#Money invocation
justsimplash · 7 months
gunna be selling them genius invocation TCG cards
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priestessoffurina · 1 year
It’s so funny seeing people getting sucked in by the card game in a gacha
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fatehbaz · 9 months
This April [2021], the Iowa Department of Corrections issued a ban on charities, family members, and other outside parties donating books to prisoners. Under the state’s new guidelines, incarcerated people can get books only from a handful of “approved vendors.” Used books are prohibited altogether [...].
In 2018, the Michigan prison system introduced an almost identical set of rules, and Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington have all made attempts to block book donations, which were only rolled back after public outcry. Across the United States, the agencies responsible for mass imprisonment are trying to severely limit incarcerated people’s access to the written word [...].
The official narrative is that donated books could contain “contraband [...]" -- the language used in Michigan [...]. This is a flimsy justification that begins to fall apart under even the lightest scrutiny. [...] [Contraband] [...] [is] not originating from nonprofit groups like the Appalachian Prison Book Project or Philadelphia’s Books Through Bars. [....] The old cartoon scenario of a hollow book with a saw or a gun inside just isn’t realistic, and its invocation is a sign that something else is going on.
That “something else,” predictably enough, is profit. With free books banned, prisoners are forced to rely on the small list of “approved vendors” chosen for them by the prison administration. These retailers directly benefit when states introduce restrictions. In Iowa, the approved sources include [B&N] and [B-a-M], some of America’s largest retail chains -- and, notably, ones which charge the full MSRP value for each book, quickly draining prisoners’ accounts. An incarcerated person with, say, $20 to spend can now only get one book, as opposed to three or four used ones; in states where prisoners make as little as 25 cents an hour for their labor, many can’t afford even that.
With e-books, the situation is even worse, as companies like [GTL] supply supposedly “free” tablets which actually charge their users by the minute to read.
Even public-domain classics, available on Project Gutenberg, are only available at a price under these systems -- and prisons, in turn, receive a 5% commission on every charge. All of this amounts to rampant price-gouging and profiteering on an industrial scale.
The rise of these private vendors has also been mirrored by the systematic dismantling of the prison library system. In the last ten years, budgets for literacy and educational resources have seen dramatic cuts, reducing funding to almost nothing [...]. In Illinois, for instance, the Department of Corrections spent just $276 on books across the entire state in 2017, down from an already meager $605 the previous year. (This means, incidentally, that each of the state’s roughly 39,000 prisoners was allotted seven-tenths of a cent.)
Oklahoma, meanwhile, has no dedicated budget for books at all, requiring prison librarians to purchase them out-of-pocket. [...]
These practices become all the more abhorrent when you consider the impact books can have behind bars. By now, the social science on their benefits is well-established [...]. [O]ther inmates have reported that reading meant “the difference between just giving up mentally and emotionally and making it through another day, week, or year,” countering the dehumanizing effects of their imprisonment. A book can offer a brief, irreplaceable moment of calm in hellish circumstances. [...]
[There is] a shameful pattern in American society, where many people simply don’t think about the incarcerated on a day-to-day basis, let alone sympathize with their worsening conditions. [...] One of the most common arguments for the American carceral system, and its continued existence, is that of rehabilitation. According to its defenders, a prison is not simply a place of suffering, where unwanted populations are sent to disappear. Nor is it a callous money-making machine, intended to squeeze free labor from them in a regime of functional slavery. Instead, prison rehabilitates -- so the story goes. [...] In these terms, the basic legitimacy of mass imprisonment, and its allegedly positive social role, is taken for granted. [...] But the practice of book banning exposes the lie. Not only do American prisons have little interest in education, healing, and growth, but they will actively prevent them the moment there is a dollar to be made or an ounce of power to be secured.
Text by: Alex Skopic. "The American Prison System's War on Reading". Protean (Protean magazine online). 29 November 2021. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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shu-glue · 11 months
alhaitham x gn!reader
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wherein Alhaitham, despite being deeply and irrevocably in love with you, thinks it's rather immature to be picking fights with a child whose age hasn't even reached double digits yet. until he meets said child himself. notes: gn!reader, written in lowercase, reader is implied to be the traveler but can be read otherwise, alhaitham is whipped for reader, reader hates timmie so if you adore the kid i'm very sorry, two curse words (reader says ass and alhaitham mentally says little shit)
alhaitham loves you a lot. he really does. he rarely ever says the three magic words, and for the most part, it's fine on your end because he expresses his deep affection for you through his actions.
sometimes, he'll say 'i love you' through quiet but powerful hugs after he comes home from a long, grueling day in the Akademiya. other times, he'll whisper 'i love you' as he hands you a small trinket or even a book you've mentioned in passing, one he bought just earlier when he saw said item in a stall while on an assignment. he'll call you 'beloved' through massaging your shoulders after training, and he'll tell you how much he adores you through the many times you spent basking in each other's presence in comfortable silence.
he'll walk with you to the ends of the Teyvat if it means staying by your side, however…
"love," alhaitham shakes his head, "you're a… fully grown adult. the one you want to 'crush under the heavy hand that is loss', is a child. my love, a child."
now, alhaitham is no stranger to the game that is TCG, Genius Invocation, the Card Game. the only times he, kaveh, tighnari, and cyno will meet up are when they're all free, fancying a drink, and cyno wants to try out another new card he has recently obtained.
in all honesty, your partner couldn't for the life of him understand the hype about this card game. he was by no means an amateur - he has won enough games to be considered an official TCG player, despite only borrowing decks from kaveh, and he is the only one able to actually last more than 5 rounds against cyno in a single session at lambad's.
he knows how to play, he just does not see the need to play so obsessively, nor blow off money for special cards he'll only use in a few given instances of his life (if he even utters this line of thought out loud around cyno, he'll have a spear stuck on his back for the rest of the day).
however, you - his lover, his partner, the only person reserved for the ring in his pocket - love TCG, and as the loving boyfriend he is, he tries to keep his opinion of the game to himself; he'd rather have a giant spear in his back than see you sad and pouting as you shuffle through your beloved deck of cards. he should know, he's made the mistake once and it took him a couple of padisarah pudding servings to cheer you up.
alhaitham loves you, and if you like this card game, he will certainly make sure you're happy every duel or match you do. he just can't wrap his head around why you're setting off to the bridge that leads to the entrance of mondstadt city, deadset on making a something years old child cry from defeat.
"alhaitham, baby, you don't understand," you argued, "that child is my mortal enemy, my lifetime arch-nemesis, and a pain in my ass."
"yes, darling, but consider: you have many more potential TCG friends who would make better rivals than some random kid." alhaitham rubs his forehead, completely exasperated if it weren't for the adorable way you're marching ahead in front of him like a goofy soldier going into war.
you only spin around just at the mouth of the bridge, your hands on your hips as you stare up at alhaitham with a pout on your face and a raised eyebrow. "you think i'm being irrational, aren't you?"
alhaitham raises an eyebrow back as he continues walking. "not necessarily, my love, however - "
there's something about being hit in the face with multiple fluttering wings and feathers unexpectedly, that can render even the most stoic of men like alhaitham utterly lost and speechless. is it the pure shock? the pain of not really fluffy appendages hitting their face? well, it's when the haze of birds - pigeons? - finally clear, alhaitham is greeted by the displeased and outright sour expression of the one he can only assume to be timmie, your 'sworn enemy'.
"what are you doing?!" said boy screeched. "you scared my pigeons away!"
alhaitham could only blink owlishly at the dirty blond haired boy, looking around to see a bunch of pigeons flying away, leaving a trail of feathers in their wake. granted, despite all the horror stories you told him about timmie, alhaitham's rational enough to be patient with timmie.
"i'm sorry, but I don't think I have control over that, kid." alhaitham tilts his head down to look at timmie. "if you feed your pigeons in the middle of the road, especially a bridge with exactly two exit and entry points, your pigeons will surely—"
"no, my mama always said that if you're a person with a pure heart, the animals won't be afraid of you." timmie turned his nose up and stuck his tongue out at alhaitham. "that's why my pigeons like me, and not you, you meanie!"
alhaitham had to reel himself back to take in the ridiculous logic, the gears in his head turning to come up with an explanation. "no," he shakes his head as if it's hurting, "birds and all animals for that matter don't know the concept of morality, thus they have no sense of right and wrong as humans do. the only reason the pigeons run away from others and stay with you is because you're feeding them, creating a dependent relationshi—"
"blah blah, why should i listen to an old man with graying hair?"
said (old) man with gray(ing) hair visibly reels back, flabbergasted. he's not so much offended as he is shocked at timmie's attitude. he wanted to say 'no, he's not old', 'his gray hair is a natural phenomenon because of genetics', and, 'listen here you little shit'.
"see?" you commented from the sideline, arms crossed. "devilspawn."
"ARGH!" timmie shouts, pointing an accusing finger at you. "you again?! stop scaring my pigeons away!"
"i keep telling you, there's nothing i can do about that!" you shout back, bickering with the small child as if you were about to lunge at him.
alhaitham looks back and forth between the two of you, mentally wondering if he was dating and courting someone of the immature type (doesn't mind it solely, because it's you). when he moves to calm you down so the both of you can finally head into mondstadt city to look for marjorie, timmie says:
"maybe my pigeons don't like you because you look like an ugly cow!"
oh boy. no good. no, no good, alhaitham won't tolerate that.
alhaitham loves you a lot. he really does. he rarely ever says the three magic words, and for the most part, it's fine on your end because he expresses his deep affection for you through his actions.
and if it means making a little boy cry at a simple card game to protect your dignity, then so be it.
"beloved. if you would so kindly let me borrow your cards."
this is just a silly drabble i thought of a lot of days ago and no, it's not proofread AHAHA. i have been so inactive lately and i apologize for that, school has been hectic and i was busy with college applications to boot. but now, i'm about to graduate so i should have some free time before i finally taste the college life ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ if y'all saw this post but with no tags you did not
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villadiodatis · 8 months
Fantasy High Junior Year: level 10
As psyched as I am for the jokes and character moments we'll get with FHJY, I am a mechanics nerd at heart, so! Here is a preview of what awaits the Bad Kids when they hit Level 10. This assumes no one multiclasses into a new class.
Adaine's level up is relatively simple: as a level 10 Divination wizard, she gets an ability called The Third Eye. Once per long rest, she can use her action to gain darkvision (not useful, since she already has it as an elf), see into the Ethereal Plane, read any language, or see invisible creatures/objects within 10 feet. This lasts until she is incapacitated or takes a short/long rest.
She will also learn an additional cantrip and get another 5th level spell slot, and she can add two new wizard spells of level 1-5 to her spellbook.
Fabian could hit level 7 in fighter or level 4 in bard. At level 7, Battlemaster Fighters get an additional maneuver and superiority die, plus a feature called Know Your Enemy, which allows him to determine if other creatures he interacts with outside of combat are his equal, superior, or inferior in terms of ability scores, AC, level, and HP.
If he takes another level in bard (remember, he dances now!), he'll get a new cantrip, another 2nd-level spell slot, a new 1st or 2nd level spell, and an ability score improvement or feat. There are a million directions he could go with an ASI or feat, so I won't speculate here.
Fig will be either level 9 in bard or level 2 in warlock. As a 9th-level bard, she gets an additional 4th level spell slot, her Song of Rest goes from a d6 to a d8, and the big one: she gets a 5th-level spell slot. There are a few options here, but some that I think Emily could be absolutely devastating with are Dominate Person, Geas, Mislead, Scrying, Seeming, or one that I've seen make a lot of trouble in other actual plays, Modify Memory.
If she takes another level in warlock, she gets an additional warlock (1st-level) spell slot, another 1st-level warlock spell, and two Eldritch Invocations. There are also some that would be incredible for Fig--some that do things like strengthen her Eldritch Blast, but particularly Mask of Many Faces, which lets her cast Disguise Self without using a spell slot, or Misty Visions, which lets her cast Silent Image without using a spell slot. Fig may be getting more comfortable being herself, but she's still gonna find a way to cause trouble.
Gorgug could hit level 9 in barbarian or level 2 in artificer. If he goes with barbarian, he gains Brutal Critical, which means he gets to roll an extra damage die (d12 with his Heavy Metal Axe) whenever he scores a critical hit. Additionally, his Rage Damage bonus increases to +3.
If he goes with artificer, things get more complicated, and very fun. Level 2 artificers get Infuse Item--basically, he can create magic items. He'll be able to pick 4 infusions off of the table, and can have 2 infused items at a time. Some options that catch my eye: Enhanced Arcane Focus, Enhanced Defense or Weapon, Homunculus Servant, or Replicate Magic Item, which would let him make items like a bag of holding or rope of climbing.
In addition to a second 5th level spell slot and a new cantrip, Kristen Applebees will get access to an incredibly exciting feature that I would bet money on Ally using in an insane, perfect story moment: Divine Intervention. By rolling a d100 and getting your cleric level or lower (so 1-10 for Kristen, a 10% chance) (D20 has done this as hitting a 19 or 20 on a d20), Kristen can ask Cassandra to intervene on her behalf in a way that Brennan decides. If you've seen The Seven, you may remember Ostentatia's successful Divine Intervention, when Logren shattered the aspect of fire, put a vein of mithral under Elmville, and ended Charity Blythe's Greater Invisibility. I am very eager to see what happens with it.
Riz's next level is very simple, but brings a lot of options. At level 10, rogues get an ability score improvement or feat. There are a lot of useful feats for rogues, and ASIs are always helpful, so frankly I won't even begin to speculate.
And of course, they may go in an entirely new direction, whether with homebrew, multiclass, or something I haven't thought of! I'm so excited to see where this goes, and I can't wait to see where the players bring these characters.
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metamatar · 8 months
im asking this out of pure ignorance but I've always wondered how does hinduism handle people who are not hindu? i know Christianity is essentially 'be the right kind of christian or go to hell' (so much as to beleive that Jewish people are literally devils, for example) but i was wondering how hinduism deals w people who are in proximity but not of the same religion. also if a dalit or lower caste person converts from hinduism to another religion, how does that affect thier life and how they're treated? appreciate your answer if u feel like explaining ^__^
it depends, in some parts of the country the non hindu has the same status as the lower caste dalit by default – so exclusion but in most places its a detente where religious and caste endogamy is strictly maintained. housing and employment discrimination is v common. its actually much harder to marry under the special mariage act and violence against interfaith and intercaste couples by their own families is common. in 2023, the muslim is the designated enemy of the state. the christian was fooled by the british and/or money to give up their culture or is literally a foreign agent. if you're looking for a textual answer, the equivalent of the "infidel," there isn’t really one because the streamlining of the canonical religious texts and construction of the hindu is recent. hinduism has aimed to appropriate instead of convert.
in modern india, legally anyone who is not a christian or a muslim is treated as a hindu. you are hindu by default in india to the state, governed by hindu codes for marriage and inheritance. for indigenous tribals it is a matter of coercing their children to feel shame at the (state sponsored but outsourced to private religious groups, love privatisation!!!) residential schools about their animist practices and making them worship the proper gods. for sikhs, jains and buddhists their is marginally more toleration. but they are basically seen as wayward hindu sects. this does change when they're in conflict with the majority in a way that resists "national cohesion" – see sikh pogroms in 1984 and the recent moves against sikhism due to the invocation of khalistan in the farmers protests. when dalits convert to buddhism many right wingers will invoke the spectre of predatory conversions.
since you are supposed to be hindu by default, christians and muslims are then seen as invasive outsiders and conversions are regulated very strictly by many states. it is historically true that christian missionaries brought christianity as part of a broader civilising mission, but imo it says something really depressing about hinduism that its epithets for christians is 'ricebag converts' bc people apparently converted for a bag of rice. islam's foothold in the continent is older, accompanying immigration from the west as well as the sultanate and the mughals. returning these christians and muslims to the fold, or "ghar wapsi" is a major project of the hindutva right. note that india is home to one of the world's largest populations of muslims (~200mil).
lower caste dalits have long converted to christianity and islam but caste violence follows them there anyway. caste may have textual origins in religion and focus on ritual purity but it is a socioeconomic form of subjugation. this means that while still subject to caste violence, dalit christians and muslims will be denied redressal through state protections like legislations against anti caste violence or reservations because those are restricted to hindu dalits.
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pallisia · 1 month
Did you know it’s bandcamp friday and you can listen to the soundtrack of my game. well. you could do that any day. but today you can also give me a lil extra walkin around money for it. you could listen to this song i made (i made this one) and say thats epic man here’s five dollars. if you want
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sebastianswallows · 2 months
The English Client — One
— PAIRING: Tom Riddle x F!Reader
— SYNOPSIS: The year is 1952. Tom is working for Borgin and Burkes. He is sent to Rome to acquire three ancient books of magic by any means necessary. One in particular proves challenging to reach, and the only path forward is through a pretty, young bookseller. A foreigner like him, she lives alone, obsessed with her work... until Tom comes into her life.
— WARNINGS: none for this chapter, just Tom being grumpy and hating the world
— A/N: This is a fic that was commissioned by @localravenclaw as a gift for @esolean 💕 It's going to be a bit of a rollercoaster, with angst and fluff and smut galore. I plan to post twice a week, Mondays and Fridays. I had a lot of fun writing it, and I hope you will have fun reading it, my dears! 💚
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Tom was twenty-five. It had been seven years since he graduated from Hogwarts, and just as many since he started working at Borgin and Burkes. Now, he found himself in a sweltering place with the world passing him by. Trapped, for his sins, in a moving metal coffin. If this was hell, it looked like rolling hills, houses nestled in the fog, narrow rows of poplars and puffs of grazing sheep, all set to the tune of clinking chains and carriage shuffles. He hated this assignment.
After taking the train from London to Dover, he caught the ferry that sailed to Calais, and from there took a series of coaches and trains meant to take him on to Italy. To Rome. They had just stopped in Lyon to pick up more passengers, and now they were on their way again.
He had fought with Burke regarding the logistics of the whole thing. Why couldn’t he just use Floo like a normal wizard? But the miserable old stoat said he’d sooner trust muggle transportation than Tom’s pronunciation of Italian or French — and besides, was Floo even networked all the way down there? It didn’t matter anymore.
Tom was convinced it was all done to save costs, and perhaps for Burke to not have to call in any favours. So off he went with one measly suitcase and two billfolds of franks and lira — all of which were merely enchanted oak leaves. They would inevitably transfigure back to their original form in a couple of weeks or so, but by then Tom should be long gone. Who said money didn’t grow on trees?
He tried to distract himself from all this misery by checking his notes again. His little book cracked open, snapping at the spine, and its insides were revealed to him like a cadaver cut through with a black spidery scrawl. It was a list of books and authors, with observations added vertically on the side to save space.
“The Secrets of Wisdom, N. Tamisso 1650 — high priority, any edition. The Lost Word, B. Trevisan 1661 — low priority, optional. Delomelanicon (or The Invocation of Darkness), A. Torchia 1666 — first edition, mandatory.” The latter word was underlined three times. His notes continued with the instructions Burke had given. “Check the rare book dealers, antiquaries, private collectors if necessary. If you can not find it, find out who can. If they will not sell it, take it anyway.”
Tom’s lip curled. Whatever joy there was in being away from the squalor of Knockturn Alley was soiled by what he had to do in Rome. It wasn’t the books he minded, and in fact, he quite admired Burke’s taste in this matter. But to be flung so far away from home on such short notice, and for such a length of time, was pitiful to him. The heir of Slytherin turned errand boy…
“Excuse-moi, est-ce que — Oh, bonjour.”
Tom turned his frown toward the sliding doors of the compartment, between which stood a young man in his twenties. Lanky brown locks fell into his eyes veiling the crinkles of a smile.
“Yes?” sighed Tom.
“I was wondering if this was free,” said the boy. And without waiting for an answer, he dragged his luggage inside — three suitcases, all leather with copper fittings looking ready to burst — and closed the doors behind him.
“I suppose it is,” mumbled Tom. He subtly closed his notebook and tucked it back into the messenger bag at his feet while he kept track of the stranger from the corner of his eyes.
The fine quality of the newcomer’s clothes was somewhat disguised by how carelessly they hung around him. His white and starched shirt was loosened at the top, revealing a hint of tanned skin sprinkled with sparse curls. A golden pin kept a red and blue striped tie affixed to it, and around his pinky finger was a silver ring thickly laid with marcasites and crowned with a malachite stone. His lips were full and purple-stained from wine. His eyes were a bright blue. Judging by his pressed trousers and clean leather shoes, he was a gentleman who had arrived at the station by car — or, at least, he was the spoilt brat of one.
“Clement,” the boy grinned, extending his hand.
“Tom,” he replied, giving him a firm, brief shake.
“I’m on my way to Rome!” Clement sighed, plopping down onto the seat opposite him. Almost immediately, he cracked open a cigarette case and started fishing for a lighter in his trouser pocket. His luggage lay strewn all around the floor, suitcases filled with junk, no doubt. “You?”
“The same,” Tom said and instantly regretted sharing anything at all. With people like these — the overly friendly types — it was best to not encourage conversation.
“Oh, magnificent. Vacation?”
“How sad,” tutted Clement as he popped a cigarette between his lips. He offered one to Tom as well.
“Don’t smoke.”
He closed the case with a loud click and set it on the table between them. With a smooth, almost theatrical motion, he lit up his pocket lighter — silver, older than him, probably an heirloom, engraved with an elaborate floral motif featuring a fleur-de-lis — and let the flame dance on the tip of his cigarette until he was satisfied.
“Don’t talk much, either,” the boy chuckled. He kept his eyes on Tom as he took a drag, then started puffing away without a care. He attempted to blow rings of smoke but failed. “What do you use your mouth for, then?”
“Cursing, mostly.”
Clement laughed. “The same!”
Tom doubted it.
The compartment soon filled with smoke, and the narrow window open at the top only made it dance around inside. The muggy summer fumes were driving Tom to madness already, and he could only hope the train moved fast enough to clear the air. But as they went further into the rural parts of France, the scent of sheep took over. Maybe it’s not too late to try to Apparate directly at the station, he thought.
“So, what do you do?” asked the French boy, vowels gliding altogether in one breath between his lips. His arm extended elegantly to tap the ash into a cheap tray by the window.
It took Tom a moment to look at him and answer. “I’m in, er, publishing.”
“Truly?” he said, excited enough to lean over the table. “That’s magnificent. I intend to be published too.”
“Oh? What do you write?”
“Poetry? Ah, not my area, I’m afraid.”
“But you must know some people…”
Tom wanted to tell him that if he were any good he’d have found a publisher already, but intuition told him to temper himself.
“I might,” he said, “but I’m afraid I’m full up at the moment.”
The boy puffed away nervously as he tapped the round gemstone of his ring against the window, and kept his eyes on him. Tom turned to watch the view rolling past them, seeing without seeing. The sensation of being watched was as familiar as it was discomforting. It crawled down his thin cheeks, his narrow neck, and from there sank into his clothes like sweat. He gazed briefly at the tapping ring from the corner of his eyes in irritation, before focusing away again. For a few moments, he thought he’d successfully ended their conversation.
“Well, I’m in show business,” Clement said instead, grinning brilliantly. There was a gap between his first incisors that made him look boyish and pure. “Theatre.”
“Your parents must be very happy.”
“No,” he laughed. “Miserable. But,” he shrugged, “it is not their decision.”
Tom hummed and said nothing else.
“Your parents are happy with your job, no? You go on important business trips to France, to Rome, and… erm. Well, it is a good job, for sure. Makes them proud, yes?”
Whatever sunshine beamed through the window was chilled and clouded by the glare in Tom’s dark eyes. Why did this bothersome Frenchman have to talk to him? He wasn’t going to keep doing it the whole way to Rome, surely…
“I wouldn’t know,” he finally said. “They’re dead.”
“Oh… Oh, I am so sorry...”
“I’m not,” he mumbled. He didn’t think Clement had heard him, but he wouldn’t care even if he did.
The boy pulled the ashtray closer and put out his cigarette, then leaned his head against the glass. Fidgeting, he held the silver case in his hands and clicked it open and closed, open and closed… He did that for quite a while.
Tom could feel him staring. Could even sense to some extent the messy thoughts inside that head: curiosity, intrigue, and joy.
What could be joyful about that moment?
Well, if Tom was being honest, this wasn’t the first time he’d had such an effect on people. Memories of Burke’s clients came back to him accompanied by the customary shiver down his spine. Clement had the same flippant merriment about him that all the others did, those careless old witches and wizards. That unguarded look of innocence surrounded by the fog of greed. An airy absence of thought and feeling. Must’ve been the side effect of all that money.
Tom had once envied such people. Had even flattered himself with the knowledge that he, however distantly, was one of them. What greater destiny than to be born to glorious old blood? What greater tragedy than to be fallen from it…? He could even remember, with much clarity and shame, how he’d spent several months during his third year obsessing over the Gaunts and Riddles, chasing up on genealogies, and smattering the back pages of his diary with heraldic designs.
But the more he understood the upper classes — their uselessness, their inborn idiocy, their paradoxical sense of superiority which stood impervious to anything reality threw at them — the more he grew to hate them.
“I am sorry if I offended…” said Clement rather softly. “Sometimes, I talk too much.”
“Oh, really? I didn’t notice.”
“No, but I do, I do…”
Tom had overshot his subtleties, apparently.
“So you are not happy with your job? Forgive me for asking…”
“No, it’s quite alright.”
“A pity, you know…”
“To not like it.”
“Oh, it’s not too much trouble most of the time. Why? Do you like your job?”
“But of course!” he said, blue eyes twinkling.
Tom cast a scathing look his way. How strange… He couldn’t imagine enjoying any form of employment — other than the coveted post of DADA professor at Hogwarts.
“Why are you in Rome, then?” Tom asked.
“On vacation. I am, erm, meeting a friend,” he whispered with a grin.
“A girlfriend?” asked Tom with a smirk.
Clement shook his head and giggled. “A boy friend.”
Tom’s brows nearly reached his hairline. He’d never heard of such things being bandied about quite that openly before, at least not in England. Clement seemed not to care. Must’ve been a habit of his, as he seemed to not care about much at all other than enjoying life.
“You have a fun vacation ahead of you, then.”
“More than you know,” he winked.
Tom curled his nose at that and sat back, away from the whole conversation. But Clement leaned closer, arms braced over the table lazily, eyes flashing excitedly.
“We will rob this old fool, and run with his money.”
That captured Tom’s attention again. The boy was waiting eagerly for his reaction, and not a thought ran through his head that Tom might’ve been untrustworthy. Of course, far be it from him to ruin someone else’s fun, but the scenario Clement proposed was too absurd to be believed.
So what else could Tom do but laugh? The sound of it filled the cabin, and so out of use were those muscles that his cheeks began to ache. The sight of it seemed to delight young Clement. He leaned back and gave another one of his brilliant smiles.
“You can join us, if you like,” he offered smoothly.
“Sorry,” said Tom, his cheeks still flushed. “My schedule is full.”
“Oh, pity, pity… You would like my friend, I think. His name is Donatien. He is more serious, like you.”
“Is that so,” said Tom distractedly.
“By the way, what is your hotel?”
They entered Rome on a train that ran six hours late, and wobbled on its tracks, and stank of mouldy cheese and wine rust.
Clement talked most of the way there, and seemed to be satisfied with Tom mostly reacting with brief hums and tilted smiles. They even exchanged gifts. The French boy was enchanted by what was, in Tom’s estimation, a fairly average switchblade. He’d only taken it out to peel an orange. It was something he’d bought in London right before his seventh year, and although it was quite plain, it did have some delicate embellishments on its ivory handle of two writhing snakes. That seemed to appeal to Clement, who offered his own blade in exchange — a Swiss army knife that also had a screwdriver and bottle opener tucked in its red body. Considering it a more efficient deal, Tom shrugged and accepted the trade.
Faint details came up now and then about his plans with this Donatien, but most of it was lost in smoke and loud metallic rattles. As much as Tom hated flying on brooms, even he could agree it would’ve been preferable to this…
But at least he didn’t have to fear any Ministry or Aurors in these parts. Not any that were familiar with him, anyway. The Italians had their own Ministry of Magic, of course, but it was all the way down in Mirto, Sicily, and foreigners were a low priority for them. There were so many people from all over the world in Italy those days that it wasn’t worth keeping track of them all, or at least so Burke had told him.
The train slowed and pulled into the station, and pulled, and pulled… It groaned as if in pain. Clement took the jolt of inertia as it all came to a stop with cheerful clapping, and promptly got up to collect his bags.
“So, we are agreed?”
“Absolutely not agreed. Besides, I doubt my lodgings would be to your taste.”
“Ah Tom, you do not know my taste!”
“Very well, but best keep your complaints to a minimum once we get there.”
They struggled to get everything off the train with four suitcases between them. Tom was travelling light with just the one, about which Clement made some snide comment that he soon forgot, but he helped him anyway. His own belongings consisted of plain muggle clothes and some books that Burke wished him to barter with, if it came to that. Between the lines, and between Burke’s sparse and slimy brows, Tom understood he was expected to use his charms to get a bargain price — as per usual — but he did not intend to let some fat old antiquary put his grimy hands on him. Not this time. Besides, conversing with Clement had stained his dignity enough.
Being away on the continent had one advantage, at least: he was no longer under the vulturous watch of his employer.
Tom stepped out onto the platform, muscles sore from days of sitting down, and looked ahead as if he knew where he was going. People were chatting all around him, filling the cool hall with murmurs all the way up to its dome — some in German, some in French, others in variously accented English. Tom wiped the sweat off his brow with his sleeve and picked up his suitcase to follow Clement, who was hunting for a trolley to load his luggage onto.
As soon as they stepped out onto the street, the heat of Rome in August hit Tom in the face like an oven door and he, frail and pallid thing, was not prepared for it. He squinted in displeasure, to Clement’s great amusement.
“This way, Tom!” he said as he popped on a pair of sunglasses. “I see a taxi!”
Tom had spent most of the journey brushing up on his Italian with the help of a conversation guide he picked up at the Gare du Nord. His extensive knowledge of Latin came in pretty handy. But now that he saw Clement handle things, perhaps he needn’t have bothered. His companion could easily direct the driver to the dingy old hotel Tom was staying at, the Gallienus on Via Domenichino, and chatted a bit more besides.
“Vacation in Rome often, then?” he asked.
“I just know some phrases,” Clement smiled. “You don’t need much with these people.”
The driver pretended not to understand the slight.
“Where do you want to have lunch, then?” Clement asked.
“Lunch? I’m certainly not in the mood, not now.”
“Oh come ooon…”
“You can eat on your own.”
“We can leave our stuff and take the taxi to this place I know on Via della Mercede. They make the best seafood, the best!”
It had not been until now, with this journey to somewhere far away, that Tom realised how limited his world had been at Hogwarts. He’d once felt equal parts ashamed and at a strange advantage next to the other Slytherins, his peers, all purebloods, for knowing both the magical and muggle worlds. Now, exiled for this assignment among strangers, it seemed to Tom as if he were starting life all over again. He looked out the window and everything was new, everything was strange. The buildings, the street, the people, even the clothes were different. The city, like London, was massive, but the streets were broader, blazing white. Some disappeared into little alleyways that slithered like dark serpents. Tom could easily see himself getting lost in such a place.
It was… humbling. He didn’t like it.
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vikkirosko · 7 months
Can I request another part for umbra witch reader ?
Reader's friend, Jane, came to Hell to bring reader back to Earth, not wanting to hear reader's "excuses" to stay here to train with her contracted demon. Jane is far more experienced than reader in the umbra arts and the next in line to become the witch queen (even if Jane wants to battle reader when adult to the title, because she sees potential in her).
Jane and reader are really good friends, but Jane tend to be the more adult of the 2, seeing reader as a scary-cat, crybaby and still weak child.
Since reader stands for herself, not wanting to go before being strong enough to free her mother, the 2 fight each other. Can it be with Alastor, Asmodeus, Stolas and Lucifer please?
I imagine that for Alastor and Lucifer, reader and Jane fight each other like witches fight each other, with umbra arts and fighting style. But Jane is clearly stronger and more experienced than reader, but reader refused to give up and use her demon masquerade for the first time. The demon broke the fight and Jane cry, saying that she was scarred for reader's well-being and doesn't want to lose her. Saying that her quest will only lead to her death.
For Asmodeus, during Mammon's show, Mammon says that he has a little surprise for his audience : a witch battle ! Then Jane enter the scene and tells reader that she will come back home with her right now. Reader refuse and it can goes 2 ways : either a dance battle, where reader use her Asmodeus demon masquerade and Jane her Mammon demon masquerade (Jane made a deal with Mammon to get reader back. In exchange for his powers, she will help him make more money). Or a real battle where both use their demon masquerade and demon invocation. Reader wins and like above, Jane cry because she doesn't wants to lose reader (it's implied that Jane has a crush on her, that Mammon and Asmodeus catch on but not reader because she's dense).
For Stolas, Jane made a deal with Stella (because Stella like Jane's attitude) and the both fight with the demon masquerade and demon invocation. Jane and Stella lose, making the both of them throwing a tantrum. Stella because she wasn't able to kill Stolas and her little witch lose and Jane because she doesn't want to lose reader (it's also implied that she has a crush on her but reader is too dense to understand). Thank you and sorry for the long request.
Platonic headcanons Battle of the Witches
📻 Alastor x child fem!Reader 🎙
Alastor has been watching you train. You've been in Hell for a few months now and you've been busy training all this time. You wanted to become stronger as soon as possible and finally free your mom. However, one of these days your training was interrupted. The one who interrupted her was Jane, your friend and a witch like you
Jane was your age, but she was the more experienced of the two of you in magic. And when she heard that you weren't going to leave Hell to continue training, she didn't listen to you, intending to take you back. Alastor didn't interfere, but he was annoyed by the attitude of the person you called a friend to you. She ignored your opinion and Alastor was pleased with you when you decided to fight to prove to her that you could take care of yourself and that you were not as weak as before
You fought using the powers of demons and Alastor saw that you were inferior to Jane's strength so far. But your stubbornness made up for your lack of skills. You were not going to give up and used force that you had never used before. Alastor was forced to interrupt the battle so that you wouldn't hurt yourself, but your stubbornness brought Jane to tears
She screamed that your stubbornness would lead to your death. She suffered to save you, but you didn't listen to common sense. However, her words did not shake your resolve. You were not going to leave Hell and were determined to save your mother, and Alastor was ready to help you with this
🍎 Lucifer Morningstar x child fem!Reader 🐍
Lucifer knew that you weren't the only witch, so he wasn't surprised when another witch came for you. He expected it to be the enemy, but it was your friend Jane. She was the same age as you, but a much stronger and more skilled witch. He remembered you mentioning her in conversation once, saying she was next in line to be the witch queen. It made Lucifer realize that she was strong enough, but the reason why she came was you
Jane wanted to take you with her from Hell. She ignored your words that you intended to stay in Hell and continue training, she was sure that you were weak and you needed protection. However, you weren't going to come back, even if you had to fight Jane to do it
Lucifer watched you fight Jane using his power. He saw that Jane fought better than you, and you saw it too, but you weren't going to give up. You fought with all your might, at some point using a power you never used and severely wounded Jane, bringing her to tears. Lucifer saw that you could get hurt if this force got out of control, so he stopped both of you
Jane screamed at you, claiming that she risked herself to save you, but it was as if you were deliberately striving for death, because apart from her you would not have found anything by continuing to follow the same path that you were walking. You listened to her and Lucifer saw that you were offended, but your resolve did not waver. You intended to save your mom even if your best friend turned her back on you
🦉 Stolas x child fem!Reader 🎩
Stolas found out before you that there was another witch in Hell. He heard rumors that his ex-wife had made a deal with someone and he felt that both of you would soon have problems, and he was not mistaken. Jane came to you, your friend is the same age as you and a witch like you. She came to Hell to take you away from there, confident that she knew better what was best for you, ignoring your opinion
You weren't going to let her take you away from there. You knew Jane had more experience, she was a strong witch, next in line to the throne, but you weren't going to give up. You have staged a witch battle using the power of the demons you have contracted with. Stella, who came with Jane, encouraged her to get rid of you and Stolas. You used all your strength to defeat her, even though you understood that it could be dangerous for you
You were able to defeat Jane, even though you were severely exhausted after your fight. Stella was screaming loudly, outraged that Stolas was still alive, but he was much more concerned about your well-being. However, besides Stella, Jane was also screaming
She screamed at you that you would die if you continued to try to do what you were going to do. She tried to dissuade you from such a dangerous undertaking, but you were adamant. You didn't see Jane's gaze, or you just didn't pay attention to it. Stolas took you away from there, realizing that if you continue, things will get much worse
🐓 Asmodeus x child fem!Reader 💕
Asmodeus saw how much time you spent on training, so he tried to distract you from them sometimes so that you wouldn't overwork. He invited you with him to the clown contest that Mammon was arranging so that you could rest a little. However, everything didn't go according to plan at all. Mammon said that the audience was waiting for a special show, which was a real battle of witches, and you were one of the participants. The other was Jane, who declared that you would leave Hell with her
Jane was your friend and one of the strongest witches, even though you were the same age. She was next in line to the throne, and even though you were friends, she thought you were weak and decided that you needed her protection. However, you were of a different opinion. You weren't going to leave Hell until you were strong enough to save your mom, but the only way to convince Jane of that was to fight. Asmodeus understood that all this was planned by Mammon, but there were simply no other solutions in this situation
For the inhabitants of Hell, it was a real show, but for you it was a test, because you used a force that you could not fully control before. Jane used the Mammon's power, with whom she made a deal, and you understood that she was stronger than you, but you were stubborn enough to keep fighting. It brought you victory, even though you were severely exhausted by it
Asmodeus took you away from there. You both heard Jane crying and how she screamed that she didn't want to lose you, because you would only find death if you continued to do what you planned, but you kept going. Asmodeus felt that your friend was worried about you, but the contract was already signed and there was no way back for you
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the-desert-beast · 7 months
A recent patch allowed for boons to grant you "kill credit" meaning that when an ally with a boon you gave them kills something, you earn loot too! As such, Herald is now an AMAZING way to loot a fuckton of bags from the Mad King's Lab.
First, some lab farming etiquette tips.
Low damage is your priority. Unequip exotic+ trinkets, and if you have the bag space, swap your exotic+ armor for masterwork gear of a support/survival stat set.
SPAMMING AUTOATTACK IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!! NO RAID ROTATIONS! except for boss doors. bosses have so much goddamn health.
NO POWER GEAR; power deals Too Much damage far too quickly, as the open world mobs in the lab Do Not Scale with the amount of nearby players. Power gear & builds will cause you to melt mobs before anyone else can tag them!
NO MOUNT ATTACKS: Mount abilities deal too much damage for the same reasons as above.
Let the tag/Commander open doors! Don't open Boss (purple) doors when running with a Mob (green) Doors only group!!
For Tag Herald, You'll want to run Invocation, Salvation, and well. Herald. My build looks like this
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My Revenant is running level 75 or lower Masterwork(green) Shaman's gear, no trinkets, with a level 75 masterwork Shaman's Shortbow.
Shortbow lets you tag plenty of mobs when they're stacked! With the help of shortbow 4 & 5 you can tag some stray groups of mobs yourself!
Snag a Relic of Speed from the survival relic chests or off the tp! This relic + the Herald trait "Rising Momentum" will give you enough speed to keep up with the groups this year! (I tend to outrun them, so you can change this trait if you like. remember the low damage rule!)
Now for actually picking up the bags you'll want to leave one or two facets of your choice pulsing boons. Light, Elements, Strength, and Nature are all good options.
I leave Light & Elements active the entire time, using my Elite Consume skill when I fall behind or the group has no mobs to smack for a stretch of the lab.
For more bags, max out your magic find!! Lick those spirit banners!! Eat those Chocolate Omnomberry Creams or Omnomberry Bars!!! And lick a utility item that gives magic find!! I use the festival utility items (Crystallized Nougat, Pumpkin Oil, Sharpening Skull.) They're pretty cheap and they give you +30% Magic Find. The more magic find, the more bags!! If your guild has a Magic Find buff- nab it!!! Don't forget your magic fin boosters too. you want to get to around 250+ - 300 magic find!
you can check your magic find on the equipment panel, it's the last attribute listed on the right.
A little clover icon + the % of your magic find!
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i think that's everything, happy farming! Remember to keep your damage low and to stretch every 30 minutes to every hour!! stay hydrated and take care of your eyes & posture!
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transmutationisms · 8 months
Do you have any insight on the DSM classification/bioessentialism of paraphilias? I keep seeing defenses that essentially 'MAPs' cannot help it and I'm questioning the scientific rigor behind that claim
you might be interested in Katrin Kämpf's article "Pedophilia Screening in Technosecurity Culture The Construction of Dangerous Sub-populations in the Name of Security" (Science as Culture 2020: 29.1, 127–152), which examines how the construction of pedophilia as an innate trait slots into current discourses of risk and technoscientific efforts to create 'risk screenings' that are rhetorically justified through the invocation of dangerous 'sub-populations' whose legal and civil rights must be curtailed in the name of public safety.
there's also "Fuckology: Critical Essays on John Money's Diagnostic Concepts" (2014), which is an edited volume (meaning some of the essays are very good and some are not) that gives some context to this sort of classification of 'paraphilias' and what's at stake in those debates.
in general i would say yeah, like virtually all human experiences, sexual desires are a lot more complicated and socially / environmentally mediated than the dsm would suggest. i don't think it's particularly fruitful to agonise over the exact extent to which any given thought or desire arises 'intrinsically' or from environmental influences, though; it's a pretty immaterial distinction at the end of the day and probably not a question we will ever be able to answer definitively in any individual case. instead i would say the main points to make here are 1) the construction of paraphilias as 'innate' has specific ideological ends and justifies the carceral apparatus and its psychiatric wing, and 2) the abuse (including sexual) of children is fuelled and enabled by their total disenfranchisement / powerlessness, which creates structural conditions in which they are rendered vulnerable to and dependent on authority figures including parents, doctors, religious leaders, &c. addressing these legal / material / structural factors will get us a lot further in protecting children than any philosophical debate over sexual desire.
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wishbonewitch · 1 year
witchcraft and days/months/moons/weather/etc!
dawn- air, success, travel, study, employment, money, healing, new beginnings
midday- fire, strength, courage, passion, emotion, money, protection
dusk- water, release, change, anxiety, bad habits, banishing, fertility
midnight- earth, divination, self awareness, development, spirit work, cursing/hexing
sunday- sun, sol, action, energy, justice, growth, money, power, management, divine intervention, friendship
monday- moon, mani, psychic ability, creativity, intuition, emotion, invocations, divine inspiration
tuesday- mars, tyr, passion, challenge, strength, truth, activity, conflict, sex
wednesday- mercury, odin, career/job issues, intelligence, communication, travel, planning, research
thursday- jupiter, thor, finances, legal matters, spirituality, development, money, growth
friday- venus, frida, romance, relationships, emotion, reconciliation, beauty, self care, enviromentalism
saturday- saturn, loki, planning, home, future, bad habits, ending relationships, weight loss, release, goals
january- beginnings, healing, money, protection, strength, life
febuary- astral realm, emotion (particularly love), banishing, purification
march- fertility, success, innocence, spirituality, prosperity
april- beginnings, fertility, growth, spirituality, cleansing
may- divination, well-being, enchantment, love
june- abundance, marriage, prosperity, fun, creativity
july- emotion, dream work, light, purpose, strength
august- abundance, prosperity, wisdom, prophecy, animals
september- confidence, home, self care, manifestation, protection
october- spirit work, memory, stability, dream work, divination, darkness
november- cooperation, divination, healing, hope, inspiration
december- devotion, peace, new life, death, prosperity, strength
rain- purification, cleansing, release, healing
lightning storm- power, manifestation, protection
hurricane- (very powerful!) banishing, hexing, power, protection
snow- balance, silence, transformation, change, letting go
hail- banishing, protection, cursing
clouds- travel, calming, potential, change
fog- shielding, protection, divination, insight, spirit work
heavy winds- intellect, learning, travel, breaking habits, energy work
sunshine- charging, courage, passion, strength, energy
heat waves- emotion, power, stagnation, cursing
meteor showers- magickal boosts, energy work, power, renewal, cycle
solar eclipse- banishing, renewal, active, strong masculine energy
lunar eclipse- banishing, renewal, passive, strong feminine energy
new moon- fresh starts, intentions, manifestations, cleansing, shadow work, self development, divination
waxing moon- growth, planning, taking action, new projects, travel, potential
full moon- power, strength, success, goals, charging, banishing, cleansing, intuition, divination
waning moon- releasing, banishing, grounding, internal working, reflection, meditation
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linkemon · 9 months
Boysband AU headcanons (4ggravate) 2
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
For those unfamiliar with the concept, 4ggravate is the Sumeru guys who started a boyband. It comes from the same series as the widely known in the fandom 4nemo.
Working with idol groups involves trends changing like in a kaleidoscope. When 4ggravate entered the scene, it quickly became clear that they would conquer the world. Your label, after the huge success of 4nemo, decided to take another boys under their wing. You didn't know then how much work you would have to put into promoting them on the market...
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✧ The most expressive member of the group. You'd even say it makes up for everyone else in this regard.
✧ Always there if you need to record additional video or behind-the-scenes content. This is what his fans see most often and he is the most into social media.
✧ It also has its downsides. Kaveh can be dramatic to the point where it's annoying. If he feels like it, he will walk out of the meeting with the film crew, complaining and slamming the door. Unfortunately, it will often be up to you to bring him back to finish the ad.
✧ He and Alhaitham are constantly arguing, which was a shock to you because they've known each other the longest out of the team. You usually try not to take sides or take turns so that neither of the two will take offense at you.
✧ Kaveh will dance, play, sing... He will fill any role if need be and he will be good at it. However, he feels the best while playing instruments.
✧ He studied architecture and constantly reminds that he knows art. However, this is not idle talk. He happens to come up with brilliant ideas about clothes or scenery while shooting music videos.
✧ Drinks secretly outside the studio. He almost got busted once when someone from the management decided to come to the apartment to hand over the documents but you just arrived before them and managed to put the can in your purse at the last minute.
✧ He wanted to thank you somehow and gave you the keychain. He once bought some handmade ones. He gives them only to exceptional people in his opinion.
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✧ He as an innate sense of justice. You can be sure that if anyone sees someone hurt, it will definitely be Cyno. He never stands aside. He immediately confronts who he needs to, which often put his career on the line. He would probably be willing to sacrifice it for the greater good. For example, he points it out to the older employees if they use younger ones on the set. He does it even at the cost of unpleasantness towards him. He has earned a reputation as unapproachable and stickler among industry associates.
✧ He loves to play cards. He collects entire collections of them. His favorite card game is TCG Genius Invocation. It got you interested enough to get into it. He's very happy about that because being in 4ggravate has made it a bit difficult for him to find someone he can physically play with without spreading rumors. He loves to explain the new rules to you and show you what he has hunted for his collection.
✧ There was a time when, like Kaveh, he argued with Alhaitham. Whatever happened, one day he came back changed. Since then, they've at least respected each other and making your life a little easier.
✧ He is often given rap parts to sing. Mainly because of his low voice.
✧ Fans marvel at how different he can be. The media tried to create his image as quite dark. This is how new fans often see him. Meanwhile, when they spend a little time with him, they understand that this is not the case at all.
✧ A dedicated Cyno fan site was created to collect his jokes. They are very dry. Some people even send him their suggestions for him to tell on streams.
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✧ Alhaitham believes in peace and quiet. You asked him once why he stayed at 4ggravate then. He replied that in this way he would earn enough to have money for his dream life for a long time. He calculated it all. He even showed you the entire spreadsheet on the computer.
✧ You don't know how he does it but he's learning all the time. Be it from books or from various types of courses. Ask him anything, about everything. He will always have an answer.
✧ He writes the lyrics of the songs. With no exception. He has a gift for words. He always knows how to put them together to use rhymes or puns. Composing is not his strong point, so the worst moment is when he has to collaborate with Kaveh, who is better in this field. Not that he would ever admit it.
✧ If he could, he would avoid interviews and meetings with fans. He doesn't like any of these activities. He goes mostly because he has to. For this reason, he does not have as many fans as Kaveh, but he is not very interested in it. The people who choose him as their favorite are usually those who are deeply interested in his words and where he draws inspiration from. And they always get accurate and in-depth answers that make him their number one forever.
✧ He does not part with the headphones. So much so that it became his sign. One time Kaveh took it for fun when he wasn't looking and broke them. You didn't want them to fight again, so you took the blame and returned it to him after it was fixed. He immediately knew it wasn't you and made you promise not to take the blame on yourself again. Despite this, the next day, there were notes on your desk regarding the marketing strategy for the next quarter. Interestingly, better than you'd ever do yourself...
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✧ Tighnari has a very sensitive musical ear. Thanks to this, he remembers songs extremely quickly, especially new ones and perfectly matches the rhythm by dancing. He is usually praised above all for his flawless choreography.
✧ The boy is vegan. He deeply believes in unity with nature. In his opinion, there is no need to use animals in this way. Half of his social media consists of this.
✧ Helped launch an eco-friendly line of stuffed animals called Aranara. He gave you one of his first pieces as a thank you for helping with their publicity campaign.
✧ He lives in the belief that being an idol will allow him to convey certain values to his fans. He attaches great importance to the educational aspect. He often comes up with themes for new albums and is able to cleverly combine them with previous or subsequent ones.
✧ Tighnari is known for his sarcastic statements, which is why interviewers love him. He skillfully sweeps them away and hits remarks back, making them borderline controversial. Their viewership is really high.
✧ Hates the heat. You used to shoot scenes for a music video in the desert. You remember that he was perfectly prepared then. That's not to say he didn't complain about the heat but he was one of the few members on set who didn't get sunstroke. He reminded you regularly to drink plenty of water and lent you his hat.
✧ At the beginning of his career, he received a headband with rabbit ears from his younger friend Collei. When they were younger, they attended several survival camps organized by their school together. To this day, she is his biggest fan. Tighnari only pulls out these ears on special occasions.
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wanderingsorcerer · 1 year
History Of Solomonic Practices
While their have been many copies of different Solomonic texts throughout the middle ages ,the most widely used and popularised versions in everyone's practice nowadays is The Clavicula Salomonis, Ars Goetia and The Lesser Key Of Solomon. But let's go in depth and learn the History behind these wonderful and powerful Grimoires.
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The Ars Goetia is a grimoire that describes the art of Goetia( which is the practice of Invoking Angels & Demons) The Ars Goetia is based on the 17th-century book The Key of Solomon, which describes the calling of 72 demons. The Ars Goetia was edited by Aleister Crowley in 1904 and renamed The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King and is the most popular copy of the book being used within current Occult circles.
The stories go that Solomon The Former King Of Israel , used his sacred seals to subjugate the Demons so that they would do his bidding, one of the most popular instances was in the building of his castle. Written in the famed [Testament of Solomon]
 “God also enabled him to learn that skill which expels demons, which is a science useful and sanative to men. He composed such incantations also by which distempers are alleviated. And he left behind him the manner of using exorcisms, by which they drive away demons, so that they never return….”
The Famed Testament of Solomon [ Written during the times of the greeks and romans] is the predecessor to The Hygromancy Written in the 15th Century, whose title is largely debated depending on the given translation of the text. Other titles include” The Magical Treatise Of Solomon” and  “ The Little key of the whole art of divination through water discovered by several craftsman and the holy prophet solomon”. The general title used is  “ The Hygromancy “ Literal translation is Divination by water or moisture. 
As of now there is no technique in the book which resembles such a use. Most scholars believe the spell was either lost or another meaning of hygromancy from the time was used. This book is the bridge between the Testament of Solomon and The Clavicula Salomonis Regis [ The Key Of Solomon] written during the 15th century.
Something similar to the later used Clavicula Salomonis Regis in The Hygromancy is the beginning of the incantations and its use in summoning of Angels and Demons. The angels being invoked to bring about positive change to the environment around you. The demons however, were used to curse and even kill you enemies.
There are other books which also hold the title as predecessor to the Ars Goetia ,but for the most part alot of scholars bundle them together as the 18 manuscripts of Solomonic Magicks.
That leads us into The Clavicula Salomonis Regis originally written in the 15th Century , and holds the Ceremonial Magicks of the Renaissance age. The Key Of Solomon , does not mention the signatures of the 72 demons but in fact used the power of god habitually.  Even When Subjugating Spirits and Other Demons For Workings. The Clavicula Salomonis Regis is separated into two books which i will go over below
In the beginning of the book it goes over the origin of the key of solomon, Its magnificent origin story in which solomon wrote the book for his son. His son was to hide it away from those who would misuse its power. Then it was discovered by a group of people who prayed to god for answers and were able to read and translate the book. Then casted a spell on the book so the unworthy who did not fear god would be unable to use its magicks.
Book one contains the standard rituals you would find in a Grimoire, Conjurations , Invocations , Curses the works. Also Other Basic spells pertaining to things many people from that era craved, love , money, etc.
Book two goes into depth on how the user of the grimoire should dress, how the tools should be made, what animals need to be sacrificed to what spirits to gain the correct spiritual power.
Once this book came out it led to an uproar in the church, it was banned, burned , and destroyed everywhere the church could find it. But it was too popular, it was in every country from Greece to even the American colonies in the 17th century.
From The Clavicula Salomonis came The Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis or more commonly known as the lesser key of solomon. This is a compilation of several grimoires and sacred texts but this is the first compilation in which we get the 72 Demons. There are several renditions to this grimoire and many during the 15th century are accredited with “writing it” due to it being an amalgamation of sacred occult texts. But as a source it is commonly seen that a Johanne Weyer was the first to compile the groupings of the demons.
The 72 Demons Will Be Linked HEre For You To Go Over and Read for yourself
I will be going over each demon and working with them on a personal level and the outcomes of the workings and their personalities as a whole. I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about solomonic magick and the history of the Ars Goetia from me, until next time
Thank you so much for having tea with me, here on the other side of The Great Divide :)
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nanda-writes · 2 months
College girl sells soul to pay rent (not clickbait)
“So… your last wish is to make a deal with the devil?”
The ghostly woman nodded.
“It won't be possible, look, you need a physical body to perform this type of ritual,” said the medium “and I can't do it for you, because if I did, it would be my soul on sale.”
What if I possess you?
The spirit's voice echoed, the candles in the small clamped room in which the medium worked began to shake, transforming the trinkets scattered around the room into frightening dancing images. This could work… in theory.
“Not going to happen. Possessions are expressly prohibited on University internships. And honestly?” she added “I wouldn't endanger myself for a job that’s not even paid.”
I can pay.
The human raised one of her eyebrows. The candle flames flickered intensely, the ghost was desperate.
“Pay? Sorry, but we don't accept drachmas or whatever currency ghosts use, only cash or pix.”
She was joking, of course. What she didn't expect was the disembodied woman's response.
What's the key?
“Excuse me?”
Your pix, what is the key?
It wouldn't be possible that...?
Is ten thousand enough? Half now, half later.
It's worth a try, isn't it?
The medium shared her key. A few minutes later, she received the following message:
“Bank: Your pix has been received! Vellota ltd. sent you 5.000 reais”
Along with several confused emails by Grandma Vellota.
Looks like someone wouldn't have to worry about rent for a long time.
Kethelyn Correia — 21 years old, necromancy student at the Brazilian Federal University of Mystic Arts — is a medium in desperate need of additional hours for college and money. Kethelyn accepted the first internship that came her way without hesitating, realizing too late it was an unpaid one. Fuck it, we ball.
After months of late rent, days and nights on ramen noodles and various odd jobs to try to survive, selling a soul to the devil didn't seem like a bad idea. Anything was better than going back to her parents' house.
And that's how she ended up, three days later, on Carlos' — a college friend, master's student in demonology and ex-boyfriend — terrace at 2:30am on a Wednesday.
It was a nice evening, the sea nearby brought them a salty breeze, refreshing the warm summer night. The street lights were very close, illuminating the terrace together with the candles, revealing the unceremoniously dragged mess at the corners of the terrace. Carlos said they needed as much space as possible, the chalk circle in the middle of the terrace was the only clean space there.
“Okay, everything’s ready” said Carlos “candles lit, circles drawn, incense burning. Has she memorized the chants?”
Kethelyn nodded, they had practiced on this part together.
Carlos blew out the last match, looking around nervously. His eyes looked big behind the thick glasses he wore, his curly hair dancing with the breeze.
“Great, but seriously, this ghost couldn't have chosen a simpler invocation? Why go full catholic? There’s so many easier options…”
“Her name is Alice, I don't know about the choice for the ritual, but… thank you. Seriously. You didn't need to do all that.”
Kethelyn was being sincere. When she asked for her help, she expected at most a borrowed grimoire and some tips on how to not die.
“No problem, ha,” he replied, hands on his nape “it's the least I can do after that mistake I made.”
The “mistake” in question was the trigger for the end of their relationship. He cheated.
He cheated in a game of uno, shuffling the cards in a way that gave his friend — some 19 year old snake kid he befriended while traveling abroad — the advantage, causing Kethelyn to lose a bet.
“Ah, yes” She sighed, Alice's spirit approached floating upside down.
Hm? Share the tea, sis.
“Mind your own business.”
“She’s here?” Carlos asked, shaking hands making the sign of the cross.
“I still can't believe that you work with literal demons, but are afraid of ghosts.” She laughed, “obviously she’s here, she's the one who's going to make the pact, duh.”
“Oh, my saint” Carlos sighed, repeating the sign “You how much of a bad idea this is, don't you?” he spoke gravely “After all, why does she want this? She's already dead!”
“It's quite a story…”
Alice Vellota was a young lady from a rich family, you see, her parents were rich, her grandparents were rich, her great-grandparents were rich and so on.
Alice had everything she could want, except the person she loved.
Coming from an extremely Catholic family, it is not surprising that her love for Maria Eduarda, a college friend, was a big scandal. Her parents threatened to disown her if she pursued her love, all empty threats of course. Fortunately, nothing can stop lesbians in love, not homophobic parents, not even death.
But when Maria Eduarda suddenly passed away, Alice was devastated. Her only consolation was the possibility of meeting in the afterlife. She knew Maria Eduarda would be somewhere in hell — she was a Satanist after all — she hadn't gone to heaven! But, she thought, hell is huge... how can I find her among so many people? So, she decided to solve this problem in the most logical way possible, selling her soul.
I'm already going to hell, at least I can ask to be close to her.
The plan was perfect. She home alone and everything was set, she just had to sing the chants and…
A window broke next to her and figures started to circulate around the apartment with loud wailing sounds. It was just the neighborhood kids playing football, but the scare was too much for Alice, she had a heart attack, dying before even starting the ritual.
“So, here's the problem. She's supposed to be in heaven now. “Kethelyn explained “technically she didn't make any pact, but the desire to join her girlfriend keeps her on this plane.”
“Why didn't you try… I don't know” Carlos shrugged “convincing her not to go to hell?”
“I tried, believe me.” Kethelyn's eyes were dead-serious “she's as stubborn as a mule.”
“Oh my saint, give me strength…”
“If everything is ready, let's begin.” The necromancer looked at Alice's ghost and signaled her to come “Get in loser, we’re summoning the devil.”
Suddenly, the coastal breeze refreshing the dawn stopped, the candle flames flickered without wind, Kethelyn bent over her stomach, the lights from the nearby street lights went mad. Carlos looked apprehensive when suddenly everything just… stopped.
The breeze, candles and the street lights returned to normal, only Kethelyn remained in the same position.
“Kethelyn? Are you okay?” Carlos asked worriedly. He was about to touch her on the shoulder when she straightened herself on a whim, her curly hair covering half her face, a smile weirdly wide creeping through her face.
“Boo” the ghost mocked him in the deep voice of the possessed, “still afraid, scaredy cat?”
Kethelyn saw everything in third perspective, she saw her mocking smile and Carlos' pale face. It was a funny feeling floating around, was that how her customers felt all the time?
She wanted to tell them both to start straight away, but she had difficulty vocalizing her thoughts, she didn't have a mouth after all. How did Alice do it? In any case, she didn't need to do anything. She saw her body go to the center of the circle, Carlos raised the barrier and sat on top of an old freezer away from the circle, she — or rather — Alice started singing the memorized chants.
As electrifying as a ritual to summon the bad thing itself may seem, it's pretty boring when you're just a spectator. Kethelyn spent the next 15 minutes bored to death — hah! — she passed her time enjoying her choice of outfit for the night, a pair of pink cargo pants and a matching tight crop top — what? You have to look stylish when you're going to meet someone famous, even if it's the devil.
Suddenly, a strong smell of sulfur filled the air and an unnatural fog began to rise inside the terrace. From within the fog lights glowed like flames.
There he was.
Kethelyn had a lot of expectations about the devil, but she wasn’t expecting that. A white man, bald, wearing a polo shirt and the most hideous goatee. Hadn't Lucifer been the most beautiful angel in heaven? What a glow down.
The Demon stood still for a while, staring. All the corporeal beings present froze. He might have an ordinary appearance, but his aura certainly matched his fame.
“…So?” The Evil One broke the silence “What do you want, mortal?”
Kethelyn saw her body swallow hard, her hands shake. Alice finally took courage and said:
“I wan…” she hesitated “I want to have a reserved place, for me Alice Vellota and my girlfriend Maria Eduarda Almeida, in hell. A place where we can be together.”
The Fallen Angel raised an eyebrow.
“I want so that the moment this soul of mine leaves this body,” Alice kept going, more confident this time “I go straight to hell and meet her.”
Sathanas began to laugh.
“In so many centuries of work” his laugh was strondous “this is the first time I've seen someone who wants to go to hell!”
He continued laughing for a few more minutes, bending over himself and slapping his knees.
“So…” Alice was distressed “you accept the deal?”
“Ah, that, err…” Old Harry wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. “No.”
“Sweetheart, do you think I'm stupid?” He said in a fake-offended voice. “I know that the soul inside this body died a long time ago.”
He laughed mockingly.
“I am the devil” he stretched the last word as if he was RuPaul “having the courage to lie in the face of the father of lies?” he clapped his hands sarcastically “You’re a real one, baby.”
Kethelyn could see her shaking, Alice must have been desperate.
“To tell you the truth,” The enemy continued, looking at Alice again “your soul is worthless to me. But hers…” Kethelyn didn't have a body at the moment, but she felt her soul shiver the moment Satan made eye contact with her, grinning. “Oh, her soul is very precious”
Why did she think he wouldn't be able to see her? He was the devil!
Carlos, who was just watching, felt chills when he saw The Old One pointing into thin air, he did not need to see her to know.
The devil wanted Kethelyn.
The Serpent made Kethelyn and Alice switch places, the sale of a soul should not be done by third parties, and Old Nick was more than willing to buy Kethelyn's.
“Not gonna happen.” Kethelyn denied the moment she got her body back.
“Come on, dear” insisted the prince of darkness with the warm gentleness of a salesman. “There must be something you want, do you want me to help you summon more souls for your studies? I can make all the sinners in hell available to you! You want money? Fame? I can do it in the blink of an eye! I have great references, artists loved me in the 90’s. Just tell me your price.”
“Can you help me get my degree while keeping my mental health?
“Unfortunately, reality-bending miracles are my father’s department.”
“Then no,” Kethelyn was determined “I know what you want me for. I will not send innocent souls to your domain. I may work with spirits, but I still have decency.”
Beelzebub took a deep breath.
“Well, I wasn't called here for nothing.” His facade fell, the warm voice gave way to a cold, cruel tone. “Either you give up your soul, and stay alive for another nine years... or you both come with me to hell, now.”
That was the last straw. Carlos ran through the old furniture and Nick Nacks squashed on the terrace to get the holy water and his other emergency supplies. If he had to fight the devil, so be it, but he wouldn't let him take her friend.
However, before he could invade the barrier, Carlos heard a yelp:
It was Kethelyn.
“Lucifer Morningstar, I challenge you to a duel!”
Carlos wanted to tear out his own eyes, Lucifer grinned.
“And what are your terms, mortal?”
“If I win, you leave me alone and fulfill Alice's wish.”
“What if you lose?”
“...You can have my soul, as long as you fulfill her wish anyway.” She looked in the direction of Alice's ghost. “I know that fulfilling her wish is no big deal for you.”
From outside the barrier, Carlos was jumping, shaking his head, making an ‘’x’ with his arms, and mouthing ‘nooooooo’'. Kethelyn might be crazy, but she wasn’t suicidal, was she?
Was she?!
Lucifer pretended to think really hard.
“Okay, I accept your terms.” he smiled “And what do you challenge me to, little girl?”
Kethelyn smirked.
Carlos was banging his head on the support pole of the terrace, and Alice — if she had eyes — would have them wide open in shock. They both thought the same thing:
She wants to kill herself!
“I'm sorry I didn't notice you before, Carlinhos!” Lucifer patted an inconsolable Carlos on the back.
The barrier had been broken, but Lucifer could not and did not want to attack any of them until the end of the challenge.
“It’s okay, Mr. Capiroto… it’s okay” Carlos repeated defeatedly. The two had met before, college projects can take you to unusual places, huh?
“So” Lucifer looked at Kethelyn “how does this… uno thing work?”
Kethelyn and Carlos looked at each other.
If the devil doesn't know how to play uno... they have a chance!
Carlos' eyes shone. Kethelyn looked at him smugly as if she had predicted this from the beginning — although it wasn't the case.
The humans took turns explaining to the prince of hell the rules of the esteemed — and supposedly — human card game, even Alice tried to help, mentioning observations and details the couple missed.
The clock was already striking at 3 am when the game actually started. Carlos raised another barrier for the participants. This particular barrier prevented either of them from cheating, a necessary measure for those playing with the devil.
The house rules say that the deck must be shuffled facing away from the players by someone who is not participating. As the only corporeal being left, Carlos had to take the dealer's role.
Kethelyn and Lucifer sat at the table found by Carlos somewhere in the mess. They both held their 7 cards from the uno deck, the starting card was in the center of the table, draw deck on the side. Carlos took a coin out of his pocket to decide who would start; Heads to Lucifer, Tails to Kethelyn.
The coin was tossed. Seconds of tension dragged on like hours. The coin fell into Carlos' hand. He opened his palm:
It begins, Kethelyn's cards had nothing special, just a +2 red card as a special card and a predominance of reds, leaving with only one card for each other color.
The initial card, taken from the draw deck, was a green 3.
Lucifer started his attack, immediately launching a +2 green card. Kethelyn was unfazed, launching her red +2 card, doubling the attack and reversing the damage. Kethelyn, however, did not expect Lucifer to have a trick up his sleeve, as he placed another card in the pile.
Kethelyn had no way to counterattack this time, the medium let out a frustrated sigh as she picked up her eight cards: three red, three green, one blue and a special card, a red reverse.
“Color?” asked the medium.
Kethelyn nodded and threw three cards of number 7 into the pile, the bottom one yellow, the top one red.
Lucifer had no choice but to draw and place the same color.
Kethelyn places her red reverse card — drawn from the batch she just took — and then two number 4 cards, red and green.
Lucifer draws again and soon passes.
Neither red nor green cards… maybe the advantage is coming back to me. Kethelyn thought.
Kethelyn places her card again, this time two cards numbered 0, green and red, respectively. But the card Lucifer had just drawn was also red, so he places it in the pile combined with another card, changing the game's color to blue.
The game continues with blue cards until the devil places a card numbered 2, where Kethelyn manages to change the game's color to red again. Lucifer draws, and passes. But just one round later, he uses the same trick on Kethelyn, this time changing the color to green, Kethelyn places a card, Lucifer draws and places.
It's number 1, green.
Kethelyn ponders, she has three cards at the moment, the numbers 1 and 6 in red and the number 9 in green. She could try to change the color to red, she knows that her opponent doesn't have any red cards, but it would certainly inconvenience her later. She knows that Lucifer doesn't have any green cards either, and getting rid of the green card would avoid inconvenience, so that was the most obvious option, right?
Kethelyn wasted no time, playing card 9.
Lucifer smiled demonically.
— Uno! — he exclaimed, throwing the yellow card 9 on the table.
Kethelyn wanted to bang her head on the table, how had she not realized he only had two cards? What will she do now? She doesn't have another 9 card and much less yellow cards, she doesn't know the number or color of the last card, if it isn't a special card! She can't lose this game.
I can’t… I can’t…
The necromancer's hands shook as she tried to pull the next card from the deck, so much that the entire deck slid off the table.
Carlos approached it with an intense look, he looked Kethelyn in the eyes, silently asking her to trust him. Kethelyn didn't understand, but trust she did.
Carlos picked up the cards from the floor and explained that he would have to shuffle everything again.
Wait, will he…?
The game of Uno that Kethelyn lost last time was changed after Carlos shuffled the game, he knew many card tricks, including how to manipulate a deck without looking suspicious, and would never hesitate to cheat his way to uno.
But how? The barrier would prevent…
Kethelyn realized.
Carlos was outside the barrier.
The barrier unables Kethelyn and Lucifer to cheat, but that didn't count the Croupier.
When Carlos put the deck back, Kethelyn's hands were stable, she pulled out the top card...
A +4.
Kethelyn almost cried with joy as she threw the card on the table.
Lucifer drew his cards resignedly and asked the color:
“Red.” Kethelyn felt triumphant.
Lucifer played his card and Kethelyn followed without any problems, this time she was the one shouting Uno.
She placed the red 6 card. The only card left in her hand was the red number 1.
But instead of passing, the devil placed a new card on the pile.
A yellow 6.
Kethelyn felt a growing despair. She still had a chance, but it was frustrating. She was so close…
The human pulled a card from the deck and almost cried with joy for the second time that day.
It was number 1 in yellow.
Kethelyn could hardly believe her luck.
“I won!” Kethelyn announced, throwing the letter into the pile and standing up. “I won!”
Lucifer sighed mockingly.
“It seems so” he replied, and added, narrowing his eyes “this time.”
Lucifer stood up, assuming a relaxed posture as he looked in Alice's direction.
“Are you coming or not?”
The spirit looked dazed, her form flickering like candlelight.
“Isn't that what you wanted? No going back now.”
“Yes, yes” Alice alternated her gaze between Lucifer and Kethelyn “I just need to do one thing first, quick.”
“You know you can't run away, right?”
“I know!” She yelled before disappearing.
Lucifer looked at Kethelyn and Carlos.
“Don't think it's over yet, kids.” He gave another devilish smile. “I have as many tricks up my sleeve as you.”
Alice returned before the humans could respond.
“Let's go!” she exclaimed.
“Yes, let's go.”
Lucifer looked at the couple one last time, and pointed his two fingers first at himself, then at them in an “I'm watching you” sign, and disappeared into the darkness.
Before Kethelyn could open her mouth, a notification.
Bank: your pix has been received! Vellota ltd. sent you R$5,000.
Carlos looked at the cellphone screen clearly impressed.
“You know,” he broke the silence. “I kind of saved your life just now, so, I don't know... you could buy me a burger? As a thank you.”
Kethelyn smirked.
“Yeah, I guess we're even now, huh? I don’t know if there’s a burger place open at this hour, how about an açaí?
They laughed.
Kethelyn wouldn't have to worry about rent for a long time.
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An Updated index to my blog
(updated 24-10-2023) (updated 27-05-2024) I figured out people might have wanted a more of a "guide" or "index" to my blog that might be more preferable than just letting someone dig through my blog, I will be updating this blog overtime. I also offer tarot reading and magical spell/ritual service depending on consultation, divination, and figuring out your country's currencies and adjusting my rates and the task at hand, throwing that out of the way if you are thinking about that. I do magical service and readings for pay, you can contact me and ask me about it if you're wondering. Book Review: Greatness of Saturn, A Therapeutic Myth My free publications: Sandalphon: Archangel of Malkuth Sandalphon's spirit portrait by @desdemonasarchives Business and Money Psalms Magic for Traveling Long distance Kefizat Haderech/Tay Al Ard Virtue of Quranic VersesFour Wheels of The Enchiridion
Akshaya Tritiya and A Collecting of folklore Quranic benefits,
Prayers, rituals: Prayer for knowledge/studying(Occult/Mundane Knowledge) Dream Oracle Adam's Prayer Liber Resh PGM-based Qi Ball and Helios Rite Invocation of Light Hagith's Home Sweetening Ophiel's Mercury Retrograde Mitigation Ritual Stick Pad's Divination Affordable 7 days candle where you can't buy it Visualization Advice from Ophiel New Memory Improvement Spell from Grimoire of Pope Leo Prayer of Crowns Arabic Translation The Ladder and Spring for Scrying elemental Kingdoms Kerubic Prayers for 4 stations of the sun. Virtue and Spells to the see the Prophet(Mohammed) Setting Light into the Past, for Spells, Ancestors and Beyond. Magical usage of Prayer of Crowns Incense Series ( Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 ) More new stuff Offering and Salutations to the Teachers practice, outline, and technique. Contacting Ophiel with Pen and Paper.
Praying with Flowers and St Justina
Wish fulfilling power of Verse of Throne
Log and record of practice:
Signs of Witchcraft ( Part 1 , Part 2 )
Spirit Stealing Offerings
Radionics Magical experiments
Elelogap's Purification work
7 Weeks of Arbatel/Olypmic spirits work
Geometric Entities and 3d polygons-like nature spirits.
Daimon of Sodom's Apple ( Part 1 , Part 2 coming soon )
Hagith's Flower
Grimoire of Sixfold star's Series: The Method Elnafi( Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , finale ) Rimori( Part 1 ) halting 44 days of Psalm 119
Scrying The Elemental Kingdoms Method ( Air , Earth , More Air , More Earth , Water! , FIRE ) Meeting Angalaparameshwari! Thoughts and contemplations:
In Praise of Mistakes and Mishaps
craft on oil/consecrated oil
Magical results and time scale.
Variance in magical languages and Pronunciation Circumambulation Magical Rings Closed Practices, Initiation, and gate-keeping practices. "the most powerfull exercise you did", Stacking prayers, and praying with spirits and entities. Concept of Werd/Daily Recitation or prayers.
ABLANATHANALBA's formula breakdown and experiment ( Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 ) At a Crossroad The power of the Cross The Crossing of Magical Currents Purification Practice Sincerity and Severity and advice for spirit communication. Being Hard on oneself and other. Sadness, Disappointment, and 3 of Swords God does not burden any soul beyond its capacity. The Golden Chain, lineages, egregores...and the open secret to initiation Linguistic Breakdown of Prayer of Crowns In Memory of Dr Leon Wright. By Letters, Words, and Names. Prophets, Mounts, and Open Secrets/ initiation To Be Silent and Pearl Clutching. Good Deeds, Virtues don't sell. Lineage of Spirits(A rope from spirits and a rope from people) Enjoy your Practice. Wisdom, Torah, Tear, Tarot. Shem Angels, Guardian angels, and Natal spirits.
Restitutionism: Praying For and with the Spirits.
Love Elemental-astrological Talismans
Chaldean Oracle 147, Gate of Man and Immortals, Cancer/Capricorn and Daniel in the bible. Retrospective: Practice from a length and at a length.
Previously public services: ( I might make more in the future, stay tuned ) St Expedite Work Ganesha's Working ( Part 1 , Part 2 ) St Cyprian and Aratron
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