#Reader X Dream
Ok so- hear me out- imagine this for nightmare and dream.
They have an s/o, everything is great! Although whenever they were in a bad mood, s/o would immediately know, and would sometimes complain that their negativity gave them headaches . At first they think nothing of it, they probably just weren’t that great at hiding their emotions, and the headache was probably just s/o being sad about them being upset. but soon by the way s/o described it, they noticed that it…was not normal. They described it as if they could sense the emotions around them!
As soon as Dream/Nightmare notices, they do a bit of questioning, and they’re able to figure out their s/o has the same ability to sense emotions as they do! S/o just had no idea that was what it was, and thought it was completely normal to see/sense peoples emotions like they do.
How the heck do they even have this power??? How do Dream/Nightmare even react to something like this?
This was such a good idea! :D Thank you for sending it to me!
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Nightmare: At first Nightmare thought it was annoying, his S/o was being much too sensitive. He didn't react to his annoyance too often, normally he didn't shout or anything. He did get annoyed often though, just didn't react to it. Then he started to ask questions about their headaches, wondering if there was anything that he could do to help them stop getting the headaches. They reminded him of himself when he was younger when he was around too many positive emotions. Negative positive feelings, of course... Then he started to piece things together, and he was... confused? “You say that you can... sense that I am annoyed?” when he got the approval, he lets out a little hum and decides to try to do some tests. Finally he finds out the truth, you have similar powers to that of his own. How interesting... “No, that does not seem to be very normal with humans, Y/n.” he's going to keep an eye on this, see how far it goes, while also working on controlling his anger. He hated to be the cause of headaches for his datemate. He also helps them learn ways to control it so they wouldn't get headaches as often.
Dream: Dream tries his best to not be in bad moods, even when he's alone, he feels like he doesn't deserve to be allowed to feel bad. He's literally the guardian of positive emotions and positive energy. How is he supposed to be able to feel negative? Plus it also hurts you, for some reason... he finds it kinda exciting and wants to know exactly how you're able to tell whenever he feels bad. He thought that he's normally really good at hiding it! After a bit, he decides to ask some questions, and he learns that you could kinda... sense and or see emotions. It was a lot like what he could do, which was a shock! How in the world were you able to do that? It's a little worrying because now he couldn't hide it if he did feel bad. At least now he has an excuse to talk about his problems?
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inkymagpie · 2 years
The Book Keeper Pt 1: The Dream is Crumbling
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Summary: You are the daughter of Thoth, Egyptian God of knowledge and writing. Three centuries ago you were appointed to the head of the New Alexandria library; once thought burned in a great fire it now holds all of the knowledge that was ever written by man. But when books start to go missing, and even worse are found burned beyond repair you realize something sinister is occurring.
Pairing: Morpheus x f!reader
Chapter Rating: General
Overall Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: Angst
Chapter Summary: Days went by, and then weeks and then months, Dream of the Endless did not return to the Dreaming; and you began to get more and more concerned letters from Lucienne. Her normal pristine penmanship becoming more scratchy, fear evident in her writing.
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The Library of Alexandria…a pinnacle of knowledge, a testament to the wisdom that the Gods bestowed upon humans through their scholars, their muses; a bastion for all those that sought out the unknown, the lessons of both the Heavens and earth. A gift so generously given only to be squandered by human folly and greed.
Mortals can be such fickle creatures.
It is said that the Library burned to the ground over two thousand years ago; the casualty of humans and their need to conquer their need for power. Razed in a war brought on by an Emperor from a foreign land; and it was thought that the books that had burned and the knowledge that they contained was lost forever. And it was…at least to mortals.
As the fires spread and scholars wept, the Gods had predicted this and had delivered the scriptures from the mortal realm back to the kingdom of the Heavens. New Alexandria, a beckon of knowledge now reclaimed and protected by its benefactors; and its caretaker, Thoth, God of the Moon, of scriptures and writings.
For more than millennia and the better half of another Thoth watched over the Library; its corridors and sections ever growing and expanding as time went on…But then Thoth was gifted a child from his devoted wife Ma’at.
Most Gods were known to have many sons and daughters, who then in turn had sons and daughters of their own and so on and so forth, but you, you were the only daughter of Thoth…His only child.
He watched as you grew, taught you of his realm, the realms of others, of humankind; and of the ancient ever presence of the Endless. He taught you the gift that knowledge was, how it shaped both past, present and future. And he taught you the importance of protecting it, so that it might be forever preserved.
However despite his teaching you viewed the importance of knowledge somewhat differently from your father, and at times it brought about tension between the two of you.
You became a Goddess of curiosity, of inquisitiveness finding more in common with mortals than Thoth would care for you to have and you spent much of your time cavorting about on earth, partaking in human customs and curiosities. And with your inquisitiveness and witnessing of the tribulations that man faced you also became a creature of compassion.
Thoth supposed you must have gotten some of that from your mother, though you were definitely more of a handful than she. He deemed that it was high time that he appointed you to a station, and perhaps that would settle you down some.
Around the turn of the century of 1600 to 1700 he gifted you with one of the most important appointments of all: Head Librarian of the Library of New Alexandria. At first you had been disgruntled by the fact you would be spending most of your time in relative solitude, no longer able to have the freedom to galavant around in the mortal realm with such frequency. But as the first decade went by you realized how much you loved being the caretaker of the knowledge that spanned all the way to the dawn of man.
You had always loved to read, how could you not? But the books and scriptures that had always been read to you or presented for you to read had usually been about great events in history, famous ballads and sonnets; epic tales of trials and tragedy. But now as the curator you had access to every story, large and small and you found yourself more fascinated by the very human stories; like a friar that had lost his sandals in the river while washing them. Or a man in a dimly lit tavern that said that he would never die.
The day to day life of mortals was fascinating and they all were so different, no two were exactly alike and you find that to be just as interesting if not more than the rise and fall of an empire. It was just so…human.
During your first century as Librarian you got to see a great number of important visitors; some other Gods, ones that you knew since childhood. Others were fae folk and beings of various magical prowess. But the most interesting guest to grace the halls of New Alexandria was an Endless.
He had arrived with your father one morning and you had watched with great curiosity as your parent spoke in soft tones with him; your father had eventually beckoned you over and you obeyed eagerly.
You had never met an Endless, though you had read about them and of course heard tales. You observed him keenly, non too covertly which had caused your father to scold you for being rude. But the Endless had gazed upon you with a look of amusement, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. And when he spoke his voice was as warm and as rich as honey and just as soothing.
“So you are the keeper of the books.” He had asked.
“Y/n and yes I am,” you bow quickly, watching him still. “Who are you? What realm are you from?”
“I am the King of Dreams and Nightmares and as my title would suggest my realm is The Dreaming.” He replied with a subtle fondness.
“Are you here for knowledge? I have a strict return policy.” You reply puckishly.
Thoth gave you a pointed look, and tapped his quill on the lip of the parchment board in his grasp. Ah, another warning.
“I like to make sure that the books are cared for, looked after.” You corrected hoping to appease your father.
“More should follow that practice.” The Endless nodded his head sagely. “And in a way, yes I am here for knowledge.”
You cocked your head at this, curious.
“The Dreaming has a vast library of its own and I believe it would be beneficial to share that knowledge across them.” He said.
You had heard of the Library of the Dreaming, after all Gods were born in the Dreaming, originally stories themselves brought to life by humankind.
“Might I see it?” You had barely been able to contain your excitement, the idea of seeing the stories yet untold by all living things, what a treasure that would be to witness in person.
“Perhaps one day my child, when the time comes.” Thoth spoke and gave a small nod to the Dream Lord.
“A raven will be in contact with you.” The Endless continued before you had anytime to pout. “They will bring you news of the Dreamings collection as well as ferry desired literature.”
“I will allow you one of my Ibis to do the same Y/n, until your sacred animal manifests.” Your father added.
You had gazed at the ground somewhat ashamed; your sacred creature had still not come to fruition, your worship still young and growing had not yet bore you a beastial symbol.
“I will take my leave Thoth, God of the Moon and Scripts.” The Endless said before he turned to you. “Y/n”
You bristled at that, your station as a goddess was rather small this was true, but he seemed to disregard it entirely.
“And you Morpheus, Shaper of Forms, King of Dreams.” Thoth nodded.
And as the being called Morpheus began to disappear into a cloud of white gold sand his gaze landed on you again.
“I suspect Lucienne will be most interested in speaking with you.” He commented.
“Who is Lucienne?” You called out but he was already gone, sands disappearing into the ether.
You had blinked, thinking for a moment before crossing your arms with a huff.
“He seems a bit-“ your father quickly interrupted you with a look. “…lovely.” You gritted out instead; insufferable you’d rather say.
“This will be a great honor, a partnership with one of the Endless.” Your father turned to leave. “I have the utmost trust that you will face the task with diligence and logic.”
You had watched as your father left the Library, heading back out into his kingdom.
You of course were diligent about your work…but you couldn’t help but take great pause with logic…
The smell of weathered pages, bound in leather and pressed paper and permeates the air; a comforting, familiar scent that you had come to love since childhood. The golden light of sun cast through the stained glass windows, casting rivers of iridescent colors across the worn limestone floors of the vast library. When you were given the appointment of head librarian of New Alexandria, Ra had bestowed upon you a gift that while the Library was in your father’s domain of the Moon, a kingdom ever beneath the star sky of the cosmos, you would always have the light of sun grace the halls of your station.
You sigh happily, a thermos of hot tea with milk and sugar in your grasp; you had popped into your favorite tea shop in the mortal realm; you didn’t think your father would be too upset with just a little visit; and innocent one no less! They also made the most delightful breakfast foods there and you took another bite from the pastry you had purchased as well; whoever said the God’s dined on ambrosia had never had Welsh cakes.
You walk further into the expanse of the ever growing library, enjoying your morning treat as you wait for your tea to cool. You hear the flutter of wings and you watch as a kingfisher flies overhead chortling at you, a rolled up parchment paper in its grasp.
You had been expecting a list of possible Gods from Lucienne. While most were never more than dreams, some came to fruition and would be more than figments of imagination and become beings of history.
The kingfisher drops the scroll on your very messy (though you insisted it was organized chaos) desk and lands on a tall reedy piece of drift wood you had set up as a perch. Next to them stands a large ibis, ever watchful of the recent addition to the library.
It had been over two centuries now that the ibis your father had bestowed upon you had aided you in your task, now more of a sentinel, ever keen and observant. Your worshippers had finally bestowed upon you a sacred beast. And while not as prominent or as distinguished as perhaps your fathers ibis or Anubis’ jackal, the kingfisher was a delightful creature that many mortals associated with the freedom and curiosity you so possessed.
You trill gently to the bird and tap their beak affectionately as you come to your desk, it trills in return and ruffles their feathers. You bow to your father’s ibis who ducks their head to you and begins to walk out into the library having completed its duty of making sure you hadn’t gotten lost gallivanting across the realms.
You sit down and begin to unravel the parchment paper, the kingfisher preening themself as you start to read the list from Lucienne, ready to document everything for the Library records.
Being a relatively new Goddess yourself having only come about during the time of the printing press it was still strange to see the concept of potential additions to new and old pantheons. Mortals were always coming up with new concepts to believe in, to worship; some more prolific than others.
Not too long ago you had seen ideas for gods and goddesses of steam after the industrial revolution had spread across the globe. Now it was electricity with the invention of the light bulb (something that you heard Thor was a bit sour about).
You laugh as you read some of Lucienne’s little quips and notes in the margins of her list as you document the ideas formally to fresh pressed papers. It was something that you had both started to do; an entertaining thing to lighten the mood, that and your frequent book exchange you had started doing for the past hundred years. In fact you were almost done with the last book she sent over, perhaps you’d finish it up tonight and tell her about your thoughts in your next letter.
Shortly you come to the end of the list. It didn’t appear that any of the new potentials were manifesting yet past dreams, though you think that perhaps something might happen with the idea of electricity since mankind fancied it so.
You sort the notes and give the stack to the kingfisher to take to the record's section (which now had sprawled far beyond their initial wing of the library). As you hand the papers over, twine forms along the left edge of the papers binding them together, the date appearing at the bottom right of the first page's corner. You would set them in the proper records book later.
As the kingfisher takes off into the belly of the library, you quickly gather up the personal letter that Lucienne also included with the list. You always took great joy in reading about the happenings of the Dreaming. Gods did dream but they didn’t enter the kingdom unless invited, or so your father said. Lucienne had visited you far more times in your realm than you had ever visited her in her lords (which you could count the total on one of your hands, and on one of your fingers). And you hadn’t even seen the Dream King himself while you had attended.
You begin to read through Lucienne’s letter, smiling at the mentions of Mervyn and how he always managed to strike a nerve. You had decided long ago that you would very much like to meet him in person as he sounded like quite the character. You flip the page and continue to read.
You frown at the mention of something more sinister than usual. A rogue nightmare…while it was true that Luceinne had told you about how colorful and at times creepy the Shaper of Forms creations could be, she had always said that they remained in the Dreaming. But here she was saying that he was out in the world of men, preying upon them. You made a note to check the stories of life to see if you could find anything more about this creature and if he had affected the history of man.
You breathe a small sigh of relief when you read that the Dream Lord had left just this morning (or perhaps it was night? Hard to tell sometimes when dealing with the mortal realm) to deal with the matter. You are sure that with the quick intervention that the stories of men will not be too affected.
However you could sense some sort of apprehension in the words that Lucienne wrote. You grab a stack of fresh papers and a fountain pen and begin to write back to Lucienne, hoping to ease your friend's worries. Perhaps you would send back a book as well; a favorite of yours to give some comfort.
Surely it would all be fine…
Days went by, and then weeks and then months, Dream of the Endless did not return to the Dreaming; and you began to get more and more concerned letters from Lucienne. Her normal pristine penmanship becoming more scratchy, fear evident in her writing.
And you yourself began to fear as well…the mortal world was suffering, even the other Gods whispered of a sleeping sickness that plague mankind. Your father continued to bathe the night sky under the light of the moon, but there were no dreamers to be found in its beams.
The library was changing…the stories of mankind becoming something that you feel they never should have been. Countless books now filled with the same suffering; from the pages of a young girl that could no longer find sleep to the pages of a doctor overwhelmed and doing anything they could to find a cure… an answer.
But the thing that scared you most was the pages of those that didn’t wake up; day after day the papers remained blank. Thousands upon thousands of mortals' life stories filling with blank chapters.
Your father had told you that Destiny had a path and to not interfere; if this was the history that mankind must write then it must be written. You had been quite angry with him and whoever this Destiny was…cruelty like this was not something you could bear to see. It was then you also realized that if mankind was suffering then what horrible fate was the Lord of Dreams facing; what horrible cruelties were befalling him that the whole of humanity ailed.
This had to end…
But it didn’t and months then turned into years.
Your letters to Lucienne became so commonplace that one of the Dreaming ravens and your kingfisher had started passing by each other while delivering notes. You had begun to slack on your own duties as a curator and instead of simply documenting and protecting the vast wealth of knowledge you began to pour through it. You looked for anything you could find, hints in the life books of mortals of where the Shaper of Forms had gone. You had also started to disobey your father more and more as well…traveling to the mortal realm in the light of Ra so that your father would not see you in the path of the moon.
And then one day…
“Miss Y/n!” You hear a frantic voice, it’s oddly familiar and you rapidly look up from your research. If you hadn’t been sitting you would have fallen on your behind.
Lucienne stumbles towards you, a waning portal flickering weakly behind her as she gains her footing.
“L-Lucienne?” You are still shocked she’s here in person; she never left the Dreaming to enter your realm unannounced.
“Please Y/n, I know that I did not send word but-“ she ducks her head.
You’ve never seen her so distraught and your heart aches as you worry she might begin to cry.
Quickly you stand and rush to her side.
“What is it, Lucienne, please what’s wrong?” You beg her to tell you, placing a warm hand on her shoulder, urging her to look at you.
“The books… they are all disappearing.” She says her eyes watery as she looks up at you and you feel her hands shake as she takes your other hand in hers. “Whole sections of the library; they are gone.”
Behind her the portal flickers and dissolves into the air. She drops to her knees and you follow, easing her to the cool stone of your own library.
“I used the last of my magic to get here…to seek your aid.” She says.
“Can the books move realms?” You ask quickly.
“I believe that they can, there are millions of them though.” She replies, brow furrowing.
“Can we gather residents of the Dreaming to help us bring the books here?”
“The residents have all left, save for myself and a few others.” You stiffen; they’ve all gone?
You knew that dreams and nightmares had been abandoning the crumbling realm but you didn’t know it had become such a mass exodus.
“We’ll gather those that are left.” You turn your head and whistle to the kingfisher that is by your side in a quick beating of feathered wings. “Gather your friends from the mortal plane please, bring them here and ask them to make haste.” You whisper to them and kiss their soft head.
The kingfisher coos and with the flutter of its wings takes off.
Slowly you stand, facing where the portal Lucienne came through had disappeared; you close your eyes and focus. Plucking at the threads within the ether, pulling them taught, weaving them together until a golden path is spun before you that leads directly into the library of the Dreaming. Lucienne watches, eyes softening and tense posture easing slightly.
“Thank you Y/n.” She says looking up at you, the thankfulness clear in her deep brown eyes.
”You are my dear friend Lucienne, I would do anything for you.” You reply and hold your hand out to her. She takes it, a soft smile on her lips as she stands.
You look to the glittering pathway, you wonder briefly if your father would be displeased with this action. You are, after all, interfering with another realm, however you doubt he would want to see a millennia of knowledge decay… you decide that you’ll deal with it later.
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wordstome · 7 months
“How did Price end up with three girls who aren’t triplets or twins?” This is how.
I think we’re done here.
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silasours · 3 months
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#pairing : lucifer, alastor, vox, valentino, x gn reader. #cw : 18+ content, mdni. unprotected sex. edging. office sex. public sex. sub/power sub reader. no mentions of specific anatomy. vox is in an online meeting for work. touch starved lucifer. val blowing his smoke on you for fun. non proofread because it's six in the fuckin morning and I have not slept a wink. #summary : in which they keep themselves buried deep inside of you while being busied by other stuff. #note : save me, I've been writing nothing but hazbin smut lately. i should really start working on other shows.. alastor's a bit shorter than the others, can't really think of a solid idea for him and I wanted to get this out as soon as possible
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lucifer whines when you force him to focus on his unfinished work once again. he has been going back and forth from attempting to thrust into you, but you always found a way to press him down in his place firmly. he had some unfinished work that he left sitting in his office for almost a week now, and it irritated you. that's when you offered to cockwarm him while he worked, get him to finally get his hands on those unfinished works.
being absolutely touch starved, lucifer agreed without hesitation unaware of how miserable and impatient this will make him. his hand remain on his working desk, occasionally scribbling some words and a signature on the paper filled with printed words. he does his best to resist the urge to finally thrust into you, worried that you'd leave him unsatisfied if he doesn't do as he's told.
but there's a limit to how much he can contain himself, especially when he has you sitting on his lap with his cock stuffing you to the brim, when you'd tease him so often by clenching around him or moving your hips ever so slightly. lucifer whines every time, the hand that's placed on your hip squeezing on your flesh desperately.
"can i please.. just finish this up later?" his voice muffled from nuzzling his face into your shoulder, eyes closed shut to focus on the warmth engulfing his throbbing member. you let out a small chuckle, baring your teeth into his neck to draw out those pretty moans of his; his cock leaks pathetically inside of you.
"no can do, luci. you're not going to get whatever you want until you finish up." you pull away and tilt your head slightly, pressing a soft kiss onto his jaw while giving a quick glance at the papers sprawled across his desk. he's only halfway done with them. "you're doing pretty well, no? you're halfway done."
lucifer groans, annoyed as he picks up the pen from the desk again while reading through the papers. this time, you decide to tease him a little more instead of staying still. you connect your lips with his exposed neck, sucking on the sensitive skin as your hips slowly grind against his. you hear his breath hitch, his knuckles turning white from how hard he's gripping you.
your name spills out from his lips breathlessly, following with a whimper that you love so much. you carry on with your actions, dark marks gradually bloom all over his skin like breathtaking flowers. lucifer shifts to lay his forehead on your shoulder, shuddering from pleasure; you tug on his soft hair, firm enough to lift his head up from your shoulder.
"stay focused, luci. remember what's waiting for you to finish your work."
"oh, what a twist!" alastor exclaims with his eyes glued to the book he's reading, chuckling like you're not clenching down on his cock out of desperation. your eyes are teary as you turn to peek at the page he's on, frustration brewing in your chest. upon noticing your reaction, alastor laughs while moving his hand to cup your face, leaning in with a grin. "don't you agree, my dear?"
you groan, parting your lips further enough to drop his thumb into your mouth, biting down on it. alastor mutters a small "fiesty" before buckling up his hips, watching your eyes widen from the sudden pleasure that shoots up your veins. his arm tightens around your waist to stop you from squirming around excessively.
"put.. the fuckin' book down, a-alastor.." your nails dig into his shoulder through the fabric of his shirt, the back of your other hand hovering over your mouth with a frown on your face. alastor smiles in response, holding the book between the both of you now that there's a gap.
"why, it has only gotten interesting! patience is key, darling."
"it has been almost a whole fucking hour, alast-" your words get cut off by yet another harsh thrust of his hips, an uncontrollable moan slipping off your tongue. a low, barely audible grunt could be heard coming from alastor because of how you're squeezing around him like your life depends on it.
slowly, he places the book down, pushing two digits into your mouth as his sharp nails graze past your gums. your tongue swirls around them, gaze fixated on his that seems to be mocking your desperation. you grind your hips, wanting to feel more of that sensitive spot in you being stimulated by his tip brushing against it. alastor grunts every time you tighten around him, the feeling making his skin jump and his eyes close shut from the pleasure he receives.
you reach for the book to toss it aside, not allowing him any chance to get it back and return to what he was previously putting you through. he laughs at the action before getting cut off by yet another groan, a frown slowly finds its way to spread across his face despite the grin that remains on his lips.
"the book shall wait after all."
ʚ VOX .
the sound of vox's workers and colleagues echoes through his workplace, the source of it coming from the laptop that sits in front of him. he's holding an urgent meeting with them to discuss some things about work, yet you're here obediently sitting on him, cockwarming him. your arms hug his neck tightly, hands grabbing tightly onto his shirt while listening to him speak to the people in call.
you bite down every moan that builds in your throat, not allowing any sound to be heard by anyone but your partner. times when vox isn't discussing important matters, he leans into your ear to whisper praises, thrusting into you, and stops so suddenly when you're close to release.
he grins as you whine at the sudden loss of friction, skin flushed while feeling him draw lazy circles on your hips with his thumbs. he starts speaking again just when you're about to voice your frustration, drawing out a grumble from you. you stay there unattended, glancing at the part where the two of you connect; you're craving release, and you're done waiting.
with a steady pace, you move your own hips while holding onto his shoulders for support. vox's head snaps toward your direction, teeth gritting as he bites back the groans that threaten to leave his lips. he tries to hold you down, but his body betrays him and allows you to carry on with your movements. his head tilts back to lean against the headrest of his chair, the words that his workers speak gradually shifting to a blur in his mind.
"fuck, w-wait," his breath grows heavy, barely managing to keep his eyes open as you fuck yourself on his cock. you're supposed to be cockwarming him, not riding him. he has allowed you to the point of no return, how is he going to carry on with the meeting now? you grab him and connect your lips with his, drinking in his groans like how he does to your moans.
ignoring the calls of his name from the meeting, he pulls you closer by the waist as you grind yourself on him. it wasn't until he started getting annoyed by the meeting that he broke away from the kiss, strings of saliva still connecting your lips while his hand reached out to shut the laptop down. the room falls to a sudden silence, the only sounds that remain are your heavy breathing.
"you're gonna fuck up my company if this carries on," vox snickers before crashing his lips with yours again, hands holding onto your hips to thrust into you without anything holding him back this time.
you still can't process the fact that you're in valentino's studio with his cock buried deep inside of you while people walked around to work on set. valentino takes puffs from the cigarette he holds between his fingers, often ordering and even yelling at people as they rush to obey his commands.
nobody pays any mind to the both of you; in fact, they see it as something normal. after all, they're working for a porn producer, what is there not to be normal? you keep your face stuffed in the fluff of his coat, hands gripping tightly onto his outfit while still trying to adjust to how good he stretches you apart. everyone has just started working, and the set is still being prepared for a new film.
"you're tighter than usual my love, are you that excited to be around everyone?" he teases with a mocking tone, puffing out a wisp of pink smoke onto your flushed face. you lightly shake your head with a whine, the smoke that you inhale causing your vision to spin immediately. humming, valentino lifts your body up with the help of his lower pair of arms before roughly slamming you back down onto his cock. "I doubt that. you've always loved being fucking in public, no? look at you,"
you gasp, body tensing as a moan escapes your throat. you immediately bite down on your lower lip, eyes screwing shut while simultaneously having your body trembling under his hold. you don't want to draw too much attention to yourself, yet the idea alone excites you in an odd way that you never knew it would. noting your reaction, valentino continues repeating the action before stopping promptly, feeding himself with your choked back moans.
"keep looking pretty like that while i work, i'll have a reward waiting for you." you mewl at his words, giving him a weak nod while tugging onto his shirt. he takes another long drag from his cigarette before letting his gaze fall onto the prepared set displayed in front of him, eyes scanning for the stars of the show in the room.
he would moan softly into your ear whenever you clenched around him, teasing you with his mere voice and carrying on with his work. you don't complain, though, considering how you'll be fucked into a moaning mess once he's done with work.
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© silas ( @silasours ). all rights reserved. every work posted on this account belongs to me, and only me. please refrain from reposting, plagiarizing, translating, or reproducing my work in any form possible.
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taexoxosgf · 3 months
s, smut | f, fluff | a, angst | suggestive is noted
give all these authors so much love please!!!! i had to include as much as possible!! supa long fic rec list ;) recommendation masterlist here
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this is (not) easy *personal fav [ friends with benefits!mark x fem! reader ] s,f,a
sweet cream, cold brew [ nerd barista!mark x fem!reader ] s,f
raw. [ established relationship ] s
delphinium , part two [ virgin religious!mark x pagan reader ] s,f
the marriage and baby project [ fake dating au, roommate au ] s,f,a
sunday kind of love [ frat!mark x inexperienced/soft fem!reader ] s,f
flipside [ street racing au, strangers to lovers au ]
cherry flavored thoughts [ perv nerd!mark x popular fem!reader ] s
gorgeous [ college/football au ] s,f
follow through. [ bestfriends to lovers ft. haechan ] s
eyes on you. [ roommate's brother!mark x fem!reader ] s
watch me [ barista!mark x fem!reader, voyeurism ] s
pretty boy [ shy!mark x openminded/playful fem!reader ] s
surviving no nut november [ mark x fem! reader ft. haechan ] s
safety zone [ university au, best friends to lovers, roommates au ] f,a, suggestive
spider boy; 이민형 [ spiderman!mark x fem!reader, established relationship ] f, suggestive
closed doors. [brother's friend!mark x fem!reader, roommate au ] s
jealousy [ almost step-siblings au ] s,a
deal with it [ established relationship, argument au ] s
real talk [ line chef!mark x fuckgirl!reader ] s,f
on edge [ boyfriend's brother!mark x fem!reader, infedelity au ] s
play with me [ bestfriend!mark x fem! reader, car sex ] s,f
give me the greenlight [ street racing au, childhood friends to lovers ] s,f,a
nervously in love [ established relationship ] s,f
across the room *self promo hehe [ idol!mark x idol fem!reader ] s
roomie high [ stoner roommate!mark x fem!reader ] s
suck my kiss [mark x bandmate fem!reader ] s,f
may i be blunt? [stoner!mark x fem!reader ] s
the best man. [ stranger!mark x fem!reader, wedding au ] s
elevator pitch [ frat boy!mark x fem!reader ] f,a
craving you like the devil craves heaven [ priest!mark x succubus!reader ] s
kiss u right now [ best friend!mark x fem!reader ] s,f
this is new [ loss of virginity au ] s,f
rule breaker [ rockstar au, band au ] s
limit. [ gryffindor!mark x fem!reader ] s
mixtape moans. [ shy!mark x cheerleader!reader ] s
make me sin [ churchboy!mark x fem!reader, childhood friends au ] s,f,a
mark me in your heart [ drug dealer!mark x bartender!reader ] s,a
monetary value. [ rich kid!mark x rich kid!reader ] s,f,a
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cal-flakes · 3 months
drugdealer!rafe x innocent!reader who gets all sleepy when rafe smears some special sugar on her gums
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— rafe’s eyes lit up as he saw you push your way through the bodies, determined to reach him before you got swept away in the crowd of party goers. he admired the way your hips swayed as you headed in his direction, the usual sweet smile on your face.
readjusting himself, he held an arm out for you, letting you fall into his arms. yawning, you rested your head on his shoulder, not caring for the numerous kook’s surrounding the table, staring at your boyfriend expectantly. it wasn’t anything new, you both attended whatever parties came up— he’d set up shop somewhere in the house, while you roamed and danced the night away.
he sighed, noticing the familiar look on your face— the ‘i’m tired’ look, followed by an adorable little pout, just about making him cave and whisk you home.
“c’mon kid, don’t fall asleep on me alright? jus’ a little bit longer yeah?” he’d ask so politely, tilting his head to meet your big eyes peering up at him. “m’so tired rafey” you muttered into his neck, eyes fluttering closed.
“c’mere, m’gonna give you a little bit to keep you up alright? give me half an hour and m’all yours” he cooed, lifting your weight onto his lap before fumbling around in his pockets— pulling out a little baggy.
watching him through groggy eyes, he dipped a slender finger into the packet, collecting a small amount of powder before turning his gaze back to you. “open your mouth f’me doll”
doing as you were told, you locked eyes with him, noticing the tug on his upper lip as he stuck his cocaine covered finger in your mouth, smoothing it over your gums. “there y’go, y’look so pretty when y’listen to me” he hummed, carelessly pressing a kiss to your temple while his other hand pulled you into his chest.
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attackurheart88 · 2 months
“Do you love me?”
“Do you really love me?”
"Do you really really love me?”
They stop what they’re doing and turn to look at you. An audible sigh is heard.
“If I come over there and kiss you until your lips fall off will you shut up?”
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leejenowrld · 5 months
nct dream reactions, them fucking you dumb/you riding them
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(00 line + mark)
requests are open
☆ mark lee
mark loves to bring you to the studio, it’s always a late night and it’s a time where he can spend time with the two things he loves most in the world. you and music. you’re sitting in his lap, more specifically his cock, bouncing up and down as he plays you the songs he only shows you. the song is background noise, he's focused on the pretty little noises spilling from your lips, the moans and the cries of pleasure. he’s 100% used your moans in the background of his raps.
you quite simply fuck yourself dumb on his cock. you ride him at such a rapid and fast pace, you’re screaming into his ear, moaning his name so loudly, your sounds blend in so beautifully to the music he’s made, it has him in awe.
“fuck, i love you.” his mouth is wide open as he admires the view above him. your screwing your face in pleasure, the steady rise and fall on his cock, how tight your pussy feels. it’s driving him crazy.
but all of a sudden the tone shifts. you’re moving faster, harder, your volume increases by 100%. he can feel you becoming limp against him and it only makes his adoration for you grow. he cups your face softly in his hands, pecking your lips, looking down to where you connect with a heavy moan.
“you’re seriously getting tired already?” mark tuts in your ear, his dark tone causing you to clench around him. he calls you his slut, his whore, he tuts at your need for his cock cock that you’re riding it whilst fucked dumb. he says all this with a sheepish grin on his face.
☆ renjun
renjun is pounding into you from the back, he’s fucking you dumb, the only thing holding your body up is his strong grip on the sides of your hips as he pounds into you. he goes faster every time you scream. filth leaves your lips, you’re begging for him to go faster even though you can’t take it and you’re screaming his name at the top of your lungs.
this all eggs him on even more. his hand squeezes around your throat so tightly. you’ve become sensitive and numb, you’re overstimulated and you cannot feel your thighs but this doesn’t evoke any sympathy from renjun. if anything, he fucks you harder. when you try to move away, he spanks you, a strict warning to stay in place for him.
you’re at a point of no return, he’s fucked you so dumb that you feel breathless. words don’t leave you. only the incoherent moaning of his name slips from your tongue. he moans about how you’re his cum dump and that he’ll keep going for the entire night.
he loves fucking you until you can’t move. his rythmn is messy and rapid, he moves even faster when your walls suck him in and when your pussy clenches around him. the bedsheets are stained and you’re panting in his ear, begging him to stop but your grip around his shoulders as you pull him closer tells him otherwise.
☆ jeno
jeno fucks you dumb once a week, it’s a ritual at this point. he slams his cock into you, your walls tighten around him as you pull him in, he’s moving so fast, the headboard is banging, you’re moaning into each others mouth, your body is shaking against his, flush against flush and his hips rut against yours. he puts your leg over his shoulders and fucks your harder, his cock keeps hitting deeper and deeper.
his stamina exceeds yours and he knows you can’t take it anymore, he’s made you cum four times already. but he doesn’t stop, he knows you’re gonna fuck pout out of sadness if he does. he fucks you harder. he applies pleasure on your neck area, his hands encircle your neck so easily and he closes the grip, giving you no room to breathe as you start choking in his hold. he puts his fingers into your mouth, gagging you with a smirk of satisfaction.
your jaw becomes slack, your moans barely coherent so he brings his fingers to the two sides of your jaw, roughly tugging your mouth open and spitting into you. you’re so dumb fucked that you forgot to swallow, your own saliva mixes with his and you’re a drooling mess, it goes down your chin and leaves a mess
he spanks you hard that it leaves marks and your ass cheeks sting for a while. or is it the feeling of his cock pounding into you? “baby, can you feel me here?” he whispers in a seductive tone, licking his lips as he points out the bulge in your stomach. he speaks in heavy moans, grunts and growls
you become lifeless against him and limp, it turns him on, he has a strength kink, he loves the idea that he’s stronger than you, he loves that he can manhandle you. he throws you around and throws you to whatever position he pleases.
you’re talking nonense and gibberish. he’s fucked so dumb that you can’t even speak properly. “use your fucking words” he growls. poking fun at how you can’t speak because he's choking you. “what? what do you want to do? you wanna ride me?”
you’re so cock hungry that you wanna ride him even after he’s made you cum 4 times. but your body fails you. you’re lucky he loves you because he controls it. he lets you ride him, he holds you up, sitting against the headboard as you’re sitting on his cock, his hands resting on your back to hold you against him. he brings you as close to him as possible, he kisses and moans into your mouth.
his hands grip the sides of your hips to help you move up and down his cock, he wipes all your tears and smiles at you, a rare sight because of how rough he usually is to you in bed. “i love you so much”
☆ donghyuck
donghyuck eats you out like a starved man, he has the ability to fuck you dumb by just using his big, plump and juicy lips. he smooches your pussy, he sucks on your clit, he bites it, his tongue continuously stripes between your folds, he’s lapping until you can’t feel your thighs, until you’re thighs shake around his head and you’re tugging onto his hair, trying to pull him away but this only makes him eat you out faster. he lands one slap to your pussy, a warning to not move him away.
he loves how loud you are for him, screaming his name and letting everyone hear how good he’s fucking you. if you keep screaming like that than you’re sure to get rewarded later. he’s whispering against your pussy and you feel his voice vibrate against your folds. causing your pussy to overcome with sensitivity.
suddenly he rewards you with his cock. you’re still riding the high of your orgasm as he slams into you. he throws one leg over his shoulder and fucks you hard and deeply. he fucks you through every orgasm you have and that’s what has you fucked dumb.
your body becomes clammy and sweaty, you’re painted in his cum and you’re crying, the sound of your cries turns him on. your eyes roll to the back of your head, your toes curling at every thrust and every time his cock hits deep inside of you.
☆ jaemin
jaemin fucks you dumb with a sweet, innocent smile on his face to hide all the dirty things he whispers in your ear. he’s all about the build up, he kisses every inch of your body, he makes you cum the first time by sucking and licking your titties, his tongues lapping at the bud and then releasing his grip with a loud ‘pop’ he makes you cum the next two times by only using his fingers. you’re already an overstimulated, shaking mess and his cock hasn’t even been inside of you yet.
he savours every last piece of you. your taste, the wetness that builds in between your thighs. your touch, your fingernails that dig into his biceps as he drives his cock into your hole. he’ll always look down, loving the sight of his cock in your pussy, he doesn’t know where he starts or ends. he embraces your thighs shaking around him, pulling one leg to loop it over his shoulder.
he loves whorshipping you as you’re fucked dumb and cock hungry. he praises and kisses every inch of your body, he doesn’t fail to tell you how beautiful you are and he makes you feel pretty and loved. he coos into your ear, “you’re doing so well for me” “tight little cunt all for me”
he pulls out and hovers over you for a bit, forearms either side of your body as he leans up, grinning as he admires what a mess you look when you’re fucked dumb. he’ll tease you with the sweetest smile of his face, telling you that you can’t take him anymore and that he should run you a bath but when you shut him up by smashing your lips down on his, he slams back into you, moaning against your lips, his hips moving at a more rapid pace
he laughs when you start uttering nonsense. he tuts, seeing how drunk you can truly become from his cock. he calls you his cum slut, his baby, his bunny, his angel. he fucks you dumb softer than any of the other guys would.
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yeosin-n · 2 months
Can I hold shattered dreams face... He's so cute-
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watch out he’s gonna you do a tickle !!!!
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🎊 Dream and/or Nightmare?
Ink is a little shit.
Your datemate had been through so much over the years, you weren't sure about everything, but you knew that he's been through a lot. Even if he was the guardian of positive energy, that didn't mean he could be positive all the time, so you've been trying your best to make sure that everything would be alright for him.
You helped him out with things, tried to help him feel better if he was ever upset or bothered about something. Heck, you even cleaned his castle! He always told you that you didn't have to do that. He wouldn't want you to get yourself too tired or get overwhelmed by things but you told him that it was the least you could do.
He thought it was sweet, though he did get a little embarrassed sometimes. Mostly when Ink gave him that amused look.
Lately though, you've realized that something was going on. You weren't 100% sure what it was, but you knew that something was wrong. You've been feeling so tired lately and Dream's been closer to you than normal, spending more time with you which was saying a LOT and he was much more protective over you as well.
And now you found out exactly what it was.
You were pregnant.
That makes sense, you and Dream do have a bit of a... thing you two do at times but it's been a bit since you did that with him! How far ahead were you? Was that why you've been feeling so tired? It was taking your energy to grow.
How were you supposed to tell Dream? Would he be alright being a dad? You knew that he never had one, just the mother that created them. Would he be upset? Bothered? Most likely worried but...
You sigh resting your head down against your hands. He told you that he didn't believe that you two could get pregnant, he said that the magic would most likely be too much for you to handle. Now you were worried about that, did he think that you would end up dying on accident because of the baby taking too much energy? There are ways to get around that, you knew that, but it was still worrying.
How are you supposed to tell Dream that you were pregnant? Maybe you should just come out and tell him? Say it? Or... you shake your head and toss the test into the trash then walk out of the bathroom.
You'd have to think about what you wanted to do.
Later while you, Dream, and Blueberry were all sitting at the table and eating, Ink came in holding something, “Hey Y/n, why was this in the trash?” he holds up the test, his head tilted to the side. One of his eyes was a question mark and the other a star shape, “Since it's a positive test, shouldn't you give it to Dream to tell him you're pregnant?”
Ah Ink, you asshole.
Your eyes widen looking at him, and Blueberry starts to choke on what he had in his mouth while Dream blinked a few times until his eyes widen as well and he looks at you, his mouth open a little then he shuts it again.
“Uh...” You chuckle, a little nervously, and hold up your hands, “Surprise?”
This was... so not how you wanted to tell him but hey, at least Ink helped you out a little. You were still going to give him a little punishment later for outing you like that.
Doesn't he know that you're not supposed to do something like that?!
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inkymagpie · 2 years
The Star in the Field Pt.1
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Morpheus X Fallen Star!Reader
Chapter Rating: General
Overall Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Slight Angst, minimal descriptions of y/n, reader uses they/them/she/her pronouns.
Chapter Synopsis: He had seen them, only for a moment, standing lonely in the barren fields of his still rebuilding kingdom. The flora that had just started to regrow, sprouting up through the dust of his ruin curving to meet the soft glow of their skin. And when they spotted him, observing from afar they seemed surprised. He had met all the Stars that visited his realm at one time or another, seeing as how some had been around since not longer after the creation of this universe. Their stare of unfamiliarity was returned, for he had never met, nor sensed them once in all his years.
Note: This will have some comic spoilers and it is mixed with some of Stardust lore as well, and will have some tweaks of my own to both Sandman lore and Stardust lore. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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It was a presence he had felt before, recognizable but not in the sense it held personal familiarity nor common place. No… this was an ancient omnipresence. 
This was not of his creation, nor was it of this world, neither was it a deity worshiped by the mortals he served in sleep. This was a long forgotten nostalgia one that he had chaperoned over a millennia ago, before most of their dreaming became something viewed as tiresome and stale. But this was not the same heavenly dreamers that had once stepped through his realm and now seldom did. This was sharp, keen and born a new… a new being in his realm, a creature of the very heavens. A Star.
He had seen them, only for a moment, standing lonely in the barren fields of his still rebuilding kingdom. The flora that had just started to regrow, sprouting up through the dust of his ruin, curving to meet the soft glow of their skin. And when they spotted him observing from afar they seemed surprised. He had met all the Stars that visited his realm at one time or another, seeing as how some had been around since not longer after the creation of this universe. Their stare of unfamiliarity was returned, for he had never met, nor sensed them once in all his years. 
They were gone before he had time to consider anything more than their surprised gaze. 
He stood for a while, contemplating what this could mean before stalking off to the library, a whirlwind of questions that perhaps Lucienne would be able to help him figure out. 
He wondered if they had always been here, on the tailcoats of the dream threads, maybe he had simply overlooked them? But a Star gracing his realm after so many had grown tired of dreaming for an aeon was something he would have taken notice of. Lucienne would have certainly written their presence down had they visited his kingdom and she certainly would have a book on the catalogs of their lives inside and outside of the Dreaming. 
The Librarian had briefly questioned if he was perhaps mistaken, as she had seen no Star dream records, at least none updated since the late 1800s. And of all the dreamers to re-enter the dreaming after his absence, none were beings of heavenly light. 
“They stood before me; shining like all Stars do.” He pulls another book down from the overburdened shelf; behind him Lucienne sighs and cocks her head.
“Sir if I might; the last Star to enter the dreaming was over one hundred years ago. Are you sure you saw a Star?” She reiterates cautiously.
“I know the last Star that entered this realm Lucienne, she has ascended back to the heavens with her husband some time ago or so it would seem.” He replies, placing the book back and pulling another from a lower shelf. “I do not know this one. I have never sensed their presence, inside of the Dreaming or out.”
“Maybe you just didn’t recognize them? You have been gone awhile.” Matthew quips, ruffling his feathers as he suppressed a caw.
“No, and they did not know me, they seemed surprised… perhaps even startled by my observation?” 
“Well you’re not exactly the warmest welcoming committee.” Matthew hops to a stack of books a bit further away after a pointed look from Lucienne. “Who knows, maybe you don’t know them? I’m sure new people come into the Dreaming all the time?” He adds. 
“Not Stars. I’m not even sure that is possible?” Lucienne comments, moving to take one of the books beneath the raven’s new perch. “ The Stars have been around for… well since nearly the beginning, at least the older, more ancient ones.” 
“Then maybe it’s a new one.” Matthew states simply. 
A quiet pause falls over the library for a moment; Matthew beginning to feel uncomfortable in the growing silence, lets out a caw that was meant to be a clearing of the throat.
“I mean would it really be that weird?” He adds, shuffling closer to Morpheus, who has yet to say a word in sometime, back still turned and hand poised over the worn pages of the book he held. “Would it boss?”
A new Star
You wake with a gasp, blinking rapidly in the darkness of your room; slowly your breathing mellows and your eyes adjust to the blanketing dark. A pale cast of light runs across the far wall, the sound of wheels splashing through a puddle on the street below; it must have rained while you slept.
Turning over on your side you gaze at the neon light of the alarm clock on your nightstand…4am…a heaviness settles in your heart. 
Carefully you rise up from your bed pulling back the sheets and testing the floor below you. You were already a guest here taking up space, (no matter how much it was insisted that you were an honored guest) you didn’t want to make too much noise prancing around in the wee hours of the morning while most slept. 
On the balls of your feet you creep to the bay window that faced the street, settling down on the pillows that bracketed the inlaid seat. You squint looking out at the street below. You never close the blinds, even though one of the street lamps sat glowing on the corner of the building every night, you couldn’t bring yourself to shut yourself off, not yet.
The light pollution here was heavy, but in these early hours you could make out some of the twinkling beings in the night sky… you wonder if perhaps any of them were ones you knew. 
Sighing you tuck your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around your legs and resting your temple against your knees, continuing to watch, continuing to think. 
It wasn’t fair, you had decided (it was a decision you had made rather early on in your…unexpected adventure.) You had barely gotten any time to shine within the night sky before you had fallen; a mere seventy years in the heavens. Others had gotten millennia, some aeons; most of your brothers and sisters were still there, glimmering brightly amongst the cosmos. But no, you had been plucked from the sky before you even got to really experience what it really meant to be a Star. 
You grumble softly to yourself, playing with a lock of your hair, observing it as you settle in your self pity. You can still see the fine spun magic glittering writhing the strands; you know you should stop being bitter, Earth and humans weren’t all that bad, quite fascinating in fact.
For seventy years you had looked down upon humans, delighting in their habits and odd quirks, the way they lived so freely. They lived for so short a time and yet they lived with such abandon, you admired that about them, their need to experience, to explore. It really wasn’t so awful to now be amongst them and witness them daily, no longer an observer from afar. Most were kind, at least the ones that you had met. 
You smile softly to yourself; they made such wonderful things too from food to inventions; their minds seemingly never ceasing with imagination. If they could dream it up they could…
You pause in your hair twirling and thoughts…dreams… Even since your birth in the heavens, you had dreamless sleeps; Stars didn’t need to sleep but it was a novelty, a delightfully new thing at first. You had heard when you first came to creation that if you wished it you could enter the Dreaming, the realm of the Dream King, an Endless. However, no matter how many days you rested your head and wished to be swept away, the dreams never came… 
You had asked some of the older Stars, maybe you were doing it wrong? They had shook their heads and told you that no, the dreaming had gone silent, however it was something that grows a bit dull after a few thousand years anyway and to not be too concerned. 
From the stories they had told you didn’t feel that any of it could ever grow old, ever the curious mind and creative heart. So every night for over sixty years you tried to dream, but every time there was nothing... a void as black as the deepest, most barren parts of space. You had stopped trying after a time, coming to the conclusion that perhaps you were not meant to see the Dreaming; and after a while you had stopped sleeping all together, after all why sleep with a hope of something that obviously was no longer there. To you, sleep meant the possibility of dreaming and if that wasn’t there… 
When you had fallen you spent the first few months on Earth not sleeping, but you had come to the conclusion that if you were to live a more human life that you should at least follow some of their patterns. That and, well the nights got pretty dull when no one was around to speak with and the shops and cafes weren’t open.
At first it was certainly strange, sleeping at night when you had always slept during the day when you were a heavenly being. So you had started to follow the pattern of your gracious housemate when it came to sleep, or at least adhere somewhat to his patterns to get used to it. It had taken some time a few weeks but you finally got it down for the most part. And of course when you started sleeping again you had secretly hoped that maybe, just in maybe the Dreaming would open up to you. 
However the Dream Lord’s realm had remained elusive… that was until tonight. Tonight you had traveled, left this realm and gone somewhere you had only heard of…
It was strange, it had felt so real you had almost thought that you were awake, perhaps having somehow slept walked out into a barren farmer’s field. But as you had gazed upon the foreign landscape you could see, a looming castle seemingly ravaged by time in the distance. And as you gazed heavenward you saw a brilliance of night sky you had never seen before.
You were in the Dreaming.
You turned feeling the dust and sand beneath your feet and felt the cool air of the night upon your cheeks. Your eyes caught something, or rather… someone… a man stood, stone still gazing at you from across the field. You startled, for the place that you had found yourself in was completely empty save for him and yourself; his gaze nearly consuming you, the weight of it enough to jar you from from your first ever dream.
You frown, and start to twirl your hair again, thinking back to the man in the field. It was as if he held the cosmos in his eyes, deep and expansive, all knowing and never ceasing. But the thing that weighed heavily in your mind was the sadness that seemed to fill those endless eyes, and you once again felt the heaviness in your heart. 
Humans had said that eyes are the window to the soul, and you wonder…why his soul sang such melancholy... 
You hear the chirping of birds outside your window, your brows furrowing as you look back out to the horizon and find the golden tendrils of the sun beginning to creep along the rooftops. 
Perhaps your schedule still needed some work, you blink over to the alarm clock that now reads just before 6am. Down the hall you hear your housemate begin to shuffle about his morning routine and decide that you might as well get up; tomorrow night you decide that you would finally get the human schedule down. 
You dress slowly waiting to hear the water shut off in the bathroom and your housemate make his way down the stairs before going about your morning. You decide to take just a little longer in the shower just to enjoy the very human routine. Stars usually bathed in pools of moonlight; and while showering in a porcelain box might seem mundane it was once again a new habit and you greatly enjoy drawing little doodles in the mist that fogged up the glass. 
Finally stepping out of the warmth of the shower you finish up your morning freshen and redress.
As you make your way downstairs you can hear the usual puttering in the kitchen, the sound of the kettle going off and the scrape of a worn pan against the stove top. 
Rounding the corner you catch your gracious housemate pouring a steaming cup of coffee into a mug and then a second. He turns his head as you come in and smiles brightly.
“Ah good morning Y/N! Starting to sleep in a bit I see!” He picks up one of the steaming mugs and holds it out to you.
“Good morning Hob.” You smile back and take the cup from him. “I’m not sure about the sleeping in part.” You chuckle and take a cautious sip, quickly deciding as you have every morning, that yes it is still too hot.
Hob seems to understand and smiles softly as he takes a seat at the small kitchen table, you follow suit. 
“We’ll I’m sure that you’ll be sleeping in till noon in no time and then you learn the joys of lunch for breakfast.” He laughs and you can’t help but laugh as well. “How did you sleep? Is it getting easier?” He asks after a moment, gazing at you over his mug as he takes a sip. 
You stare down at the umber liquid in your cup. 
“I did, and it is…” you pause and he looks at you expectantly. “Hob…” he cocks his head and waits. “I believe…I had a dream last night.”
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ivysangel · 6 months
Waking up with Jason's arms wrapped around you, feeling him breathe into your hair, letting out the occasional snore. His hand is under you, pressed into your side, and you feel him squeeze the flesh of your waist to make sure you're still there, a habit he developed when things started getting serious, constantly searching for you, even in his sleep. He squeezes a little tighter, his breath suddenly quickening at an alarming rate. You try to turn to face him, fear settling in your stomach, wondering if something was plaguing him in his dreams again.
When you shift ever so slightly, you feel the other arm lying over you tighten, pulling you flush against his body. A chill runs down your spine as you feel him exhale a particularly strangled breath, and you force yourself out of his grip, sitting up to get a better look at the man next to you. His eyebrows furrowed, hair flat on one side of his head from laying in one position the entire night. One of his hands reaches out to your pillow, searching for you in your sudden absence, and when it's met with nothing, Jason jolts upright. He turns his head frantically, blurred vision searching for something, for someone, for you.
His shoulders drop in relief when he finally stops long enough to notice you barely a foot away from him. You watch his chest rise and fall as he tries to calm his breathing, and you're not sure which thing caused it, the nightmare or the fear that you had left him. "What are you doing up?" he asks, voice laced with sleep. "You were having a nightmare," you say quietly, sliding a little closer to him and settling back into your spot on the bed. "I was just trying to make sure you were okay." confusion is etched across his face like the concept of him having a nightmare was foreign, and you develop an equally confused expression upon seeing his own. His face drops suddenly, and he clears his throat, "Right, a nightmare." he shifts beneath the covers, seemingly uncomfortable. "I'm all good. Just go back to sleep, okay?" he sends a reassuring smile your way, his attempt at trying to make you forget this whole debacle and coax you back to sleep, but it was too late; you were already wide awake.
"Was it him again?" your hand finds the scarred expanse of his back, lightly grazing your fingers against old wounds and trying to ease his angst; his body tenses at your touch, and a groan leaves his lips. "it wasn't-" he pauses, running his hands through his hair and sighing. "it wasn't him again. It wasn't even..." he trails off, turning away from you and sliding off the bed. "wasn't even what?" You ask, more confused than ever, watching as he lifts his arms above his head, back muscles flexing while he stretches before crossing his arms. He just stands there, back towards you, and all you can do is sit in silence while he seemingly contemplates something. "It wasn't what, Jason?" you ask one more time. He turns his head slightly to look at you only for a second and lowers his eyes when he sees you in the same spot you've been this whole time. "It wasn't a nightmare," he says, turning around to face you, this time allowing you to see his whole body.
His face is flushed a bit out of embarrassment, and your confusion starts to reach its peak. That is until you do a once-over of him and notice the patch of dark gray on his otherwise light sweatpants. Your mouth gapes a bit, and all you can manage is a quiet "Oh." his eyes find the same spot on his pants, a tent growing beneath the soft cotton. "Yeah. Oh."
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silasours · 3 months
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#pairing : lucifer, alastor, vox, valentino, x fem reader. #cw : 18+ content, mdni. face sitting. edging. overstimulation. oral sex. toys usage. sub/power sub reader. praise kink. fingering. squirting. vox pleasuring himself while desperately eating you out. calling vox a 'good boy'. pretend that val has a nose here. #summary : just them enjoying their time with their face stuck up in between your legs. #note : feels like i have nobody else to write for but, oh well.
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your fingers grip lucifer's blonde locks tightly, legs shaking on either side of his head. his forked tongue moves skillfully thrusting into you, hungrily gathering every drop of your juice onto his tastebuds. he groans at the taste, the vibration sending straight to your core which earns another moan that spills from your lips. the eyes of his glow in the weakly dim room, peering at your face from between your legs.
"my, aren't you a delicious one." he coos against your puffy lips before pressing his lips against them. he exaggeratedly sucked on them before releasing, his ears blessed by your high-pitched moans while his hands hold your legs apart by your thighs. lucifer draws his tongue out and licks a long stripe down your clit, teasing for a short moment before thrusting his tongue into your entrance once again.
your hold on his hair only grew stronger, face growing more flushed as you threw your head back in pleasure. your vision starts blurring up from the tears that gather around your eyes, feeling your body burn from how close you are.
of course lucifer knows you're close; he knew the moment your inner walls clenched around his slithery tongue tighter than they did before. your hips involuntarily rock against his tongue, pushing yourself further onto his face with trembling muscles. watching this made him chuckle as he allowed you to push yourself closer to him.
"pretty girl, gonna cum for me?" you nod the moment he says those words, triggering the coil to break faster than before. he groans lowly at how soaked you're getting, doing his best to not let a single drop escape from his hungry tongue. with a loud breath sucked into your throat, orgasm hits you like a strong wave that flows throughout your body.
you moan to the point where your voice cracks ever so slightly. lucifers lap your juices clean, patiently helping you to calm down from your intense high with lazy draw of lines of his tongue. once you're done, he presses a light kiss onto your clit before climbing up from your legs. his mouth and chin glisten from your release as a grin sits on his face, the sight alone making your face burn further.
how many times have you been denied release now? you've lost count. your head is clouded with desperation to finally break, yet this demon here is stopping you from doing so over and over again. with a frustrated cry, you open your eyes to gaze at alastor all teary, only to find him taking his sweet time with his lips pressed against your clit. "please, alastor.. w-wanna cum.." you barely managed to hold back a hiccup, a soft mewl rolling off your tongue.
you can feel his grin growing against you, his face pulling away which made you whine. his tongue draws out to lick around his lips, finger sneakily moving to tease the sensitive bundle of nerves of yours. "is that so?" you nod desperately, moaning at his touch in hopes of being able to convince him. he doesn't reply with any words but a smile, slowly lowering his face back to where it was.
"be careful what you wish for, my dear." he whispered before ramming two digits into your hole, your warm, gummy walls instantly tightening around them. your back arches off the bed as your eyes roll, a hand instinctively moving to his hair to tug on it. the burn on his scalp made him groan against your clit as well as his cock throbbing in the confinements of his pants.
alastor's tongue moves sloppily against your soaked clit; it was more than enough to make your body tremble especially with his fingers carelessly abusing your pretty hole. his fingers always work like magic, never once missing that sweet spot buried deep inside of you once they figure out where exactly it is.
you came without getting the chance to tell him, the back of your head pressing hard onto the bed sheets. you choke on your moans while struggling to breathe properly; alastor isn't giving you a break just yet. his maintains the speed of his tongue and fingers as you try to push his head away weakly. "too much- mnh-!"
"too much?" alastor chuckles, almost mocking your words. he withdraws his face but not his fingers, slowly sinking his teeth into the skin of your thigh while sucking on it. "we're not done just yet, darling."
ʚ VOX .
"yeah? you enjoy me sitting on your face?" you grip the headboard tightly, doing your best to maintain upwards as vox works his tongue on your clit. he moans against you at your words, his hand moving to stroke his leaking cock with a slight squeeze. despite your attitude, you can't deny how good his tongue is at targeting exactly where your weak spots are.
moans slip from your lips, your noises only causing vox's hips to thrust up into his hand. you chuckle weakly which soon gets cut off by another moan, your grip on the headboard gradually growing weak. you keep your gaze on his face, occasionally turning your head to glance over your shoulder, to see him pleasure himself and those pathetic whines of his. you breathe out a small 'good boy' at the sight.
vox groans loudly at the praise, his tongue now matching the pace of the hand on his member. his breath is hot against your soaked crotch, the increased speed only causing your legs to stumble. "fuck, vox," you whine with a sweet tone, resting your head against the headboard; the sole item that supports your body to stay upright.
he hums in return, the heavy breath signaling that he's close to his own release. you're no different, feeling the coil in your stomach crumbling with every thrust of his tongue. you huff as you gaze down at him, meeting his silent desperate plea for release. you keep your eyes fixated on his while grinding against his face, dangling the sweet release right in front of him.
you only grant him permission once you're close enough, feeling your whole body shudder as release consumes you. you screw your eyes shut, listening to vox's low groans. he lifts his hips up from the bed sheet, white strings of hot seed decorating his stomach. while you're trying to catch your breath, you notice vox's gaze on you as he slowly speaks with a shaky, muffled voice.
"please.. can i put it in you now?"
valentino's workplace is practically filled with nothing but the smell of your sweat, your sweet noises, and the buzzing sound of a vibrator. the lower half of your body is raised high from the couch, high enough to reach his face as he stands by the edge, a leg of his folded up on the plush couch. his pairs of arms hold your body firmly.
the vibrator is pressed against your sensitive bud, his long tongue twisting and turning inside of you. you squirm under his hold, hands still struggling to find a suitable place for you to hold onto because of the position you're put in. your mind is clouded, drool slowly rolling down from your lips while struggling to keep yourself from turning into more of a mess than you already are.
"looking so pretty like this, amorcito." his nose is pressed up against your clit, the liquid coating his skin as he moans at the feeling. your body shivers, feeling heat crawl up onto your face partially from how embarrassing this position is. you're fully exposed in the air as he enjoys your taste right there, not paying any mind the both of you are in his workplace with the potential of being seen and heard.
"val.. put me- down.." your voice is nearly quiet from the continuous pleasure you're receiving. valentino scoffs, ignoring your pleas without stopping his tongue. his teeth graze against your skin, the small worry of him biting into you causes you to whimper while digging your nails into one of the arms that's holding your body.
perhaps it's because you're overly clouded by pleasure, you didn't notice him reaching for the small controller that's attached to the vibrator and swiping it all the way up. the sudden strong vibration made you cry out loud, the heel of your foot digging into his shoulder, toes curled. you shake your head, eyes squeezing shut at the feeling. "no, w-wait, hngh! i'm gonna-"
you didn't even manage to finish your sentence before being fully consumed by a strong orgasm. you squirt as your legs shake violently against his hold, vision turning white while valentino watches with a grin. he slightly removes the vibrator from your now extra-sensitive bud, allowing you to calm down from your high. with a sense of pride and satisfaction sitting in his chest, he licks around your spasming pussy for a taste.
"didn't know my baby could put up such a show. do it once more for me, will ya?"
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© silas ( @silasours ). all rights reserved. every work posted on this account belongs to me, and only me. please refrain from reposting, plagiarizing, translating, or reproducing my work in any form possible.
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tojisun · 6 months
!! suggestive (and mini smut) - minors dni; bimbo (fem)!reader has simon wrapped around her pinky (we luv to see it!); the squad’s here too; hinted age difference (30s v. 20s)
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when they ask him where you two met, simon always tries his best to tamp down the smile threatening to grace his lips before clearing his throat and answering, "in the ER."
the questions that follow are always repetitive: 'what, why?', 'what happened?', 'how did things even go from there?' the last one is often paraphrased into some other versions, but the sentiment remains – people always get surprised, reduced into awkward stumbling because how could you even segue into a romantic relationship from having met in the ER?
well, simon thinks, it's actually quite fucking simple.
it was three in the morning and simon was in the lobby, waiting to be called in, when he saw you walk in: you clutched your broken heeled shoes in your hands, your beautiful legs were bearing injuries and cuts, and your hair was a wild mess. then, you ambled towards a baffled triage nurse.
"hi!" simon recalls your melodic voice echo, sounding too hyper even when you looked all banged up. "can i use y'r restroom? we got kicked outta the club."
simon was so focused on you that he didn't even notice the pack of girls following behind you, all of them looking just as haggard and bruised up. one of your friends was actually worryingly injured, so it’s no shock when the nurse rushed towards her, slightly panicked and confused before steering your friend away, leaving you there in the lobby.
then, you turned around, frowning at having been ignored, and it gave simon the best vantage point of finally seeing your face. he swears his heart stuttered in his chest, his lungs constricting, because holy shit, you are beautiful.
"then the rest is history," simon ends, pulling you close to him. any closer and you would have ended on his lap – something he preferred, anyway – but johnny continues to stare at the two of you with a slack jaw, his eyes almost bulging out in confusion so simon tries to keep it civil.
you giggle, and simon watches as the rest of the squad snap their eyes on you, as though expecting you to grace them with a better explanation. but simon knows that you probably don't even know what's going on, having been busy tapping away on your phone, your acrylics making distinct clacks as they hit the screen.
"i love the history channel," you singsong, batting your eyelashes as you give them a dimpled smile. "simmy-" simon almost coos at the nickname you gave him, "and i looove watching the penguins."
simon presses a kiss on the top of your head, ignoring the bewildered looks his squad is shooting him.
"that's the 'animal planet', love. not the history channel," simon corrects gently, rubbing his hand down your side.
"oh!" you say, unbothered by your mistake. "okay!"
and that was that.
"what the fuck," simon hears johnny wheeze out only to up making choking noises when kyle elbows him. simon ignores them, choosing to watch as you turn back to your phone, mass-retweeting a series of post made by the magazine catalogue that you've been following.
"fuck," simon hisses, feeling the sharp edge of the kitchen knife slicing through the first layer of his skin. he watches the blood bead, trickling down his finger, and simon wipes it before it can stain the pristine green – "sage!" you tutted to him once – countertops.
"si?" you ask, padding towards the kitchen at the clamour. he feels you press yourself to his side, your perky tits nuzzling his robust muscles. "what's goin- y'r bleeding!"
he grunts, frowning at himself for having made you worry. he moves to reassure you that he's okay, but you're already tugging him out of the kitchen, your smaller hand wrapped around his thicker wrist.
god, he loves seeing the size difference.
you're wearing his military shirt, the material sliding down your body beautifully, before pooling just above your perky ass. simon unabashedly stares at the way your ass jiggles – hidden underneath the tiniest booty shorts he knows you own – his throat bone dry and his sweats filling up all of a sudden.
he barely realizes that you two are in the bathroom until you're steering him towards the edge of the bathtub before twisting to fish the emergency kit from the floor cabinets. simon almost groans at the perfect shape that your ass makes when you bend over, feeling himself throb with raging desire.
you pull out a pink emergency kit and skitter towards him again, slotting yourself between his spread legs. simon raises his hand – the uninjured one – to grasp at your waist, sliding it down to your hips, before giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"it's nothin' fatal, sweet'art," simon mumbles, thumbing your hipbone as he tries to comfort you.
you're still pouting at him when you say, "sure, i guess. but lemme help you?"
and who is simon to say no to that?
"of course, love."
he lets out a quiet chuckle when you press your glossed lips on his forehead, unbothered even when your lips leave a sticky stamp on his skin.
he watches you disinfect his wound with a strawberry-scented sanitizer before wrapping a pink adhesive bandage around it. his worries about having his open wound disinfected by a glittery sanitizer fade away when you picked his hand up to place a kiss on his now-bandaged finger.
glitter-induced infections no longer matter. not when simon's getting nursed to full health by such a pretty girl.
he licks the back of his teeth, clenching his jaw, and thinks, you deserve a reward, don't you, sweetness?
johnny blanches when he sees the bandage around simon's finger. "LT, what in fuck's name is that?"
his loud voice snags the attention of garrick and their captain who ambled their way towards him upon hearing the commotion. garrick chokes on nothing when he sees the pink bandage that simon's sporting.
"bandage," simon replies, pride heavy in his voice. "from my girl."
johnny whirls and shoots a pointed look towards kyle and john. kyle is the one who breaks the silence.
"…are they safe for use?"
"what's the cat even bandaging?" johnny adds.
simon huffs, flicking his finger up to give the squad a better view. "firstly, this is 'hello kitty'. secondly, you questionin' my girl’s ability to care for me?"
john coughs, looking away, kyle arches a brow at him like the answer should be obvious, and johnny gulps loudly, before mumbling, "...yes."
simon sniffs, unable to blame them. "yeah, well, don't."
the squad is still quiet. waiting.
simon finally gives in and replies, "i checked. they're safe for use."
he rolls his eyes at their dramatic sigh.
"that's good to hear," john says before clapping his hands together once, urging them to disperse.
simon grumbles all the way back to his room.
simon loves his pretty, dumb girlfriend to death.
he loves seeing you dolled up – skimpy dresses made of silk material paired with heels that could honestly stab someone to death. he also loves seeing you in nothing but his ratty jumpers – loose black sweaters stopping just after your crotch and the sleeves falling past your fingers.
but nothing tops seeing you naked and crying for him.
nothing could ever top this – your legs folded close to your chest, your ankles hooked on his shoulders, your pretty make up running as tears trickle from the corners of your eyes and flood your cheeks.
he thrusts his fingers in your cunt again, breathless when it punches out another slick gush of your squirt, drenching you two even more. you squeal, body locking, your hips lifting from the bed. simon has to press down on your belly to keep you stable.
"siii!" you cry out, thrashing on his hold, but simon just kisses your leg as he continues to fuck his fingers in you.
"shh," simon murmurs, feeling so choked up at the sight you make. "one more for me, yeah?"
you moan out a reply, a garbled mixture of 'yes' and his name, before wrapping your hands around his arms, your acrylics digging into his skin. simon doesn't even register the pain, still too caught up at fingering you to feel the way you're clawing him.
still too caught up at how perfect you are for him.
(later, when he checks the mirror and sees the angry red welts, simon purrs at the sight of them. because simon loves being marked by you, doesn't matter how, as long as he has bearings of your pleasure. pleasure he gave you.)
simon receives a video message from you. it’s nothing long or conspicuous, but simon still chokes when he finally gets to watch it.
because in the video, you’re wearing simon’s old varsity shirt on top of your university cheer uniform.
“look!” you chirp, twirling for him. “found this in the closet!”
simon slams his captain’s door open and demands a vacation leave.
the lieutenant has a new tattoo and johnny doesn't know what the actual shit it's supposed to be.
it looks like a wriggly blob of a... cloud? a cotton ball? candy floss?
it was still a somewhat fresh tattoo so simon never truly shows it off – johnny doesn't even know if it's worthy of being shown off – until one night at a bar, simon rolls up the sleeves of his jumper and leans to the squad to point at the blob.
"lookit," he slurs, tipsy and just a touch giddy.
finally, johnny cheers to himself before reaching forward to poke just beside the scribble.
"what's it?"
"mittens," their lieutenant croons, smiling down at his skin like a weirdo.
johnny has seen enough mittens to know that whatever that fucking squiggle is isn't mittens.
"uhm," kyle says, thankfully thinking along the same lines as johnny. "is it?"
"yeah," simon says wistfully, drunken in a lovesick way. "s'my girl's cat. she drew it f'r me."
oh. well, fuck. now that's just too cute.
"that's a drawing of a cat?" johnny rasps out, choking on his spit before turning to study the tattoo again.
it's still a fucking blob.
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taexoxosgf · 5 months
s, smut | f, fluff | a, angst
This list is a compilation of some of my fave jaemin ff <3 a lot were on my old recs so feel free to reread!
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after you [ fuckboy!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f,a
cat & mouse [ na jaemin x jaehyun's sister!reader ] s,f
cherry girl! [ twitch streamer!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f
talk to my skin [ friends with benefits au ] s
unforgettable [ bassist!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,a
by the window [ voyeurism, neighbor au ] s
strawberry cough , (pt.2) sour tangie [ plug!jaemin x fem!reader] s,f,a
on the rebound [ shooting guard!jaemin x fem!reader, college au] s,f,a
subtle [ established relationship, summer vacation au ] s,f
besties (gone sexual) [ best friends to lovers ] s,f,a
upon your invitation [friend!jaemin x fem!reader, ft. nct dream, vacation au ] s,f
rock me [ fuckboy!jaemin x hairstylist!reader ] s,f,a
backseat chronicles [ streetracer!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f,a
persimmon problems [ fratboy!jaemin x fem!reader ] f,a
veni, vidi, vici [ popular!jaemin x mark's sister!reader ] s,f
blur. [ exboyfriend's bestfriend!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
two nights, one you [fuckboy!jaemin, one night stand au] s,f
the walls are thin [ roommate!jaemin x fem!reader x roommate!jeno ] s
hush. [jaemin,haechan, jeno x fem!reader ] s
that '90's show [actor!jaemin x pa fem!reader ] s,f,a
pretty girl. [ alpha!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f
thin walls. [ roommate!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
cookie jar [ stepbrother!jaemin x fem!reader x stepbrother!jeno ] s
one of a kind [strangers to lovers au ] s,f,a
go there with you [ roommate!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
34+35 [ established relationship ] s
parents are home [ secret freak!jaemin ? ] s
memories bring back you [ ex!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
into you [ friends to lovers au ] s,f
what she doesn't know [ mom's boyfriend!jaemin x fem!reader] s
worth it. [ first sleepover au ] s,f
quiet down [ established relationship, semi-exhibitionism ] s
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cal-flakes · 3 months
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— you mean to say, rafe cameron; the arrogant, conniving, borderline psychotic, kook prince that has everyone on the island, especially pogues, residing in fear of his next plot, scheme or even murder— has a soft spot?
and it’s a girl? a chatty, soft, smiley girl— who goes out of her way to please people, who would go to the ends of the earth for the people she loves, the one who skips around town, dressed in sweet skirts and summer dresses?
you can put your fucking money on it.
he’d stop at nothing to keep her happy, to keep that room-lighting smile on her face. — even if that meant cancelling plans the second tears fell from her glassy eyes.
rafe spun on his feet the second he heard your feet padding down the stairs, his focus on topper’s phone call dwindling by the second. and when his eyes met your tearful, bloodshot ones, he was already wracking his brains for an excuse. “shit, somethin’s come up top’ — i’ll text you later” he spoke, with little to no intention of texting topper later.
tossing his phone aside, he rushed towards you, hands snaking over your shoulders as you sobbed into his chest, pulling you into a deep hug. allowing you to cry for a moment, rafe’s brows knit together as he thought of anything and everything that could’ve possibly happened in the last fifteen minutes, when he’d last been upstairs with you.
“wha’s goin’ on doll?” he mumbled, pulling away slightly to lift your chin gently, stroking your skin as he held your jaw in his palm.
struggling to catch your breath, you frantically wiped at the flowing tears. “i— i don’t— don’t know rafe” you babbled, waving your hands vigorously in frustration.
“m’kay, alright— c’mere, hey— shh, s’okay” he cooed, leading you towards the lounge to lay you on the couch, immediately wrapping you in bundles of blankets.
“stay here alright? m’gonna get changed, n’d you can tell me about it yeah?” he hummed, stroking the tear soaked strands of hair out of your face before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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