#kh2 did this really well in my eyes
storm-driver · 1 year
kh4 rambling below the cut
im hoping they include multiple character campaigns for KH4. not just because i wanna see characters be playable that we havent seen in a while, or at all. but also because i feel like a whole game centered on sora in quadratum would get really difficult to tell a story in. not because interesting things couldn't happen. but the series has always had everyone venturing to other worlds to help progress the plot.
having sora, as limber and mobile as he was in that kh4 trailer, be secluded to a city, feels like he'd outpace the world itself and you'd end up traversing the same maps for tens of hours of game time. im sure there's gonna be plenty of narrative to push that world around, but i just dont wanna be in that single world the entire game.
it's part of why i wasn't the biggest fan of chain of memories. i didnt hate the story, and i didnt dislike castle oblivion. but KH excels at having the characters just be all over the universe in their journey. COM sorta shirks the responsibility of telling its story in one world by having illusions of the other worlds. but the most important parts are still only in castle oblivion. and after an hour or so of those cutscenes, it really starts to dawn on me how much ive grown used to the white walls of the castle.
perhaps that was the point? it's been a handful of years since those days, so i couldnt say anymore. ive grown up a lot since then, thematic choices will appear different to me from when i was a kid.
i digress, it'd also be a shame to bring back the whole main cast properly in kh3, free of their shackles or imprisonments, and then have them scarcely appear in the next mainline game. the hints that kairi will be training with ventus, terra, and aqua are already there, which gives me hope. donald and goofy are out looking for sora on their own, while mickey is on his way to the old scala ad caelum. it definitely FEELS like everyone is gonna be present.
im simply praying.
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dominicsorel · 1 year
Sora may have opened the door in KH1
This isn’t to say Riku didn’t do wrong in KH1. He did. But, as far as the door and Destiny Islands is concerned, I think we’ve been getting hints for 20 years that it was Sora and Riku just got blamed for it on top of what he DID do.
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How did Riku leave the islands? He disappeared into darkness and woke up at Hollow Bastion. You’ll recall Alice Lidell did the same. A disappearing act, so to speak. Data Riku and Xehanort leave through a dark corridor as well.
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In the film, Alice cried tears and floated into Wonderland. Water plus sadness equals DARKNESS, my friends. She never opened the door.
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Whether KH2 First Visit Belle is a Riku or Sora parallel in this particular scene is in the eye of the beholder. She’s a Disney character in a relationship so she’s one of the characters that it switches depending on the circumstance to create a balance in the relationship that is Sora and Riku but...
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The 3D scene in the dream had me very...curious as to what was going on because we didn’t see Ansem SOD in the original version and sleep holds our memories they say which is why Roxas was able to access Xion’s memories and tell Axel something only Xion would know. That he’d always be there to bring them back. I don’t want to imply Ansem SOD possessed Sora in this moment but it’s plausible since...they met earlier. It always came off as odd to me that Ansem SOD would even speak to Sora if he wasn’t about to use him.
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YMX says that Ansem SOD possessed Riku and saw his experiences in real time which...okay, then why wasn’t he with Riku here...? He doesn’t follow Riku when he runs to the inlet. He doesn’t follow him in the dark corridor either. We don’t even see Ansem SOD again until Hollow Bastion way later on when we KNOW he actually does possess Riku. Riku doesn’t know him in the COM Novel when he meets him on the islands during Departure. HE DOESN’T KNOW HIM. Sora does. Isn’t that...suspicious? All Ansem SOD says is that the door will open soon and Riku goes off to find Sora. He doesn’t open a door!
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He doesn’t remember Ansem SOD being there.
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But he was following him.
Right before this scene, Data Riku states something very interesting after Data Sora accuses him of causing the bugs (the cause being Sora’s shadow). He says: “This world has been connected. Memory and reality now stand tied. It’s time for you to learn the truth.” Ansem the Wise states that data is a clue. The Datascape is shown again in Re:Mind to “remind” us that the future is already written and to go back and revisit the game known as Coded. But I recommend ALL the games on top of that so you can put the pieces together like I have. This is what Remy from Ratatouille was trying to tell Sora and co. about the fruit that he was gathering. (Essentially Nomura trying to hint to the audience that the answers are all THERE if you do enough digging.) He was trying to take the pieces and make it into a dish. In each game, therein lies another hint. Another piece of the puzzle. This is how I work out my theories. I treat each game as apart of each other without the assumption that nothing was planned. This is how Riku laughing like Namine did in COM WORKS even if it’s only finally shown in 3D and KH3. Writing evolves over time and so do characters.
“On the road ahead, more than one truth will come to light.”
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What strikes me as even odd is that what they use to put Sora in a deeper sleep in 3D is things that happened back when the Islands fell but one of them wasn’t Riku holding out his hand or Kairi being swept away from darkness. It was something we never saw. It’s Ansem SOD coming up close to Sora while he’s either sitting or lying down. Perhaps...before he took a nap at the start of the game even. Hopefully, you’ve read my meta on how Replica Riku has some of Sora’s memories. Horrifying really as he’s used to play on Sora’s guilt as a way to get him further into the castle. But there’s one line in particular that bothered me to no end in the COM novel.
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Ventus didn’t remember what happened to Strelitzia nor taking the book for himself. Baldr didn’t initially remember what happened to Hoder. It’s not that hard to grasp Sora might...not correctly remember a good chunk of things. Especially with how vaguely he describes his KH1 hurt in KH3. I imagine a person whose eyes cannot lie like Master of Masters...might educate him on the truth and it will probably be very ugly. My understanding is Sora’s true darkness will involve remembering. Yes, forgetting can hurt but knowing the truth will hurt you even more. I think remembering everything will be what breaks Sora. It certainly didn’t have a good reaction on Ventus or Baldr, now did it?
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A very small bonus. Yuffie, a memorable “thief”, opens a door and hurts Donald in the process in the world right after the door opens and the darkness carries Kairi away so...there’s that. Sora is shown running through it also.
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TLDR; check out the rest of this scene from KHUX below.
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Alice is on trial for opening the door to Wonderland and she didn’t do it but is found guilty despite the lack of evidence against her. Hm...but how did Player get into Wonderland, I wonder? Ever consider that?
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*glances at Sora*
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tennelleflowers · 1 year
Hey, just here to fuel your Dark Fiagra about Riku being gay and the Light.
In KH2 when Sora and Riku are in the Realm Between the portal to the Dark Margin doesn't open until Sora and Riku have the first part of their "heart to heart". He's literally being vunerable in every way and Sora just shows him patience and understanding. Then the portal opens.
Then on the Margin, Riku opens up once again. I think the reason that Riku wasn't the one to open the Door to Light was because Sora confirmed that he was happy to stay in the dark with Riku.
This part is a stretch but I think, maybe, Riku hearing Sora wistfully reading the letter may have opened the door. Or you know, Maybe it was Kairi. Riku is under the impression that Sora is the Loght because Sora is HIS light, which is why he tells Sora that the door to light was his heart.
Who knows, maybe Soras heart DID open the door, but imo, Kairis letter wasn't romantic. It doesn't even make much sense pertaining to the story.
You're so right. You want to know the funny thing tho? In the character files, there's a short story from Riku's pov about their conversation at the Dark Margin at the end of KH2. It's the same one where Riku says that he used to try to act like Sora's older brother as a kid, but doesn't think of their relationship that way anymore.
To tell you the truth, Sora...I was jealous of you.
As I sat on the dark shore next to Sora, I wondered when I began to feel that way.
Was it when Sora became a Keyblade wielder?
Or was it all the way back when we were children on the islands?
It wouldn’t be strange for me to think I was better than Sora. After all, when you’re a child, a year is a big age difference, so I played the older brother and took Sora around with me everywhere. When did that change?
And then, when it gets to the part where Kairi's letter is supposed to come in, it's just completely omitted???
“I wished I could live life the way you do. Just following my heart.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve got my share of problems, too.” Sora responded, staring at the horizon.
“Like what?” I asked Sora, smiling a bit.
“Like...wanting to be like you.”
“I see.”
That made me a little sad, so I responded with as cheerful a voice as I could manage.
“Well, there is one advantage to being me..something you could never imitate.”
“Really? What is it?”
“Having you for a friend.”
Sora was surprised for a moment. Then, he exhaled a bit.
“Then, I guess...I’m okay the way I am. I’ve got something you could never imitate too.” Sora responded with a smile, and he looked off beyond the horizon, at the moon shining faintly in the sky - at the world where we would meet our end.
We both had our own things that the other couldn’t do. Our hearts, each just like the other, were both filled to the brim with happy feelings at that moment.
I was glad to have been Sora’s friend.
My eyes instinctively narrowed at the sight of the bright sun-like light that appeared right before us.
“The door to light...we’ll go together!”
Sora stood up and offered his hand to me.
I responded and began to walk with Sora.
LIKE? Hello? Look at this thing just directly implying that it was actually Sora and Riku's hearts opening up to each other that opened the Door to Light??? Skipping Kairi's letter entirely??? (why do they keep doing this lol just let Kairi HAVE SOMETHING sakdfljsd)
Now, like I've said before, stuff in the novels/characters files are SECONDARY canon, so it is canon that Kairi's letter in a bottle shows up and Sora reads it, and then the Door to Light appears. But with this added context I wouldn't say it's a reach that the Door to Light opening to them probably has more to do with them than Kairi's letter specifically.
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boxfullaturtles · 6 months
I want to know all the things about your KH AU. Please just tell me things, because I love it.
oh Kingdom Hearts AU, how i have neglected you…. UnU what can I say about KH AU hhhmm (aside from having Raph's ref sheet half done and then getting distracted by a million other things lol) let's see........
Donnie loses his heart at some point. Not because of a Heartless or other enemy, but because he pushes himself too hard and too far.
He does create a Heartless. I don't know what kind of Nobody he leaves behind
The rest of the family do end up finding--and fighting--Donnie's Heartless. How do they know it's Donnie's? Well, aside from Mikey being able to sense Donnie's Heart, buried and smothered in Darkness, there's a certain...Donatello flavor to the way the Heartless looks.
I have not finished designing the Donnie Heartless.
How do they get Donnie back? I dunno. Maybe it involves the piece of his Heart he left with Shelldon.
What's in the half of Donnie's lab that no one ever gets to see? That's a secret. For now.
Casey's Future Leo only had one Keyblade and it wasn't Arc Hope, so Future Leo didn't have portals. In fact, Future Leo's Keyblade didn't seem like it fit him at all. A heavy hitter with a reverse grip didn't really fit his fighting style. But he made it work.
Future Mikey was so powerful that his Keyblade kind of just...floated around him, like an extension of himself. He wielded it kind of like how Sora's Final Form uses Keyblades in KH2.
Casey Junior gets a shock when he sees the present day Keyblades. And an even bigger one when Leo portals. And then the biggest one when Leo gains Synch Blade and dual Keyblades.
I love the design of Before the Fall so damn much. But I don't think it fits Leo very well overall. I think after the Krang, the whole thing is weighing heavily on his Heart and he can't let it go. So while he has a lot more faith in his family (After the Rise), he's struggling with keeping that faith in himself. It's letting doubt and Darkness creep into his Heart and it's going to take some work and character development for him to overcome this. Before the Fall is a little too heavy with Darkness for him.
When Leo DOES find himself in a better place, Before the Fall will change. To what? I haven't decided yet. I just don't think Leo should be forced to carry a burden like that Keyblade. He deserves something better.
April's Keyblade is the only one I haven't figured out a name for yet.
In the silly TMNT AU Competition comic I did, Donnie mentions a "Worlds We Are Banned From" list. This is a real list. They have been forbidden from returning to some worlds for...reasons. The reasons may or may not be because of shit they've done.
Raph and Leo sort of co-lead the group, but Raph still acts as the big brother most of the time, trying to wrangle his siblings into behaving. Except when he's acting out too, and then it's April's job.
April getting a Keyblade was an accident. Donnie accidentally did it when they were little.
What's Draxum doing in this AU? Why did he make the turtles? What are the Foot Clan doing? How does The Shredder work? Fuck if I know. What, you think I planned this or something?
Yes, there is magic that alters their appearance depending on what kind of world they land on. Most of the time, it's like a surface level glamour that only affects the eyes of the inhabitants (this is my headcanon as to why no questions why a duck and a dog are following Sora around 90% of the time, they look human on worlds with humans). There have been a few worlds where they've had to deal with physical transformations. Suffice it to say that those have been an absolute riot for everyone.
And...that's all I got. For now anyway. There is still some stuff I'm working on, but it's sort of taken a back seat to everything else...
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evaundertale · 11 months
My kingdom hearts ships really just have become yes.
I straight up made this list because at somepoint imma draw these ships whether it's aus or not.
I like Sornami this I don't know why but I always felt Sora have more chemistry with Namine even if it's based off fake memories for the first half. But also I'm still slightly prefer them with others as well.
Love soriku there's no question their I reblog it like alot the ship has stuck with me sense kh2. And hasn't ever left. But other than that I'm a sucker for friends to lovers troop and this was the first friends to rivals to enemies to friends to loves. I'm not one who normally like rivals to lovers or enemies to lovers but this ship opened that up for me especially with how Riku tries so hard to redeem himself for Sora when he doesn't even have to.
Sorkai in kh 1 is great but shaky about it later on especially with reading the novels and looking at the translation of kh 3 also cause I think Kairi deserves better than how Sora treats her sometimes. It's like she's an after thought sometimes and it sucks.
Now Kairi with anyone else is higher then sorkai like roxiri, vankai, venkai, namikai, xion x kairi and sometimes and this is really just sometimes Odette x Kairi. I love all the ships and how their concepts could be.
I love namixi, rokunami, rokunamixi (ot3 like I think it'd be wholesome if they all were together and caring for eachother), rokushi these just are wholesome regardless of how you look at them.
Repliku and Namine I don't really ship Riku in Namine because I think Nomura shot that down instantly by changing the cutscene but also I liked the idea of Riku treating Namine, Kairi and Xion all similar sense he tends to interact slightly similar with each of them. But Repliku and Namine is both sad and wholesome it's probably due to the biased I have for liking the fan made trio with her the lost trio.
Vanami and Vankai so I got a reason for liking these two ships one the concept of Vanitas probably seeing Kairi as weak (in his eyes) or something but growing and interested in her for standing up and facing him despite that. Maybe they'd start off at odds not liking eachother or Vanitas being interesting while Kairi just sees him as a threat. The difference with Namine is I think he'd slightly mellow out not to much but find the fact she can manipulate memories fascinating. Maybe she reaches out wanting to help him even if he's full on darkness she probably would want to help like with Repliku but this time she feels she can is in more control to.
Okay okay the ships Namikai so I liked the aspect of how when they connected they have a light connection not to say that means anything but when Kairi needed someone Namine came in kh 2 and understood her like no one else even if she is technically a form of her Namine develops into her own person outside of Kairi and I just think it's wholesome which ever way you see it platonic or romantic.
Xion and Kairi I think in Xions case this ship is interesting to say the least not that it's bad just sense Xion in that weird grey area, she's Kairi, Sora and Riku at the sametime she develops on her own but still was the memories of Sora of Kairi and possibly Riku as well (cause why else did she experience a memorie only Riku has) so I guess she could have feelings for Kairi off Sora's memories of her but then again as she developed and Kairi slowly grow feelings over her seeing Xion becoming stronger despite her struggles.
I weirdly like Kairi and Strelitzia as a concept it's cute and I feel like wholesome from most comics or people who've talked about it. They tend to have wholesome ideas.
Venkai okay this one is just yes for me while her time away from Sora and training with Aqua she could get to learn not only combat but that she doesn't have to mimic others. From Kairi in Melody of memories in the Japanese translation she seems to blame herself slightly about Sora's death but not only that but from her combat in kh 3 it mimics mainly Sora's but with some of Riku. With Kairi's character constantly trying to catch up to both I feel like with time she lost a bit of herself due to that. From not finding her own way to train or fight that's why I think not only with the training from Aqua could she have time to reflect and think but get advice as well. In that time whether romantic or platonic I think Kairi and Ven would interact alot getting to know eachother and it being healthy to see the Wayfinder trios interactions. It might make her miss her friends but also might make her resolve to grow stronger that much firm. Now to the way I see Venkai sense Ventus is treated as the kid within the Wayfinder trio having someone around his age or also treated could lead to interesting bonding or Ventus mentioning how after all they been through Aqua and Terra still treat him like a kid. Kairi who probably doesn't really mind bring treated like she's younger much but might open up a bit more. Maybe over time they both talk about their worries or the events that happen to find some sort of closure. I think even if Ventus and her I think would he cute I also know full well it can be platonic as well.
Roxiri I will die on this rarepair ship. Okay actual reason I just love the concept the struggle with Roxas not knowing if she likes him for technically being a part of him or if his feelings are his own or Sora's (yes Xion probably go through that struggle to) while Kairi might end up hanging around him for see that he feels left behind to. I know Nomura doesn't address it much but from days and both Xion and him wanting to see where Alex went to when Xion forced a fight on him I do think Roxas should have a bit more struggle with those two events especially with them coming back not saying they wouldn't be friends again I just think they should talk about it maybe there's a stiffness in the air till they interact and in this time Kairi who also feels left behind alot probably talk about it growing a slow bond. From Kairi giving suggestions like Roxas talking it out especially sense thats how her and Axel worked it out. And Roxas letting her know that she doesn't have to face things along or feel left behind and to go at her pace. Maybe they could start having small bit training like he did with Xion in-between her training with Aqua. I feel like Roxas though would probably start off a little bit distant when she approaches probably dealing with the fact now that he's out only to find out Ventus is there and he looks like him exactly. Roxas struggles didn't really get addressed much but I do think if they were Kairi might help him out a bit even if it's just advice. The concept just intrigues me and I love it so dear.
Lastly RokuNamiXi I like Xion and Roxas I personally prefer rokunami a bit more but I also love the concept that they would just date together from me shipping all three pairs of Namine and Xion, Roxas and Xion and Roxas and Namine. I didn't wanna just let any of them be a third wheel. I think it'd be wholesome and sweet to see them all dating eachother from having feelings for eachother.
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inconsistentracoon · 11 months
A request story for @inkmoose set between KH2 and DDD, I hope you like it! It was fun writing this little one, thank you for the lovely prompt!
Kairi carefully placed the two shells Sora had handed her into the bag. They probably had enough by now. With this many all together, if she wasn't careful they might crack against each other on the trip back to the main island. She didn't feel ready to go home though. She gazed out over the waves as Sora went back to searching the rock pools. The sunsets over the sea were always beautiful. They always seemed even more perfect from the play island though.
"You know…" Sora looked up and found her staring out to sea, the shell search apparently forgotten. "I think this is only the second or third time I've been out here since the islands were restored."
"Really? Why?" Sora asked as he jumped from the rocks back down onto the sand.
"I…" Should she tell him the truth? She'd said it without thinking. She wasn't sure if she wanted to confess the truth to him. But then again, why would she have brought it up if there wasn't a part of her that wanted to tell him? "While you and Riku were away, I forgot you." She dropped her gaze, not wanting to look at either Sora or the sunset anymore. "I knew that someone had been here and was missing, and I knew we used to play here on the island all the time, but I just couldn't remember more than that."
She waited to see if Sora would respond, but there was only the sound of the waves. When she turned to him he was staring out at the sea, expression pensive.
"I only realised after I came out here last year and it just felt… wrong. Like something was missing. So I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't come back here until I remembered everything about you." Sora turned back to her now and grinned, but for some reason that smile made her feel sad. "Sora, I'm sorry."
Sora looked taken aback. "What for?"
"For forgetting you… I hate that I did that." Her eyes suddenly felt wet.
Seeing the tears Sora hurried over and took her hands. "Hey, it's not your fault! Everyone did. Even my family forgot about me!" His bravado was feigned, and she could tell. There was faint pain in his voice, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. She forced herself to look up at him.
"That doesn't make it OK though, I'm so sorry Sora."
He stared back at her for a while, face pensive again. Then he smiled. "Well, for what it's worth, if you did owe me an apology then I'd forgive you. There's nothing to forgive though."
She could tell he was still hurting, and the pain of being forgotten by his friends and family was still raw. But she smiled back at him. She knew he'd meant every word he said.
I hope it didn't feel too angsty for you, it was meant to be a happy one! At the end of this Sora definitely feels a little better about all the being forgotten stuff, and is happy because he knows Kairi feels happy being on the play island again :)
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“Who would you choose, me or Kairi?”
this series makes me insane /pos
Wrote this pretty soon after I finished Kingdom Hearts 2, I only got into the series in early 2022 (late to the party lmao). But that means when I wrote this I lacked the context of anything beyond KH2, though I don’t think that negatively impacts what I wrote in any way.
I imagine they never speak of this again after returning to the Destiny Islands and it’s only after DDD/pre-KH3 that they finally talk about it. Soriku is canon in my heart.
Words: 603
The Realm of Darkness is surprisingly beautiful.
An endless beach, an endless sunset, and an endless feeling of relief. At least for Sora.
Everyone in the light world is safe. Kairi, King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and all the friends he made in all the worlds he visited. Even though it comes with the sacrifice of him and Riku being stuck here, well... he can't complain too much. He can even catch up with Riku, which is exactly what he's been doing for the indeterminable amount of time they've been here.
"...Hey, Sora?" Riku asks. Sora sits up.
"Who would you choose, me or Kairi?"
The question is immediately confusing. "Huh? I can't pick between you two like that! You're both my best friends." Sora huffs playfully. "What kind of a question is that?"
Riku smiles gently. "I dunno. Guess I was just curious." He looks back out to the sea, seemingly finished, and Sora follows suit. A few minutes later, though, Riku looks back at his friend and speaks. "Can I ask you another question?"
"Sure, go ahead."
There's a pause. Riku scans Sora, his eyes holding an intensity that's only matched with how they looked during their recent battle. "Can I kiss you?"
Now that definitely takes Sora aback. He jolts backwards in shock, sending a small wave of sand towards the other boy.* "H-Huh? What? Kiss me? Isn't that– don't only boys and girls do that?" Of course, Sora knows that answer, he's thought about kissing and being near Kairi for a long time. But the thought of it being Riku instead, it's... strange. His heart has started to beat faster against his will.
Riku chuckles. "Not only boys and girls do that. You really are naïve."
"H-Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"
"That you're naïve."
Sora growls. Before he can come up with a retort, Riku has suddenly shifted closer to him.
"I would like an answer, though." Riku says quietly, seemingly unfazed with how close they are to each other.
Sora stutters, and he can feel his face warm up. He thought this would be with Kairi, not...
“I... w-well,” Sora begins, “I wouldn’t... mind it.” That’s the strange part to him. He’s never thought about kissing Riku before, and now just the concept is making his heart leap into his throat.
Riku doesn’t say anything in response. He seems surprised, just for a moment, until he gently leans in and kisses Sora, bringing a thumb up to rest on Sora’s chin.
Sora can barely breathe, let alone move. It’s only just occurred to him that he doesn’t exactly know how to kiss somebody, which has resulted in him being completely frozen while Riku puts his lips to his. But the experience itself, how warm it is, feeling Riku’s hair brush up against his face, the feeling of Riku being careful and taking his time for once...
He may not be able to breathe, but he sure can turn his cheeks bright red.
Riku pulls back a few inches after a moment. His expression seems unsure. “Did you... like that?”
Sora’s eyes are wide like saucers, and it takes him a second to regain his voice. “I-I— uh, yeah... I did. It felt really weird, but I really, really liked it.”
Riku sighs softly in relief. “Good.” He pulls away fully, leaving Sora somewhat cold, and looks back out to the sea. “Just... let me know if you’d want me to do that again.”
There’s a pause. “I... I think I do want it again.”
The corners of Riku’s mouth curl up slightly. “Hah... come here, then, Sora.”
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yzafre · 1 year
The longer I think about Coded's story, the weirder it gets to me, especially the Castle Oblivion arc. I didn't really care about it for a long time because it didn't actually impact the character arcs of the Original versions, and the data characters weren't set up to come back ever, so What Was The Point, but - but -
When I actually sit down to look at what's happening, it just gets Weird. And reveals some interesting things about the characters in a strange, sideways-direction.
Like... You've got an imprint of KH1!Sora, constructed by the Disney crew, in this extended stand-off with an imprint of KH2!Roxas, being master-minded by an imprint of Namine, both of whom were presumably pressed into the journal during the prologue-week when she had access to Roxas's data.
Which, there's my first point: Namine, what the fuck. She felt she needed to pass on a message, okay, but like... Okay. Okay, so if we just had the CO segment, then we could say this is, like... just a recording of her. Don't think about it too much. Except, the first arc was sort of showing that these data-versions are/become their own people. With their own hearts?
So, for someone who has angst about just being a shadow of someone else, to then purposefully create an offshoot, that's just supposed to be a shadow of herself.... Huh.
That's not even getting into the Roxas copy. Because what. WHAT.
Like, she made a copy of Roxas at his worst emotional state to help her in driving a point home to Sora. That's... hm. She needed help, but also that cannot be fun for this poor guy. (Don't get me wrong, I love Namine, but I love her as well-intentioned but distinctly flawed in execution, like everyone running around during the Days time-period)
And if I'm right about when she grabbed his data, then this is a Roxas who never saw Axel come try to find him, never saw Axel die. Because, okay, okay. Here's what real-world Roxas has by the time he confronts Sora at the end of KH2:
Saw Axel try to get him back, even if in a very questionable way and he had no idea what was going on at the time
Got a sort of closure with his friend with that fight (and, like "see you in the next life", did he think Axel was actually dying there?)
Possibly seen Axel doing... something? In the background through Sora's eyes?
Definitely saw Axel die for Sora, which is implicated to wake him up and prompt their confrontation
Also seen... everything Sora's done. All his friends, the worlds he's touched, the things he's done.
All this colors that final fight in KH2. But this Roxas. This Roxas presumably copied from before all that. He's just. Stuck there, in that horrible moment.
That's such an interesting what-if! What if Roxas really got to rail against Sora in person, and speak all the bitterness that was festering at the worst point in his life. Absolutely no catharsis of any type before he walked in - no seeing his best friend again, no symbolic end-of-vacation, just... this. An empty white space, and the guy everyone wanted more.
And he's so aware of being data. A copy of a copy. Like, Namine, I know you've internalized DiZ's propaganda on nobodies and turned it into a weird self-destructive peace, seemingly passing that on to your imprint, but this guy has not, and he is not handling it well.
And sure, here he gets some kind of resolution with Sora in the end - but it's not even a Sora that matches up with him!
Because! Okay! In KH2 Sora and Roxas are sort of, like, on the same track in the story. They've been alive through the same events, been impacted by the same-ish people. Sora is missing a lot of pieces, but he's aware of the Organization and Nobodies, and... honestly, he's in an entirely different mental & emotional state than he started in.
But this Sora? This is KH1 Sora! Younger! Has accumulated much less baggage! His real-world corollary may not have even reached the point where Roxas is a thing, if that makes sense!
So you've got an echo of Roxas at his most ragged, who hasn't gotten any of the things that helped real-world!Roxas to start processing things, versus an imprint of Sora at his freshest - his brightest, you could say.
It's just.... it's just such a strange "what-if" story, you know? In the end, data-Sora makes a very mature choice regarding hurt, and this version of Roxas gets... some kind of closure, thank god, but...
Well, for me, I wonder if this really accomplishes what Namine thinks it accomplishes? She wanted to see if Sora was ready to handle the 'hurt' of everyone connected to him. But, the Sora that made this decision... is not the Sora that will be making in the real world. They may share the same... base personality, soul, if you will, but a huge point of CoM is that memories make up so much of who you are. Your experiences change you, even subconsciously. So, the Sora stepping into KH3... Would he reach the exact same conclusion as data-Sora? Or would it be... slightly to the left?
I don't know. I don't know! I don't think my thoughts on this game have really solidified yet. The whole set-up is just so weird, it exists in this weird space where it has such little impact on the main arc of the series, I sometimes have to just sit and turn it around in my head. What does it tell us about the characters? Or maybe, what does it tell us about the themes of this world? I don't really know. Sure is interesting, though.
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in-christalone · 1 year
Who are your top ten blorbos?
Alright! I finally have time to answer this! Girl I have had so many blorbos in my life, I’m gonna start from current and work my way along. (Current blorbo is subject to change so number #2 is truly #1)
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1. 𝒯𝒶𝓃𝒿𝒾𝓇𝑜 (current) I’ve been holding off on making him my blorbo but let’s face it, I couldn’t anymore, just look at him. Kindness radiates off him, he loves and cares for everyone, it just swept up my heart along with it.
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2. §ðrå and ℜ𝔬𝔵𝔞𝔰 (do you see what I did there? ¬‿¬) listen, KH1 came out when I was in 2nd grade, I immediately fell for Sora, I remember this one fic on quizilla I read of him, wish I could find it and re read it. §ðrå is a carefree, quirky, silly lil guy who gets way over his head but loves his friends dearly. ℜ𝔬𝔵𝔞𝔰 likewise when KH2 came out when I was in 5th grade I was smitten, he was a broody lil guy, awkward at times but determination written all over his character. He desired to be his own person. I think it’s their blue eyes that initially made me swoon lol
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3. ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕠𝕣 Let me tell you something, I bought his game (Detroit Become Human) AND a ps4, just because he was my blorbo and I needed more content of him. Ended up spending $300, playing the game once, then donating them to a friend
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4. 𝑅𝑒𝓃𝑔❀𝓀𝓊 𝒦𝓎❀𝒿𝓊𝓇o (his kindness drew me in, he was also full of a lot of gusto, I liked his voice and his sword skills, but then my co-worker expressed she was simping too and I respectfully backed down, weird right? Why would I I mean he’s not even real anyways. If you asked if I still like him I kinda do but his character design is too loud for me now
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5. 𝙰𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝙽𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚓𝚒𝚖𝚊 (he’s an older blorbo but he checks out) I mcfrickin was so in love with this dude when I was like 23, from Bungou Stray Dogs, his kindness and eyes won me over
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6. ꪊꪀᛕꪀꪮ᭙ꪀ (Mystic Messenger) I almost feel like this one was almost a Stockholm syndrome situation, the writing in this game I thought was just so good. I was definitely the type to stay up till 4am to experience all the chats. Unknown himself was a deeply misunderstood character and I even saw myself in him sometimes
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7. 𝔇𝔯𝔞𝔩𝔲𝔠 oh my beloved Dral, why did they have to put such a charming and funny character in an anime with bewb jokes every episode, really such a pity. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t watch the ‘vampire dies in no time’ ,he is the only redeeming quality of the show. Funny, charming, ditzy, and not to mention, he fits my Victorian aesthetic but seriously if you struggle with lust don’t watch this show there’s no sex scenes or anything but there is nudity
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8. 𝔻𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕒. listen, he’s got a pretty design and I was weak for it. Captivating, it was like a siren call that I couldn’t resist. Additionally he’s got the Dazai Osamu personality (AND THE SUB VA) cmon what do you expect? Anyway, I basically got over him by finally simping Tanjiro. (Why’d I have to get over him? well, he’s a demon. The worst one at that
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9. ░S░u░g░a░w░a░r░a░ (Fun fact! Suga and I are the same age, only 9 days apart!) another sunshine boy, oh boy. I was never into those sports animes but I gave a haikyuu a chance and I was glad I pushed past the first few episodes, Suga cares for his friends and his goal is to be the biggest supporter he can be, even if it means he’s on the sidelines, a selfless guy, melted right into that pot.
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10. JɄ₦₭ɆⱤ QɄɆɆ₦ do you want honesty? cause I’ll give you honesty. I’m not proud of this one but I’m also not afraid to show my flaws. When I watched her cinema trailer for the first time, I tried to pretend I didn’t feel anything but I’m gonna be real, I totally did. I read fan fics, attempted to draw her a few times, played her.. A LOT. But I’ve repented of it. Again, I’m putting it here for honesty’s sake. She was a blorbo, I haven’t played overwatch in like a month as part of my repentance
Well, that’s my 10 most memorable blorbos! Thank you for such an interesting question!
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unchained-dual-key · 2 years
“Don’t Think Twice” may be sung from Riku’s POV to Sora. I can prove it!
/How did I live in a kingdom of thieves/
Translation- Riku is questioning why he lives somewhere like the Kingdom Hearts universe where light and darkness exist and clash. The darkness dwells the hearts of people and worlds causing hurt, while people fight over the light. Everyone is robbing the other of just wanting to be alive. Note: Remember, we learned that Riku is the one that questions the outside world first in KH1 and gave a lot of thought into wanting to leave the island. He also wondered why they ended up on Destiny Islands in the first place. Now, after his experiences thus far, he probably questions it to an even greater extent.
/And people who say things they don't really mean, really mean/
Translation-Riku goes on to also question why it’s so hard for people, including himself from personal experience, to say what’s really on their mind. Why is there not truth in said amongst the “kingdom?”
[Insert Sora confessing how he feels about Riku, much like Riku confessed his thoughts first at the end of KH2. This is, I guess, to cheer Riku up and give him confidence that there are people who want and do speak their mind.]
Translation-A longing realization of Riku now wanting to confess since Sora did. Then proceeds to start doing so…
/You're only everything I ever dreamed
Ever dreamed of, ever dreamed of/
Translation-A.K.A., “Sora, you’re the only one I seek my eyes out for. ‘My eyes couldn’t lie.’ I literally only dreamed about you.” Note: It’s canon Sora dreamt of trying to find Sora in the city with tall buildings at the end of Limit Cut. So, do with that information what you will. Also Note: in the KH3 cutscene at the beach in the game’s outro cutscene, it immediately cuts to Riku as soon as this line is started to be sung. Again, do with that information what you will, but don’t hurt yourself. Me thinks it’s indicating that this song is indeed from Riku’s POV to Sora.
/You must be kidding me, did you really think
I could say no/
Translation-We all know Riku likes Sora bad, so why would he pass up the opportunity to do whatever Sora confessed and/or is asking him(Riku) to do. Why would Riku not say no to Sora, but there is a condition…
/I want you for a lifetime
So if you're gonna think twice, baby
I don't wanna know, baby, I don't wanna know/
Translation-(Riku POV)“Now I likes ya, and I wants ya. We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way…” (XD jk jk) He basically comes clean with his feelings and wants regarding Sora. He wants Sora, just Sora, for the rest of their lifetime(s). Riku then asks Sora that if he is unsure about “them” and having doubts, then he would rather not have wanted to hear Sora’s confession to him. Riku stresses that he doesn’t want to be lead on, or given false hope. He could’ve done without knowing.
/Everything is just right/
Translation-Riku is saying that their relationship before confessing to each other about their true feelings was more than enough. He was content with watching Sora live his life from afar with Kairi. He doesn’t eat to ruin what they already have.
/But if you're gonna think twice, baby
I don't wanna know, baby, I don't wanna know/
Translation-Riku then asks Sora that if he is unsure about “them” and having doubts, then he would rather not have wanted to hear Sora’s confession to him. Riku stresses that he doesn’t want to be lead on, or given false hope. He could’ve done without knowing.
/I really don't get what everyone else believes
So why do I say things I don't really mean, really mean/
Translation-Riku doesn’t care about what people would say about their relationship if they really did get together (hypothetically). Yet, he feels and knows he is continually suppressing his feelings and what’s on his mind. Which is something he questions why people in general tend to do that. It’s almost like he is saying, “well what’s holding me back?”…
/I'm only crying 'cause I never dreamed
It'd take this long, it'd take this long/
Translation-…NOTHING. Because big boy bust out in tears because he never even though them confessing to each other was even a ****ing possibility! He didn’t think it would take as long as it did for the true feels to come out.
/I want you for a lifetime
So if you're gonna think twice, baby
I don't wanna know, baby, I don't wanna know
Everything is just right
But if you're gonna think twice, baby
I don't wanna know, baby, I don't wanna know/
Translation-Note: look above at these previous lines as the translation of them did not change.
/Don't think twice, don't think twice
Don't think twice, baby, don't think twice/
Translation-Riku giving advice here but also praying that Sora doesn’t…we’ll think twice about his own feelings toward Riku.
/If you want to take it to an even higher level
All you gotta do is say the word, you know I'll follow/
Translation-Riku saying in plain terms “If you want to take our then friends->sibling-like relationship even higher to lovers, which is the natural next step in this process, then all you gotta do is say it so I know it’s really okay. Claim it. Own up to it. I will follow my heart to the tune of yours. I will do whatever you feel is comfortable for us.”
/If you wanna take it to an even higher level
I don't, I don't bite/
Translation- Again Riku is like, “If you really want to go for it, and to take a chance at us, then I’m down too. I would not ever hurt you. I’m not scary even if you are feeling scared about us. Note:as a soriku shipper these lines right here are so playful it’s *chef’s kiss motion*
/If you want to make it happen, nothing's impossible
All you gotta do is say the word, the walls will crumble
If you want to make it happen, nothing's impossible/
Translation-If you want to make it happen, then it’s not impossible for us to be together. *cough* gay relationships are become more normalized *cough* all you gotta do is say the world and the walls of fear and doubt *cough* or the closet *cough* will come down. It’s not impossible to bet on us.
Translation- notice it has an angelic tone to it. It’s like Riku is finally feeling that his feelings are validated by Sora.
/I want you for a lifetime
So if you're gonna think twice, baby
I don't wanna know, baby, I don't wanna know
Everything is just right
But if you're gonna think twice, baby
I don't wanna know, baby, I don't wanna know/
Translation-again, see the previous translations. He keeps saying it because he wants Sora to really understand A. What Riku’s feelings toward him is…that being the idea of lovers. B) Sora’s certainty of what he is wanting for himself and his relationship toward Riku. We all know Sora is a little slow when it comes to understanding anything other than fighting and saving the day. Our lovable dorks.
/Kiss me once, kiss me twice, kiss me three times
Cross the line/
Translation- Riku wanting Sora to kiss him three times for a reason. Once for confessing his feelings. Twice for all the doubts he fear Sora might have. Aka “Don’t think Twice” Three times for confirmation that it is really a thing. By doing this it crosses the line if they are really canon or not.
/Don't think twice, don't think twice
Don't think twice, baby, don't think twice/
Translation-again Riku giving Sora advice but also praying he does think twice.
/Kiss me once, kiss me twice, kiss me three times
Cross the line
Kiss me once, kiss me twice, kiss me three times
Be mine
Don't think twice, don't think twice
Don't think twice, baby, don't think twice/
Translation-pretty much the same. As before, Once for confessing his feelings. Twice for all the doubts he fear Sora might have. Aka “Don’t think Twice” Three times for confirmation that it is really a thing. Note: the yearning in Utada-san’s voice on Be mine. That is how we know Riku got it bad for Sora.
Done. This kinda fits Sokai too, but there are reasons to believe it’s about Soriku is in the notes I left. It fits Soriku right down to a tee. So um… yeah, do with this post what you will… Love ya! Bye!
Note: I will do the other love songs (“Simple and Clean” and “Sanctuary”) too because I think these dorks are replying to each other via song. “Simple and Clean” Riku->Sora. “Sanctuary” Sora->Riku. Don’t Think Twice Riku->Sora. Might be a stretch but let me have this okay!! I must explore this theory further.
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phoenix-downer · 2 years
Make This Right
~1150 words. Sora/Kairi. Set during KH2. Sora and Kairi POV. Angst, Romance, Longing, Pining, Introspection. For SoKai Week 2022, Day 3: KH2 or Days.
Summary: Sora blames himself for Kairi getting kidnapped, and Kairi blames herself. But the prospect of seeing each other again motivates them to continue on their journeys. 
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Kairi was gone. Missing. Kidnapped because Sora wasn’t there to protect her. He’d taken too long to find Riku and bring him home, and this was the result. 
He stumbled a little on the cobblestone streets of Twilight Town and had to brace himself against the brick wall of a building. Teeth gritted, he asked himself the questions that he’d been avoiding ever since Hayner and Olette had given him the news. Why couldn’t Kairi be safe? Why did his enemies always target her? Would they be after her forever because of him?
“Sora!” Donald and Goofy’s voices called out from behind him.
He plastered on a smile. “I’m going on ahead, meet you there!” he said, then took off for the Gummi Ship. He just really needed a moment to himself, and he didn’t want Donald and Goofy to see him break down. He felt weak and helpless enough as it was. 
He kept the smile on as he ran past the residents of Twilight Town and waved to them. But the moment he was safely inside the Gummi Ship, the “keep it together, Sora,” mask came off, and he sank into his chair and buried his face in his hands. 
He never knew how much helplessness felt like… felt like rage. What he was feeling now, it was exactly how he felt when he transformed into that Heartless-like thing. The loss of control, the burning anger, the desire to kick and claw and crawl and scream. He wanted to blame someone, anyone for what had happened. 
But the only person in the cockpit was himself. He never should’ve left Kairi alone on Destiny Islands. He thought she’d be safe, but how could she be with both him and Riku gone? With no one left to protect her?
He pulled out her lucky charm, and hot tears welled up in his eyes. All his anger and frustration and shame dripped down his cheeks and landed on the thalassa shells. Stupid, stupid, stupid, was the mantra going through his head as he banged his fist agains the chair. Axel was stupid, the Organization was stupid, but most of all he was stupid. Stupid and weak and helpless for letting Kairi get kidnapped like this. 
Once that was out of his system, he felt worse than ever—hollow and empty with a dull ache in his chest. He missed Kairi more than ever. Wanted to see her and hold her hand and maybe even give her a hug. But he couldn’t, and even if he could, he didn’t deserve that. He didn’t deserve any of that. 
He heard rather than saw Donald and Goofy come in. Time to clear his throat and wipe his eyes and pretend he hadn’t just been crying like a useless weakling. But he couldn’t bear to look his friends in the eye and clutched the arms of his chair instead. 
“Sora?” Goofy said, his voice really gentle as he took a seat next to him. “What’s wrong?”
Somehow Goofy being nice like that made him lose it all over again. “The King, Riku—” He hung his head, his voice breaking. “—and now I’ve lost Kairi again too.” 
Fresh tears spilled down his cheeks. The King’s loss and Riku’s loss hurt, but Kairi’s hurt worst of all. What good was traveling around and seeing all these worlds if she was kidnapped and he couldn’t even see her? 
“Don’t be sad!” Donald said, but his words didn’t really help. Until Sora found Kairi again, he was gonna be sad. That was just how having a heart worked. And no amount of faking a smile and hiding his pain could mask his sadness forever. 
“Donald’s right, you know!” Goofy said. “Why, you’re the key that connects everything!” 
Sora’s heart sank even further. “So it’s all MY fault.” Donald and Goofy blamed him too then. Well, they were right. He deserved the blame. He deserved it for not finding the King and Riku, for letting Kairi get kidnapped—
“Gawrsh, I didn’t mean that,” Goofy hurriedly replied. “Just do what comes natural to ya and we’re sure to find ‘em.”
Oh, so that was what Goofy meant. Not that it was Sora’s fault they were all missing, but that he would be the key to finding them. Was Goofy right? Maybe. He wanted Goofy to be right. He wanted to be the key to finding his friends. To rescuing Kairi. He wanted his heart to guide him along the right path.
“You said it!” Donald added, and Sora’s spirits lifted a little more. Goofy might downplay stuff to make him feel better, but Donald was brutally honest. If both of them thought he’d find his friends again—that he’d see Kairi again—then maybe they were right.
How was it that they always knew how to cheer him up? 
“Thanks, guys,” he said, then lifted his head. There was no point in moping around anymore. Sometimes a guy just needed a good cry, but now that it was out of his system, he felt a lot better and was ready to continue his search. 
He had to find his friends, no matter what. And when he found Kairi, he could apologize for what had happened. 
That would be how he’d make this right.
Kairi shivered in her cell, hot tears burning her eyes. She’d escaped Axel, only to wind up captured by Saïx. It was cold and dark and she was all alone. Didn’t know how long these people planned on keeping her here, and without the sun it was hard to tell how much time had passed.
If only she had a Keyblade. If only she could fight. Then maybe she wouldn’t have gotten kidnapped. The last thing she wanted was to be a burden to Sora, and now—
She wiped her eyes and sniffed. How would he feel when he found out about this? Angry at Axel? Upset with Saïx? Frustrated with her? Or would he blame himself? 
He shouldn’t. He should never blame himself. This was her fault for being weak and stupid. 
Would he come for her? Her stomach churned at the thought. What would they do to him if he did? He’d already stabbed himself in the heart to save her. What else would he endure for her sake?
“No,” she said softly. “No, I won’t let them use me to hurt him. Not ever.” 
She sat up straight. There had to be a way out of this cell. Sora shouldn’t have to come save her. She should save herself. She’d either sneak out of here or sweet talk her way out, but she was escaping either way. Then she could find Sora and they could be together again. 
He hadn’t come home, so she’d bring home to him. Give him a big hug and hope it would make up for forgetting him. 
That would be how she’d make this right.
A/N: Sora crying in the Gummi Ship after Kairi gets kidnapped in KH2 is such a powerful but understated moment and always really stuck with me. I enjoyed delving into his thoughts and feelings about the whole thing, and then as I was writing I wanted to deal with Kairi’s thoughts and feelings about being kidnapped and her resolve to find a way to escape. 
Thank you for reading!
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bearpillowmonster · 2 years
Dark Road Spoilers Ahead! ⚠️
So Nort knows about the Lost Masters? I thought maybe Luxu was superior because he knew more than Xehanort but now I'm questioning. Not to mention his dreams of Union X.
I expected Vidar to be on the edge but he's a bit more on the wild side than I thought, I thought we'd see more of a slow progression but he's like that right out of the gate. In Norse myths, he's meant to fight Fenrir and Fenrir is actually a keyblade which in KH2 comes from Cloud. People have been saying the Master in the KH4 trailer sounds like the same voice actor for Cloud...I'm keeping my eye on you.
I saw people complaining that places like Agrabah return but like...it was in the trailer so...but I joked around and said "What if it was Olympus? What if you finally get to Kingdom Hearts, the long sought after moon only to be greeted to Olympus Coloseum again." Well...sure enough, Olympus makes a return and I don't believe they showed it in the trailer so that's just hilarious to me.
When Xehanort says he wants to be a keybald master because of some friends he wants to see, maybe he thinks the power of waking will save them, the same way Sora did and that's why YX knew so much about it in KH3. It also makes sense why he would want himself in different timelines, just in case one of them may show up which I believe KH3 is when they're all finally found (those remaining) but don't actually get to reunite yet. Then the Hooded Figure raises him and he himself becomes a hooded figure in KH1. 😭
Honestly, I really like what it did and I see why they made it now, it just took up to episode 4 to realize that. This will indeed change the context of a lot of different scenes from previous games, even this alone-
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And while some people may say it's too late to come up with this backstory, I feel like, had it been said in KH3, it wouldn't have made any sense, it would've needed more build up and nobody would've accepted "I wanted to become a true vessel of darkness" because that just sounds tacky without the context of Union X and DR. And if they hadn't done KH3 and instead a bunch of side games first like this one then people really would've had a fit. Really explains why it was called the "Dark Seeker" Saga but it makes it seem a little like Miraculous Ladybug "Fly my little darkness and evilize them!"
I don't think this is true but it's a thought, what if Xehanort failed to be that child of Destiny so Sora took his place sort of like how Riku failed to wield the keyblade so Sora overtook it. I don't know though because that will ruffle a lot of feathers to say that say he 'is' a chosen one when one of his main gimmicks is that he's not. But I kind of like the idea that Player isn't Xehanort but rather the old man and Xehanort is the bloodline of Ephemer. Does that mean it ends with Xehanort though? Also he mentions Skuld having dark hair, specifically like his mom but Nomura actually said in his interview that it isn't Skuld specifically but is someone related to her so maybe she isn't Subject X after all but somehow someway, Skuld and Ephemer (whether it be them or their grandchildren) ended up together so there's that! A love that transcends time!
I do wonder though because this is longer than I realized, I expected maybe 3 chapters but we got 5, plus a post credits, it makes me wonder why they decided to release it all at once and keep us in the dark for a year and keep delaying it when they could've just done it in parts. Not that I mind waiting but just an odd decision.
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cloudsmovingcastle · 2 years
🔊🔊🔊 (that's one 🔊 for each member of the sea salt trio)
[palpatine voice] yeeeeeeeees. (Thank you Ash, you're the best <3)
Under a cut because this got looooooong:
Alright, starting with Axel, we've got "This Is How I Disappear" by My Chemical Romance. (Spoiler alert: every single song in this post is an MCR song.) I personally interpret this song as being sung by Axel to Roxas, and possibly even Xion. We've got these lines from the first verse:
There's things that I have done / You never should ever know
That I think are pretty self-explanatory, given what he did in the Org. And then we have the bridge, which gives me all sorts of feelings:
Can you hear me cry out to you? / Words I thought I'd choke on figure out / I'm really not so with you anymore I'm just a ghost / So I can't hurt you anymore / So I can't hurt you anymore
I personally see this as being Axel's thoughts either shortly before, or pretty soon after Roxas joins with Sora. And then lastly, we have my favorite line in the whole song:
You wanna see how far down / I can sink?
This line never fails to remind me of Roxas and Axel's fight in the Old Mansion in KH2, and it fucks me up every time. I love it. Also, honorable mentions go to "The World is Ugly" and "The Light Behind Your Eyes" which are both great songs to listen to if you wanna cry about Axel mourning Roxas and Xion.
Okay, next up, we have Roxas! For him, I have: "Famous Last Words." I personally think this song can work as Roxas singing to Xion. We've got the chorus:
I am not afraid to keep on living / I am not afraid to walk this world alone / Honey, if you stay, you'll be forgiven / Nothing you can say can stop me going home
Which I think can work as Roxas trying to convince Xion to stay, instead of joining with Sora. And then there's the bridge:
Cause I see you lying next to me / With words I thought I'd never speak / Awake and unafraid / asleep or dead
I interpret these lines as giving voice to Roxas' fear of losing Xion for good after he learns the truth in Days, and the uncertainty of their future at that point. Honorable mentions given to "Summertime" and "The Ghost of You" both for the vibes and for working well as rokushi songs.
Last, but certainly not least, we've got Xion! I already talked about two songs that I feel fit them well in this post, so for this one I'm just gonna talk about "Bulletproof Heart." This is one of my personal favorite MCR songs (Danger Days is a good album and anyone who thinks otherwise can personally fight me), and I think it works really well if you think of it as Xion singing to Roxas. We've got the pre-chorus:
The papers say / "Johnny, won't you come back home?" / Cause everybody knows you don't / Wanna give yourself up / Tell the truth and God will save you
Which, admittedly, I like more for the vibes than anything else, but I think "You don't wanna give yourself up" is pretty self-explanatory. I also think the last line works pretty well for Roxas and Xion, since I do think that the two of them having to give themselves up to Sora almost feels like divine judgment in a sense. Christian doctrine often speaks of repenting and surrendering oneself to God, with the idea being that the repentee needs to give up their autonomy and instead live their life "as God wills it." I can't help but draw some parallels between that and what happens to Roxas and Xion. I know that's mostly my religious trauma talking though.
Moving on, we have the bridge, which gets really heartbreaking really quickly:
And though I know how much you hate this / Are you gonna be the one to save us / From the black and hopeless feeling / Will you mean it when the end comes reeling? / Hold your heart into this darkness / Will it ever be the light to shine you out? / Or fail and leave you stranded? / I ain't gonna be the one left standing / You ain't gonna be the one left standing / We ain't gonna be the ones left standing
I see this as Xion thinking that the worlds need Sora more than they need Roxas or Xion, despite how painful it is. These lines in the song hit extra hard given that pretty much the entire rest of the song is talking about running away. It's like the rest of the song is Xion wishing that they could just run away from the Org with Roxas, and the bridge is them finally coming to terms with the fact that they can't do that, and deciding that they both need to return to Sora. And then we get this melancholic final chorus:
Gravity don't mean too much to me / Is this our destiny? / This world is after me, after you / Run away like it was yesterday / And we could run away / Run away, run away / Run away from here
Which I interpret as Xion wishing they could forget what they learned and just run away with Roxas instead, but their conscience won't let them.
In conclusion: I love them.
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inclightning · 2 years
(Decided to make a Fanfiction of what goes on inside Sora's heart in KH2 because of a Reddit post. Tell me what you all think!)
Chapter 1, A New Friend
     There he sat, on the edge of the stained glass tower that he had known for many years. He never got bored, he always watched Sora's life while in there. But he did feel alone.
     "Sigh… how much longer do I need to spend here alone? There's nobody around, and I miss my friends"
     Then, in the darkness he heard something. A quiet cry of sadness.
     "Hello?" He said to the voice.
     "Hello…" a feminine voice replied.
     He approached the darkness, and he saw a girl. She wore a black cloak, she also had black hair, blue eyes. She almost looked like someone who had been here before...
      "Who are you?" Ventus asked
     "Im…Xion. Who are you?" The Girl replied
     "Im Ventus, but you can call me Ven"
    "Why can't I see?" Xion asked
     "Oh, you haven't gotten used to being in here yet. Don't worry, you'll be able to see soon."
     They sat and spoke about many things. Ventus asked her about how she got here, but she couldn't reply because she was crying. A few hours after she arrived she was able to see again.
     "Hey, Ven! I think I can see again!" Xion excitedly said
     "Really?! Turn around let me see!"
     She turned around to look at Ventus.
     She started crying again. Ventus really didn't know what to do. He wasn't really good at this type of thing. Terra and Aqua don't cry much.
     "Umm…who's Roxas?" Ventus asked
     "He-he is my closest friend" She said through the tears. "Why do you look like him?"
     Ven couldn't find an answer. He didn't know who Roxas was, or why he looked like him.
     "I don't know. But I do know you'll be able to see him again. One day, Sora will wake us up, and we'll be with our friends."
     "Really? Good…"
     They went to sleep after that conversation. Ventus didn't know what to do now that he wasn't alone. Nine days later, Ventus and Xion are talking about their friends.
     "Then there's Terra. He's big, and strong. But he needs to control himself a little. And Aqua too! She's very nice, and she's super cool! What about your friends?"
     "Oh, umm…well first there's Axel. He's really tall, he has spiky red hair, and he always gets us ice cream after work. Then there's Roxas…He is also really nice…and…he always helps me with my missions."
     "Wow...this Roxas guy sounds really cool. I wish I could meet him though..." Ventus said
     They sit in silence for a little. Xion sat on the other side of the Glass Tower and Ventus on the other. He thought about his friends and how much he wanted to see them again.
     "Man, Xion really helps break the silence of this place. Thanks for coming here." He thought
     An hour later he heard a voice that sounded a lot like his.
     "Sora, you're lucky. Looks like my summer vacation is finally over…"
     "Ventus, did you say something?" Xion askef
     "No, who was that?" Ventus replied
     She shot up, and started looking around the room
     "Roxas?! Roxas where are you?!"
     "Xion! Is that you!?" The Voice yelled out
     A figure appears in the darkness, also wearing a black cloak he was the same height as Ventus.
     She jumps into his arms, and holds him tightly. He holds her back.
     "Xion. I can't belive it's…it's really you…"
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tharkflark1 · 2 years
Now that I’ve completely caught up on KH (and even played most of em), I think I can finally give my reviews on each game in the series! Then I’ll rank em at the end!
I only got into the series about a year ago and I love it to bits! So this will be from the perspective of someone who never rlly played it as a kid nor had heard of it until recently. ^^ however it should be known that knew the the entire KH plot line before playing them outright.
KH1 - The only KH game I’d played before I truly knew what it was. I remember seeing it and playing a bit of it in elementary school cuz some friends had it, but I never knew what was going on so I never finished any of the worlds ^^’.
It’s definitely the hardest game out of the bunch. Not because of anything it does but simply it’s just so barebones in terms of battling compared to future games in the series. That’s not to say it’s not fun tho: probs my favorite time grinding for synthesis items. I’d say this game is my fav grinding experience. Plus Cure not taking up ur entire health bar helps KSNDKSNSKS
As for story: A great way to start off the series. You get introduced to your main guy, your little meow wow: Sora. And then there’s his jealous gay best friend, Riku. And probably my fav version of so far and pretty snarky girl best friend, Kairi. This game is pretty good on its own in terms of story but it really shines in how it influences all the other games in the series. I’d say playing through all the other games made me appreciate it so much more as well as create a baseline of “innocence” for the Destiny Trio to fall back on and acknowledge. And DI is just a beautiful place in general, rlly want to explore it freely someday.
My only real gripe is that Ansem SOD, tho mentioned throughout the game, is not overly built upon as a final antagonist. Maleficent, I feel, is much more satisfying to finally fight and defeat because she’s been messing with Riku’s head and planting Heartless everywhere with her other bad guy friends. Ansem SOD’s final fight is on Destiny Islands tho so he gets some bonus points.
KH Re:CoM - Truthfully, I haven’t finished it but I’m at Marluxia’s final fight, and I feel like I can talk about the gameplay in general.
The card system is a huge obstacle to get around at first, but once you get the hang of it it’s actually quite enjoyable! Finding out new ways to defeat ur enemies almost instantaneously plus needing to solve ur way out of bosses is so much fun! I could probably spend my days just grinding in that game
Story wise, the push off for this wild story as a whole. It’s this eye opening “oh shit this was going on the background of KH1 the whole time???” Kind of feel. Naminé and Repliku are great. You get introduced to Axel, Larxene, Marluxia, Vexen, Zexion, and Lexaeus… only for all except for Axel to parish, and Sora to forget he ever did that in the first place skdbdjdbs
Riku’s character arc also starts here, and his and Mickey’s friendship is rlly sweet. And it rlly shows that Sora’s opinion of Riku is rlly important to Riku. It’s just all rlly insightful to what exactly started KH1 and everything else.
I probably sound like everyone else when I say that the only thing holding this game back is the vastly different gameplay. I think I’d love to see someone recreate CoM but as a normal KH game
KH2 - The longest one. Only because like, you have to go through each and every world twice (sometimes 3 times) over, and it has the largest amount of any worlds in any KH game. Grinded to level 99 and have barely attempted the super bosses ;0; Also, Lingering Will’s Portal never showed up so I have to beat the game again >:/
Gameplay’s pretty fun! It’s your normal KH almost button-mash style. The gummiship is a lot of fun too, but still more tedious than anything. The infamous Drive forms make their appearance, and they’re pretty swell. My fav probs ended up being Limit and Anti form, but Anti form is random so ;-;. He hang by him foot I don’t know how you couldn’t not love him. Easiest time getting ultima weapon here.
A great villain cast. All of them have such interesting personalities (especially once I got to Days) and designs. They make you wonder who and what they are. Why they’re doing all of this. Honestly, I can’t pick a favorite. This game does a surprisingly good job at letting you kinda get to know each Org person ur fighting before you defeat them. It’s wild.
Holy shit Roxas. Nomura just hands you this wonderful lad before he kills him 2 hours later. It’s same with Axel (if you hadn’t experienced CoM before this). Dude is just trying to get his adopted son back, but he eventually realizes there’s no point and sacrifices himself to save Sora. It’s pretty touching (especially, again, after Days). The game is rlly the one that gets you feeling. Riku’s being a dumb-dumb through out this game, but he’s still a wise ass and it’s pretty great. Kairi, uh, Kairi’s pretty cool in the manga. I feel like neither explain when and how Naminè merged back with Kairi before they shake hands at the end of the game.
My gripes. I was told by a lot of people that this was the best KH game, but I’ll have to disagree. The way I would explain this game is just, tedious. There’s practically nothing happening inbetween Sora waking up and major plot point areas. You’re forced to got through almost every world twice. Leveling up drive forms gets specific and almost annoying (unless you know a glitch to get around the form level part. Which I had to look up). Even with this story, I’m just supposed to accept that Roxas and Naminè can never be their own people again? Like, I get that it’s supposed to be bittersweet but it’s played so oddly. I dunno, I can’t rlly explain it.
I know some peeps have said that the games stopped being good after KH2/Days and should have stopped, but I’ll have to wholeheartedly disagree. Though it has its satisfying moments, I don’t think I would have enjoyed the series as much as I did if it just, stopped there. This is probably my least favorite entry.
348/2 Days - I didn’t play it but I watched someone play it AND I watched the cutscenes.
The Tetris system seems fun! I do have a DS so I hope to play it some day. I will say, when Nomura and friends have to make the gameplay different to work on a different console, they rlly make it work. I’ll be more in-depth on this when we get to BBS. Also I love that each character has joke weapons. Amazing.
The story alone makes me wonder why CoM was remade but not Days. I would have KILLED to see Lexaeus back hand Roxas or the “Roxas, that’s a stick” line fully animated. It’s a playable tragedy where no-one wins in the end. Xion is forgotten. Roxas loses his memories of the past year. And Axel loses both of the kids he cared about sm. The lights of his life while in the Org. It rlly makes Axel’s actions all that more heartbreaking in KH2. But, I do not recommend doing Days before KH2 as Days spoils some plot points in KH2.
Again, I would love to actually play it someday. So I don’t have much gripes. Maybe I’ll update this more when I finally do.
KH: BBS - My favorite. Also the first one I actually saw someone play. You play as 3 different characters with 3 different play styles and it forces you to compensate. And it has the melding system. I will get to the melding system.
Story is one of my favs and introduces a whole new trio: Some parents and their adopted son LMAO. Plus you have old man Xehanort and Eraqus and the Unversed (I want a flood plush so BAD), and a new addition to the Heart Hotel: Vanitas. He’s such a little gremlin but also a blast to fight. Especially as Aqua. His attitude kinda reminds me of Larxene, and he’s a breath of fresh air in terms of personality. He bounces off the optimism of the protags rlly well. Love him <3
This is probably my fav trio? They are, the best. We have girlboss Aqua and her himbo husband Terra. And the saddest boy to ever live, Ventus. I’d kill for all of them. And like, it has baby Destiny Trio and young Saixel like, how much more could u want???
The gameplay is the best out of the bunch. I love the melding system. I love having the command deck. Shotlocks??? Stupendous. I played this one on Critical first, so I’m not sure how much I can talk about in terms of difficulty, but it was challenging enough to let me rlly enjoy the gameplay itself. And with playing through it practically 3 times over: it rlly helps u nail down the specifics.
My gripes are few but common amongst other peeps. I do wish we could have seen more of the trio’s friendship. Like Ventus and Aqua being friends more often would have been cool. Honestly just, more Aqua hanging out with them. And there’s no, recipe for melding stuff so you have to either guess or look up online how to get the best commands.
Other than that: ( Shakes this game in front of ur face like a pack of saltines) play ittttt
KH:ReCoded - Same as Days: watched the cutscenes and someone play it. It’s about this little dude who doesn’t know what the FUCK is going on but he’s there to help I guess?
Again, I can’t say much of the gameplay but it looks fun! Similar to Days but it’s more circuit board-esque. Love to play it someday for real!
Story: tbh it’s kinda lack luster but it REALLY gets you used to the concept of data worlds and how they work. Plus it introduces the Book of Prophecies and what the hell Maleficent is doin.
Data Soriku my beloveds <3 They are like, if Riku realized he was gay rlly early on and everything didnt get swallowed up by darkness. Wonderful. I hope to see them again :( Also what was up with Sora’s heartless evolving into a Darkside. Is that foreshadowing??? Should I be scared for my son o-o’’
Don’t skip it! Plz it’s actually quite good and both Data Sora and Data Riku are wonderful characters.
DDD - The gay one. Holy shit. Riku you poetic gay I’m going to put you back into the closet myself
Story: A really great way to focus on two different characters in different way — Sora’s being about his Heart Hotel and Riku’s being about his internal struggles. The concept of dream worlds are introduced here and while I’m still very 🤔 about it, theyre very interesting. This game rlly shines in how it writes Riku and is more focused on him as a whole. He’s pretty much the main protag of this game and his goal to find himself and Sora.
Gameplay: they got rid of the melding system :( but the Dream Eaters are super cool! It plays very similar to BBS but no shotlocks but it also has ✨Flowmotion✨. I love just launching myself into space with it. I also love naming my dream eaters and hanging out with them.
Gripes: Commantis. That’s it. That’s my gripe. It makes me wanna never play the game again. It’s such an insanely hard boss and for no reason!
0.2 - Short but does a brief character study on Aqua while she’s stuck in the realm of Darkness. Also the official KH dress up game.
Story: More a character study and a demo for KH3 than a whole game. Aqua’s thoughts and feelings on what she’s done, and she’s clearly got depression or something. I need her to be hugged and loved STAT. Also I’ll beat Yen Sid and Rickey Rat with my bare hands ☺️
Gameplay: You can complete it in a couple hours depending on how slow u are or if you wanna get all the outfits. Rlly wish they could have kept even a little of the dress up options going into KH3 but oh well. It’s weirdly laggy at points but I do LOVE the mirror puzzles. Again, more things I wish were in KH3.
Gripes: I don’t rlly, have any? It’s a good warm up going into KH3 with situation commands and everything. Some of the outfit challenges are fuckin WILD tho. Like you gotta defeat a certain boss with a finisher or not take damage during boss fights. Fuckin WILD
Great warm up game! Wish it was longer tho :(
KH3 - the big boye. The largest lad. The first game I ever actually paid attention to and actually caught my interest.
Story: It has KH2's problem i feel with everything at the start and end being important and then dying down in the middle. But I feel it does WAY better than Kh2. Nothing feels overly tedious and all the worlds and characters are a delight. One of my fav versions of Sora where he's still the happy-go-lucky son boy but theres some underlying sadness to him that accumulates until he breaks towards the end. It's great characterization for Sora, and I can't wait to see what Nomura has in store for him.
Also we get to save everyone and every time we watch Terra burst into tears I start crying. And the the Sea Salt Trio hugging ;0; Honestly? The end of this phase of KH is such a breath of fresh air. I’ve seen some peeps say that Roxas and Xion coming back demeans their sacrifices, and while I get that, I feel like the story of KH pushed so hard that Sora wanted them to be real again that them not coming back would have felt empty. Also KH as a whole puts this “everyone deserves a chance at life” thing out there and it makes me cry.
Gameplay: there is,,, so much. And all of it rocks. But keyblade transformations have to be my fav. Oh and Rage form; my little scrunkly <3. The game makes each keyblade viable and fun and it’s just so good. And they even made the Gummiship fun!! Say what you want about the story but holy shit this game is just a delight to play. I have yet to test Critical mode but I’m so ready. I’m gonna get Oblivion so badddd.
As for the Superbosses: fun. I can’t just keep saying that word over and over again but there’s rlly no other word to describe it! I’ve only done 3 so far (funniest defeat being Vanitas who got crushed by Meow Wow ass) and can’t wait to do the rest (I fear Yozora tho >_>’)
But I’m the best at cooking! That egg breaking mini game is my fav <3
Gripes: The DLC paywall probs. Kinda annoying but not the worst thing in the world. And like I said before, pacing’s rlly odd. But def a solid 9/10.
Melody of Memory: the rhythm game
Another one of those “if you don’t like the gameplay it’s rlly not worth buying” but I’m a HUGE fan of rhythm games. So I love it.
Rlly recommend getting headphones to play it. Also if ur having trouble hitting the notes you can adjust the timing in config!
Love that we got a 7 sec update this year for it and it was just Ienzo, Even, and Ansem freaking out over static KSJDKSNSK
Gripes: none rlly. Everything is enjoyably challenging. Not a whole lot of plot stuff tho. Very bare bones in terms of lore
Final ranking (from least to most fav)
KH2 -> CoM -> Days = Re:Coded -> 0.2 = DDD -> KH1 -> MoM -> KH3 = KH: BBS
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
So... I've been watching KH rewrites.
And while I'm not rewriting ALL of Kingdom Hearts, but I have a few ideas to change 358/2 days:
The organization has an agenda: find and kill Sora, Riku, and Kairi so they can stay out of the way, but with Sora sleeping, Kairi safe on Destiny Islands, and Riku running all over the place, their jobs just got harder.
The change the title to 358/3 days, because Axel's in on this too. This is the sea salt TRIO we're dealing with, not sea salt duo.
We see a majority of Roxas's beginner days, like before, but in between them, we see Xion with Axel, mainly because Xemnas trusts him enough to be able to incapacitate Xion, if she gets too fired up.
Oh yeah, Xion doesn't really look up and smile at Roxas when she first sees him. In game, her mouth just opens in a gasp and she clenches a fist. In her first days, she's strictly in 'attack anything that comes near me' mode because she's scared and confused. We see it happen when Demyx waves a hand in front of her face and she literally jiu jitsu throws him to the ground.
Xion stares at Roxas and Axel and follows them individually. Axel finds it creepy and warns her not to get any ideas while Roxas pretends not to notice.
Xemnas is more proactive, checking on and somewhat favoring Roxas and Xion, Roxas more than Xion at first before fully switching over to team Xion. Everyone notices, especially Larxene, and it's not a good thing. Except for Axel, who's okay to stay out of Xemnas's attention.
Larxene is a bitch. As in she not only tells Roxas to not use his keyblade, but also to hold still so she can kick him.
Lexeaus is a little kinder. He does still hit Roxas within an inch of his life, but he lets Roxas hit back, as hard as he can. Roxas does so, hitting him in the side, like by the abs, but not completely, and it only hurts Roxas more than Lexeaus, the big guy fights a pitied smile and tells him to try again. Roxas does so, hitting harder, and Lexeaus grunts and fakes it to look like Roxas really did hit him hard. Roxie boy apologizes, but Lexeaus brushes it off, complimenting that Roxas is a more than qorthy choice for the keyblade.
Zexion is not a fan of Roxas, because he looks too much like Ventus. He eventually has a silent kinshio with him and acts A LITTLE friendly towards him, but nothing serious.
Vexen has to be kept on a leesh so he doesn't lock Roxas in his lab and scientifically check him out. AT LEAST BEFORE HE GOES ON A MISSION WITH HIM. After that, he wants nothing to do with the kid.
Axel is a little weirded out by Roxas, at first, but warms up to him.
Marluxia is a little creepy in that while he trains with Roxas, like practice missions, he gets face caress-y and Roxas later asks Axel if he can not go on missions with Marluxia.
Xemans does not get like that with either of Roxas or Xion; all he does is ruffle/play with their hair and pat their back and shoulder.
Saïx sees Axel's growing connections with Roxas and Xion, and he gets meaner because of it.
Roxas has his own version of anti-form or rage form, in the form of non-form, where he takes on a look very much like a mix of the samurai and dusk nobodies; he's bendy, fast, and hard as shot to lock onto, target-wise, but get hit and there's next to nothing that's going to save you. Roxas can only use non-form when he has no other optiin, and that's because he hates using it with a burning passion. Whenever he uses it, he has a hard time seeing things, so he relies on his hearing and any bright lights that catch his attention. Game wise, this is his limit break. When his health is low, non-form is activated with a cool looking transformation.
Non-form is the reason why Roxas is Xemnas's favorite, at first.
Xion doesn't talk to Roxas at all when they go on missions together, at least not until Roxas goes into non-form to save her, even though she doesn't really need saving.
Demyx was initially chosen to watch Roxas, but he saw the kid, newborn, scared, and confused, go into non-form and damn near attack him until Xemnas kicked him away. Saïx was the runner uo, but he gave the role to Axel, who successfully calmed Roxas down enough for the newbie to return to normal.
Xion warms up to Roxas, but is cold towards Axel, who returns the feeling, but also makes a deal with her; in front of Roxas, they have to play nice together or else Saïx is going to snitch to Xemans, who will have Xion ripped apart piece by piece until there's no putting her back together. Behind Roxas's back, however, they can fight all they want, as much as they want. Hell, they can even try to kill each other. BUT ONLY BEHIND ROXAS'S BACK SO HE DOESN'T SEE IT HAPPEN.
Roxas is given pretty lenient missions and it's not just because of his connection to Sora and Ven. It's also because of how unstable Non-form is.
Oh, yeah. Roxas hallucinates and hears both Sora AND Ventus, but it's only when things get too quiet. Xemnas has Axel keep an eye on him because he made friends with Ventus as Lea and had contact with Sora. If anything, the redhead can keep Roxas stable enough for them to bring him to Castle Oblivion and find Ven, when he's ready.
And he'll be ready when he dual wields keyblades, which Xemnas KNOWS wil happen because he's Xehanort and Xehanort apparently knows all.
He doesn't know enough because there's another person who can dual wield: Xion.
Xion is still a replica, but this time is made with fractures of Kairi's and Sora's hearts, Kairi being able to wield a keyblade because it got passed down from Aqua to her by accident and Sora because he's Sora.
When Axel is sent to Castle Oblivion and is reported as gone, Roxas's reaction is much more severe. First mission with Xigbar goes fine until the end, where Roxas not only gets hallucinations of Sora and all that, but also because he's experiencing a new emotion: GRIEF. He goes into Non-form and goes insane. Xigbar directs him to a dark corridor, where he's released right into the castle in The World That Never Was and starts destroying anything amd everything that moves before going all aroung the castle.
It soon becomes a really darkly comedic game of Catch The Kid Without Killing Him Or Letting Him Leave To Another World.
No one's fully successful, except for Saïx, who also goes berserk to stop and hold him so Xemnas can collect him. Roxas struggles in Saïx's arms and lets out scream after scream until Xemnas comes to get him and snap him out of it.
Roxas leaves Non-form and is led to his room by Xemnas, who compliments his ability to imitate emotions, despite not remembering how to.
Roxas, already trying to keep it together, breaks down again, and Xemnas holds him close, letting him get it all out, and explains that this is why they fight and need to fight warriors of the light, including Sora, Riku, and Kairi.
After that, Roxas is only allowed on recon missions until he's stable again.
It's fine though, because Axel makes it back a week later, saying he got knocked unconscious by Sora. He escaped and made it out a-okay, leavung out the part where he may have merced Vexen and Zexion.
Roxas is still glad.
Axel reports to Xemnas and Saïx and euns into Xion.
The threat still remains, but he's still playing nice for Roxas's sake.
Over time, Axel and Xion learn to get along and even become friendly enough to be sarcastic and jokey with each other.
It also helps that Xion also deals with hallucinations and her way of dealing with them is by running. Axel and Roxas followed her and came face to face with a GIANT heartless, maybe a more threatening version of the Dark Side.
All three fight it, but it knocks Xion and Axel away, the redhead gets up and is almost smashed into the ground before Xion lunges, going into her armored form. Roxas follows as well, in his Non-form.
The two make quick work of the heartless amd Roxas struggles to turn himself back, where Xion does it perfectly.
Axel compliments the work, but hugs onto Roxas before he can lash out at a frightened Xion, telling him to play nice or they're not having any more playdates and he'll be locked in his room 24/7.
Roxas turns back and he and a surprised Xion pass out, leaving Axel to groan at having all the icky jobs; he got the crap beaten out of him amd wants to pass out with the two children, but instead has to carry them back to the castle so neither die on his watch.
They all recuperate and pat themselves on the back for their victory.
Xemnas congratulates them as well, having let himself in the infirmary because he heard what happened.
Axel reports that they're all fine and the heartless is gone, and Xemnas is more than glad to hear it, at least before her turns to Roxas and asks if he was hurt, putting a hand on his shoulder.
He's fine, just a little dizzy, but fine.
Xemnas is more than glad to hear it, pushing back Roxas's bangs and playing with his hair a little before leaving them all to heal, ignoring Xion entirely.
She doesn't take it personally and instead remarks about how nice it was of Xemans to join them, for once.
Axel agrees with the sentiment and makes Roxas and Xion promise that they're won't be anymore surprise runaways like that again.
They agree, though Xion asks if surprise ice cream can be exempt.
Axel smiles and exempts surprise icecream.
They all become real friends after this point, and it includes them poking fun at each other("Er, I don't know my past so I'm gonna go Saïx berserk on anyone who asks, der, der, der"), sarcasm(Xion: "There really is no hiding from Saïx, is there?" Axel: "Well, there's always under Xigbar's bed, but no one's ever returned, so tell me how it goes."), and light name calling, like hot head, burning britches, and smoke and more smoke for Axel, hoodie and emo band for Roxas, and little miss pissed off for Xion, because she's funny to make annoyed and angry.
And they try more than sea salt icecream, like doughnuts, cakes, and eventually healthier foods that are still sweet.
Roxajs and Xion gonon missions together and eventually start more than a friendship.
Axel keeps an eye on them whenever he can and begins lying to Xemnas, saying neither are really progressing with their powers, but are maintaining, so there's that at least. Xemans is not convinced and asks an old question, considering how Axel has possibly the best memory out of everyone here: What happened to Sora? Axel feigns ignorance, because he TOTALLY helped Sora take out Marluxia.
Okay, but what about Naminé? More ignorance because she up and vanished. Maybe Sora stole her away or something, who knows? Teenagers do weird things.
Xemnas, more than a little fed up, notes that Axel's getting close to Rozas and Xion and admits that as much of a shame as it would be to waste resources, it'd be even more tragic to lose their own numbers, maybe even Saïx as well, despite how cold he's turned toward Axel. If it makes him feel better, he doesn't need to do the 'icky job,' Saïx can do it for him and he can simply watch.
Axel steps down and Xemnas twlls hom to tell the truth next time, if he doesn't want to lose anymore friends.
There will be a part 2 of this
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