#Steve McGarrett  X You
slutforsilverfoxes · 1 year
Damned Spot
TW: Canon typical descriptions of violence (guns, hand-to-hand combat, McGarrett being McGarrett)
You feel a gentle nudge at your side and you groan softly in protest, nestling deeper into the pillow and the comforting smell of the cologne you bought your fiancé for Valentine’s Day a few weeks ago. Another nudge sends your body shifting again, the pressure more insistent this time, and you open your bleary eyes to find Steve sitting upright in bed, a finger pressed to his lips. You can feel the tension rolling off him in waves causing a bolt of fear to run down your spine and effectively breaking the sandman’s grip on you. You mouth, What is it?, and he holds up one finger in lieu of a response, listening intently. Then he asks, “Did you leave a window open downstairs?”
“No,” you whisper, “never. Growing up with cats made me paranoid.”
Steve eases his legs over the side of the bed, carefully opening the drawer of his bedside table and retrieving his gun and clip. Reaching for his arm as he slides the magazine into place with a faint click, you murmur, “Baby, what’s going on?”
“I think someone’s trying to get into the house.”
He checks his phone, frowns, and replaces it on the nightstand. “No signal,” he reports, looking hopefully at you when you raise the landline to your ear. You shake your head. He stalks over to the bedroom door, then stops with his hand on the knob at the sound of fabric rustling from behind him. Turning to find you tugging on one of his Navy t-shirts, he furrows his brow and hisses, “What the hell do you think you’re doing? You’re staying here.”
“Fat fucking chance,” you argue quietly, racking a bullet in the chamber of your own piece while joining him at the door. “You don’t take me to the range so I can sit up here worrying while you play Super SEAL. Let’s go.”
He puffs out a breath of air, jaw ticking as he considers his options. After a moment, he relents, “Stay on me, and stick to the shadows. If I say run, you run, got it?” You swallow thickly and nod, his eyes softening at the determination and fear swimming in your own. “You remember what I taught you?”
“Keep my finger off the trigger unless I intend to shoot.”
“And if you do?”
“Aim for center mass.”
He tucks you into his body and presses his lips to your forehead, murmuring, “That’s my girl.” Steve quietly opens the bedroom door and steps out onto the landing. With his dominant hand on his weapon, he reaches behind with his free hand and laces his fingers through yours, tugging you closer until your chest presses against his back. Feeling your pulse thrumming beneath his fingertips, he gives your hand a firm squeeze before lifting it to his shoulder. After a quick sweep of the living room from upstairs, he looks at you over his shoulder and whispers, “On me,” then begins your careful descent. Glass shatters somewhere in the kitchen, and Steve can feel your entire body tense as you muffle a gasp against his bare back. He turns at the bottom of the steps, guiding you into the corner there and shielding your smaller form from the wide open space of the living room, then raises his gun in the dark. Pressed so tightly into him, you feel rather than hear his authoritative voice carry through your home. “This is Commander McGarrett of Five-0,” he announces. “Put down any weapons you have, and come out with your hands raised.”
The house goes dead silent, or maybe it’s just impossible to hear over the sound of your blood rushing in your ears. God, you think to yourself, how does he do this every day? The seconds tick by, and the tension hanging in the air is downright oppressive.
Then, an object goes clattering across the floor and all hell breaks loose. 
“Get down!” Steve roars, spinning and crushing you into his body moments before the backs of your eyelids go stark white from the flash bang. You force your eyes open as the light dissipates, readjusting to the dark once again enveloping you as time slows to a crawl and the world spins around you. You feel Steve’s palm tapping insistently against your cheek, and you realize he’s been calling your name, trying to get your attention. “Y/N, Y/N, look at me,” he pleads, and you hear a distinct edge to his voice that you’ve never heard before. He’s scared, you realize with a start, bile rising in your throat at the prospect of this man, the very definition of bravery, being scared about what you’re facing. The scene unfolding before you hurtles back to normal speed, and you spot movement on the second floor by your bedroom. Acting on instinct, your index finger shifts onto the trigger and you squeeze twice in rapid succession, gulping in air and staring in disbelief at the body that tumbles down the stairs to lay at your feet.
Your eyes dart back and forth between the landing and the living room where you can hear Steve exchanging blows with one of the intruders. He lets out a guttural roar, and you can just make out his form ramming a figure clad in black against the far wall. Then there’s a sharp crack followed by the sound of deadweight hitting the floor.
“Baby,” Steve says urgently, wrenching the semi-automatic from the dead man’s grip before returning to your side, his hand a comforting pressure on your shoulder. “Get to the basement. They’re going to send a second wave-” 
His intuition proves right, the front door breaking off its hinges from a powerful kick and more glass shattering before you hear the thundering of boots across the hall upstairs. “Go! Go now!” Pressing your body to the wall that supports the staircase, you make it as far as the kitchen before the clouds part and the crescent moon illuminates another three men running towards you from the beach, weapons trained on your beloved home. The acrid smell of smoke fills the air as Steve fires a series of shots, trying to fend off the intruders so you can reach the basement for a semblance of tactical advantage, the relatively small room devoid of windows and featuring only a single entrance and exit.
You move into the kitchen, glass cutting into the soles of your feet that you barely even register thanks to the adrenaline coursing through your body, and reach for the handle to the basement door. “I can’t feel it,” you cry, panic flooding your voice while you paw at the wood. “Steve, I can’t find the handle!”
He realizes then, with a rising sense of dread, that he didn’t hear a window squeaking on its hinge. They didn’t need a window to breach the house. It was a fucking drill.
“Okay,” he nods, resigned. “Okay. How many bullets do you have left?”
“Four,” you answer shakily, swiping at your eyes to clear your vision.
He pops off an expertly placed shot, and you flinch when the man’s head jerks back before he crumples to the sand outside. “I’m sure our neighbors have called HPD by now,” Steve says confidently, trying to imbue his strength into you despite the myriad of scenes playing out in his head of how this could all go horribly wrong. “Tell me again what you’re gonna aim for,” he coaches.
“Center mass,” you answer dutifully.
Steve rumbles out, “You’re doing so well, Y/N. You keep your eye on that hallway, okay?” You hear the crunching of glass beneath heavy footfalls, and you take a deep breath in a feeble attempt to steel your nerves. Then shots ring out across the kitchen, the sparks of bullets affording you snapshots of the chaos, accompanied by the soundtrack of blows landing and bones cracking.
As quickly as it started, it’s all over. The longest six minutes of your life. Just about the length of Bohemian Rhapsody.
The thought has a laugh bubbling out of you, and Steve turns at the sound to check on you, the air rushing out of his lungs.
“Baby?” He drops to his knees, cradling your head in his lap and pressing his hand against your chest.
“Hurts,” you gasp out, trying to pull away from the unwelcome pressure.
“I know, my love,” he soothes you, “just breathe through it, okay? C’mon, breathe with me.” Following his lead, you take deliberate breaths, each gulp of air sending a shockwave of pain radiating through your body.
“This sucks,” you laugh again, almost delirious now. “I just picked out my wedding dress.”
“And you’re gonna look so beautiful in it,” Steve croons, pressing his hand even harder against the bullet wound in response to your rapidly worsening pallor. “Keep breathing, baby.”
You take in an obedient breath, and he blinks away tears, joking, “You wanted us to have another thing in common, huh? Matching his and hers scars?” You smile lovingly at him before gasping from the pain, and he continues rambling to keep you conscious, “It’s a through and through, Y/N, you’re gonna be fine.”
“Jus’ a through ’n through,” you slur back.
“Stay awake, Y/N,” he says roughly, jostling his knees beneath your head. The sound of approaching sirens grows louder with each passing second, and you try to memorize Steve’s handsome visage, his features drawn together tightly in concern.
You muse, “So pretty,” as his face comes in and out of focus, and you let out a content hum before closing your eyes, the sound of Steve’s panicked voice blending into the wailing sirens, and then nothing at all.
“Hey, babe,” Danny calls as he walks briskly through the hospital just after three in the morning, lowering his voice when he receives a disgruntled look from one of the few other people in the lobby. “HPD said you were on your way to Tripler.” Seeing Steve decked out in an EMT’s jacket, he quips, “What happened? You ride in the ambulance so much they gave you a souvenir, huh?” Steve turns at the sound of Danny’s voice, his disheveled appearance and red-rimmed eyes a stark contrast to his usual sarcasm and self-assurance. “Woah, hey,” the blonde’s voice drops to a soothing murmur, and he pulls his best friend into a tight hug. “What’s going on?”
“It’s um-” Steve sniffs and smooths a hand over his face, steeling himself. “A tactical team broke into the house-” His voice breaks and he clears his throat, his hand balling into a fist that he repeatedly hits against his open palm before blurting out, “She got shot, Danny.”
The blonde is dumbstruck, unsure of how to ask his followup question and grateful when his partner intuits his fear. “She’s in surgery,” Steve supplies, and Danny releases a ragged breath that he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
“How much longer?”
Steve merely shrugs in response, glassy-eyed stare trained on the floor in front of him. He pulls his hands out of the jacket pockets and studies them for a moment before concluding, “She lost a lot of blood.”
“Let’s go get you cleaned up, babe.” Danny guides his friend down the hall toward the nearest restroom. “I’m gonna call the team and let them know what’s going on. And I’ll have Chin bring you a change of clothes. Should I… call Y/N’s parents?”
“Not yet,” Steve intones, letting the rest of his thought go unspoken, then pushes open the door to the bathroom.
He stands in front of the sink for a few moments in a trance, unsure of what to do next until he glances down at his hands again, unrecognizable in their current state. He runs his palms under scalding hot water and scrubs at them ferociously, willing the liquid in the basin to stop running red. After several minutes, crimson has dulled to a blush tinge- the same color as your cheeks when he makes you laugh and the flowers you chose for the table settings at the wedding. He moves to swipe at his pooling tears but can’t bring himself to touch his face. Instead, he pulls out several paper towels, wets them, and dabs at his stinging eyes.
The cool water brings him marginally back to reality, although he’s not sure that’s a good thing given the state of his world right now. Suddenly feeling hot all over, and definitely too hot for this stupid jacket, Steve yanks at the zipper and peels off the heavy fabric. It takes him a few tugs to get the material detached from his bare skin, and when he looks up into the mirror again, he sees why.
On the other side of the door, Danny’s filling Chin in on the vague details he has of the night. “…won’t even say her name. No, I know, but he just keeps saying ‘she’ like Y/N’s a victim in one of our cases and it’s honestly freaking me-” Danny gets cut off by a gut-wrenching howl followed by the unmistakable sound of glass breaking. “I have to go,” he mutters into the phone. “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll see you when you get here. Thanks.” He allows himself a moment to breathe and prepare himself for what he’s about to see, then enters the bathroom.
He finds Steve gripping the sink so tightly that fresh blood oozes from the wounds on his knuckles with each flex of his fingers, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he stares blankly ahead into the broken mirror. “Steve-”
“Look at me,” his best friend rasps out, turning so that Danny can see his bare chest, a horrifying canvas painted with your blood. He opens and closes his mouth several times, clearly at a loss for words as he looks down at his hands in disbelief. “Her blood is literally on my hands, Danny. I was- I was supposed to protect her. My baby,” he whispers sadly, and then the dam breaks.
As night creeps into morning, Steve sits in the waiting room with his team members poring over recent case files. He scratches at his chest for the umpteenth time, unable to escape from the hellish feeling of your blood on his body even after a hot shower in the nurses’ locker room and a change of clothes courtesy of Chin. “This is taking too long,” he sighs, slapping a file closed on the table before him and digging the heels of his palms into his raw eyes.
“Steve,” Kono starts gently, rubbing his arm, “why don’t you get some rest? We’ll keep going and wake you up if-”
“No,” he shakes his head, his voice rough with exhaustion and barely concealed rage. “I’m not going to sleep until I hunt down this son of a bitch and take away everyone he loves.” After a breath, he nudges Danny’s foot under the table and asks, “What’s Duke saying?”
“No hits through facial rec or even Interpol. It’s like these guys are ghosts.”
Chin sits up in his stiff hospital chair like an epiphany’s just struck. “What if this isn’t about Five-0?”
“Y/N’s a high school teacher,” Danny says, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. “Her biggest enemy is Mrs. Heifer down the hall who never replenishes the K-cups.”
Despite the gravity of the situation, Steve smiles at his best friend and corrects, “Mrs. Hannifer.”
“I said what I said.”
“C’mon, you two,” Kono grins, squeezing their hands on the table. “Chin, what are you thinking?”
“When’s the last time you heard from Doris?”
Steve snorts out an incredulous laugh and answers, “When she got on that private jet a few years ago. She’s never met Y/N. Hell, she doesn’t even know she’s a grandmother now.” He shakes his head at that realization, gnawing at his bottom lip as he considers Chin’s line of thinking. “I’m gonna call Joe. You guys keep working through these files, okay?”
The older man answers on the ninth ring, his voice thick with sleep when he says, “Son, you have any idea what time it is where I am?”
Glancing at the digital clock at the nurses’ station, Steve replies curtly, “Four forty-seven in the morning. Where’s Doris, Joe?”
Steve can hear shuffling on the other end of the phone, and he can picture Joe sitting up in bed, trying to figure out an artful lie. “What’s going on, Steve?”
“There are at least eleven dead bodies at my house right now,” he says by way of an answer.
“Are you sure they were looking for your mother?”
“This wasn’t some intruder block party at the McGarrett household,” Steve snaps, ire overpowering his immense respect for the man whom he considers to be his second father. “They were in tactical gear with heavy weaponry and a clear target. This wasn’t just an op, it was a hit.”
“Christ,” Joe breathes out. “Are you alright, son?”
“No, I’m not,” he answers honestly, voice breaking on the last syllable. “Y/N’s in the hospital.”
There’s some shuffling again, louder this time. Steve can tell he’s getting dressed before he declares, “I’m on my way.”
Joe’s baritone voice sounds garbled as it floats over to Steve’s ears like he’s stuck underwater, and the brunette sits up with a start, realizing he inadvertently dozed off while awaiting his mentor’s arrival. Kono places a paper cup with steam wafting out of it beside him, and he looks up at her gratefully. “I was just about to wake you.”
“Kono, hey,” Steve starts softly, reaching across their makeshift work desk to take her hand. “I just- I want you to know how grateful I am. For introducing me to Y/N and then giving me the push to-”
“Don’t,” she whispers emphatically, fighting back tears. “Save it for your reception, okay?”
He nods, sharing a bittersweet smile with your childhood best friend, before taking a fortifying sip of caffeine and heading towards Joe who’s being briefed by Danny. He pulls Steve into an uncharacteristically lengthy hug, then steps back with a sigh. “Son, there’s something you need to know. Your mother-”
“-never left the island,” Steve finishes the thought for him, spotting a concerned Doris rounding the corner into the waiting area. Then the other shoe drops, an all-too-familiar face stepping out from behind his mother.
“What the fuck?” Danny hisses under his breath at the sight of the two women arriving together.
“Steven,” Doris starts with a sympathetic click of her tongue, arms outstretched as she approaches her eldest. She stops short at the look in his eyes and the tight clench of his jaw. His rage is palpable, and the image of his hands around Doris’ throat flashes unbidden behind his closed eyelids. “They had plans of our house,” he says, his voice barely audible. “They took the handle of the basement door off so we had nowhere to go.”
If his mother is wondering who the we is, she’s doing an excellent job of hiding it. Her shadow, on the other hand, voices the question out loud. “Who was with you?” she asks, concerned. “Are you hurt?”
“My fiancée,” Steve spits out, trying and failing to tamp down the venom dripping from his words.
“I didn’t-” Tears brim in Doris’ eyes and Steve forces himself to look away. “I had no idea, Steven. I’m so sorry.”
“Of course you didn’t know,” he laughs sadly. Meeting his mother’s gaze once more, he says, “You shouldn’t be here. You need to lay low in a safe house until we figure out who’s running this op.”
“You need to play it safe, too, Steve,” the younger brunette speaks up. “Come with us.”
“Cath-” Her name catches in his throat like the shards of glass still taking up residence in the cracks along his knuckles. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Then we’re staying here with you,” Doris says with a sense of finality. “At least until she's out of surgery.”
“What, Steven?”
Doleful eyes look up to meet his mother’s, the mix of blue and hazel in her irises an exact reflection of his own. “Her name is Y/N.”
The first rays of sunlight stream through the cracks in the blinds into your hospital room, casting an almost angelic glow on your sleeping face. Steve would find the sight absolutely picturesque if his eyes weren’t laser focused on the steady rise and fall of your chest, terrified that every breath you take could be your last.
The bullet lodged in a tertiary bronchus of Y/N’s left superior lung lobe, just shy of the cardiac notch, your surgeon had explained to him. We were able to safely remove a portion of her lung, and we didn’t see any bullet fragments penetrate the pericardium, the sac around the heart. She’ll have to take it slow and avoid strenuous activity, especially with the rib fractures healing, but we anticipate a full recovery in due time. Steve had done some extensive Google searching following his conversation with the surgeon, but an article detailing the amount of hemorrhage that could occur from damage to intercostal vessels had his skin feeling hot and sticky again, and he forced himself to stop. 
The flurry of activity in the recovery ward outside your room is muffled by the drone in his ears, interrupted every so often by the steady beeping of your monitors, proof that you’re still alive. Leaning his elbows against jittery knees, he presses his clasped hands to his forehead and finally breaks the silence. “So… the CIA, huh?”
Catherine sighs, running her fingers through her hair before saying, “I would’ve told you if I could.”
“I see why they assigned you to Doris,” Steve huffs quietly. “You both have the same penchant for half-truths.”
“Steven-” his mother starts, but he cuts her off with a withering glance.
“The least you could’ve done, the very least, was warn me to be on my guard.”
“And what would you have done differently?”
“Reinforce the house. Have Y/N stay with Danny. I don’t know what I would’ve done, because you didn’t give me an option.” He rubs his face roughly and takes a deep breath, trying to ward off the crushing weight of exhaustion. “Look, uh, Y/N’s going to be fine, so you guys really should get going. Get someplace safe.”
The two women nod, standing and gathering their things. Catherine steps out into the hallway, but Doris lingers at the threshold of your room, turning back to her son with tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Steven,” she whispers, her voice cracking on his name. “I thought- I thought if I went back to the only thing I was ever good at, I could keep you safe.”
He rises from his chair to meet her in the doorway and pulls her into a tight embrace, years of questions left unanswered and moments missed passing between them in the span of a few seconds. “That’s not the only thing you were good at, Mom,” he divulges quietly. 
She cups his cheek in her hand, and Doris can see the little boy she left behind peek through the hardened exterior of her adult son when he leans into her touch. “When this is all over, I’ll come see you, okay? I want to get to know my daughter-in-law.” I want to get to know you, she thinks sadly, deciding it’s better to keep that thought inside for now. “Stay safe, Steven.”
He nods. “You too, Mom.”
He follows her out into the hallway, calling out for Catherine who stops and turns at the sound of his voice. Jogging down the hall to make up the distance, Steve stops in front of his long-time lover, ex, and almost-wife. “Thank you,” he says awkwardly, now unsure of why he even stopped her from leaving. “For watching out for my mom,” he clarifies.
“Of course,” Cath responds. “She’s family.”
“Right, well, uh-” He sniffs and scratches the back of his neck. “Take care of yourself.”
“You too, Steve.”
He turns to head back to your room, but Catherine’s hand on his arm stops him. “She wrote to me,” the brunette blurts out in a confession. “Y/N, she- she wrote to me, and I found it in my old inbox a few months back.” Her eyes are glassy when she continues, “She, um, thanked me for being there for you all those years before she came into the picture. And the way she talks about you, Steve, God, she really loves you.” Steve drops his gaze to the ground, overcome with emotion, and nods. “Y/N told me about the ring, too.”
His head whips up at that, concern flooding his ocean blue eyes. “Cath-”
“It’s okay, really. I’m glad she told me.” They’re silent for a few moments, then Catherine says, “Look, Steve, just because I’m not in your life anymore doesn’t mean I don’t still care about you. And Y/N… it’s so clear that she loves you. That she’s good for you.”
“For the first time in my life,” Steve reveals quietly, “I know what it feels like to be chosen. For the first time in my life, I feel like a priority.”
“You should be a priority, Steve. You deserve to be happy, and you deserve to be happy with her.” Catherine presses a delicate kiss to his stubbled cheek, and it feels distinctly like a final goodbye. “See you around, sailor.”
She turns and continues down the hall, but Steve has lived a life filled with one too many unanswered questions. “Cath?” he calls after her. “What would you have said? If I had asked, what would you have said?”
Catherine smiles at him, a bittersweet smile that holds years of love, friendship, and fond memories. “I would’ve said ‘yes’, Steve.”
A few days later, you’re enjoying a small, simple breakfast a la McGarrett that tastes like a Michelin star meal compared to the hospital food you’ve been forcing down since waking up from your surgery. “An omelet has never tasted this good,” you moan happily around another bite, and Steve grins at you. “I hope you still feel that way when we get you back home.”
The mention of home has your smile faltering as you recall the destruction that ensued on that fateful night. “Do we still…” You hesitate, unsure of how to phrase your question delicately. “Can we go back home?”
“We’re fixing the place up for you as we speak, babe,” Danny jumps in, sharing a quick look with his best friend. The crime scene cleanup crew had done a stellar job over the past two days, but Steve was insisting on pulling up and replacing the entire kitchen floor, claiming a remodel was past due anyway. No one had the heart to tell him they knew exactly why he couldn’t look at the old linoleum tiles.
“You guys are the best,” you gush. “I was worried we would have to move.”
“No, baby, are you kidding me?” Steve tuts. “Mary and I were raised in that house, and we’re gonna raise little McGarretts of our own there, too.”
“Don’t tell me I have to deal with more of you,” Danny groans, and you laugh before your entire left side smarts and you suck in air through your teeth.
“Danny!” Steve admonishes, and you’re quick to soothe his ruffled feathers.
“Are you two upsetting my favorite patient?” Your lovely nurse, Lani, narrows her eyes playfully at your boys as she enters the room, making notes in your chart of your fluid rate and vitals on the monitor.
“No, ma’am,” they answer in unison, and she huffs at them skeptically. Turning her attention to you, she asks, “How are you feeling today, sweetheart?”
“Less pain, more so discomfort. My stitches are starting to get itchy like you said they would.” She nods and hums sympathetically, then smiles and says, “That means you’re healing.”
“Does that mean I can take a real shower today?”
“Nice try,” she laughs, adjusting the pillow you’re leaning against. “Not quite yet. But Mina will be in soon to take care of you, dear.”
With a pout you ask, “You’re leaving me?”
“You’ll be discharged by the time I start my next shift,” Lani answers, squeezing your shoulder in a sweet gesture. “And Commander McGarrett?” She turns to him, one eyebrow quirked, and the SEAL sits up at attention. “We don’t want to see you in here for at least a year, okay?”
As Steve nods dutifully, Danny jokes, “I mean, really, you oughtta give this guy a punchcard or something at this point. Nine sets of stitches and the tenth one’s free, huh?”
Shaking her head, she calls, “Goodbye, you two. Get well soon, Y/N, dear!”
“What a gem,” you smile, “I love her.”
Danny stands with a soft grunt and announces his departure, too. “Gotta collect my monkeys and drop them off at school,” he explains, leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek. “I’ll bring the kids by later and make sure this guy hasn’t bored you to tears, yeah?”
“You’re a real comedian, Detective Williams,” Steve yells as he leaves, rolling his eyes at his best friend’s ribbing. You reach your hand out towards your fiancé and wiggle your fingers, gesturing for him to come closer. Your EKG lines only allow you to stretch so far, and you fall back against the pillows with a huff. “I don’t like hospitals, Steve.”
“I know,” he responds sympathetically, coming to sit on the edge of your bed and brushing some loose hairs off your forehead.
“I don’t like having all these wires and tubes connected to every inch of my body.”
“Trust me, I know.”
“And I hate having to ask for help. Not even being able to bathe myself? Hard pass. It makes me feel useless.”
“And the last time we were in this place, the roles were reversed and I was so terrified that you weren’t gonna wake up and-”
“Honey, baby, angel, light of my life,” he cuts you off gently, squeezing your cheeks between his large hands, “would you just- would you take a breath for me? Nice and easy, just like that,” he instructs, breathing with you. “Thank you so much.”
“Was that your polite way of telling me to shut up?” You smile lovingly up at him, angling your head to press a kiss to each of his palms.
“I would never-” He molds his lips to your forehead. “-ever-” Another kiss. “-do such a thing.”
“Perish the thought,” you snort. “Will you snuggle with me, babe?”
He glances down at the bed, appraising. “Are we both gonna fit?”
You pout at him, dramatically jutting out your bottom lip. “I make it work when you’re in here.”
“You don’t pull your punches, future Mrs. McGarrett,” he laughs warmly, wedging his large frame beside you in the comedically small bed.
You hum contentedly as his arm settles around you, resting gently on your injured side. “Who said I’m taking your last name?”
“Ouch,” he mock cries, hand going to his heart. “Another direct hit.”
“I’m not done yet,” you declare, and he challenges, “Oh yeah? What else you got?”
“My scar is gonna be cooler than all of yours combined.”
His fingers trace delicate patterns along your side and he scoffs, “Is not.”
“Is, too!”
“Who’s gonna be the judge, huh?”
“All of our friends.”
“Nu uh,” he shakes his head. “Unfair advantage. You’ll get bonus pity points.”
“We’ll take pictures. Make it a blind experiment.”
“You’re on, Mrs. McGarrett.”
“What did I just say to you?”
“My last name’s cooler. You’ll come around.”
“You’re so annoying, Steve.”
“I know.”
“But I love you.”
“…I kn- Ow! Okay, okay, I’m sorry! I love you, too! Stop pinching me, you cheeky little- How do you have the energy to do this right now?“
[A/N: Woo baby this one was a doozy, but I’m actually really proud of it? 🥹 Writing this gave me anxiety and then big sad and then big smile for my goofy baby Steve, I hate myself fr. This has been sitting in my drafts inspired by snippets of various episodes of the show because, let’s face it, writing myself into one Steven Jack McGarrett’s life is my guilty pleasure. I love this man sm and I wanted to explore his more emotional side as opposed to the tough and sarcastic version of Steve we’re used to. I hope you enjoyed this lil piece that’s been living rent free in my head for months now 🖤 Also...peep the Macbeth reference 💅🏽✨]
668 notes · View notes
incorrect-mcdanno · 1 year
Danny: When I first met you, I thought you were kind of a... dick.
Steve: And?
Danny: No, no, that's it.
Steve: That's very nice. I'm touched.
117 notes · View notes
racerchix21 · 1 year
Tumblr media
Title: Ghost of You or Is It?
Summary: “My biggest fear in DC was you’d be alone once we’d get back home and I’d find you with a gun in your hand. I was scared you’d make me watch you pull the trigger and that I’d lose you before I ever I had you. I was afraid you were gonna make me have to explain to the kids that you weren’t ever coming home.” He knows he’s yelling to an empty house since Steve left 6 months ago and Junior and Tani had taken Eddie with them on their camping trip but it was stuff that Danny needed to get off his chest.
He misses Steve every single day almost like a missing limb. The first few weeks getting through physical therapy and endless doctors appointments had kept him distracted and the stream of their ohana hanging out with him had been great too…….
A/N: This is my first attempt at posting a McDanno/ Hawaii Five-O story so please be kind with your criticisms
Word Count: 1,488
Work Text:
Here I am waking up
Still can't sleep on your side
There's your coffee cup…..
If I can dream long enough
You'd tell me I'd be just fine
I'll be just fine
So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
And I chase it down
With a shot of truth
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
“My biggest fear in DC was you’d be alone once we’d get back home and I’d find you with a gun in your hand. I was scared you’d make me watch you pull the trigger and that I’d lose you before I ever I had you. I was afraid you were gonna make me have to explain to the kids that you weren’t ever coming home.” He knows he’s yelling to an empty house since Steve left 6 months ago and Junior and Tani had taken Eddie with them on their camping trip but it was stuff that Danny needed to get off his chest. “How would I explain to Charlie, hell to Grace that their Uncle Steve was gone forever. How was I gonna explain to Tani or Junes why you left us? Look at all our friends happy together and know the one person I wanted by my side wasn’t there and wouldn’t be ever again.”
He misses Steve every single day almost like a missing limb. The first few weeks getting through physical therapy and endless doctors appointments had kept him distracted and the stream of their ohana hanging out with him had been great too but he’s been back at work for a couple months on desk duty and it’s killing him every time he looks towards Steve’s office expecting the man to be sitting there making faces at him like he normally did or for him to be sitting on the couch in Danny’s office being distracting as hell just sitting there minding his own business.
“I was gonna finish out my time with HPD, move back to Jersey and you you stupid mouthy son of a bitch made me fall in love with you. I was just gonna leave when Gracie went to college or I was forced out of law enforcement whichever came first but no I was assigned your dads case and then you held me at gunpoint and forced me to be your partner. I hated you back then and then you somehow snuck into my heart and made me love you first as a friend, a brother then as something more. Maybe I fucked it up getting involved with Rachel again way back when we first met but I don’t regret it because it made me realize that the only person I wanted in my bed was you. I wanted you then and I’ve wanted you everyday since then.”
“Danny, I wasn’t gonna kill myself if that’s what you’re worried about. I wouldn’t have been able to do it because there were still some things I wanted to experience before I die,” Steve exclaims coming in the door leading to the garage. He huffs a laugh when he sees his best friend startle before schooling his expression again at the seriousness of what he’s just heard Danny say. “Things like what it’d be like to wake up to you laying in bed beside me. What it’d be like to kiss you anytime I wanted to just because. What’d it’d be like to maybe raise a kid or two more with you just like we did with Grace and Charlie and by extension kind of Nahele. I wanted all those things with you Danno.
“Steve?,”Danny asks not quite believing or trusting what his senses are telling him. “What are you doing here? I thought you and Rollins were off exploring the world trying to find your ‘peace’ or whatever the fuck the bullshit excuse you told me 6 months ago.”
“Cath wanted me to go back to Afghanistan with her for another mission. She demanded we go as soon as we landed in LA but I told her I couldn’t. I couldn’t go back where you wouldn’t be able to find me. She showed back up in Denver a couple days ago and asked if I would be willing to give our relationship another chance if she retired. I told her I wouldn’t even consider it because my heart was back home with a sassy, loud mouth detective from Jersey that punched me in the jaw the day we met,” Steve tells him still standing in the doorway to the garage. “You think maybe I could get a Danno hug before you decide to punch me again?”
“Get in here you big Neanderthal,” Danny says pulling Steve into his arms laughing when his best friend decides to push his face into his neck. “You comfortable there, McGarrett?”
“I’m perfect. I got everything I could ever want right here,” and he honest to god giggles when he feels Danny shiver from the vibrations of his words being said right against his neck. Steve can’t believe he left this grumpy man behind to find some mythical nonexistent peace. Peace he realized while talking to his favorite Williams (shhh don’t tell Danny) was way overrated if you’re not with your person. With your secret crush of a decade. Your best friend and said sassy girls father. Grace had hugged him then too much like Danny punched him for leaving her dad while he was still injured.
Pulling back enough from Danny to see tears freely flowing down his cheeks. “Danno, what’s wrong,” Steve asks gently wiping away tears “what can I do to make it better for you?”
“Be real. That’s all I want is for this, for you to be real and not some fucked up hallucination my brains decided to torture me with. I want you, no I NEED you to be real,” Danny says before sobbing even harder than before. “NO NO NO, you aren’t real I’ve finally lost it completely lost it. Why would you be back in town? You left to find your peace and I wasn’t good enough to make you stay. Stupid brain for conjuring up stupid too good for this world Steve. I’ve spent so much time alone talking to the ghost of you that I’ve finally fucking lost it. Go figure I’d lose when no one’s around to hang out with.”
He does the only thing he think of in the moment and kisses Danny. Puts every last bit of emotion from the last 10 years into the kiss that may very well blow up in his face but if it’s the only way to get Danny to quit ranting then it’s perfect. What he doesn’t expect is to feel one of Danny’s hands in his hair or for the other to somehow make it to his jaw in the exact place he punched him once upon a blue moon ago. He doesn’t expect to feel Danny pour just as much emotion into the kiss or for Danny to be the one to pull away first and give him the biggest dopiest Danny Williams smile.
“What was that Steven? I’m panicking and y-you kiss me? Who does that?”
“I didn’t think you’d appreciate me just picking you up and carrying upstairs into my room and doing unspeakable things to you without a kiss first. I know you too well Daniel and I know that nothing happens with you without express consent and a hell of a kiss. I figured I’d get one of those things out of the way right now before I decide to have my way with you. Besides you were freaking out and ranting something fierce and I knew you wouldn’t be able to just shush so I figured I’d help you out a little. Now how bout we take this party upstairs and I show you just how much I love you?”
“You big Neanderthal the unspeakable things you got planned better be good or I’m gonna complain loudly and there’s nothing you do to stop me.”
“If they aren’t good then I guess we’ll just have to practice. We got the rest of our lives Danno.”
“The rest of our lives huh? If that was a marriage proposal then it sucked McGarrett. I’d definitely date the fuck out of you though.”
“Not a marriage proposal yet, but I promise when I do I’ll make it perfect. Now can we go upstairs where I can spend some time admiring you or do you wanna spend the rest of the night bickering back and forth?”
“Upstairs now Steven.”
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destinationtoast · 10 days
Have you ever done an analysis of which fandoms are most dominated by a single ship?
I hadn't done so before. I just took a quick pass at doing so, but only among the biggest fandoms on AO3 as of Jan 2024 (ones with over 10K public works at that time). I sorted them by the size of their biggest ship relative to the size of the fandom. This gives us a bunch of very big fandoms with a high % of works tagged with a particular ship:
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The raw data used to make this graph, including the corresponding biggest ships, is available in a spreadsheet here, or at the end of this post.
A few notes:
This is based on January 2024 data. Some things may have changed!
Not all these works are necessarily about these ships. Especially in the cases where the ships are canon, they may often be tagged as background ships.
There are undoubtedly many smaller AO3 fandoms that have higher percentages devoted to the top ship.
I removed some highly overlapping fandoms (e.g., Good Omens book fandom).
This is AO3 data only, and (as always!) AO3 does not represent fandom overall. In particular, ship popularity tends to vary A LOT by archive/platform. See some past cross-platform shipping comparisons from 2019 (comparing het vs. slash vs. gen on Wattpad/FFN/AO3), and 2014 (comparing popular ships from HP, SPN, and Sherlock on AO3/FFN). One highlight:
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Raw data:
Fandom | Top relationship | % tagged with most common ship
Shameless (US) | Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich | 92.5%
Phandom/The Fantastic Foursome (YouTube RPF) | Dan Howell/Phil Lester | 92.1%
Good Omens (TV) | Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) | 83.8%
9-1-1 (TV) | Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) | 79.2%
Hannibal (TV) | Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter | 75.6%
Shadowhunters (TV) | Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood | 75.1%
All For The Game - Nora Sakavic | Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard | 75.0%
Inception (2010) | Arthur/Eames (Inception) | 74.0%
The Old Guard (Movie 2020) | Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolò di Genova | 72.2%
Hawaii Five-0 (2010) | Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams | 71.9%
The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare | Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood | 71.2%
IT (Movies - Muschietti) | Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier | 71.1%
陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF | Wang Yi Bo/Xiao Zhan | Sean | 70.9%
X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies) | Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier | 69.6%
Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) | Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov | 66.3%
Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF | Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki | 66.0%
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) | Adora/Catra (She-Ra) | 63.9%
Deadpool - All Media Types | Peter Parker/Wade Wilson | 63.6%
The Witcher (TV) | Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion | 63.1%
Our Flag Means Death (TV) | Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet | 63.0%
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delulu-hours · 9 months
You make me happy
Pairing: Steve Mcgarrett x Latina!reader
Summary: Meeting your mom would be the last piece to complete the happiness you were currently feeling. You knew you mom was going to love Steve, even if he was worried about how the interaction would go. However, seeing it happen made you find a sense of comfort you needed.
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As you lovingly placed a hand on your baby bump, Steve stayed close by, gently supporting you with a comforting touch on your lower back. In the midst of the bustling crowd, a hint of nervousness fluttered in your stomach as you eagerly searched for the two cherished faces, long absent from your life. "Mija!" As you heard the loving Spanish accent, you couldn't help but turn away from Steve and divert your attention towards the older woman. Her black hair, now showing hints of gray, framed her face in soft curls. With a sweet smile that brought back fond memories, she hurried over to you, followed closely by your brother, whose face was also beaming with happiness. With enthusiasm, she hurried towards you. Your brother effortlessly rolled the luggage behind him while your mother wasted no time in enveloping you in a warm embrace. You couldn't help but smile as her arms wrapped around your neck and she showered your face with kisses. As her lips touched your face, you couldn't help but scrunch your nose, knowing how much she had longed for this moment.
"Mama," You wrapped your arms around her, rubbing her back as you kissed her cheek. "¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo estuvo tu vuelo? (how are you? how was your flight?)" As you shifted your gaze, a subtle movement at the edge of your vision captured your attention. Your eyes landed on your brother. To your surprise, he warmly embraced Steve, and you couldn't help but smile. It was evident that a unique bond existed between them, forged through their shared experiences as Navy SEALs.
"Estoy bien, chula. El vuelo no estuvo mal. (I'm fine, beautiful. The flight wasn't bad.)" She couldn't help but shift her gaze towards the bump between you, and gently placed her hand over it. A small smile formed on her face, and a glimmer of excitement sparkled in her eyes. Deep down, she was aware of your pregnancy, but witnessing it firsthand served as a gentle reminder of the beautiful reality unfolding before her. "¡Voy a ser abuela! (I'm gonna be a grandma!)" She gushed with excitement. "¡Mijo, ven mira! (Son, come look.)" As she guided your brother over, he playfully rolled his eyes, but there was a glimmer of excitement in his gaze as he quickly planted a kiss on your cheek.
"Hey, short stack." As your mom gently placed his hand over your baby bump, he gave you a warm greeting. His eyes briefly glanced down at his hand before meeting yours once again. "Five months, right?"
"Right." You placed a hand on his arm. Your brother knew how excited you were to have this baby. How life in Hawai'i was everything you wished and how his best man helped you adjust to life. You knew your brother wasn't happy about your relationship with Steve the first time he came to see your after a year and half of living here. In fact, he almost fought Steve when he saw you come outside in one of Steve's shirts that fitted you like a dress. It took a lot of convincing before your brother to warm up to the idea. "Mami," You reached out for your boyfriend. "I want to introduce to you my boyfriend." Your mom followed your gaze to the man who stood next to you. You watched as she took him in. "This is Steve Mcgarrett."
"Ma'am, it's an honor having you here." Steve held a hand out to her. Your mom-- on the other hand-- just pulled him into a hug that caught him off guard. You and your brother shared a laugh.
"¿Mija, cómo digo, es un placer conocerte? (daughter, how do i say it is nice to meet you?)" She pulled back from the hug as she looked at you. She moved her hands to grab him and Steve glanced over at you.
"Nice to meet you." You responded back. A thing about your mother was that she could understand English perfectly, her issue was speaking it. She struggled with certain works and she had a very thick accent when she spoke English. Something you did warn Steve about.
"Eh," She turned to look at him. "Nice to meet you," My brother and I gave each other a look. "Ehteben. (steven)" And then there it was. You smiled as you brother did his best not to laugh. Steve just smiled at your mom but you could see it in his eyes that he found her accent endearing. "¿Lo dije bien?" She looked over at you and your brother and you guys just nodded.
"This is for you." Steve placed the lei around your mom and she gasped. She commented on how the flowers were pretty and how he didn't have to. Steve just nodded but glanced over at you for help, unsure what your mom had said. You just mouthed thank you in which he replied with, "It's no issue at all."
Your mom insisted on cooking and having the rest of Steve's team over. She was in the kitchen, your brother forced to help her since she refused to let you do anything. Steve sat next to you. His arm over your shoulder as you snuggled into his side. "Your mom makes me question if I even learned anything during the three years we've dated." You let out an amused snort.
"Mi Amado, (my beloved)" You moved a bit to look up at him. "You have to remember that when I speak Spanish to you, I don't speak it as fast. My mom speaks it with a natural flow that makes it seem fast for you." You placed a hand on his thigh. "Besides, you're learning and that's all that matters." He was going to say more but the door opened and in came the team. "Hello!" You pushed yourself up, using the support of Steve, and hugged each person. "I'm sorry that this was last minute, my mom was very insistent that she cook for you all today." Danny waved you off. "La familia no es sólo quienes son de tu sangre, sino son los que nunca nos abandonan." A quote your mom lived by.
"Family is not only those who are of your blood but are those who never leave us." You said again but this time in English.
"I love your mom already." Danny handed Steve a case of beer.
"Well let me go a head and introduce you guys to my mom and brother." You motioned for them to follow behind you. "Also, I hope you guys are ready to try authentic Mexican food and take gain a couple pounds in the process." You teased but actually meant the part of gaining some weight. You already knew your mom was going to feed them to the point where they might end up in a food coma. "Mami. Mateo." Your mom and brother turned around. "I would like you guys to meet the rest of the team." As you introduced them, you weren't surprised that they had remembered your brother Mateo. Your mom on the other hand made sure to greet them all with a hug and a kiss on each cheek. She also insisted that they call her mom. None of them argued with her as she did her best to talk to them.
Just like that dinner was a hit. Everyone loved the food, Steve and a few others almost died on the salsa your mom made. You-- on the other hand-- didn't realize how much you had missed and craved her food. It had hit a spot and satisfied all the cravings you had. You sat out on the beach with everyone, your eyes looked around and landed on Steve who stood on the deck with your mom. Your eyes met, and he playfully winked at you, adding a delightful touch to the evening. Just as you were lost in that moment, Kono called out your name, capturing your attention once again.
Steve had gone in to get some more beers when your mom stopped him. "Mijo," Steve hummed in response as he looked at your mom. "Yo sé que no me vas entender, pero gracias por amar a mi hija. Por ser su roca y apoyo. Puedo ver en tus ojos la forma en que la amas tanto. (I know you won't understand me, but thank you for loving my daughter. For being your rock and support. I can see in your eyes the way you love her so much.)" She gently reached up and tenderly cupped his face, as Steve kindly bent his knees to make it more convenient for her. Confusion furrowed his brow as he struggled to comprehend every word she was saying. Despite the language barrier, he sensed an unmistakable warmth in her words. Tears welled up in her eyes, yet she continued to smile at him, displaying a tender expression in her gaze. "Puedo estar en paz sabiendo que ella está con un hombre que haría cualquier cosa por ella. Gracias. (I can be at peace knowing that she is with a man who would do anything for her. Thank you.)" He nodded, not knowing what else to do.
"Mami," Your voice caused Steve to glance at you. He could see your amusement as you neared. "¿Qué haces con mi novio? (What are you doing to my boyfriend?)" With a playful smirk in your voice, you stood by his side. Your mom affectionately planted a quick kiss on Steve's forehead before allowing him to stand tall. You affectionately placed an arm around him, looking at your mom. There was a happiness in her eyes, and you sensed that it was because she saw you at your happiest, especially since your dad passed away a decade ago.
"Nada, mija. (Nothing, daughter)" She grabbed your free hand in one of hers and took Steve's in her other one before bring them both together. "Estoy muy feliz por ti y agradecida. Agradecida de que me hayas bendecido con la oportunidad de ser abuela. (I am just happy for you and grateful. Grateful that you have given me this opputonity to be a grandma.)" She kisses the back of both your hands as she holds it with such care. "Le pido a dios que te mantenga en buenas manos y te bendiga con lo mejor. (I pray to God that he keeps you in good hands and blesses you with the best.)" You smiled softly at her, the stinging sensation of tears in your eyes as you tried your best not to cry.
"Gracias Mami. (thank you mom)" As you leaned in to kiss her cheek, she graced you with a final smile before joining the rest of the group. Your gaze shifted upward towards Steve, who gently brushed your cheeks. In that moment, tears had already welled up and begun to trickle down from your eyes.
"What she say?" He asked softly as you hugged him. You chin resting on his chest as you look up at him.
"She is thankful that you knocked me up." You playfully teased, eliciting a gentle chuckle from Steve that reverberated warmly in his chest. Affectionately, he brushed a few strands of hair behind your ear, and then tenderly rested his hand underneath it. "But she is glad that she knowns I am in good hands and that I'm happy." His thumb gently rubs your the apple of your cheeks. "That you make me happy and prays for the best to come and that we stay safe."
"Guess it's safe to say she likes me." He lowered his lips on to yours. Deep down, he felt a subtle nervousness creep in as he thought about meeting your mom for the first time. Despite his efforts to appear calm, you could tell how much he cared by the way he eagerly assisted you in preparing for the meeting. He simply wanted to make a great first impression and ensure that everything went smoothly.
"She adores you." You closed the space between you, kissing him softly. His lips moved against yours, and you felt him pull you closer. Or as close as he could with your baby bump between you. "You make me happy and that's all she truly cares about." You gave him another kiss. "But if she found out how reckless you are, she might have a heart attack," You felt him smirk against your lips.
"Well, I guess it'll be our little secret then." As his lips gently met yours, a playful spark flickered in his eyes. His hand tenderly brushed down your neck, applying a hint of pressure. It caused you to bite your lower lip in delight, a soft hum of pleasure escaping your lips. The mischievous glint in his eyes made the moment all the more exciting.
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
Past Fights and Bloodlines
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Pairing: Danny Williams x McGarrett!reader, Steve McGarrett x McGarrett!reader (Cousins)
Characters: McGarrett!reader (Cousin), Steve McGarrett, Danny Williams, Chin Ho Kelly, Kono Kalakaua
Warnings: Fluff, hehe I love this so much, Danny and reader met once years ago, I am hinting at the one wresting movie Scott Caan did in the early 2000′s, why was this so much fun to write?, this is purely Hawaii Five-0 crack, Steve acting more like an older brother than he does a cousin, reader wants Danny for herself and Steve can’t stop you, ignore Chin’s one semi cringey comment (no regrets)
Word Count: 1,382
"There's a fight in town," Steve brings up out of nowhere as you mess with the items on his desk. 
He watches you, wondering why you’re not as enthused as him. "And? I'm asking if my favorite cousin wants to go." 
You glance up at him with furrowed brows. "Steve, I'm you're only cousin." 
He rolls his eyes. "So, you wanna go or not?" 
"I never said no. Let's go." You push yourself out of your chair. 
"It's not for another three hours." 
You spin around to stare at him, holding the back of the chair. "Yeah, I know. You're treating me to dinner before we go." 
"Oh, am I?" 
"You dragged me here for a case, the least you can do is take me to dinner." 
"I like her," Danny smiles, standing in the doorway of Steve's office. 
"Shut up, Danno." 
You take a step away from the chair and smile at your cousin's partner. "Thank you, Daniel." 
"Danny," he corrects you. 
"Daniel sounds better, I'll use Danny for when you're in trouble. Don't cross me." 
He nods and looks away from you. "Don't cross you, got it." 
"Now if you'll excuse us. Steven and I are going to dinner and then go to the fight." 
"Ooh, where you guys going?" 
"Don't know," you shrug. "You wanna come. He's paying." 
Steve stands up, trying to chime in. "He doesn't-" 
"I'd love to. Thank you for inviting me." 
"We have much to talk about." 
"Yes, yes we do." He holds his arm out, gesturing for you to go out first. 
"Thank you." 
"Of course, I'm not an animal." 
"No, you are not. You're more polite than some people." 
Danny smirks as you two walk by Chin and Kono. 
Steve exits his office and mutters to himself. "I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" 
"Not at all, boss," Kono pats his shoulder. 
"It's going to be an entertaining night for you," Chin adds. 
"I don't like you two right now." 
"That's okay. We still love you, big Kuhuna." 
Steve shakes his head and jogs out of the room, needing to catch up to you two before more bonding happens. 
"I'll be back, do either of you want a beer or something?" You ask. 
Steve nods, giving you, his order. 
"No thank you. I'd like to be able to get through story time without any issues." 
You nod. "I'll be back." 
It takes you a few minutes before you make it to the seats. "Oh sorry. Excuse me. Coming through." You managed to get on the opposite side from where the others were and sigh, walking back towards them. 
"Sorry, excuse me." You start walking down the aisle. "Excuse me." 
You're three people away from your crew. 
"I finally made- woah." 
Danny places his hands on your waist, preventing you from bumping into him and him into you. 
You smile at him, "thank you, Daniel." 
"No problem." 
"Steve, your drink." 
Once you get situated, you begin to relax. 
You scream and shout for the wrestler you want to win, which makes Danny raise a brow. Not entirely expecting you to be so into it. 
You enjoy yourself until someone bumps into you, spilling your food. "Hey, jerkwad." 
The guy turns around and shrugs you off. 
"You spill my food; you pay for another." 
"You're the one that was in my way." 
"Are you serious?" 
"Go bug someone else lady." 
"Oh, you-" 
Danny grabs you and pulls you back before you can attack the rude guy as Steve steps forward, taking care of the situation. "Let's not hurt the guy, no matter how rude he was and sit back down." 
"I don't even care that he bumped into me, and I spilled my food. It's the price. I paid for Steve's beer and my small snack which is now on the floor-" 
"I know. How about this, after the match. I take you out to get something to make up for his jerky behavior." 
You spin around in his arms, staring at him for a few seconds. "I think we can arrange that, and I promise I won't keep you for long since you have story time tonight." 
"I appreciate that." 
"Then it's a date." 
"A- a date?" 
You think he doesn't want to go on a date with you, making you rethink your question. "Not a date?" 
"No, no. I never said that." 
"Good, I think we'll have a good time."
"Why're you so happy?" Steve asks you as you step inside. 
"No reason. I'm going to bed. Night." 
"No, no. Get back here and tell me why Danny just pulled out of my driveway." 
"I was on a date." 
"You are not allowed to date coworkers." 
"I can date whoever I want. It's not like any of you have ever followed that rule." 
"This is different-" 
"Why? Because I'm your family and you don't want William’s blood to taint the McGarrett bloodline if we ever get that far." 
"Oh, gross!" 
"Grow up, Steven. He's going to be coming around a lot more, whether you like it or not." 
Danny texted you saying he's here. 
You walk down the stairs with a pep in your step as you stand in front of the door, fixing your hair (Danny does the same). "Hi, Daniel." 
"How many times am I going to tell you to call me Danny." 
"Every day, if you'd like." 
"Oh, is that right?" He smirks. 
"Come on in. I'm about to make coffee. You want some?" 
"I would, thank you." He barely takes his eyes off you as you close the door. 
“You’re really into the fight, when- uh- when that’d happen?” 
You shrug, “I’ve always been into wrestling.” 
“You reminded me of this one time; I went when I was a teenager, and I took this guy I knew years ago. We sat next to this girl who was basically like you were yesterday and then my friend came back and bumped into her, spilling everything she got all over the lap.” 
“The same thing happened to me. My family and I just moved to this one town and my dad was working while mom was doing her thing in the navy. I was having a bad day and I- wrestling was my only out. I never participated in it but watching it was my escape. Anyway, this dumbass came around and bumped into me. His friend pulled him away before I could, well, do anything.” 
“Oh, really?” He asks with interest. “The girl my friend ran into reached over me and socked him. I think-” 
That reminds you of the scar on your hand. “Yeah, and I ripped my knuckle on his braces.” 
“- She ripped her knuckle on his braces.” 
Your eyes widen. “Holy.” 
You clap your hands together. "How about breakfast?" 
"Are you cooking?" 
"Steve's not back from his run yet, so it'll be me cooking." 
"I'll accept." 
You push him away, letting him settle on top of the counter on the side of the stove. "How about you make the coffee and I work on breakfast?" 
"Do you know how the coffee machine works?" 
"I think I can figure it out." 
"Great, you get started on the coffee and I'll do my thing." 
Steve locks the door behind him and opens his mouth to call out for you, only to hear laughter coming from the kitchen. He rolls his eyes and wanders to the kitchen. "I don't like this." 
"Too bad. He's hot and I like him." 
"Please don't ever say that again." 
"No, please say it again. I'm what?" Danny smiles at you. 
"You're hot and I like you." 
"Thank you. You, yourself look phenomenal." 
"You're such a charmer." 
"I'm going to the office before I need to bleach my eyes." 
"Okay, just hope we don't need to bleach the kitchen." 
Danny's eyes widen and his jaw drops. 
You cover his mouth and quietly shush him. "Go along with it," you whisper. 
"If I smell even a drop of-" 
"Go away, Steve." He shakes his head and walks out of his house, trying to erase any kind of traumatic vision you put in his mind. 
"Did you figure out the coffee machine?" 
"I think I broke it." 
"I'll buy him a new one later."
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hawaii5-0gurl · 2 years
Too Tired to Move
Characters: Steve McGarrett X Reader
Word Count: 1270
Warnings: Fluff, I think that’s it. 
A/n: Thank you for the request & the kind words darling. I’m sorry it took me FOREVER to write it, but I finally had some time, and I needed some fluff.
Requested By: @NattyAssasian (it won’t let me tag you/ it says you don’t exist)
Could you do where it’s like 2:00 on the morning and Steve wakes the reader up because he is too tired to get something to drink and it’s just a lot of fluff please? I love your work btw! :)
Feedback is always welcome. The Good and The Bad, it helps me as a writer.
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Requests are always Open (fair warning I am a SLOW writer)
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After a long day at work, you and Steve are finally getting home at around midnight. This last case had been hard on everyone. All of you were working day and night for the last few days, which translates into not much sleep for anyone. Once the two of you were in bed, you felt sleep taking over your senses. Unfortunately, it was taken from you almost as fast as it had come.
“Y/n, are you awake? Y/n?” You felt a hand nudging you. You tried to ignore him with all your might, but if he is anything, he is persistent. “Sweetheart?”
“Steve. I love you but leave me alone please.” You reached your hand up to where his hand is on your shoulder, and you just put your hand on top of his.
“Y/n…” he moved his head to your shoulder and whispered into your ear. “Y/nn…”
You turn your head to the side to look at him. “Whaaaat?” you whined like a child.
“Can you please go get me water?”
“Are you serious right now?” you rubbed your eyes, before looking to the clock on your nightstand, to see it was 1:55 a.m. “It is almost 2 in the morning Steve.”
“I know but I am too tired to move, I feel like if I try to get up, I will just fall to the ground.”
“You are so dramatic.” You fully turn to look at him, only to see a pout on his face. “Ugh, fine.”
You move to get out of bed, but before you actually get up you sit on the edge of the bed. You rub your eyes before getting up and heading downstairs. When you were halfway down the stairs you hear Steve yell “I LOVE YOU!”
“Yeah, yeah.” You mumbled to yourself.
You walked down the rest of the stairs to the kitchen, going to the fridge to grab a few water bottles. The thing is that once you opened that door… Your stomach was starting to growl. That’s when you realize that you and Steve didn’t eat dinner. So, you decided to get a small snack. You grabbed some crackers out of the pantry. Then you made your way towards the doorway. Only to be stop once you saw the cookies on the counter, you grabbed one on your way back up the stairs.
When you came back into the room Steve was laying on his stomach, facing away from the door. You placed your snack and the extra waters on your night table. You sat down with your back up against the headboard. You started rubbing your hand over Steve’s shoulder to his upper back. He turned his head to you with a smile on his face. You handed him his water, he mumbled out a thank you, then you turned to pick up your crackers.
When you had your crackers open on the bed in front of you, you felt Steve move closer to you.
“What do you have?” He was slowly stretching his neck back to see.
“A snack. I realized when I was down there that we haven’t eaten since lunch, but I didn’t want a full meal since it’s almost two in the morning.”
He reached over to grab at your crackers when you moved your leg to block him.
“What are you doing?”
“I was going to grab a cracker, my loving wife just denied me.”
“Didn’t they teach you manners in your seal training?”
“Not exactly…”
“Well, I know that your parents must have.”
“I guess…”
“Then use them Mr. Grabby Hands.”
“I’m about to show you grabby hands if you don’t share.”
“What happened to “I’m too tired to move”.” You used your most whiny voice and placed the back of your hand on your forehead as you leaned back for dramatic effect.
What you didn’t expect was him to pull you to him and lay over you, pining you down.
“Get off of me.”
He wasn’t paying attention to you; he was currently pulling crackers out of the box. Once he had a sufficient amount, he rolled off of you.
“You’re a brat you know that.” He looked at you with a smirk on his face, as he chewed on one of the stolen crackers.
“Says the one who went full gorilla to get a few crackers, instead of asking nicely.”
The two of you just laughed at each other for a little bit. Once the laughter died down, you put the crackers on the nightstand and picked up the cookie. Then you looked over to Steve. He was smiling at you.
“Can I please have some of your cookie? It looks amazing.” Now he was looking at you with puppy-dog eyes.
“Oh, now you know how to use your manners.”
You took the cookie and tried your best to break it in half. Unfortunately, one side was bigger than the other. You tried to hand the bigger portion to Steve, but he reached for the smaller one. You looked over at him with a smile on your face.
The two of you silently ate your cookie, once you both were done you laid down next to Steve. He pulled you closer to him, resting his head in the crook of you neck.
“What’s wrong?”
“Obviously, there’s something.” You start running your hand over his head, causing him to relax.
“I was just thinking.”
“About…” You waved your hand in a prompting motion.
“How lucky I am.”
You just rolled your eyes and giggled at him.
“How so?”
“I have an amazing life. I have a wonderful job, even though sometimes the hours are terrible it’s still great. I have an amazing team that makes it worth going into work. And last but certainly not least, I have a beautiful wife, who even though she denied me crackers, is still willing to share her cookie with me.”
He shifted so that he could look at you.
“You have made my life a hundred times better the day you bumped into me.”
“You bumped into me.”
“No, I’m pretty sure you bumped into me.”
“Nope, you bumped into me. I wasn’t even moving. How can I bump into if I wasn’t moving?”
“Well…” He took a few seconds to think about it. “Huh… you were just standing there.”
“You’re such a dork.” You just laughed at him.
“Yeah, but you still married me anyway.”
“I did… To be completely honest, it was because I knew you were the one after you gave me the biggest piece of cake at your birthday party.”
“Oh, so the cake sealed the deal for you.”
“Yes.” You said it with no hesitation.
“Wow, and here I thought it was my devilish good looks and my charming personality.”
“Nah, I’m more of a cake and sarcasm kind of gal.”
You just smiled at him. He on the other hand had a smirk on his face. He moved his hand to the side of your face.
“You’re lucky I love you.” Then he lowered himself to kiss you.
“I love you too.” You pulled him back into another kiss.
“We should go to bed; we only have a few hours before we need to be back at work.” He was still hovering over you.
“Well then you need to get off of me.”
He wrapped his arms around your waist, rolling over slightly binging you with him.
“Goodnight brat.”
“Goodnight gorilla.”
Not long after this, the both of you were asleep only to be woken up by the annoying noise of your alarm clocks hours later.
Ohana (Everything)
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Steve Taglist
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sweetandabitspycho · 1 year
Steve McGarrett x Reader
Summary: Saturday’s are supposed to be relaxing but not when a mission comes up.
Title: Not So Relaxing Saturday.
Warnings: probably just my bad writing.😂😂
Ps. Thank y'all for reading, sorry most of my stories are short and bad I'm trying to find my writing style so thanks for helping. Let me know what y'all think.🥰🤗😊
Tag list: @houseofflufff
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“Why on this beautiful earth are you leaving me?” I questioned Steve sleepy as he moved off the bed. He chuckled lightly before answering. “Well, beautiful it's 3:30 PM and I'm hungry.”
“Mmm, okay. Make me something? I'll love you forever if you do.” I said blowing him a kiss. “You wouldn't know what to do if I wasn't here.” he laughed walking out the door. I might have started at his bad, but hey, who wouldn't?
I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn’t I was hungry now. I moved Eddie’s big head off of my stomach and got up. I walked down the hall that's when I heard Steve talking to someone.
“Hi, love,” I said to Steve as I kissed his cheek. I turned to see it was Danny, Steve’s partner. He looked at me as if I was a ghost. I couldn't blame him.
“You are Danny, right?” I asked grabbing my cut of morning juice, Steve fixed it for me.
“Yeah, yeah I am. Who are you?” he said confused.
“I'm Steve’s partner, Y/n,” I said shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you,” he said smiling.
“So, the big bad no-lover Steve McGarrett has a lover!?” Danny practically screamed. Steve passed him an annoyed look.
“Yes. Now shut it.” He said kissing my head. “So, what are you doing here Danny?” I question as Steve handed me my favorite breakfast, Danny looked down. “I’m sorry to break up y’all’s Saturday, but we have a case.”
Steve let out an annoyed huff. “Sorry love.” He said kissing me. “But I promise I’ll make it up to you.” He hugged me.
“I’ll be okay. Me and Eddie will watch some tv. Don’t worry.” I said kissing his cheek. He walked to his room to change.
“Sorry to mess your day up,” Danny said. I shook my head. “It’s okay, I knew what I was getting into. Just try not to let him do stupid stuff,” I said laughing.
Danny laughed and shook his head. “I’ll try,” Steve yelled for Danny to get his ass up and a quick I love you to me.
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intplayboy · 2 years
if you would like to be part of the tag list, please complete the form.
summary: sneak peek of hyrbid ot7 x human reader "ya'aburnee" imagine (coming soon). The boys are patiently yet eagerly waiting for you at home, knowing you had another action-packed day, and can't wait to smother you and make sure you safely return home. But come to find out that you are injured at the front door in the arms of your older colleague, and to make matters worse, how and why you were injured. (Y/N *reader* is a bit stubborn here lol)
genre: hybrid au | minor angst | fluff | slight humor
pairing: hybrid bts ot7 × human officer reader (mackenzie valley wolf! namjoon, giant cheetah! jin, snow leopard! yoongi, wolverine! hoseok, kodiak bear! taehyung, maned wolf! jimin, golden jackal! jungkook)
warnings: mentions of injury
word count: 3,988 (kind of got carried away)
masterpost | pt. 1
copyright © 2022 by kumiko. all rights reserved. my works or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without express written permission from me except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
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"Chin, I'm really fine." You try to convince your platonic older brother when he finally stops in front of your apartment complex.
In disbelief, he scoffs. "Y/N, you went into an extraction mission alone, completely outnumbered, and as a result, you were nearly killed."
"Okay, technically I didn't go alone. I had Kono on standby, ready to call backup if anything went sideways." You argued.
He deadpans at you. "Yeah, exactly, stand by. While you went in to save Steve by yourself."
"What were you thinking?!"
You sigh, looking away. "Getting McGarrett back... They were going to torture him further if I haven't broken him out, and it was my fault anyways!"
"You could've called me or Danny- or better yet, all of us to help you! You shouldn't have gone by yourself Y/N, you could've died!"
"They could've killed McGarrett if I haven't got there! And they weren't going to kill me, I had it under control... kind of." You mumbled the last part.
Chin exhales deeply. "You're lucky Kono called us in time and not having been far from your location."
You hesitated, realizing he was correct. You were a bit foolish to go on your now not-so-secret rescue mission into enemy territory without the proper support and guns. But they had to realize that you were growing impatient and that every second and minute that passed without getting any closer to saving Steve meant losing him to you bit by bit, something you couldn't have. You knew they wanted him back as much as you did, but with your worst fears overwhelming you, you made the impulsive choice to get McGarrett, leaving yourself exposed.
"Look, I know you want to protect all of us and do everything you can to help us when we're in trouble, but you need to understand that you can't do it all on your own. Sometimes you simply have to accept that some things aren't meant to be done alone; you need people, a team, and a family, and that's what we're here for. Second, you can't blame yourself for something beyond your control. You can't shield everyone from danger as much as you want because it can and will happen, either way. It will be difficult, but you have to accept it." He explains tenderly, looking at you with gentle eyes.
You trail your eyes up at him. "I know... I'm sorry, Chin..."
"Thank you for being there for me when I needed it."
He softly smiles. "Of course, you know I love you, right?"
"I know, I love you too." You nod returning the smile.
"Ohana mau loa." [Hawaiian Translation: Family forever]
"Ohana mau loa." You whispered as Chin pulled your foreheads together.
You stay together for a few more seconds until Chin separates. "Well, I hope you're ready for when you enter your apartment."
"Why would I need to be prepared?" Your brow furrows.
"Oh, you don't know? You'll see what I mean." He says this with a sly smile as he gets out of the car and walks up to your side.
He swings open your door and puts his arm under your armpits, hoisting you out of the car. "I can walk up to my door, thank you very much."
"Oh really?" He raises his brows. "Okay, fine, try taking another step without me."
He lets you go, and you try to regain your balance while hobbling with your sprained left ankle and clutching your aching side. You take another stride, certain that you can walk on your own, only to stumble and nearly fall, but quickly recover stability by gripping Chin's car.
From behind you, you could feel his smug grin. And when you slowly turn to face him, you scowl at the mocking expression on his face.
"Say it." His obnoxious smirk never faltered.
You continue to glare at him. "I need your help to get to the door..."
His smile widens. "What's the magic word?"
"What are you, five?" You squint at him.
"Actually, thirty-four. Twelve years older than you, so show some respect and say it." He replies.
You snort. "Old man. But a brain of a child."
"Oh, so you want me to leave you here. Fine by me." He takes a step back to the driver's seat.
"No-! Wait!" You briefly grumble under your breath. "Can you please take me up to my door?"
"Now was that so hard?" He then approaches you, throwing your arm across his shoulders.
"Shut up."
Despite Chin's persistence to assist you to your apartment door, you did your best to lessen the weight and carry your own instead.
"You realize that the whole point of me helping you is to relieve you of the burden of doing all of the work yourself. Yet, you keep at it. He calls you out.
You drew your lips into a line. "I know... It's a habit, you know I'm not used to this."
"Yeah, but why don't you try to break that habit, like I said, you have people who care about you for a reason." He reminds you.
You nod. "I'll try."
Fortunately, your apartment building had elevators, so getting you to the third floor wasn't too problematic. Chin leads you two down the balcony, passing several of your neighbors' doors, to your front door.
You and Chin both notice the lights still on from the windows as you reach your apartment entrance. "Why are they still up? It's half past eleven."
Chin chuckles. "You're really asking that?"
You scrunch your brows. "Yes? Is that wrong?"
"Oh, dear Y/N, you have so much to learn, you're so oblivious." He laughs.
You grimace at his taunts. "What are you talking about? No, I'm not. And what are you doing?"
You interrupt Chin as he has his fist raised against the door. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going to knock on the door."
"I have the key."
"You're not going to walk in by yourself, also it's better this way." He says.
"What do you mean 'better this way'? You don't have to bother them, Chin."
"Trust me, Y/N. They'd want to come to the front door for this." His mischievous smile returns.
You narrow your eyes. "I don't like this."
He ignores you and proceeds to noisily bang on your front door, making you cringe. "Did you have to knock that loud? They're hybrids, they have heightened hearing."
"You never know." He sings songs cheekily, causing you to roll your eyes.
And within just two minutes the door opens, revealing a particularly happy bear-hybrid.
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"Hey, what time is it? It's pretty late, isn't Y/N supposed to be home now?" Jimin peeks into the living room where Namjoon, Jungkook, and Taehyung sat on the long couch.
Jimin pouted as all three of the hybrids shrugged in response to their mate's question. He then enters the kitchen, where the three oldest were, Jin and Hoseok busy cleaning dishes, and Yoongi is seated at the island dining table, where all eight plates full of food were becoming colder by the minute, concentrating on his cell phone doing knows what.
"Does anyone realize how late it is now? Y/N isn't home yet." If you were there, you could have heard the pout in Jimin's words.
Upon hearing the maned wolf hybrid's voice, the three oldest turn their heads. "It is kind of late, it's already eleven-thirty."
"And the food is cold." Yoongi says, almost monotonously.
Jimin whines. "I miss her already. She should be home now, what if something happened to her? She did mention she had an important case today."
Hoseok's ears flatten; the wolverine hybrid was terrified of being hurt, or worse, having anyone close to him hurt. Being trapped in the fighting ring for so many years had its toll on him; he was never really a fighter in the first place, but rather a lover, as the saying goes.
"D-don't say that. I-I'm sure Y/N's okay. She was most likely caught up with paperwork at their office." He reassures Jimin, but if he were being truly honest, he mostly just meant to comfort himself more as the idea of it scares him.
"I'm sorry Hobi-hyung, you're probably right, I'm just overreacting." Jimin's face softens.
"Would you guys feel better if we called her?" Jin proposed, and Hoseok and Jimin nodded in agreement.
Jin shifts his gaze to Yoongi, who is still clutching his phone, almost as if he's talking to him telepathically to make the call. But before Yoongi could place his finger on your contact, a loud knock echoed throughout the apartment, alerting all seven hybrids.
Their ears twitch at the sudden sound, and all three of them hurry out of the kitchen to the living room, where Namjoon, Jungkook, and Taehyung were still sitting, albeit with puzzled expressions.
"Is that Y/N at the door? Doesn't she usually have the keys?" Jungkook questions.
"Yeah, she does. Taehyung, could you open the door?" Namjoon responds, and Taehyung rises from the couch and walks up to the front door.
His nose twitches slightly as he picks up your faint scent, confirming that you're behind the door. He then grips the knob, with his boxy smile across his face, swinging the door open.
But the moment he sets his gaze on you, his smile fades almost instantly. It takes him a brief second, but he notices your bruised face and slouched posture against your male colleague. And, although he could detect your scent, he could also sense the overpowering scent of the man who was so so close to you. He tries to suppress the urge to growl in his throat, making a silent decision to scent you later on.
"Hey, Tae." You croaked, flashing a lopsided smile.
"Y/N..." He stutters at your appearance.
"May we come in?" Chin stares between you two.
Taehyung snaps out of his daze and walks aside. "Y-yes, of course."
Chin assists you in entering your apartment, as Taehyung watches you limping against the older man. A joyful voice greets you as soon as you come into view of the last six hybrids in the living room. "Y/N! I was beginning to worry that you—"
The cheerfulness vanished as soon as they laid eyes on you, causing him to frown along with the others; this doesn't go missed by you. "Hey, guys..."
"Y/N, what happened?" Jimin approaches you with worried eyes.
You beam him the smile that they all adore, unknowingly leaving a blooming feeling in all of their hearts. "Nothing wrong, Chimmy, I'm okay."
Chin rolls his eyes at your remark. "And by 'I'm okay,' she means a sprained ankle, fractured ribs, and a minor stab wound in the gut."
You whack Chin's shoulder as their eyes widen at the last words. "They didn't need to know that!"
You return your gaze to your seven roommates. "Ignore him, he's being dramatic."
"Sure I am." He suddenly releases you, causing you to stagger in your stance.
"Well, go on." He smiles, finally realizing what he's doing, which makes you scowl mentally.
You give them a nervous grin as they stare you down, waiting for you to move so they can see how serious your injuries are. You gulped and stood up straight without cupping your painful ribs, you took a tentative step, and as you put your weight down, your legs buckled and almost fell to the floor.
"Y/N!" Namjoon and Jungkook quickly sprang off the couch as they all exclaimed. Jin and Yoongi rushed forward as Jimin and Taehyung followed suit being the closest, extending their hands forward to catch you.
"You're not okay!" Jimin grips your right arm, while Taehyung does the same with the other.
"That's what I've been trying to say. And so did the doctor, you know, the medical professional whose life's work is to treat and diagnose all that is wrong with the human body." Chin snides obviously intended at you.
"Alright, I get it. But believe me when I say I'll be okay; all I need is a good night's sleep and I'll be back at work tomorrow."
"You're insane if you think you'll be able to go back to work like this." Jin scowls.
"But Jinnie..." You nearly whine.
"No, he's right Y/N. You're not going back to work tomorrow; instead, you're staying at home. Taking a week off, as instructed by the doctor." Chin cuts you off.
Your eyes widened. "A week?! But what about work?!"
He chuckles. "As for work, you'll be doing file reorganization. I'll drop over the materials tomorrow morning."
"You're going to make me do paperwork. Are you serious?" You stare at him in disbelief.
"Yes, I am. Steve's words, not mine. Which you will hear an earful from him, I should warn you." He responded.
You groan. "I know, I'm dreading it."
He puts up his hands in surrender. "You asked for it when you infiltrated enemy territory alone and severely outnumbered."
"WHAT?!" You winced at their reaction as they all shrieked out once again. "Chin, seriously, leave."
"Okay, okay I'm leaving. But you're staying at home, L/N, that's an order." Once Chin used your last name, the deal was sealed; there was no more room for debate.
You huff in defeat. "Yes, Lieutenant Kelly."
"Good." He next turns his attention to your seven housemates. "Make certain she doesn't do anything dumb and leaves the house."
Everyone curtly nods. "Don't worry, she's not going anywhere anytime soon."
"I'll take my leave then, see you tomorrow Y/N." As he leaves your apartment, you gave him a wave in return.
When the door closes, silence fills the air as you wait for the seven hybrids to speak. But, to your surprise, Jimin scoops you up and carries you bridal-style, making you squeal. "Jimin!"
"Taehyung prepare a bath for her. Make sure it's warm." Jimin orders the bear hybrid, who nods and walks ahead of the pair of you.
"Jimin, you don't need to carry me, put me down."
You pout. "Jiminnnn—"
"You heard Chin, Y/N- how could you say you're okay when you're seriously injured! You even have a stab wound!" He scolds you.
"Well- he said it's minor!"
"Doesn't make it any better." He scrutinizes you.
"Once you're finished with your bath, you have a lot of explaining to do, Missy." You heard Jin behind you two as Jimin enters your room.
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You carefully exited your warm bath and drained the soap-filled water when you finished your bath. You notice the folded clean clothing on your sink counter and smile at how thoughtful the boys are about your well-being. You leave the bathroom and enter your room, where you are welcomed by Taehyung, who appeared to be waiting for you just outside your bathroom door.
"Taehy-" You squeak once again as Taehyung sweeps you up and carries you bridal-style, just as Jimin had done previously.
"You almost missed dinner." Taehyung says as he carries you out of your room and into the living room.
"If I'm supposed to have dinner, why are we heading to the living room?" You asked.
"So we can watch you and cuddle you." He responds, making you snort and smile.
"Oh, something amusing to you?" He arches his brow.
With a smirk still on your lips, you shook your head. "It's just the way you said, it was a little funny."
"I'm funny to you?"
"No, you're cute when you try to be mad at me." You stifle another chuckle.
He scoffs. "Glad you find it amusing." Well, you were right. Even if he tried, he could never be upset at you. After all, you were his mate, and even if you didn't even know it, his animal part and human counterpart won't allow any negative feelings about you to fester for long.
He eventually places you on the couch, between Jin and Yoongi, while the others gather on the floor, around the coffee and the seven plates of food.
"Now that you're here, you need to tell us what happened. But first, you need to eat; you almost missed dinner since you came home late." Jin demands, holding a plate and a fork.
You nod, and as you reach for a dish on the coffee table, your hand is swatted away, and you turn to look at the person who slapped your hand, Jin. "What?"
"I'm feeding you."
"Jinnie, I think I can feed myself. I'm injured but my arms and hands are still functional." You laugh.
"Your ribs are fractured, and you were stabbed. You should limit movement that can affect those areas." Jin said. "I know you hate feeling dependant, but please allow us to help you, Y/N."
Your eyes were drawn to his puppy-like eyes as he awaited your approval. You pause for a bit before sighing softly and nodding. "Okay, just for you guys."
He grins with his lips, displaying his adorable bread cheeks, which makes everyone else smile. He then picks up several pieces of your food and begins feeding them to you. "Now, explain Missy."
So you proceeded to tell how you received an anonymous message detailing Steve's location with the order to come alone. And, even though you knew it was most likely a trap, you weren't about to disregard what may be a lead to rescuing your boss. But you also weren't stupid, so you let Kono come along but remain hidden and strictly listened to your word. When you finally breached the location, you anticipated being surrounded, but you weren't prepared for the number of men that would face you.
Seriously, a dozen men for a lone girl? Do they really think you're that much of a threat? It was a precarious situation, but you had to admit that it stroked your ego a little to be regarded as so dangerous that you needed so many people against you. And from there, it was obvious how the story unfolded, which led to you being hurt to the point of unconsciousness and returning home late with the help of Chin.
When you finished telling the incident, the room became quiet for what seemed like hours as the seven of them processed the information until a raspy voice pierced the void. "Ya, are you crazy?"
You jerked your head, finding Yoongi staring at you, and you responded with a guilty smile. "Maybe?"
"Who are they anyway?" Asked Namjoon.
You sigh. "I don't know, that's what we've been trying to figure out the entire time but we got nothing. The only reasonable conclusion we have been able to come to so far is that they are the same people we dealt with in the Nakama and Sulgi case, which led us to Korea."
"But it wouldn't make sense for them to come all this way for that." You stated.
"What if they're the same ones that are looking for us?" Jungkook questions.
You shook your head. "No, I highly doubt that. If it were true, they would have come long ago. I don't think those people even know you've left the country."
You then notice the mix of doubtful and concerned expressions on their faces. "Hey- Hey, guys, it's okay. You guys are safe. They're not after you. It's me they want, I was the one who killed a lot of their men, anyway."
"They just want revenge."
"And that's exactly what we're worried about." Jin glanced at you with the same worried doe-eyes as Jimin had when you came in earlier.
"Oh, Jinnie, you don't have to be worried about me—" You attempt to reassure him.
"But that's the thing, we care about you, so much Y/N. We will be worried for you, I mean, just look at you!" Taehyung exasperates. "You can hardly walk, and it's obvious that you were nearly beaten to death!"
"But I wasn't! I'm not dead, I'm still here!" You yelled back, but the minute you realized you raised your voice at them, you felt regretful. You knew they only wanted you to be safe; being a cop and dealing with serious crimes on a regular basis isn't exactly the safest job. There will be occasions when you are confronted with the most gruesome scenes, pushed into life-threatening situations, or forced to make difficult decisions that will affect not only you but everyone else involved.
Despite Jin's protests, you rose from the couch and approached Taehyung. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell."
"I know you were all terrified when you saw me walk through the door. But I promise you that I'm not leaving anytime soon." You tenderly cup his face, staring at him with the most sparkling, purest eyes he's ever seen, making it impossible for him to break away.
You both locked gazes until he drew you into him, and wrapped his arms around you. "You better not. I don't- I mean, we don't know what we would do without you."
You chuckle in his chest. "Don't say that, you guys will still have each other."
"But it will never be the same without you." Hoseok says, making you to release Taehyung from the hug which causes him to whine.
"Y/N, c-can we see?" Jimin sweetly asks, catching your attention, and you nod in reply.
"Come back to the couch, first. I don't want you standing for too long." Jin orders, and you giggle at his attitude. "Yes, Jinnie."
You return to the couch, but before you can sit down, you're dragged by your elbow into the lap of a certain snow leopard hybrid. You yelp, as you land on Yoongi's lap, eliciting a low growl from Jin. "Ya! Be careful with her, she's hurt, for god sake."
"You smell." Yoongi says flatly, making blood rush to your cheeks in embarrassment.
"But I just had a bath." You muttered as Yoongi's cheek rubbed against your head.
"He's not talking about that. It just- you were... How should I put this...?" Taehyung struggles to explain.
"You reek of that man from earlier." Yoongi states, monotonously once again.
"O-oh... Does it make you feel better if you scented me?" You queried bewildered.
"Yes, but seems like Yoongi is already doing it." Jin answers while glaring at the snow leopard, who ignores him. "Is it alright with you?"
"Of course, whatever makes you guys feel better." You confirm, then you suddenly hear purring from behind you.
"Okay, that's enough—sorry, Yoongi goes a little too far at times." Jin apologized, and you shook your head. "No need to apologize; it's perfectly fine with me. You don't have to stop if you don't want to Yoongs."
"I actually like it, and the purring is relaxing." And with that, you've inadvertently caused another major spark in their hearts. Unbeknownst to you, they've mentally decided to scent you as much as possible now that they've been given the green light.
"So, can we..." Jungkook spoke out, drawing your focus away from Yoongi's actions. "O-oh, yeah. Just don't freak out, okay?"
"Well, we can try, but we can't guarantee anything." Jimin replies.
You mumbled an 'okay,' then began lifting the hems of your shirt, revealing your horribly bruised abdomen with a small size gauze pasted your epigastric area. You can see their breath hitch as it comes into full view for them, and you can feel Yoongi's grip on you tighten slightly.
"Jesus, Y/N... This is- this is bad." Namjoon whispers. "Is that where your stab wound is?"
You nod, and their frowns deepen even further. "That's too close to your artery."
"Well, their aiming sucks." You made a joke, but their lack of smiles caused you to pout. "Too soon?"
Jin leans forward. "Can I see it?" Without saying anything, you start to peel away the medical tape, slowly exposing the blood-red slender wound, the one that was far too close to your heart. Upon seeing it, you hear several low growls.
Then Jungkook advances toward you and takes your hands. "We'll find out who did this, Y/N, and they'll be sorry." They hurt you, and they hurt you real bad. If it had been an inch higher, it could have pierced your heart, and then what?  You would have died.
And that thought infuriates them, enrages them even, but they try hard to conceal such emotions in front of you. Nobody ever hurts their mate and gets away with it. It hasn't been a long time, but you've become such an important person in their lives that they aren't going to let you go for a while.
"Thank you, Kook, unfortunately, we won't be catching them anytime soon, but I'll give you first dibs when we do." You give him a cheeky smile.
"From this night on, you will be resting. We'll take care of you for the next seven days." Namjoon asserts. "No ifs and buts, okay?"
You huff and cross your arms like a child, which they find endearing. "Okay."
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ellena-asg · 2 years
Me: So there is that scene in 6x05:
Suspect: The guy you're looking for is Iceman. Steve: Iceman? Like from Top gun? Suspect: What's Top gun? Steve: Did he say "What's Top gun"? I should arrest him just for that!
My McDanno brain:
All Ohana is having fun at some party/celebration. They're sitting, eating, talking... And there are moments when they're listening to the songs cause it's a part of this event - organized by Kamekona and Flippa. You know, it's a kind of "if you want to surprise someone/say something/wish someone all the best - come here and sing it". So from time to time Kame and Flippa come on a stage and say "and now another brave soul...". They don't say a name cause it's a surprise so they just say for whom the song-gift is and they read all the messages (like "This buddy will sing for Annie X. He wrote: Thank you for being in my life"). Then music starts and the brave soul comes on the stage and sings.
After some time Kame and Flippa come and say "Now... the bravest soul. We love that soul. Look, we've got tears in our eyes so... Message, message is: It's your fault that my heart knows what the greatest friendship is. And it's your fault that I know what love is. I fell in love and... It's your fault. P.S. Don't be so excited, it's just a... song". And they add "For Steven McGarrett... but he will know it". And then... DUM. DUM DUM. DUM DUM DUM. Yesss. The very first sounds from Berlin's song. And Steve's heart is on fire. Some people around are like "Oh, a new girlfriend? I think I like her!". Some are like "Err... Catherine? She's back?!". And some are like "Wow, that girl sounds like Danny". And yeah, it IS Danny. Danny comes on that damn stage and starts to sing. And when he sings "Take my breath away..." Steve grins like a kid that just got the best sweets in the world, that won it all, that has everything what he wanted, his dreams came true (and he cries - he can't stop that feeling). And that song. His Top gun. His Danno chose his Top gun. Don't be so excited, Danny said. "Son of a b..." - Steve's heart explodes.
Me (desperately): There is that scene in 6x05...
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slutforsilverfoxes · 11 months
A little McGarrett imagine bc that one scene in ep 8.6 makes me giggle every time…
“So, uh,” Steve starts, reaching around you to snag a grape off of the bunch you’re running under the water, “I had a visitor at work today. Well, a shadow, really.”
You pop a grape into your mouth and busy yourself with chewing, managing to get out a, “Mm?”
“Yeah,” Steve affirms your understated question, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin against your shoulder. His hulking form dwarfs yours and you instantly melt into his chest. “A stress management consultant,” he clarifies further. “Evidently our friends think I’m gonna stress myself to death.”
You level him with a glare before returning your attention to the fruit, shuffling your connected bodies to the cabinets and pulling down a bowl before tossing them in. “Not funny, Steven. They’re right to be worried.”
“I knew you were in on it,” he murmurs into your neck, pressing gentle kisses along your rapidly heating skin.
With a hum, you respond, “I plead the fifth, Commander.” You hold a grape up over your shoulder and feel Steve’s lips draw it from your grip.
“She actually gave me some great info,” he admits after chewing and swallowing your offer. His hands shift to your hips and slip between the fabric of your T-shirt and shorts, his fingers kneading random patterns into your skin.
Distracted by his touch, you let your head fall back against his shoulder and entertain, “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” he replies, his husky voice right by your ear sending an excited thrill down your spine, his lips still firmly attached to your neck. “Did you know that sex is a great stress relief?”
“Steve,” you growl playfully, turning in his arms and pushing on his chest. “I told you I’ve got work to finish tonight! I just came in here ‘cause I was hungry.”
“Oh, me too, baby,” he counters suggestively, one eyebrow raised as he fixes you with a predatory grin.
With one finger pointed in an utterly non-threatening fashion, you retreat towards the stairs and warn, “Don’t you dare, McGarrett.”
“Woah,” Steve feints holding his heart, a look of pain contorting his annoyingly handsome features. “I can feel it getting to me.”
“So stressed,” he fake coughs, taking lumbering steps toward you with a gleam in his eyes. “Can’t- hold on- much-” He catches up to you with one more long stride, tossing you over his shoulder as you squeal in protest.
“You’re a menace, Steven Jack McGarrett,” you howl, giving his backside a firm smack as he runs up the stairs with his precious cargo.
“You’re doing a public service,” your smartass declares, returning the favor with the palm of one of his much larger hands. “This is for the good of Hawaii!”
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cadiebug · 2 years
My top couples that went through a divorce era before they were even together:
1. Buddie - Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz from 9-1-1
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2. McDanno - Danny Williams and Steve McGarrett from Hawaii Five-0
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3. Johnlock - Sherlock Holmes and John Watson from Sherlock
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Lokius - Loki and Mobius from Loki
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Cherik - Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr from The X-Men
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@apollo7 requested Destiel - Dean Winchester and Castiel from Supernatural
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Some of them just had a divorce era and they're out of it but none of them are canon either so... Might add more later if I think of any, and if you think of any feel free to add them.
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hothothotch · 5 months
Okay, so let’s just discuss it for a second: it would be EVERYTHING if there was a crossover between Criminal Minds and Bones and (I’m not aiming for or here, I’m saying both) between Criminal Minds and Hawaii 5-0.
Okay, so first scenario: CM + Bones
Booth and Hotch would be buddies from the Academy. I can see Aaron’s smile when he sees his old friend Seeley in that way he always smiles when he sees someone he likes (remember when Strauss reintroduced him to Dave? That smile);
Derek wouldn’t have met Booth, but they’re just inconsequential, so they’d hit it off immediately;
Booth would inevitably flirt with Emily (if he’s not with Bones yet), because that’s just Booth;
Bones wouldn’t believe in profiling because she believes in facts and profiling is ~ cough ~ guess work. So whenever someone said “he’s not guilty”, she’d look skeptically at this person and ask “based on what?” Then proceed to explain in length why this person could be the killer (she’d be wrong);
Bones and Spencer? God, she’d loathe him. We know Bones hates everyone who’s smart/smarter than her, so she’d 1000% bicker trying to prove herself smarter than Spencer all the time, and he wouldn’t even notice;
Booth would make jokes about Spencer and Bones being similar;
Angela would flirt with Hotch and Derek because that’s Angela. And (if she’s not with Hodgings), she’d end up going out with him on a casual thing;
In the end, Bones would still not believe in profiling, but would’ve inevitably warmed up to the team. The killer would be the obvious choice (as usually happens in Bones) and they’d all go to Sid’s restaurant.
Oh, and Sweets would 100% try to be Spencer’s friend. I just feel it. Lime in the coconut and all.
Second scenario: CM + Hawaii 5-0
Now this would be unhinged.
Hotch and Steve would bicker ALL THE TIME because McGarrett is crazy!!! And unorthodox!!! And Hotch just can’t stand it.
Danny would inevitably side with Hotch because “sometimes I’d like not to be almost killed at work!!!” (Screaming), but he’d secretly hate it.
Steve and Derek? Not a pair. Not a match. Testosterone EVERYWHERE. A lot of men crying.
Kono + JJ + Emily? GIRL POWER! Kono would make a comment about having more girls around and they’d probably go uncover at a mission (FBI doesn’t work like that, but 5-0 does, so it works) and they’d together roll their eyes at Steve and Derek’s bantering.
Chin. Precious Chin. I don’t even know what to say because he’d just be… precious. Welcoming, willing to listen. He’d be the peacemaker on the group and certainly would get along with Garcia because he’s just precious (I’ll repeat it more times if I have to).
Hotch would CERTAINLY pull the card “if you want our help, you’ll have to let us work” at Steve when he does something very Steve-y, and Steve will answer with “we didn’t ask for your help!” And a whole fight would unravel from that.
Danny would flirt with JJ and Emily, because someone has to. And they’d 🙄 him, because they can’t stand this kind of bullshit (but maybe Emily would end up flirting back? Not sure).
Spencer would feel so out of place, because there’s not a genius at this group, and everyone’s bickering and he just wants to solve the case.
BUT if Jerry was already on the team, Spencer would constantly state that conspiracy theories are just that, and they’d bicker about it.
I feel like writing now, so… please, humor me
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delulu-hours · 9 months
Big idiot
Paring: Steve McGarrett x Latina!Reader
Summary: You always knew that Steve was a reckless idiot. One that you couldn't help but adore; however, sometimes you don't know what to do when he tries to hid things from you.
A/N: This take place in season 1 episode 24. There is some mild use of Spanish. It's not much but I hope you guys enjoy it. Much love
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"You, my friend," Danny's voice could be heard as the front door opened. "Are an idiot. " A smile pulled at my lips as I wiped my hands on a kitchen towel.
"This again?" Steve groaned, and I bit back a small laugh. "Danno, how many times have we gone through with this? My methods are efficient."
"Efficient?" Danny exclaimed. "Please, they are crazy. "
"You boys arguing again?" I left the kitchen and saw them standing close to the door. They both looked at me as I smiled at them, amused. "What happened this time?" I titled my head to the side and placed my hands on my hips.
"Y/N," Danny pointed at Steve, "A rational person who will agree with me." Steve ignored Danny's comment as he smiled at me. A twinkle in his blue-green eyes as he took three sizable strides, closing the gap between us.
"Hey there, beautiful." His hands found their way around my waist, and he pulled me close.
"Hola, handsome." I could hear a groan from Danny as I placed a quick kiss on Steve's cheek. "Now, why is Danny calling you crazy this time?"
"He's exaggerating." Steve pulled me to his side as he turned to look at Danny. He tilted his head a bit as he gave him a look. I noticed the frown that settled on Danny's lips.
"Is he now?" I raised an eyebrow as I looked back at Steve. "Danny, why is this man an idiot?" I stepped forward and out of Steve's hold as I looked back at Danny. He looked at me with his light blue eyes before he glanced behind me at the man who reached out for me; his fingers lightly touched my arm. He quickly avoided my gaze as he looked down a bit.
"Angel," Steve called for my attention, and that was how I knew this wasn't good. Whatever his idea was, he didn't want me to know.
"Danny," I wasn't going to budge. Steve wasn't going to tell me. He would brush it off, and Danny was the only one who would tell me out of the two. "I'm not gonna ask again."
"He wants to break into the Governor's mansion." Danny's voice was quiet that I barely missed what he was saying. I stood there as I felt their gaze on me and tried to process my thoughts. Process what Danny just said. I bit the inside of my cheek as everything started to make sense.
Steve had been on the edge ever since he started to receive those envelopes. Envelopes that were filled with the evidence his father had left him. Evidence that linked to his father's death. I took a deep breath before I nodded slightly. "I-" I cleared my throat, trying to figure out what to say. Did I have the right to say anything? Steve and I had only been together for six months. "Danny, would you like some fruit?" I decided to change the topic. "I was in the process of cutting the fruit if you like some." I brushed past Steve as I went back to the kitchen. I picked up the knife and returned to cutting half the watermelon I had left. I could hear their soft voices before Danny awkwardly came into the kitchen. He picked at the fruit before he placed a kiss on the side of my head.
"I'm gonna head out," He glanced behind me, and I kept cutting the watermelon. "I gotta do something." He snatched another piece, and I shook my head.
"Here," I looked through the cabinets and pulled out a Tupperware. "Take some with you." He gave me a small smile as I filled it with the mixture of fruit I had cut. "Yo no lo necesito todo. (I don't need it all)" I had been in the craving mood for some, feeling as if the day would end well.
"Thank you," He pulled me into a hug. "You are the best." I gave him a small smile and handed him the container before going back to cutting the bit of watermelon I had left. I was a little too into my thoughts as Danny's words repeated.
"Hijo de puta, (Son of a bitch)" I hissed as I pulled a finger back in pain. The blood slowly started to form around the cut on my finger as I brought it to my mouth.
"Are you okay?" Steve rushed into the kitchen, and I nodded. He pulled my finger out as he looked at my wound before dragging me to the bathroom. "Sit tight. Let me get the first aid kit." He glanced at the wound again as I sat on the toilet seat. He opened the mirror and pulled out the small first aid kit on the lower shelf. I stayed quiet as he moved to sit on the side of the tub. He grabbed my hand and began to work on it. "This might sting a bit." He mumbled as he opened the saline solution cloth and gently wiped the wound. I winced a bit but allowed him to clean the wound. It was quiet between us as he rubbed in some Neosporin and wrapped a band-aid around it.
"Thank you," I said softly as I watched him gently rub the band-aid. He looked up at me and sighed.
"Talk to me." He hooked his finger under my chin and had me meet his gaze. His thumb touched my lower lip as he held eye contact with me. His eyes searched my face, almost begging me to talk to him. To say something. I took a deep breath before closing my eyes.
"I don't like the idea of you breaking into the Governor's," I said softly. "You're doing something dangerous, Steve." I opened my eyes as I began to think of all the possible outcomes of his doing this. None of it went well.
"I have to do this." He cupped my cheeks, and I leaned into his touch. "Something is not right here, and I must find out." I couldn't help but frown as I placed my hands over his.
"I understand that amor," I bit my lower lip. "I understand that you need answers, pero why did you try to hide it from me?"
"To protect you." He answered back as he placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I didn't want you to worry about me, and I didn't want you to be in danger." He moved and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Eres un idiota. (You're an idiot)" I pulled away from his touch. "You can't keep hiding things from me." I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "If this relationship is going to work, I need you to be honest with me. I understand that there are things you won't always be able to tell me, but I need to know what you can." I held his hands in mine as I looked down at them. "I can handle myself, but what will you do when I chase after you because you didn't tell me what you were doing?" The corner of his lips tugged downwards.
"I'm sorry." He held my hands tightly before he brought them up to his lips. He placed a kiss on the back of my knuckles. "You're right. No more secrets." He promised with another kiss on the back of my hand.
"You do what you have to do," I moved to cup his cheeks. "I will be here waiting for you to come back to me. That's all I ask for is that you return to me no matter where you go or what you do."
"I can do that." He flashed me a smile, which I returned with one of my own. " I will always do everything I can to return to you."
"Good." I moved forward and kissed him. His smile grew against my lips, and he pulled me into his lap. A laugh left his lips as I let out a slight surprised noise. "Steve!" I lightly smacked his shoulder before shaking my head at him. His beautiful ocean-blue eyes gleamed with contentment as the green specks seemed to glow a little more. He held me tightly by my waist as he looked up at me. I moved my arms around his shoulders and ran my fingers through his neck.
"You look beautiful today." His fingers moved up my shirt, touching the slightly exposed skin.
"Don't even think about it, buddy." I patted his shoulder as I pushed myself off his lap. "You're not gonna get that lucky today." He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side as if this was a challenge for him. I shook my head and moved away from his touch, which caused him to stand up. "Steve, I'm serious." I pointed a finger at him and took a step back. He gave me that smile as if he wouldn't take me seriously. "Please," I gave him a slight pout, "I prepared some food so we could enjoy it."
"Only because you asked so nicely." He raised his hand as if he was giving to my demands. I smiled as I held his hand out to him.
"I had a huge craving for something fruity," He took my hand as I pulled him with me to the kitchen. "And I think I might have gone too overboard on the shopping." I could hear the small laugh he let lose from his nose as he took in the fruit I had yet to cut.
"Little?" He raised an eyebrow. I smiled as I bit my lip and plopped a mango into my mouth. I shrugged and held a melon up to his lips. He didn't fight it as he opened his mouth and took the piece. He let out a slight hum as he nodded.
"Good, right?" He reached for another piece. He mumbled as he shoved the other piece in his mouth. "So worth it then." I took a strawberry and bit into it; a small moan left my lips as the sweetness of the strawberry filled my tastebuds. Steve pulled me into a kiss, and I didn't fight him as I moved my arms around his neck. I pushed myself up on my tippy toes and leaned into him. I hummed into the kiss as I felt his tongue touch mine as he deepened the kiss. He pulled back and smiled as I clung to him.
"Definitely worth it." He winked at me. I bit my lip and shook my head as I pushed him away.
"You're a big idiot." I plopped the rest of the strawberry in my mouth.
"Your big idiot." He took another fruit.
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Submission list
organised by @kindalikerackham (THANK YOU)
This is a list of all of the submissions. It will be updated continuously. Italics are still being decided in the polls, crossed out have been decided on “no”, bold have been decided on “yes”
By character name (or ship name if given)
Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi from Persona 5 Royal
Alix from Miraculous Ladybug
Allison and Patti from Kevin Can F**k himself
Anna and Marnie from When Marnie was There
baron draxum and master splinter   rise of the tmnt 2018
Batman and Joker/ Bruce and John Doe from Batman Telltale
Beca and Chloe from Pitch Perfect
Beca from Pitch Perfect
Betty and Veronica from Riverdale
Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiaolong, aka Bumbleby from RWBY
Blitzen and Hearthstone from Magnus Chase
Buck and Eddie from 9-1-1
Chad/Ryan from High School Musical
Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (aka Professor X and Magneto) from anything X-Men
Cory and Naveed from Ackley Bridge
Dani Ramos and Grace from Terminator Dark Fate
Darling Charming and Apple White from Ever After High
Dean Winchester
Drs House & Wilson from House MD
emma woods/emily dyer from identity v
Faberry from glee!(Rachel Berry + Quinn Fabray)
Fuffy, faith and buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Finn and Poe from Star Wars
Firestar and Greystripe from Warriors
foot clan lieutenant and brute  rise of the tmnt 2018 
Ginji Amano & Ban Midou from GetBackers
goro majima and kazuma kiryu -  Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku
Grif and Simmons from Red vs. Blue
Hannibal and will from Hannibal tv show
H.G. Wells and Myka Bering from Warehouse 13
Hikaru Sulu from Star Trek Beyond
hypnopotamus and warren stone  rise of the tmnt 2018  
Ineffable Husbands from Good Omens
Jade and Bella from Rainbow High
Jade and Tori (Victorious)
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99)
Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles from Rizzoli&Isles TV series
Janis from Mean Girls
Jeremy and Michael from Be More Chill
Jess/Jules from Bend It Like Beckham
Johnathan Harker and Dracula from Dracula (Netflix)
Johnathan Harker and Dracula from Dracula (1897)
Juleka and Rose from Miraculous Ladybug
Julian Bashir and Elim Garak from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Jun and Tatsuya from Persona 2
Kaoru Nishimi and Sentarou Kawabuchi from Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon)
kanji/naoto from persona 4
keith and lance from voltron
Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
klavier and apollo from ace attorney
L and Light from Death Note
legolas and gimli from lotr
Legoshi and Louis from Beastars
leo and adam from tatort saarbrücken
lightcannon, Jinx and Lux from league of legends
Loki from The Loki show
Luca & Alberto from Luca
Luigi and Bowser from the Mario movie
marc and nathaniel from miraculous
Masumi Itachi from blue flag
Matsuoka rin and haru from Free!
Max from Miraculous Ladybug
Mel and Naomi from Vermonia
merthur (merlin and Arthur from the BBC show merlin
Milo and Bisco from Sabikui Bisco
Mobius and Loki from the Loki show
nana komatsu/nana osaki from nana
narumitsu - Ace Attorney
Naruto and Sasuke
Newt and Hermann from Pacific Rim
Nina and Lily from the movie Black Swan
Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli from Agent Carter
Quentin and Eliot - The Magicians
Ravenpaw and Barely from warrior cats
Raya & Namaari from Raya and the Last Dragon
rei and nagisa   from Free!
Sam and Max
Sam and Bucky from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Sherlock and John Watson from BBC Sherlock
Sherlock and Moriarty from BBC Sherlock
Shiro and Adam from voltron
shiro and keith from voltron
sophie and agatha from The School of Good and Evil
Spirk (Spock and Kirk) from Star Trek  The Original Series
Spirk (Spock and Kirk) from Star Trek  the reboot movies
Sterek  (Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf)
Steve and Bucky from Captain America
Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams from Hawaii 5-0 (the 2010 version)
stiles stilinski from teen wolf
Supercorp! Lena and Kara from Supergirl!
Superman and Batman from the DCEU
SwanQueen (Regina Mills/Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time)
Sylvie from Loki
Thiel and Boerne from Tatort Münster
Thomas & Newt from the maze runner
troy barnes and abed nadir from community
wednesday and enid from wednesday
Yumihisu (Ymir x Historia Reiss) from Attack on Titan
yu/yosuke from persona 4
Zari and Charlie from Legends of Tomorrow
Zoro and sanji - one piece
By Property:
9-1-1 - Buck and Eddie
ace attorney - klavier and apollo
Ace Attorney - narumitsu
Ackley Bridge - Cory and Naveed  
Agent Carter - Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli
Attack on Titan - Yumihisu (Ymir x Historia Reiss)  
Batman Telltale - Batman and Joker/ Bruce and John Doe
Beastars - Legoshi and Louis
Be More Chill - Jeremy and Michael
Bend It Like Beckham - Jess/Jules
Black Swan - Nina and Lily
blue flag - Masumi Itachi
Brooklyn 99 - Jake Peralta
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Fuffy (faith and buffy)
Captain America - Steve and Bucky
community - troy barnes and abed nadir
DCEU - Superman and Batman
Dracula (1897) - Johnathan Harker and Dracula
Dracula (Netflix) - Johnathan Harker and Dracula
Ever After High - Darling Charming and Apple White  
Free! - Matsuoka rin and haru
Free!-  rei and nagisa 
GetBackers - Ginji Amano & Ban Midou
Glee - Faberry (Rachel Berry + Quinn Fabray)
Good Omens - Ineffable Husbands
Hannibal (tv) - Hannibal and will
Hawaii 5-0 (2010) - Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams
High School Musical - Chad/Ryan 
House MD - Drs House & Wilson
identity v - emma woods/emily dyer
Kevin Can F**k himself - Allison and Patti
Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon) - Kaoru Nishimi and Sentarou Kawabuchi
league of legends - Jinx and Lux
Legends of Tomorrow - Zari and Charlie
Loki show - Mobius and Loki
Loki show - Loki
Loki show - Sylvie
lotr - legolas and gimli
Luca - Luca & Alberto
Magnus Chase  - Blitzen and Hearthstone
Mario Movie - Luigi and Bowser
Mean Girls  - Janis
Merlin (BBC) - merthur (merlin and Arthur)
Miraculous Ladybug - Alix
Miraculous Ladybug - Juleka and Rose
Miraculous ladybug - marc and nathaniel
Miraculous ladybug - Max
nana - nana komatsu/nana osaki from
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint - Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk
Once Upon a Time - SwanQueen (Regina Mills/Emma Swan )
one piece - Zoro and sanji
Pacific Rim - Newt and Hermann
Persona 2 - Jun and Tatsuya
persona 4 - yu/yosuke
persona 4 - kanji/naoto
Persona 5 Royal - Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi
Pitch Perfect - Beca
Pitch Perfect - Beca and Chloe
Quentin and Eliot - the Magicians
Rainbow High - Jade and Bella
Raya and the Last Dragon - Raya & Namaari
Red vs Blue - Grif and Simmons
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - baron draxum and master splinter
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - foot clan lieutenant and brute
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - hypnopotamus and warren stone
Riverdale - Betty and Veronica
Rizzoli&Isles TV series - Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles
RWBY - Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiaolong, aka Bumbleby
Sabikui Bisco - Milo and Bisco
Sam and Max - Sam and Max
Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock and John Watson
Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock and Moriarty
Star Trek AOS - Spirk (Spock and Kirk)
Star Trek Beyond - Hikaru Sulu
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Julian Bashir and Elim Garak
Star Trek TOS - Spirk (Spock and Kirk)
Star Wars - Finn and Poe
Supergirl - Supercorp! Lena and Kara
Supernatural - Dean Winchester
Supernatural - Destiel
Tatort Münster - Thiel and Boerne
tatort saarbrücken - leo and adam
Teen Wolf - Sterek  (Stiles and Derek)
teen wolf - stiles stilinski
Terminator Dark Fate - Dani Ramos and Grace
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier - Sam and Bucky
The Magicians -  Quentin and Eliot
the maze runner - Thomas & Newt
The School of Good and Evil -  sophie and agatha
Vermonia - Mel and Naomi
Victorious - Jade and Tori
Voltron - keith and lance
Voltron - Shiro and Adam
Voltron - shiro and keith
Warehouse 13 - H.G. Wells and Myka Bering
warrior cats -  Ravenpaw and Barely
Warriors - Firestar and Greystripe
wednesday - wednesday and enid
When Marnie Was There - Anna and Marnie
X-Men (any) - Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (aka Professor X and Magneto)
Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku - goro majima and kazuma kiryu
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hawaii5-0gurl · 2 years
Coming for You! Masterlist
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(New Header! I like this one more than the old one!)
This is going to be a mini-series... I think...
Paring: Steve McGarrett X Reader Williams
Characters: Everyone... also various OMC & OFC
Warnings: Past Abusive Relationship, Angst, hidden pregnancy, Violence, Language, Kidnapping, Possible (almost) Harm to a Child, Scared Children, Upset/ Pissed off Steve, Upset/ Pissed off Danny, Asshole Ex
(There is more but once again my stupid brain is not working...)
A/n: This was going to originally be Reader X Danny but as I was writing it, it seemed to me that she would fit more with Steve. Or my brain subconsciously decided that this needed to be a Steve story? Who really knows?... So, I just made her a Williams instead.
Summary: After Danny helps his pregnant sister get away from her abusive ex five years ago, Y/n is finally able to have some peace. She has started over. Loving the life she has created for her and her son, that is, until the unthinkable happens.
(I suck at summaries... I will try to come up with something better later.)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Tagging My Ohana and Steve Taglists: Just to let you know 
Ohana (Everything)
@camillyb @gurkiloni @wanniiieeee @fanfictionaddiction99 @coffeewithoutcaffeine @darkastartarus @daniig95 @veronicapaula @stephv213​ @paintlavillered​ @peaches-1999​ @doloreschanal ​ @jamie2305 ​​ @esposadomd @drakelover78
Steve Taglist
 @rory-cakes @luckyladycreator2 @iamasimpingh0e 
@hails-halstead @healojane @summer-children @multiplecelebritycrushesat16
@breadsquash @where-thesundoesntshine @isoldeahlstrom    @remembered-license  @acesgunner95
I CAN’T TAG YOU GUYS-  @NattyAssasian  @etherealpqrkers​
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