awhoreintheory · 2 years
Lance: Hey cowboy, how's your horse?
Keith, absolutely fed up with this mockery:
Keith doing his best impression of his dad's Texan accent: She's good, how 'bout you darlin'?
Lance tripping over his own two feet, slamming face first into the wall:
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johnthestitcher · 2 months
25 Most Unwelcoming Cities for LGBTQIA+
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its-all-down-hill · 3 months
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skeletalhorse · 9 months
It's 74 degrees and slightly rainy right now. I didn't think this was possible in Texas anymore. Too bad it's back to the 90s after this 😭
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inukagome15 · 1 year
Every weekend something new and frustrating about this place.
Less than 260 hours before I get my full license and I can quit
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tailorvizsla · 10 months
When the state of Texas sends out four fucking blue alerts across the entire fucking state because a cop gets shot buuuuuut there’s not one for active shooter situations? Because lemme tell y’all something - I care about one of those situations, and it def ain’t the police.
And you can’t turn it off unless you turn off all emergency alerts, you know for actual emergencies like tornadoes or flooding or something.
Fuck Texas.
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cherieye · 2 years
I am not surprised at all, but I am hurt. Hurt more than I thought I would be. Hurt that white women would vote for their own oppression and have more children senselessly shot in schools. Hurt that ICWA (Indian Child Care Act) will have less of a chance of being protected, which will most likely be overturned today. Hurt that so many human rights are going to continually be violated, that more rights will be wiped away. Hurt that there will be less of a chance for my representives to fight for a more progressive world.
My roomates are trans, and I don't think they can fully process how their livelihood is going to be in danger.
I'm not okay and I am afraid. I am trapped here. And I deeply am infuriated over the voting suppression in US, especially Texas. I hate being trapped here
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elliehopaunt · 1 year
The latest happening here in the State of Hate.
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thesaltyace · 2 years
I fucking hate living in Texas.
I had my first obgyn appointment since RvW fell and of course the nurse asked when my last period was.
I was like "I couldn't tell you, idk, they're irregular because PCOS." And even if they were regular, I'm sure not telling anyone now.
So the doctor came in was like like, hey, with the Paragard IUD you really should be having a period and it's concerning if you're not.
I'm like yeah, I get that, but I was told my PCOS meant I might not have regular periods even though I've got an IUD.
She's like Yesssss but if you're not shedding that uterine lining at least every 3-ish months, that can cause issues for you later down the road in terms of increasing your risk of cancer.
So she wants me to start using a period tracking app (🚩) and let her know if I'm not having a period at least every three months. And if I'm not, she wants to prescribe a five-day course of progestin every few months to make sure I'm not building up uterine lining.
I know the increased risk she described is factually accurate. And my grandmother (who we're sure had undiagnosed PCOS) did develop uterine cancer in her 80s. And yeah, I had to do the progestin thing several years ago because I was going 8+ months without a period while not taking any hormonal bc.
She's been pretty cool in the past two years I've seen her, and has made strong efforts to be gender inclusive (in West Texas!!). All signs suggest she's probably a safe provider. Based on our conversation, I am fairly confident she is genuinely interested in making sure I stay healthy.
The entire office from check-in to the nurse's station is full of decor consisting of crosses and Bible quotes. It makes me so angry to say this, but I can no longer place trust in my doctor regarding reproductive rights because she hasn't specifically affirmed her position regarding abortion access. And given the nurse/office vibe, I can't reasonably assume her position, either.
So! Instead of being able to have a frank, open discussion about my health, I feel like my only choice is to conceal what could be vital information because my ability to access an abortion (should I get pregnant while using an IUD, which is very unlikely but very serious if it did occur) than it is to prevent uterine cancer.
Fuck Greg Abbott, seriously.
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turbinepaints · 1 year
i notice texas still trying to whitewash slavery via their schools
the very worst people.
god what ugly fucking governments America has
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unimatrix-420 · 2 years
Sure wish Texas would grow some balls and actually secede like they threaten to do every time a Democrat is elected. No one would miss that godforsaken place and it would give us a hellish cesspit to put all the Republicans on.
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jasonstiff · 3 months
How very Texas of you... don't bring that to Montana. Maybe the awful governor of Texas was visiting... who knows. Anyway, now I know why Texas is the "Lone Star State"... I'd give Texas a 1-star rating, too. ⭐️
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#Montana #Billings #texas #lonestarstate #onestar #rating #truck #target #parking #dobetter
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deviousdayz · 9 months
there is nowhere to be in public anymore. Like to just chill and exist.. at all.
The benches at the park are gone, the seats in Barnes in noble are gone, the malls have no seating and won’t let you just hang around, the parking lots won’t let you park and sit there, you can’t piss anywhere without paying first.
There’s not a functional library for 10 miles in every direction of my house. There are no book shops with tables and organizations like. There’s nowhere to BE. Where the hell is anyone supposed to go?
You literally can’t leave to ur house to do anything that isn’t driving on a 8 lane freeway to spend money you don’t even have. How fucking dystopian
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weedbarbie · 10 months
I loved living in Oklahoma! I'll admit I didn't expect to (I moved there after living in NYC), but I was blown away by what a cool little city Tulsa is. I really miss it now that I've moved on.
What do you like most about being an Okie? I loved singing the state song at minor league baseball games (go Drillers!) and living a few blocks away from the Woody Guthrie Museum.
Oh man, what a departure that must have been from NYC! I'm glad to hear you liked it!! (LLLLLLLLLet's go, Drillers!) I work with a lot of people who move in from out of state for their contracts, and they almost all lament how lame they think it is here, to say nothing of our politics.
I'm think the best part about being an Okie is the friendliness of the people here. When anyone I know travels out-of-state, they come back talking about how folks in other states are rude. I don't think people in big cities are RUDE -- I think folks in Oklahoma are just overly-friendly, and I love it. It's definitely a midwestern thing, but seems to be strongest here. Where people in Chicago, LA, or NYC strictly mind their own business when out and about (because that IS polite when there's a million people everywhere at all times), people in Oklahoma will make small talk with you in line at the gas station, waiting for your table at a restaurant, whatever. And it's not a nuisance somehow, no matter who it is you're talking to. I've always thought about it a nice moment of connection where you are reminded that other people also have full lives and personalities, if that makes sense... and it seems like everyone I know conceptualizes our culture of small talk the same way! I think it's very endearing and cool. BUT I also love the friendly OU/OSU rivalry and mutual disgust of the Texas Longhorns :)
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vegcrybaby · 2 years
I just wanna say, it's the best not living in Texas anymore 👍🏻👍🏻
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