#TOBI issac
bmn-fandoms · 1 month
Random ass Binding of Isaac whiteboard doodle.
Today, it’s Guppy and Issac (I forgot Guppy’s fur patterns)
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The last one I did(link)
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Remembering that gorgeous scene where they are all together at Nick’s house and they just be. The connection between them all, the feeling of being completely at ease, completely safe. And whilst I’m not the biggest swiftie on the planet, I do think that song was utterly perfect to accompany it and it really set the beautiful tone of the scene! 🍂🍂
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boatsailing · 10 months
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What kind of man is this and does this have something to do with mental illness???
Answer truthfully.
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finally started on heartstopper i think they should all kill and eat ben
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ellzybellz · 10 months
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the squad, what would their squad name be?
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therainbowwarrior4 · 3 days
Canon Pride Month LGBTQIA+ Character of the Day
Issac Henderson
Issac Henderson is a character from the show Heartstopper. Heartstopper is a comic in its fifth volume and a show that is based on the comic that currently has 2 seasons on Netflix. There is one more volume of the comic that will come out and season 3 of the show will come out in October. Issac is aromantic and asexual. Tobie Donovan plays Issac and is gay.
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hsupdatesntflx · 3 months
Some season 3 promo stills taken by burstunitstills on insta
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heartstopper-0bsessed · 3 months
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lolwhosalex · 8 months
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Isaac represents me 📚✨🩷
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heartstopperupdates · 10 months
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More BTS pictures of the Heartstopper cast! ❤❤❤
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Anyone still a little bit dazed? I feel somewhat changed by that series….🍂🍂
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charlieisacastle · 10 months
do you think tobie was ever like "hey guys can we have one (1) scene where issac isnt holding a book please? my hands hurt" /j
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greeen-bean · 10 months
I don't want to make an assumption about Tobys sexuality, and I don't want my point here to get misinterpreted, but
Nobody cares about "authentic casting" when it's the ace/aro characters
Nobody gets harassed and bullied off twitter, nobody has to out themselves publicly before they're ready to prove they're asexual and/or aromantic
So somethings tells me, it has nothing to do with "authentic casting" or "queerbaiting"
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Binded to the Mind
Binding of Issac AU
[PT: Binded to the Mind | Binding of Issac AU]
Hiiiiiii, system here who has a obsession with the Binding of Issac and have had this HC/AU idea for a hot minute so ima post it here ig. I would on the fandom blog we have but I like to explain shit with system terms and I’d rather not have system demonizers find it easier.
Anywho. Too the basics! (It’s long so go under the cut)
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Firstly the systems host and assumed original is of course, Issac. Issac is the oldest known headmate in the system yet is the youngest within the headspace. Most to all the others are adults, teens, or older kids. The system is spiritive-heavy with a lot of figures seen form the Bible or at least heavily influenced by it. The system is Traumagenic…if not obvious why. Listed bellow this is general info about each character!
Order: Name, Pronouns, Gender, Roles
Issac, He/Him, Genderfluid, Host (autism creature)
Magdalene, She/Her, Transfem, Co-Host & Main caregiver (A caring woman who shows affection to all)
Cain, He/They, Male, Co-Host & Main Protector (one of the first formed he kinda just sticks out. New York accent)
Judas, Only Name, Unknown, Charge(link) (formed and immediately tried to gets mothers help before being pushed away)
??? (Blue), It/They, Unknown, Urge Holder & Trauma Breaker (formed during the chest incident)
Eve, She/They, Demigirl, Urge Holder (…no comment)
Samson, He/Him, Male, Protector & Anger Holder (after a bit they got so mad that they like swore at their parents)
Azazel, Any, Genderfluid, Janusian(link) & Ex-Co Host (a chaos gremlin who needs a leash)
Lazarus, He/Him, Male, Shock Absorber(link) (tends to be the one at front when they get hurt. He hates it$
Eden, All Pronouns, Pangender, Mood Booster & Symptom Holder (she is one of the few who knows about most of their disorders but like tells no one)
The Lost (Casper), It/Its, Agender, Sadness Holder & Fear Holder (Formed during the chest incident and thinks that they are dead)
Lilith, She/Her, Transwoman, Parental figure & caregiver (she was formed during a time when the parents where fighting and she acts as a form of getting a healthy parent relationship)
Keeper (Cuddles), By name, Non-binary, Comforter & Archivist (Keeper in this AU is based off a toy Isaac has that formed into a headmate)
The Forgotten (Skulls), They/Them, Nonbinary, Masker (The soul acts as a backup)
Bethany, She/Her, (trans)Woman, Religion Holder & Persecutor (Bethany is the only member who actively attempts to hurt the body as a act of punishment due to the religous beliefs)
Jacob & Esau, He/They, Systemgender(link), Protectors & Trauma Holders (The two are mentally linked so can be accounted as the same. When they are separated they end up having self districtive actions)
Tainted characters in this AU are just the aftermath of the system leanring and processing their trauma. So in the beginning of the AU it takes the story but makes it that they end up not dying due to the chest. The mother realizes she fucked up and tries her best to rekindle a relationship with them. She ends up getting suggested a (Christian) therapist who believes they are possessed .
Later on they do find a better one and are able to diagnose them with what they are. They go though the motions to figure out who everyone is and process everything!
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If you’d want to see more please let me know! I really love the concept of plural TBOI and I know there are others who HC the charaters as such! If anyone has questions feel free to put them into the ask box! (Also we may do doodles for it)
(Tag being I mentioned this like a bit ago to you @dove-tears)
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there’s still 53 days till heartstopper 😭💔
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