#Over(lord) trauma duo
iloveacronix · 28 days
Overtrauma duo before I go hangout w my friends at the mall. Also I know that I mispelt 'you're' SO LEAVE ME ALONE EBDOWHF
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This is my duo. I MADE IT. ME. ME AND ONLY ME. Nyway mmm Lloyd giving Cyrus a sword so he can try to protect himself from threats in case the ninja are too late. Also thank you for 100 followers ik that for some its not a big deal but it is for me, thank you <3
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p-taryn-dactyl · 1 year
I saw your requests are open for Harry Potter, was wondering if you’d do one with Fred Weasley 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 I’m like super obsessed w him rn
Plot can be whatever you’d like !
a/n: hi!! i love Fred too!! thank you so much for the request, I hope I did alright 😁
prompt: fred didn't die during the war - was only seriously injured. upon waking up at saint mungos, the obvious reaction is to flirt with the cute healer tending to him.
warning(s): it's been a while since i've read the books and I wasn't exactly paying attention to the lore while watching the movies. I made up some spells and plot lmao
word count: 1,073
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Waking up felt like dying, Fred thought as his eyes lifted open feeling like lead. His joints felt like stone, weighing him down onto the slightly cushioned bed. At first, the red headed twin thought he was in a muggle hospital, with the bright white walls and fluorescent lights disorienting him even more. But then he saw owls fly through the air, delivering messages and potion bottles flying into the hands of healers, standing at beds identical to Fred's. Speaking of...
"Hello there.." Fred attempted his best flirting tone, his consciousness desperate to impress the healer doing magic next to him. But all that came out was a croak akin to one of a dying frog. Mortified, Fred's face went red, wanting to hide under his blanket as you stifled your laugh under your hand, trying to keep the air of professionalism.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Weasley," your voice soothed the headache building behind his eyes, you raised your wand, assessing him as you continued speaking, "you gave everyone quite a scare you know. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're banned from fighting anymore dark lords and his army."
Fred tried to laugh at your humor tinted words before reality crashed into him. Sitting up quickly, Fred felt pain shoot through his body. You shot forward, your hands steadying him as his eyes went wide with worry.
"Did we- Is my family okay? George? Ron? Ginny? Mum and Da-"
The comforting pressure of your hand on his shoulder cut him off. He looked up at you, his body relaxing at the answer in your eyes. Wincing, he leaned back, still sitting up but now in a more relaxed position. 
“You won. He’s gone.” 
You didn’t need to say the Dark Lord’s name, you didn’t want to. Even thinking of the man sent shivers down your spine, making you aware of every dark corner in the room. Fred watched as you walked over to your station, grabbing a potion bottle and twirling it around until the blue liquid turned clear. When you returned to the bedside, you poured some of the liquid into a spoon. The red head watched as the clear potion levitated above the metal utensil, only spilling down like water at a whispered spell that passed your lips. 
You raised the spoon up to Fred’s lips, who took the potion with slight struggle. It spilled down his throat, tasting slightly of hazelnut. He raised an eyebrow at you, question in his eyes. You winced slightly, setting the spoon down before turning back to face him. 
“The explosion you were caught in caused severe internal damage. The Confervious spell along with the knitting potion will heal whatever injuries our efforts haven’t been able to completely heal,” watching as Fred’s eyes widened, you were quick to console him, “But it’s okay! Because the duo has a 97% success rate and, not to brag, but I happen to be one of the best casters of the spell.” 
Fred chuckled a bit at your attempt, his body starting to realize the trauma it had been through. You sat on the stool next to his bed, fiddling with your wand as you watched a pocket watch in your hand with intensity. Later Fred would find out that watch is how you saw the healing of his internal organs. Fred poked your arm playfully, getting your attention. 
“So, what’s the damage?” 
He wiggled his eyebrows but you just stared at him, waiting for an explanation. He used his eyes to ‘point’ at the area between his legs. 
“Am I all still here?” 
You sighed, folding your hands on your lap.
“Unfortunately, we couldn’t save it.” 
Your serious face completely fooled Fred, who for a moment let complete terror take over his features. After a minute or two, you burst into laughter, causing Fred to groan and cover his face with his hands. 
“You should’ve seen your face!” 
You laughed between words, clutching your side. Fred nodded, recognizing he had been played. 
“You got me, you got me. But you must mean this means war.”
You faux gasped, placing your hand on your chest sarcastically. 
“Oh no, a battle with a man stuck in a hospital bed, I’m shaking in my boots.” 
Fred full on laughed at that before groaning in pain and glaring lightly at you. 
“Don’t make me laugh, my insides are still knitting back together!”
You smirked at him, checking the pocket watch to see that the healing was almost complete. You heard a ruckus outside Fred’s room and soon the door burst open, a frazzled fellow Healer sending you an apology with their eyes. 
“The Weasley Family plus Harry Potter and Hermione Granger are here for F. Weasley.” 
Your coworker said with an exhausted tone before pushing through the crowd back to their station. You smiled at the family as they piled in, answering Molly’s frantic questions and Arthur’s insistence his son was getting the best care. Fred’s siblings, plus Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, stood at his bedside, doting on him. You turned away, letting the family have a moment, organizing your tools and putting back the potion and pocket watch. When you turned back around, you saw George look at you and nudge his twin with waggling eyebrows. Fred turned and winked, causing your face to heat up as you held back a smile. 
You joined in the conversation after a few moments, once more answering the questions and consoling the worried thoughts of Fred’s parents. After a few hours, visiting hours were over, and you gently excused the family from the room. You got Fred’s room set up for night, fluffing his pillow and blushing when he craned his neck so his face was close to yours. As you were getting ready to leave, you felt Fred’s finger brush against your wrist, lightly but effectively holding you back. 
“You know, I’m not so fond of being blown up but I am really glad it brought me to meet you. When I get out of here, if you’re available, do you want to catch a movie? It’s a muggle thing my pop has been obsessed with recently, I’m just glad he got past his rubber duck phase becau-”
You answered quickly, cutting off Fred’s uncharacteristic nervous rambling. 
The two of you smiled softly at each other before you left the room, mentally compiling a list of quick healing spells.
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dramioneasks · 3 months
Novel Length Fics (> 200,000 words) (Part 8)
Title: Unsinkable Author: Gingersoup  Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Drama, Angst Chapters: 38 Word Count: 250,812 Summary: After a fight gone wrong in the Department of Mysteries, sworn enemies Draco and Hermione are thrown into a mysterious pensive-like portal and come out the other side onto the RMS Titanic. In a race against time and without their wands, the unlikely duo will have to fight against the binds of their new identities as well as their animosity toward each other in order to survive.
Title: Anchor and Rose. Author: sixth_senses Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Drama, Angst Chapters: 38 Word Count: 200,220 Summary: "Is it really a good idea to run away from war with the person you despise the most?"A hotel, A boathouse, Narcissa Malfoy's safe-house, and the world's most powerful wand left behind by Regulus Black. What else could Hermione add to the list to make her absolutely insane?Ah yes, Draco fucking Malfoy.ALSO AVAILABLE ON MY WATTPAD (sixth_senses)
Title: selfxconclusion Author: spicyxpisces Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Drama, Angst Chapters: 40 Word Count: 424,687 Summary: One year after the death of her husband, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger is trying to navigate her way through her loss. While trying to discover who she is without her husband, her friends move through their own forms of grief within their relationships.
Title: The Stars Above Us Author: embersofapril Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Fluff, Angst Chapters: 40 Word Count: 200,988 Summary: He remains silent at first, clearly unsure of what to say next. The temperature feels hot, he thinks, especially for the dungeon's standards. He feels as if he can see the air particles between them, perhaps even count how many separate them from one another.It feels odd for him to be alone with Granger in the potions lab after all this time.He catches the faint scent of strawberries and honey, reminding him to order the ingredients for his lesson on Amortentia for his NEWT classes next week.-A slow-burn, flashback-filled dramione fanfiction with a side of wolfstar.
Title: A Game of High Stakes Author: in_dreams Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Angst Chapters: 51 Word Count: 263,110 Summary: In theory, the task is simple: kill Draco Malfoy. In practice, putting a curse through the Dark Lord's favoured lieutenant will take everything Hermione has―especially since he's trying to kill her, too. Even more so when the lines between them start to blur. Sometimes, the only way out is through.
Title: Who We Are Now Author: LiloLilyAnn Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Angst Chapters: 60 Word Count: 398,717 Summary: She lived through the war, but did she actually survive it? She didn't recognize the girl who looked back at her in the mirror, sunken eyes and protruding ribs, covered in scars. This wasn’t Hermione Granger. She died alongside Lavender, Fred, Sirius, Remus... Her name wasn’t up on any walls in memoriam, but she felt like a casualty nonetheless.*****When Hermione can't seem to get past the trauma of the war and all that happened to her, she's convinced to get help for her mental health issues. Unfortunately, the Wizarding World has none... yet.
Title: Redemption/Atonement Author: LordoftheManor Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Angst, Drama Chapters: 75 Word Count: 448,946 Summary: Draco Malfoy has had a crush on Granger for years. When Blaise tells him he's heard Granger has a crush on him--Draco decides to seize the opportunity. The only problem is, Granger wants to keep things quiet. Oh and he's a Death Eater working for Lord Voldemort. Hermione Granger has been secretly pining after Draco for years, telling no one. When he suddenly confronts her after class her world turns upside down. This is a 7th year fic as if Dumbledore hadn’t been killed and Voldemort hadn’t taken over the ministry yet. Draco redemption arc. This will cover books 6 & 7.Really just an excuse to write smut about a curly haired witch and her platinum haired beau. There will be dark themes, I’ll try not to stray too far from the books with that though. Explicit sexual content.
Title: A Dangerous Collection Author: Lia_Redrose Rating: E Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 34 Word Count: 208,277 Summary: Eight years after Voldemort's defeat, Draco Malfoy has left England for good. He has become a potioneer and works in a Potion Shop in Florence. He thinks he has done with the past, until one day a famous girl with messy curls and curious eyes storms inside and asks for a cure.The words and the newborn smile died as the woman turned to face him. Her mouth opened and her facial features became confused and astonished. “Malfoy?” There were surely some deities - three at least - that hated him and conjured for that to happen, because there was no other explanation to what was happening to him. It was a catastrophe. A catastrophe Draco couldn’t escape unless he bolted out of the shop to never come back again, which was something he couldn’t do. That’s why he cleared his throat and proceeded to greet his customer with a simple and clear “Granger.”
Title: Redemption Author: gnrkrystle  Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 45 Word Count: 237,960 Summary: As an Unspeakable, Hermione has been tasked with a very complicated case. All the Marked Death Eaters in Azkaban are falling ill - Draco Malfoy and Theo Nott the worst among them. She has to find out why and cure them.
Title: Finding Hermione Author: ebookdragon Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 51 Word Count: 217,753 Summary: Fifteen years after the end of the Second Wizarding War, former Hogwarts' students are sending their own children off to school for the first time. As the train leaves, Hermione makes a startling discovery about her husband and the secret life he's been living. Draco witnesses Hermione's world shatter and comes to her rescue, helping her pick up the pieces and find herself again.
Title: The Education of a Lady Author: thewanderers'wanderingdaughter  Rating: M Genre(s): Drama, Horror Chapters: 34 Word Count: 365,605 Summary: Fourth and final (for real this time) part in the His Little Bird series. The story of survival, betrayal, and tragedy. A monster took everything from her. Now she's expected to be a willing participant in the world he's built for them. They want her to become one of them. She only wants vengeance, and now that she has her power back, she can make that a reality.
Title: Snow Angel Author: SunflowersXx Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 31 Word Count: 353,142 Summary: ‘To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves’- Federico Garcia Lorca. Hermione hated secrets, she hated the idea that their lives were already decided in the stars; but mostly, she hated that she had to break Draco Malfoy’s heart.Draco didn’t think he would ever know what love felt like, he didn’t think he would find it in the sun, in whiskey and in that one curl. He certainly didn’t think he would loose it just as he had it in his grasp.
Title: The Hardest of Hearts Author: WillowingScribe1709 Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Humour Chapters: 34 Word Count: 219,508 Summary: Hermione, driven to become Minister of Magic, reluctantly joins a matchmaking agency, only to discover Draco Malfoy as her top match.Initially scoffing at the idea of marrying her old nemesis, Hermione is forced to reconsider when their paths intertwine, unraveling not just their past but also new layers of deceit. Among these Draco's connection to the Seven Devils, a group wrapped in secrecy and rumoured to have been founded by his father, Lucius.What starts out as a simple match of convenience soon blossoms into a profound connection that catches Hermione completely off guard. With a menacing new threat casting a shadow over their future, their growing bond becomes the crux upon which destiny hinges.---------“It’s not that simple,” he said, and his eyes flashed with something dark that curled around her airways and choked the breath out of her. “Even if we never consummate our marriage, I need to know that I can touch you in public without you flinching. That you can touch me in return without looking green in the face.”“Of course I can,” she said with more bravado than she felt.“Is that so?” Malfoy asked, more darkness swirling in his eyes. “Care to demonstrate?”
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mary-games-and-arts · 2 months
AvA/M Cast Redesign
Phew, well.. I DID IT I REDESIGNED EVERYONE! Time to present them all again, but this time with some more info, right?
Color Gang
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Green (He/him) - 17 y.o. | Let's say he's literally a perfectionist okay? Green is the one of a protective friend but can annoy his brother Red sometimes. His love of his life is Blue
Yellow (She/her) - 16 y.o. | A girl who knows everything about redstone, Minecraft commands and style. Has a twin sister Pinkie (Keep in mind that Pinkie is not a canon character. She's my AvM OC). Also Yellow has a partner Red
The Second Coming/TSC/Second/Orange (He/They) - 17 y.o. | A sleepyhead but somehow understands math and physics(unlike me ;v;). They're really overprotective over their friends and have their own powers but they're not aware of them(let's say AvA VI didn't happen yet). Chosen is Second's sister. Also Sec is in love with Purple
Blue (She/her) - 16 y.o. | Really knows her thing when it comes to brewing potions and gardening. Has bandages cuz AvM Ep. 20 events. Can get worried if anyone of the gang gets sick. Loves Green and his tunes
Red (He/him) - 15 y.o. | Apparently the youngest one of the group. He's a clumsy guy and also a prankster. Got possessed by Herobrine twice. Was in a timeout once cuz messed with Yellow's staff and the lucky block. Yellow is his girlfriend and Green is his brother. Oh and his pets are his friends
The Royal Duo + The Angelic Trio
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Purple (She/They) - 16 y.o. | A little shy but very nice girl. Considers MT as her older sister. Still has trust issues but is trying to fix it. Cherishes her dead mother Orchid and doesn't give a damn about her dad RB. Second is her boyfriend
MT/Mango Tango/Queen Orange (She/her) - 20 y.o. | A young adult who was a queen once just to destroy Minecraft cuz it took away her little brother Gold. Tries to move on from Gold's death and now considers Purple as her younger sis. She's on neutral terms with Color Gang. Her husband is actually an Enderman named Jacob (Tulip said that we can have our own Jacob so)
Gold (He/him) - 12 y.o. | A smol kid who is MT's brother and had unfortunately died from Minecraft. Observes his sister and spends his time with Orchid and Victim. Sometimes wishes he could hug MT one last time
Orchid (She/her) - 38 y.o. | A caring woman who is also Purple's mother. Has no empathy for RB cuz he left her and Purple. Unfortunately died from an unknown disease and now observes her child from above
Victim (They/Them) - 25 y.o. | A guy who never experienced life for once. Tries to develop themselves and find their own personality and hobbies. Currently is friends with Orchid and Gold
RB, Alan and The AvA Duo
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RB (He/him) - 40 y.o. | A ex-husband of Orchid and ex-dad for Purple. Left cuz he thought his daughter was "pathetic and would never protect herself from any danger"
Alan (He/him) - 35 y.o. | The creator himself of the whole AvA/M community. Considers Chosen and Second as his kids, but also has a real life family
The Dark Lord/TDL/Dark (She/her) - 18 y.o. | The terrorist of the whole Internet herself and Alan is her creator. She was created to defeat Chosen but she teamed up with them and confronted Alan. Somehow survived Second's attack and now is trying to change. Has a girlfriend Chosen
The Chosen One/TCO/Chosen (She/They) - 19 y.o. | The Chosen One herself who just wants to live peacefully with Dark after all the trauma she endured. Saved a kid once and now friends with her. Is currently being wanted by Rocket Corporation. Dark is her girlfriend
The Rocket Corporation
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Hazard (He/They) - literally a robot- | A restored robot who can control electricity as his power. He's also a part of the mercenary team
Agent Smith (He/him) - 24 y.o. | The main mercenary of the corporation who can use any Adobe Animate tool. Has a small crush on Vic
Alive!Vic (They/them) - 25 y.o. | The first stick ever created by Alan that somehow came to life to get the revenge they so desperately want. They're a leader of a whole corporation and they hunt for Chosen cuz she knows where Alan is
Ballista (He/him) - 27 y.o. | The shortest mercenary of the team. He can turn his head into a tank and also adores his big pixel sword
Primal (She/her) - 28 y.o. | The tallest mercenary and the only woman in the team. Is good at archery and can get buff if needed
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highladyof-prythian · 2 years
Chapter 1- Clipped Wings
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Art Credits to: @heyovivi​ 
Pairing: Azriel x fem!reader
Summary: After Tamlin helps Y/N out of his fathers grasp. He fakes her death and helps her disappear. But what happens when she reappears and reconnects with the Inner Circle and her brother.
Warnings: Severe Trauma, Blood, Gore, Crying. Please Do Not Read If You Are Not Comfortable With Any Of These Topics.
The wood creaked under her as she was softly pressed up against the walls of the weapons shed. Her wings carefully spread across the wall and Y/N peered up at the tall male in front of her and smirked. This is the last thing she expected from the shy shadowsinger her brother considered as one of his closest and most trusted friends.
“You can’t leave.” His large hands grasped her biceps, soothingly rubbing his thumb in circles. “I- I just want to talk with you for a little longer. Hold you until the sun rises.”
“Az-” Her smirk dropped and her gaze softened into something unrecognizable to herself.
“Please. I don’t know when the next time we will be able to sneak away for a little while. But I want to spend whatever time we have left together.” Azriel leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers. He breathed in deeply and closed his eyes.
“I can’t. My mother will start to look for me and Rhys will be right there with her. I don't want to imagine what they’ll do when they see us like this.” She smiled sweetly and nudged his nose with her own. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
Y/N begrudgingly placed her hands on top of his and painfully peeled his hands from her arms. Azriel dropped his hands to his sides and kept his head lowered. Her heart broke from the scene but she knew that she had to go now, or her heart would never allow her to leave this forsaken camp.
Her father had requested both her and her mother back to court to seperate them from Rhys.
Saying he had agreed to their mother sending him there to learn how to be a warrior, but our constant presence with him in the camp was of no help with his image as the son of the High Lord of the Night Court.
Y/N knew that her father had always tried his best to disconnect Rhysand with the world. Allowing him to train in the camps was a mercy compared to the isolation he actually wanted for him. Cauldron knows he knew exactly where to hurt his son: through his chosen family. Even if he had to get rid of his daughter and mate to get his way.
“I’ll be back Az.” The royal reassured, grabbing a nearby weapon. “Only to know that my personal trainer will be here waiting to show me some new techniques.” She threw open the door and looked over her shoulder one more time before fully leaving and threw a blushing Azriel a soft smile.
“Wait for me okay?”
“I’ll be waiting.”
“Y/N!” A voice shouted from outside the shed. “Mother has been looking everywhere for you. She doesn’t want to delay your trip back any longer.”
“I’m going I’m going!”
“The anticipation is killing me!” Yelled Y/N from the head of her group traveling towards the Illyrian war-camp. “My brother promised to teach me how to winnow further than the mere feet I can do. Can you imagine the places I’ll see? The people I’ll meet, the history I can learn. My heart is on the verge of bursting through my chest.”
Light hearted laughs passed through the group. Y/N’s mother lowered her head and let out a slight snort. She only hid that way when she tried to maintain her mysterious aura between Lady of the Night Court and amused mother. The latter usually broke her cold demeanor and brought bright smiles to her children.
Very ladylike mother.
A soft laugh passed through Y/N’s mind.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
All I’m saying is that I would have had to sharpened swords and re-oiled all of the saddles if-
A piercing shriek rang out from the trailing group behind the duo. Everyone and the animals froze and waited until they could make out what just happened or to see what caused it. The light blizzard blew unwelcomingly between everyone. After a couple of seconds a frenzy of panicked guards started to move and try to take cover and grab weapons from the wagon.
“Please my Lady, take cover.”
The Lady of the Night Court grabbed onto her dagger she strapped onto her hip and pulled her daughter into her.
“Whatever happens, just run. Rhysand should be here soon, we’re closer to the halfway mark we were going to meet at.”
“No.” Her daughter shook her head. “I’ll stay here with you. With everyone.”
The wind brought the strong scent of bloodlust and sent a shiver down their spines. They turned their backs to each other and surveyed the area around them. There wasn’t much to see besides the distant mountains and the snow covered trees. Everything was too similar for her to assess what hid in these woods. Not everything can be perfect.
Y/N ran her violet eyes over and over the trees until she could see the faint outline of someone perched carefully in between some trees. She went to nudge her mom with her wings, careful not to take her eyes off the enemy. Nearly tipping over she turned around when she didn’t feel her mother.
The Lady of the Night Court was nowhere to be seen. A panicked Y/N walked around to where she knew the rest of the guards were and nearly threw up from the scene. Her jaw slackened and the breath caught in her throat. They were all viciously slaughtered.
The mangled bodies were piled onto each other and were stripped of their clothes. No. The clothes were ripped from them. Claw marks ran through each of them, from their torsos, backs, and throats. She turned her head and muttered a prayer quickly under her breath. No ordinary warrior would have been able to take down their group of high trained warriors and do so silently. Who was here with them in these woods? And why would they target them?
Y/N looked again to the group and could see a girl no older than her and saw her pain stricken face. The girl's mouth hung open and her eyes wide as they could be. This must have been who gave out the first yell of warning. An arrow pierced through her throat and shined with drying blood. The red of blood contrasted so differently to the clean snow around them. No snow stuck onto the bodies yet as their bodies were still warm with their fresh blood. Y/N had to lower her head as she imagined their chests still moving, struggling to take breaths.
“What do we have here?” A dark voice chuckled behind Y/N.
She whipped her head so fast at the same time her hands went to the sword strapped onto her back.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Another voice said behind her again. “I would much rather you alive for when we bring you to our father.”
“Who are you both? And why are you here?” Snarled the violet eyed royal. She sidestepped quickly to have a look at both men. They wore thick green coats and boots made from the richest of browns. Their startling green eyes held such animosity that she couldn’t help but naturally go to square off her shoulders and plant her feet solidly under her. Both men grinned when they caught her measuring them up.
“Don’t try anything funny. Just come with us and we might let you live.” The eldest said casually kicking the dead body next to him. “Your mother would like to see you now. She’s been waiting long enough. As well as our father.”
“You’re a fool if you think I’ll willingly go with the both of you. And even dumber if you think I’ll go without a fight.” Y/N asserted before fully unsheathing the blade on her back. The cold steel balanced perfectly in her hands and shined with the determination of the wielder. This was not the first time she had to wield a weapon in protection, and this certainly would not be the last.
The other male spoke up and chuckled, “Yeah, we’ll see how this goes.”
Y/N waited for them to engage but instead heard footsteps behind her. She closed her eyes and listened to the faint drawing of a bowstring. Surely they did not think she’d go down with something as little as an arrow. The arrow released and flew through the air towards her. And just as fast Y/N whipped around and sliced it mid air.
“What the hell do you think you could do to me? Especially with an arrow.” She snarled back att the males. Her teeth clenched tightly.
“Nothing.” The eldest shrugged. “Just wanted to see how fast you could react.”
“What?” The hair on the back of the royal’s neck stood. Arrows. Arrows flying from every direction towards her. The leathery wings on her back flared then tucked into her body as she twisted and twirled to avoid them all.
“I think we underestimated you.” A flash of blonde hair rushed towards Y/N.
Think. Think. Y/N mentally told herself. She could either give up the ability to block herself from the male or be impaled by arrows instead. But what if she could do both. Her right hand stretched out to the sky and clenched. The arrows blackened and dissipated into the air as if they were never there. And the sword she held in her left braced for the impact that never came.
“Where the hell are you both?” The girl growled before spreading her wings to launch herself into the sky. “I am going to rip your hearts out of your chests!”
A single arrow soared the sky towards her, singing with the intent to kill. It moved so fast that Y/N had trouble keeping track of it and braced her sword one again in front of her. Ever so calmly breathing in deeply as the Valkyries had once taught her. Shoulders squared and eyes on the target she released her held breath and stilled. But not from the inner peace she had worked into, but from the pain that shook her from the core.
“And that is what you get for being an insolent brute you half blooded bitch!” A kick to the backs of her knees had her kneeling before the two males. The eldest reached around the girl and ripped the arrow that had edged its way into her back. “Maybe the next time you try to do something as idiotic as fighting us, you should learn to kneel bitch.”
They both grabbed a shoulder and braced themselves for their killing blow.
“This is a mercy compared to what our father wants to do to you.”
A figure approaching stopped closer enough for Y/N to see their face. His face.
“Tamlin.” She uttered. “Why?'' A gut wrenching scream tore through her throat. The males on each side of her took turns with the arrow and ripped through the membranes of her wings. Ash. It had to be ash arrows as her normal healing would have helped with the first blow but it did anything but. The liquid red spilled into the snow and showered all of them. She gasped and inhaled as much air as she could, her lungs burned in defiance.
“Let’s go see what father wants to do with them. Hopefully something torturous for the mouth on this one.”
Each male took their side of the limp body while it shook through sobs and dragged her to a now burning fire. Tamlin trailed behind and looked towards the woods, maybe in hope that his friend would come ripping through the earth and end this torture. Would he go down as well as bystander to this atrocity? Cauldron knows that he was powerless compared to his father. It was futile to even go against his words.
“Please d-” Y/N started before her head was violently thrashed into the snow beneath her feet.
“Do not speak another word!” Hissed the High Lord of the Spring Court. His boot stepped down with all his weight on the space betweens Y/N’s wings. “ Half blooded trash!”
The soft flurries of snow piled around the group from the Spring Court and now we're covering up the red snow made from her mother. Soft gasps could be heard from behind Y/N, and with her head dug so deeply into the ground beneath her, she struggled to hear what was happening.
Mother! Please answer me! Please! I need you!  
The empty answer from her mother caused her to choke out a sob. She had to figure out a way to get both her and her mother out safely and find a way to get into contact with Rhys.
“Please allow me the honor of getting rid of this pest father.” The eldest son of the Spring Court chuckled as he reached for his dagger on his hip. “I wouldn’t want you to stain yourself with mere brute blood.”  His fingers twitched in excitement as Y/N’s blood ran cold. Her palms flattened on the hardened  snow under her, and she tried pushing herself up but was forced onto her face again by a forceful kick to the back.
“Watch it! Or I might not be so lenient when it comes to your death. Behave and this might go just as fast as we caught you.” The High Lord spat on the ground next to her face and reached to grab the back of Y/N’s hair and faced her eye-to-eye. “A shame really. I thought you were going to be a good breeding stock for my men back at court. Now I just have to enjoy the pieces of you and your mother I’ll be bringing back to my home as trophies.”
How could this have happened? Y/N and her mother were traveling through the Illyrian woods on the way to visit Rhysand in the Illyrian war- camp, thinking he was going to meet them halfway until they were rendered helpless by the royals of the Spring Court. Her mother tried blocking her and getting her to escape but Y/N refused and faced down the males with her willful mother.
“Wait!” Squeaked a voice from behind the High Lord. “I’ll do it.”
Y/N watched as a wicked smile etched itself on the older males face. He dropped her limp body and trekked himself towards a young Tamlin. The boy shook from the cold and maintained eye contact with his father.
“Do you think you have it in you to kill these worthless bitches?” Ground out the High Lord and grabbed Tamlin by the shoulder. “If you can prove yourself with this measly task, then you still might find yourself with a roof over your head when we get back.”
Tamlin swallowed and took a deep breath and nodded. His father dropped the sword he had strapped on his hip to his outstretched arms.
Y/N looked around for her mother and crawled her way to her. Her mothers hands grasped for her quickly and tucked the young girl under her arm and twisted wing. She stole herself a glance to her daughter and dipped her chin low enough to get the message through.
I’m sorry I made you come with me on this trip.
This isn’t your fault, mother. I promise you I’ll find a way to get out of this. If it weren’t for those ash arrows I would have flown us out of here already. I will get us out of here. Rhys should be here soon. And-
Look at me.
Her mother grabbed her chin roughly and stopped Y/N from her internal spiraling.
I might not be able to make it. But I sure as hell will get you through this.
The son of the High Lord of Spring approached slowly. His head lowered and his lips thinned with pain. His father walked back to where the dead bodies of our group were and began giving orders to his other sons.
“I wish that it didn’t have to be this way.” Tamlin whispered.
A scoff came out of Y/N as she raised her chin. “You told them where to find us  didn’t you?”
“I didn’t think this would happen. I swear it upon the Cauldron.”
“Well it sure doesn’t look that way.” Y/N glanced back to her mother who tiredly leaned against her daughter's shoulder for support. The Lady of the Night Court tried her best to remain conscious by reminding herself of the hope she has for her daughter to escape. For her eldest child to come and rescue her.
“You can’t seriously think that we wou-” The young royal was cut off guard by her mother retching up blood onto the snow beside the both of them. Her mothers body shook and slumped back into her daughter's side.
“Tamlin.” Whispered the Lady. “I know you are much better than your wretched family. I know you have good in you.” Pain etched itself across her face.
“I need you to get Y/N out of here. Far away as possible.”
“I don’t know how. I will end up dead with the both of you.”
“No. I will tell you what you must do. But please promise me you will get her out of here.”
No. What are you doing? You can’t trust him. He will never let us go.
I just have to believe that he will let you go.
I can’t do this without you. I’m not leaving you. Look at yourself! I will get us out of here. I promised to protect you.
I know I know. Her mother grasped onto her hands and looked Y/N in her violet eyes. The eyes she stared deeply into as her reality shifted and blurred.
But I also made a promise to you when you were born. I don't know how, but I’ll make sure that you are kept out of danger. That you can live out your days and happiness. Even if that’s without me.
There is no happiness if I can’t have you in it. Please mother. Don’t leave me. Don’t make me choose-
I’ve already chosen.
“Tamlin. Cut off mine and my daughter's wings.”
“What?” Her daughter gasped out.
“Your father is going to want proof of our deaths. This is the only way. And then you may do what you want with the rest of me. But I will ask one more thing of you.” She whispered softly.
Thank you so much to everyone who showed love on this new series! Please continue to stay happy and safe! 
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headcanonsandmore · 11 months
Sergeant Benton with every Doctor (1-13)
1- I get the sense that One's initial dislike of being questioned would soften a little when dealing with Benton's sweet earnestness. Especially if Benton risks his own life to save Susan (because of course he would).
2- On the rare occasions where Two interacted with Benton, they seem to get along perfectly fine. I think that if Benton was around full time, he'd definitely develop a strong friendship with him. And, of course, Benton and Jamie would get along super well.
3- As we all know, Three was the closest to Benton out of the incarnations who met him, but I think Benton being a fully-fledged traveling companion would put an interesting spin on things. I think Benton would have a great time, although he would probably get tons of marriage proposals from the inhabitants of planets they'd travel to (I mean, he is super lovely, after all). And I'm sure Jo Grant would appreciate having her himbo bestie around.
4- Four liked Benton the most out of the UNIT soldiers he interacted with, so no surprises that he'd appreciate having Benton as a traveling companion a lot. I imagine Sarah-Jane would also appreciate a sweet himbo to bounce ideas off (especially since Benton is basically the opposite of Harry Sullivan in every way).
5- Five would get along so well with Benton, it's unreal. Benton is such a calming influence that Five would have him around just to chat over tea with. I also think the most personable of the classic Doctors would appreciate Benton's down-to-earth nature and sense of cheery humour. Also, Benton is the only UNIT man that Tegan and Nyssa would actually like, and we all know those two need at least one himbo third wheel with them at any given moment (Benton tries to sneak date money into Tegan's purse so she can take Nyssa to a cinema, Tegan gets flustered and turns bright red, Nyssa is confused but pleased nonetheless).
6- Benton would not only be able to restrain Six during his initial regeneration mood swings, but he'd also help Peri acclimatise to the situation. Mel would probably remind him a bit of Jo Grant, and he'd naturally fit into being her best friend.
7- Listen, I don't want to split up the duo of Seven and Ace, but -if I had to- Benton would slot in well. He'd be able to see through Seven's manipulations as well as acting like a sweet big brother to Ace. He'd probably get a little worried about all the pyrotechnics, though.
8- Eight would either have a slight crush on Benton, or try manipulating him into a scheme of dubious morality. Either way, Benton would have a hard time dealing with this eldritch figure. He'd probably get along well with Eight's rotating line-up of queer companions, though.
9- God-tier duo. Can you imagine human golden retriever Benton being around Nine? Nine; the incarnation with a boat-load of trauma and guilt who just wants to save people? Well, Benton's making him take a day off at the beach with some ice cream, plus some healthy discussion of emotions and wellbeing. He'd save that time lord's life just by being his friend, and it would be fantastic.
10- To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Benton got exasperated with Ten at times, especially with how he treated Martha. Also, that whole "Time Lord Victorious" thing? Couldn't happen with Benton there. Doc, I dunno about the nature of time, but you're supposed to help people, not decide who's important and who isn't *upset puppy dog eyes intensify* *Ten immediately reverts back to normal*. Oh, but can you imagine Benton around Donna? That would be amazing.
11- I feel like Benton would probably calm down Eleven's energy a bit, and would also be a nice calming influence on all the TARDIS crew. He'd also probably be a little confused by River Song, just in general. Also, he'd tell tons of embarrassing stories from when he used to babysit Kate Steward.
12- Listen, we know that Twelve has a... difficult situation with U.N.I.T but I think he'd value Benton's presence despite that. I also think Bill especially would like Benton's sweet nature. And -hey- Benton would also be immune to Missy's shenanigans so conflicts would be resolved a good deal easier. Although Benton would definitely be a little alarmed by Clara, and try to help her and Twelve ease their co-dependency.
13- Given the amount of himbos in Thirteen's TARDIS teams, I think Benton would probably fit in quite well. He'd definitely bring an 'older cousin' vibe to a friendship with Yaz, and I imagine he'd also be there for Yaz when Thirteen is being a self-sabotaging jerk. He would also probably have a double-act with Dan. The lovely din-dins man meets the Dan with a plan and a pan. 🤣😂
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greatideas-badwriter · 3 months
SasuSaku: Sacrificed To The Banished Prince Ch. 18
“And you’re sure there will be no side effects?” Sasuke asked Itachi and the investigator he’d brought along with him. 
They’d arrived days earlier than expected, interrupting Sakura’s fitting. He wished he could’ve stayed with her. Ino was ready to defend his fiance with her life, though, so he wasn’t as concerned as he’d be if she were alone with that perverted tailor. Shortly after their arrival, Sasuke was  informed the investigator, an incredibly large and muscular man named Kisame, intended to use magic to search Sakura’s memories and identify the person responsible for her attack. 
‘I’m surprised Madara sent such a high-ranking knight. He must actually care for Sakura’s well-being. I thought it was all an act. Perhaps it is, and he has another reason for sending them here.’ 
Only the best of the best are able to use magic, and even then, it was rare for it to be performed for any reason outside war and directly assisting the crown. Since he’d been banished for so long, Sasuke assumed he wasn’t truly considered part of the royal family anymore. He didn’t allow himself to feel touched by the gesture because he didn’t trust Madara after all he’d done. 
“There may be some mental distress. She’ll experience the memories as I do, so whatever trauma she’s suffered, it will be as though it’s happening again,” Itachi explained, sharing a look with Kisame. Sasuke pictured the withdrawn and terrified Sakura he’d witnessed for days after her assault and gritted his teeth, ‘I want to avenge her, but is it worth it to force her to repeat what happened?’ 
Itachi picked up on his younger brother’s hesitance, “Why don’t we speak with her first? Maybe she’ll be able to give us details she forgot to mention before since some time has passed and she’s calmed.” 
Sasuke didn’t see much issue with that but eyed the imposing knight. He was unfamiliar with Kisame. Even if Itachi vouched for him, it did little to ease his hesitance. “You don’t do anything unless I’m present. Understood?” The duo shared another look before nodding to the second prince. 
“Shall we visit my soon-to-be little sister, then?” Itachi asked. 
The three men leave Sasuke’s office and trek to the dressing room, only to find it empty. Sasuke stood there with wide eyes, ‘The fitting is over already? Then where-’ “Ah, My Lord! I was just about to serve tea to Lady Haruno and her brother. Would you like to join them?” Ino asked, appearing with a large tray of tea, cups, and cookies. 
‘Her brother is here?’ The prince nodded, gesturing for her to lead the way. Behind him, the two visitors from the capitol remained silent. 
When they arrived at the tea room, Sasuke didn’t bother knocking and entered the door. Sakura’s eyes were wide and watery as they met his. His teeth gritted as he averted his glare to the pest sitting across from her: Hihara. 
‘She’s obviously uncomfortable around him. What terrible things did he say to upset her?’ 
Feeling angry and protective, he crossed the room, sparing his fiance a glance as she rose to stand, obviously nervous. “Does the Haruno family not believe in the courtesy of sending a letter prior to visiting?” 
Hihara’s eyes narrowed, but he bowed and said, “My apologies. Our family was so concerned upon receiving your letter that I couldn’t bear to waste another second without verifying her well-being with my own eyes.” 
Itachi shared a look with Sasuke before interrupting, “It’s an honor to meet you again so soon. You’ll be pleased to hear we’ve arrived to investigate your sister’s attack.” He gestured toward Kisame, who bowed but remained silent, “The king has sent one of our best knights to personally oversee things. We won’t rest until the culprit has been brought to justice.” 
Hihara’s mouth opened as though he would respond, but the entire room became stunned when Sakura suddenly cut in, “Please call off the investigation.” The Uchiha man looked at his fiance in disbelief. She shyly grabbed onto his shirt with a trembling hand, voice unsteady, “I-I just want to put this all behind me.” 
He couldn’t believe it. He was awe-stricken to the point that he could only stare at her. 
‘What in the world…. She doesn’t want the man who hurt her to be punished? It makes no sense!’ 
Sakura’s grip tightened. Her teary eyes searched his, “Please….” 
Sasuke couldn’t do it. He couldn’t tell the traumatized woman no, not when she was all but begging him, not to mention in front of others. He also couldn’t just give up, though, so he nodded. Hesitantly, he rested a hand atop hers, the one clutching the shirt near his hip, “Only for today. We need to speak privately about this.” 
So, he instructed Ino and Sai to entertain the guests while he guided his fiance upstairs to his office. It was silent as he turned to lean against the desk with crossed arms. He looked at the visibly nervous woman avoiding his gaze, unsure of how to proceed. ‘One wrong step and she’ll fall back into that depressive state, but I can’t…. I can’t say the wrong thing. I have to convince her to let me do this.’ 
It was selfish, yes, but he wasn’t even considering giving up on the investigation. No, he had to know who was to blame, or else he’d forever feel this mind-boggling guilt. 
Eventually, he took a long, deep breath before starting the conversation neither of them wanted to have, “Why?” 
Sakura clasped her hands together in front of her, an ashamed look on her pretty features, “I already told you. I want to move on, and I can’t do that if everyone is focused on what happened all the time.” 
‘...She can’t meet my eye,’ he realized, his teeth gritting together as the woman squirmed before him, ‘She’s hiding something, maybe even outright lying to me.’ 
He took his time pondering a response. Absently he looked over to see that the sun was about to begin setting. If he was going to find something resembling a solution today, he had to do it quickly. Urged by the time constraint, he uncrossed his arms, entirely uncomfortable with his own approach, “You needn’t feel ashamed, Sakura. If you’d rather just speak with me, or even your maid, we can do that. The others don’t have to be involved.” Inwardly, he was a little proud of himself for speaking clearly. This entire conversation was something he never thought he’d take part in. 
Alas, the woman didn’t respond as he hoped. She shook her head, her tears finally overflowing. He watched as she shakily wiped at them, sniffling quietly, “I can’t, Sasuke. I really can’t. Please don’t make me.” 
Sasuke’s resolve cracked. Then, it crumbled. A terrible sensation met his chest at the sight of his fiance so broken, especially when it felt it was completely his fault. 
‘When did I become so affected by such things?’ he wondered, biting back a sigh to not upset her further. 
Almost awkwardly, he held out a hand. The woman blinked, still sniffling, upon noticing. She accepted it after a moment, her smaller hand nearly akin to a child's in his. Then, it was as though his body naturally knew what to do. Sasuke gently pulled her closer. Either she was humoring him or genuinely felt comforted by the gesture because her arms wrapped around his middle, and she whispered words of thanks into his shirt while attempting to calm herself. 
He wrapped one arm around her, the other hand coming to the back of her head so she’d stay where she was. 
Sasuke rested his chin atop her head, finally allowing the sigh to pass his lips. Soon, Sakura was calmed enough to return to her room, where the maid Ino was ready to distract her from the guests. The prince, on the other hand, entered the tea room to see Hihara, Itachi, and Kisame silently sipping tea, Sai standing near the door to keep an eye on things. The butler gave his boss a particular look that said it’d been quiet the entire time he was gone. 
“How is she?” Itachi asked as Sasuke took a seat beside Hihara, the only one available at the table. 
He curtly nodded, sparing the redheaded Haruno man a brief glare, “Upset. She’s resting.” 
“Were you able to convince her to continue the investigation?” Hihara asked. The other three turned their gazes onto him, and he straightened his spine while defending himself, “She’s my sister. I have a right to know about her well-being.” 
Clearing his throat, Sasuke shook his head, “She’s adamant that she wants to put this behind her. I couldn’t talk her out of it.” 
Hihara laughed, earning irritated glances from the others, “Sakura’s being stubborn? I’ve never witnessed such a thing in my life.” 
The pinkette’s fiancee opened his mouth to bark a retort at the annoying man, only for Kisame to suddenly speak, “Experiencing severe trauma has the ability to alter people’s sense of self. She must be too afraid at the moment to confront it.” 
The room became quiet as they pondered the poor woman. A sharp pain shot up Sasuke’s neck from the curse’s tattoo, and he naturally brought a hand to it with a wince. 
Understanding met Itachi’s face, and he gestured for Sai, “Show Lord Haruno to a room for the evening, please.” The butler nodded, bowing politely before guiding the confused redhead from the tearoom. 
Once the door was shut, Kisame rose to lock it, and the first Uchiha prince moved to stand against the wall with crossed arms, watching his little brother struggle to remain silent amidst the shift. 
“...Thank….you…” Sasuke managed. 
“Should we restrain The Curse?” Kisame asked. 
“Our agreement still stands,” he forced out, a hand clutching his chest as though he couldn’t breathe, “He won’t cause too much trouble so long as he can see Sakura.” 
Itachi and the knight shared a surprised look, the former asking, “He wasn’t the one who-” “No!” Sasuke interrupted, feeling the demon’s rage explode inside him in response to the accusation. 
Then. it was Akuma standing there and no longer the prince. Catching his breath, he held the first prince’s gaze with a frown. ‘They’re here to identify my prey.’ 
Slow and deliberate, his glowing gaze turned onto the large knight by the door, his teeth curling back to reveal his sharpened canines, “You’ll lend me your mana so I can do the memory spell.” Kisame’s eyes widened before turning to Itachi and gauging his response. “Don’t look at your master, Dog! You answer to me until I say otherwise!” 
Itachi’s arms uncrossed, a serious glint in his dark eyes, “She said to cancel the investigation.” Akuma was before him in a flash with a handful of his shirt in his fist as he all but spat in his face, “And I said to aid me anyway!” 
He’d had enough of waiting around and watching his sacrifice struggle to deal with everyday life. He wanted back who she was before. If he couldn’t have that, the next best thing was to torture and destroy the person responsible for ruining his fun. The demon was no longer interested in playing nice. 
To his surprise, the Uchiha man curtly nodded, admitting quietly, “If it’s you, then she won’t blame Sasuke for breaking a promise.” He turned to Kisame and said, “Do as he says. I’ll take responsibility when the king finds out.” 
So, the trio sat down so Kisame could explain some details of the process. “It will be as though you are personally experiencing what occurred. You’ll feel, taste, hear, see, and smell everything.” 
“Spare me the warnings. I’m familiar with spells similar to this one.” 
Half an hour later, the trio ascended the stairs to the second floor. It was nighttime, but Sakura wasn’t asleep. Ino opened the door, took one look at each of the men’s faces, and nodded before excusing herself with a quiet apology toward her pink-haired friend. 
Sakura rose from the bed with a suspicious face, “What’s going on…?” She asked. 
Akuma spoke as calmly as possible in his enraged state, “Sit.” 
She obeyed but also seemed to be piecing together the situation. Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at Itachi and Kisame before meeting the demon’s gaze again and whispering, “Please don’t do this.” 
“Come near us, and I’ll behead you both,” Akuma warned the two capital men. 
Kisame performed the spell necessary to lend him his mana, and when he felt the power flood his veins, he knelt before the pinkette. She was positively trembling from head to toe. A tiny bit of guilt met his chest as he cautiously pressed his torso between her legs as she sat on the edge of the bed, ‘I don’t care how much she hates me after this. I have to know who did it.’ 
In an effort to bring her even the tiniest bit of comfort, he interlaced their fingers on both hands, speaking firmly so she wouldn’t dare try to run, “Don’t disobey me.” Before Sakura could respond, he did it. He cast the spell while pressing his forehead to hers. 
Instantly, Akuma felt something he’d only ever felt in the presence of the leader of Hell: complete and utter terror. His vision was too blurry because of the tears to make out anything solid, but he didn’t need to see to know what was happening. He could feel it: the confusion, the fear, the pain. 
He could hear Sakura’s muffled sobs as though they were leaving his own mouth. He could taste the cotton of the cloth in her mouth as she tried and failed to spit it out and scream. 
The demon was scared. He was scared of what he was feeling, but more than anything, he was afraid Sakura would never recover from something this awful. He’d underestimated how horrible such a thing could be. He was disgusted with himself for the times in the past he’d done this to the helpless souls in purgatory. He was also angry that he felt that way because he was supposed to be a demon and not care about trivial things like human emotions. 
Suddenly a voice met his ears. It was familiar. “This is the body of a dancer’s daughter? I understand why Father couldn’t help himself, now.” 
‘Is that…?’ 
It couldn’t be who he suspected. No, because Sakura would’ve said something immediately, right? But she blinked in the memory, temporarily clearing her vision enough to make out dark green eyes, blood-red hair, and a disgusting, amused expression on Hihara Haruno’s face as he stole his sister’s innocence and relished in the act. 
Sakura managed to empty her mouth of whatever gagged her and begged, “P-Please, stop! It hurts!” And it did hurt. Every centimeter he moved felt like her core was being torn to shreds. 
Akuma was too engrossed to pull himself from the memory, too stunned by the truth. He felt the poor Haruno woman struggle the entire time, experienced the gut-wrenching sensation of self-disgust when Hihara told her she was a whore and that she’d ruin everyone’s name if she told a soul about what happened. 
As Akuma watched the redheaded man dress and leave the broken woman alone, his rage began to mix in with Sakura’s angst. His vision became coated in red as he looked down at her bloodied body and bedsheets. 
‘How dare he…! I’ll tear every vein from his body, one by one!’ 
There were muffled voices meeting his comprehension, but he couldn’t focus on them as Sakura struggled off the bed only to fall into a heap on the floor because the pain between her legs was too severe. 
‘She’s hurt. She’s bleeding. I have to help her. I have to get her out of there!’ Those weren’t his thoughts, just then, but Sasuke’s. 
‘The magic must be affecting him, too.’ It was enough to snap the demon from his uncontrollable state, and he deactivated the spell.
Suddenly, Akuma was back to his own body, his own consciousness. His eyes shot open to see blank green ones filled with tears. Sakura didn’t blink as she sat in a daze as though hypnotized. She was only taking in short, quick breaths. Her hands were clutching his as tightly as she was probably capable. He felt hot, wet tears force themself from his own eyes, though they were made of blood since he was a demon, remnants of what he’d felt in her mind, and a growl rumbled low in his chest. 
“Did you see who it was?” Itachi asked, snapping the demon from his stupor. 
His head jerked to the side to fix the prince with a menacing glare, “Watch over her,” he barked, slipping away from the traumatized, frozen woman. 
Kisame called after him, “Who was it!” 
He ignored it. 
The swine responsible was so close, under the same roof. Akuma searched room after room, slamming each door open as he hunted Hihara Haruno, only to encounter a few maids in the final room of the manor. 
“Where is the man with red hair?!” He bellowed, barely containing his murderous energy. 
A brunette one that sometimes tended to Sakura pointed toward the stairs to the first floor as she cowered with the others, “H-He left by horse while you were with Lady Haruno. He said something urgent had come up.”  
The demon didn’t stop to put on a coat before sprinting from the manor. He used what little mana remained from that knight to quicken his steps as he tried to track down the swine responsible for hurting Sakura. He ran and ran for hours until the first signs of sunrise met the horizon. 
The exercise hadn’t dulled his rage. No, he roared with all the might of a beast, ripping through half-dead trees with bloodied claws. Akuma yelled to no one, “I’ll rip out his throat! I’ll drink every ounce of his blood!” 
He didn’t stop his outburst until the sun rose and he had no choice because Sasuke shifted into control and wasn’t capable of the same level of devastation. Panting heavily from all the activity, the Uchiha prince let himself fall onto his back on the snow, his dark eyes wide on the cloudy sky as he attempted to comprehend all that’d happened through the night. For a long time, nothing happened, and his thoughts were hardly structured. 
Eventually, he snapped out of it and spoke in a raspy, eerily calm voice, “I will kill him.” 
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idkaguyorsomething · 1 month
Sailor Earth and the Crystal Senshi and Firelord Katara both sound interesting, could you tell me a little about them?
Fire Lord Katara is a slight AU fic where, after the Agni Kai in the finale, Zuko ends up in a coma for a hot minute, leaving something of a succession crisis as to who will take the throne. As it turns out, Katara. Katara takes the throne and becomes Fire Lord because technically she’s the one who defeated Azula in an Agni Kai. What follows is her trying to navigate the royal court, dismantle the bender’s prisons, and pay reparations to other nations without getting overthrown, at least until Zuko’s recovered enough to take back the throne. Iroh, Ty Lee, Mai, Suki, Hama, and maybe Azula are all involved. There’s not actually much romance, mostly just Katara trying to make the best of a tough situation while being her awesome self. A story of politics, trauma, unexpected friendships, Katara badassery, dismantling the prison system, and tea. Technically more of an outline than anything else at the moment.
Sailor Earth and the Crystal Senshi is a Sailor Moon roleswap between the Inner Senshi and Heavenly Kings with a bit of mystery. Mamoru rescues a talking cat one day who discovers that for some reason he is the guardian of the moon, even though by all accounts this shouldn’t be possible. Even more mysteriously, four other teens manifest the power of the other planets despite being boys, and there’s a weird blonde vigilante that keeps shooting top hats at people, plus reports of four young women going missing whose descriptions match up with the generals they’re battling… it takes more inspiration from the old anime than the new one, but it’s not a beat-for-beat retread, and there’s a lot of exploration of gender roles and identity going on in between everyone trying to figure out why all these people have the wrong powers. A story of transgenderism, dysphoria, questioning one's assigned roles, confusing feelings, fabulous crossdressing, mystery, and THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP Also I changed the ages to make it a bit less squicky. Here’s an excerpt:
Masato set his drink down and looked at the binder again. The picture stared up at him, that stoic face inscrutable. He’d reread all the information over and over again, and all he’d gotten out of it was a headache.
“Heeeey!” a shout made him look up. Usagi stood across the street, waving at Masato. Behind her stood Jirou, both of them carrying several brightly colored shopping bags.
“What’s going on?” before long, the duo was seated across from him, setting their bags down in the cafe floor, and Jirou was asking him questions. “Weren’t you supposed to be paying off that shrine today?”
“That’s already done,” Masato waved him off. “Something more important’s come up. Where's Mamoru?”
"He was called in to work today," Jirou shrugged. "Some flash-in-the-pan diva idol showed up at the studio and they needed all hands on deck to record a music video."
"I wanted to come along, but he said no," sighed Usagi. She looked up with a dreamy expression on her face. "Could you imagine being an idol and having all those adoring fans?"
"I don't need to," Jirou grinned haughtily. A bit of his model's grace found its way into his pose. "It's good of you to keep imagining, though. Everyone should have at least a few impossible fantasies."
Usagi smacked him with one of her shopping bags. She turned her attention towards the spread of paper that Masato had laid out over the table. "What's all this?"
"Paperwork for the shrine," answered Masato. "I was reviewing how many people worked there to see how many people to compensate."
"How interesting," said Jirou, rolling his eyes. "I don't suppose you have any of that huge allowance of yours left over to compensate the brave heroes who saved the shrine?"
Masato ignored him and kept talking. "However, I learned that one of the workers there had disappeared a few months ago. The granddaughter of the owner, a young lady who was by all accounts very hard working and dedicated to her job. What's more, she disappeared only a few weeks before the youma attacks began, according to Luna."
Both Usagi and Jirou's expressions grew more serious.
"Hey, what're you implying here?" asked Jirou.
Masato laid down the photo on the table and Usagi immediately snatched it up. Both she and Jirou's eyes widened when they saw who it depicted.
"General Mars?" she gasped. Masato nodded solemnly.
"Wait, but- no, the youma transform their victims all the time, so their leaders-" Jirou curled his hands into fists and let out a cry of frustration. "This is a joke, right?"
"Do you think I'd joke about something like this?" Masato snapped. "We may have been responsible for the death of an innocent girl brainwashed by the Dark Kingdom."
Usagi, looking down, clutched the photo to her chest and asked softly "What do we tell Mamoru?"
"I don't know," he rubbed his fingers against his temples.
"We tell him the truth, obviously," Jirou glared at Masato. "And we ask that stupid cat if she knew about any of this, and if there's a way to turn people back from being generals."
"Yeah, maybe Luna can help!" Usagi said with a sense of renewed hope.
"Maybe," Masato let out a sigh. "But let's just give Mamoru some time before telling him anything, alright? It would be counterproductive to not tell him, but with his work and this new 'General Venus', he already has a lot on his mind. Let's just not put everything on him at once, alright?"
The others agreed that it was already a busy weekend, perhaps they should wait until the end of it to lay this revelation on Mamoru. The stresses of leading a double life were known to all of them. Just focusing on one or the other instead of trying to juggle both was practically a break at this point. A little bit of tedium might have been what all of them needed right now, especially Mamoru.
Elsewhere, Mamoru was being chased by a giant record label youma hurling exploding vinyls at him.
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cerromoreno · 3 months
Ok so I’m absolutely head over heels for canon Starbula, of course. BUT. I was rewatching What If? season one’s “What If T’Challa Became a Star-Lord?” episode and got INSPIRED. 
What if THIS Nebula...
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...still connected (and eventually got together) with THIS Peter Quill?
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Rewatching this episode, it was so fun to see what Nebula with less cybernetic replacements and trauma would be like. But until now, I’d just recalled that this episode's universe ended in a tragedy, with Ego harnessing Dairy Queen!Peter to destroy the galaxy. (I totally forgot that later in the season, we actually do see T'challa save Peter - oops 😅)
Anyway, after my recent rewatch - and before I remembered that T'challa does save the day in canon - I was like…wait a second. This is the MCU we’re talking about, and these characters have faced certain-apocalypses like this a million times before. And season 2 of What If? just showed Peter breaking free of Ego’s control as a kid, so it could definitely happen here. 
So anyway, I started imagining what might happen in this universe to bring Peter and Nebula together, post-episode, and thought the ensuing headcanon was cute enough to share!
Basically, once Ego starts wreaking havoc on earth with a newly-mind-controlled Peter, our heroes Nebula, T’Challa, etc. are quickly alerted to the disaster and fly over to Missouri from Wakanda. In the ensuing fight, Nebula, T'Challa, and Co. realize that Peter is the key to Ego’s power and current destruction, so they try to get Peter away from him. At some point in the fight, Nebula and Peter are somehow separated from the rest of the Ravagers. Maybe when it’s clear they won’t be able to defeat Ego right now, everyone decides to get in their ships to escape and regroup. Peter's next to Nebula, so she grabs him and runs into her ship with him in tow. T’Challa and the others say they'll distract Ego long enough for Nebula and Peter to escape via a jump point.
This basically happens, but maybe Nebula's ship is damaged by Ego in the space fight/escape. So once Nebula and Peter have gotten safely away from Ego, she realizes she's unable to contact the rest of the Ravagers for some reason. Maybe Ego's attack broke her comm, or the ship is damaged enough that she has to crash land on a nearby planet after leaving the jump point. Basically, she and Peter are stuck together on their own for a while, unable to reconnect with the Ravagers.
Initially, Nebula is pissed at Peter for forcing her to separate from her friends and being the cause of this galaxy-level threat (even though, as she learns later, it’s not actually his fault). Poor Peter is totally overwhelmed and freaked out. He’s just had his world turned upside down, is now in space, and this (beautiful) blue alien is yelling at him about how the galaxy is in danger thanks to him.
Over time, however, as Nebula realizes the only way to stop Ego is to help Peter hone his newly-awakened abilities, she starts to warm up to this strange Terran. Peter is his usual charming, funny, and clever self, so as he learns from Nebula about how to survive and fight in space, tries to help her fix the ship, and practices using his powers, he slowly begins to win her over. Lots of cute bonding ensues, and the two eventually become something like the strong and trusting partnership we see in GOTG3.
At some point, Ego finally finds and captures T’Challa and uses him to lure Nebula and Peter back, so he can re-kidnap Peter. (Maybe Nebula finally fixes her comm, and when she does, she learns that T’Challa has been captured by Ego.) Of course, Ego ends up getting defeated by our dynamic duo, totally caught off guard by how powerful Peter has become with his powers. Hooray the galaxy is saved lol
Once they rescue T’Challa from Ego's captivity, Peter watches Nebula run into his arms, the two of them tightly embracing each other in relief. Peter gets self-conscious, realizing that he doesn’t actually belong here in space with them. He belongs back in Missouri, back at the stupid Dairy Queen, not here. There’s no way that Nebula, who he’d been slowly developing feelings for, would ever want to be with him over perfect actual-prince and Star-Lord, T'Challa.
But surprise! Even though Nebula definitely had *~vibes~* in that What If? episode with T’Challa (side note: I think it’s funny that no matter the universe, Nebula is always deeply connected with that universe’s Star-Lord!), during her solo adventures with Peter, she’s realized that she’s actually falling for this goofy Terran. 
So Nebula basically tells Peter that his true home is in space (with her 🥲), and invites him to joins the Ravagers. Maybe they confess their feelings at this point, or maybe the slow burn continues slow-burning longer. Probably the latter lol. But either way, this universe’s Nebula and Peter continue to be badasses across the galaxy together, just in a different way from the MCU canon!
I just think the idea of this version of Peter, who’s never been to space and generally has no idea what’s going on, still managing to charm this version of Nebula…is the absolute cutest. And the fact that no matter the universe, these two will somehow always find each other 🥹
PS As I said before, I totally forgot that later in What If? season one (episode 9), it actually shows T'Challa saving Peter from Ego lol. But after rewatching that episode too, I was happy to see all of those scenes still fit here, so my headcanon is technically still canon-compliant 😆
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ultimateissuessimp · 14 days
Lost and Found
Chapter 8 FINALE - What needed to be done
Word count: 2,469
Warnings: descriptions of gore (will be marked with = at the moment it starts and = when it ends), mentioned death of a character, trauma, bad writing
Genre: Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
Notes: All dividers that I use are made by me (If you see art that I have used, but not credited - please notify me), you might notice that even though it says "featuring Team Free Will" there's not a lot of them there as one would think. In fact they are not even mentioned by their names which was intentional ince the sotry does not focus on them but the reader and Morpheus, they're the ones that matter the most after all.
FINALE. Thank you for surviving through while reading this and for the love this story had received!
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Y/N landed with a loud grunt on the hard concrete in front of the motel. He tried to get up and look around, assess where he was and how to get out of the shitty situation, but was stopped by a foot landing on his back, pushing him back down onto the concrete and making him let out a pained groan.
Then he heard voices, two voices that were getting closer and closer. He turned his head to the side, seeing the familiar to him duo and groaned out again, this time of annoyance.
-I'd recommend leaving right now, boys. Unless you'd like to go through something worse than Hell - he said, his voice strained over how tightly he was being pressed to the ground.
-Who do you think you are to tell us what to do? - the blonde shouted out in a gruff voice that clearly spoke of how pissed off the man was, his brother next to him had a focused, serious expression on his face as he observed the situation, weapons drawn and pointed at the nightmare.
-I'm trying to save your fucking lives, you ungrateful prick! - he shouted back, struggling against the hold on his body before finally reaching his dagger that he hid at his hip while Valgrat was busy snarling and growling at the hunters.
He swung his arm out, with precision cutting the nightmare's leg, making it screech and jump back from him. Y/N quickly stood up to face Valgrat, dagger at the ready while he looked around for anything that he could use as a distraction so he could easily capture the being.
He knew it wouldn't be easy, especially with the nightmare's unsteady and chaotic nature. He had to think and he had to do it fast. Otherwise he would end up with two dead hunters and probably serious injuries on himself. He saw Valgrat charging at him and he jumped to the side, having to do a roll because of the force he put into it. After all, Valgrat was not a small, puny being.
-Hey, listen to me! I have no fucking idea why you chose to throw a hissy fit and run from the Dreaming, but you have to go back and maybe, MAYBE Lord Morpheus will let not disintegrate you! - Y/N yelled towards the nightmare which seemed to only piss him off and try to charge at him again. He heard shots being fired right at Valgrat, which made him freeze and whip his head to the hunters.
-Stop! Just fucking leave! You're going to make everything worse! Plus, you're only going to aggravate him more! Your stupid guns won't do anything to him! - he shouted angrily, pointing with his outstretched hand towards the nightmare before turning towards his target once again and taking out his necklace from underneath his shirt. Before he got the chance to do an incantation that would slow Valgrat down, he got blown away with one powerful strike before landing five meters away in the arms of the being's creator.
-Stop this childish nonsense at once, Valgrat. You've killed many humans, broke the most important of rules that I made and now you're hurting the person that stuck up for you so many times. It's pathetic - Morpheus said, quite calmly while his facial expression spoke of danger. That's why he never wanted to land on the wrong side of the Dream Lord. He was intimidating when he wasn't even trying to be, but right now? The coldness to his voice? The deep disappointment mixed anger at being crossed by one of his own creations? It was bone chilling. Terrifying. If he was anyone else, he would try to run the moment he saw him in this state, but he wasn't just anyone and he definitely would not run.
-Can we end the yapping? There's a monster that needs to be taken care of! - the blonde male shouted again, never even for a second lowering his gun away from the nightmare. His brother though started to look a bit more understanding of the situation and tried to get the older man to calm down before he makes the situation worse, but still somewhat trying to be supportive by keeping his gun on the nightmare as well.
This only brought Valgrat's attention back to them and made him attack. Y/N quickly got out of the Dream Lord's hold and ran towards them, getting in between and started to spell out an incantation before Valgrat got right up in his face and looked deeply into his eyes with his own voids, making the breath he was intaking catch in his throat. His eyes turned milky white as he stood there, multiple horrendous images from his life flashing right in front of him like a PowerPoint presentation.
He started sweating, breathing got heavy as he looked around, panicking when a specific memory stopped right before him. The one he dreaded the most. The reason why his relationship with Morpheus was so strained. He stared right in front of himself at the small girl standing there, looking back at him with her void eyes. A sign of it actually being Valgrat and not his niece. Yet that didn't make him feel any better about the whole thing.
-Why don't you tell him? Why don't you tell him how much of a coward you are? That you were a pathetic excuse of a nightmare hunter that could barely save his niece? I wonder how you even thought that would happen? You came to the manor, created chaos, tried to get to the basement where you knew they kept him, yet were stopped by a young boy… A young boy who wanted to be appreciated by his father, holding your niece at gun point. What did you do? Did you fight? Did you try and save both of them? - a voice of a little girl with the echo of a deep, growly one was able to be heard through the void. His fake niece stared at his with disgust before disappearing and showing a scene it previously described.
Y/N could only stare in shock, completely frozen in place with guilt, shame and fear. It felt like being back there all over again and he hated it. He hated it with every fiber in his body. He observed as the fake him looked in shock at the boy threatening to shoot his niece, while the old man grinned in the most vile way possible at the situation that was unfolding before him, taking in joy out of it.
-Whatever you think you're doing, it's not worth it, kid, believe me. Please, just… Let her go, she didn't do anything, she doesn't have to be a part of this! - the fake him pleaded, trying to get to the boy with his words, one hand outstretched towards them while taking a step closer. The boy only tightened his hold on the pistol and pressed it even more to her head, making her cry out in fear and cower, trying to get away from harm's way. Y/N stopped in his tracks, his stomach almost in his throat as he looked at the boy, silently pleading him to stop.
-I think it's too late for that now, Nightmare Hunter. She has been a part of this the moment my dear friend told me about you and how you would try to destroy my plans. I know everything about you and her. Now you're going to leave and never try to save that devil in the glass cage again or your sweet little niece will lose her life - the man said from behind him, taking a few steps towards the little six year old girl, taking a lock of her hair and twirling it in between his fingers. - Said friend also told me how to extract one's soul. Not only that though, no. Extracting is a child's play. He told me how to destroy it. You have no idea how easy is that. You don't want to see what will happen to her soul if you don't leave and stop trying to come here - he added, showing the girl's said soul in a little see through container, glowing brightly like a star in the night, which filled Y/N with dread.
-Fine! I'll leave! - he shouted, both hands in front himself as he tried to diffuse the situation. He thought about it, figured out that Dream was strong, he knew he would withstand whatever was brought onto him and his niece not. It pained him to choose, but he had to and he promised his best friend that he would take care of her daughter. She would kill him right now for even getting her into a situation like this one. He had to save her.- Just please… Don't hurt her… - he said more quietly, a pleading look on his face as his eyes kept going from his terrified niece to the smug old man.
-Oh you can take her with you for all I care. All you have to do is leave and never come back, but that shiny little thing? No, that is staying with me. Not only is it my leverage over you so you don't pull some shit on me, but it also makes a fine addition to my collection - Burgess said with a smirk, waving the container around before hiding it again.
-You'll fucking pay for this, Roderick Burgess… - Y/N hissed out, his eyes filled with anger as he stared at him with the biggest amount of hate he had ever felt in his life. Not only was he unable to save his lover, he was unable to save his niece too. He felt useless, unworthy of his titles, unworthy of his lover and his niece.
Suddenly everything disappeared in front of the real Y/N's eyes that were filled with angry and guilty unshed tears, shame coursing through his veins more than the blood his heart was pumping. Just like that, he was brought back to reality where he was being shaken by the taller hunter while the older one was looking at him with wide eyes before staring to the side at the Dream Lord who began dealing with the nightmare. What felt like eternity in his personal hell, was actually just a couple of seconds in the real world.
-Did you know he could hear you? Sadly only the part where you declared that you will leave… It almost sounded like you… Gave up on him. So unlucky… - the nightmare said to Y/N, his deep, growly voice with that echo reverberating through everyone's chests while he was getting disintegrated.
Y/N only fell forward onto the concrete, his hands outstretched against it, holding him up, shakily, yet strong enough for the time being. Tears of sorrow flowed down his cheeks as he tried to calm himself down from hyperventilating. He saw a pair of black boots before himself and he didn't dare look up, terrified of the thought of what he could see on the face of the man his heart ached for. Yet then he felt arms wrap around him and pull him into a secure embrace. His breath caught in his throat as he closed his eyes tightly and wrapped his arms around Morpheus tightly.
-You do not have to explain anything. I have seen what you had to do… I'm sorry you ever had to choose between me and your family. It was unfair to you - Morpheus said quietly, his voice hush and deep as he tried to soothe the man in his arms. - I forgive you - he added, pressing his forehead against the top of Y/N's head, making the man sob quietly, his hold tightening of Morpheus, afraid it was just another trick coming from Valgrat.
The two hunters couldn't help, but stare at the situation before them before the taller man placed his hand on the older one's shoulder and made him walk away a bit to give the two men some privacy during their moment. They could ask the questions later and they had many. Suddenly the angel, ready to fight if needed, yet very much late, appeared next to them, scaring the living shit out of both of them, the blonde pushing him away, irritated at being spooked.
-Stop doing that! - the blonde hissed out, looking at the angel with annoyance before turning around and walking away a few meters to sit down in the bench not too far away from the motel. The two men followed him, one having much more questions than the other since he was absent during what was happening there.
-Y/N… I want you to look at me. I'll find your niece's soul, I promise that to you - the Dream Lord said, looking at the man in his arms with sincerity and affection that comfortably started to seep out once again, just like in the old times.
-I don't know how to thank you. Not only did I fail as a lover, I also failed as a guardian of my niece. I don't deserve your forgiveness and neither do I deserve her's - he sobbed out, his eyes red from all the tears that only kept on streaming down his face. He couldn't stop them at this point.
-Don't you dare say that again. You did what you had to do. You chose an option that you deemed as the best one and I can't blame you for that. I realised that I unrightuflly blamed you for over a century and let you suffer through all of that - Morpheus said, running his hand through the man's hair before placing the gentlest of kisses on his forehead, then slowly helping him stand up. - Now let us depart. We have work to do, my love - he added with the slightest of smiles as he looked at Y/N that spoke of the utmost love he held for him while their pinkies were joined together.
The three males that were still waiting on the bench not so far away saw, that the two beings began to slip away from them and immediately took off to catch them while they could, yelling after the two that they demanded some answers on what the fuck occurred there, what they were, what that thing they fought was. Basically anything that would grant them knew knowledge about the supernatural. They only got an amused look from Morpheus and a wave of his fingers with a slight chuckle from Y/N before they disappeared in a whirl of sand and with them all of their things from their room, leaving the three alone near the motel.
-Son of a bitch! - yelled the blonde.
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icy-watch · 1 month
Good lord, Icy. What have you been drinking and where can I get some?? I mean, when you start analyzing the wood?? Hello??? And you mention the Underworld??? 😭 Okay those meanings are kind of insane, maybe hold onto them. Interpretive freedom and all. Is it too late to convince you this has nothing to do with Wukong (as if all of LMK hasn't already had to do with him) and is just a reference to the opening theme lyrics Familiar Tales, New Adventures? XD I referenced it before because I knew it was sneaky enough heh. Last episode, Mac dragged in the Not-Mayor like your street cat bringing dead things into the house, this episode he is the house cat caught 10 seconds before disaster tied up in a ball of yarn. Kidding kidding, but true as well. Remember the "tied up in his own shadows and chains?" Yeah, weird. So apparently (and keep in mind, sometimes flashbacks can be biased!) that bit really did happen and Wukong was there to see it. It's not just everyone they've fought against, it seems to be...a memory almost, wouldn't you say, Icy? Macaque tied up like that, the tear/blood drop I promised you? The especially evident "Monkey, no violence!" you hear after? Tripitaka and the fillet??? Also Wukong's face when seeing his friend <3 <3 <3 and his instinctive yell when hearing Tripitaka OOOH 👀 omg. I'm all over that. Does it still bother him? I mean with how often the headband dug into his head, how much it hurt, oh he's got lasting issues. Rip </3 your turn to get trauma triggered. Oh yeah, also the translation. Mac here says, "You're nothing!" Like, I think I said it reflected what he told MK in The Winning Side. As a theory for what he told Wukong. "Your staff's gone, your power and freedom's gone. You're not the Monkey King, you're nothing!" if he found him with the pilgrims. But his line and Nezha's are taken from previous episodes, so are they meant to be parallels of the further/not recent past or, just chosen from there? We're pretty split on how Mac reacted tbh, and the Chinese dub has him say "You abandoned me!" which changes the meaning entirely. And falls in line with Shadow Play. The new characters' lines are pretty solidly from the past so eh. Maybe both. I talk a lot about the monkeys (and I'll probably refer to them as shadowpeach for convenience's sake when speaking of their scenes together despite it being a ship name, their duo name is eclipse/sundial duo but we're all just too used to the former.) anyways, this is meant to say that this season, for the sake of a certain someone in your note's favorite antagonist, I will be rewatching s4 to sort them out :P I think its worth the effort, what with fandom repeatedly being extra weird with your fav, I get it, so may as well explain what the heck might be going on.
Little teenage Icy went thru a witch phase to try and curse people. I learned about different woods and stuff. My tarot knowledge came out of this time in my life too.
Miiiiiiight be a little too late lol.
Oh, that's interesting. Memories. Hmmmm...
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transsexualhamlet · 2 months
2, 5, 6, 17 for silm :33
my goodness!! asks for me!!
fandom ask game
2- my three favorite characters and why I love them so much
You cant make me do this. This is so incriminating dear fucking lord
I really like I have a lot more favorites than this I promise I appreciate the good hardworking men and elves that don't kill people. But my top three are Sauron, Melkor, and Fëanor, with Túrin and Maedhros tied in fourth.
The reason that I love Melkor first of all is that Tolkien is a Catholic and I feel the need to sympathize with the fantasy devil because his original intentions were extremely relatable and I think he was right to rebel against them, and the reason most of the things turned out the way they did was directly because God Wanted Them That Way. And just as much so, I love seeing him go down that path of destruction and slowly lose more and more of himself to his hunger, anger, and pain. He's also just a fucking pathetic loser and I like to make fun of him.
Liking Sauron obviously goes hand in hand with Melkor, but I must place him in the #1 spot because there is much more material to work from about him. What is compelling about him is not only in the beautiful handcrafted bdsm servant/master relationship he has going on, but the descent of how he slowly becomes Melkor as the ages go on. I could obviously go on about this at length, but in short, seeing the way in which he grieves is endlessly terrifying. He's got everything. He's a tumblr sexyman. He's a furry. He's allergic to women. He's a cult leader. He's a weeping widower. He lost a fight to a dog.
As for Fëanor, he's just a deeply complex and deeply flawed character. The word that always comes to mind with him is catalyst. He is the reason the events of the Silmarillion occcur. He is an anomaly, so horrifically overpowered and overproductive he singlehandedly started a fucking world war. And yet despite the immensity of his hubris you cannot say that the results of his choices have not had profoundly positive impacts on the world. It is unimaginable to see what the landscape would looklike without him. He is insane. He BURSTS INTO FLAMES AND DIES
Little blurbs for Maedhros and Túrin too , just cause I really do care for them. Everyone loves Maedhros, so I can just gesture to the rest of the fandom for that, but there's so little Túrin love. It's very easy to explain why I like him. It's because he's literally Hamlet. Túrin is Hamlet. I'm so sorry.
5- the scene from it that lives in my head rent free
Obviously we all love the dramatic mythical History Moments but I must highlight two of the most stupid ass fucking scenes I will never get over.
Sauron sending out a comedically large number of increasingly ferocious werewolves to fight Luthien's bitch ass dog and then eventually revealing his hot werewolf form only to be immediately curbstomped and made to listen to the most soulcrushing diss track in the world about his relationship with Melkor
Melkor showing up 20 feet tall to Fëanor's doorstep ready to give his extensive presentation on, to summarize, "can i try rizzing you up. pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease", only to be insulted and have the door slammed in his face
6- which is my favorite platonic or familial relationship in this world
Perfect question for the Silmarillion because fucking everyone is related even the people who are married to each other. But seriously the importance of familial relationships in this thang is immense
I believe it would have to be the relationships between the sons of Fëanor, especially Maedhros and Maglor, the power duo of kinslaying bros. The relationship between them and their father as well as between Maedhros, Maglor, and Elrond + Elros is honestly just as important to me. These are evidently a fandom favorite. It's so fucking heartbreaking I can't do it I love doomed siblings so fucking much my fucking god. And the parenting and the generational trauma and the fatal flaws and AAAARGH.
17- the worldbuilding aspect of the story I have greatest admiration for.
You can't not have admiration for the sheer fucking scale of Tolkien's goddamn world. Not just the quantity of it, but in the attention to detail, the decades of work gone unpublished until after his death, the purposeful folkloric and language resources he uses to create it. I don't need to say more about this it's quite evident.
tysm jd you're aweoseome and cool
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zaenaris · 2 years
You know, a lot of people showed Taiju as super homophobic in fic because he's a strong believer. BUT I think that it's a lot more funny to imagine that he's ok with gay couples but just doesn't show it. Like my CatDog duo and stuff. Imagine him being done because Kokonui doesn't get together when it's obvious. Imagine him being DONE to see his brother being all "Taka-chan <3" but not realize that he's in love. And that he seriously wonders if he must ask Mitsuya to date his brother for Hakkai
I guess I’ve been lucky and I haven’t seen many homophonic Taiju fics (I read them, but it was long ago, before the InuNeko thing) because, just like you, I love thinking he’s the ally you don’t expect 🤣
Sure he’s a very religious person but I believe he’s on the “everyone is well accepted in the House of the Lord” side of the matter, and iirc some Pope also said that gay people are okay or something, so he just rolls with that.
I started believing in Ally!Taiju precisely when the whole InuNeko thing happened🤣 I want to believe he cannot be homophobic when he gave us the canon in-universe ship name for Koko and Inupi lol. Also, in his own way, I think Taiju always really cared for his InuNeko duo, even during the black Dragon arc
I admit I re evaluated Taiju a lot since the BD arc when he was introduced and while maybe in the beginning I didn’t really thought about him, and I didn’t like him (but I appreciated him as a character/antagonist) now ally!Taiju lives rent free in my head lol
It was probably so irritating for Taiju watching Inupi and Koko dancing around each other in every timeline I guess? In the “trauma” timelines for the reasons we know, and in the reset one because they’re just silly boys that took a while to get it, while everyone else already could see it??
In the reset timeline he was probably even more done since now that also can’t decide who the vice is—> unresolved sexual tension over 9000 (of course it resolves, but they still bicker over that lol)
Same thing with Hakkai not realizing his huge crush on Mitsuya!
So yeah, ally!Taiju is very dear to me
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roostertuftart · 2 years
✨ STAN ✨ and ✨ KYLE ✨ and ✨ KENNY ✨ for the ask game pls :)
I already did Stan and Kyle!!! And here's the ask meme link :3
KENNY,,, :)
Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual! If Stan is the lord of bisexuals Kenny is the lord of pansexuals (well,, throne shared with Jimmy)
Gender Headcanon: Kenny feels like a solid genderfluid to me, and I think he figured it out pretty young but doesn't bring it up much to anyone for a while. When they finally do, it's mostly to close friends. He just doesn't care about everyone knowing, though it's obvious she's queer to most people- There's no real attempt to hide it even if he rarely outright says it, but they feel pretty validated when his friends use his pronouns (she/they/he,,, maybe it too?)
Also fond of Kenny being transfem! She/they pronouns.
A ship I have with said character: Stendylenny as I said for Kyle and Stan is still my fav, but K2 is really high up for me for Kenny, I feel like they really support and take care of each other well. Kenny makes Kyle relax and take care of himself and Kyle makes Kenny act less self destructive and take care of themself. Iconic duo. Stenny and Kendy are also really good, and I've been taking an interest in Kenman too lately. Also Twenny, bunny, and crenny are cute! and I've like kenny x clyde when I've seen it.
A BROTP I have with said character: KENMAN they're so fucking funny and terrible together. Just absolute menaces,, I think their friendship isn't the healthiest but it's pretty interesting. Also bunny!!! They're a cute friendship, though I kinda tend to see them as somewhat unhealthy as well, with Butters often putting Kenny on a pedestal which can be harmful to them both.
A NOTP I have with said character: Can't think of any ummmm. yeah idk
A random headcanon: Gets really into the sciences in high school, Kyle kinda pushes them too when he realizes how much Kenny just isn't applying himself. But he shocks everyone with how capable he really is, and eventually gets a full scholarship in some lesser known university. I also really like the idea that she's close to both of her sibs, Kevin included :)
General Opinion over said character: Loveeeee Kenny. Wish the show used him more. Kind of dislike how the fandom compares them to Stan and Kyle as exceedingly better, always moral, always smarter, etc than them but that's not Kenny's fault, and I can understand the appeal of Kenny being kind of overlooked by everyone, especially compared to their friends, but having a ton of potential and goodness. I'm just a little sick of the trauma comparing or the way he's treated like he's always perfect and can do no wrong but eh, not their fault and I still love her.
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pocketsizedquasar · 1 year
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#art - 371 posts
#tma - 337 posts
#the magnus archives - 333 posts
#not my art - 288 posts
#jon sims - 221 posts
#jonathan sims - 218 posts
#martin blackwood - 189 posts
#self reblog - 150 posts
#reblog - 150 posts
#jonmartin - 144 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#so much of the initial gifted kid ‘discourse’ or whatever was just ppl formerly labeled as ‘gifted’ describing the trauma of that experience
My Top Posts in 2022:
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when i find love i want it to be like / all that i know it should be
(ID: A digital drawing of Jon and Martin from the magnus archives. They are sitting on a wall outside, surrounded by bushes and flowers, and bathed in warm yellow sunlight. Martin is lying down with his head in Jon’s lap, and Jon is leaning down to kiss him, holding his face gently in one hand and resting their other hand on his chest. Martin has an arm wrapped up around Jon’s back. Jon’s glasses and a phone wallet rest on the wall beside them, and their cane leans against the wall in front of them.
Jon is a thin Persian person with medium brown skin and long, curly graying dark hair pulled into a bun. His skin is peppered with scars and he’s wearing an ace and wedding ring on his right hand. They are wearing a light blue dress with a sheer skirt layer. Martin is a fat Black and Filipino man with dark freckled skin and short curly reddish brown hair. His hair is tipped with white and his face and hands are dotted with vitiligo. He wears a dark blue suit, and an ace and wedding ring.)
622 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
don’t mind me just thinking about a TMA au where Trevor & Julia swap narrative roles with Daisy & Basira. instead of daisy & basira being our morally ambiguous hunt duo who almost kill jon, get separated by the buried, then subsequently lost to the Hunt, it's trevor & julia.
You can keep all of the complicated angst of like. Jon going into the buried to save someone who hurt and almost killed him, of giving yourself to the Hunt vs starving yourself so you don’t hurt people anymore, but Without all the cop sympathy! You keep the heartwrenching hunt duo that make a promise to each other and keep All the moral ambiguity and the pain of dealing with that aftermath knowing that you both hurt people, without implying that basira getting over/“reflecting” on her enabling state sanctioned murder for years or daisy doin the Murder are on the same level as the other character flaws and arcs.
In the beginning of s2, keep all the stuff with Section 31/Basira and Daisy, and keep the stuff with Basira feeeding Jon tapes to keep him from running because she thinks he’s guilty (gotta love cops abusing their power as cops bc they arbitrarily assume someone is guilty); keep Daisy & Elias framing Jon for Leitner’s murder. But instead of making two killer cops into recurring sympathetic characters, you can ship them off to America to search for Gerry’s page -- maybe because they were tipped off about it and they’re shitty cops who want information, maybe because daisy canonically wants to hunt down “monsters” and figures it’s a good place to look. Have them be the ones who kidnap Jon in the US; have them be who Jon steals Gerry’s page from, and them who subsequently attack the Institute at the end of S4.
As for Julia and Trevor: Julia and Trevor have both given statements, so they’ve both been Involved with the Institute; they come back to give more statements and/or realize they can use the Archives as a way to gather information about the monsters they Hunt. They figure they can trade one evil for another; even if the Eye lords over this place, at least they can use it for their own purposes. 
They’d be tied up in the institute similarly to how Daisy & Basira are in canon: Elias blackmails Trevor because Julia's signed an employment contract, and Trevor can't kill Elias because doing so would be killing Julia. Bring back Elias’s "watch your last connection to humanity die screaming" line, but instead of being directed at a piece of shit who's literally just a killer cop, it's directed at a man who’s self-admittedly spent his whole life shunned and on the edge of society and stripped of his humanity, hunting monsters bc what else is he supposed to do? What other purpose does he have?
In S4, Jon rescues Trevor from the buried. Jon and Trevor bond both over losing themselves to the Eye/Hunt but also bonding over both of them struggling with regular old addiction too. Trevor admits he was going to kill Jon after the Unknowing and Jon tells him he understands.
Suddenly the s4 Ny-Alesund plot makes way more sense if you think of it as Julia wanting to go after the entity/cult that killed her father (the Dark/the People’s Church), Elias blackmailing her with that information, and Jon going with her as support, rather than Basira randomly deciding to trust Elias for...some reason.
In the s4 finale, Basira and Daisy storm the institute to “collect” Gerry’s page. Not!Sasha is loose, two Hunt-aligned cops are on the loose, and so Trevor makes a choice. He makes Julia promise him to take him out after he gives himself back to the Hunt. Julia being forced to contend with that, to promise to kill someone she loves who’s become a father to her, because she knows it’s what he wants and it’s what is best for them both.
In season 5, Jon and Martin come across Julia tracking Trevor through the domains and have to watch her kill the only family she thinks she has left. Julia asks them to leave her alone as she makes her own way to the Panopticon. She’s the level head Jon needs when Martin goes to Hill Top Road.
Just imagine the banter. the icon behavior. the peak father/daughter chaos dynamics, and a healthy familial relationship. Julia and Melanie. Trevor and Jon. Julia and Martin. Imagine! Imagine TMA if it didn’t give more sympathy to literal murderous agents of the state than it did to a homeless person struggling with addiction or an orphaned kid who lost her dad to the Dark... just. imagine, if you will.
(I’ll probably write some stuff along these lines at some point so. hell yeah)
this post has been in my drafts for literal months but i kept forgetting to post it here you go
842 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
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promise me that you’ll start where i end
(ID: ID: A digital drawing of Jon and Martin from the Magnus Archives kissing. Jon is a thin Persian person with medium brown skin and long graying dark brown hair. They have a thick beard and scars dotting their skin. He is wearing a black dress with orange flowers. Martin is a fat Black and Filipino man with dark freckled skin and short curly dark reddish brown hair. His face and hands are dotted with vitiligo and his hair is tipped with white. He is wearing a light blue T shirt and jeans. The two of them are holding hands and kissing softly. There is a blurry foliage background and bright sunlight behind them.)
851 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
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pov a guy who looks like a stiff wind could blow him over is abt to suck out ur trauma in a starbucks
(ID: A photo of a sketchbook with a black and white ink drawing of Jon Sims from the Magnus Archives. The entire drawing is made up of stark shadows. Jon sits at a cafe table with a cup of tea in front of them, and smoke swirls up from the cup in an intricate weblike pattern. From what we can see of Jon, they are a thin Persian person with long curly hair wearing loose fitting clothing. They are viewed in profile. His face is obscured in shadow except for their eye, which is wide open and staring at the viewer. Small eyes are dotted throughout the steam curling from the mug.)
1,138 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
recapping some info from the first half of the stream since we’re at a break:
the title is The Magnus Protocol
two new MCs
they work for or are involved with the British Civil Service, re: bureaucracy and the tedium of a paper-pushing job
jonny said he wants this series to be "something that dives more into organizations" and is “less isolated” than MAG1
new VAs for the MCs
there will be some old voices AND some old characters: "revisiting characters in new and exciting ways"
many of the characters do not have names yet
Andor and the video game Control were name-dropped as potential inspirations / cool things
3,784 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ssaalexblake · 2 years
random q: if you could mix 'n match across all the doc's regens and the master's regens, who would you put together just for the lols? which of them together would you'd love to see interact? which incarnations bring out the best in the other? which of them together would spell 'doom upon the entire universe'? and finally, if it were possible to see a master!actor play any of the doctor regens, which actor as which doctor and why?
For The Lols;
Controversial! But I would put Simm with 13 because i firmly believe that if she saw him again she'd beat him to death with a lawnmower before he even got a word in. And it'd have to be before he got a word in, bc i'd prefer if he didn't talk to her. Would this break time? Yeah. Do I think 13 would care? No. It would also be exceptionally funny to see the look on his face when she goes for him and does not stop. 10/10 would watch with popcorn. 13: eats the laser screwdriver like the pting ate the sonic. Simm: what the Fuck is wrong with you?? i eat humans and i think you're a mess!!!
Missy and 10. She would eat him alive in seconds and it'd be funny to watch. Think your average date between praying mantids. That would be the Mood(tm). Ten has the STartlingly visceral urge to run the hell away but is also exceptionally hot for her and has no idea what's good for him.
This one is also canon to me, but 11 and Dhawan. During the end of 11's run, where he's with Clara. Dhawan is posing as cute O and giving them both doe eyes and flirting shamelessly. They both think he's hot. He is cackling inside at all of this And enjoying a close up view of Missy's matchmaking work.
I think 8 and Dhawan should meet bc it'd be the sluttiest combo and they're both very hot and that's a good enough reason. Peak best enemies (with benefits) regeneration pair.
Delgado and Two. Everything about this would be fun.
would i love to see interact:
I would love to see what would follow between jo martin's doctor and any regeneration of the master. I am still believing she's between 2 and 3, so I think she Does know the master and she thinks they're on good terms. So pairing her with dhawan master would be So juicy.
9 and Dhawan would be good. Both have 'we just destroyed galifrey-itis' and are dealing with it badly. They both have a habit of sharing trauma unfairly with others instead of working through it. It'd be an unmitigated disaster, probably, but it'd be fun specifically for Me so I want it.
bring out the best??
I'm trying to answer this, but like, even when they were flirting with it back in the day they were still best mates who had totally normalized attempted murder as a totally normal friend thing to do. Even without the recent drama and horror I'm not sure any variation qualifies as bringing the best out in each other. Maybe 12 and Dhawan would relate to each other and cry in a bar somewhere instead of violence???
which duo would spell doom upon the universe
Missy and 11. the cold, quiet and knife cutting threat of the both of them. The collateral damage. How much they'd enjoy it all. I can See them in my minds eye, emperor and empress of a grand civilisation, lording over all. Admittedly this is just Missy's fantasy But 11 would find it hot as hell. Absolutely horrifying. I want it.
10 and Dhawan. 10's wet blanket master coping strategies would... End Badly. the master: *does something reprehensible* 10: we should talk this out!!! the master: *does something worse to get a raise out of him because it didn't work the first time*. 10: *cries dramatically in rainstorm instead*. This Master Wants a rise out of the doctor and I don't think he'd get it with 10, and I think he'd keep trying to get one to more and more damage. 13 may be feral and toothy and terrible but she didn't let him get away with anything twice through lack of action.
13 and Missy. It's like Missy and 11 except more teeth. and more blatant homoeroticism. Extra biting. 13 would be really mad that Missy actually enjoyed that part and would desperately try to hide how much She also enjoys the biting. All the while one of Missy's plots is carried out, 13 non the wiser, while they hiss it out like angry cats. Soooo many teeth. Much collateral damage.
Master actor as the doctor;
Dhawan absolutely has the skills to play the doctor and he has the subtlety to play 13's arc. The congeniality but Teeth behind the scenes, away from the companions. The fury and hurt and confusion. He'd have nailed it, frankly. A lot of my 13/master body swap agenda is based around wanting to see them play each others' parts. They could do it so well.
Though, I'd kind of be interested to see how Michelle Gomez would have played the doctor? Because she rarely gets to play the part of somebody not totally evil or just exceedingly wacky? idk, i'd just liked to have seen what she did with it! I know she's said she doesn't mind being cast as certain types of roles predominantly, but i'd be interested to see her play something different just for curiosity's sake, tbh, i'm sure she has the skills for it.
thank you for the ask!
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