#Regressed! Miguel o’hara
cheezyratz · 1 year
one anon pointed this out, there isn’t much Miguel related age/pet regression or dreaming content, so if that’s something you wanna read about then continuing reading! ^^
I use the tags….
“age regressor Miguel O’Hara
Age regressor!miguel o’hara
regressor Miguel o’hara
regressor!miguel o’hara
regressed Miguel o’hara
Regressed!miguel O’Hara”
I might not have used the last two (the ones that used “regressed” ) tho, I’ll have to scroll through my content to double check. But the other ones should be good! ^^ (i believe I also have some pet regression related stuff about Miguel but I’m not sure if I’ve tagged it as such)
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nxrseryclouds · 10 months
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BOARD REQUESTED BY: @goldzapgengar
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xreader-headcanons · 8 months
CG!Miguel O’Hara X Agere Reader
An extremely awkward caregiver.
He does a lot of arts and crafts stuff with you as well as those science toys.
He gives you a lot of praise for your art.
⬆️ “¡Vaya! Tu dibujo es realmente bueno, cariño.” (Woah! Your drawing looks really good, dear/general affectionate term)
Miguel isn’t quite as physically affectionate as other caregivers, but if both him and you are sleepy, he’s down for cuddles.
Miguel definitely prefers doing stuff and going on mini adventures with you.
If he gets called into a mission, Lyla will babysit the you.
Lyla also helps you with pranking Miguel, and she also makes stuff like ‘get out of trouble free’ passes and ‘potty mouth’ passes.
Miguel tries not to encourage your shenanigans by laughing, no matter how much he wants to.
He also gives you a lot of stuffed animals
Also, Miguel carries you.
He’s huge; so no matter what your size, you’re going to be carried.
Keeps a good eye on you and is extremely anxious that you’ll get hurt when you’re regressed.
“Be careful, bebé. Try not to run so fast.”
If you do get hurt, he has a bunch of Spider-Man bandaids to fix you up and you get to watch cartoons afterwards.
He also adores making food for you and loves having fun with it (think apple turtles, snail oranges, or dolphin bananas).
Sometimes, especially if it’s an anniversary of something related to Gabriella (birthday, death date, accomplishments, something like that), he’ll hold you close to make sure you’re safe.
⬆️ He makes sure to not show how sad he is during the moments, but he does noticeably cling closer to you.
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shadowlord23 · 5 months
🕸️Miguel O’Hara Cg fic
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Y’all I did it! Here is my first fic ever so be nice… please 🙏 I hope you guys like it!
Here you go @el-buzz
Miguel O’Hara Cg X Gn! Little
Warning: Brief mention of fighting and little wetting themself but nothing explicit.
You had only been part of the Spider-Society a couple of months before you were sent on your first solo mission with Miguel O’Hara.Yes you have been on missions but never just with him. He's scary. He always seemed to be upset with you or other members whenever he was on missions with you or just running a team meeting.
You take a breath as you sit on top of the building watching the cars go by. You tried to push down the feeling of wanting to regress as you waited for him to come. It has been a minute since you last regressed. The stress of school, your job, and other ‘job’ have made it hard for you to find the time to regress. You take a deep break as you hear someone land behind you.
“Y/n.” Miguel says as he comes to stand next to you. You nod as you look in front of you, not wanting Miguel to see that you are intimidated.
“Any sightings so far?” He asks, turning to look at you.
“None just yet… It’s been quiet sir.” You say finally looking up at him.
“The variant is in there.”
“ I know sir. They might just be waiting us out.”
“They are too smart for that.” He says glaring into the building as if he could see inside. He probably could with all his fancy tech.
You stand there for a moment eyeing Miguel as he looks over the building. You sigh feeling a fuzzy feeling settle over you. You shake your head trying to get yourself to Focus. After watching Miguel for a couple moments longer you sit down again as you guys wait out the variant.
The next thing you feel is the building shaking and intense heat. You must have fallen asleep while waiting for them. You sit up looking around.
“Y/n!” Miguels yells as he swings down to the explosion site. “Let’s go!” He yells. You can tell he’s glaring at you under the mask. You shake your head again and follow after him.
You make quick work of clearing the civilians. As you rounded up the people and took them to safety you heard Miguel call your name but was too loud to hear him fully.
“What?” You call out looking over to him, expecting to see him subduing the variant. Instead you saw a bomb-like material come flying at you and the civilians. You push them out of the way to safety, as the device goes off, pushing you into a wall and burying you under ruble.
You woke up feeling wrong. Your ears were ringing and all you could see was darkness. Your body hurt as you tried to move but found yourself unable to. You whimper as you feel the wet patch under your legs.
“Y/n! Y/n!” You could hear someone calling your name but you could only cry. You pull off your mask, wiping your face. You covered your ears, trying to make yourself as small as you felt.
“It's ok… Gonna get you out.” You heard someone grunt as a piece of rubble was moved, letting light, and fresh air into the space.
“Y/n! Why weren’t you answering?!” Miguel yelled at you more scared than mad once he saw you were still alive, but slightly injured. You whimper at his harsh tone, covering your face with your arms. He moves a couple more pieces out of the way to see you better.
“What are you… doing?” He says his voice gets softer as he fully sees you now. He takes in your cowering and the wet spot on your pants. He kneels down in front of you, making himself less threatening.
“Hey pequeña araña…” he says gently, taking off his mask. “It's Ok y/n. You're safe.” He says moving forward his hand up, like he’s trying to calm a scared animal.
You shake your head, pulling your legs to your chest with a soft cry.
“Oh little one. You’re safe. It’s all gonna be ok. You want to come out?” he asked gently.
“ B-ba guy…?” You manage to get out.
“Bad guy? Don't worry I already took care of him. No bad guys here.” He says with a smile. He reaches forward and gently grabs you under the arms and pulls you onto his lap. “Oh pequeño, did you get hurt?” He says as he holds you close, running a hand through your hair.
You nod, softly crying leaning into his touch. you wrap your arms around him, and he stands up. “Ok, Let’s get you taken care of…” He quickly opens a ‘portal’ to your home and steps through. “Do you have any stuff?” He says as he looks around the apartment wondering where you would keep your regression stuff. You look up at him and point to a closet.
“Gracias.” He says as he opens the door finding a box. He opens it up to find binkeys, bottles, etc. He smiles as pulls the box out. He looks down at you. “ Let’s get you clean and out of those clothes ok? Don't want my araña getting sick do we?” You giggle at the name and nod. He finds the bathroom and sets you in the closed toilet seat. You whine when he sets you down, making grabby hands when he walks away.
“It’s ok. I’m just grabbing a first aid kit and some wipes. I’m not leaving.” He says with a gentle smile. You nod again with a sniff and begin to suck your thumb. He comes back a moment later with the stuff in his arms. “Oh no little one. We don’t suck our thumbs.” He says as he kneels on the ground in front you and pulls your thumb out of your mouth. You start to tear up before he replaces your thumb with a binky. “There you go, Y/n. See, isn't that better?” He chuckles as he starts to help you out of the clothes.
Once he has your shirt off he starts to wipe you down and treat any injuries you have. He’s as gentle as possible, talking to you the whole time and explains what he’s doing. He laughs when you respond, as it's not the most coherent response, and more like baby talk. Soon he helps you stand and pulls off the soiled clothes. He’s quick to clean you up and put on some clean underwear he found. He repeats the process of cleaning you up and treating your injuries again before scooping you up into his arms. “Now that you are all clean, let's get you dressed and cozy.” He says carrying you to your room.
He sets you down on your bed, which you flop into and bury yourself under blankets and stuffed animals with a laugh. Miguel looks over and laughs when he sees you too. He grabs some clothes out of your closet and brings them over. “ Vamos pequeño bichito. Let’s get you in some clothes.” He says with a soft smile, your behavior reminding him of his daughter.
He quickly gets you dressed, “ Lets some food and liquid into you and we can watch a show, ok?” He says picking you up and placing you in his hip. You grab a blanket and stuffie and hold them tightly. He carries you to the kitchen when he starts to make you a snack and warms a bottle for you.
“I-I’m sorwy…” you mumble as you press your face against his shoulder.
“Whatever for araña?” He says looking at you.
“Bad. Not posed to be small arund epole.”
He looks at you and hugs you tighter. “ No. No Y/n you're not bad for being small, you could never be bad.”
“B-but you had to car fr me...i-I’m gross.” You say as you start to cry.
Miguel carefully carries you and the food to the couch, setting everything down before sitting and holding you closer. “ Oh Y/n, you're not gross, and I chose to do this. No little should be alone. Especially one so small.” He says booping your nose, getting a small laugh from you.
“Don't worry your little head about it ok? I just want you to feel better.” He smiles as he grabs your bottle and offers it to you with a smile. You happily take it and start to suck on it, your eyes dropping. Miguel grabs a blanket and pulls it over you, so you're nice and warm, before turning on a show for you.
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thetinyblossom · 8 months
Could I request Miguel Ohara headcanon / caregiver ? Thank you in advance !
Yes ofc! ^^
Sorry it took me so long to get around to do this!!! I had to take a while off writing cuz I felt very unmotivated!
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❤️Caregiver! Miguel O’Hara (Spiderverse) Headcanons❤️
🕸️He is sooo caring and protective of their little one, such a proud papa
❤️Loves being called “Papa”
🕸️Little kisses on your forehead
❤️Calls you “Arañita” (little spider), “Angel”, “Honey” and “Dear”
🕸️Definitely says “Let me do it, you are to little” quite a lot
❤️He builds special equipment just for you and your regression, need a crib? Done! Papa built it, need a highchair ? He was just working on that! Need anything to make moving around easier? Oh you bet he is working day and night to make the best mobility aid
🕸️Carries you around with no issues, making sure you are all comfy and snug
❤️ “Im not spoiling them” He says as he buys you anything you ask for
🕸️Makes sure you are doing your chores and taking care of yourself, lots of praise and treats for his arañita
❤️He acts so soft when around you, you definitely lights up his mood!
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Hey I sent an ask a little while requesting Miguel O’Hara headcannons and a mood board and you said you would do the headcannons eventually but I haven’t seen them yet ❤️ Not trying to pressure you at all! Just wondering if you still planed on doing them :)
Hiii!!! I didn't forget!!! I was having some issues writing but I think I getting backs to it now 😅 sorry it took so long an thanks you for being so patient!!!
Caregiver!Miguel O'Hara Headcannons
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He's a very protective Caregiver, paternal instincts to the max. Like after Gabriella he'd always be worried about the possibility of something happening to you.
^ This would also cause him to be super nervous as a caregiver!!!
Despite his nerves he'd make an amazing caregiver!!! I mean, he's a Dad through and through!!!
Mostly calls you Spiderling or Niño (Child).
He has a few rules, all there to keep you safe. They are written on a white board in both your bedroom as well as his office? His work space? 🤷
Loves routines!!! They help him look after you!!!
He is a master at cooking, you will always have the best meals!!!
Absolutely adores cuddles!!!
^ likes when/if you fall asleep leaning against him/on his chest as he can see that you're safe. He needs to know you are there, I'm his arms, safe.
Lyla is the only 'person' who is allowed to babysit you. He trusts no one else to do so!!! (No matter if he may like Peter and Jessica he can't help but just not fully trust them with you!!!)
He loves spending time with you. It means the world to him!!!
If you tell him you love him he will cry!!! </3
Watching movies >>> (especially Disney :D)
He makes sure to curb his language around you, he can't be setting a bad example now, can he?
For regresses with longer hair he can style it!!!
He pays attention to everything and anything!!! You are the most important person to him and he will do anything to protect you and make sure you're happy!!!
Will hum for you to help you sleep, sometimes he actually sings (as long as he's 100% sure no one else is around and that Lyla isn't going to record him)
He acts nice to the others in front of you, or at least a little nicer than normal.
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tinyglori2003 · 11 months
we need more miguel o’hara age regression imagines! he would be such a good cg! 🥺
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urdadssideho3 · 1 year
Rᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ Rᴜʟᴇs
Read before requesting
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What I write
• Sfw / fluff
• I do write spice, but not nsfw
• I only write genderneutral!readers and female!reader
• I write specified readers, however, for race/ethnic specified readers I only write South Asain and Arab and a general POC reader. I don’t write body size specifications
• I strictly write x reader fics, and don’t take requests for ships
• I only write for Miguel O’Hara on this blog (although this could change very soon)
What I don’t write
• Nsfw / cnc
• Age gaps / pedophilia / incest / age regression
• Yandere / dark themes / stalking / abuse
• Eating disorders / Self harm / addiction
• Kinks / fetishes
• Poly relationships
• Pregnancy / weddings / babys
General Rules and Disclaimers
• Please be respectful and patient when you request. I have a life outside of tumblr and am a busy person. If you are pushy, disrespectful, or demanding I will block you.
• I only write drabbles on this blog (so anything under 1k words). That being said complicated storylines with lots of plot probably aren’t the best to request here.
• If you are unsure about a request feel free to ask me about it, either through the ask inbox or pm
• I don’t take requests for headcanons.
• If you send me a request that follows along the lines of something under my “what I don’t write” section, I will block you.
• If I receive a request that I’m uncomfortable writing I won’t write it.
• I may not get around to all the requests that are sent to me, but I will try my best!
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cheezyratz · 11 months
Regressed Miguel: bubba, can I have ice cream?
Peter b: nope, ‘cause I ate it all
Regressed Miguel: nuh-uh! No you didn’t!
Peter b: yup, was so hungry I ate the containers too
Regressed Miguel: bubba don’t be silly >:/
Peter b: ok ok, you caught me, I’ll go get you some ice cream from the freezer
Regressed Miguel: yay!!
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nxrseryclouds · 10 months
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BOARD REQUESTED BY: @goldzapgengar
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buggzincognito · 2 years
!! In all my fics i will use they/them pronouns for the reader but they’re might be some gendered terms like good girl/boy or something.
!! if relevant i will specify reader’s genitalia!!
if you want me to rewrite a fic with different genitalia/pronouns etc. just ask and i will :)
i’ll write smut(preferred), fluff, angst, or just hcs in general
characters i write for(not limited to)
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Tim Drake
Battison! Bruce Wayne
Wally West
Barry Allen
Roy Harper
Connor Kent
Clark Kent
Peter Parker
Miguel O’hara
Moon knight(all three)
Stephen Strange
Matt Murdock
Venom & Eddie Brock
Wade Wilson
Spencer Reid
Poe Damarin
Joel Miller
Din Djarin
Gojo Satoru
Will Graham
Boundaries(what i wont write)
Age play/regression
MINORS!! i will not write smut about minors even if they’re aged up ex. damian wayne, Jon kent, Kamala Khan
Feet stuff… ew
any piss or shit stuff
Tropes I write :)
Friends to Lovers
Enemies to Lovers
Mutual Pining
love interest gets jealous and “doesn’t know why”bs btw
Slow burn
One Bed
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cheezyratz · 1 year
ANON I LOVE YOU❤️❤️❤️❤️ /p
Regressed!Miguel: I don’t wanna sleep!!! *sits down angrily* hmph >:(
Peter B. Parker: That’s fine.
Regressed!Miguel: >:)
Peter B. Parker: Yeah, it’s super fine. It’s just… oh man… you’re gonna miss out on so much. You won’t get your sleepy time sippy cup, you won’t be able to snuggle with your stuffies, you won’t get your bedtime story, and worst of all, :0 you won’t get a goodnight kiss!
Regressed!Miguel: oh…
Peter B. Parker: So, you still wanna stay up all night?
Regressed!Miguel: *shakes his head*
Peter B. Parker: Well then Lovebug, let’s get you ready for bed
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cheezyratz · 11 months
Regressed Miguel: *in his playroom*
Peter b: hey kiddo! I brought—
Regressed Miguel: nuh-uh
Peter b: ?
Regressed Miguel: *points to a piece of paper* it say “babies only” and you not a baby so you gotta leave >:/
Peter b: but I brought snacks
Regressed Miguel:
Regressed Miguel: okay bubba, you can stay :3
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cheezyratz · 11 months
Regressed Miguel: hi bubba!!! You my fave bubba of all my bubba’s :3
Lego Spider-Man: 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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cheezyratz · 1 year
Peter B: Miguel! You’ve gotta pick up your toys!
Regressed! Miguel: no, i busy >:/
Peter B: Busy doing what?
Regressed! Miguel: drinking my juice :3
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cheezyratz · 1 year
can i get some regressor!hobie headcanons, if you have any? if not how do you think hobie would react to regressor!miguel?
anon, when I saw this ask i got so happy. So very happy. Not only because regressor hobie, but also because I’ve been thinking about how hobie would react to Miguel being a regressor. It’s like you’ve been reading my mind. Speaking of my mind, 🥨.
anyways, onto the headcanons!!!!
❤️ I feel like he’d regress to 5-8
💙 he loves finger painting
🩶 very independent, often taking the lead in playtime and other activities
🖤will just sit on the floor and stare at you
❤️ will play his guitar with you (I believe he has a guitar, but if It’s a different instrument feel free to tell me
💙 will make regression related patches with you (matching ones as well, cute!!)
🩶 doesn’t really like cuddling, but he loves hugs and holding hands
🖤 will call u a nickname sort of version of your name (like instead of Tyler it’s “ty ty” (like saying “tie tie”)) unless you ask him otherwise (like if you’re a mama caregiver and you ask him to call you that instead of your name)
❤️ if it’s in his hands he’ll try to make music with it
💙 he gets kinda fussy during bed time
🩶 but with a hug, a forehead kiss, and a song/lullaby, he’s off to dream land 💤
🖤 he’ll make grabby hands at something, but when you try to hand it to him he won’t take it
now onto the second part of your ask! (And the part I was most excited about! ^^)
Hobie would definitely be shocked at first. While he might not know what agere is, he (—somewhat—) knows Miguel, and I imagine finding out someone as stern and quite frankly harsh as Miguel is a regressor, would leave him a bit surprised. However, Hobie would get over the shock after a while (like between a minute to a couple days). He’d recognize that there’s no one kind of regressor. I don’t think it would change their dynamic too much, though I could definitely see Peter B asking Hobie to babysit a regressed Miguel when he and Jess are busy. Idk, I just feel like Peter would do that lol.
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