sickfires · 1 year
How do you maintain the delusion of being in 2012? Asking because I really need- I mean, "want" it myself.
buckle up, i'm about to break down the secret internal rules of 2012 for you, real smooth style. so smooth a little baby can swallow it down. here's some browsing music. or some more browsing music. yes they have to be the music videos.
BE UNAPOLOGETIC. do you really think anyone in 2012 on this website felt shame. this was years before internet drama culture started to really pick up (around 2014-2015) and before shipping drama apart from fandom infighting was even a twinkle in your mother's beautiful green eyes. go back to your roots. embrace the weird, embrace the ugly, embrace the cringe. yes, even that cringe. yep, that too. detach yourself from the concept of cringe entirely. e
BE KIND OF INSANE. the other side of the be unapologetic coin. to be unapologetic you have to stare into the eyes of the wild mustang that lives in your soul and come to terms with it's fighting passionate spirit. if that means going somewhere in public in full homestuck cosplay and LARPing with best buy employees, then that is what you must do. society's idea of what's right and wrong isn't real. you make the rules now. you're free.
CURATE YOUR ONLINE EXPERIENCE. this one is pretty self-explanatory, but blocking anyone you just don't want to see isn't a crime and should be done liberally and with great pleasure and gusto. you are your own web-ring. manage it with tender loving care.
i'm sure there's more but you get the gist. i have some stuff for you though, in a little goodie bag. here.
you're a homestuck fan. download pesterchum, it still works just like it did back in the day. hell, make some sprite edits, or read the comic from the very beginning, just like it was yesterday, the way it was meant to be read. there's even a working replica of the mspa forums.
if you want to take it even further, code your own website on neocities. maybe a little earlier than 2012, but there were and still are plenty floating around- and it's fun to flex those creative muscles. here's a more indepth guide. miss flash games? flashpoint has got your back. there are a ton more cool things to find- you just have to look! also delete tiktok. and twitter, if you can. you deserve better.
TL;DR: sparkle on, it's 2012! don't forget to be yourself!
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airheadedharlequin · 2 months
:o] HONK
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You reach into your sylladex, past Qadevo's confiscated Strife Specibus for a horn, and..
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It works!
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ameasureofseperation · 11 months
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Charlotte's got a new spell- Flock of Familiars! Joining Swoops on their scouting through the foggy forest, we now have Dives and Pesters!
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mountainshroom · 3 months
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Recent hazbin sketches :) just a reluctant stepdad and his overenthusiastic daughter bonding
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beybuniki · 5 months
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the quiet twin
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ohnogodpls · 8 months
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oh um... baguette?
["Duke, you did not tell me about your fascinating hobby"
"I heard on the streets of Fontaine that you have teh best buns in the nation..."
"..." "When I asked the Traveller about it they said, and I quote: "He has a whole bakery down there"
"So, I thought, if it's not too much to ask, could I try them. your buns? Or, perhaps, I could ask for something sweeter: like a creampie?"
"Sir, please..."]
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phereshift · 1 month
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my (and my friends) emotional support plushie pile...
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cowardlykrow · 2 months
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Brother bonding(?)
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anarcho-yorpism · 2 months
To all the communist transvestites, VOTE👏VON👏HINDENBURG👏
I'm just as radical as you; I'm a proud member of the great Social Democratic Party of Germany! I don't know what the crazy communists are telling you, but Paul von Hindenburg is our only hope to defeat the Nazis. After we elect him, then we can discuss other politics, but this is the BARE MINIMUM, and if you don't vote for him, you clearly have this crazy purity test that'll bring us all to fascism.
I know you might be worried about his "senility" and "failing health", and I know you may not like him because of his push to the right, and I know you may be worried about the brownshirts, and the recent persecution of Dr. Hirschfeld and his work, and maybe you STILL haven't gotten over the whole Rosa Luxemburg stuff,
but none of that really matters! We need to keep the SPD in power, or else Hitler will get in charge! This is the most important and most basic thing you could do to help Germany stay a democracy. In 6 years, then maybe we can find a better candidate, but no matter what you think about von Hindenburg, he's the best shot we have at keeping the fascists out of power. We can totally push him left!
Any vote against von Hindenburg is a vote for Hitler. #Hindenburg1932
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ghostbsuter · 5 months
Danny got comfortable on the roof, leaning froward with anticipation.
A silent thump and a person slid next to him, Danny barely gave the red head a glance.
"Any reasons to be on the roof at night?"
He shushes the vigilante, eyes not leaving the spot. It has Roy crouching next to him, watching as well.
Out of nowhere, a vampire looking fella flew around wildly, not far behind a ginger woman on a hoverboard, flying after him.
The Lady is shooting lasers with deathly accuracy, the man (?) dodging barely. It had Arsenal hum at the show.
"That's my mom." Danny points at the lady. "The guy she's hunting keeps harassing me so she took matters into her own hands."
Cheshire Cat lands not far away from the two, head tilted with a silent question that had Roy nodding and she is leaping away to the next roof once more.
"Why not call the authorities?" He asks, appearing less tense and more friendly to the teen.
The kid whistles sharp with a grin before answering.
"Tried, unfortunately, he's super rich with influence and connection. So here we are." He shrugs.
While they watch the chaos a bit longer, Roy ignores the insisting buzzing from his comm, Cheshire Cat probably alarmed Oliver by now.
He looks up when Danny stands, stretching.
"What was your name again?" He quirks his brow with a smile.
"I don't remember telling you."
Roy rolls his eyes, joining the teen to his feet. "So?"
He steps off the roof before Roy can react, a shout building up, until he sees the kid sitting on the hoverboard of his mother, her hand ruffling his hair.
"See ya, Arsenal."
They're long gone when Arsenal huffs, laughing.
"Until next time, Danny."
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tangledinink · 7 months
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hey gang! me and some of the other creators i talk with have been getting some not-so-fun messages and comments lately, so in wake of both that and the fact that i'm starting my new job soon and will likely be posting less for a bit while i'm adjusting... here's a quick, friendly reminder!
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sickfires · 1 year
as my first thirteen followers, you all get the privileged information that i'm making bologna and cheese sandwiches at 6 am.
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airheadedharlequin · 1 month
i did not mean homestuck day
awesome dude 3 days until i die then ?
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dredgesnails · 17 days
i hope joel keeps getting involved in increasingly absurd romance plots with other hermits. let it be a running joke throughout the season. get doc involved somehow
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flamingpudding · 6 months
Bruce stared. He had just been lecturing one of his son on his gala manners. Dick or Jason were usually the ones misbehaving like that, not Tim! What had gotten into his son to behave like that in public when he wasn't even in a sleep deprived state. Of course, Bruce had to lecture his kid and benched him for the night to get some sleep because Tim had to be sleep deprived to act like that. That was untill said son, he was lecturing, came through the front door shouting at him for leaving him behind at the gala.
His head swayed between Tim and the teen he had apparently just abducted and possibly has now knowledge of their secret identities.
Okay, maybe Alfred was right about his amount of sleep. Bruce brain went to overdrive, he could play it all of with an extended Brucie act.
That was before the teen lifted on hand in a calming manner and sheepishly smiled at him.
Danny: I get the whole secret identity thing, but i dont think it's a good idea to bench me, when ghost might come attacking. I won't tell a soul about yours if you keep mine! I can make a death vow if that helps. So can I call vlad now? As much as I like getting on his nerves and away from him. HE is my original ride home.
Tim: Wait, Vlad Masters who pestered ME all night is your guardian?
Bruce continued staring at the teen that looked like Tim and was now talking to his son while his son was parallel texting on his phone. No doubt telling his other sibling.
Good, they will never let this go and Alfred will use this situation against him next time he works through several nights.
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nocek · 7 months
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Day in life of Miguel O'Hara, one unlucky bastard.
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