#The Kid's Are ('nt ) Alright
El and Max joined the track team, Will the swim team and Lucas does basketball so unfortunately for Mike, the Party has been jockified
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essiestarr · 1 year
The Kid's Are ( 'nt ) Alright
°Age Swap AU. Part 2- Chapter 1
Ao3, Part 1, Part 3
Jonathan Hopper-Byers isn't in today Nancy Wheeler notes, waving goodbye to her bestfriend and taking her seat behind his empty desk.
 Joyce as always is the first to wake, he feels her shift and extract herself out of his arms pressing a kiss to his lips before heading off to shower.
 Hopper allows himself to doze, relaxing into the bed and allowing the muffled sound of running water to lull him back to sleep.
  The bed dips again and he can smell the familiar scent of their shared shampoo as Joyce presses another kiss to his lips.
 “Morning Hop”
The words are whispered unto his lips, warm and minty. He opens his eyes to see his wife, hair damp and eyes soft, she’s stunning.
  “ Morning Joyce…”
Her nose crinkles, eyes shining with teasing mischief. “ That’s quite the morning breath you’ve got there Hop”
  She’s resting on his chest, warm and toasty from her shower, there's nothing but a towel between them.
  “ Really ?” he asks, then he kisses her.
They get pretty distracted.
  “ Have you seen my keys?, i can't find them”
“ Have you checked the couch?”
 “ I have, I–, oh never mind”
They're both running late, Hopper’s hair still damp as he fixes them some toast, passing a plate to Joyce as she hurries into the kitchen with both their keys in her hands .
  “ Where? –”
  He nods in thanks, placing them in his pocket and observing the unusually empty quiet kitchen.
“Kids coming in today?” he asks grabbing the last toasts and shutting off the machine
  “Not sure about Will or El, they checked in last night and said they'd let me know if they have to stay over to get things done, but Jonathan will be back by this evening.”
 Joyce pauses at that, a slightly perturbed expression overtaking her face. Hopper waits for her to continue
  “It's just.., Jonathan didn't check in last night but i didn't want to call, just in case he was having fun and i interrupted them or something”  she sighs “ it's his first sleepover and i just hope it going well, i really can't help but worry–”
 She stops fiddling, hands caught gently between his. He bends and kisses her forehead
 “ If it helps i'll stop by and pick him up after school and drive him over to the station, he’s been dying to get some pictures for some reason”
 Joyce huffs into his chest “I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to do that”, Hopper shrugs, he technically isn't.
   “I'm sure as the chief I can make an exception for my kid, and by tonight we’ll be back and he'll tell you all about how it went. Now c'mon we're late”
 Joyce hums in reply an amused smile on her face as he herds them out the door. A quick goodbye kiss and they're off. 
  Today is going to be a good day, Hopper thinks.
Behind them in the empty house, the lights flicker. A phone rings
 Will likes having breakfast with the Hendersons; maybe a few years ago that wouldn't be the case but that was Before and this is After so Will sits, eating the overly salted bacon Ms Henderson serves and watches. He’s good at that, at smiling softly as Dustin debates something with his mother. It’s easy, familiar watching their dynamic, he can recognise the look of love and soft adoration in Ms Henderson’s eyes towards her son, the wide warm smile she turns unto him after it becomes clear she’s won whatever argument she and Dustin were having.
  “Well then how is your project going?, do you think you two will get it done in time. Maybe then Dusty would let me see it. Oh would you like more bacon and eggs dear?”
Ms Henderson is a whirlwind, swiftly puttering around the kitchen as she talks. Will thinks she might be attempting to make cookies and abruptly realises that they should be leaving soon.
  “ Oh no thank Ms Henderson, we’ve only got a little bit left and a free period both so we should get it done then. Thank you so much for having me over, Dustin and i should be–”
 Dusty himself previously absent after stalking off to wherever finally reappears, crashing loudly into the kitchen almost knocking over a plate, their project in his hands hidden from sight.
 “Mom!, we’ve got to go or we’ll be late, i’ll fix it once i get back. Come on Will. Love you bye!”
And very much like his mum, Dustin has them bundled up out of the house with dizzying speed, a rushed goodbye and careless slam of the door, cutting off  Ms Henderson goodbyes.
 “Come on Will, we’ve got a busy busy day ahead of us. Let's move!”
With that declaration Dustin transfers the project into the backseat of his car. His current pride and joy, a vehicle Will as the son of the Chief of Police knows he most definitely should not be operating. But a vehicle Dustin operates either way, anyway between him and Max, the only two in their group who in loose definition can drive. Will has no complaints about settling into the front of Dustin’s second hand Ford.
 Dustin starts the car and puts on the radio taking a few seconds to flick through songs before eventually deciding on Super Trouper, which draws an admittedly over dramatic sight from himself.
 “Dude, ABBA really?”
    “You’re such a music snob Will, honestly it’s ridiculous” Dustin snorts, easing the car onto the road.
 “I’ve just got taste is all” he retorts and receives a snort in reply.
There’s a smile tugging at his lips as he turns his head to stare out the window. He can practically feel Dustin's shit eating grin as he begins humming obnoxiously along to the song. Will lets out an amused huff but says nothing, he doesn't really mind the song letting Dustin’s energetic warbling wash over him as he drives.
 No, he doesn't mind at all.
  Jonathan isn't here today Nancy Wheeler notes, waving goodbye to her best friend and taking her usual seat behind his empty desk. It’s unusual and Nancy can't help but like unusual things, odd things, things that don't belong, mysteries.
 Will Hopper-Byers is in she knows that much, having seen him and Dustin Henderson’s car as Holly drops them off. Mike beelines straight for his friends without even a goodbye much to Holly’s annoyance. 
 “ Alright then Nance see you in a bit. Have fun”
Nancy feels a bit a vindictive pleasure in ignoring her older sister and slamming the boot a bit too hard as she gets her bike out.The guilt however at Holly’s devastated look forces a mulish goodbye out of her mouth before she turns to leave, wheeling her bike over to the middle school bike racks.
 She’d looked up in time for Dustin to spot her, he waved a wide grin on his face and for a moment he looked like he might yell her name. Panicking Nancy had turned and sped walked away, something she feels a bit bad about. Now she's sat in history class and Jonathan isn't here, it's weird.
  Of course it occurs to Nancy that he might just be home sick but once that theory is discarded when she spots Jane Eleanor with Max Mayfield when they're outside for sports, the two are too far away to spot exactly what they're doing but the two are recognizable enough. If Jonathan were sick, either one or both of the twins would be off school, electing to stay with him instead since their parents are pretty busy, something she’d heard Mike whine about a number of times.
 Nancy doesn't quite realise how long she’s spent obsessing over Jonathan’s absence till it's lunch and Barb is squinting at her, perplexed and questioning, Nancy guesses she’s been trying to get her attention for a while.
  “Jonathan Byers isn’t in today” she blurts out, as if Barb who has more classes with him than she does wouldn't notice. She sounds more freaked out about this than she reasonably should be.
  “Its just that the twins are in but he isn’t, and those two like would never leave him alone if he were sick or something so its just weird, i don't know what i'm obsessing over it so much. Sorry what were you trying to say–”
 “Nancy” Barb cuts her off, a bemused grin on her face. “We could just go over and ask Will after school. They've got A.V club thing with Mr Clarke right?”
Nancy feels a tad foolish in the face of Barb’s easy steadfastness and calm reassurance. “Right ok, we’ll do that”
 The issue is halfway resolved now so Nancy forces all her attention unto Barb and they talk.
They’ve got a plan now, it’s ok.
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misguidedasgardian · 9 months
Blurred Lines (1)
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1. One foot in
Summary: You try to adapt to your new life as a separate woman, with a bit of help of a surprising person
Warnings:  Cursing, cheating, adultery, talks about body shaming, therapy, Harwin is a c*nt, for reals, misogynistic beliefs, body shaming, again, Harwin is not a good person on this… and Jace isn’t either, tampering with birth control, spy cameras, panty stealing, a bit creepiness
Wordcount: 3.9 k
Notes: Alright let's get this party started. This won’t be long, I’m thinking of three big chapters. I’ve never written a kid before… hahaha or I have but not this much…
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It had been two of the hardest weeks of your life
You felt so lonely, meaning, Harwin was barely there as it is, but he came home every night, and he was the kind of man that make himself present by making you need him, that being him to open the pickle jar, change light bulbs or even anything, he was there, his looming presence, and now, you were alone with your daughter, if something happened…
You were on your own
Despite him calling you every hour, even at lunch break at his company, maybe to prove to you he wasn’t screwing his secretary, was it true that he wasn’t speaking to her? did you care?
You juggled Aerea in one of your arms as she giggled, and with other you tried to grab your keys from your pockets as you had hanging from your limb all the bags from the grocery store
As you entered, all your instincts made you jump as you draw a shirtless man standing right there in the middle of the Kitchen
“Ah!”, you let out a shriek as Aerea giggled again, clearly amused, and the men soon turn to someone familiar, Jace turned to meet you, running to your aid
“Jace, you scare me!”, you accused, as he grabbed Aerea from your arms, and the bags from the other
“Sorry I…”, he chuckled, “I’m an idiot it was hot outside and you had said I could use the pool, you gave me a key, I called my father, he said he was going to give you a heads up
Oh so that is why he was calling so intensely 
You had decided today that you wouldn’t answer
“Sorry about that, I was at the store, hands full”, you finally looked at him and you found him staring, as he grabbed Aerea, the muscles of his arms flexed, they were thick, his torso… wel… he had clearly taken to the gym, you shook your head as you started to put the things you bought in their place in the fridge 
“Sorry to have barged in, I will call you next time”, he said with a shy smile, 
“No, no, this is your father’s house, you can come any time, really”, you said quickly 
“I might take you up on that”, he said with smirk, Aerea played with his dark curls as she giggled, happy in her big brother’s arms
“You are so good with her, she adores you”, you teased, now putting away things in the tallest cupboards
Jace went to the living room to place his sister on the ground next to her box of toys, and he came back quickly, he pressed himself to you as he placed a can of beans where you couldn’t reach, just as you were trying to do
He was so close you could feel his body heat
“Let me help you with that” he growled 
“It’s ok”, you said, trying to get in the tip of your toes
“I got it”, you lost balance, and you found no better sustenance than the half naked young man standing next to you.
He chuckled darkly, as he placed the can where it belonged, he placed one of his big hands on your lower back
“Thanks”, you smiled, “you are missing the best hours of sun Jace, you should go enjoy the pool”
“Very well”, he said with a smile, and walked away to the patio. You kept putting away groceries while you saw Aerea play with her big magnetic pieces 
And as you were watching your daughter, Jace appeared in your line of vision, he had stared cleaning the pool
You didn't use it much. you didn’t felt comfortable in a bikini any longer, so it was a bit dirty, with leaves and all
His toned body under the sun, his thick arms as he concentrated on taking all the filthy out of the water.
Were you really just checking him out?
No, you were just admiring him 
Whomever he was interested in, he or she was very lucky, he was a handsome man.
You grabbed Aerea, who was getting fuzzy, and put her down for a short nap, and when you returned to the living room, you could tell it was getting very hot outside, so you grabbed a beer, and went and offered to him who was now finishing up the pool 
“Oh you are too kind”, he said with a wide smile
“Thank you for cleaning the pool, you didn’t have to do that”, you said apologetically
“No it’s fine, I want to use it, I should be the one to clean it, I couldn’t help but notice the grass needs a little trim too..”, he said, taking a sip of the bottle
“You definitely don’t have to THAT”, you said
“I know, I want to”, he said
“Well, I just going to let myself get pampered, I’m not gonna’ pretend any longer”, you giggled 
“Well, It's the least I could do…”, he said, and you stopped giggling suddenly, looking at him wide-eyed, he saw he had committed a “mistake”, “oh…”
“Harwin spoke to you I gather” 
“He did, he told me you two were splitting up”, he whispered, looking at you with pity in his eyes, you took a step back from him and faked a smile, “I just wanted to check up on you”, he confessed
“Well, you don’t have to do that Jace”
“I know”, he said quickly, “you are a magnificent woman, Strong…”, and he chuckled at his own play of words, “but everybody needs help”, he said, “In fact, I need some”, he deviated the conversation, smart
“What kind of help Jace?”, you asked, deciding to focus on that part of the conversation
“Give me a safe haven from my home, and I’ll help you around the house”, he offered
“I don’t know if I should be shielding you from your mother”, you said with a shy smile
“She is freaking out because my friend Cregan and I invested in a new business which I’m working on remotely, she doesn’t believe it’s head start, but we have faith in it, i have to put on the hours so it does work, I need a good internet connection, and I’ll help you around the house, what do you say?”, he offered. You didn't quite know what to say
“I really don’t want issues with Rhaenyra, she is going to think I’m hiding you here or something”
“She won’t”, he said
“Promise me Jace”, you demanded
“I promise, my mother doesn’t even need to know”, he said
“That is not what I meant!”, you said with an amused smile
“I know I know”, he laughed, “Please, I know you studied this, you could help me”
“Alright”, you relented
“Now… where’s that weedwacker”, he asked raising his eyebrows
“On the garage”, you responded
“On it”
“Enjoy the sun Jacey, Aerea is sleeping”, you said softly
“Can you put sunblock on my back?”, he asked,  teasingly, “you wouldn’t want me to burn on your watch wouldn’t you?”
“Very funny”, you didn't think anything of it, you put the cream in your hands and then you did a quick work of his broad back 
Oh if you could only see how hard you got him, he covered his lap with a towel, he couldn’t show his cards, not right now
“Thanks”, he said as you finished his lower back
“Of course Jacey, I wouldn’t want you to burn up”, you said softly
“Why don’t you join me?”, he asked looking back at you, “when Aerea wakes, it’s going to be safe enough to bring her out here too”
“I don’t think is such a good idea”, you said lightly, “I have things to do inside, ta-taxes and some-”, you got up pretty quickly, not wanting to explain why you wouldn't want to put a bikini on
You started lunch, you guessed Jacey was staying, anyways, you were accustomed to make large portions.
You phone started ringing, it was Harwin, he had gotten himself an apartment downtown near his office, he has renting, it was very small which make you feel guilty when he had to have the kids, but right now, yesterday was the day the children went back to their mother’s, and he hadn't seen Aerea since he left
So you picked up the phone and started to talk
Jace watched you through the window, just by the look on your face, he knew it must be the lame excuse of a father
He blame it all on you when he spoke to him, Luke and little Joffrey
Of course he didn’t tell them that he was the one at fault when he cheated. No, he gave them some lame excuse that people grew apart and what not
He was making it almost too easy
You were so sweet, almost naive…
“Harwin…”, you fought over the phone, “I know Aerea is two, and she is not much fun, and yes, she won’t remember, but she needs to see her father… it’s important for her”, a tear fell from your eye has you heard Harwin’s lame excuses not to pick up his own daughter, “I know… she is a lot of work, she is too young, but she calls for you at night…”
“Well that this what you get for kicking me out of our house”, he managed to hear 
Jacerys looked severely at you, and you just found him there, listening
“Well, whatever Harwin, call me when you want to see your daughter”, and you hang up the phone, and wiped your tears and tried to smile
“Thank you Jacey”, you whispered, not very convincing, “I’m having lunch, would you like some? I made too much, you see… out of habit”, you said simply
“I would love to”, he said, “I always loved your cooking” 
“Great”, you smiled softly, you were longing for company, so you rushed to set the table and serve lunch, Jacaerys sat on the table, and you put a plate filled with food to the brim.
When you married Harwin, you were young, you didn't really know how to make much, you didn’t know how to cook, and you barely knew how to clean a stove 
You learned, because Harwin passive aggressively told you he wanted to eat… better, so you bought books and forced yourself to improve your technique
For you, it was work
Harwin seemed pleased, but never had said a word to you.
Jace’s moan of delight made you snap out of your thoughts and smiled as you saw him golfing down the entire plate of food
“This is magnificent”, he moaned, “fuck”
“Hey, don’t curse” , you giggled
“Is just so good”, he said, “best I’ve ever tried”
“Now, I don’t believe that”
“The best pasta with Volantisi sauce I’ve ever had!”, he said, “Cross my heart and hope to die!”
“Well, I'll believe you”
You needed that, every little compliment, it was food for your soul, because if it wasn’t for Aerea, you would have believed you were doing everything terribly wrong
Aerea’s call for you was her signal to letting you know she was awake
“Just in time”, you muttered, and went to grab her
Jace certainly enjoyed watching your delicious ass walking away from him to go and pick up your child. 
Suddenly he was hungry for something else
He imagined what it would feel like, with his big hands grab the globes of your ass, spread them apart and…
But he needed to bid his time
He was already in, he needed to go slow, so it was permanent
You came back with a giggly Aerea, she was so sweet
“Would you like some lunch my beautiful girl?”, you asked sweetly, with a hand serving spaghetti while she walked towards Jace and reached for him with her arms. Jace picked her up
“You already walk little one, why do you always want to be carried uh?”
“Yes she is a little spoiled isn’t she?”, you asked sitting back at his side
“Just the right amount, and understand like, how could you refuse her? she is so beautiful and sweet”
Gods, he could already feel it, him with the baby you were going to give him in his arms, while you prepare a delicious lunch for all the family…
You tried to feed Aerea as she was being hold by Jace, and sneaked bites in the middle, Jace moved his chair, you were impossibly close, he was still half naked, he leaned in
 “You make beautiful babies”, he whispered so close to your ear your little hairs in the back of your head bristled, you jumped when your phone rang
You grabbed it quickly
“Darling I did it!”, sang song Sara’s voice, loud enough that Jace was right there, “I got you the interview, but you have to be here in twenty minutes, I caught him on a good mood”
“I can’t do that, I have Aerea here…”
“Go”, Jace said, “I’ll take care of her”
“Really? It could take a couple of hours…”, you said apologetically
“Of course”, he said with a shy smile, “she adores me and I her”
“Thank you so much”, you whispered, “Sara I can make it”, you said excitedly onto the phone
“Great, get in here!”, you jumped front he table, kissing your daughter on the cheek, and Jace’s cheek without thinking
“Thank you, you can call me if anything happens. for real”
“Nothing will”, he assured you
“Bye mama!”, Aerea was barely talking, but everyday she said new words 
“Bye my love, be good to your big brother alright?”, you teased, you grabbed your things and went out the door
It was a job opportunity, a very special one since you haven't worked in four years 
And it was also a great opportunity for Jace, being alone in your house is something he needed
“Jace-ey”, she giggled as she grabbed a handful of spaghetti with her chubby hand and took it to her mouth
“No darling, da-da”, he teached her, making her jump on his knee, making her giggle
“Nooooo! Jacey!”, she babbled playfully
He make her have more plentiful spoonfuls of pasta, and then he grabbed her in his arms
He searched for the cupboards until he found them, healthy snacks for his baby sister, he grabbed a cookie made of puffed rice and honey
“Who I am?”
“Jacey”, she giggled
“No… da-da”, he thought her
“Dada”, she said complicitly, and he gave her the treat happily 
“You are such a good little girl”, he praised, making her jump in his arms, “wanna play?”
She was a sweet kid, and Jace adored her, and he was going to love her more once he could call her his. He placed her in her playing zone in the corner of the living room
There is a couple of things he needed to do
He put on his gray sweatshirt on, as he was going to stay inside, and then he grabbed his backpack and extracted a small spy camera, 
He was a dedicated young man, so he placed one in the living room, in the bookshelf amongst the books, pointing at the couch and you could also see the open space towards the kitchen… especially the kitchen counter, where he planned to ram you against 
He looked at Aerea to check on her and she giggled 
“Da-da”, he reminded her
“Da-da”, she called back
“Good girl, come”, he called, reaching for her, she stood up, grabbed a stuffed animal and ran away from him giggling, he chased after her, until she reached your room, the space he wanted to see
He playfully grabbed her and let himself fall to the bed with her on top of him, he hugged and kissed her face, and then he started tickling her until she laughed hard
“It’s the tickle monster”, he growled playfully 
“Noooo dada!”, she laughed, she looked so sweet with her small teeth.
Jace stood up, taking another camera off his pocket
“This, is for dada to take care of mommy”, he said, showing it to Aerea
“Mama! dada!”, she said, she tossed and turned on the bed, playing, as Jace placed the camera hidden in the furniture in front of the bed, where he could see you clearly when you slept… or rather, when you invited him in
“The tickle monster is back!”, he growled, once he was done
Aerea shrieked and laughed trying to squirm away from him, but Jace grabbed her in his arms 
“Dada! more cookies!”, she begged, Jace took one from the small package he had placed in his pocket and gave one to her
She munched on it while he took her to his next point
They were right there, he didn't even had to look too hard
A brand knew package of your contraceptive pills, only two of them missing, sitting gingerly on top of the sink, inside your cosmetic bag
“Yes” he said with satisfaction, to see that they were those white ones, the easiest ones change, and you used one of those cool plastic gadgets to dispense them 
“Do you want a baby brother or sister, Aerea?”, he asked with a silly voice
“Yes!”, she said simply
“Then mommy is not going to need these anymore”, he said, slowly replacing each one by placebo’s his friend Cregan helped him get
Then he threw them in the sink, running water to eliminate the evidence
“Do you think nineteen days are enough to make a baby little one?”, he asked again, to keep her entertained, while she played with the rubber duckies that were in the edge of the bathtub for her bath time
He looked at the hamper filled halfway with your clothes in it, he leaned in, and grabbed a pair of panties... and he put him inside his pocket, for later... he thought...
When he was done, he felt proud of himself, he grabbed his baby sister and walked to the living room
“Baby dragons”, she demanded when they went back to the open space of the kitchen, dining room and living room, and she saw the big TV
“Ah, do you want to watch some cartoons, little one?”, he sat on the sofa with Aerea, turning on the TV and putting on the streaming service
You were such a good mother
He put on his little brother’s and now Aerea’s favorite show
“Baby dragons!”, she cheered as cartoon dragons appeared on screen, a green and blue one, a red and black one, a cream colored one with golden, a dark blue one, a golden one, and others”
“What is your favorite one?”, he asked
Aerea cuddled on his chest as she was quickly hypnotized by the show
“Dimfire”, she said simply, wanting to say Dreamfyre
“That is also Aegon’s favorite”, he laughed 
He wondered how your interview went
He found it amusing
When you are his, you were not going to need to work, but by now, he found it endearing, you wanted to be independent, wanted to split from Harwin completely
That worked in his favor 
You came back some hours later, finding the most endearing scene in the living room, Jace hugging his baby sister, cuddling together on the couch 
“Hellooo”, you sand sing, “I brought us a treat”, you said, two boxes of pizza in your hands
“You treat me so well”, Jace said with a smile, and you were just happy he was comfortable here, you has tried so hard when you first started receiving them in your house, to make it a home for them as well, and you believed you had succeeded
Was there a way for you to only diverse Harwin but keep his family? you were going to miss having them around, it was already a week, and you felt so lonely
You were happy and relieved Jace was staying
“Is the least I could do”, you said with a smile, “How was the little one?”, 
“An Angel, but that is no surprise”, he said
“You are so good with her, she loves her big brother”, you smiled at him. 
“Well, I have experience with my younger brothers, I have taken care of them since they were born”, he said with a proud smile
If he only knew he was trying to prove how good of a father material he was.
As you munched on the pizza, Aerea in her chair, you started chatting up cheerfully
“How did the interview go?”, he asked
“Great”, you said with a wide smile, “I don’t want to jinx it, Aerea is started daycare so it would be great”, you said, “I don’t want to get my hopes up”
“I bet it went great and you are being modest”, you smiled back at him, “you are a great mother, I’m sure you are a great professional as well”, he said simply
You suddenly felt nervous for some reason
“I’m sorry Jace, I knew we had something good here”, you said quietly, wanted to get it out of your chest
“You don’t have to apologize”, he said simply, “it is not your fault”, he said
“Well, depends in who you ask I guess”, you said without even thinking, “I miss having you all around, the house got so quiet all of a sudden”
“Well, that could be easily fixed, I’m here”, he said, and you smiled, “thank you for letting me come here as an escape, do you mind if I crash here?
How could you ever think there was something sort of sinister behind that “boy next door” attitude and smile?
“Like I said, is your house”, you whispered
You finished your dinner and as you took all the leftovers and the plates back to the kitchen, Jace released Aeres from her chair, taking her in his arms 
“Dada!”, giggled Aerea and then she leaned in and cuddle in Jace’s neck
“No sweety”, you giggled, over the bar that separated the kitchen from the table you had your meals in, “that’s your big brother Jace”, he was looking back at you, amused
“Well I could be her dad”, he teased
“No…”, you chuckled, “you just look so much like Harwin” 
“If I was Aerea’s father we would had have her when I was nineteen, the same age my father was when he had me”, he pointed out, and you found it strange that he would go out of his way to do explain it. You also found it strange he said we 
“Well he was young”, you said, “but you are right, you could have made her”, you teased tickling Aerea making her giggle 
You took her in your arms as she started cuddling, a clear sign that she was getting sleepy as the night had fallen over the city
“I’ll take her to bed, you of course can do whatever, perhaps watch a movie that isn’t animated”, you teased
“Nighty night Aerea”, he said goodbye, and you went to tuck your toddler in her bed
And as you want to make your daughter sleep, Jace put away everything else, cleaning the kitchen as well, he had to put everything out there, prove to you that he was worth it
He catches a bottle of wine hidden there, of course you were saving it for a special occasion, and he smiled thinking soon there might be, but not tonight
He already had a foot in, and now he was going to jump all in.  
But for now he grabbed a couple of beers, and he looked for the movie that had more sex scenes in it, and waited for you to join him.
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cassandracain52 · 2 days
Damian Wayne has a metal spine
Ok so I’ve talked about Damian having his spine replaced three times on this page and every time I’ve gotten a surplus of people confused about when/how that happened
so in the interest of saving time, I’m going to give a brief synopsis of the entire event. (All comic panels are from comic issues Batman and Robin (2009) TBD 1 Part 2 - Batman and Robin (2009) TBD 2 Part 2) Funnily enough this happens in the same time period that Tim lost his spleen aka When Bruce Is Lost In Time
(!Warning! There will be talk of the G*nt M*rr*s*n Talia character assassination as this happens during that run)
Alright so the whole thing first starts when Damian is shot repeatedly in the back by a villain named “Flamingo” and loses the feeling in his lower body
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Because Damian is paralyzed, Dick and Alfred take him back to his mother to be treated
There is where we see Talia arranging for Damian to have his entire spine replaced by a synthetic one
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The surgery works but Damian still can’t walk for a few weeks
Oh and I can’t forget to mention that before Alfred and Damian leave, Talia has this lovely conversation-
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Here she very clearly vocalizes that since Bruce is dead, Damian has no reason to stay in Gotham and that she wants him to come back home.
Damian refuses to be a weapon used against the Bats and Talia -very suspiciously might I add- just lets him leave
We later find out the reason she didn’t put up much fight to keep Damian in her care was actually because his new spine was laced with tiny machines that allowed for someone to merge with his nervous system and control his actions
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of course we find this out when Damian appears to randomly attempt to murder Dick for no apparent reason
Talia then gives control over Damian to Slade -freakin’- Wilson. Arguably the worst possible person to give this control to right below Ra’s Al Ghul himself
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Slade to absolutely no one’s surprise, appears to have agreed to this strictly so he can try to kill Dick. Dick ends up figuring out that it’s Slade (after the man makes Damian yell “SlaDe” in a truly brilliant reveal) and thinks of a way to free Damian
Unfortunately his solution is to shock the crap out of Damian’s nervous system because -and I quote- “Your heart can take it, but his?”
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He proceeds to more or less give this poor kid electro shock therapy and zap Slade into releasing his hold on Damian. (No hate to Dick it was a time sensitive situation but yikes Damian can’t catch a break)
It works and the connection between Damian and Slade is severed. (Yay??? I guess??)
Batman and Robin then return to the cave where Damian promptly declares he needs to see his Mother right now and Dick agrees but comes with him
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Dick quickly finds the machine that they had been using to control Damian and promptly smashes it to pieces. (As he should)
Damian however goes straight to Talia to talk about her -ya know- putting a bunch of robots in his back
the conversation goes as well as you’d expect it to and Talia then reveals that “Oh btw, I’m growing another Damian cause you’re flawed”
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She also offers Damian one last chance to reconsider and come back to the League.
Because he’s not completely crazy Damian of course refuses which prompts Talia to do this-
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Just straight up disowns Damian right there.
This then starts everything to do with Heretic and all that and Damian’s eventual death (G*nt M*rrs*s*n you are truly my biggest opp)
But that’s not important here, what’s important is that while it can no longer be used to control him, Damian still has the metal spine!
Hope this cleared things up for anyone who was confused/didn’t know about it!🖤
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liviavanrouge · 3 months
Bahati: Alastor, you son a-
Alastor: Watch your words, Bahati...
Bahati: What the HELL did you do!??
Alastor: Why, I just let Amara live her life in the hotel and with her friends! Just letting my beloved wife have her freedom!
Bahati: She doesn't even KNOW that she's your wife, dipshit!
Alastor: *Narrows his eyes then turns away* You're getting aggressive, maybe you should take a nap or leave the hotel
Bahati: And leave my sister with the man who killed her
Alastor: *Freezes, looking at Bahati* Excuse me?
Bahati: You heard me you wife killer, you killed my sister because she found out that you were a serial killer and that you killed Atticus
Alastor: *Stares him down his mouth twitching*
Bahati: *Flinches finding something black around his throat strangling him* AHHH!
Alastor: You took that too far, Bahati, do you know why I married Amara
Bahati: *Gasps in alarm, choking sounds coming from him* Bastard...
Alastor: I married her because I couldn't kill her no matter how hard I tried, something about her was appealing to me, even after I married her that feeling never wavered not once
Alastor: It wasn't love either..I know that much-
Bahati: YOU DAMN PSYCHO!! *Gasps as his breathing started slowing* ah....
Alastor: Anything else you wanna say?
Bahati: Ye..ah...you'd..be..a..shi..tty..pare..nt
Bahati: *Hits the ground, coughing as he gripped his neck*
Alastor: *Leans down* Repeat that..now
Bahati: *Snarls at Alastor* You'd be a SHITTY PARENT!
Alastor: *Narrows his eyes* You have six seconds to elaborate on that statement but I don't disagree with it
Bahati: You know the day she died...the day you killed her
Alastor: *Narrows his eyes* Three se-
Bahati: She was pregnant you ugly smiling dipshit...Atticus no doubt has the kid now..
Alastor: *Stares Bahati down silently*
???: What's going on here, I heard yelling?
Amara: *Walks over looking curious* Alastor? Bahati?
Alastor: *Turns and walks away* Wonderful talking with you Bahati
Bahati: *Flips him off, snarling* FUCK YOU!
Vixenne: *Leans down* Honey, you sure you two are related
Amara: *Looks at her then at Bahati glancing away as she helped him up* You alright?
Bahati: You don't gotta talk to me *Walks away rubbing his throat* I'll be going now
Amara: What in the two realms happened
Vixenne: *Shrugs, her hands on her hips* Men am I right?
Atticus: *Flaps his wings diving down* Come on kiddo!
???: I CAN'T UNCA!!
Atticus: *Laughs turning around* Sorry.....Alan..
Alan: *Flaps his wings following the man* You're too fast!
Atticus: We gotta practice dives, down we go!
Alan: NOOOO!
Atticus: *Chuckles* You gotta know this stuff, little man~
Alan: *Whines and dives after him*
Atticus: *Laughs flying underneath the child* YOU GOT IT!!
Adam: *Watches the two, his eyes narrowed* Something is wrong here....especially with that kid
Lute: Agreed
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birdofmay · 1 year
I think I made a funny observation regarding our family genetics and autism/autistic traits 🤔
You know I'm a typical ginger with flaming red hair and freckles and pale skin, right? And I have severe autism.
My dad definitely passed down autism related gene variants to me, but he's NT, even though he has some traits that some autistics have. He too has red hair, but it's not flaming red, it's a little darker. No freckles, not pale (but sunburns easily).
His brother has red-brown-ish hair, you only see the red when it reflects the sunlight, etc. He's NT, no autistic traits, no nothing.
Alright now the interesting part:
My half-brother on my dad's side has red hair, darker than mine but brighter than my dad's hair. No freckles, but pale. He's low support needs autistic and late diagnosed ☝🏼😄
While my grandpa on my dad's side doesn't have red hair, we're told that one of his brothers had flaming red hair and freckles like I have - and he had a severe disability that very likely was autism! 😳
That was in the 1930's mind you, a time when kids in Germany weren't diagnosed with autism but simply with "c-slur r-slur" and they didn't live long, so it's not documented what exactly he had. But my grandpa told us how his mum always described this mysterious brother of my grandpa, and it absolutely sounds like severe autism ☝🏼
I'm not saying "Red hair indicates autism in this family, and the brighter the red hair, the more pronounced are the traits", but....... The facts speak for themselves 😂😂😂
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sparklywatercolors · 4 months
alright, this might be a doozy so hear me out.So my partner is staying with my family and I until March.My friends know this and pretty much all of them are friends with him. They all get along pretty well. My best friend adores him. Like she gets excited when he asks her to hang out with us.Anyways.So usually I just hang out with my 3 girlies. All of them start of them with A so I can't use initials so I'll use emojis.🐯 Is my best friend (the one mentioned previously)🦔 Is our other friend she's really chill and basically just always busy cooking and dealing with her many chaotic students And finally there's 🐱 this one is very intense and the one I'm having a bit of an issue with.So the first time my partner and I had everyone together we were all getting ramen together. It was going well until 🐱 coerced 🐯 into trying a heavy edible at my house and it made 🐯 get sick and have a panic attack. 🦔 And my partner were comforting 🐯 in the living room while I was keeping 🐱 away from her cause she was stoned as fuck and was pissed that 🐯 wanted to watch some very chaotic dork she likes watching for her calm down. 🐯 Is okay by the way. She still feels guilty but we've been assuring her it's not her fault.And then the second time we all hang out 🐯 can't make it bc stuff but tells us to have a good time. It was going well until we were all hanging out in the food court, splitting a pretzel cup and then 🐱 basically tells us she was stealing while we were all together and 🦔 called her out on it. Look none of us don't give a shit abt it but don't drag us into that. And it got brushed aside because 🐱 had to rant about her 4-Chan friend group. Who she doesn't like but she cries when they hang out?? 😭 I accidentally butt dialed one of my friends during this and it ended up causing SO MUCH DRAMA 🗿. Because that's when 🐱 demanded we go home despite saying we can all go out to dinner after the 4 chan rant. And on the drive home, me and partner were scared to even speak to each other on the ride home with 🐱. And a few weeks later, 🐱 calls me up. Her family member had suddenly passed. Which is horrifying. I'm so sorry oh my god. And my partner overheard and he said his condolences. And 🐱 got mad and hung up and then didn't speak to me for a week. When she did, she told me that I should know no response is a response and that I was wrong for letting my partner offer condolences and that it was immature for him to butt in, and this is why she isn't friends with 21 year olds. (Note: she's 28, my partner is 22, 🐯 and I are 25 and 🦔 is 26). Which is hypocritical of her because she's friends with our mutual friend who is 21. Not the point. And then she takes my partner and I out to sushi. And she was ranting about her job. She works with disabled or mentally ill kids as a teacher's aid. And her one kid has a lot of issues. 🐱 Was venting about her and called her a c*nt because she was self harming and her schizophrenia was acting up. We were appalled. How can you call a 13 year old little girl that? Especially a little girl with issues like that. My partner was disgusted for the little girl and also the fact that his little sister is also 13. Luckily 🐱 got removed from working with that little girl but that's still horrible. :( Last weekend 🐱 called and we caught up and she told me she wishes she never ranted to my partner about her work cause he didn't seem like he was listening? He was listening he was just angry?? Which I was too. I was boiling internally. I work with middle schoolers when I tutor, those kids have enough on their plates how can you call them that wtf.
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praublem-child · 5 months
Alright, so we all hate “autism moms” who treat their kids like they have a disease to be cured. We also make fun of them when they say shit like “the autism has taken over”.
But. Sometimes I agree that it takes over and is genuinely horrible. I don’t think there’s something wrong with me that needs fixed, and autism doesn’t need “cured” but also. My clothes are touching me in bad ways, my hair feels wrong, my blankets are all wrong, I can feel the zipper on my pillow, my skin is touching my skin, and everything is too bright and loud despite being alone in a room that’s considered dim and quiet to a nt. I want to scream and cry, I can’t focus on anything but the fact that everything is wrong, the thought of anything being in my mouth is making me nauseous so eating is off the table. It’s just fucking awful.
I wouldn’t trade this feeling for being neurotypical. I love my stimming and my hyperfixations and I love the way my brain works. But moments like these are horrible and I feel like I’m being controlled by something that wants to drive me actually insane.
I don’t need to be fixed. But I wish less people would treat this actual disability as if it’s all sunshine and rainbows, as if it’s just the special interests and hyperfixations. Sure, most days that is all that’s there for me. But not because that’s all there is, because I stay alone in my room where the social stuff doesn’t impact me at all and the room is specifically put together for me and my sensory issues.
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everythingroyalty · 10 months
Thoughts on William not attending the World Cup final? The video is was cute but it would be great if the boys also joined the video to show that it’s not only little girls they watch the women’s World Cup 😔
Disappointing but not exactly unexpected.
His video perfectly highlights the whole issue with him not going: Him treating the women different than he would have the men.
He wants us to believe he also couldn't have been arsed to do his job as president of the FA and fly out to Australia had it been the men playing the biggest possible final in international football. Personally gonna need to do some stretches before believing that but alright, let's say that was the truth. Would a video in support of the men's team also only feature Charlotte and not at least also George who we know is a football fan? Given that the only kid he's actually ever taken to see either of the NT's (the men) play is George, I somehow doubt it.
So even in Willy's half-assed attempt at saying "LOOK! I'm NOT treating the women any different than the men!"... he's treating them different than he would the men 🤡 Either by using Charlotte as a token, #girlpower, which we've progressed past like 5 years ago, or inadvertently revealing that George watches the men's team but not the women's team = that in the Wales household, they differentiate between the men and women and don't just support ENGLAND making it to a final 🫠
Don't know what disturbs me the most: Wilhelm's own obtuseness or the fact that he has NO ONE (0) in his staff capable of helping him comprehend that he is being obtuse.
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hendolish · 7 months
Hiiiii it's me with stonesford thingy.
John and Jordan don't have huge arguments often but they do it's quiet big. However it can over something really small.
Once they have an argument during NT callup and they have silent days, which makes their teammates worried. For example, Kyle confronts John about the situation, and when he hears what it's all about, he's so done.
john stones/jordan pickford | it’s about the toothpaste, kyle ♡
Amidst the backdrop of the lush greenery that envelops St George's Park, an unusual tension hangs in the air. The jovial camaraderie that typically accompanies the England national team seems to have taken an unscheduled leave with John and Jordan locked in a silent dance of avoidance.
The quiet dispute, unfathomable to the uninvolved, simmers beneath the surface, each passing day injecting a sense of unease into the camp. Kyle, ever the mediator, can't bear to see the tension persist. His stride is purposeful as he approaches John, his brows furrowed in concern.
"Alright, mate, what's going on?" Kyle inquires, his tone a blend of frustration and genuine worry. John, a man of few words during such moments, sighs before letting the crux of the issue unravel.
"It's about the toothpaste, Kyle. Jordan insists on squeezing it from the middle. The bloody middle," John confesses, a mix of incredulity and frustration etched across his features.
Kyle, standing there, momentarily disoriented by the sheer banality of the dispute, blinks at John. "The toothpaste? You two are having a go over toothpaste?"
John nods, his expression solemn. Kyle can't help but shake his head, suppressing a chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. "You've got to be kidding me, mate. Toothpaste?"
"Every bloody time, Walks. It's a small thing, but it's always there," John laments, his shoulders sagging as he sadly digs back into his food.
And Kyle is so done with the two of them already.
Later on in the day, Kyle spies his opportunity to make things right whilst he, Trips, John and Jordan are walking to the canteen to join the other lads for dinner. John and Jordan are, of course, still being drama queens and refusing the talk to each other.
Once he’d divulged the banal circumstances of John and Jordan’s fight to Kieran it hadn’t been hard to get him to agree to the plan. He too is aware of the frighteningly-long periods of time the couple’s silent stalemates can endure.
“NOW!” Kyle shouts as they pass by a big-enough-looking supply closet and he and Kieran shove John and Jordan inside.
“Mate, what the hell!” Jordan exclaims, muffled, from behind the locked door he and Kieran are currently pressed up against, just as John seethes out a threatening, “Kyle…”
“Easy now lads,” Kyle placates as he adopts an airy tone, “This is for the good of the team.”
A couple of disgruntled mumbles sound from behind the door but they soon die away. Kyle is immensely glad they can still see some reason.
“Now I don’t care how you do it: talk, fuck, fistfight. Just so long as this gets sorted out.”
There’s some movement from behind the door, Kyle belated hopes they haven’t actually settled on the latter option.
“We’ve tried talking it out mate,” John tells him exasperatedly, “It’s what got us into this bloody mess.”
Then a moment of realisation seems to wash over him; one option remains. Kyle can hear John turning back around to face Jordan.
“I’ll give you a blowie every time you roll the toothpaste from the end.”
Kyle wishes his ears were detachable. Kieran looks equally as scarred.
Jordan answers rapidly and succinctly. Kyle doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Then follows an impatient knock on the door.
“Can we come out now? I want my Sunday roast.”
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ethanhibiki · 4 months
Just stay strong, alright, kid? They'll be there soon. Try to bite on something like cloth if it hurts so much, it might help.
A Anon
i tshurt s so mcuh i can t eve n f eel him pettj ng nt head
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Wip Wednesday! Carol and Tommy from Chapter 10 and a doodle of Nancy and Steve
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essiestarr · 2 years
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I've read hilarious tags to a tweet (that was posted on tumblr): Don't think Harry Styles likes dressing like that. Looks miserable in pics. Probably is like hey man can I wear a suit or something. maybe a big t-shirt Pete Davidson gets to wear big stinky shirts. And his handler is like nah you're a fake gay guy gotta wear fake gay guy clothes
The tags (and some replies): -he exists so straight people can be allies without actually being allied to any queer people /hj -Hey yeah the issue is not that he isn't wearing ""man clothes"" the issue is that he looks like shit and it feels incredibly performative to everyone except you fans. -the issue is that his music is bad. if he was putting out bangers no one would gaf how he looks. You know who never got this kind of reaction for wearing a dress? kid cudi. cause man puts out bangers -its what happens when you only achieve level of solo fame by being part of a wattpad ship -I just saw you rb the diamond jumpsuit and he looks so uncomfortable it gave me sympathetic dysphoria. Like legitimately he looks like he's desperately closeted, but like for cishet people. He looks like want transphobes think we do to people. Like those shitty alt right political cartoons of like 'in 2030 everyone will be forced to be queer at gunpoint'. Lazer sniper sight glinting off his diamanté encrusted extra nipple -sure he's fighting gender norms but the gender norms are winning -he looks like a very boring conservative man's idea of a gay man. Like whatever he's made some good music and he seems like an alright person. But I cannot find it in me to be happy for him. He looks manufactured -Literally like you look at the photos of 70's glam rock stars and like. Not only are they rocking it but they seem to be beyond comfortable in it in that 'this is me' way. Styles looks as if he'd kill for a pair of khakis and a hoodie -Dude the logic around Harry has fully switched. First it's 'oh no management isn't allowing him to be gay' and now it's 'omg he's acting gay only because his pr team told him to -Why do Harry Style stans try to suck your eyes out of your skull if you criticize him? Celebrity culture makes me wanna self immolate lol I am saying that's just him trying to be more special than his designated bland pop singer for straight girls niche

Said in a server last night he looked like he just came in straight from a cke binge. Then said he looked like that hairy pink dancing creature with that silver look 😭 
He just always looks like sht man…you're rich. I know you can afford to challenge gender roles and dress well Wearing the ugliest rompers w his nips out just aint cutting it

LMAO he looks SO sad in the diamond jumpsuit people have been comparing it to their pre transition pics
-fake pretentious c*nt. *untalented -he really is just some guy being forced to be a gay icon mf showed up looking like a batman villain -Nah i was directioner and harry biased then and he always dresses like that. But yeah i agree his stylists and producers say for him to exaggerate and pretend he is the modern david bowie when in fact he is just a boyband soloist lmao hes in my top 5 on spotify for the past million years TWO THINGS CAN BE TRUE
-if 2021 target pride collection was personified.
-this is exactly how my 62 y/o mom talks abt him lmaoooo. Liike she HATES him she thinks he’s a total phony and finds him an insult to the lgbt community#best ally tbh gotta love her
-I've literally been saying this like he’s just doing this for the money but for how long 😭😭 -ite transtrender but for gay people
-ok. there was this huge ass paper thing full of his new cd in the middle of my favourite record shop. Making the already small store even more cramped. so fuck him#there you go i <3 being a hater
-he’s literally not gay. if he was i’d become homophobic
(Sorry if some of them are too rude, I have hard time discerning bc I don't speak to many people on the internet and don't know fully what's the proper etiquette)
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brittlebutch · 1 year
Alright! So, that fic about that disastrous first day of school when Erin’s eight got me thinking: If Peg’s quietly enduring all that shit from the other moms to try to get her a good education, maybe she isn’t the only parent doing that. It’s possible Erin’s not the only kid who’s singled out for being “different,” and any other kid in a similar boat would probably reach out and try to make friends.
I started thinking about some solidarity happening in the aftermath of that, and I came up with a concept that you can absolutely take or leave: A physically disabled girl—I’ve been picturing, like, a limp—in Erin’s class/grade reaching out to make friends the next day, and the solidarity being instantaneous.
Again, there’s no pressure, feel free to take it or leave it—this plot bunny just wouldn’t leave me alone until I dropped it in your askbox, and (at least in my case, growing up) I feel like physically disabled/NT solidarity is a pretty common thing.
(And also the mental image of Erin bringing this kid home for a play date—and said kid immediately imprinting upon Hawkeye because A: he’s a cool, funny adult, and B: he’s like Erin, which means all three of them have a little in common—is both hilarious and fluffy as hell. Just—I could totally see him slowly amassing a gaggle of adoptive kids with every new friend Erin makes.)
Oh love that; it's actually very similar to a fic that I was trying to write that never got done - Erin making friends with a young gay boy in her class when they're in 4th/5th grade; if i ever wind up circling back to finish that one, it would be So great to integrate this idea in there as well, since all of the fics in this series have been split up into 3s so far!
as a bonus i'll put in an exerpt of that WIP that i've dug out of an old notebook :3 (bullying tw tho)
[Context: Erin saw this boy being knocked around by some classmates and told her teacher, who broke it up, but the classmates shoved her into the mud as retaliation for 'trying to get them in trouble']
"Do you need help?" someone asks, and Erin freezes because she does not know if they are only waiting to be mean or not. She stays silent, and they sigh. "You do. Come on, I can get the mud out."
She doesn't really want to go with them, but she knows that the bathroom is the right next step anyway, so she follows, tense with anticipation for what they might spring on her.
But the boy only checks that the bathroom is empty before pulling her inside, turning on the sink, and examining the stains on her sleeves critically.
"It'll be easier if you take it off," he says, but Erin shakes her head fast. The last time someone asked her to take off her sweater so that they "could take a look at it", they had run off and hid it. The teacher said that maybe it was good that she took a break from it for a while, and only made the other kids give it back when Erin started crying so hard she almost made herself sick.
The boy shrugs, and pulls Erin over to stick her whole arm under the running water, carefully scrubbing at the fabric with his fingers, and it reminds Erin of Hakweye - the way he washes her sweater and his robe together in the sink, as gentle as possible to keep the fabric from all wearing out.
"I have to wash the mud outta my pants all the time when they push me," the boy explains suddenly, startling Erin with the sound of his voice. "My mom would get so mad if I let them all stain."
That's when Erin recognizes him. "You are the boy they were kicking," she says.
He winces - "Sorry," he mumbles. "Does it bother you that a homo's the one washing your clothes?"
Erin thinks of Hawkeye. "No," she says, but doesn't elaborate. She understands her parents' secret even more now, and this boy might be kind, and he might even be the same, but Erin doesn't know him enough to trust him. "My name is Erin," she adds belatedly.
"I'm Danny."
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mr-miss-sunny · 1 year
I decided to make a list of actually really good (lgbtq) wattpad stories because i feel like its hard to come by a good one nowadays, and who knows maybe someone who sees this post is desperately looking for something
(All of these include very good to extraordinary writing, imo)
Catching Rainbows by FairlyLocalTreehouse
Luna falls for Chloe at first sight… literally, off a ladder. And it’s the beginning of a beautiful friendship, after Luna gets past the fact that Chloe doesn’t seem to be single
Sapphic, great autistic rep, really sweet and heartwarming
Vanilla by theCuppedCake
Julian White doesn’t say his real name in self-introductions. Hiding behind his middle name and a pair of overly round glasses, he tries to get through the tenacity of attending a competitive culinary school under his uncle’s influence. Amidst his learning of crust structures and the nutritional value of bananas, he meets an old friend
MLM, best writing I’ve seen in a while, cried for 30 minutes after reading, probably my favorite Wattpad book ever (strongly suggested autistic main character, but not confirmed) sequel is currently being written
The Kids Aren’t Alright by bee_mcd
The year is 1988, and Finn, Ronan, Becca and Jasper are spending the summer at a reformatory camp located deep in the Yukon. The camp, named Lightlake, is the last chance the teens have to get their lives back on track, but changing for the better isnt easy - and especially not at a place like Lightlake, where secrets outnumber the campers and myths have a way of coming to light
Amazing summer read, mainly focus on friendship but also MLM main character and a sapphic side character, sequel is also currently being written
When Shadows Rise (previously called When Queens Fall) by HeleySulich
A magic addicted spy trapped in the queen’s service must take a princess-turned-assassin in order to earn her freedom, but things get complicated when she falls for the princess she’s supposed to capture
Now a paid story, i wanted to include it regardless because its just so amazing, i wish i could reread it but i don’t have money lol. WLW, great world building, non binary rep, dark fantasy
Being Wrong by overlordpotatoe
When Charlie gets away from his drug dealing father and is sent to live with his grandparents, things aren’t suddenly okay. Charlie’s broken. He’s not sure he ever wasn’t broken. When things get unbearable, the only thing that helps Charlie feel grounded is music. What can he do when he runs out of battery for his walkman?
MLM, autistic main character, I’ve reread this book at least four times, its my ultimate comfort read, it actually contributed to me realizing i might be autistic, and look at me now, a formal diagnosis and all
The Gay Gatsby by mismatchedsockslife
When two high school boys find themselves being forced into partnership for a class project, things get interesting. With Callaway’s snarky remarks and hidden secrets, and Chance’s accidental girlfriend, their path to completing high school is anything but straight
MLM, if you’re looking for good angst, this one right here. Amazing writing, amazing characters, great overall
The Broken Song by NotJuliaChild
Elusia Vale is the most fabulous adventurer, swordswoman, thief and lover to ever grace Ishara, and she is always the first to say so. Her life has been filled with excitement and reckless abandon, but how long can she outrun the tempests she leaves in her wake?
If you’re bummed that When Shadows Rise is a paid story, read this instead, its just as fantastic and free. WLW, multiple main characters if I remember right, very long lmao, I’m still reading it
Conan The Dandelion by letsgohomehidee
Conan moves to the Big City for University, but he’s not like other boys. He doesn’t nt know how to interact with others. He’s socially awkward, and is often considered as “weird” or “strange”. He also cant touch people without feeling sick, but why? Parker is a sex addict. He’s wild, outgoing and loves to party. He’s known to be a playboy who changes women quicker than his socks. Not a day goes by when he’s not in bed with someone else. But what happens when he meets a boy who can’t be touched
MLM, autistic main character, extremely angsty, you’ll feel like an emty shell after reading, be warned (😭)
In Between Days: Raising Jordan by tristan2500
Jordan lives in his own world, or so that’s what it seems to the average person. No one, not even his brother, has ever given him a chance. That is until Tim’s best friend comes along
MLM, autistic main character, beautiful writing, Call Me By Your Name vibes
SEVENS by -crucible-
Alexei is drowning and he’s having a hard time staying afloat by himself. With a disappearing mother, unsympathetic social workers and hungry police not far off his trail, he is running out of ways to keep going. He’s desperate to find a foothold that will propel him into a secure future
MLM, angst with happy ending
Finally, my favorite author on Wattpad, I waited for last to introduce all their books (that I’ve read) into one
The Treehouse
The Lost Angel
Art For Art’s Sake
Oakleaf Academy For Boys
The Dutch Boy
By Pixie022
Go to their page for summaries
Honorable mentions: Knight by hipstateasee, All Is Found by findinglove9499, The Sound of Ice by MAndALaptop, Y.O.L.O by letsgohomehidee, Nathaniel Jean’s Senior Year by stayonbrand, Getting Wilder by booklored
And my current read that I love so far:
The Stars That Night by SkeneKidz
There’s an overwhelming amount of MLM, and not enough WLM on this list, but thats because I’ve lost track of alot of the sapphic books on Wattpad that I read in the beginning before knowing that you can make reading lists (lmao im stupid ok) im definitely gonna update with more WLW stuff when i find it
Please trust my taste, I have high standards when it comes to Wattpad
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