#Oscars 2022 oscars
bebx · 1 year
please protect Ke Huy Quan and Brendan Fraser at all costs. they deserve the entire world
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blackwomenrule · 1 year
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bebe-benzenheimer · 11 months
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guillotineman · 1 year
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vintagegirl01 · 3 months
Plush Size
Marc Spector x fem! reader (Implied moon boys x fem! reader)
Summary: Missing the MK System, you decide to make a plush toy of Moon Knight for yourself, so that you have something to cuddle with when they are on missions for Khonshu. While this plush ends up being used for that particular reason, the moon boys are shocked to see that you are no longer as clingy to them as you once were. This leads them to become touch starved, resulting in them hiding the plush.
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You miss them all very much. It has only been a day since they left but you miss Marc, Steven, and Jake very much.
Though they have been on missions longer than this most recent one they are currently on. Nevertheless, it’s true when they say absence makes the heart grow fonder.
As you look through Pinterest to look at sewing machine projects that you want to do. You see some pins on how to make dolls. This sparks the idea to create a doll in the form of your boyfriends’ Moon Knight persona that you could use to cuddle when they are gone. With this newfound inspiration, you get to work.
3 Days Later…
Marc is currently fronting as he enters the key to your shared apartment. Though this mission was shorter, the desire to get home to you was what kept him going.
When he locks the front door, Marc notices the silence within the house. No tv nor music playing in the background.
Imagining the worst case scenario, Marc grabs his gun from his travel bag and begins walking around the house in preparation to fight to the death for you. He hears both Steven and Jake from the headspace, trying to reassure him that you are safe and more likely to fall asleep. Though he appreciates the reassurance from them both, Marc’s mind can’t help but wander to think the worst.
As he finally approaches the door to your shared bedroom, Marc finds you asleep on your bed. Although, instead of snuggling into his side of the bed like you normally would when he was gone, Marc is shocked to see you snuggling up with a plushie that looks nearly identical to what he looks like when he wears Khonshu’s ceremonial armor as Moon Knight. Marc smiles to himself as he returns to his regular clothes, beginning to strip to nothing but his boxers and crawls into the bed to get well earned rest.
In the coming weeks, Marc notices how often you cuddle with the plush version of himself and is a bit restless to say the least. Though Marc is happy you have something to remind you of himself when he is away, the feeling isn’t there when he begins to notice that you sometimes even hug the mini him when you both are lounging around together in your room or living room.
Despite Marc always being a bit closed off at the start of your relationship, you helped him open up. Once feeling as if he had to wear the world on his shoulders, that feeling slowly faded away when he was around you.
No longer receiving those cuddles as often as he was once used to, Marc begins to devise a plan. One that will ensure he gets your attention.
As you finish showering and changing into your pajamas, you exit the restroom and enter the bedroom.
When you walk to the bed, you notice that your Moon Knight plushie is no longer laying on the side where you normally sleep. In shock, you look under the bed to make sure it isn’t there. Noting it isn’t there, you move your pillows to see if they aren’t under the bed.
“Marc”! Have you seen mini you?”, you ask.
Marc comes in and says he hasn’t but agrees to help you find him (unbeknownst to you that he hid it).
Thirty minutes of you two looking and not having any luck. Defeated, you lay on your bed a bit upset.
Marc gets into bed next to you and wraps his arms around you. He is a little shocked by the fact that you are upset about this.
Curious to understand why that is, he asks: “Why are you upset about losing the mini me”?
You answer.“Because it’s something to remind me of you when we aren’t together. Also, I figured it would be a good substitute for when you don’t want to cuddle me as I know I can be a bit too much sometimes.”
Everything begins to make sense to him. Marc goes to your closet to get something. When he comes back out, you see that he’s holding your missing plushie.
“I’m sorry I hid this from you”, he says ashamed. “I missed your cuddles and thought that mini me was taking away your attention from me. Despite what you may think, I love our cuddle sessions. It’s because of you, I feel safe enough to be vulnerable. Can you forgive me, baby?”
The moment Marc finishes, he is shocked to see you get up from the bed and grab the plushy from him. You put the plush on your bed and pull him in for a hug.
“You know you can ask me for cuddles whenever”, you say.
Marc looks at you with puppy eyes, “Can we cuddle now?”.
You take his hand and lead him both to your bed. Both of you get settled in with Marc laying his head on your chest as you run your fingers through his curls. Staying this way until sleeps takes over.
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landonor · 10 months
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happy anniversary to this iconic tweet🫶
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female-hysterics · 28 days
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I can totally see this happening.
Like you are needy one night, either you had a bad dream or just woke up exceptionally horny, and you just pounce on him. Steven lets you go down on him for as long as you want, his fingers twisting frantically in your hair as you desperately suck on his cock with small whines. Whimpering every time you have to pull up for air. Even after he orgasms, you keep going, and Steven doesn’t have the heart to stop you even as he shudders and gasps in overstimulation. Eventually, he’s so fucked out  that he’s mumbling complete nonsense, and he’s looking down at you with a look of pure wonderment.
“Oh, I’m dreaming, aren't I? You’re unreal...so pretty...how can you be real when you look so pretty? But that’s okay, love. You feel real enough right now. I like this dream,” he murmurs with slurring words, trembling hands sweeping over your messy hair, and his words finally break you of whatever trance you are in. 
You pull back, looking at him in concern as you try to say his name, but your voice is completely shot from having him in your throat for hours. The hurt sound he makes when you pull away from him shatters your heart and you easily let him drag your mouth back down to his cock.
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bonolewis · 4 months
love how all of this went down even before the season had a chance to properly start, we've had what? one surprise instagram-post livery reveal so far? but then comes lewis hamilton with a steel chair
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evanboodaddy · 3 months
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he STUNS at the Oscars
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formulaonedirection · 10 months
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World's most irritating man vs his Australian team mate
Bonus: Australians React
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Feel free to add more Oscar Isaac himbos with guns!
Last image by @ao3-crack
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silvyysthings · 3 months
I love them
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callmebyyournamephoto · 3 months
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Timothee Chalamet at the 94th Academy Awards on March 27th, 2022 in Los Angeles, California.
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bluetintcore · 2 years
nsfw alphabet ᥫ᭡ patrick bateman.
synopsis ˒ in which i walk you through the ropes of sex with our favorite psychopath!
pairings ˒ patrick bateman x fem!reader.
warnings ˒ SMUT; pure filth; mentions of murder; mentions of knife and blood play; mentions of bondage; mentions of cheating; mentions of an axe; i think that may be it!
word count ˒ 1,4k
note from me ˒ thats my leg btw ;) creds to gif owner!
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a = aftercare (what he’s like after sex)
first of all, he’s smart and he knows what women want. he knows that they want to be loved and treated after sex, so he’d do just that to keep you whipped. he’d run you a nice bath and he’d even join you if you wanted. he’d wash your hair and body and he’d press loving kisses to your neck while doing so. he’d even carry you back to bed.
b = body part (his favorite body part of his and yours)
patrick is a little overly cocky, he knows he’s attractive. so if we’re being honest he really doesn’t feel he has any flaws, but if he had to choose his favorite body part would probably be his arms. he loves how defined his muscles look, he often finds himself flexing into any mirror he comes in contact with. he’s obsessed with himself.
on you, it’d have to be your thighs. he’s a big thigh guys. he loves how smooth they are and how your muscles flex when you walk; never fails to make him yearn for you. while fucking you, his go to to grab would be your thighs so support him. your thighs are his main hype man ngl.
c = cum (anything to do with cum)
he really likes to cum inside you. he just thinks it’s so warm and comforting. but he’ll honestly cum anywhere you want him to. your face, your belly, thighs, etc. but his all time favorite is inside.
d = dirty secret (a dirty secret of his)
he has 1000% fantasized about murdering you mid sex. like he’d be fucking you and then out of nowhere he’d pull out an axe and go all psycho on you. of course, that’s a secret for a reason. you’d never know that.
e = experienced (how experienced is he? does he know what he’s doing?)
oh abso-fucking-lutely. this man is a total fucking womanizer. he knows exactly how to charm and hit all the right spots because he’s hit them many times before on other women.
f = favorite position (goes without saying)
surprisingly, he really enjoys missionary. he likes to look into your eyes so he knows he’s making you feel good; it’s something of a confidence booster for him. but he also really likes giving you back shots. however, he’d be open to trying any position.
g = goofy (is he more serious in the moment? humorous? etc.)
he’s serious. you would never catch this man cracking a joke during intimate times. in fact, if you even cracked a joke he’d probably look at you like you just said the most terrible thing. he doesn’t think sex should equal humor, and he prefers to be serious. and he would like it if you were serious too.
h = hair (how well groomed is he? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
i think even before he met you he’d be big on being completely shaved down there. having a ton of hair makes him feel dirty (not that it is). so 99.9% of the time he would keep himself completely smooth.
i = intimacy (how is he during the moment? is he romantic?)
he can be, if he really loved you. most of the time he prefers to keep his mouth shut BUT if you’re lucky he may call you beautiful and tell you how amazing you feel. but that’s on a good day.
j = jerk off (masturbation headcanon)
you know, i don’t see him being the biggest masturbator. if he was horny, he’d come to you. if you didn’t want sex, he’d find someone who did; it’s as simple as that. but don’t be sad, at least you were his first option!
k = kink (one or more of his kinks)
obviously bondage. he’d love having you tied up and helpless as he had his way with you. he’s also into knife play and blood, ironically. as said before, if you weren’t comfortable with this he wouldn’t force you; because he’d find someone else who would.
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
he’d be okay with anywhere in his apartment. his bed, his couch, as long as he’s comfortable he doesn’t really care. to be completely honest, i don’t even think he’d have sex anywhere other than his apartment. anytime the two of you go out it’s always “let’s go back to MY apartment”. guess he just feels more comfortable there.
m = motivation (what turns him on?)
you getting hit on by other men. obviously you can’t help that and he knows it, but it’s the feeling of one upping those men that want you. after all, he’s the one fucking you every night; not them. so anytime you two are out and about if you get hit on he immediately wants sex.
n = no (something he wouldn’t do)
be submissive. during sex he is ALWAYS the dominant one. i feel like being submissive would absolutely obliterate his ego and that would seriously fuck with his head. so, if you’re a switch sorry about your luck because you’re a soon to be permanent sub.
o = oral (preference on giving or receiving, skill, etc)
he prefers receiving but he would never dismiss going down on you. he’s amazing at it, too. however when going down on you he’d never let you finish, he’d have you so close but right before you cum he’d stop and say, “i still have to fuck you.”
p = pace (is he fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
never in a million years would patrick bateman have slow and sensual sex. he doesn’t like sex if it isn’t his way and that’s rough and fast. MAYBE on your anniversary he’d be soft and sweet but probably not even then.
your relationship with patrick revolves around him let’s be real.
q = quickie (his opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
they’re not his favorite. but since he doesn’t go outside of his apartment for sex, he’d never really have to worry about them.
r = risk (is he okay with experimenting? does he take risks?)
as long as it doesn’t completely beat up his ego, he’ll do it for you. it’s the least he can do. surprisingly, as much as he may fantasize about hurting you, he never actually would. he might try spanking, but that’s as far as he’d take it.
s = stamina (how many rounds can he go for? how long does he last?)
he can go about 5-6 rounds throughout the night, 3-5 on a bad day. he usually lasts about 25-30 minutes.
t = toys (does he own toys? how much does he use them? on you or him?)
i don’t really think he’d be a big toy guy, honestly. he’s all about you and him intimacy, not a toy. probably laugh in your face if you brought it up to him. he may use a vibrator on you, but that’d be it.
u = unfair (how much does he like to tease?)
he does tease you, but not for a very long time. he’ll tease you for the first few minutes of being intimate and then he’ll stop and just fuck you. mostly because i think he gets extremely needy too.
v = volume (how loud is he? what kind of noises does he make, etc.)
not a moaner at all. he’s too focused on what he’s doing to put effort into making noises. when he’d cum he’d let out a groan, but other than that he’s mostly silent other then loud pants.
w = wild card (random headcanon)
while he may not be the most vocal person during sex, he loves hearing you talk dirty to him. like tell him how good he feels and how nobody else could ever fuck you this good and he’d be absolutely over the moon. it always got him in a good mood and going.
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he’s BIG. he’s about 6 inches while he’s soft but 8 when he’s fully hard. it’s pretty thick too, and a long vein runs under the bottom and comes up just on the top of his shaft running over his tip. it’s pretty perfect ngl
y = yearning (how high is his sex drive?)
excruciatingly high. you’re always in constant pain because this man never gives you a break (with your consent ofc). he has to have sex with you at least once a day or he has a hard time functioning. so dramatic patty
z = zzz (how quickly does he fall asleep afterwards?)
he always waits until you fall asleep until he decides to go to bed. it’s kinda creepy, but you never asked about it. so after you go to bed, he’d follow right after you.
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peachymetimmy · 2 months
“Okay great”
Credit by @timotheechalamet_fann1 via TikTok
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vintagegirl01 · 2 months
Inner Healing
Marc Spector x fem! reader (Steven and Jake are mentioned briefly)
Summary: In the heat of a moment, Marc raises his voice at you. This leads you to get hurt but not for the reason that Marc is thinking.
Warning(s): angst that ends in fluff/comfort.
Marc had a stressful day. Between arguments with Khonshu and the back and forth conversations of his two headmates, he feels as if he’s barely hanging on by a thread.
Currently, the two of you are having dinner together. You’re telling him a story about something that happened to you at work during a zoom meeting. Although, you start to take note of Marc’s zoned out expression on his face. Something that happens when he has a lot on his mind.
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Taking this into account, you decide to bring up your concerns to him.
“Marc, are you okay? You haven’t been talking much tonight.”
He nods.
“Are you sure?” You try reassuring him, taking his hand in yours. “I'm here for you, you know?
Your voice starts to get lost with the other voices in his head. Though he’s trying to hold it together, he can no longer keep it in.
“I said I’m fine!!! Now stop nagging and leave me alone!!!”
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As soon as he sees that shocked look on your face, regret is instantaneous. As he is about to open his mouth to try to apologize, your reaction is what catches him off guard.
Rather than yell back at him, you nod and take you hand away from his own. “Okay.”
The rest of dinner is eaten in silence as he sees you keep your focus on your plate rather than look him in the eyes.
As Marc lays in bed, he begins to wonder about the events that happened tonight.
Why did I have to yell at her? She was only trying to help and I made her feel terrible.
“That's what I’m wondering”, responds Steven.
Jake murmurs “Tu es un idiota” as well as a few other phrases that Marc cannot fully understand but gets the gist of what is being emphasized. That he was a jerk to the woman who loves him so much, despite his faults.
As Steven and Jake go on with their reprimanding, Marc is trying to figure out what the next step is. Though he knows he needs to apologize, he isn’t sure how to when the woman he loves won’t even acknowledge him.
Just then, Marc sees you walk into your shared bedroom. Though he’s initially happy to see you, he is shocked to see you grab a pillow and blanket and decides to break the silence between you.
“What are you doing”?
“I’m getting ready for bed.” You say without looking at him.
“Away from me?”
“I figured…after what happened tonight, you want space.”
“Babe, please…”
“It’s fine, you don’t need to explain. I’m sorry…”
“I’m the one that should be apologizing. I yelled at you when you were only trying to help.”
“But you wouldn’t have yelled if you weren’t upset with me.”
“Babe, where is this coming from?”
Though you are reluctant, you decide to bring up your thoughts.
“Growing up, my dad used to yell when he got angry. Sometimes even yelling at me for no reason. Though his feelings were never truly directed at me, I couldn’t help but feel that I had something to do with it. Therefore, I figured that if you yelled at me, it must mean I made you…”
Despite being unable to finish, Marc brought you in for a hug. He now understands. You were upset because you thought you were the cause for his anger. But that could be further from the truth.
It was actually you that made him happy. Something that, since Randall's death, he had not felt. He felt whole again because of you.
Yes, despite how absurd it was for him to say it, you were able to give the impression that the man with DID wasn't broken. For they all loved you back just as much as you loved them all. So that he knows how much you mean to him, even if he has to spend the rest of the night cuddling with you and whispering sweet nothings, he will. Because it is what he intends to do for the remainder of your lives together, as well as tonight.
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