#SHSL reader
m-y-fandoms · 7 months
COMMISSION: SDR2 Boys x Female Reader - Seven Minutes in Heaven
Details: Takes place during the killing game, timeline switched around, creative license taken to imply everyone is alive and has known each other for at least a few weeks and has had time to get to know each other. The threat of the killing game is still looming though. It’s also implied that the reader has a crush on the boy in each section however whether or not the boy is oblivious to that fact or feels the same varies.
Word Count: 5K Words
Warnings: SFW - fluff, probably mild angst, possible SDR2 spoilers
Everyone needed a distraction. It was getting pretty hard for the group’s self-proclaimed leader, Byakuya, to keep their minds off of the threat of a potential killing game, and he wasn’t the most creative when it came to having fun. Unfortunately for him, having fun was probably the only thing that would help a gaggle of anxious, on-edge teens relax right about now. It’d been weeks without incident since that malicious-looking monochrome bear appeared and told them he expected them to kill each other for sport in order to go home, but nobody seemed to feel safe despite that fact. There was no cold hard evidence to prove this wasn’t some long, elaborate prank or social experiment, and two facts made them believe Monokuma’s words, made them believe they were in danger: first of all, they’d seen those “Monobeasts” blast their innocent, adorable self-proclaimed teacher Usami to pieces, and secondly, nobody from their lives back home had even attempted to contact or rescue them. With each day that passed, they trusted each other less, and the bags under their eyes grew darker. Yes, they needed to have fun.
A game was suggested. It was something simple, well-known to most of the group, even if they hadn’t played it since middle school or really at all. It would pass the time, and maybe create some romance or drama. Any feeling was better than impending doom and the fear of death.
Seven Minutes in Heaven: a game where two people go into a small room or cramped closet alone and have seven minutes to do anything they want to each other. Usually, the goal was the get handsy, to kiss or hug, to confess to someone, to make each other nervous, or to engage in casual romantic activities. It was supposed to be steamy and awkward, to put pressure on the two people. They would all randomly pick straws, and the two people who got the shortest straws would have to go in together while everyone else sat outside and timed their seven minutes. Knowing your peers were mere feet away outside the door only added to the tension.
The location was set: a small, cramped closet in the old building next to the hotel. It was dimly lit by an ancient yellow overhead lightbulb hanging on by a thread and had just enough room for two people once the abandoned supplies, tools, and cobwebs were scooted to the edges.
And so, the game began.
Teruteru Hanamura:
   You were standing in the back of the dark closet, having been the first one chosen to play the game. Figures it would be you. Out of 17 students you picked the first short straw, and now waited patiently for whoever you'd be matched up with. It could be a girl, a guy, someone you hung out with often, or a weirdo you actively avoided. It was nerve-wracking knowing that if you embarrassed yourself, 15 people would be listening right outside the door, but on the bright side, at least no one could get away with killing you when classmates waited within earshot. One scream for help and your attacker would be caught, right?
It didn't take long for your partner to make themselves known, as the closet door busted open before you and was closed in a flash, barely giving you time to process what was happening and certainly no time to see who entered.
You were swarmed in an instant. A warm, soft body clung to your own and engulfed you in a flurry of hands. You were being poked and prodded and the excited mutterings and giggles gave away who this was immediately. You knew those salacious squeaks very well.
"Teruteru?" You grappled with him, grasping out in the dark for his hands to settle them.
"Ohoho~ yes, my queen?" The flirtatious chef snickered, fighting off your attempts to calm him. Queen? Given your little secret crush on the Ultimate Cook, you would've blushed if you didn't have the knowledge that he spoke to everyone like this.
"N-now just hold on a second! Wait!" You squealed, ticklish in odd places and your heart racing at your luck. You often spent time with Teruteru as he seemed harmless, and he made you laugh with his antics. You never meant to develop feelings for him, and sometimes you swore it was just infatuation because he gave you attention and could be quite charming, but regardless here you were, feeling this way. "Don't you wanna slow down, take our time a-and make the most of our seven minutes?" You sputtered, trying to appeal to a sense of reasoning you didn't really know Teruteru to have.
"Huh...?" To your surprise, he halted all movement, seemingly confused by your words. You were just as shocked to get through to him at all. Soon the closet was quiet, filled with just the sound of two souls breathing.
"What's wrong?" You gulped.
"Well... I entered fully expecting to be kicked out expeditiously... either that or you would make a break for it, so I figured I would try to rush in and at least get something out of this experience," he spoke candidly. It was true that he was someone used to rejection, to being an object of repulsion. He probably expected you to be like everyone else.
"But, Teru... I mean… you and I hang out all the time. Do I ever treat you like that?" You posed the question, a bit hurt that he thought of you the same way as everyone else after you’d put what you thought was a lot of time and attention into building a friendship with him.
"Hmmm... I suppose not... but this is something different altogether. I - wait a second! Are you saying you want to do this with me?" He sounded astonished, incredulous. His hands trailed down your arms to take your own in a gentle grasp.
You felt your face heat up, your pulse in your throat, like maybe you'd been too frank, too honest. Maybe your little crush was being worn too plainly on your sleeve.
"Umm... I mean, well..." you chuckled nervously. You could almost feel his smirk, the little devilish rosiness creeping up his cheeks.
"Well, well, well, it looks like my little sous-chef has been hiding something from me. All this time, I never would've guessed~ I thought you were just tolerating me," he teased. You squirmed as he ran his hands up your arms then down the sides of your waist. "Looks like I need to give you some private, one-on-one cooking lessons more often~"
Byakuya Twogami
Cramped even further into the already tight closet by his rather robust figure, you stood there looking up at Byakuya, feeling rather small and exposed, vulnerable. He looked down at you with his arms crossed confidently over his chest. This was a condescending look and stance that he often displayed. It made you feel even more inferior this close up.
"Let's be very clear here. I volunteered to go first for one reason and one reason only: as the leader of you braindead group of cretins, it is my duty to keep up morale so you don't all completely lose it. A true leader," he sneers, "leads by example. I'm tired of seeing you lot run around depressed and terrified so here I am, to save the day as usual. If this silly game makes you all stop whining, I’m willing to lower myself to your level for the night." He rolls his eyes, an expression you can only just barely make out in the dim warm lighting.
"Oh... yeah, I know-" you are promptly interrupted as he continues, blonde hair moved casually out of his face and properly back into place.
"This is beneath me and my breeding: this musty, disgusting closet, this silly child's game, this island, but I know you'd all fall apart without me so here I am. I don't intend to participate in any activities beneath me in this closet here today, however. I simply refuse."
"Yeah... I suspected as much," you twiddled your fingers nervously, looking down at the ground, attempting to get the sentence out once more. "I figured you volunteered for those reasons, and not because you saw it was me coming in here first... that would be too good to be true," you spoke shyly, voice breaking. You really admired Byakuya and the immense pride and status that he carried with him. You found him attractive even though he was extremely intimidating.
A shade of pink dusts over his cheeks at the implication behind your words, his eyes widening under his spectacles for just a beat before he took on that nonchalant, confident expression once again. He couldn't let the facade fall, not for anything or anyone.
"Well then," he cleared his throat, a little too awkwardly for someone of his usual poise, "I'll allow you to admire me. It's not like I'm unused to praise and reverence... envy even..." His voice trails off and he holds one large hand out to you as if you were a peasant expected to kiss a king's ring before being allowed an audience.
For a second you didn’t know what to do, heart racing wildly in your chest. You felt like no matter what you did, you'd mess up, earning a scolding from him, an insult perhaps... but why did even the idea of that excite you so much?
Body shaking, you leaned down, took one of his hands in both of yours and kissed his knuckles. He tried to hide any and all instinctual responses but you felt him stiffen up, his knuckles flexing at the touch. The skin there was unexpectedly rough... not the pampered, soft hands of Togami nobility you'd anticipated. You didn't linger on the thought though, too anxious to see his reaction. Pathetically, you kissed him now on his wrist, agonizingly slow. It was more out of embarrassment then trying to be a tease, however, he was getting impatient all the same. He felt himself sweating over a certain emotion for the first time in forever.
"Oh for the love of-" he scoffs, ripping his hand out of your grasp, "You're embarrassing yourself." He spoke curtly. Roughly, he grabbed onto your shoulders firmly with both hands, pulling you into his chest. With a fervor that frightened you, he took control, crushing his lips skillfully onto yours.
Gundham Tanaka
When Gundham Tanaka burst into the closet with zeal and anything other than an expression of displeasure on his face, you immediately knew he was there under false pretenses. He was the last one who would want to rush into this game, to want to have anything to do with it, so the fact that he was clearly entering by choice told you everything you needed to know. This man was clearly confused. You couldn't help but chuckle as he slammed the door closed behind him, leaving you two alone with a little privacy.
"I see I got here not a moment too soon! The imp Hiyoko Saionji let slip that this unassuming closet in fact contains a portal to the Nether and revealed you'd gotten yourself trapped in here with no way to escape! Of course, only I, Gundham Tanaka, can resist the energetic pull of a Netherworld rift! Fear not, foolish mortal, I am here to save you!" You let him rant, shaking your head at the theatrics. You found his outbursts so entertaining, his personality cuter than even his soft hamsters.
"Gundham... I fear you've been tricked," you sigh, taking a step back to give him some space. "This is a game, there is no portal... but unfortunately, it looks like neither of us will be having any fun." You spoke dejectedly, seeing as you truly would've loved indulging in this game with someone as attractive as Gundham. He was dark and mysterious, with a sexy deep voice and amazing hair. He was kind to animals and such a unique character. Truly one of a kind. How could you not fall for him? "I refuse to play now, knowing that you didn't consent to this. I'm sorry they roped you into thi-" Your words were halted as another thought crashed into the previous one impulsively like a train off its rails. "Wait a second... why would you come save me? You came in here... to rescue me from danger?" You smiled, a big, cheeky grin.
"Think nothing of it, fiend. I would've done the same for any mortal here!" He blushed and stuttered, hiding his face in his purple scarf. "Do not look at me like that! I feel accursed by your gaze alone!"
"No... no you wouldn't," you giggle. "You actively avoid us all. You've been a loner since day one." You step closer, emboldened by his response, by the words you were reading from in between the lines.
"You... you're less insufferable than the others. Nothing more, nothing less." He crosses his arms, a violent red covering his normally corpse-toned face. With a gasp, you look down in surprise when you feel the skittering of claws and fur brushing up your arm. One of the Dark Devas, small and swift, clung to your sleeve and made its way up to your shoulder, buying its master time and a distraction. It presses its little lips to the side of your cheek as if to mimic a kiss as best as it could, rubbing its tiny claws into your skin playfully. It looks up at its master with shiny, telling eyes. He knows exactly what it means to convey, a savant of animal behavior. "It seems you've earned the blessing of one of the most powerful beings to walk this plane of reality. Rejoice and feel blessed that he approves, for the opposite reaction is far more common and fatal!" He was back to his performance again it seemed.
"And..." you feel more confident than before, knowing Gunhdam took the opinions of his hamsters extremely seriously, "what about you? Do you approve?" You took his cold, bandaged hand into yours gently, looking for his consent, for him to let his walls down just enough to allow you to do more. You wanted more.
Nekomaru Nidai
This closet was tiny, criminally so when you considered its newest occupant. You found yourself crushed between a dusty wooden wall and the largest, firmest pectorals you'd ever seen. You were sweating profusely, a nervous mess. Most people slowly got to know their crush, observed from afar, had lunch and chit-chat maybe, and here you were, suddenly pressed flush up against the steel-like muscles of the object of your desires.
"Why do you look so... worked up, (Y/N)?" Nekomaru grins genuinely down at you, oblivious of both your crush on him and how uncomfortably you felt about this forced skin-to-skin moment (probably because the man had never felt shame in his life).
"I- I'm not!" You squeal a little too defensively. You try to shuffle past him, closer to the wall, anything. It only serves to chafe, to make him readjust as well until you're even stickier and smushed than before.
"Anyways..." he continues heedlessly, "I don't really get the rules of this game or whatever." He stretches his arms upwards carelessly, easily hitting the ceiling. Your eyes can't help but rake over his flexing arms and lumbering frame.
"Well if you don't understand, then you can leave... I don't wanna make you uncomfortable," you state sympathetically, not wanting to make a fool of yourself in front of your crush.
"Nah, everyone wanted me to play so I'll play!" He beamed. "I'm no killjoy. You just go first, maybe I'll pick it up and understand along the way!" He was so authentic, so sweet, and positive. You wanted to melt under his gaze.
"Are you sure?" You rubbed your forearms restlessly. He nodded enthusiastically. "Well... I've always liked the idea of being carried by a big, strong man... to feel dainty and.... small and... ohh!-" Before you could finish your thought you were swept off of your feet and scooped into a pair of secure, firm arms. You felt safe, impossibly tiny and protected.
"Like this?" He questions, obviously eager to please. Now level with his eyes this high off the ground, face-to-face with him, you were stunned into silence. His strong features, so unbelievably masculine and striking, hypnotized you.
"Yes..." You felt breathless, lost in a trance. You couldn't stop staring at his lips, at his intense eyes. "Just like that..." It's silent for a long while, and he tightens his grip on you almost instinctively. He feels the need to be your shield, to keep you to himself, and finds himself staring right back.
"I think I'm starting to understand... so, it's only fair that it's my turn now?" He speaks plainly, some glimmer of want in his eye.
Nagito Komaeda
You feel like a complete oaf, heart nearly bursting out of your chest. You were an agitated, sweaty mess, staring across the mere feet of space in the tiny closet into the eyes of a boy who had you cornered like a fox with a rabbit. You felt like prey, as his eyes, always mysteriously unreadable to predator-like, combed over you shamelessly. He was always up to something, and everyone knew it.
This had to be planned. Of all people, it had to be Nagito. Someone did this on purpose... they knew you had a huge crush on him and made sure he picked the second short straw. Someone wanted to see you squirm and suffer. Everyone here knew you weren't the type to be bold or romantic enough for this game. This wasn't for your benefit, to gently help you shoot your shot. This was rigged.
"It's like your thoughts are written all over your face, (Y/N)... They might as well be," he teases, backing up until you are cornered, crushed against the wall with only his slender frame to brace you. "I know you like me, (Y/N). There's no denying it." He knows using your name, hearing your name spill from his lips will drive you wild. The little shit. "You're a wreck right now," he chuckles fiendishly, feeding off of your energy and positively basking in it. "Just my luck, to be chosen at random to come in here with you~" He grins devilishly. "Well... drawing straws is child's play for my 'talent.' Oh well! You should probably make the best of it." He shrugs dismissively.
"So... you wanted this? You did this on purpose?" You were trying to glean the meaning behind his words, his true intentions, anything to make this situation less vexing. You tried to read his pale, beautiful features, begged him with glistening doe eyes to give you space or mercy. At the same time, you wanted him closer, to feel his touch. It was unbearable.
"Why are you fighting your feelings?" He spoke so casually, as if asking what time it was. How did he seem to know everything, all the time? "Are you embarrassed to like someone like me, for the others to find out?" He snorts, exhaling dangerously close to your face. He places one hand on the wall behind you, the other on your waist. "I can understand why. I would be embarrassed as well. I'm a nobody here. Everyone thinks I'm a weirdo and my talent is useless. However, seeing you flustered, riled up for someone like me... it fills me with a sense of hope."
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
"Get off of me! I'll fuckin' kill you!" You are startled into the back corner of the closet as the second participant of the game stumbles clumsily in. Obviously having his small frame pushed forward none too gently, he's pissed off (not that this was a rare occurrence for him) and determined to give your classmates a piece of his mind. He screams threats of violence at the giggling teens who pushed him one last time before the door is slammed in his face. "I already said I'd play, you dipshits! You didn't need to fuckin’ shove! Next time you put your hands on me I'll cut them off!" He huffs, face red as a tomato.
"Um..." You're at a loss of what to say, and how to begin. It's not starting off well. He was in a foul mood, and it seemed you'd never get to indulge in the fun of this game with him. Upon hearing your voice, he is brought back into the moment and finally turns to face you.
"Oh great, it's you," he scoffs, determined to make someone, anyone hurt the way he was hurting. If he had to feel embarrassed and have his night ruined, so did you. A shiver of sadness ran down your spine. It was like a surge of palpable hurt. Why would he say that? Why did he feel the need to hurt you? You felt nothing but admiration and attraction toward him. You'd never judged him or pitied him for his height and baby face, never annoyed him on purpose or brought up the topics that others used to rile him up. In fact, you enjoyed your conversations with him and found him exceedingly handsome. It made it hurt twice as much, that he would so casually insult you. When he sees that flash of insecurity, of pain across your face, he instantly regrets his words. He blanches, mouth dropping open for just a second before he begins to backtrack in remorse. "Hey... don't look at me like that." He forces an airy snort. "I guess you're not so bad... I mean, you're way more normal than the rest of these weirdos we're stuck with." We? "Actually, after that story you told me in the market that one day about your dad, I'm starting to think we aren't so different..." He crossed his arms, looking up at the ceiling. You perked up at that.
"You remember that? I didn't even think you were listening..." Your heart beats, and flutters with hope.
"Of course, I was listening. I'm not deaf, am I?” He rolls his eyes. “And like I said, you're not like these freaks. I don't mind spending time around you..." He sounded like he was fighting his own words, pouting. When he sees you start to grin sheepishly, he frowns. "Don't go getting a big head now just because I tolerate you!" He points at you in a warning way.
"Sorry! I'm sorry..." You cover your smile with your hands as you are unable to relax the muscles of your mouth.
"So what, are we supposed to make out now or whatever? Is that how I win?" He speaks as if this were some competition, yet another thing in his life where he must excel or be looked down upon, or bring shame to his family name. "I'm not letting any of these losers upstage me at a stupid child's game!" He huffs.
"Well, you don't have to do anything really..." You shrink into yourself, feeling silly and really exposed all of a sudden now that the actual game was supposed to begin.
"Nah, nobody is gonna call me a pussy," he snarls, marching two steps toward you with purpose until you have nowhere to go. You gasped in surprise as you were pulled into a fiery, forceful kiss that set your skin alight and left you dazed.
Kazuichi Souda
"Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!" The magenta-haired boy across from you was riled up, revving like an engine. He was practically drooling, shaking with anticipation and excitement in the low lighting of the dimly lit closet.
"Kazuichi, may I ask why you're so hyped up?" You couldn't help but giggle at the display before you. He licked his lips and sharpened teeth, restless and full of vigor like a male bird doing a mating dance to attract a female. He was so adorable when he was in good spirits like this, so hyper and oozing energy like the engines he tinkered with.
"Huh, what do you mean?" He smirks mischievously, but there is a hint of genuine, innocent confusion in his tone.
"Well, I'm only wondering why you're so excited. It's just a silly game, and it's just me," you scoffed playfully. You'd had a crush on the skillful and eccentric mechanic for a while now, but you'd never dreamed he would be this excited to show his feelings for you in return. Maybe he would be satisfied with any female classmate showing up in that closet that night, especially someone as regal as Sonia or perhaps someone who played hard to get like Peko, but you weren't used to boys giving you this type of attention and wanted to bask in it.
"Whaaa?" He sounded incredulous. "Just you? You're super hot, why wouldn't I be pumped? It's not every day I get to spend time alone with a hot chick, and you're super chill! I've always liked you! I think you're a ton of fun. Such a unique talent, too." He sticks his tongue out teasingly, almost daring you to play with him.
"Are you serious?" You can hardly believe his words. "Well... I really like you, too, Kazuichi... I think you're... 'hot' as well." You chuckle, cheeks warming up. His bravado fizzles a bit at that. He was certainly not used to that reaction to his advances. He suddenly feels quite sheepish, overly flattered, and it makes him want you even more than before. Your words are not the kind he hears often.
He was a flustered mess.
"C-can I... would you mind if I kissed you?" He stuttered, sweat beading on his forehead. You eagerly, enthusiastically nodded, wanting that and much more from him.
He endearingly, awkwardly pulls you in by your waist, slotting himself in so your bodies meld together comfortably. When his jittery lips press against yours they are a bit chapped, as were most body parts on a blue-collar tradesman. It was expected, but not unpleasant. It was what made him, him. He parted his lips and you mirrored him, deepening the kiss. You let your hand wander, playing with his hair until his beanie slipped off and onto the floor.
Hajime Hinata
Hinata was closed off, arms crossed, expression uninterested, dull, and neutral. It was no surprise to you. Hajime could certainly come off as the "Tsundere" type you'd read about in manga comics and see on TV shows. He never struck you as romantically inclined, more interested in practical things like trying to get off this island, or platonic conversations. He seemed to love making friends and all of your classmates liked and trusted him. He was the true neutral, often a moderator. People seemed to open up to him, but not romantically. He could be quite sarcastic or cynical at times but was reliable and kind. That's what you found alluring about him. He was handsome, with a wide chest and broad shoulders, a good height, and an attractive voice, but in a less shallow vein, he was also an ear to listen, an intelligent mind, and an excellent friend.
"They pressured me into playing. I assume they did for you, too. We don't have to do anything..." He shrugs and grumbles. His eyes seem to quickly dart between you and the wall. His Adam's apple bobbles once, twice. Little gestures betray his heart and mind. Maybe he wasn't as cool and collected as he seemed.
"What if we want to...?" You counter, unable to look him in the eyes for fear of rejection.
"...Well, do you?" He retorts, just as sharp-witted as always. He was terribly good at deduction, reasoning, and reading between the lines.
"I don't know... I played this game in middle school once but I guess since we are older, we know more... we do more? I don't know the exact rules."
"I don't think there are any rules." He takes a step closer to you, a glint of curiosity and interest in his eyes. "...Do more? How much are we talking?" You see something like intrigue arise in him, more awake than before. It seems like he wants to play... that he wants to play with you, but Hinata was not promiscuous, he was not one to chase skirts or flirt casually like Kazuichi and Teruteru. He wasn't one to engage in anything sensual or even mildly suggestive with a girl unless he truly had feelings in the first place. You started to wonder if maybe, after weeks of spending time exploring the island with him, getting to know him, your crush was mutual... "Well... we don't have much time." He looks you up and down, not so innocently. He bites the corner of his lip, thinking of what to do with such little time. He was effortlessly seducing you and he didn't even know it. He lowers down to the ground, sitting with his knees bent up.\
"Hajime?" You nearly whisper, puzzled by his actions.
"Sit." He doesn't need to ask twice. You sit beside him on the dusty floor of the cramped closet. You inhale sharply in surprise when his arms, much stronger than they appear, encircle your waist and pull you effortlessly onto his lap until you straddle him. Your face is inches from his, your warm thighs hugging his hips. "Is this fine to start?" He speaks in a new octave, lower than you've ever heard from him. A shiver runs down your spine.
"Of course..." Your eyelids feel begin to feel heavy, your head dizzy. Was this really happening?
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bubblyqueer000 · 2 years
2gami × short skinny small reader who draws alot
Byakuya Twogami x Small!GN!Artist!Reader
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Huge x tiny has gotta be one of my favorite dynamics!! Recently I watched Ore Monogatari and it was so wholesome!! It's honestly one of the best romance anime I've ever seen and if you haven't seen it plllllls do!!
btw I checked the requester's profile and it was their birthday recently!!!! :O
Happy belated birthday @febickxss!! Okie doke enjoy :D
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♡ Twogami loves drawing with you!! He’s not quite as good as you are but you can tell that he does his best.
♡ His favorite thing to do together is sitting with your sketch pads/drawing tablets/etc. facing away from eachother and then drawing eachother! So cute!
♡ When you draw him he gets really happy!!
♡ He’d put it on his wall and always bring it up when other people came into his room, like ‘Yeah my S/O drew that ( ͡❛ ‿‿ ͡❛)’
♡ Lmao off topic but why is that emoticon literally Twogami??? To me imposter is just one of those fat ass cats that are like ‘mao give me food pls ( ͡❛ ‿‿ ͡❛)’ IN A GOOD WAY I MEAN!! I love fat ass cats and I love imposter C:
♡ Looks over your shoulder while you draw if you don’t mind it
♡ Sometimes he lets you sit in his lap and draw! His tummy makes the best pillow!! Homie is a human bean bag lmfao. And when you lay sit there drawing he’ll watch you while massaging your shoulders or running his fingers through your hair. 
♡ It makes it even easier to use him as a pillow because you’re so tiny!!
♡ Twogami looooves your size in comparison to his. He’s pretty protective over you and since you’re so tiny he seems to think that you constantly need protection so he always stands near you. 
♡ He loves your little hands most of all because they’re so little in his!! EEEEEEEE!!!! Soz hehe
♡ Sometimes he goes through your sketchbooks without asking like a nosey mother!! Every artist's worst nightmare!! He doesn’t get why you would care since he would never judge you but if it really bothers you he’d cut it out.
♡ One night you fell asleep in front of your desk while drawing. Twogami walks in. 
♡ “Y/N?” He called in a whisper, taking note of the dark room and figuring that you may be in bed. He turned the corner and saw you asleep at your desk, a tiny lamp creating a small source of light which cascaded down your slumbering form which was keeled over your sketchbook. The large man smiles, taking care to make little noise as he stepped across your room towards you, and gently lifted you, bridal style. He laid you down on the edge of the bed, gently taking off your shoes, before laying you down, tucking you in, and getting in bed next to you. 
♡ “Goodnight, my dear.” He said, giving your forehead a small kiss and falling into a deep slumber with you. 
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thesongmachine · 2 months
requested by @m00nlight-mexican
the final part... sigh I LOVE THIS IDEA SM GROWLS
Korekiyo Shinguji x Shsl Actor! Reader
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he loves the fact that you act so much
he really does encourage you to keep doing it <333
when you first met you both started talking for whatever reason
and you had brought up your ultimate
and he thought it was so cool
I kinda think he's the type of guy who enjoys old films and stuff
but he LOVES to watch yours
he's actually obsessed
I feel like at first he was like 'wait isn't that that one actor??? no I'm just crazy...'
but suprise suprise you were!!!
he's kinda like your personal bodygaurd
he's got that intimidating look so ppl will leave you alone
sometimes when you say out of pocket things he's kinda like your voice of reason
like 'sorry they didn't mean to say that!!'
he tries to work on your filter and making sure you don't say crazy shit
but it doesn't rlly work-
it's okay thought because he still loves you!!!
and that's all that matters 🗣🗣
you guys also like to sit beside eachother during breakfast and stuff
anytime there is like a body discovery you have to RUSH and find him
gotta make sure your man won't die
BUT something worse than that happens 😣
he was the blackend
when you had found out you had TRIED to blame it on yourself
and because your the ultimate actor you convinced everyone
but he didn't wanna let that happen-
so he had confessed and then the whole sister thing happened
and you were just all sorts of fucked up after that
when you escape and live you keep in contact with everyone
you also dedicate every film to him because you know he would have loved it regardless
and that kinda makes you sad- BUT THATS NOT THE POINT
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lusticial · 2 years
makoto and nagito with a shsl hope reader!
warning: gn reader, not proofread.
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shsl hope??! wow u guys are fr made for eachother
when you guys meet for the first time, it starts off as a normal friendship. once you guys slowly get closer, makoto slowly realizes how much he rlly does like you.
(if you liked him since the beginning) you rely on hope that he likes you back and asks you out.
after a while, he asks you out!! proof that hope overcomes any despair
lol fr tho u guys are the best couple ever!
he looks up to you and loves you to death. srsly, he would do anything for u.
bonus points if you're taller than him
he admires you're hope, it takes a lot of balls to have hope in every single situation.
you guys are perfect for eachother, hope is definitely what makoto needs. though, what he needs more is you.
(im sorry i didn't write a lot, idk a lot about makoto)
he already looked through the hopes peak academy enteries before he even got there, so he was aware of your talent since day one.
when he meets you for the first time, he's in awe.
follows you around like a lost puppy.
he also believes everything you say is automatically correct.
when he develops a crush on you, he asks you out immediately.
he hoped you would accept, and that's all that matters. hope!
of course, you said yes.
ever since then, he has not let go of you.
he admires you so much.
he believes you have the greatest talent ever.
you guys are the perfect couple, and he is all that you could ask for.
A/N: holy shit i'm SO SORRY these are so short. i'm busy with school and irl stuff. i might start posting less. i'm very sorry
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itsbenedict · 2 months
Bullet Proof: Postmortem
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Waaaay back in the day, when I was 19 and I'd just discovered Dangan Ronpa (back when we put the space in the title, because all we had was the Orenronen LP and we called Ultimates "Super High-School Levels"), I decided to do my own. That was the heyday of forum adventures on the MSPA Forums, and there were no standards. I didn't know how to draw, but I decided to learn. I wanted to make a thing!
I got a good ways into it, honestly! It went through a few format changes, skipping over a couple cases in the middle in an abridged format on Tumblr, but I'd finally found my groove for the fourth case, playable from the perspective of the murderer. It was going well!
Then the MSPA Forums got hacked and the admins didn't keep any backups and everything was lost.
So that sucked! And once it became clear they were never going to recover the forums due to a mix of security incompetence and not giving a shit, I didn't really have a choice but to try and reboot it. I'd lost all the text, apart from a few garbled pages from a corrupted archive snapshot.
But... I've got way too much else I want to do at this point, and it's not looking too likely I'm going to have the time to come back to it. So if you want to know everything about what happened and where it was going...
You've clicked the readmore. So you do want to know all that. Here goes! Activate theme music.
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You remember how it opened, right? It was a forum adventure, and at the time, I asked the readers to select an SHSL talent and gender as the protagonist entered the American branch of Hope's Peak Academy.
That was diegetic. "Alice Bayko" was an SHSL Impostor, or- I actually kinda waffled on having her not technically be SHSL anything, as she infiltrated the school with a false identity. She has, however, forgotten this, and her original identity and mission, leaving her with nothing but the mask. I believe there was a scene planned, or maybe a scene that did happen, I forget- where Alice would be called upon to demonstrate some sort of stage magic trick... and completely not know how to do any of that.
But what was she up to?
Well, that's a good question, with a complicated answer. Let's start pulling back the layers, here.
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Seventeen students, and of the seventeen... somewhere between six and nine of them could be considered secret masterminds. Hilariously, I seem to have ordered this old banner issue in order of who's the most technically the ultimate mastermind, which was very cheeky of me. Would've been fun if someone ever caught that.
Let's start with...
Mastermind Level 1: Disguise
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This creepy kid, SHSL Prodigy Billy Bookerton, was supposed to be the original secret mastermind in charge of the school. As came up in the adventure proper, this iteration of Hope's Peak was intended to be a safehouse from the ongoing despair apocalypse pictured in the Danganronpa canon. The son of the headmaster, he would control their Monokuma puppet and be in charge of faking to the outside world that this Monokuma-themed airship was in fact a murder-happy despair cult (like everywhere else on Earth somehow.)
This was not supposed to be a secret to the student body. And this 27-year-old man was not supposed to wake up in the body of a malnourished child and pose as a student. After events occurred, he found himself like this, with a note in his own handwriting instructing him to lay low and play this role.
What events occurred?
Mastermind Level 2: Blackmail
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Also explained in the adventure proper, since these two were culprit and victim of the playable case 4: Gwendolyn and Ursula Schultheiss, SHSL Sysadmin and SHSL Retro Gamer nothing at all. Gwen was admitted to Hope's Peak on the basis of an actual talent, and pretty quickly gained control of their computer systems, sneaking Ursula in under the guise of Sakura Aran, and learning about the plan to escape Ultimate Despair by disguising the school and taking to the sky.
She thought that plan was really stupid.
Specifically, she thought Ultimate Despair was a flash in the pan, and it was ridiculous to think that some student riots all the way in Japan posed some sort of apocalyptic threat. (In her defense, this is a reasonable thing to think! It is ridiculous! Danganronpa's worldbuilding is fucking nonsense! But unfortunately for her, we're rolling with it.)
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So she and Ursula hatched a plan to get rich. Hope's Peak is full of the progeny of the super-rich, like the Bright conglomerate. Obviously people like this would have loads of incriminating secrets, with which they could be blackmailed, and by which they would deserve to be blackmailed because screw those nepo babies. The plan was to run a Deception Game, not a Killing Game- they'd steal Billy's remote-control scary apocalypse terrorist, and pit everyone against each other in a contest to uncover each other's darkest secrets.
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Once they had the dirt, they'd pretend to lose control and land the ship somewhere safe and sound, and Hope's Peak could deal with the scandal of the Monokuma hijacking and the consequences of their bonkers overreaction to some airhead fashionista's trendy protest.
If you recall, their plan went like this:
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Each of them assumed that the other had somehow betrayed them and hijacked the school's systems on their own- Ursula retained control of the damaged Monokuma puppet, and Gwen retreated to her secret closet base to try and wrest control of the systems back from whatever super-hacker Ursula found to compromise her control. It took Gwen a few chapters (and accidentally murdering her sister) to realize that there was a...
Mastermind Level 3: Reality TV
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It all started with SHSL Heir Henry Bright, heir to the Bright Conglomerate and active vice director of the company. Specifically, he directed vice. The Bright Conglomerate, in his opinion, did things too by-the-book, and were passing up big opportunities for growth in the organized crime sector. He was fostering connections with the Hit Deck (which led to the altercation that led to his and Dominique Martine's deaths in case 2), and...
Unlike Gwen, he didn't think the emergence of Ultimate Despair was nonsense. No, it was a growth opportunity. His plan was to invite a film crew to the airship and broadcast an exciting (fake) killing game to pander to this emerging despair-based market! With illicit funds provided by his contact in the Hit Deck (in exchange for his help securing a place on the ark for the Hit Deck's boss and trusted confidantes, posing as students), he assembled a team. Bribed some students, located an SHSL Doctor and some effects artists for realistic murder effects, did some networking, and...
...well, word gets around. The team he put together had bigger ambitions. A creative vision. One that had no room for executive meddling. They cut him out of the production team and forced him into the cast.
(I'm honestly not sure if this layer of convolution was necessary- I was on the fence about cutting him from the cast. The show's team might've found out about the school just because Gwen and Sakura screwed up the school's stealth measures. He's gotta kind of be there to explain the Hit Deck's presence, though, since aside from Dom none of them were actual Ultimates.)
Realer Reality TV
Before I reveal the members of the final mastermind tier, let's go over how they did this.
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I never ended up using this portrait, but this is Davi Rossi, SHSL Doctor, though he prefers "Ultimate Necromancer". He's a graduate of the original Hope's Peak in Japan, and his technology is the cornerstone of the whole setup here- underneath the school, in the restricted areas in the body of the ship, he has a whole secret lab with vats of glowy chemicals and fancy futuristic surgical tools.
He can bring back the dead.
Well, sort of. He can do all sorts of repairs on ordinary tissues- lose a limb, get a vital organ mashed up, bleed out, he can fix that. He can make alterations to the body, too- such as surgically reverting someone's apparent age, or implanting remote-control death chips, or strategically weakening someone's skull.
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He can even fix a certain degree of brain damage- the kind of stuff that might occur if you suffer blunt force trauma or total deoxygenation, where the brain is still mostly intact.
As a result, most victims are recoverable. When someone dies, he can bring them back again and again. However: he can't fully reconstitute the brain, and he has a number of limitations when it comes to working with it:
If the brain is completely torn apart or otherwise destroyed, he cannot revive the victim.
He can't directly mind-control anyone, nor can he insert false memories.
He can delete and rearrange memories, but not read minds, and memory deletion is episodic- he can't mess with specific facts, only spans of time.
I think I... also made an exception so he could delete specific people? Which is clunky and doesn't really make sense in hindsight.
There's still a lot you can do by cutting up and rearranging the filmstrip of someone's memory- but except in one specific case, he only ever really used it to delete the last loop.
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In case it wasn't obvious, this isn't the first killing game. This show has multiple seasons. It's been going a while- and while injuries that destroy the brain are rare, they're not nonexistent, and so there's quite a few students who died before the story began. There used to be a lot more students! That's why all the dorm rooms have bunkbeds!
And there's also unfortunately the one who received a fatal injury in this loop by blowing himself up with an improvised explosive device. Sorry, Mill!
(There's actually only a few people physically present running the show, since the show's been running for years now and they found that they really didn't need more than a skeleton crew to run it- Davi and some student plants, along with Monokuma drones and countless hidden cameras, are all that's necessary for production on the ground. There's no adult film crew present on the ship.)
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(♪ Kids with guns. Kids with guns. Taking over. But they won't be long. ♪)
Davi is also responsible for rigging up the masterminds with the mental control rigs for the two Monokumas- and has a third Monokuma of his own, who was going to show up to treat Martha's injury during case 4, I think in literally the very next update planned before the forums exploded.
So who are the people in control of these Monokuma knockoffs?
Mastermind Level 5: Case 5
All that I just mentioned about Davi? You learn about this in the fifth case, after case 4 in which you play as either Sakura or Gwen after killing their sister and trying to avoid getting caught in the trial. You can't win case 4, but you can successfully stall and bullshit long enough for the trial to be interrupted by a sudden explosion before you can be executed.
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Prior to case 4, Billy has disappeared into a secret passage, trying to track down the mastermind. Likewise, Flopsy-Turvy, Alice's rabbit, has also disappeared into a secret passage. Billy remains missing during case 4's trial.
After the explosion, the Monokumas call off the trial and lead the whole class to Davi's secret lab, which is the site of a set of murders.
Davi has been murdered via various small lacerations all over his body, including a slit throat.
Billy has been blown to bits by an explosion.
If Gwen or Sakura was executed during the trial, their corpse is found on a table in the lab.
Flopsy-Turvy, who was a robot all along, has been reduced to mechanical smithereens.
Violette, not dead anymore, but unable to speak aloud due to an incompletely healed throat injury
Some completely unfamiliar redhead kid, who doesn't know jack about anything and doesn't know how he got here.
The two survivors of this scene are naked save for some towels they found, and appear to have been spilled out from a couple of big glowy specimen tanks which were broken in the explosion that killed Billy and Flopsy. More on them later.
The subsequent investigation reveals all that stuff I just told you about Davi, blowing the setup wide open. In the course of that investigation, two of the masterminds find themselves confessing their involvement. After all- Davi's dead. There's no way they can run another season without someone to bring people back to life!
One in particular confesses before the other one- she doesn't care anymore, and she's happy to watch her co-conspirator squirm to try to avoid revealing his evil machinations to the people he desperately wants to think he's cool.
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Lilakali Bhallu and Raymond Rizzini are my favorites. They suck so much. They hate each other quite a lot, and have gotten together and broken up like three different times. Their collective theme song is No Children by The Mountain Goats. They're like 25 at this point, stuck in the bodies of the teenagers they were when the show started filming and they fully agreed to be part of the production.
Why? Well, Lilakali hates everyone and enjoys seeing them turn on each other like rabid wolves repeatedly- and Raymond craves acceptance and is using his memory privileges and surveillance abilities to try over and over again to be Popular In High School (to no avail.) They're both pretty pathetic people.
Notably, they are both real students who're supposed to be here. I don't remember if I ever had Lilakali make any predictions, and she'll insist she's just making shit up, but I was gonna have her predictions all come true, because the Fortune Teller thing is a real talent. And Raymond really can make a pretty mean burger. (Cheekily, that old Tumblr post was supposed to have taken place in a previous season- you might notice Gwen in the background, who in this iteration was never convinced to leave her room for meals, instead sneaking out at night to raid the cafeteria.)
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Lilakali also has an Edgy Backstory- she grew up in the circus, apprenticed under her grandmother, who refused to let her socialize with kids her age. She was supposed to learn the family divining techniques, not dance around like some harlot with a pack of urchins! Her grandma taught her to hate the world, and herself, and accidentally also her grandmother. One day, in a moment of perfect nihilist clarity, she took a Sixlizard cigarette lighter out of the trash, wandered amongst the tents, and burned down the entire circus, killing her grandma in the process. She looks back on that moment fondly as the happiest she's ever been.
Anyway. Those two are my favorites, but they're not the ultimate masterminds. In fact... they're quite sure there's supposed to be a third mastermind, and they suspect this third mastermind of having erased their memories of them and killing Davi. They can tell their memories were edited- they're fully aware of how the tech works and what the signs are, and they can tell there's big ugly gaps and gashes in their recollection of the past. Someone was missing, and Davi was being all cagey and weird about it. And last loop...
Well, what happened last loop is the direct cause of case 5. And at the end of the investigation... the two Monokumas go dead, and one giant Monokuma shows up, furious that Davi is dead and forcing the students to go to trial one more time. This will be the final execution- catching Davi's murderer.
Mastermind Level 6: Sailing No More
It doesn't take long into trial 5 for the identity of this giant Monokuma to be revealed- it's a mechsuit with a living person in it, not a robot, and he unmasks himself during the trial without too much objection once people start questioning... that confused redhead kid who they found at the crime scene. That character introduces himself as... the Super High-School Level Pilot, Nolan Cubbins.
Wait. What?
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Didn't that guy die?
Well, you see--
--oh, shit, I forgot Tumblr has an image limit of 30 images per post. Uh, gonna have to break this up into two posts. Continue reading here!
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Hi! Can I ask for a Levi Fontana x SHSL Confectioner! reader (basically Ruruka's talent) that is just a sweetheart? It is stated that he really loves sugary food so
Awe that's really cute! I completely forgot Levi liked sugary things, that makes me love him even more. Hope you enjoy!
Levi with a SHSL confectioner S/O
Warnings: none
Gn! reader
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-This man will eat anything you make with a smile on his face
-He adores you and you're talent, he thinks it's super cute that you're just as sweet as the candy you make!
-If you sell candy as well as make it, he attempts to nab candy from you when your not looking once and awhile (he tries to pay you back later but you don't let him, he can have some free treats every now and then)
-He likes to sit in the kitchen with you while you make your treats, he'll even help you if you'll let him
-Be warned though, he might ask to try some of the finished product "Just so we know it tastes good" (Levi you aren't slick)
-You know that part of drdt where he asks Rose what he should do about something and when he finds out she's actually asleep he kinda deflates and makes the sad minecraft dog noise?
-That's what he looks like when you say no to him taste testing your newest candy batch
-When you make him his favorite treat for his birthday, a special event, or just because you wanted to be nice (which is quite often), he'll be over the moon about it
-You have to watch him though, because given the opportunity he will eat sweets until he gets sick
-He buys candy from you quite frequently, you try to give it to him for free but he insists on paying you for your hard work, you have to settle for giving him a discount
-He's definitely gifted your treats to his friends, he wants everyone to know the joy of tasting your candy!
-He looks out for people trying to take advantage of your kindness, like a friend who expects free candy from you. He loves how generous you are, but there's a fine line between appreciating your kindness and expecting it
-He always tries to do something in return, like getting you clothes or helping you with your... baking? is that what you call the creation of candy?
-Anyway, he knows that you don't do kind things for him because you expect something in return, but he wants to do nice things for you too!
-All and all, ya'll are a sweet couple with a big sweet tooth each, so I'd say it's a pretty good pair up!
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danganronpafan777 · 10 months
We need more male reader content (I am starving for it), so could I please get the sdra2 male cast with a s/o whos the SHSL Prince? He'd be well mannered and kind but very oblivious to certain things and sometimes blunt; but he's just excited to be outside of his homeland and is enjoying his time but ends up falling in love
(If thats too much then just Nikei, Yuki, Syobai and Shinji would be fine!)
Can't think of a joke for this ask...Nevermind. 
Why is Nikei’s so damn corny-
Nikei Yomiuri:
A prince?? At Hope's Peak? What a scoop!!
For a while, this man does not leave you alone! It’s like having your own paparazzi…
You act polite and well mannered as usual but… Nikei notices that you’re gradually becoming more uncomfortable with him. Was it his perverted comments?
Eventually, you decide to give it to him straight (the only straight thing you’ll ever give him) and tell him that you just want to befriend him without either of your ultimates interfering.
Nikei’s life and hobbies revolve around his talent, and you just want to throw yours away? He doesn’t really understand, until you ask if you can interview him.
“Hmm.. I haven’t been interviewed before! What do you want to ask?”
“Besides writing and journalism, what do you like to do in your free time?”
Yeah, you got him there. When Nikei reveals how journalism is his everything, you tell him that you know how he feels, spending your childhood learning over 40 languages and proper etiquette.
“But…my parents let me take a break from that. And now I’m happier then I’ve ever been, and I’m seeing things…and feeling things…that I’ve never felt before!” You didn’t even realize that you put your hands on his shoulders until you noticed his red face. 
Swayed by the sparkling and stars in your eyes, Nikei could only sigh to himself. Journalism was what he considered to be the only thing he was good at, but how would he know if he didn’t try anything else? 
You extended your hand, gently holding his in yours, and took him for a walk around the island. Perhaps it was because you were holding hands, or that his head was always in his notepad when he walked this path, but he felt himself experiencing the familiar sights for the first time all over again
With your differences in lifestyles and Nikei’s drive for working, it would be awhile before one of you confessed, but until then, the two of you would experience the world for yourselves, away from the comforting yet obstructing umbrellas of your talents
And together, the two of you step into the warm rain and sunlight, hand in hand
Yuki Maeda:
When he met you, he had no idea what to do, so he just awkwardly bowed
Yuki was pleasantly surprised to learn that you were much more humble than most royals, asking him to address you by name
He was drawn to your kindness and manners, despite your bluntness catching him off guard at times, the two of you were fast friends
"H-Hey! Y/n, wanna hang out with me, today?"
He was completely oblivious to his own feelings, and invited you to train with him and Shinji. As he stood on the warm sand, watching you playing in the water, his feelings hit him all at once
Seeing you in the school swimsuit, a giant smile plastered on your face... he buried his face in the nearest towel, and Sora teased him for the rest of the time
That was the one time Yuki was glad you were oblivious
It wasn't long before the others caught on to his feelings, as he was a terrible liar. Shinji and Hajime cheered him on while Setuka and Hibiki teased him over you
Yuki wouldn't confess first. There was no way you would return his feelings, after all.
You were a handsome prince, perfect in every way... and Yuki was just an ordinary kid. How could you ever like someone as plain and boring as him?
Little did he know, you loved him as much as he loved you. His sweetness, his kindness, his clumsiness... what was there not to like? 
When you confessed your feelings to him, that was all you could tell him. How in your eyes, he was perfect the way he is
"Y-Y/n...Y-You.." He stammered. He couldn't believe it, "You really like me, too...? Cause...! I'm really nothing special! I-"
You cupped him cheek and brought your lips to his. You were so soft, warm, muscular... Yuki didn't want to let you go. 
So he didn't, only pulling you closer
Syobai Hashimoto:
A prince, huh? You could be a useful contract...but also very valuable.
He had no interest in being friends with you, but for the right price, he was willing to talk to you 
The fact that you were so kind and oblivious made him believe you were probably sheltered. You knew nothing about the life he lived, and probably thought of him as some cool guard for you, right?
You kept assuring him that you just wanted to be friends, and to forget about your differences. Syobai didn't buy it, but you were exploitable and in his eyes, kinda stupid, so whatever
You tried to ease him into the group, willing to offer nearly any price just for him to make friends with the other idiots. He seriously didn't understand you
You had so much money, a life of luxury and comfort... so what the hell were you doing here? If he had a life like that, he would never leave. Were you just that ungrateful?
"Beat it, Y/n. You're a prince, why associate yourself with a guy like me? If you need my service, just speak up and quit playing friends."
His words stung. You didn't want to play friends, you wanted to be something more...
It took Syobai longer than he'd like to admit to figure out your feelings for him. He considered accepting just so he could marry into royalty. But... then he found himself questioning his own feelings.
You were just an annoying royal nitwit. He only talked to you because you offered him money. You were just someone with money who thought you could control everything. 
He was bullshitting himself and he knew it. Somehow, your kindness and compassion for him gave you a one way ticket to his heart. No matter what he told himself, he knew he didn't want to marry you just for the money. 
His annoyance of it all made him stub out his cigarette. He thought he lost these kinds of feelings years ago. Syobai began to light another cigarette, before throwing the lighter and crushing the cigarette with his foot. 
You turned around at the sound of his voice. Syobai ordered the same sum of money he would usually ask for to have a conversation with you, so you paid without a second thought.
Grabbing the money, he turned away, his back toward you as he said, 
"One date. This Friday. I'll pick you up at 9. Don't be late."
You could only stare in awe and he walked away. Picking up the lighter once again, Syobai lit another cigarette, his lips curled into the ghost of a smile.
Shinji Kasai:
Shinji thought it was interesting to have a royal classmate, but he would never treat you differently because of it. He appreciated your humble personality and kindness, happily and loudly offering for you to train with him, Yuki, and Hajime. 
You were much stronger than he thought, being able to keep up with him much better than Yuki did. As Hajime lectured Yuki and Shinji yelled words of encouragement, you gently helped Yuki up and offered him water. 
He felt a pang of jealousy at that, but assumed it was just some kind of muscle soreness
Shinji shared your obliviousness on certain things, but in other situations he found himself completely overthinking. Why was he stuttering so much while talking to you? Did royalty just have that effect?
No…but it definitely had nothing to do with the fact that you were kind and handsome and strong and charming…nothing at all…
It wasn’t until Shinji caught himself staring and blushing at your shirtless form that he considered the idea that he might have a crush on you 
He forced himself to look away. You probably had a lot of suitors, maybe even an arranged fiancé. He wasn’t anything too special, and it was wrong to look at you that way, when you probably only thought of him as an older brother…
Shinji couldn’t have been more surprised when you asked him out, holding a bouquet of roses just for him. His entire face was bright red and he couldn’t even think of a response.
“I like you, Shinji. It’s alright if you don’t feel the same-“
“N-No…I….like you too…”
Shinji could barely talk for the rest of the night, but his face still held a giant smile. He would always freeze up or let out a squeak whenever you did something slightly romantic, but you knew he loved it all the same
“Yeah Shinji?”
“I love you…”
You squeezed his hand, feeling it grow warmer.
“I love you too.”
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m-y-fandoms · 1 year
COMMISSION: TW - DRV3 Boys Stop You from Committing Suicide (good endings)
DRV3 SPOILERS INCLUDED IN SOME SECTIONS and unlike the SDR2 version, all sections take place in the killing game/game world and none are in a non-despair AU, though death order/order that the academy floors and new areas are unlocked may be messed with a little.
Word Count: 10K Words
TRIGGER Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU CAN’T HANDLE THESE TYPES OF SCENARIOS. All sections are angst or depressing but end with the character comforting the reader or saving them and the reader’s plan isn’t successful. Self-harm and plans of suicide are discussed and detailed. Themes like cutting, knives, jumping from high places, poison, poor mental health, and more are included. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND DANGANRONPA IS RATED M for 17+ and canonically includes themes of murder and suicide. You are responsible for the media you consume. Keep reading below with these warnings in mind if you so choose.
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Kaito Momota:
Kaito wouldn’t normally name patrolling the academy’s grounds and halls late at night as one of his favorite activities, but ever since Ryoma was killed… he felt the need to. You and Shuichi were his sidekicks of course, but a real man needed to give his sidekicks something to look up to, aspire to. He was, of course, avoiding restricted and forbidden nighttime areas, but nonetheless he diligently strutted about, ears and eyes open and ready to catch any questionable behavior.
Ryoma’s trial hit Kaito harder than he was willing to admit. With how much respect and internal admiration he held for the sports prodigy, to see him not only fall so far from grace by giving up on life (the complete opposite of Kaito’s mantra, values and minset), but to see him taken out in such a cruel and humiliating way realy shook Kaito. He kept up the facade of confident, unbothered and brave man, but his closer, more observant friends could tell the whole thing was bothering him. After Kaede, who meant so much to his best friend Shuichi and was an ambitious, positive force for good, and now Ryoma who he’d looked up to, he’d put his foot down: a real man protected his friends. He wouldn’t let anyone hurt, kill, or even take advantage of his friends ever again. He’d decided this after defending his faith in Maki during the second class trial, after consoling Shuichi and yourself, both grieving. It was time to really step it up, even if patrolling at night meant putting himself in danger. A fire had been lit beneath him, and besides, he would be out of the dorms to train and exercise with Shuichi most nights anyway, so might as well do some good for his fellow students while he was out.
While passing by the academy’s pool building, he froze when he heard movement inside, a quiet sort of shuffling and a muffled voice. A shudder - something linked to flashbacks from Ryoma’s horrendous trial mere nights before - ran up his spine and he quickly but quietly moved over to the entrance door, peaking inside to spy on whoever was inside. Why or how anyone could stand going anywhere near the pool after what happened was a mystery to him, so whatever they were doing in there had to be suspicious at best. He was going to find out, and perhaps stop another future blackened in the process.
When he sees you standing on the edge of the pool facing away from him, shoulders slumped and shaking up and down a bit, he slips through the crack in the door and hides behind a huge shelf full of pool supplies nearby silently. From there he merely observed. You of all people, who like Shuichi, was so deeply moved by the graphic execution of Kirumi and the tossing away of Ryoma’s bones like trash, would have more reason that others to stay away from the pool. His mind jumped instantly to the worst-case scenario on instinct: another plot for murder using the pool or gym, but he quickly shook these thoughts off. You were his good friend and he trusted you. Shuichi and even Maki seemed to trust you. You’d never hurt anyone. So why were you here?
Kaito knew just from spending time with you that you could often be melancholy, solitary,  locked up in your room for most hours of the day if not with your small group of select friends. You’d been terrified of just living your life since the very start, what with not having your memories then being suddenly thrown into a killing game. Every death, every unfortunate event, every class trial seemed to erode away at you more and more. He often tried to cheer you up, making apparent your potential and skills, trying to force you to see the positives, giving pep talks, pulling you out of your dorm to socialize, but nothing seemed to stick. You always ended up back at square one mentally, just as upset and closed off as the day before. Less and less progress was made each day, too.
As he pondered the sight before him and observed you, you didn’t seem to be preparing any traps, setting up any schemes, no thought-out plots like Kirumi had done days before. You just… stood there, now facing the pool and looking over the edge. Now he knew why your shoulders were shaking. You were crying. Honestly, he’d seen you cry many times in the last few weeks so he wasn't stirred into action just yet, but as you seemed to sway a little too far forward over the edge of the pool, rocking back and forth on your feet, his concern grew. Entering the pool building was allowed at night, but actually jumping in, touching the water after dark was strictly forbidden. It was punishable by death, and that death would be as agonizing and drawn out as Monokuma chose to make it that day. You were all at his mercy at all times. You knew that, everyone did, and now here you were, dangerously teetering over the water’s edge. How easy it would be for you to just, stumble in, slip and fall…
At this point, Kaito was desperately hoping you were crying because you did in fact have a murder plot guilting your conscience or because you were simply still in mourning over Ryoma and Kirumi. Those two scenarios would be easy to talk you out of, to be there for you like always. He would have plenty of time if that were the case. He was perhaps… a bit overconfident in his abilities. He didn’t even want to consider the third option mulling around in his mind… that on was more… uncomfortable, immediate.
“I’m sorry, mom and dad, wherever you are…” You finally spoke, turning his focus back on you and out of his own head. “I’m sorry Shuichi, Maki, Kaito… I j-just,” you cried, “I can’t do this anymore.”
You took a deep breath, and what would happen next if he didn’t stop you flashed before his eyes: Exisals, tearing you apart, crushing you, the blood, the screams as they appeared and tore you from the pool, the academy-wide blaring alarms, your classmates leaving their beds half-awake and rushing to the pool to discover the gruesome scene.
You leaned forward, tipped off your balance, center of gravity shifted, and he lunged, yelling out your name as he left his position hidden in the corner and bolted with the gift of an adrenaline rush boosting his steps. He grabbed you around the waist, tackling you and throwing you back and away from the pool, and you both crashed onto the hard tile behind you. Before you could process what was happening you found yourself on the ground, Kaito spooning your body and panting heavily into your ear. Where had he even come from?
“Are you nuts?!” Kaito yelled through ragged breaths. The man was quite athletic, out of breath from anxiety and shock, not physical strain. Wrenched back to reality, you were suddenly overcome with a wave of intense embarrassment. No one was supposed to witness your moment of extreme weakness like this, especially not someone you cared about and respected.
“Kaito?! I-”
“I knew you were doing pretty shitty, but I didn’t know it was this bad! Why wouldn’t you come to me, to Shuichi or… somebody? We would’ve talked you out of this stupid idea!” His vice-like grip around your waist was unwavering, as if he couldn’t trust you to govern yourself at present, as if you would leap again if he relented.
“I’m sorry… it was… I wasn’t thinking. It was a last second plan, an impulse. I just… it hurts so bad, I let my thoughts take over.” He could hear the tears returning to your voice, shaking your words and softened his own. He could be passionate, overbearing at times even, but that probably wasn’t what you needed right now. He could be very stubborn, reluctant to change his methods and habits, but this was serious. He grunted in frsutration.
“You saw what happened to Ryoma when he gave in… when he gave up on life.” His knuckles tightened, fists tightening into themselves until they turned white. “Are you gonna let that happen to you too, my deputy sidekick?” The pain you gleaned from behind his words only made you sob harder. You felt like you’d let him down, almost caused him to grieve for you like you’d all been grieving for the four you’d already lost. How could you add to your peers’ emotion burden like that? “Hey… geez, come on Y/N… I know we can work through this. Let us help you… let me help. There’s no wound out there that the support of the people that care about you can’t heal!”
Ryoma Hoshi:
You’d been feeling endlessly hopeless lately. The violent nightmares weren’t helping, nor was the attitude of your best friend, Ryoma. A noxious void was swallowing up your will to live piece by piece with each day that passed in this hellhole of an academy, trapped in this killing game. It seemed that your friend was right there with you, and although you couldn’t blame him, knowing he was prone to solemn solidarity already as core part of his personality, his moods only seemed to worsen your own. They bounced off of each other, multiplied when you were together, but he was the only person you cared about or trusted in this prison, so the vicious cycle continued. Any time you were together these days, you were bogged down in an echo chamber of despair. There was a brief period where Ryoma appeared to have a small fire ignited in his heart, a period where he was willing to give life a real honest try, but now the gloom was back in full force ever since those damned motive video Monopads had been introduced into your lives. A few days had passed in a big tizzy about who’s Monopad was where, who watched theirs and most were mixed and matched, sent out to the wrong student, but for some reason… you felt like Ryoma had viewed his own, and he did not like what he had seen. It was almost worse seeing your friend long for death then feeling it inside for yourself. You’d started keeping to yourself to avoid seeing it, selfish as that may be.
On one particularly dismal mental health day, you were in his research lab while he was away, trying to get your mind off of dark thoughts, maybe play tennis with the wall. Bouncing the ball off and hitting with a racket as hard as you could could be therapeutic. Maybe that was how Ryoma blew off steam at times. Miu Iruma was there in the lab with you, paying you no mind, obsessed with the sporting machines and how they functioned. Miu loved tinkering ceaselessly with any electronics and gadgets she could find, both inside her own research lab and around the academy. She rarely asked permission to enter other’s labs to do so. She wanted to know how everything worked and it brought her great joy. Your ominous desires taking over, you began to question her. Interestingly, one of the only times she wasn’t a totally vulgar, aggressive bitch was when she was engrossed in her work. She would still snap here and there and slip in inappropriate jokes, but she was much more sufferable. She loved when others asked her to explain something, any chance she got to flaunt her vast wealth of knowledge. She described some of the basic functions of the ball-launching machines: how to change the velocity, the maximum amount of tennis balls one could pelt in a certain timeframe, how to change its direction, how to use the auto-timer or stop all movement with the press of a button. She didn’t even question why you cared, as long as she got to look like the smartest person in the room. Good, you thought. You didn’t want anyone suspecting a thing when you came later to hopefully put an end to your participation in this killing game for good. You didn’t care what was on your motive video at this point. You didn’t even have the energy to find out who had it. You just wanted… out.
Later that night, with your mind in a stupor, body nearly on autopilot, you returned to the research lab, now empty save for yourself, to put the tennis machines on autopilot themselves. Unsurprisingly for a bear as evil and twisted as Monokuma, he’d set up the lab equipment to be able to work at extremely dangerous speeds, speeds powerful and torrential enough to maim or even kill someone. Miu had looked both fascinated and horrified upon discovering this earlier. You used this setting to your advantage, placing a timer and setting the machine to its maximum velocity. You’d loaded up the tennis balls, tons of them, and angled multiple machines to target one specific corner of the room. This would work. Anything to feel something, or die trying. Hopefully all of it, all the pain, would all end tonight.
You stepped back, machines prepped to boundlessly and without hesitation do their dark work. You stood in the corner, counting down in your head, ready for what you’d unleashed on yourself. The machines booted up, beginning to whir with the effort of getting to the input speed. You closed your eyes and prepared for an impact that would never come.
Like a flash, a blur of motion so fast it was near unseeable, Ryoma appeared before you, racket in hand, and knocked the incoming balls away from you with ease. One after the other, with inhuman speed he reflected them back toward the machines with the amount of skill and prowess that earned him the title of the Ultimate Tennis Pro in the first place. It was extraordinary. You were sure only he could manage such a feat. You gasp, opening your eyes at the noise in front of you and startled by the sight. With a grunt of effort, he grabs you with his free hand and throws you with all of his strength out of the corner. He ducks, jumping out of the way and onto the ground beside you. The machines continued to pelt the now empty corner of the room faithfully, just as commanded, the booming repetitive sound echoing off the walls of the research lab.
Eventually, minutes later, all sound ceased as the machines ran out of ammunition and therefore shut themselves off. You both lay splayed across the cold floor, silent as the grave. This was so delicate of a situation now, so severe and tense. What was there to say? How did one begin? Only your inhales and exhales filled the dim room, dozens of yellow fuzzy tennis balls scattered around your still forms. Finally, you spoke:
“Where did you come from?” You whispered, heart thumping wildly in your chest. He sighed in reply.
“It’s late, I always come to my lab around this hour, for some alone time… I came just in time to catch you doing something stupid, it seems…” Silence filled the room once again as you both just sat there soaking in his words, and you valued it, time spent with your best friend where you weren’t absorbing each other’s hopelessness and amplifying it. There was a different mood in the air now, an aura of understanding, of caring about what happens to the person next to you for the first time in weeks, even if it was mixed with guilt and embarassment.
“I’m sorry,” he finally spoke up again when you refused to, “I guess I haven’t given you much to look up to as of late…” He rolled over, facing away from you, staring into the wall in shame. “I’ll set a better example, try harder… if only for your sake.” The deep rumble of his bassy voice filled the room.
His motive video stated quite plainly that there was no one in his life to live for, no one to care about or who cared about him in turn.  When he saw you in front of those death machines your life in peril, he knew that was a lie.
Korekiyo Shinguuji:
Below you were nearly eight floors of priceless, dusty artifacts, research and excavation tools, bones, books. Around you were alcoves and shelves, display cases and crates full of history and knowledge. Korekiyo’s research lab was much like himself: complex, dark and mysterious, vertically blessed and intimidating. It was like when people drew an object as a personified character using the object’s traits; his lab looked like an architect stalked Kiyo for months and modeled a room after the man. Monokuma was many things, but inattentive was not one of them, even if he feigned ignorance at times. This lab, perhaps even more than the others (which were still detailed and impressive in their own right) molded so seamlessly into the character and talents of its owner. Even the color scheme of the room matched his uniform, and the atmosphere matched his energy. The room smelled like an ancient library, a museum. It smelled how Kiyo looked.
You peered down at the eight story drop below you, the many stairs before you daunting and suffocating even in the spacious research lab. It was the largest lab by far, and the fall to the bottom would most likely kill you. Just in case, you’d taken the oppurtunity to place a large pile of whatever sharp and more dangerous items you could find in the lab at the bottom, compiling a makeshift deathtrap to ensure this went as planned. There was a katana, carving tools, ritual knives, tribal spears, needles and more.
You were acutely aware of your own breathing, especially in a echoey, dusty chamber like this. It was quiet and menacing, again like its host, who conveniently was not here at present. You’d chosen a time when Korekiyo seemed to be out and slinking about the academy, unsettling the other students no doubt or lecturing them about human history and traditions. It was a lucky last minute plan. Fate must want this, you thought. This must be the right thing to do… Kiyo had barely left this place since it’d opened, too enraptured by its contents to leave, so for him to not be here at this perfect time for your plan to commence, it must have been a work of fate. Your head felt light, like your body was trying to relax and numb itself, to accept what you were about to do. You closed your eyes, swaying calmly back and forth over the railing.
Suddenly, there was a firm hand on your shoulder. Your eyes flashed open, your blood running cold in your veins. Korekiyo, perhaps Kokichi… it had to be one of those two. You couldn’t think of one other classmate, not one, who could or would sneak in the shadows and reappear unseen and unheard but those two. They were both creeps in their own unique ways. Slowly, you turned to see the face behind the hand, and found it half-covered by a dark mask.
“Kiyo…” You acknowledge him with a nod, as if you weren’t up to something dubious… in his lab… without his permission. You looked into his glowing yellow eyes and found sadness in them, extremely expressive. They often were, they had to be when his jaw, his mouth could never convey his feelings to his peers. Kiyo couldn’t flare his nostrils, clench his teeth to signal to others. Maybe that was part of the mystery, part of what scared others about him. Humans often needed emotions, facial cues, body language to communicate, to feel safe and understood in each other’s presence. WIth Kiyo, much could be left up to interpretation.
“It seems some of my artifacts have been misplaced…” He mused, the bandaged hand on your shoulder moving off to cradle his own chin, as if he were puzzled about the situation. “Hmmm… were you perhaps studying some of them and left that mess down there?” He nodded in the direction of the pile, arms crossing over his chest like the disapproving mother of a child who forgot to clean their room.
“I’m really sorry, Kiyo…” You turned your head back to stare forward blankly at the wall across from you, unable to meet his eyes any longer. You felt embarrassed, ashamed that you’d not only been caught pre-attempt, but that you’d made a mess of items you knew the anthropologist held so dear.
“It’s quite alright. I sometimes get lost in my work and studies, too, even forgetting to sleep some nights. The contents of this lab can lead to endless hours of fun, yes? I know you meant no harm by it, unlike some more mischevious classmates of ours.” He giggled gaily beneath the mask. “Speaking of sleep, it's quite late. I know the quest for knowledge is endless, but you must be exhausted.” He of course knew what you were really planning to do here tonight. He was a highly intelligent young man, and someone would have to be blind to not pick up on your intentions. However, he had no desire to embarrass you further, and frankly wanted this all to end as soon as possible, so this little scenario would be swept under the rug in favor of a story less dismal.
“Y-yeah…” You nod, playing along, expressionless and empty inside.
If it were anyone else, he probably would’ve torn them apart for touching his artifacts without his permission, much less mishandling them and leaving them in a cluttery heap on the floor. Perhaps it was the small friendship you’d gradually formed with him that spared you from this fate. You were always curious about his interests and talent, willing to learn, to listen to him talk for hours. You weren’t judgmental like some, talking about him behind his back, cutting him off mid-explanation because you were bored, obviously creeped out by his presence. Yes, he would let his offense go, if only to justify the belief that you deserved a more beautiful, dignified death later on. This wouldn’t do at all, falling pathetically to your death, not for someone like you. You at least deserved more than that he supposed, and yet, your blood decorating his artifacts, your body splayed out in a contorted position over them… that could’ve been beautiful in its own way, too. He hadn’t decided fully yet…
Taking your hand in his long slender, the scholar began to guide you, dragging your rather heavy feet behind him down the crimson stairs. You passed floor by floor until he guided you to the base level, and you let him. Again, fate must have wanted this, to stop you in time, to allow Korekiyo to interfere.
Kokichi Ouma:
You didn’t want to be here, tucked under a metal shelf in the Exisal hangar, cramped and uncomfortable for what felt like hours but yet here you were, waiting for Kokichi to come “seek” your “hide” in this stupid, childish game he loved to play. The academy was the perfect setting for an epic game of hide-and-seek you’d admit, with countless areas to hide and not be found for days, but you were in no mood for playing. You’d been rapidly declining, pushed further and further into the recesses of your own depressed mind with each passing day. You just wanted to lay in your dorm room and cry, sulk, sleep. Kokichi knew that, and yet he loved to drag you out and about for his pointless antics or little trickster schemes on the daily. Even now, as he became more and more unhinged after each class trial, he still involved you in his malicious and sometimes even dangerous plans. You tolerated his immature, hyper, selfish, sporadic, volatile personality - which was insufferable to most - because he was your best if not only friend on campus. Even if the others would say they liked you, no one really hung out with you or paid you any mind, never wanted to know you on any level deeper than acquaintances who made polite conversation during free time or cooperated during class trials. You didn’t consider them friends. You considered Kokichi a close friend. You really didn’t know why he was even interested in you in the first place. You found yourself introverted, boring and awkward, but nonetheless you accepted and even secretly cherished his attention and friendship. He was probably just using you for a long con, a means to an end, but still…
No… today you’d had enough, getting angrier and angrier by the second squashed into that little area under the shelf, your spine aching. Being here alone in the silence, it only left you to your dreary thoughts, gave you the opportunity to dwell on the past three class trials, the death and despair that seemed in constant supply here. You decided you could do that in the comfort of your own bed, warm under the duvet in your dorm room and not contorted into a pretzel on the dirty floor. Screw this, your mind spoke to you, making the decision at once. You huffed, standing and brushing off your uniform. You were fed up, tired of waiting on a kid who clearly didn’t care about you. You felt like you were in denial, seeing your connection with Kokichi as “friendship” when he probably was just using you as a toy because no one else would let him use them. You didn’t feel like a priority to him. He was probably bored and had given up on looking for you, again, prone to changes of his mood and plans on a whim. He was really good at seeking, he was good at most things he enjoyed… surely it wasn’t taking this long. He must have abandoned you.
This was the last straw… even your only friend didn’t think you were worth his time, even when you’d clearly been going through some shit mentally. Kokichi was smarter than people gave him credit for. He knew you were in agony inside, and still he’d done this to you?
Before you could make your way back to your room, something caught your attention out of the corner of your eye. A hydraulic press, no doubt used to compress and scrap broken-down and useless Exisals, seemed to glimmer and shine over on the other side of the room. It seemed to be calling to you, begging to be used, honored to be your release from this world. Sighing with the weight of months of desolation on your shoulders, your body seemed to go into some sort of autonomous mode. You were like a zombie, feeling nothing anymore as you made your way over to the control panel up on a platform next to the press. You passed by dirty shelves, oil and paint cans, tons of lined up inactive Exisals on the way there, stepping up the small incline to the panel and looking over it without hesitation or self preservation in mind.
Quickly, you scan the buttons, knobs and latches until you find the safety features. Without a second thought you switched off all automatic safety settings available to you. For good measure you pulled out the thick wires corresponding to the safety features on the control panel. Now, you would be able to manually send the press into closing all the way down, firmly and snugly. The press was designed to cease all movement automatically if it sensed a living being inside, but now, it would keep going regardless unless manually turned off. You flipped a switch and the machine roared to life, slowly beginning its long, crushing descent. You promptly moved the short distance over to the long, flat press and let your back lay flat against the cold, unfeeling metal.
You thought you’d be scared, but you felt nothing still. It felt like laying in your bed like always, mind empty, heart heavy. It was just another night. You thought you’d lose your conviction, chicken out; that’s what a normal person would do. Fear of death was normal. Your lack of emotion just proved even further that this was the best option for you, in your mind at least. You zoned out, pushing out all surrounding smells, sounds, and sights. There was only you and the silver slab above you. You were at peace, or at least your body didn’t protest or work to save itself. Folding your hands over your chest, you closed your eyes and resigned yourself to your fate as the press drew closer to your face.
Your ears perk up when you hear a sudden clicking sound so close by that it breaks through your barrier of dissociation. Your eyes flash open, a bit perturbed at the cease of motion above you. You were positive you turned off the setting correctly, and yet the press was unmoving.
Before you have time to even process the interruption, your left arm is being snatched by the elbow, and not too gently either. A claw-like, unforgiving grip around your arm pulls you sideways off of the press and you groan when your ass hits the solid ground below. You look at your assailant, surprised that someone his size could be that strong. Much like his true intentions or level of intelligence, it might have just been another thing he’s hidden from the world.
“Kokichi?” The petite boy sunk down on the ground next to you like his knees had given out, bawling his eyes out. You look at him in surprise, not having even heard him enter the hangar. By all means you should’ve, with the loud metal door that groans and hisses when it opens. You must’ve been really out of it.
“Yeah… of course it’s me, idiot!” He spat, showing you no mercy. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?! This is not how you play hide-and-seek!” He was absolutely furious, face red as a tomato as he yelled in your face.
You’re both limp piles of flesh on the ground, emotional and collapsing into yourselves for different reasons. Kokichi leapt forward, throwing his arms around your shoulders and crumbling into you, his body molding into yours. His weight crashing into you nearly toppled you over, and he clung to you, snotty and sobbing like a little kid. His fingers dug into your back like nails, clutching to you like his life depended on it. You were speechless. You’d never seen such real, raw emotion from Kokichi. He loved to lie, to put on a performance and was good at fake crying, but you could tell this was real. He’d never reacted to the loss of any of your classmates like this. He continued to berate you, showing his fear of losing you in his own… unique way.
I guess he really did care after all.
Rantarou Amami: 
Rantarou often took strolls around the academy grounds at night to clear his head. The air was crisp and refreshing, there were interesting things to see, and if he truly got bored of just walking and looking, he could always hit up the casino for some late-night fun to pass the time. Mostly though, he just needed the quiet time alone to think, to process his thoughts from that day and plan the next.
Passing the dorms and heading toward the entrance to the main building of the academy, he shuffled to a standstill when his eyes caught sight of something strange. Up high on the rooftop, he spotted something that was definitely out of place, not there on his usual nightly walk. He could barely make out the shape of a human form, standing up there all alone. He squinted, trying to focus in on it. The grounds were pretty well lit, but nobody was ever up on the roof to his knowledge, so it made sense that not many lights were installed way up there. Yep, it was definitely a person: not big or wide enough to be an Exisal or small enough to be a bear. Curious almost to a fault, Rantarou decided immediately to check it out. It took a lot of figuring out which stairwell led where, which floor of the academy was blocked off and so on to find the door to the roof. Really, there wasn’t much up there, it was just a flat, levelled surface so there was no appeal, no need for the students to use it. Well… in this killing game, there were probably plenty of uses for the dangerously high-up, rarely visited, unrailed rooftop, but none of them were good.
When he closes the door behind him and sees, now up close, that the human form that was visible from the ground is you, standing on the edge of the roof, he sighs. He was really hoping on his trek up here that it wasn’t going to be you. Unfortunately, his gut said it would be, and that made him rush up to the roof all the quicker. Anyone else might have genuinely been up there for fresh air or the view, but Rantarou knew you… he knew you’d been going a rough time, the whole group knew it. Some of your fellow prisoners at the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles made fun of you for being so mopey all the time, calling you emo or a buzzkill. Kokichi teased that you and Shuichi would be a perfect match, that you could “be little bitches together,” crying all day, wearing all black and so on. He was ruthless.
Rantarou knew why you were up there, what could happen to you that night if he didn’t intervene. Preparing himself mentally, he gently approached you, slowly and cautiously as to not spook you off of the ledge.
“H-hey? Um, what’s up Y/N?” The air up there was extra chilly, and that mixed with the apprehension about how the next few moments would go had him throwing his hands into his pockets, immensely uncomfortable. Knowing you were no longer alone, you stepped back from the ledge, wrapping your arms around your middle as you turned to face him. He didn’t miss it when your expression went from a dead-inside indifference to anxious surprise when you saw him.
“Rantarou? Hey…” you spoke unenthusiastically, clearly intending to spend what may have been your last night on Earth alone.
“Stargazing, huh?” He laughed nervously, trying to play off the severity of the potentially dire situation. The goal was to descalate your suicidal thoughts if you indeed had any as he suspected, to let you know you weren’t alone, physically or emotionally. “If so, there are way better places on campus to do it!”
“Oh… yeah,” you replied with a forced, pathetic little laugh. You stepped closer toward him. It seemed like you were already losing conviction in your choice to jump. Good. Those second thoughts were good. Doubts were good. You obviously weren’t too far gone, or you probably would’ve jumped regardless of him watching - not caring, not regretting, not feeling anything.
“Can I chill up here with you? Walkin’ around all alone at night’s gettin’ kinda boring. I mean, I’ve seen everything on campus a million times. It would be a nice change of routine.” He smiled hopefully, pressuring you into accepting. You nod in response and the two of you sat and “stargazed” for a long while, eventually shifting to lay down on the hard, dirty concrete of the rooftop and stare up into the sky.
“You can’t… really see much…” you grumbled after a long silence.
“Hmmm? Oh yeah, the campus is pretty well lit so not many stars are gonna show. It sucks, but I kinda like just laying here. It’s nice: the silence, doing nothing. Our days are pretty stressful, you know?” Oh, you knew. The stress of the killing game, wondering if you were going to die that day, trying to figure out mystery after puzzle, trying to recall memories… it was what sent you into this spiral in the first place.
You let Rantarou carry the conversation from there. He attempted to enthuse you with tales of his travels, trying to make life sound adventurous, the world worth living for. Some of it did in fact entertain you, catching your attention, but mainly what shook you was Rantarou opening up to you freely when he was known by the group to be pleasant but quite secretive about his past, even unintentionally. You’d all lost some of your memories, but he was even more of a mystery than others. You couldn’t help but feel a bit moved, a bit warmed by the fact that he wanted to reveal more of himself to you. He spoke for a long while, telling long stories of his past for the next hour or so before letting the interaction fade into a more comfortable silence. Eventually though, he knew he would have to acknowledge it, to get to the hard part.
“Hey… uh… I just wanna let you know that I’ve been there before… some really rough shit in life, you know?” He turned his head to look directly at you, no longer caring about the stars sprinkled sparsely above. “Don’t do it… It’s never gonna be worth it.” 
Gonta Gokuhara:
“Y/N??? What happen?!” Gonta was kneeling in front of you, a nervous wreck.
This was not how this was supposed to go. How did he… of all people find you??? How could anyone?
You were tucked away in a dark hallway, a few floors up in an area of the academy hardly anyone used. This section was decorated in cobwebs, loose boards, unfinished paint. This floor unlocked because there were some research labs up here, but this in particular was a wing that was a far walk to the other side of the floor and this area was mostly untouched, or rather, abandoned. Monokuma and the Kubs obviously didn’t plan to do anything with it and had even blocked it off lazily with some loose tape. The bears were never seen here, and you thought the first time you broke past the tape that an Exisal or five would show up to crush you for breaking some rule, but when nothing happened, you decided to make this your own little spot for when you just needed a break from it all. This world, the academy, the killing game, it all became far too much very quickly.
This hallway had a high archway and a large round window looking out. There was a beautiful view of the moon from this dramatic looking window, and you wanted it to be your last view. Here in your secret place, you thought, even if someone did discover you in the morning or days from now, you’d be long gone. This was a good spot, but what was happening now was not part of the plan… Here you were, blood trickling and a sharp razor to your arm about to cut deep once again when the large man came stomping through the normally silent hallway seemingly on a mission.
You were pulled back into the moment: Gonta was yelling and you were shushing him, a bit light headed and a super panicked. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be just you, alone and done. Not someone like him… he didn’t deserve to see this. Now this was selfish. Now… you couldn’t finish the job.
You didn’t want to hurt him like this. All he ever wanted to do was help others. Gonta was too good, too pure of heart, too selfless. You didn’t want him to deal with this or to think for even a second that he had any fault in it. God forbid he was too late to stop it and you bled out anyway. He would blame himself forever. You didn’t want to expose him to this. You tried to distract him, which in normal daily conversation proved easy to do.
“Gonta, what are you doing here?” You tossed the razor to the ground and tried to hold your arm somewhat back and out of his direct line of sight, but he kept looking at it regardless, clearly focused on one thing at the moment.
“W-well, normally Gonta go to his lab at this time every night, check on bugs between sleeping, make sure they’re safe! But… tonight, Kokichi stop Gonta outside Gonta’s lab and say our friend Y/N is in trouble! Gonta had to come right away to help!” Kokichi… that little shit! How did he even know? He seemed to know everything that happened around campus, like he was always lurking about in the shadows. He knew everyone’s secrets, was up in everyone’s business like it was his job. You hadn’t even seen him anywhere near you tonight… Was he truly that far ahead of everyone else? Why would he do this to Gonta, though? You wouldn’t even pretend to know how his twisted little mind worked.
“Oh, well I’m fine, Gonta, honestly…” You pulled down your uniform sleeve, hoping that covering the open wounds would lessen the seriousness of the moment.
“Y/N not fine! Let Gonta help!” Sputtering and an anxious mess, Gonta, who assumed this was all a big misunderstanding, an accident, insisted you follow him to his lab, or he’d even carry you if it hurt too much or you felt too weak. You knew he wasn’t going to simply let this go and walk away, so you sighed and conceded, allowing him to guide you all the way to his bug-filled research lab before he could escalate this to an even louder ruckus that possibly drew others to the scene.
He happily explained that he had some basic first aid and medical supplies in there, that Monokuma adapted a side area to be kind of like the environment Gonta grew up in but in his own… less sophisticated way of speaking. He also had some more advanced first aid tools that he’d collected and stored from the warehouse on the first floor just in case his bugs friends or human friends needed his help (bless his heart). He knew of basic bandaging and wound-cleaning methods from his time growing up in the wilderness. It was survival of the fittest out there.
He dutifully got your arm all fixed up and padded the wound so even if your arm bumped into something lightly while you slept that night, you wouldn’t feel it. He joyfully talked your ear off, never aware of the true intent behind your actions that night. He was simply happy to help, to save his friend at any cost.
Shuichi Saihara:
When you awoke, you found yourself staring at the ceiling of your dorm room, mind groggy and eyes bleary. A pounding headache greeted you along with a tightness in your lungs. A feeling of pins and needles spread through your extremities as you slowly sat up. You were in your bed… Did it not work? Huh? The light above stung your eyes and as you looked around, you finally noticed Shuichi by your bedside. His eyes were red and puffy underneath, like he’d been crying recently.
“Shuichi? Is this real? Why am I-” you began, throat hoarse and raw.
“Alive? I found you on the floor of my research lab… the bottle was nearby.” He looked disappointed, disheartened, exhausted. “I forced the antidote down your throat… anything to get it into your system. Maki helped me carry you here. She’ll be back with food eventually, we were planning on taking shifts…” You started to stutter, to try and make excuses or apologies but he cut you off, nerves obviously fried: “If you knew it was getting this bad, if you felt like this was your only option, you should’ve talked to me, or Maki… or anybody for that matter, anything to prevent this!” His words were breathy, voice giving out as he was starting to get choked up again. He sighed, breath catching in his throat and he held his head in his hands. “Or maybe… we should’ve noticed…” He spoke barely above a whisper, sniffling. A shockwave of guilt and pain shot through your body. You couldn’t let him think that.
“No, Shuichi, this isn’t your fault! This isn’t on anyone but me!” You couldn’t deal with the knowledge that he was feeling in any way guilty about this.
“Poisoning yourself? Do you know how slow that would’ve been, how painful? Did you even read the label on the specific posion you chose? You would’ve gone in and out of consciousness most likely, each time waking up in more pain that the last until your body finally gave out. Monokuma designed this stuff, its tortuous and cruel, Y/N.” You’d rarely heard his voice take on this deep, angry tone. “You would’ve felt your body shutting down, paralyzed and powerless to stop the pain. Can you imagine if I hadn’t found you passed out initially and shoved that antidote down your throat? I bet you’re still feeling some side effects regardless.” He shook his head, unable to meet your gaze with his next words. “... Why would you do this to me…? To see my best friend suffer like that!” The tears, hot and angry began to pour freely from the corners of his eyes, his words spat through clenched teeth. He was trying to even out his breaths, fists balled at this side in the chair beside your bed. Seeing your brows furrow in guilt, the emotional pain twisted into your expression when you were already in physical pain, he tried desperately to reel himself in. “I’m sorry. I shoudn’t be angry at you, it’s selfish of me. I just…” He sighed deeply, steadying his breathing.
No, he was right… he’d lost Kaede, you’d all just lost Kaito - the main event that finally pushed you over an edge you’d already been teetering on. You’d almost caused him more irreversible pain. Everyone else who died crushed his spirit of course, but you, Kaito, Kaede, Maki, you guys were so very dear to him. Losing any of you chipped away at his heart and soul, and he didn’t have many pieces left. There was barely enough Shuichi left to keep going. Each trial drained him like an old machine running out of steam. You cared about him, cherished him immeasurably, and yet you almost contributed directly to the destruction and despair the killing game had wrought inside his heart already.
“For some reason, Monokuma said suicide is a viable death for a class trial if the antidote didn’t take. Said he’s seen suicide work before for a trial,” he spoke again to fill the unpleasant void in the air. “It seemed like he really didn’t want me to administer it to you, but I told him since I literally saw it happen, a trial would be boring. A quick trial would be no fun for him, so he seemed to be mulling it over. You know he’s all about entertaining himself… so sick. I was praying, just hoping the antidote worked. I couldn’t have done it, your trial…” Maki interupted his monologuing, entering with a tray of food and water. 
“Y/N,” Maki nodded her acknowledgment, showing she cared in her own reserved way. He turned to greet her solemnly, then back to you. “Whatever you need to talk about, I’m here, we are here. Please don’t do anything like this ever again.”
You loved Kiibo and really treasured his friendship, but sometimes he just didn’t seem to get more complex or abstract human concepts. Even something like depression, which wasn’t all that complex on the surface level, seemed to make him uncomfortable and revert into a very robotic state of thinking. Kiibo understood sadness of course, even feeling what he described as sadness on multiple occasions, but the deep, irrational, incurable thing that true depression could sometimes be seemed to be less reachable to him. When you vented or explained the concept, he tried to understand and you two were so close that you went to him before anyone else. You trusted him wholly and bonded after many months spent with him. You could see his gears turning (not literally) when he was trying really hard to understand a new idea or emotion, but sometimes you just wanted to vent and be heard while he wanted to offer practical solutions. He’d search his memory banks for psychological reports, comb the internet looking for the smartest answer, the facts, but the human side he wasn’t seeming to get was that the facts weren’t always what someone wanted or needed when they were feeling down. There was barely any warmth from his “comfort,” even when he tried extremely hard. Deep, excruciating depression seemed to be something he just wasn’t programmed to deal with. Maybe his creator thought he’d never encounter it, or you all got locked up in the academy before it could be added to his knowledge bank. You knew Kiibo could learn and adapt even without previous programming, but sometimes it was hard for him. It felt like asking Google how to solve a depressive episode or a panic attack instead of a friend who should know you and your heart.
On one particular evening, Kiibo found himself searching around the academy for you. You were usually on time to meet up with him, and you’d hang out at the same place every night for the past few months. When a good while passed and you didn’t show up, he went looking for you, a bit worried. You were in a killing game after all. He didn’t want to assume the worst but it would be foolish not to consider the possibility. After clearing the outside areas he moved into the main building, up dusty stairs and across lesser used halls until he came upon a restricted section that Monokuma blocked off for “ normal maintenance.” You all knew this was probably a lie, that the bear probably had something far more sinister than maintenance planned for that section of the school, but no one dared cross the yellow tape and warning signs. The Kubs had threatened you all on punishment of death if you broke the rules by ruining the surprise early and entering the closed off wing. Looking over the tape, the loose boards and dimly lit hall, something was willing him to go, pushing him to check past the tape… his inner voice. He’s never ignored it before, and it’s always been the right choice. Finding a courage he didn’t normally have, he stepped cautiously under the tape, being sure not to rip or alter its placement. Creeping down the hall, he stopped dead in his tracks when he rounded a corner and saw you standing yards behind an Exisal. The deadly machine was clearly on autopilot with no Kub inside, likely just set to perform simple maintenance, guard duty, cleaning or building on its own until its owner returned. Regardless, the thing would probably mindlessly kill any signs of human life it encountered in its owner’s stead, programmed by its creator to carry out punishments on rule breakers in this area. Yet another thing that made Kiibo superior to these types of no-intellect, violent piles of scrap metal. If you were caught, you were likely dead on sight, and he knew that, and he knew you had to know that.
Shuffling up to you warily, he grabs onto your shirt firmly and begins to drag you back and away from the Exisal.
“What are you doing?!” He whispers, inching you both away from the machine and back toward the entrance to the blocked off section. You were pulling away from him, struggling with tears beginning to form in the corners of your eyes. You wouldn’t scream, wouldn’t alert the Exisal now for fear of putting Kiibo’s life in danger as well, but if you could just convince him to leave, shake him off, maybe… “You shouldn’t be here!” Now a safer distance away from the Exisal, you began to protest verbally. You were mumbling, something like let me do this, I want to die, and was talking over you, solely concerned with getting you both into the clear where you could talk openly. He didn’t want to hear that word right now either: die, or any variation of it. He felt that anxiety, what humans describe as a tightness in the chest or butterflies flying around where his intestines would be. Was this feeling uniquely human?
His uneasiness lessens a tiny bit once he drags you under the tape and now down an unrestricted hall to a nearby bench, but now the uncomfortable talk had to begin. He hated this part, hated feeling inadequate and inhuman. He takes your rambling head into his hands and forces you to look at him through the tears.
“This is illogical. This is a most… painful way out! Why would you chose this way? It’s unreasonable. Why would you want to die like that, and who knows how long that thing is programmed to drag it out. Monokuma and the Monokubs are cruel to say the least, would dying by a machine they made be a great way to go out?” This was not what you wanted to hear. He was doing it again, another analytical, logical answer. You began to weep even harder, the frustration doubling at his words. You wanted to punch him in the face right now. He didn’t know what to do, eyes bouncing all over your form in confusion and dread like he was looking at a ship that just sprung a leak and was threatening to sink before him. He felt himself overheating like some common computer, ashamed at the useless he felt at that moment.
He didn’t know what to do… he was making it worse! So, he followed his inner voice.
In a panic, before he can think, he simply blurts out:
“I don’t want you to go! I would miss you, and I like having you in my life! I care about you, so please, please don’t do this.” He’s gasping though he doesn’t need to breathe. You find yourself calming down a bit, shaken by his words and quieting down to hear the rest of what he has to say. “I wouldn’t know what to do without you here. You’re my best friend and I have strong feelings for you, ones I never knew I could ever have!” You were shocked. He’d never said anything like this to you before. He takes your hands in his, and it feels right to him, like he’s supposed to do it. “Please, I’m listening. I’ll listen all night if need be.”
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kiomisss · 1 year
could i request leon kuwata, fuyuhiko and mahiru x ultimate/shsl polyglot reader?
this is first time actually writing on tumblr so bare with me :')
this took long sorry😅 I hope it's good enough 🙏🏼
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Leon Kuwata
He would be surprised 😮
He would think you're so cool and would ask you how to say words in any language
He would flex to everyone that your so smart and talented
Would want you to teach him some different languages
Well would atleast try to 😅
I think that he would want you to hear you sing in different languages
He would want to hear you speak to someone in their language
He would learn how to say 'I love you' in other languages
But would end up saying them wrong
And ending up with you correcting him
He would get super embarrassed
But you would cheer him up because he tried
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
He would be like impressed or shocked
Would be intrigued by you(I hope that makes sense pls😭)
Though he acts like if he's not interested 🙄
But he finds your talent/ultimate really cool
He just has to act tough yk
Peko would be shocked that he's interested in you (not in a bad way ofc)
But very happy that he has someone now
He would like to know how you managed to learn so many languages
Especially how you remember all of them
He finds you so impressive especially when he gets to see you work your talent/ultimate
He will try to impress you by saying that he has been to different places and know some of the languages
Peko will back him up
Just belive him 🙂
Mahiru Koizumi
That's it that's her last straw 🚶‍♀️
You were all she needed to decide to travel the world with you
She would want to travel the world with you
To take pictures for her talent ofc
But to be with you too
And get to experience you talking in all these different languages
Where ever yall go she has to take a picture of both of yall
or the scenery
She would make you write cute little notes in the language of the place your at
Behind the photos of yall
Overall she would love your talent/ultimate
She fangirls over it
So proud of you too 😊
Likes telling everyone and anyone how you are so talented
Being able to speak and remember all these languages
Tbh she is a best girl 😌
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this took me longer than expected
but it's done and readyyy
hope yall enjoyed this 💓
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thesongmachine · 2 months
Requested by @m00nlight-mexican
the second part!!! for the rest of the characters I don't think I'll add the angst part cuz i dont rlly know how to maje it work cause they die so early on- this time it's ryoma 🤯🤯 hope you enjoy!!!
Ryoma Hoshi x Shsl Actor! Reader
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You guys probably started talking because of you
Like you were just rlly outgoing and he thought that a lot of what you said was funny-
I do think it takes a while for your relationship to officially start
He doesn't wanna rush things
You guys are SO opposite lmao
like he is rlly serious and isn't as loud
you don't rlly think before you speak and your just so outgoing but that's expected 😭😭
I do feel like in private when it's just you two you share rlly sweet moments of just silence
like you both try your best to ignore the situation your in for a bit and just get some peace in your life
but then ofc it won't take long for you to go back to being yourself-
I feel like before he died he had confessed to you and it was rlly sweet
it wasn't nothing big just a moment shared between the two of you
so your relationship had just started and then the worse happened
he was murdered :((
when you saw what had happened you were really off for the rest of the game
like compared to how you were you had just changed
and it was REALLY noticable
people knew you were close and they all tried their best to comfort you
but nothing worked you were still really upset
at the end though if when you survive you learn to accept it
you still love him a lot and he will always have a place in your heart
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nabateaprodigy · 5 months
Hi! Do you mind if i could request kirigiri, mukuro, Ibuki and kirumi (separate) x shsl s/o gn historian who is more in the shy side, thanks :D
Love of History
Series: Danganronpa.
Characters: Kyoko, Mukuro, Ibuki, Kirumi.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Gender Neutral.
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I think that Kyoko would make a pretty great pair! Just think about it! Ultimate Detective and Ultimate Historian? A match made in heaven!
At first, it might be hard for you to talk with Kyoto's stoic expression and what you think at first to have a cold personality. However, once you get to know her you learn she just doesn't show emotion all that much. She cares a lot about what you have together!
I think it would be a lot of fun for you and Kyoto to talk about famous unknown killers and famous unknown unsolved cases. Who knows? Maybe with both of you working together, you'll solve them!
I think a great way for you and Kyoko to spend time together would be to visit museums! As the Ultimate Historian, you tell Kyoko more about anything in the museum. Than the information they have on display to demonstrate your talent!
Another character that I think you would make a pretty good pair with! I just think that the talent of the Ultimate Historian and Ultimate Solider would go pretty well together.
Unlike Kyoko who would be interested in almost everything you have to tell her. I think that Mukuro would be curious about famous wars and battles recorded throughout history. You don't mind telling her you are just more than happy that she's interested!
Mukuro would be interested in how battles and wars were won and the tactics that lead would lead to victory. After all, she's a soldier herself so anything you tell her could help her a lot! Even if they aren't the best of people...Mukuro would be interested in what the leaders of these battles were like.
Mukuro likes listening to your voice it calms her a lot whenever you talk. She liked learning about what you told her so that was always her favorite part of the day.
Honestly, this girl probably won't have the slightest idea what you're talking about most of the time. To your surprise but not to her surprise she's failing history class...
So of course you help her study! She appreciates it since history isn't one of her best classes. Of course, she'll ask if the both of you can do your homework together.
It might be a little overwhelming to get used to Ibuki and her antics. She's a very friendly person and can be very loud at times although that doesn't surprise you considering her talent...but you at heart she's a good person and soon warm up and feel comfortable around her.
It might be pretty embarrassing but I could see Ibuki doing something like this. She appreciates your help and is very happy about it! So I could see her boasting loudly about her talented and knowledgeable her S/O is.
Another person who I think would be a great pair! Although because of her talent, you might not think so at first. But she likes how passionate you can be.
Now and then Kirumi surprise you with historical facts that even you didn't know! It makes you very happy as you can talk about history with her and learn new things.
I think Kirumi is very easy to approach and talk with. So while you may have trouble talking with others. You have the easiest time talking with Kirumi since she's very friendly and a calm person.
Now Kirumi is the prime minister of Japan so because of that. I think that Kirumi could give you access to a lot of historical information that isn't easily available. It's something that makes you happy so she doesn't mind getting access to the information for you.
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ariyucake · 2 years
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+ Navigation . ~
+ Twst . ~
+ “ Hell is not so welcoming. "
+ Yandere Heartlesslabyul [ Separate ] with a reader who is mean and unfriendly to everyone except Grim + [ Some ] Twst chars with a reader who is the SHSL Big sis + [ Some ] Twst chars with a reader whose just like Shumai from NDRV3 + [ Some ] Twst chars with a reader whose just like me + DR Prefect meeting Lilia and tells him about their world and their friends, but then the old man thinks that it's a prank by their sus friend . + Yandere Lilia with a reader whose just like Mikan [ Ft. Silver ] + [ Some ] Twst chars with a reader whose from Danganronpa uwu + Headcannons of some bois from Twst getting jealous of you drawing another side hoe + Yandere Beta Riddle because I like him a lot + Soft yandere Riddle with a GN reader who thinks he's hot when he's mad and doesn't mind his behaviour because they like being protected and pampered by him + Yandere Malleus Draconia headcannons + Heartlesslabyul with a Paimon reader 1 + Heartlesslabyul with a Paimon reader 2 + Not fair . [ Twst angst fic ] + Neige with a reader who is a babysitter + Yandere Riddle with a reader whose always tired and sleepy + You almost get killed [ Neige x reader from the fanfic below this ] + Neige with a tall and curvy s / o
+ Genshin . ~
+ Yandere Chongyun HCS ( New post woo )
+ Genshin SAGAU but with one of my child ocs from a twst fic, try to guess + Yandere Sucrose with a bubbly and sweet reader + Yandere Stalker Ganyu with a darling whom hates her + Yandere Lumine with a darling who has anger issues + Jean with a reader who is dumb but has good intentions + Yandere Aether with a darling who likes him back [ Modern AU ] + Genshin men with a sensitive s / o + Genshin men with a danganronpa s / o + Genshin Self aware AU 2 + Genshin Self aware AU [ Edited ] + Soft yandere stalker Mona finding out that her darling has an obsession with her [ Modern AU ]
+ Danganronpa . ~
+ Yandere Stalker Shumai + Yandere Kokichi who gets jealous easily + Yandere Shumai but he's much more possessive and aggressive + NDRV3 chars with a reader who is the art kid + Y / N L / N, THE ULTIMATE BIG SIS + Y / N L / N, THE ULTIMATE BIG SIS [ UDG VER ] + Y /N L / N, THE ULTIMATE HOPE + Kokichi with a y / n who despises grape panta + Female Y / N meets Nagito + Evil Nagito be like
+ Assassination Classroom . ~
+ [ Some ] Assassination classroom chars with a reader whose just like a detective
+ Purrfect Tale . ~
+ Yandere Oliver .
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brightstarblogs · 11 months
Apple of Temptation (Danganronpa V3 Demon AU) Chapter 8
Please click here to read!
Chapters: 8/16 Rating: Mature Relationships: Saihara Shuichi/Ouma Kokichi, Saihara Shuichi&Akamatsu Kaede, Momota Kaito/Harukawa Maki Characters: Saihara Shuichi, Ouma Kokichi, Momota Kaito, Harukawa Maki, Akamatsu Kaede, Iruma Miu, Oogami Sakura, D.I.C.E
Summary: Shuichi comes to a conclusion with Kaede’s help.
As I do with all my works, I want to thank my beta reader @bowsersrighthandmon for helping me with this work!
Now tagging people who liked/reblogged the last part (let me know if you don’t want me to tag you by sending an ask or DM ^_^)
Apologies if I missed you but sometimes I can’t tag some people
@residualmanifests @lamekit @legit-nobody-at-all @tomhasatopic @cheloneuniverse @nikonekosenpai @hazelnutdeedee @fastrainbowdas @shsl-lantern @miruunya @l-niky @selenashuu @millakatariina64 @hhheima @prettykittyrain @mintisbored @taydolf-swiftler @maplebites @angels-scars @babybackribbos @malvaso @kokichi-simp2657 @wiltinglibrary @iamshyasfuck @englishblackrose @takeovertheworldsstuff @magiclunarspirit @cheesecakemermaid1048 @the-good-noodle-kf @breadfacednerd 
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k0yaz · 11 months
☆ requesting rules ☆
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Keep these rules in mind when requesting, please and thank you <3
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What I will write:
Character x Reader
Oneshots (short or long, you pick)
Modern au/ any other reasonable au I guess
Kink safe for MOST kinks (kinks I won’t write for in the next part)
Feel free to request lgbt shi I’m gay asf too
If you have any prompts feel free to request
I WILL Write for male/amab Reader but not often so try not to ask me that
So far I write for Demon slayer [your request will be done fairly slow if you request kny], YTTD, danganronpa (preferably v3), Genshin impact, chainsaw man, seven deadly sins, honkai starrail, ddlc [your request will get done at the speed of light if you request ddlc]
Please be specific with your requests, like (reader gender, hc or oneshot, scenario like dating hcs or sm)
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What I WILL NOT write:
Piss/vomit/shit kink (what the actual fuck is wrong with y’all-?)
Character x character
Polyamory (can’t write this idk why)
G!p (sorry i don’t feel comfortable writing this)
Trans people (I don’t know what it’s like to be trans so I might not write an accurate depiction)
No danganronpa udg
I’m pretty sure you guys know what I mean by weird kinks but just no weird kinks in general PLEASE 😭
No goofy ass headcannons (for example no OC’s or “SHSL” stuff for danganronpa)
Please, don’t ask for joke fics. I only take actual requests.
Don’t nag me about when your request is getting done, I have a life outside of tumblr.
If I don’t like a request for personal reasons I will not write for it.
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dcbutinamrev · 6 months
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My Dear Kelly "Chapter Seven" out now!
Fandom: Newsies Pairing: Javid Side pairings: Sprace, Jatherine Rating: M Genre: Historical fiction, drama, romance, political fiction Summary: As World War II slowly approaches, David Jacobs comes across the woman who ruined his reputation and his love life. But as his time comes to an end, in order to let go of his past, Jacobs intends to burn the letters his husband wrote him during their youth. Yet, with this woman in his house, he couldn't bring himself to it. Preserving every moment of Kelly's life, Jacobs--the last of the Manhattan Newsies--relives through an era he never told anyone. Not even to his husband. Now, as this woman enters Kelly's studio, she surrenders a pair of keys to that particular studio and walks away. Leaving David Jacobs alone and cold once again. With only minutes waiting, David Jacobs becomes the center of Kelly's life. With a candle in front of him, Jacobs is willing to do anything to preserve his husband's legacy. Even if it meant to forgive the unforgivable.
Additional credits:
Beta reader: @cutebunnyluma
Co-author: @shsl-fander
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danganronpafan777 · 10 months
what requests did you get?
Here’s the list: (No particular order)
Oh boy….
SDRA2 boys with Male Mikan S/o
sdra2 boys with SHSL Prince S/o
SDRA2 Boys with driving test Waltz scenario
DRA Boys wedding
SDRA2 girls with S/o who does in place of their best friend, Peko and Fuyu style
SDRA2 Girls with “Perfect” S/o ignored by their parents
DRA girls with S/o and her twin in Hibiki and Kanade Scenario
DRA boys with child reader when Mitch kicks a ball in Y/n’s face
DRA girls with child reader who screams at party horn lol
DRA boys with F! S/o who says “I want a baby”
DRA Girls in Makoto-Kyoko Situation with S/o
DRA Boys meeting their crush through an invention
DRA boys with S/o who is targeted by motive
Void and Sora with S/o like Marcy Wu who teleports them to Amphibia
DRA girls with M! Ultimate Baker S/o who makes them pastries
SDRA2 girls going through a time loop every time they or someone else dies
SDRA2 boys and child reader thanking them for getting a prize for them from claw machine
SDRA2 girls with S/o who is like Bernadetta from FE3H
SDRA2 girls with tsundere M! S/o
SDRA2 boys with very attractive S/o
SDRA2 girls with crush on M! Reader
DRA Girls x Gonta! Reader
DRA boys x reader who is like Veronica from Heathers and is with JD
SDRA2 Victims x Embalmer S/o saving them
SDRA2 Girls meeting S/o’s big bro Korekiyo
SDRA2 boys x golden child S/o
Utsuro, Kizuna, Mitch, Nikei, Emma, and Hajime in Carrie scenario
DRA Boys entering the boiling Isles with Luz! Reader
SDRA2 boys meeting S/o from Murphy Family
SDRA2 boys x S/o who is like Tiana from TPATF
S/o comforting Teruya and Rei
Rei x reader part 3: Wingman Teruya
SDRA2 girls comforting reader after nightmare
Tsurugi, Utsuro, Syobai, Mikado, Yuri, Mitch, Nikei, Kakeru witnessing their Ult Fry Cook S/o getting sold off for 62 cents
SDRA2 girls with S/o like Mikan
Any character x S/o like Spamton
DRA girls x reader who is dared to ask them out
Tsurugi x reader comfort
Random characters x S/o faints in front of them
Voids with lil sibling reader who writes poems and short stories, and dedicates one to them
DRA girls think S/o is cheating
SDRA2 boys with Cinderella like S/o
It’s been one day y’all
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