anaharae-s · 13 days
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Nome da história: Ríduculo
Autor: Fairybo
Design por @anaharae-s
Fanart por @cubur
copyrighty: All fanarts used on the coversare with the permission of the artists. Neveruse covers without written permissionfrom the artist and ask for permission bymessage. The covers on my profile arenon-profit, all editing work is free and donefor fun.
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greatideas-badwriter · 4 months
SasuSaku: Sacrificed To The Banished Prince Chapter 2
Sasuke's frown deepened as he read a letter sent by his new fiance. When he sent one to her, he fully expected her to cooperate as the previous women had but was mistaken. This was the first time he'd received a written reply or a reply at all. Skimming the short letter once more, the prince asked the maids standing before him, "Lady Haruno personally handed this to you?"
They nodded, bowing lower with pale faces too afraid to meet his gaze.
He didn't dwell on it because their behavior was nothing new. All who tend to him cower in fear, and they have since his twelfth birthday, ten years ago. That's when The Curse awakened. On that day so long ago, the royal castle's doors were open to celebrate the second prince's birthday with a massive celebration. People traveled from far and wide to witness his debut in society.
A foreign-looking man approached a naive and soft-spoken Sasuke, who was too nervous of insulting guests to say something. That was how he ended up bitten on the back of his shoulder by razor-sharp teeth.
The next thing he remembered was waking up in chains, the sound of his mother's soft weeping stirring him from his rest. After that, each time the moon was visible at night, his appearance and personality would morph into something akin to a beast. His skin would turn many shades darker, nails and teeth would sharpen, hair would grow wildly down his back, and hand-like wings would grow from his shoulder blades. The mild-mannered boy became a bloodlusting demon each and every night.
Changing his appearance like that put Sasuke through agonizing pain, and his family searched far and wide for ways to break the curse while also searching for the man who'd bitten him.
Itachi, the first Uchiha prince, managed to locate the attacker, a snake-like wizard named Orochimaru. When Orochimaru was captured and brought back to Konoha, he claimed to be unable to eradicate the curse. The king and queen begged for a way to help their precious son, leading to the awful wizard tricking them into giving up their lives.
Now, Sasuke's appearance barely changed at night, minus on nights of full moons. Orochimaru claimed that the royal family stole something from him, and this was his way of enacting revenge. He told the terrified child that the curse would be broken only when he, too, lost something he held dear.
The previous king, Madara Uchiha, left retirement to run the kingdom until the first prince was ready to rule. His first act was to banish poor Sasuke to the abandoned snowy forests of Northern Konoha. The man claimed keeping someone so volatile near the inner cities was too dangerous. The second prince's appearance may only slightly change most nights, but the murderous personality shift wasn't destroyed.
Each evening at sunset, Sasuke chained himself up so his alternate identity wouldn't be free to wreak havoc. As a result, the Uchiha man rarely slept, leaving him stoic and lacking in energy. After a decade of this struggle, he began to lose hope of ever breaking the curse. That is, until his eighteenth birthday when the king started arranging marriages for his nephew. Sasuke was nervous but excited to finally have someone other than the standoffish staff of the manor to speak to.
That first woman, a pretty brunette named Maharu, did not obey the rules. She came to the third floor in the night, only to witness Sasuke at his worst. As one would expect, Maharu fled the manor in terror. In the morning, the prince was informed that she'd fallen down a ravine in her distress and broken her neck. His first fiance died.
The next fiance lasted much longer, almost two months. Their wedding day was closing in when The Curse broke free of his binds and attacked her. She was the second woman to die.
After that, Sasuke was overcome with guilt. He refused to cause a third casualty. When a new fiance would arrive after that, he'd give them the option of returning to their home or offer to provide them with enough money to start a new life elsewhere without their families' knowledge. Every single one chose to disappear. This led to the public believing the second prince was murdering each and every one of the poor women. In Sasuke's eyes, he was okay with that because he deserved it. Two people died because of him.
'The way this letter is written makes it seem as though Lady Haruno doesn't want to return to her family,' Sasuke thought, grabbing a pen and paper to scrawl out a response to the woman's letter. 'This will be another one to choose to disappear rather than go home.'
"With all due respect, this is a manner that I cannot change my position on. Please reside here for the next month while I prepare for your departure."
A sharp pain flared up Sasuke's neck from the back of his shoulder. It made his teeth grit. Somewhat shakily, he folded the letter and quickly shooed the maids away before approaching the double doors at the back of his bedroom. He opened it, hands trembling while latching thick metal cuffs around his wrists.
"It's no use. This one will die. I won't let another one slip through my fingers." A raspier version of the prince's voice eeks out as the man pants for breath to prevent himself from verbalizing his pain.
In the midst of transforming each dusk and dawn, there are a few moments where the two personalities overlap. Sasuke could see everything The Curse saw at night, and The Curse could see everything Sasuke saw during the day, but it was only at these brief minutes that the two could communicate.
Sasuke didn't say anything because there was no use. He spent years trying to reason with The Curse to no avail. It'd be a waste of breath at this point.
The following day, Yamamoto appeared to free the prince from his restraints and bandaged his wrists which were bleeding from The Curse attempting to escape. The pale man spoke calmly because this wasn't a new situation, "Lady Haruno requested to meet you face to face."
'Why did he refer to her like that?' It almost seemed like the butler was trying to insinuate something, but Sasuke didn't understand what it was.
Apparently, that was obvious because the butler lowered his voice while cleaning up the first aid kit mess, "I may be speaking out of turn, but there is something peculiar about this woman, My Lord."
Yamamoto bowed with his gaze low, "I'm unsure if I'll be able to properly explain. Perhaps you should accept our lady's request to meet."
Sasuke tried convincing himself to meet his short-term fiance but couldn't. Whenever he looked at a woman, he could only see the terror on his first two fiances' faces when they discovered his secret. He also didn't want to give The Curse a chance to memorize his target's face. Though the Haruno woman might see his avoidance of her as an insult, it was for her own good in the long run. It was to keep her safe.
A day passed.
Another letter awaited when he woke. 'Please reconsider.'
"...This is all she wrote?" Sasuke asked.
Yamamoto nodded with an uncomfortable expression. Sighing stressfully, the prince writes a politely worded letter to deny the woman's request again.
Another day passed.
No letter arrived for him after that.
The butler explained that Lady Haruno had become agitated. She wasn't eating or sleeping. She wouldn't speak to the staff or even her personal maid.
'Is she throwing a tantrum because I won't give her what she wants? I'd heard Baron Haruno's eldest daughter was pampered but thought it was just a rumor. It must be true. She sounds spoiled.'
Sasuke's curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to try to sneak a peek at his fiance if only to grasp what Yamamoto was talking about. Carefully and quietly, he roamed the halls of the manor. Any staff he encountered would gasp, bow politely, and scamper away in fear without meeting his gaze. The prince stopped acknowledging how uncomfortable their reactions made him long ago, so he ignored it all and continued with his goal in mind.
'I can't let her see me. That's the most important thing.'
Finally, he reached the hallway of her bedroom and was surprised to see the door ajar and the room empty. Since the woman wasn't present, he wandered inside. Snooping around in a lady's dwelling was rude. He knew that, but he had no choice if he was to learn anything today. It was spotless, the entire room, though he was sure the maids mentioned that Lady Haruno refused to have them tidy up on her behalf.
'Does that mean she's cleaned on her own? How peculiar….'
He opened the wardrobe door, and his eyes widened. It was almost entirely empty. The dresses inside were shamefully plain, as well. This confused the prince further because the Haruno family was incredibly well-off and notorious for flaunting said wealth.
His brow furrowed as he sighed and closed the door, 'They must've sent her empty-handed in hopes of me purchasing her a new wardrobe. Greedy leeches.'
Sasuke assumed this was all the information he'd be able to gather today, so he wandered to the window absently, only to freeze when his gaze landed on an unfamiliar woman. Long pastel-pink hair ran down her turned back as she swept the dirty snow and leaves off of the walkway to the garden.
'She's so small. Is she really the same age as me? And why is she doing manual labor?'
The prince's head tilted as he watched Lady Haruno briefly. For some reason, the picture bothered him. It felt somehow sad.
He tore his gaze from the petite woman and left her bedroom to find a maid, who trembled under his watchful eye, "Why is the Lady outside? It's inappropriate. Who told her she had to perform such tasks?"
'Did one of the staff members try to bully her?'
"We've tried to stop her, but she refuses to listen, My Lord. She insists on earning her keep while she's a guest here."
'Maybe she's bored. Her room had nothing in it to pass the time.'
Sasuke couldn't accept things as they were and shook his head, "When she comes inside, take her to the library. Give her full access. Ask her what her hobbies are and provide anything she asks for. Do not allow her to do things like this in the future."
"Yes, My Lord. As you wish."
After returning to his own dwelling, the prince fell into the seat at his desk to focus on work. Though he'd been banished by the king, he was still expected to manage Northern Konoha's villages as a royal family prince. He tried to focus for hours but couldn't because the image of that pink-haired woman plagued his mind.
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aceopmari · 1 year
Hate to put people on blast but this person is a thief! They reposted several of my works including my Team Taka and Suigetsu scenario in their chapter 4 and 5! The entire book is a series of stolen artworks including from @/actuallysaiyan who did the NSFW alphabet for Suigetsu and a few others! Please do not send hate and help me report this account to have the stolen works taken down! Thank you!🙏
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raijutsuiga · 6 months
I’m not an artist. I don’t draw or anything. But I’m fairly proud of this. I wanted artwork for my new Fanfic: “ANNEX” so I found some that I liked then combined them into one. No judgement please. I don’t need the negativity!
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joury-rose · 4 months
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TF Animated: Letter from Santa Claus - Letter from Santa Claus (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1406536520-tf-animated-letter-from-santa-claus-letter-from?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=NawaraAbasee&wp_originator=Zijy16NwAEPRgQ9asJO6gNvpuYTYFb4%2B3I8fVZh7qTHttkToY9xtXJzEzuZpbgiXz%2FIL2vDmVvtVrgFJVhb0waoQ2Pnmq73vRz%2BA9zf1wO3vZIHJy%2BCJFuDhPT3UqmV9 This story is about my little sparkling's Naruto and Sasuke for Christmas celebrating. And Naruto had the idea of writer a letter for Santa Claus to grant his wish for Christmas and his family are about to find out his secret inside the letter...
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infernaldeguemes · 11 months
¡Hola! Aprovecho este espacio para promocionar un fanfic AU en el que he estado trabajando.
¡Gracias a Sofía Gangoso por el hermoso dibujo representando a mi OC y a la hermosa de Tayuya! Link a su IG:
Dejo los links y algunos datos de la historia. ¡Saludos!
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Título: Tiempo de Héroes
Género: Acción/Aventura/Drama
Tipo de Historia: AU
Rating: M (violencia y lenguaje fuerte)
Sinopsis: Kichiro trata de mantener el ritmo de su vida tras la muerte de su abuelo. Un día, la suerte lo lleva a cruzar su camino con el de un hombre llamado Kakashi Hatake. A partir de entonces, se verá envuelto en una guerra sin cuartel avivada por las intrigas entre las Grandes Naciones Shinobi y los shinobi renegados que amenazan a su país. El valor, el honor y la pasión por la lucha serán sus armas contra las naciones enemigas, contra los ninja perversos y contra su propio pasado.
Extra: Contiene alteraciones del canon original de Naruto y ampliación del trasfondo de muchos personajes secundarios (Tenten, Hinata Hyūga, Shino Aburame, Los 7 Espadachines de la Niebla, entre otros). Historia levemente inspirada en la mitología védica.
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lila-negra · 2 years
Día 14 del @snsmonth22
"Don't go"
Fragmento de mi AU de ángeles "Vine por ti"
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clearwritings · 2 months
I think you'd like this story: "nothing without you. { hinata x male reader }" by clearwritings on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/170006872?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading&wp_uname=clearwritings
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stonefanfic · 5 months
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STONE (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/357383496-stone?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Z23D01&wp_originator=cWFpH5TW%2BolWiF7UlJbkLboy7qMN%2BOJ4zSkpeMHHznT03UDXCbLSMZ4sAm0HX%2FwovzRSOK0HxYBfcMJrFwyfm8G9ous8Su7kzaX36YXvfM9GGU47iBiQp4D30w%2F0orV4 "STONE" ouvre les portes de l'univers ninja de Konoha, révélant une histoire captivante centrée autour des jumeaux Uchiwa, Itame et Mikoto. Ces adolescents apparaissent soudainement dans la dimension de Konoha, portant avec eux les échos d'une réalité alternative. Enfants d'Itachi et Izumi Uchiwa, les jumeaux se lancent dans une quête pour comprendre leur présence à Konoha et la mystérieuse disparition de leur frère cadet, Noel. Accueillis par le Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi, les adolescents sont guidés dans leur nouvelle vie par Kotaro, un ninja de confiance, et logent chez Naruto Uzumaki, un jeune ninja de leur âge. Alors qu'ils s'intègrent à Konoha, les jumeaux découvrent des liens inattendus, révélant des secrets enfouis dans le passé du clan Uchiwa. L'histoire explore les thèmes de l'héritage, de la résilience et de la manière dont les cicatrices du passé influencent le chemin vers l'avenir. "STONE" offre une immersion captivante dans la vie des Uchiwa, combinant mystère, action et émotion pour créer une saga ninja épique. Laissez-vous emporter par cette histoire où chaque personnage est un maillon dans la chaîne du destin, et où les révélations sur le passé sculptent l'avenir de Konoha.
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anaharae-s · 15 days
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Nome da história: Esfomeada
Autor: Akemimidoriya
Designer @anaharae-s
Artes oficiais
copyrighty: All fanarts used on the coversare with the permission of the artists. Neveruse covers without written permissionfrom the artist and ask for permission bymessage. The covers on my profile arenon-profit, all editing work is free and donefor fun.
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greatideas-badwriter · 4 months
SasuSaku: Sacrificed To The Banished Prince Chapter 1
Sixteen. That's the age that a person reaches adulthood in Konoha. It's also the age when most sons and daughters get paired up for arranged marriages. The same can't be said for Sakura, though. No, at twenty-two years old, she's never received a single offer, largely due to the fact that her existence isn't known by many. As the illegitimate child of Baron Haruno and a traveling dancer, the poor young woman was brought up as little more than a slave. Most maids are treated with more care.
Sakura is the eldest of the Baron's four children. Just three years younger than her is Hihara, the family heir and only son. With blood-red hair, emerald green eyes, and tan skin, he received nearly thirty marriage proposals on the morning of his sixteenth birthday. He married Duke Hyuga's second daughter, Hanabi, though he remains in the Haruno estate while she stays at the castle. Apparently, their dislike of one another is mutual.
Next, there's Haruka, the most beautiful Haruno daughter. She has the family's red hair, long and flowing down her back, sparkling blue eyes, and a figure others can only dream of having. Her sixteenth birthday was two months ago, and she's been taking her time selecting a husband out of the many proposals.
In reality, Sakura knows Haruka's only holding out because when she's been wed, she'll have to move in with her new husband, and it's likely she won't be as coddled as she is at home. Haruka is a daddy's girl through and through. She's spoiled and mean but does a great job of appearing charming in front of others.
Finally, there's Hana, the youngest daughter. Unlike Hihara and Haruka, Hana is sweet and kind. At fourteen, she's soft-spoken and intelligent. She's the only sibling who doesn't mistreat Sakura. The two share a love for reading novels and often bond by discussing them.
After twenty-two years of being treated awfully, Sakura's spirit is beyond broken. With dull green eyes and an ever-present solemn expression on her pale face, the woman does what she's told and tries not to draw attention to herself. Any personality she had to speak of was squandered long ago.
"You should be thanking me. My father allowed you to stay here even after your slut mother ran off and got herself killed," Haruka shoved Sakura to the ground. The pinkette didn't try to defend herself because she knew by now it would only make things worse.
The middle siblings often find reasons to bully her, even if they have to make something up. This time, Haruka insisted the woman glared at her. It didn't happen, obviously.
"Here," the redhead lifted her flowing dress enough that her feet were visible and pointed one out toward Sakura, "Kiss it. Tell me how grateful you are."
Tears threatened to rise in Sakura's eyes, but she blinked them back. Gritting her teeth, she crawled closer to do as ordered, only to freeze when their father's voice rang through the long hallway, "Girls, quit playing and come to my office."
A tiny cry escaped Sakura when her hand was suddenly stomped on by Haruka's heel. She snatched it away to her chest when able and struggled to her feet with a low gaze. It was bleeding. She quietly followed her younger sister.
"What do you need this trash for?"
They stood before the Baron's desk, Hihara and Hana already present and waiting. The stern man held up a piece of parchment with an unfamiliar seal in dark blue, "There has been a proposal that cannot be declined." He set it on the desk before him and interlaced his fingers with his elbows resting, "The second Uchiha heir demands a wife from us."
Sakura expected Haruka to be excited because, as far as she was aware, none of her other suitors had a name even close to as powerful as "Uchiha". To her surprise, she wasn't. "No, Daddy, please! Don't make me!"
"This is outrageous! How many women has he gone through already, Father? Surely there's something you can do?" Hihara added.
The Baron lifted a hand to silence the room, "Sakura."
Sakura's eyes lifted in surprise, only to drop quickly down again, "Yes, Father?"
"You'll go."
Haruka gasped before laughing loudly, "That's perfect! Send the garbage to her death in my place. Thank you, Daddy!"
The pinkette couldn't help but ask, despite knowing it'd upset at least her siblings, "To my death…?"
Hihara responded, "Countless women have been sacrificed as wives to him already. Receiving a proposal means certain death by the monster's hand." When Sakura met her brother's eye in disbelief, he smirked, "Thank you for your sacrifice, dear sister."
After being raised under the idea that she was nothing, Sakura didn't argue. She didn't fight back when Haruka visited her bedroom later that night to beat and mock her. She didn't even shed a tear upon being bathed and dolled up like some kind of princess the next morning, only to be put into a carriage and immediately sent to the most northern part of Konoha, where snow covered the ground, and the air was cold enough to hurt bare skin.
'If only I wasn't about to be killed, I'd be so relieved to finally be away from everyone,' Sakura mused while watching the trees pass outside. 'Wait, why aren't we going East, toward the castle?' This was the first time she'd been permitted to leave the estate, so she was still happy regardless.
She looked at her hands with a grimace. Her nails were trimmed and painted a soft white, but there's no hiding the scars and callouses from the hard work she'd been forced to do.
'Will he kill me immediately, or will he want to consummate the marriage beforehand?' To say she was frightened is putting it lightly. Sakura didn't know what consummate meant, but Father told her before she left to expect it and that it was her duty as a wife.
"We're here, Lady Haruno," the driver interrupted the woman's train of thought. Sakura's spine straightened as the door to the carriage opened. She was helped outside by the frowning man. He removed her luggage and sat it by her feet, tipped his hat, and left her there on the side of the dirt road.
"W-Wait!" It was futile. She was alone.
The confused woman looked behind her, only to swallow hard. There, at the end of the lengthy trail she'd been left at, stood a mansion. It was black as night and gothic in style. Every window was dark and covered with curtains. The grass and garden were dead, the leaves from the bare trees lying unraked and messily mixed into the snow to make it a dirty brown color.
'Is this really the home of a member of the royal family?'
She carried her heavy suitcase, struggling all the while, up the path until she reached the door, where she hesitated. Before she could decide what to do, the door opened to reveal a pale-skinned man with dull eyes and a tense smile, "You're trespassing. State your business or leave the premises."
'What? Is this not the right place?'
"I'm the eldest daughter of Baron Haruno." Sakura bowed politely as the maids instructed her last night.
The man's eyes widened, and he cocked his head to the side, "You're Lady Haruno?"
She nodded, attempting to remain composed under his watchful gaze.
He studied her in silence for a moment before holding the door open and gesturing inside, "Follow me. Don't touch anything."
A second man wordlessly approached, took her suitcase, and followed the duo into the large home. The floors were bright white, the tile shiny enough to reflect the lights even though they were dim. Dark violet wallpaper with an elegant black design covered the walls. Expensive-looking vases and ornaments decorated the hallway, each one probably worth more than everything Sakura owns combined. "
Wait here." The young woman nods, bowing her head politely when the pale man spares her a glance.
It was silent between her and the second butler for the entirety of their wait, almost ten minutes. The pinkette begins to feel lightheaded. She wasn't offered any food before being sent off by her family, and her body has always been weak due to the neglect and abuse she suffered all these years.
Just as she began worrying she'd have to ask the silent man nearby to show her somewhere to sit, the original butler reappeared.
He held out a thin black envelope. "Usotsuki will show you to your room."
'What is this? A letter? Where is the prince? Will he not come out to kill me now?'
The confusion must've been obvious because he curtly explained, "Lord Uchiha forbids you from visiting the third floor of the estate, where his quarters are located. Until further notice, you'll begin planning the wedding. That letter contains an official greeting."
The next thing Sakura knew, she was alone in a massive, dark bedroom. It took mere minutes to hang the three dresses she owned in the wardrobe. Inwardly, the woman was terrified the murderous prince would come to kill her in the middle of the night, but she was also wondering if maybe things would be better that way. If he did it while she was asleep, then at least she wouldn't have to suffer anymore.
Lighting a candle at the desk near the bed, Sakura sat in the large chair and opened the letter from her soon-to-be husband. Intricate, neat handwriting met her gaze. Tears welled in her eyes as she read it.
"Lady Haruno, thank you for agreeing to travel to my home without an escort. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. As for our engagement, allow me to clearly explain my intentions. We will not be married. His Royal Highness has demanded I search for a fiance, which is why you've been summoned. However, I do not agree with his demands."
"While I am certain your stay here will be temporary, please inform any of the staff of your needs, and I will see to it that they are met. I ask for your patience as I devise a plan to return you to your family. Please allow me one month to remedy the situation. In the meantime, you will need to act as though our wedding is inevitable. I understand that I'm asking a lot, but it's for both of our sakes. I do not wish to be married, and you likely do not wish to be married to a man like me."
A signature at the bottom of the letter read "Sasuke Uchiha".
Sakura's heartbeat soared in a panic.
'No! No, this can't be happening!'
If she returned home in a month, unwed, her family would be enraged. With shaking hands, the woman fumbled through the desk for a pen and paper, quickly writing a response.
"My Lord, your honesty is appreciated in this stressful situation. Please allow me to return the gesture with unsullied words. While I'm sure you have personal reasons as to why you wish to remain a bachelor, I beg your reconsideration. For my own reasons, I cannot allow this marriage to fail. Let us be wed as His Highness requests. Use me as a defense against further such demands. Whether you discard of me or not, I am fine with whatever outcome so long as our families are fooled."
Sakura would rather be brutally murdered by this mysterious prince than return home. She was sent here to die, and if she didn't do that, the punishment would certainly have her begging for death.
Hesitantly, the woman opened the door to her room and tiptoed into the hallway until she saw two maids passing by, "Excuse me, but can you please deliver this to Lord Uchiha?"
The maids looked at her with wide eyes. One of them gingerly accepted the letter, "As you wish, Ma'am." The pair bowed politely before scampering off, whispering excitedly to one another.
Sakura watched them for a moment before returning to her room with a sigh.
That was the nicest any staff had ever treated her. She fully expected them to hit or at least yell at her. Her body trembled with fright as she climbed into the comfortable bed and curled into a ball. One way or another, her life would soon be over.
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odayaka1 · 7 months
Chapter 12: Teasing The Girls
" Let me give you some seals before I train my chakra. Now that you have maxed out your chakra growth. These will help you in increasing the density of chakra.
Since you don't have my level of chakra control, take it very slow, keep your control perfect and then keep on increasing the density. 
You will need many years to once again reach your maximum capacity as you needed around 200 years to reach where you are now." 
They were astonished at the discovery as I touched each one of them with my tail and seals spread all over their body to  finally converge and form a moon on their forehead.
" That seal also has my chakra in it to protect you if needed" this even includes Mangekyou sharingan.
As the time went by 10 years passed and  in a vast dimension filled with different styles of houses could be seen one was a huge sand dome with a sea of sand near it on it was a one tailed Raccoon sleeping with eyes closed one was
A huge river filled with cold water and slightly warm at the surface due to the sun's heat. On the bed of the river was a huge turtle with three tails lying there free from all the worries.
In a jungle full of huge trees one monkey could be seen hanging beside a slime and a beetle-like beast of same but huge size could be seen playing together.
In a separate lake was an octopus like creature as huge as the rest was resting in the water.
While an orange fox could be seen enjoying a bath in a Japanese style shrine. It had a small smile on his face which looked a little creepy.
In the last area was a huge shrine which was divided in three sections. The first section was made up of wood with an open view to a clear garden like area.
The second section had a similar wooden structure but it led to an open forest-like area. Last but not the least was a huge stone room with a huge moon on the main wall.
In front of which was a huge wooden seat that was being used as a bed, as the size of the one sitting on it was so huge that one could not differentiate between sofa or bed.
On the bed was a beautiful golden fox with ten tails shining without any speck of dust on it like the rest of the fur. 
If it wasn't  enough the eyes of the figure full of wisdom and power looking at a tiger and a horse like figure in front of it.
Now I have reached the maximum limit for my current self. Once I breakthrough the current limitations I will get a huge leap in strength.
" It will be time soon. We will leave tomorrow in the morning. How was you training" I told them about our trip tomorrow.
" it is very slow brother and boring unlike you we have to start from scratch little by little since." Well it's true I started converging my chakra from the very first tails. But they already formed theirs which is why they had started over and they were in their growth phase in which no external influence should be there, it would be better to let them grow naturally.
" Don't  worry the seal will take care of everything itself, you just keep your control perfect." They nodded hearing this as I continued "I never told you guys but I will make myself a new body tomorrow. It can shift between this form or a new form of my choice. I will be going with the human body."
As I dropped the news like a bomb, looking at their expression it was shocking I believe.
" A human body! What why?" Matatabi asked with concern. I think she thinks it will risk my life. 
"don't worry, I have the procedure planned out. It may be painful but it will work out.
I will tell you the details tomorrow once we reach there as for why I chose a human body.
It's convenient to move among humans to try their food and I can mate like them. " I said, trying to lighten their worries.
And it worked. One had purple cheeks now and the other had pink ones. 
They looked so cute that I opened my rinne-sharingan to take a mental picture. 
They knew about it after they started going to play with humans.
They were confused at first, then asked me after coming  back so I clarified it. After that they just never watched them again.
Kurama first watched them a lot but after a talk with me he stopped. I think maybe due to his fox characteristics he is like that.
He said he was just curious why they were beating each other and even liked it.
Others Just ignored it or were never interested in it.
"" I want to have a human body ""both looked at each other after saying together with hollow eyes. Once more the eye was opened.
Ignoring the battle of eyes, I just asked with teasing eyes " ara~~, why do you need a human body, little ones."
" won't you need a partner to have a baby? I will help you with all my power."  To Matatabi's reply Kokuo added " why would he need your help when I am here." 
She looked at her with dead eyes only to meet the same eyes from the other side. One more for the collection, is today my lucky day. Deciding to keep the act "when did I say I want a baby" they froze at that sentence.
"But you just said -" she tried to speak only to be interrupted " that I want to have good food that humans make, maybe find myself a partner." She looked at me in shock and horror as both realized something.
" By any chance you don't mean human as a partner do you brother" asked Kokuo.
" why can't I have a human partner, my dear Kokuo" I asked again this time in a less teasing manner as I wanted their opinions on humans.
" I won't let those whores near you" she spoke, letting out a huge killing intent only to be blocked by the seals of the room. While the other nodded in agreement which is rare in cases regarding me.
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raijutsuiga · 6 months
Heeeeey! ☺️ You've been tagged! You don't have to do anything if you don't want to, but if you'd like, list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Learn to know your mutuals and followers! 💗💖💗 (if you've been tagged already I'm so sorry lol, but in that case maybe you have 5 other things that make you happy that you want to share!)
Comments on my work 🖊️
Orange rolls (how is there not a cinnamon roll emoji!??)
My horse 🐎
My kiddo 👶
My dog 🐶
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shukimiau · 1 year
Hola a todos, soy Shuki. Acabo de terminar la parte final de mi último fanfic. 
Es una historia basada en el mundo de #narutoshippuden un fanfic de Deidara x OC.
Si queréis verlo pinchad en este link
Para ver mis otras historias de Naruto pinchad aquí.
Estad atentos y no os perdáis el siguiente. Que será un Kakuzu x OC.
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lila-negra · 2 years
Día 13 del @snsmonth22
"Peleando juntos"
Fragmento de mi fic "La batalla que vale la pena pelear".
Tumblr media
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clearwritings · 2 months
I think you'd like this story: "nothing without you. { hinata x male reader }" by clearwritings on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/170006872?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading&wp_uname=clearwritings
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