#My shy boss spoilers?
storm-driver · 1 year
kh4 rambling below the cut
im hoping they include multiple character campaigns for KH4. not just because i wanna see characters be playable that we havent seen in a while, or at all. but also because i feel like a whole game centered on sora in quadratum would get really difficult to tell a story in. not because interesting things couldn't happen. but the series has always had everyone venturing to other worlds to help progress the plot.
having sora, as limber and mobile as he was in that kh4 trailer, be secluded to a city, feels like he'd outpace the world itself and you'd end up traversing the same maps for tens of hours of game time. im sure there's gonna be plenty of narrative to push that world around, but i just dont wanna be in that single world the entire game.
it's part of why i wasn't the biggest fan of chain of memories. i didnt hate the story, and i didnt dislike castle oblivion. but KH excels at having the characters just be all over the universe in their journey. COM sorta shirks the responsibility of telling its story in one world by having illusions of the other worlds. but the most important parts are still only in castle oblivion. and after an hour or so of those cutscenes, it really starts to dawn on me how much ive grown used to the white walls of the castle.
perhaps that was the point? it's been a handful of years since those days, so i couldnt say anymore. ive grown up a lot since then, thematic choices will appear different to me from when i was a kid.
i digress, it'd also be a shame to bring back the whole main cast properly in kh3, free of their shackles or imprisonments, and then have them scarcely appear in the next mainline game. the hints that kairi will be training with ventus, terra, and aqua are already there, which gives me hope. donald and goofy are out looking for sora on their own, while mickey is on his way to the old scala ad caelum. it definitely FEELS like everyone is gonna be present.
im simply praying.
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Thread of my scaramouche fics, will be continuously updated/edited whenever I post more.
Don't be shy to ask me stuff or just speak ur genshin thirst for scara, anonymously or however. I love talking to everyone :)👍 There are no request rules besides all characters requested being Over 18. Ask anything, anytime.
please don't re-translate my fics OR RE UPLOAD THEM😊👍 Art by @dlgodls0731 On Twitter
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These Fics all contain spoilers for Scara's Backstory! Including (1.1 Stars event, Sumeru Chapter Spoilers, Inazuma Spoilers)
A DATE!: Boss SCARA X F! bodyguard reader
His office: Boss Scara X F! Bodyguard reader
<<"Your my pet." (Hybrid scara ERA!)>>
Sub! Catboy scara X Female reader!
JEALOUS! SUB catboy scara X fem reader
><Yandere era><
Yandere SCARAMOUCHE X FEMALE READER (reader has social anxiety)
Yan scara x Female reader(social anxiety) part 2
><Soft/Comfort fics><
Wanderer! comfort smut x female reader
1 Shots/Requests!
I hope everyone enjoys my fics and trys to take care of themselves :)) please put yourself first and love yourself. The world is crazy nowadays, much love!!
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gaybananabread · 2 months
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Perfection is Relative ˖ ݁݁ 𖥔.
~Soooo I’m in my rewatch-comfort-shows era, and Helluva Boss is next. I can’t wait for the newest episode, so I’m trying to get the insanity out with this. For anyone who happens to read this, I hope you Enjoy!~
Lee: Moxxie
Ler: Millie
Summary: Moxxie is second-guessing himself and stressing out about his appearance. Millie notices and decides to lovingly remind her husband what the word “perfect” truly means in this life.
Warnings: spoilers for Helluva Boss and fluffy couple romance (few kisses)! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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Moxxie had always had confidence issues. Be it moral dilemmas, other’s perceptions or just general life itself, he would second-guess himself and shy away. However, there was one thing he could always trust himself to nail: his presentations.
Whenever Blitz had a performance-based job, Moxxie put his best hoof forward and found a rare spark of assurance and self-confidence. His outfits were on point, any makeup was flawless, and he got into the metaphorical zone. Nobody could ruin that for him, or so he thought.
At the summer camp, Moxxie had spent a good few hours designing his persona and the look of it. He was actually pretty proud of it. That was, until those teenage girls and everyone else at the camp insulted his appearance and disregarded his existence.
Millie and him had already discussed how it made him feel, and while he was incredibly happy for and proud of his wife, he couldn’t get those thoughts out of his head. It bled into his everyday planning, making him critique every little detail about himself. Like that morning, where he’d spent half an hour adjusting his bowtie position.
“Maybe a bit lower to point the focus…” Moxxie mumbled to himself, loosening his bowtie once again. He’d left the bedroom door open, too focused on the mirror to notice. He didn’t even notice as his wife peeked in, nor he did he catch her small, knowing sigh.
“Honey…what’re you doing?” Millie came up behind him, resting her hands on his waist. She’d noticed his extra self-consciousness lately, but she hoped it was something he’d work out. It was apparently deeper than that, though, so she was at the ready with support and a - hopefully - helpful conversation.
“Adjusting my bow. It’s not really symmetrical, and I want it to send a certain message about me.” His words were a bit rushed, giving his wife a peek into the swirling storm of his mind. She wasn’t happy with what she saw.
“You really don’t need to worry, Mox. You look amazin’ already.” Millie gently grabbed his chin, turned him and kissed him. He sighed at the affection, pulling away after a second. Moxxie felt bad about kissing her; he wasn’t good enough yet. Millie deserved the world, and he couldn’t help but feel inadequate.
“If you say so, Mills. Just let me fix up a few more things.” Moxxie tugged at his collar, adjusting the bow and tugging his hair into place.
Now, Millie could’ve just left her husband to finish getting ready. However, doing so would’ve meant letting him think he needed any of the extra glitz and ritz he was putting forth. He was handsome and wonderful enough as-is; she was determined to get that through to him.
With a suppressed smirk, the female imp grabbed his chin once again, her tail snaking around his waist. Moxxie was oblivious to her true plot, just suspecting she wanted attention. “Millie, just gimme one seco- EEP!”
He cut himself off with a squeak as Millie’s claws skittered across his neck. Down below, the pointy tip of her tail was dragging along his side. The smirk was no longer suppressed, her adorable tooth gap showing in the playful grin.
“Mihihillie! Whahat are youhu dohohohoing?!” Moxxie squirmed and wriggled, trying to slip away from his wife. Millie wrapped her free arm around his waist, securing him while adding more wiggling fingers to his stomach.
“Gettin’ you outta your head, Mox. You got too much judgmental crud about yourself up there.” Millie placed a fluttery kiss behind his ear, making him squeak once again. Her fingers were still going at it, dragging the pointed claws along his belly and neck while her tail teased his side.
Moxxie instinctively folded like a lawn chair, his giggles squeaky and scratchy. His wife’s arm was the only thing keeping him from dropping to the floor.
“Mihihills! I cahahan’t- KYAAhahaha!” The sharpshooter kicked his hooves, each impact making a small clack against their wooden floor. Millie couldn’t help but coo at this.
“Aww, there we go, sugar~” She purred, chuckling against the warm skin of his neck. His careful bowtie placement was all messy now, skewed and crooked from Millie’s evil affection. She was hoping to get him all nice and messy before she stopped. He needed to see how amazing he was at his least dolled-up.
While his giggles were certainly music to her ears, she was looking for something with a bit more gusto. Millie wanted to really make him laugh.
Quickly spinning her husband around, she pushed him down onto their bed and grabbed his thighs. Moxxie’s eyes went as wide as saucers, but before he could say a word, her claws were wiggling into his sensitive skin.
“NAHAHAHO! MIHIHILIHIE PLEHEHEASE!” Moxxie’s precious giggles quickly rocketed up to loud, screeching cackles as Millie targeted his worst spot. He thrashed on the bed, ruining his hair and untucking his shirt in the process. She was quick to take advantage of that, slipping her tail underneath the fabric to tease his stomach once again.
“O-OHOHO MY SAHAHATAN!” Small tears of mirth gathered in the corners of his eyes, his cheeks stained a deeper, purple-ish red. The blush was adorable to Millie, though his tears showed she had gone far enough. She stilled her fingers, kissing his smiling lips.
“Ihihihi… oho cruhuhums…” Moxxie took a few deep, giggly breaths as he tried to regain his composure. That attack had come out of nowhere, but he didn’t exactly hate it. “Whahat was thahat for?”
“I already told ya, hon. You’re bein’ too hard on yourself.” Millie rolled off him, lying down beside her husband. He sighed, shaking his head.
“I juhust…I dunno, Millie. It’s just not enough. I need to be perfect.” She brushed a bit of his unruly hair back in place, humming. “I think you look pretty damn perfect right now, Mox. You’re only perfect when you’re you.”
Moxxie felt himself tear up at that. Millie was just…so herself. He thought she was perfect, so…maybe she was right. Leaning forward, he kissed her lovingly, his tail wrapping around hers.
Millie smiled into the soft embrace, cupping his face with one hand as the other held him close. He was so adorable just then: rosy cheeks, loving eyes, messy hair and love-drunk eyes. She could gaze at him for eternity and never tire of his most natural beauty.
“Uhum…what were we getting ready for again?” Moxxie asked as he pulled away, finally remembering that they had planned on going somewhere. It did kind of spoil the moment, but he genuinely couldn't remember.
“Well, I think…Blitz called us in? Somethin’ about a pop-up client.” Millie sighed, knowing that their boss was probably ready to kill them for not being there yet. She didn't regret a damn thing, of course; Moxxie was more important than work.
“Shit…you wanna get ready together?” Moxxie shrugged, offering the small moment. Millie looked him over one last time, taking in her perfectly amazing mess of a husband before nodding.
“Sounds good, Mox. But no spendin’ forever on silly things, got it?” She booped his nose for emphasis, wiggling a few sneaky fingers on his side. Moxxie giggled and jerked away, playfully glaring at her.
“Gohot it,” he agreed, sticking his tongue out with a smirk. Millie rolled her eyes before hopping off the bed as well, joining him by the mirror.
Moxxie looked into the reflective glass, seeing himself in near complete disarray. But, with Millie’s smiling figure by his side, loving every bit of him unconditionally, he couldn't help but like what he saw just that much more.
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vampsquerade · 1 year
Dating valeria headcanons please
VALERIA my favorite girlboss 😩 i’m in love w this woman y’all have no idea! also i got a few requests for headcanons. BIG HEADS UP THAT THERE IS A SPOILER HERE FOR THE CAMPAIGN OF CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2 (2022 reboot), YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Valeria Headcanons: Dating Her
Trigger Warnings: slight angst, campaign spoilers (second warning), stress, crime boss activities (in a fictional sense), arrest and escape
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♪ Dating Valeria was a wild thing, really, even if the live you lived was comfortable
♪ She was lovely and sweet with you, as one would expect a lover like her to be, but to everyone else she had the capacity to be the cruelest you could ever see her
♪ She never has you witness any of it, so as to protect you
♪ In another way to protect you, she has you wear a special mask so that it’s easier to identify you out of her clients and hostiles
♪ She dotes on you constantly, coddling you and treating you like you’re her most beloved treasure
♪ Refuses to talk about her relationship with Alejandro, the only time she’s ever brought it up was when she had a few too many drinks
♪ Takes you on expensive and fancy dates and buys you whatever you want, even if you tell her not to
♪ “Money is made to spend, mi amor. And I choose to spend it on you.” she’ll say, dragging a finger under your chin before giving you a kiss
♪ If you’re allergic to flowers, Valeria finds alternatives to show you her affections and her love of giving you both anything you wanted
♪ When you’re not at her home if operations, Valeria made sure to set up a safehouse where you were set to live in whenever she was away on business
♪ Valeria likes to tease you a lot, often finding it endearing and cute that it’s so easy to have you flustered and shy
♪ She makes sure your clothes are tailored perfectly as well, wanting you to find love in yourself the way she loves you
♪ Despite her cold exterior, Valeria worries often about your safety and stresses herself out in silence—but once she’s able to hold you in her arms and feel her yourself does she know it’ll all be okay
♪ Eventually, upon her arrest, most her assets were seized—including you
♪ Valeria was pissed, and everyone knew that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
♪ She did everything to free the both of you from Graves and his Shadows, and found herself to be successful
♪ You both escaped and eloped, hiding off the grid until everything blew over and she was able to get most of your things back
♪ She obviously taught you how to protect yourself too, in the case that she wasn’t there and the guards she assigned to you died
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askmerriauthor · 1 year
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Regarding this post I made earlier examining Geeta's antics in Paldea.
In Defense of Geeta
I feel like Geeta absolutely was written to be the shitty boss she is intentionally. There's too many situations where attention is drawn to her bad habits, either as them being directly pointed out or indirectly referenced. But what I really hope the case ends up being is that she's not at all a villain. Pokemon has gone the route of the suspicious CEO-type character being the "twist villain nobody could have seen coming!" for several games now. It's getting pretty old and I feel like it would be a weak direction for S/V to take.
Interestingly enough, one actually can look at all of Geeta's actions and not really see anything nefarious about them. Discussion after the jump for the sake of spoilers and wall'o'text.
It's very easy to look at Geeta and think she's a Bad Guy, given her strange behavior and all the negative attention she gets among the fandom. I'm certainly not innocent of seeing her in a less than endearing light, given my prior post. But a lot of that view does come from real world parallels and comparing the game's presentation to past Pokemon games in which nobody ever says the slightest criticism of the Champion, which may not necessarily be fair.
One of the biggest justifications Players have to indicate Geeta is bad is the way she meddles with the Gym Leaders and how corporate she's made the League. I pointed that out myself. But to flip it around... maybe she behaves that way because it's what the Gym Leaders need?
We constantly see Geeta inserting herself into events throughout the game. She shows up at the Academy, pops up at Gyms seemingly at random, and is always talking about how she has other pressing business that pulls her away from lingering too long. The only way she gets time to participate in casual encounters is when others (usually Nemona or the Player, if not both) take some of her workload off her plate. While I criticized the way Geeta had apparently deeply intertwined the Pokemon League, the Academy, and the Paldean economy itself, it does stand to reason doing so puts a ton of work on her having to maintain it. That's her own doing though, so it's a case of her getting what she signed up for and she never seems to shy away from it despite her habit of recruiting others to help.
The Gym Leaders, though? While they do remark about Geeta meddling with them, giving frequent reviews, and otherwise sticking her nose into their business, they've also shown that they're all pretty flaky. Rather, they're a total mess both individually and collectively. It's possible that the reason Geeta is constantly keeping an eye on them is because they need that in order to fit the direction Geeta is trying to guide the League in.
When we meet each of the Gym Leaders both in our first encounter and in the rematch post-game, we learn a lot about their behaviors through casual exposure. All of the Gym Leaders have a job besides running a Gym and, with the exception of Grusha, all of them show that running the Gym is by no means their top priority. Nor are any of them especially reliable when it comes to managing their Gyms. Based on past games, we're accustomed to Gym Leaders taking a large amount of pride in their position and holding it in esteem even when they also had other simultaneous jobs. We've seen Gym Leaders and Elite Four who were also artists, performers, athletes, CEOs, and such before. That's not the case with Paldea though; to these Gym Leaders, it's just a job and not necessarily one they put a lot of personal investment into compared to their actual passions/careers. It's mentioned that Geeta "strong-armed them" into taking on the role, which can be read that she went out of her way to convince strong, capable Trainers to become Gym Leaders for the sake of Paldea and because she saw the potential they held but weren't utilizing.
Katy flat-out forgot that she was under review and only appeared for the rematch by pure coincidence because she just so happened to visit that day. When we first meet Kofu, he and his assistant are both a totally scatterbrained mess. Iono only bothers with being a Gym Leader because it gets her viewership for her streamer career; if something else better came along, she'd surely jump for it immediately. Brassius is very upfront about his artistic passions being the number one thing in his life and openly abandons his responsibilities as a Gym Leader to pursue them during the rematch. Tulip's modeling career keeps her busy and she only has just enough time to show up for a brief match before immediately leaving to get back to her work. Ryme is more focused on her music career and wasn't even the original Gym Leader; that position belonged to her sister, Professor Tyme, who left the role to become a teacher. Larry, despite being the most vocal about his dislike of Geeta's habits, is also the most distracted as he has three simultaneous jobs and constantly works overtime. Finally, Grusha doesn't have any job besides being a Gym Leader, but that's only due to an injury that has made it impossible for him to pursue his original passion. That same injury has likewise cost him his motivation and drive to improve; he's only hanging onto his role as Gym Leader because he doesn't think he has anything else going for him now.
With all that in mind, it makes sense a rigid sort like Geeta would want to keep a close watch and short leash on all these unreliable personalities, doesn't it? She has to keep tabs on them because they risk failing the various Trainers who hope to challenge them otherwise, along with squandering their own potential. Geeta is always very open about her desire to foster powerful Trainers out of Paldea, if nothing else. After the rematch, all the Gym Leaders express a level of understanding and even appreciation toward Geeta for what she's done for them. Grusha and Larry stand out in particular, as they both confess that her meddling has helped motivate them to go beyond what they've settled into. Where Larry mentions that Geeta will dock his pay if he wastes time, he also mentions that she insists he stop overworking himself with overtime hours. So it's possible she's simultaneously trying to keep him focused without letting him overdo it as well.
When it comes to how corporate Geeta has made the League, that's not technically fair to say either. It's an easy shorthand but not entirely accurate. The goal of corporations is to make profit no matter what, but that's not really Geeta's motivation. She's not looking to get rich or powerful, but to rally as many genuinely powerful and talented Trainers up within Paldea as she can. That, in and of itself, isn't at all a bad thing and is commonly shared among all regions that have a League. While I criticize League Points as being company scrip, it does supply not just Trainers but all citizens of Paldea with an alternative way of funding themselves. This would include the Gym Leaders; despite common remarks (which I have made myself) about Geeta not paying the Gym Leaders a living wage, it's entirely possible they do indeed make plenty to thrive on and just have their non-Gym Leader job because that's their true passion that they want to put their effort into. Be it cash or League Points, they do have a salary. Larry himself mentions it outright, while Grusha and Brassius don't seem to be in any financial straits despite their unstable working conditions outside the Gyms. When it comes to the region's economy as a whole, subsidizing major commercial chains throughout the region just to make food and supplies more accessible can't be cheap; when you sell goods to the PokeMart for cash, you only get a fraction of the total value, but get significantly more (usually double) the value in League Points. Geeta's overall emphasis doesn't seem to be shaping the League and its sphere of influence within Paldea to make herself wealthy or powerful, but rather to make the whole affair as plainly efficient and self-sustaining as possible. In that regard, she's done a fantastic job.
When all is said and done, I genuinely hope Geeta isn't a villain but simply a boss with lofty visions, exacting demands, and absolutely terrible interpersonal skills. I feel like she'd be a lot more interesting that way in that she'd be a genuinely flawed person without her issues just being dismissed as "because she's the Bad Guy".
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itsmewahoo · 1 month
so i finished Another Crab's Treasure and its one of my favorite games this year. the game is just an emotional rollercoaster ride and honestly a nice introduction to soulslike games. the game is very self aware and has a bunch of jokes and doesnt take itself seriously at times but theres also lot of themes about isolation, identity and depression. the game went to more serious topics that i kinda expected from the game and the devs but they go all in and are not shy about it. it made me tear up and it literally hits close to home since i live on an island
spoilers for the late part of the game
the fact that praya dubia (second to last boss) is a siphonophore makes sense. a mass of multiple micro organisms (in this case, souls of the ppl lost from the gunk and trash) becoming one entity just bottling up all the anger and hate from the awful state the trash has done to them
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they also have so much resentment to the creatures above (the humans) that they dont care about saving the ocean anymore and instead they want to purge everything and make it a new. its just such a good metaphor for pollution. and its tragic because they end up dying still full of hate. even by the end of the game nothing has stopped the pollution of the ocean. it still happens but the ocean life is still getting by still trying to live on
heres some cut up dialogue from the ending
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if youve played their previous game Going Under then you know that bittersweet feeling the devs have in their games. its an awful world but all they can do is make the most of it and hope someway somehow things get better. Going Under was great and ACT is flipping fantastic. Amazing game!
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dinosaursgowoof · 8 days
Okay but what if, and hear me out it’s all down to Ben AKA welcome to my ted talk conspiracy theory AKA I just finished chaos theory it’s 1am and I have wild thoughts:
-the handler was a clone of Ben
-Ben got onto the island because his mum worked for Simon Masrani (according to google) so theoretically she has access to that sort of technology
-So when Ben got back from the island and was like “I completely bonded with a dinosaur” the science people were like ‘ah right. Here’s a boy Compatible with dinos. How can we use this but make it more messed up’.
- Ben and Brooklyn shared a joke about clones on the rooftop. Foreshadowing?
- The handler looks very similar to Ben when he was younger and they share a similar eye colour now even though ben’s eye colour was a brownish colour at one point (I think)?
-the handler is tweaked so is telepathic or part raptor? We know that the science people weren’t shy from playing with DNA
-what if ben’s mum is now working with Dr Wu and she’s running things now?
-it would kind of make sense to me why Brooklyn faked her own death. She wanted to uncover the truth but found out it was ben’s mum and she saw what happened to kenji when his dad was revealed as evil so didn’t want that for Ben and wanted to be sure before pulling that out of the bag.
-the handler is going rogue chasing down the campfam especially Ben. We know the Boss doesn’t like loose ends but what if the handler sees Ben as a loose end (like emotionally) and by killing Ben ends are tied.
-Ben spoke in Italian when his van sunk. What if his European “girlfriend” was from Italy? What if they met on dark Jurassic but have never met in person? What if he was being catfished by the handler?
What other wild theories does everyone have? I want to hear them!
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
discussion #2 (a boss and a babe): guncher + their making love scene
yesterday, before ep 10 aired, forcebook had a short interview with p'leo. they talked about lots of things, one being the fascinating intimate scene.
so, p'leo asked for some spoilers, and forcebook hilariously mentioned part 4 in ep 10. quoting directly from forcebook, they said part 4 was the longest and hardest scene to shoot. i believed it required lots of concentration, emotion and energy. //idk why i'm smiling
and i kind of understand why the scene was taxing for them? from what i see, it wasn't merely sex. sure, they were going in that direction. but there was much more complexity in that scene and i swear, i was blushing really hard last night.
more than just lust
from my perspective (and from a fair amount of intimate scenes on-screen consumption throughout the years), bed scenes are usually direct, steamy, quick and action-driven. but this doesn't apply to all media because i do notice a slower and more subtle making love scene in more recent dramas (that i don't watch ㅠㅠ).
and i get it. i get why forcebook were so shy after filming the scene. they couldn't look at each other. they just lay on the bed and didn't speak a word for five minutes (again, quoting directly from their interview last night 🤭)
the intimate scene wasn't triggered by lust. it happened after all the shit they went through. it happened after gun's sincere i love you, and it dawned on cher that, wow, i'm in this deep shit for life. it happened after both faced the consequences of losing each other to the world— and they had enough of those bullshits.
honestly, they would've been so contented just by sleeping together on the bed. they would snuggle and make up for the lost nights of not being in each other's arms. but there was this drive in cher that navigated his body— almost too naturally— to initiate the first move.
cher + his struggle to express feelings in words
one of the reasons why cher started it was because he didn't trust his words. cher would always keep everything to himself. taking the blame on behalf of p'ink is a prime example that this man would never speak (unless someone puts a knife on that person's neck, and not his).
of course, cher finds it difficult to put his feelings into words when gun makes it look so easy. it's just his personality. this is when we realise that gun's most prominent love language is words of affirmation (as he constantly asks cher about his feelings).
how about cher? well, i personally think his love language is acts of service. and initiating this move is one of them.
as words deceived him, cher resorted to touching gun, feeling all of him, letting him in, and it resolved in that one moment when cher finally said, "cher rak p'gun na krub," (i love you, p'gun).
we know it gets serious when cher drops the boss and calls gun phi instead. this kind of deletes the power imbalance and discards the different status they have (in which they never give a fuck, personally). and everyone cheered!
it must have taken so much courage in cher to say those words aloud. but after everything they went through— after realising gun would do anything, literally anything for cher— answering gun's constant cries of confirmation was the least cher could do.
and gun was the happiest man on earth that night. as he deserved.
guncher + intimacy
i wonder why their making love scene gives me the most tingle. it really feels like i'm intruding on them. it's not a usual thing to experience. i'm shy.
i wonder if it's the gazes they give each other.
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the quiet, heartfelt whispers and the tenderest forehead kisses.
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the fidgety fingers around gun's waist.
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the blinding sparkle in cher's eyes as he tugs gun's shirt and touches his waist.
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or the subtle excitement and nervousness radiating from the way they hold each other.
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probably, it's because this is the general idea of making love.
it's not just sex. it's not just lust. it's not just heavy breathing and moans and skin-on-skin sounds. it's the journey of reaching euphoria, but make it vanilla with a tinge of spice.
they talked. they teased. they confessed. and it was so on-brand of their characters. gun being so gentle and respectful. cher being shy yet forward. it was all depicted beautifully in this scene. it really showed them as two different people blending into one.
and i can't express how proud i am of forcebook. the story is messy. i completely agree. so many things can be improved. but forcebook's acting got me hooked. like really hooked.
it's so hard to nail intimate scenes, especially if it aims to be gentle, romantic and heartfelt like this. i don't know how they did it. probably it's the trust they have in knowing each other for more than 15 years. but they did it, and they did it well.
they're so good. forcebook did an amazing job. this making love scene is one of the best on-screen intimate moments i've seen in a while. i'm proud of them. <3
i'm inserting my most favourite part of the euphoric bliss with everyone (for scientific purposes, solely).
the other half of my brain while watching part 4:
god... this is the glimpse of topmew in only friends... this is how they'll be in only friends... they might be like this with more than one character... oh, god... fcuk—
and i died a little (a lot) inside.
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nauwuna · 1 year
Taiju x Fem!Reader who is a big sister
Warning: English is not my first language, spoilers from black dragon arc, reader and Taiju are the oppositive of each other
Note:S/n= sibling name
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You two are the opposite of each other
You always treat your little siblings with love
If they do something wrong, of course you get mad, but you always explain to them in a calm way
Taiju love his siblings but have a very wrong way to show it
You two start to dating after what happen on Christmas
Hakkai and Yuzuha are very shocked to know that Taiju date you!
You get along with them and you treat them as your little siblings
<<Yuzuha I bought you your favorite hair cream, and here, this is for you Hakkai>>
They love you
Taiju is fine with the way you treat them
whenever you treat his siblings with love and affection he notice how much is wrong with them
You give to Hakkai a basketball jacket, you know Yuzuha and Hakkai very well now to bought to them what they like.
You also go to shopping with Yuzuha, she always gives you advice on the various products she uses.
<<T-thanks Y/n>> Hakkai still very shy around you but the good thing is that now he speaks to you.
<<Thanks you Y/n>> Yuzuha hugs you. Taiju looks at you two.
<<is something wrong?>> you ask him as you pull away from his sister's embrace, you approach him and whisper: <<are you jealous big shark?>>
<<nope, I'm just thinking>> you see his cheeks get flushed.
You always call him Big Shark because of is height and muscles and also because sharks are his favourite animals
He calls you little angel because you are very short compared to him, even if you are taller you still little to him, and angel because you are beautiful for him you are so nice and cute, you look just like an angel for him
When Taiju first met your siblings, it didn't go so well
<<I don't want you around my Big sis!>> one of your siblings says to him with angry. << S/n! That's not nice to say! And it's my choice to date him or not>> you scold them but Taiju stop you. <<it's okay>> he doesn't want you to fight with your siblings because of him. When he left you decided to talk with your siblings about that, it turns out they were just scared because he had been the boss of a violent gang, you explained to them that he had changed after that and that he wanted to become a better person. <<I trust you sis, but I have yet to prove it with my own eyes>> one of them says, so the next time Taiju comes at your house, Your siblings asked him a lot of questions to see if he was a good boyfriend. <<would you risk your life for her?>> when they asked him you were in the kitchen finishing making lunch, but you had heard his answer. <<yes>> <<I would too>> you says enter in the dining room, Taiju blushing when you say it and you realize after what did you say and start blushing too. <<lunch is almost ready>> you run in the kitchen embarassed.
After that they start to get along with him <<Tai-kun it's your turn>> your siblings and him playing with cards sometimes or monopoly One time you stay up late night with Taiju and your siblings playing Monopoly together, at the end Taiju win
Taiju often takes you on a date to the aquarium or to the beach when the sun goes down
<<are you two going to married or what?>> Yuzuha told to you two one time when you have dinner at your house, you also invited his siblings.
<<Yu Nee-san is right, are you two want to get married?>> one of you siblings asks looking at you two
You and Taiju are very close now
You two been dating for years
<<maybe when we turn twenty, but I want to marry you Y/n>> he doesn't talk to his sister and your sibling, he talking to you
Your heart lost a beat as he look at you.
<<Kiss! kiss! kiss!>> you hear in the background
<<i-i want to marry you too Taiju!>> you says embarassed because the others were watching.
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lovingherrscher · 1 year
Bungou Stray Dogs Otoge
So I saw an earlier post about what BSD characters being the love interests in Diabolik Lovers, so why not make an otoge/otome game for them?
Dazai Yohane proudly presents you... Bungou Stray Dogs Otoge!
Warning: Crack, some angst in the bad endings, OOC even maybe. Random thoughts in a mental breakdown. Spoilers for Storm Bringer. Character deaths mentions.
Notes: None. I just want to distract myself.
Love interests:
Dazai Osamu - 1 True Ending, 1 Good Ending and 2 Bad Endings
The mystery type
"Posterboi", yes, he's on the poster for the common version of the game, the limited version ft all 5 love interests (except for Fyodor because he's in the secret route)
Ranked #2 in the popularity poll
Is loved by all the fangirls
Likes to fool around with MC
All of that disappear when you got out of the common route and head for his route
Shout out to Dazai slowly opening up gotta be my favourite genre
Will have a CG where he takes you to Lupin and slowly opens up to you about his past
Best bed scene in the whole game
One of the bad endings is where you two committed a lover's suicide together and succeeded.
Nakahara Chuuya - 1 True Ending, 2 Good Ending and 3 Bad Endings
The rich guy who'd buy you everything as a gift, jewelries, fancy clothes, a store, a building even?!
Candidate for the next mob boss
5/5 (actually 4.5) on these criterias:
The (soon to be) mob boss
Cruel, cold to almost everyone else except for his 'family' aka the mafia
Is actually a nice person
Will treats you gently, like a princess when he's head over heels for you
Gap moe (he likes dogs)
So inevitably, he ranked #1 in the popularity poll
Is almost everything the Italians hates about 'romanticizing the mafiosos'
His route is basically a whole "FUCK GO BACK" like Dazai, since we'll focus on his traumas and his past more.
He will opens up about his fear of not being a human, about the calamity that lives inside him
Has a CG where he takes you to visit Rimbaud's and The Flags' graves.
That one route would make the players put the Switch/PS Vita down and ask themselves why are they here, just to suffer.
Best kiss sounds in the whole fucking game I say. His bed scene makes you went from angsty mood to instant horny.
One of his bad ending is about how Chuuya lost control of the calamity inside him - Arahabaki when he saw you, killed before his eyes by the enemy, and with Dazai out of the picture, there isn't anyone there to stop him anymore.
Nakajima Atsushi - 1 True Ending, 1 Good Ending and 1 Bad Ending
That one character make everyone goes 'hell I could adopt him even not flirt with him.'
Cute, shy boy
Is cute when needed and sexy when wanted
Makes you wonder how can an angel like this even exists
Has good kissing sounds *if you know what I mean*
Drifting off the common route we dig deeper into his past, about the beast inside him, about the orphanage and the headmaster
A CG where he'll cry in your arms and you soothing him, reassure the boy that it's all in the past and he isn't alone now
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke - 1 True Ending, 2 Good Ending and 2 Bad Ending
Tsundere type
Eventually will slowly opens up to MC
God he's so cute and precious
Needs a hug for all the traumas he's been through
His route basically focus on his past and how Dazai affected him so much
He has a CG where he sat down and talk with you about Gin and how he grows up in the slum, about why did he crave for power so bad, and why he wanted to be acknowledged by his ex-mentor.
3rd best bed scene in the game.
Kunikida Doppo - 1 True Ending, 1 Good Ending and 1 Bad Ending
Workaholic type
A man who dedicates his life to work
The handsome one with glasses
It's really fun watching him slowly falling for you, especially when he has this "58 standards for the ideal woman"
He'll slowly crosses them out just for you 💖
His route focus on the reason he dreams of an ideal world, his ideal world
Will has this 'behind the scene' flashback about The Azure King's case and Azure Apostle's case 2 years ago with the death of Rokuzou and Sasaki.
A CG where he holds you tightly in his arms and speaks with a broken voice, teary eyes about how he's so scare that his ideal might consume him one day like what happened to Azure King. He is whom chases his ideals like the moth chasing flames, but deep down under that perfectionist, workaholic mask is how he's insecure and scared that his ideals will burn him down like the flame that burn down the moth.
2nd best bed scene in the game.
His bad ending is basically when his ideals finally consume him and Kunikida became the 2nd Azure King.
Secret route: Fyodor Dostoevsky - 1 True Ending and 1 Bad Ending
After you finish everyone's route, a new, hidden route will be unlocked. And it's the Russian man, the mastermind behind everything
To be honest, this is quite of a short route. No common, just straight to his route
Also a mystery type
The smart, prodigy type
The one who has this aura goes "run for your life" or either "damn he's hot"
Expect an unhealthy relationship when you're in this route
This man will uses you like a pawn on his chessboard
Gaslighting, manipulation, abusing, you name it. Everything is in this route
What good ending? No good ending with him for you missy. Only true end or bad end.
WORST BAD ENDING IN THE WHOLE GAME. Please don't ask what it's like.
Fandisc: 2 fandisc with one being the current timeline, the other is about when Dazai is still in the mafia.
Bonus contents for 1st fandisc:
An extra route for Fukuzawa
A Bad Ending in common route ft a 3P, a Dazai x MC x Chuuya sandwich *chef's kiss*
An another Bad Ending in common route ft a 3P, an Atsushi x MC x Akutagawa sandwich
And a new Bad Ending in secret route leads you to a Dazai x MC x Fyodor sandwich
Bonus contents for 2nd fandisc:
A Mafia!Dazai route
An Odasaku route
An Ango route
A Bad Ending in common route that's extra spicy ft a 4P with the Dark Era Trio?!!! *chef's kiss*
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dapper-zappa · 10 months
Spider Outta The Bag | Miguel O'Hara
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Spider-Woman!Reader
Summary: Miguel is fed up with LYLA pestering him about his crush on you… only for him to accidentally confess the feelings in front of you.
Word count: ~1,3K
Warnings: Fluff, banter, possibly OOC Miguel?, TSSM series ending spoilers, LYLA being a sassy ahh mf, accidental confession, oblivious Y/N,
A/N: First Miguel fic woop woop, and if there's any inaccurate Spanish, please tell me! Also, I think it'd be nice to use the Peter from The Spectacular Spider-Man, who appeared on ATSV briefly as Y/N's mission partner in this fic instead of someone like Miles, Hobie, Jess Drew, or Ben. TSSM!Peter's world is canonically Earth-26496 in the Marvel wiki so that's why I wrote it that way.
Also, based after this prompt !
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For the upteenth time, LYLA sighed at Miguel, who only did nothing but sit down and think. “Wow, Miguel, I swear you’re way more shy than a high schooler crushing on someone.” the AI groaned, shifting her form so she’s now sitting on top of her boss’s shoulder as she filed her nails. “Since she’s gonna go for a mission later thanks to an anomaly in Earth-26496 with the Peter from that world, why can’t you just tell her when you call her here for the mission briefing? That’ll save you way more time instead of wasting your time waiting for her to confess instead!”
His growing feelings towards you (and how he constantly tried to deny it) were often challenged if someone else teased him about it. While it’s usually 
his AI assistant that pestered him about his silly schoolboy crush, Dr. O’Hara also had got a fair amount of spider people who teased him to try to make him ask you out. From Jess, the Peter with a 5 o'clock shadow who almost always had baby Mayday on his side, Hobie, while not close with him, tends to make little jabs on how Miguel “was always buzzin’ to see Y/N”, even the melodramatic hunk Ben Reilly joined in at times. 
Yet at the same time, deep down he always yearned for you to return his feelings. 
“For the last time, LYLA. I’m not in love with Y/N L/N.” Miguel grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
LYLA’s projection shifted again so she’s now in front of his face, arms crossed as she popped a bubble of bubblegum as pink as her heart shaped shades.
“My goodness, you’re doing it again.” 
“What thing? I didn’t say anything bad before.” Miguel gestured with his hands to try to prove LYLA’s only joking or making some sort of false accusations to toy with him. 
“That thing! Where you’re so in love with someone yet pretend you’re not in love with them!” The AI bursted into laughter at how bad he is at pretending he’s not being lovestruck. “Every day you whine about how you don’t love Y/N yet whenever someone says it in front of your handsome face, you often look at her like a lost puppy whenever she’s in the room or whenever you two go on missions together. I’d say you’re one of the funniest in terms of the spider people being in love.” she chortled. 
Miguel shot LYLA a glare, shutting her mouth up once she was faced with a pair of angry scarlet orbs. The AI tried to open her mouth again but she was cut off by him.
“Then what am I supposed to say? Hey Y/N, I’m so deeply in love with you that you’re all I think about all the time-”
Before he knew it, he was interrupted by two familiar voices exclaiming at the same time. His jaw dropped agape, the scarlet hues in his now widened eyes dimmed down at the sheer shock that crept through him when one of the people who just walked into his office was Y/N L/N out of everyone else. 
“Why didn’t you tell me Y/N is coming?” he scolded, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice.
“I was trying to tell you that but you cut me off.”
On the other hand, the embarrassment also hit you, especially because you still couldn’t believe what you and the Peter from Earth-26496 - or as you’d nickname him, Spectacular Peter had just witnessed. Peter and you settled on the nickname when you praised his performance, calling him “spectacular” in a mission and you used that nickname to distinguish him from the many other Peters in the Spider Society. 
Miguel O’Hara just accidentally confessed he’s in love with you.
“Estupendo.” With his back now facing you and Peter, Miguel huffed in frustration and embarrassment. “Just make sure to tell no one about this.” 
“Miguel, I know I’m supposed to get the details about the mission in Earth-26496 but why didn’t you tell me from the start?” you questioned. “That way at least you wouldn’t have to hide your feelings around me, even if I ashamedly didn’t know about your little crush on me before I heard you saying it in front of me and Peter.” 
Peter, who noticeably appeared more cartoonish than most of his variants who were part of the Spider Society, could only give your shoulder a few comforting pats to attempt to relieve you from the amount of embarrassment by your own boss yet at the same time not cause any more trouble.
“At least it’s not the time when Gwen and I broke up with our partners Harry and Liz just so we can get together with each other… only for me to find out that my best friend’s dad is the Green Goblin soon after.” Peter lamented in remembrance of that very awkward moment in his love life.
Conflict grew even more - perhaps way more than it was within Miguel’s heart before he accidentally revealed his crush in front of you, someone who had no clue he liked you. His heart pounded under his ribs, waiting so hard for it to burst from how uneasy this moment was making him. His combed hair became messier the more he ran his fingers through his hair, as he tends to do it whenever he’s feeling stressed or anxious. 
This had gotta be the time where he should be all serious and make sure you and Peter got the needed information… right? After he calmed down, Miguel instead turned around to face you and your partner for today’s mission, approached you, and gently placed his large hand on your shoulder.
He briefly glanced at Peter (who’s getting really awkward from finding out his boss has a crush on his partner for today’s mission) before fixating his chestnut brown eyes on you. 
“I’m sorry for embarrassing you. I wasn't careful about my words before and I won’t do it again in front of you.” he suddenly retracted his hand after remembering that he’s supposed to give you the details of the anomaly in Earth-26496. 
LYLA projected 2 screens in front of you and Peter as Miguel began his briefing. The first screen displayed the details and a virtual model of a variant of the infamous Scorpion, but this particular version appeared to be a tall and muscular woman donning the Scorpion armor, complete to the venom infused in her tail’s stinger. On the other hand, the second screen displayed the Scorpion variant rampaging in that world’s city center. Police cars surrounded all over her, but to no avail as she started attacking the police officers and citizens began scurrying away from the now dangerous area. 
“Oh, I forgot. A Scorpion variant is rampaging in Earth-26496 and all you two have to do is to take down this anomaly, capture her, then bring her to the HQ so that the Go-Home Machine can send her back to her native dimension.”
“By the way, she looks to be quite tough because she’s armed with a venom stinger in her tail, so you both have to be careful or else you’ll suffer from hallucinations and fatigue induced by her venom.” LYLA added.
“I wish you two luck with today’s mission.” Miguel said firmly, ending the briefing for today’s mission. 
“We will, Miguel.” Peter replied. 
He immediately opened a portal to his native world for you two to go in and immediately stepped inside, but right when you were about to step inside the portal, Miguel stopped you.
“So… would you like to go to dinner tonight with me? Maybe I can take you to my favorite place in Nueva York once you and Peter are done handling the anomaly. For our first date.” you turned around at his offer. 
“I’d love to, but I have to go now. I’ll see you again!” 
“You too.” he smiled. 
With a last wave towards him, you went in the portal and it closed itself right after. Now what’s left to do is for you to help Peter capture the Scorpion variant anomaly and bring her back to the HQ, just as you were told.
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heehoothefool · 3 months
Okay so first and foremost congrats to Nintendo for making a genuinely fun new way of playing the game that felt really inventive and fresh. "Splatoon Roguelite" was not a concept I'd ever imagined seeing, and it certainly wasn't something I was entirely sure I'd enjoy when it was confirmed as a reality.
And yet, I found myself having an absolutely wonderful time with this game! It's not so hard it's impossible, but it's also not so easy that I get bored, striking a really nice balance of keeping me both deeply invested in the gameplay without ripping my hair out in a fit of gamer rage.
I think like many others, I too would have liked maybe a few more bosses in the boss floor rotation, but genuinely I'm more than happy to over look that just by virtue of how fun the game turned out to be. I do think maybe Parallel Canon could have stood to be a bit tougher, it really just feels like an Octoling Onslaught level from past solo modes, but that's about my only real complaint for how the bosses themselves play.
The music kicks ass like usual, and I liked the way they handled the story so that both players who really only committed to the one Big Run and players who, like me, went for all the palettes, had a good chance of leaving the dlc rather satisfied with their answers.
In terms of palettes, I was genuinely surprised with how good most of them felt, and was especially surprised when I found myself sincerely enjoying palettes with weapons I normally would despise! Finding out that Marina's palette was actually genuinely viable, and possibly one of the stronger palettes I the game, was such a rush of joy to me. In no world had I ever considered a brella, paired with a sprinkler and ink storm, would ever be a viable combination in a game like this. And yet it was so genuinely fun to play with and build and very quickly opened my eyes to very creative palette building methods!
Some part of me does wish the order clone weapons you got for beating a run weren't just Skins, because some of those kits were genuinely really good and unique and I would have loved to play with them in a competitive setting, but I do understand why Nintendo, and especially the Splatoon Team, didn't lock An Entire 12 Unique Weapon Kits behind a paid DLC, and I appreciate it deeply. (A new Luna kit would have been nice tho)
Also, holy fuck was 8's palette hell. Don’t get me wrong, it was a very good and enjoyable challenge, but also I reached Overlorder like 6 different times and kept dying on the final phase because I turned off my Damage Reduction Hack in favor of Increased Damage and An Extra Life while still being able to have like. 12 chips. So every enemy shy of the little bastards and the sprinkler bitches would one shot my armor. Not to mention Reef Slider spam. I kind of wish the chip reduction vs. active hacks wasn't as unforgiving as it is, but that's a personal preference and not really a complaint I'd genuinely launch against the game. I was just having a rough time due to the splattershot's low damage compared to the Jelleton's high hp. I felt like I'd been handed an Arospray with a little more range and a slower fire rate, but no added damage, and been launched into a profreshional Salmon Run match Alone. A really good weapon if you want a real challenge from the game.
Overall I loved this, and I'm definitely gonna make a few more runs to try and get the Prlz to buy out Cipher's shop. I already have all the gear and banners, just gotta pick up the stickers and decorations.
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shintin · 10 months
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↳ Vash the Stampede x Female Reader
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One-shot (A cut from Gunpowder Dreams fic)
Summary: Trapped in a mafia's clutches, you embark on a daring escape from the relentless grip of Vash, the enigmatic boss. However, freedom comes at a price as you face the unforgiving consequences of your defiance. In this thrilling tale of survival, navigate a treacherous world where alliances shift, and shadows hold secrets. Can you outwit the formidable Vash and break free, or will you succumb to the merciless retribution that awaits?
(For more details, read the original story linked above.)
Word count: +6 k.
Genre: explicit smut (Mafia au).
Warnings/Tags: +18, NSFW, Alternative Universe/Modern Setting, no spoilers from manga and anime, dominate Vash the Stampede, dub-con, toxicity, gunplay, manhandling, unprotected sex, biting, etc.
Notes: I just wanted to write gunplay smut.
Disclaimer: The gunplay scene is inspired by the books I've read.
Song Recommendation: Nancy Sinatra - Bang Bang
You can read my fics on AO3 and Wattpad. If you have any questions, don’t be shy and ASK. This is my DISCORD account, in case you want to contact me.
Back to the master list.
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As you sat motionless, a realization gripped you: escape from this house was an unattainable feat. He was smart, but the scariest part was your inability to anticipate a single one of his thoughts. You felt like a dumb rabbit while he, as cunning as a fox, remained one step ahead.
"You're not touching me," you hissed, your voice wobbly and rife with unshed tears.
"What you gonna do if I do?" He directed his gaze toward the ceiling and the pipes. "I'm glad it's the dead of night, and this room is almost soundproof. So, you won't disturb anyone's peaceful slumber."
Driven by instinct, fear propelled you to your feet as you hurriedly made your way to the door, frantically grasping the handle and repeatedly tugging it up and down.
Please, open!
As you wrestled with the doorknob, attempting to force it open, a sturdy steel arm suddenly encircled your waist and lifted you off the ground.
"NO!" A piercing scream erupted from your lips as you kicked futilely at the space, fiercely resisting his grip.
"Oh, yes, love," he growled, swinging your body towards the wall.
You grunted from the impact, leaning your back against the wall; this time, you used it as leverage to kick against the bastard of a man. "Let me go, you fucking creepy-ass fuck—"
"Keep talking, and you'll just make it worse."
You screeched, out of breath and growing weaker, as he pinned your flailing body against the wall, rendering you powerless.
"We had a deal, didn't we?" Vash asked in a panting tone.
A tear spilt over your lid. And then another and another until you were on the verge of sobbing again. "We had, but—"
"Don't cry, love," he cooed. "It's going to get so much worse."
His breath skated over your cheek as he pressed himself further into your body, just like in the previous encounter. Towering over you, his larger frame enveloped you completely until all you could see, feel, and smell was him—his warmth, the distinctive scent that was uniquely his, and the way his black-clad body surrounded you.
"I like you scared," he whispered, sending shivers down your core. "I like you begging and pleading. Crying out for imaginary Gods to save you."
You felt the touch of leather on your face, and you flinched away. His fingers delicately traced a path from your cheekbone to your hair, gently tucking stray strands behind your ear. "I like you trembling beneath my touch, uncontrollably."
"You're sick," you snapped, doing just that. You were shaking from head to toe, and you couldn't seem to stop it.
“You think your pleas will only arise when your life is at stake, but you are mistaken," he grunted, letting out a deep, mocking laugh. "In due time, you will beg for my touch, craving it desperately."
"That'll never happen," you hissed, glaring at him with all your might. Or at least you thought you were. The dim light emanating from the ceiling lights shadowed his eyes. It felt almost like being far-sighted. Your face was so close to something, but clarity evaded you. The shadows were a part of him. He carried them around.
"It's time to punish you, and I've thought of the many ways I could do this," he said, ignoring your jab. It only infuriated you more that he found your lack of consent so inconsequential. So… worthless. "I'll be nice this time." You opened your mouth, but he cut you off with a deep growl of warning, "But only if you reciprocate, love."
Your teeth audibly snapped together, the sound punctuating the air and drawing yet another amused grunt from him. Your pride took a hit, and you wanted to knee him in the balls for it, but you couldn't lift your leg an inch as you tried.
"You freak! What are you going to do?" you spat out, the stutter of your words in sync with the beat of your heart. His searing breath brushed against your cheek as you felt the gentle glide of his lips tracing along your jawline. You swallowed but nearly choked from how dry your throat had become. Those lips descend to the column of your neck, skittering along until he paused on the spot right below your ear.
"I'm gonna play with my toy," he declared right before his teeth clamped down. Your back arched involuntarily, repulsion and pleasure marrying in your nerves, sending misfires to your brain. All coherent thoughts escaped from your mind, leaving behind only primal instincts to guide your actions.
But, somehow, as if he was electrocuted, he distanced himself. His gaze shifted downwards towards the collar of his shirt. The cross was there, concealed on his chest. His eyes changed momentarily, remorseful, maybe disgusted by what he had become. As if he was lost, struggling to find himself, but instead, his eyes found you—the one with the answers.
You wished you could show him hatred, but seeing your pleasure, he groaned, his teeth piercing as his tongue lapped at your flesh. Your mouth opened, and a silent scream suctioned away just as his mouth did the same, drawing in deep like he was drinking the essence from your body. And then, with a lingering sensation of pain, he withdrew, his teeth grazing your skin as he released his hold, leaving behind a stinging reminder.
Your hands pressed into his chest for stability or to push him away. You were not sure. Though your question was quickly answered when instinct coerced your hands to curl, gripping his shirt tight and anchoring yourself to him as if he was your lifeline. When in reality, he was the one killing you.
Severe shivers wracked your body when he licked a wet path with his tongue, descending from your neck towards the juncture where your nipples resided. He paused, and it felt as if your body teetered precariously over a sharpened blade. You held your breath, the anticipation rattling your bones. And then he was biting down again, pulling an animalistic sound from your chest. He did this, over and over, leaving behind a trail of bruises that marked his territory along your neck and across your shoulder.
You were breathless by the time he pulled away. "Good girl," he finally exhaled, his own voice airy. Somehow, that made you feel worse. You wanted him to hate it as much as you should've. "You like this, don't you?"
"I…ah," you panted, trying hard to conceal the depths of your desires because you were revealing more and more as he went further. You were fucking seconds away from reaching out and grabbing his cock through his pants and begging him to fuck you since you hadn't been touched by a human for a long time, let alone a man, and this thing in front of you had the power to make you momentarily forget everything, despite being the very reason for your need to escape reality. Then something occurred to your mind.
You couldn't explain why you did what you did next. You would ask Gods later. But at that moment, you were so overcome with a tsunami of emotions that you reached up and bit his tattooed neck. Hard, and you didn't care, just bit harder. Maybe you wanted to hurt him back, give him a taste of his own medicine, make him feel whatever you felt.
Regardless of the reason, he didn't take kindly to it. His hand wrapped around your throat, exerting pressure as he forcefully pushed you back, simultaneously tearing himself away from your body. He was squeezing tightly, but you couldn't care less. You felt justified. If he killed you here and now, at least you could say you left one last mark on him.
He growled low, a sound of frustration and an unnamed emotion that eluded definition. "I'm beginning to think you like to be punished, which means I'm just going to have to do better."
Before you could react, he hoisted you up, effortlessly tossing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"Fucker!" you snapped, your fists pounding against his back as you thrashed your exposed legs. You were not a potato.
A sharp smack to your ass was his only response. "Love, the wind can do more harm than what you're doing."
"Want to see my teeth again, asshole? I'll sure to grab your ugly face this time."
"Keep telling yourself that, but deep down, we both know this face is making you wet," he retorted, amusement coloring his words. Snarling, you resented his fucking unruffled calm. And because he was not entirely wrong. No, dumbass, he was wrong. He must be wrong.
More curses flooded out of your mouth, but they were cut short when he dragged your body down his front until your legs were wrapped around his waist, and he was cradling you to his chest. Oh, fuck this. You lifted your hands to scratch his face, maybe do a little eye-gouging, but instead, you just squealed. He swooped you backward, your stomach bottoming out as he set you on the bed, flat on your back. Your robe came undone, leaving you inadequately covered when he hovered over you, his arms positioned on either side of your head as he braced himself over you. You swallowed, tears pricking your eyes. "What a gentleman! Letting me look at your obnoxious face as you murder me," you mouthed off, forcing the words through your tightened throat.
You really needed to shut the fuck up. But you couldn't seem to stop yourself. Apparently, when you were in a life-threatening situation, all you could manage to do was make it worse. While some might perceive it as fearlessness, you could only assume it as an act of sheer stupidity.
Balancing himself with one hand, he reached behind him with the other. As you prepared to unleash more insults from your mouth, his arm emerged, revealing a tightly gripped gun.
Another audible tick of your teeth later, you were back to being choked silent with fear.
"I told you not to run away. I told you to follow the orders," he stated, his tone bled dry of emotion. "Typically, I would choose to crack open your skull and forcibly implant the words in your brain, but it seems you require a different method to learn your lesson."
"Okay, I'm sorry," you rushed out, your eyes widening as he pointed the gun at your chest. "I-I'm really, rea—"
"Shh," he hushed. "You're not sorry yet, love. But you will be."
A myriad of thoughts ran through your head on what you could possibly say to get out of this. You were sorry clearly, wasn't good enough. "You're going to shoot me?"
Your bladder threatened to explode, and knowing that you might die in a puddle of pee brought tears to your eyes. A bewildering cocktail of emotions engulfed you. Fear had gripped you tightly, its icy tendrils coiling around your heart, as you found yourself trapped in this fucked up situation. Yet, amidst the suffocating grip of fear, there was a grotesque sense of fascination. You couldn't deny the perverse allure that came with the feeling of being trapped, as if a part of you savored being confined, even as it elicited a thrilling sensation. WHAT? What the fuck was wrong with you?
"You gonna taste this gun one way or another," he responded, his tone dripping with impatience. He punctuated his response by dragging the gun down through the valley of your breasts. The weapon continued its way down your stomach, stopping at the edge of your robe's tie. "Will you take the bullet or the gun?" As he inclined his head, his neck tattoos stretched, emphasizing the presence of the pulsating veins that wound their way towards his enigmatic mind. Meanwhile, the small golden loop on his left ear playfully winked at you while he patiently awaited her response.
"Are you fucking serious?" you panicked, your hands gripping the ends of the tie tightly, the fabric moist with sweat. He must be kidding, right?
"I was going to take it easy on you, but when you act like a rabid puppy, you leave me with no choice but to tame you," he said, tracing the tip of his gun along the edges of the robe. "This is your last chance, or I'll do as I see fit."
Your lip trembled, and a single tear slid down your temple. "Please, don't do this."
He cocked a brow, and the act was damning. He appeared so damn unimpressed with your pleas, causing another tear to trace the path of the first. You had to survive, didn't you? You had to endure long enough to witness this man's demise with your own eyes, didn't you? It couldn't hurt that much, could it? Just focus on counting, fixating your gaze upon the cracks in the wall, and listening to the faint chirping of crickets emanating from the pipes.
You gulped and answered, "I-I'll…"
"You'll what? I need you to be loud and clear."
"Y-your…your gun…" you stuttered, words all dropping dead on your dry tongue.
"What about my gun?" he inquired, sliding the weapon beneath the tobe and directing it towards your bellbottoms. " Say it, love. Utilize that sharp tongue of yours that knows how to hurl curses."
With your eyes tightly shut, you released your grip on the tie, your hands trembling. "I... I'll... I'll take the gun."
"Take off your robe," he ordered, moving back a little. "Now!"
Sniffing, you finally listened. Hooking your thumbs into the robe's belt, you undid the tie. You fought the urge to cover yourself. Because you knew that the act of hiding would bring him greater delight than being almost entirely naked before him. He dug the thrill of conquering through struggle, and you were determined to deny him that win. You were only able to slide it a little before the muzzle of the gun got in the way.
He took the hint, grabbed the robe, and harshly moved it aside. More tears followed suit as you stuck your thighs together.
"Open your eyes and look at me."
You did as he said; your gaze got tied with his. Yet, as you stared into his eyes, you noticed something unexpected. No hatred, resentment, or even lust reflected in them. Instead, it was a vacant look devoid of any deeper meaning. It dawned on you that violence was his only language, his sole response to the world around him. He had not learned any other way to navigate life. Perhaps the only bright spot in his existence had been his beloved, cruelly taken away.
Maybe, but maybe in a parallel world, you thought, he could have been a different person—a better person, surrounded by love and family. In that alternate reality, you might have looked at him with a second glance, for his eyes, the deep azure pools, his lips, and his face were reminiscent of something celestial, qualities that angels themselves would possess, not those cast out from heaven.
Vash's touch shocked you back to reality, causing you to startle, as if you were about to leap out of your own skin. You had to beg your bones to stop shaking.
"Next, your hands," he commanded, jerking his gun to emphasize his directive. Reluctantly, you moved your arms away from your body and let them drop onto the sheets with a huff.
"Stunning," he murmured, his eyes tracing over the curves of your body. He leaned over you again, his mouth kissing the last bruise he left on your shoulder. "Do you know what these mean?" he whispered, pressing another gentle kiss to a different spot on your skin.
You shuddered beneath his touch, electricity sprouting from the point of contact and dancing across your skin. You didn't answer, but he didn't seem to mind. "Those marks," he stated with a sense of ownership, "signify that you belong to me."
The tip of his tongue darted out, trailing your flesh as he moved down towards your breasts.
His teeth pierced the nipple of your left breast before you could finish your futile plea. You gasped, squeezing your eyes shut as he left another mark on your skin. "Now, whenever you see these, you'll remember me," he said, claiming your body for his own.
Once satisfied, he moved to the other nipple, leaving his own hickeys on your it. And all you could do was just take it.
When your body was well and abused by his teeth and tongue, he lifted and forced your thighs apart. You strained against him, but it only hurt you in the end. He was too strong. With a firm grip on your waist, his clothed forefinger traced the delicate crease of your groin, starting from the juncture of your thigh and trailing downward towards the very center of your being.
Before his finger reached your clit, he tantalizingly ran it up and down your engorged vulva, coming perilously close to your pussy. The sensations were overwhelming, and you felt deeply ashamed as you realized your body was responding to his touch. You wanted to cover your face because you knew he was feeling your body's betrayal.
"You're drenched," he rasped out, his lips still wet from his saliva. The sweet Vash with kind eyes had vanished entirely.
"That's called discharge! Your stupid ass wouldn't know that!" you snapped, hoping your lie would shoo him away.
He responded with a smile. "As much as I hate to say this to you, I'm no stranger to a woman's pussy and what it feels like when it weeps for me."
Your eyes widened. So this fucker had slept with women too? It seemed he had explored every possible avenue. Disgust curled your lip as you retorted, "Last time I checked, most girls weep because they're upset. Maybe you should take a hint."
He let out a chuckle. "Love, that's exactly what I'm doing."
With a firm grip, he spread your legs apart, baring your pussy to him, where the arousal glistened from within. He muttered a curse under his breath as his eyes hungrily devoured every detail of your being. Another tremble of your lips had you biting down on the traitorous flesh.
With one finger still positioned on your pussy, he raised the gun to your face with his other hand. You flinched back, squeezing your eyes shut and letting loose a startled yelp. "Calm down," he reassured you, his tone strained. "I just want you to suck it."
It took several seconds for his words to register. To process that he didn't pull the trigger and you were not dead. As the comprehension dawned, your eyes flew open, and you shot him a fierce glare. "Why the hell—"
He tapped the gun's tip against your mouth, effectively cutting you off. The remainder of your words dissipated into thin air as he glided the gun across your lips, almost as if he was painting them with lipstick.
"Suck," he ordered, his tone deepening with finality. Closing your eyes against more tears, you opened your mouth and obediently opened your mouth, allowing him to guide the gun between your teeth. You squeezed your lids tighter as you twirled your tongue over the cold metal, cringing from the nasty taste.
"My good girl," he said, pulling the dripping gun out, a trail of saliva following until it snapped.
Your entire body locked when the cool metal slid against your clit. You flinched against the foreign touch of an incredibly dangerous weapon. A wave of pure terror washed over you, and it took all your strength to keep from full-on sobbing.
Holding a gun to your head was far less intimidating than it being held between your legs. A gunshot to the head would bring instant death, but this? This would be slow and painful. Torturous.
He leaned in, close enough for his warm breath to caress your core. You raised yourself, yearning for a clearer view. At that moment, he met your gaze, peering up at you through his long, thick lashes, his perfect blue eyes sparkling with delight.
As you parted your lips to question what he was doing, he stuck out his tongue, saliva pooling to the tip and dripping off onto your pussy.
"Seems like you can never be too wet, can you, love?" Sitting up, he traced circles around your entrance with the gun, the metal slipping against your skin.
What if he shoots you mistakenly?
"Oh, my God, please do—" This time, your words were cut off as he pressed the gun past your folds. Just the tip, but enough to close your throat, only allowing a startled squeak to escape.  
He laughed cruelly. "Don't hold back. Moan if you want."
You'd snap at him if you weren't frozen solid. You couldn't look away. Helplessly, you just watched him push the gun inside you, your rounded eyes barely processing what you saw and felt. Everything so fucking surreal.
Slowly, he worked the gun inside you, eliciting both pleasure and pain. You clenched your jaw, shuddering from his ministrations but refusing to make a sound. You were determined not to grant him the satisfaction.
He gradually worked the weapon halfway in before retracting it to the very tip, granting you a brief moment to catch your breath. However, that respite was short-lived as he buried the entire barrel deep within you. Your hands clenched the sheets as you sucked in a sharp gasp and let your head fall back, unable to bear witness any longer, drained of the strength to endure the sight.
This was so, so fucked up. Beyond fucked up.
As the gun pulled back and penetrated you once more, a noise did slip through as a wave of pleasure rocked through you. FUCK!
"Good girl," he breathed. "Now open wider, love." His free hand nudged against your thigh. Without a thought, your thighs instinctively parted further. Another praise, but you barely heard it over the beating of your heart.
"I can feel how tight your pussy is. The way it clings to my gun when I slide it out—exquisite."
You bit your lip, but it wasn't enough to hold in the forthcoming moan. Or the one after that. You could hear the suctioning and slurping noises as he fucked you with his gun, and shame filled you in response. The embarrassment nearly overrode the fear. But neither was more potent than the pleasure your body was compelled to submit to.
When he angled the gun in a particular way, he hit the spot inside you that sent your eyes to the back of your head and an unchecked moan to slip free. He growled in response, further fueling your arousal. Your back arched as he skillfully continued to target and stimulate that pleasurable area.
Your hole grew impossibly tight, biting into the gun barrel when his gloved hand gripped your thigh in a bruising hold. Your heart jumped when he leaned closer but only clamped his teeth onto your inner thigh. You cried out from the sharp bite, but it quickly morphed into a moan, sending waves of ecstasy coursing through your body as he hit that spot again.
His mouth sucked your thigh, and his movements quickened until you felt the familiar stirrings of an impending orgasm settled low in the pit of your stomach.
"Please," you begged but didn't know what for. He relented, briefly tearing his mouth away, only to clamp down again, this time lower but still frustratingly distant from your center. Too far away. Sadly far away.
"Tell me what you learned, love," he demanded, looking up at you, his mouth wet from his biting. The sight made your heart drop deep into your belly, right to where the gun was driving into you.
"Not to bite you?" you guessed, your voice trembling as if you were high. He answered by biting your thigh in a punishing grip. You cried out, the pain blinding. He loosened his jaw, allowing the pain to blend with pleasure.
A primal, guttural sound slipped out as he thrust the gun deep. "Are you going to make me ask again?"
You opened your mouth, but no answer came out. Your silence allowed you to hear his warning loud and clear. He cocked the gun.
"Okay, okay, fuck," you relented with a terrified hush. "I-I learned not to run away from my cage." Those words brought tears to your eyes because uttering them aloud made you feel truly trapped by this man.
"Who owns your life, love?"
You closed your eyes, resenting the lie on the tip of your tongue, ready to spill forth just like the tears streaming down your face. "You," you whispered, the bitter taste of the words clogging your throat.
A battlefield raged in your body.
One part of you craved his touch, longing for him to make you come. Meanwhile, another part of you harbored a dark desire, wishing for him to turn the gun upon himself and fire it.
You glanced downwards at him and noted how he was staring at you. And you had the terrifying realization that he saw through your deceit and didn't believe your lies.
"You have ten more seconds to come, love. No more chances after that," he warned before nipping at your thigh again. "Rub your clit."
You hesitated. The last thing you wanted to do was allow this man the satisfaction of making you come and, even worse, helping him do it. In your mind, he didn't fucking deserve it. And though your body was strung tight with desperation for release, your mind rebelled against the idea.
"Now," he shouted, his eyes blazing with something carnal and dangerous.
Muttering a curse, you reached down and twirled your fingers over your clit, too scared of the potential consequences. If it was between orgasming and getting shot, you were going to have to choose the option that would cause the least damage.
"Good girl," he whispered. It took two more thrusts of the gun before you were propelled over the edge, your ass shooting clear off the ground as the orgasm ripped through you. You were screaming. You could feel the sound vibrating the muscles in your throat and turning it increasingly hoarse. But you couldn't hear it. Not when your entire being was consumed in fire and ice, and you could only see a blissful heaven.
The gun worked inside of you faster and deeper, drawing out the orgasm until you were literally begging for it to come to an end. He ripped the weapon out of you, and your thighs snapped shut instantly, sealing off the remnants of your shameful orgasm.
You were left a shuddering mess from the aftershocks as the waves of pleasure subsided. Meanwhile, his body towered over you. Through your half-lidded eyes, still jerking from the little shocks, you glanced up and met his gaze. His face broke into the broadest smile you had ever seen on his face, and you noticed he had dimples.
He had fucking dimples.
He was easily the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen. And you wished you'd never seen it. Because something inside your heart was being torn apart, and it felt like fear, it tasted like panic, and you didn't know how to understand the image in front of you.
You didn't want to see Vash like this. You vehemently refused to perceive him as anything other than a monster. This wasn't right. Your body was full of rage, humiliation, and shame—you knew this. But it was like your brain couldn't process those emotions, so it was just choosing to feel nothing at all. Was this what trauma did? Knowing that you had been violated, yet your body opting for a state of numbness instead?
The silver cross sprung from his shirt, diverting your gaze to the scar it adorned. "Lick this clean," he said, placing his gun onto your bared breast. "I can't use this when it's dripping your cum."
Like a magic trick, he pulled his body back, and every heat you had in your veins disappeared. With one last lingering look, he stood up and turned his back to you, his hands probably adjusting his pants. Then he began to walk leisurely toward the wall, floorboards creaking beneath his weight. Not even a passing glance was spared in your direction. Probably you didn't exist for him anymore. He had taken what he wanted, reducing you to nothingness.
As he neared the worn-out brick wall, his hand delved into his pocket, retrieving a cigarette. With practiced precision, he placed it in the corner of his mouth. His fingers trembled as he reached for his lighter, or perhaps it was merely a figment of your imagination. Anyhow, he poised himself to ignite the flame, preparing to immerse himself in the disgusting cloud of smoke that would soon envelop him.
You moved without thinking, your hand wrapping around the sticky gun. You would never lick this shit. You stood on your feet, not caring about covering yourself. The second he realized what you'd done, he backed away, raising his hands in surrender—the stupid cigarette dangling between his lips.
You pointed the gun right at his fucking head, and all you wanted to do was blow it off. All you wanted to see was his brain exploding beneath the bullet. Because you were not looking into the face of the man who could easily steal your heart under different circumstances. You didn't see him at all. You only saw a faceless man who took what he wanted from you, and you let him. But now you wanted him to fucking burn for it.
Tears built in your eyes, your vision blurring. The gun was vibrating from how hard your hand trembled, but he stood close enough that you'd strike accurately. Whether the bullet hit his head, his throat, or his chest, you didn't care.
"Love," he whispered.
You squeezed your eyes shut, forcing the sweet but stupid, stupid and stupid whisper out of your head. You didn't want to hear it.
"I haven't done anything to you." You voice cracked. "How can you hurt me like this?" Your eyes burned from the tears welling up. And within seconds, they spilt, running down your cheeks. It seemed like orgasm had pushed your feelings out with itself.
And he seemed to realize it too because a subtle change reflected in his eyes. "I asked you to stay away from trouble," he murmured, his voice so soft. "Why don't you listen to me?" He bared his teeth, his own ire flashing in his eyes. "Do you think I enjoy hurting you?"
"I do!" you shouted, thrusting the gun at him. You sucked in a sharp breath as a sob climbed up your throat. He nodded slowly, a glimmer of understanding replacing the anger that had once flamed in his eyes.
Deep down, you knew better. You knew he wasn't angry with you. He was angry because he was helpless. Hopeless. A goddamn lost cause. Because he would never be the same, and he knew that. But what he didn't know was what to do with it.
A sob escaped your throat, but the rage persisted. He slowly stepped towards you, like approaching a frightened animal with vicious teeth. His eyes didn't stray from yours as he advanced, and you were so close to slipping back into that paralyzing hold he had on you. Then he was right before you again, pressing his lips into the gun barrel.
"Does this make you feel powerful?" he murmured.
Another sob broke free, but you didn't lower the weapon.
"Does this make you feel free?"
You scowled but couldn't muster the courage to respond. You couldn't articulate what it made you feel—you just knew it made you feel something. You stared at the gun in your hand, at the smooth, heavy metal, and you were surprised to find that you enjoyed the way it nestled within your grip, like an extension of your body. It didn't frighten you anymore.
You could stand still in this moment forever.
"What you seem to have forgotten," he snarled, "is that I am already a dead man. I died months ago. So go ahead, pull that trigger, love. End the remaining fragments of my existence. I am nothing but a hollow vessel."
You broke and screwed your eyes shut against the flood of tears, but it was like putting a flimsy piece of paper over a bursting pipe. Agony etched across your face, consuming you completely. "I don't want to be here," you choked out, barely getting the words out before a gut-wrenching sob tore through your trembling lips.
"Let me help you—fuck love, just fucking kill me," he bit, his voice breaking. He opened his mouth, and the barrel slid in. His lips tightly closed around the gun, his eyes staring at you, begging you.
Pull the trigger.
It wasn't fair, but it was becoming harder and harder to look at Vash and blame him, too. You were beginning to revert to that weak, thoughtful part of yourself that was convinced your life wouldn't be such a goddamn shitshow if your father didn't come barreling into it.
But no! You would no longer let your emotions get in the way. You were supposed to play this game by its own rules. So if it were your turn to shoot, you would do it.
No hesitating. No understanding. Just pulling this little trigger.
To your dismay, there was only a vacant stillness, a blackhole that swallowed your hopes and replaced them with a rising tide of unease. Your chest resonated with the thunderous cadence of your own heart, the loud thud filling your ears as you refused to accept the defeat. Ignoring the gnawing doubts gnarling at your mind, you pulled the trigger again and again and again.
Click. Click. Click.
The sound of the emptiness mocked your growing desperation.
A cold sweat bead on your brow as you stumbled backward, your body shaking with disbelief. Your eyes widened in horror as you stared at the gun, and when your gaze met his face, your world unraveled further into a maelstrom of darkness. His lips contorted into a wicked grin, now devoid of the innocence and sadness he pretended to have. The sight sent a tremor scurrying up your soul, your skin prickling with a nauseating blend of aversion and revulsion.
"You taste fantastic, love" Vash's voice slithered with a perverse delight as he savored the moment, his tongue caressing his lips in a vile display. His hands, tainted with malice, raked through his disheveled hair. Then with an ear-splitting crack, he twisted his neck, relishing in the discomfort he inflicted upon himself. "You hate me enough to try pulling the trigger four times?"
Your blood ran icy as his words seeped into your consciousness, a sting as bitter as poison. Suffocating the room, his laughter took on a haunting quality, a symphony of evilness. Each note of his amusement revealed the true nature of his depravity, shattering the fragile illusion of triumph you once held.
"Did you really think I'll leave you with a loaded gun?" Then as if to prove how simple-minded you were, he reached into his pocket, extracting the sixth bullet with a perverse flourish. He presented it before you, a diabolical offering that sealed your fate. The weight of that one extra little bullet pressed down upon you, an oppressive force that smothered any remnants of hope.
"Game over," he declared, his voice dripping with finality, each syllable a nail in the coffin of your aspirations. The room contracted around you, a claustrophobic arena that confined you to this sleepless nightmare. "You've got balls."
Your eyes snapped up, your mind working quickly to fit all the pieces together, and he was gaping at you, staring at you in a way that was entirely foreign to you, in a way that said he was utterly, absolutely amazed. You were not sure if he was proud.
But the fact that the gun was empty the whole time was a kick in the gut. No. It was a gun in the cunt.
"It… empty…bullet…" Stuttering, you turned to look at the bed, sheets still wet from your heinous climax, and then yourself, every inch of your body bare to his disgusting gaze.
Fingers coiling like vipers ready to strike, Vash extended his arm, reaching closer to your slumped figure. As his hand reached you, he guided it downward with deliberate precision, his touch a phantom of sweetness. You remained motionless, your body as still as a fragile porcelain doll, your spirit hollowed out by his relentless torment. You offered no resistance, Your limbs heavy with acceptance. It didn't have a meaning anyway. This was his playground, and you were nothing but a worthless pawn.
The room held its breath, like you when you thought his fingers were headed for your hole again, only to find them closing around the gun with an ironclad grip.
He leaned closer to your ear, whispering, "You're far too naïve. I would never take even the slightest risk of losing my favorite toy."
Your eyes got shot closed, your lips pressing on each other as he planted a kiss on your temple and walked out without any more words.
You opened your mouth, and you screamed. You screamed and screamed until your voice cracked beneath the pressure. Until you feared your throat would shred from the force. You wanted to crawl outside of your body so desperately. Just so you could escape this feeling. No. You wanted that gun loaded with bullets to turn it on yourself.
One last shout ripped out of your throat, this one so full of pain that brought you to your knees. You crumbled. The raw sound tapered off, fading into a hoarse, staccato cry. You sucked in a deep breath, filling your lungs with oxygen you didn't want, but you were too lost in your grief to scream like you wanted to.
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I know this one-shot kinda doesn't make sense, but I'd be damned if I hadn't done it.
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mrshipsmcgee · 2 years
Cursed: Volume 1
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Stranger Things x Female Reader
Volume 2 Volume 3 Finale Series Navigation
Summary: Closing up shop at the arcade marks the beginning of the end with the tolling of a grandfather clock. Or did the beginning of the end start in March of 1983? Are you somehow connected to all of this that’s going on in Hawkins?
Warnings: scary themes, mentions of murder, mentions of suicide, description of a panic attack, cursing, fluff, spoilers for Stranger Things 4.
Please, support your writers with comments, reblogs and likes - let me know how you liked this! And if you’d like more? Just kidding, you’re getting more whether you like it or not because this shit is long as hell. ;)
Crossposted on AO3
Friday March 21st 1986 9:52 PM Hawkins, Indiana
“The Palace Arcade is closing in eight minutes. If any of you crotch goblins are still here when that clock hits ten o’clock I’m calling the cops! Thanks!” Keith’s voice booms over the intercom as he slumps lazily on a stool behind the counter eating chips.
“Seriously?” You sigh at your boss as you walk past him and take the small microphone in your grasp, covering it as you whisper, “Keith - Mrs. McCall called again complaining about you scaring her seven year old yesterday.. You know you do own an arcade and a movie rental place now, maybe you should learn to like kids..”
“No, no, no - me owning both of these fine establishments means that I don’t have to like anyone. I just hire nice people like you and Robin, even Harrington now to do my bidding,” Keith says, fumbling his hand in the bag of chips placed on the counter in front of him. You roll your eyes, sighing again before clearing your throat and leaning down to speak into the microphone, “Hey gamers! If you still need to call your parents or guardians to let them know to come pick you up, please feel free to come to the counter to use our phone!”
Keith rips the microphone from your hands and speaks quickly into it, “Or better yet! You can use the pay phone outside! Time's a tickin!”
“Keith!” You exclaim, putting your palm over the mic. “Stop being so mean! I’m taking away your intercom privileges.” The tall man rolls his eyes as he stands from the stool, “You know what? How about you close up shop since you seem to be so passionate about not traumatizing these perfect little demons, hm? Do my bidding?”
Your heart dropped.
God, you hated closing by yourself…
“Sure,” you say quickly, trying to force a smile - “Have a good night Keith.”
“Mhm,” he hums - his hand seemingly shooing you away as he walks out the door and into the night
“Miss?” A small voice says as your attention is drawn back to the counter where four small children stood across from you. You smile widely, leaning your forearms onto the countertop as you eye the kids, “Well, hi there gamers, how can I help you?”
“We need to call our parents.. Can we call in here please? It’s scary outside..” A small boy says. “Well, of course! The real question is can I trust you four to call your rides while I shut down the arcade?” The children nod in agreement as you high five them, “Awesome - I’ll be back. Yell if you need me.”
You begin to walk away as you hear a small voice whisper, “Arcade lady?”
“You are really nice to us,” a small boy said with a shy smile.
“Well - why wouldn’t I be?” You let out a breathy chuckle as your brows furrow. “You guys are totally awesome and you’re all nice to me. And you are all far better than I am at these ridiculously hard games and you choose to like me still?! Look - I’ll be right back and whenever I come back we can talk about each of your favorite games before you guys have to leave, does that sound good?” The kids excitedly nod as you turn on your heels, starting to walk towards the back of the vibrant arcade and routinely beginning to turn off lights as you check the back rooms and bathrooms for any stray kids.
“Any stragglers back here? We’re about to close and I would hate for you to have to stay the night in a dark arcade all by yourself!” You call out, flipping off the last group of light switches and shutting off the remaining games. “Okay, kiddos! Last - call...” You trail off noticing that the fluorescent lights above you start to blink on and off, twinkling like stardust off of your furrow-browed gaze.
You turn to walk back towards the front of the building only to be stopped dead in your tracks by the toll of a loud, distorted bell - echoing through your chest as your attention is brought to that of a grandfather clock towering above you.
Lights start to flash and blink all around you. Arcade games turn back on, blaring music and sounds - startling you further before everything turns dark all at once, leaving you standing in the middle of a pitch black arcade.
The distorted bell rang out again, chilling you to the core. Your eyes dart around the darkened building, growing more nervous realizing you’re completely alone in the darkness.
Or so you thought.
Your name is spoken loudly - booming from across the room. Heavy feet hit the ground. Step after step.
Wet, heavy footsteps growing louder, closer.. until they stop. It’s silent again. Nothingness. Not a sound besides a low ticking coming from right in front of you.
You can feel the presence of something standing right in front of you, though it’s entirely too dark to tell. You’re too afraid to speak, to breath, to run. You just stand helpless and hopeless, hands clenched in tight fists - gripping whatever shred of courage you had left in the palm of your hand.
The low voice growls your name, causing you to fall backwards, palms hitting the floor as you let out a hiss. “Please - leave me alone,” you whisper as hot tears start to form in your eyes.
Harshly blinking the tears away, your eyes adjust to the darkness, making out the silhouette of a tall man standing in the middle of the arcade. “Your suffering is almost at an end,” the voice boomed, now coming from what felt like only a breath away.
“Who are you?!” You scream, clenching your jaws as you begin to scoot backwards, still on the floor. You see nothing but darkness as the bell tolls loudly in your ears yet again, “Please!”
You find the courage to hoist yourself off of the arcade floor, clumsily running towards the front of the arcade - too afraid to turn around as the bell ring out louder and louder - a low rumbling seems to erupt from all around just as your palms make contact with the glass door. Something wraps around your ankles, yanking you back to the floor as you scream, fingernails digging into the carpeted floor underneath as a force drags you back into the dimly lit arcade.
The voice spoke your name again - this time booming in a deep, raspy growl - echoing off of the faces of the surrounding arcade games.
“Join me, and become whole again. Join me and your suffering ends.”
“Leave me alone!!” You scream, harshly kicking away the force dragging you deeper into the arcade. You stumble as you clumsily stand and begin running away from the being hiding behind you in the darkness. “You cannot run from me.” The voice booms again as you scream, throwing yourself towards the exit of the arcade. Your palms slap against the glass door as you run into the night air, coming to a screeching halt as your body collides with someone.
Strong arms safely wrap around you - catching you before you can fall. “Woah! Are you okay?”
You look to the person holding you, making direct eye contact with- “S-Steve?” You whisper, blinking back tears as you look at the beautiful man staring back at you, his brows furrowed in confusion as he seemed to study you.
A warm, almost knowing small smile spreads across his perfect face as you watch his chocolate eyes seem to glance over every feature of your face, stopping at the curve of your lips before he abruptly clears his throat.
Steve stands up a little straighter, glancing to the arcade before looking back to you - seeing the tears in your eyes. He speaks, his voice low, “What’s wrong?”
“Is everything okay?” A woman’s voice rang out, your head whipping around to see her face. “Steve, what happened? Is she okay?” The short haired woman asked, her voice laced with concern. “Do I need to call the cops?”
“Are you okay?” Steve asked, looking you in the eyes before he glanced over to the woman. “Hold off for a sec, okay Robin?” She nods, looking to you before she shows a small smile.
“I- I’m so sorry. I - I - I just, I got a little spooked closing up by myself is all. Thanks for your concern..,” your voice still shakes as you look down, seeing Steve Harrington’s hands wrapped around your forearms. “I just - where are the four kids? I’m so worried. They were-“
“Picked up,” Robin interrupts, seeming to notice your still remaining fear trapped behind your eyes. “They were picked up about ten minutes ago. Are you sure you’re okay?” You begin to pull away from Steve as you look at Robin, ”it’s - no big deal. Really. Thank you for being concerned, but I should probably get home now.”
“Hey,” Steve says as his thumbs rub against your skin. “Look at me,” Steve says as you bring up your eyes to meet him.
Steve is gazing at you, his face so worried and his voice so small as he whispers, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
You look at Robin before your eyes meet Steve’s again, “I hope you two have a great rest of your night. Thank you so much for worrying about me. Really. But I’ve got to get home...” Steve slowly released you from his gentle touch, flashing you a shy smile. Robin stood beside him, arms crossed as they watched you walk away, hop into your car and drive off to your home in Forest Hills Trailer Park.
“Well, Arcade Girl may have been spooked, but damn did she look good,” Robin joked as she and Steve get into his car. “Oh, so you’re into Arcade Girl, too?” Steve asks as he cranks the car and begins to drive. “I thought you said she was too old for you?”
“Class of 84 cannot be that old! Also - what does it matter to you if I changed my mind on thinking if a girl is hot or not?” Robin retorts before she lets out a small gasp. “-Unless you too have a crush on Arcade Girl?” Steve rolls his eyes, “no, no. I just.. you see how - how great she is with all of the arcade kids. And she’s pretty. And-.”
“-And you have a crush on her!” Robin says, Steve rolls his eyes as he drives, “I do not have a crush! Put your damn seatbelt on. I swear, you’re worse than Henderson.” “Oh, come on, Harrington! Don’t you try to change the subject! Every time I have a crush, you end up crushing on them as well! Don’t make this Tammy Thompson all over again! Let me have this one thing!”
“This isn’t Tammy Thompson! This is Arcade Girl. It’s different,” Steve protested. Robin’s palm playfully slaps Steve’s forearm, gasping sarcastically at Steve, “How the hell is she any different than Tammy Thompson?! You and I both have a crush, what’s different-“
“-Arcade Girl and I have history together! Okay?!” Steve says quickly, just as he pulls up to the Buckley residence - turning towards Robin’s already curious face. “Happy?”
“Oh, no no no, Popeye. You and arcade girl have a history together? Since when? And why didn’t you mention this before?” Steve rolls his eyes at Robin before he speaks, “It was in 84..”
“Spill.” Robin smiles, adjusting herself in the passenger seat to better see Steve - resting her chin on her fists as she braces her elbows on the middle console of Steve’s car.
“Okay, fine,” Steve exhales, running his fingers through his hair. “After I dropped Henderson off at the Snowball in 84 I- I saw Nance.. Our breakup was still fresh, and I knew she wanted Jonathan - she’s good with Jonathan, happy with Jonathan… I knew that even then..” Steve breathed again, shaking his head as he continues. “I went and parked my car against the tree line of the parking lot by the school and just.. cried. I - I know it’s silly, but at the time seeing Nance and realizing she chose Jonathan over me..I just - I knew I would just never be enough for her. And then I started thinking about how I feel like I’m never enough for my parents, or - or for school.. and then Nance happened.. And I thought I wasn’t enough for anybody..”
Robin’s demeanor changed as Steve clears his throat, “I just - I cried and cried.. man, I must’ve cried for twenty minutes.. and then someone knocked on the window of my car. And I looked up and it was Arcade Girl.”
Steve pauses for a moment before he whispers your name, smiling softly as he continues to speak, “And she just smiled at me, her - her face was so beautiful and she was smiling at me. So I - I opened up the car door and got out. And we just talked. We sat on the hood of my car and talked the entire night. She wanted to check on me and she told me that how I was feeling was okay and normal, but that it was a lie and that I was enough as I am.. and that if people didn’t love me or appreciate me then they were stupid and wrong and I needed to find better friends.”
He lets out a breathy chuckle, sighing as a small blush warms his cheeks, “When the dance ended they played one last song for the night. A slow song. And we - we ended up slow dancing and she just felt so - so perfect in my arms. And then she had to leave and I was alone again, and I - I wish I would have done more because there’s just.. there’s something about her.. I still think about her and-“
“Oh my god.. are you in love with Arcade Girl?” Robin smiled widely. “You’re in love with Arcade Girl and refuse to do a thing about it!? That’s what was going on back there?!”
“I am not in love with Arcade Girl. I just - appreciate her,” Steve replies. “Now get the hell out of my car, Buckley. I’ll see you tomorrow at eleven.”
“Fine, fine.. but if you don’t do anything about Arcade Girl, I will.. because you’re in love with her!” She jeers, poking Steve in the chest before opening up the passenger door and getting out of the car. “See you tomorrow, lover boy!”
“Oh, shut up!”
The stars were beautiful on nights like tonight; clear skies gleaming brightly, shining down on you as you stare up - face to face with the abyss of the galaxy as you lay on the top of a picnic table in the middle of the trailer park.
“What is the meaning of life?” A sarcastic voice rang out from behind you, causing you to sit up - bracing yourself on your forearm as you turn to greet, “Max! There’s my girl.” You cheer, sitting up and spinning yourself around to face the redhead. “Hi,” she smiles. You smile widely, patting the tabletop below you, “Come here and tell me about your day, why don’t ya?”
Max sits beside you, trilling her fingertips on her knee, “Oh you know - my day was like everyday.. Shit.”
“Well, I really hate to hear that.. Did you try to talk to Lucas?”
“God, no,” Max says quickly, diverting her eyes from yours. “Hey, it’s okay - we don’t have to talk about Lucas. I just want to make sure you’re okay is all. Trauma buddies, remember?” You joke, playfully tapping the cassette player sitting in Max’s lap. “How is the Kate Bush cassette treating you? I hope just as well as it treated me.”
“Yeah,” she smiles softly, fidgeting with the tape player in her hands. “There are a few songs that really speak to me. It’s like she knows how I’m feeling.”
“I get that.. There’s one song on there, I’m pretty sure it’s a love song.. but it works for me? Kate Bush can do no wrong. I need to get you on Pink Floyd or Jim Croce.. have you ever tried listening to Metallica? I’m on a Metallica kick currently.. It’s a little heavy, but I think you’ll like them-.”
You and Max turn towards the sounds of screeching tires seeing your neighbor, Eddie, pulling up his van in front of his trailer.
He gets out of the van, quickly ushering someone out of the passenger seat. “Holy shit, is that Chrissy Cunningham?” Max says, turning towards you. “I’d know that hair from anywhere.. that's definitely Chrissy,” you whisper, nodding your head as you watch the two scurry into the trailer, “The real question is what in the hell is Chrissy Cunningham doing with Eddie?”
“Who the hell knows. Look, I’ve got to go back inside.. my Mom, she’ll freak out if I’m gone too long,” Max says, standing and holding out her hand, cupping it into the shape of a C - her thumb curved downward, “See you tomorrow?” “See you tomorrow,” you say, holding up a cupped hand to hers to make a heart before you stand and pull her in for a hug. “Look,” you say, holding her in a warm embrace, your voice a bit muffled from the tight squeeze. “Don’t you ever forget, if you need me for anything, yell - or call. I’m always here for you. You or your mom. Okay, kiddo?”
You finally pull away, brushing a stray hair from Max’s eyes. “Okay, maybe I should be calling you Mom,” Max jokes, playfully rolling her eyes as she starts to walk backwards away from you. “Yeah, yeah - go inside before your actual Mom kills me! Goodnight!” You wave before sitting back down on the picnic table, laying out on the table top, just as you did before - gazing at the stars again.
“Chrissy!” You hear Eddie’s muffled screams coming from inside of his trailer.
Turning, your eyes see the trailer’s lights blinking, just like before at the arcade.. Eddie’s screams continue before the front door slams open and he runs to the driver’s side door of his van. You watch as he throws himself inside, peeling away from the trailer park and down the road into the night.
Where was Chrissy?
Your heart raced as you stood, slowly walking towards the open-door trailer before your feet started moving faster, starting to run to the door.
You shouldn’t have run to the door.. Why did you always have to be so damn curious?
A clap of nausea struck through your gut the instant your eyes fell upon the monstrosity before you. A familiar, broken monstrosity. A nightmare..
“Oh my god,” you whispered seeing Chrissy lying on the floor of Eddie’s trailer. Her arms and legs were snapped, her jaw broken, her eyes burst and bleeding.. The sight made you fall to the ground, gripping the grass below you in your fists as you scream, crying out in agony.
Memories flash before your eyes, upsetting you further as you collect yourself from the ground and run back to your trailer and barricade yourself inside. You slink against the door and into the floor, screaming loudly as hot tears stream down your cold cheeks. “No!”
The image of Chrissy’s broken body was the only thing you could see whenever you closed your eyes. Her once beautiful and kind eyes now bloodied and empty.
“Not again…” you whisper. “Please - no not again…”
Memories come flooding back. The bloody hardwood floor.. the broken bodies…
Tears stream down your face as you cling to yourself, sobbing into the crook of your arm - hoping to find a small shred of safety in your own touch.. wishing you could be swept up in another’s arms, wanting to feel a sense of belonging.
“Please… No…”
The sounds of sirens wake you, quickly sitting up off of the floor of your trailer with a gasp. Morning light poured through the window of your trailer. The sirens continued, bringing you to your feet as you spy through the blinds of your window and out towards Eddie’s trailer. Police cars were scattered around, police men held crowds of curious neighbors back as more people began to crowd around.
Your thoughts are nothing but of Eddie and Chrissy. Watching them go inside of Eddie’s trailer and only Eddie coming out. Your mind replays seeing Chrissy’s body laying on the floor, broken and bleeding - a disfigured and twisted version of what once was a beautiful and kind girl. A girl you had known since her freshman year of high school.
You had known Eddie even longer than Chrissy. Eddie Munson, your friend since sixth grade. Your friend all because Eddie punched that asshole Tommy Hagan in the face after he slapped your ass in the hallway in front of quite literally everyone at Hawkins Middle. Eddie has always come to your defense, been your greatest protector since. Especially whenever you lost your grandparents in 83. Even when Eddie fell behind and didn’t graduate, the two of you stayed thick as thieves, always watching out for one another and having spend the night parties in your trailer.
The phone rings, pulling you from your thoughts and back to reality. You rush, abruptly picking up the phone and saying, “Hello?”
“Hey - I can’t make it to the arcade today, I need you to come in and cover the shift,” Keith’s voice came through the speaker, cutting you off before you could even get a word in. “And I can’t take no for an answer. See you in twenty minutes.”
The line ends.
Cursing under your breath you quickly change into different clothes, grab your things and get into your car - driving off to the exit of the trailer, only to be stopped by a cop.
“You can’t leave,” he says, leaning against your car. “I apologize for the inconvenience.”
“Sir, please..” you whisper up to the man. “I - it’s just me. I have to go to work or I can’t pay my bills. Please. I have to go to work.”
The officer is reluctant but let’s you leave, sending you down the road and into the heart of downtown Hawkins, Indiana.
Only six people came into the arcade within the span of eight hours. The only real thing keeping you company was the pregame music coming from the surrounding arcade games and the muffled television playing the local news.
Like clockwork, each person that came into the arcade came up to the counter and chatted with you about the murder in Hawkins. Word travels fast in a small town. One after the other, person after person knew more than the last.. Telling you more information about what you already knew and worrying more and more about Eddie as the hours passed.
People are curious, you know.
A young boy - probably around thirteen, came up to the counter and gave you his tokens in exchange for some candy. He flashed you a smirk before he leaned across the counter, whispering, “You’re friends with Eddie Munson, right?”
He didn’t give you a chance to answer, spitting out, “Did you hear Eddie “The Freak” Munson murdered Chrissy Cunningham last night?”
That was it.
You had to find Eddie.
Quickly ushering the boy from the arcade, your palms smack lights off, ignoring the arcade games as you run out of the building, locking the door behind you before running towards your car and driving away towards the nearest gas station.
Glasses clink together as you walk through the forest after parking your car near a dock on Lover’s Lake. The flashlight you gripped in your hand bounced off of your thigh - shaking light illuminating your green path to your one and only stop, Reefer Rick’s currently vacant house.
You know Eddie too well. You and Eddie had hung out here far too many times before trying to escape reality for a few hours for this to not be his perfect hideout. Tucked away and sitting vacant near the lake. Perfect.
Your grassy path turned to paved concrete as you made your way to the house, shining the bright light into the dirty windows.
“Come on.. Where are you, Eds?” You breathe, walking past the house and towards the boathouse. You stop dead in your tracks hearing voices coming from the structure.
What if Eddie was in trouble? What if whoever murdered Chrissy is in there with him? You couldn’t leave your best friend alone like this.
Creeping towards the door you steady your breath, turn off your flashlight and grip it in your palm - moving quietly before your hand hits the door handle to the boathouse.
With not another thought you fling the door open, wielding your flashlight in your hand as if it were a sword ready for battle as you step into the boathouse. Your eyes meet Eddie’s before a force takes you to the ground with a thud, knocking the air out of you - the beer bottles you had brought Eddie crashing all around your head.
“Holy shit, Harrington!” You hear Eddie scream. Your eyes open, meeting Steve Harrington’s gaze, quickly noticing his body fully pressed against yours, and the hard ground against your back as he lays on top of you.
A group of teenagers run over to the scene, the familiar faces of Robin, Max and Eddie gaze down at you.
“I am so sorry,” Steve stands, brushing off his hands on his pants before extending his arm to you - only for Robin to reach in front of him and help you up instead, brushing off the back of your shirt and hair before saying, “Great job, Harrington. Glad you still have what it takes to take a woman to the ground via body slam. I’ll make sure your next date knows to wear a helmet.”
“Who is random girl?” A curly haired boy asks as he approaches where you, Max, Eddie, Steve and Robin stood. “We can’t bring anyone else into this.. she has to go,” he says, matter of fact, placing his hands on his hips.
“She’s cool, Dustin,” Max nods, leaning herself into you. “Calm down!”
“How do I know that?” Dustin asks, cocking his head to the side.
“Because she’s my best friend,” Eddie pipes up. “And she’s seen me shit myself and throw up at the same time after too many beers and still chooses to be my friend.”
“I thought we weren’t going to tell anyone about that?” You whisper, side eying Eddie as he rolls his eyes. “Eh - everyone probably thinking I murdered Chrissy, what’s telling people I shit myself going to do?”
“That’s why I came looking for you,” you reply, hurriedly speaking to your friend. “I came here because I know you didn’t do this. There’s no way an actual person could have done that to her.”
“Wait, how do you know what happened?” Steve asks, him and Dustin both now standing with their hands on their hips as the seemingly gawk at you.
“She’s our neighbor,” Max says, pointing her fingers towards herself and Eddie. “She lives right in between us.”
“She makes us cookies on Thursdays,” Eddie says with a small smile as he looks at you, placing his palm on the back of your head.
“These two dorks write your stupid campaigns on Thursday nights too,” Max says, sarcastically rolling her eyes.
“So that’s why we don’t have dnd on Thursdays..” Dustin murmurs under his breath. “What’s your class and level, Arcade Girl?” The boy smiles villainously, like he had trapped you in his question awaiting a stupid reply.
“You must be the infamous Dustin Henderson I hear so much about. Well, Dustin - I am a chaotic good, half elf, sorceress - level 14,” you say with a smile, crossing your arms over your chest. “How did you like the latest campaign?”
Dustin is quiet for a moment before he whispers, “Fine.”
“Fine?” Eddie retorts. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“She’s cool I guess.. And if she is sticking around you two might want to sit down for this conversation..” you and Eddie sit down beside the window of the boathouse as the group surrounds you, Dustin sits right in front of you. His voice is calm as he says, “well, what I’m about to tell you might be difficult to believe..”
Dustin tells the two of you about his friend named Eleven and how she had super powers and about Hawkins Lab and the Upside Down. He talked about his friend Will disappearing and Barbara dying. You didn’t think things could get worse until he brought up the Mind Flayer and what it did to all of those people in Hawkins - how the Starcourt Mall was really a Russian government coverup in hopes of creating a gate to the Upside Down.
Each bit of information worries you more. Each new detail reminds you of the day that still haunts you.. now Chrissy’s death makes that day feel just as fresh as it did in 1983.
“Now what did you see when that happened to Chrissy?” Dustin asks. “Dust particles? Smoke?”
“Nothing - I saw nothing,” Eddie breathes, tears start to form in his eyes. “It was like she was in a trance.. or - or a spell.”
“Or a curse..” Dustin whispers. “Vecna’s curse..”
The two continue talking about this undead creature of great power that curses people, wondering if that could be what happened to Chrissy.
“Hey, are you okay?” Steve’s voice whispers from behind you. You turn, looking up at where he stood, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed - almost as if he were standing guard behind you as he looks down at you. “This is a lot of information to learn at once, just wanted to make sure you’re okay. It’s okay if you aren’t okay.”
“Thanks, Steve,” you smile weakly. “It is a lot of information to learn in one sitting.”
“So.. here’s the thing. I gotta get home, my Mom will freak out if I’m not home in the next fifteen minutes to let her know I’m alive. With everything going on I didn’t realize it had gotten so late, I’m sorry,” Max says to the group. “Could someone drive me home? I can stick around, my mom is just weird since Billy..”
“I’ll take you,” both you and Steve say simultaneously - quickly looking at one another before turning back to Max.
“Honestly, I don’t think anyone needs to be alone right now,” Robin says. “What if we all crashed here with Eddie?”
“Not happening,” Steve shakes his head. “Someone has to take Max home.”
“What if you all came to my trailer and stayed the night? I have food and drinks and we can watch a movie or something to calm our nerves,” you suggest, looking up to the surrounding teens. “What do you think? I have board games!”
“What about Eddie?” Dustin says.
“Shit! You’re right,” you whisper. “What about Eddie?”
“We can just leave him here,” Steve quietly suggests. The group turns to him. “No one is going to be left behind - alone - with all of this shit going on in Hawkins again,” Robin retorts. “We got past russian guards once, I think we can get Eddie past Hawkins’ Police Department.”
And that you did. You, Steve, Robin, Max and Dustin snuck Eddie past the police and into your trailer with ease all thanks to a hair tie.
“I can’t believe we just did that,” you whisper, smiling as you look at Eddie sitting on your couch staring back at you with a soft smile plastered across his face. “I can’t believe we just snuck you past the cops…”
“You’ve gone bad,” Eddie joked, taking his hair out from the hair tie.
“Ha! She’s gone bad? Never in a million years,” Max sits on the couch beside him as they both make themselves at home, just like they do any night they come over. “She’s too pure. Could you guys not hear her jaws grinding from stress the entire car ride here? She can’t handle the pressure.”
“We all were squished so close together in Harrington’s car, I heard things I didn’t even want to hear,” Eddie jokes, playfully slapping Dustin’s back. “Like whatever the hell is going on in Henderson’s stomach. You might need to get that checked out, man.”
“Very funny,” Dustin shrugs, rolling his eyes at Eddie. “Well, if you’re planning to stick with us, sneaking Eddie past cops is nothing compared to what could possibly be to come,” Dustin says as he and Robin start to look around your trailer. He grabs a toy from a nearby shelf, still in the package - holding it up and gazing at it, “Wait.. Is this real?”
“Do you think I’d have fake Star Wars action figures still in the box sitting on display in my home?” You retort.
Steve lets out a small laugh, looking back at you as he walks past you and sits on the couch right beside Max, “I see Dustin’s finally met his match.”
“Oh my god,” Robin says, holding up a vinyl record. “You have the entire Woodstock Concert Series recordings? When all of this is said and done I’m coming over and we’re listening to this one day. Hell, multiple days. We can have food, we can make a week out of it. How we- how would we work? Who - ya know, who needs work whenever we could just listen to the entire Woodstock recordings? I wonder if it has the thunder storm that came through recorded on the…” she pauses, snarling her nose and making a face before eyeing Steve, “Oh god, I’m doing it again.. my mouth won’t stop.”
You laugh, “Honestly, you could have kept going and I would have kept listening. We definitely need to do that. You could even sleep here! I haven’t had a sleepover in years! My bed is super comfortable.”
“Hey now!” Steve says abruptly, his eyes darting back and forth between you and Robin, noticing Robin was making a face at him. “Uh.. I -,” he looks around, quickly grabbing the remote from the coffee table and awkwardly holding it up, giving a weak smile. “I found the remote! Hey now!”
“Hey!” Robin loudly cheers, her eyes widen before looking back at you. “Yay!”
“You guys are funny,” you say with a smile, staringt to back away from them, “I’m gonna go make some kind of food for us. Who’s hungry?”
“Me!” Eddie and Dustin yell.
“Oh my god, you have a bass guitar? You play instruments too?” Robin picks up the red instrument, putting the strap over her shoulder and strumming the strings before looking back up to you. “What do you not do? Are you actually the most perfect human?”
“She doesn’t run, I mean, she can - it just looks weird,” Eddie jokes, standing from the couch and walking towards you. “And she’s lactose intolerant and she’s scared of clowns. She isn’t perfect, but she tries to be.” He opens the fridge, grabs a beer and heads over to sit back on the couch. “But she is a good cook. And she is a killer bass player, even though she doesn’t play in my band anymore.”
“I wanna hear you play,” Robin smiles. “I want to hear you both play. You have to join the band again, Arcade Girl. Please. Do it for me. I wanna see you slap da bass.”
“Maybe,” you say, preparing food. “It’s been a while.”
”Holy shit, it smells so good in here, I’m starving,” Dustin says. “I am so excited to eat. Thank you for cooking for us.”
“Ah, Dustin is a fan of Arcade Girl now he knows he is being fed,” Robin jokes, still strumming the bass’ strings - bouncing her brows as she looks at Dustin. “I too am very thankful for this food that you’re making us.You are so…” she turns to Steve, “…maternal and warm. And might I say that I love your hair.”
“Thank you, Robin. You are so nice,” you smile. “So, who all is staying the night?” You ask, starting to count hands in the air. “Oh, all of you. Perfect.”
Mr. Mom plays quietly on your small television as you are surrounded by a group of sleeping teenagers with bellies’ full of warm food. Eddie is asleep on the floor beside Dustin, Robin is asleep in the Lay-Z-Boy, Max’s head is in your lap - finally asleep.
“They’re all kinda cute whenever they’re asleep,” Steve whispers from where he sat on the couch beside you. Max’s constant adjusting before ultimately falling asleep on you pushed you right beside Steve, hip to hip.
You look around the room before your eyes meet his, “You’re right. Even if they kinda snore, they are cute.” Your fingers brush hair from Max’s forehead as you look down at her, studying the freckles kissing her porcelain skin.
“She loves you,” Steve says. “I think we all do.”
“You think?” Your cheeks grow warm, looking at Steve again. “Oh - I.. you’re probably so uncomfortable,” you pause, slightly adjusting realizing that your elbow is pressing into Steve. “Let me just-.”
“No, let me - Max looks comfortable,” Steve adjusts, placing his strong arm around where you sat beside him - wrapping perfectly around your shoulders. “Is this okay?”
The nearness of Steve made your heart race in the best way, feeling your bodies starting to melt into one another where you sat on the couch. Steve was warm, he smelled of musk and sandalwood. You could feel his heart racing as your eyes meet his once more.
He’s so close.
So handsome.
He looks into your eyes, gazing into them before he pulls his vision from yours, clearing his throat and looking around your trailer.
“This is impressive,” Steve whispers.
“What? My trailer?” You scoff. ”It’s not really that impressive if you knew the story.”
Dread washes over you as the low toll of a bell.. the same sound from back at the arcade last night rings out around you. Your head whips around the room, looking for any signs of the grandfather clock from before.
“I’d love to hear about it,” Steve shrugs, adjusting himself even closer to you. “You know, if you ever wanna ya know talk about it. Or - or explain it. I mean, you’re almost two years out of high school and you own your own trailer. I’m a year out of high school and all I have to show is me working at Family Video. I could use help getting my shit together, so I’m open to advice.”
Steve noticed the change in your demeanor, seeing your shifting eyes and feeling your heart start to race. “Hey, are you okay? I’m sorry if I’m - I'm too close.”
Tell him.
You let out a soft chuckle, “no, it’s okay - It’s nothing special and the story is sad. I won’t bore you with it. I do wish I had some kind of advice for you.”
“Hey,” he breathes, looking around your home. “This is incredible and I’m used to sad stories now. If you wanna share, I’m all ears. I’ve got plenty of sad stories to share. And if you don’t wanna share, that’s okay, too.”
Tell him.
“Steve.. I promise you, it’s not a good story. There is already enough negative stuff going on all around us,” you protest, looking down at Max again as you brush through the end of her pulled back hair.
“Do you remember me?” You whisper, eyes still on Max.
“Of course I remember you.. how - how could I forget someone like you?” Steve whispers. “Ya know, I should have added something to that list of things Eddie said you can do. The list of things you’re good at.”
“Yeah?” The pads of your thumb caresses Max’s brow, too nervous to look at Steve.
His face leans closer to you, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispers, “I would add that I think you’re a fantastic dancer.. and I’d love to do it again sometime.”
Your face turns, nose brushing against Steve’s as you eyes meet his. “You do remember…”
“Of course I remember,” he smiles before he whispers your name. “I think I’ll always remember you.”
Steve’s heart is drumming against your body as he licks his lips, “Steve, there’s something I need to tell you.”
The bell rings out again, though you choose to ignore it.
“Okay,” he nods, eyes locked on yours. “You can tell me anything. Whatever it is, I’m all ears.”
“Are you guys about to kiss?!” Robin screeches, waking the group from their slumber. You and Steve pull away from one another, immediately looking away and down at your feet.
Max sits up, her sleepy eyes staring at you and Steve, “Holy shit!”
“Guys, please,” Steve says. “Leave her alone. It’s my fault, I-.”
You stand from where you sat beside Steve, walking across the room from the group and shaking your head.
“What’s wrong?” Steve asks.
“You - you all need to know.. Steve asked how I live here by myself, so I’ll tell you. I need to tell all of you..” you breathe, balling your shaking hands into fists. “You deserve to know. You guys told me about everything, the Upside Down, Eleven… all of it. So, I need to tell you..
“Woah.. what are you talking about?” Robin sits up, worried as she watches you start to pace. “I was just messing with Steve more than you when I said that a second ago. I’m sorry if I freaked you out.”
“No, no.. it’s okay. It’s not that.. It’s just - I just..” your sad eyes flash to Max and Eddie, both staring up at you before your eyes shift to the hallway of your trailer, seeing a grandfather clock facing you - taunting you with its ringing. “I have something I need to tell you guys… something about my past. It’s why I’m in this trailer. I - I didn’t wanna bring it up because I don’t like talking about it, but then Steve asked and.. and… I know you guys now,” you clear your throat before continuing. “I didn’t wanna bring it up before at the boathouse because I didn’t want anyone's pity.. or for anyone to think of me differently.. but I hope - I think you guys won’t because you all have stuff too..”
Your eyes stare at the ground, too afraid to look at your friends.
“At first I didn’t think it mattered, that my story didn’t matter. But now I’m scared that it matters.. and I don't want my story to matter because that means that whatever this is - Vecna, the boogeyman... whoever this is that’s murdering people in Hawkins has been killing for years.”
Your chest starts to rise and fall trying to regulate your breathing - starting to feel light headed.
“Okay…. My mom died suddenly when I was a baby, a brain hemorrhage during labor. Right after she died I went to live with my only living relatives, my grandparents - my mom’s parents.. right here in Hawkins. Over near the Byers’ house on that big farmland. I lived with my grandparents from the time that mom died until around 1983.”
Your eyes glance over to Eddie, who was giving you a weak, downturned smile. “It’s okay,” he whispers. “Go on, it’s okay.”
“Well, here’s the thing. Uh, Eddie and Max know this story, but it’s not the full story. They haven’t heard it.. no one actually knows the full story. And I thought what happened was nonsense until what happened with Chrissy and I learned about everything you guys have been through..” you shake your head as tears start to form in your eyes.
“I came home, it was Saturday March 5th 1983. It was cold, and dark when I got to the farmhouse. My grandparents normally waited for me on the wraparound porch whenever I had to either stay at school late or work late. I can still imagine them sitting there in their rocking chairs, my grandpa with a book and my grandma crocheting something beautiful as always. But, this time I showed up and no one was waiting on the porch, which I didn’t think too much of until I walked inside and smelled dinner burning and stepped in water coming all the way from the kitchen sink.”
You sigh, swallowing hard before speaking again.
“I shouldn’t have looked for them. I should have just called the cops. But like with Chrissy, I let my curiosity get the best of me. I - I walked deeper into the house and- and.. I found my grandma first. Her arms and legs were snapped in half, her jaw looked like it was dislocated.. and her eyes.. gone. Bloodied. It’s like they exploded. My grandpa was a room over, same exact thing. Same. The legs, the jaw, his eyes…” you start to cry. “It was the day before Will went missing and a few days before Barbara Holland died. The police handed the case over to some other people.. they said it was a murder suicide. They kind of just closed the case, even though I begged.. I pleaded. They just forgot about them, about me.. which is fine, it’s fine. Will was missing and then Barbara. I just.. I tried to forget about it like they did.. and I was doing good but then I saw Chrissy.”
“What..” Eddie breaths, blinking back tears.
“I uh - Hopper, he was the nicest. He set me up, he actually used to pay for me to live here so I had somewhere to stay. I don’t know why he was so kind to me.. but, he was. And he would visit me and make sure I had food. All he wanted was for me to graduate and get out of Hawkins.. And then he died too..” your voice cracks as panic courses through your veins - your heart feeling as if it were trying to drum itself out of your chest.
“Everyone I love dies. Everyone I get close to leaves me… I - I think I’m cursed somehow. And I needed to tell you guys that, I had to tell you guys before it got worse or - or it got to you. Or it got me..” your voice breaks again as you start to sob. “I don’t want you guys to die like everyone else. I- I have nothing… nothing besides you guys…”
Your hand grips your chest, feeling yourself spiraling into hyperventilation, your vision getting hazy around you as you gasp for air through your quickly closing throat.
“Oh shit!” Steve yells,
Eddie and Steve are the first ones to you, Eddie standing in front of you, his hand gently caressing your balled up fist you had to your side, spreading out your hand with his and holding it gently; Steve stands behind you, placing two fingers on the side of your neck to check your pulse, snaking his arm around your waist, “I think she’s having a panic attack.” He looks to Robin.
“Oh god,” Robin whispers, quickly getting up from the chair and running into the kitchen, “I’ll get some water.”
“She has these, but they’ve gotten worse lately.. I don’t know why,” Max says. “Try to sit her on the ground. Robin, grab some ice and wrap it in a towel, or grab some frozen food. Peas, broccoli, whatever.”
“Lean back on Steve, okay?” Eddie coos as both of the men slowly crouch to the carpeted floor of your trailer’s living room, both holding you in their grasp. Robin runs over with a glass of water and a bag of frozen peas, “got it.”
Eddie hands the water to Max, “What do I do with these?”
“Her chest. The cold will help her right now. She’ll feel like she can breathe,” she explains.
Steve sits behind you on the ground, legs spread as you sit - back laid against his chest as you continue to hyperventilate, feeling like you’re slipping further away from reality. He moves stray hair from your clammy face, blowing cold air from his pursed lips onto the back of your neck - his head cocked awkwardly to the side.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Eddie whispers, slowly placing the peas on your sternum. “Doesn’t that feel good? It’s going to be okay. Just look at me, please?” He sniffles as tears fall. “I hate seeing you like this, please - please it’s going to be okay.”
Max comes over, sitting on her knees as she grabs your hand. Dustin and Robin come closer, awaiting further instructions on how to help you. “Hey, everything is okay right now. Okay? We’re here.”
“Are you - you going to leave me?” You mutter through quick breaths.
“You’re stuck with us now,” Dustin whispers. “And when this is over we’re playing DND together.”
“And we’re going to listen to Woodstock!” Robin says sweetly.
Steve whispers in your ear, low enough for only you to hear, “And I’m going to be there for all of it, because all I want to be is beside you. Just lean back on me, it’s okay - I got you. We aren’t going anywhere.”
“You can’t get rid of us now,” Robin smiles, sitting on the ground. “And we’re going to stay with you until you’re better.”
“All of us,” Eddie wipes his tears, still holding one of your hands in his.
Your breathing slows, finally calming down as your tired body leans against Steve’s warm chest - gripping onto Eddie and Max’s hands as you smile. “I love you guys,” you sigh, looking at the group. “Thank you for helping me.”
“Well, you’re part of the group now - you’re basically family now. Part of our party.. We will always be here to help,” Dustin smiles. “Can’t get rid of us now.”
“I don’t think I want to,” you smile. “Thank you guys so much…”
“We’re going to figure this out,” Dustin assures you. “We always do.”
“And you’ll get to meet everyone else. They will love you, too!” Robin exclaims.
“Everyone else?”
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Sooooo, what did you think? Please PLEASE let me know. I worked so hard on this, and I love it so much and I’m so scared no one will read it or like it. I’m feeling insecure and your validation fuels me. I love you whoever is reading this. <3 - Cait
Let me know what you thought!
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andmaybegayer · 9 days
Last Monday of the Week 2024-06-03
Finicky little situations
Listening: I had a hankering for some Clark Powell and went looking through her Bandcamp, and listened to Labyrinth's Heart
This album is really interesting, in that a lot of it ends up in the Psycholonials soundtrack, almost all of it really. Forgotten is the basis for the interstitial chapter music and finale track, Misbegotten has the foundations for one of my favourites, Outlaw.
Clark's more recent stuff is this extremely chill pop-y sounding music, and through association with Psycholonials it is perfect hot summer day background music.
Oh also. Finished S4 of The Magnus Archives. Bold way to end the season, just blam hey hello we're ending the world. See you on the flipside!
I will say that I do not really get where John/Martin is really meant to go, and I know people did not like the last season that much, but I have found it pretty good. It is getting a little too close to exiting the Monster Of The Week mode that I prize so much, but it's still there.
Watching: DeviantOllam's extremely good long talk on fire safety code, ostensibly in the context of using it as a cover for breaking in to buildings but it is honestly mostly just a chance for a bunch of nerds to learn about extremely specialized tools and get more niche facts about the built environment. This is that four hour disney star wars talk for people who have NFC card reprogrammers.
DeviantOllam does some really great talks on a lot on physical security but is also just, very good at talking, he delivers things in a way that gets you invested in it even if you had no idea you would care.
Reading: A little shy of halfway through The Book of Dust by Philip Pullman, the second book in the new trilogy The Secret Commonwealth, which started with La Belle Sauvage. I read La Belle Sauvage a few years ago and had to go refresh on a synopsis.
Philip Pullman is a truly great writer, and now that he has killed god in this universe he can focus on more interesting things, like philosophy of the soul when some (or potentially all) of your soul is also a kitty cat.
Jumping us forward to 20-year old Lyra is a bit of an adjustment. You get so used to thinking over her as the very specific like 12 year old that she is throughout His Dark Materials. She says fuck now! It's also exceedingly funny that she appears to have fallen in with The Rationalists in a world with witches and magic. I guess spoilers?
Ylen naq cna xvaq bs ungvat rnpu bgure vf fhpu n punatr sebz UQZ. Vg vf shaal gung jr nyzbfg vzzrqvngryl trg gbyq rkcyvpvgyl gung guvf vfa'g gung hapbzzba, juvpu frrzf gb or bar bs gur znal gurzrf ehaavat guebhtu guvf obbx. Guvatf gung frrz fvathyne whfg nera'g. Frireny crbcyr pna frcnengr, znal crbcyr ner njner bs guvatf gung frrz gb or gval pbafcvenpvrf. Gur Ylen/Znypbz eryngvbafuvc vf snfpvangvat, vg vf fb qrrcyl hapbzsbegnoyr sbe rirelbar vaibyirq va gung terng jnl gung znxrf vg chfu naq chyy ng rirelguvat nebhaq vg. Gurer ner n ybg bs Pncvgny G Gurzrf orvat frg hc, gur fbeg bs ershgngvba bs na raq bs uvfgbel, zber eryvtvbhf fghss va gur guernq bs Qhfg naq gur PPQ, gur vapernfvat zbqreavmngvba bs gur jbeyq qrfcvgr nyy gur jrveq nanpuebavfgvp genccvatf bs Ylen'f Jbeyq.
Every now and again I remember how impossibly heartbreaking the end of Amber Spyglass is and I'm like holy shit he really did that to his readers. I think it took me about a week to pick up a different book after I finished that.
Playing: Beat dark souls! More extensive talk about that in the #dark souls tag.
The story is of course homeopathic. Like Pyre, the game takes place after all the interesting stuff, but unlike Pyre, there isn't really a strong core of characters to watch through the aftermath. I'm not entirely clear why we were trying to link the flame, other than that the guy in the Asylum told us it was a legend.
Ultimately, unimportant, the gameplay is mostly great! The final bosses are a little weird, they feel weak and their areas all feel like they're missing something, but I quite liked Nito and the Four Kings, and Seath was mostly fine. Hey wait, the furtive pygmy! I forgot about the furtive pygmy, just like they said! Nevermind fuck everything I just said, best game in history.
I will go back and try to NG+, also some people mentioned the DLC which I have no idea how to access, but I will look that up probably. It sounds like there's some good bosses in there.
The combat really is fun, although I maintain that there are lot of combat issues that are really more like UI issues than actual game design issues, things like the parry mechanic being so fiddly and the upgrade system being inscrutable.
Making: LuaLED has me in a hole because I have to do Web Shit and I do not know how to do Web Shit. This is a me issue not a Web issue, I just never really put the time into learning more than the basics of HTML and HTTP.
Tools and Equipment: aerc is a simple email client for the terminal.
I have used various Mail clients over the years and I always find myself gravitating back towards just using whatever web client my provider has because I don't give a shit and I don't get that many emails, but I have recently wanted to handle my work emails from the terminal for reasons, and I tried out aerc. I've previously used Mutt but setting up Mutt is a huge pain in the ass and it has one billion controls that mean nothing if you're not doing mailbox stuff, because it's from ten thousand years ago.
aerc is stripped down and optimized for a few specific use cases, one of the big ones being "handling emailed git patches" which I don't do much but do do sometimes. It's also a pretty nice general text mail client, it's easy to set up and it lets you get into using it very easily.
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artblock-tm · 11 days
Hiiii Art Middle name Block™. You can do this whenever you want for whomever you want I'm just leaving this prompt in your inbox for whenever. You should talk about your OCs
Alright, here it comes! Below the cut is a list of basic information for every OC that I have!
Please do not proceed unless you A) have a strong will, B) have a lot of time on your hands, and/or C) are as insane as I am.
This post talks about AROUND 70 OCS. THIS IS YOUR WARNING.
I have grouped each OC based on the story they belong to along with arranging them in alphabetical order for organization reasons. Let’s get started!
A Hat in Time/Masked
Ichor (they/them)- Kind of a spoiler character, but unfortunately that’s just how things wound up… but whatever! A chaotic, powerful, fun-loving devil with mysterious ties that are yet to be uncovered.
Jaide (she/her)- My very first AHiT OC! She is a very kind and warm character despite the chill that wraps around her home and her body. She carries a deep grief within her and needs a helping hand to overcome it. Her existence is to every au, btw. Masked just happens to be her bad ending.
Karmin (she/her)- A jack-of-all-trades AHiT OC, meaning that she isn’t meant to be confined to a singular story. She has the most in-depth lore in Masked, but she appears in other universes as well.
Levi- (he/him, they/them)- Jaide’s son! Unfortunately dead at 6 years old, he exists as a ghost by her side. His character has yet to shine through.
Outlander (he/him)- Masked’s main antagonist. Power-hungry, resourceful, and manipulative, Outlander will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Until a deus ex machina stops him, of course. Good thing we’ve seen the last of him! (Not.)
(Please note that there is one AHiT OC not included on this list because they remain a major spoiler for Masked. My plans shall come to fruition and you should get to know this character sooner rather than later, though!)
What I plan to do with this story: I’m rewriting it! Like a madman. Once the entire fic along with the released oneshots are rewritten, I will release more oneshots and further expand the story and lore. Masked fans are in for a treat, teehee.
Ambivalent Souls (name subject to change)
Attakai (she/her)- An eldritch being with deep ties to the ocean. Boundlessly kind and skilled in healing, she is deeply caring to the humans that serve other beings. The only one who seems able to boss her around is Thirio.
Epithymia (they/them, it/its)- An eldritch being composed from the darkness between universes. A side character to the story. Quiet and shy, they often wander worlds with their one friend, a young human named Uri.
Feil (xey/xem, zey/zem)- A skilled illusion caster who came to work for Thirio after xeir sibling, Xosi, was cursed. An arc antagonist.
Hare (he/him, they/them, she/her)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THE STORY. Thirio’s formerly most loyal member. Lacking magic that other syndicate members have, he makes up for his disadvantage with his alchemical knowledge.
Krystll (she/her)- A former member of the syndicate. Her cheerful and friendly disposition covers the doubts and the guilt she carries thanks to her soul’s innate love magic.
Maroon- (he/him, they/them, she/her)- A strangely inhuman teenager. They claim Zerie to be their sibling and are very close with him. Maroon is often introverted but very sweet once you come to know him.
Midnight (she/her, they/them)- Another former member of the Syndicate, and a close friend to Krystll. Additionally, a former human thanks to past experiments done on her soul.
Nova (he/him)- An eldritch being born of a star. Married to Attakai, he one day mysteriously fell ill and perished, once thought to be impossible with eldritch beings.
Thirio (he/him, they/them)- An eldritch being of consuming darkness. He runs a branch of the syndicate dedicated to minimizing multiversal threats. He wields powerful psychic abilities and commands others with a cold sneer.
Tsumi (he/him, they/them, it/its)- Thirio’s son, another impossibility among beings. Tsumi prides themself in its strong moral compass and devotes themself to carrying out justice.
Uri (she/her)- Companion to Epithymia after making a wish to have a friend. Epithymia takes her with them wherever they go, since they are obligated to look after her.
Vipsi (it/its)- A former eldritch being, now contained in a small stuffed animal. Once a close friend to Nova, it lost its mind after glimpsing his future.
Xosi (they/them, he/him, she/her)- Sibling to Feil. A curse mangles their body and leaves them unable to speak. They are deeply attached to their sibling, despite zeir tendency to overshadow Xosi.
Zerie (he/him, they/them)- Proud brother of Maroon and similarly inhuman. Charming and sociable, Zerie takes pride in his sense of reason and his protectiveness, though some might argue that he is too defensive.
What I plan to do with this story: I have a decent idea of how most of it carries out- unfortunately, I have to rewrite the entire first arc. Maroon was the first OC I developed for this world and was inspired off a whim from X!Chara in Underverse. While I have come up with a different story, the first arc was entirely rooted in the Undertale Multiverse and even used Sanses as characters. I want to move away from that era, and if I ever want to do anything with this story, I need to change the first arc.
Ora and the Rift in Time
Butterfly Spirit (she/her)- The companion to the protagonist. The little spirit guides Ora on their journey and informs them on what is to come. Despite missing a large chunk of her memories, she is quite informative.
Choru (she/her, they/them)- Continually draped in nightclothes, this singer is constantly sleepy. She has a keen ability to spread her exhaustion with her singing voice, lulling people to sleep with haunting lullabies. Serves as a minor antagonist.
Lady Cris (she/her, it/its)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THE STORY. The Lady of the castle has a beautiful smile and raven-dark eyes. She’s the life of the land and the love of the Lord’s life. Serves as a major antagonist.
Jynx (they/them, he/him)- With their four arms floating about him, it’s quite clear to see why Jynx is constantly chained. They are quite, quite mad. Serves as a minor antagonist.
Ora (they/them)- The protagonist of the story! When the world was suddenly endangered by a rift in time, Ora grabbed their grandfather’s old sword and set out on an adventure to unravel the mystery and maaaayyyybe stop it. Whether or not they’re a hero is debatable…
Phember (he/him)- Hot-heated! Literally. This guy is made entirely of fire. It’s said that he died and was brought back to life as a fire spirit. He serves as the Lord’s right-hand man, and a minor antagonist.
Lord Teris (he/him)- Once the kind Lord of the land, he’s turned to destroying the world after a drastic encounter with grief. His eyes have a great sadness to them, and even the presence of his Lady Cris cannot cheer him up. Serves as a major antagonist.
Waya (she/her, they/them, it/its)- The galaxy itself, dressed in the garb of mortals. Normally a gatekeeper of the heavens, Waya has now sided with Lord Teris out of pity. Serves as a minor antagonist.
What I plan to do with this story: Honestly? This is the story that I’m closest to scrapping. I came up with almost every character on a whim after learning the basic plot of Super Paper Mario, and the main story is a direct rip-off of it. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to come up with much else to call it my own (but I did cook with my concepts of the rift and how Ora acts as a character). When I initially pictured this story, I framed it as a storydriven 2D platformer. I don’t think that idea will ever see the light of day, unfortunately.
Show Time (name subject to change)
Bi Solomon (he/him)- The brains behind BiCorp. As a Vix, he takes initiative in the development of his species in the form of developing his company. He might not be knowledgeable of the technology his company runs, but he is knowledgeable on weapons.
CEO (she/her)- The next CEO of BiCorp after Mr. Solomon. It was she who set up the signal that all TV-Heads now run under. Her actions have led to strengthen TV-Heads in society and oppress any Vixens. Only controlled TV-Heads have seen her in person.
Dislan (he/him)- A formerly controlled TV-Head employee of BiCorp. After having his connection to the signal broken, he has gone into hiding. He harbors deep anxiety, but is very caring to everyone around him.
Vexx (she/her)- The Vixen who broke the signal’s hold on Dislan. She has a quick temper and a strong will. She vows to overturn BiCorp’s unfair treatment of Vixes, even if it means taking the fight directly to the CEO herself.
(Please note that there are two OCs unlisted in this story. One of them goes by a nickname that I can’t remember for the life of me, and the other OC, Pix [she/her], belongs to a friend of mine.)
What I plan to do with this story: I could make such a cool comic out of this. You would not believe it. What I’ve told you is just scratching the surface of the story. I would sound like a madman if I told you how things developed. I’m insane actually.
And Then It Dawned On Him:
Day (she/her, he/him)- The deity of daytime.
Dhá-Aghaidh (mirror pronouns; whatever pronouns you use)- A traveling merchant offering magical (potentially cursed) wares.
Gemi (he/him)- A penniless half-faun bard. Although he is not one to go bounty hunting, he joins Yazmin’s quest in order to get a cut of the profits. His talent far makes up for what he lacks in money.
Night (it/its, they/them)- The deity of nighttime.
Maeve (she/her)- A mercenary following Switch’s trail. She crosses Yazmin’s path and the two quickly form a rivalry.
Shift (mirror pronouns; whatever pronouns you use)- Switch’s familiar, a changeling.
Switch (he/him, they/them)- A kid fleeing from the prying eyes of the world. After suffering a curse changing him into a different monster with the passing of day cycles, he abandoned society. Thought to be a fey, the bounty on his head is quite high thanks to the number of people who have failed to capture him.
Vigor (it/its)- Vivian’s familiar, a Great Gray Owl.
Vivian (she/her)- A witch (but the rest of the world doesn’t know that). She’s the one who offered Switch’s bounty to Yazmin, but she certainly didn’t expect her to return from her mission…
Yazmin (she/her)- A wannabe knight hoping to prove herself after completing several bounties. Guided by a strong sense of duty, Yazmin lets Gemi join her on her journey. The two encounter Switch, then Maeve.
What I plan to do with this story: I’m really hoping to make this into a novel! I initially planned to release the first arc of this story as a teaser while I was rewriting Masked, hence why I’ve left out a lot of details in my descriptions of the OCs above. While I still plan to write the first arc and publish it in the next few years, I might be too busy with Masked to release the two at the same time.
Royal Sillies (placeholder name)
Queen Beatrice (she/her)- The beautiful queen of the kingdom. As someone who married into the family rather than being born from it, she possesses no royal power. However, her husband and all of her children do.
Eleina (she/her)- A teenage girl who enrolled in the castle’s academy program, hoping to study magic. She’s most interested in potions, but strangely grows close with many members of the royal family. She has an easily swayed heart and is easily flustered.
Prince Jay (he/him)- A flamboyant figure, he is easily the picture-perfect image of a charming prince. His gift allows him to speak with birds, so he is often surrounded by a flock of various different birds.
King Leonard (he/him)- The kind king of the kingdom. His gift allows him to see the future, which often leads to him forgetting the names of people he just met thanks to the wash of information in his head. Despite how scatterbrained he is, he’s hospitable to all.
Prince Ronan (he/him, they/them)- The shyest and most withdrawn of the royal family. Because of his ability to see and speak with ghosts, most assume that he is as terrifying as the undead. This is untrue.
Princess Suza (she/her)- Less of a picture of grace than her younger brother Jay is. As the oldest child second only to Ronan, she spends a lot of her time teasing the others. Her royal gift allows her to hit any target she aims for when she throws something, a skill that ironically renders her useless at archery.
Syph (they/them, he/him)- Eleina’s classmate and a lover of birds. They hope to study the magical properties of the kingdom’s birds further and grow close to Jay in order to do so. Additionally, they end up as Jay’s future romantic partner.
Prince Trell (he/him)- The youngest among the royals. He’s bubbly and polite, even though no signs of a gift have appeared for him. He doesn’t seem to mind.
What I plan to do with the story: Any “story” I have with these characters is quite minimal, actually. I made all of these characters for fun and I don’t really have a story attached to them (a rare occurrence for me). Hopefully I can worldbuild for them more, since I do like the concepts I have for them!
Godly Idiots/Demigod Dumbasses (placeholder names)
Dr. Aaron Kruger (he/him)- A doctor with a mild interest in archeology and theology. He’s a shadow of his former self.
Aéras (they/them, it/its, he/him)- The god of the sky and climate. Its mischief could not save it.
Alex (he/him, they/them)- A teenager who wakes in an alleyway with no memory of himself except for his name. It’s hard enough trying to survive, but he finds himself confronted with shadows of his past and a call to something greater than any can imagine.
Dásos (they/them)- The god of the wilderness. Their open-minded disposition could not save them.
Lux (she/her)- The goddess of light and life. After the tragic death of her fellow gods, she gains their powers and authorities in exchange for being trapped in the heavens. Her contrast doomed her.
Dr. Noah Richards (he/him)- A doctor who was college friends with Dr. Kruger. Now working as a pediatrician, he finds Alex and takes them in out of pity and confusion. He seems to know more about Alex than he lets on, but he is reluctant to speak of it.
Rynne (she/her)- A teenage girl, simultaneously the same and opposite from Alex. Serving as an antagonist, she hounds Alex throughout the story. Neither of them are aware of how deep their connections are to each other.
Skía (she/her, they/them)- The goddess of darkness and death. Her judgment could not save her.
Thala (he/him)- The god of the ocean and time. His foresight could not save him.
What I plan to do with the story: If you noticed me being extra vague in the descriptions of the characters, that is for multiple reasons! 1) While I am proud of this story and the potential it has, there are a lot of missing chunks thanks to the fact that it’s gone through major reworks. I am still not sure of the setting, along with major plot points and even what the theme will be. 2) A lot of my ideas are so goddamn complicated that it takes at least an hour to explain the few ideas I have. Marci would know. 3) This could be a BANGER visual novel and I don’t want to give anything away! I want to make art and slowly unravel the story and get people mentally ill over my characters :)
(This section is reserved for OCs that are not connected to a specific story/the story is unnamed, are fandom OCs, or are sonas!)
Artblock (they/them, he/him, she/her)- One of my sonas, the one with a leaf growing from their head! The literal personification of my artblock. Critter behavior.
Castarian (he/him)- A ghost who prefers to remain invisible most of the time. He’s quite friendly, but incredibly reserved and shy, especially when it comes to what he looks like. He has a complicated past with Drisco, and his feelings for him are similarly complicated.
Doodle (they/them, he/him, she/her)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THEIR IMPLEMENTATION. My sona that often serves as a self-insert! I’ve drawn them as an insert for Pokémon as well as Fate Grand Order- and I like to automatically slot them into stories.
Drisco (he/him)- A ghost trapped in a mirror. He’s delighted whenever anyone sees him and often challenges them to games… which most likely end up in their death. His past with Castarian leads to similarly conflicted feelings on the other ghost, but Drisco is much more determined to get his revenge.
Evelyn Mason (she/her, it/its)- Master Mason’s ex-wife. As a part-snake part-human beast, she has shapeshifting powers. She prefers to use these powers to disturb hunters’ traps and occasionally raze a town.
Ezra (any pronouns, including neopronouns)- An OC created for the game The Upturned. As the only janitor/maintenance worker/busyman/worker who does all the jobs in the inn, they are stressed beyond belief. Not that the measly pay they receive does anything to help. At least they get along well with the receptionist, Ik.
Guppy (they/them, he/him)- A spirit of a mermaid who died during childhood. They attach to Myrie and eat her emotions, which causes a lot of problems at first, though he is unaware what he is doing is causing her harm.
Master Mason (he/him)- Myrie’s eccentric tutor. He’s the one who taught her what she knows about magic, necromancy, mythical beasts, and how to interact with people (the latter of which was not taught well). He looks human but seems to have had an infinite number of previous students and refuses to tell her how old he actually is. Despite the mystery surrounding him, he stays silly :3
Myrie (she/her, they/them)- A sona who spontaneously developed a story of her own. While I still use them as a self-insert, Myrie’s main focus is with her relationship with Master Mason. She’s a capable student, but filled with her own troubles that only grow as Guppy latches to her soul and she learns more about Master Mason.
Narrator (they/them)- A story’s narrator who was abruptly personified within their very own story. They quickly discover that existence is pain when you’re an omnipotent voice driving the narrative trapped in an awkward mortal body.
Retros (they/them)- A Hollow Knight OC. They serve as the Herald to the Grimm Troupe, bearing a flame with them whenever they announce the troupe’s presence in a new town.
Sketch (she/her, they/them)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THEIR IMPLEMENTATION. Another self-insert that spawned from a  spin-off of Doodle! Sketch will get a starring role in my Super Paper Mario fic, but I use them as a self-insert for Omori as well. Sketch has notably less roles than Doodle, but more thought put into them.
Quint (he/him)- A character that was originally meant to be part of the Godly Idiots world, but removed when I couldn’t figure out what to do with him. I am repurposing him for a project that I was working on with some friends, but little story surrounds him anymore.
What I plan to do with these characters: Retros and Ezra were made to fit the world and story of games, so I have little idea of any stories to proceed with for them. As for all of the other OCs, they aren’t exactly connected to a story, and are thus better suited for roleplaying (especially Drisco and Narrator). Maybe one day that will change, but who knows! After all, Myrie got a story… kind of. Because of her status as a technical sona, it’s hard for me to move her story forward. However, I have recently had EXCELLENT lore ideas for Master Mason and Evelyn, my most recent OC… hehe.
Weeeelllp, seems like that’s all of them! Since you made it this far, I’m really impressed! Thank you for sticking around as I ramble about my OCs. I know this was long, but this was only surface-level…. If you’re still interested in any particular OC, feel free to ask! I’m always happy to answer any questions, and if this post didn’t make it clear, I love rambling about my characters :)
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