#Mental Health Retreats
bambirattnerna · 1 month
Mental Health Retreats: How Trauma Affects the Quality of Your Life
Healing from Within: Intensive Therapy Retreats, Northampton Discusses The Impact of Trauma
Intensive Therapy Retreats, Northampton, emphasizes the need for trauma treatment, addressing the profound impact of trauma on various aspects of life. As a premier provider of mental health retreats, the center is committed to offering expert trauma care and handling trauma symptoms through specialized retreats that prioritize healing and well-being.
How Trauma Affects the Quality of Your Life
Trauma symptoms can profoundly impact various aspects of life, significantly diminishing the quality of life for those affected. Here's a breakdown of how trauma can affect one's well-being:
Emotional Distress: Trauma often triggers intense emotional reactions such as fear, anxiety, anger, sadness, or numbness. These overwhelming and persistent emotions make it challenging to experience joy or feel emotionally stable.
Mental Health Disorders: Trauma is strongly linked to the development of mental health disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse. These conditions can significantly impair daily functioning and overall happiness.
Relationship Strain: Trauma can strain relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners. Trust issues, communication difficulties, and emotional withdrawal are common consequences of unresolved trauma, leading to isolation and loneliness.
Physical Health Complications: The effects of trauma extend beyond the mind, often manifesting in physical health issues such as chronic pain, gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular issues, and autoimmune disorders. The body's response to chronic stress and trauma can weaken the immune system and contribute to various health problems.
Self-Destructive Behaviors: Coping mechanisms such as self-harm, substance abuse, or risky behaviors may develop as individuals attempt to numb emotional pain or regain a sense of control. These behaviors can further exacerbate the negative consequences of trauma and impede healing.
Disrupted Sleep Patterns: Trauma survivors commonly experience disturbances in sleep patterns, including insomnia, nightmares, or night terrors. Poor sleep quality can exacerbate emotional distress, impair cognitive function, and contribute to overall fatigue and lethargy.
Impact on Identity and Self-Worth: Trauma can shatter one's sense of identity, self-worth, and beliefs about the world. Survivors may struggle with feelings of shame, guilt, or worthlessness, leading to a diminished sense of self-esteem and confidence.
Interference with Daily Functioning: Trauma can interfere with daily functioning in various areas of life, including work, school, and social activities. Concentration difficulties, memory problems, and hypervigilance can impair performance and lead to feelings of frustration and inadequacy.
Avoidance and Withdrawal: Coping with trauma often involves avoidance of triggers or reminders of the traumatic event. While this may provide temporary relief, it can also lead to social withdrawal, isolation, and a narrowing of life experiences.
Limited Future Outlook: Trauma survivors may struggle to envision a positive future or set meaningful goals due to feelings of hopelessness or a lack of trust in themselves and others. Overcoming trauma and reclaiming a sense of purpose and optimism often requires comprehensive therapeutic support and self-care practices.
Trauma Can be Healed Effectively
Rest assured that at Intensive Therapy Retreats, Northampton, scientifically proven methods are utilized to aid clients in processing and releasing negative emotions and limiting self-beliefs associated with trauma, empowering them to move forward in their lives. Staying current with emerging research enables the center to provide cutting-edge treatments as soon as they become available. Trauma is not seen as a life sentence at Intensive Therapy Retreats, Northampton, as demonstrated by clients who continually prove that even the most intense traumas can be healed.
Intensive Trauma Therapy Retreats in Northampton 
Recognizing the pervasive effects of trauma, Intensive Therapy Retreats, Northampton, has developed intensive trauma therapy retreats that provide comprehensive support and guidance to individuals seeking healing. Led by experienced therapists and facilitators specializing in trauma-informed care, these programs combine evidence-based therapies with holistic wellness practices to address trauma symptoms comprehensively.
Intensive Therapy Retreats, Northampton, offers hope and healing for individuals seeking intensive trauma treatment in a compassionate and empowering setting. To learn more about their programs and services, visit https://www.intensivetherapyretreat.com/schedule-a-call/ or contact them at (413) 331-7421.
About Intensive Therapy Retreats, Northampton
Bringing over two decades of expertise, Dr. Bambi Rattner, Psy.D., spearheads trauma-focused therapy at Intensive Therapy Retreats in Northampton. Their comprehensive approach addresses a wide range of issues, spanning from depression and anxiety to PTSD, violence, abuse, grief, eating disorders, and addiction. Recognizing trauma's foundation in negative emotions and self-perceptions, the center prioritizes specialized care for symptom relief. Utilizing EMDR, esteemed as the gold standard in trauma release therapy, alongside IFS to process negative emotions associated with traumatic experiences. While memories endure, their hold on individuals loosens, facilitating the transformation of constraining self-beliefs into positive, empowering ones.
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Retreat to Recovery: Intensive Therapy Retreats, Beacon, New York
Discovering Tranquility: Mental Health Retreat in New York
Beacon, New York — Intensive Therapy Retreats, Beacon, New York, offers tailored retreat experiences designed to address PTSD, trauma, and the aftermath of child and sexual abuse. Evidence-based therapies and compassionate support are integrated to empower individuals on their road to recovery.
Unveiling Serenity: Experience Mental Wellness in Beacon
Finding moments of peace and rejuvenation in today's fast-paced and chaotic world can feel like a luxury. Intensive Therapy Retreats understands the importance of creating a sanctuary where individuals can escape the noise of everyday life and focus on their mental well-being. Nestled in the serene landscapes of Beacon, New York, the retreats for mental health provide a tranquil haven where clients can start their journey of healing and self-discovery.
Surrounded by the natural beauty of Beacon, NY, the retreats for mental health offer a unique opportunity to reconnect with oneself and find solace amid nature. The peaceful ambiance serves as a backdrop for transformative experiences, allowing guests to step away from the hustle and bustle of urban life and immerse themselves fully in the healing process.
At Intensive Therapy Retreats, they believe in the power of integrating evidence-based therapeutic interventions with the serenity of their natural surroundings. Establishing a supportive and nurturing environment empowers individuals to explore their innermost thoughts and emotions, confront past traumas, and cultivate resilience. The goal is to provide guests with the tools and resources they need to overcome the challenges in life with strength and clarity long after they leave the retreat.
Choosing Healing: Why Beacon, New York is Your Mental Health Oasis
Intensive Therapy Retreats serve as a guiding light for individuals navigating the tumultuous waters of trauma, PTSD, and various mental health challenges. In a landscape where finding effective and personalized care can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack, the mental health retreat in New York stands out as a ray of hope, offering an atmosphere where healing and renewal are not just aspirations but tangible realities.
The unwavering determination to provide personalized care sets Intensive Therapy Retreats, Beacon, New York, apart. The team understands that every individual's journey to healing is unique, so they adapt their strategy to each participant's demands and goals. Through thorough assessments and one-on-one consultations, they comprehensively understand guests' histories, challenges, and aspirations, allowing them to craft a treatment plan that effectively addresses their individual needs.
A key component of the approach is transformative therapies such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy. These evidence-based modalities have shown remarkable efficacy in helping individuals process traumatic experiences, alleviate symptoms of PTSD, and foster deep emotional healing. By integrating these transformative therapies into the retreat programs, participants can embark on a profound healing and renewal journey guided by skilled therapists committed to their well-being.
At Intensive Therapy Retreats, there is a belief in the power of holistic healing, addressing not just the symptoms of mental health challenges but their underlying causes as well. Through therapeutic interventions, experiential activities, and immersive experiences, participants can explore the depths of their inner worlds, confront past traumas, and cultivate resilience in the face of adversity.
The Path to Healing: Embrace Wellness 
Nestled in the heart of Beacon, Intensive Therapy Retreats provides a serene and welcoming environment where individuals can delve into their deepest feelings and thoughts. Guided by experienced therapists, participants engage in therapeutic sessions and immersive experiences designed to facilitate self-discovery and emotional healing.
Individuals can gain valuable insights and resources to reclaim control over their mental well-being at their mental health retreat in New York. Whether confronting past traumas, managing symptoms of PTSD, or seeking personal growth, the retreat center offers a supportive and nurturing space for exploration and transformation.
About Intensive Therapy Retreats, Beacon, New York
Intensive Therapy Retreats in Beacon, New York, offers transformative mental health retreats in a serene natural setting. With personalized care and evidence-based therapies like EMDR and IFS, participants embark on a journey of healing and recovery.
Join Intensive Therapy Retreats in Beacon and set off on a life-changing path toward recovery and growth. To learn more, visit the website, contact them at (413) 331-7421, or email [email protected].
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What are some common signs and symptoms that indicate a need for a mental health retreat?
Recognizing signs and symptoms that indicate a need for a mental health retreat can vary depending on individual circumstances and experiences. However, here are some common indicators that may suggest it could be beneficial to consider it:
1. Increased stress and burnout: Feeling overwhelmed, emotionally exhausted, and experiencing high levels of chronic stress can be signs that a retreat for mental health could be helpful. This may manifest as constant fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, or a sense of being drained.
2. Anxiety and panic symptoms: Frequent anxiety, panic attacks, excessive worry, restlessness, or a constant feeling of being on edge may indicate a need for focused attention on mental well-being. These symptoms can interfere with daily functioning and quality of life.
3. Depression and mood changes: Persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, feelings of hopelessness, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, and a lack of energy or motivation can suggest a need for additional mental health support.
4. Difficulty coping with life changes or trauma: If you're struggling to cope with significant life changes, such as loss of a loved one, divorce, relocation, or a traumatic event, a mental health retreat may provide a supportive environment to process emotions and develop effective coping strategies.
5. Challenges with self-care and emotional regulation: Neglecting self-care routines, struggling with self-esteem, engaging in self-destructive behaviors, or having difficulty managing emotions could indicate a need for focused attention on mental well-being.
6. Relationship difficulties and social isolation: Persistent conflicts in relationships, feelings of loneliness or isolation, difficulties in establishing healthy boundaries, or a lack of social support can contribute to poor mental health. A retreat can offer an opportunity to connect with others and gain perspectives on building healthier relationships.
7. Unresolved grief or unresolved trauma: If you're dealing with unresolved grief or trauma that continues to impact your emotional well-being, a mental health retreat might provide a structured and supportive environment to address these issues.
Remember, these signs and symptoms are general and not diagnostic. It's important to consult with a mental health professional who can evaluate your specific situation and provide personalized recommendations, including whether a mental health retreat would be beneficial for you.
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mauihealingretreat · 1 year
Reasons Why Mental Health Retreats Can Be Life-Changing
Mental health is an essential aspect of our overall well-being. However, with the stresses and challenges of modern life, it is easy to neglect our mental health. Mental health retreats offer a safe and supportive environment for individuals to take a break from their daily routines and focus on their mental health. Here, we will discuss the causes why mental health retreats can be life-changing.
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Top Reasons Why Mental Health Retreats Can Be Beneficial For You
Mental health retreats offer a safe and supportive environment for individuals to take a break from their daily routines and focus on their mental health. In this blog post, we will discuss why mental health retreats can be life-changing. Consider energy healing maui Retreat for your transformative experience.
1. Disconnecting From The World
With the constant presence of technology in our lives, it can be challenging to take a break from the outside world. Mental health retreats offer an opportunity to disconnect from the distractions of everyday life and immerse oneself in a peaceful and supportive environment. This break can help individuals recharge and gain perspective on their mental health and personal goals.
2. Access To Professional Guidance And Support
Mental health retreats often have licensed therapists and mental health professionals available to provide guidance and support. These professionals can offer personalized insights into an individual's mental health needs and provide tools and resources to help them manage their mental health effectively.
3. Fostering Connections With Like-Minded Individuals
Mental health retreats provide an opportunity to connect with others who are also focused on their mental health. These connections can be a source of support and inspiration as individuals share their experiences and learn from one another.
4. Engaging In Mindfulness Practices
Mental health retreats often incorporate mindfulness practices, such as meditation and yoga, into their programming. These practices can help individuals cultivate a sense of inner peace and relaxation and can also help individuals develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their mental health needs.
5. Developing Healthy Habits
It offers an opportunity to develop healthy habits that can support one's mental health long after the retreat has ended. From regular exercise to a balanced diet and consistent sleep patterns, mental health retreats provide an immersive environment for individuals to develop and practice healthy habits.
6. Safe Space To Explore Emotions
Mental health retreats provide a safe space for individuals to explore and process their emotions. Through therapeutic activities and workshops, individuals can gain a better understanding of their emotions, learn coping skills, and develop resilience.
7. Time For Self-Reflection
With the hectic pace of daily life, it can be challenging to find time for self-reflection. Mental health retreats offer an opportunity for individuals to reflect on their values, beliefs, and goals. This introspection can help individuals identify areas for growth and make positive changes in their lives.
8. Holistic Approach To Mental Health
Mental health retreats often take a holistic approach to mental health, addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of well-being. This approach recognizes that mental health is interconnected with other aspects of one's life and focuses on improving overall wellness.
9. Break From Unhealthy Habits
Mental health retreats offer a break from unhealthy habits, such as substance abuse or negative thought patterns. This break can provide individuals with the space and support they need to break free from these patterns and develop healthier habits.
Connect With The Expert Today!
Mental health retreats can be life-changing for individuals seeking to improve their mental and overall well-being. If you are seeking a transformative experience, consider attending a mental health retreat to jumpstart your mental health journey. Or you can also go to the retreat centers like Maui Healing Retreat for your betterment. They have a variety of options, like mixing and matching the meal with the therapy to accelerate your health.
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healingretreat · 2 years
Mental health retreat has proven to be a positive option for people across the world. Who is looking for help in this difficult department? Therefore. if you’re curious, take a look at the list we’ve put together below to find out more.
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infopathfinder · 8 months
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mrazota · 2 months
Just read "The Secret History"
People who make aesthetic posts what the fuck?
Empaths, how are you?
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gallifvrey · 6 months
with the amount of david tennant doctors out there rn jack must be going absolutely feral
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wayward-wren · 11 days
I forgot how much Mike Yates is prevalent in Planet of the Spiders and it makes me very happy that he does get some form of a redemption arc. Or at least healing arc.
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Enjoy a tranquil beach yoga holiday and beautiful sea-view rooms only a 5 minutes walk away from the sandy beaches of Agios Gordios, Corfu in Greece 🇬🇷
A perfect retreat for solo travelers, couples, or small groups, with great opportunities to find yourself on the yoga mat and off. Surrounded by a stunning beach landscape offering fun-filled outdoor activities and adventures around the island while meeting like-minded people and making friends from around the world 🌍
Perfect 🧘🪷🙏
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dailyreine · 2 months
If you guys have questions about Rie's life before canon or Rie in general or how she met L or her relationship with him please ask them djdjhd I gotta figure out 1429/the ReaL beginning (these are my working titles but they are the same thing. you can ask what on earth I mean by "1429/the ReaL beginning" too.)
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bambirattnerna · 1 month
Intensive Therapy Retreat: Recognizing the Significance of Mental Health
Mental Health Retreat for Depression: Prioritizing Mental Health on Par with Physical Well-being
In today's society, the focus on physical health often overshadows the importance of mental well-being. However, acknowledging mental health is on par with physical well-being is paramount. At Intensive Therapy Retreats, the leading mental health retreat for depression in Northampton, there is a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of mental and physical health. They advocate for a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses both aspects, offering specialized retreats catering to various mental health needs.
Prioritizing Mental Health on Par with Physical Well-being
Recognizing the Significance of Mental Health
Despite increased awareness, stigma and misconceptions continue to shroud mental health, deterring many from seeking help. Intensive Therapy Retreats endeavors to dismantle these barriers by fostering open discussions about mental health. They create safe spaces where individuals can seek support without fear of judgment or discrimination, offering specialized mental health retreats for grief and loss, depression, and the unique challenges faced by young adults.
Impact of Mental Health on Physical Wellness
Impact on Overall Well-being: Mental health significantly influences physical health and vice versa. Neglecting one aspect can have detrimental effects on the other, leading to a decline in overall well-being. Psychosomatic symptoms, such as headaches or stomachaches, can arise from mental or emotional factors, underscoring the profound impact of mental health on physical well-being.
Quality of Life: Good mental health contributes to a better quality of life by enabling individuals to cope with stress, maintain positive relationships, and enjoy daily activities. Without mental well-being, physical health achievements may feel hollow or unsatisfying.
Productivity and Functioning: Mental health plays a crucial role in one's ability to function effectively in daily life. It affects concentration, decision-making, problem-solving, and productivity at work or school.
Physical Health Behaviors: Mental health influences behaviors related to physical health, such as exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding harmful substances like drugs and alcohol.
Immune System Functioning: Research suggests mental health can impact immune system functioning. Chronic stress, anxiety, or depression may weaken the immune response, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses and infections.
Chronic Disease Management: Mental health affects how individuals manage chronic diseases. Conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer require consistent self-care and adherence to treatment plans, which can be challenging without good mental health.
Longevity: Studies have shown that good mental health increases longevity. People who maintain positive mental well-being tend to live longer and have a higher quality of life in their later years.
Relationships and Social Support: Mental health influences the ability to form and maintain healthy relationships. Strong social connections and support networks contribute to better mental and physical health outcomes.
Resilience: Mental health fosters resilience, the ability to bounce back from adversity or setbacks. Resilient individuals are better equipped to handle life's challenges and maintain their physical health during difficult times.
Self-Perception and Self-Care: Mental health influences self-perception and self-care behaviors. Individuals with good mental health are more likely to engage in self-care practices, prioritize their needs, and seek help when necessary, all of which contribute to better physical health outcomes.
Investing in Prevention and Early Intervention
Similar to preventive measures for physical health, investing in prevention and early intervention is crucial for mental well-being. Intensive Therapy Retreats emphasize prevention and early intervention, including education on recognizing warning signs. By addressing mental health concerns proactively, they aim to prevent more severe issues from arising and promote long-term wellness.
For more information about mental health retreats for grief and loss or mental health retreats for young adults in Northampton, please visit the Intensive Therapy Retreats’ website or contact the experts at (413) 331-7421. 
About Intensive Therapy Retreats, Northampton
Intensive Therapy Retreats in Northampton is a premier destination for mental health retreats in New England. This retreat center is a haven for those seeking rejuvenation and healing, prioritizing holistic well-being and individualized attention. Supported by a team of seasoned therapists and facilitators, their mission is to offer compassionate care and evidence-based approaches to assist individuals in overcoming challenges such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and trauma, guiding them toward a path of healing and growth.
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Intensive Therapy Retreats: Explore the Path to Healing from Depression
Rediscovering Joy: How Mental Health Retreats Can Illuminate Your Path to Healing from Depression
The weight of depression can often become an unbearable burden in the hustle and bustle of daily life. The relentless cycle of sadness, isolation, and hopelessness can make it seem like there's no way out. However, amid the shadows of despair, a glimmer of hope shines through - mental health retreats. Specifically designed to offer solace, support, and transformation, these retreats are becoming a beacon of hope for those grappling with depression.
Rediscovering Joy: Mental Health Retreats and Their Transformative Power
Intensive Therapy Retreats, nestled in the scenic beauty of Beacon, NY, are at the forefront of providing comprehensive mental health support. This press release sheds light on the transformative power of mental health retreats, with a specific focus on how Intensive Therapy Retreats can illuminate the path to healing from depression.
Defining Depression and Its Impact
Depression is a complex mental health disorder that affects individuals profoundly, encompassing persistent sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest or pleasure in previously enjoyed activities. It can strike anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background, infiltrating thoughts, emotions, and physical well-being. Recognizing its impact is crucial, as untreated depression can lead to severe consequences, including strained relationships, diminished work performance, substance abuse, and an increased risk of suicide.
The Role of Mental Health Retreats
Intensive Therapy Retreats offer a unique approach to healing, combining therapeutic interventions with an immersive, serene environment. Unlike traditional therapy settings, these retreats provide an intensive and holistic experience where participants can exclusively focus on their well-being. The benefits of these retreats over traditional therapy include the immersive nature, personalized therapy sessions, and treatment using therapies like ART (Accelerated Resolution Therapy) therapy, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), and IFS (Internal Family Systems).
Beacon, NY: A Haven for Intensive Therapy Retreats
Beacon, New York, is a prime location for these transformative mental health experiences. Its picturesque landscapes, including the Hudson River and surrounding mountains, create a serene backdrop for healing and self-discovery. Beacon's proximity to New York City makes it easily accessible for individuals looking to escape the urban grind and immerse themselves in a therapeutic environment. The retreat centers in Beacon, NY, are renowned for their commitment to providing comprehensive mental health support in a tranquil setting.
Benefits of Mental Health Retreats for Depression
Immersive Healing Environment: Mental health retreats often nestle themselves in picturesque settings, carefully chosen for their natural beauty and peaceful ambiance. Surrounded by lush greenery, rolling hills, or calming bodies of water, participants find a safe space to let go of their worries and focus on their inner selves.
Comprehensive Therapeutic Support: These retreats offer various therapeutic modalities tailored to individual needs, including individual counseling sessions, EMDR, internal family systems, and accelerated resolution therapy. Personalized treatment plans increase the likelihood of positive outcomes and long-term recovery.
Support and Connection: Therapy sessions are a cornerstone of mental health retreats for depression, providing a sense of belonging and understanding and reducing feelings of isolation often associated with depression. 
Mind-Body Integration: Mental health retreats prioritize holistic well-being, and the therapy sessions promote self-awareness and help individuals reconnect with their bodies and emotions, emphasizing physical and mental health interplay.
Overcoming Stigma and Encouraging Seeking Help
Addressing the stigma associated with mental health issues is a crucial part of the healing process. Mental health struggles are as valid as physical health concerns, and seeking help is an act of strength and self-compassion. Intensive Therapy Retreats encourage individuals to take the courageous step toward healing and remind them that they do not have to face this battle alone.
About Intensive Therapy Retreats
Intensive Therapy Retreats in Beacon, NY, offer a sanctuary of healing, hope, and transformation for individuals grappling with depression and other mental health challenges. With a focus on immersive environments, personalized therapeutic support, and mind-body integration, these retreats provide a holistic approach to mental well-being. Intensive Therapy Retreats empower individuals to rediscover joy, resilience, and a brighter future. Contact them at (413) 331-7421 to schedule a consultation with their therapists to understand more about their mental health retreats.
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lover-of-mine · 8 months
Hi Anna!!! I have a question for you. I came across a gifset of 6x09, the phone call where Buck tells Hen, Chim, and Eddie about the baby. Eddie sure didn't stick around for that conversation! He's visibly a bit bothered by it, but he doesn't say anything. And I think that's because he's trying not to steer Buck in any direction now like previous events, but I just think he has SOMETHING to say about it! Anyway, do you think he would bring it up at any point and would it create problems for Buddie?
Hi, baby <3
Okay, long story short: unless the baby becomes a thing that's actively harming Buck, I don't think Eddie is gonna say anything. It's done, the baby exists, he is not a possibility, he is an actual human out in the world so whatever feelings he may have about whether or not that was a good idea don't matter, because he's not an idea anymore. And even if we end up with buddie and somehow that kid becomes a conversation topic, it's not Eddie's place to say Buck shouldn't have done it, and he knows it, I think that's why he acts the way he acts towards it, he knows it's not his place. I can see Eddie snapping if it becomes something that's creating problems for Buck that he refuses to acknowledge but using it to create problems between them would be just stirring up drama with the least interesting thing they could pull from the deck of buddie drama, because Eddie would never actively try to hurt Buck more by bringing this kid into the conversation.
And regarding the whole thing while the baby is still just a concept, Eddie likes to push against the line of thought Buck is trapped in, sometimes because he's actually about to give some solid advice, sometimes maybe just because he's testing how set on this way Buck is. He only found out about the donation once it was a done deal, Buck had a lot of time to sit and think about it by the time he finds out, considering Eddie finds out right as Buck is about to make the donation, and Buck never goes to him to talk about that, so even though is pretty clear he thinks Buck is making a mistake, Buck never asked for his opinion while it would change anything, so he just ignores whatever concerns he may have.
I think Eddie has a better perspective on what being a parent means to Buck than Hen does because while we like to say the whole team knows, we don't really have that many scenes with Buck and Chris with the whole crew, so Eddie is really the only one watching Buck be a parent on a regular basis, and the question Hen asks, the "can you be a father and walk away" is the real thing that could create problems because one, Eddie is a father who walked away, he went to war and he did come back, but even he admits he ran when he was in the army, and two because he's been watching Buck not walk away for years, so he knows if Buck gets too involved, he's not gonna be able to walk away, and that's the concern I think. Sure, there's the fear that Buck is just believing the whole "they had me for parts" and is giving away even more of himself, and problems that the donation could bring for Buck on a bigger scale, but I think specifically with 6x09, Eddie is listening to Buck refer to himself as a father to a child he will have no involvement raising and he's worried Buck is gonna crash from that too hard if he keeps thinking about it the way he is, but he also thinks Buck doesn't want his opinion, because he never asked, and now the baby is real, so he backs away.
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diamondnokouzai · 18 days
psychosis is scary for the same reason that depression or cancer is scary. its a disease that can and has killed people. but it is not something unknown. it is not the monster outside in the darkness. as someone who is psychotic, it can be terrifying. but it is not something that needs to be ostracized.
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healingretreat · 2 years
Health retreats are a form of group therapy, where participants interact with other people with similar health-related issues in an effort to find solutions and implement them into their own life.
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