#Salvatore moreau x reader
wallflowerimagines · 1 year
Howdy dowdy, Partner. It's me, ya boi, Skinny Penis.
How would the Lords react to a selectively mute S/O? Especially their reaction to them talking to them for the first time.
I have this mental image of Heisenberg's S/O saying something really casually (while they're relaxing or something), and he just whips around to look at them and he just shouts "hoLY FUCK!"
Saw the first line of this ask and then it was followed by a cute prompt????---
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Warnings: swearing, my typical brand of silly
Alcina Dimitrescu
She's so used to your quiet demeanor it's to the point where she COMPLETELY forgot that your silence is a choice.
Alcina quite honestly never expected you to speak to her, and she was mentally planning for the rest of your relationship to be this way -- all of the servants are learning to sign, just in case, and she has pens and paper in every room if you prefer to write as your form of communication.
When you do finally speak up, she's frozen. What.
Oh. You can. You...can speak?
It's one of the times you've ever seen Alcina baffled, because honestly? She has no idea what to do.
However, you can bet she IMMEDIATELY analyses the situation in order to make sure she can get you to keep talking to her. Whatever made this happen needs to be repeated as much as possible -- Now that she knows you can be made comfortable enough to speak, she needs to hear you speak again.
(It might not have been your intention, but you hit her right in the superiority complex. Her partner spoke to HER. JUST her. Exclusively. Alcina is going to be riding this high for decades)
The Lady Dimitrescu is a big believer in positive reinforcement with her loved ones, so you better believe that every time you speak she is extra affectionate, because she does like to hear your voice!💞
Essentially, you have prompted constant affection DO NOT RESIST---
Donna Beneviento
I mentioned this in my other Donna x Mute reader post, but Donna is able to relate to a mute s/o a lot.
She's pretty nonverbal herself, so often you two have moments of quiet peace, where the two of you are doing your own thing together in the same room, taking breaks only to hold hands, cuddle, and kiss each other sweetly.
Truly dreamy💕💕💕
The first time you speak to her though, she's sewing a new outfit for one of her dolls, while you're reading in the setee beside her.
You peak over her shoulder, clear your throat and say: "You're really talented, Donna".
She drops a stitch.
Her face is burning underneath her veil. The first thing you say to her is a complement??? About a skill she is actually proud of??? That's already enough to get her heart stuttering, but you said her name.
It feels like such a small thing, but it sends Donna into a tizzy. Your lips formed the syllables of her name, and she can't get over it. You said a compliment and her name in the same sentence.
She's swooning. Smitten. Overcome.
Expect some flustered giggling and a compliment in return.
Salvatore Moreau
Salvatore has no chill whatsoever.
He literally drops everything and scuttles across the room to stand in front of you, flitting his hands around you in excitement, not quite touching you but close.
He's! So! Excited!
He didn't process what you even said-- you SPOKE TO HIM!!!! Fireworks are going off in his brain, Kool and the Gang are celebrating the good times, life is beautiful and love is in the air....
Moreau is delighted by this development. You feel safe enough around him a monster to vocalize your thoughts. You trust him. He already knew you did, but this is confirmation he didn't even know he wanted. Moreau almost starts crying he's so relieved.
Meanwhile you're repeatedly trying to warn him about the disaster occurring on the stove.
"... Salvatore, honey, the pancakes are burning."
Honey???? HONEY??? Are you TRYING to kill him????
Salvatore staggers on his feet, unintentionally the most dramatic you've ever seen him.
Sighing, you hide a smile behind your palm and give him a little smooch on the cheek before you go rescue your breakfast.
Moreau flatlines. Better give him some mouth to mouth 💗.
Karl Heisenberg
Absolutely shocked the first time you speak.
He's working on a soldat, fully used to the silence as he solders body parts together to make a deadly monster worthy of murdering Mother Miranda.
"You missed a spot--"
Very softly, you speak up again. "At the shoulder. It's not... It's not fully connected."
Heisenberg whips around to just...stare??? At you for a bit?? His face is totally expressionless, but make no mistake his brain is reeling.
What is he supposed to do here? You feel comfortable enough to talk with him--this is a big deal, right? Is he supposed to comfort you? Praise you?
Still, it's not in Heisenberg's nature to make a big deal of things, and he doesn't want to spook you.
Eventually he nods, grunts in acknowledgement, and gets back to work.
Still, your words ring in his ears. Your voice fits you so well? He never really thought about what you sounded like before, but honestly now it's all he can think about.
Much later, when you almost forget about the whole thing, he'll offhandedly say he's proud of you for finally speaking up for yourself.
It's kinda condescending? But you know Heisenberg pretty well, and the fact he refuses to meet your eyes let's you know he's just being his normal, socially stunted self.
Thank him for the "compliment" and you'll get a pleased grin back, as well as a teasing hair ruffle. He's...happy you're comfortable with him.
It just makes your relationship feel even more right. ❤️
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rosestarlightkatarina · 8 months
Y/N in a romantic relationship with Donna, Daniela, Moreau, Mia
Y/N, hugging them and kissing on the cheek: You are the kindest person I’ve ever met. So gentle and sweet.
Their lover, kissing them back: Oh, thank you, my love.
Y/N in a romantic relationship with Alcina, Karl, Miranda, Bela, Cassandra
Y/N, hugging them and kissing on the cheek: You are the kindest person I’ve ever met. So gentle and sweet.
Their lover: Why are you always getting drunk without me!?
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leorawright · 1 year
Please please please consider the four Lords from RE8 with a S/O who loves to sit on their lap and wrap their arms around their neck (they may or may not sneak a smooch or two when they are in such position <3)
Resident evil!
Lords with s/o who likes to sit on their lap
Alcina Dimitrescu
You'd probably need to warn her before sitting down
But she'd happily let you sit on her lap anytime
Especially during family meetings because she'll just hold you while she's arguing with Heisenberg, and you can be her restraint
But she does enjoy the cuddles and the attention
Donna Beneviento
She's a little flustered about it, and please don't do it at a family meeting or in public she'd die of embarrassment
But at her mansion she'd happily let you sit on her lap
She often leans her head on your shoulder and accepts any and all affection you give her
Be warned, Angie will try to crawl onto your lap as well because she wants affection, too
Salvatore Moreau
He might die of embarrassment wether you two are in public or private
It'll take some trust for him to let you sit on his lap, but after a couple of months of being together Sal will be comfortable enough
It'll definitely be when you two are watching movies together
If you kiss him while sitting on his lap his face os burning with a blush but he'd never stop you from giving him kisses
Karl Heisenberg
Sitting on his lap is the best way to distract him from working
If you're feeling lonely and want some love just sit on his lap
He might get all smug about it, but he'll pepper your face with kisses
He's incredibly touch starved so you know he's not making you get up anytime soon
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heisenberg-simp257 · 9 months
I saw the Requests open so, yeahhhhh
The 4 lords (separate) with a crush!reader who's, yes have a crush on
Who's really, really, really, oblivious, like a lot, that they can't even take one small Hint,
And the 4 lords (separate) Finally confessed, The confession took 4 hours to understand the reader.
Thank you for reading!
I think I understand! Hope you enjoy! 💖 Sorry if it's wrong anywhere!
The Four Lords with an Oblivious Crush!Reader
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-When it comes to having a crush on someone, Alcina is usually very patient. She's not one to get giddy or overly excited, but she does feel a sense of pleasantness when around her crush. That being said, it's very hard for said person to realize her fondness because she is very subtle about it.
-Especially when that someone is as oblivious as you are.
-You don't recognize anything as flirtatious, which upsets her because Alcina always believes that her subtle hints were brilliantly thought out, and then you don't even see it. She tends to sulk a bit afterwards, and you have to pry her on why. Which sucks because Alcina gives up on telling you the exact reason.
-Her daughters try to help in any way they can because their mother has ranted about your oblivious behavior to them, but even those three can't get through to you. They won't tell you about Alcina's feelings out of respect, but they sure as hell give hints.
-One day she can't take it anymore and prepares some wine to tell you about how she feels. Knowing Alcina, it was very dramatic and a lot of words were used. But still, to anyone else, it would have been very straightforward. Except for you, who kept thinking she was talking about friendship.
-It only took four grueling hours for you to get what she was talking about.
-You confessed that you never realized what she was trying to get across and apologized profusely for it. She was a bit strained during this whole exchange but was relieved that it was over and you returned her feelings for you. Now you'll recognize all her gestures were coming from love.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-Donna is extremely shy when it comes to having a crush on someone and it all stems back to her insecurities. She never feels like she's good enough for someone to love, but Donna is trying to push herself to express her feelings to that person she likes. But she is very very subtle about it, which doesn't help anyone.
-Especially you, who can never recognize a hint.
-And it's not always your fault because Donna isn't even the best at giving hints. Everything she does would be considered friendly, even by a person who isn't as oblivious as you. She would make you things, fix things for you, and make you all this tea. You interpret it a lot differently than how she's trying to display it as. Every time after, she would go to her room and just stare out the window.
-Angie is way more upfront about the whole situation, but the funny part is that she never brings up Donna's feelings. The doll just gets angry at you for "not getting it", which you don't understand in the slightest. Donna has to come and apologize with a red and flustered face.
-It takes Donna literal months before she realizes that this isn't going to work and she needs to just make the first move, which honestly scares her even more. She just wants to do it fast like ripping off a band-aid. It would be just Donna's luck that she would have to explain herself over and over again because you didn't understand what she was trying to say (due to her mumbling and your obliviousness).
-Four hours later and she's an emotional puddle on the floor.
-You were embarrassed for her and yourself as well for not noticing her advances (which weren't too much to be honest). Now you both were being kind of awkward as you tried to explain your own feelings for her. Each time she does something for you now, you pay extra close attention to it because you want her to know you understand now.
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Salvatore Moreau
-Moreau is a big bundle of love when it comes to having a crush on somebody. Not only that, but he gets a crush quite easily. All it takes is a smile or a laugh before his attention is just on you. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and he's not one to give up when it comes to giving signs. Moreau is oddly patient which is good because it's going to take him a while to get the message across.
-You were a very oblivious person when it came to things like this.
-However, sometimes Moreau doesn't even realize that you didn't understand what his little gestures meant. He's so excited to give you more affection that he didn't know it went over your head. In your eyes, he was just being really nice to you since adjusting to life in this area had been hard. You didn't even realize that his affections go much farther than that.
-Eventually though, Moreau recognizes that his gestures aren't doing anything. He isn't stupid no matter what Heisenberg says. He starts to realize that he's going to have to take another approach. Unlike the other lords, he doesn't get nervous or embarrassed when it comes to things like this.
-It was easy for him to sit with you and explain his growing feelings outright. Moreau was direct and concise, probably adding more words than needed, but he was just that kind of guy. He thought was easily getting the point across and that it was going to end well. Moreau didn't expect you to be as dense as you are, no offense.
-It took him a whopping four hours for you to realize his crush.
-At this point, he was beyond exhausted yet relieved that you finally knew. You felt a little embarrassed that he had to explain all this just for you to understand how he feels. With that in mind, you were a little flustered as well. But you were grateful. Now, things can have a more special meaning.
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Karl Heisenberg
-If Moreau is a ball of love, then Heisenberg is a vacant field of isolation. He's never had a "crush" on anyone or he might just crush himself. To him, love is a weakness that needs to be eradicated. And perhaps that view of thinking stems from the fact that he didn't know or understand any form of real love. But when he gets a crush on you, he's in for a ride.
-Because you are the densest and most oblivious person he knows, and it kills him.
-Heisenberg didn't know how to give hints about how he feels towards you because he's never experienced this before. To be honest, your obliviousness was most likely also due to his inexperience. Still, it gets him frustrated that his little acts of kindness go unnoticed because that's just how Heisenberg is when it comes to things not going his way.
-The more this goes on, the more Heisenberg fears that he will have to speak up about it otherwise it was going to drive him nuts. He can't handle his emotions very well, so sometimes his aggression is directed from his inability to handle how he feels about you. He'll also self-isolate which also gives you the wrong impression. But it's the sit down with him that's kind of scary for you.
-Because of the obliviousness, he has to sit with you face to face in order to get the message across. Not only that, but you have no clue what he's about to discuss with you because you never recognized the signs he was giving. Frankly, it was because he also didn't hand out many signs. Heisenberg was stubborn, stuttering, and overall nervous as he told you how he felt. Which also didn't work in his favor.
-This led to four hours of him having to repeat and explain himself.
-He thought his face was going to melt from how hot it was. Congratulations, you have finally broken Lord Heisenberg's walls and turned him into a puddle of mush. He sincerely hopes you return the feelings for him otherwise he will just combust and probably smush himself under a piece of scrap metal. You were probably just as flushed as he was about the realization, promising to be better about it from now on. Give him a hug and he will explode.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 10 months
Resident Evil Village characters with a chubby fem s/o
Dating Headcanons (+ Some bonus drabbles for a few)
Including Alcina Dimitrescu, Karl Heisenberg, Donna Beneviento, Salvatore Moreau and Mother Miranda
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(Reader is somewhat coquette? Princesscore? Just the dainty feminine type)
Credits to dividers used are on this post.
Rules for requests
If you don't want to send requests through Tumblr, my Instagram is always an option.
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Please interact with this post as much as possible, it helps a lot. Thank you <3
A/n: Hi lovelies, Lia here. I'm back after a long time. I hope you enjoy this post and I'll be setting up my schedule soon, I'll be posting once or twice every 1-2 week/s. If you can't tell, purple has always been my theme. I'll add more to these and edit it if I think of more to add. Any mistakes will be corrected upon checking.
This is just me but I love the concept of like a girl who is so sweet and her style just looks so fem and she's just surrounded by all the creepy things that are resident evil.
I'll be checking and if this post does well I will write more.
Warnings/Disclaimers: English is not my first language so please don't come after me. Blood, gore?, violence, typical resident evil stuff and mentions of insecurity. Slight suggestive content if you squint.
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Alcina Dimitrescu
First of all despite your plush stature, she still treats you like a porcelain doll.
She just adores you so much (I mean she herself is tall and plus size).
Motherly nature and all, she has three daughters and honestly if she ever sees you interact with them. It would just warm her cadou infested heart.
Insecure about stretch marks? She'll kiss that shit away right then and there. She'll even show you hers because let's be honest here stretch marks are beautiful, you just don't like them on yourself.
Anyone insults or talks shit about you? She'll get rid of them, in any way possible depending on what they said. She'll pick a suitable punishment for them, ranges from "you're fired" to "I'm going to skin you alive and tear your heart out".
Alcina is a confident and dominant figure, she isn't swayed by something so small as beauty standards. Especially in herself, therefore I think she'd even help you build your confidence up.
Gifts galore with this woman, she love to spoil you with her riches. Loves to see you adorned with luxurious items that she give you.
Love dressing up with you, seeing you all dolled up for her. Has custom made clothes for you, sometimes opts for an outfit that matches or contrasts yours perfectly.
Knows what compliments your features best since she loves to bring them out.
Her hosting soirees and balls with you as her special guest, having you wear elegant dresses that she bought for you.
I see her as this almost touchy type. She'll love having you curl up on her lap while she gets paperwork done.
Her reaction seeing you in a dress that you wanted to show off to her:
You called Alcina's attention wanting to see her reaction to the new dress you bought, Alcina's eyes lit up at your elegance and charm. She smiled warmly, taking your hand in hers. "You look enchanting, my darling," she purred, proud to have you by her side.
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Karl Heisenberg
Stinky metal dilf here actually loves that you're so soft in contrast to his gruff and abrasive nature.
He hasn't had physical affection in a long time so having someone soft and warm to hold is new to him.
Karl is naturally protective over you, especially because he thinks you're fragile. I mean compared to whatever's in the village, the rest of the lords and Mother Miranda.
I bet you this man has tore down someone for you, he chopped them off limb by limb for insulting you.
I can't get enough of the dynamic you'd have. It's like the grumpy x sunshine trope, this man has a sharp tongue. Especially when you hear him insult Lady Dimitrescu.
This man has a soft spot for you, I'm pretty sure you're the only one who can make him take a bath after being all sweaty from working with machinery all day.
I feel like he has scars all of his body, especially his very toned back.
Doesn't mind you leaving scratches when you're in the bedroom
Alcina sometimes tries to piss him off by commenting at the fact that you are soft and dainty while Karl is just the opposite and offers you an opportunity to be with "Someone refined" (She ain't wrong).
It really is just to get to Karl's nerves.
His reaction seeing you in a dress that you wanted to show off to him:
Karl smirked, trying to play it cool, but you could see the admiration in his eyes. "Not bad, princess," he teased, pulling you into a hug. He whispered softly, "You're somethin' special, ya know?"
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Donna Beneviento
You know Donna understands what it's like being insecure about looks but to her you're just perfect in every single way.
Donna just doesn't give a shit in a good way, she doesn't judge people based on their appearance. It's dumb and shallow.
Donna would absolutely adore making clothes for you or altering your current ones. It's a skill she's proud of and seeing you appreciate it makes her all the more in love with you.
Angie has made a few comments resulting in her getting kicked off into space but once Donna warms her about that and how you don't like it, she'll stop in respect towards you. Which is rare considering how Angie is.
Donna's personal style definitely helps contrast yours, though it's the opposite from your soft light colors.
Thinks you're so pretty, she's smitten. Even though yours are different from you, she still makes use of her skills to fit your clothing tastes.
I can just imagine her staring at you in awe as you spin around and show her how the dress she made fits you. I like to think she has your measurements memorized from head to toe.
She take one look at something and already know how it would fit on you or if she needs to alter.
You once asked her to make a doll that looks like the both of you (and Angie but like a smaller version that fits the doll's arms).
Donna entered your shared bedroom to find you but noticed something on the shelves. It was the dolls she made sitting against the book. She noticed how you positioned them. Holding hand while the tiny Angie replica was on the doll version of her's lap. Donna swore at that moment she was gonna melt.
Her reaction seeing you in a dress that you wanted to show off to her:
Donna's expression softened as she saw you in the vintage lace dress. She held your hand, wordlessly conveying her affection and admiration.
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Salvatore Moreau
God so help him, he was flabbergasted when he first heard about your insecurity. Literally why? Like you are just the most beautiful thing that walked the planet in his eyes.
He just worships the ground you walk on, he isn't as wealthy as the other lords but still, he give you his best efforts by carving you small trinkets out of wood.
Gifts you natural things he finds like crystals and whatnot.
Best of efforts when he comforts you. Sometimes he's too scared to physically touch you because he thinks he'll hurt you.
You're relationship is filled mostly by nature, despite the wasteland that surrounds your living area. It's hauntingly beautiful in it's own way. (Some of it I suppose)
Feels more at ease around you, think about how much he wanted to just make Mother Miranda proud of him, he's that with you but 10x more the effort.
His reaction seeing you in a dress that you wanted to show off to him:
Salvatore couldn't contain his delight at seeing you in the dress. "You're my beautiful water nymph princess!" he exclaimed, spinning you around with excitement.
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Mother Miranda
You peeked her interest when she first saw you, I mean you're her complete opposite. She finds beauty in dark items and almost gothic stuff, so her taking an interest to you just made her even more curious.
She works a lot so gifts and trinkets to remind you of her are an occasional thing. I can just imagine you taming crows and she's just in awe.
Loyalty of crows means they leave you shiny trinkets and sometimes Miranda takes them for herself when she likes whatever they bring.
Again she's one to think you're fragile because of your style, you just look so cute and soft.
Nobody dares insult you, I mean if you really won the heart of Mother Miranda they are fucked if they even speak a little out of line.
Likes to keep you by her side despite working a lot. So you'd often be by her side during her meetings with the four lords and honestly you are such an eye candy.
Her reaction seeing you in a dress that you wanted to show off to her:
Mother Miranda's composure remained regal, but her eyes showed approval. "You look exquisite" she acknowledged, holding your hand with reverence. To her, you were a jewel among mortals, deserving of admiration.
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enbysanavi · 5 months
RE:V lords and Mother Miranda with a ghoul reader
Alcina Dimitrescu
There was always something off about you.
You never seemed to tire after long hours of work at her castle, you never shied away from cleaning duty in the dungeon like the others and most importantly you seemed to never bleed.
As a vampire that was one of the first things she noticed about you but never thought to bring it up.
She noticed your lack of heartbeat and lack of smell that usually came with the maids.
Normally she would just leave it alone because you did your job well and did tasks that nobody else wanted to do.
One night when everything was winding down for the evening, she heard the sound of a window breaking.
Usually she would summon her daughters to deal with the intruder but due to it being a colder winter she opted to do it herself.
When she got down to the kitchen she was surprised to see that the intruder’s chest had caved in and his cheeks were sunken. It was like all the air was sucked out of him and he was left as a husk.
She was even more surprised to see you there with an expression similar to a child who got caught stealing cookies.
You had small almost see through horns poking out from your hair. Your skin had turned to a pale grey and you had claws.
“Well, this is a surprise turn of events but not an unexpected one.”
You two had a long chat about what exactly you were.
You explained that you were an air ghoul and escaped from hell to enjoy life on the mortal side of the earth.
She asked if you were happy with serving her and you said yes. After all you got fed human food, were surrounded by humans and got to be in the presence of other unearthly creatures.
You also said that you sucked the air from the intruder because he scared you when you were trying to get a midnight snack.
She sighs and realised that you may be just as much of a handful as her daughters
Karl Heisenberg
Heisenberg smelled smoke when he entered the factory. It wasn’t an uncommon smell but he smelled it more that usual.
When he found you sitting with some of his creations with your arm on fire and marshmallows dangling above the flame he does a double take.
“What. The. Fuck???”
He is so confused.
From what he knew you were just a normal human and yet you were roasting marshmallows off of a flame that covered your entire arm.
You wave at him before tossing a roasted marshmallow at his head.
He catches it and eats it
He shoes away his creations before sitting on a crate in front of you with a bewildered expression.
He asks for an explanation and you tell him your a fire ghoul but just wanna chill up on earth for a bit.
Bewilderment is replaced with excitement.
You bet he wants to figure out a way to combine his powers and yours for an ultimate power up.
Heisenberg is a man of many talents and one of those talents is causing mayhem against Mother Miranda.
“Just think: flaming metal! It would be great!”
You go along with it because of course! This man wants to cause chaos and what else are you supposed to do up on the surface?
Donna Beneviento
Angie had finally convinced Donna to hire a new gardener.
After the last gardener died she was hesitant to allow anyone else close to her again but the plants were growing too much and she could barely keep up.
You had been on the earth for a few months now and decided that staying close to your element would be the best plan so seeing that add for a gardener was a blessing.
When you first met Donna and Angie you were taken to their uniqueness and enjoyed working for the two.
Angie was seen around you more than Donna but that didn’t mean you couldn’t sense her.
She walked on the very ground that you started to tame and once the earth around her mansion was yours, nobody could sneak up on you.
Donna truely figured out something was different about you when you purposely stepped out of Donna’s way when she was supposed to be invisible to your eyes.
Donna kept a closer eye on you through her dolls. Often gifting you one in return for your hard work.
Through the eyes of her dolls was when she first saw you.
Your green skin and brown ram-like horns that curled around your face. The way that the ground moulded and changed to your will was terrifying and interesting to Donna.
She hesitantly started to show herself to your non-green and horned form whenever you would tend to the garden in front of her house.
The conversations would be pretty one sided but as time went on Donna spoke more and more to you, eventually asking about the green skin and horns.
You confess that you’re not human and in fact an earth ghoul that just wanted to become more in touch with your element.
Donna couldn’t help but feel better that your reasoning was so pure.
She offered for you to stay in your natural form if it was more comfortable for you and reassured you than nobody would see you like that if you didn’t want them to.
You felt comforted by Donna’s presence and openness about your natural appearance and you only hopped she felt the same when she showed you her scar.
Angie loved to sit on your shoulders and hold onto your horns, always saying how she could ride the mighty ram into battle.
Salvatore Moreau
It starts small when he notices that someone else is in his waters.
He and his fish are usually the only thing that swim in the village since the villagers are too scared to.
When he spots blue skin in murky green water he gets excited at the idea of a new friend.
Spotting the blue skinned creature was easier than catching you because you were much smaller than he was.
You didn’t have a tail like he did but you could see much clearly under water and evade his capture.
It wasn’t like he wanted to hurt you, he just wanted to meet you and meet someone else who has an affinity for water.
Slowly but surely he was able to coax you out of your hiding spot and onto the shore. He was curious on how someone that looked human could crept for the blue skin and small silver horns, found it’s way into his territory.
You explained that you wanted to see the ocean but only got this far and that you were at water ghoul.
He excitedly told you that there were other lakes around the village that he could take you to.
When you confessed that you only liked his lake because there weren’t any people except for him and his fish he tried to make the water as enjoyable as possible for you.
Mother Miranda
Since you first came to the village she knew you weren’t human. You looked human and ate human food but there was just a strange aura around you.
You weren’t disturbing any of her plans or experiments so she left you alone for the time being.
When you sat on top of her chapel just to get a better look at the stars, she confronted you.
She landed beside you and asked not so calmly why you were on her chapel.
You explained that you leaned no harm and just wanted to see the stars better. After all the village didn’t have the best views.
You were much more calm than anyone else.
Mother Miranda just sighed and offered to show you better spots to see the stars that weren’t on her roof.
She showed you a few places and even varied you to the top of Lady Dimitrescu’s castle because what could Alcina do? It wasn’t like she was going to say no to Miranda.
It became a little tradition for Miranda to meet you at night and watch the night sky with you.
When you confessed to being not human she said she already knew but didn’t know what you were.
You said you were a quintessence ghoul and simply wanted to see the sky.
She was impressed to see a ghoul out in the real world and asked if you could help her with her experiments.
Since you had a lot of free time in the day you agreed.
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dmc-tings · 2 years
The Lord's helping their s/o recover from an injury
Alcina Dimitrescu
She had left you in care of her daughter's
Or them in your care
She was leaving to meet with the other Lord's and Mother Miranda
Lady D gone, the girls wanted to play a game
Hide and seek!!
They hide and you... well you don't seek
You actually just do whatever, and they end up popping up whenever
You sat on the balcony, reading and enjoying some coffee
The girls had started to play earlier in the day
It was afternoon, when you started to get worried about them
You got up to search rhe castle
Finding your way into the library, you heard their laughter
One at the top of the steps Daniela, shot out in front of you
Letting out a "boo", raising her hands above you (you know like a monster on Halloween)
You yelped and tumbled down both sets of stairs
"Uh oh..." Cassandra said, standing next to her sisters
You landed heavily on your side, blood streaming from your head
The girls rushed to you, finding you knocked unconscious
Things got worse, as Alcina finally came home and saw the trio trying to maneuver you to your room
"What happened?!" She barked, taking you from them
Though not listening for an answer she took you up
You sturred in her arms, "Al...Alcina?"
She shushed you, caressing your cheek
"You have a head wound, Darling. But do not fall asleep."
You tried to nod, but failed, resting your head on her shoulder
Once bandaged up, she asked you what happened
You explained, leaving out the part about the girls scaring you
She nodded and looked at you wound
"You'll stay here with me until your fully healed."
You tried to argue, but she only stood, taking you with her
And tucked you in
For the next few weeks, Alcina took care of all your needs
Food, drink, changing your bandages, keeping you company
She almost gave you a bath, but you protested to the point of almost being drug into the bathroom
She finally conceded and let you bathe alone (sometimes)
"Why are you coddling me, Alcina? I'm an adult! Yo-"
"If something where to happen to you. If I was to lose you, my wrath would know no end."
You shut your face after that
And finally let her take care of you
Your head finally fully healed and Alcina finally backed off
She keeps a better eye in you though
Salvatore Moreau
"Its was an accident, Salvatore."
"You shouldn't have been there, my precious."
You where in the bed, surrounded by blankets
Bruised ribs, is what Donna told you
And you knew you couldn't move
But that don't matter now, your safe
Salvatore kept you there, serving you hand and foot
But you had gotten tired off his constant condescending tones
"Darling, shut it. Your not helping me heal by stressing us BOTH out. Please." You rubbed your head
And he promptly shut his mouth, reaching over with a cool hand, soothing you
Letting out a humm, you enjoyed his hand, gently rubbing your now throbbing head
Smiling, your fish man stood and you let out a whine
"Im going to get you some pain medicine, my dear. Ill be back shortly." He promised, lumbering away
He kept his word, bring you something for your ribs and head
He helped you sit up, and you huffed after taking the medicine
"Im sorry for snapping at you..."
You know he never took your snapping at him as a serious matter, he was always patient with you
Moreau took your hand in his and smiled
"My Precious. You know I don't mind."
You frowned, whincing from the pain and from his gentle tone
"You get it enough from the big bitch and metal bastard.... I shouldn't give you shit..."
He hummed, sensing your pain, both emotional and physical
"Yes... but do rest..."
You settled down for another nap
This continued for a few weeks...
Until you were able to walk on your own
Yet he ordered some of the Vârcolac to keep at your side
Angie and Donna Beneviento
It happened in the damn garden
You told Donna to get rid of the roots from some of the bigger plants
But she insisted it was for the better
And now you were sitting still with ice on your sprained ankle
And your girlfriend buzzing about like a bee
"Im sorry. I didn't think they would get in the way like that..."
You tried to tell her that it was fine but she kept coming into the room and out of the room
Handing you tea and snacks every ten damn minutes
You finally grabbed her and pulled her into your lap
"Donna. My love. Dearest thing. Please. Calm down. I just sprained my ankle. I just need to stay off of it for a while ok?"
Donna finally took a few breaths and relaxed against you
"O-ok. I-"
You patted her head and gently rubbed her back.
"Yeah, yeah. Just be quiet for a bit ok?"
She could really be worrisome, and sometimes you had to remind her to cool it.
She soon fell asleep on you and you followed suit
Karl Heisenberg
"I told you to keep outta my part of the Factory. And look at you now. All wrapped up like a burrito."
You glared at him
It was true, your food was wrapped up like a burrito
But that was because your boyfriend was an idiot
A mechanical genius
But a fat idiot when it came to matters about you.
"Karl. I only stubbed my toe. You're over reacting."
He huffed and placed a tray of food on your lap
And sat next to your foot, giving it a poke
You frowned and kicked him with your bandage boot
Well tried to
In retaliation, he stood up and laid on you with his full weight
Knocking the wind out of you
It was just his way of keeping you still and in his arms
Just an idiots way of dealing with the love of his life
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I have a problem and it's that I can't stop writing these.
Cuddling headcanons about Ethan Winters, Salvatore Moreau, and Karl Heisenberg. 
(Gender neutral).
Warnings: n/a
Masterlists here!
Ethan Winters 
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Oftentimes, Ethan just wants to be held or hold someone he loves and doesn’t realize just how much until it’s happening. 
You start cuddling with this man and he’s frequently blown away by just how much he doesn’t ever want you to stop. It’s hard for him to wipe the soft grin off his face.
Ethan loves when you run your fingers through his hair. He tends to do it to you as well (if he can).  
His favorite way to cuddle is to spoon. 
His preference leans slightly more towards being the one that’s getting held, but really, he'll be happy as long as he gets to be close to you.
The man is a nuzzler. He nuzzles into the crook of your neck, your back, etc. 
He likes to press kisses against the tip of your nose when your guys’ position allows it. 
Salvatore Moreau 
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Due to his mutations, Sal can only lay on his side (with a specific arrangement of pillows and blankets), and there are only a couple of positions where he can comfortably cuddle with you.
Boy does this man love cuddling with you, though! He is so touch-starved.
His go-to is to cling to your upper back, an arm draped over your shoulder, and his legs hooked around your waist.
Also loves when you both lay facing each other and simply clasp your hands together.
Also, when you’re both sitting and you wrap your arms around one of his and rest your head against his shoulder? Maybe with your legs drawn up and one of your knees touching his thigh? Never pull away. Please.
Sal is a bit shy when it comes to initiating, but after a bit of fumbling, he tends to just go for it if you aren’t picking up on what he’s trying to say. 
Be warned, he has cold feet <3
Karl Heisenberg
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Karl is not a cuddler (lie). He is not super touch-starved (a bigger lie). 
He definitely prefers to be the one holding you.
He loves to have you lay on top of him like a weighted blanket. He’ll drape an arm over you and rest his head on his other.
The man is constantly warm. You probably won’t need more than one blanket. 
If Karl falls asleep while cuddling, he doesn’t just fall asleep. He passes the fuck out. Good luck trying to wake him up. Or slip out of his grasp when you want to get a drink or something. 
He frequently rests his legs across your lap. 
He also does that thing where he slings an arm around your shoulders quite a bit.
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It’s my own personal belief/theory that the village does not celebrate Christmas or the typical American holidays and instead have their own built around the lords and Mother Miranda so here’s
Reader introducing the Lords to Christmas
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* all are treated as romantic
Alcina Dimitrescu
Alcina is the only one of the lords (canonically, as far as we know) that isn’t from the village and is most likely from America or somewhere else in Europe so she certainly knows about Christmas it’s not anything new to her. She’s probably even done a Christmas Jazz album from her singing days. But it’s been years since she celebrated it.
So when you bring up the idea of celebrating Christmas with your love, she is surprisingly into the idea. Granted it will be no different from the typical winter festival in the village and castle but what’s a few decorated firs and extra ribbon gonna hurt.
Alcina is a horrifically wonderful gift giver. She pays close attention to you whether you know it or not and always knows the perfect gift for any occasion. She gives big and sentimentally in ways that you yourself didn’t even know you liked something. Plus it’s expensive.
When you teach her daughters about Christmas they are all into the idea. Krampus and Dirty Santa/White Elephant being their favorite Christmas traditions. Plus hot cocoa. They’d kill for it. Just… don’t get your mug mixed with theirs… they add blood as an extra ingredient.
Alcina’s favorite thing is playing Christmas songs remembers on the piano for you with you humming or singing along. She’s still very much musical and loves sharing her hobby with you. A little holiday twist makes it even more special.
Donna Beneviento
Donna is a little apprehensive when you first mention Christmas to her. She doesn’t understand it entirely but she’s willing to learn. And once she figures it out? She becomes a huge Christmas freak.
She loves to create things and is very crafty besides doll work so Donna has her house decked to the nines in pretty garland, lights, cranberry and popcorn strings, paper chains, her dolls even have festive dresses. Angie is a huge fan of the glitter. She loves whenever she can get her hands on it and will sprinkle it throughout the house.
So I hope you like glitter.
Donna is eager for you to teach her everything about Christmas. She thinks it’s such a beautiful holiday and loves all the decorations. Doing up a tree is her favorite part. Especially to do with you. Handmade and special ornaments with your names on them.
Her second activity is baking different dishes with you. Sweet, savory, her favorite recipes, your favorites- everything! Christmas is her new favorite holiday.
Salvatore Moreau
Once again, Sal is a Christmas newbie. He’s apprehensive similar to Donna but rather because he’s so loyal to the village’s holidays that he was raised on rather than it being so unknown.
But! You’ve celebrated all his favorite things with him in the past so he decides to give this Christmas thing a shot.
He may not be into the decorations or the cooking but he loves all the fun songs that you teach to him. The silly ones about this Santa Claus man and the reindeer, especially the red nosed one.
His ultimate favorite is the porcelain light up Christmas village.
Sal starts to collect (and even try his hand at making his own) porcelain houses and people. He’ll ask for your thoughts on it and different ideas on what to do with it.
Karl Heisenberg
Karl does not give you a chance to tell him about Christmas. He asks you before you can bring it up. He’s so desperate to know about things outside of the village, he’s just barely picked up radio stations, read books, and seen a few movies before mentioning Christmas. Not to mention a few of the other big holidays as well. So Karl asks you about them all.
Christmas rolls around and he’s more or less all in. He’s not as ooohed and awed by the decorations or cooking (but he’s happy to step back and let you so that if you want and he’d certainly participate if you asked him to, he’d do anything for you).
However- he is wildly into light displays.
Especially if he can make them himself.
Yeah he’s big into lights on your home (or the factory), full Christmas Vacation Clark Griswold esc, so many lights your power supply is going to be straining…
But he likes the 2D (sometimes 3D) light displays that he can make himself and attach lights to make cool pictures and animations. With you as his creative muse of course. He doesn’t know as much about Christmas so he’s relying on you and your expertise to direct him. And it’s another way to spend time with you while he works.
Mother Miranda
While Mother Miranda is from the village, she’s existed long before the lords and was part of the time when the village still celebrated national holidays. She’s only somewhat familiar with modern traditions due to seeking out further technology and help in her experiments so she’s spent time outside the village.
She’s not exactly thrilled when you bring it up. She cares for you dearly but Christmas? It’s been so long, she barely partakes in the new celebrations the villagers made up for her and her lords, Christmas was Eva’s favorite….
You have your ways and convince her regardless, just at least to take a small break from working so tirelessly. Compromise is a huge thing in a relationship with Miranda, often meeting in the middle between something and nothing at all.
Miranda no longer cares for holiday specific tradition or decorations or food or games- a silently left (simple yet surprisingly heartfelt) gift being left behind on a table for you one morning is more her speed.
Her secret favorite Christmas activity is sharing stories with you that she grew up on- Christmas folk tales that floated around the village every year over a century ago. A history that she’s likely the last to remember. It’s very special to her to get to share it with you.
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wetsoggybeans69 · 1 year
Resdint Evil Headcaons.
What I think the lords would call you.
Salvatore Moreau.
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Karl Heisenberg.
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(I can imagine Karl saying this in a sort of slang way or Southern way.)
●My Love.
(on very special occasions.)
●My Majesty, Queen, or King.
(Also on very special occasions but when it has something to do with Miranda.)
●About anything that he can think of in that second.
(Probably something dumb you do will be what he calls you the most.)
Alcina Dimitrescu.
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●My lady.
(if you identify as a girl or something of that sort.)
(She would say in more of a motherly tone of voice.)
(She would also say this in a motherly tone.)
●My Beloved.
Donna Beneviente.
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●She would mostly call you by your name.
(Donna is the type to remember your name, and she uses your name more often because can't come up with anything cute to call you. She never had the opportunity to display affection that way.
●She likes your name.
(With that said she does love your name, she thinks it's like an angelic name for soul purpose you have it, so in a way, it could be flattering for her to call you by that.)
She would say my y/n.
(I don't have any detail for this I just think it's a cute idea.)
(I think the only nickname she might have for you would be Darling.)
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writers-blogck · 1 year
Mania Masterlist
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥   ♡                                   『   Chapter Index    』 ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥   ♡  ‎ ‎
1.) The Beginning of the End
            ♥  Nothing will ever be the same when an outsider comes into the Village and Mother Miranda begins to hatch a plan. 
           ♡  No Pairing Focus            ♥  Characters: Karl Heisenberg ‎ ‎
2.) A Mother and her Children
            ♥  A meeting with the Four Lords and the Mother is just as terrifying as you would imagine it to be. 
           ♡  No Pairing Focus            ♥  Characters: Mother Miranda, Alcina Dimitrescu, Donna Benviento, Angie Benviento, Salvatore Moreau, and Karl Heisenberg ‎ ‎
3.) The Stranger and the Confidant
            ♥  When you finally get back to the Duke, you find that he isn't alone. 
           ♡  No Pairing Focus            ♥  Characters: The Duke and Ethan Winters ‎ ‎
4.) The Sisters 
            ♥   Your work for Mother Miranda has started and she has decided that it will begin with Castle Dimitrescu. 
           ♡  Slight focus on the sisters            ♥  Characters: Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, and Daniela Dimitrescu ‎ ‎
5.) The Eldest Flower
            ♥   After finishing your bath, you decide to wander the castle for a bit. 
           ♡  Bela Dimitrescu            ♥  Characters: Bela Dimitrescu ‎ ‎
6.) The Blossoming Bud
            ♥   The middle sister decides she wants some alone time with you. But, does she want the best for you?
           ♡ Casandra Dimitrescu            ♥  Characters: Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, and Daniela Dimitrescu ‎  ‎ 
7.) The Sinful Seed
            ♥   You finally get some alone time with the youngest of the Sisters.
           ♡  Daniela Dimitrescu            ♥  Characters: Daniela Dimitrescu ‎  ‎ 
8.) The  Cold Comes In 
            ♥   Sometimes you have to understand that even things you have known all your life can be bad. 
           ♡  Ethan Winters            ♥  Characters: Ethan Winters 
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Resident Evil Master List
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Resident Evil 3 Master List
Jill Valentine
Resident Evil 4 Master List
Leon S. Kennedy
Ada Wong
Albert Wesker
Luis Serra
Resident Evil 8 Master List
Alcina Dimitrescu
Bela Dimitrescu
Cassandra Dimitrsscu
Daniela Dimitrescu
Ethan Winters
Rose Winters
Mia Winters
Karl Heisenberg
Salvatore Moreau
Donna Beneventio
Resident Evil Death Island Master List
Leon S. Kenndy
Claire Redfield
Chris Redfield
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The next day after Y/N was presented by any of Lords as their s/o to Mother Miranda:
Y/N, hesitantly entering the meeting
Mother Miranda: My dear Y/N, it’s so nice to see you here again. Please come in, sweet child.
Y/N, stepping back at her words: What's going on? What’s the matter? Am I going to be sacrificed today?
Mother Miranda: I brought you some treats as always.
Y/N: AS ALWAYS? You’ve tried to kill me more than six times yesterday. Are you bloody kidding me?
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leorawright · 10 months
The re8 lords with a boyfriend who has pyrokenisis please?
Resident evil? Sure! Making it gender neutral tho
Re8 Lords with s/o who has pryokenisis
Alcina Dimitrescu
Very impressed by your power but please don't use it in the house she doesn't want burn marks on the furniture
You bet her daughters are fascinated though
Alcina let's you use one of her old gardens so you can practice and she often watches from one of her windows
She'll always praise your skill and control when you come back inside
Donna Beneviento
Just like Alcina, she's very intrigued but her house is too flammable for you to do it nearby
And she does enjoy her gardens, but she commissions a special area for you to practice
She'll often sit nearby, her eyes fixed on your fire as she watches in awe
Her and Angie always clap for you once you're done
Salvatore Moreau
Very intimidated by fire in general but always intrigued because it's you
His reservoir is very damp but there's several spots that you can practice
He'll normally watch from the water cause he's too scared to get closer but he thinks you look so cool when you do it
Expect to be showered in praises by him for how good you are at controlling fire (and maybe a few compliments about how great you look)
Karl Heisenberg
He's incredibly fascinated and intrigued by your power
"Hear me out babe, flying, flaming, metal!"
He often gets frustrated if his furnaces aren't hot enough to melt down metal, and if you help him, he'll very dramatically thank you
Also he has no shame when it comes to watching you practice your powers
He'll lean his cheek on his hand and watch you with lovestruck eyes and a little smirk
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heisenberg-simp257 · 1 year
Hello! Could you please write headcanons about Four Lords learning that reader has feelings for them? What would they do, how would they feel, etc.
Thank you from now! ☺️
Sure thing! Enjoy!💖
The Four Lords Learning that the Reader Has Feelings For Them
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-She would learn about your feelings through her daughters, who snooped through your diary. Of course, she would scold them and lecture them on privacy because that's the mature thing to do. Afterwards, she would have time to ponder on this information.
-Alcina would feel a sense of pride that she has such an effect on you. But at the same time, she would feel uncertainty. She's been alone and not in a relationship for so long. Should see act on this? Keep it a secret? If anything, she needs a long time to think.
-While she's holding this information to herself, her attitude doesn't really change around you. However, if anything, she is just a bit softer. All of your little actions make sense now, so she can't be annoyed if you avoid eye contact or anything like that.
-She would poke and proud a bit at your personal life in order to try and get you to spill. Alcina is crafty at little games like that, and you normally fall for them. However, this time it's a bit tricky as you seem exceptionally good at avoiding the truth she desperately wants to hear.
-In the end, she eventually tells you the truth. Not only does she want to hear it from you, but you deserve to know that you have been snooped upon and the events that happened afterwards. From here, you can either deny her claim or speak the truth. It all depends on if you think she will return the feelings.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-She would learn through Angie, who happened to eavesdrop on you talking to yourself about your feelings for Donna. The little doll has no sense of morals, so she didn't care about spilling your secret. Donna, on the other hand, wished that it was kept a secret to stop the awkwardness from building up in her chest.
-Donna would feel panic because no one in her lifetime has ever felt this way for her. It's not that she thinks she's unworthy of it (even though it's crossed her mind with her scars), but rather that it was unexpected, and now she has to examine herself to see how she feels about you.
-She is the absolute best at keeping secrets, but she hates it when secrets involve her. Donna is usually quiet, but now she is more quiet than normal. She starts to hide around because it's hard to face you while she's dealing with her own emotions. She also tries to distract herself with things, but it doesn't really work.
-You're the one that starts to get concerned, not even realizing or thinking about what Donna knows. You try to get her talk, to see what's wrong. She knows you only care about her and just want to help, but it's so hard for her to deal with feelings that she's never had to deal with before. She just needs a lot of time.
-Eventually, Angie's had enough and screams out the information because she can't take all the secrecy and so forth. Donna gets all embarrassed as do you, so the silence is loud. It stays that way for a while until one of you is brave enough to speak up, which can maybe lead to the start of something interesting.
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Salvatore Moreau
-He would learn by accidentally hearing you say it to a fellow lord. Honestly, you didn't think his hearing was that good or you never would've have spoken to Donna after Mother Miranda left. Moreau feels intense guilt from this, knowing he should never have found out this information this way, but he couldn't help his curiosity when he heard his name brought up.
-Moreau would feel ecstatic and a huge bundle of excitement. Someone actually likes him! Thinks he's worth something important to them! He's a hopeless romantic, so he doesn't have to think very long about his feelings for you. Moreau knows how he feels, but he doesn't want to scare you away, so he stays quiet.
-He's the worst at keeping secrets, especially when they involve him or you. The man just wants to tell you what he knows, how he feels and how he knows what you feel. But at the same time, maybe you're holding back for a reason. And Moreau doesn't want to pressure you into an uncomfortable situation, even though his heart is telling him otherwise.
-Huge hints start being pulled by him about how he feels about you in hopes that you will get the courage to tell him about your own emotions. His actions, wording, and other small romantic gestures start being displayed to you. If you don't notice, then you're blind. However, your red face would say otherwise.
-Eventually, he just tells you how he feels, pretending to have never heard you speak to Donna. Apparently, that would be a good confidence booster for you because you now hold the power to accept or reject his feelings. But you know how you feel, and now how he feels. You have nothing to deny.
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Karl Heisenberg
-He would find out through sheer intuition. Heisenberg would notice your actions, your reactions to things, and put it all together. Can he be certain that you have feelings? No. But then he decides to pull a card and snoop a little just to confirm his own puzzle. Of course, some wording from you in a secret little journal was right, you did have feelings for him. His intuition was right.
-Heisenberg would feel, well, in denial. There was no way that you could actually feel something for him. He was too much of a monster. But at the same time, he hoped that his stubbornness to deny this would be proven false. If anything, he feels extremely vulnerable because someone has opened their heart to him. Now it's up to him to decide if he will open his heart back, which absolutely terrified him.
-Lucky for him, he's great at acting like he knows nothing. Heisenberg can go about his daily life without acting differently because of the feelings you have for him. He has to admit though, he catches himself getting flustered more often, which he hates and loves at the same time. It just goes to show how vulnerable and soft you've made him feel.
-Soon, he tries to take advantage of the situation. If you really have feelings for him, you will show it like you have been. So, he starts to tease you, get closer to you, and so forth. He knows he's just making himself more vulnerable, feeling more things towards you, but he's actually starting to like it. He likes the warm fuzzy feelings that are starting to appear in his cold-hearted chest. Soon, he won't be able to contain it.
-Eventually, his change of behavior brings your curiosity. However, it's still a race to see who will say something first, you or him. Heisenberg actually has less patience than you, so he brings this whole situation to light, giving you a whole speech how he doesn't care how you feel, but he needs to say how you feel. In reality, he was readying himself for the rejection his mind thought he would have to receive. He was glad his heart told him otherwise.
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jacobfryes-hoe · 1 year
Hello! Since you are taking requests, are you interested in writing Salvatore Moreau x reader? Something fluffy, like reader seeing him without his coat for the first time and saying that she thinks he is beautiful! Thank you!
A/n: of course! I hope you like this xx sorry if you don't :)
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You were on your way to see Moreau and suprise him with some muffins he loves that you'd bought from the local bakery, you made your way through the damp tunnels of the mines towards Moreau's quarters where you could hear the static of his TV and the fumbling of Moreau stressing over something.
You make your way through the door and see Moreau shirtless panicking over a spill he had made and gotten all over his coat and floor - trying to clean and dry it all up. So distracted trying to clean up after himself Moreau didn't notice your presence. You put the muffins down and make your way towards him to help him "it's okay sal, let me help" you say smiling at him, Moreau stares at you startled and starts stuttering "n-no, you need to leave! You c-cant see me like this" he says trying to hide himself.
You grab a blanket and give it to him, which he hurriedly grabs of you to cover himself. You sit down on the bench in front of the TV and gesture for Moreau to come sit with you, he shyly makes his way towards the bench and sits next to you. "Moreau..." You start cuddling up next to him "please don't feel embarrassed, I think you look beautiful without your coat". Moreau looks at you shocked by what you just said "r-really?? But everyone thinks i-im a freak!". You look up at him "well they're wrong, your gorgeous and I'm glad your mine".
Moreau tears up at your kind words and pulls you into an embrace, softly crying "oh thank you y/n! I-im so grateful for you". You pull away to get the muffins, "look! I got your favourite muffins, why don't we eat these and watch your favourite movie?" Moreau practically jumps in excitement, racing to put his favourite movie on and soon returns by your side cuddling up to you and happily scoffing the muffins with a big smile on his face.
You both spend the rest of the evening doting on eachother watching movies and from now on Moreau wears his coat less often when around you and only you.
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