#Touch display
staietech · 1 year
Digital Standee Manufacturer in Delhi
A digital standee is a digital display device that is used for advertising and promotional purposes. It is a modern version of traditional standees that are typically made of cardboard or other materials and are used to display posters or advertisements.
Digital standees are usually equipped with high-definition screens, and they can display video ads, animations, graphics, and other multimedia content. They are commonly found in public places like shopping malls, movie theaters, airports, and other high-traffic areas where they can attract the attention of potential customers.
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The use of Led Standee Display has several benefits over traditional standees. Led Standee Display Price in India is very affordable to buy. For one, they can display dynamic content that can grab the viewer's attention more effectively than static images or text. They are also easier to update and change, as the content can be changed remotely through a computer or mobile device. This makes them a more cost-effective solution for businesses that frequently update their advertising content.
In briefly digital standees are a modern, high-tech way to advertise and promote products and services. They are versatile, cost-effective, and can be used to target customers in high-traffic areas.
For any type of queries, please contact us!
Mobile No.- 91-9711170359 , 9818760359, 8375028890
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wumiings · 10 months
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i’m sorry are you telling me that after everything he said about his family supposedly being close— doting on his little sister and having a warm older brother whom yue qingyuan reminds him of— shen yuan was never once properly hugged before he died???
like i know he immediately tries to cover it with an uncomfy aside about how it wasn’t a pretty young woman hugging him or w/e, but he clearly isn’t talking about a first romantic hug specifically, because the context is being tackled by a crying 15-year-old whom he calls a huge baby for it.
so this is literally his first real, tight hug in his 20ish years of life and it happens in a ‘fictional’ world with a child he thinks might grow up to brutally-yet-justifiably (to his mind) torture him after he died alone and had his soul transplanted into someone else’s body.
babe??? i really don’t think your life was nearly as idyllic as you implied and i would love to know what the fuck is up with that
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hejanic · 7 months
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baby you are heaven on earth
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hollenka99 · 3 days
What I thought Bad Touch was going to be: Siffrin is going to finally grow comfortable enough to be touched more and he's going to finally tell Isa that it's cool to touch his shoulder. It will be a really nice bonding moment between them. I can't wait to reach this part of the game :D
Bad Touch:
Me: D:
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twilight-zoned-out · 7 months
"Seven years ago we all went through the flames; and the happiness of some of us since then is, we think, well worth the pain we endured."
Although Dracula was published in 1897, some think that it takes place in 1893 because of the way the days and dates used line up. If that's the case, Jonathan Harker's epilogue, seven years later, would have been added around 1900. A new era bubbling with new change and new conventions. The story ends with Jonathan looking ahead to a new century filled with the unknown and being able to look on the past, despite its darkness, "without despair."
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sonicbooom · 4 months
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thinking ab sonic boom gays again
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I like that most idle voice lines about hunters is just telling them not to touch stuff
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bone-pile-rp · 6 days
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I think Senjuro is a very sensitive boy and does think about things too much to the point he makes himself overly upset. He cries a lot in my head. In solitude or in small bursts while he does his chores. He often can't cover them up quick enough when someone comes around.
Ryotaro has a distinct distaste for children being put through The Horrors Of Reality. She'd take such pity on Senjuro considering he still lives with someone like his father (Even if he tries to better himself after Kyojuros death.) and lost someone as important to him as his brother. She get's a little softer around people his age and the water works are the cherry on top to get her to put down her big and intimidating act and be more gentle.
Their dynamic is a rather pure and soft one in my head. One of comfort and guidance for them both.
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months
Cal in a natural history museum. Can he see the memories of the dinosaurs (or you know, insert Star Wars equivalent)?
I'm so sorry to be the one ruin ur new year like this but most dinosaur skeletons in museums are casts, not real skeletons ):
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redladydeath · 3 months
I've seen a couple posts now talking about the concept of an AU where Vox somehow gains control over Alastor's soul/contract. While I do agree with the common take that he'd probably try to mind control Alastor or break his spirit at first, I think he'd actually get bored of that pretty quickly. Alastor's appeal is all in his personality; putting him in a situation where he just shuts down and stops giving the reactions that make him who he is would lose its novelty for Vox within a month or two.
Imo, from there I see it turning into a "gilded cage" situation. Vox sets up a nice little club for Alastor to live in; it's classy and Alastor is free to do what he pleases with it, but he cannot leave and whatever Vox says goes. It's a kind of faux freedom that's just tolerable enough for him not to go insane, but just restrictive enough that he still feels like some kind of pet. Vox isn't physically around that often, but he's always watching; Alastor's free to make his own choices, but can only chose from a small, pre-approved set of options. It's actually not too dissimilar to the situation he put his own contractees in, and Alastor loathes that fact.
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colorful-horses · 1 year
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Hasbro heard about Monster High making a comeback and they came out mad as FUCK with these dolls
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25shadesoffebruary · 1 year
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I don’t know what they are called, the spaces between seconds — but I think of you always in those intervals.- Salvador Plascencia, The People of Paper
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lunerabo · 5 months
Weirdly attracted to guys that do the human equivalent of this
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radfemie · 1 year
Tbh kids being at pride aren't even the biggest reason why kink doesn't belong at pride. There are plenty of 18+ prides that aren't kid friendly and still shouldn't have kinks.
Kink doesn't belong in pride because the people that attend haven't consented to seeing your sexual display.
Kink is sexual and requires consent from those participating and those viewing. So unless it is a kink orientated pride, it does not belong in the average pride fest.
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adamsrcnan · 1 year
Jean Moreau is a soft boy™️ and i don't care what anyone tells me. He likes to have his neck rubbed and his hair pushed gently out of his face. He likes soft kisses on his cheeks and his forehead. He likes to have his fingers played with and his hands held. He likes the weight of a soft hand on his knee, absently rubbing little circles in his skin. He likes to lay his head in someone's lap and have his back rubbed. I don't care what kind of stern attitude he has Jean Moreau is a soft boy and nobody can tell me otherwise !!!
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panlight · 17 days
SPOTTED on my walk to work this morning.
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Looks like trash but this is the curb where people usually leave free stuff.
Maybe both?
Also possible an animal ripped it open looking for food?
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