#Moose are scary. i wanna be scary too
denzartriste · 5 months
what kind of forest creature do you think you would be?
Ooo thats a good one. If we're talking more mythical i would want to be some sort of eldrich horror, something that stares at people and hisses like a dramatic thing. More real creatures then i think id be a fallow deer (one of the species with white spots even when they're adults) because they are very pretty, or a moose because im canadian and moose are the closest thing to eldrich horror in the real world that i know of. If i was a moose i would purposely be an absolute nuisance to people and pick One human that i was friends with so people look at them and be like "that's the notorious asshole moose. why are you riding the asshole moose. HOW are you riding the asshole moose????"
I would also break into homes as a moose specifically to steal KD. That would be my second hobbie. Also i think shaking off antlers in the winter would be fun, seems like a nice activity.
i would also hide out during hunting season because i will live a long moose life. Maybe even stalk some hunters and right after they get the one moose they are legally allowed to get in i will simply walk out and stand next to the dead moose so they cant approach it. I, as an asshole moose, will simply stand between and wait for them to leave because i wanna piss them off. They get no moose, i will take the moose.
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ganondoodle · 2 months
Hello 👋
Swallowing my nerves at last to send you an ask! I was just wondering, what inspires your designs? Are their inspirations in stuff like movies or games? Or just things you come up with yourself?
i .. honestly its kinda hard to tell, sometimes i just randomly think of something, like some detail, or color combination and try to incorporate that into a design somehow; it can come from anywhere, like the color scheme of a pithaya/dragonfruit is something i have been wanting to make a design with for ages but havent come up with anything good in all those years ;O;
im a very easily fascinated by color, espeically in nature, like sometimes i just stop and stare at something like i froze in time bc i just woooooooooooooah color! i probably look like a weirdo doing that though
its really hard to pinpoint anything specifically, the most is probably .. other artists? i guess? which always makes me nervous bc my memory is shit in most areas of life and i worry myself to pieces whether i unintentionally "stole" an idea and just dont remember and think it was my own, it goes further that sometimes i see something that makes me want to draw a similar concept but dont bc i dont want to 'steal' even if that couldnt be further from my intention (have been accused of that before ..)
that said for my ocs specifically .. most are rather old and have just kinda evolved out of their awkward first iterations (shargons first iteration was a hauro-howl- copy that was really just some human covered in feathers .. another oc was once a hellboy copy but in green- havent drawn nor redeisgn them in ages lol), the biggest inspirations for them is a mix of animals, bonus if you dont see them often- im a big shark, whale and sea creatures in general nerd so i tend to take from them as a priority but always trying to be less directly animal and mostly just .. features that work together
Eadrya is one of the newer OCs- i started to write but then looked at my folders and oh they are from 2017 .., i even made a design timeline for them how much they, and my art, have changed back in 2020, so thats also way outdated now lol (they apparently started as a whale .. thing? its like a pokemon evolution lol)
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this is them now (i like this sketch still, though shargons design is now also outdated lmao)
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this ones from early 2023 so also outdated now but you get the point
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for demons i try to be a bit more wild on shapes and colors while still adhering to the rules of how they work (humanoid form, demon form, animalistic, one element each and more or less made to fit that, 4 arms is very common, look to be bost scary and wild but also something that would make you stop in tracks and stare in awe and fear if you crossed paths)
often times designs just kinda .. happen, i have maybe the idea ok i wanna make something with a white and red pattern also moose or those big horned cows are cool and kinda scary so maybe sth akin to that (though this one is technically a redesign too- its also pretty much entirely different)
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for non demons but still non human i go for a much more restrained design, mainly inspired directly by an animal and giving the color scheme a good spin, plus adding unconventional body shapes, like ki'ita is also a good example, her old idea was just orca anthro pirate and just by making the white green instead in her most recent redesign already adds that little spin to it
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that can have its pitfalls though, as i often fall into the big arm small head small legs scheme over and over xD
alot of it is trial and error, deciding on the colors can take me hours bc im always searching for my little rule of having one contrast color that shows up in very few places to draw attention to it (like with Eadrya its those bright yellow eyes and thingy at their tail)
and that is all about myy own ocs, when its fandom stuff it works kinda similar though, either in the connections i wanna draw or just thinking it further- like how deities in destiny work also just kinda .. happened like an ever derailing train
like for demise i was at first really just im gonna give him horns bc horns are cool and he got those on the starting mural in the game- so how his hair work? well maybe it isnt hair actually and just unbound energy, im making him a deity too and fit hylias design to his so, yeah, then so how does it work, ok he gotta have a skeleton still, but what if his entire actual body is made up of pure magical energy with its core in the ribcage? with the core in the ribcage >:3c and the scales you see are just like cooled down lava as an armor bc his thing is fire and earth !! the normal blood? is a thin layer of skin imiated from mortals to keep the scales together and flexible so if he ACTUALLY gets hurt hed bleed magic that looks more like lava and any normal blood you see is just the armor- so why does he have a skeleton still instead of being just energy? maybe its gotta be bound to something OH and what if all of the deities started as mortals like a mirror to the trio later on and the gods cannot have direct influence to the worlds so they needed a right hand that is neither god nor mortal but both by killing a mortal by whatever their element will be (demise burned, hylia drowned etc) and their skeleton and spirit is kept but put into a body of magic- OH what if their spirit core is like almost piloting their bodies like a mech in a way bc if youd look close youd see that every strand of magic is actual a hand of their spirit so it makes it more weird and other bc hed be able to reach out with thousands of burning claws of all shapes and sizes like the beheaded forest god at the end of mononoke- SO if hed lose and arm or something all those strands would untangle and rearrange his bones back together-OH MY GOD the whole armor idea works so well for ghirahims dark armor so what if demise had two swords once and lost one and since has forged an armor similar to his own for ghirahim out fo fear of losing him t---
and that all is a process that happens over several weeks and months not rarely while i am drawing something mindlessly and suddendly *have a thought* and omg that makes so much sense-
so "what" inspires my designs? an ever derailing train of thought about making cool thick monsters that arent the evil thing to get rid of for once? cool color schemes? idk it just kinda happens??
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laski-and-sage · 1 year
Anderson: *Wants to enter the kitchen but gets dragged away from Alucard*
Alucard: You DON'T wanna go in there-
Anderson: Wha- Why?
Alucard: TJ and Pip are having a conversation...
Anderson, frowning: And what now? They're sitting in the kitchen, I want my tea!
*proceeds to enter the kitchen*
Pip: Gosh, I really want to grow a moustache!
TJ: A lips eyebrow? No, that'd look nasty on you!
Anderson: A what?
Pip: Shut up or I'm gonna hit you with the plant based sausage!
TJ: Leave my cucumbers alone!
Anderson: Plant... based... sausage?
TJ: Oh yeah, remember when we went to the zoo and you screamed because of the giant volcano llama?
Pip: Tch, the dromedary was kinda scary, okay?
Anderson: Why volcano?!
Pip: But why was there a fucking milk moose?
TJ, shrugging: Maybe they like cows?
Anderson: Milk moose... you can't make that shit up-
TJ: Could you pass me the... the... the orange thing there!
Pip: Huh? Oh, the thing in spicy yellow? Sure!
Anderson: ...
Pip: But we HAVE to go in the city, there is a new shop for churros!
TJ: That sounds amazing, we should get the donut swords tomorrow with Seras!
Anderson: Swords?!
TJ: AND we could go to the new aquarium!
Pip: Huh, sure! I think she'll like the fish zoo!
Anderson: At least THAT makes perfect sense!
Pip: But I'm gonna go to the graveyard inbetween those things, need to visit some old buddys...
TJ: I'm in, I think I could see some pals in the dead people garden too!
Anderson: Garden...?
Pip: Yeah, hopefully the ground pubes are nice'n clean...
TJ: They should mow the grass, don't worry!
Anderson: *exits the kitchen without tea*
Alucard: So?
Anderson: I think I had a stroke-
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unsaintlike · 2 years
This is completely random, but it’s kinda fittin’ given the spirit of Halloween and all things terrifyin’, so I’d like to say that moose will never not be scary as fuck. Never minded the snakes and giant hairy spiders too much back when I lived in Vegas, but I would not wanna live anywhere I could accidentally come across a moose while out and about.
And on that topic, here’s a fun fact for y’all: Orcas are one of the most prominent predators of the moose.
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foxgloveinspace · 1 year
@thoseeyeslikefire thank you for tagging me!!!
15 questions game:
1). Are you named after anyone?
Uhhhhh, weird answer. I chose my name, and technically Foxglove is from an oc that never went anywhere, and Dakota is what my parents woulda named me if I was born male. So. I am named after myself and an oc technically. 
2). When was the last time you cried?
Wednesday. It was a helluva day. Before that? I have no clue tbh.
3). Do you have kids?
No, and I don’t want them personally. I know what other parents with adhd go through, and I know I can not handle that at all. I used to babysit 24/7 (and I mean that literally) and when the job was over, I took a look at myself and I didn’t know who i was anymore. It was not a great time. I applaud parents, and I think they are amazing, but personally I can’t.
4). Do you use sarcasm?
Ye. Usually irl, and not online all that much, cause as someone who is nerodivergent, it’s hard to understand it when its typed sometimes.
5). What is the first thing you notice about people?
Uhhhhhhh. Hair or style usually? I don’t really. Notice things very much. Not in a ‘I don’t care’ way, but more like…. I don’t uhh…… notice…. (adhd brain lmao). Like i notice what people look like, it just doesn’t stick in my brain oof.
6).What is your eye color?
Blue, but like… blue jean blue, lol.
7).Scary Movie or Happy Ending?
Both! I like thrillers with happy endings, lol. I don’t watch a lot of them tho. I prefer happy endings usually tho.
8). Any special talents?
Uhh. nothing that comes to mind? my mom would say baking, lol.
9). Where were you born?
Overland Park, Kansas.
10). What are your hobbies?
Video games, baking, listening to music, reading (mostly fanfic), writing (mostly fanfic), knitting & crochet, I want to draw but I don’t often, sudoku, journaling, watching anime, reading manga (yeah its a different hobby then just reading!).
11).Do you have any pets?
I have outdoor cats, and while I would love to bring them inside, I can not. I have four adults right now, and there's a lot of wild cats. My four adults are Moose, Marmalade, Jam and Notch.
12). What sport do you play/have played?
I haven’t ever really played a sport. I used to play around with a basketball, and try to make shots and stuff cause my cousins had a hoop. I’ve never been really good, and I never wanted to play on a team as a kid.
13). How tall are you?
5’2 ish on a good day (about 157 cm)
14).favorite subject in school?
Math, lmao. I used to be really good at math.
15). Dream Job?
Stay at home husband, lmao, I have chronic pain and so working is hard. Uhhhh, working in a bookstore tbh. But a chill one where I can sit and knit too.
I'm not gonna tag anyone, but the usual drill, if you wanna play this and you see my post feel free to say I tagged you! (cause this is me. Saying I am tagging you! lol.)
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. dangerous risk taker adrenaline rusher lefty eyebag 😌
Work is done. It was boring, but at least I didn't get difficult customers. Yeah, I sit all day, except when I go for lunch and then breaks. I try to move as much when I have break time. I wish we had bluetooth headsets, so I can do chores while waiting on a call haha
Ooh what did you make for dinner? How are you today?
When you say you said you don't move when you sleep, I picture you like a vampire in the coffin. With their arms crossed and just laying still 🤣 I sleep with my eyes closed hehehe but no, I sleep weird. I have to lay on my tummy, and I look like a starfish.
So the snow mobile is like riding a motorcycle?
Yeah I went on a jetski once and it was fun because of how fast we can go. But I was just a passenger though. I love kayaking. It's peaceful.
Thay flow rider thing looks fun, but I can see how you'd be sore. Did you do it a lot when you were on the cruise? Cause you can fall easily can't you? 😅
Yeah.. it just reminded me of you cause it's like baseball and archery in one.. cause you throw the ball in baseball, so axe throwing is like it and its sharp like an arrow. I don't know if I made sense but it made sense in my head 😅 lol
My eyes widened when I read the last part with the dogs. Definitely think you're crazy. Hahahaha no no I'm just kidding. Doing something like a vigilante thing. If I can do anything without getting caught, I'd probably do something like the rich thing. Scam them out of their riches, then donate to the ones in need and buy myself land to build a house.
If you could be president, what's the first thing you will do for the people?
Hello!! the weird left eyebag is back here! lol how r u? and what you doing now? i hope u r still awake. anywaay, i'm eating chocolate moose now, n it's so good!
yeah that could be one of the culprit, sitting down all day can make your muscles tight from your back up to your neck and then gonna give u a headache.
you can't even put in like a wired earphone? that sucks that you cant do anything else while taking calls.
I made a homemade club sandwich with bacon, turkey, ham, lettuce tomato and avocado. We also smoked a bologna for tomorrow so we can have some bologna sandwich. :D
lol.. i dont sleep like that but yeah sometime i really dont move when i sleep. hahahaha.
oh you sleep on your tummy? wow, what a funny coincidence. He sleeps like that most of the time, my crush also sleeps on her tummy and now you too? Do I attract people who likes to sleep on their tummy or something? lol
hmm yeah i guess it's the same like motorcycle. I dont know because i never ride a motorcyle by myself. I always sit as passanger.
yeah i think jetski and sea doo is kinda similar. hmm i guess that's why i havent tried canoeing or kayaking, maybe because i think it's a little too slow or something.. but also kinda scary for me, im just worried what if it tips over. especially kayaking, if it tips over im stuck in the water n cant roll back up with my leg stuck in the kayak n running out of breath. lol.
do you like white water rafting?? I looooove rafting! it's so fun! the adrenaline rush, love it!
yes i tried in when i was on a cruise. it's like an extra thing u can try but u have to pay. I think we booked it for an hour or something and yes, i fell easily because i dont know how to surf. I got bad whiplash to from falling on my back n my head hit the mat.
Do u like to fish? if u do, what type of fishing you like? fresh water fishing or deep sea fishing or fly fishing?
ah i see. yeah that makes sense. kinda like batting cage and shooting arrow. to be honest, i think it really sweet that you remember me about it. it's because u pay remember what i told u about me. n I appreciate it so much, so thank you. :)
so did u try axe throwing before?
i wanna try to go to (some places are called with this name) break room / rage room or something. that's a place where u go in a room n u can break whatever things u want in it. have u try that before?
oh yeah, i know it sounds crazy about destroying the place that mistreated dog or serve dog as food. I hate it. i think love is the loveliest animal and most loyal. so i think it's really fucked up if people mistreated animals especially dogs. it always pissed me off. :D your plan is nice too. we can be the robin hood duo.hahaha. complete with the eyebags of course. lol. plus i can do archery so i think we'll do good. lol
hm i really dont know how to answer this question actually. i have some thoughts but I prefer not to say it. :D what about u?
next question?
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Hi, could you pls write something about Y/n finding out she’s pregnant and she decides not to keep the baby. Like, maybe Harry and y/n are not married (not that you have to be married to have a baby, it’s just a suggestion) and maybe Harry gets kind of mad at the beginning but then understands why she doesn’t want the baby. In every fanfiction they always end up keeping the baby, yes it’s cute, but babies take a lot of your time, they are expensive and sometimes annoying. Maybe it’s not the right time for them to be parents!! Make it extra angst pls
A/N: I agree with you, honestly it's okay for women/partner not to want kids in a relationship.
Warning: Mentions of abortion and angst.
Y/N just came back from one of the sleepovers of her bestfriend. It was fun, no offence but every food-ly item there made her sick to her core and atlast she ended up throwing. Ofcourse, all her girlie-bestie were there to give her a back rub, hold her hair for her, made her chamomile tea and most importantly did a serious talk to her in their pillow fort while sipping onto their hot bevy.
When Y/N told them she's been feeling like this from goodly two weeks they all gasped making Y/N's nerves jumble furthermore —--- what they advised her next flew over her head as she kept on poking her finger through the loops of her crotched cardigan, "Huh?" She hums innocently tucking her loose hair back.
"You could be pregnant. . ." Feli told her softly grabbing her hand, "Perhaps, could be sick too." Y/N scoffs diverting her eyes somewhere else and all her friends sighed in utter sympathy for her.
Y/N doesn't want to think about it at all. No way! This could happen. It's not right. It wouldn't be fair to anyone. She knows that the worst's been waiting for her as it hits her that her periods are late.
"We can find out, though . . ." Feli slides the offer cautiously to her and when Y/N shook her head in rejection everyone insisted because they care about her. So, they ended up taking the test and it indeed came out as positive now Y/N's a crying mess cuddled with her friends as they assured her that it's gonna be alright.
"I don't wanna go home . . Can't face, Harry." She whimpers. Her heart beating wildly at the cluster of assumptions and thoughts. What she'll do now? What will happen to them? What if their decision wouldn't be same? What if he'll leave her?
"You've to love, Nia will drive you home yeah? Talk to him, I'm super sure he'll understand, he's been so supportive of you since you guys met." They all hugged her warmly before departing her off and Nia told her to call her in the morning walking her to the door.
When she enters the whole house has been dimmed to mellow light just mere instinctive noises of telly buzzing and when she pads inside she's met by the most adorable sight of Harry lounged over the couch one leg dangled over the floor and his neck craned in a bad angle; it seems like he fell asleep waiting for her and Y/N was about to retreat when he stirred up calling for her name.
"Pet?" He tries to open his peepers rubbing them with the back of his hand stretching out like a lazy cat, "You look devastated pet, what happened? Were ye'cryin' baby?" She stays silent taking in large breathers nibbling onto her lower lip. He scoots aside patting the spot beside him to make her sit and grabs her jaw to see her properly.
She looks down lip wobbling as she struggled to utter the sentence, "Harry . . ." She sniffs and he nods caressing the corner of her lip, "'m listening my love –- promise it's not somethin' scary." It is for her.
"I'm pregnant." Time ticks by and it feels like the air has densed to the point her lungs stopped functioning. His thumb, it halts in their loving to her and his breaths hitches in his throat glossing his eyes with lack of oxygen or joy? She can't diminish.
He cackles breathily as if he's hallucinating and then gasps out of the epiphany, her heart shatters into million pieces for giving him fake beacon of happiness when he hugged her tightly to his chest.
"Jesus. 'M so happy darlin'!" He squeaks into the crook of her neck bouncing his knee in excitement and she pushes him away shaking her head, "No, no, no — Harry, I don't want it." Her voice wavered as her eyes held plead for him to understand fisting the hem of his sweater out of anxiousness and Harry feels like someone snatched his grounds, numbness sets into his toes from the distress that's bolting shut his heart chambers.
"Wha –-- what? But we talked 'bout it darlin'." He stammers baffled at her descion. He's too sensitive and all over the place right now, his mindset's isn't capable of doing something that's best for them and maybe it's because of all the images of his own lil baby in all the corners of his home, it would be such a blessing to have one wouldn't it? His conscience screamed at him.
"We did — " She says but he cuts her off, "Then why?" His own voice breaking and she clears her throat to pull some courage. His weakness makes her weak too.
"Let me speak." He nods curtly at her to continue.
"We did. Yes, I want kids with you, Harry nothing will be more beautiful than that but . . . but 'm not ready now, financially, mentally and physically." He stands up at this pacing back and forth massaging the furrowing lines at his temple. At his closed off and cold demeanour Y/N sobs throwing her hands in air.
"Would you speak somethin'!?" He turns in a snap. His eyesblooshot lips quirking up into a bitter frown, he's outraged and been burning from inside but doesn't want to dump it at her knowing it would hurt him more than it would hurt her. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he'll break the heart of his most precious human and the person who's been with him through thick n' thin.
He jeers furiously irritated at him and her, "What's there to speak? You've already made up ye'r mind, I've no say in it. Though, you know that 'm enough to raise our baby and could take care of you at the sametime." She grits something under her breath and he squints, "What?" His accent thick and gruff.
"I'm saying you're being a total, asshole!!" She tries not to yell at him groaning into the throw pillow.
She wants to kick him in shin when he just shrugged carelessly, "Okay."
"Trust me Harry not everyone's a rich millionaire like you!! I told you I'm not financially stable to have a kid and you rubbed it in my face, do you have any idea how your words were a jab to me!!" She wants to have an equal share of money in raising her kids, to give them the idea that in this household none of their parents are inferior or superior in bringing them up and she'd love for Harry to take extra care for them but his ruthless words made her feel so small and empty pocket infront of him for the first time.
She didn't notice until now that tears are dripping down his throat. Regret, remorse and guilt evident on his face but he wouldn't apologise and she's well aware of it. Wish she could hug him and kiss him to calm him down but he caused equal damage to her too.
"I'll go to clinic, in the morning." She mutters leaving him pooled into sorrow and the pricking shadow of telly while he cried to himself silently.
If it's the end. Then it should be a better one.
His boots click against the hard tiles getting loud hushes from people in waiting. He ducks down panting hopelessly, slamming his fist at the reception counter and looks at the nurse with furious eyes, "You're here to pick someone, sir?" He nods jutting his lips in attempt to take a good breather.
"Miss Y/N – "
She quickly points at the ward, "There, she might be unconscious at the mo'." He quickly shakes his head running towards it despite of all the stares he's getting from women of all ages.
There she was sitting at edge of bed in a gown –- looking small, defeated and devastated clutching the fabric of it from her knees. Her head perks up at the commotion taking in the sight of a disheveled Harry with a sandwich, vanilla moose, a tinsy plushie and sunflowers tucked under his armpit.
His chin quivers and eyes well up with bulky tears, "I'm sorry." He mouthes to her and she shakes her head with equally glossy eyes. He pads towards her carefully and sits beside her forwarding her the vanilla moose with shaky hand.
"Sorry couldn't get the chocolate one." A tiny sob breaks through her smile, "Don't like the vanilla anyways —" Her meeting his gaze was the ending point for him as he bunches his angel in a hug, smushing his face into the crook of her neck with little sniffles.
"It was very shitty of me." He admits tightening his arms around her waist and she calms him by rubbing his back, "We both weren't at our best last night." She whispers and he nods.
"I don't think you're any less than me baby, rather you're more stronger person than me in every way -- didn't —-- didn't wanna hurt you, promise. I love you so much for some different descion to tear us apart." His thumb runs in circles against her shoulders and she cups his face to look at him properly.
"Forgive me, please."
"I did bug —- the moment I realized you're a human being with emotions and feelings that could tipple over at their worsts. You've dreams too and I'm so sorry I wasn't able to fulfil them at the moment."
"You don't have to, yeah? No more apologising. We'll have a family when we both are ready." He kisses her temple, stroking her head affectionately and she bathes in that warmth.
"We could buy the chocolate moose on our way back home." He quips wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.
A teasing smile breaking through his caring persona and she grins, "Shut up." scooping some of it but he takes the tiny spoon from her feeding it to her himself heating her cheeks with shyness.
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slowpoke-fics · 3 years
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam x Petite!Reader
Request Summary: Sam accidentally hits a nerve with petite!you and needs to make it up to you
Warnings: angstish, talk of missing children and supernatural creatures, as always please read at your own risk
A/N: I'm so sorry shawty, I didn't mean for it to be this long but I loved writing this, I'm soft and love soft characters <3 @sizekinkshawty
You had your nose in a book, sitting at the round table, in-between Dean who had several books in front of him and Sam who was intently studying his laptop. You'd been sitting there for hours, hungry, thirsty, stiff, not able to find really anything connected to some disappearing children a fellow hunter, Dustin, had reached out to you about. Dean huffed, slamming his book shut and tossing it across the table, "I can't find anything, just a bunch of useless crap." You started biting your fingernails, legs crossed in your chair, knees bouncing, a heavy breath release as you start to share what you've found.
"I might have something," Dean and Sam now looking at you, listening intently, "I think it could be a Shtriga," you gave a shrug, "I could be wrong but these are consistent killings, spread out between two decades, nobody sees them which means they're able to disguise themselves," another heavy sigh, "I don't know, it's risky if we're wrong." Sam smiled, shutting his computer looking at Dean as he rested back into his chair, "If she wasn't so damn smart she wouldn't be scary."
You rolled your eyes, "Shut it, fuckin' moose." Dean laughed, Sam playfully glaring at you, "Yeah, a whole 14 inches taller than you, midget." Sam struck a nerve, that name just made your whole body sink, tears coming to your eyes, lip quivering. "I know-sniffle-I hate it, being so small, don't have to be so mean about it." Dean starts to say something but you got up and left, going straight to your room, something you hadn't done in near a year.
Dean glares at Sam, "Come on man," he shook his head, "it's different for you, you know how she feels about being small." Sam rubbed his hands over his face, realizing that he picked the wrong thing to nit pick at. "I'll call Dustin and let him know what we think," Dean mentioned as Sam was walking out towards your room.
Sam knocked on your door softly, opening it when you cleared your throat and clawed out, "Yeah?" Sam walked into your room, softening when he'd realized how red your eyes were from crying, "Can I sit baby?" You nodded at him, sitting up in your bed, pulling your knees to you. "I didn't mean to call you a midget, I know how bad it bothers you and I shouldn't have picked at you for it." You smiled at him lightly, trying to cheer up a bit but being unsuccessful, "I just hate how tiny I am compared to you guys, it's not exactly intimidating-" Sam laughed a little, causing you to gawk at him, he quickly explained himself. "Y/n, as small as you are, I'd fight Gabriel before fighting you."
You giggled, wiping away a stray tear, Sam grabbing your arm and pulling you to sit on his lap. He kissed your left cheek, "So small," kissed your right cheek, "fit perfectly." You blushed, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry, really, I'll try to be more careful," he pet your hair as you sniffled a little. He felt guilty knowing that your height was a no go zone for jokes but making one anyway.
"Wanna come back to my room?" Sam asked and when you shrugged he laughed, "You don't think I'm gonna let you sleep alone do you?" You giggled at Sam, loving how he was trying to make it better. You moved your arms around him, squeezing to let him know you aren't moving. He lifted you, letting you readjust before he started the walk to his room, really your shared room.
He opened the door, your small frame not enough to limit his mobility, carrying you in and kicking the door shut. When he laid down you stayed on top of him, but pulled at his shirt letting him know you want it gone. He raised an inch, grabbing the back of his shirt and sliding it off, tossing it towards his quickly growing pile of laundry.
One of your arms are tucked under you, your other hand tracing his tattoo. You kept your legs on either side of him, as close to him as you could get, and he was right, you fit perfectly. Sam had one hand rubbing your back, one hand under his head so he could admire your face. "You're so gorgeous, you know that?" You smiled, placing a small kiss on his chest, "Thank you handsome."
"Did Dean let Dustin know what we found out?" You asked, worried about running out on research. "Yeah, don't worry about it baby, I'm sure he's got it handled." Sam took in a heavy breath, "It was a good find." You shrugged, "I could be wrong." Sam's arm holding his head readjusted to be able to run his fingers up and down your arm, "I'm sure you are, you're too good at what you do."
You hummed in response, Sam chuckled a little to himself, watching your eyes flutter as you let him soothe you to sleep. You'd stopped tracing his tattoo, hand now flat over it, mouth slightly open, rarely readjusting. Sam continued rubbing your back after pulling the blanket over you, right up until his own eyes were too tired to stay open.
When you woke up in the morning, Sam was rubbing your back, planting soft kisses on your head occasionally. You were still on top of him and you became nervous you were preventing him from starting his day. You mumbled, "Oh, I'm sorry," and tried to get up. Sam stopped you, clutching you to him, "Mm, stay." You smiled, resting back down on him, "Have to get up eventually." You felt Sam shake his head, mumbling as you placed tiny kisses on his chest, "Just wanna enjoy you for a minute."
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wickedpact · 3 years
You can't just drop that "I read Forces Multiplied" bomb on us and not give a ten page written reaction.
[cracks knuckles] if u insist
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nicky cant drive hc: destroyed. rip. also i loved how andy and nile stole those sports cars and were being badass and driving off the bridge & meanwhile joe and nicky were just absolutely vibing in the van
'heres the thing about power: people who have it think they deserve it' [shot of police car] i see u greg
5 whole panels being dedicated to booker not being able to unlock his door. booker not even seeing noriko sitting RIGHT THERE in the window at first. incredible
noriko being 24/7 horny was surprising. like wow all of the stuff i saw she did out of context was 100% equally horny in context as it was out of context. love that for her
i didnt think the 'andy + slavery' thing was handled as badly as everyone made it out to be when telling me about it. tho from the way it was talked about i had kind of figured the conflict between andy and nile re: slavery would be really racially charged (esp considering nile is a black american and would obvs have Thoughts on the subject in that regard) but like,, done in a cringey 'a-white-guy-obviously-wrote-it' kind of way? but it wasnt that. i mean. it makes sense that andy would be implicit in slavery through the years
i mean, like she says, is that not what people just did to each other in the aftermath of battles for thousands of years? and i really like how its pointed out that it was what she was raised with (in the beginning when you see her put shackles on that guy after the battle) but she also accepts responsibility for it and acknowledges that it was wrong and not just 'what people did'.
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i like how from her expressions you can kind of tell baby andy knew it was off but she sets those feelings aside bc she felt angry. it explains how she felt but didnt make her out to be blameless in it. plus i mean. i dont know, the fact that andy was involved in a lot of morally shady stuff for 7000 years is not that wild for me. if you live that long youre just Going to be involved in some shit, and she didnt even have other immortals with her as positive community influences, she literally just did whatever the fuck she wanted for thousands of years
'i was worshipped as a god once' i mean, yeah no shit she wouldve been involved in some seriously fucked up stuff, gods were fucking scary back in the day
tldr it could use some polish but it wasnt that bad
tho everything people said about moose being boring was unfortunately a little true. sorry king i tried to be interested in you
joe and nicky writing verbal fanfiction about nile and moose was iconic. 'you seeing that?' 'i am definitely seeing that'
it was also extremely funny bc that was like 60% of their contribution to the whole comic, besides kidnapping copley. they came, they wrote some fanfic, they left. kings. at least in tog1 they had an excuse to be useless bc they got kidnapped
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joe just found out his old friend who he thought was dead is alive (and also probably wants to murder them) and instead of investigating with andy he stopped to help nile up. champ.
nicky shooting noriko through andy was cool. rip to the concept since it wont happen in tog2
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wanna see mr ejiofor deliver this line
on that note imo copley was. weirdly enough, more interesting in fm than in tog1. to me at least. the fact that andy let him live and he was so haunted by what had happened that he came back and sought them out despite knowing they would likely kill him for it bc he wanted to not only make up for what hed done but also to tell them what theyd done for the world was admittedly more interesting than andy just kind of drafting him to the cause and him going 'okie'
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i like how nicky was drawn in this one. in opening fire he looks like a blob man but in fm he looks more like a very nice grampa with a very good dye job
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'theres no pain like a broken heart' andy 🥺
noriko implying andy's never drowned. .. .idk about that one, she musta drowned sometime
joe and nicky came, they waxed poetic about nile's love life, they waxed poetic about grog, and then they left.
sports bras being a reason humanity is good. i mean..... okay, yeah.
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i mean. wild but you cant exactly tell her shes wrong
i liked how noriko telling andy that their purpose is to make people suffer coincides with joe and nicky finding out that they actually did good all those years
joenicky in opening fire: jail for booker jail for booker for 100 years
joenicky when copley tells them he knows where booker is: WE'LL KILL YOU WHERE IS HE
joenicky when copley comes back: if your vibes come off as even remotely rancid we Will destroy you
joenicky 2 minutes later when copley helped them find booker: he made up some ground :)))) <3 lov you j cops
theyre forgiving af
moose: how old are you?? a hundred??? a thousand???
nile [vine voice]: I M 2 7 ?
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alright andy you got me there
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joe texts like my aunt
i dont know why noriko drowning andy in that car tickled me. Bad And Naughty Andromaches Get Put In The Pear Wiggler To Atone For Their Crimes.
the drowning sequence was cool
copley trying to talk to andy while she was like o_o at him was great
ive hit the picture limit but id seen that panel where nicky goes 'forgive me' as he kills a guy out of context and it was HILARIOUSLY anticlimactic for me to discover that there was literally no context to it. nicky just apologizes to random people he kills. i thought that guy was someone he knew or something. nope its just Some Guy that nicky didnt know from adam
nile's complaint that andy was especially brutal to the guys on the boat... i mean. . , how exactly does one kill a man with an axe and not be brutal about it?
it was funny how noriko kissed andy and the only people who seemed surprised by that were nile and also andy
nicky and joe's complete non-reaction to finding out noriko is alive And Evil Now is endlesly funny. they just left her on that boat and neither cared. i get book and nile not caring but joe and nicky knew her, and they just have 0 input on the subject of what to do with her
pinstripe suit guy!
joe and nicky and booker packing up and leaving with nile
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andy blowing up at nile was A Moment tho
i dont know, i get why people didnt like the ending but its. .. . it makes more sense in the comicverse. bc the squad doesnt really. .. interact outside of jobs? i mean, think of the moon landing story in ttt. that was booker and joe and nicky doing a job and andy only showed up a for a couple minutes after it was done. or the brunch in the first issue of opening fire. the squad arent as tight in the comic, and andy often seems to do her own thing outside of work, so andy saying 'i dont want to do work anymore' and the squad being like 'alright bye then' makes more sense in this universe than the movie one
also i feel like greg was Trying to set up a thing where nile becomes the Leader of The Squad after andy dies but like. its not very well done since. . . i mean, nile hasnt spoken to booker since opening fire, (and she only knew him A Day). and shes known joe and nicky all that time, but there isnt really anything that indicates that they have any relationship at all, much less one that's grown. in all the comicverse the only time nile and nicky speak is in FM, and in that scene nicky tells nile about noriko. nile goes from someone who needs to be set aside to have background knowledge explained to her to being the Leader of the group with nothing in between. it kind of... comes out of nowhere.
on the other hand tho... i felt really bad for andy thru the whole thing. well, i always felt bad for andy, but in this one she seemed so miserable, especially since it really felt like none of the others actually.... cared about her. when noriko came back no one asked andy how she was doing (big question ik, but it wouldve showed they cared at least), nobody ever expressed any concern for her, no one even really seemed to want to be around her. in opening fire everyone was more distant than in the movie of course, but there were little moments where she would joke with joe, or nicky would try and comfort her, or stuff like that, but in FM it really felt like they just didnt really care about her. & in opening fire it felt a lot like andy's relationship with nile breathed some new life into her, but in FM it felt like all they did was argue. i get theyre not *as* close in the comics but it really felt like the only person who cared about andy at all was noriko (which was probably also how andy felt) but it just seemed to come out of nowhere. honestly i was reading and i was honestly agreeing with andy that she might just be better off if she did just die. opening fire, on the other hand, never make me feel that way
tho everyone made it sound like when the squad split up it was one of those cursed 'the found family leaves each other at the end of the journey' tropes. but guys i mean,,, this is the second installment out of three. that isnt the End. theyll come back in the third one and Dramatically Reunite to fight some baddies (probably those 'others' noriko mentioned). im guessing yitzhak fits into that too somehow.
anyways it wasnt That Bad but it made me kind of sad and the only Sweet Found Family vibes in it were when they saved booker. also they shouldve beefed up that nilemoose romance, it underwhelmed me. 6.5/10
i also ABSOLUTELY understand all of greg's comments about how you couldnt make FM directly into a movie, he always said that it had no plot and. i get it now. it really didnt have a plot sdfghjkl
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dodo-begone · 3 years
According to a certain tiktoker who is famous for his animal facts, a male moose can also be up to 10 feet. c!Sam is like 7'4 feet? I think? So imagine just him asking you to lean down for a kiss or something but then he also puts a flower crown on your horns too without you knowing!! Or just hugging him out of nowhere and picking him up bc man's need to sleep and take a break from being the scary Warden. We all know he needs one!!
Ayo that is,,, oh man that is p big. No wonder they’re hunted by Orcas.
Also ooo tall mans. We love a tall man. Tall strong man.
THAT IS SO CUTE MAN- AAAA what if you guys eventually went on a “silly goofy mood” spree and tried out weird different stuff on your horns. Yea a ring of garlic is TOTALLY a good idea…
And carrying Sam to bed??? AW!!! Big strong man being carried by his even bigger boyfriend??? PLEASE!!! I’d imagine Sam would also wanna carry the reader but hello??? King ur crown dropped lemmie pick you UP.
I love this so much yet have so little for it-
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tanoraqui · 4 years
okay I have to do this today because even I wouldn’t do it after the godforsaken finale airs, and it’s basically my specialty and I did spend like an hour thinking about it last night while washing dishes. Definitely partly inspired by @words-writ-in-starlight​‘s insightful post on everything Supernatural did wrong, and apologies in advance to all the characters for dragging them into anything related to Christian mythology:
Wei Wuxian’s parents die in a house fire when he’s 6(? I refuse to look anything up) months old
Jiangs are a hunter family I guess? That whole disaster of a family dynamic, except WWX dips out at some point to be idk an environmental activist bc at the time, that seems like the larger threat to the whole world. “Mom and Dad went on a hunting trip and they haven’t come back”, “bitch” “jerk”, 2 brothers in a beat-up old car, you know the drill
Jins are also an old hunting family, but more Men of Letters energy - they have a fancy bunker and do research and avoid getting their actual hands dirty. Jiang Yanli ducked out of the active hunting life a few years ago to be happily married to her peacock and settled down with a baby and she’s fine. We’re not going to bother Yanli. She’s safe and happy and doesn’t need to involved in any of this
so, WWX is the demon blood child developing exciting new abilities like telekinesis, mind control, exorcising demons by sheer force of will...etc, and Jiang Cheng is the Righteous Man. Lucifer, Michael, etc.
s1-3 probably proceeds more or less as spn canon...which I more or less remember...by the time they find their parents at the end of s1, Jiang Fengmian is...ugh, we probably shouldn’t kill him offscreen, I mean, we should probably meet him before he dies. I guess. Madam Yu lasts longer because I’m way more interested in her. But we do know that both Jiang parents are totally inclined to fling the boys into a metaphorical or literal escape boat and go hold the line for as long as possible, so...that’s spn energy...
Xue Yang is the one who’s like “fuck yeah, demon powers” and opens the gates of Hell, because I want him to have nice* things
*nice for Xue Yang
from characterization rather than memory, I’m 90% sure that Dean tried to hide his crossroads deal from Sam, but Jiang Cheng does it...better. I think it does come out, though. Right before the hellhounds do.
here’s where it starts to go farther off from spn canon. Jiang Cheng crawls his way out of the grave, gets stalked by a menacing presence that explodes windows for an episode, incidentally can’t find WWX...*Lan Wangji voice* “I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition” (a baller line then and a baller line now)...and then the next episode starts with them all awkwardly standing around, and JC is like, “ok well let’s go find my brother then”, and you think there’s going to be an mdzs-riffing JC+LWJ Roadtrip To Find WWX...and they’re immediately attacked by like a dozen demons
in fact, the first time we see WWX in s4 is here, wherein he goes toe to toe with an angel and...holds his own. that’s new and terrifying! also is leading a squad of demons??
because here’s the thing: for the last 3(?) months, there’s been war in hell
because unlike Some People Mooses, upon finding out that his brother’s soul was legally nearly-owned by a crossroads demon, heir-apparent-to-Satan!WWX went, “actually fuck that” and kicked open the door of Hell (metaphorically, not loosing any demons this time) and was like, “who do I have to beat the shit out of to get a specific crossroads contract around here”
this did not work, obv. He didn’t know until it was too late, Lilith had already snapped up the contract, etc. etc.
obviously he also tried to offer himself instead, and got rejected for some reason
Since Jiang Cheng died, however, there’s been a war for control of Hell. Leading one side, Lilith, the Original Babe, who wants to break all 666(?) seals keeping Lucifer bound and in the meantime, break the Righteous Man so Heaven won’t even have Michael’s destined host ready for the Final Battle. Leading the other side, Wei Wuxian, infamous upstart, who wants to rescue the Righteous Man and restore him to life, tear Lilith’s guts out through her nose, and also stop her from doing the Lucifer thing because Wen Qing explained that yes, that’s a Thing, and it’s Bad.
Wen Qing! I’ve decided to combine Bela and Ruby’s roles and let WQ be both the cool badass example of how demon deals can go Bad and the demon deliberately leading our heroes astray for most of s3-4. Wen Qing is a very new demon; she used to be some sort of herbalist/witch but then she sold her soul in a crossroads deal to cure her brother of some lingering illness. 10 years of happiness and then boom, hellhounds. WQ is so obviously competent, though, that they (Lilith, I guess?) immediately offers her a job, with the promise threat that gee, that’s a nice brother you’ve got there, even with his Designated Chronic Health Condition getting all relapse-y. It’d be such a shame if something were to...happen to him...
we find this out at some point in last s3 I guess? some Monster of the Week case involves WN as a witness or something, or possible next victim, and WQ shows up to be A Normal Amount Of Invested In This, while desperately trying to avoid actually interacting with her brother (who thinks she’s dead). YES, the truth comes out; YES there’s a tearful reunion
now in s4, Wen Ning is fine actually, health-wise, bc he maybe made a crossroads deal with Wei Wuxian personally, and Wen Qing may or may not have admitted that she’s supposed to be working for Lilith to get WWX ready to host Lucifer? Or potentially that comes out later, idk. Either way, she’s 100% his top lieutenant in this exciting Hell War they’re waging
[insert whatever the hell (ha) happened plot-wise in s4 of supernatural]
we obviously mix up the relationships, too, bc it’s like, *LWJ internal monologue* I’m too young to remember my brother Lucifer as he was before he Fell, but surely Wei Wuxian is his Heir and Destined Vessel in truth, for he is Charismatic and Charming and Makes Me Feel Things, with his Clearly Feigned Righteous Drive and Compassion for All God’s Creatures and - why does heat keep pooling in the lower abdomen of my vessel when I look at his lips, which I am definitely doing a Normal and Not-Weird Amount - I’m just keeping an eye out for the famed Silver Tongue, and not in any way wondering how it would feel in my own mouth -
it’s actually DEFINITELY plausible for Lucifer to still be released even if our designated Heir Apparent is using his demon powers to his full potential and no one’s lying to each other about their motives. You just need to let Lilith be more scary too, and especially bc by “no one” I mostly mean Wen Qing; the angels are still totally hiding the fact that they, too, want to jumpstart the shit out of this apocalypse.  LWJ decides at the last minute that that’s a bad idea actually, gets himself discorporated to send JC to intercept WWX because he accidentally releases Lucifer, etc. etc. Oh yeah, the boys were def fighting before this, bc JC has actually fairly reasonable concerns about the sort of things WWX is getting up to in his quest to become King of Hell...
...I neither know nor care what happens in s5
it does end with both Lucifer and Michael locked in the cage probably, bc I rather liked that solution. Fuck both of ‘em, basically.
I was toying with the idea that WWX also found Madam Yu in whatever hellish torment she was suffering after making a deal so her idiot son(s) would survive, and she was leading forces for him in the war against Lilith as well. If she came back to life somehow, body and all, it’d probably be compelling if she offered her own body to Michael - bc it’s her lineage! - and we’re all led to believe that she’s, uh, being a bitch and actually wants to risk destroying the world in order to destroy all demons...but then she seizes back control and flings herself/Michael and Lucifer into the Pit, because she’s just That Hardcore?
which means we’d actually have had her around and having characterization for most of s4-5, too, which would be fun
More importantly, it ends with newly crowned King of Hell Wei Wuxian appointing Wen Qing as Queen-Regent and ditching to go on an indefinite honeymoon with his new angel boyfriend (they’re going to fuck for like three weeks straight, then roll up their sleeves and go conquer Heaven in the name of free will), and Jiang Cheng gets to live out his hitherto-unknown-to-himself life’s ambition to be the sugar baby of the Queen of Hell. It’s very Hades/Persephone, except he goes back down to the underworld at least once a month. He gets his own demon squad whom he trains up in all the hunting techniques and it’s gr9. Wen Qing is reforming the crossroads deal process to make it more fair to the humans.
the end
it should go without saying but Jiang Yanli is definitely a recurring character, like, at least once a season there’s a filler episode where they go to Jiang Yanli’s for dinner and have to get along as a family, and also do the much easier job of defeating some sort of terrible demon that gets loose in the bunker and turns the evening into a horror movie. She’s their main research/emotional check-in person, a la Bobby, more often appearing in later seasons when there’s, uhhh, more to emotionally check in about.
Jin Zixuan is actually a perfectly competent hunter; he’s just a priss and we don’t Like him
we like Mianmian, though. Oh, I guess the official Hunter’s Guild or w/e tries to declare WWX a public enemy on account of the whole “King of Hell” thing and she’s like “actually what if you’re morons and assholes?” and joins hte team in s4 or 5? Yeah.
idk how the 3zun disaster happens in this ‘verse but I do encourage it to be happening in slow motion as a recurring subplot for several seasons. NMJ is a hunter, LXC is obv an angel, and JGY is...I wanna say one of the more human monsters, like a vampire? Or, you know, something that could be born from JGS sleeping with someone/something he shouldn’t have
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isoscele · 3 years
Lumberjanes Week Day 4/5 - AU Day & OTP Day
Was a day late and a dollar short with my planned Infinity Train AU, so I decided to make it extra Hes/Diane and give you two for the price of one. I don’t know if they’re actually my Lumberjanes OTP, but goddamn are they the most fun to write. 
The second most infuriating thing about the Evil Forest Car (as Wren had so optimistically dubbed it) was that the door was absolutely impossible to find.
The most infuriating thing, of course, was its goddamn denizen.
She looked so human that, for a moment, Hes had really thought that they were going to get another member of their sad little party. This fantasy had lasted for most of the day, during which time the denizen had hacked away a cluster of branches and led them to a river of clean water with an unerring sense of direction. She had looked more irritated than afraid, and Hes had suddenly found herself dreaming of getting some actual competence into their group.
But then, of course, Hes had to glance at her hand. For two beautiful seconds, she forgot where they were, forgot that a normal hand was a Bad Sign. Diane had long fingers, well-trimmed nails. Her skin looked smooth, but Hes knew that was kind of a weird thing to think about. 
It hit her like a train from the Getting Hit By Trains Car: no number. Not a passenger.
Diane was something else.
For a moment, Hes could only stare, too freaked out to even tell the others. She had no problem with denizens; some were pretty awful, but most that they’d encountered were either pretty neutral or outright benevolent. Barney had even adopted a cat from one of the earlier cars that could do some really weird stuff, but seemingly only when Hes was keeping watch (Hes could now say that she had seen a magical kitten ask who’s going to believe you with just its eyes). 
Denizens were like people. Some of them sucked, some of them were great, but a lot of them were just trying to go about their super-weird days. Still, though, Hes had never seen one look as human as Diane did. That was a terrifying thought, that all their cars could be filled with people who acted like passengers but weren’t. Who had motives that Hes was so far from ever understanding.
So she handled the situation in the most graceful way she could think of, which was to stop short in a pile of rotting leaves and yell “Denizen!”
Diane threw her a look of pure loathing. “Dude.”
“Oh dang, where?” Emily scanned the tree line with interest. “I thought I saw a funky-looking squirrel a moment ago, is that it?”
“Um.” Hes glanced, panicked, at Diane, whose mouth was pressed into a thin line. “Um, it’s gone now.”
“I hope it’s another moose,” Mackenzie said reverently.
“If we meet another talking moose, you are not allowed to talk to it,” Wren shot back. “Jeremy would have helped us if you’d just shut up.”
Mackenzie was unapologetic. “He was wrong about hockey teams.”
“--that’s it, I’m going squirrel hunting. Wren, you wanna come squirrel hunting with me?”
“No squirrel hunting,” Hes said, because there was really no world where that didn’t end in fire and tears. “I guess if it . . . wants us to know, it’ll show itself.” She pointedly wasn’t looking at Diane, which wasn’t helped by the fact that Diane was staring at her.
Hes clenched her right hand behind her back. She knew she was making a bad call, and she didn’t need some stupid mathematician train god to tell her so.
Shockingly, they didn’t find the door. Hes, Diane, and Emily were supposed to take watch that night, but Emily went up the nearest tree about six seconds in, so then it was just Hes and Diane and the terrible inscrutable look on Diane’s face.
They were getting nowhere. They were totally lost, and Diane was probably evil and they were all going to die in what was easily the lamest car so far, and it was going to be all Hes’ fault.
“Stop looking at me like that,” she mumbled.
“What is up with you?” Diane said. “Do you hate denizens or not?”
“I don’t hate denizens,” Hes said. “I just think it’s weird that you’re pretending to be something you’re not.”
“I’m not pretending! You’re pretending, keeping your hands shoved in your sweatshirt all the time like you don’t want us to see that you’re, like, quantifiably messed up even though all of you are. And I never said I was a passenger, you just assumed.”
“Yeah, okay,” Hes said. Diane was deflecting. Hes wasn’t hiding anything, her hands just got cold a lot. “But you were acting like--like you want to get out. Like us.”
“Uh, newsflash, I do want to get out.” Diane said. “This car straight-up sucks. But I don’t need your help to do it, by the way, ‘cause I bailed on my original car ages ago. I’m helping you. Out of the goodness of my heart.”
Hes stared at the ground. She hated the cars that looked like places that could really exist. She wanted to go back to the Cotton Candy Car, or the Literally Just a Huge Washing Machine Car, or any of the six Star Trek cars (excluding The Animated Series, because that one was just. So weird). Here, though, it kind of looked like she could pick a direction to walk in and find a ranger station and a place to buy Cool Ranch Doritos and her mom, who was probably really worried about her. 
She didn’t know why she couldn’t just wake up the others and tell them that Diane was a denizen. They deserved to know. They probably wouldn’t be huge jerks about it like Hes had been. Maybe it wouldn’t even change anything.
“What car are you from, originally?” Hes said, instead of doing that.
“Why? Trying to take me back?” Diane said, with a snideness that probably hid some real anxiety.
“No! I just--I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about how a denizen like, knows where they are. Or what to do.”
“We know a lot more than you think,” Diane said,  which had the dual effect of being genuinely chilling and making Hes feel a little guilty. Then, for whatever reason, Diane softened. “I’m from the Greek Mythology car. I don’t know if you’ve been through it.”
Hes hadn’t, but her capacity for surprise was basically nonexistent at this point. “Sounds kinda nice.”
“Gets old.” Diane picked an acorn from the ground and started throwing it in the air and catching it. Hes tracked its motion with her eyes. “Anywhere would. The only way to do it is the way you guys do. Always moving around.”
Hes curled into the tree. She thought about the constant low-grade snarl of hunger, how much her feet hurt from weeks of walking. How even the fun cars were a little scary, in their own ways. “That gets old, too.”
“Then I guess we’re at an impasse, huh.” Diane flashed her a rare smile. “Only thing you can do is get your number down and get out.”
Hes started. She’d sort of guessed some of that, but confirmation from a denizen was something else. “We can leave? Like, leave-leave?”
“Think so. Not like anyone tells us anything.” Diane was quiet for a long moment--maybe thinking about how leaving was a passenger’s privilege. For her sake, Hes hoped they ran across some really amazing car soon, someplace Diane would be happy. Sarcasm Car. Puppy Car. I-Can’t-Believe-It’s-Not-Earth! Car. 
“Well, okay.” Hes watched the acorn, going up and down with a kind of lovely carelessness. “Thanks for helping us, I guess. Sorry for, um. All this.”
“No worries.” Diane turned to face Hes all the way. She had startling eyes. They were altogether probably the most human thing about her, and the rest of her was very human. “Can I tell you something? I think the door is behind the waterfall.”
Hes squeezed her eyes shut. She knew.
Everywhere they went, there was always some catch. Some waterfall, infested with something darker and bigger and more watchful than Hes had the words to describe. The thing about the insane creativity of all these cars was that the horrors were always inarticulable. Bad in ways you had never known anything could be bad.
The waterfall had one slick hand around Hes’ thoughts. It made quiet sounds when none of them were talking, like a low laugh or else a funeral bell. The water seemed very swift and very cold, and behind it there might be a door or there might be something that they would never recover from.
“Maybe you’ll all get out before we have to check,” Diane said, but she didn’t sound hopeful. “What’s your number?”
Hes removed her hand from her sweatshirt pocket and gave it to Diane. Diane turned it over and over, staring at the number as if it had some hidden depth. Hes normally didn’t like people looking at it for too long, like they were just trying to peer through to see what was wrong with her, but she didn’t mind when Diane did it. 
And then they were just holding hands, and Hes had to admit that that was pretty nice, too. 
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The Enchanting and Beautiful Temptress 2/ 3
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Summary: Azuma runs into an old acquaintance and Mankai is invited to dress up as Chinese spirits at a ryokan.
This story references some Chinese mythology and you can read more about them here!
牛頭: Niutou
辟邪: Bixie​​
狐仙: Huxian
Thank you so much to Drop for requesting and sharing this story with me! I hope you like it!
And that’s all the details, what do you guys say?
That sounds so freaking cool!
A ryokan with a spirit concept sounds based as hell! I’m hyped!
Yes, it does tickle my interest. The only thing left is to decide who will play the spirits.
Mr. Yamamoto said he wanted to have three in total. They are called Bixie, Huxian, and Niutou.
Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice! I don’t get it at all!
Dude, what the hell!? How did this turn into some crazy rhyming game?
So here are some more details about the Chinese spirit theme. First, about Bixie. She is a female Pixiu, “a creature that wards off evil.” Usually depicted with a pair of deer antlers. They say that Bixie helps out those suffering from bad feng shui.
Next is Huxian. Huxian is a fox spirit who has spent many years training in the mountains alone, and it is described as sexy and alluring in appearance. 
And at last, Niutou. Its name is made from the Chinese characters for “ox” and “head.” Just as you would expect, it is a spirit with the head of an ox. Niutou is responsible for collecting the souls of those approaching death so that they can be judged in front of the courts of hell. Sinners are punished, the righteous are rewarded.
Okay, after hearing the descriptions, Bixie sounds the most like Azuma, yeah? 
I was thinking the same!
Yes, he fits the role like a silk glove!
Since Mr. Yamamoto is Azuma’s acquaintance, it only makes sense that he would participate in the event.
Well, since it seems like everyone agrees, I will take the role of Bixie.
That only leaves Huxian and Niutou.
And you mentioned Mr. Yamamoto also wanted a skilled cook, yes? I think Omi would be good for that part.
If Omi is going to help out, I think he would fit as Niutou.
Isn’t that too obvious? Maybe he wants to play a role he’s never done before. It’d be pretty refreshing to see him branch out.
Alright, then what do you think about him as Huxian?
Why don’t we ask the man himself? What would you like to do, Omi?
Haha, I don’t have any objections. Creating a menu for the ryokan does sound pretty interesting though. 
So next we have Niutou.
How about I take that part? 
When I heard about this whole Chinese spirits project, I thought it’d be a great chance to study and expand my horizons. I wanna give it a shot.
Let me think... Since you can’t be out in public, I think we’ll need to confirm the details of your involvement with Mr. Yamamoto.
I could talk to him about it personally.
Yes, please do.
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…I knew this was going to be themed after Chinese spirits, but I didn’t expect the atmosphere to be so beautiful.
Yeah, it’s even better seeing it in person.
I feel like this place would be scary if you were here alone at night.
Haha, I’m flattered. I wanted to make it truly immersive.
You two look quite handsome in your costumes. They really suit you.
Yeah, you too.
 You guys fit in perfectly!
Fufu, thank you.
Alright then, let’s get started right away. I’ll direct you to your posts.
Yukishiro, you’ll lead guests around the ryokan. Fushimi, you’ll be helping out in the kitchen and bringing food to guests.
And for Tenma, who can’t be seen in public, I think you would do a great job with yumomi.
You’ll be in a position where you won’t have to interact with guests too often, plus it’ll be hard to tell who you are in your Niutou costume.
Oh, and when in costume, I think it would be best to change your language a little to make it seem truly immersive.
That would be a nice touch, don’t you think?
I’ll leave it to you how you want to portray your characters.
Change our language…
I gotta think about this one.
I look forward to seeing how you guys act out your roles.
Ahh, I guess I’m just tagging along? Is it really okay for me just to stay around the ryokan during all of this?
And here I was thinking you guys invited me to help…
Fufu, it’s fine. You already work so hard, I think it would be best if you just had a rest and enjoyed your stay.
I was speaking with one of the waiters earlier. They said that the open air baths have great views. If you get a chance, I think you should really go check them out.
You know it wouldn’t hurt to take a day off once in a while.
Thank you. Well, I guess I should take your suggestions and destress while I’m here.
We’ll see you later.
Good luck, everyone!
To be continued... Read part 3 here!
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hime-memes · 3 years
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This long list of starters comes from the youtube content creator: Daz Games ! In particular, the video: ‘ Daz Watches Strangest Animations ‘ ! ( If you choose to watch the video trigger warnings for spiders, disturbing imagery, violence, loud noises, nudity and a weird birthing scene. ) 
Trigger Warnings: Spider Mention, Religion Mention, Violence, Death & Swearing.
As always: feel free to change anything within these starters that you see fit to make it work for your muse & the receiver’s muse !
( Some sentences have been modified for length, understanding, or to give fuller context. )
“ Is that a spider on my curtain ? YEP YEP YEP ! :( “ “ Fuck ! I’m not playing ! If you saw ... if you saw --- hold on ! “  “ What if it moves ? Or runs ? and then I lose it ? “  “ Oh god, it’s ugly ... an ugly ass spider. “  “ Wait a second --- * throws Captain America’s shield across the room * Did I hit the spider ? “ “ It didn’t even move ?! “   “ Ahhh ! Fuck, fuck, fuck ! DIE ! “  “ He’s dead and he smells great. “  “ Animation --- weird shit. “  “ When both are combined, you get something that’s either scary or fantastic. “  “ They have some weird animations on here I’m not sure we’re ready for. “  “ New house, same bullshit. “  “ Oh god ... OH WHAT ?! “  “ 12 seconds in and already I wanna run. “  “ He stabbed him in the toe ... and soup came out ? “  “ I think Gordon Ramsey would have something to say about that. “  “ What in the shit is that ?! “  “ What’s that in the corner there ?! What’s that ?! ”  “ I have too many questions. “ “ HE’S STABBING A LITTLE MAN ! OH GOD ! “  “ I hate that at parties when they do that shit. I don’t like it. “ “ I’ve never let anyone do it - if they go wrong ? You lose a finger ! “  “ It’s not worth it - is it ? “  “ Come up with another party trick ! “  “ I felt the need to check my stomach. “  “ I don’t know what to say about that. “ “ I’m never eating soup again, that’s for sure ! “ “ Why is this both disturbing and aesthetically pleasing ? “  “ Is he wearing crocs ?! “ “ The little devil man is wearing crocs ! “  “ It’s a little plant ... that’s not normal, is it ? “  “ SIDE RANT ! “  “ I wanna talk about how a Q-tio in the ear is probably one of the best feelings in the world, it is better than sex, better than chocolate, dare I say it: might be better than drinking tea. “  “ ... Okay, he just ate it. “ “ Alright, I didn’t see that bit coming. “  “ ____________ ? Did we want to sleep tonight ? “  “ We didn’t ? Okay, just checking. “  “ Figure out that ending and you can have my ______________. “ “ I can’t apply logic to it ! “  “ I’m trying to see the hidden meaning behind it and I can’t. “  “ I’m sorry ! That’s funny ! “  “ It’s like if Tim Burton directed Teletubbies ! “  “ Oh, wait and that’s the earth ? Well, there you have it flat earthers - you weren’t even close were you ? We’re balanced on top of a mutated teletubbie’s head. “  “ Oh shit, he’s coming over. “  “ OH ?! WHAT THE SHIT ?! “  “ ... it’s adorable ... uh, what are they pumping into it ? “  “ Wherever that was going, I didn’t expect it to go there ! “ “ Me. Literally, me. I”m not even joking. “  “ So ... that’s how earth was created ? I knew the Bible was a bit off ... but, I didn’t know it was that off ! “ “ Who makes these ? I wonder if there’s some sort of meaning behind it ? “   “ Okay, moose --- there was a moose. “  “ There was a Taco Bell ? “ “ That was the best brand deal I’ve ever seen. EVER. “  “ WOT THE SHIT ? Is that a baby ?! OH JESUS ! “  “ Sully from Monster’s Inc. is delivering it ! “  “ Kill ‘em both now ! Burn ‘em  ! ” “ Oh for fuck’s sake. “  “ It goes from scary-weird to hilarious in 2 seconds. “  “ If a bitch did that in class, just turned her head all the way round - I’d spray her with holy water and jump out the window. “  “ Well, that’s the most accurate description of how I want to spend my old age. It’s that right there. “  “ Future wife, if you’re watching this: that is us. “  “ Don’t go back in the Vagooter ! “  “ NO ! DON’T ! “  “ Oh god, that makes me feel some sort of way. “  “ I’m done. I can’t. It’s too early for this shit. “ 
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
This Ohio discourse has got me dying to create discourse about every other state now hehe so I officially present:
Hawk’s review of 36/50 US states!
In alphabetical order because that fuckin song “50 nifty United States” has been stuck in my head since fourth grade.
Arizona: Phoenix is hot. Can’t believe y’all choose to live in a place that gets haboobs. Saw Sen. John McCain in the airport. I feel that sums up the state well. 4/10
California: as a resident of the state of Oregon, I’m legally required to say fuck California😌 unless anyone else talking shit about Cali and then we got your back😤 SoCal vs San Fran vs Northern Cal are totally different worlds though. 7/10
Colorado: damn idk how y’all breathe there, them air is thin. But really pretty out there! 7/10
Connecticut: oh my god fuck New Haven. And Stamford, and Hartford, and— Yknow what? Let’s just toss the whole state into the Sound. For real, traffic is the WORST here and I’m so sorry that y’all gotta live like that. 3/10
Delaware: I cannot believe this is considered a state. There’s no difference between Delaware and Maryland/Pennsylvania. 1/10 should not be a state
Florida: “the only hills in Florida are the highway ramps and the Matterhorn!” —the shuttle driver at Disney World. He was right. Shit is flat as fuck here. And hot. And humid. The Gulf Coast is nice? But tbh it’s just all very touristy which is kind of a bummer. 5/10
Georgia: ...I can’t with the humidity or thinly veiled racism. But y’all got nice peaches! Also Black Panther filmed there so thank you for blessing us with that. 6/10 for fruits
Hawaii: okay pineapple farms are cool. Tbh I just feel really bad for how much mainlander/tourist bs all the islanders put up with. Ik price of living is v high and keeps going up. That said I did love Hawaii... although I was stung by a jellyfish. Hate those little bastards. 8/10 for wonderful people and nature
Idaho: as an Oregonian I’m required to also say fuck Idaho 😝 you da hoes. Okay for real tho southern Idaho has become v white white and kinda scary tbh. The northern part of the state is pretty chill tho. Also Oreida kettle chips are partly made in Idaho so I gotta give you half credit for that. 4/10
Illinois: at least you’re not Indiana. 4/10.
Indiana: I never want to step foot in Gary, Indiana again in my life. (Passed a Mack truck hauling a race car to Indy 500 though so that was cool.) 2/10
Iowa: I almost moved here. I’m so glad I didn’t. Why are the Quad Cities actually a group of five towns? I hate that. Also the roads were all cement, felt like driving on a sidewalk. Was also interesting because the second we got out of the city proper, it was just... corn fields everywhere. 2/10 y’all raising children of the corn.
Kentucky: I really don’t have anything to say about Kentucky. I thought the trees were pretty? 5/10 yeah idk
Maine: my relative has totaled two cars by hitting moose in Maine. Maine scares me. Or rather, the moose do. Also the lobster roll hype is real. And the coast truly is beautiful. 8/10 but an extra point for the moose bc I hate that relative so 9/10
Maryland: oh god Baltimore. Also I’m blaming you for the DC traffic because it’s on the land you gifted them. 3/10
Massachusetts: Patriots fans are the worst NFL fans (the racism is real, especially after fans burned the jerseys of Black players who knelt for the anthem). Liking Dunkin’ Donuts is not a personality trait. The North End in Boston is truly the best place to get pizza in the entire country. Western Mass is not the same state. And the Cape Cod bridges give me nightmares. 5/10 but cause I had to pay taxes two years and it really is Taxachusetts, knocking it down to 4/10
Michigan: it’s a lot bigger than I initially thought. 5/10
Minnesota: it’s Canada but in the US. Pretty driving through the southern part. Cops suck tho. 5/10
Montana: okay Montana is downright gorgeous. (Except Billings. Sorry, Billings.) I must include a photo. I wanna get a cabin here and just exist. 8/10
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New Hampshire: can’t decide if it hates Massachusetts or wants to be Massachusetts. All it knows is that it’s better than Vermont. Which... y’know, valid. (If you wanna see NH culture watch North Woods Law tbh). 4/10
New Jersey: why are there so many goddamn highways in this state? Also there are more places to weekend trip than the Shore or the Poconos. Although you do have people pump gas for you just like Oregon, so... that’s valid. Things my friends have added: Newark airport is cursed (valid), the jughandles are nightmares (true), pork roll/Taylor Ham is good and so are bagels and New Jersey pizza (allergic so idk), and everyone is split on whether the shore is actually decent or not 😂 I give it a 3.5/10 out of spite
New York: NYC is fun, Upstate is MASSIVE but really beautiful. Long Island is... yeah I don’t have anything nice to say about Long Island. 8/10 For NYC, 6/10 for Upstate, -2/10 for Long Island, gives us an average of 6/10
North Carolina: very good peaches. Isn’t South Carolina. Keep it up👍🏽 6/10
Ohio: I already told y’all how I feel about this flat ass boring state. I feel no need to slander it any more lmao. 3/10
Oregon: she flies with her own wings, mi amor🥰 to list all the reasons I like Oregon (and the issues too bc it ain’t perfect), I would need a whole other post. I’ll just leave you with this picture I took of Mt. Hood, the queen of our Cascades. 11/10
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Pennsylvania: so apparently PN is three states hiding in a trench coat like NY. There’s upstate, philly and Pittsburg. Personally I think they’re just trying too hard and wanna get the same recognition as NY. Meh. 5/10
Rhode Island: THIS FUCKIN SHAM OF A STATE Just merge it with Connecticut and be done with it!! It’s tiny. Providence sucks. There’s nothing unique about this state that you can’t find in Southern Mass (except MA has cheaper taxes so y’all come to work and shop in MA anyways smh). Also the fingers are really annoying to drive down to get to some beach areas haha. 2/10 you’re barely better than Delaware.
South Carolina: my Black father was invited to a party celebrating General Robert E Lee’s birthday. So... 0/10
South Dakota: very gorgeous, didn’t realize the Missouri River went this far west, but VERY LARGE. I mean it looks big on a map but then you get there and... yeah. No speed limit on highways is a great time though. And the Badlands have mountain goats! 6/10 bc while pretty, living there seems really hard. (Picture is me in the Badlands).
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Texas: gave us Juneteenth and Beyoncé and JJ Watts. Thank you Texas. But is very big, got independence from Mexico to keep slavery (yikes), is like 97% private land (yikes) and is like the second or third largest state. Very big. That said, everyone I’ve ever met from Texas is lovely. 6/10.
Utah: Other than Idaho, this is the whitest state I’ve been to. Or it feels that way. Like a, the people crossed to the other side of the street and held their bags because I’m brown, state. And I don’t ski so I can’t even say that’s a good thing (I fell off the ski lift the one time I went, long story). Yeah 0/10.
Vermont: wants to be New Hampshire or Canada and can’t decide which. So it’s just kinda there. Pretty hills though. 3/10
Virginia: let’s be real we all forget that Virginia exists west of Richmond. Nova is a beauracratic and traffic nightmare and half our neighbors had to pass security clearance checks. Hampton Roads and beach area is a tourist and mosquito nightmare. But there were dolphins and I made snowmen on the beach. Good times. 6.7/10
Washington: again, legally required as an Oregon resident to say fuck Washington because it’s all your fault we now are getting a toll on the I-5 border. But you’re better than California. And the Sound is really cool for fishing, love Wicked Tuna. And the fish market. Best salmon I’ve had. Eastern Washington... y’all got Spokane but the rest is kinda sparse. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 8/10
Wisconsin: cheese is actually good. Again, pretty state, much larger than I initially thought. 7/10
Wyoming: this was the ONLY STATE I lost cell service in when diriving cross country. Kinda surprised it wasn’t Montana, but no, it was Wyoming. Views are gorgeous though so I was distracted either way. 4/10
Thank you for joining me on this cross-country edition of Tea Time with Hawk. Please respond with any reactions, corrections, addendums about any and all of the states mentioned. And thank you for taking part in this wholesome Clone Wars fandom discourse with me 🥰💕
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mnikhowozu · 2 years
Ví! I’m watching a livestream of white-tailed deer and they’re just eating and walking around AND THEY ARE SO CUTE I WANNA SQUIIIIIIIISH🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I checked the location and it’s Brownville, Maine, and it made me think of you and then I remembered that post you made this morning about your nose hairs and I hope you’re keeping safe and warm in this weather!❤️ It’s very cold here too; there was so much snow and frost this morning that getting to work was difficult. I also wanted to say that you’re one of my favourite people and seeing you around is such a joy, always. Much love to you!❤️
Oh no, please drive/walk safely!! We're super used to cold and ice here, I'm very adept at moving around through the snow/ice, but it definitely is a pain. Also worth noting that kitty litter is good in a pinch for ice melt/traction so you don't slip and fall!
But for the deer--That's so cool! We have a lot of them here, even on the local college campus it's not too uncommon to see deer wandering about in parking lots, between buildings, etc. I used to live in the town that the college is in, and once even saw a moose mama and her babies cross through my back yard! It was beautiful, and a little scary--Moose can be pretty aggressive.
Much love to you, too! I love these little asks I get from you, it's like really getting a letter from a friend 🥰🥰
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