out the faint shape of what must have been an abandoned castle if the overgrown grounds meant anything. 
With deliverance from the storm at his fingertips, he felt a newfound energy surge within him. His gaze was firmly locked on what he could only assume was the door, and he happily ignored his missteps and bumps along the path and through the gate.
Fumbling his way up the ivy overgrown stairs, he raised his hand to knock, out of habit. Just before his knuckles hit the door it opened a smidge all on its own. Startled, he stood there for a moment wondering if maybe it was a result of the wind before the door swung all the way open. Eliott hesitates for just a moment before a crack of thunder sounds and he rushes in. 
The door closes on its own, leaving him in darkness. All is still and quiet until a tall candelabra lights up near the center of the room. He approaches cautiously, rightfully so, for when he is but a foot away it goes out once again. As he debates sleeping in the entryway outside, regardless of the downpour, another candle in a sconce on the wall to his left comes to life. A bit of fear strikes him, for who could be controlling the fire? He approaches that one as well, and as he gets closer it goes out and then another candle farther away turns on. And so the process goes, through hallways and echoey rooms. 
Just when Eliott believes the candles are leading him nowhere, he sees a strip of light at the end of the hallway. Not just the faint aura of candle light, but the glow of a fully lit room. He rushes forward, hoping to meet someone on the other side who could perhaps answer the questions rising in him.
Now that he’s closer to the light he can hear the tinkling of cutlery and he can’t quite figure out what scents are flooding his senses but whatever they are, they’re making his mouth water. 
The shockingly cold doorknob quickly adjusted to his body temperature and an unexpected warmth burst from the room as he opened the door. Very quickly, the tinkling noise of cutlery stopped and all was still in the sizable room. 
The first thing that grabbed his attention was a long black dining table with a feast spread out on top - roasted pig, steak, lamb, cakes, pies, fruits, you name it. Eliott’s knees almost gave out.
Even at his richest, he’d never seen so much food in one setting. He quickly looked to the head of the table closest to him and found no one, the same with the one on the other end. Although he knew it wasn’t proper etiquette, Eliott took a seat to rest his weary feet while he waited for the host. 
While he waited, he took in the decor of the room. It was a bit dark for his tastes but beautiful nonetheless. Everything was black and gilded, the intricate gold decor warming the otherwise foreboding color scheme. The feeling the room gave was still off, as though the glitter of the gold were to distract one from looking too closely at the imperfections all around the room. 
He’d been waiting all of five minutes when a voice spoke up, “monsieur, you are free to eat as much as you please.”
Looking around for the source of the voice, he asked, “and what of the host?”
“Unfortunately, he will not be able to attend but know that he hopes you enjoy the meal.”
“All of this is for me?” 
“Yes, although I suggest sitting closer to the fireplace so you can warm up.”
Eliott does as he’s told and takes the seat right in front of the fireplace. As he gets comfortable he looks at the assortment of food in front of him trying to decide what to eat first. A bowl of grapes catches his attention and as he pops one in his mouth, he realizes just how hungry he is. 
Once he starts eating he can’t stop, can’t seem to get enough. He gorges himself on the food in front of him, juices and grease dribbling down his chin, but he can’t bring himself to clean it up. Never before in his life had he had such horrible table manners, and he couldn’t even bring himself to care. Everything he grabs is rich in flavor, quite literally the best food he’s ever eaten. After what feels like ages he’s finally full and he leans back in his chair, chest heaving as though he’d done a tremendous amount of exercise. 
He doesn’t fight it once he starts to doze off, stomach full and the heat of the fire at his back. 
“Did you enjoy your meal, monsieur?” 
Eliott startled at the voice. “Oh, very much so. Thank you.”
“If you would follow me, I would show you to your room so you can rest for the night.”
A door to the far right opens and an older man is suddenly in the doorway. Eliott knows a butler when he sees one (having had many of his own at one point) and he’s relieved to have some company after spending so much time alone in such a dark and grand place. Rising from his seat, he tries to clean his face a bit before heading towards the strange man. 
Once he was close enough, Eliott could see the flaws in the butler’s appearance. Not only were his clothes faded and worn, the edges of his sleeves were eaten away by moths. After the feast he was presented with, he’d expected someone a bit more put together.
One by one, the candles came back to life as they passed through hallways and up the stairs. Eliott tried to look around and see the condition of the rest of the castle, but it was too dark.
“This is where you will be staying,” the butler said as they stopped in front of a door. “There will be a change of clothes on the bed. You mustn't leave the room until morning, Master’s orders.”
Eliott nodded and made his way into the bedroom. Before he could turn to ask the butler something, the door closed behind him. He shrugged and went about changing out of his wet clothes. While old and worn, the clothing provided to him was comfortable and the bed sheets soft. 
As soon as his head hit the pillow, the events of the day caught up to him. A drowsiness like he had never felt before overtook him and just as he drifted off he couldn’t help but think his luck might be turning for the better. By the time his bedroom door opened, he was fast asleep.
Eliott was overcome by dark and carnal dreams. Dreams he’d not had for ages. Usually when he had dreams of that variety, he’d conjure up his beloved wife in a loving setting. Now, he was dreaming of a handsome young man with long curly hair, deep brown eyes and a penchant for biting. 
When he awoke, all that remained of his dreams were flashes of skin and feelings of pleasure. When he threw the covers off, he found a mess in his lap. Overcome by embarrassment (for he’d not done such a thing since he was a budding young man) he rushed to take off his clothes. 
In doing so, he took note of all of the cuts and bruises from the trek through the storm the night before. He found a large pair of puncture wounds but shrugged it off as probable wounds from his many stumbles. 
Nestled and folded on a chair near the door to the room were his clothes from the day before. He didn’t remember folding them but shrugged it off as poor memory from being so tired. As he put them on, he took advantage of the sunlight and looked around the room. How odd that the outside of the castle looked so abandoned and forgotten while the inside looked mostly dusty and unused. Much like the dining room, the bedroom was gilded except instead of black, the room was a dark and deep blue. 
The butler was nowhere to be seen when he opened the bedroom door. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Eliott walked around the castle, absorbing as much as he could. He took note that the rest of the castle was similar to the dining room; black and gilded, furniture grand and elegant. 
He found his way onto a balcony overcome with vines of ivy. From his position, he could see a forgotten gazebo surrounded by what seemed to be an overgrown garden. 
A memory sprung to his mind at the sight of the garden. 
“When I return from my journey, what would you like me to bring you,” he’d asked his children. 
It was something he used to do before, back when he was a successful merchant. He would leave on business for a while and return with gifts for all of his loved ones. While they were all adults now and working on their own, he wanted to perhaps revive an old tradition since it appeared his once lost fortune was at his fingertips. 
“Papa, Papa,” his eldest daughter Elyna cried. “Bring us the finest clothes you can buy.”
His second daughter, Anna added, “we’re tired of these rags.” 
He laughed and turned to his boys, Matheo, Gabriel, and Raphael. 
“We wouldn’t mind newer clothes, Père. If you are to regain your fortune, we would like to look the part as we once did,” Matheo, his eldest, said. His brothers agreed. 
Finally, Eliott turned to his youngest of the six, his little beauty. “And what would you like, ma belle?”
“I just wish for your safe return, Papa. It has been a very long time since you’ve made the journey and we know not what dangers may lie ahead.”
He brushed her off, “oh, nonsense. I will be fine. What would you like?”
“Really, that is all I desire.”
“Belle,” he said sternly. “I would like to bring you something physical. Please do me the favor of picking something, anything.”
“Fine,” she sighed. “I would love a rose. It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen one and you know they don’t grow on this side of the country.”
Eliott smiled and tapped her nose. “Very well, then. A beautiful rose for ma belle.”
His little beauty. One would think he’d find Anna the most beautiful of all the children, considering she took after her mother physically, but she was mean spirited and vain, much like Elyna. The boys had a good mix of their parents and were hard working and intelligent, like him. His youngest, though, was well read, kind hearted, grateful for all she had, and had the best features of both her parents. Not only was she beautiful on the outside, but she was beautiful on the inside. She didn’t make him feel like a failure of a parent, and that made her his favorite. 
Eliott quickly made his way down to the garden, searching high and low for a rose. The bushes of flowers bled into one another, making it difficult to see where one type ended and the other began. He was just about to lose hope completely when he had almost reached the gazebo and not found a rose, but then he caught a flash of red inside the gazebo. 
Once inside, he felt happiness bloom in his chest. He’d not been able to get the gifts for the others, but he would be able to bring a gift to one. Better something than nothing at all. 
“Good morning, monsieur. Please follow me to the dining room so you can break your fast before your journey.” The butler was fast approaching the gazebo with a panicked look on his face. 
“Just a moment, I’m going to pick a flower.”
“Oh, please do not. My master-”
“He won’t notice, it’ll just be the one.” 
Mindful of the thorns, he plucked a rose. Seeing just how perfect and shapely it was, he decided to pluck a few more to make a bouquet. He had scarcely plucked the plumpest buds he could find when he heard the butler shout. 
It was as if all the air had been sucked out of his lungs when he turned, for there was a beast in front of him. It looked like a bat, but it was twice his size, piercing eyes staring right into his. A hand grasped the front of his shirt and lifted him out of the gazebo. He looked down to find a pair of black, leathery arms connected to the giant bat’s torso and he’d been lifted high off the ground. 
“Is this how you show your gratitude after I show you hospitality? By stealing from me,” it shrieked. Eliott flinched for the beast’s yell had a hint of a high pitch under the strong timbre and it pierced his ears.
“I didn’t know! I’m sorry! I’m sorry,” Eliott cried.
The beast hissed at him. “Humans now are so ungrateful. I should have drained you dry when I had the chance.” He growled, arms bringing Eliott closer to his face all the while ignoring the man’s pleas for his life.
“Please, spare me. I assure you, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I meant no disrespect.” A pair of sharp fangs and equally menacing teeth come into Eliott’s line of sight and he struggles to free himself. “Please, I was just picking them for my daughter!”
The creature ceases all movement. “Daughter?”
“Yes! Please, my children need me. I’m their only living parent.” Tears and mucus run down his face, hands trying to break the hold the beast has on him. Eliott feels himself be lowered.
“Tell me of your children.”
He speaks quickly of everything that comes to mind when thinking of his children. He speaks of his dead wife and all of the work the children have done to help him run the house, the most helpful being his youngest. He tells the beast of the gifts he promised to give to his children when he came back from his trip. 
The beast lifts a hand to stop his rant. “Very well. You may live.” 
Eliott expels a sigh of relief.
“As long as you give your word that one of your children will take your place.”
Eliott feels his face drain of all color. “But how am I to choose? What will you do to them?”
“The first living being that greets you upon your arrival will be the one to take your place. They must be under no illusions or misconceptions about the reason for their stay. And you need not worry about their fate. I will take better care of them than you did my roses.” He turns to his butler. “Prepare him for the trip back. And be sure to get him a change of clothes, he seems to have soiled himself.”
And so it went. The creature was kind enough to send him off with a new horse and wagon with chests full of finery, jewels and wealth. 
Eliott encountered no storms on his way home and spent the entire trip stressing over who would welcome him first. He tried to think of all the pros and cons of each child being forced to live with the beast and could think of no one he would rather send away. The biggest pro of all was that his luck had definitely turned for the better. To be confronted by a beast and then sent off with riches galore? If that was not the definition of luck he did not know what was. The only thing he was sure of was that he wanted his youngest daughter far away and deep in the woods upon his arrival. 
A sweat began to build up and his breathing quickened when he recognized the well worn path to his little cottage. Eliott kept his eyes peeled as he approached his home. From this distance, he could see a couple of heads bobbing about in the small garden out front and his family dog sleeping in the doorway. The closer he got, the clearer their faces became. 
Raphael and his youngest were working in the small garden. Oh, how Eliott prayed that Raphael would notice him first. 
As his luck (that fickle thing) would have it, his youngest daughter noticed his arrival and waved at her father. She quickly set down her tools and hurried over.
“Papa! You’re safe,” she squinted from the sun as she looked up at him. “We were so worried when Phillipe showed up without you.” She raised a calloused hand in greeting at the horse he rode, “hello.” She turned back to him with a stern look on her face. “Where have you been?
Tears quickly filled his eyes and he said nothing as he searched the bag next to him for the rose that set a curse upon his family. Eliott handed it to his daughter and discreetly wiped the tear that fell down his cheek. 
She softened. “Oh, Papa. You shouldn’t have.”
“You’re right,” he sighed. “It came at a great cost.”
Her eyes widened. “Whatever do you mean?”
“Gather your siblings. I have news about where I’ve been.”
She did as she was told and soon enough everyone was gathered in their small dining room, chests from the wagon on the table. All but one child chatted and speculated over what was in the chests. His youngest instead kept a close eye on her father, for she had noticed his somber disposition.
“Before I tell you where I’ve been, why don’t you open that up and see what I have brought home.” 
Elyna was the first to put her hands on one of the chests, snapping off the latches and swinging it open. She shrieked in delight at the sight of the beautiful gown laid out on top. “Does this mean the fortune really came back? Will we finally be rid of this place?”
Eliott shifted on his feet and swallowed deeply. “Perhaps you should all take a seat.” 
He told them of his journey to port and how everything on the ship had been seized to pay for his debts. The trip back home and the storm that disoriented him. The castle and the sentient candles. The grand feast that was presented to him and the room he slept in. The garden out back and the rose he picked. The beast who appeared and demanded he sacrifice a child to save his life. He told them how he’d have to go about choosing which child would go in his stead. 
Anna stood up and pointed to his youngest. “Do you see what happens when you are greedy? Look at what you made happen! You should be the one to leave and right your wrongs. You were the first to greet our papa and the one who landed him in this mess. Now you sort it out.”
Her brothers were quick to defend their youngest sister and even quicker there was a shouting match between the six. 
“Enough,” Eliott slammed his hands on the table. 
“Worry not, Père, for I shall slay the beast and ensure our little belle’s safety.” Matheo stepped forward. As usual, his brothers agreed.
“No, no, no. I forbid any of you going anywhere near the beast and his castle. We shall continue on as though nothing has happened. I will invest the small capital he gave me and ensure the return of the family fortune.”
“Papa, I do not think that wise.”
“Ma belle,” he placed his hands on her cheeks, ”I will not sacrifice your life for mine. I made a mistake, like we all do. Now we learn from it and move on. Do you understand?”
She was quiet for a moment, and he saw a flash of defiance in her eyes before it died out and she nodded. 
Later that night, long after everyone said goodnight, Eliott was sitting on the couch contemplating his next move. He knew he had to move his family far away, somewhere the debt collectors and the beast would not find them. Perhaps another country. 
As he sat there pondering the possibilities, he heard a thump from somewhere outside the house. Not a moment passed when he heard one of the horses neigh. Worried that it might be the beast, he grabbed an iron fire poker from the hearth and ran outside. 
He turned the corner of the house to the small stable they had, arms raised and ready to strike when he saw his daughter struggling to get the new horse under control.
“Shh, shh. I won’t hurt you,” she whispered. “I’m going to take you back home.”
“You’ll do no such thing, Belle.”
She jumped in fright and turned sheepishly. “I was hoping you would be asleep.”
“What do you think you’re doing?” He took the horse’s reins from her. “Did I not forbid you from going to the beast’s castle?”
“Papa, I won’t allow you to put our family in danger. We have no idea if the beast will come after us if we don’t send someone in your stead. He might take back everything he gave you, leaving us poor once more.”
“You need not worry about that. I have a plan.” 
“Papa, you gave your word to the beast. He spared your life. You taught me that giving your word was a serious thing, that you must always follow through.” 
It was at this moment Eliott hated the fact that she had her mother’s eyes. To have them staring at him so intensely in a moment where she was basically calling his character into question was not something he enjoyed. 
But she was right. He taught his children better than the example he was giving them. 
“Fine. We head out in the morning. I’ll take you myself.”
She smiled wide. “Thank you. I promise to right my wrongs and keep the family safe.”
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Her father had just been dismissed from the castle. They’d been greeted with a feast, much like Eliott’s first night there. Unlike his first night, the beast decided to join them. 
To say fear ran like ice through her veins would be an understatement. Just before reaching the castle, she had tried to cheer herself up by thinking of her situation like a big adventure. Upon seeing the creature, she realized she was not ready for such an adventure. 
Throughout the entire meal she’d felt the beast’s eyes on her. She had not the courage to meet his gaze, having spent much of the meal picking at her steak and watching the blood ooze out. 
She’d been led into the sitting room to wait for the beast. While she waited, she reflected on her last day of freedom.
Eliott had made sure they broke fast as a family one last time before she had to leave. After many attempts to talk her out of it, her brothers accepted her decision. Her sisters, on the other hand, did little to hide their glee. That hurt her, since she loved her family unconditionally. She knew of the jealousy and contempt her sisters held towards her, but she had hoped they would at least pretend to miss her. 
The journey itself had been a long one. It took them a few days thanks to the storm they encountered halfway there. Her father took it as an omen for what was to come. She knew it just got rather stormy this time of year. The relief she felt when they reached the castle was great, if only because that meant she would not have to be jostled around so much. The meal was long and awkward and her father left far too soon. 
She remembered the worried look on his face when they departed. Tears were filling his eyes and he’d been sniffling. 
Making sure her last words to him were something positive, she reached for his hand and said, “it will all be fine, Papa.”
Then he’d been sent off with a reward for following through with his word. 
“Tell me your name.”
She startled at the sound of the beast’s voice. She looked around the room, finding its figure casting a shadow in the doorway. 
It was massive, ten feet tall at the very least. Yes, at first glance it looked like a bat, but a mutated one-half man, half bat. It’s ears were large and pointed, eyes dark and small, muzzle large. A voluminous ruffle of dark brown fur adorned it’s neck like a fancy collar, a small trail of fur going down it’s naked torso until it reached his waist and covered his body in fur once more. It had a pair of bat-like wings and she could only imagine how grand the wingspan would be. Settled just under his shoulders lay another pair that led to leathery human looking arms, one of which was holding a rather large goblet. It’s legs were long and had talons at the end of its feet.
“Your name?”
Her voice quivered but she complied, “although my father calls me Belle.”
“How fitting,” it hummed. 
“What do I call you?” She may be frightened, but she was not rude. She could not possibly imagine calling him a beast to his face. Who knew how he would react. 
“You may call me Kas.” He ventured further into the room, gait slow and full of purpose. “You know why you’re here?” Stopping in front of her, he took a sip from his goblet.
Shifting nervously from the intensity of his stare, she cleared her throat. “Yes.”  
“And do you accept your fate?”
“I would do anything to save my father’s life.” Any trace of hesitation faded from her voice and she saw a malicious gleam enter his eyes. 
“It would do you well to remember that.” With that, he trailed a finger down her cheek, lingering on her bottom lip. 
Her eyes widened. She had no clue what he meant by that. 
“I need to set some ground rules before your stay truly begins.” He lets go of her face and begins to pace. “You are free to do as you please, I care not how you spend your time. I sleep during the day, so I ask that you not make too much noise. You may not, under any circumstance, go into the west wing.” His pacing stops and he turns his head to look at her. “Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Sir,” he hums. “I quite like that.”
A knock sounds on the door frame. “Master, the lady’s room is ready.”
“Very well, then.” He stops her as she rises from her seat. “Just one more question before you go to bed.” His wings shift as he brings himself into her personal space once again. “Will you marry me?”
She blinks once. Twice. Three times. “Pardon?”
“Will you marry me?”
“I cannot, for I hardly know you.”
His eyes darken, and she can tell he’s not pleased. The beast says nothing and takes a long drink from his cup. He does so sloppily, and when some dribbles down his chin she can tell it’s blood. 
A bolt of fear strikes through her and she rushes over to the butler. Her hands shake as she tries to settle herself on the walk to her room. 
Blood. He was drinking blood. It was fitting for a giant bat creature but where did he get it? Was it from people who stumbled upon his castle like her father? Did he get his blood drawn when he stayed here? Was it from his prisoners like her? Although he said she was free to do as she pleased, did that make her a prisoner or a visitor? The thought of possibly just being a visitor for a while helped calm her down a bit. But the thought of being drained of her blood filled her with anxiety once more. 
“Here we are, mademoiselle.” The sound of a key turning a lock took her out of her reverie.
The door swung open to an opulent, dark green room. The candles were already lit, the glint of the gilded decorations reminding her of fireflies. Everything in the castle had a faded and worn look to it, all covered in a thick layer of dust from the lack of use. This room looked recently cleaned, not a cobweb in sight. 
“Is this room for me?” She dared not step foot in it. Dirt and muck from her journey caked her shoes and she did not want to ruin the rug that spanned the room. 
“Yes ma’am.” He gestured to her small trunk of belongings sitting at the foot of the bed. 
“Oh my,” she muttered. Carefully, she took her shoes off and tiptoed into the room. She heard the door start to close and she quickly turned to the butler. “What do I call you?”
“You may call me Munson.” He gently bowed his head.
“Good night, Munson.” 
A small smile graced his face. “Good night, mademoiselle.”
When the door closed, she took a deep breath to center herself. After carefully placing her shoes next to the door and off of the rug, she turned to face the bedroom. 
Being the youngest in the family, she did not remember much of their life before their wealth was lost. She could only remember glimpses of a past her family were so fond of. Flashes of her mother’s face and toys galore, a pretty pink room. For the majority of her life, she lived in the small cottage in the woods. It was cramped and a bit uncomfortable, but it was home. Everything else felt like a dream. 
Especially now, being in a room as fancy as the one she was given. Never before had she seen such extravagance, none that she could remember. It should be a thrill, she should feel giddy. 
Instead, she felt dread. She knew not what would come tomorrow, or the days after. All she knew was that she was a prisoner in an abandoned castle, trapped with a beast. She hadn’t the faintest clue of his intentions, other than the bizarre marriage proposal. 
Why would a beast want to marry a human?
The events of the past week caught up with her. First, her father had gone missing only to come back with news of a beast and the conditions of his release. Then, there was the long trip, on which she barely got any rest. It was all very emotionally and physically draining. 
She dug through her trunk, looking for her nightdress. When she began to strip, her skin began to tingle with the feeling of eyes on her and eventually her own went towards the glass doors that led to the balcony. The curtains had not been closed. She knew no one besides Munson and the beast lived anywhere near, and she wasn’t on the first floor, but she couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching her. 
Naked, she went to close the curtains. Stopping when they were almost completely closed, she peered out into the darkness. 
She watched, as the wind rustled the trees and their leaves fluttered off the branches. What little moonlight shone through the clouds illuminated the gardens below. In the distance she saw a gazebo, most likely the one from her father’s story of the incident. A chunk of movement in the bushes caught her attention and she felt herself leaning closer to the window as if it would give her a better look. 
She just about had her nose pressed against the glass when a wild boar burst out of the bushes, making her jump back. Before she could catch her breath a large dark mass dove from the tree closest to her onto the boar. 
She shrieked in fright and shut the curtains. 
Her hands shook as she pressed one to her chest in an effort to slow her racing heart. The mass was huge and she’d seen nothing near the castle that size other than the beast. Kas. If it dove from the tree nearest to her room then she was right, someone had been watching her. She vowed to keep the curtains drawn every night from now on. 
Deciding she would much rather sleep than deal with her situation or the meaning of Kas’ peeping, she got her nightdress on as quickly as possible. 
Much like her father in his time there, as soon as her head hit the pillow she was out like a light. 
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She could not control the volume of her moans nor the rolling of her hips, the pleasure so unfamiliar and great she just had to chase it. A whine escaped her lips when a hand stilled the motion of her hips. 
“You need to stay still, mon trèsor. I cannot properly enjoy my meal if you keep moving.”
Leaning back on her elbows she looked down to the mess of curls lying between her legs. A pair of the roundest, deepest brown eyes stared up at her glittering with mirth. 
“Please,” she begged.
“Please, nothing. You promised you would let me eat to my heart’s content, that you would stay still, that you would be a good girl. Are you going to break your promise?”
“No,” she pouted, “but-”
“Ah, ah, ah,” he tutted. Gently, he trailed the tip of his tongue through her slit and circled her clit, humming at the sight of her eyes rolling into the back of her head. “If you stay still for a while longer, I will let you finish. Deal?”
Her breath stuttered as he resumed. “Deal.”
She fell onto her back the moment he thrust his tongue inside her, curling it deliciously. Her toes curled as he circled her bud with his thumb while his tongue made love to her cunt.
Gentle waves of pleasure caressed her senses, building up in intensity as his thumb sped up. Soon she was adrift in mindless pleasure, moans increasing in volume as she tried to hold back her physical reaction to his ministrations. 
The size of the waves increased, crashing against her and she felt her body stiffening as she felt an indescribable heat and pressure build up at her core. As the intensity grew, she struggled to catch her breath.
The pressure increased and she was about to ask him for something, anything, when he murmured, “let go, my sweet. Come for me.”
She wasn’t quite sure what he meant but she felt herself ride the waves as they crested, creating a feeling of bliss she had never before experienced.
Her mystery man continued to lap at her folds despite her thighs clenching down on his head and he only stopped when she twitched from over stimulation.
He kissed one thigh while his hand caressed the other. “You did so well for me, mon trèsor. Such a good girl.”
A shiver wracked through her body at his praise. “I feel lightheaded. What was that?”
The warmth of his quiet laughter against her skin tickled as he began to kiss his way up to her. “That was an orgasm.” He pauses at her breasts, biting gently at one of her nipples before soothing it with a kiss. 
She gasps in pleasure. “What is that?”
“That, mon trèsor, is the epitome of pleasure.” He nips at her other nipple, this time biting a little harder. He smirks against her skin as she moans. “Oh, you like that, do you?” 
Making sure to nip and suckle all across her chest, he takes his time exploring. He makes sure not to leave any marks, just biting hard enough for her to feel something. Eventually he makes his way up her neck and it isn’t until he reaches the spot just under her ear that she grabs at him and he smirks just before he leaves a love bite. 
One of her legs curls around his waist and she presses herself up against him and he groans as her heat brushes up against him. “Please.”
“Please what?” He runs his hand up the length of the leg curled around him, grabbing a handful of her ass and grinding himself against her. 
“Please, I need-” she moans as his tip bumps against her bud. She whines loudly and writhes against him. 
“Calm down,” he chuckles. 
The hand on her ass makes its way between her thighs, teasing her clit once more. He dips his finger into her core to gather slick and groans when he feels how wet she is. Quickly, he drags slick up to her bud and begins rubbing circles into it. 
When her hips start undulating, he whispers a few words of encouragement in her ear before slipping a finger into her sex. A broken moan escaped her lips at the foreign feeling and she grabbed at his wrist.
“Do you want me to stop?”
Her brow furrowed. “N-no?”
“Do you want me to keep doing this,” he gently began to thrust his finger in and out. 
“Oh,” she sighed. “Yes.”
“I thought so.” He resumed kissing at her neck before deciding her breasts were a better place to be.
She didn’t know what to do with herself. Never before had she experienced sensations like these and a part of her (the part that knew doing this before marriage was wrong) wanted to stop. But that familiar heat began to stir in her loins and she wanted to experience that high again.
Soon enough, the one finger wasn’t enough and she begged him for, “more.”
The man complied, inserting another finger. When she grew accustomed to the feeling, he curled them, sending a delightful quiver throughout her body.
“Again,” she demanded. She felt his smile upon her skin as he obeyed her command.
If she thought the one finger was enough to fully stoke the flames of her desire, she was not ready for a pair of them scissoring inside her. 
Her back arched, hips chasing the pleasure his fingers were providing. She was fast approaching that peak once more and her moans grew desperate. 
“Do you want more?” His voice was low and sultry in her ear.
She hummed in agreement.
“Use your words, mon trèsor.”
“M-mo-ah, ah-more.”
“Very good.” 
He thrust his fingers faster and made sure to put more pressure on her clit. Her legs began to quiver and she felt her eyes roll. The feeling of his thick fingers inside of her was overwhelming but felt so good. She gripped his wrist tighter and chased his motions with her hips. Soon she felt the heat and tingles burst throughout her body. 
“Just like that, ride it out.” He continued to thrust his fingers until she stopped clenching around them. 
She let out small giggles as she tried to catch her breath. 
Finally, the man’s face came into her line of sight. 
He was beautiful, nothing like the men she’d seen in town. Big, brown eyes, an endearingly bulbous nose and a plump bottom lip. Long, curly hair draped over his head, coming down like curtains and putting them in a space all their own. 
“Enjoying yourself, are you?” 
“Very much,” she breathed. She could not help the smile that came across her face. “I’ve never felt anything like that in my life.”
“I’m glad I was the first to give it to you.”
She stares at him in wonder. “I don’t even know your name.”
“You need only ask,” he teases. When she says nothing he flops down next to her, resting his head on his arm as he lays on his side. “Go on.”
“Um.” She draws a thin sheet over her chest. He tries to and fails to hold back a smile at the action, causing a cute little dimple to appear in his left cheek. “What is your name?”
“My name, mon trèsor, is Edward.” He puts out a hand in greeting. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
Timidly, she shakes his hand. “A pleasure indeed.”
They both break out in giggles. 
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When she wakes the next morning, it’s to a stickiness between her legs. Thinking she’s started her monthly, she throws the blankets off. But when she gets off the bed, no blood is to be seen. She feels something begin to trickle down her thigh so she hurriedly places her hand down there to check what it is. Surprise colors her face when she sees a clear viscous liquid coating her fingertips. 
Surely she had not wet herself, she’d not done that since she was a babe. When she checks the bed for wet spots, she is baffled to find none. How odd. 
Distracted, she goes about her morning, making her bed, opening the curtains, getting dressed. When she opens her door, she is surprised to see Kas waiting for her in the surprisingly dark hallway. 
“G-good morning, bea-Kas. Can I help you with something?”
He says nothing, instead slowly trailing his dark eyes over her figure, lingering between her legs.
Immediately, something in her core tells her something is wrong. There’s a tingle at the base of her neck, goosebumps rolling down her arms. 
Slowly, so as not to alert him, she begins to close the door in an effort to have something between them. He continues to say nothing, instead watching as she closes the door enough to hide the interior of her room. Both of her shoulders are out of sight, the majority of her body in the room, head leaning out.
“I actually do need your help with something.” His voice is low and he speaks slowly. It freaks her out. 
“O-oh?” She tries not to make it obvious that her hand is scrambling to find something to grab. A weapon of some sort. “With what?”
Kas takes a step closer. “I have a hunger that I cannot satisfy.”
She managed to grab hold of a candelabra on the table that was situated next to her door. “Oh? I’m sure I can cook something up for you if Munson is not able to at the moment.”
“I’m afraid Munson will not be able to help me. It is a very particular kind of hunger. One could call it a thirst.” He takes another step closer, inhaling deeply, eyes rolling as a distinct scent hits his nose. “But I can tell you have exactly what I need,” he rumbled.
Alarm bells rang throughout her head when he took another step and she brandished her candelabra. “Don’t come any closer.”
He huffed. “Silly girl. Do you really think that will stop me?”
She threw it at him as he closed the distance just to see it bounce off of him. While one hand covered her mouth, the other held her by the waist and lifted her up. One of his wings shut the door behind him and he walked her to the bed.
She struggled and tried to scream, but she could hardly breathe with his big hand blocking her nostrils. She kicked and punched as hard as she could but her strength was no match for him. 
He laid her on the bed, wings surrounding them both, cutting her off from anything other than Kas. It was dark and hot and he still hadn’t removed his hand from her mouth. She felt herself get lightheaded and the amount of fight in her diminished.
Kas caught on and quickly shifted his hand, allowing her nostrils clarity. The other hand let go of her waist and was rucking up her dress. He ignored her muffled shrieks and struggles, instead choosing to focus on getting to the apex between her thighs as quickly as possible. 
When he reached it he groaned, for she was still wet. “I knew it.”
She sobbed when his finger put pressure on her clit. Thanks to her dream she knew where this was headed and her attempts to fight him off grew stronger. He merely laughed while his finger rapidly drew circles on her clit.
She jerked in his hold. As much as she did not want to, her body began to respond to his actions. Compared to her dream Edward, Kas’ movements were much too rough and hurried. She could feel herself getting wetter by the second and the sounds she let out were starting to turn into moans.
His breathing was heavy in her ears and she could feel her own begin to match it. Against her will, her hips started to move with his finger, chasing the pleasure he was provoking. 
“Look at you. Acting so disgusted, but you like this. You enjoy my touch.” With that, he flicked her clit and laughed when she squealed in pain. 
She was surprised at the spark of pleasure she felt from the pain and it caused the familiar heat from her dreams to bloom. She tried to squeeze her thighs hard enough to cause his hand to slip out from between them, but in doing so it just made the pleasure hit differently.
When she felt herself being to clench around nothing she panicked, for she knew what that meant. Trying to fend off the increasing pleasure, she found herself holding her breath in concentration. But in doing so she felt the pleasure swell and it continued to build and build until she thought she was about to climax.
Kas withdrew his finger and laughter sounded in her ears as she came back down. “Oh, my pet, you truly are a sight to see. The loveliest creature I’ve set my eyes on in decades.”
With no warning, he shoved his finger inside of her, rumbling in pleasure at her scream of pain. He gives her no reprieve, no chance to adjust to the size of his finger (so much larger than what Edward had felt like in her dream) and begins to rapidly thrust it. 
Stretched beyond belief, she thinks she may just die from the pain when sparks of pleasure begin to flicker once more. Slick makes his passage easier and she cries at the sound of his cruel laughter. 
“Look at your cunt, so hungry for my finger she can’t help but pull it back in.”
And it was true. No matter how hard she tried to fight it, her body seemed to thrive under his rough ministrations. Her hips began to chase his movements once more and instead of clawing at the hand covering her mouth, she held on for her life. With every other thrust, his finger came in contact with a distinct spot inside of her, giving her a jolt of pleasure each time.
The pleasure mounting this time around was much more intense than her dream climax and she sobbed at the uncontrollable feeling. Just as she felt herself reach that peak again, Kas withdrew his finger once more. 
She cried out in frustration and disgust. Why did he keep stopping? And why did she want him to continue his assault?
Quickly, Kas moves down her body, wings following him. She squints at the abrupt change in lighting and has barely adjusted to it when she feels something wet touch her folds.
She begins to lift her head to look between her legs, “why are you doing this?”
“You said you would do anything to save your father’s life.”
Suddenly Kas’ tongue thrusts into her, curling as it did, coming into contact with that particular spot he had just started to explore with his finger. She felt full in a different way, in an honestly much preferable way. His finger had been rigid, his tongue (thankfully) much more pliable. 
She couldn’t help but to compare it to how it felt when Edward explored her with his tongue. Kas was reaching places Edward had no ability to. Whereas Edward took his time and was gentle, Kas would thrust viciously and without mercy.
He would alternate between jabbing his tongue in her and slurping up the excess slick from her folds. His snout would brush against her clit while his hands held her legs open. Without his hands covering her mouth, her noises filled the room, a mixture of crying and moans. He relished in the inconsistency of her begging.
“‘Yes, yes. No, stop it.’ You just don’t know what you want, do you?” He grinned salaciously. “It’s alright. You don’t have to know. I know what you want and I am all you need.”
With that, he doubled his efforts to draw her climax out of her. Soon her cries for him to stop diminished entirely and all that was heard in the room were her begs for more. 
And more he gave her. The heat in her core surged, continuing to rise and rise until it engulfed her entire being and she fell apart on his tongue. He didn’t stop until he had his fill, causing her to climax two more times. 
By the time he finished she had passed out, energy spent and body weakened.
Kas gently rearranged her on the bed, righting her dress. 
“You are exactly what I need.” He trailed a finger down her cheek. “Mon trèsor.”
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When she wakes hours later, the shadows in her room tell her it’s about noon. In a daze, she rights her bed and goes looking for the candelabra in the hallway only to find it sitting on its table, making her wonder if the events of the morning were a terrible dream. The soreness between her legs tells her otherwise.
After some time, she looks for the kitchen hoping for some lunch. She’s lost for only a moment before the candles lead her to the kitchen doors, the sound of tinkling cutlery bleeding into the hallway. When she entered, she could have sworn she saw a broom sweeping in the corner, but when she turned, it was against the wall. 
She makes a small plate of the leftovers from breakfast. In the end she struggles to finish her meal, too distracted from the morning’s events.
Eventually, she heads out to the gazebo, book in hand, and notices the very roses that doomed her. She barely clears the debris off the bench before sitting down. In the distance, she can hear the sounds of different animals and the buzz of insects.
For hours, she reads the same few pages, not absorbing a single word. 
“It is time for dinner.”
Munson’s voice makes her jump and she hurries out of the gazebo, avoiding his eyes.
Kas is waiting for her in the dining room. When she goes for a random seat she hears him grunt. When she meets his gaze, he gestures to the seat next to him. She hesitates for a moment before sitting next to him. 
Dinner plays out almost exactly as it had the night before. She is much too distracted to enjoy her meal and Kas is busy watching her. 
They both reach for their respective goblets at the same time when she notices the scratches she left on his arms and the size of his hands. 
While she knew his hands were big (she could tell when they were all over her) she hadn’t realized just how big they were. She took a sip of her drink as her mind drifted uncontrollably. If Edwards fingers were thick and long but his member even longer and thicker, then how big would Kas’ be? 
At that thought she choked on her wine, sending her into a coughing fit. Kas reached out a hand to pat her back but she jerked out of his reach. 
“No! No,” she calms down. “I’m fine.” 
His dark eyes narrow in suspicion but he says nothing. 
When dinner is over, she attempts to rush out of the room but Kas’ voice stops her. 
“Before you go, I have something to ask you.”
She nods in acknowledgement.
“Will you marry me?”
Her nose scrunches in confusion. Had she not answered this question the night before? Did he really think she would say yes after what happened that very morning?
His reaction was much like the night before and he dismissed her without saying a word. 
When she got to her room, she made sure to close her curtains before getting ready for bed. It was rather unrealistic, but she hoped to experience the same dream again. She would much rather be in a wonderful fantasy with a handsome dream man than in the newfound nightmare her reality had become.
Unfortunately for her, she did not fall asleep as easily as the night before, but once sleep grabbed hold of her she went with it willingly.
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“Fancy seeing you here.”
She sat up in her bed and looked around. The room looked mostly the same except the colors were much brighter. The walls were a pastel green instead of the dark, almost black green. Everything was still gilded and she could see little paintings of flowers scattered all around. The room had an overall brighter tone and lighter feel to it. 
Sat on the little couch near the balcony was Edward. He was dressed in a white shirt and unbuttoned trousers. There was a smirk on his face as he sat with his legs crossed, an arm spread out on the back of the couch. 
Noticing she was naked, she pulled the sheet up to her chest. “Edward?”
“The one and only.”
Dragging a hand down her face, she muttered to herself, “what kind of dream is this?”
“The best kind of dream.” He stood up from the couch and made his way to her. “The kind where your worries come to fade away,” he sat next to her on the bed, “and where only light is allowed.” He grabbed her unoccupied hand. “As long as I am around you will never not feel safe here. That I can promise you.” Staring into her eyes, he tenderly kissed the palm of her hand.
She swooned. Who was this man? How in the world had she conjured him? He was incredibly handsome, had introduced her to a new kind of pleasure, and now he was promising to keep her safe.
“Who are you,” she sighed. 
He grinned. “We’ve gone over this, mon trèsor. I,” he placed a hand on his chest, “am Edward. Although my close friends call me Eddie.” He nods at her. “You can call me Eddie.”
“I would hardly say we’re friends, I barely know you.”
Smirk on his face, he bumped shoulders with her, “I would say most friends don’t know each other as intimately as we do.”
Her jaw dropped in surprise at his statement. It was a crass way to do it, but when he put it that way, she couldn’t help but agree. Perhaps they were friends. 
He put a finger under her chin, shutting her mouth as quickly as it opened. “Close that up, before you give me any ideas.” Then he jumped off the bed. “Come,” he clapped. “Get dressed, I have much to show you.”
She did as he asked, wondering how a dream could feel so lifelike. It was almost enough to distract her from what had occurred that very morning. She decided to take it in stride, accept it for what it was. Given her circumstances, she would need all the friends she could get, no matter how unorthodox their introduction. 
It was a shame the only way she could make a friend and feel safe was in her dreams.
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A/N: There it is! The first of most likely two parts. There are much darker things in store for our sweet Belle. I have a lot planned for this story, so hopefully you stick along for the ride. I hope you enjoyed it, please let me know if you did 💕 If you want to see my fics and just the fics, go check out @valthevalkyrielibrary
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meerawrites · 11 months
Been thinking a lot about TURN: Washington’s Spies and the American Revolution lately. So here’s every original character I can theoretically stick into that universe… @eurydicefades 🫡
American Revolution podcast.
American Revolution: playlist.
TURN: playlist.
Benjamin Tallmadge: playlist.
Rococo playlist.
French History podcast.
In no particular order…
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Audrey: based on Kitty Fisher and Charlotte Hayes, born 1750, turned 1780 at the age of 30. Well-to-do sex worker, coquette, disowned daughter of a Viscount. Abolitionist. She/they, bisexual-polyam. Vampire.
Camille: based on Mary Wollstonecraft and various French Revolution ladies. Audrey’s half sister, unlike her, never disowned, still hates her Viscount father. Abolitionist, anti-monarchist, pamphlet writer, and social climber. Turned into a vampire in 1790. She/her, bi. Vampire.
Artémise: Dutch and Black-Creole New York socialite, spy for the culper ring, and violinist. An informant, a fashionista, bit of diva, excellent listener. Will sell you out to Benjamin Tallmadge. She/her, bi.
Benjamin Fisher: Benjamin Tallmadge, vampire/anti-hero arc. He/him, bi (closeted). Staff to Washington, from New York, trying really hard to be good, but vampirism won’t let him. Turned by Audrey in 1781. Vampire.
Charles: Colonel in the British army. Good at following orders, only doesn’t like his job. It’s a constant existential crisis, he knows neither side is right, he’s sworn to the British by duty not by choice. Scottish and French, English born. Based vaguely on Ross Poldark. He/him, bi. Has a deceased wife and daughter he’s still mourning.
Eliott: Spy for the British army. Follows orders for social gain and security, not cause he wants to. Poet turned spy, he/him, bi. Much like Tallmadge, he is a young man, having control taken from him far too often. Really just doesn’t want to be hung as a traitor to the crown. Irish and Catholic. Hates all of the army, expect Major André and Simcoe.
Carlotta aka Charlotte: French socialite, unknowing informant to the Patriots. She/her, bi. Somewhere between culper ring spy and French nobility looking to escape France due to pending revolution back home. 1/2 characters here who are not made for battle situations.
Edith: Maryland based loyalist, loyalist out of love for her family. She/her, bi (closeted). Catholic but very English. A civilian caught in a bad situation, didn’t do anything wrong, unless love for one’s family is a sin. Honestly reminds me of a Liberty’s Kids character and Sarah Livingston (Turn) but younger. Of marriageable age (24), good natured, well meaning, loyalty to what she deems moral just has her in a bad situation.
Harriet: Boston based dress maker and painter, sometimes pamphlet writer. Free woman of global majority (colour), Black and Welsh. She/her, bi. Yet another civilian caught in a war they didn’t ask for. Declares neutrality to survive, probably more on the side of the continental army, but she’d rather not the gallows.
Verity, Nancy & Sally/the tombeor polycule: their last name isn’t actually their last name, it’s a French title meaning “performer.” Like a code name. A polycule of three black/Irish sex worker women who are all dating each other and their clients, at the same time, she/her(s) all bi-poly-sapphic. Sex workers and spies for the culper ring, but their loyalty isn’t a cheap. Technically they declare themselves neutral in the war, it’s all lies.
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capitalisticveins · 7 months
Just an ask!
do you think potter is somehow like “related” to Eliott and Aaron? Not by family or anything but idk I feel like they might know each other?
Doubt it
There have been absolutely no major mention of vampires by Elliott or Aaron, their storylines feel nearly finished too
But then again yall found out Elliott and Aaron are brothers from only one hint so im gonna take my behind sit down and shut the fuck up
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tongue-twists · 9 months
i just put together a bunch of vampire minis last night so please tell us about your monster loving OCs
I have one OC I think you'll like - Eliott, who is FtM. In that case it stands for Final girl to Main character. My man cannot catch a break from slasher film monsters and killers.
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mapplwander · 11 months
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meet eliott, a sweet vampire only in their twenties.
i am joining art fight on team vampire so here's one of my vampire oc !
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carmen-vamp-shifter · 1 month
𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔 𝖔𝖋 𝖒𝖞 𝖛𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝕯𝕽.
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Name : Carmen Aldrich
Nickname : Cammy, Daughter of Lilith
Type : vampire
Age : 944 y
Tall : 1,75 cm
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Ability :
Charm/Mind Control
Blood control
Witch ability
Not affect by sun light
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Outfits : Victorian Goth / Vamp Goth
Pet : bat and a crow (and a bunch of stray dogs but they don't necessarily stay with me)
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Background :
I am from the most powerfull family of vampire that exist. And i've been born in order to be even more powerfull.
A century ago, a village near my manor ask me for help to protect them against Eliott, a dragon that seems to dangerously approach their housses.
I protect them. In echange, they offer me someone from the village to be my servant.
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bubbles-the-banshee · 5 months
Happy STS!
"Your characters are invited to a Halloween party; costumes required. Tell me what they're dressing up as and how the night goes. 🙃"
Thank you for another awesome ask, @toribookworm22! I went ahead and answered for the Fantastic Hervaskian Four + Dante, Rowen, Ty, and Will.
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The ultimate, power couple—Aisha and Lea—are 100% going as Howl and Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle. Lea is end-of-the-movie, silver bob Sophie, and Aisha does blonde, box braids for beginning-of-the-movie Howl. They spend the entire night being super couple-y and adorable, and Aisha is in-character the entire time—lots of hand-kissing and melodramatics. (Aisha borrowed the coat from Eliott; they own it, not for costume purposes, but because it's a look.)
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As I mentioned in another ask, Eliott doesn't have great feelings about the Fall/Winter season, so Octavius convinces them to to go to the party and picks out their costumes. They go as Fiore and Artemis from Sailor Moon R: The Movie. (Octavius wanted Eliott to go as Sailor Moon, but let's be real, those aren't their vibes.) Octavius does a costume change halfway through the party into Luna for funsies.
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Eliott doesn't suggest a couple's costume to Dante, because while he is 100% that bitch, he is subtle about it, and Eliott's just a little too insecure to ask. So, the minute he knows who they're going as (Lea tells him), Dante plans out his costume and makes an elaborate, in-character entrance as Tuxedo Mask after Eliott arrives. They are starry-eyed. Dante is secretly sweating, and they absolutely leave the party early—saying nothing.
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Acon is not the type to participate in anything that might be viewed as "childish," but he also doesn't want to be left out. After finding out everyone else is dressing up, he asks Eliott for ideas, and they tell him to "go as something fun, obscure, and nostalgic," so he shows up as the Rankin/Bass, claymation Jack Frost to the awe of many. It's a night of compliments and embarrassed blushing, and Aisha gets him drunk enough to sing "One of a Kind."
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Now, I know what you're thinking. Rowen's a vampire; she has long, black hair and impeccable fashion sense. Obviously, she goes as Morticia Addams. Well, you're right, but you're wrong. She's been alive for longer than the country of Hervaskor, and she has the taste and grace to match, but she's also a huge dork. She jumps on the chance to go as James Daly's Dracula. In fact, she commits so hard that she dyes and cuts her hair. (She spikes the punch bowl and spends the entire night fucking with Eliott while Ty laughs.)
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Ty goes as a sheet ghost. Full stop. It has nothing to do with laziness and everything to do with the need to half-ass in a group of overachievers. They're proving a point, and they absolutely win best costume.
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I struggled with Will's costume because he's so cool, far cooler than I or anyone else can hope to be; I imagined he'd go as an awesome, historical figure that nobody's every heard of, but then I realized I was a fool. The answer, like a brilliant flash of light, came to me on the edge of sleep. He goes as fucking Static Shock and absolutely kills it. (If it weren't for Ty, he'd win best costume. It starts a rivalry that spans generations.)
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Thank you for the tag @lorna-d-m 
favorite color: Blue. My hair is blue. My fairylights are blue. My gaming chair is blue. I have no idea why, but blue brings me joy. 
currently reading: Fanfiction, and nothing but fanfiction. But, I am looking at getting The Sandman Vol 1, so I may be reading that soon. 
last song: I have been listening to “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac on repeat for the last day and a half.
last series: Just finished The Sandman, and it is my favorite series ever, I think. I absolutely loved it. The characters. The stories. The mundanity of queerness. It gives me hope for the act of creation and hard reset me out of writer’s block. 
last movie: Practical Magic. I’ve seen it too many times to count, but I recently got a friend to watch it for the first time, and I love introducting friends to my comfort movies. It’s so much fun, and Practical Magic is so good. 
sweet/spicy/savory: I love sweet and spicy, but my stomach has opinions, so I tend to just stick to more mild/less sugary foods. 
currently working on: Goddess Dead. It’s a speculative fantasy novel centered on an archeological digsite in a world of magick. There’s vampires, satyrs, pixies, and mysterious, long-dead civilizations. The protagonist is a non-binary, court-appointed mage named Eliott who’s best described as that one hungover classmate who sits in the back of every lecture hall—wearing a really nice suit and sunglasses. I’m almost done with Ch. 11/Arc 1, and it’s at about 154 pgs. and 42,600 words. I’m proud of it; don’t look at me. 
No pressure tags: @eldritchcircus @scuttle-buttle @bigtiddythanos @trelaney @maximoffwxnda
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anaalnathrakhs · 1 year
6, 7, 31, 55, 98 <3
thank you for asking beloved mutual <3
6. describe your personality in 3 words or less
i have no idea who i am <3 uhh i guess reserved, jittery, foolhardy? irl at least
7. what color hair do you have?
plain ol brown! i've been thinking about bleaching the tips to put some colors on there, mainly lime green, but i'm too nervous to do something that permanent to it so
31. 3 favorite boy names
i like Lucien even though it sounds a bit old, i wish it was part of the classic names that are coming back these days, it's so pretty, it makes me think of the sky, and painting frames, and vampires
Sid was in the running for a while when i was searching what to name myself, it's short, it works in every situation, good letters, good phonetics, the only problem is that if you name a kid that he has to fill the shoes and be as cool as a Sid should be
Eliott was also an option, just cause the letters are nice, and i like the connection with Helios and the sun symbolism and all. i feel like it doesn't count because you couldn't name your kid that way if you don't want them dead by middle school, but on the same basis Samson is a very cool name
55. what is your dream job?
frankly i have no idea
i'd have said something in writing and publishing because that's my one area of expertise even if only at passionate amateur level, but it seems to be going that way and it sure doesn't feel like a dream
i'd love to be near horses again, so working as a stable, whatever's the english word for it, would be my dream i think, as long as i stay just doing the daily chores and don't have to be stressing about making the decisions on how to run the barn. just wanna be a cog in the machine and do the same shit every day the rest of my life. i'll take waking up at the asscrack of dawn every morning if i get to work with horses forever.
98. favorite month?
it's a three-way tie between september, october, and november (can you tell which season is my favorite), september is nice but busy with school starting up and the remanent of summer, october is nice but busy with halloween and fandom challenges, november is as free as any month to appreciate the moment but is on the edge between fall and winter, which, while still better than other seasons, is not as good as full autumn or full winter separated.
final answer october anyway.
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she-is-tim · 5 years
Bleeding Hearts | Elu Vampire Soulmate AU Ch.1
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Eliott is living on alcohol, weed and blood. That drives his dead body on a daily basis, giving him at least some kind of purpose in his meaningless life. Being immortal sucks. Being dead sucks even more. All he wants is to get out of this endless loop of nothingness, but he doesn’t expect that to happen so soon. When he meets him, his world turns upside down and his heart starts to beat again. 
In a beat of the heart
The night was calm, nothing extreme happened and it was good like that. March just started a week ago, so the weather was still cold, it was often raining, but he could never complain about that. The more the sun was behind the clouds, the more he could walk in daylight. Not today though. Today the sky was clear, moon shining brighter than the city lights below. Cars were rushing through the busy streets, but he was focused on one building. 
There was always a lot of people around the hospital, people running in and out, Ambulance coming in with paramedics, taking unconscious patients inside to save their lifes. He could hear every single heartbeat, even from this far away. He knew when someone would not make it, but that was alright. Death is part of life. It’s something that happens when a person had finished his task on this world. Yeah sometimes it happened before that, unexpectedly at a young age, but that was alright too. He would do anything to be like that. A normal human living his life until death comes along the corner to take him and he would fall into his arms with a smile on his face. 
He looked at the empty blood bag at his feet, he could still feel the metallic flavor on his tongue and it made him sick. It was never enough, his body was craving for it, but he could never get enough. That was probably the worst out of all if he doesn’t consider that hs body was dead. The endless craving. It was like tiny ants crawling under his skin, a beast growling inside him, screaming for it. I need blood. Give me blood. He could hold it back most of the time, feeding it just enough to shut its mouth. There were days when it was harder, when the beast was stronger. On those days he needed more blood and he had to stay in his apartment, behind locked doors. It wasn’t impossible to resis the craving, but it was harder than anyone could imagine. His whole body was itching, like it wants to burst out in flames. 
He shook his head and looked back down at the street, throwing the remains of his cigarette aside, tucking the empty blood bag into the inside pocket of his jacket. He noticed the person he was waiting for waling towards the hospital, it was almost time for the night shift to start, therefore he had to get ready. With his speed and soundless movements it wasn’t hard to get into even such a crowded building as a hospital. He did this countless of times, always being successful. 
He jumped, feet landing on the sidewalk quietly. No one noticed, because they shouldn’t. People were so blind about their surroundings that it was almost ridiculous. Since Eliott became one of these things, he realized how ignorant and idiotic regular people can be. Of course that made things easier for the nightcrawlers, but it annoyed him so fucking much. They were basically offering themselves for the beasts. Letting them feed from them, charm them into death or the promise of eternal life. Yeah, sorry, bad news. Eternal life sucks. 
He stepped into the hospital, people walking past him, not even realizing that he’s there, though he was pretty outstanding in the bright environment. His black clothes, his pale skin, his stormy grey eyes and deep black hair was in a stark contrast with the white and light blue colors inside the building. Yet no one paid attention to the stranger and it was okay. He got used to this side of being dead. People only noticed him if he wanted to, otherwise it was like wearing camouflage in the woods. He was hidden. He was just a shadow. Not breathing, not making a sound. Not being alive. 
His steps were soundless, the tiles under his feet were cold, but not as much as his own body. He wasn’t wearing any shoes, there was no point, since he couldn’t get sick or feel cold. The jacket was on him only because it had a large pocket, making it easier to carry the stuff he came for. He walked past the waiting area, going straight towards the stairs. The smell of antiseptic was burning his nose, even though he wasn’t breathing it in. Things like these always found a way to bother him. Small noises, irritating scents, everything. His senses were much more sharp, eyes seeing things from miles away, ears hearing heartbeats from afar, nose smelling things through walls. He might be dead, but that made him even more dangerous. A predator designed to lure in the prey and end its life quietly, quickly. As he took the steps, heading down towards his goal, theawful scent of the antiseptic was more than welcome in his nose, as long as it covered the smells that would drive him crazy. The smell of fresh blood.
The hallway was awfully quiet, even to his sensitive hearing. There were distant sounds of steps, heart monitors and other machines. It was already late, past 22 actually, so there wasn’t much people in the building other than the night shift workers. Especially not on this level, where the storages were. He fastened his steps as he got closer to the end of the hall, turning to the right. Before he could open the door, it moved on itself. Well, not actually. 
The woman behind it was wearing light blue hospital outfit that was in high contrast with her beautiful, chocolate brown skin, her black hair in small braids with an ocean blue headband on top. Eliott flashed her a smile, which she weakly returned. Imane, because that was her name looked really tired. It wasn’t easy for her to do her night shifts and study at the same time. She was on biology major in college, wanted to be a doctor, but for that she had to work even harder than others, considering her place in society. Eliott always found it infuriating how much they looked down on black or muslim people in schools, like they are incapable of having high IQ or being talented. Since he became a beast of the night, he knew how it was feeling separated, different from everyone else. Maybe that’s why they understood each other so well with the girl. 
He stepped into the room, his eyes fixed on the large freezers that were standing by the wall exact opposite from the door, filleg with bags of blood. He could feel his mouth hurting, his fangs wanting to pop out, ready to drink up all of it, but he held it back. He got quite good at controlling the beast by now. 
“You look like shit.” Imane said quietly, standing right next to him, eyes scanning the boy from head to toe. 
“Well, try living without heartbeat or breathing for a while. We’ll see how pretty you can be.” Eliott shot back with his usual sarcastic humor, which the other seemed to like a lot. 
“I prepared some for you. They are kinda fresh, so it won’t taste so awful like last time.” she said, walking to the drawers in the corner, that were there for documents to hold, but Imane always used the bottom one to hide blood bags in them. No one really cared for the papers in there anyways, it was the task of the night shift nurses to organize paperwork and make sure everything is registered. He knew that Imane was risking a lot by helping him out, but she was a smart girl and kept reassuring him that she made sure no one notices the missing blood bags. Eliott believed her, even if she was lying, because this was the only way he could feed the beast without hurting people. Imane also knew that. 
“Is everything alright with you?” Eliott asked and it was genuine interest. He could be dead, but that didn’t mean he had no feelings or thoughts. Of course he tried to not get too attached to anyone, especially not to mortals, but his friendship with Imane was special, something that gave at least a small reason for him to get through his days. 
“You can say that.” she mumbled, placing bags of blood from the drawer to the table in the middle of the room. Eliott needed all his strength to focus on her words and not get lost in gazing at the crimson liquid behind the thick plastic. “College life is hard, but I’ll manage.” she said nonchalantly and shrugged, flashing him a toothy smile as she finished packing. There was six bag on the table, enough for at least a month or so. If he doesn’t get carried away like last time. 
“I still don’t know how to thank you all of this.” he said, voice slightly raspy as he tore apart his eyes from the bags, looking at the girl. 
“You look like you could use more.” she said, concerned look on her face. Eliott could swear that her skin was the smoothest he had ever seen. 
“Yeah, well, I only take what I can.” he shrugged and walked towards the table, stuffing the bags into the inside pocket of his large, leather jacket. If someone had told him many years ago that he will meet a black, muslim girl that’s going to help him get blood, he would laugh into the face of that person. Tables have turned since then, and he couldn’t imagine his life without the help of Imane. She was a genuine and caring person, not even afraid of a monster like him. 
“If you need more, I can...” 
“Cut it!” he said gently, raising his hand. All the rings on it were shining in the sharp white of the neon lights. One skull ring, slightly faded silver, one bronze snake ring, wrapped around his middle finger and a simple black one on his index finger. “This is more than enough, don’t worry.” he said and placed the last bag in his pocket now. “Just make sure to let me know if I can help with anything. I might not be a hundred years old, but I still know things.” he winked playfully, earning an eyeroll from the girl. 
“You know I can see right through you, right?” she asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “I know that you are unhappy. I can see the burn marks on your skin.” she said seriously, her eyes fixed on Eliott’s bare feet. There was a small place of skin that was still a bit red from where the sun touched it. “You can’t do this to yourself.” 
“This is the only way I can feel anything, other than the hunger.” he answered roughly, eyes slightly squinted. He liked Imane a lot, but talking about feelings wasn’t his favorite topic, especially since he became one of the dead. 
“Fine.” Imane sighed and rested her hands on the table now, leaning forward. She learned to keep the distance between them during their usual “blood meeting” because if she would be too close, Eliott might not be able to hold back the beast. It liked young blood more than anything. Young and fresh blood. 
“Thank you again, Imane.” 
“Don’t worry. I wouldn’t want you to starve to death.” she smirked and now it was Eliott’s turn to roll his eyes.
“Ha-ha, very funny.” he said mockingly, but it was good to have someone who was comfortable enough around him to say jokes like this. He zipped up his jacket, making sure he won’t lose the bags on his way out, giving the girl a two finger salute before leaving the room. 
The only noise in the hospital was the sound of the magazine the receptionist was reading. She seemed to be pretty preoccupied with it and Eliott was too, since he didn’t notice the boy walking towards him. He was talking fast into his phone, arguing with someone. The tall boy only noticed someone was coming closer when they shoulder bumped to each other. It was only a slight touch, the other didn’t even notie it, too busy with yelling quietly into his phone. But for Eliott it felt like a lightning struck. He suddenly felt everything, like his nerves were going crazy. His nose was filled with the scent of the combination of mint and deodrant. He fell to the wall next to him, grabbing his jacket by his chest. The world was swirling around him, the floor felt like ice, hurting his feet. The walls were closing around him, his vision slightly blurred. Static noise was filling his ear and something else he quiet couldn’t recognize. It was like something was drumming on his ribcage, trying to burst out of his body, something was pumping under his skin. His eyes burned, filling with tears as he was gasping for air. Gasping for air? 
It took him long minutes to realize that what he was feeling in his chest was in fact his heart, beating. The feeling under his skin was his own blood filling his veins. He could hear it. Tears were running down his face and he couldn’t stop them, not like he wanted to. He haven’t been able to cry since he died, not even when the sun was burning him. But now they were overflowing, wetting his cheeks, leaving warm traces on the pale skin. He looked at his hands, seeing his veins popping out, slighting thumping to the rhythm of his heartbeat. It was too fast, irregular, but it was his heart. 
It felt like hours passed, but it was only a couple of minutes. He looked up from his hands to see the boy leaving the building. He couldn’t see his face, just a grey hoodie and a beautiful crown of brown hair. Whatever that person did to him, he had to find it out. His mind was racing with a hundred miles per hour, he still felt dizzy. He couldn’t remember when or how he left the hospital, but the next thing he saw was the door of his own apartment. He slowly opened it, walking inside and sitting down on the couch. He could feel the bags of blood in his jacket, but he couldn’t think of anything else, but that boy. The scent of him would not leave his nose. It was driving him crazy. 
After the shock came the panic. Eliott spent most of his night curled up on the couch, trying to take in all the shit around him. If his senses were sharp before, now they were even worse. He could hear bugs crawling inside the walls, the snorring of the old lady from downstairs. Everything got on his nerves, making him lose his mind. And of course on top of that there was his fucking loud heartbeat and his breathing. Those were the worst. He so got used to having a dead body that now he had no idea what to do. He wasn’t even sure if he was alive, but he felt alive. 
His forearms were red from where he kept scratching it endlessly, but he couldn’t stop the itching. His body got slowly filled with his blood and that was surprisingly painful. It felt like when your limbs go numb and they slowly getting back to work, but it’s also super sensitive to even the lightest of touch. Yeah, coming back to life was something like that. Shaking the numbness off your body, embracing the pain that was coming with it. 
When the morning came, Eliott felt exhausted, like he was running for hours and hours. It was probably caused by his panic attack. Who would have thought a creature of the night could have one. But he would have never thought it’s possible for his heart to beat again, so there’s that. 
He got up from the couch, basically pulling his legs with him as he entered the kitchen. He only drank coffee out of habbit before, but now he felt like his body could use some caffeine to function. Everything was weird with his extra sharp senses and he still couldn’t get used to the beating heart in his chest. He could feel every movement of the muscles making it pump the blood through his veins. He knew that being alive didn’t feel like this before, this was something else. He might have a beating heart, but he was still a monster, which confused him even more. 
Not more than two weeks passed and now he was back there on the rooftop, glancing down at the street. It took him a while to calm down and try to find some sort of explanation to what happened to him. Sadly the internet wasn’t much of a help, so he had to look for old books written by actual vampires. Eugh, he hates that word so much. Vampire. It makes his skin crawl just by using it in his head. He is one of the bloodsuckers, the dead ones, but he hated his own existence more than anything. Well, he did before all this happened. Before a boy made his heart beat again. 
His research didn’t go as well as he wanted it to, but there were some information and crumbs of situations like this in the books. All of them mentioning deep connection, fate, meant to be together and even soulmates. Like that is possible. How could a dead creature have a soulmate? That sounded ridiculous, but he had no better explanation to this. That boy literally made his heart beat again, bringing him back to life and maybe giving a reason for him to embrace that. He still hated the fact that there was no detailed paragraphs about all this soulmate bullshit. Was he supposed to approach him? But how? He was just a human being, probably knowing nothing about the creatures of the night. And on top of that there was no way it wouldn’t be dangerous for Eliott to be around him. God, they just bumped into each other, only touched for mere seconds and they should now be together forever because what? The universe decided so? What about their feelings? What if that boy would hate him? He can’t ask him to accept him the way he is, because he can’t even accept himself. He can’t ask for his love when they don’t even know each other. How is he supposed to tell him this? Oh, hey, I’m sorry to bother you, but we bumped shoulders last week and it seems like our fate is to end up together. Oh, and I could rip out your throat anytime if I lose control over the beast inside me. I’m Eliott by the way, your soulmate, you know.  
He buried his face into his palms, rubbing over it slowly. He let out a deep, desperate sigh before lighting up another cigarette. The roof around him looked like an ashtray already, since this was the third night he spent up here, observing the hospital from afar. Usually he came here once a month, or even less often, but right now he had to see that boy. It was stupid, he knew. They met here more than a week ago, whatever brought him to the hospital could not be there by now, but there was a deep feeling, a little tingling inside him that he’s going to see him again. 
And there he was. It felt like electricity running through his body, soft smell of mint and deodrant filling his nose. It was crazy how intense these feelings were, though his boy just stepped to the street from a crowded bus. His eyes fixed on him instantly, examining his features and damn, he was the most beautiful human being for sure. His skin was soft, smooth even, small moles scattering around it here and there, his hair was brown, slightly disheveled, cherry pink lips that were a bit chapped. Eliott could imagine kissing him, breathing into his mouth and never letting him go. He shook his head, pushing away the dirty thoughts. The most captivating thing about the boy was his ocean blue eyes, they were basically glowing, even under the dim light of the street lamps. He was wearing a grey hoodie and black sweatpants. How can someone look so gorgeous in sweatpants? It should be illegal. 
He was holding a plastic bag in his beautiful hands, walking towards the front door of the hospital. Eliott was so focused on him that he only noticed Imane when the two of them met in front of the building. He could feel his heart sink and then beat faster at the sight. They greeted each other like friends, Imane even hugged the boy, Lucas. That’s how she called him. Beautiful name for a beautiful boy, indeed. 
“Good to see you here.” Imane said softly, rubbing the arms of the boy, who smiled at her softly. Eliott felt like he could melt from that smile if Lucas would ever flash it at him. It made him look even more beautiful. 
“Yeah, you too. We should hang out sometime.” the brunette offered.
“Definitely, but I think both of us is busy with work and studies.” she said with a sad smile, earning a slow nod from the other. 
“For sure. I think I’m going crazy with all those assigments.” he smirked. “But that’s the life of a university student.” he said, shrugging nonchalantly. Eliott could watch and listen to him for hours. He had such a soft voice and his face was just... so fucking pretty.
He was so lost in his thoughts that he missed the rest of their conversation. His stomach churned at the sight of the boy entering the hospital, leaving the line of his sight. The urge of going after him, grabbing him and never let go was almost stronger than his hunger for blood. Which was terrifying. How could he crave for a boy he had only seen twice and never spoke to him? How can there be a connection between them? 
He let out a thick cloud of smoke and got up from the edge of the roof where he was squatting before, throwing away the remains of his cigarette. This building got closed off since years now and Eliott had claimed this rooftop for himself since then. It was high enough to be out of sight and close enough to the hospital too. A perfect hiding place for a monster like him. 
He fished his phone out of his pocket, letting his heart take control over his body this time. It was such a long time ago since he had feelings like this, so deep that they could physically hurt. Being apart from his boy, from his soulmate was just like that. His chest was aching and he couldn’t get his face out of his mind, he was everywhere inside his head. Those bright blue eyes were the most beautiful things he had ever seen in his life. And he had seen a lot of things. 
He didn’t have much people in his contacts, so it was fairly easy to find Imane’s name an click on the chat button. His fingers were hovering above the screen for a while, not being sure what to type. He didn’t wanted to involve Imane even more into the sack of shit that is his life. She had enough problems without this vampire-soulmate-beating-heart crap, and honestly it was still not clear for him what all this meant. He only knew that he was destined to meet Lucas and the moment their shoulders bumped, their lives intertwined with each other. 
After taking a deep breath, he put his phone back in his pocket and sat down on the edge of the roof, lighting yet another cigarette. He needed to think. Think about what to do. Approach Lucas, let him into his life, into his heart or stay away for good, saving probably both of them from the inevitable pain that would come with this bullshit. 
“I am so fucked.” he mumbled into the cold, starless night, his grey eyes fixed on the transparent door of the hospital. “So damn fucked...”
Soooo, I did a thing. I know this might be a short first chapter, but I really wanted to post something to get some reviews from you. I’m hoping that you guys like it and that I could explain the things fairly okay. I wrote a lot of fantasy stuff when I was a teenager (like 10 years ago), but not in english, so this was a hard task and I would appreciate some honest opinions about this. The base idea was stolen from Kresley Cole’s vamp books I read like 8-9 years ago, but the story is completely made by my crazy mind. Anyways, I will stop rambling. Thank you for reading and make sure to leave a feedback. Bisou
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multifangirlsworld · 4 years
Tysm for tagging me @hugunderthestars 🌸💗
top five fictional characters you have a crush on?
Eda Yıldız (Sen Çal Kapımı)
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Klaus Mikaelson (TVD/The Originals)
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Lucas Lallemant (Skam France)
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Isabelle Lightwood (Shadowhunters)
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Eliott Demaury (Skam France)
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@ffriluftslivv @ironymane @countingfailuresnotstars @nowaynoee @shyyteddybear @nimusicaltrash
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juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 4 years
Did I think about Saphael, Drawing Elu and Write Brio Fic the same day? YES!
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sari-eliott · 4 years
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Coucou !
vampire portrait 🧛
bises !
Facebook // Instagram
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ceniceroxxx · 5 years
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"I assume I need no introduction" vibe is so strong, I can't wait to see Maxence as a Voldemort, because this whole look is screaming evil vampire power and I'm so here for it 🧛‍♂️ 🖤
P.S: I can't miss those backstage photos as well, because daaaaamn, just look at these clothes, this man belongs to New Orleans to travel with his best friend who loves to suffer a lot and obv into eating some rats. And poodles.
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6ftgirlfriend · 5 years
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"It was the perfect night for something to go wrong. Something was in the air, besides the weed and ashtrays, beyond the scent of sex, sweat, and alcohol. Something was off tonight. Lucas couldn't quite put his finger on it but his gut was feeling off ever since he arrived. He merely tried to shake off the feeling as he tried to loosen up but couldn't rid the chills from coercing through his entire body. It was electrifying and strange. It felt like someone had been watching his every move for awhile. Coming to the realization that he was the prey, then where was the hunter?" - Blood Types (a vampire!au for Elu, inspired by @altereliott and @1988artist ♥️)
Disclaimer: none of these pictures are mine.
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