#Sunday gx cover
reality-liver-n0 · 10 months
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maomao9jinshi · 3 months
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Apothecary Diaries in March: -Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (Apothecary Diaries) will be getting the Cover and Lead Color Page in GX SUNDAY magazine The issue is scheduled to release on 3/19
Release of Volume 13 of Big Gangan manga version 3/29
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skyflyinginaction · 7 months
Clamp Art Style Analysis: Series styles: Kobato
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While I was writing this there was a reason I couldn’t elaborate on Kobato it was because I lacked context. I missed a lot of things on Kobato due to the lack of context. Clamp art is extensive so I predicted I may not be able to cover it in one post. This post is written based on an interview I read so I am going to explain the art in Kobato to the best of my abilities.
Kobato ran in two magazines, monthly Sunday GX magazine and new type, Sunday Gx was the first magazine from Kadokawa that published Kobato and the Newtype was the second. Both magazines had male readers whereas Newtype had a male readership and Sunday Gx was a senine magazine. In Sunday Gx, there were lots of works with many screen tones and gradients all of them had ink but had a clean print without screen tones and gradient on them had a lot of ink but had clean print without the screen tone becoming blurred clamp couldn’t cramp to 20 panels in one page for Sunday Gx. While Clamp was drawing Kobato in Newtype there were a lot of problems, clamp found drawing Kobato in Newtype tough because of the tight deadlines which caused them to end up falling behind schedule to finish it. Though Netype had a large format Clamp, it couldn't cram 10 or 20 clamps and could only draw 14 pages which didn’t allow for story progression. Clamp even said they didn’t want to read a cramped shoujo manga. 
Kobato was created while Clamp was working on Tsubasa during the time, Clamp knew Tsubasa would have a darker storyline as it progressed so Clamp wanted to depict a brighter story Clamp wanted to create a story with a cute girl as the main character and decided that the story Kobato was intended for a happy ending. 
When it came to creating the character Kobato, the editor from Sunday Gx magazine said wanted a character to become a muse of the magazine. in creating a divine character clamp had no clear image of what a goddess is since the idea of a goddess can change over time so it is hard for them to picture it. However, clamp misinterpreted the desire when in fact the editor didn’t ask Clamp to create the goddess of the magazine but to make a character that readers can fall in love with something that both girls and boys would enjoy.
Kobato may have come off as regular shojo manga but the manga seemed to be created with a much older audience in mind judged by how it ran in a senine magazine it had some properties as shojo manga sprinkled in. Kobato has a bit of realism in it and references the supernatural but there is nothing too serious going on. It was drawn to be aimed for a relaxed feel so there were no constant dramatic events and intense pursuits. Despite how real the manga can be the tone of the manga is very relaxed that was what Clamp is creating it for. 
When it came to describing the contents of the series they discussed it with their editor like with the lines of argument 
drew sketches made various changes and corrections clamp had the story ready in two to three minutes but the character designs took 20 minutes. when it came to creating character designs in Kobato, Kobato took the longest
deciding what type of hairstyle for Kobato is difficult it had a hard time they didn’t know whether to make it long or short when it came to kobato’s hairstyle clamp did not know whether to make it long or short it wasn’t a minor manner since Kobato is supposed to be the main image of the magazine. 
They wanted to draw girls with long hair as a reaction to Sakura from Tsubasa who has short hair, but long hair gave Clamp less room for variations of style but was difficult to ink all the time in manga, and in truth, Clamp can invent unreal hairstyles that would cost less to draw her hair. Clamp strived to create a hairstyle that could be reproduced in reality but clamp disliked the fact the set of the hairstyle looked unnatural. so for the hairstyle, they created a fusion of short and long hair.  
When it comes to drawing and making stories Clamp pays good attention to the details of the story they are creating clamp needs background information of the story they are working on this is seen in the way the the characters in Clamp wore different clothes each time they appeared. In Tsubasa, the main characters wear different outfits because they are traveling across different worlds so the clothes are created to reflect that. That's more groundbreaking in a sense since people change their clothes every day it feels like you're watching real people for this aspect.
For Kobato her clothing is fundamental to her concept. Kobato clothes change all the time. This aspect goes over people's heads since the characters in Clamp in different clothes are nothing new that may be something we don’t notice at first due to Clamp always their character changing their clothes. However one may ask how someone who is carrying minimal stuff carries all those clothes. This aspect causes readers to question how she got all those outfits despite the fact that she barely carries anything with her. her changing her clothes each time makes readers wonder where she is carrying her outfits despite not carrying anything due to her lifestyle
It was revealed that Kobato’s clothes changing is a result of a mysterious ability that references that Kobato is not an ordinary human, and having to reveal that ability may spoil her true identity. the reason why Clamp drew Kobato's clothes change every day is that Kobato wearing the same outfit would be a spoiler to her true identity since people don’t wear the same clothes every day and having Kobato wear the same outfit would be much of spoiler clamp keeps Kobato's true identity ambiguous Kobatos a character whose never changes but wears a different outfit
Clamp had fun designing cute hats for Kobato. Clamp struggled with whether or not Kobato leaves the hat on or takes it off when she went to sleep but ultimately decided to leave it on asleep
Clamp wanted to create a new type of heroine that they hadn’t invented until now, someone suggested that Kobato is derived from Anne of Green Gables though Kobato was not much of a reference to it was more like Mary Poppins. 
Kobato's character design is based on Mary Poppins. Both are mysterious entities, wear hats, and carry a bag and umbrella. Kobato wearing many different outfits reference to Mary Poppins’ never-ending bag the umbrella is a clever nod to Mary Poppins which is seen in the colored illustrations
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that appeared in Clamp in Wonderland
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and mentioned briefly in the main story Kobato is an easy call back to Mary Poppins in both character and design and her role in helping people in the stories. Kobato's design referenced Mary Poppins and Clamp had wanted some elements of Comet, a manga character from the 1960s, but Clamp gave up since it didn’t fit the profile of a clumsy character they were looking for. 
For Ioryogi’s design: His design came from a doodle Nekoi did that was seen on the official clamp website, Nekoi first drew him in clamp no Kiseki about a blue stuffed dog Ohkawa liked the idea it became the partner for Kobato they decided to use Ioryogi’s design in the manga because they needed a partner for the protagonist someone that Kobato could talk to. While they were designing Ioryogi's true form, they settled to make Ioriyogi more beast-like this is from Ohkawa who thought that beast-like characters that get into conflicts with heaven as punishment were turned into stuffed animals this is made to explain why he is stuck in a stuffed animal form that his stuffed animal form can be from how he was beast-like in his form Designing his true form took some time Ioriyogi has a wolf-like appearance. Nekoi and Mokona settled on creating animalistic elements in the designs for the rest of the characters in Kobato to draw the others the true forms as more beastlike 
Next up is Fujimoto, Fujimoto is named after Kiyokazu Fujimoto the chief of the project department of Pyrotechnist, the company that works as a clamp managing agent. This isn’t the first time that Clamp took the name of someone they know and used it to name their character in their works; they did that before as seen within the character seichiro aoki of x taken from their editor. They take the names of people that they know and use the names on their characters to put a bit of themselves in the works. Fujimoto's distinctive features in his design are his glasses and long ponytail. However, Fujimoto's ponytail is cut off at the end when he's a lawyer, a reference to a sense of having aged over the years and gives the sense that he changed to maintain the same hairstyle while also showing change made the tail longer in his lawyer outfit.
Although Clamp loved drawing glasses, they found glasses in terms of drawing in manga hard. The lens is difficult to handle when drawing because it affects the expressions in the eyes of the characters Sayaka was drawn with glasses because Clamp wanted a female character with glasses.
Nekoi created the character designs from Wish; it was Nekoi who originally designed the characters for Wish and had a hand in designing and creating Suisho’s clothes Suishou’s clothes look similar to what the angels in Wish wore.
Mokona created the world for Kobato. Mokona found it challenging to create a new world in Kobato and decide how to design it. 
Kobato Reference to other works that crossed over like Wish but are more casual compared to Tsubasa and Holics tightly connected works
As I pointed out before in Kobato’s character design section, drawing long hair is challenging due to the amount of lines to ink, Clamp wanted to create characters with long hair only to change midway when they realized the difficulty. clamp found drawing long hair to be challenging due to inking it and the number of lines that go with long hair
Clamp aimed to create an atmosphere that was close to shoujo manga. Kobato uses thin lines in the manga similar to the lines of card captor Sakura and less ink which gave it a similar shojo manga appearance. 
Clamp tried to not make the panels too dark and didn’t have many characters with dark hair having many characters with dark hair darkened the visuals. They were careful about it. This Clamp uses less toning in the pages which has a lighter feel similar to how Clamp aimed for something bright and light and the paneling flows well is to make it as relaxed so they make it bright and light
The colors that are used for the illustrations had a soft watercolor touch they didn’t paint too heavily with Kobato illustrations so they did it by not layering too much paint and the brush strokes could remain visible which causes it to go beyond the edges.
So this is my post on Kobato art style analysis. This is something I missed and tried to explain but I could botch explain the artstyle in this post but I’m glad I expanded on Kobato's section.
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Why all the different versions?
Firstly I would like to preface that this post was written and rolling in my drafts in 2021 so things may have changed.
As some may have noticed, Kusuriya no Hitorigoto currently has 4 versions, all running simultaneously. These are the light novel (LN), web novel (WN), the Sunday GX manga adaptation and the Gangan manga adaptation. But why?
The LN is adapted in the GX version. The same illustrator for the manga does the front covers of the novel.
The WN is adapted in the Gangan version. (This is what I wrote then, but since more of it has been released, it seems this version also deviates from the WN by making MaoMao's mother be alive, but I think there are still differences to the LN from what I remember?)
The LN and WN (and their respective manga adaptations) both follow the basic storyline with the same characters. However, some events that happen are exclusive to either version. There are also slight variations in some characters in each.
The most glaring difference, from my understanding, is that regarding Maomao's interactions with Jinshi. The LN has more interaction between the two, and thus more of a relationship built between the two at this point. (From a WN reader's perspective, it feels like fan-service since these situations are slower and sparser in it.)
The reason for this difference may be because of the LN and WN mediums. While the LN has to go through an editor since it is officially published, there is bound to be a push for certain elements that they believe will allow the novel to pull in as many sales as possible. Therefore, the romance element is played upon more. However, the WN is published on a (free) blog where the author is free to write the story as they like, without the pressure of sales or audience response. Looking at the author's past comments on the relationship between Maomao and Jinshi, especially romantic, it explains why the WN has comparatively less Jinshi/Maomao interaction and slower development of relationship. With the LN, GX and WN doing so well, it seems we got the Gangan version we're most familiar with too.
The differences I've written about are things you can look up, but my take on why there are 4 versions is stuff I've pieced together so if anyone knows for sure please let me know!
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artbookisland · 3 years
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There’s a new Black Lagoon artbook, I’m so happy!
It contains a lot of known illustrations but also a bunch that I’ve never seen before. And for a hardcore fan like me that’s super cool :)
Click the link for the HD scan.
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kaiowut99 · 3 years
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episodes 65 and 66 Subbed (Finalized)
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
Hell Kaiser Ryou! Chimeratech Overdragon
Since his defeat to Ed in the Pro Leagues, the life in Kaiser Ryou has faded.  But at the invitation of a suspicious promoter, he participates in an underground duel--duels in which, crucially, one risks their life to treat their savage audience to a show.  As Acidic Last Machine Virus causes his Machine-Types like Cyber Dragon to rust, the Kaiser is not only cut off from summoning any Monsters, but it causes him to take damage.  With each drop in his LP, an electric current flows through his body, exciting the spectators...
Judai’s First Dream Duel!
Lost in the forest, Judai’s consciousness starts to fade from hunger, causing him to reminisce about his duels thus far--taking down Instructor Chronos’s Ancient Gear Golem with Flame Wingman during his Entrance Exam, battling the then-Blue elite Manjoume and his V-to-Z Dragon Catapult Cannon shortly after his enrollment, battling Misawa’s seventh deck with the right to represent the Academia on the line, and his first loss in the face of Kaiser Ryou’s Cyber End Dragon...
*crashes onto your TL months late with non-corporate coffee*
And these two are finally up and finalized! Sorry for the wait, if you were looking forward to ‘em--as I mentioned in my post on Sunday, they were pushed back a bit while I did one final lookover on 1-64′s scripts and hardsubs so I could actually call them “finalized.” I’d started to get them out of the way while waiting for some potential editing help, then just decided to finish it after scrapping the last little thing I hoped to work on (I planned to break briefly after 66 to do these re-finalizations anyway, but the timing happened to work out).  More details there.
But leaving that aside, here we have a pretty popular episode in Hell Kaiser Ryou’s debut, as he’s pushed to the brink by Mad Dog Inukai after Monkey Monkey Mountain Saruyama invites him to his first underground duel. They do a really good job of portraying Ryou as having lost his mojo post-Ed, showing a realistic view of what the big leagues in sports are like when that happens to you and you lose out on sponsorships/etc, and so when he gets cornered and Saruyama drills into him how he never once thought of winning since that duel, wanting to just stick with his respectful dueling, a spark lights up in him and... well, RIP Mad Dog. (Also, s/o to Takeshi Maeda for really selling Ryou’s shift in mindset by the end, and to his dub VA for sounding similarly good, imo.)
66 is probably less popular in comparison, treating us to our first clipshow of the series, though 66 episodes in isn’t a bad time (could be worse, VRAINS jk).  It’s endearing enough, though--kinda nice seeing SAL again; Judai’s hunger-induced visions give us Chronos, Misawa, and Manjoume making monkey noises; and the duels featured were important for Judai early on.  I also like the bit of new animation as vision!Ryou follows up with Judai about respecting his opponents; goes with what I’d noticed before about Judai adding his Fusion Undone/De-Fusion strategy to his own dueling after losing to him. (also Judai making a signpost sweatdrop from his aloofness pls)
Part of the initial delay with these were the footage fixes I wanted to work on, as well as a couple visual translations here/there which were fun to work on.  Really want to thank @paradoxi-kay for their great work as always in helping to translate the cover of the copy of Duel Magazine that Judai comes across early in 65, and starting the one on Shou’s copy that I finished up.  List of everything worked on below the cut, as usual, if you’re curious.
Enjoy, folks! I’ve gotten some work started on 67 already, and my plan is to try and work on some double releases to make up a bit of time, lol.  I’ll be posting these two on NAC in the next couple of days along with the re-finalized hardsubs and scripts/DVDRips; while I work on getting 67 and 68 done, I’ll also start some work on prepping softsub MKVs (also to go up on NAC) for everything I’ve fully finalized, since it’s been a while on that front.
Fixes/Edits! (65)
As Judai wanders in the forest early in the episode, he comes across a stack of old Duel Magazines; the front cover shows Ryou and is an issue from his winning streak days before his more recent loss to Ed.  Thanks to @paradoxi-kay​‘s great work in typesetting my translation onto the cover I blanked (which I detailed here), you’ll see it in English in the hardsub above.  The translation was first applied to the close-up of the cover that comes after #2 below, and then I took the translated cover and made it its own image that I put into the earlier shot as Judai approaches it while they’re all still tied up (detailed here).  The text reads, “Exclusive!! Kaiser Ryou Marufuji / Breaking down his Cyber Dragon deck!!! / In this issue: / -Duelists Du Jour / -Pro League Battle Data! / -Reader-Submitted Best Duels! / -Strategic Attack Decks by Type!” (Really appreciated Kay’s input on “Du Jour” because my original translation for that, “Duelists Who Are All the Rage,” wasn’t as catchy, lol.)
As Judai picks up one of the older Duel Magazines and flips it open, we see on the back cover an ad featuring the three Phantasms--it’s actually an in-show ad for Shadows of Infinity (since the episode aired around the time the pack came out in Japan); I detailed the process in blanking and translating it here (shared above).  The ad reads, "The Three Phantasms Descend!" featuring Uria and Raviel’s names on their images.
As we go to the Red dorm as Shou narrates about the Kaiser’s slump, we see a magazine page describing what happened to him since his loss to Ed; I covered my blanking/translating this in the link shared in #2.
We then see that it’s Shou reading the page from his own copy of Duel Magazine, this one more recent than Judai’s featuring Ed on the cover, though it features the same SOI/Phantasms ad on its back cover (now showing Hamon and its name as well).  Like with Judai’s issue, I used the Japanese cover and the dub’s edit as reference to just redraw Ed and Diamondguy enough to remove Ed’s name; Kay had started the translation placement and I finished it up.  For the SOI ad, like with #2, I added in the dub’s edit in pieces, tweaking it to match the original image more (since they again oddly edited the text out or redrew Uria/et al weirdly to do so).  We do now see more of the ad which shows that the trio’s names are on each of them, the English of which I added.
As Asuka snatches the magazine from Shou to work on cheering him up, to be consistent, I also worked in these cover translations to the magazine as she lifts then curls it up, using the dub’s blanked Phantasms edit as a base that I touched up a bit while adding back the Japanese cards.  Detailed more in #2′s link.  (We now also see that the ad reads on, “New! Shadow of Infinity - On Sale November 11th [2005]!”; the IRL booster pack came out in Japan on Nov. 17th, 2005, a few weeks before 65 aired.)
Asuka then lifts the curled-up magazine into view in a close-up, with the SOI/Phantasms ad visible which I also applied my translations above to as needed, using the dub’s blank edit as a base that I redrew parts of to touch up and match the Japanese image more.  Detailed more in #2′s link.
As Ryou meets Monkey Saruyama, he introduces himself by handing out his business card reading, "Saruyama Promotion - Representative Monkey Saruyama;" as detailed in #2′s link, I cleaned it up using Photoshop’s Clone Tool, then slapped the translation on using Calibri as the font.
As Ryou contemplates attacking Acid Slime with his Cyber Dragon and Mad Dog Inukai taunts him, as Mad Dog then slides in on a split-screen to “clear his doubts,” there’s a quick frame as Inukai takes over the screen where there’s a gap between his pecs and the split-screen edge.  I fixed it by just drawing in the rest of his chest in Photoshop to fill his side of the split-screen.
As Inukai starts his turn and activates his Contingency Fee Magic Card, there’s a frame where, as he’s sliding his hand with the card into the shot, the card itself slides ahead in his hand before his hand does; as a result, you can see a bit of the background just under the card before his hand catches up to the card in the next frame.  I fixed this by just duplicating the first frame here over it in Vegas.
Two here--first, after Ryou has his Proto Cyber Dragon attack Clone Slime, as Inukai begins to explain its effect, there’s a quick frame before the shot goes from a close-up to a slow zoom as he moves where his neck vanishes (new meme format go); I fixed this by just duplicating the previous frame in Vegas, while also correcting one of his looping lip-flap frames so that the scar on his chin is above the shading under his lip.  Then, as Inukai goes into Clone Slime’s effect and the shot slowly zooms out, we see Clone Slime on his Disk in Attack Mode when it’s in Defense Mode right now; fixed it by placing a proxy in Defense in AfterEffects for a frame, then re-keyframing that frame to the zoom-out in Vegas to put it in place.
After Acid Slime slips out of Inukai’s Cemetery as Clone Slime’s effect activates, Inukai moves to grab it before the two Slimes switch out, but Clone Slime’s still in Attack Mode on his Disk; fixed by placing the Defense-Mode proxy over it in AE, then moving it as he moves his Disk and applying a brief brightness increase as the light from Clone Slime being replaced with Acid Slime grazes it.
As Proto Cyber Dragon’s attack approaches Acid Slime in a quick shot, the card under it in Defense Mode is reversed (the name box should face to the left to match how it’s placed on his Disk); fixed by first applying the correctly-facing proxy in AfterEffects and moving it as the shot moves, then masking Acid Slime back in over it, along with the light coming from the attack as it starts to shine over its card.
As Ryou explains Overload Fusion’s effect, just before it starts to zoom out as he then chooses the six Monsters he’ll fuse, there are a few frames I noticed where Ryou’s whooshing hair throughout this shot suddenly stops whooshing; I fixed it by just masking in his whooshing hair from the previous frames for a few.
As Ryou taunts Inukai about how his Acidic Last Machine Virus will bother him no more, Inukai starts to slide in on a split-screen, but until his split-screen has fully slid in, there’s no border on its edge; I fixed it in Vegas by first masking out the border once it’s fully slid in, then moving it in another video layer with his split-screen for those nine frames.
As Ryou explains Chimeratech Overdragon’s multiple attacks, we see it reversed on his Disk; fixed by slapping on the correctly-facing proxy in AfterEffects, then re-keyframing it to the slow zoom in Vegas for the 94 frames it zooms out in (phew).
One error that I hoped to fix but scrapped happens as Chimeratech Overdragon’s first attack closes in on Inukai’s Multiple Slime, where we see a Defense-Mode card under it despite it being in Attack Mode the way Inukai summoned it (and since he then takes damage from the attack); couldn’t quite figure out how to light up the floor I’d redrawn under it with the ensuing explosion, and had sought a bit of help to get it right but ultimately that fell through. (Incidentally, not only did the dub not catch this as they dubified its card, but they reversed the card, at that, lol.)
Fixes/Edits! (66)
(Note: These are all flashback-related, and I detailed most of them [including a few new ones] in my post from Sunday that I linked just under the summaries; I went on to apply the fixes I’d applied in 66 to the respective episodes, so I’ll be brief here.  Reinserted fixes from a while back are in italics.)
(Episode 1 Flashback) I reinserted the fix I did to replace the blank Normal Monster on Judai’s Disk in Flame Wingman’s spot with its card as Antique Gear Golem crashes onto Chronos.  [Ep. 1 Flashback End]
(Episode 22 Flashback) As Misawa attacks with Litmus Death Swordsman to start his flashback, I reinserted the fix I did to detail the blank cards on his Disk with Diamond Dragon and Litmus Death.
As Misawa finishes explaining Wingbeat of Giant Dragon’s effect and it zooms out to Litmus Death, I reinserted my fix to his reversed card on Misawa’s Disk to flip it right-side-up.
Reinserted my fix to the repeat of #3 as Skyscraper fades.
Reinserted my fix to another repeat as Misawa explains Spirit Barrier’s effect.
R-R-Reinserted my fix to the r-r-repeat again as we see Misawa’s Disk while Judai explains Cyclone Boomerang’s effect (gotta love reused animation!) [Ep. 22 Flashback End]
(Episode 4 Flashback) As Judai prods Manjoume into choosing a card from his hand for A Hero Appears’s effect, I fixed Manjoume’s blazer looking semi-faded for a frame on his split-screen.
As Judai’s LP take a hit from V-to-Z destroying Burstlady, I fixed the four frames where the upper part of his Disk is missing the little bottom part that extends out a bit and Judai’s vanishing Disk wrist grip.
A bit complex, but I fixed Judai’s briefly-still-missing-then-vanishing-again wrist grip, the shading near his Cemetery slot, Judai’s arm becoming part of his Disk, and his wrist grip suddenly consuming his whole wrist. (Detailed in that Sunday post)
Reinserted my fix to the Attack-Mode Winged Kuriboh on Judai’s Disk to put it in Defense Mode as he discards two to activate Evolutionary/Transcendent Wings.
As Judai swings his arm around telling Winged Kuriboh LV10 to “send [V-to-Z’s] energy right back” at Manjoume, I reinserted my fix to put its Defense-Mode card in the spot on his Disk colored like the Monster Zone it’s on for a few frames.
A bit complex again recycling the Judai shot in #9, but I fixed his again-vanishing Disk wrist grip and half-Disk arm, his wrist grip suddenly consuming his whole wrist again, and his yet-again-vanished wrist grip, miscolored undershirt, and his half-Disk elbow while restoring some previous detail to his Disk. (Detailed in that Sunday post)
As Judai summons Featherman–to Shou and Chronos’s surprise–and has him lunge at Manjoume for the finisher, I reinserted my fix to keep the black faraway box that is Featherman on his Disk both as those two slide in on split-screens and as they slide back out. [Ep. 4 Flashback End]
(Episode 8 Flashback) I reinserted my fix to remove Featherman from Judai’s Disk as his LP drop from Cyber Dragon destroying it.
Reinserted my fix to a repeat of #14 as Judai’s excited about Ryou’s Time Capsule.
As Judai draws for his turn, I added a Fusion card over the dark-orange rectangle briefly in his hand as he draws it.
After Judai’s first hit on him, I fixed the error as Ryou Special-Summons another Cyber Dragon as a Monster in face-down Defense Mode on his second Monster Zone (detailed in that Sunday post).
Reinserted my fix adding Cyber Twin Dragon to Ryou’s Disk over a yellow rectangle.
As the screen zooms in on Judai after Ryou declares Cyber Twin’s attack, I added Thunder Giant to Judai’s third Monster Zone, then reinserted my previous fix adding it as it zooms back out while Judai uses A Hero Appears.
Reinserted my fix adding a few quick lip flaps to Judai as he says, “Partner,” out loud.
As Judai thinks about how Evolutionary Wings would evolve his Winged Kuriboh and we then see Bubbleman on his field, I added a missing Bubbleman card to his Disk.
Right after #21, I revised my previous fix to replace the Defense-Mode Mudballman on his Disk with an Attack-Mode Bubbleman, after I accidentally put it in Defense Mode before.
As Ryou grabs Power Bond from his hand before activating it, I reinserted my fix adding Ryou’s two missing Cyber Dragons to his Disk and then one over the blank Normal Monster card in his left hand.
As Ryou slips Power Bond into his Disk, I reinserted my fix adding those two missing Cyber Dragons onto his Disk.  [Ep. 8 Flashback End]
For the Ep. 67 preview, I added my translation of the notice left on the Red dorm by Napoleon which I’ll be using in the episode proper.
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elegantgothicoctopi · 3 years
She's on the cover of this month's Sunday GX
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I'm so happy to see not only her on the cover but her smiling as well <3
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 years
Behind the Fic: TW:OPT - Jonah Argentum’s Declassified Boarding School Survival Guide
We've finally done it, guys! We finally finished this filler arc!
This is actually harder to write since I don't have the base script for this. This arc is basically just me writing random incidents and hoping it could connect.
This was hard! How did anime do this millions times?!
WARNING: This will contain a bit of spoiler for the newest chapters of my fan fiction Twisted-Wonderland: Our Precious Treasure. Click here to read the whole arc from the beginning!
I think we should start from the beginning: why was this arc written? Well, originally it was supposed to tie up the "Jonah need to say thank you to Azul for cleaning his dorm" plot point. It was originally supposed to be a two bonus chapter, covering "Chapter 37: Come On and Get Your Game On!" and “Chapter 40: We Got a Hot Crustacean Band!". But because I was stubborn, I extended it into five episodes.
I have no reason why this arc was named after 'Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide'. I just thought it sounds cool (this will probably be a trend, I can feel it)
I also have no reason to pick random quotes from various media and memes as the summary. I just think that having quotes made it sound wiser. But then again, I’m quoting memes.
Title for each episode are from:
Chapter 36: No Colors Anymore, I Want Them to Turn Black! - ‘Paint It Black’, The Rolling Stones
Chapter 37: Come On and Get Your Game On! - ‘Get Your Game On', Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Chapter 38: It’s the Same as Having Wings! - ‘You Can Fly’, Peter Pan
Chapter 39: Heads Held High, Touch the Sky, Our Hearts We Pledge to Thee! -  ‘R-E-S-C-U-E, Rescue Aid Society’, The Rescuers
Chapter 40: We Got a Hot Crustacean Band! - ‘Under the Sea’, The Little Mermaid
The first episode "Chapter 36: No Colors Anymore, I Want Them to Turn Black" actually covered Episode 2-3 until 2-4 of Savanaclaw Arc. I was thinking that Crowley needs to tell the boys about overblot as soon as possible.
I won't be revealing anything about Jonah's eye but it seems like absorbing the blot might end up damaging his eye.
"Chapter 37: Come On and Get Your Game On!" is part of the original draft. 
Ace was supposed to be there and it was partly inspired by Deuce's School Uniform Personal Story. 
This chapter was also inspired by Azul’s School Uniform Personal Story.
When Deuce mention about 'magical wheel', for some reason I immediately thought about a human-size hamster ball. I just think it's funny to see Deuce running around in a giant hamster ball.
The twins weren't supposed to appear here. It was supposed to be Azul who takes Jonah to the Board Game Club.
The reason why Jonah joined the Board Game Club is that I think the Board Game Club was the closest for Jonah to learn about strategy because being a captain in a pirate crew needs good planning.
In the original script, they were supposed to play a parody of Mario Party. But because of my wacky schedule, I have to cut it short and change it into a monopoly.
Originally, it was supposed to be based on PB&Jeff Super Mario Party gamplay but I changed into TheOdds1sOut Monopoly intro.
"Chapter 38: It’s the Same as Having Wings!" was interesting because it was supposed to show how Jonah is a natural flyer.
Originally, I was going to use the How To Train Your Dragon Test Flight sequence to show how Jonah and Grim can work together. But then I rethink it again. Jonah already has his natural cooking skill, if I give him a natural flying skill, will it make him a Gary Stu? So, in the end, I make him bad at flying. This is their early first-year after all.
Also, I let Epel shine in this chapter. I'm actually interested in how far their relationship will go and change before Pomefiore Arc.
"Chapter 39: Heads Held High, Touch the Sky, Our Hearts We Pledge to Thee!" was the hardest chapter to write and my least favorite. I was thinking to delete this chapter, but if that happens, I won't have a perfect episode list. This was also affected by Heartslabyul Arc. I think I deleted some chapters, which ended up with me keeping this Prefect Meeting episode.
The chats with Riddle about the Magishift Tournament was based on Episode 2-5 of Savanaclaw Arc.
Another reason why this chapter was hard was that I never pay attention to school student council meetings or was never invited, so I don't exactly know how it goes.
Jonah wants to punch Leona is probably the best part of this chapter. I was thinking to make them rivals, but I'm still not sure.
Jonah noticing Malleus was absent was an on-the-spot idea, completely unscripted.
"Chapter 40: We Got a Hot Crustacean Band!" was probably the best chapter in this arc. It's my personal favorite. 
It was a musical, so of course, it was longer.
What makes this chapter interesting, in my opinion, is the potentials in Octavinelle Arc. With Jonah already signing a contract with the Ramshackle Dorm on the line, what will he give when he needs to free his captured crew?
The food references here are: 
Octopus Turnovers with Spicy Creole Mayonnaise
Sea Salt Ice Cream (insert Kingdom Hearts reference here...)
Grilled Octopus Over Squid Ink Pasta and Tomato Garlic Sauce (insert Jojo reference here...)
Blackberry Mint Lemonade
'Sunday Supreme' is my own made-up event. This actually connects with future Octavinelle Arc.
Floyd is singing Under the Sea, obligatory The Little Mermaid song. Originally, I want him to sing Umbrella just like Tom Holland, but I want him and Jonah to interact in the song, so I stick with Under the Sea.
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star-venom · 7 years
Silver Sight
Characters: Dennis Macfield and unnamed character (it’s Yuuri).
Word Count + Rating: ~2,000 words, basically G-rated but has several swears.
Summary: Worrying about his life on quiet nights have become irritatingly normal. On one such night, Dennis heads down to the sea. [Merperson AU]
A/N: All mistakes mine. Set in Arc-V’s Academia, but the island resembles GX’s school a lot more in terms of setting. Also, Dennis is a Ra Yellow, because yes.
Life at Duel Academia was not what Dennis had expected.
That started off wrong--he loved the school. It was an extreme honor to attend, and he was glad the top dogs wanted him around until they required his skills. Duel Academia engaged him more than the orphanage ever did, too; he’d never dueled countless times in a row, where he was sure to faint from constant stress. Here, battling was like breathing, dueling against Reds, Yellows, and Blues. An exhilarating island filled with wins and losses. But despite his enjoyment, Dennis was missing something vital.
Unlike the Osiris Red dorms, the Ra Yellow manor didn't squeak or moan at night. Dennis laid in bed, shifty under the cotton sheets and uneasy in his honorary home.
What was wrong with him? He rolled on his back to stare at the smooth ceiling. Moonlight shone in from the balcony, illuminating most of his room in a silver, dreamy light. He kept his eyes upward, too busy thinking to bother about whether he should shut the blinds.
The thought of Duel Academia sent his heart fluttering. From eagerness, or despair? He wanted this opportunity, right? He wanted the higher-ups to trust in his dueling ability, his learning ability. Or, at least, he felt like he did.
Dennis turned on his side. Under the sheets, his skin grew moist and clammy. He kicked them off and was quickly satisfied when air surrounded him like a cloak.
Much better. His eyes were already drooping. Maybe he needed air to push his concerns away and finally find sleep? That sounded about right.
His pillow pushed up against his cheek and he clutched it close, nuzzling into it as a shroud of sleep covered him. His mind quieted down and his worries didn't matter as much. Wondering about his life wasn't as much of a bother when he rested. Nothing felt lost when he slept. In fact, right now he was pretty calm, complete, like his issues ceased to exist and he was making a huge deal out of nothing--
--and his mind started to race again.
Ah, crap.
Blearily, Dennis’ eyes opened, and he flopped onto his back with an annoyed huff.
At the opposite side of the room, someone groaned. “Macfield,” his roommate grunted, sounding as exhausted as Dennis wished to be, “if you keep shifting around, I’m going to come over there and smother you, I swear to god.”
“I’m not doing it on purpose!” He defended. He lifted his body up, turning to the second bed and its occupant. “I’m… trying to think.”
“Then think without moving, would you?” Kudou shifted, moving to face the wall and pointing his back at Dennis. “It’s Sunday. People are trying to sleep.”
He huffed, close to pouting. “I’ve been trying to sleep for the past hour. Do you have anything for me to do, then, if I can’t lie down?”
A sudden jolt and a creak of the bed, which Dennis took as a shrug. “How should I know? Go on a walk, sleep on the balcony--I’m too tired to give a damn about what you do, as long as you aren’t loud. Get it?”
Those suggestions didn’t help in the least. Dennis couldn’t sleep on the balcony--he’d catch a cold, or worse! And walking was out of the question. The moon may have been full and bright, but the important matter of the midnight curfew existed.
... Right. The midnight curfew that didn't occur during the weekends.
“Huh,” he said.
“Nothing.” Dennis slid his legs to the floor. The plush carpet tickled his toes as he stood, gazing around the room for his uniform. “I’m heading out.”
Kudou lifted his head and stared. “You’re going to sleep on the balcony?”
“What--no!” Scowling, he spotted his Ra Yellow jacket and tugged it on. “I’m going out to walk around. Don’t lock me out.”
A sigh, and his roommate relaxed back into his mattress. “I’m not getting up anyway,” he yawned, nearly as loud as a fire truck’s siren. “Just hurry, would you? God, I’m tired.”
Rolling his eyes, Dennis stepped into his shoes. He blew a raspberry at Kudou--his reward was a gesture he knew was rude but couldn't see--and then he pulled the bedroom door open to start on his much-needed walk.
Exiting the dorm instantly put him at ease.
Perhaps he needed time away from his room. The thoughts stayed in his head but had quieted down. The moon was bright and the summer breeze made him smile. He didn't have to bother with trying to locate the source of his problems at the moment.
The Ra Yellow dorm overlooked the sea, and the hint of salt water wafted up to Dennis from far below. The water was dark and murky so late at night, surrounding the island from all sides and making it near impossible to imagine the mainland, so far away that they required the ferry to reach it.
He paused at the edge of the cliff and peered down to the sharp rocks. They’d rip everything to shreds if given the chance, from fish to clothing and flesh, so he took a measly step back to provide a little space.
Where could he go? He wasn't going to walk around the whole island, for one thing. Everyone knew the stories--some dimwitted student or students (typically labeled as Reds) decided to have a fun night in the woods and got lost. Upon finding them--if they found them--they were mad with hunger, and it took forever to make them right again.
Dennis would rather not experience that anytime soon--or ever. Yikes.
If not the forest, that left the port. That option was… better, but also worse. He’d have the space he wanted, but that choice involved walking past those weird luminescent machines. They didn't frighten him, but their unusual buzzing and odd green glow kept him on his toes.
He had to walk somewhere, though! Standing around wasn’t doing anything worthwhile. He’d been outside for, what, five minutes? Night didn't last forever, Macfield! Pick your feet up!
Dennis moved to the right--at least, his legs did. Headed to the downward slope, toward the Osiris dorm, and inevitably the sea.
Well, there was his answer.
To the harbor!
He left the metallic, non-natural section of the port behind. It was easier to relax on real land while crushing tiny rocks under his boots, and the moon gave enough light that he didn't trip head-first into the sea when he found a secluded little niche.
Dennis settled down a foot or so from the sea. Several sharp rocks shot up from the water, and a gigantic jagged rock blocked him from view. There was no reason to hide; no one worked so late at night. It felt safer though, somehow. He would notice if anyone stumbled onto his hide-away, and he could crouch in the cliff’s long shadow or among the multiple waist-high rocks if a straggler came close. If anything, being cautious was good.
He breathed in deeply, taking in the salty, damp air. Swimming class never made him feel this relaxed. Things seemed much different when he wasn't ordered to complete laps back-to-back, believing he’d be locked in to his unfortunate fate until he grew exhausted and drowned.
Dennis blinked at wild splashes coming from the water.
Speaking of ‘locked in’--Dennis leaned forward to squint inside a small rock grouping near his hide-away. Its gray scales glistened like dozens of dim diamonds, and the boxed-in fish seemed desperate to reach open water again, swishing back and forth in a frenzied circle.
Dennis frowned at the hopeless display. Poor guy. Girl? It. It was a fish.
Leaving the poor fish to its fate, he reclined against the cliff, gazing up at the overhead moon. He’d never been out late before. It was--nice, almost. The thoughts might return soon, but the silence was particularly refreshing. If he wasn’t careful, he might start to fall asleep…
Chilly water splashed against his leg. Dennis gasped at the shock of cold, snatching his leg back to start rubbing his warm hands over his soaked ankle. He’d better not get an actual cold. Stupid waves… How’d it reach him when he wasn't near the splash zone?
Grumbling under his breath, Dennis flicked his gaze to the surface of the black waves and nearly screamed upon noticing dark eyes staring back at him.
Instead, his throat closed up before he released the cry, and Dennis scurried to his feet, heart pounding against his chest.
The eyes hadn’t moved. Or blinked, for that matter.
Oh, god. Had he found a body? He wanted some space to think, not to find a corpse!
The eyes blinked.
Oh. They weren’t dead. But--well--they’re still being creepy.
They stared at each other until he lost track of time. Dennis ended up blinking twice as his eyes grew dehydrated, but whenever he hurried to open them again, the pair in the water still stayed there. Waiting. Watching.
Were they a student? Although their hair was dark with seawater, he didn’t recognize that shade of purple on any soldier. Besides, didn’t they have to breathe? At least two minutes had passed--what were they waiting for? To die?
Despite his uneasy feeling, Dennis’ pounding heart slowed to a somewhat steady beat. He took a tiny step forward, trying to see more of the person those eyes belonged to.
“Uh,” he started. He shook his head, cleared his throat, and tried again: “Uh.”
Crap. What was he supposed to say?
On his fifth “Uh”, the eyes--and the body--lifted up from the water, the moonlight allowing him to see them almost clearly. The dark eyes--magenta?-- connected to a naked upper body with no protrusions on their chest. The person was young, younger than him, and their face was set in a blank expression.
“Well?” the person asked, voice softer than Dennis expected, but also a bit higher. “Are you going to give me my food or not?”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Food?”
Like he’d said the wrong thing, the person immediately frowned. They glided closer and narrowed their intense eyes at him, searching for something Dennis had no clue about. Finally, they scowled. “You don’t have it,” they said, retreating away from the niche. “Of course not. He wouldn’t send a pointless lackey to feed me.”
Dennis disregarded being called a pointless lackey. “He?”
“Don’t return here,” they replied disinterestedly, ignoring what he said. Lowering their head as if searching the area around them, their arm snapped forward and slapped at the water, and then they really were retreating. In a flash, they shot out from his small island and back into the open sea. Without a second glance back, they slipped underwater and Dennis lurched to the water's edge, ready to dive in and stop the unusual student from their dangerous act.
But then he froze, gaze locked on the unfathomable.
A tail lifted out from the water. A purple tail that caught the moonlight, reflecting silver off wherever it hit. It rose high above the water in a smooth motion and then smacked back down, returning to the water for good and leaving him alone.
Dennis didn’t breathe, or blink, or do anything to distract himself from what he’d seen. That was… That person was…
His lungs needed a refill, so he broke from his trance, taking in a heavy, slow breath. His hands shook. He clasped them together, anchoring his mind with physical touch.
Dennis glanced once more to where the person--thing? creature?--had disappeared. Then he looked down, because the wild splashing from before had stopped.
The worried fish, previously trapped in the circle of rocks, had disappeared.
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newssplashy · 6 years
Offa Robbery: 5 Reasons why police is going after Saraki
These are the 5 reasons why police thinks it has a case against Senate President Saraki over the Offa bank robbery.
The police backpedaled on Monday, June 4, 2018 when it said Senate President Bukola Saraki doesn't have to report to its Guzape, Force Intelligence Response Team, Abuja, as earlier issued.
On Sunday, the police asked Saraki to show up at its office for questioning over the Offa bank robbery which claimed the lives of over 33 persons on April 5, 2018.
The police say a written statement from Saraki will now suffice.
 Why exactly does the police believe it has a case against Saraki and Kwara Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed over the Offa robbery?
Here are the 5 pieces of evidence the police is holding on to.....
1. Confessional statements from some of the suspects
According to a statement from police spokesperson Jimoh Moshood,  “The gang leaders further confessed during investigation that they are political thugs under the name Youth Liberation Movement a.k.a “Good Boys” admitted and confessed to have been sponsored with firearms, money and operational vehicles by the Senate President, Sen. Bukola Saraki and the Governor of Kwara State, Alh. Abdulfatah Ahmed”.
2. One of the cars used during the robbery had the name ‘Saraki’ on it
Again, let’s return to that statement from Moshood; “In the course of discreet investigation into the confessions of these five (5) gang leaders and the other seventeen (17) principal suspects, a Lexus jeep GX-300 (Ash Colour) with a sticker plate number with inscription “SARAKI” “Kwara, State of Harmony” used by the gang leader (Ayoade Akinnibosun ‘M’ 37Yrs) during the bank robbery and the killing of the THIRTY THREE (33) innocent persons was taken to Government House, Ilorin on 16th May, 2018.
 “The sticker plate number with inscription “SARAKI” “Kwara, State of Harmony” was removed before another plate number (Reg. No. Kwara, KMA 143 RM) registered in the name of Ayoade Aknnibosun the Overall Commander of the Offa Bank Robbery was then attached to the vehicle to cover up the identity of the said vehicle”.
3. A Kwara State govt employee tried to conceal evidence
According to the police; “The Personal Assistant (Political) to the Executive Governor of Kwara State, Mr. Alabi Olalekan, who is privy to information that the Police is looking for the lexus Jeep as an exhibit used in the Offa Bank Robbery and the killings of THIRTY THREE (33) innocent persons directed one Adeola Omiyale to relocate the Lexus Jeep to Government House, Ilorin.
 “The PA (Political) is currently in Police custody and has made useful statements assisting the Police in further investigation into the case. A revolver pistol and pump action gun were recovered by the Police Investigation Team from the Personal Assistant (Political) to the Executive Governor of Kwara State, Mr. Alabi Olalekan’s Farm where he directed his brother to hide them after his arrest by the Police”.
4. The Chief of Staff to the Kwara State Governor was allegedly caught in the act
The police say “in order to conceal evidence, the Chief of Staff to the Executive Governor of Kwara State, Mr. Yusuf Abdulwahab who has been arrested and taken into Police custody, arranged the removal of the sticker plate number with inscription “SARAKI” “Kwara, State of Harmony” from the exhibit vehicle and also registered the exhibit Lexus Jeep used in the Offa Bank Robbery and the killings of THIRTY THREE (33) innocent persons in the name of Ayoade AKinnibosun, the overall Gang Commander of the Offa Bank Robbery while the Ayoade AKinnibosun was already in Police custody for more than six (6) days before the registration of the vehicle”.
 5. Police names suspects who implicated Saraki
The police say: “Five (5) gang Leaders, namely; Ayoade Akinnibosun, Ibukunle Ogunleye, Adeola Abraham, Salawudeen Azeez, Niyi Ogundiran and some of the other Seventeen (17) suspects arrested for direct involvement and active participation in the Offa bank robbery”, said they were armed and sponsored by Saraki and Governor Ahmed.
The senate president and Kwara governor have denied any kind of links with the suspected robbers.
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/06/offa-robbery-5-reasons-why-police-is.html
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aioinstagram · 6 years
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Last Christmas Das wurde aus dem Schöpfer von „Last Christmas“ is Trending on Sunday December 24 2017 http://www.aioinstagram.com/last-christmas-das-wurde-aus-dem-schopfer-von-last-christmas-is-trending-on-sunday-december-24-2017/
Schwäbische says: Das wurde aus dem Schöpfer von „Last Christmas“
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Killer "Black Lagoon" Art Brought Back For Anime Re-Run
Accompanying the Black Lagoon manga's recent return, the anime has been re-running, and that broadcast has gotten to the climax of the TV anime, "Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise." Celebrating this, the manga's home magazine, Sunday GX, brought back some stunning bonus art. 
  明日6月6日(火)25:05からTOKYO MXにて『ブラック・ラグーン』TVシリーズ第1、2期(原作:広江礼威 監督:片渕須直)の再放送がスタート! 第2期の本放送時にGXの付録でこんなポスターを作りました(※コラじゃないです) #BLACK_LAGOON #ブラックラグーン http://pic.twitter.com/jClz7IZHsX
— サンデーGX編集部 (@SundayGX) June 5, 2017
    Meanwhile series author and Re:Creators creator Rei Hiroe drew Selesia Yupitiria for the cover of Newtype.
今日、秋葉原へ行って『Re:CREATORS』の巨大看板を見てきました。アキバにアルタイルが君臨!って感じでした。うっかり「五月人形みたい」なんて言ったら踏みつぶされそうですよ? いよいよ『Re:CREATORS』1 Blu-ray/DVDは6月21日発売です。#レクリエイターズ http://pic.twitter.com/zOGTkzeJcL
— サンデーGX編集部 (@SundayGX) June 7, 2017
Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.
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artbookisland · 6 years
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The new Sunday-GX features Black Lagoon on its cover!
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