#The Top 8 Foods You Think Are Healthy
javierpena-inatacvest · 10 months
Chapter 8: My Favorite Cowboy
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Summary: After finding out things aren't going as planned with Javi's project on the ranch, you come over to help. You spend the day meeting Javi's dad, learning about the Peña ranch, and Javi surprising you with a night that you won't ever forget.
Word Count: 12.2K (I'm not sorry about it!!!)
Warnings: SMUT (18+, but it's the most romantic smut I've ever written UGH), unprotected p in v sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy), oral (f receiving), vaginal fingering, creampie, praise, mentions of food/eating, mentions of grief/loss of a parent, Chucho Peña not letting his son have a moment of peace, Javi being a hot handsome cowboy, FLUFF FLUFF SO MUCH FLUFF Javi is a lovesick FOOL for you
A/N: Just when I thought I couldn't cram anymore in to this chapter, here we are. I wasn't planning on it ending the way it did but I literally just couldn't help myself because these two are so obsessed with each other that I'm not even mad about it. That's all I will say!!! As always, thank you so much for everyone who reads/commments/reblogs/is invested in this story, you all mean so much to me and appreciate all your kind words!!
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As you hung up the phone with Javi, the reality of your conversation hit you like a ton of bricks. Not only had you just volunteered yourself to go over to Javi’s ranch for the first time, you had also signed up to meet his dad, bring them food, and help with their project? Today was turning out to be a much bigger day than anticipated. Of course you had wanted to see the Peña ranch and meet Javi’s father. Those were two things you knew were both incredibly important to him. That’s why it made you so nervous. You liked Javi. You more than liked him. You wanted more than anything to make a good impression when you met his family, and now that impression depended on a sandwich and your ability to build a fence. 
Thankful you went to the grocery store yesterday, you stared at your fridge before collecting some lunch meat, cheese, and toppings. Unsure of what sandwiches the Peña men would want, you packed a cooler full of 10 different types, each labeled and wrapped in tinfoil, hoping there would be enough variety that they could find at least one they liked. You also threw in the rest of your chocolate chip cookies from last night, along with a bag of potato chips, a few cans of Coke and some bottles of beer. Staring at the cooler, you began to panic, fearing Javi’s dad was going to think you were a crazy person for showing up with so much food, but the thought of him thinking that you didn’t show up with enough was even more terrifying. Realizing that you had spent way longer than expected trying to perfect lunch, you quickly rushed to your room to try and pick out something to wear. Shuffling through your closet, you sighed to yourself, absolutely unsure of what to pick out. What the hell says I’ve missed my hot, sexy boyfriend, I’m excited to meet your dad for the first time, and I’m here to help you build a fence? Nothing. The answer is nothing. Knowing you were tight on time, you just had to go with the first outfit you pulled- denim shorts and a striped short sleeved t-shirt, throwing your hair half up in a clip, hoping to at least look semi-cute before you were a sweaty mess from the hot, Texan heat. Throwing on a little bit of makeup and a healthy dose of deodorant, you grabbed your purse, cooler, and Javi’s directions before heading out the door. 
You couldn’t have been more grateful that your AC was deciding to cooperate in your car today, 1- Because your nerves already had you sweating enough, and 2- the fear of losing Javi’s directions out the open window of your car would have sent you over the edge. You drove the first half of your journey in silence, your free leg bouncing rapidly as you triple checked each turn on the directions. You tried to tell yourself there was nothing to worry about. You were a likable person, right? You pleaded with your brain to cut it out with the “what-if” scenarios, but you couldn’t help yourself. 
What if his dad is annoyed you’re coming over? What if he’s mad about how much time Javi has been spending with you? What if he thinks that your sandwiches are the worst that he’s ever had in his life? What if he just doesn’t like you? Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. 
Your knuckles clenched the steering wheel, as you tried to think of something to snap you out of your stress. Pulling down your overhead visor, you plucked through the CD’s you had stashed up there, grabbing your favorite hype music you and your brothers played before every hockey game. Skipping through the first few tracks, you cranked up the volume as a loud “OI, OI, OI” blasted through the speakers. You weren’t really sure that T.N.T. by AC/DC was an appropriate song to settle your nerves before meeting your boyfriend’s dad for the first time, but by the end of the song, you felt a little more relieved. With only a few more turns left in your trip, you lowered your music and took a few more deep breaths, composing yourself as you found yourself on your last step of directions, making your way down a long, dirt road. Along both sides, the road was lined with bright green fields of farmland, the long grass gently swaying from the breeze. You passed a few ranches spread few and far between each other, turning your head as you drove by to make sure none of them were your destination. As you approached the 5th house on the right, according to Javi’s directions, you breathed a sigh of relief as you turned into the driveway, greeted by a weathered sign reading “Peña Ranch.” 
The nervous feeling in your gut began to build again, palms sweaty as you pushed against the steering wheel, parking behind Javi’s truck like he had asked on the phone. As you turned off the ignition, you sat in your car for a few moments, working up your courage before exiting, grabbing your cooler and heading down the remainder of the gravel driveway to the front door. Looking around, you were amazed by the beautiful acres of farmland that surrounded the quaint ranch in front of you. Bushes of beautiful flowers lined the front of the house, colorful roses and hydrangeas creeping just below the big windows glistening in the sunshine. As you stepped on to the porch, you noticed two rocking chairs set side by side, slowly moving back and forth from the wind. You took one last deep breath as your free hand tightened to a fist, getting ready to tap on the front door. 
Knock, knock, knock. 
Knock, knock, knock. This time a little louder, more force behind your rapping knuckles. 
Still silent. 
“Hello?” you raised your voice slightly. 
No response. 
You stood there for a moment, wondering what to do. You weren’t just going to stand there like an idiot until someone came to answer, and you weren’t going to wander the property with a cooler full of sandwiches looking for Javi and his dad. You figured your next best bet was to try the door, hoping that maybe someone was inside and just hadn’t heard you. Hesitantly twisting the doorknob, you quietly let yourself in, gently closing the door behind you. 
Peeking through the doorway, you were greeted by the warm interior of the Peña home. The walls were painted in a soft, creamy beige, covered by pictures and portraits of who you assumed to be friends and family. The first picture in the entryway was of a beautiful woman who looked like she was laughing and dancing. She had long, dark curls and a vibrant smile, her laugh lines stretched across her cheeks. It couldn’t have been anyone besides Javi’s mother, their faces were practically identical. As you stepped further into the house through the living room, you found a picture of a baby in nothing but giant cowboy boots, hat, and diaper. You giggled to yourself, knowing that it had to be a little baby Javi, drowning in whoever had put him in full cowboy attire. 
“He was a cute baby, wasn’t he?” 
The voice behind you had scared you so badly, you practically jumped through the roof. 
“Oh, mija, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Chucho chuckled as you caught your breath. 
“Mr. Peña, I’m so sorry, I tried to knock and no one answered and I didn’t want to wander around and go anywhere I shouldn’t and I-” You fumbled over your words, flustered and embarrassed that the first time Javi’s dad ever saw you was staring at a picture of your boyfriend in a diaper. 
“Mija, sweetheart, please, call me Chucho. Señor Peña es mí papa. (Mr. Peña is my father.). You don’t need to apologize, that’s why the pictures are there, to be enjoyed. That one has always been one of my favorites.” He pointed back to Javi’s baby picture, you both laughing to yourselves. 
“He was a very cute baby.” You set down your things, outstretching your hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Chucho, I’m-“ 
Before you could finish, Chucho had already wrapped you in his arms, embracing you in a tight hug. He held you there for a few seconds, smiles both stretching across your faces. “I know who you are, mija. I am so glad to finally meet you. I have heard so much about you.” He leaned back from your hug, still holding the sides of your arms as his eyes glistened. “It has been so long since I have seen my Javier so happy. He absolutely lov-” 
“Pops! Give her some space, okay?” Javi’s familiar voice carried down the hallway behind you, cutting off the rest of his father’s sentence you were now very curious to hear the rest of. It didn’t take you long to become distracted by your thought, as Javi’s broad body strolled down the hallway, his gray t-shirt shirt clinging to his biceps, his sweat making his dark curls stick to his forehead. Even when he was a sweaty mess, he still looked delicious. 
“Relájate, hijo. Quería saludarme a mí futura nuera.” (Relax son. I just wanted to say hello to my future daughter in law.) Chucho’s smirk couldn’t have been any bigger, and Javi’s cheeks couldn’t have been any redder. 
“Pops, please stop.” Javi grumbled, obviously embarrassed. 
“What’d you say? Sorry, I’ve been trying to work on my Spanish since moving here.” You tried to politely interject, very curious as to what was making Javi so flustered. 
“Nothing, mija. Javier can tell you another time.” Chucho grinned, winking at his son as he rolled his eyes before burying his head in his hand. 
“Alright.” You smiled at Javi, his face still flushed. “Well, I have lots of food if you’re hungry! I brought sandwiches, if that’s okay.” You held up your cooler, gesturing to its contents. 
“Okay? More than okay, sweetheart. Thank you. I’m sure it is better than any lunch this old man could have thrown together. Javi, grab the cooler and some drinks, let’s head outside.” 
“Mr. Peñ-“ You paused, correcting yourself as Chucho grinned at you. “Chucho. Really, I don’t mind carrying it, it’s not that heavy. And there’s some Coke and beer in there already if you want some!” 
“Ella trajo cerveza? Ella te quiere mucho, Javier. La amo, tambien.” (And she brought beer? She really does love you, Javier. I love her too.)
“Jesus Christ…” Javi whispered under his breath. “Dad, please.” His voice a mix of firm and desperate. 
“Fine, fine.” He replied, swatting his hand at his son. “Gracias, mija. That was very kind of you.” 
“Of course.” You smiled as the three of you began walking through the kitchen and out to the back deck where a small picnic table sat in the shade of the overhang of the roof. The view from the back deck was breathtaking- miles of green pasture stretched across land, separated by a few lines of fencing housing sheep and cows to the right, and some horses to the left. “It’s absolutely beautiful here. Javi never told me how amazing it is.” You gave him a playful nudge as you sat down next to him, putting the cooler on the table and staring out in front of you. 
“Yeah, I don’t know, different when you see it every day, I guess.” Javi shrugged nonchalantly.
“Are you kidding? After living in a city for so long, I don’t think I’d ever get over waking up to this every morning. Beats ugly gray buildings and taxis any day of the week.” You turned around to see Javi quickly dart his eyes away, trying to play off the fact he hadn’t just been gawking at you for the past few seconds. 
“Thank you. I do love it here. Javier tells me you're from Chicago. Laredo must have been a big change for you, mija.” 
“I guess. I lived in the suburbs growing up so I wasn’t in the city my whole life. I actually had been to Laredo before I moved here, which is part of the reason why I picked it. My best friend came here in high school for her dad’s job and I would visit every summer. I always loved how peaceful it was. Don’t get me wrong, I love Chicago, but I absolutely love it here too.” You softly smirked at Javi, as his hand reached down to grasp your leg, rubbing his thumb along your knee under the table. “Please, have something to eat! I made a lot because I didn’t know what sandwiches you like, so hopefully there’s something in there you want.” 
Javi stood up to open the cooler and take out its contents, laughing and shaking his head as he saw what was inside. “Jesus Hermosa, were you planning on feeding an army today?” He started removing sandwich after sandwich, along with the rest of the cookies and chips.
“Sorry, I just didn’t know what people liked and-” You muttered, embarrassed by your excessive overpacking. 
“She is just like your mamá, Javier. Nunca puede tener demasiada comida. You can never have too much food, she would always say. Thank you, mija. It all looks wonderful.” 
You let out a small smile, relieved by his comment. “It’s the least I can do. I heard your project isn’t exactly going as planned so I wanted to do something small to help out.” 
“It’s been a shit show. Better now that you’re here.” Javi smirked. “Can you pass me the turkey sandwich? And a cookie? Wait, did you make these?” Pointing over to the ziploc bag the cookies were stored in. 
“Yeah, I made them yesterday. Had a feeling they were better here than sitting uneaten at my apartment.” You passed both items of food off to him. 
No surprise to you, Javi went straight for the cookie, taking a giant bite, not bothering to finish chewing before he spoke. “These are so fucking good.” 
“Javier, language! And chew with your mouth closed. You may have been raised on a ranch, but you weren’t born in a barn.” Chuchco scolded as you giggled. 
“Sorry.” He grumbled sheepishly. “They’re delicious, Osita. So is the sandwich.” he spoke before taking another mouthful. 
“Thanks, I had a feeling you’d like ‘em. So what can I help with after lunch is done? 
“Osita, I already told you, you don’t need to help with anything.” 
You crossed your arms, giving him a stern look. “You’re trying to tell me there’s not a single thing that I can help with? Nothing? Nothing at all?” 
“Well, I mean…” Chucho perked up, mid-bite on a handful of chips. 
“Dad. Seriously?” 
“What? She’s offering!” 
“I am, thank you, Chucho. See, listen to your dad, Javi.” You shrugged and raised an eyebrow at him defiantly. 
“Yes, Javier, listen to your father.” Chucho joined you in crossing his arms at his son, you and Chucho both laughing as Javi sighed. “Although I will agree with Javier on this one, mija. I have no doubt you are strong and willing to help, but I can’t ask you to help build this fence. Even with 6 grown men, this fence would have been hard to build. Although…”
“Pops, c’mon.” 
“I wasn’t going to ask her to help with the fence, Javier.” He swatted his hand at his son in annoyance. Chucho turned back to look at you. “Mija, have you gardened before?” This got Javi’s attention. He sat up a little straighter and leaned in to what his dad had to say. 
“Yes, actually! My mom had a garden of all kinds of things at our house when I was a kid. My brothers never wanted to take care of it because it was too girly, but I loved it.” 
Chucho let a soft smile creep across his face. “Perfect. Mija, the flowers around the house could use a little love. Watering, weeding, trimming down. I know it does not seem like a big job but it has been on my to-do list and I just haven’t gotten to it yet. Too much longer and it will be a jungle and too much for my old knees to handle on my own. Would you mind helping with that?” 
“Of course, I would love to!” You grinned, semi-relieved you weren’t going to have to embarrass yourself in front of Javi trying to pick up a post just to prove a point. 
“Bueno! These sandwiches were delicious, mija. Thank you, again. Let me show you where the tools are and then we will all be back to work.” 
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You and Javi followed Chucho hand in hand to the small tool shed on the outside of the barn. He grabbed a bucket, placing a few items inside before handing it off to Javi, even though you insisted you could carry it. Chucho showed you his preferred method of clipping and trimming around the flowers, along with his favorite weeding shovel and where the hose was to water when you were done. The whole time you and Chucho were talking, Javi watched in silence, his heart bursting at the sight of you two milling around the garden. As Chucho finished with his directions, you turned back around to see Javi, wiping away what you assumed was just sweat from under his eyes. 
“I think I got it all! Thanks, Chucho!”
“Of course, honey. We are out in the far left pasture, so if you need anything, you can call Javi’s phone from the future on our perfectly good phone in the house.” 
“You have it out for cell phones, too? Must be a dad thing, mine is the same way. I’ll call if I need anything.” Chucho nodded as he began making his way back to the pasture, Javi lingering behind for a few more moments. “I never did get to properly say hello to you.” You smirked, pulling your fingers beneath the belt loops on Javi’s jeans, bringing him closer to you as you both leaned in for a long, sweet kiss. 
“I think this hello works just fine.” Javi chuckled, his large hand cupping your face, calloused thumb rubbing back and forth against your cheek. “Thank you, Osita. This means so much to me. Meeting my dad, bringing food, offering to help. I just- Thank you.” 
“Of course. I’m so glad I got to finally meet your dad. He’s hilarious. I think he was just worried that I was gonna be too strong helping with the fence and he didn’t want to embarrass you like that.” 
“You love it.” 
“I do.” 
I do. It was soft and tender and sweet and somehow screamed in your ear at the same time. It made your heart race and your cheeks flushed as he pulled the hand already resting on your jaw closer to his, the kiss between you so gentle, yet powerful all at once. It felt like your lips were barely touching, yet somehow it still felt like they were crashing together, like a wave on the beach in a stormy sea. You pulled away from each other, slow and breathless, eyes locking and mouths still hanging half open. A kiss that left you both dumbfounded and speechless. 
“I uh, I should um, probably go help my dad.” 
“Yeah, I um, yeah, I should probably get to work on these flowers.” 
Both of your voices barely carried above a whisper. You slowly backed away from each other, stupid smiles spread across your cheeks as you bit down on your bottom lip to try and keep your grin from growing any wider. 
“If you need anything just-“ He gestured down to his pocket where was carrying his phone. 
“Just call your cell phone, I know.” 
As Javi’s body turned to walk towards his dad, his eyes stayed glued on you. So much so, that neither of you noticed the garden bucket he was about to trip over before it was too late. With one wrong step, Javi lost his footing and took several tumbling steps before planting his hands on the ground and pushing himself back up to stand. You were trying your hardest not to burst out into laughter, but you couldn’t help yourself. 
“Stupid fucking bucket…” Javi mumbled to himself. 
“Watch out for those buckets, they’ll getcha.” You yelled mockingly between your hysterical laughter. 
“I didn’t see it.” 
“Then watch where you’re going next time!” 
“It isn’t that funny.” 
“It is a little funny.” You still chuckled to yourself. 
Out of witty responses, Javi only shook his head at you before disappearing behind the house. Around the corner, he found his father, also laughing in hysterics, barely getting his words out over his snorts. 
“Got distracted by something while you were walking?” 
“Fuck. Did you see that too?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, hijo.” 
“Goddamnit.” Javi put one hand on his hip and the other palming his face. 
“Ah, to be young and blinded by love again.” Chucho shook his head as he began walking out towards the field. 
“Dad, please, for the love of-“ Javi pinched his fingers against the bridge of his nose as Chucho cut off the rest of his sentence. 
“I know, I know, I will leave it alone… for now.” He winked at Javi as the two men made their way back out into the field, Javi peeking around the house to take one last look at you before he left. 
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If there was one thing that you had learned since moving to Texas, it was that it got hot. Fast. You truly didn’t mind the heat- it beat the terrible midwest winters you had dealt with every year since childhood. But you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel like you slowly melting away only after a few hours out in the blazing sun. Beads of sweat pooled on your forehead as you clipped all of your hair up and out of your face, hating the feeling of it wet and sticky against your neck. Your shirt was practically drenched from the sun hitting your back for so long. You were thankful that you were getting closer to being finished, only leaving watering the flowers as your last step. If this was your own garden, you would have been weeding and trimming at a lightning fast pace, but something about the way Chucho had so tenderly clipped each branch and gently tugged each weed made you slow down and take your time with every step. Given the way you had watched Javi curiously perk up as his dad had offered you the task made you feel like this wasn’t a job that he would have offered to just anyone. The last thing you wanted to do was mess it up. As you made your way around the edge of the house, leaving only the last few bushes, you noticed a large, flat stone at the base of one of the hydrangea plants. You squatted down next to it, using your hand to dust off the dirt covering the top, plucking some weeds growing around the edges. Under the dirt, your fingers began to trace over indents in the rock that felt like letters. With a few more swipes of your hand, you were able to make out the words under the soil. 
Lucia’s Garden 
You sat there for a few moments, rubbing your fingers gently over the indents in the stone, lost in thought as you imagined the vibrant image of Javi’s mother amongst the equally bright and beautiful flower garden. 
“Hey, Osita.” Even though the voice was soft and familiar, you had definitely not heard Javi creep up behind you, and when his strong and calloused hands rested on top of your shoulders, you just about jumped out of your skin. 
“Ah! Jesus, what is it with the Peña men and absolutely scaring the shit out of me today?” You jumped up, catching your breath as Javi rested his hands on the outside of your arms as you turned towards him. He laughed softly to himself as you regained your composure. “I wasn’t expecting to see you for a while. Not that I’m mad about it, but I find it very unlikely you and your dad are already done with the fence. Unless you both have some crazy superpowers, besides sneaking up on people, that I don’t know about.” 
He chuckled, as he placed his hand under your chin, tilting it up towards him as he gently wiped a smudge of dirt off of your cheek. “No, not done yet. But, I did just get a call that the guys who were supposed to come help. They’re back on the road and should be here soon, and they were able to bring a few extra people with them with building. So, I was able to convince Pops that they had enough help with the fence, that you could come help me do the rest of the chores around the ranch for the night, if you want.” 
“I thought you said you weren’t gonna let me help with anything.” You crossed your arms and smirked at him, raising an eyebrow. 
“I mean if you don’t wanna see the animals,” he said, putting a knowing emphasis on the word, “then that’s fine I guess-”
“Wait. That’s what this is?! We get to go see the animals?! Why didn’t you say that first, dummy, let’s go!” You shrieked, practically dragging Javi away. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever met someone so excited to feed cows.” 
“AND we get to feed them?! This is really turning out to be way better than anything I had planned.” 
“You’re ridiculous, Osita.” He laughed as he smiled at you, finding it both hilarious and absolutely adorable at how excited you were. Here you were, covered in dirt and sweat, practically begging him to walk through a smelly barn to feed even smellier animals, all because it meant you got to be with him. Him. He truly needed someone to pinch him, because he was convinced he had to be dreaming. Well, if he was, he guessed he could let that dream keep going just a little longer. 
“I don’t understand how you don’t think this is the coolest thing. What do we have to do first?” You looked up at him, eyes glistening with excitement. 
“We'll stop at the barn and get some hay and feed, then take the truck out to them.” 
“What are we waiting for then? Let’s go!” 
You both hopped into Javi’s truck and headed towards the barn. While it was only less than a minute away, Javi wasted no time gripping his hand over your bare thigh, stroking his thumb back and forth over your skin as he drove. 
“Do you wanna wait in here while I get stuff?” He asked gently as he put the truck in park pulling up to the barn, still rubbing his hand against your knee. 
“That is the stupidest question you have asked me all day. If I’m here to help, I want the full Peña Ranch experience.” You quickly unbuckled yourself as you opened the passenger door, sliding out. Javi shook his head and laughed to himself as he followed behind you. 
“You really want the full experience?” He stood facing you, arms crossed over his chest with a smug look on his face. 
“Yes! I told you, I’m here to help. Don’t take it easy on me, Peña.” You mirrored his stance, leaning into your hip and shrugging your shoulders. 
“Okay.” He chuckled as he opened the barn door and then stood back to lean against the back of the truck. “We need four bales of hay and 2 buckets of feed. All you, Osita.” He motioned to the barn wall, stacked high with bales of hay from end to end. 
“Easy.” You reached your hands above your head to stretch before you walked over to the hay, Javi standing and watching. “How heavy can they be? It’s just hay!” You leaned over the closest bale, reaching down to the two strings binding it together to pick it up. Oh shit. This was WAY heavier than you thought, but there was no turning back now. Taking a deep breath, you grimaced your face as you tried to lift the bale as high off the ground as you could, shuffling awkwardly towards the truck. You let out a much louder than intended grunt as you heaved the bale of hay up into the truck bed, letting out a few deep breaths and putting your hands on your hips after you finished, trying as hard as you could to play off the fact that the task was much more difficult than expected. “See?” Your words heavy between each pant. “Easy.’ 
“Do you want to go get the buckets of feed while I finish the hay? Or was it so easy that you wanna do the rest of them?” Javi smirked. 
“I mean, I guess if I’m getting the full experience, I should probably learn how to get the feed too. ” You replied, trying to hide the fact you were still trying to catch your breath. 
“Okay, Osita, whatever you say.” He winked, smirk still spread across his face. “There’s some barrels back there labeled with feed. You can put 3 scoops in the red bucket and 3 in the blue. Should be easy.” He leaned down to give you a quick kiss before making his way over to the hay bales. 
“Pendejo…” You muttered to yourself. 
“You love it.” He teased, easily lifting a bale and tossing it into the truck. 
Thankfully, the feed was nowhere near as heavy as the hay, and you were able to carry both buckets over to the truck where Javi was waiting for you. “You want me to put those in the truck for you, or are they easy too?” Javi mocked, clearly getting enjoyment out of your stubbornness.
“Oh shut up, I just wasn’t expecting the hay to be that heavy.” Your grumbles and defeat quickly turning into giggles and smiles as Javi lifted you up and sat you on the edge of the truck bed, his arms placed outside your hips as he leaned in to pepper you with ticklish kisses across your neck and face. “It would be so much harder to be mad at you if you weren’t the hottest cowboy I’ve ever seen. Didn’t know I had a thing for them until you showed up all hot and sweaty and handsome and I’ve been trying so hard to not get distracted, especially considering we’re hanging out with your dad, but you’re making it very difficult for me.”
“You don’t think it’s been any easier for me watching you just walk around in those jean shorts all day? Jesus, Osita, you’re fucking killing me.” He planted another hot, wet kiss on your neck as his hands shifted, running up and down your thighs. You could feel heat flushing over your cheeks as you felt arousal build in your belly. 
“Javi, we cannot do this here, we’re at your dad’s house. I want him to like me, I don’t need him to catch us screwing around here.” Your breaths slowly turned into moans, making your argument less and less convincing to Javi as he had his fingertips gripping into your hips, pulling you close to him as his kisses crept up your neck and along your jaw. 
“He already loves you, hermosa. Don’t worry, I have it figured out. You’ll see.” He pulled his lips off you, suddenly, winking before walking away towards the driver’s side door, leaving you sitting on the truck bed, worked up and desperate. 
“Wait, woah, what? What do you mean you have it figured out? You can’t just do that and walk away!” You scrambled off the truck bed, hopping into the truck with him. 
“C’mon, Osita. We have cows to feed, remember?” With the way this man kissed you, you were lucky if you could remember your name after he was done. 
Feeding cows and sexual tension were two things that you would have never thought would have gone hand in hand, but here you were, barely holding it together as you looked over at Javi. His aviators perched on his strong nose, gray shirt stretching across his broad shoulders, the width of his hands around your leg? You sure hope whatever mystery he had planned was coming soon because your self restraint was starting to run thin. That was, until you looked out the truck. 
“YOU DIDN’T TELL ME THERE WERE BABY COWS?” You practically jumped out of the passenger door as the truck pulled to a stop, speeding up to the fence where four calves were waiting for you. “Can I pet them? They’re so cute!” You hadn’t even bothered to help Javi haul the food out of the truck bed as you reached out to scratch the bridges of each little cow’s nose. 
“I figured you’d like these guys. Hola, chiquitos. Tienes hambre? (Hi, little ones. Are you hungry?). He cooed in a sweet, soft voice that made your heart melt. “Do you wanna feed them while I take care of the others?” 
“Is this gonna be another hay bale situation?” You joked sarcastically, scratching under one of the cow’s chins. 
“No, this one is actually fun. Hold on.” He went back over to the truck, pulling out 4 large bottles that he must have grabbed while you were getting the rest of the feed. “They’re not old enough for grain feed yet, so they’re still bottle fed.” He passed one of the containers off to you, before grabbing his own to demonstrate. “All you have to do is hold it with both hands and let them drink out of it until it’s empty. Each calf gets one. They’re cute, but don’t let ‘em fool you, they’re still strong, and very hungry.” 
“Got it.” You replied, taking the bottle in both hands, the calves beginning to moo as they caught a glimpse of their food. You held it up as the cow’s tongues shot out of their mouths before one of them latched on to the bottle. You giggled as the calf sucked out of the container, Javi smiling at your enjoyment as he grabbed a bale and made his way further down the fence to feed the rest of the herd.  
“Ringo is very strong.” You grunted, gripping on to your final bottle as Javi approached you again, finished with his feeding duties. “At least he’s nicer than George, he tried to bite John and Paul when it was their turn to eat!” 
“Hermosa, who are you talking about?” Javi laughed, amused at the sight of you trying to keep the calf from ripping the bottle out of your hands. 
“The cows! They needed better names than 6, 14, 27 and 31, which was all their tags said. And there’s four of them, so I figured they could be the Beatles! John, Paul, Ringo and George!” 
“Normally, we don’t name them, it’s too hard to keep track of, that’s why they have numbers. Also, all these calves are girls.” He still laughed to himself as he leaned down to pick up the empty bottles and put them back in the truck. 
“Oh… Well, it doesn’t matter, I think their names are still cute, who cares. More fun than the numbers.” You nudged Javi playfully as you pulled the empty bottle away before throwing in the truck bed with the others. “Bye, Beatles!” You waved at the cows before hopping back into the truck. 
“You’re such a dork.” 
“Well at least I’m your dork.” 
“Yeah, I’m glad you are. You ready to head back?” 
“Let’s go cowboy.” 
As you headed down the dirt path, you could see the sun slowly starting to dip beneath the clouds, painting the sky to a beautiful orange and pink. You leaned over the center console, resting your head on Javi’s shoulder, as you snaked your arm under his, gently squeezing his hand as your fingers interlocked. There was something so peaceful and perfect about the moment, how you could almost feel the threads of each of your lives slowly becoming more intertwined with each moment you spent together. You could spend a million more nights just like these just sitting by his side, driving anywhere to do anything. It didn’t matter, as long as you were with him. You were so caught up in the beautiful fantasy of the moment, that you hadn’t even heard him over your daydreaming.
“Sorry, what did you say?” You shook your head, coming to. 
“I uh, I know you’ve already spent a lot of time here today with me and my dad, so you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I was um, wondering if you wanted to stay for dinner? Maybe spend the night here?” He shifted slightly in his seat, his fingers tapping anxiously on the steering wheel as he looked at you with his sweet, puppy dog eyes. 
“Really?” Your face lit up instantly, thrilled by the fact Javi wanted to spend more time with him and his dad. 
“Yeah, like I said, um, don’t feel like you have to, but-” 
“Javi.” You paused, gazing back at him. “I would love to.” You gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as you leaned back over to rest your head against him again as you pulled back up to the house. As Javi put the truck in park and you pushed on the handle to open the door to hop out, you felt a tug against your wrist, drawing you back in. You turned back, Javi’s eyes looking you up and down, his tongue darting out between his lips before clenching his jaw. Without saying a word, you shifted back in your seat, Javi’s hands engulfing your face, as he pulled you in, meeting his lips with yours. As your mouths crashed into each other, you could feel your heart race, electricity flowing through your veins, feeling Javi pull you closer to him. There was something so desperate about it, like he was holding in something he wanted to scream at the top of his lungs that he just couldn’t say. 
I want you. I need you. I love you. 
You hoped those were the words sealed between his kisses. You hoped he felt the plea of your kiss, too. 
I want you, too. I need you, too. I love you, too. 
As you both slowly pulled away, your heavy breaths mingled in the few inches left between your parted lips, Javi’s traced soft and tender circles around the line of your jaw. 
“I really like you, Osita.” 
“I really like you too, Javi.” 
Those were the best words you could muster from the silent screams of your kiss. Those words would have to do, for now. 
“Do you wanna head inside? I’m sure your dad’s probably waiting for us.” You asked, regrettably. 
“I really don’t want to, but we probably should.” He huffed as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear, giving you one last kiss on the head before you made your way in the house. 
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As you entered through the front door, you could already hear Chucho in the kitchen tinkering with pots and pans and singing along to the Spanish radio station in the background. “So, do we have a guest for dinner?” Chucho spoke in between lines of the song, hearing that you and Javi had come through the front door. 
“If that’s okay?” You replied, now making your way into the kitchen to see the array of food that Chucho had spread across the countertops. 
“More than okay, mija. I’d hope you’d stay.” He said with a soft smile as he wiped his hands the apron he was wearing, worn and faded letters across the front reading “Besar a Cocinero” (kiss the cook). 
Rubbing his hand against the small of your back (grazing dangerously close over ass) as he stood behind you, Javi looked down and smiled. “Osita, do you wanna take a shower before dinner? I can throw all your clothes in the wash too if you want?” 
“What? Are you saying I smell bad?” You took a step back, crossing your arms against your chest. 
“Well, no, I mean, uh-” Javi tripped over his words. 
“Javi, oh my gosh, I’m just kidding.” You said, playfully swatting at him. “I know I probably smell like a troll, so a shower would be great. I didn’t bring any extra clothes, though.” 
“A cute troll, at least.” Javi laughed, having to remind himself that the majority of the things that came out of your mouth were completely unserious. “You can borrow some of mine until yours are clean. Here, I’ll show you where the shower is.” He took you by the hand as he led you down the hallway, stopping at the first door on the right, leading into Javi’s bedroom. His room was neat and minimal, not much in it besides his bed, dresser, desk and a bookshelf with some scattered picture frames and a few unpacked boxes in one of the corners. You stood there for a moment, looking around at the space as Javi walked across the room to open the door where his bathroom was. “Shower’s in there, towel’s hanging up on the door, and I’ll set some clothes out for you on the bed when you’re done.” 
“Thanks.” You smiled as you bit down on your lip, taking a slight step towards him. “You um, probably want my clothes I’m wearing right now for the laundry, right?” 
You had been trying so hard to not completely fall apart at the sight of Javi all day. Especially with wanting to make a good impression on his dad, it took everything in you to keep yourself from crawling all over him from the minute you walked through the door. You knew there was nothing you could really do about it right now, but Javi’s not so subtle point to close and lock his bedroom door also hadn’t gone unnoticed. Slowly, you stretched your arms over your head to strip your T-shirt, dropping it on the floor as Javi’s jaw went slack, his eyes undressing you faster than you could undress yourself. You undid the button and zipper to your shorts, pushing them down your hips as they dropped around your ankles, leaving you in just your bra and underwear, and Javi just about speechless.  
“Fuck me.” He whispered to himself as he stepped into you, wrapping his arms around your waist, his big hands sliding up your back as he unclipped your bra, helping it slide off your shoulders before tossing it into the pile of the rest of your clothes. You let out a silent moan as he kissed down your chest, his tongue flicking against each of your pebbled nipples as his hands worked down your hips, his fingers hooking under the waistband of your panties, pulling them down your legs before they fell to the floor. You could feel his bulge straining against the denim of his jeans pressed against your leg as he ran his hands up and down your curves, planting hot and heavy kisses across your body. You wished so badly that he could toss you on his bed and fuck you right then and there, but you had to keep reminding yourself that his dad was only a few feet from Javi’s room before you got too carried away, a fact that Javi seemed to have forgotten given the way he was all over you. 
You outstretched your neck to nip at his ear letting out a long and shaky breath before you whispered. “I think you got all the clothes you need, I’m gonna get in the shower now.” You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as you pulled away from his grasp, shooting him a quick wink as you giggled, closing the door to the bathroom. You left Javi standing in the middle of his room, breathless and riled up as he stood next to the pile of your clothes on the floor. He placed one hand on his hip, the other running through the dark locks of his hair before reaching down to grab your clothes as he mumbled to himself. 
“God, I’m so fucked.” 
You felt like a new person stepping out of the shower now that you had scrubbed yourself clean of the dirt, sweat and grime from the day. You wrapped yourself up in the fluffy navy blue towel that Javi had left for you, drying the damp ends of your hair before opening the door to step back into Javi’s bedroom. Sitting on top of the plaid comforter that covered his bed, you noticed a pile of clothes Javi had left for you with a post it note placed on top. You picked it up, laughing to yourself as you read it. 
Hope these clothes are okay. Sweatshirt and sweatpants are for later, gets cold outside at night. FYI, payback’s a bitch. 
See you soon, beautiful, 
Wondering what Javi had planned for outside, you set the gray sweatpants and maroon crewneck aside, picking up the white t-shirt with “Texas A&M Swimming” written across the front. You slipped it on over your head before shuffling on the black pair of cotton sleep shorts Javi had left for you, rolling them up a few times so they didn’t slide down your waist. You reached for the doorknob of the bedroom, opening it slightly as you heard Javi and his dad’s voices from the kitchen, listening in on their conversation. 
“I know Dad, believe me. I’ll tell her, just… I can’t yet. I don’t wanna fuck this up.” 
“Well don’t take too long. She is a special girl, Javier. You and I both know it. Don’t you think there was a reason I let her tend to your mamá’s garden? You know very well I don’t trust just anyone with Lucia’s flowers. I barely trust you. She would always tell me how much she couldn’t wait for you to bring home a woman you loved, a daughter to have to spend time with there. Dios la bendiga (God bless her), I wish she could have met her. Your mother would have loved her. You two are perfect for each other. Ella es tú media naranja. (She is your better half, your soulmate). I know you love her, Javier. I find it very hard to believe that she doesn’t love you too.” 
I want to tell her. I know you love her. She loves you too. 
The words rung in your ears as your heart felt like it was going to pound out of your chest. Your mouth hung open as heat crept up your cheeks, your mouth stretching with the widest, stupidest grin. Holy shit. Part of you wished you hadn’t heard it, only because now it was taking every ounce of you to not bust through the door, kiss his sweet face and tell him how much you loved him too. Thank God there was a part of your lovestruck brain that still had some sense of awareness left to it, as you heard the thumps of Javi’s footsteps towards the door, followed by a “I’m just gonna see if she needs anything before I get in the shower.” You scrambled back from the door, trying to do anything you could to make it look like you hadn’t just overheard the conversation in the kitchen. You pretended to fold your damp towel as Javi opened the door, leaning against the frame. 
“Hey, you’re done! Shower okay? Tried to find whatever I could I thought would fit you best.” 
“Yeah, great! Shower was great, clothes fit great, everything is great. Perfect.” The words spilled out of your mouth in the least casual way possible, sounding frantic and panicked as they fell from your lips. 
“Osita, you okay? Are the clothes not comfortable? I can get you different ones? Or if you’re worried about spending time with just you and my dad while I’m in the shower, I-” 
You cut him off, standing up on your tiptoes and balling up the shirt covering his chest in your fists as you reached up to press your lips into his, lingering for as long as you could before breaking away. “I’m sorry, everything is perfect. Seriously. You just surprised me when you came in. I’m excited to spend time with your dad and the clothes are just fine. Not sure what I’m gonna need these sweatpants and sweatshirt for but I’m excited to find out.” 
He let out a small huff of relief as he ran his fingers through the wet ends of your hair before kissing the top of your head. “Like I said, I’ve got it all taken care of, you’ll see. I just have to shower real quick, and Pops said food should be done real soon. Does that work?” 
“Absolutely. Have a good shower, ya stinky cowboy.” You winked as you gave his butt a quick squeeze before heading out into the kitchen. 
“Ah, Mija!” Chucho’s cheerful greeting making you smile as he milled around the kitchen, whistling along to the upbeat song on the radio. “I hope you’re hungry! It seems like I am getting in the habit of making way too much food. I am glad we have an extra mouth with us tonight to help us.” 
“I’m glad to be here! I’m starving. Is there anything else you need help with?” You asked, looking around at even more photos that hung in the kitchen, quickly realizing how fond Chucho was of displaying his loved ones in every inch of the house. You caught a glimpse of another photo of Javi hanging above the dining room table, this one of him in a cap and gown, holding his diploma as he stood next to his mother and father, proud looks beaming across their faces. Chucho noticed you staring, his heart warmed by the genuine interest you seemed to have of his life in photos spread across his home. 
“No, honey. Already finished, just cleaning up a few things, but that can wait for later. That’s when Javier graduated from college. We were so proud of him.” He gestured, pointing over to the picture you were staring at. 
“Yeah, I bet. You can tell from the picture how happy you are for him. It’s very sweet.” You smiled, seeing how much both of his parents loved and cared for Javi. 
“Do you want to see more?” You turned around to face Chucho, almost giddy with excitement. 
“More what? More pictures? Yes please!” You grinned. 
“Perfecto. Take a seat, Mija, I’ll be right back.” He pointed over to the kitchen chair as he made his way over to the living room, rustling around and returning with 4 large stacks of photo albums. “I’m glad you asked about these now, Javier would kill me if he saw me getting all of these out for you, but they are too good not to share. Here, start with this one.” He opened up the first book with a worn, brown leather cover, flipping to the first page. It was filled with pictures of Javi’s mom, still pregnant and setting up the nursery, followed by newborn Javi, face scrunched and covered in a dark brown head of hair. “Lucia was so excited when she found out she was pregnant. We had tried for so long, and by some miracle, along came sweet Javier. Oh, did she love him.” He spoke as you continued flipping through the pages, smiling with each turn, honored to hear about Javi’s life, long before your paths crossed. “Oh, this is a good one!” He stopped you, pointing to a photo of Javi, who couldn’t have been older than 3 or 4, sitting on top of a cow with a sweet, toothy grin. “He’s always loved animals. He would cry every night, mamácita, papácita, mas vacas, por favor! (Mommy, Daddy, more cows, please!) because he loved listening to those cows moo so much.” 
“That’s so adorable. It’s so nice that you have so many photos of him.” You smiled, opening up the next book on the table. 
“Good to have memories of all of the moments that live in your heart.” Chucho sighed as you flipped to a photo of Javi blowing out candles on a birthday cake, sitting on his mother’s lap, as she cheered for her son.  
“Jesus, Pops, are you serious?” Javi rolled his eyes as he strolled into the kitchen, setting down your extra sweatpants and shirt on the counter before running his towel through his damp curls, knowing exactly what his dad was up to. 
“Javi, you were such a cute kid! What happened?” You and Chucho snickered to yourself as Javi put a hand on his hip, running his tongue across his teeth, trying his best to not give away the fact he couldn’t have been happier to see how well the two of you were getting along. 
“Fine, fine. Looks like we’ve been busted, Mija. We’ll save the rest of these for another time.” He chuckled as he scooped up the photo books, bringing them back to the living room. 
“You’re no fun.” You nudged Javi, as he stood next to you, now freshly showered and wearing a dark blue shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants that were about to make you fall out of your chair. 
“You should be thanking me. I’m saving you from all the awful, awkward photos of me from after I was a cute kid.” 
“But those are the best ones! Besides, with how handsome you are, I have a very hard time believing you ever went through an awkward stage.” 
“And that’s why the rest of the photo books are getting put away.” He laughed as rested his hands on your shoulders as he stood behind your chair. “Dinner ready, Pops?” 
“Sí, on the counter, in the bag ready to go.” He pointed to the counter where a large brown paper sat. 
“Wait,” You paused, confused by the exchange. “Why is it in a bag? I thought we were eating dinner together here?” Your brows scrunched in surprise as you looked back and forth between Javi and his dad. 
“Don’t worry about me, mija. I’ve already taken up too much of your time. Besides, señor romance tiene otros planes.” (Mr. Romance has other plans). 
“Oh, so what are these plans, Mr. Romance?” You giggled, you and Chucho equally enjoying the embarrassing Hell you had both put him through today. 
“Jesus Christ. Alright, we’re going now, bye Pops.” He mumbled as he grabbed the extra clothes and food from the counter, you following close behind him as you made your way to the front door. 
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“Alright, so where are we off too, Mr. Romance?” You giggled as Javi started up the truck after throwing the food and clothes in the backseat. “I hope whatever you’re doing is because you think I don’t want to spend time with your dad.” 
“Osita, that is the least of my worries. You two together are turning out to be a much bigger pain in my ass than I ever expected.” He joked as the two of you laughed, both relieved by how well you had been getting along with his dad. “No I just, I know I said it before, but I’m so glad you came today. You didn’t have to do any of this, no one… no one’s ever done anything like this for me before. Just, I don’t, I, um-” 
You slipped your fingers between his free hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Of course, Javi.” Had no one ever really done something this nice for him? In your mind, today couldn’t have been an easier decision. You were so glad that he was letting you into his life- to meet his dad, to see where he grew up, to learn more about his past and what shaped him into the man that had your heart. It killed you to think that something like this was something he’d never had. “So, is this what you kept telling me you had planned today? Where are we going? Are we eating there? Is it outside?” 
“Jesus, you really do hate surprises, don’t you? Remind me to never throw you a surprise birthday party. Don’t worry, you’ll see. You trust me?” 
“Yes, of course.” 
“Good. Close your eyes.” 
“Close my eyes, what are you-”
“Osita, please.” 
“Fine, fine.”
You leaned your head back over onto his shoulder, closing your eyes as you drove in a comfortable silence, bright golden sunset spilling into the windows of the truck as traveled along the worn dirt path. Between a gap in the fencing along the side of the gravel road, Javi turned, driving the truck through part of the open field before swinging it around, turning the front of the car facing the direction you came. 
“Can I open my eyes yet?” 
“What happened to you being so patient? Keep them closed, give me one minute.” 
“Not even a little peek?” 
“Okay, okay, no peeking, I swear!” You kept your eyes shut as you heard the door close on Javi’s side of the truck, the backdoor also opening and closing after he shuffled around, grabbing what you assumed were the things from the backseat. You heard the bed of the truck slam down before Javi was back rustling around in the front of the truck, reaching over your lap into the CD’s. You could hear him quickly pick one out before sliding it into the CD player, the “Rumors” album by Fleetwood Mac now playing over the speakers. 
“Good pick.” You smiled, eyes still shut tight. “You almost done yet, Mr. Romance? Or is this how I finally go? You’ve hid the axe murderer act long enough and now you’re gonna bury me out in the field, never to be seen again? I guess it is clever on your part.” You laughed to yourself, knowing what the look on Javi’s face must have been as he rolled his eyes at you, even if yours were still scrunched shut. You heard him shuffle out, opening your side of the car. 
“Give me your hand, you dork.” You felt his palm under yours as your fingers wrapped around his wrist as his other hand held your hip, helping you scoot out of the truck. He guided you to take a few steps before releasing your hand. “Okay, now you can open.” 
You wanted to give him some witty remark, a sarcastic jab, anything to give him a hard time about how he had made you wait for whatever this mystery surprise was, but as you opened your eyes, you were left speechless. Looking out in front of you, you saw nothing but miles of green grass, hills rolling up and down along the horizon as far as the eye could see as the sunset bursted with a ferocious orange and pink glow, peeking just above the clouds, slowly getting ready to sink into the land below. “Javi…” You paused for a moment as you took in the view. “This is beautiful.” 
“Yeah, it is.” With Javi standing behind you, you assumed that he too, was taking in the spectacular view. And to him, he was. It just wasn't the sunset that he was referring to. 
You turned around, remembering the rustling you had heard in the backseat, wondering what Javi had been doing in the truck bed. The back of the truck was filled with blankets and pillows with Chucho’s bag of food sitting on the edge. Still speechless, you stared back at Javi awestruck by the moment. “C’mere.” He said, patting  the truck bed, lifting you up and following close behind you. You both snuggled in under the blankets, Javi wrapping his arm around you as you laid into his chest, watching the sun slowly fade away behind the clouds. “Good surprise?” He leaned into you, his fingers tracing gentle circles along your arm. 
“Great surprise.” 
Reaching his hand across your body, he cupped the side of your face, turning it toward his as his lips gently pressed against yours. He pulled back for a moment, foreheads pressed against each other, mouths barely separated, like he was looking for the right words to say but he just couldn’t find them. “Kiss me.” You whispered. “Kiss me, Javi.” 
You could feel your weight shift as Javi rolled you over, his body now hovering over yours as your mouths crashed together in a way that was deep and intense without being frantic or rushed. His tongue dipped in your mouth, your lips parted between soft, breathy moans, pressing his body deeper into yours with each kiss. “Javi…” You whined, ache building between your legs as you felt his length pressed against you from his sweatpants, already hard and heavy against your thigh. He slowly began to make his way down your body, hot, wet kisses covering your belly as he pushed your shirt further up your body. He tugged at the waistband of your shorts, carefully helping you shimmy them down as his hand dipped between your legs, his fingers barely grazing against your entrance. “Javi, pleaseeee.” You moaned again, begging to have him do something to ease the throbbing burning in your core. 
The sweet whispers of his name on your lips made his cock twitch. Early today, after you had wrecked him in his bedroom, teasing him as you stripped your clothes in front of him before getting in the shower, he was going to take his sweet time, making you beg for his touch. But as he took you in, every beautiful inch of you, his willpower crumbled in an instant. He wanted nothing more than to fuck you slow and deep, for you to feel all of him, to watch you come undone as you whispered his name, pulling him closer and closer into you with each stroke. He wanted to fuck you so that you could feel those 3 words he just couldn’t say to you yet. 
“I know, baby.” His fingertips pressing just a little further, feeling how absolutely soaked you already were. “Wanna take my time with you, okay? Wanna make you feel good.” His voice sent shivers down your spine as you nodded, his fingers now slowly sinking deeper into you, making your back arch from his touch. He kissed along the inside of your thighs as his calloused thumb began to gently rub around your clit, his fingers already drenched as they began to steadily rock in and out of you. His kisses made their way from your thighs to your clit as he carefully flicked his tongue, applying just enough pressure to make you squirm underneath him. “Always so wet for me, pretty girl.” The hot breath of his words danced along your heat as his dark brown eyes locked with yours. He dipped his head back down, licking a long, broad strip against your bundle of nerves as you rocked your hips back and forth over his fingers. His tongue swirled around your clit, knowing exactly how to make you fall apart as you moaned with each touch. 
“It feels so good, Javi. Fuck, babyyyy.” You whined, feeling your cunt clenching tighter and tighter around his thick fingers as his mouth worked its magic between your legs. With each thrust of his hand and lap of his tongue, you could feel yourself getting closer and closer, the pressure in your stomach starting to build, your breaths heavy and shaky. 
“I know you’re close, Osita. Let go, baby. Come for me. I got you.” He knew his words were just what you needed to send you over the edge. With a few more thrusts of his hands, he could feel your pussy flutter around his fingers. 
“Javi, Javi, Javi, Jaaahhhhh-” You whimpered as you felt the heat grow at the base of your spine, pleasure shooting through your body as you came around his fingers, your jaw slack as you felt your legs shake. 
“Such a good girl for me, Hermosa. My good fucking girl. Tastes so sweet, baby.” He praised, slowly pulling his hand out of your heat, dipping his fingers into his mouth, sucking your juices off of them. He sat up on his knees, still between your legs, the outline of his already hard dick pressed against his sweatpants as he pushed them down his hips before pulling his shirt over his head, tossing it to the side. He leaned back down over you, grabbing one of the blankets by his feet to cover your bodies. 
“Are you afraid a cow’s gonna see your bare ass?”  You giggled, still coming down from your high as you gestured to the blanket now covering both of you. His arms outstretched outside of your shoulders as you laid on your back, he joined in your laughter, dropping his forehead down and burying his face in the crook of your neck. 
“You’re ridiculous, Osita. Fuck, I love it. I love everything about you. Fuck. You’re fucking perfect.” He stared at you for a moment, his sweet brown eyes taking in all of you, like he couldn’t believe you were real. That you were his.
 He swallowed, his mouth parted like there was more he was desperate to say but couldn’t quite get out. You pushed your head up off of the pillow underneath you, gently pressing his lips against yours, his hand shifting you cradle the back of your head, his fingers tugging at the ends of your hair as he set you back down. He shifted back slightly, using his hand to stroke himself a few times before flushing his hips against yours, his cock lined up with your entrance. Neither of you said anything, feeling at a loss for words in the moment, both of you silently seeming to agree that something about now felt different than all the other times before. You barely nodded your head as Javi slowly sank into you, taking his time, letting you adjust to him inch by inch before bottoming out, stopping for a moment as you let out a soft moan that Javi quickly swallowed with a kiss. He began to rock his hips back and forth, taking his time, gradually filling you deeper and harder with each thrust, his whispers hot against your neck. 
“Fuck baby, I’ll never get enough of you. My fuckin’ perfect girl.” 
“Javiiiii” You whined, your arms wrapping around back, nails pressing into his shoulders as his cock hit the spot inside you that lit you ablaze. His hand snaked between your bodies, reaching down to rub your clit, still slow, taking his time with each graze of his fingertips as his pace held deep and steady. Every thrust in and out of his hips had you wrecked as he filled you so deeply and intensely, moaning his name as you wrapped your legs around the small of his back, doing anything you could to bring him closer to you. 
“I know, Hermosa, I know. Does it feel good, baby? Knowing you’re mine? That you’re the only one I ever wanna make feel like this?” 
His words had you whimpering as he nipped at your neck, his hand gripping on your hip, thrusts becoming faster from your sounds. “Oh my god, yes, Javi. Fuck, it’s all yours. I’m all yours.” You wanted nothing more, for him to be the only one whose sweet words made you fall apart, the only one who ever came close to making you feel this way. You could feel the coil in your belly beginning to snap as the pad of his thumb rubbed rapidly against your clit, his cock driving into you as your vision went white. 
“I know you’re close, Osita. I can feel it. Wanna see you when you come. Wanna see your beautiful face, pretty girl.” The brown pools of his eyes filled with want and need as they locked with yours. You could feel your foreheads touching, his damp curls brushing against you with each push of his hips, your bodies melting into each other as you felt the coil inside your belly snap.  
“Fuck, Javi, fuck, baby, I’m gonna, gonna-.” Your orgasm flooded through your body, pleasure shooting through every inch of you as you wrapped yourself around Javi. It was so intense, the way the feeling crashed through you, how everything about him had you completely wrecked, how tightly you could feel yourself clenching around his length as you came. 
Watching you come completely undone under him, Javi found himself quickly falling apart at the sight of you. Each stroke was faster and sloppier than the last, like he was desperate to show you how badly he wanted you, needed you. He could feel the sweet tingle of his release building, his brain going blank as the words fell from his mouth. “That’s it baby. Fuck, Osita. Gonna cum so deep inside you, fuck you full of me. Fuck, I can’t believe you’re mine. Soy tuyo, Osita. Mi corazón es tuyo. Es todo para ti. Eres mi todo, Osita. Te am-ahhhhhh.” (I’m yours, Osita. My heart is yours. It’s all for you. You’re my everything. I love yo-). He could feel each throb of his cock pulsing as he spilled into you, riding out his high with short, shallow thrusts, making sure every last drop of him was inside your walls. He melted into you, his body collapsing onto yours as your heavy breathes synced, chests rising and falling together. 
You paused for a moment before you spoke. You replayed his words in your head over and over again, not sure what you were trying to convince yourself of. You weren’t sure of everything he had said, trying to piece together the Spanish you knew as you came down from your high, but if there was one sentence you knew for sure, it was the last one, even if it had gone unfinished. 
Te amo. I love you. 
“Javi…” You paused, your heart practically beating out of your chest. “What was the last part you said?” 
Javi froze. You could feel his Adam’s apple bob against your chest as he swallowed, his head still buried in your neck. You waited for what felt like an eternity before he pressed himself off you, rolling over, laying beside you. “I uh, I don’t, um, I don’t remember all of it.” He tripped over his words, eyes scrunched tight, like he couldn’t bear to look at you out of fear of what he had said. 
“Javi. Javier Jesús Peña. Please. Please tell me what you said.” You placed your hand on his chest, forcing him to open his eyes and look at you, your face pleading, practically begging to hear the words that had fallen from his lips once more. 
“I’m yours, Osita. My heart is yours. It’s all for you. You’re my everything. I… Fuck.” You could see the tears welling behind his eyes after he ran his hand over his face. You moved your hand from his chest to under his jaw, cradling his cheek. 
“Javi… Say it. Please.” Your words met his ears barely above a whisper. He paused, taking one more trembling breath, staring off into space for a moment, like he was praying with everything he had left in him that you really did want to hear it. 
“Osita… Fuck. I… I love you.” 
“Javi,” Your voice shook as you felt the tears trickle down your cheeks, rounding and red from the grin growing across your face. “I love you too.” 
It was only for a moment that you saw his face mirror yours before you could feel his hands grasping around your face, pulling you in for a kiss that made you feel like fireworks were exploding inside you. He squeezed his arms around you, a mix of laugher and tears leaving your body as he pulled you on top of him, wrapping you in his embrace. 
“Really?” He questioned, his words still shaky as he smiled at you, running his trembling hands through your hair. 
“Of course, Pendejo. Of course I do.” You both laid there for a moment, breathing in sighs of relief and joy, soaking in every moment of that four letter word. You loved him. He loved you. Javier Peña loved you. 
You rolled over, both of your bodies curled in the blanket on top of you, staring into the sky, now fading into a deep darkness, speckled with spots of shining stars above you. In that moment, nothing else mattered. Nothing else besides the two of you. Up until now, there were few things in life that you had been sure of. On a Wednesday in late May, you knew one of those sure things was that you had fallen head over heels in love with Javier Peña. And now, you knew one of those sure things was that Javier Peña loved you too.
Taglist: @cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed @persephone-girl
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starsomens · 5 months
warnings: some postpartum, being overwhelmed after a baby with noah helping you, I have no kids and no super solid knowledge of how it feel postpartum this is all an estimate
“She’s beautiful man” jolly compliments as he holds you newborn daughter “luckily she took more of Y/N’s genes”
Everyone in the room chuckles at Jolly’s joke. You had given birth about 10 hours ago and the boys has stopped by to visit the small family. Eden met all of her uncles. With Noah’s lightly hovering making sure she was alright.
“Noah didn’t pass out?” Ruffilo asked looking at his best friend
“Oh no, he was a champ,” you compliment him with a pat to his leg as he stood at you bedside. Eden started to fuss a bit with a small whimper and jolly rocks her
“Awh what happened precious girl? Uncle jolly not comfy for ya?” Jolly pouts at the baby as Noah went to tend to her “wow, he’s a natural. We’ll be going then, give you two some time.”
The boys gather themselves, saying their goodbyes to you three.
“Call us if you guys need anything!”
“Well being some food later!”
The all gave their promises before leaving the room. Noah continues to rock Eden
“Give her babe, I think she’s hungry” you adjust your hospital gown, and try to get her to attach. She was healthy, had a good weight in at 8 lbs and 5 ounces. You’ve only been having issues with latching when it was time for her to eat. You eventually get her to latch it could take up to 10 minutes. Only making her more fussy, and you more overwhelmed with your baby in distress.
You sigh as your eyebrows knit together. You become slightly frustrated when she cannot latch but it’s not her fault you feel like it’s your fault for not having a better way to feed her. Noah could see how you were feeling and how you were struggling.
"Baby?" he said is a soft tone, and brings a chair close to your bed and sits down with you "You pumped some milk, do you want to bottle feed her or do you want to keep trying to breast feed her?" Noah always make sure to ground you knowing you'd want the pregnancy and parenthood to flawlessly. But this being your first baby, he knew there would be a few hiccups.
"I want to breastfeed her...." you pout slightly
"Okay, let me help," he takes hold Of Eden's head and helps to guide her to your nipple. He did as the nurse showed him to help Eden latch on better. She finally latches on and you let out a sigh of relief as she eats. You watch her carefully making sure she was eating properly
Noah was watching in the mean time. Of course he wanted to help with Eden but he knows you're under a lot of new stress too "you're doing great you know..."
"Hm?" you look up form Eden
"I know this is hard, and you're tired and overwhelmed, but you're doing amazing. Eden has the best mother taking care of her..." he smiles at you while he strokes your hair. After Eden was done feeding, Noah takes her and gently burps her
"After I put Eden down I'll help you get to the bathroom alright?" he kisses the top of your head as his large hand continues to gently burp Eden. He puts her down in her bassinet and goes over to help you out of bed slowly. He stands you up slowly and helps you to walks you over to the bathroom slowly.
"Okay baby, what do you need?"
"Um....the bottle, and a pad please, I also want to brush my teeth"
"Okay, do you need help sitting or standing?" he asks you being cautious of letting you go
"I...*sigh* yeah...can you help me sit on the toilet?"
"Of course baby," he helps you to get down, slowly but surely. He gets your supplies and helps you in anyway he can. Afterwards you brush your teeth while he brushes your hair and ties it up in a night little bun. He helps you back into the bed, with a kiss to your lips as he admires you
"What is it?" you asked
"Just looking at the mother of my daughter and my beautiful wife," he smiles at you "you're my pretty girl, and you made another pretty girl. I have a gorgeous queen and beautiful princess now"
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absolutebl · 3 months
Began Beginning - Myanmar's first BL 
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Not So Quick Pitch (or is it a pitch?)
Cause I got a lot of thoughts
8 eps 25 min ea YouTube
Began Beginning feels very much like a first timers BL. Which it pretty much is. There’s a lot of explaining and info dumping and information that we really don’t need about the characters (or the family) especially in the first couple of episodes.
Here's your hlepful breakdown:
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Mani = main boy workaholic, probably gay, acts ace 
Hlyan = cute flirty bestie, smoker, closeted gay (for good reason) in love with Mani (becomes main character about 3/4 way through) 
Walar = openly gay visitor recovering from a breakup who enters their codependent dynamic and things happen as a result
Thae = Mani & Hlyan’s other bestie, trans 
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I was tempted to say this reminded me of early Vietnamese BL, but in actuality what it reminded me of most was the stuff we got from way back in the early 2000's out of Hong Kong, or more recently from the Philippines (I'm thinking about something like The Boy Foretold by the Stars).
There is a grungy sticky authenticity to these works, of which Began Beginning is now a part. They have their own tarnished charm. For all their hiccups in storytelling and absurdities, there is an almost documentary feel to them, partly as a result of the inferior quality of production and filming (which is entirely economic). But that itself also somehow adds to the appeal.
This kind of BL is entirely the opposite of something out of Korea or GMMTV. And if you like that BL best, you aren't gonna like this product. But as much as KBL wins top ranks from me pretty consistently these days, sometimes I enjoy this kind of BL too.
The range itself keeps the genre vibrant and healthy.
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So what is Began Beginning about?
Childhood best friends must come to terms with their own identities and true feelings for each other when a new boy comes to town, putting them into conflict with their families and ultimately, each other.
For the first half of this show there’s a lot of sitting across from each other and talking about life choices over yummy food and then going to tourist spots (mildly boring and not particularly important to the plot). 
It changed tone about 2/3 in to be way more of a coming out family drama about forced marriages and homophobia.
And then at the very end it changed again, becoming a full on soap opera with kidnapping, crazy characterization shifts, and rescue missions.
All in all? It was a wild raw creature to consume as a binge. No kisses since this is Myanmar, but a very romantic end, so I think maybe actually worth your time? I'm certainly glad I watched it.
Recommended with lots of reservations but great respect. I’m going with a 7/10.
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There is a particularly important part at the end when Hlyan talks about asking Thae to dress him as a girl to see if he was third gender because he had these feels for another boy. And how unpleasant that made him feel. I thought it was hugely impactful as a window into the boxes same sex loves in modern society forces upon us. No matter what options our culture provides for us, if the boxes are limited we feel limited too. Also, drawing a distinction between gender identity and sexual identity. Lovely bit of storytelling.
(see comments, turns out this is not the first one)
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mindfulstudyquest · 2 months
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❥﹒♡﹒☕﹒ 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗶 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗳𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲
𝟭. being consistent in journaling ( 🪻 )
i have recently started journaling more consistently and would like to maintain this line. i tried several times to start, failing miserably, because i couldn't find a method that would keep me motivated for a long time. then i purchased the famous five minutes gratitude journal, which is much easier to keep, and which i manage to update almost every day because by simply having to answer the pre-set questions my brain doesn't experience it as a commitment, unlike writing a diary page. alongside the fmj i have another diary with blank pages that i use as a proper diary, writing my reflections, talking about my day, complaining about negative things and stuff like that. i must say that it's therapeutic. i hope this is the right time i can maintain consistency in writing.
𝟮. having a more balanced diet ( 🍋‍🟩 )
i admit i've been eating like shit lately, a lot of sweets and processed foods alternated with periods of fasting due to guilt with the excuse of not having enough time to cook among the thousand things to do. i want to seriously commit to investing some of my time each week into preparing healthy, homemade meals (i could share some recipes here if you want, lmk) that keep me energized and don't ruin my hard work at the gym by adding empty calories to my diet.
𝟯. being consistent in the gym ( 🍄 )
and then obviously going to the gym at least 3 times a week, not really due to a matter of weight/aesthetics, but to cultivate discipline and focus. i believe that physically venting stress is the best and healthiest way to handle the crushing weight of life lately. sometimes i simply need to unload my energy without throwing a fit and risking venting it on someone who has nothing to do with it.
𝟰. reading at least 10 pages per day ( 📚 )
i love reading. i love reading madly, but i also know that i often find a thousand excuses not to do it. my brain fried by social media and zombie scrolling doesn't like the idea of concentrating on printed pages at all and i always put off reading all those books placed on my shelf gathering dust. i haven't read a book in months, so the time has come to break this bad habit and take back my greatest passion. i won't even mention all the benefits of reading, because only one book can give you so much in such a short time.
𝟱. sleep at least 8 hours ( ☕ )
i think my lack of sleep has a psychological component, but i'm no expert so what i say may not actually make any sense. i sleep little, much less than i need, when i was in high school i finished studying very late at night (past 3am) every day because i was so dependent on academic validation that the idea of getting a slightly lower grade than my usual could make me throw up. the thing is, i always delay going to sleep, even though my body is begging me to do so, and i think it's due to an inherent fear that the next day i'll have to go through it all over again. consequently in the morning i'm a wreck and i have to drag myself out of bed, being 30% as productive as i actually could be. i think it's time to work on my sleep schedule much more seriously, i think it could boost my health a lot.
𝟲. spend 15min in the sun every day ( ☀️ )
as a woman i know how important it is to be in the sun to produce vitamin D, unfortunately for me i'm some kind of goblin vampire who can't stay in the sun for more than five minutes without getting sunburned – on top of that my eyes start to water when the light too strong. i'll arm myself with sunscreen and give my body what it needs, hoping i won't get arthritis in my forties.
let me know in the comments what are YOU planning to improve in the near future <3
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jubilationsart · 6 months
Your ferrets are so cuuute! My girlfriend and I were desperate to get ferrets (I've always wanted them) but then we heard they get sick a lot. Is that true? We could afford the vets bills but I'd just hate to see them suffering a lot.
yall fucked up asking me about ferrets. this is my tip of the iceberg thing i love. no one knows how actually crazy i am about ferrets i'm--
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Soooo, yes. Pretty much all ferrets you find in north america are Marshall ferrets. They are mill ferrets and can be recognized by their dot tattoos in their ears. Over bred in facilities and sent out to either labs as test animals or petstores as pets. So they tend to come prone to illness. On top of that a lot of people feed them poor food-- stuff that has indigestible grains/veg/fruit and also don't understand their internal clock and natural light schedules that affect their body's hormones. They can't be in a lit room 24/7, they have to have light thats controlled to simulate day and night hours or covered enclosures during night hours. My partner and I have had a total of 4 Marshall ferrets in the last 13 years. They have all lived past the usual expectancy of 4-6 years. Lemon for example is going on 8 and JUST this year got diagnosed with the common Marshall disease; adrenal disease. Our 2 that passed away years ago lived to 7 but succumbed to cancer and adrenal disease. I do really think that we managed to have healthy lives for them for so long due to our daylight scheduling and raw meat diets for them. Because of that we decided to get ferrets from Europe as they are as far from the Marshal lines as you can get lmao. But on the Eastcoast of the US there are a lot of good ferret breeders with connections to European breeders. So they have healthy ferrets for just a tad more the $$ you'd get from petstores. We learned a lot from them and European breeders on best ways to care for them.
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hillbillyoracle · 2 years
Getting Moving When You’re Stuck in a Small Room
I like sharing my notes with people and I’ve heard from a few people that I am not the only person who is disabled, living with high conflict people, or just stuck spending a lot of time in one room generally. These resources are also great for people who are depressed or just need a low barrier to exercise generally.  
Framework: For me, movement is a bit like the old school food pyramid. The bottom is gentle cardio/walking, the middle is strength, and the top is stretching and enjoyable activities. I put most of my time and effort into maintaining a walking practice and less as I go up. It might help to know that walking done indoors generally takes longer than walking done outdoors. More frequent movement breaks throughout the day might be more helpful and bearable than one big chunk. 
Mindset: I think it’s also important to keep in mind that none of these are going to “fix you”. They’re not a thing to beat yourself up for not doing. Every time you choose to do a little more movement in your day, you’re planting a seed. You don’t lose that seed just because you didn’t exercise for the last several days, weeks, months, or even years. The more you plant, eventually some of them will sprout into fruitful benefits - but just planting one is better than not planting any. Because even one has more opportunity to bring you benefit - planting none can’t don’t do that. You planted that seed and nothing can take that away from you.
So here are some resources I use for getting more movement in with about 2′ x 6′ of clear space in my room (total space 8′ x 8′; full bed and book shelves).
Get Fit with Rick - Walking Workouts
Get Fit with Rick was my lightbulb moment. It was about a year into the pandemic. Conflict with my partner was keeping me from wanting to so much as pass her in the hallway to get to the door some days so I started researching what was possible to do indoors. So many workouts required equipment, were loud if you were in an apartment, or were boring as hell. 
But some how I stumbled onto Rick Bhuller’s walking workouts and it felt honestly a little bit life changing. It was something I could do with headphones in, quietly, in my own space. 
I like his music taste, he gives you variations so you can make it harder or easier as you need, and it doesn’t require much space. Some moves don’t work in my extremely small usable area now, but I can still get through most of the workouts without having to change much. His 5k step workouts are on the higher end of what he does so if you need a shorter workout he’s got you covered. 
While he does mention weight loss on occasion, it’s not his focus. He has a very positive coaching style that really just encourages you to have fun with it.  
Hybrid Calisthenics - Strength/Bodyweight Workouts
I fucking love Hampton. 
He’s got such a lovely energy and is an incredibly positive and resilient person. When it comes to this workout videos, he focuses building a foundation for healthy functional movement and preventing injury. He teaches bodyweight progressions and doesn’t make any one progression the goal. 
While his pullup methods might not work in a very small space, everything else has for me. I can do it all on a yoga mat that fits in my little walkway. For the pullups, I replace them with rows that I do with a milk jug filled with water to at least get something in. I might look into kettlebells as I get stronger. Hoping he’ll make a video at some point with some variations. 
I still struggle with strength training but I’m the most consistent I’ve ever been thanks to his positive and adaptive style of teaching. 
His website is probably the most accessible way to get into his content. 
Dayana Wang - Workouts in Bed
Content warning with her stuff that much of it uses dated and toxic weight loss language so if you find that triggering I would skip her videos. 
But if you can tolerate that, her bed workouts are really helpful! I did these when pain was keeping me from getting out of bed. I’d just follow along until I couldn’t anymore. I slept better and felt better and my flares were a little shorter as a result. 
Take care not to strain yourself with some of the moves. Depending on the firmness of your bed, some might not be advisable. 
She has some bed workouts for different areas - arms, core, legs, etc - so if you have an injury in one area, you can always follow a workout for the others. 
But overall, excellent resource for bedbound folks. 
Yoga with Adrienne - Yoga/Stretching
Who hasn’t heard of Yoga with Adriene at this point? 
She’s a favorite for a reason. She really does have videos for every skill level. I really enjoyed what I was able to complete of her 30 days of Yoga series that she has. It’s a great spot to jump in to her channel and get a sampling of her different offerings. 
What I most like to use her videos for are for stress relief stretches. I can’t really get into yoga personally but her hip, back, and neck progressions have been wildly helpful. Her bedtime yoga videos are also a treat. 
Hope this helps someone out there or at least saves them a little time! I really felt like I was wondering around in the dark on this a few years ago so I really hope this spares someone that experience. 
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bumpkinspice0 · 4 months
Recovery Time Chapter 8
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Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
No use of y/n
Rating: Explicit (Minors do not interact!!!!!!)
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: November is here, winter creeps closer, and feelings become more real.
Warnings: Like none? Typical angst, fluff, desperation??
Series Masterlist
Previous - Next
Chapter 8: Storm Brewing
The garden was finally bare, the soil tilled over and weeded of its dead occupants. Precious loved herbs and other plants dug up and brought inside to last the winter. Seeds sorted and stored for next year. Harvest time was over and the dirt can lay in rest for another winter. October had come and passed, the early days of November bringing a new chill to the air. 
Joel helps you prep the garden soil for next year and he almost wishes he hadn’t offered. You had buckets of compost stored and ready to enrich the soil, nasty smelling stuff. Vegetable scraps, egg shells, bones— garbage really. He was helping you spread garbage around your dead garden. He’s done stranger things, he supposes. 
“Please tell me this is the last one,” He sighs, dumping out the final nasty, juicy contents from the last 5-gallon barrel you rolled out.
“It’s the last one,” you scoff, raking the dumped contents evenly over the soil’s surface. “You can start putting the leaf piles on top then we’re done.”
“Thank god,” he retreats to the edge of the garden where you’d had a massive leaf pile waiting. He grabs an armful and spreads them on top of the compost, “Why are we doing this again?”
“Keeps the soil healthy.” You dust your hands off and grab a fistful of leaves for yourself, “You gotta put back what you take out. The parts you don’t use decompose and make the soil healthier. Circle of life and all that.”
“And the leaves?”
“Extra barrier and extra compost.” You step closer to him and he does his best to ignore how that makes his heart speed up ever so slightly. “Use what’s around, ya know?”
“Yeah, I suppose,” He grabs another armful of leaves, “But it was good this year? The garden?”
“Better than other years. Only got good at it the last two years or so.” 
Joel wasn’t much of a farmer. Hell, he killed nearly all of his houseplants. The idea of constantly managing something so delicate was intimidating. Game hunting was easy in comparison. Straight forward— almost literally. Point and shoot. Set a trap and leave it. Hunting didn’t take skill, it just took luck. But growing food… That was a whole different story. 
Your storages were plentiful from what he saw. You didn’t really seem to keep track of resources used because of it. Much more lax than Bill. If he had to guess you probably easily had enough for 6-8 months at the moment— But he can’t help but wonder how much you’d used on him. How much did he take from you? The question that’s been constantly on his mind lately.
He’d brought back some meager kills. That turkey and a good handful of rabbits. Was it enough? 
“Thinking you got enough to make it through the winter this year?” He asks before he can stop himself. 
You pause, he’s not sure if it’s from his sudden forwardness or because you’re actually thinking about it, sorting through everything in your head. He sees your expression drop a little bit— his unspoken words evidently being heard loud and clear. 
Will you be fine without me? 
He hadn’t brought it up in weeks, him heading back to the QZ. You hadn’t either. Christ he’d been healed for just as long and he still wandered around here like a lost puppy. What was he waiting for? You to chase him out with a broom in hand? Or maybe for you to tell him please don’t go. 
He had to. He had to leave and him lingering around you like a ghost was making it all the more difficult. 
“It was a good harvest this year,” You finally answer, kicking out more leaves in your path. “Winter can be unpredictable, though. For extra assurance, we should probably think about getting bigger kills if we—” 
You pause again, your back to him. He can’t see your face but he can guess what’s painted across it. Panic. Blushing embarrassment. You said it twice, the forbidden word. 
You’d both been dancing around referring to each other as a pair since he got here, now you were the first to let it slip. He knew what we meant. We meant I’m thinking of you. We meant I’m planning a future where you’re there. We meant don’t leave. 
He doesn’t say anything, the pleasant afternoon soured by him asking silent questions. Joel didn’t like being so timid. It’s not who he was. He was a blunt, straightforward man— often to a fault. He wishes he could still be that emotionless with you. It’d make everything so much easier. Instead, he lives in fear of hurting you. Of bringing the curtain down on this small little paradise you’d given him. He didn’t deserve it. He didn’t deserve you. It’s time he gets back to what he was actually good at.
All things must come to an end, even the good things. He had to come back to reality. Joel just had to pull the trigger… but when?
He tosses a final fistful of leaves onto the barren garden and stomps off to the edge of the property. 
“I’m gonna set up a few more traps.”
A bloated awkwardness had settled between you both since this afternoon, and you have your stupid mouth to thank for it. The damn thing always got you into so much trouble. 
You said we. You desperately wanted to try and recover and blurt that you were referring to you, Gus, and Lily, obviously, but that would have made the whole situation ten times worse. You just blurting whatever came to mind had gotten you into this mess. 
How had Joel become such an integral part of your life in such a short time? He’d crawled into your heart and made a home there without even trying. From day one you knew he wouldn’t stay, and yet that never seemed to matter. 
You’d told him six weeks for his estimated recovery time. It only took a glance at the calendar to see that specific date had come and gone. He’d been recovered. Walking strong with newly healed over scars. He was a picture of health… and he was still here. That meant something.
He hadn’t mentioned the QZ once. Not even people inside it. He’d been vague, at best, about what he’d done there. The only family you knew about was his brother, who was likely now hundreds of miles away. What did he have to go back to, you wonder. You’d never asked, but then again he probably wouldn’t tell you if you did. 
Maybe you’re waiting for him to ask. Ask if he can stay here… but you probably made your feelings about that rather clear… right? Maybe you have to ask, then. Ask him to stay. Tell him how you feel.
The fear of rejection is a powerful one. People underestimate it all the time.
So, instead of facing the fear, you dance around in this awkward limbo you’d made for yourself, because of your big dumb mouth. 
You’re curled up on the couch while he passively plays guitar in the corner of the living room, Gus and Lily curled up at his feet like he always belonged there. 
The playing stops and you dare to glance in his direction. His gaze is on the curled-up fur children at his feet, sadness pulling at his features. You can only hope what he’s thinking about. 
“Hey,” he looks at you, “So… I was thinking bout somethin’.”
“That’s dangerous.” You hope, just for a moment. Hope that he’ll ask to stay the winter. Stay longer. Stay forever. Just… stay.
“Yeah,” he gives the weakest smile you’d ever seen in your life. Oh no. “I was… thinkin’ about when I should leave.” 
You’d never had your hope dashed so quickly. 
“Yeah?” You say, trying your best to hide the fact that your heart is shattering.
“I should… do it soon. Before the snow falls.” 
You look away from him, clutching your book to your chest, “That’s… a good idea.”
He lets the silence brew in the room. God, if you thought the air between you two was uncomfortable before…
You hold back a tear, putting on a brave face. “When were you thinking?”
He’s set the guitar aside, leaning heavily over his knees. He wrings his hands together nervously. 
The single word is like an arrow to the heart. Tomorrow? That soon? You can’t believe you’d scared him off so easily. If there was a time to tell him to stay, it was now. Beg him not to go. Tell him how you feel. Show him he’d always have a home here. 
Say something. Anything. 
“That’s… soon.”
“It is.” He nods dismissively. You don’t know why, but you really want to punch him right now. He sighs, coming over to take a seat next to you. Good. Closer to punch. “I’ve taken enough from you, darlin’. It’s time I be on my way.”
“Good, you’ve been a nuisance anyway.” You think hiding behind some sarcasm will distract from the stinging behind your eyes. It doesn’t. Still, you manage to will the tears to stay inside, “It was a pleasure you have you, Joel.”
He rests a hand on your thigh and you swear it burns. “I… don’t know how to repay you.”
Don’t leave. You want to say it so badly. That’s how he could repay you if that’s what he felt he needed to do. Is it selfish of you to want him all to yourself? Like a treasure you found. Yes, of course it is. He had a right to leave. He had a right to his own damned free will. 
“Just live, that’s all you have to do,” You place your hand on top of his, “And come back to visit?”
“Of course.”
Those sorrowful deep brown eyes say all his mouth never could. Does he even really want to leave? God, you hate this. What do you do now? Do you eagerly start packing his supplies? Leave him alone? Cry? Beg? Say it. Just say it!
“Joel…” You squeeze his hand just a little tighter. His expression lightens, just a little. “I…” I don’t want you to leave. “I’ll miss you.”
He breathes out a small smile, squeezing your hand back. Can he feel it? Your heart breaking.
His other hand comes up to rest on your cheek. “I’ll miss you too, darlin’.”
This was too much. He was too much. You can’t just sit idly by while this happens. You can’t just watch him leave without fighting just a little. Without speaking your peace. If you don’t, you know you’ll regret it forever. You have to do something. Do anything. 
You come crashing into him, your lips finding his immediately. He moans into you, his other hand coming up behind your head to pull you in closer. He wanted this too. Good. You crawl on top of him… or he guides you down to the couch, you’re not really sure. It doesn’t matter. You had him, here, right now. When your words fail you, this is how you can tell him. Tell him to stay.
His hands trail down from your face and squeeze your waist, pulling you closer to him. You rake your hands through his hair in a frenzy, just needing more. All of him. Oh god, he felt so good already. His tongue comes out to explore your mouth, you open with a desperate sigh. He was eager. He was willing. 
He was yours. Right now he was yours. 
Your hands drop to his belt. You feel him flinch under your touch. 
“Darlin’... I…” he breathes between your lips. Whatever he was going to say dies on his tongue. His hips raise up in encouragement. 
“Joel,” you moan as you undo the buckle, “Joel, I—”
A mighty gust of wind shakes the cabin, testing its very foundation. You both jolt upright, the moment completely ruined by shock. The windows rattle with newfound intensity. The bones of your little home creak in protest. 
A storm was coming. 
“Shit…shit,” you grumble, climbing off Joel, much to your disdain. You walk over to your little weather station by the front door, three little mounted dials that Art always swore by. A thermometer, a barometer, and a hydrometer. The temperature had dropped significantly since this afternoon, dwindling down past freezing. The air pressure was dropping rapidly, you swear you see the needle moving before your very eyes. Yep, the telltale signs of a storm. When you glance out the window your heart drops. 
The snow had only just started to fall, small white specks starting to blanket the ground, and it was picking up speed. The sky was barely visible, the undoubtedly massive clouds whited out by an oncoming freeze. It was going to be a blizzard—a big one.
“What is it?” Joel comes up behind you. 
You groan, wishing so badly you could ignore it and take him back to the couch and continue where you left off— but you know you can’t. You’d said earlier that winter was unpredictable, and that was true. Early snow meant more work that had to be done now before it got worse. Preparations done to assure your safety. More wood inside, more water in the tank, relocating the chickens, bringing up more food from the cellar— You could both do it before the storm got worse. If you hurried it’d be done in an hour. Then you could get back to… everything. 
You were likely going to be snowed in for a few days. Maybe it’s a sign, you think. A final gift from the almighty to get Joel Miller to stay just a little longer. You’ll take what you can get.
“Winter came early.”
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acti-veg · 9 months
16 Plant-Based Protein Sources
Protein is often raised as a concern for people considering adopting a plant-based diet, and considering the fact that we've all been taught to associate protein primarily with red meat, this is not surprising.
It is estimated that most adults require 56 grams of protein per day, and you're probably hitting that number if you're not in a calorie deficit. If you're trying to lose weight and so are cutting calories then you may need to track your protein a little more closely, but 56 grams is pretty easy to hit without having to really think about it.
It gets a bit more difficult if you're very physically active, particularly if you're engaged in regular endurance training or are trying to build muscle. There is a great deal of disagreement about precisely how much protein is ideal if you're training intensely, but it is very achievable to hit even the upper end of protein requirement estimates using only plant-based foods. Listed below are particularly good options.
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1) Lentils - Lentils are a cheap nutritional powerhouse, and provides about 17 grams of protein per cup. They're also very flexible, you can have them as your main protein source of a meal, use them to substitute mince in a pasta dish, make burgers out of them, or put them in a stir fry or with rice and veg with some seasonings. They are cheap and convenient if you buy them canned, since they're ready to eat, though I would recommend at least warming them up.
2) Chickpeas - Chickpeas are a popular vegan staple, and it's not hard to see why. At approximately 14.5 grams of protein per cup, they're nutrient dense and very flexible. Use them to make hummus or falafel, as the main protein source of a curry, on their own with rice or worked into a salad. You can also just air fry/grill them with some oil and spices for a convenient, crunchy snack.
3) Oats - A cup of dry oats is around 11 grams of protein by itself. Making it with a cup of oat milk brings that up to 14 grams, throw in a tablespoon of peanut butter and you're up to about 17.5 grams at breakfast, and all those ingredients are pretty cheap and very filling. You could add something like nuts or chia seeds as a topping to stretch that to well over 20 grams.
4) Nuts - Peanuts are 9.5 grams per 1/4 cup, almonds are 7g, pistachios 6g, cashews 5g, hazelnuts 5g, brazil nuts 4.75g, walnuts 4.5g and pine nuts are 4.5g. You can buy 1kg bags of mixed nuts for a little bit cheaper and keep them in a jar for a healthy snack. I find it better to buy a bag that doesn't have peanuts in then add the peanuts later, as mixes that include peanuts tend to be less for your money. Peanut butter is also a cost effective way to add protein to many snacks and meals.
5) Beans - Depending on the type, beans are anything from around 10-15 grams of protein per cup. Some are better than others, like kidney beans, but even your standard baked beans are high protein and good for you. Turn them into a chilli, have them on toast, on a jacket potato, turn them into a bean burger or make them the protein base of a salad or soup. Kidney , soy and edamame beans are particularly good options.
6) Seitan - When cooked, seitan closely resembles to look and feel of red meat. It is made of wheat gluten and has 25 grams of protein per 100 gram serving. It is not very widely available in supermarkets, but try your local Asian market, where it will usually be cheaper as well. It's a bit of a hassle, but you can also make your own at home, which is extremely cheap as it's just wheat gluten, yeast, plant milk, miso and spices.
7) Tofu/Tempeh - A staple in Asian cooking, don't be afraid to try this one. Think of it as doing all the same things chicken does in terms of recipes, it soaks up the flavour around it. It needs to be pressed before use, or you can avoid that by just draining the liquid and freezing it, then thawing over night when you want to use it. 100 grams of tofu (less than half a small block) contains 8 grams of protein. Some tofu, like Naked TooFoo, is pre-pressed for you.
8) Faux Meats - Faux meats are an easy way to add a protein base to your meal, and has the advantage of serving the same function on a plate as the foods you were used to before you went vegan. A Beyond burger, for example, has 19g of protien per patty, though you can get much cheaper options that have a similar nutritional profile. Pair that with a wholemeal bun and something like brown rice/quinoa and vegetables and you can create a very high protein meal.
9) Grains - All grains are good for protein, these include quinoa, spelt, brown/wild rice, teff, amaranth and sorghum. They can range anywhere between 5 and 8 grams per 100 grams, and you'll usually be serving them with some sort of protein source. They're also an excellent source of fibre and carbohydrates, which are also important for training and general health. Quinoa in particular provides all 22 essential amino acids.
10) Peas - Green peas are not mentioned much when it comes to high protein options, but a cup of cooked peas is a respectable 9 grams of protein, and it's worth mentioning here because they tend to be used more as a side than main, so can be paired with other high protein options. They're also very cheap, freeze well and are easy to prepare.
11) Seeds - Just a tablespoon of chia seeds is nearly 3 grams of protein, and the seeds are so small and tasteless that you don't actually notice them in anything you put them in, making them an easy way to add protein to just about any meal. They're pretty cheap to buy in large quantities, particularly good to replace eggs in baking, to add to bread flour, salads and oatmeal. Other high protein seeds include pumpkin, sunflower, linseed, hempseeds and buckwheat.
12) Bread - Bread may not immediately come to mind when you're thinking about protein, but wholegrain/rye/spelt breads can be very high in protein, anywhere from 3 all the way up to around 10 grams per slice, particularly for seeded loaves. If you really want to turn bread into a high protein food, invest in a bread maker or bake it yourself, that way you can add nuts, seeds and oats yourself to up the nutritional value. That's just the bread too, a hummus and falafel sandwich with a high protein bread can be very nutrionally dense.
13) Fruit and veg - Worth mentioning here, as they're something you'll need to consume to maintain a healthy diet anyway, and some options have moderate protein. The higher protein options include broccoli, spinach, asparagus, artichokes, potatoes, sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts, which all contain 4–5 grams of protein per cooked cup. Likewise, blueberries, guava, bananas and nectarines contain about 2-4 grams of protein per cup, as well as many other vitamins important for training.
14) Nutritional Yeast - No vegan list is complete without mentioning it, it's a vegan staple for its nutty, cheesy flavour, as well as being an easy source of vitamin B12. It's a complete protein that has 8 grams of protein per 16 grams serving, making it an easy way to add more protein to things like pizza, pasta dishes or a jacket potato. Use it to make cheesy sauces, or just sprinkle it on anything you'd have previousy added parmesan cheese to.
15) Protein Bars - They tend to be  on the expensive side, but there are a few plant-based options. I'd recommend Misfit bars if you can get them online, they're low sugar, 15g of protein per bar, and you can buy them in variety packs of 40 which works out cheaper. Trek also have protein flapjack bars, less protein (8-9g) but are much cheaper in packs of 3 and frequently available at a discount (as little at 85p for three in Heron here in the UK).
Most brands won’t be suitable as a daily option for many people given the price, but great for when you're need a protein boost on the go. You can also just make your own protein bars using nothing but oats, cinnamon, baking soda, a little maple/golden syrup and a scoop of plant-based protein powder.
16) Protein/Meal Powders- Even the cheaper powders are around 18g of protein per scoop, so a shake is an easy way to add more protein to your diet, or you can stir it into oatmeal to get most of your daily requirements over breakfast. Some meal replacement shakes, like Huel Black, are around 40 grams of protein per serving (2 scoops) even when made with just water, providing a cheap and easy way to have a high protein and nutritious meal without any prep or fuss. Add some peanut butter and plant milk to make them tastier and even higher in protein. (I don't accept sponsorship or commissions from any brand and I don't have any affiliate links. Any product recommendations are based solely on my own experience.)
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obaex · 1 year
the one that chases you (two) - rafe cameron
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summary: you adjust to life back on figure 8 and realize how much you missed it and how much someone there missed you
word count: 2k
series masterlist
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You slept fitfully, tossing and turning and weren't surprised when you found yourself lying in your bed watching the sun rise through bloodshot eyes. What was the first stage of grief? Denial? You were well passed that. There was no denying that JJ Maybank had no interest in holding down a relationship with you long term and was probably already circling in on his next hookup. The thought made you nauseous.
No, you were pretty sure you had successfully crossed into the next stage, anger. You regretted every moment that you spent wasted on him, pining over him. The things you had done with him, the way you had let him have your body after going on two 'dates' which consisted of hanging out at The Wreck with all of his friends. You were furious with him and with yourself. How could you be so naïve? How could you let him fool you like that?
Your anger pushed you out of bed as you began opening the drawers of your dresser, pulling out his t-shirts, hats, bandanas, and pictures of the two of you together, throwing them in a carboard box in the corner of your room, eager to erase his memory. That did little to quell that storm raging in your body; you looked down to see your hands shaking. You needed to blow off some steam. Your eyes landed on your nike running shoes. You used to run all the time, but had blown it off to hang out on the cut, indulging in weed, beer and whatever fried food Kie could scrounge up from The Wreck to share. You changed quickly, pulling on your sneakers and grabbing your airpods before thinking about it further.
You stretched half-heartedly in your driveway, pulling up your favorite playlist and then you let your feet carry you down your normal path, pounding the pavement, sending shockwaves up your calves and quads, arms pumping at your side. You were sprinting before long, trying to release the anger and frantic energy inside of you, craving the tightness in your legs and the burning in your lungs. No way you were going to make it more than a mile at this speed, but you didn't care. The pain felt good, both punishing and rewarding. Around the one mile mark, you had to stop, keening over, hands on your knees to catch your breath. You were sorely out of shape and you were sure your diet of bud light and fruit rollups over the last month wasn't helping anything.
You were bent over, taking heaving inhales and exhales when another figure ran by you at a lightning pace. You looked up quickly enough to see Rafe Cameron on a run of his own in a cutoff tank top, athletic shorts and his own pair of airpods. He acknowledged you with a brief wave and a smile as he rounded the block ahead of you. You didn't even have time to wave back as you struggled to catch your breath, your mind suddenly racing with the memories of the two of you running together almost every morning, matching each other's pace, taunting one another, racing each other. That had stopped when you started hanging out on the cut. JJ had made it clear that Rafe wasn't someone he wanted you spending time with.
Part of you wanted to run and catch up with Rafe, to explain what had happened, to apologize. But at the same time, he had just run right by you, he didn't seem phased. Not to mention, your legs were shot and there was no way you were catching up to him now. You turned around and walk-jogged back to your house.
When you got home you made yourself a protein shake, your body eagerly soaking up the first healthy nutrients you had fed it in months. You slid into the shower, letting the hot water soak your skin and indulging in the expensive beauty products that had been untouched for weeks, since you had nearly lived at the chateau where the boys only had three-in-one shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Which, upon further review, was extremely sus.
You spent the day at the beach with Sarah, soaking in the heat of the early summer sun. You could tell she was torn, wanting to spend time with you, while also wanting to spend time with John B and his friends. You had no desire to go back to the chateau, but you didn't want to make your situation her problem so that night she went to hang out with them without you, bringing the box of JJ's stuff with her as you stayed home alone. And honestly, the solitude wasn't the worst thing in the world. You made yourself dinner with the fresh ingredients your parents kept at home; you had been chugging water all day following your run and you had the first tanlines of the season. You felt good. It was like the haze was parting on the last six months of your life and you were finally getting back to who you were.
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The next morning as you laced up your sneakers for your run, you could feel how sore your legs were. This was going to be brutal. You stretched out as best you could and then began to jog, trying to maintain a more reasonable pace than yesterday. You had slowly found your rhythm, your legs and lungs screaming in protest as you passed the one-mile mark and pushed forward.
"Y/L/N!" you heard someone shout, turning to see Rafe running up to you. He slowed his pace to match yours as you paused your music.
"Cameron" you acknowledged.
"It's been a while" he said, a statement that hung in the air like a question: Where have you been? Why did you leave?
"Aw, Cameron, you missed me!" you teased.
"Missed the look on your face every time I outran you."
"Nice try" you said, reaching out and shoving him with one hand as you both laughed. You continued in silence for a while, your breathing clearly more labored than his.
"You don't have to slow down to keep pace with me" you conceded.
"Eh, it's technically my rest day, I can afford to go easy" he said.
You glanced up at him, catching him smiling at you before returning focus to his run.
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So began a daily routine, up early for runs with Rafe in the morning, days spent soaking in the sun and enjoying life back on Figure 8. You noticed the physical effect this was having on you: your morning runs and healthier diet had you leaner, days spent in the sun chugging water instead of napping all day and drinking beer had given you a deep tan and cleared your skin.
When you were hanging with the pogues it felt like a constant bash-fest for everything on this side of the island. Sure, Figure 8 had it's issues and assholes, but if you were honest you missed the comforts of this life, your plump mattress, the fully stocked refrigerator, air conditioning and showers that always ran hot. What surprised you most of all was how much you had missed Rafe. You had always been good friends; you felt like you knew a side of him that he didn't share with other people. You had relished that. But you had dropped it all the minute JJ said he didn't like Rafe and didn't want you hanging out with him. You didn't even question it, not wanting to strain your new relationship. You let Rafe's text messages and phone calls go unanswered until they slowed and stopped as he was resigned to your silence.
All of this was playing on an endless loop in your head on your run the following morning when Rafe interrupted you, taking in the scowl on your face.
"I can hear the gears turning in your head from here, what's on your mind?" he asked.
You slowed your pace to a stop, putting a hand on his arm to slow him down with you.
"Rafe, I owe you an apology. I am so sorry for how I acted. I can't believe I just ignored you like that" you said, running the back of your hand over your sweaty brow. "It's no excuse at all, I'm my own person, but JJ just had this hold on me. He had a way of eclipsing every part of my life and he didn't want me hanging out with you anymore. He made me promise."
"He what?" Rafe's tone surprised you.
"You know how it is. Kooks hate the Pogues, Pogues hate the Kooks and you are the poster child for this side of the island. He said we couldn't be together if I was friends with the 'King Kook'. I-I didn't know what to do, but I chose him over you. And I regret it. Seriously, I'm sorry."
Rafe was pacing back and forth with his hands on his head. A look of confusion, frustration, sadness and latent anger on his face. You could see a tic in his jaw as he worked it back and forth, thinking about how to respond.
"Please say something" you said, your mind whirling.
You didn't have JJ anymore, you were constantly having to share your best friend, you didn't want to lose Rafe too. As your adrenaline began to crash from your run and the feeling of anxiety over the abandonment you'd felt over the last few weeks caught up to you, you felt your eyes begin to water and you began to take deep breaths to prevent the tears from spilling over.
Rafe clocked the shift in your breathing and when he looked at you and saw tears in your eyes, it felt like a vice on his heart.
"Hey, hey" he said, "None of that, c’mere" as he wrapped you in his arms in a strong hug. Your skin stuck together, slick from the sweat of your run. The feeling of your warm body against his slowed his heartbeat. The feeling of his arms around you slowed yours.
"Are you mad at me?” you asked, your voice muffled against his chest.
"Honesty? I was, for a long time. I just didn't understand what I did wrong."
"You didn't do anything wrong!"
"Yeah, I know that now. If I would have known then that Maybank was behind all of this I would have caved his face in."
"Still might.”
"Rafe!" you said, louder this time, pulling yourself from his arms to shove him away playfully.
"Can you blame me?" he said, his tone uncharacteristically serious. "We went from spending nearly every day together to complete silence overnight. I-I wasn't ok Y/N."
"I had no idea, Rafe. Sarah didn't say anything."
"Sarah didn't know, no one did. You know I don't let a lot of people in, least of all my sister. I don't deal well with people leaving like that, you know with my mom and everything..." he trailed off and started pacing again, chewing his thumb nervously, avoiding eye contact with you.
Realization struck you and suddenly you couldn't believe you had been so selfish. You had never stopped to consider how your absence would affect him. Your heart squeezed as you watched him before putting your arms around him again.
"I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere."
He slowly put his arms around you, sinking into your hold. "You promise?"
"I promise."
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JJ was sitting up in bed, head pounding with the beginning of the day's hangover as he glanced at the naked girl beside him before reaching for his phone. He tapped through the insta stories from the night before before landing on one that had just been posted that grabbed his attention.
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He whipped his phone across the room in anger and it bounced against the cardboard box of his belongings in the corner.
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part three series masterlist
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
Pancake Bar War
Request from anon: hotch x daughter reader where they are having a fun day at home and its just a lot of fluff and stuff. i feel like you have been writting a lot of dark stuff lately so maybe this could cheer you up!🤍🤍
Aaron Hotchner x daughter!reader
Summary: Breakfast time in the Hotchner household turns into a delicious disaster.
A/N: This was so refreshing to write! Sorry it’s short! Thanks for looking out for my mental health Anon. It’s truly appreciated ❤️ 
CW: Fluff, food fight
There’s always a bit of amnesia that comes with waking up in the morning- whether that be the inability to remember what you dreamt of last night, or the split second where you forget what day it is. Most people have both.
You flopped over and looked at your clock. 8:38 AM, Friday. The morning amnesia broke and a smile broke out on your face. You slipped your bare feet into socks and walked down the hall to the kitchen where your dad was already busy making pancakes.
“Morning dad!” You greeted him.
“Goodmorning, sweetheart,” he replied. It was always a joy to wake up to the sight of his own home and members of his own family rather than alone in a hotel room somewhere.
Of course, Hotch had been up for a few hours now- even though working at the BAU made keeping a healthy circadian rhythm nearly impossible, having two kids and a demanding job made it so he always woke up at 6 AM sharp. On a regular day, he would have had to get ready for work and help get you and Jack ready for school, but you had the day off that day.
It was a fantastic excuse to give the rest of the team a well-deserved long weekend. Aaron had some meetings in the afternoon that he couldn’t reschedule, but he was happy to at least have the morning with you. Normally it would have been you and Jack, but your brother and Henry had insisted on a sleepover. Even though Hotch had been reluctant to give up the extra time with his son, it was a chance for him to spend some one-on-one time with you; a rare commodity that he was happy to have.
Between helping Jack with soccer and him still being at the age where Aaron knew how to help him with homework, it was easy to find quality time with his son. He tried his best to spend an equal amount of time with you, but your high school classes sometimes had you buried in double the work he had and your extracurriculars were far beyond his expertise. Sometimes quality time with his only daughter could only come in the form of working and studying in the same room, so he was thrilled that the morning could be dedicated to some much needed time with just the two of you.
“You think Jack will be mad that we did a pancake bar without him?” you asked.
He chuckled. “Jack is probably eating super hero themed waffles right now. I think he’ll be okay.”
Grinning, you pulled the whipped cream and chocolate syrup from the fridge before moving to get the chocolate chips and sprinkles from the pantry. You cut up some fruit and added it to the line up, turning part of the kitchen counter into a toppings buffet for the large stack of pancakes that your dad was beginning to finish up. Leaning against the counter, you took the liberty of connecting your phone to the bluetooth speaker, quietly putting The Beatles White Album on shuffle. You couldn’t help but notice your dad's smile.
“Alright,” he said, putting down a plate stacked with golden-brown pancakes on the counter. “Breakfast is served.”
You grabbed a few pancakes and began to pile on the toppings to your liking, quietly humming along to Blackbird as it echoed in the background. When you were finished, you sat down at the table.
“So,” he began. “What are you planning to do today?”
“They’re running the local market down at the park,” you said. It was something you loved to do when you could- walk around and look at every strange handmade soap, craft, painting, or nick nack that local vendors had to offer. There was always a fun surprise somewhere, and over the years you’d gotten great at finding the market’s hidden treasures.
“I didn’t know they still had that,” your dad said.
“They don’t run it as much as they used to,” you replied. “But since we have the day off school, all the vendors are students. One of my friends asked me to get breakfast with her before she has to set up, but I told her I already had plans with my dad that couldn’t be canceled.”
Your dad chuckled. “Thanks.” He knew the comment was entirely sarcastic in nature, but he couldn’t help but want a little payback. You both finished your breakfast and began the process of cleaning up the kitchen. You were nearly finished cleaning off the counter of toppings when your dad stopped you.
“Wait, sweetheart,” he said. You turned to him. “You have a little something, right… there!”
You hadn’t even noticed that the whipped cream was gone, hidden away in your dads hand so he could leave a dot of it on your nose. Your mouth dropped open in surprise, and then widened into a smile. “Oh you are ON!”
With the bottle of chocolate syrup in one hand, you pointed it towards him, getting a glob of the sticky substance on his shirt before he sprayed more whipped cream at you, causing you to shriek and giggle while the content of the can was emptied in your hair. With all his sugary ammo gone, it gave you the opportunity to move in- squeezing the bottle to attack him with a projectile fountain of chocolate.
But Hotch was nothing if not brave in the line of fire (especially when that fire was a delicious condiment). He playfully grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder, both of you laughing as you faked to struggle away from him. The bottle slipped from your hands and landed on the floor with a thunk. 
“I surrender!” you giggled as your dad spun around, making you just dizzy enough that it reminded you of how you used to make him spin you around and around when you were a little girl. “I surrender!”
Your dad chuckled and put you down. Both of your pajamas were stained with chocolate. The sticky feeling of whipped cream coated one cheek and you could feel that it was in your hair. From the look of your dad’s shirt, he would have been the prime suspect in a serial murder case against chocolate bunnies and the syrup was smeared against his face. But his smile was the brightest you had seen it in years.
“Go get ready,” he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll clean up.”
You went back to your room and began running the shower, knowing it would take a few cycles of shampoo to get the food fight evidence out of your hair. Hotch looked around at the kitchen, sighing but still smiling as he grabbed the cleaning supplies.
You would be late to the market and he would be late to his meeting, but it was worth it.
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hisui555 · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel thoughts : Foils
More of a ramble than anything speculative like the previous posts, just gonna blabber muppet-style about something I like from this show : the Foils between the Good/Ambiguously Good Guys (I mean, Alastor's there, right ?) and the Bad/Opposite Side Guys.
If you have time to kill, fancy yourself the read (<- not even sure that's proper English, and it's my third language anyway. Let's hack it up some more, shall we).
(Foils 2 here)
(Foils 3 here)
(Foils 4 here)
Masterpost here.
I mean the main thing that made my brain go "ding !" like a microwave and scratched it just right like my cat kneading my back when I'm too lazy to stand up and give her food right away, is the parallel between main couple Charlie & Vaggie (they're so sweet together) and villain couple Valentino & Vox (they're horrible people that are hilarious together).
Both have one of them at the head of their 'organisation' (Charlie is the founder of the Hazbin Hotel, Vox is the CEO of Voxtech and the TV tycoon in Pride), composed of one bi character (Charlie and Vox) and one Hispanic character (Vaggie and Valentino - and respectively they're lesbian and pan if you wanna know), yet Charlie & Vaggie are in a mutually supportive, kind, very encouraging, healthy, stable, devoted and genuinely loving relationship, and if they have fallouts (see Episode 7), deal with it in a mature and upstanding way. Vox & Val on the other side are mutually manipulative (see Episode 2), on-and-off together-but-not-dating (nothing wrong with that in itself, it's just how it's the opposite of Charlie & Vaggie), freewheeling, chaotic and co-dependent relationship (as Vees : Vox provides the medium of TV, Val provides the content), even if, for now, it appears to be somewhat functional, if unhealthy - they are less about fallouts and more dealing with the other's tantrums (Vox keeps Val in line, then does a 180 about Alastor as Val riles him up).
They're both same-sex couples but the first are a healthy couple because they mutually love each other and encourage the best qualities they have, always being there for the other, while the second are an unhealthy couple because they based it on power, and being together because they're mutually attracted to their worst qualities : they're a couple AS the worst people, while Charlie & Vaggie are two of the nicest people in Hell. Funnily enough, Val seems pretty open about Vox' past crush/unfading obsession on Alastor and Vox doesn't seem to mind Val's (horrible) obsession with Angel that much, while Vaggie easily gets jealous when another girl is (what she thinks) too affectionate with Charlie : see her reaction to Emily holding Charlie's hand in Ep 6.
Also, both Vox and Vaggie have to deal with an easily overwhelmed-by-their-feelings partner with a penchant for childishness and drama while being the (usually) more cool-headed and rational one (I mean, Charlie does her plans in crayons for hell's sake), but while Valentino is a psychopathic manchild with very little impulse control when angry, that needs to get his head screwed on straight and hurting people to come down from his tantrum, with Vox' babysitting (before he blows his top in the same way), Charlie has that side to her because she actively doesn't want to harm people, as well as being empathetic and a bit naive, along with her usual musical theatrics - it puts her at odds with the rest of Hell, who for the most part are raging jackasses indulging in their worst behaviors. But just like Valentino, if she focuses on what's urgent or important (and is willing to go that far), she can be quite dangerous and capable (Ep 8) - ironically, in a physical fight, while Val shows perfectly capable of using his mental capacities to manipulate and pressure both Angel and Charlie into making her leave (alongside the heavy beating on Angel, but he actually avoids the confrontation with the Princess of Hell - way more powerful than he is - that way).
Vox and Vaggie also have quite the temper underneath the rationality : Vaggie when loosing her nerve with the Hotel residents' idiocy, Vox when hearing the first wink about Alastor. Vaggie and Val may be the more readily violent (in completely different ways, because, I mean, Valentino) while Charlie and Vox the ones to plan things out (Hotel group activities and redemption VS getting Pentious to spy for the Vees), with material and budget back-up for each (Princess of Hell VS CEO), so there's kind of a square crossing between the two teams : they each share personality traits (in WIDELY different ways though) with the two others on the opposite side.
Valentino & Vox is also a foil for Angel & Husk (whether these latter two stay friends or become more remains to be seen, but as things are for now, I'm telling it how it currently is and will call them friends) : both Val and Husk are pansexual, but one follows the stereotype and jumps on anyone (Val), while the other doesn't wear his sexuality on his sleeve, is respectful with others' boundaries and has a clear, justified limit on his (see Ep 4). Valentino's horrible abuse of Angel becomes even more gut-wrenching when it shows (for now, and if the Instagrams are loosely canon by now) that he's perfectly capable of having a functional (if mutually manipulative and unhealthy) relationship with Vox - meaning he's chosing to hurt Angel and be a sadistic bastard.
Angel does a (very toned-down) certain version of sexual harrasment (constantly hitting on Husk, invading his personal space, H24 innuendos towards him, etc) just like Valentino, to try to get what he wants - but Husk sees it as the unhealthy mechanism it is to mask his pain, coping with the abuse, and calls him out on it. While Angel is naturally promiscuitous, he stops his tryharding, coke-myself-out-of-consciousness ways, and stands up to his rapist - all of that supported by Husk, while Vox doesn't lift a finger to stop Val until it Harms The Image, and even offers his lowest-earners so that his squeaky moth asshat of a boyfriend can shoot someone. Angel detaches himself from the Valentino-shaped shadow that looms over him, and Husk, an ex-Overlord dealing in souls and gambling, having them under his control, is the better version of Vox, who watches and controls everything he can.
Last but not least, Sera is a foil to Carmilla (and obviously, Lucifer, but I might do that one in another post). They're both mom-like figures (if not outright moms, like Carmilla is to her daughters) that are greatly motivated by protecting those under their charge (Winner souls and Emily VS Sinner souls and Odette, Clara, and even Zestial if that line in Whatever It Takes is to be taken at face value - though Carmilla means it at the very least as a close friend). Sera is willing to lie to her daughter (sister ?) figure Emily to keep her happy and out of the loop, regretting allowing the Exterminations to happen, and refusing to question the system for fear of retribution (like what happened to Lucifer), on her or her wards. When called out on her behavior and for help, she refuses to lend a hand and upholds the status quo, even if she's trying to be compassionate and doesn't agree with the sheer pettiness that motivates Adam and Lute.
Carmilla on her side outright broke the rules (on accident - she wasn't expecting for it to work), killing the unkillable in self-defense for her daughters. When asked about in Ep 3, she tries to deny it, both out of fear of a suicidal uprising, and just like Sera, retribution for her own family (plus the Sinner souls), yet after a little push from Zestial, she semi-confides in him (VS Sera who didn't brought Emily into the loop), and when Vaggie confronts her about it in Ep 7, she stealthily gives her what is needed to break the status quo : tactics on how to fight, and weapons. In fact, Carmilla's help from the shadows, while she didn't participate in the fight herself, proved to be instrumental in flipping the scales towards victory. She, a demon, was reluctant too, but she did help despite not knowing all the stakes, unlike Sera, an angel.
And this is what I love about that part of the show : it shows us a spectrum. People being people. To each more stereotyped character, there's a non-assuming counterpart. To each character with a specific trait on the bad side, there's one with the same trait on the good side. And that trait isn't their whole personality either.
Just that : people being people.
(Welp, that's the second post in a day, got enough socializing for the rest of the week. I'm gonna crawl back into my cave.)
Again, Masterpost here.
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sinfulseashell · 2 years
Meet Your Yandere Pt.6 (TR)
A/N: FINAL SET! Part 6 of 6! Enjoy 💖
Content Warning: Yandere Themed, Manipulative, Obsessive, Overprotective & Possessive Behavior.
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Izana Kurosawa: Possessive/Manipulative (8)
This was wrong he knew it was, but even if you were Emma’s friend that wasn’t going to stop him from getting to you. He tried many ways to get your attention, being around you and Emma, talking to you directly, learning small things about you that he knew would get you to recognize him. For instance…he knew your favorite color, and favorite flowers so he would spontaneously buy them for you, also he knew that you loved people who were sweet and generous so he began to become softer…All. For. You, but did you bat an eye at him? No…you didn’t. Instead you went for him…why couldn’t it have been anyone else, you could have been with someone else…ANYONE else. Seeing you and Mikey together made his stomach churn, his blood boiling the hatred he had for Mikey which was only a calm dim light now turned into a raging fire.
“I changed…I changed for you, and this…this is how you repay me? By falling for him! That no good, idiotic, shrimp!” He growled, punching another hole in his wall as he sat down. “He is wasting your time…potential! You need someone better Y/N…you need me to lift you up and take you to the top! That lazy bastard will only drag you down…nothing but a peasant! That filthy mutt is nothing!” Suddenly a devilish smirk played across his lips as he chuckled darkly. “I’ll show you…I’ll show you exactly who you need.” With those words in mere weeks he would have you safely in his arms. He started off with your dates since he knew you so well, he also knew where your dates would be and the time making sure that Mikey would over sleep by of course having generous, sweet Emma over feed him. “You know…Mikey is getting…a little thin. Do you think he is eating right?” This of course worried Emma as his sister wanted to make sure that Mikey was well fed and healthy.
“Eat up!” She smiled while placing a large plate in front of Mikey. “Oi…Emma isn’t that a lot of food?” Draken asked, looking over at Mikey who happily began to eat it. “Hush Kenny…let her feed me. All she is doing is being a good sister.” He smiled brightly at Emma before taking another bite. Izana smirked as he ate his own food suddenly seeing Mikey falling asleep shortly after the meal, checking the time he noticed it was close to the date time with you already planning to meet at the restaurant he would take Mikey’s place instead. Mikey’s phone began to ping of course with message after message asking where he was, but being the good brother Izana was he didn’t want that noise to wake his sweet little brother so instead he silenced his phone making sure that Draken was well distracted with Emma in the process.
“You won’t have her…she belongs to me.” He muttered before taking his leave. Finally getting to the restaurant he saw you standing there waiting at the entrance, “Y/N? What are you doing here?” He gasped, acting as if he didn’t know you would be there. “Oh! Izana! Um…I was waiting for Mikey, but it’s been 30 minutes now and he hasn’t even read a single message.” You pouted, this made Izana’s heart skip a beat chest swelling with excitement from just that small expression you made. “He stood you up? That idiot…I swear…tch…he has the best person in the world who loves him and yet this is the stupid shit he does.” Facepalming he sighed now looking away and then back to you seeing small tears fall down your cheeks he was quick to cup your face, using his thumbs to wipe them away. “No…don’t cry over someone like him. He doesn’t deserve it, you need someone better Y/N, someone who will give the world to you on a golden platter.” His smile was soft which of course would make anyone blush, grabbing your hand gently he looked at you, “Let’s go inside. I know the owner well and we can get a reservation pretty fast and I’ll make sure you get your money back for your reservation too.” He hummed with your heart heavy from sadness that once overwhelmed you, you followed.
“This isn’t the first time Mikey has done this to me…” you spoke softly while keeping your eyes trained to your fiddling hands. “He has done this before…countless times…ugh…I’m getting sick of him doing this to me. If he isn’t late to our dates then he is with Toman…all the time.” Izana raised a brow as he listened to you speak about how Mikey always put Toman first or his own needs first, ‘Looks like you have been messing up your own relationship…Manjiro.’ He scoffed as he placed his drink back down. “Y/N. I’m going to be honest with you…Mikey is selfish, he will always put his needs before yours and that’s how it will always be. If I was you then I would leave now before you get too attached to him or vice versa. He can be…needy.” Izana let the last word slip, seeing you tense up and look down. “Needy?” You whispered. Izana cleared his throat and furrowed his brows, “Did I say needy? I mean…,” now biting his lip combing his fingers through his white loc’s he sighed.
“Well you see how much he depends on Draken.” He spoke seeing your eyes widen, seeming to be deep in thought on what you got yourself into. “He does…depend on him alot…” you whispered finally seeing all those red flags that you chose to ignore. A sly smirk played across Izana’s lips hiding it behind his cup, “Sadly he does, and of course you don’t want that to be your life…do you?” He frowned and patted your hand, you shook your head to answer his question. “I thought so. Well it would be best if you let go, I mean you see the flags Y/N…don’t let false love and dreams hold you back from someone better. Someone who could be right in front of you…” your soft eyes slowly looked up meeting his lavender ones. “Like you?” your soft voice was just above a whisper. “Yes…someone like me.”
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Kakucho Hitto: Overprotective/Obssessive (1)
You have known Kakucho all your life, hell the two of you were practically family or that’s how you thought of him. He on the other hand started to notice that lately you started to look more…appealing in his eyes, the once innocent, sweet little sibling that he would protect constantly started to grow into a beautiful, independent woman right before his eyes. “Hey Cho,” you smiled upon your arrival at his place. “Ready to go? I need help picking out an outfit for my date tonight.” You hummed while looking in your little compact mirror to fix your makeup and hair. Date…a word that he dreaded to hear over the years, but he started to hear that word more often and yet every time you said it the darker his mind would get.
Every dumbass person you would go to see always left on the 3rd date never to return only to leave you heartbroken and crying in his arms, the sight alone was painful yet you never gave up hope that you would find love sooner or later. “Y/N..” his mature voice echoed through the car. “A-are you sure about this?” He frowned, causing his grip on the steering wheel to tighten. “I mean you know what usually happens on these dates..” his voice trailed off not wanting to sound harsh. “Yes I’m sure Cho. I mean yeah I haven’t had a lot of good experiences in the dating world, but I want to find someone I truly care for and that will love me the same.” A crisp pain filled his chest hearing your words, you want to find love but the perfect person to love you is sitting right next to you…couldn’t you see that? “I understand that Y/N…but what if…what if…” he tensed up before finally just saying the words that were stuck in his throat.
“What if the perfect person was so close that you could touch them? What if the person loved you so deeply it hurt? Would it be bad to date someone you have known your whole life?” He asked. Seeing a soft smile play across your soft lips made his chest tighten, “Well…if they truly loved me then how come they haven’t said anything?” You asked this question so easily as if you knew his feelings, which in turn you knew deep down inside that he had feelings for you but something always stopped you…to put it plain and simple…you didn’t feel the same, only because you…yourself didn’t feel worthy of his love. “Now Cho, what if I knew how this person felt and yet…I didn’t feel worthy of their love. I’m not a good person…I have flaws and well frankly I can be toxic…what if…I don’t want to ruin the person that loves me?” At that moment the car stopped already in the parking lot of the mall, but neither of you moved, only the silence of thoughts filled the car. “You could never ruin me…” he spoke sternly. “You’re not toxic….you’re perfect. All of you…in every way…you’re perfect and if you can’t see that about yourself then I’ll make sure that you see how perfect you are every day…for the rest of my life. I love you…I have been in love with you since the first year of highschool…and I’m sorry.” Tears began to build up in his eyes as he continued to look straight ahead.
“It’s my fault…all those failed dates…it was me. I would always force those people to leave so…so they…” With every word he said tears streamed down his face more and more until he finally turned to face you. “I didn’t…I didn’t want them to take you from me.” He choked out. At that moment your breath hitched from his words causing you to tremble. “Y/N…c-can’t you see…I…I did it because they were bad people, and I didn’t want to lose you…” he hiccuped while grabbing your arm. “No Kakucho.” The way you spoke his name so sternly caused him to freeze in place. “All this time I thought I was a bad person…all this time I thought something was wrong with me. Only to find out…” you paused now, turning your head to look at him.
“It was you…” What stared back at you was watery eyes, the grip on your arm tightening now turning to look straight ahead your heart felt true fear as you decided to speak your last words. “You’re the bad person Kakucho…not them.” His eyes widened as his grip tightened, shaking his head and looking down as broken sobs filled the car. “NO! DON'T SAY THAT! Y/N! I LOVE YOU!” Just then he gasped upon hearing his name being called, “Cho? Cho? Kakucho!” Jumping from your loud voice he quickly looked at you seeing you smile so softly. “Are you ok?” You giggled. “You zoned out there for a moment, this is why I tell you that you need to start going to sleep early.” You sighed while patting his arm.
“Come on, let's go inside so we can hurry up and get back.” He nodded and watched you get out of the car trying to swallow the lump in his throat. He sighed, “No…it was just my imagination…I…I can’t let her go on this…date.” His dark eyes watched as you waited outside for him furrowing his brows. He decided at that moment, you wouldn’t be going to this date…and that was final because…he was the only person who could ever love you.
Taglist: @brownsugarmoonie @islascafe @mxnjiros @bontens-cum-slut @blkladyelle @rxmera-archive @rome-alone @miyuaditt @reiners-milkbiddies
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animeomegas · 1 year
Ok, but who out of all the Naruto boys would be extremely sensitive while pregnant 🥺
For me, it's a tie between Naruto and Choji for being the biggest crybabies while pregnant
Biggest cry babies while in their third trimester:
Most likely to cry
Lee - He cries about twice as much, which easily puts him at the top of this list XD He cries about everything, but he cries especially hard when you settle on a name for the pup. He isn't sure why, but once his pup has a name, they feel real and he bawls and bawls and bawls, for days.
Sasuke - He cries from genuine distress mostly. Hates being pregnant, can't sleep, he's too hot all the time, the fact that there's a person inside him makes him want to rip out his internal organs, basically it's too much for him. He doesn't cry easily, but this is the exception period in his life.
Iruka - He cries randomly for the whole of his third trimester. You're not sure what the triggers are, but neither is he. You'll be talking normally with him, but suddenly his face screws up and he gets emotional over nothing. His hormones are all over the place, you'll have to forgive him.
Naruto - This is where we get into the normal levels of emotional (for a pregnant omega anyway haha.) Naruto gets emotional sometimes, normally over something silly like running out of ramen, and he knows it's stupid, but he can't help but tear up. And if he happens to get over stressed while pregnant, he has a good cry for the catharsis.
Itachi - He cries a fair amount, maybe once a week, normally at the end of the week when everything boils over. He's humiliated by a lot of pregnancy things and he's so sick, he has to rely on his alpha for everything. You have to help him to the bathroom and he's always embarrassed about it. He doesn't like relying, so he boils over about once a week from frustration and helplessness.
Chouji - Sheds a few tears every now and then, mainly when he sees a very cute baby toy or blanket, or when he's in bed with his alpha talking about all the things they're going to do with the new pup. He cries and smiles at the same time, and he only cries happy tears.
Shino - He only cries once or twice while he's pregnant, mainly in the middle of the night alone. He doesn't want to be negative with his alpha, he feels guilty for worrying or having negative thoughts, so he cries alone a handful of times when it all gets too much. He will never tell.
Neji - This is where we get to 'doesn't really cry' territory. He is so ultra focused on tracking everything. Calories, baby movements, food diary, water intake etc. No room in his time for crying, he's got to focus on keeping him and his baby healthy. He will only cry from relief if he thinks something was going wrong with the baby, but it turned out fine. He also cried when he found out he was going to be able to breastfeed. He only cries a big, emotional moments.
Gaara - He doesn't cry much at all. He's in awe of everything and so interested in watching his baby develop inside him. He takes everything, the good and the bad, gracefully. He tears up a few times when people take care of him, like you or his siblings, because it makes him feel loved, and the hormones force those emotions to make him tear up.
Kiba - He also doesn't cry much. He knows what he's doing and he takes it all in stride haha. He's also probably got other pups to attend to, no time to cry and he also doesn't want to scare them by crying in front of them. He believes in being strong in front of his pups so they feel safe and protected by him.
Shikamaru - Why cry when he's spending like 8 months relaxing at home with his alpha taking care of his every whim?? This is the best period of his life.
Haku - So serene it's almost funny. Says 'oh' when something hurts a lot and then just moves on. He is smiling even as he's being sick or bed bound. There is no stress in him about pregnancy, he's all smiles. Never cries.
Least likely to cry
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izvmimi · 1 year
“Do you think these are enough?” 
Izuku joins you mulling over a batch of about 8 large crepes you’ve made over the past hour, pressing his chin onto your shoulder.
“There’re only 6 of us, though,” he points out. “You have more than enough.”
“What if someone messes one up?” you point out, turning to him. He tilts his head to the side, eyebrows furrowed.
“How do you mess up a crepe?” he asks, his tone nevertheless sympathetic. You murmur something about spreading whipped cream too eagerly but realize he’s probably right, pursing your lips as you put foil over the crepes and gather your smorgasbord of toppings together. 
Today you’re having the smallest of potlucks, joining up with the #2 and #3 Heroes at Katsuki’s home for an early dinner/lunch, and you’re thankful that your treats stay hot in the short trip to his apartment. It’s cozy and warm, and Katsuki makes it to the door in reindeer ears and fuzzy socks, and glares at you before you can start laughing.
“Merry Christmas!” His girlfriend says quickly, bumping him to the side to see you and quickly taking your gifts out of your hands. She replaces it quickly with a wrapped box and rushes you in, and Shoto and his partner wave at you from their seats on the couch, their warm alcoholic drinks on the coffee table still steaming. 
“We should probably start with the crepes before they get soggy,” you insist, and the group agrees. You watch in horror as Katsuki eats a crepe doused in hot sauce, but thankfully his girlfriend is more sensible with marshmallow fluff and a small drizzle of Nutella. You eat yours plain as does Shoto, who nods at you in understanding, and his love adds a healthy serving of blueberries and whipped cream to theirs. Izuku covers his in far too many strawberries and dollops of Nutella and offers you some.
“I think they taste better without toppings,” you insist, pouting. He shrugs as if to tell you “suit yourself” but kisses you on the forehead before eating. Shoto’s partner, also noticing Bakugou’s atrocity of a dessert, makes a look of mild discomfort but says nothing. 
As you sit close to Izuku, resting your head on his shoulder as Shoto tells a hilarious story despite his deadpan expression, you think of how Izuku considers crepes the perfect date food, then remember that dates don’t always have to be romantic, and this could be a date amongst the six of you, the joining of hearts on Christmas over a little warm crepe.
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yeolsaintlaurent · 7 months
Nocturnal Reverie ch.8 [PCY]
pairing - chanyeol x fem reader
genre - mature, smut, angst
themes - power imbalance, romance, crime, justice, class divide, politics, sex
synopsis - In the sprawling, dystopian city of Emberhaven, where power and corruption reign supreme, the lives of two unlikely individuals collide in a tale of passion, intrigue, and moral reckoning. Chanyeol, an enigmatic and wealthy scion of the city's elite, finds himself captivated by the elusive Y/N, a cunning and resourceful thief who navigates the treacherous underworld of Emberhaven. Their first encounter, sparked by a chance meeting in a luxurious club called The Velvet Lounge, sets the stage for a whirlwind romance amidst a backdrop of crime, politics, and danger.
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warnings - none for this chapter
Chapter 8: Unexpected Encounter
The local grocery shop offered a familiar sanctuary in the midst of Emberhaven's turmoil. Y/N entered the store, her steps echoing softly in the fluorescent-lit aisles. It was a simple task, just picking up some food, but in a city where trust was a rarity, even a routine trip to the store had its element of unpredictability.
Her journey through the shop brought a sense of nostalgia mixed with caution. As she navigated the aisles, a subtle sense of unease nudged her, a shadow of something amiss. Her senses sharpened, she noticed a fleeting figure that sent her instinctively ducking behind a shelf, heart pounding.
Peering from her hiding spot, she confirmed the person was gone before emerging cautiously and resuming her shopping. But as she approached the cereal aisle, her anticipation was muffled by a sudden yearning. Her favorite cereal, Fruit Loops, sat on the top shelf, just out of her reach.
Before she could ponder the inconvenience, a presence unfurled behind her, a warmth that she recognized before turning. It was Chanyeol, the very person she had sought to hide from moments earlier. His lopsided smile was different this time, marked by a calming seriousness. "Here you go, Y/N," he offered, placing the coveted box of cereal in her cart.
Stunned by the unexpected encounter, she struggled to find her voice. "Th-thank you...?" she managed, her words a breathless whisper. Chanyeol seemed unwavering in his intention as he looked at her, his tone indicative of their undeniable need to talk. "I really think we need to talk, don't you?"
With a contemplative pause, she nodded, her gaze drifting away. As they continued down the aisle, Chanyeol observed her choices, breaking the silence with a remark about the lack of healthy options in her cart. "Eh, they get the job done," she replied, her words lightly masking her curiosity about his presence.
Chanyeol's gesture took her by surprise as he smoothly took the shopping cart from her, guiding it with a care that transcended the confines of a casual encounter. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she silently wondered if he hadn’t actually recognized her that day, secretly pleased that she hadn't jeopardized their burgeoning connection.
His steps led them to the produce aisle, where he selected vegetables, adding them to her cart with an air of practiced consideration. Next, they ventured to the meat aisle, and fresh cuts of chicken found their place among her groceries. Although questions swirled in her mind, she decided to hold them back for now. "I noticed you had like zero healthy food options in your cart," Chanyeol commented, his tone gentle but firm. "Let's get some healthy veggies into you."
As they made their way toward the self-checkout, Y/N readied herself to complete the transaction. However, Chanyeol acted swiftly, already using his card to pay. Frustration brewed as she questioned his motives, "Hey, why did you do that for?" Her irritation was palpable.
Chanyeol's response held no room for argument. "I want to get it for you. Can’t I do that for someone I lo-", he stopped mid-sentence. Y/N offered a  thank you, not letting on that she heard him. Holy shit, do I really wish to hear the L-word right now??? - she asked herself. As they bagged their purchases together, their unspoken history and the mysterious circumstances that bound them cast a heavy yet hopeful atmosphere.
Chanyeol's reluctance to hand over the bags as they stood by the self-checkout had hinted at his determination to accompany her further. Her suggestion to discuss their matters in the parking lot was met with his unwavering resolve for a more secure location. Before she could protest, he had already taken a few steps forward, his determined stride leading her home.
As they reached her doorstep, she hesitated, turning to face him with an earnest request. "Could you wait here for a bit? I need to straighten out the place a bit first." Chanyeol granted her request with a reassuring smile and a nod.
Quickly, she unlocked her front door and entered her small, modest apartment. Her heart raced as she realized she was about to welcome a guest, especially one she was growing increasingly fond of. A frenzy of cleaning followed, with clothes hurriedly stuffed into the closet and empty snack packets, microwave dinner remnants, and discarded alcoholic beverage bottles swiftly finding their way to the trash.
Every action carried her anticipation and a sense of excitement she couldn't deny. Her emotions were tangled between the thrill of having Chanyeol in her home and the nagging curiosity about what he wanted to talk to her about. All the while, her thoughts whirled, forming a whirlwind of questions and possibilities. She contemplated every item she put away, wondering if it would convey the right image.
Once satisfied that her living quarters at least presented a veneer of tidiness, she walked back to the door with a mix of excitement and anticipation. She had never had a boyfriend, let alone invited someone into her home. As she opened the door, she found Chanyeol seated on the stairs outside, engrossed in his phone.
A confident smile touched her lips as she greeted him, her voice laced with newfound courage. "Come in, Chanyeol." The once-aloof man from the bar had gradually become a more constant presence in her life, and as he stepped into her apartment, it was as though the threshold of her world had expanded to include a piece of his own.
As they stepped into her small apartment, she locked the door behind them, sealing a moment that seemed laden with significance. Guiding him into the combined kitchen and dining area, she invited him to take a seat in one of the chairs while she began to put away her groceries. His voice, filled with concern, interrupted her actions. "How have you been doing?" he inquired, noticing the discomfort she faced while trying to reach the shelves above the kitchen counter, her wounded shoulder causing her to wince.
She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath to compose her response. "I'm doing fine, just been a busy week," she replied, her voice tinged with a subtle hint of exhaustion. Chanyeol's questioning eyes prompted her to explain further. "Busy, huh?" he prodded. "What have you been up to?"
Y/N decided to keep her response vague, hoping not to reveal too much. "You know, just this and that, nothing as exciting as what you would have been up to," she responded with a faint smile.
Chanyeol, however, was determined to unravel the truth. His prodding questions aimed to coax her into sharing her reality, but he couldn't suppress his concern any longer. He moved swiftly, closing the distance between them. With a gentle but determined hand, he pulled aside her cardigan to reveal her bullet wound. The shock in her eyes was evident, and she instinctively pushed him away, her voice raised in protest. "What the hell are you doing?" she demanded.
His tone remained calm, but a trace of anger crept in. "How did you get that wound?" he inquired, the question hanging in the air like an unspoken challenge. Y/N knew the jig was up, her earlier evasions exposed. "So, I guess you did really recognize me," she conceded, her admission laced with a mix of resignation and anxiety.
Chanyeol stepped back, his gaze locked onto the bullet wound. He couldn't help but feel a surge of guilt for having been the one who shot her during the raid. His heart ached as he watched her. Y/N couldn't hide the pain that flickered in her eyes; it was more than just the physical discomfort from her injury. "Y/N, what happened?" he inquired, his voice now softened, revealing genuine concern.
Y/N hesitated for a moment, her gaze shifting from the floor to his earnest eyes. She knew she had to share the truth with him, even if it meant risking her safety. "I was at the wrong place at the wrong time," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "I didn't choose to be there, Chanyeol. Things just spiraled out of control."
Chanyeol absorbed her words, and for a moment, they simply looked at each other, the weight of their complicated connection hanging in the air. Finally, he broke the silence. "Tell me everything, Y/N. I need to understand." His insistence was rooted in a mix of curiosity, regret, and a burgeoning desire to protect her.
As she began to recount the events leading up to the raid, she couldn't help but be captivated by the emotions playing across Chanyeol's face. Concern, understanding, and, perhaps, a hint of forgiveness. When she reached the part where she had stolen the valuable eggs, her eyes met his with a trace of guilt. She anticipated a harsh reaction, but what she found in Chanyeol's gaze surprised her.
"You did what you had to do to survive," he said, his voice filled with empathy. "I can't change what's already happened, but I want to help you now. Y/N, you don't have to face this alone."
As the weight of his words settled in, Y/N's heart ached with gratitude. She had expected anger and recrimination, but instead, she was met with kindness and an offer of support. Chanyeol was proving to be a complex figure in her life, one she was struggling to fully understand.
Chanyeol continued to gently touch her bandaged wound, his eyes filled with remorse. "I apologize for any part I played in your pain," he whispered. Y/N's response brought a small, sad smile to his lips.
As the conversation continued, they shared pieces of their respective truths. Chanyeol admitted to being at the raid because he had been investigating Lucio's operations as part of a deeper undercover operation. He kept the details vague, not wanting to reveal his full involvement or the fact that he knew Y/N's connection to Jongin.
Y/N, in turn, explained her presence at the raid as an attempt to sell the stolen eggs, a move motivated by her need for money and the desire to rid herself of a dangerous commodity. When Chanyeol asked the question that had been weighing on him, if she was part of the organized crime, she answered with an emphatic "FUCK NO! It was the first time I had to deal with that dude, Lucio, and after everything, it was the first and last time I've gotten to be involved with scumbags like that", making it clear that she had no affiliations with Lucio's crew.
Chanyeol nodded, his face reflecting relief at her answer. He believed her, but there was still a knot of worry in his chest. "I'm here because I want to help you, my darling," he said sincerely. "I understand that you're in a difficult situation, and I don't want to see you get hurt further. Is there anything I can do for you? Any way I can assist you in getting out of this mess?"
Y/N's eyes locked with his, her vulnerability showing. She appreciated his offer, even though she was uncertain about the depth of trust she could place in him. "I need a safe place to stay, Chanyeol," she confessed. "Somewhere I can lie low for a while, away from prying eyes."
Chanyeol contemplated for a moment before he spoke, his expression serious. "You could stay with me," he suggested. "I've been trying to keep you out of it, because the situation is more dangerous than you know. Not only are Lucio's men after you, but the police are also searching for you, suspecting your involvement in the mafia."
Y/N's eyes widened with realization, and she felt a shiver of fear. Her name on the police's wanted list was not something she had anticipated. She nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation.
Chanyeol continued, "My home is a secure place, and I have connections that can help keep you hidden. I'll do everything in my power to protect you."
For the first time, Y/N allowed herself to relax slightly in Chanyeol's presence. Despite their complex history and the secrets that lingered between them, it was clear that he genuinely wanted to help her. She felt a glimmer of hope that perhaps, with Chanyeol's assistance, she could navigate the perilous path she had found herself on.
The atmosphere was thick with tension as Y/N hurriedly packed a duffel bag with essentials. Chanyeol sat on the floor, amusing himself by playing with her cat. The sight of him interacting with her furry companion brought a smile to her face. In the midst of chaos, these small moments of connection provided a glimmer of normalcy.
Y/N zipped up the duffel bag and then looked over at Chanyeol. Her heart swelled with gratitude. She was relieved that she had found him, and there was a sense of reassurance in his presence. However, their respite was short-lived.
With her cat secured in a carrier, Y/N picked up her belongings, but Chanyeol stepped forward, offering to carry both the duffel bag and the carrier. They were about to make their way to the door when they heard hushed, urgent murmurs and shuffling outside her apartment.
Both Y/N and Chanyeol froze, their gazes locked in alarm. The situation had escalated rapidly. Chanyeol motioned for her to step back as he approached the door, peering through the peephole. What he saw sent a chill down his spine.
"It's Lucio's men," he whispered to Y/N. “Shit, they must be here for the merch and the money”, she whispers back. She tensed and glanced around the room, her mind racing for an escape plan. Chanyeol pointed toward the back door, and they rushed toward it, leaving her front door behind.
Just as they reached the back door and Chanyeol fumbled for the lock, a deafening crash echoed from the front of the apartment. The door to her home was brutally knocked down, revealing multiple armed assailants who had already infiltrated her living space.
With heartbeats racing and adrenaline coursing through their veins, Y/N and Chanyeol didn't have a moment to lose. They burst through the back door just as the front door was breached, the sound of gunshots and the rush of bullets whizzing past them echoing in the narrow hallways. The two of them fled into the darkness, their escape into the night fraught with danger, but driven by the desperate need to stay one step ahead of their pursuers.
Under the cover of the inky night, Y/N and Chanyeol found themselves crouched behind a parked car in a desolate alleyway. Their breaths came out in hurried gasps, and their hearts pounded with adrenaline as they listened for any signs of their relentless pursuers.
Y/N, her senses sharpened by desperation, carefully peeked out from their hiding spot to scan the surroundings. Her eyes strained to spot any movement, and as she gazed down the dimly lit alley, she could sense no immediate threat. With a subtle but reassuring nod, she signaled to Chanyeol that the coast was temporarily clear.
Carefully and without a moment's hesitation, they silently slipped away from their refuge behind the car, making their way through the labyrinthine streets of Emberhaven. Their footsteps were quiet, and every alley they navigated, every turn they took, was guided by the instinct to evade their relentless pursuers.
As they journeyed through the dimly lit night, Chanyeol's residence became their beacon of hope. Their determination was unwavering, a testament to the unspoken connection that bound them. Safety was within reach, but the secrets that swirled around them grew ever more ominous.
In the calm of the night, under a moonless sky, they reached Chanyeol's home. Their breaths, once ragged and anxious, now settled into an air of relief. They had managed to elude the danger that lurked in the shadows of the city, for now.
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jtl07 · 9 months
jtl07 fics, summer 2023
Kinda liked doing the half year recap in June and had planned to do another one at the end of the year, but since I had quite the posting spree this month, decided to do one now.
General stats
Total on this pseud: 12 (all avatrice / Warrior Nun fandom)
Fics posted (chronological order):
to all the girls (to you, to me) -- or: Ava watching people fall in love with Beatrice, including herself
leave it all behind (I’ll see you on the other side) -- or: Ava comes back - healthy, whole, quiet. Too quiet.
the long, delirious, burning blue -- or: the moody Top Gun 2 (Maverick) AU
another little peace (restful pieces): something old, something blue -- or: the girls buy cereal; or or: Bea learning the difference between safety and familiarity
looks for you in everything (finds you there) -- or: Switzerland vignettes based on items found in their bedroom
Enhanced Beings Tech Support transcripts -- or: What if there was technical phone support for “enhanced beings” like halo bearers?
another little peace (restful pieces): lets you see the wonder of it all -- or: Ava meets a member of her family
another little peace (restful pieces): like a boat -- or: Beatrice plays Stray Gods
late night vigil -- or: camila learns about beatrice's strap; she helps in her own way
another little peace (restful pieces): to always wake up to you -- or: avatrice proposal based off of SimplyKorra's fantastic headcanon
another little peace (restful pieces): perchance to dream (no more) -- or: Ava wakes up from a dream
can't go back -- or: Five times Beatrice tries a food for a second time
(More numbers, thoughts, and some plans below the cut)
More numbers
Total words: 36720
Shortest: 685 (to always wake up to you)
Longest (one-shot): 5987 (the long, delirious, burning blue)
Average/Median word count: 3060 / 2019
General thoughts
Nearly 10k more words in the past 3 months than I wrote the first half of the year - I guess being in a safe space after your life has been turned upside down makes a difference, huh?
I still don't know what happened this month - specifically, the two week period from 8/14 - 8/26 where my fingers were just trying their best to keep up with the stories pressing in my brain lol (willing to bet it's somethingsomething healing and how it can take many forms, like this kind of intense spike)
Fun fact: This is only the second time I've written a one-shot over 5k words this year (3rd time ever in my many years of writing fic). It's always interesting to look at the average / median word count because it's been firmly in the 2k range. I still want to challenge myself with longer work, they just take time and energy yknow? Under 3k, I feel really comfortable now, which is a cool feeling
Fic that surprised me:
Honestly, everything that happened in that intense two week period (i.e. everything posted after "the long, delirious, burning blue") was a genuine surprise. Every time one of those ideas happened, I felt like I was just trying to keep up. I was really glad to have the space - emotionally, physically - to write those stories.
And I guess what surprised me also was just how wide a range they all were. I've been trying to work on just "writing what will get written" and learning to turn off the judgemental voice in my head that says things like, "you should be writing more," or "you should be writing better ideas." It was a surprise that these ideas just kinda flowed without much friction, yknow? I'm taking it as a sign of growth :)
Fic that was the hardest to write:
Oh gosh hands down leave it all behind (I’ll see you on the other side) - I had to discard full drafts and start over from scratch multiple times to get to what's actually posted. I had tried different perspectives, different settings, different points in the story, but I just kept getting stuck. I think part of it was because when I write, I usually start with a vibe or an arc - with this one, I was starting with the turn, the twist - which I don't often write either. So writing this kind of story was new on all fronts
can't go back was also a bit frustrating to write - I've been dealing with a sudden recurrence of brain fog so I know part of it was that, but idk, I feel like it could have been tighter thematically
Fic that I'm proud of:
Definitely the Top Gun 2/Maverick AU, the long, delirious, burning blue. I mentioned this in a comment that when I first had the idea, I'd expected it to be more of an action fic - I don't often write action, so I thought it'd be a good opportunity to practice. But, as with most of my work, it ended up quite moody, more a reflection of grief and duty.
Why am I proud of it? Because despite my initial intent, and my initial disappointment when I realized the direction it was going, I allowed myself to go with it. Writing this piece helped me accept where I am in my writing, to accept the stories I choose to write and how I write them. This fic was not at all what I had expected, but it turned out to be exactly what I needed
Runner up: looks for you in everything (finds you there) - the final word count shocked me, honestly, I didn't expect to write so many vignettes. But I was mostly proud of the diligence behind this and letting my sappy side run free lol
WIPs in the wings
Lol my WIP list is hella long - and that's not counting a whole separate document I have that's just prompts. I still have some Supercorp ideas that I've not yet fleshed out that are more on the "experimental" side that play with form and formatting - I've also some avatrice ones in "genre" as well.
Surprisingly, I've a couple AUs I've been turning over in my mind - I blame playing Stray Gods for making me remember some video games I'd grown up playing lol Oh and I've been pondering how to do a litrpg/gamelit style fic as well.
There's a couple longer one-shots that I've been pecking at but are going to take me a while to finish - there's one that's sort of a sister to every leaf that falls (never stops falling) (not a continuation, more like a sister in terms of vibe and tone), and another that explores Ava having a new ability (will I ever stop being enamored with Switzerland era? The answer is no lol).
But mostly, I'm just going to vibe with happens - "write what will get written" and all. We'll see where it all goes!
If you've read this far, thanks a ton for your support and going on the ride that is my fics lol - much appreciation to y'all!
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