#Peer Influence
turiyatitta · 7 months
The Environment's Role in Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth is an inward journey that involves deepening self-awareness, a connection to a higher purpose, and a pursuit of inner peace and enlightenment. Though one might perceive spiritual growth as purely internal, the environment plays an instrumental role in shaping this voyage.**The Outer Reflects the Inner**: Spirituality isn’t limited to the realm of meditation, prayers, or religious…
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fastlane-freedom · 7 months
The Impact of Peer Influence on Our Lives – Fastlane Freedom
Throughout history, the grip of peer influence has been undeniable in shaping human behaviour, leaving a permanent mark on the way we live our lives. In our present-day world, this influence holds even more weight due to various factors, such as culture, age, personality traits, and the pervasive presence of social media and technology. Understanding how peer influence operates, both directly and…
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joyful-daddy · 10 months
Watch ""Empowering Kids: Strategies for Handling Peer Pressure and Making Informed Choices"" on YouTube
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jaideepkhanduja · 11 months
Understanding the Social and Environmental Factors Contributing to Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug abuse and addiction are complex issues influenced by a multitude of social and environmental factors. Understanding these factors is crucial for developing effective prevention and intervention strategies. In this narrative, we will explore the various social and environmental factors that contribute to drug abuse and addiction, highlighting their interconnectedness and impact on individuals…
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ducktracy · 6 months
if you find yourself asking "how shall i spend the next one minute and 52 seconds?", i implore you to turn to the Wansa-kun opening for the most joyful way to fill the time. isn't this wonderful
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fotibrit · 4 months
Peter can hear heartbeats, including other people’s. He’s gotten used to it in the years since the bite, and it has made him much more empathetic. He can hear other people’s hearts race if they make a mistake in class, he can sense the anxiety of someone meeting him for the first time, he feels the fear of others because of his abilities.
It’s also the reason he realized Mister Stark has a far bigger anxiety problem than he lets on. Starks heart races at the slightest scare, the mention of certain events or people. Peter has gotten into the habit of avoiding certain topics to avoid inflicting that fear on Stark, even if Stark doesn’t let on his fear in any other way.
Mister Starks anxiety spikes at the mention of Captain America, for as long as Peter has known him. For a while, Peter thought it was because of what happened with the Accords. Peter thought it was lasting anxiety from the team drama.
But it’s been years. Stark and Rogers have interacted positively since then, Stark has even referred to Rogers affectionately multiple times.
And yet, Stark’s heart races.
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carbonated-fenwater · 1 month
Mostly screaming into the void with this one but I'm almost to the end of earning my Bachelor's and I've got something to say.
It is not edgy or subversive to redirect your hatred onto animals that you deem morally impure or to try and yassify misunderstood creatures.
"Sea otters assault their females to death and drown their pups" they are still a cornerstone species worth protecting and whole ecosystems are suffering for the loss of them.
"Sharks are just ocean puppies and big sweeties." No they're not, they are apex predators and you have to treat them with respect. Saying they're not capable of aggression or completely misunderstood is still spreading misinformation, you cannot generalize a group of animals like this.
"Dolphins are super smart and actually capable of understanding that some of their behaviors are evil" I am actually going to break into your house and steal your shoes if you say this to me.
"Charismatic megafauna are useless and overrated and taking away from underappreciated species that Really need our help" wrong again dipshit. Animals like pandas, elephants, whales, and others that I'm sure you're tired of seeing plastered everywhere are important to get the general public involved. It's called PR (and while I wish it wasn't necessary and that people would care regardless I digress) and what conservation work IS done based around them is advantageous to other threatened species that share their habitat.
As someone going into the field of ecological conservation and marine biology, I have met one too many people who think it's okay to say a certain animal doesn't deserve to be protected because it makes them feel yucky or just because they think it doesn't deserve it. I shouldn't have to tell you why that is SO not okay. The underappreciated and overrated can both exist, you don't need to proselytize people into hating dolphins just so sharks can get their dues.
You're also allowed to just dislike an animal! But if you sensationalize their behaviors that are morally incorrect by human standards, then I am begging you to reevaluate yourself, get more educated on the subject, and talk to a real ecologist.
No creature on this planet deserves to be eradicated just because you are personally offended by their natural behaviors or deem them unfit to take up space.
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tandytoaster · 1 year
The lil 14 year old trans boy at my work said I was his favourite
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fortheturnstiles · 6 months
had an absolute whirlwind of an afternoon in class today finding out my film professor is not only a neil young fan but a monkees fan. and like a real die hard michael nesmith guy . isn’t that wild. and i never would have known if i hadn’t brought up the monkees in a conversation that was not about them because i’m a crazy person. he also brought up chrome dreams which completely sent me into the stratosphere i just love music and i love people who love music and that we can share that together as people . isn’t it wonderful. that’s why we’re all here isn’t it
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#I got to have a very sweet goodbye with one of my students on Friday#it was with this incredibly sweet incredibly shy incredibly serious kid whom I have LOVED teaching because of how much he was taking in#and he’s so hard to approach because he just doesn’t speak#and he is not a hugger at all. but somehow all the stars aligned and it was right place right time and I was able to give him a hug#and say congratulations and he just said very succinctly ‘your speech was amazing.’ (I could hear the period)#and he was even in the right space for the hug and was happy I didn’t just skip him. (I find them all and hug them lol) it was special.#I’ve always had so much love for him in my heart and mostly it stays unexpressed (as it should do)#but it was the right time to let some of it show and to feel some of his love for me#not to be weird about it! but it was the right time and the right moment for a second. makes me so happy#lol I prayed I could have a not weird/not painful goodbye with him and Our Lady let me have one 😭#He was one of my first 8th graders and he wrote this beautiful essay on Romeo and Juliet I always remember.#and then he was one of the first boys I ever taught who loved pride and prejudice. He didn’t say he did but he did.#anyway he’s also one of those boys who has enormous influence on other boys especially kids younger than him. For all his being so quiet#boys sense the strength of character. And I know he’s sort of helped a lot of the younger boys I currently teach be more open to literature#simply because HE is and with his peers I suspect he talks a lot more#anyway! Reflecting on much.#teaching tag
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child-of-hurin · 1 month
Devastated that I can’t reblog that post about Gen having mother issues (which I agree with wholeheartedly) because it is written in a way that implies that he’s into Irene because he sees something mother-ish in her (cringe)
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wonder-worker · 2 months
"The feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist being appointed as the day upon which the coronation of the king [Edward V] would take place without fail, all both hoped for and expected a season of prosperity for the kingdom."
-Excerpt from the Croyland Continuator / David Horspool, "Richard III: A Ruler and Reputation"
Even though Edward IV’s death was unexpected, after twelve years of peace there need not have been too much of a sense of foreboding about the succession. The great dynastic wound from which the Wars of the Roses had grown had not so much been healed as cauterized by the extinction of the House of Lancaster. There was no rush for London, as had happened in earlier, disputed successions. The royal party didn’t set out from Ludlow for ten days after hearing the news of Edward IV’s death, while Richard took his time, too. And the new king had [his mother the dowager queen and] two uncles to support him: his mother’s brother, the sophisticated, cultured, highly experienced Earl Rivers; and his father’s, the loyal and reliable Duke of Gloucester, to whom Edward IV had entrusted unprecedented power and vital military command.
... [Richard of Gloucester] had achieved his goal by a mixture of luck and ruthlessness, and if he made it appear, or even believed himself, that destiny played a part, this only made him a man in step with his times. Modern historians have no time for destiny, but sometimes the more ‘structuralist’ interpretations of the events surrounding the usurpation can come close to it. When we read that ‘the chances of preserving an unchallenged succession were . . . weakened by the estrangement of many of the rank-and-file nobility from . . . high politics, which was partly a consequence of the Wars of the Roses and partly of Edward IV’s own policies’, it is hard not to conclude that an unforeseeable turn of events is being recast as a predictable one. But without one overriding factor – the actions of Richard, Duke of Gloucester after he took the decision to make himself King Richard III – none of this could have happened. That is, when the same author concedes ‘Nor can we discount Richard’s own forceful character’, he is pitching it rather low*.
Edward IV had not left behind a factional fault line waiting to be shaken apart. Richard of Gloucester’s decision to usurp was a political earthquake that could not have been forecast on 9 April, when Edward died. After all, Simon Stallworth did not even anticipate it on 21 June, the day before Richard went public. We should be wary of allowing hindsight to give us more clairvoyance than the well-informed contemporary who had no idea ‘what schall happyne’. This is not to argue that Richard’s will alone allowed him to take the Crown. Clearly, the circumstances of a minority, the existence of powerful magnates with access to private forces, and the reasonably recent examples of resorts to violence and deposition of kings, made Richard’s path a more conceivable one. But Richard’s own tactics, his arrest of Rivers, Vaughan and Grey, the rounding up of Hastings and the bishops, relied on surprise. If men as close as these to the workings of high politics at a delicate juncture had no inkling of what might happen, the least historians can do is to reflect that uncertainty [...].
(*The author who Horspool is referencing and disagreeing with is Charles Ross)
#wars of the roses#edward v#richard iii#edward iv#my post#I'm writing a post on this topic but I have no idea when I'll finish it so I figured I should post Horspool's epic analysis#or should I say epic takedown? <3#friendly reminder that Richard's usurpation happened primarily and decidedly because of Richard's own decisions and actions#we need to stop downplaying his singular agency and accountability by casting the blame on others#most of all Elizabeth Woodville and her family but also the bizarre interpretation of historians like Ross and Pollard (et al)#who somehow hold Edward more responsible (through a 'structuralist' view as Horspool says) even though that literally makes no sense#also friendly reminder that actual contemporaries did not view Edward V's minority as a sign of worry and potential discontent#quite the opposite - they expected him to have a prosperous reign. which made sense since Edward IV left his son a far more stable#country than any former minor king (and most other adult kings tbh). The irony is that it was his son's usurper who benefitted from it.#also I added Elizabeth Woodville to the list because Edward V himself specifically said that he trusted the governance of the country#'to the peers of the realm and the queen' as quoted by Mancini (likely relayed to him by John Argentine)#and this is supported by evidence. After Edward's death the Croyland Continuator substitutes Elizabeth's role in the council#for that of the King: 'the counsellors of the king now deceased were present with the queen'#we know Elizabeth presided over all the council's decisions and initiated proposals (the size of her son's military escort) on her own#She was clearly the one with the most authority in the council (who were described as being present with *her* not anyone else)#Hastings made demands but he couldn't enforce them at all (and was in fact worried). It was clearly Elizabeth who had that power.#She was likely going to play a very prominent role during her son's minority and imo it's problematic to assume otherwise#(Lynda Pidgeon assumes otherwise but she's based her assumption on objectively false information so I don't think we should take her#seriously)(see: she claims that EW lacked influence compared to her male relatives in royal councils when EW HERSELF WAS IN ROYAL COUNCILS)#That's not to go too far the other direction and claim EW tried to dominate and tactlessly exclude others - we know she didn't#The impression we get by this first council and by Richard's own actions indicates that she Richard and Anthony would likely#work *together* when it came to governing the realm#I do find it frustrating when people disregard the fact that based on the impression we have she would've had a very visible#and powerful role
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charmac · 2 months
ack sorry I was rude about the bathroom problem script I misunderstood what you meant </3 thank you for being a great resource for the sunny stans
No worries lmfao I was being crypto maybe unnecessarily but more for fun… trying to lure people to my blog… lol
But I promise my main goal here is to make sure fans have access to as much Sunny content and resources as possible!
That’s my whole motivation for this blog, after years of searching the depths of the internet for old stuff and running into dozens of dead links (why!! @alwayssunnyfxx !? why did you privatise/delete so many videos!?) and watching almost every social media site fall apart to bad AI search and bots, I want a place where that’s not going to happen (as long as Blogger stays in existence, I guess)
It’s definitely a work in progress, and there’s still a lot to come, to be added and collected, scripts included, but hopefully we will soon have a great resource and fun and interesting site for the community, and a place for great future content and, of course, Season 17+ updates :)
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radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Fic Prompts: Snippet Monday
Some weeks ago, @sparguscityangel and I were discussing the world map in Jak 2, and it occurred to me that at least one character refers to the northeastern area of the main continent as The Wasteland as well as the island to the west. And in the Jak and Daxter franchise, plot holes are just writer worldbuilding opportunities. So we started tossing around the idea of there being two or three separate communities of Wastelanders, all in different environments, because "wasteland" doesn't automatically mean "desert". And we thought "maybe they're all loosely affiliated and the leaders of the clans meet up every once in a while". For context, my idea of the other clans was Longstump Clan, down where the swamp used to be in TPL, and Foothills Clan, which lives around what used to be the Spider Caves and the base of Snowy Mountain. All this then got incorporated into Adopted Dadmas au with a pinch of Spy Tess. (That bit comes tomorrow)
"Fine young gun you've got there, Wolf."
The chief of the Longstump settlement took a drag on his intricately carved pipe and nodded to where Jak was climbing up one of the old pillars to watch for Marauder activity below. The old man snorted as the boy turned an unnecessarily elaborate flip to make it to the top.
"What is he now, eighteen? Nineteen?"
"Sixteen, by count of his last physical," Damas answered, sparing the boy a glance. A faint smile tugged at his cheek. "Sixteen, impudent, and always climbing, that one."
Sal puffed out a smoky chuckle. "No wonder the Foothills band likes him."
He leaned back and shook out the soft hide vest and tunic common to the inland Wastelanders, rattling with wooden beads and Precursor metal. His hands were wrinkled, and his face creased; Sal was old enough to be Damas’s father, but his hair was the same deep teak it was in his youth, tied back in neat plaits.
"At the rate he's going, he'll have no trouble when it's time for his Proving," Sal observed.
The Proving. That was what the Wastelanders of Longstump called the trials to usher newcomers into their ranks: a three day test of strength against metalheads in the basin, with an amulet awarded for each day survived.
The Foothill Wastelanders called their test Running the Spire. Young warriors or outsiders wishing to join had to race up a dangerous trail on the border of the Marauder homelands, without being caught by Marauders or dangerous wildlife, and infiltrate Snowy Mountain to bring back a piece of Marauder armor.
By comparison, the Arena was a far more controlled environment, with more rules. There was a strange irony in that.
Damas couldn't have said why the swell of pride he felt was so overwhelmingly strong, but he didn't bother to hide it.
"Jak has already passed the first two trials of his Proving," he corrected the Longstump chief with a full smile.
"I predict that before winter, he will join the warriors' councils as an equal."
Sal took another puff of his pipe and shook his head in wonder. "Two amulets and he's sixteen. Shee-oo! You dune-wolves don't do anything by halves, do you? You must be so proud."
Damas looked up. "I am," he murmured, smiling.
From the top of the pillar, Jak seemed to feel his stare. He looked down and made a questioning face. Damas snorted and signed up at him, "No moncaw-business! I'm not stealing light eco from the temple if you fall down and break both your arms!"
Sal laughed out loud beside him. "Ah! I remember telling my daughters that all the time!"
Yvelle, matriarch of the Foothills Clan finally looked up from the trade agreements the three had been exchanging. "Sometimes you just have to let them learn the hard way," she offered.
Damas made a face. "Can't. He convinced an Oracle in Haven city to teach him how to battle-shift -- like the Sages used to in the history books -- and now half the time he just regenerates whatever damage he's done to himself. I tell you, if my hair wasn't already white..."
"Your boy is a War Sage?" Sal sputtered, choking on smoke.
Yvelle's eyes glittered with interest. "No wonder he's half done with his Proving already. Hey, if you need a break, just send him up to the Caves. We'll tire him out."
"In your dreams, Yvelle," Damas scoffed. "Get your own kid: Jak's mine!"
"Worth a shot," the woman joked. "But seriously, my Lurker Wastelanders are asking about taking back their ancestral city in Frosthold. Loooooot of Marauders up there. We could use a War Sage."
Damas leaned back and searched the sky for a moment before his eyes landed on the Day-Star. He frowned. "Let's deal with subverting the apocalypse first. Then we'll see how far I'm willing to let my boy travel unaccompanied."
Of course, Jak would likely have all three amulets by then, and thus be considered old enough to go where he wanted. But Damas wasn't fond of the idea. He'd lost one son, why tempt fate by letting another wander far from home without supervision?
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sky-kenobye · 4 months
My fics:
I wish you with me always (qpr obikin christmas fic)
Happy as a stick bug (asexual!anakin+obikin)
Baby Ani stargazing (tumblr ficlet, might one day get slightly fleshed out and posted on AO3 🤷)
Prompt fills:
Who ate the last spoughnut?
The best man becomes the groom (1)
Champagne AU (2) (3)
Obianidala crack(?)fic
Potential fic projects:
Catfish the TV show AU
Jedi PR AU
Obikin Bingo prompts
Pekin express AU
20 ans d'écart AU
No order 66 AU
Cheating AU
Obi-Wan frees shmi on accident
My star wars art and craft:
Anakin cosplay
Painted box
Writing in aurebesh on AO3
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jils-things · 6 months
i know me and my friends tend to joke a lot over how red is (hc) huge and how hes basically caked up and down 😭😭but that genuinely comforts me because i can hug someone and feel super warm and comfy (aka chest lol) but i mean this in the most wholesome way i promise asdkaldkadjak <3333🥺
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