#Sorry for my rambling
bagea · 6 months
you know what’s messed up, in all of those “MS girl” drawings that are popular all of the mobile suits are drawn as the same skinny girl body type WHEN in reality you know a huge chunk of the mobile suits would butch. i wanna see a zaku drawn butch, the rx78 would also be butch. the only exception to this is the woundwart
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galaxywinter · 1 year
The collecter leaving
I was thinking about because I love this character and it kinda made me sad when he decided not to stay, but as I thought about I think the Collecter in that moment was supposed to represent us,
The show has ended and we have to leave the boiling isles and start to learn to grow up, like the collecter
I think that’s why when the whole isles says bye at the end in the story their doing it to the collecter but their also doing it at us.
We, like the collecter will grow and explore the world but we can always come back to boiling isles whenever we want.
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meep-meep-richie · 1 month
I’m just hoping people won’t ruin Buddie for me by slapping on BuckTommy. Cause we still have so many great Buddie moments besides other beautiful storylines. Yes i’m a buddie shipper and a great fan of BuckTommy and i’m just enjoying both. The Buddie and the BuckTommy moments, but making all the BuckTommy moments be about Buddie is starting to annoy me.
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schumi-nadal · 1 year
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Roger Federer & Rafael Nadal - Roland Garros - Semi-Final
First Roland Garros without Roger or Rafa since 1998. ❤️‍🩹
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blackspellbook · 3 months
Within Temptation is not my favorite symphonic metal band, but The Unforgiving is by far my favorite album in this genre. It's the only symphonic metal album I listen to regularly since its release (more than a decade ago!).
I just love everything about it. I love its concept. I love the art cover because it seems so ominous with the color scheme in dark tones of red and green and the many characters in the cover. It tells us that it's not just an album, it's a musical journey in a corrupted world full of complex people and dilemmas.
And musically it's just amazing. I love how every single track in this album explodes in your ears and has an epic tone. But it's not your "typical epic symphonic metal" tone, it is truly epic in every sense. It's an odyssey. The songs are all well crafted soundtracks for a story.
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outerbankspov · 1 year
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Never will forget this. Just wanna kiss him. Want to **** his biceps.
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sunnysillybilly · 4 months
I need to see more poly relationship representation.
In fact I NEED more queer relationships in media in general
Not only poly, but QPR (queer platonic relationships) too.
There's something about how the love you feel towards a person (or a more of one) that even though society or other people don't quite understand, hell, even you and your partner(s) don't. But that. That thing you guys have ... It Just feels right. It makes you and them the most happy people ever, and it doesn't matter if people understand or not, what others people think. it is just that.
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yandere-kokeshi · 11 months
It's official
I'm lesbian and done dating guys. WHY ARE STRAIGHT MEN SO HORNY??
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writeyourdarlings · 5 months
do you guys ever feel like you're always trying to get better at art (and i'm talking about any form of art), but it seems like you haven't improved anything to your works? and you also feel your skill is stagnant or diminishing. it's so hard not to disregard your progress sometimes😣
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dyingstarsatdusk · 2 years
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I finally got to read tcf again and this part almost made me cry. The way it says so much about Cale in a single paragraph. The fact that he didn't let any of his team members get hurt is amazing but that he let himself get hurt again and Again to achieve that is heartbreaking.
And then this part
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He's just putting all his work, everything he had done to bring team 1 back to it's standard after the death of lhs into a single sentence!! It rly just shows how much self worth issues he has without even acknowledging them.
Tho ig it's nice to see that tcf is the same angsty, hilarious, lovable and 'cale, how are you this oblivious' novel. I am also so excited for the new chapters cuz Wuxia! Wuxia! Wuxia!
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ruensroad · 6 months
Just discovered you're the one that wrote Tiger of Hu among other fics ( Across the stars holds a special bit inside my heart ) and like holy shit ??? Your writing is really inspiring ? It's so interesting and the characters grow and interact in such an organic way, how it's so easy and clear to understand them and connect while still maintaining the immersion of them being individuals rather than "only characters" in a story and also the descriptions and the tones you set for each scenario are so delicately and yet solidly set that you can't help but feel as if you're completely surrounded by the story ? Your balance of showing this clear and precise view of everything while never coming across as an over explanation and breaking the immersion is something I can't put in words ? Just as cliche as this sounds if any were to be a book it wouldn't be strange to find it's pages bustling with warmth, living and breathing with how alive you made it
And that's all ! I'm very sorry if this makes you uncomfortable you can ignore it !!! Just all in all a big fan of your projects 10 out of 10 I have already made most of my friends read it at least once
Oh wow, what a sweet message to come here to ahhh ;v;
First of all, I want to say thank you for reading my stories. I'm so glad they bring you joy. That's one of my main goals as a writer, that connection with others. I write what I want because it's fun, but I want to share that joy. I'm glad that joy reached you. I'm glad something so simple made you smile!
Secondly, thank you for the sweet words! I have been writing fanfiction since I was a young teen, which has been more than half my life. A lot of what you mentioned has been things I've had to learn how to do, and I'm glad I can do them well enough for you! Writing is a constant progression, and Tiger of Hu was a labor of love and so much joy to me. Thank you so much for seeing worth in that. I really do appreciate you and everyone else that has taken the time to read. Comments like this are such a great confirmation to us. It's so easy to put out a work into the world and feel like you're only reaching a void. Tiger of Hu found you, and for that I'm so happy that not only did you read it, but you liked it enough to come back to. Just blows my mind, truly. Thank you.
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quil12 · 7 months
So, for some reason, I started to think about ATLA lately, and more specifically, about Zuko and Sokka. Basically, they’re foils of each other meant to highlight how shitty of a father Ozai is and I love it.
Their similarities are honestly so extensive - it’s wild.
-They both have a younger sister who is seen as ‘more special’ than they are (Azula being a firebending prodigy and Katara just being a waterbender to begin with)
-They both have a role of leadership in their respective communities (Zuko being the prince of the Fire Nation and Sokka being the son of the chief)
-As of the start of the show, neither one had seen their respective fathers since they were 13
-They’re both pretty awkward on a social level (Sokka is just very charismatic so it comes off more as endearing, but like ‘let’s go somewhere and do an activity together’ - man is awkward as hell)
-They were both left in the care of an older relative while not in contact with their fathers
-They both lost their mother due to the Fire Nation and the war as a whole
-They both fight using (a) sword(s) (and potentially both trained under Piandao) 
-One of their main motivations in the story is to earn their father’s approval
That last point is the point that’s the most important here. They both desperately want their father to acknowledge them. They want that love and approval. They want them to tell them that they love them and that they’ve done a good job.
The difference there is that Hakoda very clearly loves his children. He just wants the best for Sokka and Katara. They haven’t seen him in so long due to necessity because of the war - not because he doesn’t want to see them. There was also a point in the story wherein he very clearly acknowledges Sokka and his abilities as both a warrior and a strategist - and, he never once doubts him.
I don’t think it’s a very controversial thing to say that Ozai is a bad father - he’s the exact antithesis of Hakoda on that front. He only cares about Azula because of her firebending abilities, but never as a person, and he actively hates Zuko. 
He took the first chance he got to burn and permanently scar his 13 year old son. He then exiled him, sending him on what he thought was an impossible mission, telling him that completing it was the only way he would be allowed home. He very clearly didn’t want him ever coming back. Unlike Hakoda, who was unwillingly separated from his kids, Ozai very willfully sent Zuko away. 
Hakoda takes every chance to build Sokka up and encourage him, whereas Ozai never once does that for Zuko.
Hakoda gives Sokka that approval he so desperately wants while Ozai would never do the same for Zuko and instead hangs it above his head to get him to do what he wants.
I could probably talk more about that, but I think it’s just so cool that they were written like that. You could probably also argue that Hakoda and Ozai are foils of each other in some way then too (there’s probably an argument for Azula and Katara as well - essentially, their families are foils of each other, showing the effect that their parents truly had on them)
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my ramblings concerning steve’s clothes
Alright so, I’m loving all of these headcanons and fics I keep seeing about Steve eventually changing his wardrobe and others where he is actually kind of like, into metal music, and I wanted to elaborate on it. I haven’t been part of the actual stranger things fandom for very long, so I am very sorry if someone else has already been over this:
I saw a gif of Steve in his cute yellow sweater today and my first thought was “he looks so comfy”. Then I tried to think back on every other outfit he has ever worn on the show and was like... he has never worn anything like this before (I think anyways, please correct me if I’m wrong, I tried my best to find photos of all of his outfits). All we’ve ever really seen him in are these tight polos and levi’s jeans or his work uniforms. This adorable sweater and baggy pants are new. Also you don’t often see him without his shirt tucked in. He never looks entirely comfortable, in my eyes anyways.
So that got me thinking even harder, and as we know his parents are rich, so obviously they had some kind of say in what he wore as a child--and I would assume he was expected to continue wearing that kind of clothing as he got older. His parents probably blabbered on about “being decent in public as to not tarnish the family name” and would say things like “never wear t-shirts unless you’re at practice or going to bed”, so Steve has been stuck in these collared shirts and pressed pants since he was little. 
He never seems to care throughout the show when it comes to his clothing, but what if he has always been waiting for a chance to express himself? Like he could never just walk around Hawkins in whatever he wanted, even when his parents weren’t around, because it is a small town and people talk. They would see him wearing something his parents would deem “inappropriate” and spread the information to others and it could somehow get back to his parents, so he couldn’t take the risk. 
Until finally, finally, he’s like “fuck it, we are trying to find someone who is a murderer in the eyes of these stupid townspeople I’m going to wear whatever the hell I want” and goes for this absolutely heart warming outfit that just makes you want to hug him. Then he formally meets Eddie and is so, so jealous of how expressive he is after finally getting up the nerve to not wear what his parents want him to for once in his life.
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schumi-nadal · 3 months
I need new Mabio content, new Mabio fics, new Mabio everything.
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sassylittlecanary · 2 years
Thoughts on Superman, Masculinity, and Virginity
It’s so interesting to me that Superman is canonically a virgin in several iterations of his character (Lois & Clark: TNAS, the Earth One comic series, etc.). In many ways, modern culture maintains entrenched ideas about masculinity and sexual experience being inextricably linked. I mean, how many times have guys talked about “gaining their manhood” when they first had sex?
Superman is such a hypermasculine character in terms of his physicality, specifically his strength and the hypermuscular way he’s often drawn. Yet he’s not portrayed as overtly sexual — he can be romantic with those he loves, but he doesn’t use his power and attractiveness to get laid. In a lot of ways he’s very much a blushing farmboy just trying to figure things out rather than a sexually assured Casanova. And this lack of experience is not shamed or used as a way to humiliate or “emasculate” Clark.
When considering other popular, hypermasculine characters like James Bond, who very much do use their charisma to seduce lots of women (and whose hypermasculinity is very much tied to their womanizer personas), it makes Superman’s lack of sex even more noteworthy. I know some of this is due to pre-Crisis assumptions that he wouldn’t be able to have sex without killing his partner (Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex, anyone?), but that element is way less present post-Crisis. And yes, he also has his “Big Blue Boy Scout” image to uphold, but even Superman comics get dark, gritty, and graphic.
Put simply, I just love the way Superman subverts conventional stereotypes of masculinity, especially since he’s such a popular multimedia character and could easily be a vessel for the opposite.
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ihavehatsinmypants · 10 months
Genuine question. But like has it actually even been said that the vials Wolfwood chugs take away some of his life to heal or was that just an assumption made by the fans???
Cause if it doesn't actually do that I have some very interesting theories about how long Wolfwood can actually live (y'know, if the couch didn't happen). It would certainly explain why he doesn't look that old. Like yes, he was forced to age. BUT he looked to be in his 20s when he was still young and, AND, years later, Wolfwood now actually being in his mid to late 20s, he still looks relatively the same and not say, in his 30s going on 40.
It's almost like he has the same aging issue as the $$60 billion man, who has lived for over a century at this point.
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