#Owen Chow
panicinthestudio · 1 year
Further reading:
HKFP: Stand News sedition trial: Hong Kong should tolerate criticism, even if it is not constructive, ex-editor says, February 17, 2023
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antianakin · 1 year
It's so interesting how people reacted so drastically to the criticism against the Prequels, disliking both Anakin and the Jedi while liking Obi-Wan, that Anakin and Obi-Wan managed to be basically merged into almost the exact same character.
Anakin has the "relatability factor" of being the protagonist who goes on a journey and has the flaws that are explored within the story. But he's COMPLETELY unlikable as a character, especially in AOTC (and I hear people find child actors grating in general which is a personal taste problem but caused people to dislike Anakin in TPM too). He's whiny, rude, disrespectful, awkward, unforgivably uncool, and comes with a HEFTY dose of secondhand embarrassment in nearly every scene he's in.
Obi-Wan has the "cool factor" of being the one who is the Adult most of the time who is there to showcase how far the teenaged protagonist has to go still, so he gets all of the clever quippy lines and the better fight scenes (and his actor was a little older and more seasoned which probably helped a bit). But he's not the protagonist and so his flaws are not on display and it's not his story being told at all.
TL;DR Obi-Wan is an actually likable character with redeeming entertaining traits, but Anakin had all of the character story beats and protagonist bias.
And this meant Obi-Wan got out of the Prequel Trilogy a lot easier than the rest of the characters, especially Anakin (and the other Jedi).
So then we got The Clone Wars. And TCW is a show that is much lauded for being the show that "saved" the Prequels, generally by "saving" Anakin as a character. How did they do that?
They took away all of those pesky uncomfortable qualities of Anakin's and instead just gave him all of Obi-Wan's more fun likable qualities. TCW Anakin is turned into a dudebro action hero, with tons of cool action scenes to show off just how badass he is, endless amounts of quippy dialogue so he can equal Obi-Wan in their scenes together, capable of flirting with a Queen SO WELL that she doesn't even realize he's faking it until he pulls out a lightsaber. Gone is that secondhand embarrassment, gone are the whiny moments, gone is the inability to have a cool fight scene to save his life. The awkwardness stays just enough to make him ENDEARING, but not enough to cringe at so much you want to turn off what you're watching or just fast forward to the next scene.
And this is the version of Anakin that feels more "right" to people, more true to what they anticipated in a baby Darth Vader. He's angry a lot, violent, prone to lashing out if things don't go his way, but he's also just charming and suave enough that it's mostly understandable why people around him are willing to write off his worse behavior as a momentary struggle. Gone are the tears, gone is the fear of loss being his most obvious motivator. Because THIS is how people expected a villain like Darth Vader to act in his youth.
And then you get fanon Obi-Wan. Because people hated the Jedi, rejected the warrior monks who destroyed their visions of gallant medieval knights, and created a whole new interpretation positioning the Jedi as the villains of the story in order to try to make their peace with that dissonance. But they liked Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan CAN'T be the villain.
So how do you save him from that fate? You make him more like Anakin. He gets to keep the cool fighting abilities and the fun quippy dialogue of course, but he's now completely repressed to the point that he never told Anakin he loved him until Anakin was burning in pieces on Mustafar. Now he's someone who can barely keep himself together and regularly forgets to eat and sleep like a normal person and has to be taken care of by other people. Now he's constantly being portrayed as just as attached to Anakin as Anakin is to him, just as co-dependent as Anakin is in that relationship, just as inclined towards anger and willing to walk away from the more stuffy traditional Jedi Order so he can have the more natural, healthier domestic lifestyle he's always truly wanted and never known he could have. TCW even decided to help out here by giving Obi-Wan a love interest who is for all intents and purposes just a knock-off of Padme, his own forbidden star-crossed love story. He takes on ALL of Anakin's flaws that make Anakin so "relatable" as a character, keeps his more charming likable traits, and loses all of those things that make him a Jedi, that make him Obi-Wan Kenobi.
So now Obi-Wan and Anakin are both cool, charming, suave, silver tongued, attached, repressed, struggling against the Jedi Code. They're effectively the same person, but one of them just happens to commit genocide and the other one... doesn't. What made each of them distinct and interesting characters in their own right is washed away in order to merge them both into two copies of the One Perfect Character and who you like better at that point is probably just down to who you found more attractive or something equally banal.
And through fandom osmosis, this is what is considered their true/"canon" interpretation, regardless of how inaccurate it actually is.
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Hahahahah what have I done
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Loki Season 2 Spoilers Without Context
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Reasons I Dislike The Obi-Wan Series
So I've seen an influx of Tumblr posts saying that people who don't like the OWK series or critic it a lot are just delusional, Star Wars haters, weirdos or better yet 'cis het white men with no life and can't let other people enjoy the content' .
I'm not gonna lie and say that there really aren't those type of people in the fandom but considering most of us who express our criticism of the series 'jobless whites' is a stretch too far. And as a brown woman who's a non-star wars hater and currently with a job (😅), I'd like to critic the show and give a few reasons as to why I dislike the show.
As people who follow me (NOT YOU, P*RNBOTS!) might know, I'm a huge Obi-Wan Kenobi fan. I have been since I've read John Miller's Kenobi (if you guys haven't read it, then please do. It's really good!). I love the prequels Obi-Wan, but the novel really kinda made me go insane about Obi-Wan- his strength, his compassion, his will power, his suffering, his loneliness...... And for every thing he's been through, he's always firmly stayed on the light side. He's a dedicated, hardworking jedi who has sacrificed and served unconditionally; to the order and the republic and to Anakin (yeah no, you can't convince me otherwise).
So imagine my happiness when the first trailer of the series came out. I was SOOOOO excited! I loved the trailer. The hopelessness when Obi-Wan says 'The fight is done. We lost. Stay hidden', the tension in Obi-Wan's and Owen's interaction and the terrifying ominousness of Vader's breathing (I think that's when the whole Star Wars fandom just exploded)
But alas, after the series ended, my view on the series had done a total 180°. It wasn't the worst show I've seen but the plot conveniences, the plot itself, the OOC-ness of some of the characters and the multiple times they broke canon to have the "epic" final fight between Vader and Obi-Wan aren't really unnoticeable or forgivable. Some moments and issues stuck out of the show like a sore thumb and made the whole viewing experience a bit terrible tbh.
Here's a few of the many that i just can't help but mentally scowl about:
Why does Obi-Wan leave Vader to live? After hearing from Vader's own mouth that his beloved former padawan no longer exists. That he was "killed" by Vader. At this point, Obi-Wan knew that Vader had committed heinous crimes, murdered children and innocents, one instant of which Obi-Wan was a witness to in Mapuzo and that he's powerful sith apprentice and a lap dog of the Emporer. Vader was weak and Obi-Wan had the opportunity to kill him, save the galaxy, especially the rebels. Weaken the empire's forces and take the emperor down to free the galaxy..... So WHY THE FUCK did he not kill him? For the safety of the rebels, the Skywalker children, the goddamn galaxy! But he just.... said 'Goodbye Darth' and left like a coward. #Not_my_ObiWan
Why did Vader not command the inquisitors in the Star Destroyer to go after the rebels when he went after Obi-Wan? I know that Vader "killed" Anakin but I'm pretty sure he hasn't killed his intelligence and I'm also pretty sure that the emperor wouldn't let a fool command his fleet. And moreover, Vader is known for his fierce determination and horrific strategies that would lead to his victory no matter the cost. So WHY, OH WHY did he shut down the third brother when he tried to suggest that they follow the rebel ship? Vader had his own ship and i know for a fact that the star destroyer carries many tie-fighters.... Uggghhhh, moving to the next point!
Why did Reva go off to kill Luke? Like what was her point? 'Anakin killed my kid friends so I'm gonna kill the kid who's probably associated to him'. Really??? All she hears from the comm is Owen-Luke-Tattooine and somehow she pieces it together that Luke is Vader's son? This is more embarrassing if you think that she made no connection to Anakin from Luke at all and just went about trying to kill a kid cuz she heard an idiotic man on the comm trying to reach Obi-Wan.
Bringing me to the fact that Bail Organa is fucking idiot. Not only does he not give a fuck about endagering Obi-Wan and Luke by showing up at Obi-Wan's cave UNNANNOINCED, to ask ONLY Obi-Wan's help to rescue Leia but he does that after Obi-Wan refuses to the first time. Bruh.... There are many people capable of rescuing a kid from silly thugs who struggle to catch a 10 year old when they give a "chase". That includes guess what?Ding Ding Ding.... Bounty Hunters. Ding Ding Ding.... the rebels! Ding Ding Ding.... the other Jedi who aren't protecting Luke.... But nah, he just shows up at Obi-Wan's and forces Obi-Wan to concede cuz "Only they know how important Leia is"..... *deep sigh*. Intricacies aside, it wasn't at all convincing to me why it should be Obi-Wan who rescues Leia rather than anybody else.
The last is the fact that the whole story was about Leia and Obi-Wan, rather than it being about Obi-Wan on Tattooine protecting Luke in a discrete fashion. Now, don't misunderstand, I love Leia. And I love the little girl who played her really well. But think about it. When Obi-Wan decided to become 'one with the force', why was Luke who barely knew Obi-Wan the only one to feel the anguish at his death? If Leia already knew Obi-Wan and connected with him so much during this whole ordeal, why didn't she react at all at this moment? Why didn't she say anything after, in the entire trilogy??? It doesn't make any sense! Also, I feel that it was a missed opportunity by making the story about Leia, when it should've been about Obi-Wan's life in Tattooine. How he was suffering from trauma after ORDER 66. How he still had to push himself to wake up every day, because he had taken the responsibility to look after Luke. How he overcame all tribulations that he faced with his past and his new life in Tattooine. How he finds hope again, with Luke and with new people that he meets. Instead the story that we get is just....meh.
And here's a few more that made me cringe when I rewatched the show
- The whole chase scene where 4 thugs try to catch a 10 year old who slips by them with ease, while they are coming from different directions.
- Making what should've been an epic scene where Obi-Wan fires up his saber after 10 long years into a pathetic one. (Like, I know he was scared, but then what was the point of him lighting up his saber for the first time after so many years when the moment was just made to look dull and unappealing.)
- Again, Obi-Wan himself not being able to get hold of Leia when she was mostly in his fingers' grasp the whole sequence, in another pitiful attempt of a chase scene.
- Leia asking if he was her father and his reply being 'I wish I was'? My brother in Christ, f*cking elaborate that you mean that 'Any father would be lucky to have you as a daughter'. Cuz it comes off as 'I wish I was the one who fucked Padme'🤐
- Roken saying he can't help Obi-Wan, then immediately agrees to help him.
- Tala just leaving a 10 year old to rescue a grown ass Jedi, only for Leia to get captured by Reva.
- Vader just letting Obi-Wan go after he dragged him through fire, Tala Tala and the robot "rescue" him.
- Reva not sensing that the kid is force sensitive when she's trying to mind-read Leia and gets nothing.
- Vader not sensing that there are no life forms in the ship he's stopping from escaping and ignoring the ship full of rebels and Obi-Wan right beside it.
- People not dying when they get stabbed by a goddamn lightsaber. (Although I don't exactly blame the series alone for this as its a reccuring theme in Star Wars)
- Obi-Wan making a deal with Reva then completely betraying her, even after finding out that she was a Jedi Youngling. #NOT_MY_OBIWAN
- Obi-Wan coming out to face Vader in episode 3, then proceeds to run away like a scaried little coward. I'm sry, I know that he's scared to face the kid he loved and that he's not at all strong as he was once. But there must be a reason as to why he tells Tala to take Leia to safety, right? Because he's willing to distract Vader while Leia gets away, right? So he must have some plan or a strategy (however reckless or useless it is) to draw Vader's attention away from Leia, right? So WTF was he doing running away like a chicken? #NOT_MY_OBIWAN!!!!!
- Beru doesn't wanna out other people's life in danger when she learns that Reva is after Luke. So she says she and Owen are enough to defend the house. But dear, oh dear, they decide to keep Luke in the house knowing that he was in danger??? They could've arranged for something, to keep Luke safe. But nope! Ha ha! That's exactly what they don't do.... 😒
Some of the things I THINK (subjective) should've have been included in the series-
Exploration of Obi-Wan's life in Tattooine (they do show it, but they don't go in depth)
Luke's childhood
Obi-Wan protecting Luke without Luke even realizing what is going on or who the man is (Badass Obi-Wan in hand-to-hand fights and using his wit rather than the force or his lightsaber to kick ass!)
More arguments between Owen and Obi-Wan about Luke
People trying to pry into Obi-Wan's secluded life and trying to include him in shit he doesn't wanna involve himself in (This could've been really funny, lol!)
Obi-Wan finding out about Vader but not actually facing him at all (We could've seen how this information actually completely breaks him. But at the same time, this increases his responsibility towards protecting Luke)
Some snippets from the Kenobi novel like how others feel and think about Obi-Wan
Flashbacks from the Clone Wars era where Obi-Wan and Anakin fight side by side, protecting and being there for each other. And Obi-Wan in that armor 🥵(No!!!!! Why wasn't this there!???)
The writers wanted to subvert our expectations, so they made the story to be about Leia and Obi-Wan, rather than about Obi-Wan, Luke and Tattooine. I'm not a fan of this, but i understand if many people liked it. Vader could've been shown to be terrifying and evil outside the plot. But the writers didn't bother showing anything else about him other than his obsession with Obi-Wan. They could've expanded on Vader and Reva's stories to go in depth about Reva's motivations and her hatred towards Obi-Wan and Vader.
It's not just the writing that's the problem here. The cinematography also sucks. Why are most of the places the characters go to so damn bland and lifeless (metaphorically)? The duels between Obi-Wan and Vader were made to be a dull affair because there was nothing environmentally to influence the fight scenes. Compare both the duels with the Mustafar one. That one was dynamic, bright, engaging and a spectacle tbh. While the fights in this show looked literally dull.
Coming to the fights itself.... Deborah Chow cannot film any to save her life. She's done well with the other scenes, but when it comes to action sequences, they were horrendously done. The shaky cams, their weird moment around the characters, the not-so-great fight choreography, the dull environment and the borderline OOC-ness of the characters fighting. (Be honest. Do you really think Obi-Wan would start throwing rocks at his former padawan with a smirk on his face? As if to show his power over him. Cuz Obi-Wan doesn't care about power. He cares about saving people!)
So yeah, I didn't like the show at all. Even if I consider it a standalone one, it would still be bad. Most of you might say I'm nitpicking, but we all have different boundaries and limits.
That doesn't mean I'm not open to different perspectives and that I'm shitting on your opinion. If you loved the show, you loved it and I respect that. So don't hesitate to comment your opinions on this post.
My NEW rating for the show- 5.5/10
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sad-trash-hobo · 2 years
I'll actually never be ok again. Owen and Beru protecting their child so fiercely? Life changing. Obi Wan being able to trust the rebellion to see Leia to where she needed to go? Heartwarming. Obi Wan and Anakin having the most emotional duel and both of them finally speaking!!!! to each other!! And the half mask scene!! The tears from Obi Wan from seeing his brothers face again after 10 years. Obi Wan finally letting go while Anakin stays latched on, stuck in his obsession. Obi Wan finally getting to introduce himself to Luke, finally getting to see his friend Bail again, finally finding Qui Gon, finally feeling free and one with the force again after so many years!!! Iconic
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whynotfabulous · 5 months
I dreamt that Owen Wilson died, but everyone was just calling him "the actor that plays Lightning McQueen" and people were posting shit like "He's Ka'd his last Chow 😢"
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deepouterspacecandy · 5 months
Dancing Shadows
It’s not that you were smitten with her.  
It’s just that when she accidentally brushed her leg against yours under the table, it set your body on fire. Warmth spilled from your head to your toes with an innocent touch and it was almost adolescent. The way her very presence caused you to avert your eyes the moment it happened, an instinctual reach for the nearest plastic straw or frayed string of your hoodie.
Anything to fiddle with to distract from the jackhammer between your ribs.
“Abby!” a familiar voice rang out.
You winced and immediately regretted it. You were never good at hiding your emotions.
Maybe nobody at this godforsaken table noticed your distaste for Owen. It wasn’t reasonable—your hatred for him, and you knew as much. Your reaction to his presence was based solely on boiling, unadulterated jealousy and so what? You were only human.
“What’s up?” Abby cooed, letting herself become smothered by the man behind her.
Okay, so smothered is a tad dramatic, but come on. Get a room.
“Just thought I’d check in with my favourite girl before shipping out,” Owen said. “This might be the longest we’ve been apart since we met.”
“Good riddance,” you mumbled.
Nora snorted at your near silent outburst, giving you a gentle kick. That tender brush of ankles beneath the table set nothing on fire but your attitude. You’d have to give it to her, though. She was always looking out for your best interest.
Owen Moore was the luckiest man in the entire compound, and you envied the way his dopey demeanor always seemed to put a smile on her face. Did he know how fortunate he was?
“I’m full,” you blurted, pushing away your half-eaten burrito. “Catch you later.”
You couldn’t bear to stop and analyze the shocked expression painted on Abby’s face.
She had saved you a spot at the table, the way she did every day. Her grey jacket bunched up on the bench across from her, awaiting your arrival. Her pretty face breaking into a smirk as you fumbled with your tray and her favourite coat.
She hadn’t muttered a single complaint when you opted for laying the fabric across your lap, even after dropping a stray piece of lettuce and mayo onto the collar.
She simply grinned and continued ranting about the current book she was reading. Well, that was before Owen turned up.
Abby called out to you, but your cheeks burned, and your stomach twisted in that uncomfortable way it often seemed to do in these situations. You hurried out of the chow hall without a second glance or destination in mind.
Your feet, one in front of the other, took you away from the source of the agony, and that’s all you could stand to process.
When you collapsed onto the couch in the library, it wasn’t much of a surprise.
This was your safe place. Your sanctuary.
Within minutes, the tight ball of rope in the pit of your stomach relaxed. Dim lighting and the weathered scent of old literature, the quiet hum of passersby in the hallway. The glide of battered paper between your fingers. The comfort of knowing that a temporary slice of peace was only a chapter away.
This little nook developed into a haven to have yourself a serious nervous system override, which your body desperately needed after a hectic week on patrol, coupled with far too many sleepless nights.
Fear wove its way through the stadium as the conflict between the WLF and the Scars mounted. In a matter of weeks, the ceasefire between the two factions disappeared.
When the Seraphites crossed boundaries they ought not cross, both in land and principle, Isaac retaliated without hesitation. And when Isaac sent his soldiers into their territory intending to cause abject harm, the Scars gathered their resources and fired back in short order. A vicious cycle perpetuated by ruthless leaders at the expense of loyal, dependent lives.
To say the conflict had transformed into a bloodbath was putting it lightly. You spent many hours in your bunk over the recent weeks, staring into the abyss in sheer disbelief.
How could human beings treat each other with such careless disregard? You didn’t agree with the way they lived, but at your core, it didn’t spark a desire for violence. You understood the importance of protecting your community, and you would do so without protest. It just seemed rather counterintuitive.
Could the war between your groups meet an end before your life wound up on the front lines as the next sacrifice?
It wasn’t until you started curling up in Abby’s jacket that you realized you’d taken it hostage in your frenetic escape. Heat trickled across the bridge of your nose, pooling in your cheeks.
“It looks better on you, anyway.”
“God, you scared me,” you huffed, clutching your chest. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
Abby’s calm tone filled your chest up with wild flutters as she slid in next to you on the couch.
Was this piece of furniture always so small?
Suddenly, there was only the hard edge of it at your heels and the overwhelming strength of the girl nestled beside you.
“It’s that brain of yours, always fretting about something. It’s bad for your health, you know,” Abby said. Her fresh breath, so close to your own, caused your insides to capsize. You tried not to fixate on her blonde braid spilling onto your shoulder. How she reminded you of an autumn forest, her skin softened by a bar of her beloved pine soap.
“I knew you were hoarding packs of chewing gum,” you said. “Show off.”
She smirked, giving you a playful nudge with a wad of minty green pressed between her teeth. “Want some?”
“Hard pass,” you said, desperate to control the giggles building in your throat. “Keep all those Owen cooties to yourself, please and thank you.”
She nibbled at the dry skin on her bottom lip before giving you a sidelong glance. “You don’t like him much, do you?”
A pang of guilt struck at your core. There was a tinge of melancholy in her voice. The last thing in the world you wanted to do was make her sad.
“He’s alright,” you said with a lazy shrug.
She grinned. “Just alright?”
“I’m indifferent to his existence.”
“That’s so much worse,” she chortled, squeezing her eyes shut. When she opened them back up, bright blue and glossy, it felt like she was staring into your soul.
Your heart thundered, turning your mouth bone-dry. Perhaps you should’ve accepted her gum after-all.
“What?” you rasped. If she recognized the panic in your voice, she was kind enough not to draw attention to it.
“Just you,” she whispered.
“Yeah,” she said. “You.”
“What about me?”
She shifted her body, and you all but froze as she moved onto her side, bracing herself to better look at you. It took all your might to muster the courage to meet her gaze. Her eyes flitted to your mouth for the briefest moment, and you swallowed hard.
“I think you’re really sweet,” she said. “Not very discreet, though.”
“Excuse you? And what exactly does that mean?” You graciously took offense, challenging her assessment. Her smile only radiated.
“It means I can read you like a book,” Abby said.
“Fat chance,” you teased. “It’s a miracle you can read at all!”
Her brow quirked, and her high spirit slipped into a tantalizing grin. “Can I take a crack at your disdain for Owen?”
Part of you wanted her to hit the nail on the head to tear your feelings for her wide open. Another part of you prayed for her to change the subject to save you from the heartache of the inevitable.
She was in a relationship. Taken. Beyond that, you were certain she was straight as an arrow, and it was nicer to exist in sheer denial of that fact for the time being.
“Well?” she pressed. “Can I?”
“Go nuts,” you said, feigning nonchalance. “I’ll give you three guesses.”
She shifted again, this time to make room for her hands to fidget. Was she nervous?
“He’s terrible at tracking,” Abby offered, as the corner of her mouth hitched. “Right?”
“I mean, yes,” you groaned. “He sucks at tracking, but that’s—that’s not why.”
She blew out a ragged breath, a sudden wash of pink highlighting her freckles. She hummed to herself and then clicked her tongue, pretending to ponder. “Gotcha. Okay. Only two more guesses. I better make them good.”
“Why are you doing this to me?” you asked, covering your face with your forearm.
“I know what it is!” she exclaimed, pausing for theatrical effect. “It’s because he interrupts everyone just before the punchline of a story, isn’t it?”
“That drives me mental, too.”
“Abigail,” you grumbled. “Maybe this is a bad idea.”
You hid yourself behind her crumpled jacket and the scent of this beautiful girl all around you turned your already racing thoughts into a dishevelled mess.
“Hold up,” Abby said. She reached for her jacket with such gentle intention, pulling it away from your face. “I get one more guess.”
Electricity threatened the mellow ambiance of the library, despite the adjacent hallway falling into silence. Everyone must be heading back to their duty assignments.
Everyone outside of you and Abby, of course. Surely, someone would come searching.
“A deal’s a deal,” you said.
The heat from her body prickled your skin with a million tiny beads of sweat. You wanted to swipe your sleeve across your upper lip, too conscious of drawing focus to your nerves.
Her gaze transformed into something deep and ethereal the more you squirmed. She seemed entertained by your anxious energy, and you swear you could melt into the couch with each expectant glance she sent your way.
“If I get this right, what will you give me?”
“Give you?” you scoffed. “You mean like, a prize or something? Do I look like a carnival to you, Anderson?”
“All you really need is a big red nose,” she smirked.
This is precisely why you adored her. She knew when to apply pressure and when to ease the load. It’s what made her an excellent leader.
Abby was so much more than a disciplined soldier.
“You calling me a clown?”
She wiggled closer, laying her head on your shoulder. She let out a long exhale, as if she’d been holding her breath. “Maybe.”
You struggled to piece two coherent thoughts together. This conversation had already played out in your mind a dozen times, through many daydreams. You ached for Abby. Hopelessly charmed by her wit and her magnetism. But you couldn’t fathom being a secret of hers. A sneaky affair in the shadows.
Sure, you weren’t fond of Owen, but hurting him wasn’t at the top of your priority list, either.
You wanted Abby in the daylight.
Arms wrapped around her before a patrol, as her squad loaded the Humvee and Manny called over his shoulder about how utterly corny you two were. You wanted her to pull you onto her lap in public, a bashful smile on her face.
You wanted to be hers, and you wanted it to be okay.
“You make me feel things I’ve never felt before,” Abby said.
Her confession sent you over the edge, your heart beating impossibly fast. Could she feel it?
As you scrambled to find your words, she continued.
“I think about you all the time. Probably more than I should,” she said. “It’s making me crazy.”
You heard the echo of another hard swallow. This time you weren’t sure who it belonged to.
“Is that a bad thing?” you asked.
She lifted her head from your shoulder, and let it fall to the back of the couch, her sturdy features enveloped by the amber light of a nearby lamp. She was breathtaking. Sweat caused the short hairs around her face and neck to curl, bits of frizz peeking out from her loosening braid. You’d seen nothing more gorgeous in your lifetime.
“If I do what my body is begging me to do right now, it would be a very bad thing,” Abby said. “I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.”
You nodded with a mixture of disappointment and relief. “I understand.”
Abby rubbed her vascular hands along her thighs, seemingly absorbed in thought. “I still have one more guess.”
“That you do.”
She sucked in a breath, controlling her exhale. A gym method she no doubt applied to most stressful situations during her daily grind.
“You hate Owen because you want me to be your girl instead,” Abby said. Her eyelids became heavier as she tried to catch hold of your unfocused gaze. “You want me.”
You nodded again, unable to look her in the eye, terrified that the two of you might lose control.
“Tell me then,” she said. “Tell me how you feel. I need to hear you say it.”
You noticed her legs spreading further apart, her natural confidence rivalling the alarm bells going off inside you. She anchored herself to the couch and the sudden thought of straddling her showered you with an intense surge of heat.
“When you kiss him, I wish it was me instead,” you said. “I wish it was me you reached for whenever you crave comfort. I want to be the one you run to when you’re happy or afraid. I want to keep you safe and make you feel alive. All of it.”
“Are you sure?” she murmured.
“Beyond,” you said. “I have wanted you for so long, Abby.”
Her knuckles skimmed the outside of your thigh. Inconspicuous and so, so gentle. “Give me some time, okay?”
“Of course.”
“God, you’re so pretty,” she said, igniting you both in a bout of shy giggles. “I finally get to say it. That’s allowed for now, right? I don’t even care. You are so fucking pretty, it’s killing me.”
Before you could fall into another dangerous pull, the doors to the library cracked open. Manny poked his head inside to remind Abby of the duties she needed to tend to. There was a slew of small missions Isaac demanded she organize, some requiring her to leave the compound for the afternoon. You were grateful to be off his radar for the day.
“Will you be here when I get back?”
“I’ll be around,” you said, linking your pinky finger with hers in unison, your hands tucked between her thigh and your own.
“Good. I’ll find you,” Abby whispered.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 1 month
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Chapter 4 is up!
Tagging: @lemonlyman-dotcom and @kiwichaeng
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[6:22pm] Why do smoke detector batteries only die in the middle of the night?
T.K. is chowing down on some of Paul’s chili when his phone buzzes in his pocket. His dad is regaling the table with another of his New York exploits, this one about a rather scandalous call at a night club. T.K. had been off that night, but he’s heard the story so many times he could probably tell it word for word.
“An unbelievable amount of glitter,” his dad says as T.K. slips his phone out. As soon as he sees the text he smiles. 
[6:23pm] Are you speaking from personal experience?
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[6:24pm] Yes. Two o’clock in the morning last night. Even though I change them every six months. Took me fifteen minutes to figure out which one. So tell me firefighter, why? 
[6:25pm] Bad news. Smoke detectors are sons of bitches. They’re like Santa. They see you when you’re sleeping. They know when you’re awake. And they choose to use that information for evil.
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[6:26pm] That seems like a major design flaw for a life saving device.
“Why are you smiling at your crotch?” Marjan asks from across the table.
T.K. slides his phone back into his pocket. “No reason.”
“Nobody smiles at their crotch for no reason,” Judd says, wiping at his mouth with a napkin. “You talking to a guy?”
“I wasn’t talking to anybody,” T.K. says, scooping up another spoonful of chili. It’s true. He was texting. Not talking. He’s a professional at telling the truth without actually telling it.
“I bet it’s that guy from the other night,” Paul says, a smirk on his face.
“Ooh, the hot guy with the six pack?” Mateo asks.
“Son, if you are engaged in sexting I’m going to ask you not to do it at the dinner table,” Owen says, clearly flirting with the line of dad mode and captain mode.
“I’m not sexting,” T.K. says with a roll of his eyes.
“But it is the guy from the other night?” Paul says. “Come on. You can tell us.”
“Is this what it’s like to have siblings?” T.K. asks. “Kind of glad you and Mom never got around to having more kids, Dad.”
“You’re welcome?” his dad says in a slightly bemused voice.
“Listen if you’re gonna text during dinner you’re gonna owe us some answers,” Judd says. “Least you can do for not paying attention.”
“Fine!” T.K. says. “Yes. It is the guy from the other night. His name is Carlos and he’s APD. Happy?”
“Carlos what?” Marjan asks.
T.K. stares at her. “What do you mean Carlos what?”
“What’s his last name?” she says. When he doesn’t answer she sets down her spoon. “You do know his last name, right?”
“Are you sure he’s real?” Mateo asks, adding more cheese to his chili. “Could be a catfish situation.”
“Catfish?” Owen asks, looking confused. “You think T.K. is talking to a fish that lives in muddy water?”
Judd shakes his head. “I’ll explain it later Cap.”
“I am not being catfished,” T.K. says. “He’s a real guy. A nice guy,” he adds.
“Ooooh you’re smitten,” Paul says with a grin.
“I am not smitten!” T.K. cries.
He does not share the part where he poured his heart out the other night through texts to Carlos. Apparently his New York sob story needed to be released and a somewhat faceless, hot ass phone man seemed like an appropriate person to do it with. He’s not sure if his therapist will be thrilled or horrified.
“Just be careful what you send him,” Marjan cautions. “The internet is forever.”
“Thanks Mom,” he shoots back.
“Marjan is right,” his dad says. “I am all for you sowing your oats or Netflix and chilling or whatever you kids are calling it these days. But you should be careful.”
“One time,” Mateo says around a mouthful, “my cousin thought he was going to some girl’s place, but when he got there, it was actually a dude named Knife. He stole my cousin’s wallet and his cell phone.”
“You know sometimes I really worry about you probie,” Paul says, eyes full of genuine concern.
Mateo’s story takes the heat off of T.K. and the team spends the rest of dinner ragging on him instead. 
But T.K. is still thinking about Marjan’s words hours later when he’s laying in his bunk staring at the ceiling. Everyone else is asleep; he can hear Judd’s chainsaw snores, Mateo’s sleep mumbles, and Paul’s deep breathing. Crazy how quickly those sounds have become familiar to him.
He rolls over and grabs his phone off the nightstand, turning down the brightness so it doesn’t wake anyone else up. He gnaws at his lip for a second before sending another text off to Carlos.
[10:41pm] You’re real, right?
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[10:43pm] As opposed to…?
[10:44pm] This isn’t a Catfish situation? You’re not really a woman living in Boise who’s going to steal my credit card information?
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[10:45pm] You got me. You’re my third mark this year. What gave it away?
T.K. snorts then looks around quickly to make sure he hasn’t woken anyone up. His fingers fly as he types back.
[10:46pm] Prove it.
Office Hottie- Carlos
[10:47pm] Prove what? That I’m real? How?
[10:47pm] Idk. Send a picture of you holding a fork.
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[10:47pm] …a fork?
[10:48pm] Four tines? Used for food? Popular with mermaids?
There’s no response and T.K. sets the phone down on his chest. He’s stupid. This is stupid. What kind of stupid person asks someone who’s basically a stranger to send a picture of themselves with a fork at this time of night? 
T.K. winces. Weirdest booty call ever. 
His phone vibrates and when he lifts it up he has to clap a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter.
Carlos has sent a selfie of him holding a fork. His eyes are squinty, like he’s barely awake, and there’s a hint of scruff on his face. His hair is all mussed and he looks so adorable that T.K. feels a very strong urge to kiss him.
He’s also shirtless. Which makes T.K. feel a very strong urge to put his mouth other places.
[10:55pm] Do you ever wear a shirt?
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[10:55pm] I was in bed. This is how I sleep. And you’re welcome that I got up to prove my legitimacy to you.
[10:55pm] Thanks. Do you want me to prove mine?
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[10:56pm] No need.
[10:57pm] No need? What does that mean?
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[10:57pm] I know you’re real.
T.K. thinks for a minute and then his mouth falls open.
[10:58pm] Did you background check me officer?!
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[10:58pm] …I plead the fifth….
[10:59pm] You did!
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[11:00pm] Okay fine, I did. I wanted to know more about you.
Warmth blooms in his chest, but then is immediately doused like a bucket of cold water has been thrown on it. If Carlos ran a background check…
[11:01pm] So…you know about the shooting then? 
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[11:01pm] Yeah. And the incident at the bar.
Shit. He’d really rather Carlos not know about the bar. He wishes nobody knew about the bar. Having his dad pick him up from jail had been a low point in their first few months in Austin. It had taken weeks for his split lip to heal. At least he hadn’t been charged. He hadn’t realized there was still a record of some kind though.
[11:02pm] Great. So you’ve seen the highlight reel of all my finest Austin moments.
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[11:02pm] I actually already knew about the shooting. It was kind of big news. I just didn’t realize it was you.
[11:03pm] Yep. That’s me. Remembered for my near death experience and getting my ass kicked.
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[11:03pm] I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have looked. 
[11:03pm] It’s okay. Like you said, you already knew about the shooting. And it’s my fault the bar thing is on record anyway. It was really stupid.
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[11:03pm] Everybody makes mistakes T.K.
[11:04pm] Well I already spilled my guts to you about New York. So you know I’ve made more than a few.
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[11:04pm] So have I. You just don’t know them yet.
Why does that small bit of empathetic understanding make his heart ache? His therapist would probably say something about how he always feels like he’s too much for people to handle and Carlos choosing kindness instead of running away at the first signs of T.K.’s baggage.
[11:05pm] Do you think it’s weird that we never met before the other day? Since we’re both first responders?
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[11:05pm] Not really. Austin’s a big city. 
T.K. rotates his phone in his hand a few times, getting his nerve up. 
[11:06pm] Would you want to hang out? Sometime?
Officer Hottie- Carlos
[11:09pm] Like a date?
The alarm blares and T.K. immediately shoots upward, pulling on his boots and turnout pants as everyone else does the same. The fire is a big one and they don’t get back to the station until four am. By then it’s way too late to text Carlos back and honestly, he’s too exhausted to even form words. He drops into his bunk and falls immediately asleep.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
Stuck Between a Jock and a Metalhead
Summary: Nancy, on a whim, decides to visit Steve at Scoops Ahoy, which leads to her overhearing confessions from Steve that leads her to think about the decisions she's made. A few days later, she decides to come back. She finds him being hit on by the town freak. What's a girl to do? Oh, get stuck in a freezer with the both of them.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve - Chapter Thirteen - Chapter Fourteen - Chapter Fifteen - Chapter Sixteen - Chapter Seventeen - Chapter Eighteen - Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Nancy frowned as she tried to think about what to do next. Eddie and Steve were sitting with her at the kitchen table while Eddie chowed down on his leftover dinner. He hadn't eaten since the previous day at lunchtime. Meanwhile, Nancy was lost in thought. She tried to call the Byers, but the line was busy, and she was even desperate enough to call Murray, but he didn't answer either. She wasn't sure how to get in contact with Dr. Owens. Suddenly, she was very worried about Mike. Why wasn't Mrs. Byers answering the phone? It's not like she could get here very quickly, anyway but they had agreed to stay in touch when she left.
"Go away, it's mine," Eddie said, breaking her out of her thoughts.
Mayhem was on the table, eyeing Eddie's plate of food. She was licking her lips. She swiped a paw at it, but Eddie blocked it with his elbow.
"Meow," Mayhem said.
"Stop acting like we don't feed you," Eddie said and hissed at the cat.
Mayhem scooted back and looked at him disaprovingly. Apparently, that had been the wrong thing to say. Mayhem meowed louder. Eddie scowled and meowed back at her. Pretty soon, they were meowing back and forth.
"Eddie," Nancy laughed.
"What? She started it," Eddie replied.
"Stop arguing with the cat," she said with amusement.
"Whatever you say, meowmy," Eddie said.
"I told you that is not catching on," she replied.
"Come on, Mayhem, you want some special food?" Steve asked, and suddenly Mayhem's attention was on him.
"You spoil her, Stevie," Eddie said fondly.
Nancy stared out the kitchen window. It was quite dark outside now. They had slept longer than she thought. With everything that happened today, it was strange to realize that yesterday wasn't that long ago. Yesterday, she was at the game covering for the paper. . . The paper. . . Shit, she was supposed to drive Fred there this morning. She checked the clock. He should still be up. Nancy stood up suddenly and went to the phone.
"What are you doing?" Eddie asked, his mouth full of food.
"Calling Fred. I was supposed to be at the paper with him today, but I never showed up. He's probably worried," Nancy said.
"Hm," Eddie said and continued to eat.
It rang so many times that Nancy wasn't sure she was ever going to get through, but finally, she did.
"Hello?" Nancy asked.
"Oh, Nancy," Mrs. Benson's voice came through, and she was sobbing.
"Mrs. Benson? I, uh, was calling to check on Fred. I was supposed to take him to the paper today, but something came up, and I never got around to calling," Nancy said.
"Oh, Nancy, sweetheart. . . I hate to say this. . . I don't know how to say this, but Fred, he. . . My baby passed away tonight," Mrs. Benson sobbed. "The police are here now."
It felt like Nancy had been punched in the stomach. She hadn't been friends with Fred very long, but still, he had been her friend, and he had been so nice to her when she joined the paper so late. Everyone else had been there for a while, and some were new like her, but they had been too shy to talk to her, or they hadn't cared. Fred had been the one to approach her and show her the ropes.
"How?" Nancy asked.
"I don't know - I don't - the lights started to flicker, and I thought the power was going to go out, so I went to check on him, and he was lying there. . . He was broken. . . So broken and his eyes. . . His eyes were gone. . .I don't know, I don't know . . . " Mrs. Benson sobbed. "I have to go."
Before Nancy could ask any more questions, the line went dead. She hung up the phone and collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily. Not again. Please, not again.
"Nancy, baby?" Eddie asked. "What's wrong?"
Steve came back into the room, his eyes going wide as he saw Nancy on the floor. Tears were spilling on her cheeks as she stared ahead in horror.
"What happened?" Steve asked.
"I don't know," Eddie frowned. "She called Fred and when she got off the phone, she was like this."
"Fred's dead," Nancy said.
"What? How?!" Steve yelped.
"L-like Chrissy," she replied.
"Shit!" Eddie cursed and dropped to her side. "Baby, I am so sorry."
Steve moved to her other side and held her tightly. Eddie wrapped his arms around the both of them as Nancy's body started to shake with sobs. It wasn't fucking fair. How did she keep losing friends? Was she cursed? No, she wasn't cursed. This fucking town was. As she broke down in the arms of the men whom she loved, she realized that they all needed to fucking leave.
"This is too much," Nancy sobbed.
"Call the Byers again," Eddie said. "Call Murray again. We have to do something anything."
Eddie held Nancy tightly as they both trembled, and he whispered words of comfort in her ear. She wasn't listening to what he was saying. Everything was fading away, becoming out of focus as though she were underwater.
"They're not answering," Steve said.
"They have to fucking care! Either they don't give a shit or something is going on with them too," Eddie said.
"Mike," she heard Steve say suddenly.
"Mike?" Nancy asked.
Before anyone could say anything else, a knock sounded at the apartment door. Eddie held onto Nancy tighter while Steve picked up his bat. Still in Nancy's bathrobe, Steve looked pretty silly. He held the bat behind the door and pulled it open slightly. Nancy's eyes widened in surprise as she saw Lily standing there.
"Lily?" Nancy asked.
"Are you alright?" Lily asked.
"I don't - what are you doing here?" Nancy asked.
"We heard what happened, may we come in?" Lily asked.
A shorter woman with short dark hair and piercing brown eyes stood behind Lily. They both wore matching black suits.
"Who is that?" Nancy asked.
"This is my partner, Agent Ellen Stinson," Lily introduced.
"Agent?" Eddie and Steve asked.
"You work for them," Nancy said in realization.
"Dr. Owens sent us to keep you safe," Lily said.
"So, what all of it was just a lie? You don't have a degree in journalism," Nancy snapped.
"Yes, actually, I do. The only thing I didn't tell you was who I really worked for. I got involved in all of this while working on a story. What I do is protect people like you, those that get involved when they shouldn't. I learned my lesson, still sometimes you have to fight for the truth," Lily said and paused. "You're just kids. You shouldn't have to go through this alone."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Nancy asked.
"Mostly, because I had orders not to and the other reason is that you never know who could be listening," Lily said. "This town has been put on the map. Other people are going to be interested in this place and what lies beneath. We needed to make sure that no one like Brenner ever pulled shit like this again. You have every reason to be angry, but that can wait until later. We need to figure out what the hell is going right now. You can yell at me all you want after all of this, but right now, we have work to do."
"I'll be holding you to that," Nancy mumbled.
She knew she was right, though. Lily hadn't been the only one keeping secrets. Nancy and everyone else kept secrets about what they've been through from their own family. Nancy didn't have any right to be mad, did she?
"Let them in," Nancy said softly.
Steve stepped aside to let them in. Lily looked at Steve in amusement as she entered the apartment.
"Nice outfit," Lily said.
"Thanks, it's our girlfriend's," Steve said.
Lily looked at Eddie with the blanket still wrapped around his waist and then at Nancy, who was still wearing Eddie's Hellfire shirt. Nancy wasn't embarrassed or ashamed of being half naked in front of her former boss like she would have been a while back. It was just the human body, everyone had one. That might have been something that she picked up something from Steve and Eddie, considering they have no shame when it comes to certain things.
"Right," Lily said. "Tell us everything that's happened so far."
Eddie shared a look with Nancy, and she nodded. He began to tell her everything that happened, and when he was done, he looked very close to crying.
"And I just called my friend Fred. His mother answered and told me - told me he was dead too - just like Chrissy," Nancy said.
"Jesus, another death?" Agent Stinson asked.
"Is it another kid with powers or maybe someone from the Upside Down?" Eddie asked. "Do you guys have any clue at all?"
"That's what we're here to find out," Lily replied.
Suddenly, the phone rang, and Nancy was quick to pick it up.
"Nancy! They took her!" Dustin's came through the phone. "They just came and took her. I mean, they talked with her for a while and she just went with them. . .willingly!"
"Slow down, what are you talking about?" Nancy asked.
"A group of men and Dr. Owens came by to talk to El. After a long conversation that we weren't a part of, El decided to go with him. She said something about becoming a superhero again," Dustin said. "I think she's going to try and get her powers back. Wayne tried to stop her, but it was her choice to go with them."
"Okay, we'll be there soon. Just sit tight. Is Max still there?" Nancy asked.
"Yeah, we tried to get a hold of Lucas earlier, but he's not picking up," Dustin said.
"Shit, Lucas, I didn't even think. . .he doesn't know about any of this," Nancy muttered. "We'll be there soon."
She turned to Steve and Eddie, suddenly feeling queezy and lightheaded.
"What?" Eddie asked.
"They took El," Nancy said.
"What?!" Eddie and Steve exclaimed.
"Dr. Owens came by and took El. I guess he found a way to bring her powers back. She went with them willingly, Wayne tried to stop her, but it was her choice," Nancy said.
"No, no fucking way," Eddie muttered and ran his hands over his face. "FUCK!"
"Come on. Let's get dressed," Nancy said.
Once they were all dressed, they headed out the door. Once again, Mayhem refused to let them leave without her. Nancy was relieved because, honestly, she needed all the cuddles that she could get. Sensing her distress, Mayhem nudged her head against Nancy's stomach and purred. She curled up against Eddie in the backseat while Steve drove, and they both clung to each other tightly as they thought about their situation. She knew that Eddie was thinking about El as much as she was thinking about Fred. She let a sniffle.
"I fucking hate this," Nancy said and Eddie pressed a hard kiss to her head.
"We're still here, baby," Eddie said softly.
It felt like a blow to her stomach. How long were they going to be here for? How much time did she have left with the men she loved?
Chapter Twenty-One
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writerofadream · 5 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Twenty Three: Yes, I'd like to purchase one racoon mom. Yes, her name is Lily.
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You laughed behind your palm as you watched Owen try to reconcile with Izzy, for some reason with wildflowers.
 Since you and Izzy had very similar personalities, you knew exactly what you would want in her situation. Probably bullets, a better gun, some knives, a bow and an arrow. You watched as Owen tried to step in front of her and walked straight onto a trap.
“Whatcha laughing at?” Duncan came out of the cabin, his arms slithering around you as he covered your neck in kisses.
“Well I think maybe we will have a different lifetime.” You said, matter-of-factly. Duncan smiled, before grabbing your hand and dragging you over to them. Everyone else quickly followed in pursuit.
But the second you were all gathered around the swinging Owen, you heard a snap and a cage fell on top of you all. 
“Good morning, campers! Or should I say trappers?” Chris appeared with a beaver on his head.
But you were focused on the expression Duncan had, he was staring at the bars that surrounded you all, and you sighed, sneaking both hands into his. His eyes finally fell onto you, and he smiled. “I know.” You mouthed and he nodded sadly. 
“Okay let’s talk about the challenge over chow.” Chris walked off holding a knife and the beaver. 
“Is he gonna cut us down?” Owen asked, his face turning red, but with nearly expert precision, Chris snapped the rope and the door to your cage opened.
Duncan was the first one out, letting out a large breath once he stepped out. “I think we should rotate it into nicotine gum instead of the patches. The patches just increase everything that is bad for me.” Duncan muttered as you began the trek to the cafeteria.
“Alright, I’ll try to see if, Chef is willing to buy me some.” You smiled, today will be Duncan's second week off the cigarettes. “I mean of course he will, who could resist that face.” Duncan rained down kisses upon your face causing you to let out a giggle much to his surprise.
You watched as Duncan tried to eat the paste, and stifled a laugh, he glared at you sticking his tongue out as well. “Isn’t this the stuff you use to keep your hair straight?” You teased and he smirked, flipping you off discreetly causing you to roll your eyes.
“Alright campers, there's eight of you left so look alive.” Chris advised, seemingly juggling the paste-balls. “God, I would kill for your moms cooking.” Duncan grumbled spitting the paste back into the bowl much to your disgust.
“Well, I’d kill for my mom to be alive so it’s clear that neither of us are killing the right people.” 
Gwen spit out her drink. “That’s dark.” She laughed, mildly concerned. “Why thank you.” You winked, causing the girl to blush. 
“Hm, my chances of winning? I honestly don’t care if I win. The less time I’m here, the more time I’m away from that ****ing **** eater, Chris ‘let’s make girls ******* terrified because I’m a ****** pervert.’ McLean.” You leaned back on the outhouse bench with a satisfied smirk. 
“You’ll each have eight hours to trap an animal.” Chris declared. Duncan snatched Owen’s wrist. “Got one.” He yelled. “A wild animal,” Chris said, sending the raven-haired boy an ‘are you stupid?’ glare.
“Got one.” Duncan yelled again, snatching your wrist. You slowly turned to look at him with a mildly amused expression. “I’m going to sew your **** to your head.” You smiled and Duncan gave you a cheeky grin, kissing your cheek and getting your hand down.
“The reward is a meal of your favorite foods.” Chris smiled wide, gesturing to the tables. “Honey, I love you and all, but I’m so hungry.” Duncan groaned. You rolled your eyes and ruffled his hair trying to hide the fact that the last time you ate was about four days ago. 
Chris gathered you around the boat-room-dock thing and had you all pick out names from a hat. Duncan rolled his eyes once he got a raccoon, you burst out laughing when you saw that you got a lynx. “How long till he realizes that we went to WSS?” Duncan whispered in your ear. “Probably the same time he realizes I hate him.” Duncan shrugged, nodding in agreement.
Chris herded you all into the boat-room-thing and gave you sixty seconds to find the supplies you needed. 
Duncan picked up a chainsaw, and you crossed your arms. “I worry what goes on through your mind.” You sighed, shaking your head softly. Duncan smiled, “Personally I think this’ll be a great raccoon catcher.” You laughed rolling your eyes and standing on your tiptoes to peck his lips. “Mhm.” You decided to just nod and smile.
You picked up a bucket of bunny carcasses, and a beaver pelt. “Let’s go.” Duncan quietly grabbed your hips and led you out of the room, narrowly avoiding wrestling Heather and Gwen.
Chris called out “Times up.” And you all stepped back out onto the dock. “Go now, young padawans, proud you make me.” Chris said in his best imitation of Yoda. “I think next time we should just stay in juvie.” You grumbled stepping past the man.
“Meet me back on docks in twenty minutes.” Duncan nearly ordered you causing a blush to redden your cheeks. “You underestimate your abilities, baby. You were catching raccoons when we were five.” You smiled before running off.
Finding the lynx was easy enough. You got deep into the woods, near the snowy mountains and laid the beaver pelt down before laying the bunnies in it, before making a bunny beaver burrito.
You scaled the nearest tree hiding in a particularly busy spot before you waited for your prey. It may have been twenty seconds, or twenty minutes when the lynx finally appeared.
The beautiful creature sniffed the food for a moment before it put out a paw to touch it. The cat hissed when the burrito unfolded showing the bunnies. 
But it quickly delved in, shoving its face into the meal and eating all of them in near moments. Now this was the fun part. You watched as the lynx let the meal digest, then the lynx got really tired and began swaying on its feet. You took a picture on your phone and sent it to Duncan
Me: look what I got {picture attached}
Tiger 💚: so many raccoons why the **** are there so many raccoons on this god forsaken island what the **** ***** **** ** shdbns&:?: &@
Me: .. Duncan?
Tiger 💚: {video attached: Duncan screaming ‘I love you, honestly I’d love to marry you but I might die from these raccoons’ the camera points up and you see a giant raccoon monster}
Me: oh..? Cute??
Tiger 💚: {Picture attached: Duncan is smiling like an idiot and making a heart symbol with the racoon on his head} love you, everything’s good now <3
Me: :) love you 2 baby ♥️
It then promptly passed out, deep in a food coma. You smiled to yourself and jumped out of the tree. The lynx had consumed twenty four bunnies in meme moments, it was gonna be out for a day at least.
You slowly creeped toward the sleeping creature and bent to your knees, snatching the knife out of your side pocket, striping the beaver pelt of the rope that lined it. 
You tied the lynx’s front and back paws and threw it over your shoulders and began your run to the boat-dock which you were happy to see Duncan sitting, scratched up but happily waiting for you.
He held the raccoon in his lap and was taking about a million photos with it. Duncan waved excitedly to you. “Her name is Lily.” The racoon almost waved at you. 
“Duncan I love you, I love you a lot, but why did you name a raccoon after my mom?” Duncan smiled once you asked that question.
“Because she freaked out when I was showing her my homescreen.” Duncan laughed, holding the racoon tight. “Can I keep her?” You laughed as you stared at your stupidly adorable boyfriend. “Of course, Tiger. Of course.” You watched as the racoon made grabby hands at you.
“Let your racoon mom hold you.” Duncan shoved the animal in your hands and you stifled a laugh. “Of course, baby.”
So that’s where you both sat, holding your animals and talking, and petting the new animals and watching the sunset on Camp Wawanakwa.
Is this a good time to mention that Duncan wants to marry you? 
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tagged: @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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antianakin · 15 days
What do you think of the Obi-Wan Kenobi series being one of George Lucas’s favourites, at least according to Pablo Hidalgo?
submitted by @beautiful-flowing
I think it makes a lot of sense, honestly. It DID feel like a really intentional homage to the Prequels when I was watching it, from the actual Prequels footage used for flashbacks, to bringing back the actors for Owen and Beru, to the themes of Obi-Wan’s story and the way he developed. I think Deborah Chow really wanted this to FEEL like an extension of the Prequels in a way nothing else really has, even TCW. TCW had a number of things that felt like they were attempting to distance themselves from the Prequels a little, like the fact that it was animated to begin with and the changes to the clones and the addition of Ahsoka and the ways that Anakin felt really far from his film counterpart both in personality and in looks. The Kenobi show genuinely felt like it WANTED that association with the Prequels, it wanted you to make the connection, it wasn’t ashamed of being a part of that story in the way TCW and other shows have sometimes felt.
And given how much shit the Prequels got, it doesn’t shock me that Lucas would have really appreciated the way the Kenobi show went the opposite direction and said “No, this is what the story of Star Wars is and always has been, and we refuse to try to pretend it’s not just for the sake of popularity.” And the show got panned for it, the same way the Prequels for panned. There are obviously certain issues with both pieces of media, I’d never say there wasn’t, but Lucas refused to bow to people who wanted to control what his story should be and I think it’s admirable that Deborah Chow wanted to emulate that as best as she could.
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foxsimthings · 9 months
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" People are getting sick of the broken man act, Tate. Get your shit together. "
Tate Owens for @wrixie 's Juggling Juliana!
Young Adult // They/He Odd-Jobsman // Former Nightmare // Current Disaster Jealous // Daredevil // Naturally Funny
Born in a kiddie pool off the back of someone's porch, Tate Owens has been a certified Rambling Man most of their life. It's hard to say where they came from or how or why, all that's publicly known is that they rolled in to Chestnut Ridge one night with a few bags and half a pack of cigarettes to their name.
They're typically regarded as a troublemaker and while trusted as a farm hand, a doer-of-odd-jobs, and the owner of a truck(making the one everyone calls when they move house) most folks don't give Tate more than a grand slam's worth of responsibility.
Maybe they're right to do so. Maybe he's a better man than meets the eye. Are you willing to take that risk?
Fun Facts:
Has a secret love of crocheting and can crochet almost anything. Mostly crochets beer cozies for himself.
Cilantro tastes like soap, and no, he will not be taking any criticism.
Has, can, and will leave out pizza all night and then proceed to eat it the next day. He hates throwing out food more than anything, so he's the sort to dust off the mold and chow down.
Is quitting smoking. Tomorrow. Definitely.
Used to be afraid of horses until one kicked him, and he realized he and horses share a hatred of him, so they should obviously be pals.
While he's a bit of a charity case, he is known for having a wicked sense of humour and being easy to be around, even if he is surrounded by an air of 'I might have a one-night stand with you and steal your wallet'.
Nobody goes out with Tate Owens that hasn't also lost their fair share on scratch and wins.
This is probably a mistake.
His favourite pastime is driving around on a warm summer night with all the windows down playing One Headlight at full blast, singing along, and probably crying a little.
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folkdances · 9 months
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Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005) dir. George Lukas / Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) dir. Deborah Chow / Untitled, Margaret Atwood
[ID: A Margaret Atwood poem superimposed over screencaps featuring Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. The poem text will precede the image description. It is as follows:
Text: You are the sun / in reverse, all energy / flows into you and is (Image: Anakin as Darth Vader and the 501st entering the Jedi Temple).
Text: abolished; you refuse / houses, you smell of (Image: Anakin in front of the Jedi younglings).
Text: catastrophe, I see you (Image: The boots of Plo Koon's legion on Cato Neimoidia).
Text: blind and one-handed, flashing (Image: Anakin kneeling before Darth Sidious).
Text: in the dark, trees breaking / under your feet, you demand, (Image: The Jedi Temple massacre).
Text: you demand (Image: Anakin confronting Padmé on Mustafar).
Text: I lie mutilated beside (Image: Padmé crying as she looks out her window at the Temple burning).
Text: you; beneath us there are (Image: Anakin and Padmé embracing).
Text: sirens, fires, the people run / squealing, the city (Image: Reva's clan of younglings mid-massacre).
Text: is crushed and gutted, (Image: The Jedi Temple burning).
Text: the ends of your fingers bleed / from 1000 murders (Image: Anakin, arm extended after Force choking Padmé).
Text: Putting on my clothes (Image: Obi-Wan retreating into the ship after defeating Anakin).
Text: again, retreating, closing doors (Image: Obi-Wan retreating into the dusk after giving Luke to Beru and Owen Skywalker).
Text: I am amazed / I can continue (Image: Bail Organa confronting Obi-Wan in his home).
Text: to think, eat, anything (Image: Obi-Wan eating on Tatooine).
Text: How can I stop you (Image: Obi-Wan and Anakin grappling on Mustafar as lava erupts in the background).
Text: Why did I create you (Qui-Gon Jinn's hands on a young Anakin's shoulders).
The full poem can be found at this link. End ID.]
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berenwrites · 1 year
In His Kiss (Steddie, Stranger Things)
In His Kiss: The Trouble With Vampire Tendencies
A/N – thought I would have a go at @steddie-week. Not beta’d so please forgive my mistakes. Now beta'd, thanks Soph.
Prompt: Day 1 - Hunger / Pining / Somebody to Love by Queen
Summary: Steve notices Eddie watching him, and it brings things he has been thinking about to a head. The only remaining question is, is he brave enough to take a chance?
Also on AO3
Steve could feel Eddie’s eyes on him. It was like he could tell, even without looking that Eddie was staring at him. Every time he glanced over, Eddie looked away, but half a second too late. It was beginning to drive Steve crazy.
It had been months since Vecna. Henry Creel was very, very dead, thanks in part to all of them, but primarily due to El. They’d gone back into the Upside Down as a group, determined to end it before Henry could regather his strength. El had finished him off for good as the rest of them protected her from Vecna’s monsters.
One of the shocks of the aftermath had been finding a very confused, but alive Eddie Munson among Vecna’s dying army. He wasn’t quite the same as he had been, but Doctor Owens had been surprisingly helpful with that. Steve didn’t really understand the politics, but something to do with the final battle had put Owens back in charge.
Eddie was currently sitting under a large sunshade while the kids splashed around in the pool, the older adults took up the sun loungers, and those in the middle sat around the edge of the water with their feet in it. One of the things Eddie had picked up from the Upside Down was a dislike of too much heat. It wasn’t as bad as it had been for the Upside Down natives, but it was still noticeable.
Steve was glad Eddie had agreed to come to the party, but he was keeping an eye on him. Eddie did disappear into the airconditioned house every now and then, and always had an iced drink in his hand. The Indiana summer had to be something of a nightmare for someone with Eddie’s condition. That Eddie and Wayne now had a house with air conditioning themselves, thanks to the US government, was at least one plus in the situation.
When Eddie got up yet again and headed through the back door, Steve left Robin chatting to Jonathan and followed.
“You doing okay?” he asked when he walked into the kitchen to find Eddie with his head in the refrigerator.
“Oh hey, Stevie,” Eddie said, turning and giving him a grin, “yeah, just needed to cool off for a bit. I always hated the heat, now I really hate it.”
The nickname made something in Steve’s chest flutter. Apart from Robin occasionally using ‘Stevie’ it had mostly been thrown at him as an insult, a babying of his name to make him lesser, yet Eddie somehow managed to make it not like that at all. It made Steve wonder what it would be like to cross the distance between them and taste Eddie’s lips.
He’d found himself thinking a lot of things like that over the past couple of months. Several long talks with Robin had helped him come to terms with the fact he was not completely straight, but he still wasn’t sure how to label himself. He hadn’t been able to shake the fear his attachment to Eddie was trauma based. However, the way it wasn’t going away and seemed more to be deepening, was pointing him in the direction of thinking he was bisexual.
“Have Owens’ people come up with anything to help counter that yet?” he asked, wandering across the kitchen to lean against the counter.
“It’s better when I’ve just chowed down on one of the blood bags the government is so helpfully providing,” Eddie said with a shrug, “but I’m beginning to think there is nothing else they can do.”
Steve couldn’t help noticing the way Eddie’s eyes flicked to his neck and away again as they were talking.
That was the other hangup from the Upside Down. Eddie needed to regularly ingest blood. The scientists had tried transfusions for a while before Eddie had gone a little feral and simply ripped the bag off the hook and bitten into it. Dustin had been visiting at the time and had been very happy to tell everyone about Eddie’s awesome vampiric tendencies.
“Are you thirsty now?” Steve asked.
“Getting there,” Eddie admitted, staring at the floor. “I should go, the sun’s getting to me.”
“Is that why you keep staring at my neck?” Steve asked before Eddie could move.
The way Eddie went very still had Steve holding his breath.
“Sorry for creeping you out,” Eddie said without looking up.
“You didn’t,” he replied. “But I noticed, and you weren’t doing it to anyone else.”
Eddie laughed and it was not a happy sound.
“Fuck,” Steve heard him whisper under his breath.
“Guess I don’t do subtle,” Eddie said louder this time, finally lifting his gaze to look at Steve.
“Not one of your strong points,” Steve agreed.
Eddie sighed, looking away again, but clearly thinking hard about something.
“Do you know what bisexual means?” Eddie finally asked and Steve’s heart skipped a beat.
He nodded.
“Colour me surprised,” was Eddie’s response to that. “Well that’s me,” Eddie went on, “and, oh boy, do I have a type, and because the universe thinks it’s funny, that happens to be preppy cheerleaders or jocks.”
“So you …” Steve started to ask.
“Have had a crush on you since way before was good for me,” Eddie confessed, “and then you had to turn out to be a really nice guy which made it a thousand times worse. It was so bad I had to use Nancy like a shield, but then I come back from the dead and you and Nancy are definitely off the table, and not only that but I suddenly have this really insistent urge to bite you. I’ve been trying to deal with it, but clearly I’m not doing so well, and it just keeps getting worse.”
“Maybe that’s my fault,” Steve said.
“I know you’re sometimes a self-sacrificial hazard,” Eddie replied, “but how, exactly could that be your fault?”
“Because me too,” he replied.
Eddie frowned.
“You too, what?”
“Me too, bisexual,” Steve said plainly, “and me too, crushing on you. Took me a while to figure it out, but then everyone knows I’m slow. Hence, maybe your urge is getting worse because you’re sensitive to that now.”
Eddie blinked, but otherwise did not move or speak for some time.
“You’re not slow,” wasn’t really what Steve expected Eddie to say next, “you just process things differently from the prodigies splashing around in your pool.”
“My old teachers would beg to differ,” he pointed out, even though the conversation was diverting weirdly.
“Yeah, because Hawkins high is known for understanding anyone outside the most normie of the norm,” Eddie said.
Even as Eddie was speaking, Steve saw his hands twitch.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Adjusting,” Eddie replied, in something of a strained tone. “Kind of blowing my mind here, Stevie, and maybe my control too.”
That was all he needed to make his decision, and Steve walked across the room and took Eddie’s hand.
“Come on,” he said, “anyone could walk in here.”
Eddie made a pathetic whimper of a sound but did not resist as Steve led him out of the kitchen and into the downstairs bathroom.
“What … what ...?” Eddie tried to ask, but he seemed to be struggling with words.
“Can I kiss you?” Steve asked, looking directly into Eddie’s deep brown eyes.
Eddie nodded, slowly but deliberately. Steve didn’t hesitate. Before he could second guess himself he crowded into Eddie’s personal space, leaning in and tilting his head until his lips met Eddie’s. For a second Eddie did not respond. Steve could feel the other man tensing like a taught bow string.
“Holy shit this is really happening,” Eddie muttered against his mouth and then his back hit the door as Eddie literally leapt at him, winding strong legs around his waist and arms around his neck.
He wound his arms around Eddie, adjusting his stance for the extra weight and sank into the kiss as Eddie joined in whole heartedly. If Steve had had any doubts left, they fled as he lost himself in the taste and feel of lips and tongue and fingers in his hair. When Eddie finally broke away, kissing down his jaw and onto his neck, he put his head back and enjoyed it.
As Eddie buried his face in Steve’s neck and moaned, trembling in his arms, he knew exactly what Eddie needed.
“Do it,” he said.
“I could hurt you,” Eddie whined into his shoulder.
“You couldn’t,” he replied. “We’ve both been there when Dustin goes on about your vampire tendencies, everything Owens’ people have helped you figure out. Your teeth are razor sharp when extended and your saliva heals. We both know Dustin’s gonna end up with a Nobel Prize some day for figuring out how that works.”
Eddie laughed into his shoulder, finally pulling back and looking him in the face.
“You really want me to..?” Eddie asked.
“Hell yes,” he replied.
He wasn’t sure where his own need came from, but he felt desperate. Now that he had been permitted something, he wanted everything he was allowed.
“Please,” he added.
Eddie opened his mouth, letting Steve see the deadly, extended fangs. One last test. Steve stared for a few seconds, unable to tear his eyes away until he put his head back against the door, exposing the long line of his throat and closing his eyes.
“You should be illegal,” Eddie whispered, before lips touched his skin.
Eddie’s fangs going in did hurt, like lightning down his nerves. He stiffened, clinging on to Eddie until he heard Eddie’s moan of pleasure and it felt like a switch flipping. The pain was still there, but he didn’t care as a rush ran through him like nothing he had ever felt before. It wasn’t like sex, but it was on the same level. He couldn’t think, at all.
How long it lasted he had no idea. It was as if his brain mostly switched off leaving only the pleasure centres firing until Eddie finally pulled away. He only barely noticed Eddie climbing down, just enough to let go and allow Eddie to settle on the floor.
“Steve, Stevie can you hear me?” Eddie asked.
He mumbled a reply and did his best to open his eyes.
“Hey,” Eddie said as he blinked blearily at him, “back with me?”
“Yes,” he said, although, as he said it, he realised his legs felt like wet pasta.
He couldn’t stop it as he slowly slid down the door.
“Woah there, Big Boy,” Eddie said, helping him to sit down. “You sure you’re okay?”
He nodded.
“Was a rush,” he said, glad his voice seemed to be working properly again, “just need to sit for a minute. Like after a long run.”
“Well you would know more about that than me,” Eddie said with a smile, “I’ve never done a long run in my life.”
“Liar,” he said, “saw you run in the Upside Down.”
“That doesn’t count,” was the amused reply. “How are you feeling now?”
“Kind of amazing,” he admitted and laughed.
He finally managed to focus properly on Eddie face.
“Um, you’ve got …” he said, pointing to the side of his own mouth.
The way Eddie’s tongue darted out made him want to surge forward for another round of kissing, but luckily for his dignity he wasn’t sure he had the coordination quite yet.
“How about you?” he asked. “How do you feel?”
“Like I just ate the best chocolate in the world and won the lottery at the same time,” Eddie told him, leaning forward until their foreheads touched. “I think you might have ruined me for anyone else, Stevie.”
“Good,” he replied and tried to turn his head. “Ow.”
His neck twinged. He brought his hand up to touch it gingerly.
“How does it look?” he asked.
“It’s already scabbed,” Eddie told him, touching gently next to his own fingers, “but if we go out there everyone is going to know what we’ve been doing.”
“Part of me kind of wants to show them off,” Steve admitted. “And part of me is scared shitless.”
“You and me both, Sweetheart,” Eddie said. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Steve let Eddie help him to his feet and they used the sink to wash off his neck. The two red marks made him stop and stare in the mirror for a while. He’d never let a girl mark him up, it wasn’t usually his thing, but he liked seeing Eddie’s bite on his skin.
“Band-Aid?” Eddie asked, having found the first aid box under the sink.
He didn’t really want to, but Steve nodded. It was the only sensible thing, given that he had no idea how long the wounds would take to fully heal, and they needed protecting. He let Eddie put a large Band-Aid over both of the small holes.
“Want to stay when everyone else goes home?” he asked as Eddie fastened his bandana over the Band-Aid.
“If you can think of a really good excuse that won’t have Buckley trying to stake me through the heart, I’d love to,” Eddie replied.
“She’s going to kill both of us,” Steve realised as he finally thought things through. “After she’s congratulated me for getting my head out of my ass, but she’s still going to kill us.”
“Before or after she starts talking about rabies?” Eddie asked.
“Let’s hope before,” he replied, wincing.
Once Robin got onto the rabies track it took some serious shit to get her off it.
“How do you feel about coming out to the whole party?” he asked as he took the time to think things through.
“Will Hop shoot me?” Eddie asked with perfect seriousness.
“No,” Steve replied. “Joyce wouldn’t let him,” he added with a grin, because otherwise he was going to worry himself through the floor.
“You have a plan, I take it,” Eddie said.
He nodded.
“I think so,” he revealed. “What if we go out there pretending nothing happened, then let our paranoid friends figure out something did. When the shouting starts we can confess we were making out and you got a little over enthusiastic on a hickey because a fang accidentally extended, so we cleaned it up and tried to hide it.”
“Ah, a fake out hiding another fake out,” Eddie said with a nod. “You should play DnD, you’d be pretty good at it.”
“Numbers are not my thing,” he replied.
“Just bribe the good Lady Applejack to do that part for you,” Eddie told him.
“What with?” he asked. “I’m pretty sure she already owns my soul.”
“Did you sign in blood?” Eddie asked. “If you didn’t sign in blood, it’s not binding.”
“You tell Erica that,” Steve responded.
There was a banging on the bathroom door.
“Steve are you in there?”
It was Robin’s voice, of course it was.
“Guess we’re doing part of our confessing now then,” Eddie said quietly. “Just so I’m clear, are we boyfriends now?”
“I’d like that,” Steve replied, his heartbeat going way up.
“Good,” Eddie said and leaned in for a quick kiss. “Time to let your platonic soul mate in then because as soon as she gets the braincell she’s going to know anyway.”
Steve tried to be offended, he really did, but he just couldn’t manage it. There were too many other things to think about. With a deep breath he turned to the door. It was time to face the music.
The End
Find my other steddie fanfic listed here in my pinned post.
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florencetypemaniacs · 11 months
Hi, your IF seems very interesting...but I was wondering how the ROs would react it the MC would out of the blue just grab their hand 🫣🫣🫣
Thank you so much for the kind words! It is really exciting to be sharing this world I created with you! 
And as for you ask....well....
💛 Marcel:
Relationship Stage: Crush
When he feels your hand in his, the whole world seems to stop. How could he focus when you were all he wanted to look at? Keeping his blush under control, he squeezes your hand to comfort you. That's what this was, right? Maybe you are scared; it's not like anyone could blame you, especially with what's going on.
Don't worry.... I'm not letting you go through this alone. Not ever.
Relationship Stage: Couple
When your hand slips into his, Marcel gives you a bright smile, his perfect straight teeth blinding you.
Marcel's body feels hot as if Venus struck him, but he doesn't question or fear the feeling; he lets himself drown in it. In slow motion,giving you time to back away, he leans forward and kisses your cheek.
🧡 Margaret:
Relationship Stage: Crush
Margaret doesn't even notice at first; her eyes are too occupied looking from display window to display window, but when she does notice, her body jitters like she drank ten cups of coffee.
You point to a store, talking, but she doesn't hear you; her focus is on your hand entwined with hers. But she doesn't dare say anything; she doesn't want to ruin the moment. Everything is better. Her vision is clearer. The sky is more blue. Are birds chirping? She basically radiates sunshine. 
I never want this to end. 
Relationship Stage: Couple
Honestly? She would be the one to put her hand in yours; she loves physical affection. So your days will be filled with walking arm in arm (even if it is just in the other room), small kisses, and cuddles. But if you are someone who is not overly affectionate and you place your hand in hers, get ready for a happy dance even if you're out in public.
♥️ Owen:
Relationship Stage: Crush
You gently slide your hand into his as he chows down on his food.
With his fighter instincts, he quickly notices your hand, although... *deep sigh* Owen is the most oblivious when it comes to his feelings or anything really that doesn't deal with fighting.
So he scrunches his eyebrows and squeezes your hand. 
"What is it?" 
You frown. "What?" 
"You're trying to get my attention, right? Where is the threat?" He licks his lips, looking from person to person almost as if imagining their faces under his fist. 
You let out a small sigh. "Oh, never mind." 
Relationship Stage: Couple
You gently slide your hand into his and like a loyal dog his body perks up. With almost fearful eyes, he looks you over to make sure you're alright, checking boxes in his head. No broken bones. You don't have a headache. Your not tense. 
Pulling you closer to him, he looks around the room once. "Everything all right?" He whispers and squeezes your hand, never taking his eyes off you.
When you tell him you just wanted to hold his hand, he nods his head, although with an arrogant smile on his lips, he pulls you closer and gets back to what he was doing.
💙 Rosie:
Relationship Stage: Crush
With a small smile, Rosie puts down the car's sun visor, checking her flawless makeup.
When she feels your hand in hers, she pauses. She knows lust like the back of her hand. The pleasant aching between her legs wasn't the only thing she was feeling, but the pleasant flutter in her pulse was something she hadn't felt since...him. 
Swallowing a lump in her throat, she turns to look at you with a sly smile.
"Oh, Sweetheart, you are making me blush."
You look at her confused, and she smiles like a cheshire cat.
"Our hands, love? Are you trying to tell me something?" She says, explaining her comment.
"Why don't you pull over?" She licks her lips.
Relationship Stage: Couple
Her pulse quickens even now after being together romantically for so long. She smiles to herself before letting go of your hand and pulling you close to her.
She kisses you with as much tenderness as she can muster, not letting you go until you come up for air with swollen lips.
With a content sigh, she rests her forehead on yours and stays there as long as you let her, not wanting to let you go
🩵 Tai:
Relationship Stage: Crush
Usually, Tai could feel when people were near; it came with the territory of being him. Either because people found his behavior odd or because most were perplexed at seeing such a cranky smart individual, their stares always put him on edge. But with you? No. He didn't feel the need to put his mask on all the time. You are like soothing wind, blowing away the stress.
So he doesn't feel you sitting next to him on the couch while he rests his eyes. Nor does he see you give him that memorizing annoying smile. But.. he feels that when you put your hand In his, his eyes bulge open like he is jolted by electricity.
"What the HELL are you doing?" He sits up, snapping his hand away. The force of his anger pushes you back. 
All you do is blink and let out a stuttering excuse. "I thought-" 
Tai could only pray that you took his red face as anger. "You thought?! Well, let me give you something to THINK about! Did you know that over three thousand germs live on your hands alone?!" 
"I mean-" 
"I have no idea where you have been! Knowing you, you covered every disease imaginable from your glucose-covered clients." 
"Hey!" You say in outrage. 
Tai walks away. "So think before you infect others with those things you call hands." 
Tai's heart beats faster and faster, only calming down when he locks himself in his office. 
What is happening to me?
Relationship Stage: Couple
Your presence instantly soothes him. Tai feels himself relax and lets out a small sigh, even more so when you absently put your hand in his.
For only a short second, he feels himself stiffen, which makes you realize what you have done.
Biting your lip, you let out a small apology before you start to slip out of his grasp.
Tai frowns and grabs your hand, ignoring your confused looks before bringing your hand to his mouth and kissing the tips of your fingers to the palm, until finally he looks at you. 
"Don't apologize." 
💚 Zane:
Relationship Stage: Crush
Hate. Zane sees you as, for lack of better terms, his nemesis. The child of the mirror throne is the thing his master wants the most. Sure, he can feel attraction for you, but he doesn't actually see it as a crush until he is so deeply in love that all he can do is try not to drown. So if you were to put his hand in his neutral ground...
Zane snaps his hand away. "What....?" He looks at you confused, like you're some sort of puzzle, before scoffing and turning away. "Don't push it, Little Lion."
Relationship Stage: Couple
Much like Margaret, he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off you; however, his is a little less wholesome and a little more PG-13 (as far as your willingness to go to be naughty in public, or if not, he will just have to imagine in his head). So if you just innocently put your hand in his, he is throwing you over his shoulder and taking you to the bedroom.
"Don't look so shocked, Little Lion." 
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