#Pierre Gasly story
softtdaisy · 6 months
🌲 save us for later l pierre gasly
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summary. Christmas could have been great. if pierre didn't forget to tell his parents you broke. and you didn't have to pretend you were still together.
words count. 2,434
a/n. ok I'm totally obsessed with this one and I really hope you will love it as much as I do🫶
a very angsty Christmas l masterlist
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“I can’t believe you did that.” 
You heard Pierre sigh by your side, like he was already tired of this situation.
Like it wasn’t his fault if you were there today. What a joke.
“You don’t even try to understand.” he added, still focused on the road to not look at you. You noticed he was gripping the wheel so hard his joints were white. Or how he was biting his lips so badly, a habit you helped him to cease doing but apparently he didn’t stop, it was almost bleeding. 
But you couldn’t care less. Because this was so typical of Pierre: putting the blame on you by saying you didn’t want to hear his explanation.
“Oh.” you laughed nervously, turning to look at him. “Maybe you’re right.” you took a break long enough for him to frown, wondering if you really agreed with him. He knew for sure that during your past arguments, none of you would flinch this easily. 
“I really can’t fucking understand how you could lie to your parents and pretend we are still together, Pierre.” 
“What was I supposed to do?
“Tell the fucking truth.” you replied, slamming your hand on the dashboard. 
This was absolutely not how you planned your Christmas’ eve. 
Well, to be honest, you didn’t plan much. Your parents were away for the holiday and you were just going to eat some homemade food in front of a christmas movie. Nothing much but a well appreciated evening.
For sure, you didn’t plan on spending it with your ex-boyfriend and his family.
Pierre suddenly drove on the sideway and stopped there, getting some horns from annoyed drivers. You looked at him with confusion, he wasn’t the reckless driver type. Obviously. It was his habit to scare you when you shared the car.
He stopped the car and turned to you. “I fucked up, ok? I know that. On so many levels.” you rolled your eyes at this and held back any bad comments. “But everything went fast after our breakup. I haven't seen them since this summer and I couldn’t announce that we broke off our engagement through the phone. When my mom said they were waiting for us tonight, I didn’t have the heart to ruin their christmas. You can blame me for lying. But don’t fucking blame me for protecting my parents for god sake!”
Pierre was right. You knew it. 
It was something you’ve always kinda admired about him: how his family would always go first. You couldn’t count the number of hours you waited for him in the hotel room, ready to go out and celebrate, while he was on the phone with his parents or his brothers. For sure, you would be a liar to blame him for something you’ve always encouraged him to do.
Especially considering that you accepted to play pretend tonight for the sake of protecting them, too. 
When Pierre called you tonight, you didn’t answer. When he texted you, you barely read the message.
When he knocked on your door, you didn’t have any other choice than to open.
And when he told you, you needed to come with him at his parents’ place to act like a couple even though you’ve been apart for three months now because he still hasn't told them about you…well you laughed. Nervously. And argued a lot.
Then you realised you didn’t want to be the bad person in this narrative. What was one night in a whole life?
You sighed, still looking at Pierre. He still hasn’t moved, waiting for an answer from you. You got lost in each other’s eyes.
And that was the thing that convinced you to come. The fact that he was ready to bring you back home if you really didn’t want to accompany him.
“Fine.” you sat back normally. “You could have told them I wasn’t available.” 
You heard Pierre laugh softly. “You still want to have the last word I see.”
Most of the ride went quietly after that. Pierre put on some music and you answered most of your texts. You only started to talk again ten minutes before you arrived to make sure you had the same ideas in mind. No break up, you were still planning your wedding and happy as before. And the reason you didn’t see his family in so long was simply a lack of time from both of you. 
“And…” Pierre started once he was parked in front of his family house. You frowned, wondering what you could have potentially forgotten. You memorised everything and it wouldn’t be that hard to pretend after a three year relationship.
But then it hit you when he took the box out of his pocket. “I almost forgot it at home but it’s here.” 
You remember when Pierre proposed to you. 
You went to Greece during the summer break, last year. One night, while you were walking around the city, you found a place that was recreating Mamma Mia and invited everyone to sing and have fun. And so you went there, singing Abba the whole night. At some point during the night, after a kiss that lasted longer than it should in public, Pierre looked at you with a big smile and said “I want to marry you.” You laughed, thinking he was joking. But he wasn’t. “I meant it. Would you marry me?” and this time you started to cry, nodding so hard you had a neckache. 
You later learnt that Pierre had imagined a whole different scenario for the proposal. But it spoke with his heart and did it when it felt perfectly right.
And tonight, you were putting back the ring you worshipped with your whole heart. “It feels weird.” you whispered. 
Pierre didn’t answer and simply left the car. It was hard for him too. Acting like he didn’t lose the woman of his life over stupid decisions.
“Vous voilà! Je suis tellement contente de vous voir.” (oh there you are! I’m so happy to see you)
Before you even got the chance to prepare yourself in front of the door, Pierre’s mom opened it and took you both in her arms. You couldn’t lie, it felt good to see her and feel just as appreciated as before. Like nothing changed. And it was the truth, somehow. For his mom, nothing has changed. You were still her son’s fiancé, the one she almost saw as a daughter.
You looked at them, the way she kept touching his face to see any changes. And, what she told you one day, if he had any scars from races he tried to hide from her. You had this weird feeling of being home. Like you were right where you belong. For a second, you were back a year ago, when everything was perfectly fine. 
But then it hit you when Pierre took your hand to bring you inside to see everyone. It always felt natural when you were holding hands. In one of your birthday cards, you told him he must be your soulmate simply because your hands seemed to be held by the other. 
Tonight, it didn’t feel natural. It was hesitant. Pierre wasn’t confident about closing his fingers on yours and you could feel it.
Everybody seemed so happy to see. They all see you as an official member of their family. And it would be lying to say you weren’t happy to be by their side too. 
It helped that you didn’t see much of them for months. You spend the first two hours of the night talking with everyone but Pierre. Asking about their life, their own family, their friends… you had many things to learn. And you avoided some questions. That was one of the rules you established with Pierre. Pretend that the wedding was a big secret you couldn’t tell a thing about. For the rest, you just made the truth prettier.
Sure, you started a new job. But you didn’t admit it was a full time one because you didn’t go to the races anymore.
Yes, your pet was doing so fine. You just had to find the right pictures that would show your new apartment. 
No, you still haven’t decided where you would spend the winter break with Pierre. Because you weren’t going on any holiday anymore. At least, not together.
The dinner was a little harder to live. Because you sat next to Pierre, like it was planned. Like it has always been. And this time, compared to the whole drive, you felt more trapped. Because you couldn’t roll your eyes at what he was saying, or avoid his hand when he tried to touch you. Everyone would notice that and understand that something was wrong. You had to be careful.
So careful that, at some point during the evening, you even forgot why you were acting like that. You got lost in his stories about races you went to and especially those you miss after your breakup. You laughed at his joke, sympathised with his bad moments and cheered at the podium you missed.
You remember that day, or night actually for you. You didn’t watch the end of the season after your separation but you still had the notifications from the official account. So you knew the results. And when you learnt that Pierre had secured a second place on the podium, you almost called him. It was still a natural reflex: this desire of celebrating with your loved one.
But you didn’t. You didn’t even send him a text. And for one good reason: the last text you got from him was simply “Je suis désolé” (i am sorry) and you couldn’t handle the pain of going through the pain again. 
There had been hard times these past months where you almost forgive Pierre for breaking your engagement. There had been many times where you still wanted to call him and insult him for breaking up just because he woke up one day and realised this was maybe not what he wanted for his future.
What was this? This has been the question you’ve asked yourself many, many times. Was it your couple, your wedding or just you? You had no idea. Pierre couldn’t even explain it himself. He just knew that it wouldn’t be fair to keep pretending he was happy in a life he learnt to despise.
And it was now, sitting by his side, that you realised you had overcome all these mixed feelings. You felt alright. Not good, because the wound was still wide open. But you had accepted it. You would never marry Pierre. And you didn’t want to anymore.
After he finished telling the story of the last race of the season and the battle of champagne he had with Charles, while everyone was talking together, Pierre turned to you. You both got lost in each other's eyes. And you were convinced his little smile was a soft thank you. For being here, for lying, for…being happy. 
Because it hadn’t been easy months for Pierre either. Many times he woke up, thinking he had made the worst decision of his life. And some morning, he still wonders if he didn’t lose you for nothing. And those questions weren’t created by some insecurities about his happiness because he knew that he felt happier without this weight on his shoulder. But because he was scared he had ruined you. He would have accepted to be miserable for the rest of his life over this stupid. But he couldn’t accept hurting you forever.
But tonight, you both realised that maybe, things were going better for the both of you. And maybe, that night, was the one you both needed to start healing.
This helps the rest of the night go smoothly. You played games together, laughed together without thinking about the lie you were telling everyone. Even the drive back home felt natural, you talked about his family a lot. He even asked about yours. It was a whole different from the outward journey earlier. 
Pierre insisted on walking to your door with you. “It wasn’t that bad, right?” you couldn’t help but smile at him. He had this kind of unserious almost flirty tone like he needed to prove to himself and to you that he was right, in the end. It wasn’t such a terrible thing to do. 
You crossed your arms on your chest, a way to protect your heart from opening itself again. “No it wasn’t. You’re right.” he shrugged like it wasn’t such a surprise and you immediately hit him in the chest. You both laughed and oh how it felt good to be this lighthearted again for a few minutes. 
It meant more than you imagined that you were standing in front of your door, with your ex-fiancé in front of you. When you could already be in the bed but rather got lost in his eyes. Because you knew exactly what this moment was. And deep down, you weren’t ready to let it go.
You could hear Pierre talk before he even opened his mouth. “We were good together, huh?” you tried to not focus on his glossy eyes or the way he was playing with his fingers. 
“Yeah, we were.” you smiled, containing your own tears from falling. “It was good while it lasted.” 
Pierre crossed the few steps between you. You closed your eyes when you felt his lips on your forehead. Such a kind and sweet attention you remember he had when you started dating. When, for the first time maybe in his life, he wanted to take things slow to make them last. But this time, there were no other moments to share. And you had to watch him leave your place.
For the last time. 
You finally put the key in the door, taking your time to not close this chapter of your life too fast. “Eh!” you jumped, turning around immediately and saw Pierre holding the elevator’s door open. “You know I'll still love you, right?”
“I do.” you tried to ignore this weird feeling in your stomach, not waiting to think about the fact you ended up saying the two words you would never say to him. “Me too.” 
There lies the truth. You loved each other. Still. 
But you couldn’t be together anymore.
And so when you finally opened the front door and got inside. When Pierre finally let the elevator closed on him and brought him back to his car. You both knew what it meant.
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mishaandthebrits · 1 year
Title: Bad and good timing (Part 1)
Pairing: Pierre Gasly x Reader
Warnings: Dad!Pierre, Uncle!Charles, fluff
Word Count: 1,3k
In which Pierre meets one of Charles friends (his mothers friends daughter) who has a daughter and falls head over heels for them both. This is part 1 and basically the introduction.
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You were late. Ridiculously late. After already having shot Pascale a quick text about your lack of time management you still anxiously tapped your leg against the floor of the bus. Why did it have to be late when you were already behind schedule anyways?
Pascale had graciously offered to look after Mariella, your three year old daughter while you took your last exam. Studying and being a single mum was hard, but you had somehow - with her help - made it work. On your way back to her salon you had already gotten flowers to thank the women for all she had done for the both of you in the last years. Babysitting, helping you study, inviting you to family celebrations seeing as you had no one beside Mariella she had really make you feel as if you were her own although you only were her friends daughter. Her friend that had already passed years ago, without even knowing your daughter.
“I’m so sorry! It took forever to get out of university and then the bus was later and I’m really sorry Pascale!”, you rambled as you entered the already closed salon.
“Oh it’s fine Y/N! You know how much I love spending time with little Mari here.”, the woman smiled and looked up at you from where she sat on the floor with the girl. “How was the exam dear?”
“It went good! I’m certain I passed.”, you smiled and held the flowers out to her. “These are for you, for all the help.”, you explained and saw her immediately tearing up.
“You know that…”, she began only to be interrupted.
“Wasn’t necessary, you’re one of mine.”, you heard a male voice finish and turned to find Charles standing in the doorway with another man.
“Charles! How was Australia? I wasn’t able to watch it because of my exam.”, you pouted and hugged him after handing the flowers to his mother.
“I did not even make it past the first corner.”, he shrugged and you pulled him closer knowing how much it affected him. “But hey, Arthur did well. And Pierre crashed into his teammate.”, he then chuckled.
With a frown you looked up at him and then quickly raised an eyebrow. “And that’s funny because…?”
“Uhm…”, he stuttered and you heard Pascale laugh.
“You know she talks back.”, the woman added and stood up closely followed by your daughter who only now saw you and ran up to you.
“Mummy!”, she smiled and hugged your legs closely.
“Him my darling! How was your day with Pascale?”, you asked picking her up and setting her on your lap.
“It was great! We colored and walked and I saw a doggie!”, she excitedly exclaimed and then laid eyes on Charles. “Uncle Charles!”, she wiggled in your arms and you handed her over to the man.
While he started talking with your daughter you extended your hand to his friend who was yet to say anything. “I’m Y/N, nice to meet you… Pierre I assume?”, you smiled and he nodded shaking your hand with a light blush.
“Nice to meet you too. Charles has been talking about you two a lot.”, he softly smiled and you rolled your eyes in a joking manner.
“More about her than me I assume. He loves her to pieces.”, you smiled and the French opposite of you laughed.
“Maman! Can uncle Charles eat with us?”, Mariella suddenly asked and you nodded with a smile.
“If he wants to? Maybe Pierre wants to as well seeing as you both came together?”, you asked both men and they nodded happily.
Pascale smiled to herself while packing your daughters few belongings into her bag while Charles kept playing with her and Pierre watched you. “Thank you so much Pascale. Perhaps we can have brunch Sunday? My treat.”, you suggested as she handed you the small bag.
“I believe you might be occupied Sunday.”, she grinned and looked from you to Pierre and back before pulling you into a hug. “You know, he’s been curious for a while, whenever Charles talks about you he perks up and he’s a good one. Give him a chance if you’re ready.”, she whispered into the hug making you blush.
“Thank you.”, you mumbled and swallowed before turning around. “Ready to go darling?”, you asked in the direction of your daughter.
“Yes!”, she clapped her hands and the two men quickly said goodbye to Charles mother before leaving the salon with you and Mariella, by now on Charles shoulders.
“Here, let me carry the bag.”, Pierre spoke from beside you and gently took Maris bag while you walked to your close-by apartment.
"You know, I'm really happy to finally get to meet you.", Pierre smiled while the two of you walked a bit behind Charles and your daughter. "I can't believe time didnt work in our favor before now considering who long we both know Charlo.", the French added and you nodded.
"I know! It seemed like there was always something in the way, but he did tell me about you too, you know? How you're his best friend and how much your support means to him.", you admitted truly glad your friend had such a support when he was away.
"Weird. He's saying the same about you.", he laughed just when Charles interrupted the two of you as you were at your flat door by now.
Once inside your daughter immediately pulled her uncle Charles along to her room to show her the new doll she had gotten while Pierre followed you into the kitchen. Naturally he looked around as he went with you and inspected the photos lining the walls.
"You knew Jules?", you heard Pierre speak shortly after getting the water for the pasta in the pan.
"Hm?", you turned around and spotted him in the doorframe.
"Jules Bianchi. There's a picture of him in the hallway.", he tilted his head visibly confused.
"Oh, yes. My parents were friends with his parents before they died.", you explained while you turned back to continue cooking the sauce. "Them, Jules' family and Pascale and Herve knew each other from who knows where and we sort of grew up together. Charles obviously was gone a lot from early on due to his carting, but we wrote letters and Lorenzo and Arthur sort of became brothers to me, just like Charles who is closest in age. Especially after my parents died, Herve and Pascale took me in and treated me like one of their own.", you spoke on and saw Pierre walk closer to you and wordlessly take a knife to cut the tomatoes.
"So, how was Australia really for him?", you mumbled after a while and heard Pierre sigh.
"Bad. I'm afraid he's getting frustrated with Ferrari. They either mess up the strategy, something goes wrong with the car or he just has bad luck, but I dont know how I can help him. I still have to get used to my own team and he has Fred now, so I hope that's gonna help.", the man beside you spoke back just as quietly. "I think seeing your daughter today helped though. I haven't seen him smile that much in a while."
"Thats good... Maybe we can do something together this week.", you thought out loud and smiled to yourself. "You're welcome to join as well of course!"
"I heard Pascale you know?", the man chuckled and you blushed lightly. "But its true. I would actually like to maybe take you out sometime if you'd like that too?"
"I think that'd be great Pierre.", you replied with a shy smile on your lips.
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brasiliangp · 4 months
very normal behavior here
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seb-boo · 17 days
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merchelsea · 9 months
hotel room - charles leclerc
pairing: charles leclerc + fem!reader
summary: charles decided to rent a room in a hotel that was not associated with f1 to take girls into without causing any drama, but it turns out that asking for extreme discretion on a cheap hotel is not a great idea.
author's note: this is obviously going to have a part two, i'm not a monster to leave you hanging like this
word count: 5,3k
part two
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"hello?" you blurted out after a long minute of awkward silence in your hotel room. two men lay on your bed.
at first, you thought they were employees, but it took you exactly ten seconds to realize they weren't. first, because they stood there, just looking at you; second, because people who work in hotels don't typically carry louis vuitton suitcases.
"we didn't ask for room service." one of them told you. he had water-blue eyes, brown hair, a short beard, and a strong french accent.
"this is my room." you replied shortly. they exchanged puzzled glances while you stood there waiting.
"well, surely you got the number wrong. this one is mine." the other man said, showing you his key. the first man was handsome, but the second was exceptionally good-looking.
his green eyes, perfectly brushed brown hair, and the little facial hair he had fit together with the rest of his features, making him one of the most beautiful man you had ever seen. his accent was just as strong. were french men always this good-looking?
the logo on his red t-shirt, which you recognized all too well due to your tifosi brother's passion, left little doubt that he was likely in melbourne for the race.
"i did not" you insisted, showing him your own key. he furrowed his eyebrows and got up from your bed.
"they probably just gave you the wrong key." he had came closer and you handed him your key for him to see.
"no they didn't, i have this confirmed for the past two weeks. room 81 is mine." you had the right room, but so did he. and the worst part is that you both had your ways to prove it.
he looked back at his friend, and the three of you silently thought about what to do.
"call them, they must have an explanation for all of this." the blue-eyed man suggested. "i told you this wasn't a good idea." he mumbled to his friend, and french-number-two proceeded to follow french-number-one's advice.
they picked up immediately, and the ferrari fan asked someone to come. the silence lingered until a blonde woman, dressed in her work attire, entered the room.
"hello, sir. how can i help you?" she glanced you up and down dismissively. you thought, 'Bitch', but refrained from saying it out loud. you looked at the men to see if they had noticed, and french-number-one apparently had.
"we seem to have a complication here," he began. you moved closer, realizing that you were part of the problem too. "it looks like we both got the same room." he pointed at you.
the woman tilted her head to the side. "that's not possible." she said. a smile planted on her lips.
"well, obviously it is." you retorted, delicately handing her your phone for her to see the reservation. "just have one of us moved, please." you needed rest after a twenty-one-hour flight, and dealing with this was not what you had in mind.
"well, miss, that is not my job, but i'm pretty sure my colleagues can’t help you with that either." you and french-number-two stood silent as she explained that the hotel had run out of rooms due to the race happening in melbourne on sunday.
"what do people find so entertaining about this car thing, after all?" you mused aloud as you sat on the bed.
"oh, i don't know," the blue eyed laughed, while the green eyed looked at you, seemingly offended. you closed your eyes for a couple of seconds, trying to collect your thoughts. "well, can you tell your colleagues who deal with this to sort this out? you're not planning on making them share a room, are you?"
"no, sir. i’m sorry. you two can come with me, and i'll take you to talk to someone," she implored, begging them forgiveness with her eyes, though she never glanced your way.
whether she was desperate to get laid or they were important clients to the hotel, you couldn't help but feel enraged. you resisted the urge to scream, "i'm here too," and instead remained silent as you followed her to a more private area of the hotel.
the woman took you to a room that looked like an office, where a brunette sat behind a desk, wearing a superior expression. same expression that faded as soon as she looked the frenchman’s direction.
the blonde left the three of you alone, and the ferrari fan explained the situation to the woman behind the desk. she instructed you to sit, so she could make a call to figure out what happened. so you did, and in silence you heard her fingers press the numbers she intended.
your mind was elsewhere when the man next to you whispered, "what's your name?" his accent so strong that you were sure english wasn't his first language.
"y/n. what’s yours?" you whispered back.
"charles," he replied, his name matching the idea you had of him.
"now i can finally stop calling you french-number-two in my mind." you remarked. he furrowed his brows, and you cursed him for looking so good like this.
"wait, why is pierre french-number-one?" pierre was also a french name, you realized, amused by your accentology.
"he was the first one to talk, and everything about him just screams french." you explained.
"fair point, but I'm actually not french," Charles confessed. you looked at him with curiosity. “i’m monegasque.”
"that makes sense," you replied with a nod, and couldn't help but notice how well the name suited him.
"i’m sorry, i figured out what happened," the woman interrupted, her tone now more professional. "firstly, I would like to apologize to both of you for all of this mess. miss, you reserved and paid for the room two weeks ago, while..." she gestured toward charles. "you called us later. it turns out the person you spoke to that day is a fan of yours and gave you our best room without checking. we are very, very sorry, for this misfortune and we'll do everything we can to provide you with some comfort."
charles and you exchanged glances. you were curious with what she said about a fan, but you decided not to ask. on the other hand, he was preoccupied with how unprofessional this situation was turning out to be.
"well, 'comfortable' would be if we could have separate rooms," the, now known as monegasque, complained.
"that, i cannot offer, but we can transfer one of you to our affiliate hotel, which is an hour and a half from here and offers excellent service quality." anything that didn’t mess things up like this would be great.
both charles and you shook your heads in unison, declining the offer.
"it's too far from where i have to be." you informed her, hoping that charles had plans close to this hotel she talked about.
"exactly, it's too far for me too." he confirmed, and luck seemed to be as far from you as possible, even when you needed the most.
"i'm very sorry, but it appears you'll have to share the room." the woman concluded.
you took a deep breath and left the room before you could say something offensive. charles followed you.
"we can make this work," he said.
"we better." you replied with a sigh.
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"i need some sleep too," you groaned when charles asked you to vacate the room until 2 a.m.
"it's friday! why are you planning on sleeping at 6 p.m. on a friday?"
"because i just endured an incredibly long and exhausting flight. i'm desperate for some rest." you explained as you collapsed onto the bed, struggling to keep your eyes open.
"why don't we let you do that now, and then pierre here can pick you up later so I can have the room for a couple of hours? you can sleep as much as you'd like when you return, i promise." charles suggested, making a last offer.
he had given up hope right after revealing his plans to you, mainly due to the disapproving look you gave him. it's not an everyday thing that you're asked to leave your room just because your unexpected roommate wanted to have a girl over.
"i want fresh sheets when i get back." you demanded as you headed to the bathroom to change into more comfortable sleepwear. the monegasque nearly jumped for joy when you agreed to this insanity.
"thank you, thank you, thank you." he repeated numerous times to express his gratitude. you could still hear his excited exclamations inside the private compartment. suddenly, you remembered that you had no idea where you were going.
"pierre can pick me up to go where, exactly?" you raised your voice so they could hear you clearly.
they remained silent for a moment, and you understood that they hadn't thought this through. after all, this was a bad thing for the both of you.
"i know of a few clubs i can take you to, i guess," pierre yelled back, his uncertainty evident in his tone.
"what do you wear to a club in melbourne?"
"something nice, i don't know, i'm not a woman. just wear whatever you wear to a club." you chuckled to yourself and returned to the bedroom.
"okay," you said, facing them again and ready to get some rest. "now, you two french things, get out. i'm going to catch up on some jet lag."
"i'm not french." charles mumbled as he exited the room, followed closely by pierre.
the actual frenchman retorted, "i don't think she cares at the moment."
with that, you found yourself alone, left only with your exhaustion and the comforting embrace of your bed.
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you stirred awake, the relentless pounding in your head a cruel reminder of the little sleep you had. slowly, you opened your eyes, and the now familiar blue gaze of pierre greeted you.
"hey," he began with an apologetic tone, "charles insisted i wake you up. i'm sorry."
sleepily, you tried to check the time, scanning the unfamiliar room for a clock, anything to anchor you to melbourne's time zone.
"it's around ten, i think." pierre informed you once he realized what you were trying to do. he settled on the edge of the bed when you decided to sit up. "you need to go get ready, i'll take you to eat something."
"what are you? my body guard?" you smiled to him, still dizzy. the four hours you slept doing nothing but giving you a headache. "i can get my own food pierre."
he quickly shook his head. "charles would murder me." he confesses, his words leaving you puzzled. your groggy expression must have been quite evident. "i think the remorse is kicking in. he even tried to bribe me to stick by your side."
"how thoughtful of him," irony slips through your smile as you speak. "he does realize i would have preferred if he'd just let me sleep instead?"
"his brain has its limits." he lets out a chuckle and you sight, needing much more of that sleep you just woke up from.
dragging yourself out of bed, you clutched your suitcase and shuffled into the bathroom, determined to transform into a club worthy version of yourself.
with time in short supply, you limited your skincare routine to a quick facial cleanse and your trusty hydrating lotion. makeup took you, surprisingly, just a few minutes; you decided to go for a no-makeup, makeup look. the real problem lay in choosing the right outfit.
in your haste, it seemed you had packed either too much or too little to this club. with your birthday at the door, you had plans to party, socialize, and maybe even get a little wild. yet, the occasion left you stuck between a simple cropped top and jeans or your favorite dress, which felt a bit too extravagant.
of course you had tons of clubbing clothes with you, but you couldn't wear those. you soon enough realized they weren't regular people who worked in offices, and now that you knew charles even had fans it was all a lot more complicated. so where do people, who seem to be famous, take the girl that's stuck sharing a room with their friend?
that's when your white skirt caught your eye. it hugged you figure perfectly as if made specifically for you to use it. a quick search revealed the white, long sleeved top you'd thrown into the bag last minute. together, they formed the ideal clothing for the night ahead.
this may not have been part of your initial plans, but you were determined to make the most of it and fulfill your primary goal for this trip — meeting new people.
you step out of the bathroom, fully prepared to head out to wherever pierre decides to take you. he lounges on the bed, engrossed in his phone until you approach and gently pat his knee.
"get up." you instruct him, and his gaze sweeps up and down your body. it's only then that you take notice of his outfit – light blue jeans paired with a simple white shirt. it's casual yet an excellent choice.
you briefly wonder if you might be overdoing, but the thoughts quickly dissipate. "you certainly know how to dress for a night out in melbourne." he says, referencing your previous conversation.
"i wasted a considerable amount of time picking out these clothes," you admit and motion for him to rise so you can tidy the bed.
in a matter of minutes, your suitcase has been stowed away, and your phone now rests securely in your purse.
"what are you in the mood for dinner?" he inquires as you leave the room behind, ensuring everything is clean and ready for charles' girl later.
"anything," you reply, your hand instinctively moving to your stomach. "literally anything, i'm starving." you add, emphasizing your hunger.
"alright then, we’re going for italian" he decides, and you nod in agreement, already imagining the delectable Italian dishes that await, making your stomach growl even louder.
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after returning to the room, well past 3 a.m., you tiptoed in to find charles cocooned in the sheets, presumably asleep. you quietly went to your suitcase, took your pajamas, and moved to the bathroom. after changing, you removed all you makeup, getting your face clean before heading out to bed. you hadn't put on that much, but you didn't like to sleep with it.
with hushed movements, you fetched your charger and silenced your phone, choosing to ignore your friend's texts.
the night had exceeded your expectations. initially hesitant when they suggested going out with pierre, who by then was a complete stranger, you eventually embraced the idea of this little escape.
pierre took you to a charming restaurant that couldn't be more your vibe. the ambiance, delicious food, and nice people made it a really great experience. you mentally thanked whatever god made you go out with this french stranger.
after getting to know each other a bit, you both headed to a club where you met a lot of new people, including some of pierre's friends. you couldn't have been happier about skipping that sleep.
as you slipped under the blankets, a voice startled you, "it's past three."
whispering, you responded to charles, "i thought you were asleep."
"i'm not, but it's past three," he repeated, his voice heavy with sleepiness.
"yeah, i know." you said, already nestled comfortably in bed.
"i told pierre to bring you back at two so you could rest; i've been waiting."
"oh, i met some of his friends and stayed a bit longer." you explained, turning your back to him. "are these sheets fresh?"
he chuckled softly, "yes. which friends did you meet?"
"a lot of people which i can't remember the names now. his girlfriend kika, a goddess. and some guy named lindo, landon, i think that's his name." you replied, still unsure of the pronunciation.
charles laughed at your attempt, "his name is lando. no 'i' or 'n'"
"not too far off," you quipped.
"if you say so..."
"oh, I have a question for you," you turned to face him, even if the room was in absolute darkness and you couldn't see a thing. "what do you guys work with? there were bodyguards and security procedures all night. i couldn't understand a damn thing."
an "oh" lingers in the air for a while. this was a topic the monegasque wanted to avoid as much as possible. he knew that you would figure it out, eventually, he just wanted to stick with "charles, the normal (french) dude" for a little longer.
"we're formula one drivers," he confesses. you burst into laughter. "i'm serious. i drive for ferrari, and pierre drives for alpine."
"shut up! you know lewis hamilton in person?" you didn't know much about motorsports, but c'mon, everyone knows lewis. "i do, actually." he's puzzled about why that was your first question.
"i recognized the logo on your shirt earlier. my brother's a fan, but i thought you were here just to watch the race."
"in a way, i am, just from a different perspective," he jokes. "how's your brother going to react when you tell him you're sharing a room with charles leclerc?"
"go back to sleep, charles leclerc." you tease, struggling to pronounce his name correctly.
"don't ever try that again." he laughs, turning his back to you.
"oh shut up." you playfully retorted.
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you found yourself leaping onto your bed without bothering to check if charles was already there as night fell. meeting new people was exciting, but reuniting with old friends held a special charm. reconnecting with people ranked in the top three of your favorite things to do, even though it could be quite exhausting.
to be totally fair, you were tired because of the entire week you had just gone through. completing 26 out of 43 items on your bucket list was not easy, but you managed it all within a week and a day.
sharing the room with charles turned out to be much more enjoyable than expected. he was not only a genuinely nice guy but also a source of constant entertainment. when you went to bed, boredom was never an option as charles would introduce you to new games you'd never heard of and make you learn them to play with him.
it was really easy to get along with him, and you understood that as time passed and you were getting closer. sharing a room became something you no longer detested.
suppressing the urge to surrender to sleep, you got up to change and the next moments blurred together. all you could recall was your roommate entering a little while after you.
that’s until, in the middle of the night, your phone erupted with numerous notifications.
“geez, are you famous or something?” charles mumbled, awakened by the noise.
“it’s on your side, please turn it down." you groaned, covering your ears with a pillow. he reached for your phone but accidentally read one of the 47 notifications.
"happy birthday? is it your birthday?" he asked.
you buried your face in the pillow as more notifications poured in. "just turn that down," you demanded. "I love my friends, but this is too much." you knew they were doing it on purpose because of the lack of communication. this was their way of reminding you that you couldn’t be rid of them for so much time.
“it’s your birthday?” he inquired, sitting up.
“yeah, officially 22 now!” you replied, cursing the friends responsible for your rude awakening. exhausted, you had forgotten that your 6-hour nap was meant to be a quick one.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” charles exclaimed, throwing himself into an enthusiastic yet somewhat ungraceful hug. you laughed and thanked him. "why didn't you mention it earlier?"
“it didn’t come up.” you said, returning the hug.
"and do you have any plans for today?" he asked, returning to his original position.
"not really. i thought i might visit some places here in melbourne," you answered, rubbing your eyes.
"do you want to come watch the race then? consider it my birthday gift. if you'd mentioned it earlier, i would've prepared something better." the driver offered.
"i suppose the tickets must be sold out. have you seen how many people are here these past few days? there are no rooms since last week." you informed him.
"and you think I'd let you watch from the stands? no way. you'll… i mean, you would be in the Ferrari garage." he said with conviction.
"that sounds boring." you complain.
"is that a yes?" he asked, seeing a glimmer of a smile in your eyes. "i'll do my best to win, just for you."
“isn’t that your job?” you teased.
"yes, but doing it for you adds a little extra pressure," he admitted. you nodded in agreement, and he reclined again. "now, go to sleep. tomorrow is your big day."
"big day," you mimicked in a comical male voice, turning on your side. "thank you, charles."
"yeah, no problem." he replied. you couldn’t see him now, but you knew he was wearing a smile, and it made you smile too.
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"wake up." you heard, your senses slowly returning. as you opened your eyes, you found kika, pierre's girlfriend, looking down at you.
what is it with people waking you up? it's always someone new.
"hey. it's time to get ready." even though your head was a big question mark, you did as she asked and sat up. she sat right before you.
"did charles sent you?" you inquired.
"no, he just told me you'd be coming to the race and since we've met that other night, i thought i would come to make you some company." she replied with a warm smile. "happy birthday, girl." she opened her arms for you and you embraced her immediately.
"thank you." you murmured into the hug. "do you want to get ready together?" you proposed. "i'm going to need some guidance."
"of course." her smile was the most beautiful one you had ever seen and it made your heart melt. "i'll just have to leave you alone with all the birthday wishes to get something to wear, and i'll be back soon."
"okay, see you in a bit." as she left, the first thing you did was grab your phone and start replying the overwhelming (and exaggerated) number of messages from your friend group. after that, you called your brother, not only because he asked so but also to let him know where you would be spending the day.
when kika returned, you were on the phone with your mother, crying your heart out. she loved you so much, and her words never failed to touch your soul.
"i love you too, mum." you whispered and ended the call. francisca smiled at you from the other side of the room. "come on, let's get ready." you wiped away your tears and got up from the bed.
yesterday, while charles slept peacefully, your mind had traveled through your current wardrobe to find the perfect outfit to wear. you knew it had to be ferrari red, but it also needed to make you feel special because it was your birthday.
in the end, you chose the red dress you had recently purchased. it seemed perfect for the occasion. as you shuffled through your clothes to retrieve it, kika had a chance to admire the piece.
"oh my god, that dress is going to look so good on you." she exclaimed excitedly and you both smiled as you made your way to the bathroom.
kika opted for a white button-up oversized shirt paired with pink pants that you discovered matched the colors of alpine's livery. She looked gorgeous, as always.
as you expected, your dress fell amazingly on you body, and it was incredibly comfortable. it wasn't an overly extravagant party dress, but it was just right for special occasions like your birthday.
"so, tell me what's charles doing here." the brunette asked when you both started getting your faces ready for make-up.
"charles?" she confirmed, and you glanced at your reflection in the mirror, somewhat oblivious to what she was referring to. "what's he doing here?" she repeated the question. "sleeping?" you half-answered, half-asked.
"yeah, of course, but why is he sleeping here." your eyes met hers through the mirror, and you noticed the smile on her lips.
"because it's his hotel room too, i guess."
"pierre told me that, but why is he still sleeping in this room if he has the one ferrari got him? he has one, doesn't he?" she asked.
"i don’t know." the truth was, you hadn't even thought about it. the monegasque had never told you, and you never asked, so you assumed this was indeed his only room.
"okay i’ll try again. what's going on between you two?" she smiled at you, a knowing look in her eyes.
"nothing," you replied as quickly as the question got to you. "seriously, tell me. you can trust me." she persisted, trying to get something out of you.
"i am telling you, kika." you laughed. in her mind, it was obvious that something was going on because there was no way the charles leclerc she knew would trade a king-sized bed in a five-star hotel for a cheap one he'd have to share.
"are you seriously telling me there's nothing going on between you two when he ditched a rich and attractive model for you, is lying to his team to come sleep in this room when he probably has a much better one waiting for him every night, and hasn't been bar-hopping to stay here teaching you how to play chess? Not to mention that he's taking you to a race to meet his team and friends. do you know how many girls he took to watch a race?" the portuguese counted on her fingers dramatically, as if accusing you of a proper crime.
you continued doing your makeup as she spoke, but you didn't miss a single word. in fact, you paid close attention to everything she said, the words penetrating your bones and getting to your brain automatically.
"yes, i am telling you that." you began and she sighed in response. "what do you mean he ditched a hot model for me?" curiosity filled your body when you heard that, you had to ask.
"that first night when we met, i know he was supposed to meet up with her because she was also a friend of mine, but he didn't show up. when i asked pierre about it, the only thing he said was your name." your face displayed confusion as you applied some contour to your cheek. you stoped what you were doing right away.
you were confused, yes. but you were also slightly irritated, because if the driver hadn't gone to meet that model, you could have slept through the night and avoided the exhausting day that followed.
"i assumed you guys had fancied each other, like love at first sight or something." you shook your head to deny it and picked up your pencil to blend the previously applied contour.
"that did not happen." another sigh left her throat and a question lingered in the tip of your tongue, ready to come out as soon as you opened your mouth. you weren't sure if you should ask, but you were certain you wanted an answer. "the thing you said about the number of girls he took to a race. how many?"
her lips immediately curved as if she said 'nothing may have happened, but you are interested', and of course you were.
who wouldn't be? charles was majestic, a genuinely good guy who knows how to treat people right, and he looked like the most adorable person in the world while sleeping. you would be lying if you said you didn't find him attractive, but he appeared too friendly for you to believe that he even considered flirting with you.
"two, and they were his girlfriends at the time." the smile never left her lips, but your mind was far from her grin.
you eventually finished getting ready, and so did she, a few seconds after. you chatted the whole way to the paddock, only stopping to catch your breath. kika apologized to you for pressing you to tell her what she wanted to hear, but you didn't mind; you knew you would do the same if the roles were reversed.
your social anxiety flared up when francisca had to go in a different direction to reach the alpine garage, but it quickly dissipated when your eyes found a familiar face approaching you with a smile.
charles hugged you once he was close enough and whispered a quiet "hey." he was well aware of how risky it was to show affection in public, especially with all the shit press would give him and possibly even give you. let's just say that he didn't really care.
he guided you to the garage, where you met carlos sainz, his teammate, and bumped into lando, whom you had met on your first night in australia.
meeting lando brought back all the thoughts kika had shared earlier, and those thoughts stayed with you.
charles must have mentioned your birthday to his team because every person you passed by wished you a happy day. you graciously smiled and thanked them, walking by his side.
he briefly introduced you to everything you needed to know and hugged you goodbye when he had to go. you snapped a lot of pictures to send to your brother, and when the race started, you paid close attention to every moment.
the headphones made it harder to zone out as you normally would but you appreciated that. being new to this world, you didn't understand a single word you heard, but that didn't stop you from trying.
all you knew was that the team was incredibly pleased with charles and carlos's performance today. It was evident from their tone and the broad smiles on their faces.
the spark in their eyes intensified when charles overtook the last driver, securing his lead in the race. from what someone told you, a first and fourth-place finish was a significant achievement for scuderia ferrari, and you could know it was true by the fans' excitement.
both ferrari drivers managed to maintain their positions, finishing the race with what appeared to be an outstanding result. you weren't entirely sure what you were cheering for, but you were genuinely happy.
you celebrated with the team and watched the podium ceremony from a distance, still uncertain about where you should be and how to act. you applauded the number 16 and engaged in discussions about his performance with people who had a stake in the matter. from what you heard, he was a really good driver.
people all around you started to move to one direction, and you followed them with your gaze to find the one and only race winner already looking at you. he paused to chat and celebrate with his team, before moving up to you.
opening your arms for him, you embraced him, smiling from ear to ear, genuinely happy for his achievement, even if you didn't fully grasp the significance of a win.
"this one was for you. happy birthday." he whispered in your ear while still holding you close. "thank you, frenchie, and congratulations." you laughed into his shoulder. he playfully protested against your nickname for him but couldn't help but laugh too.
you were engrossed in conversation with him when suddenly, pierre and kika arrived with a cake. everyone in the tifosi garage began singing the "happy birthday" song.
your cheeks flushed, matching the color of your dress within seconds, and you covered your smile with your hands. you were genuinely grateful for these people who didn't even know you but were singing and clapping for you.
the cake they brought was adorned with all your favorite flowers, and now you understood charles' early morning question. as if he could read your thoughts, he approached you, smiling, and hugged you sideways while still singing with his weird accent.
pierre had came closer and at the end of the song you were able to blow out the candles. the smiles on their faces enchanted you, how they all seemed genuinely happy for you, even though it was the first time they had set their eyes on you.
they arranged a table in which pierre placed the cake, and someone handed you a knife to cut it. you, of course, offered the first slice to charles, not only because he knew you best but also because of everything he had done for you. all of this exceeded your expectations.
when you had decided to come to australia to spend some time alone, you could never have imagined what awaited you. not only did you meet new people, but you had also made friends, or at least one friend.
575 notes · View notes
promiscuousasexual · 3 months
i waited until i had all the drivers to post this, took me until this morning actually
here’s the garages in saudi arabia having all the drivers’ names in cursive arabic!! :
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red bull
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aston martin
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vcarb/RB/visa cash app RB/idk
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edit :
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and here's ollie bearman's!
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l8tof1 · 2 years
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2K notes · View notes
alexturntable · 7 months
Carlos also saw that
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its-sir-actually · 2 years
They've descended into chaos
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433 notes · View notes
vroomvroommuppett · 2 days
i am in the mood to do throuple smaus so please send requests for the following
george x alex x reader
charles x carlos x reader
carlos x lando x reader
lando x max x reader
lando x oscar x reader
logan x oscar x reader
pierre x charles x reader
max x charles x reader
george x carmen x reader
charles x alex x reader
pierre x kika x reader
alex x lily x reader
28 notes · View notes
softtdaisy · 1 year
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DESCRIPTION I Sometimes it take an accident to realize what you really want with the person you thought you weren’t in love with
PAIRING I Pierre Gasly × female!reader
A/N I I wanted to write for Pierre, I wrote for Pierre. This might be super messy but I quite love it so I hope you will too 🥺
You hated everything about the situation.
The oppressing silence caused by the many departures from the teams and the public.
The missing noises caused normally by the cars, even when they weren’t racing.
The beatings of your heart being louder because of the stress.
This feeling of being part of a kind of post-apocalyptic disaster.
Knowing you were only a spectator of that whole scene.
Ever since you started seeing Pierre, you’ve tried to go to as many races as possible. You had a job that, thankfully, allowed you to travel and work from where you wanted to. So, it wasn’t hard for you to adapt your work schedule.
The fun part, if you could call that fun, was that it was harder to deal with Pierre than with your own job.
You didn’t have the easiest relationship. You weren’t even sure you could call this a relationship, technically. You met a few months ago, when one of your closest friends started working for Alpine and invited you to a Grand Prix. He knew you loved Formula One and he loved to tell people in the garage that you were the reason he even considered working here.
“So, we have to thank you for his amazing job?” you heard a voice in your back. You turned around and here he was. Standing here. With his messy hair, his arrogant and flirty smile and his tracksuit knotted around his waist. Pierre looked hot. You couldn’t lie about it. And he knew it.
“You know what they say,” you started, walking near Pierre to face him. “Behind every great man, there is a woman.”
From that moment, Pierre wanted you to be the great woman behind him.
It started with a night together, that same weekend. You were at the bar with the team to celebrate Pierre’s podium. You spend the evening dancing and laughing together, it wasn’t a surprise that you ended up in his bed. It felt like a victory for the both of you, both having a strong attraction for each other. You were the woman he wanted to have. He was the driver you wanted to get.
This is how it all begin. You were meeting you during race weekends and Pierre was coming to your place when he was free. It was a logical and comforting thing. You found peace in each other’s arms and moans. Feelings were not involved. No. Love was not involved. You appreciated Pierre a lot. You whished there was a word to describe someone between a good friend and a lover.
Because he was way more than a friend for you. But Pierre wasn’t your lover. He wasn’t your boyfriend. He was making sure you remember that.
Behind this perfect and paradisaic relationship was hiding the truth: you had more arguments than you should have. There wasn’t a weekend where you wouldn’t fight about anything. Most of the time, those fights would come out of jealousy. The way Pierre looked at the influencers and models invited to the race. How you would laugh with the mechanics to which the French driver would interpret as a flirt conversation. Or sometimes he would just let go his frustration of not qualifying high enough on you. “I’m not your stressed relief doll, Pierre.” You would remind him.
And today, he took it to heart.
You arrived in Australia with Pierre on Monday, so he had time to go to some events and do all the press stuff. As much as you were concerned, expect for the visit part, you spend most of your time in his hotel bedroom. There was always something quiet when you arrived early, like none of this situation was real. He wasn’t a famous driver, and you were just a normal couple enjoying their holidays.
Then the truth hit you hard. Really hard.
The qualification was terrible. Maybe it was the car, maybe it was something else, but it didn’t matter. Cause in the end, the conclusion was still the same: Pierre was eliminated in Q1. And he was angry about that result. He didn’t talk to anybody in the garage and avoided you for the rest of the afternoon.
Innocently, you thought it wouldn’t change your plan for Saturday’s night. When you were there, you and Pierre would order some food and enjoy a peaceful night in the hotel room. You didn’t want to go out or anything, since fans and journalists were everywhere. It was a way of relaxing him before the race.
So, when Pierre finally came back, much later than he usually does, you had everything prepared. But the look he gave you let you know it wasn’t going to be as easy as you thought. “I already eat,” he said in an emotionless tone. He never does that. Worse, he never goes anywhere without letting you know. Especially when you’re waiting for him. Because he knew you would.
You got up immediately. “Wait a minute, Gasly.” You managed to grab his arm before he went to the bathroom. “Where were you?”
“Nowhere that concerned you.” He replied, shrugging. “You always see you’re not my stress relief doll. So, I made you sure you wouldn’t have to deal with this.” But it didn’t sound as gentle and compassionate as it seemed like.
There was something in his eyes. Something you knew pretty well. Because you had the opportunity to see it anytime you were spending time together. Or, more exactly, when your bodies were together.
You couldn’t believe it. How could you be stupid enough to wait for a man who was doing God knows what with someone that wasn’t you? “Go to hell.” You mumbled, punching him away. The worst part was that Pierre didn’t even flinch. He didn’t move. He barely looked at you. It was like you didn’t matter at all. Almost like you never ever did. And he just wanted to be alone tonight.
Which was, maybe, the only truth in all the thing he wanted you to believe that night.
You almost didn’t stay for the race. You were this close to book a plane to go back home and miss everything. But was Pierre really the only thing that made you want to watch a Formula One race? You couldn’t accept that. You couldn’t give him that much credit.
So, you stayed. And watched the beginning of the race from the grandstand. You tried to be another normal fan among the others. Screamed with them when the cars were coming near you. Listening to their complains, laughing to some jokes. You thought you could enjoy the race peacefully.
Or so you did.
Because then it happened. You watched one Alpine being hit by another car. Rolling over. And over. And over. Until it stopped. And you finally saw the number 10 on it.
You remember everything. The noise the car made when it got hit. The noises it made when they both rolled over. The silence in the public when everyone was watching it in disbelief. The silence when the other cars stopped.
Then you remember nothing.
All you knew was that you were still there, hours later, sitting in silence. Trying to calm your mind down but it kept screaming horrible thoughts. How ironic that in a place where it’s a loud because of the cars the only thing making noises was your brain.
Your eyes were locked on the scene. Where there were still proofs of the car accident. From there, you could even see some of the Alpine’s paint on the road. Like it got teared apart. Just like your heart.
Two of your senses being focused on what happened, you didn’t notice the person coming and sitting next to you.
“You’re still here?” it was a stupid question. Of course, you were. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to see you and talk to you. But Pierre didn’t know what to say after what happened last night. He feels like, if he was in an RPG, he would have lost all his friendship progression bar with you and had to start all over again.
You couldn’t even turn to look at him. There was so much going on inside your head right now. The memories from last night’s fight, his words, his look…and then today’s accident. The surprise, the stress, the fear… “I thought I had lost you.” You whispered, almost like a thought leaving your mouth by accident.
“I watched the accident” you continued, finally finding the strength to make proper sentences, and organizing your thoughts. “I watched it. I felt…useless. You were down there. I thought you were dead, and I was just watching it. I couldn’t do anything. And all that I could think about was that I told you to go to hell last night. That I didn’t enjoy one last night with you. One last moment. I thought it wasn’t fair. And I felt selfish because it wasn’t even the thought of you being in an accident that I found unfair. It was that I didn’t have a moment with you.”
Through all your speech, Pierre held your hand. You didn’t even notice until he started caressing your skin softly. To encourage you. To prove you he was there now. “Glad to know my dick is more important than my life to you” he joked, and you hit him in the shoulder. “Ah, that was I needed. A good hit in the shoulder just where I got hurt.” He laughed again. He added a kiss in your hair just before you realized what he said.
“You, what?” you finally turned around to see him. And you had to be honest: he looked terrible. Pierre had some bruises on his arms, and you noticed the bandage on his shoulder sticking out of his shirt. He looked exhausted, with small eyes and a tired smile. But he was there. It was all that mattered in the end.
“Nothing too serious. I should be able to race in two weeks, so.” he was taking it better than you thought. But maybe the idea of being here and not in the hospital was helping.
“Listen,” he started, holding your hand tighter. “I’m sorry. For making you believe that I was with someone else yesterday. I was mad at me, at the world but certainly not at you. But I couldn’t…be there, act nice when all I wanted was punch some walls and drink more than I should. It was easier to make you leave than pretend to be fine. You always complain about me treating you like a stress relief doll.”
You sighed. “Idiot, I do that when you’re being mean to me when I did nothing. You don’t have to be fine all the time. You can be angry and sad or whatever emotions you want to feel, and I can help you. In a healthy way.”
You saw the surprise on his face. Like you said some magic words he didn’t expect. “Because…you still want me?” you could hear the hope in his voice. And it hurt you to answer honestly: “I don’t know.”
“You don’t…know?” he frowned.
You were now the one holding his hand, playing with his fingers to try and distract him. Or maybe making him accept what you were trying to say. “The way I got scared of losing you made me realize how much I cared about you Pierre. More than I ever did. It’s not a simple friendship or agreement or I don’t know what. I…appreciate you. And the truth is, if you can’t offer me a real relationship…I’m not sure I want to stay around. I deserve better. We both deserve better.”
You were convinced Pierre would agree with you. Saying you were right and that you should both start looking for someone that would offer the love you deserved. That it wasn’t fair for you to stay around when he wasn’t giving you what you were looking for. Maybe he wouldn’t agree and then it would just end badly. But you really thought it was the ending. You, leaving this place alone.
“I thought about this too.” He answered. “During the accident.”
“You had time to think while your car was doing all that stuff?”
“Yeah, you got me. During and after.” He laughed and he noticed the little smile on your face. “All I could picture when I thought it was…maybe the end for me, was you. You over here. And the idea of leaving you alone…boy I couldn’t accept that. I couldn’t leave you. And when I realized that I was still pretty much alive…I knew I couldn’t let you go. I had to keep you. I had to…love you. For real.”
This. Was definitely not on your scenario card. Pierre, the man you always knew as loving his single life and not wanted not to commit to a real relationship, admitting he wanted to be with you. For real.
“So… We might need to work on this but I think we can have a real thing.” He added, coming closer to you.
“Relationship.” You said. “Not a real thing. A relationship.”
“Relationship,” he laughed before finally putting his other hand on your face and kiss you.
This kiss was like no other. It wasn’t passionate, trying to prove something to the other. It was just real. Like a promise. Like the start of something new.
The start of a real relationship.
follow @softtdaisywords​ to know when new stories are released 🤍
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mishaandthebrits · 2 years
Rewrite the stars - (Pierre Gasly x reader) ⭐️📱
Pairing: Pierre Gasly x Reader Social Media AU / Story
Summary: Pierre and Y/N Gasly have been secretly married for 4 years but kept their relationship private mostly only dropping hints. Only a few people in the paddock know outside of their teams, apparently not even all of their friends had caught up.
Chapter: 1/?
Warnings: fluff, dropping hints, secretly dating
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Liked by pierregasly and 195.382 others
yourusername: My favorite this after the shows is looking at all the lovely pictures you all are taking during the shows! Thank you for the amazing night Wembley!
fanaccount: Its amazing how much you love your fans! We love you yourusername!!!!
charlottesiine: Amazing show babe! So proud of you <3
yourockyn: This was amazing! Thank you so much for reposting my photo! I LOVE YOU
landonorris: The show really was great! Luisa and I loved it!
show 2.859 more comments
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Liked by yourusername and 280.492 others
pierregasly: London really is beautiful.
lewishamilton: It really is mate! Hope you enjoyed it
-> pierregasly: I really did! Thank you for the recommendation!
danielricciardo: Hey, I've been there too!
yukitsunoda0511: Why wasn't I invited to the date???
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Liked by yourusername and 492 others
yourockyn: pierregasly and maxverstappen were at the yourusername concert in London last night! Has anyone else noticed how Y/N and Pierre always like each others posts and are in the same location?!
fanaccount: Now that you say it that's true! :O
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Liked by pierregasly and 1.412 others
yourusernamefan1: "You know its love when you receive these just because <3" did anyone else see this picture Y/N posted and then deleted minutes later?!
username34: You do realize Pierre liked your post right?
yournamefan99: Liked by pierregasly!
yourusername: Oops?
comment liked by pierregasly
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Liked by yourusername and 294 others
yourusernamefan1: We finally got a close look at Y/Ns necklace in her last selfie! It seems like she is always wearing that one ever since 2016. What do you think this means?
yournamefan99: Maybe its from her secret boyfriend? :O
-> yourusernamefan1: Do you really think she has a secret boyfriend? I mean I still think its Gasly, but that wouldn't be very secret right?
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Liked by yourusername and 931.581 others
pierregasly: Taking the partner look a bit far 😂
maxverstappen: Urg. You two are so sweet I want to throw up.
-> maxverstappen: Jk, love you two! Couple goals!
yourusername: 👟👟👟👟
-> yourusernamefan1: He didn't tag her though?
-> yournamefan1: She commented though! I'm actually 88% sure they are dating!
Pierre and Max conversation:
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ppl already shared Yuki’s story about Seb but I haven’t seen Pierre’s, so here we go. basically in the podcast Pierre and Yuki were asked about their favorite Seb memory and their reaction to his retirement. and Pierre said that when he first joined Redbull, it was Seb’s last year with the team, and in that year they had quite a bit of contact. so, in 2016, after Pierre had won GP2 but wasn’t offered an F1 seat, and he felt quite lost, he called Seb for some advice, like what he should do now, how he could get that Redbull seat, etc. and Seb talked to him for an hour and a half (!!!), and he was extremely helpful and generous.
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f0point5 · 3 months
No so Esteban be misrepresenting that whole story about the battle of the baguettes in karting and Pierre blogged about it in 2008
Why are these two so unintentionally hilarious?!
They would never have maintained a friendship to adulthood they are too similar
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merchelsea · 8 months
mastermind - charles leclerc
pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
summary: charles decided to rent a room in a hotel that was not associated with f1 to take girls into without causing any drama, but it turns out that asking for extreme discretion on a cheap hotel is not a great idea. PART TWO
author's note: just in case someone notices, the race schedule is NOT correct. i changed it to fit with what i wanted to write.
warnings: rushed writing
word count: 1,6k
previous part
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the atmosphere was ablaze with celebrations throughout the day. the only time it felt slightly lower was when you and pierre got out of the club for you to make a call.
while your connection with pierre wasn't as tight as it was with charles, it was clear from the beginning that you both hit it off quite well. so, being alone with him wasn't uncomfortable at all.
as you hung up your phone, the french couldn't resist diving into the topic. "so, charles and you…" he began, causing an internal eye-roll that you suppressed effortlessly. "has he made a move yet?"
"a move?" you shrugged casually. "he hasn't?" he presumed, posing it rhetorically.
"ok tell me what's going on, because kika and you have been planting ideas in my head." you demanded. "what are you guys trying to tell me?"
"he's into you; I thought that was obvious," pierre replied.
"well, it's not. explain, but give me the full story, including the fact that you told kika I was the reason he didn't meet up with janne on that first night." you insisted, and could see from his features he was going to.
"yes, ma'am. so, that first day, charles was genuinely interested in you. he asked me to take you out to hang out with our friends. knowing that your initial impression of him wasn't the best, he figured that if you got along with his friends, he'd have a better chance with you," pierre explained. his strong accent made some parts a bit challenging to decipher, but you managed to piece it all together.
"he was not going to use the room anymore, so he actually met up with her to apologize and let her know he wasn't going to pursue anything with her," pierre continued, using expressive gestures as your mind raced with confusion.
"every night, he was supposed to go back to the f1 hotel, but yet, every night he was there with you; teaching you how to play games you told me you had never heard of."
your eyes widened as you realized that everything the frenchman was saying fell into place. you had forgotten most of what had happened that night, but not the conversations from the dinner when you were still sober and fully coherent.
"he schemed it like a criminal and you were his crime."
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that was a lot to take in. even if not something out of this world, anyone would be taken aback if someone, especially someone like charles, put in so much effort just to catch their attention.
not only had he been doing this for a whole week, but he made it appear effortless, to the point where you didn't even notice his intentions.
you felt somewhat foolish, and above all, you felt like you had wasted all that time thinking he only wanted friendship.
of course, you still had tonight, and if he decided to stick around a bit longer, a few more days. it was time, but it felt insufficient, especially when you knew he was willing to settle for just friendship if you didn't find out of his intentions – or in this case, if pierre hadn't spilled the truth.
perhaps that's why you remained silent and contemplative for nearly half an hour. the thoughts were beginning to settle in your mind when someone finally pulled you out of your trance, offering you a drink.
"hey, are you okay?" the monegasque inquired when you accepted the drink. you managed to produce a faint "yes," but he still took a seat beside you, clearly unconvinced. "alright then. what are you doing here all alone?" you turned towards him, coming face to face.
a smile curved his lips when you met his gaze. "i'm thinking." you replied, returning the smile. "when are you going to… wherever the next race is?" you asked, leaning closer so you could speak more discreetly.
it was difficult to ear throughout the noise, and proximity helped, but it wasn't quite enough. charles drew closer, his hand resting on your lower back, his lips close to your ear, less than an inch away. "it's in england. i'll be on a plane in a few hours, but it could be a week if i choose to stay."
you switched positions, speaking into his ear, "well, do you want to stay?"
that didn't sound like a mere question, it sounded more like an invitation. you knew it was one, but you weren't entirely sure if he understood it like that. you pulled away from his ear and turned to gaze into his captivating green eyes.
"do you want me to stay?" he shot a little lower, his voice barely audible. you couldn't hear his words, but you read them from the movement of his lips and the subtle drop in his smile. "in your room or ours?" you inquired, your smile widening.
he wasn't entirely sure when he had shared the existence of the other room he had desperately tried to keep hidden from you, but he didn't dwell on it too much, as your next words held much more significance. "stay." you urged, sincerity evident in both your voice and your eyes.
you took a step forward, stopping only when you had passed him by. "that way, you can teach me more of those games I told pierre I knew nothing about." you could hear him sigh, and swore it wasn't a sigh of discontent.
navigating through the crowd, you made your way outside the club, the driver closely trailing behind.
now he knew that you were aware of all his scheming, and he also knew that you didn't mind.
"i-" he started, but you interrupted right away. "don't. i don't wanna know. i don't care." you moved closer again, your hand gently caressing his cheek."i really don't care." before you knew it, the hands that had held your waist just moments ago were now pulling you closer, your bodies drawn together and his face inching nearer.
when your lips met his, every wrong thing fell into its right place. the warmth of his beer-flavored lips against your vodka-tinged ones sent your heart racing. no one had ever kissed you like this, not even someone who professed to love you.
your skin got immediately hotter and shivers came down you spine, making this feel like a movie scene. although you were sure none of those TV kisses could even compare to his.
this was on another level, an entirely new experience for you. the passion was palpable, and you both yearned for more. his hand found its way into the back of your hair, while yours continued to cup his mesmerizing face.
his tongue entered your mouth and you both battled for space as the intensity of the kiss grew. fireworks erupted inside of you, and charles only managed to make them bigger.
you couldn’t know, but his heart race matched yours, and the feeling of you lips in his made every oscar awarded kissing scene seem stupid.
you never worried about the future, about this week being the last time you will ever see him in this life. but you worried for the fact that this didn’t seem to be a simple kiss. what you felt was everything but simple.
"come with me to silverstone." he asked, briefly parting your faces to extend an invitation. "what?" you laughed. "i am pretty sure i can convince your boss to let you come with me to the race if that means he gets an add with my face. come with me, please." he added with a twinkle in his eyes.
"ok." you replied, sealing the agreement with another kiss, this time accompanied by a wide grin. "you know, we still have a whole week to ourselves here. we'll see how the silverstone situation turns out, okay?" he hummed a yes, and you smiled at him.
looking into his eyes, you couldn't help but feel grateful for being this mastermind's masterplan.
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f1-stuff · 2 years
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Singapore GP ‘22 // Thurs Press Conference
“...when I’m training in pre-season, January & February, I'm thinking about Singapore. I'm not thinking about the first race... For me, if you survive Singapore, then you're fit for anything else in Formula 1.”
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