#Tv Stand With 4 shelves
sumuraj · 2 months
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ruhiagarwal · 5 months
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orlaite · 3 months
I rejoice in thinking about the day when I'll have space enough to have all my books and all my films in dedicated respective shelves and I can finally get some sort of sorting system going
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 5 months
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[7:09 pm]
(cw: parents!au)
Every parent knew what silence meant. Silence meant some huge mess was being made, someone was hiding, being mischievous, general mayhem being had. This was especially true in your home with your daughter and 3 cats. It was never this quiet in your house with the four—five troublemakers in your house. It couldn’t be the main troublemaker because he was sitting right next to you, fully invested in a a reality tv show.
“Jaemin, listen,” You said quietly while you muted the tv.
He looked at you quizzically, “I don’t hear anything… what could she be doing now?”
“It’s not her nap time yet, I have a very bad feeling about this,” you replied nervously.
Your daughter had a sweet face, she was nice and friendly in public. She always waved at strangers with a huge smile on her face. She knew to stay by your side when she wasn’t sitting in a shopping cart. She very rarely threw tantrums, a perfect little angel. People had even told you so.
In the comfort of your home on the other hand, she was hyperactive and loud. She wreaked havoc on the daily. And the cats were either right her side or far, far away from her. There was no in between. When the cats decided she was being too much your daughter would try to climb their scratching posts to reach them or pull on their tails. The poor animals. When they decided to help her the house was loud, something got destroyed, scratched, or simply broken.
The last time the 4 of them had joined forces you needed to buy a new bookshelf for the living room with all new frames for the pictures that filled up some empty spaces on the shelves.
“Rock, paper, scissors to see who goes,” Jaemin offered. You rolled your eyes but complied. Softly hitting your fist against the palm of your hand. One paper and one rock, you lost.
“Wish me luck please, and have your credit card ready to shop. Oh my god, I think I’m gonna be sick,” you muttered, standing from the couch and walking toward your daughter’s room, but not without pouting and sending pleasing looks to your husband.
You tiptoed quietly to her open door and took a peek inside. Oh good, she was playing with her baby dolls. Wait, since when were they covered in fur?
You ran back to the living room whisper yelling, “Honey, you have to come see what your daughter is doing!”
Jaemin tilted his head back and shut his eyes, “why is she only my daughter when she’s being naughty?”
“It’s not even that bad, no new furniture. Just come see!” You tugged on his arm until he was up and quietly sneaking behind you.
You both peeked into the open door and watched as your daughter swaddled up one of the cats, Luke. And he liked it! He was purring and nuzzling into your daughters small and unusually gentle hands. “Ok baby! It’s time for a nap!” She told the cat before placing him in her toy bassinet. The poor doll who it belonged to could be seen face down under her bed.
“And for the other baby, it’s lunch! Time for your bottle,” she told Luna, picking up the cat and holding her like a newborn while holding a toy bottle to the cat’s mouth. And poor Lucy was sitting on a doll bed with a bonnet tied below her chin, but she looked unbothered.
“I think the cats… like it?” Jaemin whispered in confusion.
You looked at him, “weirdly enough, I think they do too.”
You and Jaemin continued to watch the four of them play and interact. They were all calm and playing happily, until, she turned and caught sight of you.
She bounded over to you and jumped into your arms, knocking the wind out of you.
“I’m practicing!” She smiled brightly.
“What are you practicing for, baby?” You asked her, moving some hair out of her face.
“Daddy said he’s going to get me a baby brother! So I have to practice being a good big sister!” She smiled, stating it like it was obvious.
Your fave dropped, looking at Jaemin with a raised eyebrow, “did your dad say that? That’s news to me. What else did he tell you, baby?”
Jaemin’s face dropped and your daughter began spilling all their secrets. How he always bought her candy before ballet, they sometimes snuck some ice cream together after you were asleep, Jaemin put sugar in her cereal, and how he promised her new toys if she didn’t mention anything about a new sibling. “Do I still get my toys daddy?”
“Uh! No! She would not be getting any new toys!”Jaemin yelled in his mind.
“You can ask daddy later, he’s about to be in very big trouble.”
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tarjapearce · 11 months
Bad Teachings (Pt. 4)
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WARNINGS: Nerd talk, Miguel into Work Mode, Relationship Building, Slow Burn, mild fluff, awkward meetings, british slang, mutual help.
Summary: A little peek into Miguel's daily life. Returning favors, rocky starts.
Pt. 5
Hope you like <3
Pairings: Miguel x Fem!Reader
The alarm beeped, and you rose from bed. You'd usually sleep in late and just chill the evening away if you had the free time for it, if not, you'd work ahead to declutter your to-do list. Something that adult life had taught you was to make the most out of your time and keep a balance between resting and work life.
You washed your teeth and showered, adding a mental note to buy more shampoo and conditioner later. Fifteen minutes after you came out, and did a brief skin care routine to finally get ready. You changed into some baby blue high waisted jeans, a white tank top and cardigan along some white espadrilles. You packed in some work tools such as your laptop, an usb docking station and your usb's.
Need you at 9-
Miguel had texted you around 10 pm, and now you were on your way to his home.
You knocked on the door and held the two cup holders tightly as your working bag hung on your shoulder. The heavy yet familiar steps approached and soon, the door was open, revealing a sleepy looking Miguel, black sweatpants and robe on. A smear of toothpaste foam on his chin. Baggy eyes are a bit more prominent.
"Coffee?" you smiled sympathetically as he let you in. You then offered a napkin
"Clean your chin." He did with a grunt and took a sip of the coffee.
"Didn't know how you liked it, so I just got it plain with two pieces of sugar."
"It's good, thanks." He mumbled and rubbed his face, tiredly.
Now that your hormones were under control, you actually paid attention to your surroundings, the floor was covered in marble-like textured tiles, and the walls were painted in a soft cream. The overall layout displayed before you.
You were standing in a soft rug, to remove all dirt from outside, to your right there was a small hall and a door at the bottom, the broom peeking out made you guess that it was the cleaning supplies storage, if you walked straight, you'd find the dining table and behind it, the kitchen, a small breakfast island separating the spaces.
Oddly enough the chairs underneath looked as if they hadn't been used in a while, they looked almost brand new except for one that had child-like doodles on it, in different colors. If you walked to the right of the dining table, you'd find the living room.
An L shaped couch along a dark wooden coffee table, a tv set with some shelves full of books and few portraits on each side of it. There was a wall dividing the livingroom and the bedrooms, as another one limited the kitchen, creating another hall between.
The windows in the dining room  and his bedroom were made out of thick glass, letting enough natural light to illuminate the spaces. However they were both covered by curtains. Miguel rubbed his eyes as he guided you to your work station. meaning, the dining room. Paper files spreaded all over the glass table.
"You'll work with these. Easy task. Each file is labeled with a letter, the main information is tagged in capital letters, the sub files, or the one related to the main file, are tagged in lowercase letters and a number, it dictates the page." He pointed to the bottom corner of the pages
"But, the lazy ass people I work with just gave me this bundle of papers." He sighed and put on his lenses once more.
"Once you are done organizing, hand them over to me. I need to revise which ones are outdated."
"Wait, so you're working with obsolete information?"
"No, with projects that should have been revised a week ago but were never revised due them being incomplete. Tal Vez una junta y un memo hacen que estos pendejos trabajen bien." He grumbled the last part more to himself than anyone else.
You didn't want to add to his stress, so you picked up the loose paper sheets in the file. He gulped the last remains of caffeine in his cup as you sipped yours.
"Excuse me." You put your work bag on a chair and soon began to follow instructions.  
"If you're stuck in something, tell me. I'll be in the living room. " Your paper cup was taken from your hands and he sipped it, then walked back to the living room with a tiny smirk. You were about to protest, but seeing coffee had gotten him a bit more alive, your lips remained shut.
The only sounds in the room were either you flipping and organizing pages or him typing away on the keyboard. A bird chirping somewhere occasionally, or some faint music from a neighbor.  You had glanced his way a couple of times, only to find him buried in his work, his figure was something impossible to miss. His lower lip jutted as his brow furrowed as he looked at the screen.
You on the other hand had organized one complete file, it was a short one. And from what you could read, it was about recreating a Japanese pink strawberry in some labs to see if it was feasible enough to start commercializing them. Miguel had done the whole research by himself.
"Y'know? I apologize for giving your intelligence little credit."
He looked at you with a quirked eyebrow
"Did you just call me stupid?"
"W-What? No! No. I didn't mean it like that. Like, I knew you were smart, but, this is a whole new level of smart."
He just chuckled and continued his work.
"Seems you're easy to impress."
"No, it means I just need to increase my standards. And I don't even ask for much really."
He stretched and yawned before taking some papers.
"And what are those?"
You stared at him, a bit taken aback that he would actually ask such trivialities.
"Well... I like a man that knows what he wants. Honest, loyal, not a clown but neither a stuck up guy, someone smart that can teach me stuff, in the same way that is willing to learn about new experiences. Sure of himself, someone I can trust and vice versa, good at communication and someone that has gotten over his ex. Or at least do not repeat patterns that they used to do with their ex."
He huffed at the last bit in mirth.
"Good luck with the last one."
"Yeah, That's why I don't head first into it. And the one that kind of met those requirements had to leave to another country" you shrugged and started on the second file.
"But yeah, anyway. I'm impressed that you alone lead these sorts of investigations. Not a good team player?" you smirked and he shook his head.
"Not really. "
"Oh... Well, sometimes it is more about the people you work with than the job itself, I guess."
He stared at you, eyes full of quiet wonder, but the beeping of his phone interrupted his train of thoughts.
"Hold on, gotta pick up"
You nodded and continued your work. He disappeared into his bedroom.
The second file was about rectifying the propension of field corn in getting infected by fungus. And the third one was about creating a substance or reactive that could reveal any anomalies in pregnant animals raised in captivity to preserve the species. The more you read about said files the more your admiration grew. And so the need to make things right.
"Feeling  hungry?" He spoke from the hall, the clock had ticked 12 midday. You both were so engrossed in your respective works that you forgot about time.
"Uh, a little."
You kept organizing files and separating the projects, reading and learning about them on the go.  
"What do you wanna eat?"
"You're ordering or cooking?"
"Uh, a poke bowl sounds nice."
"A what?" He scrunched his nose and you giggled.
"It's a hawaiian dish made out of raw marinated fish and veggies or rice. Quite nutritious and delicious."
"Sounds nice, except for the raw fish."
"Haha, don't worry, there is a place that sells them with other cooked protein. I highly recommend the salmon glazed one. My treat"
"No. You got me coffee in the morning. We're even."
"Alright. Lemme get you the place´s number."
"So... how do you eat this?" You grabbed the chopsticks and grabbed a piece of glazed salmon.
"Just like that. Give it a try. " you smiled as your hand passed his packed chopsticks. He stared at them for a second and sighed.
"If you just wanna laugh at me, say it"
You couldn't help but chuckle and shake your head.
"Pfft. It took me a while to get used to them too. But yeah, this will be funny."
"Sólo porque me lo pides de por favor..."
You always gave him a confused look whenever he spoke in what you could guess whas his mother language. He ripped the small package open and separated the sticks.
"Now, put the lower stick between your thumb and index finger, like tha- , No, no. Yes! Like that! And the other one must be held by the thumb and the middle finger"
There were two main emotions going through his face, frustration and determination. It turned into complete frustration when the small piece of protein fell off his chopsticks.
"It's fine if you don't get it at the first one. Takes a bit of practice." You handed him a plastic fork and smiled, he took it with a light scowl as you kept eating with the chopsticks.
"Besides, once you master them you can eat anything with it. Even snacks so your fingers don't get all... sticky."
"I'm staying with forks and knives, thanks."
You both couldn't help but chuckle.
"What has been the most difficult project to you, so far?"
"The ADA reactive in animals."
"Anomaly Detector Algorithm, right?" The corner of his lips curved slightly upwards at your response.
"Glad to see you're doing your homework, guapa."
"Your work is interesting. By the way, the Corn Field Fungus one is incomplete. Couldn't find the other pages"
He shrugged and finished eating.
"Not my fault. They are not doing their job properly, so of course it was incomplete."
"Sounds... stressing. Your job I mean."
"It is when incompetent people are in charge of things they shouldn't be. But when people know what they are doing, it's different."
"So, basically your job is modifying DNA from things to make things better or create alternative solutions if things don't get better?"
"Simple as that" He nodded, "We gotta check those files before creating the digital copy"
He stood and you quickly finished up your meal, smearing some sauce on your chin, you were about to retrieve the empty plastic bowl to put it in the trash when he cupped your face with a single hand and pulled it gently towards him. He used a napkin to clean the smear and nodded.
"That's better. Get to work" He went back to his work spot and so did you, after cleaning the table. Cheeks flushing.
"I'll send you the first transcribed file, so you can check it out as I'm finishing the third one."
He stretched once more to then give the last sip from another mug of coffee. The man lived on caffeine, or he was beyond exhausted and coffee kept him up. You had your work tools out. The noises of your typing mixed with his, almost as fast as he was.
"Want more coffee?" You offered as his eyes drooped.
"Not really. Can't surpass my fifth one."
"Then you should rest your eyes a bit. Take a break of five."
"We're almost done."
"That's precisely why you need five minutes off. Is the light bothering you?"
"A little"
 He rubbed his eyes as he pinched his nose bridge. Gruff voice coming as a rough whisper as you turned the unnecessary lights off, leaving the living room's on only. Then you soaked a clean handkerchief with cold water and returned to his side.
"Here." you offered the cold and wet piece of cloth with a small smile. "Close your eyes and put it on."
He didn't seem convinced that it would do anything, but your willingness to alleviate his distress made him take the cloth and put it on his eyes. He exhaled at the coolness the item provided.
You sat next to him and continued your job, as quietly as you possibly could. Even after the five minutes passed, you didn't move him. He was exhausted. The living room was lit enough to give you a small glimpse of what the shelves had.
Books on Genetics, probably from college, maths, engineering, some spanish titles you quite didn't understand. What threw you off guard was some children's book and stories in one space of the shelf.
Titles like "El Principito", "Cuentos Por Teléfono" "A Bear Called Paddington '' among others with colorful pictures of dinosaurs, soccer balls and some tattered coloring books.
Your eyes squinted as they settled for a portrait, It was a little girl, Black hair as Miguel's combed in a high ponytail as a red headband adorned her front section of the head, keeping the smaller and wild hairs under control. Her smile was cheerful as she held a golden trophy with a soccer player motif on top.
The words "Mi Sol" written in the left corner. The only picture of her in the portraits Miguel jerked awake and your eyes were casted back to the screen.
"Feel better?" He just nodded and exhaled.
"Here's the other two files" You mumbled and passed the usb to him, his large hand covering yours for a second. You waited as his eyes dragged across his screen.
Eyes going from squinting, frowning to widen gently. He gave you a rusty smile.
"Good job."  
"Thanks. Glad to help." your smile was genuine, almost smug. You exhaled, relieved. Clock ticking 7 pm.
"Is there anything else you need help with?"
" All done.Thanks."
"Alright, I shall get going then. It's getting late"
"Then, Stay." You looked at him with a pout.
"As much as I'd like to, you are exhausted, slept on the couch for more than five minutes, you need sleep."
It was his turn to give you a smug smile and you rolled your eyes.
"And stop drinking that much caffeine. You'll get a heart attack."
"A myth, by the way. Five cups is fine"
"If you say so"
Smiling, you put your tools back in your work bag and went for the door, he followed you.
"Thanks for the help"
"Anytime." You nodded.
He just stood on the doorframe, watching you as your nerves rioted inside you, was he expecting a hug? a kiss goodbye? You didn't know.
"Uh, Bye then. Don't forget to sleep" You ended up waving, unsure of giving a more intimate farewell. He seemed amused at your choice.
"Pasa linda noche, muñeca" You heard him mutter before the elevator's door closed.
Your elevator's door slid open, revealing the ever long hallway, work bag slinging on your left shoulder as your keys tinkered upon grabbing them. You tried to open the door but to your little surprise the door wouldn't budge. You groaned in annoyance as you pushed, to no avail. All happiness from a good deed done, drained away.
"Fuck." You heaved as you tried once more and failed. Taking your phone out, you recorded a small video for evidence, to send it to the landlord.
No matter how much you pushed the door, or turned the key, the door was stuck. You couldn't help but kick it, but regretted it instantly. Shoes too soft against a sturdy metal door.
"Fuck!" you whined, both in pain and exasperated.
"Seems ya could use some help"
British deep voice from behind you
"Be my guest. This thing wouldn't budge."
"Been having troubles with it too?"
"I already sent the evidence to Mr. Cufton. Hopefully he will fix the damn thing for real this time."
"I'm sure the bloke will be buzzin' when he sees it"
Hobbie stepped closer and took the keys. He turned them around a couple of times and pushed against the door with all his might.
"Goddamn..." Your eyes widened as he opened the door for you, he seemed unfazed, almost used to it.
"Thanks, Hobie."
"No problem." He stepped out of your apartment with his hands stuck in the pockets of his jacket.
"Have a good night." He nodded your way with a lax smile, you closed the door and opened it a couple of times to make sure it would work in the morning.  
You prepared the food for the week, your clothes and a small presentation that was sent to you to be corrected last minute.
And soon went to sleep.
You were having a bad day as it is, the door was jammed again and made you get one hour late since Mr. Cufton barely replied your way, and had another neighbor help you out. Traffic was insane, and when you got to your office, ready to start your day, the usb storage box wasn't in your tote bag.
Panic surged through you as your hands frantically searched for the small plastic box. You not only had a couple of months worth of work in them, but also some other coworker projects that would be presented in a couple of days.
It didn't help that the newest client was bitching about the little flow of movement her new beauty products' line was receiving. The responsibility falls directly on your both superiors and you.
Then, your superiors reprimanding you for not having the usb on hand to show the manager the newest projects to be soon developed in the firm and Mr. Cufton announced the door wouldn't be replaced until next week. As soon as 5 pm ticked in, you bolted out the place.
You couldn't help but cry out of frustration, however a ding on your phone prevented you from weeping in the parking lot.
I believe this is yours?-
He had sent the image of the usb box you had looked up. In all your haste, you had barely thought of it staying behind at Miguel's.
Forgot to mention this in the morning-.
Of course he would. He was super busy. You couldn't help but actually cry, relieved that at least one of your problems, one of the biggest problems was solved.
-You literally just saved my ass from being fired... Thank you so much. I'll pick it up at your place. Is that ok?
Give me your location, I'm not home yet.-
                                Stuck in traffic.-
-Neither do I, but I'll be there in 15 minutes.
You shared your home location, and drove home. Traffic only held you back for five minutes. You parked the car in the usual numbered spot assigned with your apartment number. Then took the elevator, work tote bag in hand, face still red from your previous crying, and finally you managed to get home and let Miguel know you were already there and your apartment number.
You knew you had to open the door to at least put your things away, and make yourself look less beaten up by life. Sadly there was no Hobie or the other friendly neighbor to help you out. The only times you saw Hobie was around seven or eight pm, and there was no sign of the other guy. You prepared mentally to struggle against an inanimate object.
First time was worthless, the second time was even worse. You had only slammed your body against it, earning another pain in your tender shoulder's muscles. Just when you were going to try a third time, Miguel called you from the hallway. You were on the verge of tears again, your face flushed like a tomato.
"You ok?"
You shook your head as you tried your best to keep the tears inside.
"Shitty day but, you saved my ass, again."
"What's wrong with the door?"
"It's stuck and the landlord will replace it until next week. Got an hour late at job because I got trapped inside" your voice was the first thing in breaking.
Miguel stared at you for a moment and then put his things down on the floor with a sigh. He rolled up his sleeves and grabbed your keys that felt tiny on his large hands. He could feel the weight of the door against the doorframe, knowing that if he was too rough, the whole door would cave in and make the problem worse.
He just stared at it's structure for some minutes, evaluating what could be wrong with it.
The elevator dinged open, revealing Hobie with a bag of groceries. He entered his apartment to drop the bags and then came your way. Eyeing the situation from afar.
"You gotta push against it, mate" He wore ripped jeans, his red boots, a sleeveless and irregular neck shaped shirt and studded bracelets.
Miguel acknowledged him with a glance before focusing on the door again.
"That's probably what messed up the hinges last night."
Hobie's eyebrow quirked as he deadpanned.
"If I push the door open, the whole thing will cave in and it'll make everything worse" Miguel spoke as he gently took the doorknob and pulled back, the door creaked but it didn't cave in, but it fell back on the floor with a metallic thud.
Miguel looked at the back of the door and grunted.
"That's the problem. Hinges are rusted, and the screws are loose."
"Hobie? Could I borrow your tools for a second?"
"Haven't unpacked them yet, birdie"
If there was a staring contest, you were sure it was a tie. Miguel's ever present frown deepened slightly as Hobie gave him a complete poker face. Tension in the air, you saw your other friendly neighbor coming through the elevator with his dog.
"It's okay, I'll ask him." You smiled nervously at him and approached your neighbor to ask him for some tools.
Hobie huffed with a slight smirk at Miguel
"Good luck with that dead naff door, mate. Imma leg out."
He turned around and left, giving a quiet smile your way.
"Charming" he mumbled once he was out of hearing
"Told you to be nice. He helped me out last night." you gave the screwdrivers to him, "Need any help?"
"I'm good. Yo me encargo"
"Yeah, Y'know I might start learning spanish cause... I don't understand what you're saying sometimes"
He smiled mischievously as he effortlessly held the door and began screwing it back to its place.
"What's the fun in that then?"
"I mean, for all I know you could be making fun of me or worse" you spoke as you picked up his belongings and yours to take them inside.
" Or worse? Hm... probably"
"You're mean. But I'm grateful you're helping me out. Again."
"At this point I'll start keeping tabs."
Miguel fixed your door, but explained to you it was a temporary solution, lucky you'd know how to fix it in case another incident happened.
"Here" you gave him a glass of water as he looked around, taking in your surroundings. He then gave you the storage box.
"What happened today?" he drank from the glass
"Oh... uh, I told you shitty day. Got trapped here, got an hour late at work, the client was pissed she wasn't getting the numbers right of her products, blamed my boss and me," you sighed, annoyed
"Then the manager scolded me for not having the data on hand, cause it's in one of these little things, then the landlord told me my door is getting replaced next week, traffic and the door. But now, at least three of those issues are solved."
You slumped on the couch. exhausted
"Sorry for always dragging you to help me around"
"You apologize too much. "
You were about to open your mouth to apologize but remained shut. His frown decreased a bit and his face relaxed.
"Gotta go"
"Sure, Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it."
"De nada, hermosa"
"Might call you one day to help me out with some furniture that needs to be assembled"
He deadpanned and you giggled.
"Of course I am joking. I know you are really busy."
He picked up his things and you went to the door with him.
"Might do some time for that"
"Really? I might prepare something to eat then. Or maybe you could show me some cooking skills"
"I'll think about it"
You nodded with a bashful smile.
"Thanks, Miguel."
"See you"
You closed the door, it didn't lock you up this time.
Tal Vez una junta y un memo hacen que estos pendejos trabajen bien.- Maybe a meeting and a memo will make these fuckers to work properly
Sólo porque me lo pides de por favor.. - Only cause you're asking nicely
El Principito - The Little Prince
"Cuentos Por Teléfono- Telephone Tales (Highly recommended btw <3 By Gianni Rodari)
Mi Sol - My Sun
Pasa linda noche, muñeca- Have a nice night, doll
Yo me encargo - I've got this
De nada, hermosa - You're welcome, beautiful
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firsttimewriter92 · 9 months
Neighborly shenanigans Pt. 1
Simon "Ghost" Riley x f! reader (Neighbor AU)
Part 2; Part 3; Part 4
Description: You´ve just moved in a couple of weeks ago, trying for a new start. A brief encounter with your neighbor gets your endorphins and imagination going. What is it about the mask?
Warnings: cursing, some dirty thoughts, fluff, a little pining
Word count: 1.917
A/N: Hi everyone <3 This is my very first Simon Riley x reader fic. I´ve written about several characters of CoD but Ghost was always kind of an enigma to me. I never knew how to make him the love interest. But and idea popped into my head after reading some characterization that made it much easier to write for him. So here you go :) Let me know if a part 2 is something you´d be interested in.
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“Jesus fucking Christ” you swore as you tried your best to push your heavy apartment door open and balance your bag and groceries through the door. It was a struggle to say the least, but you were damned if you did second trips. Grumbling through your teeth you saw no other possibility than setting down your bag, holding the door open with your foot and grabbing your groceries a little more securely. Bending your knee, you gave your door a forceful push and slid through into your small hallway. Foregoing taking off your shoes you made your way into your open kitchen and set the heavy paper bags down on your kitchen island.
A sigh escaped you and you took a moment just to stand in your kitchen and take in the chaos around you. Half emptied moving boxes were strewn all around your living room, amidst not yet hanging shelves, plastic plants and several DIY projects. Another sigh left your lungs with a huff. Moving and starting anew had seemed like your only option a couple of weeks ago but now you dreaded the silence. You wanted this, ___, you thought. It was your decision.
Your new job was everything you ever hoped for, and training turned out to be smooth sailing. You loved it, you loved your apartment, even though it was far from being finished yet. But still, what you´d left behind still lingered in the back of your brain all too clearly at times. Especially when your heavy door closed behind you every evening and there was nothing but you, your DIY projects, an occasional phone call with your parents and then silence. Silence to wallow in, rake your brain and memories. Memories not even a good Podcast or music were able to drown out.
You weren´t as close with your colleagues yet as to be invited out to the pub after work but that was to be expected. The chances were good though. Maybe just a couple of days more and you´d have at least some kind of social interaction. One step after the other, you reminded yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Your own impatience with yourself was yet again trying to make you feel like you´d made a mistake by moving. A humorless laugh bubbled from your lips as you shook your head. Calm down, you thought. This is your life, your pace. Relax.
A couple of minutes later your food was stored away, veggies and salmon steaming away and finally you sat down on your couch, glass of wine in hand and Netflix on your TV.
“Bloody hell” you cursed as a shot of adrenalin set your brain into overdrive. Your bag. You jumped off your couch and hurried over to the door. Swinging it open with a yank you initially thought someone had put out the lights in the corridor. All you saw was black and not a second later you collided with something solid.
Shaking your head, you realized three things. It was 7 o´clock on a warm day in July, so it couldn’t be dark out already. Your hallway had several windows and yes, the sun was still out. The black wall you just ran into turned out to be a massive chest.
Heat was ascending your neck as you took a small step back and lifted your head to look at the face this quite impressive physique belonged to. What the…?
Before you stood a man, several inches taller than you, frozen in place with his arm lifted as if he was just about to knock on your door. He looked down on you with impressive, hazel eyes. Honey blond, tousled hair adorned his head, falling slightly onto his forehead, wet tips clinging to his temples and a bead of sweat disappearing behind his ear. But that was about all you could make out.
Seeing people wearing a facemask had of course not been an unusual sight for the last three years but he wasn´t wearing one of those surgical ones. His nose, mouth and chin were covered in thick, black material, even spanning over his cheekbones and disappearing behind his ears. When your eyes caught his again you saw them narrowing just slightly and one blond eyebrow ticking upwards.
Something wriggly moved inside your belly.
The man slowly lowered his arm, simultaneously lifting the other slightly, holding out your bag.
“This yours?” a deep, calm voice broke through the silence and the wriggly something inside you spread out towards your chest, down your arms and into your fingertips. You swallowed, trying to gather your wits again.
“Uhm…yes. Yes, that´s mine. Forgot about it” you said with a nervous laugh as you took it from him. He hummed deep inside his chest in understanding. The sound only letting your eyes snap onto his again trying to decipher if the squinting was an annoyed one or an amused one.
Amused, as it turns out. He took a deep breath, the black material of his running shirt as you now realized it was, stretching across the expanse of his chest.
“You know, that´s how you get your identity stolen. Or at least your wallet.” Yeah, there was no question now, he was grinning behind his mask, his tone mildly rebuking but not at all belittling.
A small smirk of your own crawled onto your lips as you cocked out your hip and nodded your head.
“You´re absolutely right, Sir. I´ll cuff my bag to my wrist from now on so this inconvenience shall not occur to you a second time.” You want to be cocky, mister? Fine with me.
Your answer made him chuckle. It was short but genuine. One hand in his pocket he stepped back slightly and only now did you notice the heat that his body had emitted. With one last narrow of his eyes, making the edges crinkle ever so slightly he answered. “Not an inconvenience, Miss. Have a good evening.” He nodded once and walked away to your right.
“Y-you too” you cursed the way your words tumbled. To your surprise he halted in front of the door next to yours and your heart jumped into your throat as he took out his keys. Your eyes still fixed onto his side profile (you still couldn’t really make out any features), he gave you one last look before opening his door.
“And thank you” you rushed out.
He only lifted one hand to give you a small little wave that seemed way too juvenile for a man of his stature and closed his door.
Kind of shellshocked you turned around yourself and let your door fall shut behind you. Clutching onto your bag you didn’t even notice how long you were just standing in your hallway, trying to sort out the wriggling nerves. Who was that? Idiot. Your neighbor. Your neighbor that you´d never seen before. A man like him you´d remember seeing. There´d never been any noise from the apartment next to yours so you just thought it was either a very quiet tenant or one that only went there to sleep.
Sitting down on your couch again you stared at the wall behind your TV. He was behind that wall, doing…things. Existing. Why did that feel so exciting to you? Maybe it was just because that´d been your first real social interaction apart from talking to your colleagues?
Laughing incredulously at yourself you buried your burning face in your hands and giggled. No. No that wasn’t it and you knew it. It was stupid. So very stupid and weird and nerdy and…that damn mask!!
“Whhhyyyy…..?” you moaned grinning and rubbed your temples, finally letting all the pent up adrenalin and endorphins rush through your blood stream unstopped. What was it about men wearing those damn masks? Not being able to fully see their face. Having to find out what there was to them by just their actions.
The fist time you really thought you´d lost your mind was when you actually developed a burning crush on a literal tin can from the Star Wars universe. Oh yeah, sure. Give me a brooding, sarcastic, overworked loner with PTSD and give him a freaking child to protect. Watch him become a devoted, loving single parent. Of course! Yes, let me thirst after him. And did it stop there? Of course not. The pandemic hit and the lockdown had everyone in a chokehold.
The only chokehold you wanted to be in at the time however was one carried out by a video game character called Ghoul from “Call of Obligation”. Tatted up, burly, sharp, dutiful, loyal and fucking hot.
The only thing you were able to see of him? His eyes. Just his eyes and an occasional forearm here and there. Everything else covered in tactical gear and a scary facemask. God that character haunted your dreams almost every night. And now, you had his existing, breathing, heat emitting, real human equivalent living next to you. You felt your insides burn as another funny noise came from your mouth. There had to be something wrong with you. Why was half a visible face or even less, so damn attractive to you?
“Shit must be some kind of kink” you murmured to yourself as you reached for your wine glass.
Why was he wearing that mask anyway? People weren´t obligated to wear one anymore. Was it some kind of training technique while running?
Anyhow, you appreciated the encounter. Your mood instantly better even though the both of you hadn’t talked much at all. He seemed witty. Cocky almost and you liked that.
Emptying your wine, you put the glass back in the dishwasher and walked over to your bathroom when you heard it. The shower in the next apartment was running. Immediately you halted all movement and tried to not even breath. The situation seemed so delicate, like thin glass ready to break. You stared at the wall when something else caught your ears.
No. Did you hear this right? Was he…?
You walked carefully over to your shower and stepped in. Trying not to care about how crazy you must look at this moment, you turned your head to the wall slightly, closed your eyes and listened as hard as you could. There it was.
Low, melodic and absolutely captivating. Over the sound of the water hitting the tile you heard your neighbor singing. Your forehead hit the tile and you breathed as quietly as possible, marveling in the baritone sweetness that could be heard through the wall. All too soon, about a minute later it was over. The water was shut off, the singing stopped.
As if in trance you got your nighttime routine going and a couple minutes later, slid into bed. Knowing where his bathroom was now, you were positive that his bedroom had to be next to yours as well. You tried to hear more, but nothing else penetrated the walls. It made you glad actually. If you would be able to hear him in his bedroom, sleep would turn out to be an impossibility to achieve.
This way, you closed your eyes, got comfortable and let your thoughts drift and wander. Not long after, you were dead asleep. Your dreams yet again haunted, but now, the usual scary mask of Ghoul was replaced with a solid black one and instead of clawing at a fully clothed head between your legs, your fingers tangled into soft honey blond curls.
I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading. Please consider interacting with this post and give me some feedback. Comments and reblogs always help not only to push my work that I love, but also help to improve my writing and get my imagination going.
Thank you for considering it <3
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nonsensical-pixels · 1 year
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BASEMENT TREASURES: the latest sims 4 kit, converted to ts2! [download - sfs]
have you ever wondered what lies in your sim's basement? sure, most of us have a torture room or two stashed away, but what if your sim isn't olive specter or hazel dente? where's my moldy moisture-eaten couches and prehistoric electronics? well, starting today, they're right here!
the moment i saw that this kit had released, i literally RAN to convert it. it's perfect for my older hoarder sims. plus, a lot of people asked for it 😅
this is almost the entire kit, save for the unbeatable stains, which--surprise, surprise--refused to get converted along with the others. i have plenty of similar stuff, though, so i'm not too upset. in total there are 25 items: 24 buy mode assets, and 1 wallpaper.
note: just before i posted this, i saw that @2fingerswhiskey already converted the retroplex tv console--you can grab their version here!
keep reading for credits + more info!
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ea/maxis for the original ts4 meshes & textures
items included
there are individual previews included in the actual download!
Big Box of Irreplaceably Replaceable Things (396 polys) Brass Floor Lamp (806 polys) Candid Coffee Table (148 polys) Dated Drywall (7 swatches) Disassembled Heart Bed (1712 polys) Dusty Trinkets (259 polys) Forgotten Frames (620 polys) Grandma's Couch (1487 polys) Mementos of Glory (361 polys) Records of the Past (112 polys) Relic of Good Times (454 polys) Retroplex TV Console (424 polys) Shabby Cardboard Box (94 polys) SquareTube (420 polys) Strange Reminescence Framed Photo (214 polys) The Best Seat in the House (905 polys) The Fun of Yesteryear (106 polys) The Graceful Ambition Standing Mirror (544 polys) The Moving Buddy (842 polys) The Not-So-Mod Lamp (302 polys) The Traveller's Trunk (782 polys) Uncle Bob's Dusty Rubber Plant (804 polys) Unmatched Chairs (452 polys) Unstable Wall Shelves (166 polys) Weary Wall Decal (2 polys)
things to note
The 'Graceful Ambition Standing Mirror' is repo'd to the 'Forgotten Frames'.
The 'Retroplex TV Console' is decorative only, get 2fingerswhiskey's version if you want it to be functional! They won't conflict :)
The mirrors have a slight issue where the reflection includes the frame, I'm very sorry, I tried my best but I couldn't fix it :(
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if there are any unmentioned issues, please do lmk asap! happy simming 💞
( @sims4t2bb )
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jacky93sims · 6 months
Presidio Tv Stand and Wall Shelves for The Sims 2
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These are 4to2 conversions from Onyxium, low poly. Tv stand and Television are a single object, while shelves are separates. When you put the tv in your game it will have a grey screen for a moment but then it turns black (idem when sims turn off the tv). I put a bunch of bonsai on the shelves and stand slots to let you see the placement. 4 colors. See the original post for better pictures (I'm not good as an interior designer ahahah)
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@justanotherotaku1102, thank you sm for commissioning Skull from the coffee shop AU being a loveable boye 🥺 he is Everything
This wasn’t your first attempt at dough. You felt increasingly, though, like it was going to be your last.
It was the very early morning, at your coffee shop, sunshine was already peeking through the windows of the kitchen. 6am... you’d already set up the cafe for the 7am opening, machines cleared and prepared, cutlery and dishes cleaned and ready to go, food out in the display cases. You and your only employee were now just cleaning up, preparing for opening- you’d felt like you had enough spare time this morning to attempt some baking.
You probably would’ve been better to just throw the ingredients straight in the garbage.
You had no idea what it was. It seemed like you were cursed, or something. You really thought that by now, you’d be able to successfully manage something as basic as a bread dough- you were hoping that your time around your professional baker suitors would’ve meant that some of their prowess would’ve rubbed off on you. Sans’ ability to craft the most intricate and incredibly delicate pieces, Red’s magic touch with even the most complex pies, surely you’d pick up some skills?
You really hadn’t.
... You stepped away from the oily, sticky mess on the countertop in front of you, fingers caked in mixture. You were getting unreasonably frustrated over some fucking bread dough... looking at your wasted work, you felt choked up and angry.  
“... struggling?” Skull asked.
You looked over your shoulder at him. He was by the oven, big eye quietly observing you... you could see why he used to scare you so much. But right now, Skull was the only person who could talk to you without you exploding. A softspoken giant with a gentle temperament, he was a baker by trade- he had been here in the kitchen since at least 4 in the morning, making the pastries and cakes that decorated the shelves of your cafe. Stars knows you needed him, given your absolute dogshit baking skills.
He had been quietly watching the whole time. You knew he had. You bit back frustrated tears, smearing your sticky hands over your apron- “Yes. I’m giving up.”
“... the dough?”
“Going in the trash.” You choked. “Where my cooking belongs.”
“... can i... see?”
Skull didn’t like food waste. Any kind of food waste. You deflated... suddenly feeling bad for talking about throwing it away. Some of the anger dissipated.
“... Sure. You can try and save it.” You stepped back from the sticky mess of oil, flour, water and yeast. “Do what you want.”
... Skull moved over. He walked slowly, with a gentle lean, like one side of him weighed slightly more than the other... he stood beside you at the countertop, looking at your ‘work’. His jagged face meant he preferred to spend his days at the cafe hidden away in the kitchen, cooking while you handled customer service. He was at his happiest when making something.
He stared at your mess.
“jus’ needs... more flour.” He mumbled. “and... kneading.”
“I can’t knead.” You said, dejectedly.
He glanced at you.
“... show me.”
You looked up at him- you didn’t know why he wanted you to show him when he’d probably seen your sad and frustrated kneading attempts earlier. But you did as he asked, moving back in front of the bread. He had said more flour, right? You took a handful of flour out of the bag and generously dusted your terrible creation. You pressed your hands into it... doing the closest you could get to the method you saw in videos and on TV.
Skull moved behind you. And suddenly, his huge hands were on either side of your own. 
You froze; wait, he was standing behind you? So close, too... close enough that you could feel the warmth coming off him. Your heart thudded- what?
His chest gently bumped your upper back.
“here.” He said softly, breath ruffling your hair. His big, scarred hands reached forward...
... And took yours in his own.
You clamped your mouth shut to stop the tiny squeak from escaping you. You felt like you were being swallowed, and you didn’t dislike it. He smelled like cinnamon. Skull guided your hands patiently- he angled your palms, and helped you push the dough, the ball of your hand first. His precision and experience was clear with the smoothness and direction of his movements... and on top of that, he knew exactly how gently to hold your tiny human hands.
“... push n’ roll.” He said. “s’that simple. don’t worry... bout speed. people who... knead fast... have been doin’ it for years.”
You could hear your heart in your ears, now. You’d seen this guy lift up your fridge with one hand, so he could sweep underneath it- you knew the feats of strength he was capable of. And yet, he somehow held your hands like they were glass, while still applying enough pressure to guide them. 
You tried your damndest to concentrate, to make the most of his clear expertise. Push and roll. Push and roll...
... And... oddly enough, not fussing about the bread too much because you were constantly thinking about Skull’s slow breaths tickling your scalp and his massive arms around you, you found you were robotically performing the motions he was guiding without your usual overthinking. It only took a few moments for you to realise you were actually kneading the dough. Properly.
... A swell of pride in your chest, and a little smile on your face. Maybe you weren’t cursed after all?
“... there we go. you got it.” He murmured, affectionately, almost right up against your hair. The way he said that, him murmuring so close, his deep voice through his chest... you were kinda glad he was behind you, he couldn’t see you blushing. Would he catch you if you fainted?
“R-Red kneads fast.” You managed to get out. He kept kneading with you.
“he’s showing off.” Skull said, disapprovingly.
You couldn’t help but snort. The dough was starting to take on a smooth, flawless texture. “And Sans?”
“probably... can’t make bread. bread’s not... science enough.”
A warm laugh escaped you. For a moment, you could’ve sworn Skull paused- but not too long.
... Skull was right about the bread. I mean, of course he was. But it was still nice to see your mistake gradually turning into something that would probably look alright in the oven. With some flour, and some kneading, it more and more resembled an object that could soon become edible. Your efforts (and the ingredients) weren’t totally wasted.
Skull finally took his hands off yours... placing them on the counter. You immediately missed the warmth. But you now had, before you, a lovely silky-looking ball of dough.
“... Then it proves. Right?” You turned, looking up over your shoulder at him. Even though he’d taken his hands off yours he didn’t take his hands off of either side of you. His big, warm eye stared down at you.
“... mhm. ‘bout n hour.” He tilted his head. “want... me to prove, and bake? since... you’ll be... busy.”
“You trying to put a bun in my oven, Skull?” You teased.
Skull’s eyelight widened. And his whole face, just like that, flooded with an ultramarine blue.
You made yourself smile, despite your furious embarrassment and burning face. You moved to the side- he took his arm off the counter, letting you slip out from his enveloping personal space bubble.
“I-I should go wash my hands and open the store.” You blabbed, smearing your hands on your poor apron again. You’d need to grab a replacement, no way you could greet customers like this. “Would you like another coffee before the doors open?”
He nodded, dumbly. “... m... mhm.”
You scurried away, desperately needing a moment to cool, so your cheeks weren’t on fire when people started coming through the door.
Skull, alone in the kitchen, busied himself with readying your bread dough for proofing- trying to find a way to distract himself, and stop the loud purring that had immediately started filtering out of his chest once you were out of earshot.
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This 1906 beauty in Summerville, South Carolina was redone on the TV show "American Rehab Charleston," and called the "perfect blend of history and modern." We will be the judges of that. 4bds, 3ba, $750K. Let's see what they did.
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Open the door and we're seeing the standard light gray.
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It's so new and bright, but I wish they would stop w/the light gray, already.
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Immediately to the left is the kitchen. I wonder if it was one of the sitting rooms, and they relocated the kitchen here. I like the island they made out of a vintage cabinet.
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Notice the backsplash tiles are not evenly flush against the wall. I guess that simulates old uneven tiles?
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Off to the side of the kitchen is a dining room table with a banquette and refurbished built-ins. It's awkward that people will be leaning against the curtains, though. A cute shell chandelier is over the table.
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What looks like the former back porch is an open foyer now.
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Everyday kitchen dining. Cute.
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The former sitting room is a comfortable living room. They saved the window seat, redid the fireplace and used molding to give the ceiling interest.
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The upstairs hall with new wainscoting.
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Looks like a TV room or library with either a bricked up fireplace or chimney and built-in shelving.
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I like the upper floor b/c it's colorful. The primary bedroom has shiplap walls and a walk-in closet.
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The primary en-suite with a double sink made from a vintage bureau.
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Adorable little claw foot tub and a modern shower.
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Lovely bedroom with a built-in feature wall.
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The bath has a lovely vintage look tile floor. Two dressers flank a vintage sink. Nicely done.
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Bedroom #3 shares a Jack & Jill bath with bedroom #2. Is that a trapdoor in the floor?
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This rear hall is like a mudroom with a modern version of a Victorian hall stand.
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Outside is a small porch and large covered patio.
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It looks like it may have been a carport or an attached garage.
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New 1 car garage.
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They put up a basketball hoop.
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.50 acre of land.
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narrans · 3 months
Everyone Needs A Little Hero | Completed Work
A Borrower named Hero is out borrowing with his older sibling(s) and sees one of their human hosts watching an animated TV series about villains and heroes, people who stand for good and help make the world a better place. He is enthralled with the idea of living up to his name and begins a secret, vigilante lifestyle to make sure the humans "in his care" are safe. What happens when he is put to the test? Will his activities be explained away? Or will they get him caught?
Chapter One | Rings and Memories
Chapter Two | Inhale, Exhale
Chapter Three | My Fwiend, Hewo
Chapter Four | Hero's Little Conversation
Chapter Five | Fresh Eyes
Chapter Six | Hooks and Hands
Chapter Seven | A "Little" Perspective
Chapter Eight | Vocalization
Chapter Nine | Surprises and Shelves
Chapter Ten | Talking to the Newcomers
Chapter Eleven | Overhearing Glimpse
Chapter Twelve | Conversation Match
Chapter Thirteen | Growing Curiosities
Chapter Fourteen | Rey of Hope
Chapter Fifteen | Confronted on the Countertop
Chapter Sixteen | Sticky Memories
Chapter Seventeen | Better Together?
Chapter Eighteen | Helping Conditions
Chapter Nineteen | Movie Night
Chapter Twenty | Trust Talk
Chapter Twenty-One | Trouble Ahead
Chapter Twenty-Two | Saving Our Hero pt. 1
Chapter Twenty-Three | Saving Our Hero pt. 2
Chapter Twenty-Four | Saving Our Hero pt. 3
Chapter Twenty-Five | Motivating A Hero
Chapter Twenty-Six | Hero Rising
Chapter Twenty-Seven | Calling All Heroes
Chapter Twenty-Eight | True Colors Revealed pt. 1
Chapter Forty-Three | True Colors Revealed pt. 2
Chapter Forty-Four | True Colors Revealed pt. 3
Chapter Forty-Five | True Colors Revealed pt. 4
Chapter Forty-Six | True Colors Revealed pt. 5 (FINALE)
Chapter Forty-Seven | Epilogue
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moonlight-tmd · 4 months
Continuation of Bee' ADHD adventures!
There's this thing where some ADHD folks will do a thing and that thing will turn into a big thing and they done a whole lot more before they realize what happened. ADHD Trance per se.
So one time Team Prime left Bee all alone in base cuz they had to do something and he was supposed to stay at home cuz something- maybe an unhealed injury or Bossbot put him on monitor duty or smthn.
So he was sitting alone in base, Sari also went out to assist them with whatever they were dealing with. The others have been nagging at him about cleaning his room for a while and his processor seemed to not stop bothering him about it just now. So he gave in.
He went to his room and started picking stuff up one by one. It didn't do anything. He dropped it and decided to look for something to entertain himself. He did and he noticed few of his things were not arranged the right way. So he started organizing them. Then noticed another thing that needed proper organization, then another... and one by one he organized everything in his room and cleaned out the trash and things that needed to be thrown out.
But it didn't stop there, there were dirty sticky spots he didn't notice before- that needed cleaning. So he got to cleaning. On the trips to and from his room he noticed other things that needed some care...
When Team Prime and Sari came back they noticed stuff was odd. It was... clean. Then they went into the living room and saw Bumblebee cleaning up some spills and organizing thing on counters/shelves. The music on the tv was playing loud and he was incoherently singing along to it. He didn't react when they called out to him, he didn't even seem to notice they were there. It took Prowl going up to him and grabbing his shoulder to notice- or well, let out a short startled scream, jumping and whipping his helm around to see his team standing near the doorway.
"Oh- You're back quick." He said, slightly embarrased at the scream. "'Quick'? We were gone for 4 hours." Optimus was so confused. And so was Bee. He didn't know this much time has passed.... He was even more confused when they mentioned he was cleaning. Huh? When did he-? Did he do that??
So they looked around- Somehow, Someway, Bee has cleaned up the whole base in the time they were gone. And not only his room was clean, every room that was in use was. Even their rooms- Bulkhead's art supplies were neatly stacked and prepared for work. Prowl's room was swept of fallen leaves, the potted plants were all watered. Ratchet's tools were put away and organized. Optimus' report datapads were organized on his desk- by date moreso! The berths were all made, everything that was dirty was washed and floors swept of dirt. The windows were washed too. Trash was taken out and dishes were done. Heck- Bee even managed to fix few of the minor damages around the building that Ratchet took forever to fix.
He did this all by himself. In less than 4h.
And he didn't even remember doing it.
They were all so confused while Sari was wheezing her ass off about it. So yeah, ADHD Trance has weird effects on cybertronians.
...They should leave Bee alone in base more often.
Anywho, is it obvious that i wrote this from experience just now? No? Good.
Update: i just learned the correct term for it. It's called Hyperfocus.
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ruhiagarwal · 5 months
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skylarsblue · 1 year
May I make a request for an age regressed reader who really wants Bo Sinclair to watch MLP with them?
Or did I already send this? I don't know. ;-;
(I’m gonna assume this is Gen 4 because that’s the best one (fight me). Also, first age regression request! FLUFF TIME)
❀Bo w/ A Regressed MLP-Fan Reader❀
✧Age Regression; AGE REGRESSION IS NOT A KINK I DON'T WANNA HEAR ANY ARGUMENTS. It's cute and y'all need to accept it.✧ ❤Fluff, no cursing this time, hard opinions on fictional ponies, GN!Reader, a singular mention of a kink but it's just some silliness, reader briefly implied to have long hair but it's barely there❤
Age regression is a pretty niche thing to talk about, even more so back in the early 2000s. Gonna be real, bub, he's not gonna have any clue what you're talking about if you bring it up.
Seeing you regressed probably first happens as an accident, a stressful situation became too much and you just started acting differently. He wouldn't get it, watching you grow subtly more clingy and quiet, timid almost. He'd be concerned but he wouldn't ask questions at the time.
Assuming you brought it up later, he'd need you to explain it in at least three different ways, honestly. He's never personally experienced something like that(he thinks so anyway), which makes it hard for him to understand.
"Your brain just...makes you act like a kid sometimes? Why?" "Because my childhood was trash and it wants to find a way to cope. Being an adult is stressful, Bo." "...You got a point there."
After he's grown to understand it, he won't have any problems with it. Oddly enough, he'll slowly start to find it cathartic for himself. He'll find himself getting a lil dopamine boost whenever he starts noticing you doing something that signals you're teetering.
Won't indulge you in front of his brothers unless his brothers start to act kind of caregiver-ish. Bo don't share.
You will absolutely ruin the daddy kink for him. He can't hear the word in that context anymore and it makes him cringe when he does.
Bo doesn't like cartoons, he never really has. He's never really been a TV person in general, it tends to serve as background noise whenever he's doing something else. But he does have a habit of saying he won't be watching the show you're watching, then he'll just stand behind the couch, forgetting the task he was about to start.
Will probably tease you for liking My Little Pony, I'm not gonna lie. Nothing too mean though! He just likes making you all pouty.
He's gonna roll his eyes and cringe when you ask him to watch it with you. He's a grown man! He doesn't have any business watching a "little girl's show". But he's got a soft spot in that charcoal heart of his, so eventually, he'll cave. But he's gonna complain!
He'll probably scoff and act like the show is killing his brain cells at first, but he's an idiot because he gets so invested. (Magic of Friendship boi)
His favorite is Apple Jack. I think that should be a given. He doesn't like Celestia though, feels a little too connected to Luna and he holds a grudge.
He starts to whistle the tune to the songs in his free time. He'll lose his mind and die on the inside if anyone points it out, because he's not doing it subconsciously. Except you. If you start singing to his whistling he's gonna just smile, cause he's a SAP.
"Bab Seed Bab Seed, what we gonna do-" "A bully on our tail gotta r- Oh son of a-" "YES! YES YOU KNOW THE WORDS!" "You hush your mouth."
When there are big villains in episodes he gets super into it. He acted personally offended when Discord made the Main 6 reverse their talents.
He did laugh when Chrysalis zapped Celestia but then immediately got upset when the other princess were affected.
Definitely had the song from Chrysalis pretending she was Princess Cadance stuck in his head for like, a month.
WILL buy you the toys but you gotta keep them in your room, he'll keel over in embarrassment if someone sees little pony figures on his shelves without the context.
He's kinda stingy about sharing you when you're small, but he'll allow his brothers to watch the show with you two if they want. Vincent probably likes the music, but he's not super into it. Lester might get more into it than you, actually, he likes pretty colors.
Vincent's favorite would be Twilight & Lester's would be a tie between Fluttershy & Pinkie Pie.
Once a group of tourists came into town in the middle of a long Two-Part episode and he missed most of it, so he drove into the city and just bought the CD of the entire season. FOR YOU, of course, TOTALLY NOT FOR HIM-
The TV was bright in the overall dim household, speakers turned up to allow the sounds of the cartoon to fill the room. The noise was coupled with the sound of crunching Goldfish crackers between your teeth, eyes tuned into the screen as calloused fingers worked through your hair. "Oi, eat your fruit too. Can't live off Goldfish." Bo said softly, nudging your leg with his boot. You were sat on the floor in front of him, between his legs, whilst he messed with your hair. You let out a little huff but grabbed the pastel bowl on the coffee table, poking a fork into some strawberries. You looked over your shoulder as you ate one, awaiting praise. "That's better." Bo mumbled, patting your shoulder.
You turned back to the screen, watching the group talk about Fluttershy's "stare". With a little hum to catch his attention, Bo looked down, waiting for your words. "Who's your favorite?" You asked softly, voice picked up in pitch slightly. Bo rose an eyebrow and glanced at the screen. "Apple Jack, she's the only cool one." He said, unable to stop the smirk as you gasped. "Fluttershy's cool!" You insisted, turning to face him. "She's a wuss-puss, doll. Not cool." He taunted, chuckling as you tossed a pillow in his face. "Don't hate the messenger! I'm just saying the truth!" He chuckled as you smacked him with the pillow again, which he blocked with ease, snickering as you settled into his lap with a pout. "You take that back!" He held his hands up in a faux surrender position. "Alright alright, they're all cool. How about that?"
Your gaze narrowed suspiciously at him, slowly lowering the pillow back onto the couch. "Mmm okaaay-" "Except Fluttershy." Bo laughed again as your mouth dropped open in offense, blocking your hands from getting the pillow once more. Left without your weapon, he squeezed you tightly, leaving you unable to use your arms. "You traitor! Bully!" The man snickered as you fought against his strength valiantly, only to dramatically give up a minute later. "I'm too tired now. I'm sorry Fluttershy, I've failed you." You mumbled with a tiny frown. Bo rested his chin on top of your head with a chuckle. "I'm sure she'd appreciate your efforts, doll. Now finish your fruit, took me forever to cut'em into shapes, ya know." He said, grabbing the bowl. You hummed and tapped your chin as if you were debating, looking at the ceiling in thought. "My hands don't work." You said suddenly, dropping your hands into your lap.
Bo rose an eyebrow and tilted his head. "Oh they don't, do they?" He asked, watching you shake your head. "Nope, they don't work." You insisted. The brunet clicked his tongue and gave a somber sigh, putting a piece of fruit on the fork. "Such a shame." He said with an eyeroll, holding the fork to your mouth. You took the fruit and nodded intensely. "'S a shame!" You slurred, whining when he pinched your nose. "Don't talk wit'cha mouth full." He said, moving his head so yours could rest against his shoulder, getting another piece of fruit on the fork for himself this time. He looked back at the episode and narrowed his gaze. "...the hell is a cockatrice?" You laughed and shook your head, taking another strawberry off the fork. "You'll see, and it'll prove Fluttershy is the coolest!"
"Mhm, sure, whatever ya say lil' one."
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dollsonmain · 7 days
Oooh right.
When I mentioned to family that I may have to move very soon my grandmother said all of my stuff would fit in one pickup truck and I was like, "Um........ What makes you think that????" because it won't. I have, myself, an entire house's worth of stuff.
I have 3 dining tables with 6 benches that I use as a work surface, 4 full-size Ikea book cases (not Billy but similar), 4 half-size similar book cases, 4 full size metal shelving units, one other half-size, one CD tower, a large steel desk, a coffee table, an end table, a TV stand, a large old toy box, and a million wire cube units, an overstuffed armchair, and that's just furniture. That's not my clothes, my dolls, my salon supplies, my kitchen stuff...
Then there's Son's. He has a desk, a bed, a book case, MANY more wire cubes, multiple plastic shelving units, and all of his stuff. His cubes are overflowing with things.
We both have bins in the storage room.
And it's because she hasn't been here since Son was born. The house has changed and so has the amount of stuff we have.
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simsycatx · 5 months
House Tour: 715 Falls Park Drive
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Watch the House Tour
2 Bed 2 Full Bath Mudroom Coffee Nook Walk in Closet Price: §117,301 Lot Size: 20 x 20
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Occupant: Jennifer Smallwood
CC/DLC List below along with my ramblings/notes on the build too :)
Gallery ID: SimsyCatx - tick to show custom content and use bb.moveobjects
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I wanted this home to be super cosy with "Live Love Laugh" vibes. Very much decorated with a feminine eye with lots of cute B&M/Best Buy/cheap & cheerful clutter decor.
I have play-tested this and it all works except the two bathroom sinks because the sinks aren't designed for those counters. I'm guessing the counters are too high which puts the sinks too high to use. I did try to play around and try and get it working but couldn't manage it. It doesn't bother me (it kinda eliminates the dishwashing in the bathroom) so I left it for the ✨ aethestic✨ but they can easily be replaced if you want!
I've also removed the custom images in the bedroom (you can see them in the video), just because they are boudoir shots :)
Essential: For Rent High School Years Cottage Living Eco Living Seasons Get Together
Non-Essential: Growing Together - lamps & light Island Living - landscaping plant Get Famous = stairs Cats & Dogs- sculptures City Living - Rug Get to Work - sculpture Dream Home Decorator- plant Dine Out -plant Spa Day - towel Outdoor Retreat - condiment clutter My First Pet Stuff - blinds Romantic Garden - landscape flowers Free Holiday Pack - lights
by House of HarlixORJANIC Brick Foundation Sectional Sofa Curtain Right & Left - Short Cushion 1 & 2 BAYSIC A good chunk of it BAFROOM Scrub Bathtub Shampoo Towel Rack Toilet roll Soap Dispenser Face Cloth KICHEN Rubber Plant Olive Oil Lovely Lady Bush Cabinets Shallow Counter Wine Rack Glass Pendant Short Chopping Board Set Bay Tree HARLUXE Sink Beach Bag Coffee Table JARDANE A good chunk LIVIN' RUM Stacking Box Tiny Tray Remote Simsung Frame TV Magazine End Table Book Series
by The Clutter Cat Understairs Shelf - Short
by @simcredibledesignsOh Reykjavik Paintings Cushions Zara Bed Nothing to Fear Geomentric Shelves Silky Intentions Toilet Brush Lotions Nuance Mugs Scandi Fever Sideboard Plant 2 3 Cushions TV Rug Naturalis Hanging Plant tall Hanging Plant Suculenta Coffee Maker Calligaris Purse Rug Sandals Purse Rack Hanger Welcome Sculpture Paper Shop Bag Botts Bag Rack Country Coffee Flower Straws Wall Mug Board Painting 1 & 2 Deco Cutting Board Capsule Tower Capsules Pomeriggio Candle Jules Sandals Lipstick Dream English Latitude Make Up Trays Toilet Brush Shampoos Cotton Swabs Agata Candle - Small Keep Life Simple Bathroom Towel Toilet Bidet Bedroom Mirror La Femme Painting Small Go Trendy Plant Bottle Spotlight Desk Daydreamer Pillow Love the Less Sphere Glass Cloche Decor Cotton Plant 4 Cushions
by @onyxsimsExcelsior Toilet Paper Toilet Paper Holder Free Standing
by @simkoosMorning Routine Closet Clutter Shoe Box Plant Mum II Mini Plants Eucalyptus v2 Cup of Straws Metal Tongs Tiny Living Room Television - Standing Thermos Makeup Palette Hanging Purse Shoe Box Storage Container V1 & V2 Stacked Cups Napkin Holder Cup of Straws
by @pralinesims Decal Posters 9, 8, 7, 5, 4, & 2
by @awingedllama Blooming Rooms Plants Paranormal Plants Apartment Therapy v2
by @soloriyaBarber Shop Decor Hair Mousse Hair Spray
by @lapanemona Harmony Set
by @syboubouCountry Kitchen Glass Jars Pot Holder Olive Oil, Pepper & Salt Induction Stove Kitchen Sink Millennial Utensils Rack Utensils Pot Wall - Halftiles Wall - FulTiles Dish soap Breadbox Life Living Room TV Remote Magazine Pile Candles Life Bathroom Razor and Cream Toilet Deodorant Soap Products Bathroom Mens Products Sophie Cushions
by @nynaevedesign Breeze Plants & Planters Kala Bathroom Soap Dish Towel V2 & V3 Toothpaste Toothbrush Soap Dispenser Lyne House Number & Lights Set Amber Bathroom Glasses
by @redheadsims-cc Nintendo Switch
by @sims4luxury2022 Christmas Collab Star Clock Rug Collection #8 White Siding Wood Wallpaper Norrland Plain Wallpapers Grassy Cobblestone Floor Farmhouse Entry Square Artwalls Doormats
by @peanutbutterjelly02 Functional Photo Frames
by Mutske Wonders of Ivy
by @peacemaker-ic Matilda Mudroom Pointless Renovation Short 2 Tile Arch Colour Me Rug - Beige, White, and Brown Gently Draping Curtains
by SnootySims Asymmetrical Vase Small Candle Scent Diffuser Home Design Books Ceramic Vase Ceramic Bowl Candle Lamp
by @ravasheencc Never Been Bedder Platform Bed Frame - Double Nothing Else Matters Mattress - Double Binge Innking Stacked Books
by Severinka Mirror Arrows Mirror Lotus Cleo Hallway Floor Mirror
by @xplatinumxluxexsimsx Luxe Hair Tools Set Wall Letters Chanel Tennis Rackets Chanel Tennis Racket Case Chanel Tennis Balls
by @mechtasimsWelcome Home Cookie tin Clock Moonstone Hanging Dima Mirror
by @madameriasims4Back to Basics Tile Wall Pot Holder Wall & Flat Wall Paint Coffee Tin Modular Shelves
by @kerriganhouse Dormitory Fairy Lights
by @pierisim Winter Garden Pillow
by @networksims Modera Coasters Legacy Coasters
by @kliekie Open Shower
by @arwenkaboomBluem Office Books 7 Arran Wall Tiles Fridge Floor Tiles Dish Rack
by @pinkbox-anye Holly Trinket Dish Jade Roller
by @sooky88 Bath & Bodyworks Candles
by NOSTYLEWOODLAND NSWL Shampoo Lobhe Mirror Folfor Large Mirror ALAS Wall Shelf
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