#Maybe we’ll all get pregnant if they try hard enough
justaregularken · 5 months
Werewolf boyfriend who literally cannot physically get you pregnant still being obsessed with the idea of breeding you because you’re his~
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forever-rogue · 1 year
I have a Joel request 🥰 Maybe reader was pregnant when the beginning of the pandemic happened and they got separated until years later when they reunite and their kid is older?? Whether or not joel knows about the pregnancy is up to you 🫠
Fluffy and angsty if you wish, but please not too angsty cause my heart is still healing from that angst fic 😅💔
(I see someone has already brought up a similar idea, but I thought I'd request for your take on the story cause I can never get enough of your writing!!!)
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AN | Don’t worry babe, I’ve got you! But really I love this concept!
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 2.7k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Joel?" your voice shook, and it was so painfully obvious that you were trying not to cry. Then again, a lot of people had been doing a lot of crying lately. You couldn't blame them; the world had basically ended.
And now it felt like yours was ending all over again. Fuck.
You padded into the living room of the apartment that now served as home for god knows how long. You found him sitting on the couch and staring out the window. He wasn't paying attention to what was going on out there, which happened to be very bleak at the moment. 
"Joel?" you called his name again, moving closer and hesitantly putting your hand on his shoulder. He startled easily lately; you didn't want to be the cause of it. He finally snapped back into attention and looked at you, all dark circles and empty eyes. It broke your heart, "I-I have something to tell you."
He remained quiet but looked raised an eyebrow in acknowledgement. You opened and closed your mouth a few times, suddenly at a loss for words.
How were you supposed to tell him that you were pregnant?
The world had come apart at the seams and he'd just lost his daughter. This was absolutely the worst in the world for all of this to happen.
You waved your hands for a moment, wishing the ground would open up and swallow you whole, "I-I'm-"
Before you could go any further, a loud knocking came at the door. Both of you startled as Joel jumped up and walked over to the door, opening it hurriedly, "what?"
"New horde of infected," a man's gruff voice reached your ears, "FEDRA wants everyone to pack up and go now."
"How far away?"
"Less than a mile."
You did not like the sound of that. A lump welled up in your throat as you looked at Joel helplessly. His face hardened into an unreadable expression before he gave the man, you were pretty sure his name was Nick, a hard nod, “we’ll be ready to go.”
“Good,” he was already moving along to the couple next door, “now go, there’s no time to lose.”
Joel slammed the door shut before letting out a long sigh. He was tired, so, so tired, but he couldn’t just give up. He had to keep going, he had to keep pushing. 
“Pack a bag, whatever you want grab,” he motioned towards the bedroom, “it doesn’t really matter anymore, but get what you need.”
“What’s going to happen?” your mind was reeling with worry; about you, him, the baby, and whatever the hell was about to go down, “I-I’m scared.”
“I know baby,” he set his large hands on your shoulders, “but right now you can’t worry about that. Just focus on getting your stuff and leaving. Ten minutes, okay? Then we have to get over to the FEDRA station and leave. Yes?”
“Yes,” you agreed shakily, already padding back to your bedroom to get the few possessions you had felt in the world.
Joel nodded as he went to grab his stuff, knives and guns and other weapons, agreeing to meet at the door shortly.
Time seemed to move in a combination of incredibly fast and wickedly slow and before you knew it, Joel was calling for you to leave. You met him at the door the two of you looked at each other in silent understanding.
The trek over to the FEDRA outpost wasn’t far and the other people in the small community were already in a panic to get out, all scrambling around each other. You grew nervous, wondering if you’d be able to get out in time. 
Joel’s hand was on the small of your back as he led you closer to the vehicles designated for exactly this purpose. 
The rest of it all happened so fast. The first group of infected had come around and were making their way into what you had once believed to be a safe space. Chaos ensued as some people tried to get out as quickly as possible and others hung back to try and fight. 
“Go,” Joel shielded you as he walked you over to the one of the vehicles. You were trying to get him inside with you, holding onto his hand tightly and pulled him. 
“Go,” he insisted firmly and for a moment, time stood still as he kissed you, “go. Get out to safety, okay?”
“What about you?” you hadn’t realized you’d started crying; you hated that he had to be such a good man, “please, come with me now. Please-”
“I’ll find you,” it was a promise both of you knew he might not be able to keep, “I swear it. I’ll find you.”
“I love you,” he took a step back as the vehicle started up and a few stragglers tried to get on, “I’ll find you soon.”
“I love you,” you cried, “please. Please.”
You weren’t even sure what you were asking for. Everything felt so surreal and left you in a daze; the next thing you knew, he was gone. 
You were leaving to get to the next safe space and he was just gone. 
You’d never felt more numb. 
But you never let go of the hope that one day he’d find you.
Joel Miller was a good man.
A good man that kept his promises.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Luca!" you sighed softly as you tried to find your son. You loved him dearly, but sometimes he just stressed out. He was just a kid though, and you couldn't be mad at him for that. 
He also happened to be extremely friendly and sociable, which made him popular among everyone. You walked down the street to one of his little friend's houses, sure they were just playing.
It was almost too quiet when you got there, and you were sure that they'd gone off somewhere else. You knocked on the door nonetheless and Lisa opened it, smiling when she saw it was you, "hey darlin', I'm afraid they're not here if you're looking for the little bundle of chaos they are."
"I had a feeling," crossing your arms over your chest you rolled your eyes playfully, "it's way too quiet and calm here."
"It's a nice change of pace if I do say so," she winked at you and the two of you exchanged smiles that only a single mother would understand, "do you want to come in for a bit?"
"Rain check?" You asked sheepishly, "I was going to go friend the kiddos….realistically I know they're fine but I'd rather see it with my own eyes."
"Definitely," she gave your shoulder a squeeze, "see you around."
It was a beautiful spring day, warm and breezy with small creatures scurrying about; it always felt like life was back to normal. Or what you had once known as normal…but this had been your reality for almost seven years now. Maybe this was your normal now. 
Nonetheless you decided to remain positive and decided instead to head down to the pond where the kids liked to play. Spring had brought around a bunch of ducklings and you were sure that the kids would be mesmerized by them. But, to be quite honest, so were you. The magic of such simple things was not lost on you. Now, more than ever, these sorts of things were so important. 
“Luca?” you saw a bunch of small figures around and screaming, and you finally relaxed. As you came into view, the boy grinned at you a big smile on his face, his curls roguish from the wind, “hey babe. You doin’ okay?”
“I’m okay,” he confirmed, his brown eyes sparkling as you ruffled his hair affectionately, “are you okay, mama?”
“Of course,” you crouched down so you were eye level with him, “all better now that I know you’re here. Remember when we talked about letting me know when you go out to play?”
“Yes,” he looked worried for a moment before you shook your head softly, “I’m sorry. I got excited about playing and forgot.”
“It’s okay,” you touched his cheek softly, “I’m not mad. Next time can you please remember to tell me?”
“Okay,” he wrapped his small arms around you, hugging you as best as he could. He was a sweetheart and of all the kids you could have ended up with, you were glad he choose you, “can I go back and play now?”
“Definitely,” tender kisses were pressed to his cheeks as you tickled his sides, “go and be good! I love you, kiddo.”
“I love you too, mama,” and off he was, running back to his friend as you watched him go. 
You slowly stood up before stretching and relishing in the popping of your joints. Having been reassured that he was going to be okay, you decided it was time to go back and start tending to the communal gardens. You never really had a green thumb before, but the last few years had really helped you grow. 
You were wrapped up in your own thoughts and almost didn’t notice the man in the middle of the sidewalk, clearly confused. You’d heard some newcomers might be headed your way, but you hadn’t come across any of them yet. Having new people around was something you’d come to love; it wasn’t common most of the time. 
“Hello there,” you were practically beaming as you bounced over to him. The man turned around at the sound of your voice, “you must be new…”
You stopped dead in your tracks as soon as you met his face, suddenly unsure if this was real life or just a wicked dream. You blinked a few times, trying to clear your vision and figure out if what you were looking at was real. There was no way…absolutely none. 
But he looked just like him, watching you with equally curious eyes. Your heart was beating so fast you were surprised it didn’t burst through your ribcage. Your mouth ran dry but you managed to get one singular, “Joel?”
After a moment of stunned silence he nodded before whispering your name in return. The tears were already welling up and threatening to run down your cheeks. Before you knew it, the man that once was your partner, lover - everything - took you in his arms and crushed you to his chest. You didn’t mind.
He was all too familiar, bringing back a rush of memories and emotions as you buried your face in his chest, breathing in his familiar scent. The two of you held onto each other tightly for some time; you were afraid that if you let him go he would disappear again and you would wake up to find it was all a horrible dream. 
When he pulled back, he took your face in his hands and gently brushed your tears away with his thumb. He drank you in, trying to understand every single thing that had happened since the day you lost each other, “hi.”
“Hi,” you grinned back with a teary smile, “you’re here. Really here.”
“I’m here,” he promised, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead, “I’m here.”
“Joel, I-”
“Mama!” the small voice of your son reached your ears as he ran over to the two of you, “I found a little duckie and I don’t see the mom duck and it’s so small and can I keep him?”
“Whoa, bud, slow down there for a moment,” he tucked himself behind your legs, suddenly feeling shy when he realized Joel was there. You could see Joel’s eyes flick to the young boy as his brow furrowed in confusion. You put a hand on his shoulder and encouraged him to introduce himself, “can you say hi?”
“Hi,” he sounded so young as he looked at Joel; their eyes mirroring each other, “I’m Luca.”
“Hi Luca,” he held out his hand to shake the young boy’s much smaller one, his mind racing and reeling with questions. But he was a smart man and could put two and two together,  “I’m Joel.”
“My daddy’s name was Joel,” Luca mused as Joel turned his attention back to you, “that’s what mama said anyway. Can I go back to the ducks now?”
“Yeah babe, go ahead. Don’t touch them though and let the mama duck do her thing. I'm sure she'll be back,” he nodded in response before trekking away again, throwing a little wave at the two of you. You nervously turned your attention back to Joel. 
“A son?” he asked, his voice thick with emotion as you nodded softly, “we have a son?”
“Yes,” it felt like a huge weight lifted off your shoulders as you finally got to tell him what you had wanted all those years ago, “we have a son. He looks just like you.”
“I never…I had no clue,” he ran a hand over his face in surprise, “I didn’t even know you were pregnant.”
“I found out that day,” also known as the day. When everything fell apart for a second time and you were separated from each other, “I was trying to tell you, right before Nick had come and knocked at our door. I realized that morning that I was…pregnant. And I never got the chance to tell you…when everything just started happening, it didn’t cross my mind again. And then…I lost you. I thought I’d lost you forever.”
“You had to go through all of that alone,” he looked at you in awe as you shrugged lightly, “you had to go through being pregnant alone and then raised our son alone.”
“I had a lot of help along the way,” you admitted softly, “turns out that times like these are good at bringing out the worst and the best of people. I told him about you; from when he was little. I always wanted him to know what a wonderful man his father was. And now…he got to meet you.”
“All this time,” he could cry thinking about it all. You, alone and scared, being pregnant in a world that was collapsing, and then having to raise a son alone. He’d lost Sarah, a loss that hurt still, and he knew always would, and he’d almost lost his son. But the universe, fate, or whatever was out there had given him a second chance. Not only to find you, but to be you and the son you shared, “baby.”
“It’s okay,” this time the tears running down your cheeks were happy, “it’s okay. You’re here now and that’s all that matters. And now you’ll get the opportunity to know Luca, and it’s…all I ever wanted.”
“We have a son,” he repeated as though he was in a daze, a happy blissful daze.
“You don’t have to…if you don’t want to spend time with him or anything I-I understand,” it would kill you, but you’d understand, “I don’t want you to feel obligated just because. O-or if there’s someone else.”
“No,” he shook his head fervently, “there’s never been anyway else. How could there ever be? It was always you for me; you’re still it.”
“Yeah,” you exhaled with a small laugh, relieved to hear his answer, “it’s always been you for me too.”
“I was just planning on passing through,” he touched your face, thumb gently brushing over your cheek, “but if it’s okay with you, I could stay a while.”
“How about forever?” you asked softly, “i-if you want to. I-I mean we can figure it out, but-”
“Forever sounds perfect.”
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harlowtales · 15 days
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Y/N goes into labour at Gazebo Fest with Jack on stage 👶🏻
18+ only - Mature Themes🚨
“Ok baby I hope you’re ok.” Jack said as he kissed you and grabbed his keys heading out the door to head to Gazebo Fest sound check in the heat of a May Kentucky afternoon.
“Will you please go? Grandpa is coming to pick me up later. We’ll be in the VIP section so gramps is out of the way. I know this is your first festival you’re running for the city and I’m about to deliver this baby at any moment but everything is going to be fine.” You went in for a deeper kiss as you couldn’t get enough of your husband’s pillowy perfect heart shaped lips. Your favourite thing to do was suck on his juicy bottom lip just to remind him of who’s boss.
“Mmmmm don’t start ok, I’m going to be late. I don’t know how you manage to heighten my anxiety and calm me down at the same time.” Jack said to you half wanting to take you into the bedroom but his heart was beating fast as he had his mind on the 2 days coming up of the whole production of the festival. It was all on him to make it a success.
As planned Grandpa came to get you and promised he wouldn’t go and try to get too close to the action. He insisted on going and Jack had a hard time talking him out of things. Now that you were pregnant it was more him keeping an eye on you.
“Are you comfortable Y/N? Let me know if you need anything” Grandpa said as you took your seats. He was forever the gentleman and it was obvious where Jack got it from.
“I’m fine, just feeling the pressure is all” you said as you rubbed your belly “the baby is sitter lower.”
“Oh I know it’s just a matter of time. We’re all very excited. I have big plans for this little one. Maybe they’ll like car sales and I can buy them a dealership.” He said proudly.
“Maybe Grandpa.” You said with a giggle. Everyone was putting their 2 cents in as to what the first grandchild from Jack would be. Jack and you agreed you would let your child decide what they want. Jack said if they want to act or rap he wasn’t going to stand in the way, but was maybe hoping for a doctor or professor.
The opening acts were done and it was time for the big moment for the King of Kentucky to take the stage. You got as excited as any fan and were disappointed you weren’t allowed to watch from the side of the stage as usual but Jack wanted you out of harms way and away from the music being too loud. In the box they catered to your every need, but you would rather be hanging out around the stage drinking ice cold Modelo in the heat.
It was evening now and you didn’t want to miss Jack but it was too long of a day for you now. You asked if there was someway to lay down and Grandpa was concerned. “We can go home” he suggested kindly.
“No I….I don’t want to miss Jack.” You said wincing a bit from the baby kicking hard.
“Y/N you don’t look good.” Grandpa said honestly and concerned.
“That’s enough for you for the day. There’s plenty other times for you to see Jack.” He insisted.
“But there’s no…ouch!” You paused and winced. This felt different. It was a sharper pain you hadn’t felt before. “There’s no other first….oh!” It came again “No other first Gazebo Fest.” You finally finished saying in between wincing and flinching from sharp pains you were starting to feel in waves.
“Get over here! She’s going into labour, I need help!” Grandpa said having no idea what to do. He thought he could handle it but seeing you in such pain was too much for him. He had grown so close to you it was hard for him and he had never seen a baby born in his life. In the days his wife had babies husbands weren’t allowed in the room.
“I got this don’t worry.” Sunni said who was hanging around in the vicinity. He didn’t want to step on Grandpa’s toes who claimed territory over being beside you, but he knew if shit went down he was the only other one in Jack’s circle that could help. He had seen his sister’s kids born in her home birth and helped out during the whole ordeal.
“You got this ok?” Sunni said rubbing your back “breathe like this” he demonstrated taking a deep breath in for a count of 3 and slowly letting it out. You started to feel more in control, but the contractions were speeding up.
An ambulance was on the way and venue security was making sure the whole area was blocked off for privacy. They found a cot for you to lay on as you felt weak. Jack continued to spit bars of such hits as Nail Tech, and They Don’t Love It while you started to cry out in pain holding Sunni’s hand tight as he guided you in what to do. He advised people to not call Jack but in an open air festival people saw a commotion in your section and cell phone started coming out like crazy.
Finally the ambulance got there and gently moved you onto the stretcher. Jack saw ambulance lights in the distance and paused the show as he always did concerned about the crowd. He hadn’t yet got the news while performing that his baby was coming.
“Everyone please take one step back. An ambulance is here please if someone needs help clear the area and make sure everyone around you is safe.” He said trying to keep the crowd calm. Just then Urban came up on the stage and whispered in Jack’s ear.
“What the fuck??” He said to Urban amplified by the mic near his mouth. “She said what? Finish my set? Is she fucking crazy?”
In between contractions you sent a message for Jack to finish his set and not leave to come to the hospital. There was too much riding on Gazebo Fest for him to not continue for the fans. In your mind this made perfect sense. Sunni was with you in the ambulance and Grandpa was following in his car. Grandpa had alerted the whole family who was headed to the hospital also.
“Y’all I gotta fucking go. I’m having a baby!” Jack screamed and everyone at the festival roared as Jack jumped down off the side and took off running. Urban, his security, and assistant had no choice but to take off and try to keep up with him. Kat his assistant was running behind him with the puppy who was barking with excitement. They located the black sprinter van and jumped in “How fucking fast can you go?” Jack asked the driver “I’m having a baby.” The driver looked at him confused. “No not me my wife I mean, fuck go!!” Jack said flustered.
It took about half an hour to get to the hospital and was the longest 30 minutes of Jack’s life. “K, I need to know where my wife is. I’m Jack Harlow and her name is Y/N Harlow.” Jack explained as he walked up to the counter out of breath.
“We know who you are Mr.Harlow. Please remain calm. Your wife is on the 12 floor in room 1204, she hasn’t delivered yet, but you’ll have to squeeze in. Your whole family is in there.” The front desk admin explained not too happy with about 6 people in the birthing room that wouldn’t take no for an answer.
Maggie was wiping your brown as you were in position. You had your hospital gown on and a large sheet over your bottom half. You were dilated and the baby’s head was crowning when Jack burst into the room. They managed to stop him long enough for him to put on a gown, wash his hands, and put gloves on.
The baby was coming fast. It had only been a few hours since your contractions started. Jack got there just in time. “Whoah baby! Look at you my superstar. You…oh…oh shit! I see the head!!! She’s coming!” Jack exclaimed and let out the secret you were having a girl. None of his family knew until he just blurted it out. The whole family cheered much to the doctor’s dismay and more people had showed up like Urban and 6 of Jack’s other friends.
“Ok everyone I know this is a big deal, but it’s a little tight in here can you please step outside and Mr. Harlow please contain yourself. It’s distracting. Baby is coming and we need to focus.”
“Yeah of course doc I got you.” Jack said “Ok y’all get da fuck out.” He said to everybody ushering them out of the room. I gotta catch my little soccer ball right quick here.”
“That’s not exactly what I meant Mr.Harlow but thank you for clearing the room. Now are you ready?” The doctor said motioning for Jack to crouch down and get in position to catch the baby.
“Doc I said I got you. You don’t even need to be here for real. I got this.” Jack said confidently.
You were so happy to see him. It was getting chaotic and Jack being him brought you some peace and made you laugh which took your mind off some of the pain.
“You look good down there baby as usual, don’t trip, ain’t no thang, just need a few more pushes and she’s out.” Jack said coaching you in his own way.
“Jack don’t make me laugh right now.” You begged breathlessly holding Maggie’s hand and trying to listen to the nurse telling you when to push, breathe, and stop. He was being completely serious and didn’t get how much he was irritating the doctor.
“Ok Mrs. Harlow bear down and give a big push. This is it.” The nurse said. “Mr. Harlow get ready. Hold your hands like this. Here’s your clamp and scissors.” She said handing everything over to Jack who wasn’t ready for what everything entailed in this moment. His whole world was about to change and it hit him like a ton of bricks.
“Welp you got this so I can go.” The doctor joked with Jack patting him on the back and heading for the door.
“Ah hell naw doc, I was just kidding please don’t go.” Jack begged.
“Uughhhh!!!!!” You screamed and bared down hard. The head came out and rest of the body just slipped out quickly. Jack caught his daughter filled with so many emotions he started to cry with joy. Guided by the doctor he clamped the umbilical cord and snipped it. It all happened so fast.
“Mr. Harlow you want to bring your daughter over and clean her off for mom?” The nurse asked as Jack was just stunned staring at her in his arms. Her tiny body was shaking with loud crying.
“Got good lungs on her baby.” Jack said to you staring at her and continuing to hold her.
“Jack give Y/N the baby.” Maggie said “She needs to eat and bond right away…Jackman…did you hear me?”
“Jack give me my dang baby.” You said prying her away as he was fixated on her. She latched on immediately and sucked happily resting on your tummy. She was beautiful with fine brown curls, olive complexion, and grey/hazel eyes she hadn’t fully opened yet. Jack saw a dimple like his when she yawned and he lost his mind. You were exhausted and had nothing left. Jack kissed you on the forehead and pulled back the curtain covering the glass doors.
About 20 people were waiting from outside the room. It was the most famous birth the hospital had ever had. They all would have been front row for the event had they been allowed.
“Don’t y’all got nothing better to do?” Jack teased them. “Y’all act like there ain’t a festival going on. We’ll have y’all over soon. Thanks for coming I love y’all so much but we getting on these good people last nerves so go on y’all.”
“Just one peak.” Phil said anxiously
“No come on Phil.” Said Ismail pulling him away
“Baby, you ready cuz they all crazy.” Jack said about all your family and friends
“And my family hasn’t come yet.” You said rolling your eyes. They had a ways to travel from out of state but when your mother and Grandmother and aunties got there, it was going to be something else. Your daughter had no shortage of love.
“Did you see the way I cut the cord like a boss” Jack bragged.
“Hunny please.” Maggie said “You did nothing compared to Y/N.”
“Ok fair but I executed perfectly. She has a perfect lil belly button.” He beamed with pride.
“Jack.” You said faintly as you were now just too weak and falling asleep ready to go to your room and rest.
“Yes baby?” He said “You want me to take her so you can rest. I get it give her to me.” Jack said eagerly
“No, I want you to go, like can you leave please?” You said half smiling “like how turnt can you be right now. Just looking at you is making me tired.”
“Ok. I’ll chill out but let me take her please.” He said reaching down to scoop her up.
“Hunny hold her like this.” Maggie said “hold her head properly.”
“Mom I got it.” Jack said defensively
This was just the beginning of motherhood as Mrs.Harlow.
@okaaay-mice @itsyagirljaz @ride4harlow
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hotgirlgraps · 10 months
So I know it’s not wrote about often but I’ve been brewing with this cute idea and if you don’t wanna write it it’s fine! Can I possibly request a Hook x Female!Reader (who also wrestled with AEW) where they’ve been in a relationship for a while now and they end up accidentally getting pregnant and she ends up having a rough pregnancy but she’s also hard headed and wants to keep traveling so poor Tyler is honestly doing his best making sure his girl is comfortable and okay while also wrestling and taking care of himself?
This was literally so fun to write! I’m sorry it took me so long to get it posted I’ve been trying to write everyone’s request at once! I hope you love it!
Warnings: protective!hook, angst, pregnancy complications, fluff, some smut (in the form of lovemaking 🥲)
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Tyler was absolutely terrified but that was the very last thing he wanted you to see. As soon as those two pink lines appeared, all he could think about was the future and how drastically things were about to change. You were both so young and had just gotten your careers started and now he knew he was no longer going to be prioritizing his profession, but you and his future child.
He held you tight as you sobbed into his chest, the pregnancy test in his hand as he stared at it in disbelief, but there was no mistaking those two bold lines. He felt you trembling and tightened his arms around you, swaying you side to side. “It’s gonna be okay, I promise.” He whispered against your hair before placing a kiss to the top of your head.
The two of you agreed to keep it under wraps for a while. You only told Tony so he knew you’d no longer be able to wrestle, but you denied it when he offered you maternity leave starting at twelve weeks along, even though Tyler insisted you should take it.
“I still want to work.” You told Tony as you and Tyler sat in his office. You felt him give your hand a squeeze but he didn’t say anything. “If there’s anyway you can give me a couple of segments or something, Mr. Khan, I would greatly appreciate it.”
Tony nodded. He hadn’t stopped smiling since you and Tyler told him the news. “I’m sure I can work that out.”
“Maybe not every week.” Tyler spoke up, “She’s been getting sick a lot and the doctors told her she needed to rest more.” He tells Tony who nods in understanding.
“They gave me medication for the nausea and I’ve been feeling much better since.”
“She wasn’t able to eat dinner last night or breakfast this morning without getting sick.” He keeps his eyes on Tony as he counters your remark.
“I see.” He says as he eyes you and Tyler both. “How about you keep me posted about how you’re doing and if you’re feeling well enough then we’ll get you some segments?”
“I promise I’m okay. I only get sick after I eat.”
“She doesn’t eat. She can’t eat.”
“Tyler, please let me speak for myself.” You snap at him, and he looks over at you with soft eyes.
“Y/N, the doctors already told you to rest more. Tony is offering you exactly that and you’re not taking it.” He points out. Tony dropped his head, feeling a bit awkward as he stood there listening to the fuss.
“I will rest more, but I don’t want to completely stop working. What’s wrong with a couple of minutes in front of the camera for a little talking segment? It’ll be fine, Tyler.”
He clamped his mouth shut. It was clear he wanted to say more but he didn’t and that’s when you looked back at Tony and nodded. “Thank you, Mr. khan. I’ll be ready whenever you are for the segments.”
Tony nodded tightly. He caught Tyler’s eyes and how they were filled with concern. “Not a problem. I’m happy for you guys. Try to enjoy this as much as you can. You only get one first time pregnancy.”
But Tyler was finding it so hard to enjoy when all he worried about was you all the time. You were getting worse as the weeks went by yet you always failed to see that. Or maybe you did and just wouldn’t admit it. Either way, he could see you getting weaker by the day. You continued getting sick and were diagnosed with Hypermeses Gravidarum at fifteen weeks.
Tyler didn’t know what the hell that fancy term meant until the doctor explained that it’s basically violent vomiting. Then it all made sense since he’s had to hold your hair back for hours at a time for weeks now.
“You’re not gaining as much as you should be right now.” The doctor tells you. “Are you able to hold down anything?”
“No.” Tyler answers before you could. “She is sick all the time. All she can eat are crackers usually.”
The doctor nods and looks over at you. “Have you still been taking the Zofran?”
You nodded back. You were feeling queasy that moment but you didn’t try to show it.
“Alright. Well the first thing I want to do is take a look at that baby, then we’ll figure out something else we can give you that will hopefully help you be able to hold things down better.”
You inhaled deeply and laid back, pulling your shirt up to expose the slight bump that was forming. Tyler leaned up in his seat next to you and intently watched as the ultrasound technician spread some gel over your lower stomach and grabbed the probe.
Tyler’s eyes adverted to the screen the minute it caught his attention and there you both saw the form of your fifteen week baby, wiggling it’s arms and legs.
“Oh my God” you breathed out shakily as you stared in awe. Tyler was unable to speak, or do anything at all except watch. He felt his heart swell, filling up to maximum capacity in his chest.
You looked over to catch his reaction, seeing a wide, toothy smile on his face.
“That’s our baby” you whispered, doing your best not to cry as you extended out your hand. He grabbed it tightly and placed a tender kiss to your knuckles.
That was probably the only time Tyler felt relief. When he saw your future daughter or son and the doctor assured you both that he or she was as healthy as can be.
A couple of weeks past by though, and you kept getting worse. You started to have some swelling in your legs and feet and he knew it was because you wouldn’t stay off of them.
He massaged the soles as you laid on the couch with a cool washcloth draped over your eyes, trying to fight the crippling migraine that was making your whole head throb.
“The swelling is getting worse.” Tyler says as he tries to use his hands to massage it down. He pressed one finger into your calf and noticed the indentation it left long after. “That’s not normal. We should call the doctor.”
“It’s fluid build up.” You tell him. You’ve googled all of it.
“But your legs are double the size almost.” He counters as he keeps rubbing them from underneath your knees and down to your toes. “You need to start staying in bed like the doctor told you in the first place. You’re twenty weeks and already having all these issues, Y/N.”
You tried to ignore him but he didn’t let you.
“Are you listening to me?” His voice became a little edgier. “Do you not care?”
“Obviously I care, Tyler.” You snatched the washcloth off of your face to look at him. “But you act like it’s always like that. It’s not. It’s just when I’ve been walking around a lot which is normal.”
Tyler’s hands stilled as he stared back at you before he tore his eyes away with a long, drawn out sigh.
A few days later, you just got back from the arena together after a long night at work. He had groggy eyes as he watched you head straight for the bed, collapsing down on top of the sheets, exhausted.
He took your shoes off for you, noticing the swelling of your feet getting worse like he had been telling you for weeks, but he didn’t say anything this time because he knew you’d just argue about it.
“I’m gonna go shower.” He whispered as he leaned down and placed a kiss to your forehead.
“Wait” you whispered before he could turn around, grabbing his forearm. “Let me take one with you.”
Knowing you already took one right before you both left for work, he was apprehensive about it. You hadn’t been intimate in a couple of weeks due to the fact that he was simply terrified that he could possibly do something to hurt you and the baby so, every time you tried, he would always find some excuse not to.
But he knew it was making you feel sad that he would no longer touch you the way he really wanted to. He could tell that you were deprived and so was he, he was just so scared and so tired of being that way so he tried to do everything in his power to prevent anything at all happening that he possibly could.
He sighed as he kneeled down beside the bed to get eye level with you. He was starting to get dark circles under his eyes from all the constant worry and sleepless nights and you felt a pain in your heart when you saw it.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He whispered, his eyes searching yours for any hint that you weren’t, but you nodded and let a small smile linger upon your lips before you leaned foward and placed a kiss to his own, trying to reassure him but he was convinced nothing would until he’s holding you and your child in his arms.
He hesitated, but he nodded before he stood up and grabbed your hand, helping you off the bed.
It had been so long since you’d been tangled up in a moment like this with him that he was struggling, genuinely not to lose all of his control.
The shower started out with you both slowly removing each others clothes. He placed lingering kisses to your shoulder as he unclasped your bra and slid the straps down your arms. He tasted the flavor of your smooth skin and his tongue immediately recognized it, as if he’d been craving it.
He made sure you understood him when he cupped your cheeks with his calloused hands and said, “If you need me to stop, please, please tell me. Don’t think twice about it, okay?”
He led you into the shower, adjusting the temperature just the way you like it. The water casted down over both of your bodies and steam began swirling around as his lips landed on yours gently.
He was trying with all his might not to get too carried away and it was the hardest thing for him to do when your hands ran down his chest, nails gently raking over his abs.
Your bump was keeping a little distance between you when all you wanted was to merge with his body, be as close as humanly possible but, he found a way to make it happen when he sat down on the hotel’s shower seat and pulled you over him, straddling his thighs as he kissed all down your neck.
You were so deprived of this and hadn’t realized it until just then. Your body was tingling, skin was ignited with a thousand little fires everywhere he touched.
You reached down in pure anticipation and grabbed his hard length, wrapping your hand around it and earning a breathy sigh to slip past his lips.
Just as you positioned yourself, he caught your eyes and searched for any sign of hesitation one last time, but you gave him nothing but assurance when you lowered yourself onto him and your eyes instantly rolled back.
You were squeezing him so tight it was hard for him to keep himself composed but he was intently watching you and every single reaction carefully.
Your hands gripped his shoulders and you started slowly swaying your hips back and to, feeling him completely fill the space between your walls.
His eyes fluttered as you rocked against him, his hands holding you by the hips as he watched you use him for what you needed. The steam filled your throat as you sucked in a deep breath when he started thrusting his hips slowly.
“Is it too much?” He heavily breathed out. “Tell me if it is.”
You shook your head abruptly and dug your nails into his shoulders. “No, not too much” you moaned out as your hips moved in perfect harmony. “Feels so good”
Your breathy sighs and sweet moans kept his head spinning as he pushed himself into you, watching the beads of hot water slide down your body. His hands roamed around your waist and slid up your back as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you closer to him.
Your head dropped to his shoulder as he picked up the pace just a little bit, making your moans morph into sounds he’d never heard from you before.
“I love you, mamas” he heavily whispered before he placed three kisses to your shoulder.
You were quickly coming to the beautiful end and he could feel it when your walls throbbed around him, sucking him right back in every time he slid halfway out of you.
“Baby, I want you to come for me.” He tightens his arms around you, your breasts pushed against his chest, the need for the closeness you’d been dying to feel again finally satisfied.
“I want to feel your come dripping down my thighs, then you’re gonna feel mine when I fill you up, and it’s dripping out of you in the morning.” His hips jolt, hitting that spot so deep you felt your entire body buzz.
“Want you to be so fucked out like your pretty little ass deserves to be. Want you to think about this-“ he speeds up, holding you still while he fucks up into you, “every single time I’m not around. Can you do that? Can you come for me mamas? I want it, baby. I need it.”
His voice was filled with desperation as he tried to hold back. He was hearing the mixed moans and whimpers filling the steamy space and coupling that with your slick bodies sliding against one another was doing nothing but making him suffer, so close to his release but he needed to get you there first.
He pulled you back, his eyes watching the dazed and blissed out look casted over your face as you bit down on your lip in an attempt to keep from screaming too loud but,
“Go ahead” he coaxed you, “be as loud as you need to be. I wanna hear it. Wanna hear what you have to say about this. Wanna hear those pretty little lips scream my name for this entire hotel to hear.”
You were puffing and panting when those breathy sighs turned into loud whimpers that got lost within his mouth the second he covered yours with his.
His tongue slid over yours and swirled around it, the flavor of mint gum finding your tastebuds and tingling your tongue.
“Come on beautiful” he whispered, “come for me”
It was almost as if he said the magic words. Your entire body jolted, muscles clenched tight as a surge rushed through your veins and his name flew past your lips.
He watched with eyes of adoration before his hits stuttered, then stilled. You collapsed against his chest and he buried his face in the crook of your neck as you both endured the sensations riveting through your bodies.
Heavy breaths mixed into the steam as the two of you came down and he kept his arms wrapped tightly around you as he held you for five extra minutes longer.
He felt a little less apprehensive about it after that night in the shower but once your belly started rounding out, he suddenly became ten times more protective over you.
He didn’t want you in any crowds, he didn’t want you around too many people, he didn’t want you driving, he especially didn’t want you out of his sights in general.
Every time you had a segment to shoot he was right there behind the camera. Anytime you wanted to go shopping or out to eat he made sure he scheduled in the time to do it. His biggest fear was something happening to you and it was exemplified now more than ever now.
He gave up trying to get you to take that maternity leave and decided he just needed to take a new approach. He made sure you stayed close by at all times. You wanted to be ringside for his matches but he adamantly refused, so to meet in the middle, he had you sit at the commentator desk right next to his dad.
By this time there was absolutely no way that his oversized hoodie would hide your belly so, the one and only time you stepped back in the ring was when you and him made the announcement that you were expecting and that it was a boy.
He walked over to you and removed your coat, revealing your twenty-eight week bump for the world to see. He stood next to you proudly as you both took in the chaotic screams all around the arena before he pulled you into him and kissed you for the first time on camera, and in front of thousands of people in the crowd.
But the moment things seemed to have been looking up, the doctor broke the news that you had pre-eclampsia. Another term Tyler didn’t know, but it scared him half to death after he spent hours googling horror stories about it.
There was no room for arguing anymore when he told you it was time to take that maternity leave. He brought you to Tony’s office ready to do whatever the hell he had to do in order to get you out of work whether you liked it or not.
You sat in the chair with your swollen legs propped up on the one next to you that he would’ve been sitting in while he stood behind you, massaging your shoulders.
“Pre-eclampsia is serious, Y/N.” Tony told you, Tyler nodding in agreement silently. “I know you wanted to be here as long as you could but you need to put your safety and the safety of your son first.”
You were on the verge of tears for the fact that you knew you were going to have to say goodbye to your job for a while now.
“I wouldn’t feel comfortable keeping you here when I know the only thing you need to be doing is resting.”
You felt Tyler’s hands give your shoulders a squeeze and if you looked up at him you knew you’d see nothing but relief.
“I know.” You sighed. “I just don’t want to leave. I love it here. I love my career. I’ll never love any other career like this, and I know that.”
“Your position is always going to be secured here.” Tony assured you. “You can come back and I’ll gladly resign you whenever the time is right for you and your family. But for right now, you need to focus on you and your child. That’s the most important thing.”
And that’s what you did. Every so often you made a small appearance at the commentator table to watch Tyler’s match but that was only when he didn’t feel like arguing with you to stay back at the hotel and let you come to the arena because you just missed it too much.
You were nearing your induction date and he was about to take a month off for bonding time but he had one final match and you wanted more than anything to be there.
You stayed next to taz at the table and watched tyler in the ring. He wanted to stay focused on his match against Jack Perry especially knowing the FTW title was on the line but all he could think about was you and how you’d been having on and off contractions for days.
He was so exhausted from making two hospital visits only to be sent back home when they told you that you weren’t in labor just yet even though you’d been having so many tightenings and pains in your stomach. He felt like at any moment you were going to have to head to the hospital, so he wasn’t sleeping, to say the least.
“And I just want to say, for the record that my grandson is going to be here this time next week” taz exclaims on commentary, grinning from ear to ear. “So if you don’t see me next Wednesday, it’s because I’ve got better things to do than sit with these two guys”
You chuckled at that and watched the ring. Tyler was giving it his all but you knew how it was going to end and even though you hated that, you were thankful that Tony came up with something last minute when Tyler told him he needed to take his time off a little early. It meant he was losing the FTW title but when he returns, he’ll win it back.
His eyes kept lingering over to you every chance he got, making sure you were okay. He knew his dad was there so he felt a little more comfortable but in his mind he always thought about really improbable what ifs, like what if someone from the crowd jumps up on stage and tries to attack you or the building just suddenly collapses.
His mind was ate up with fear at this point and he was unfortunately letting it show tonight as much as he tried not to.
Once the match was over he waited for Jack to finally get out the ring so he could get off the canvas and back to you. He walked over to you, the crowd popping when they saw him grab your hand and lead you over to the stage. They may not have realized how far along you were until they saw your well rounded belly.
Tyler turned to face the crowd for what he knew was going to be the very last time for at least a month, and it was bittersweet for him and you but now he could finally give all of his attention and focus to you and your son and that was the only reason why he finally felt a little bit of relief. After such a long and terrifying nine months you were finally about to meet your son and all of these complications and worries would wash away the second you both lay eyes on him.
“You’re looking at Hook and Y/N for the last time like this folks. Next time you see them, they’re gonna be parents.” Taz says as he watches you and Tyler take in the screams and chants for the last time. “And I’m gonna be one proud grandfather.”
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How to tell Cobra
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Character(s): Smokey (x reader), "Cobra" Junpei Hino
Plot Line: Even though you were twins, Cobra was born before you. This meant he would be your big brother; no matter what you or he could do about it. He took this to heart and protected you fiercely from everything. However, what happens what you end up in a situation and you have to tell your protective older brother something he rather not hear?
Warnings: Anxiety, Angst, Inappropriate comedy (18+), talks of terminal Illness, High & Low violence
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How does one tell Cobra something. 
Even as his younger sister (though only by an hour, which you remind him of constantly) you ask yourself that often. For it is often that Cobra messes up and has to tell you something. Like the time Yamato and him broke your doll house or the time he accidentally lost all your history notes that he stole before a big exam. 
So whenever you messed up, it was hard to tell him. 
Usually there would be a right time or a moment you could bring it up. But, you didn’t think such a thing existed in this situation.
Put simply, you were pregnant. 
More precisely three months along now but you’ve known since you were two weeks in. The main problem was. You haven’t told anyone…
Not Naomi. Not Yamato. Not Noboru. And definitely–Definitely–not Cobra. 
The reason was simple. You were scared. Not just by their reaction when they find out you are pregnant. But by whom. 
Life worked in strange ways. Everyone would be shocked when they found out. How the hell did you two meet? They likely wouldn’t think you two had anything in common. Turns out it was the simple things. You both cared deeply about family and you both hated to be a burden to the ones you loved and adored. The two of you grew close over those two simple things. Extremely close on nights when one of you needed comfort. 
Was it love? Was it a close friendship? It was hard to determine.
It’ll be alright. We’ll figure it out.
You still remembered Smokey’s words when you told him. Always so calm and always so sweet; thinking of others before himself. Even as he tried to keep calm and collected, you could see by how his hands ever so slightly shook as he took yours that he was scared. Afraid. 
Smokey has never been in good health since you’ve known him. While you’ve helped him go to a doctor, they didn’t have much help to give. A lung transplant; that's the only thing that could stop his deteriorating health. All he could do was wait and maybe–if he was lucky–get a donation to pay for the surgery. But the chances were few and far between. So, he could only take some pills to keep himself stable and put his health on the back burner for now. 
Would he live long enough for the child to grow up? What would happen if you were left all alone? Even though he didn’t say it, you knew those were the questions that were clouding Smokey’s mind. 
It’ll be alright. We’ll figure it out.
You allowed him to hold you that night. Ignoring the worried calls from Cobra and the others when you didn’t return home. Only in the morning messaging a simple ‘I’m okay’ to them even though you weren’t. You and Smokey going your separate ways as the sun rose early in the morning. Him needing to return back to the Rude Boys and you needing to return back to Sannoh.
Life worked in strange ways. It really did.
It really fucking did.
“I can’t believe this,” You mumble, likely looking a little pale as you stare down at the stack of ultrasound photos. Each one of the Rude Boys wanting a photo of their precious niece/nephew so you had to ask for quite a few. Usually one would have their first ultrasound at 6 to 9 weeks but due to you working full time and bills needing to be paid, you had to wait until now; at 12 weeks. 
Technically you could have waited longer, Smokey and you were in no rush to get the ultrasound. An idea more on the backburner as the boys and him were more focused on trying to figure out if they could make furniture for the baby out of scrap wood from around nameless city. An idea you were highly against unless they sanded it and made sure none of the wood was compromised in any way. 
Surprisingly, they found such wood. And on the same day, when you woke up to a very big shock. 
“Lala,” Smokey’s sister whips her head around at her name being called. Looking quite confused as she sees you in the middle of Spring wearing a big puffy coat. It seemed your weird appearance didn’t just catch her attention either as P and Yu jumped down from their places in an area up above. Likely on patrol. 
“Is everything ok–” Not allowing her to answer, you dragged her to a tent nearby. Usually used for shops to set up, but it was far too early for them. Quickly, P follows after you two, signaling to Yu to go find Smokey. Knowing this is something he should know. “What’s wrong–”
Lala falls short of finishing her sentence as you take off your coat and show her what had you acting so strange. She couldn’t believe her eyes as she just saw you a day ago and it didn’t look like anything like this. 
“Woah…” P lets out, taking the words right out Lala’s mouth for her. The girl still very much in shock as she tried to wrap her head around it. “That’s… That’s normal right?”
“I– Sort of? I– I don’t know. They said it's common for it to just appear suddenly one morning when you wake up. But– I don’t think it's supposed to be–”
“Is everything–” 
You nearby jump in shock as Smokey and the rest of the Rude Boys barge into the tent. Expecting something horrible only to stare in shock just like P and Lala were seconds ago once they see you. The only one being somewhat calm about the situation being, of course, Smokey. Who after reading some books with you, knew this would be happening any day now. 
His eyes soften as he gazes upon it. Looking at you with love and wonder as he slowly makes his way to you. A soft grin spreading to his lips as he touches your stomach, lightly tracing the bump there with his calloused fingers. 
“Don’t– Don’t you think it's a bit big?” You finally ask after a few moments, telling Smokey the worry clouding your mind as you gazed upon your stomach, “I look eighteen weeks pregnant, not twelve.”
You were correct. While many in the tent knew nothing about pregnancies and had hardly ever seen a pregnant woman in her first trimester, they couldn’t help but agree that your bump was rather big. Which is likely what added to the huge shock as they saw you just over 24 hours before, no bump in sight. 
“Maybe you should go to that ultrasound?” Takeshi suggests, always the voice of reason amongst the boys especially whenever Smokey was absent. “If it has to do with your belly… the doctors should be able to notice it with that, right?”
Smokey and you looked at each other and you couldn’t help but agree that Takeshi made a fair point. 
“I can see if Dr.Sato has a free spot today? Will you be…” Your voice trails off when you notice a sad look grow on Smokey’s face. 
“Sorry…” He starts, letting out a heavy sigh, “Things between Daruma and us have been… tense. We are expecting Daruma to try to cause some chaos in the market later today. I really want to but–”
You grab Smokey’s hand, stopping the man from going into a rant, “It's okay. I understand.”
And you did. If being Cobra’s sister taught you anything, it is that sometimes the people you loved had to drop everything at a moment’s notice to protect what they believed in.
“Just keep me updated. I’ll let you know if I got the appointment and if nothing is going on, we can see if it's safe for me to come here after.”
Smokey nods his head. While disappointed he won’t be there, he is at least pleased he will be updated on what is going on.
As you finally turn your phone back on after shutting it down during your appointment, you couldn’t help but grow anxious at the slew of texts that came in; some dating back hours ago. While many were from Sannoh and your brother asking if you wanted to join them at the bar, some were from the Rude Boys. It seemed the situation with Daruma was solved and Smokey was wondering if–
“There you are,” You nearly jump in fright as a voice calls out in front of you. Instantly recognizing the blonde male in front of you.
“Takeshi? What the hell–” You start, thankful it wasn’t a different blonde. Especially as it would be hard to explain the building you were standing out in front of. Quickly you whip your head around before dragging the male into an alleyway nearby, “What are you doing here? This is Sannoh territory.”
It would be extremely hard to come up with an excuse as to why a Rude Boy was this far from their territory. Especially as the boys rarely left and you were in the north end of Sannoh, closer to Oya territory than theirs. 
“Smokey got worried. You didn’t answer his texts and it was getting dark,” Takeshi says, gesturing to the golden and red sky above you guys, “He sent me to pick you up.”
Moving his hand, he points to an old army jeep. One the Rude Boys often used along with their dirt bikes when they needed to get somewhere not in their territory fast. However, due to it being so old and so unique, it wouldn’t be hard for any of the Sannoh boys to instantly recognize the vehicle. Knowing an opposing gang was in their territory.
Oh god.
“Give me a second.” Takeshi says, suddenly seeming to remember something as he pulls out his phone. It rings for a moment before someone picks up on the other end.
“Hello?” Instantly recognizing the voice on the other end, you visibly relax. 
“Hey, Smokey. I’ve got her right here. She just came out of her appointment.” 
“Did everything go well?” Smokey asks as you take the phone from Takeshi. Already feeling much better as you could hear his voice on the other end. He has always had that calming effect on you, “Nothing wrong?”
Letting out another sigh, you hear shuffling on the other end of the phone. Likely the others joining Smokey to hear the results of your appointment.
“Everything went well. Nothing wrong at all. Just…” You let out a particularly heavy sigh, knowing you had no choice but to explain it to them as just ignoring the obvious would make them more concerned, “...I’m feeding for four.”
Takeshi–the only one you can visibly see–jaw drops in shock as he processes what you just said. Even though you shouldn’t, you can’t help but laugh a little. Finally giving the male the stack of photos after a few moments so he can finally come to terms on what you said. 
Staring down at the photo, even though it wasn’t his, Takeshi can’t help but feel tears pluck in the corner of his eyes as he sees his nieces/nephews. Each labeled with a number 1 through 3 so it was each to identify each one.
“Tr–Triplets…” Takeshi starts, his voice slightly shaking as he speaks, “She’s having triplets, Smokey.”
A little concerned by the sudden silence at the other end, you call out as well, “Smokey?”
Your eyes can’t help but widen in shock as you hear an ever so slight sniffle on the other end. 
Takeshi seems quite taken aback as well as he hears the others telling Smokey it was okay as they laughed and patted their leader on the back. Though the two of you quickly can’t help but allow a wide grin to take on your faces as you hear Smokey’s chuckle as well; Sounding slightly watered down from his tears and stuffy nose as he was still a bit emotional. Realizing it was a good cry, not a bad one.
“We’ll be there soon, Smokey.” Looking up at Takeshi, who grabs the keys from his pockets, you quickly follow him out of the alleyway as you continue to talk on the phone, “Don’t go crying anymore. I still have yet to show you the photos. I practically started sobb–”
Quickly, as you glance to your right, you can’t help but freeze in your steps. The smile wiping clean off your face when your eyes lock with another. 
Oh, no. 
No. no. no. no. no.
“Shit,” Takeshi curses once he sees them as well, “Smokey, fuck. We’ve been seen.”
However, even though you know Smokey and the others are saying something on the other end, you can only continue to stare at your brother; the rest of the world blocked out just from the pure shock running through your body. Cobra eyes are wide and confused as he sees you. The rest of the gang confused as well as they pause in getting off their bikes. Clearly having showed up after hearing the Rude Boys jeep was spotted in Sannoh.
It is only as Takeshi shakes your shoulder that you finally snap your gaze away from Cobra, “We have to go. Now.”
Not allowing you a second to respond, likely thinking you were still in shock, Takeshi grabs you by the wrist and starts dragging you to the car. Hoping that since the boys are far enough down the street, that he could beat them to his car.
“Hey. Hey!” The roaring sound of blood pumping through your veins echoes in your head as your brother finally snaps out of his trance. His voice muffled in your ears even though he is probably yelling. As you shakily take a seat in the passenger seat, you can’t help but jump in surprise as you feel a hand suddenly grab onto the jacket on your shoulder.
“What are you doing? Why the hell are you with—?” Yamato asks as you stare up at him with wide eyes. However, it is as he pulls at your jacket, that he sees your stomach. Stopping him dead in his tracks as he takes in the sight, “Why are you pregnant? What the fuck did those bastar–”
You gasp in shock as Takeshi suddenly kicks Yamato, getting the man to fall onto the sidewalk, as the vehicle finally starts. You can’t help but snap your head around as your brother begins to call your name, still racing after the vehicle. Only stopping once the vehicle finally picks up speed, causing him to stop and stare. 
To stare back at you with so many questions and concerns in his eyes.
“I—“ You start, turning back around to face the front. Just in pure shock at what just happened, “I— I should have told him. Oh my god… I’m such an idiot.”
“Stop it.” Takeshi yells over the wind as he drives, reaching a hand over to grab onto one of your shaking ones. “You did what you thought best. You weren’t sure how Cobra would react to finding out about Smokey. It could have caused a bigger mess than this for all you know.”
“But— My brother will be chasing after us, you know?” You start, looking in the rear view mirror as if waiting for the motorcycles of the Sannoh Hoodlum Squad to whip around the corner, “He’ll— He’ll come to nameless city and—“
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” Takeshi says, grabbing hold of your shoulders and hugging you as the vehicle reaches a stop light. “Everything will be okay. This can’t blow up anymore than it is.”
“Breathe. Please just breathe.” Takeshi says, running a hand down your back to soothe your shaking figure, “We’ll be home soon. Everything will be okay.”
As the stop light changes and he is forced to pull away, you are finally quiet. While still shaking, you lean into Takeshi’s side for comfort. Clutching his hand tightly as he continues to drive back to the Rude Boys territory. Unable to stop yourself from jumping whenever you heard to loud sound of a motorcycle engine off in the distance
“Smoke—“ As soon as Takeshi slams on the brakes, putting the car in park. The rest of the Rude Boys descend. Instantly Smokey clutches onto you and helps you out of the car, not wanting to let you go.
His eyes trail your body, looking for any signs that you were hurt in any way. 
“What in the hell happened out there?” 
“Sannoh recognized–” As Takeshi leaps out and begins to explain, you allow Smokey to pick you up–something you usually wouldn’t allow–as he and the group begin to walk. Knowing better than to argue with the leader when he was like this, though you also didn’t have the strength to. Secretly you are glad Smokey’s large puffy jacket muffled your ears from the talking of the boys around you. Allowing you to focus on his steady heartbeat; giving you a chance to tune out of the world. 
Though only for a couple of moments, only a couple moments of peace, before Smokey calls your name. Lifting your head, you glance up at Smokey, who looks down at you. Concern and apologies swirling in his dark eyes.
“We need to hide you.” Smokey whispers, seeming to not like the conclusion he has determined but knowing it was the best and safest option for you. 
“What…?” You start, caught off guard as the boys begin to jog, knowing where to head as they likely have limited time. You, still in his grasp, whip your head around to determine where you guys are going. However, night had fallen and it was too dark to know your surroundings. The only light being the moon that shined through the clouds, “Smokey, wait. You– You can’t do that. The boys– My brother is going to misunderstand.” 
“Yes, I know. I’m sorry.” Smokey says, lifting you up and handing you to P on a platform attached to a crane. Reminding you of the ones that are used in the mines. As the boys all jump on, Yu hitting the lever before jumping on as well, the platform begins to move upwards. Finally allowing you down to your feet, Smokey brings you into his arms. Hiding his face in your hair as he attempts to control his shaky breathing, “I’m sorry. I just… can’t risk how they will react. Yamato has already seen your stomach and they likely have already begun to draw their own conclusions.”
“But…” However, your voice quickly trails off as you think. Smokey had a point. While you know your brother and his friends would never hurt you. Never. You could very easily get caught in the crossfire if things heated up too quickly between the groups. The gangs in SWORD were always on the brink of war with one another. Even the slightest of comments or looks could break the peace in seconds.
“I’m sorry.” Smokey repeats, lifting his head to press a kiss to your forehead. One that causes your eyes to flutter shut as you lean into his gentle and caring gesture. As he pulls away, you can see a slight glint in his eyes. One you can’t determine as the lift final comes to a stop. As you look around, you gain an understanding of where you are. All of you are in some sort of watch tower office. One that clearly belongs to the Rude Boys as you look around: maps, notes and their items strewn about the place. 
As you watch P pull out a batch of wires inside the panel of the lift, clearly cutting the power so it can’t be accessed from below, Smokey takes you in another room. While you guessed it was originally meant to be a small office meant for a manager, the Rude Boys had clearly turned it into a resting room of some sort. Torn pillows, blankets, and even an old twin mattress on the floor in the corner. Likely this room was used by the boys when they took turns watching from the tower on patrols. 
As Smokey shuts the door and calls your name, you turn your attention away from your surroundings and back to him. 
“Promise me.” He starts, bringing up a hand to cup your face. Swiping a thumb across your cheek as he looks you in the eyes, “Promise me that no matter what happens that you won’t run out into the mess of this.”
While you didn’t want to agree. Especially as you considered what could possibly happen and how many could get hurt. A thing that made you nauseous as you realized it was all caused by you. You knew you had to agree. If you left Smokey and the others worried, who knew what could happen to them. 
You knew the best option would be to allow Smokey to have a clear mind. One that could keep him calm and hopefully talk to your brother instead of having an all out brawl commence, “I promise…” 
Your words are quickly cut off as Smokey captures his lips in yours. It is passionate and heated compared to the usual pecks he gives you. One that takes your breath away and leaves you dizzy. 
And as Smokey pulls away, you see the glint return back in his eyes. You once again didn’t understand it, that is until Smokey pulls you once again into another hug. Kissing your hair as he sighs, once more trying to calm himself. 
It is as he does so, his body pressed up against yours more so than usual as he rests his chin on your head, that you feel it. 
“I…” You start, unable to help yourself from letting out a laugh. Instantly trying to muffle it in the fur of his jacket as you feel it pressed up against your hip, “Do you have…?”
“Why do you…” You can’t help but let out another laugh at how Smokey shifts slightly away so you can no longer feel it. Always a gentleman. “Why do you have a boner, Smokey?”
“I–” As he pulled away to look at you, you could tell he felt embarrassed and quickly stopped laughing. His eyes looking more so to the wall than you, “It’s because… some guy is trying to take you away.”
“But… it's my brother.”
“I know.” His eyes snapping back to yours so you don’t misunderstand what he is trying to say, “It's because he has the power to stop me from seeing you. Permanently. That’s what it is, not who he is.”
“So… you are basically saying that you…,” You start, heat slightly spreading up your face at what you are about to say, “You are possessive over me and are trying to… stake your claim.”
Instantly, Smokey’s ears turn red and you can tell he just wants to bury his head back in your shoulder in embarrassment.
“It’s okay, Smokey,” You say, reassuring the man as you come up and press a kiss to his lips. One he instantly melts into, “It’s pretty… attractive. Just not the right place or time.”
“Don’t apologize. We can… explore this later.” You say, cutting off another apology from him. While he wasn’t as prideful like your brother or the other sword leaders, he was apologizing a lot today. Even for him, “I just don’t want the boys or… my brother to walk in on us.”
Just as an uncomfortable shiver trails up your spine at the thought, you see Smokey freeze. Definitely horrified at the thought as well. 
“Another day it is,” He agrees, making you laugh a little. The sound bringing a small grin to his lips. Though not for long as a knock on the door breaks the happy atmosphere. 
“Smokey,” Takeshi says, pausing for a moment as he seems to determine his next words, “Cobra and the rest of Sannoh is here.” 
“Okay. I’ll be out in a moment,” The leader replies, before looking back at you. A concerned look once again returning to his face, “Please. Stay here.”
“...I will…” 
Giving you one last look as he opens the door, Smokey seems to take you in–almost as if he was thinking this might be the last time he would see you–before shutting it close. A soft click followed by what sounds like shuffling. It takes you a moment to realize the boys were pushing heavy boxes in front of the door in order to hide the room. 
As silence overtakes the room, you find yourself all alone. With the only light in the room being from a window covered in newspaper clipping, you can’t do much other than sit so as not to trip or fall. You can’t even pace to ease your worries. 
With a heavy sigh, you grab an old tattered quilt on the floor and sit in the corner on the old mattress. Wrapping yourself in the blanket as the cold spring night wind whips around outside. It was a long time spent in silence and your own thoughts. You couldn’t even look at your phone or the ultrasound photo of the triplets; both still in Takeshi’s possession. Sitting, waiting and thinking; that's all you could do. 
You even thought about sleeping, but you knew you couldn–
You let out a loud yelp as a crash resounds throughout the room. The glass of the window shattering and it takes you a moment to realize it was P. Covered in bruises and cuts as he attempts to get to his feet in the middle of the room, you realize someone had thrown him through it.
“Are you ok–” 
“Stay back!” P yells, stopping you from coming to him as you get to your feet. You are confused until you hear someone else jumping through the window as well. However, it's not who you expect. 
“So this is where you have been keeping her,” Koo says as he adjusts his white suit, slightly brushing something off his shoulder. Rocky’s assistant glances your way as you stare at him in shock; seeming to check over your figure. His eyes stopping on your stomach before his jaw clenches, “A bunch of heathens that's what you guys are. How many times did you take turns abusing and manipulating this woman?”
“Wait–” However you can’t even get a word in before you are suddenly lifted up, letting out a scream as someone begins to take you through the window.
“Let her–” P dodges as Koo attempts to hit him with his staff. The older man fully intending on blocking the Rude Boy from grabbing you as you are continued to be taken through. 
As you glance back, you see Shimura. The blonde male, with both of his eyes covered in those strange leather goggles of his, grins at you, “Got you!”
Of course, the White Rascals are here.  
Protector of Women. They would instantly jump in if one was in danger. You were just surprised your brother asked the group for help. At least you think he did. 
Did that mean the Rude Boys were outnumbered? Were any of the other SWORD groups here as well? You had too many questions and worries bouncing through your mind. Way too overwhelmed for what was good for you.
“Okay, now we are– Hey! Wait!” As soon as Shimura puts you down on the platform so you can stand, you instantly end up bolting. As to where you would go, you didn’t know. You knew you couldn’t go back in the office as that would be a dead end and Koo was still in there. Stuck on the highest point of the tower, you technically could only go one way. Down.
“Oi! That's dangerous!”
The white rascal chases after you, only to freeze in his steps as he watches you go over the railing and walk across a supported metal beam. Thank goodness the boys got bored one day and taught you some of their tricks. While you couldn’t do any of their crazy flips or spins, you could at least keep your balance and slide down on some things.
Grabbing hold of the fabric at the end of the beam that fell all the way to a platform a few floors below, you take a deep breath and step off the edge. An action that makes Shimura gasp and begin to yell at you to knock it off as you dangle on the material; drawing the attention of some of the others nearby. 
“Oi– Hey!” You nearly jump in fright as something grabs onto the fabric as well, however you breathe a sigh of relief when you just realize it is just P. The young man a bit more bruised than a couple moments ago when you saw him but he seemed to escape Koo’s grasp without an issue. 
“Be careful,” P says as places one of his arms around your waist, just in case you slipped so he could grab you, “Let's try to get you away from this mess.”
With a deep breath, you and P begin to slide down the fabric. A bit slower than what the Rude Boys would normally do, but thankfully you got to the bottom without any issues. 
“The bikes–Shit.” Just as P goes to look at something, he instantly stops in his tracks. As you look to your right, you see both Rocky and your brother making their way to you. Simply stated, Cobra looked pissed. 
“Hino, wait–” You start only to stop once something jumps down in front of you. Taking you by surprise, it takes a moment to realize it was Smokey. While you normally would be more than glad to see the young man, it wasn’t right now. Your heart stopping when you see the crimson liquid dripping from his lips, knowing it was from his lungs, “Stop. Stop! Everyone just stop!”
As you clutch onto Smokey, screaming at everyone, Cobra and Rocky pause in their steps. Well maybe not Cobra if it weren’t for Rocky sticking out a hand to stop him. 
“Are you okay?” You ask as Smokey gets to his feet, a little shaky as he wipes his lips. The man nods his head but makes no effort to move, instead bringing you close so you are behind him. P behind both of you so as to watch your backs.
“Stay… Stay behind,” Smokey chokes out, grabbing your hand and running his thumb over it. As he looks back at you, unable to help yourself–mostly out of worry–you take the sleeve of your jacket and rub away the crimson liquid falling from the man’s lips. An action that has you wincing as Smokey ends up accidentally having a coughing fit into the fabric; Spiting up more blood in the process but you don’t bring your hand away. Too worried about him than anything else. 
“Smokey, you bastard!” Cobra suddenly yells, catching you off guard as you look to see your brother practically fuming as he glares down the male. If looks could kill, right? “I thought of you better than this. You have a sister but you– you still allow your group to manipulate and rape–”
“Hold up! Wait!” You shout, cutting off the extreme conclusion your brother came to. Not even wanting him to finish that sentence. Taking a deep breath you finally decide it was time to address the obvious. No more running away in fear or allowing Smokey to protect you.
“Hino, they never did any of that. I– Smokey and I…” You take your gaze away from your brother to look at Smokey. The haggard man slightly panting in order to breathe but smiles gently as you Interlock your fingers with his. Giving you a reassuring squeeze, “Smokey and I are together.”
“Well sort of together,” You say, mumbling slightly; not noticing the tone your brother used, “We became close friends and… things sort of happened… and then I got pregnant. I–”
“You–” Something suddenly smashes nearby, making you jump slightly and cut off your words. Instantly Smokey pushes you further behind him and it takes you a moment to realize it was caused by Cobra. Your brother having kicked something nearby to him in a heat of rage, “You can’t be serious. This– This has to be some sort of lie. He must be manipulating–”
“It’s not!” You yell back, your emotions finally coming crashing down on you, “I just– I just…”
You let out a heavy sigh as you cross your arms, slightly gnawing at your lip as you begin to feel anxious. Especially knowing you had to explain your decision, “I was just scared to tell you, Hino.”
Your brother seems to pause for a moment. His gaze slightly growing less sharp and cold upon hearing your words, “Scared to tell me…?”
“I…” You gulp, feeling tears begin to prick the corner of your eyes. Damn it, “I–I knew I messed up. I don’t regret anything with Smokey but I knew that because he was from another group that it could cause problems. I wanted to tell you but– but– I was scared if it would cause a fight or– or– if it would disappoint you– or–”
You sniff a little, wiping your eyes as tears rolled down your cheek. It's silent from Cobra’s end and you can’t bring yourself to look up at your older brother. Though through blurry vision trained to the ground you see Smokey turn around. Guessing he was looking at you as he began to rub comforting circles in your hand. Unable to help yourself–the simple act reducing you to sobs–you can’t help but throw yourself in the male’s arms; hiding your head in the man’s jacket as you cry.
However as you cry in Smokey’s jacket, trying to calm the aching and horrible feeling in your heart, it isn’t long before a hand grasps your arm and you are pulled into another’s hold. The other person’s arms instantly wrapping around your body tightly as they place their chin on your shoulder. Smelling the cologne and laundry detergent you knew your brother used made you sob even harder when you realized it was him who was holding you.
“I–I’m–m so sorry– Sorry, Hino–” You sob out, your voice breaking and cracking as you attempt to pull yourself together. Especially as your brother hushes you and draws shapes on your shoulder with his hand to get you to calm down. Something he has done ever since you two were kids.
“Idiot… What are you apologizing for?” Cobra says, pulling his head back up so you can see each other. With a small frown on his face, he brings up a thumb and wipes the tear stains from your cheeks, “I’m not angry or disappointed in you. Sure, you and Smokey…”
He takes the chance to send the male a glare from over your shoulder. One you probably would guess, Smokey gave right back; knowing him.
“...I’m not too happy about it but it's at least better than Murayama or… Hyuga. I would definitely kill them if that ever happened.” You can’t help but let out a small choked laugh at your brother’s comment. Especially as he grumbles about the last part, “But, if anything, I’m just upset and worried you felt like you couldn’t tell anyone this.”
“Technically, all of nameless city knew–”
“Doesn’t count.” Your brother sternly says, cutting P off, “You couldn’t have even told Naomi?”
“You know she would instantly tell Yamato or you.”
Your brother huffs but understands that you were very much correct in your assumption. While she kept some secrets from the boys, you knew she would definitely tell the boys about it the moment she found out about anything between you and Smokey. Entirely for your safety of course.
“So…” Your brother starts after a sigh, seeming awkward but you could tell he wanted to ask something, “How long have you and Smokey been a… thing?”
“Well…” You turn to Smokey who seems to freeze at the subject. Knowing this could quickly set Cobra off as well, “We aren’t really together. We sort of…”
“…are messing around?”
“No, no,” You say, quickly reassuring your brother as he attempts to go around you. Likely to give Smokey a piece of his mind if he thought of you as a ‘fun time’, “It wasn’t physical. Definitely not at first. We would just… rely on the other to share our deepest secrets and to seek reassurance when we weren’t okay. It isn't until later that the other stuff just… happened.” 
Grumbling under his breath, your brother seems still quite unhappy about the whole situation but honestly–-truly honest–his reaction could have been a lot worse. Especially knowing him and all the scenarios you conjured up in your head. 
It is only as heavy boots approach you, that you forgot about one crucial thing. A thing that makes your blood run cold once more.
“Sor–Sorry, Rocky,” You murmur sheepishly, glancing at the Rascals leader as he approaches. While he outwardly didn’t look pissed, some of the White Rascals men were definitely beaten up. A clear indicator in the bruises and cuts on Kaito, Kizzy and Koo’s faces as they walk up behind their leader, “Sorry you got dragged into this mess–”
However, the White Rascals leader raises his hand, signaling you to stop in your rant. A small smile gracing his lips, that quickly disappears as you blink. Reaching into his pocket, the man pulls out a business card and gives it to you.
“If shit hits the fan again and you need help,” He starts, pulling down his sunglasses he gives you a knowing wink, “Don’t hesitate to call.”
“Hey.” Your brother warns as the White Rascal leader walks away. But, the Rascals don’t listen and just ignore your brother; instead cheering and exhaustingly leaving as they eaves you goodbye. The only one seeming to still pay attention to your group was Kizzy. The young woman holding up a small picture–almost making you choke on your spit as you instantly identify it–and sending you a knowing smile.
“You better stop by at the club,” Kizzy yells as Kaito wraps an arm around her shoulder, beginning to lead her away, “I want to see more of these cuties.”
“Hey!” Yu yells as he leaps down next to you guys. However the Rascals are already walking down the metal steps; no longer in hearing distance, “That’s ours!”
“It’s fine. It’s fine.” You reassure, stopping the younger male from chasing after them. Clearly pouting at the fact they stole something they were waiting for, “I got plenty of extra copies.”
“Extra copies…?” Cobra asks as Yu yells upwards at Takeshi. Asking him to come down so as to get his copy. Once more you freeze as you realize your brother has no idea about the appointment today… nor the results.
“Well…” You start as Takeshi joins you guys. A nervous sweat breaking out as you see the rest of Sannoh and Rude Boys coming out from the structure as well, coming to likely see what the ruckus is about, “...twin genes, am I right?”
As Takeshi holds out a picture to Cobra, you back up and return to Smokey’s side. Allowing Sannoh and your brother to process what exactly they were seeing. Hoping their reaction wouldn’t be too bad as you left them alone with the other Rude Boys.
“You okay?” You ask Smokey, cupping the male’s face. His stern eyes easing as you approach; seeming to melt into your touch as he wraps a hand around your waist. Always liking you close by within arms length.
Instead of responding, Smokey leans in and takes your lips with his. While you flinch a little at the sticky feeling, reminding you he was just coughing up blood a few moments ago, you eventually relax and return the loving kiss. Humming as Smokey takes his other calloused hand and gently cups the back of your neck. Playing with the baby hairs located there that causes shivers to shoot up your spine.
As Smokey pulls away, a loving gaze on his face. You can’t help but grin uncontrollably back at him. An action he seems to like as he wraps you in his arms and presses kisses to your face. A smile beginning to grow on his—
“Smokey… I think we should have a talk.”
Uh oh.
You forgot about Cobra standing right there. 
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starrysimps · 1 year
Could you do a Childe one for the Pregnant reader like Venti’s?
Maybe One Day We’ll Be A Big Happy Family [Childe x (f)PregnantReader]
A/N: I’m so glad I got this as a request, I planned on writing more of those but I was stuck at which characters I should write for. This Fanfic has a little bit of angst at the beginning and then comfort at the end. Also I changed a little bit from how I made the last one, I made the child to where you can choose the gender. I hope you enjoy reading it!
Let me know what you guys think.
C/n: Child's name
Pairing: [Childe x (f)PregnantReader]
Word Count: 1.1k
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 "Maybe we should break up if you're so worked up about it!" You yelled, trying to hold back your tears that were threatening to spill. "Fine then! Maybe we should!" He yelled, anger clearly shone through his tone of voice . You couldn't do it anymore. You ran out of your shared home and let the tears spill over as they pleased. You went to go stay with your best friend [favorite character]. 
     The days after that were mostly lonely. [Favorite Character] was trying so hard to comfort you and make you feel better, but nothing seemed to be working. You took on more commissions and did other things to do to keep your mind off of things for a while. It made you want to cry every time you thought about it.
     For the last two years Childe had been the best thing that ever happened to you. But now it was all gone. It would be a lie if you said you didn't love him, but it would be foolish of you to go back to him. After all, you were the one that suggested that you two break up. Childe meant so much to you, but you couldn't bring yourself to go back to him.
     A few days later, you found out some interesting news. It meant that you would have to quit your job as an adventurer. You decided that it would be best to move away from Liyue. 
     You were pregnant.
     You were unsure of how to feel at first. You were going to have a baby that was going to be Childe's. Soon enough, you got used to it. I mean there was really no going back now. You moved in with [Random Character that doesn't live in Liyue]. They offered to help you for the time being. You were going to raise the baby there.
It was long, hard, and unbearable at times but your child was still your pride and joy. 
One day, you decided to take your now 3 year old (son/daughter) to visit Liyue. They had reminded you so much of Childe, they looked as if you made a clone of him but a smaller one. You wanted to show them the beautiful sites from when you once had lived there.
     You decided to go to a small spot near the Harbor. They had a place for the children to play on a ship. You had taken a seat to watch (him/her) play with the other kids that were there.
     That's when you spotted a familiar face in the distance. It was Childe.
You hoped that he wouldn't see you. You were going to get c/n and leave, but before you could, Childe had already you. "Y/n? Is that you?" He asked. You sighed, and sat back down on the bench that you were seated on before. You were smiling as you watched c/n] play, which Childe noticed. "Y/n?" Childe asked again, bringing you back into reality. "O-oh hey." You said.
     "I didn't think I'd ever see you again." He said. "How is your family?" He asked. "I'm not sure, I haven't been by to visit them in a while." You replied. Childe looked confused. Then you realized what he had meant. "O-Oh no, I'm not with anyone it's just me and C/n." You replied. Childe found it strange, but didn't push it any further. C/n then came running to you. " Mommy! I think I saw a whale! You said daddy liked whales! I want to be just like daddy!" C/n excitedly told you. "That's amazing." You told c/n. "Can we bring daddy here one day when he comes home?" C/n asked you. "That would be a great idea sweetheart." You say. C/n runs back to go play with some of the friends they made. "How old is C/n?" Childe asked out of curiosity. “(He/She) is three years old." 
     Childe's eyes widen as he realizes something. The two of you were together at the time. He liked whales, and so did c/n's dad. He started to piece the puzzle together. It would explain why c/n looked so much like him. He looked at you as you sighed. "I'm guessing you've already figured it out by now, am I right?" You asked. "A-am I...? Childe started. "You're c/n's dad." You said. "Really?" Childe asked. "I didn't think you would want to see me much after what happened so I didn't tell you and I just left..." You said. "Y/n I did. I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for ending things. It was a stupid fight. I can't even remember what we were fighting about, it was so stupid. I was looking everywhere for you once you left. By the time I figured out that you had left Liyue, I figured that you didn't want anyone to look for you. That's when I stopped looking for you, but not a day went by without me thinking about you and how much I missed you. If you would have told me about c/n, I would have loved to help raise (him/her) even if we weren't together." He said. "I- I don't know what to say... Really though, I should be the one apologizing. I said we should end things." You said. 
"Well Y/n, I really missed you." He said. "I missed you too Childe." You replied. Childe looked at you. "Can I tell (him/her)?" He asked. "Give me one second." You said as you got up and walked over to c/n. You whispered something in their ear, and soon a big smile appeared on their face. They went running towards Childe. "DADDY!" They yelled, running to Childe with their hands out to give him a big hug. C/n jumped into his arms. Childe was surprised to be accepted that quickly, but the child was just three years old so it was reasonable. You smiled at the two. 
You felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of you. 
     "Y/n?" Childe asked. "Hm?" You replied. "I was thinking, we ended things off stupid. Do you think you could  give me another chance to start things over?" He asked, looking a little nervous. "Hmm. I guess you're right. But it won't be that easy this time. We have a kid now." You replied. Childe smiled. "We have a kid together, and we'll be a happy family." Childe said with a smile. You smiled at his words and you hugged him with c/n in between the two of you. 
Maybe one day you really would be a big happy family
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rebouks · 1 year
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Norma: It’s not uncommon to find yourself on the wrong path in life, Oscar. Try not to beat yourself up too much. Oscar: I could’ve turned back earlier-.. I don’t know why I didn’t. Courtney reckons it was fate. Norma: That’s one way of looking at it.
Oscar: I was in a bad place.. ignoring everything seemed easier at the time, but the more we got involved, the less freedom we had. I figured they’d get bored eventually, y’know? Find someone better suited to the job than a depressed junkie. Norma: Bumping into Kate, that changed things for you?
Oscar: It felt so personal in comparison-.. these were innocent people; people I knew. I couldn’t sit on it. I knew the cops were in on it as well, so I took her to the only person I thought I could trust. Norma: Joslyn.
Oscar: [nods] She helped Kate, but she couldn’t help us, not after being promoted by Spencer. Norma: She tried her best. Oscar: That Agent Key guy was twice as useless as her, he fucking ghosted us.
Norma: Well, I looked into that after Joslyn told me about it. He had a heart attack-.. recovered just fine, but chose to retire early. The importance of your case was most likely lost amongst a mountain of paperwork. Those local departments are horrendously unorganised, bound by red tape; it should’ve landed on our desk.
Oscar: I was pissed that no one seemed interested-.. but I’m stubborn, so I figured I’d write it up myself, take it to the top. I kinda got waylaid though; Del Sol, Courtney got pregnant, I checked myself into rehab.. it’s all a bit of a blur. Norma: Do you know why Wyatt sent Courtney to Del Sol?
Oscar: It turns out they’d met outside all this; maybe he was jealous, suspicious, unhinged.. all three? The weirdest thing is, after all that, he turned around and helped us? I don’t get it. Norma: Really? That’s interesting.
Oscar: For some reason, yeah. He helped us expose Spencer. Norma: Is there any chance he could’ve felt guilty-.. had a change of heart? Oscar: [scoffs] I doubt it, he’s a pretty disturbed guy.
Norma: It’s no wonder, growing up in that environment. Oscar: He doesn’t deserve an excuse. Norma: Now, now.. don’t get all bitter; we never truly know other people’s intentions. We can guess, but still…
Oscar: It’s hard not to be. Norma: I’m sorry that you fell through the cracks, Oscar.. I really am. If you were a CI, or even an undercover agent, you would’ve been pulled out of this situation a long long time ago. The fact that you persevered is admirable.
Oscar: [sighs] I just-.. I wish Courtney hadn’t been dragged into it. Norma: Life’s too short for regret, dust yourself off and move on. Oscar: How can I move on when-…
Norma: We have a name, a place-.. Eugene’s already in Del Sol; it’s only a matter of time, trust me. Oscar: I suppose it’s your job now. Norma: [chuckles] Not one to hand over the reins easily, are you? You and your friends got us this far, we’ll do the rest.
Oscar: [nods] Thanks for being one of the good ones-.. I think? You haven’t been a dick to us, at least. Norma: Aha, the key is to pick your battles. You’re not the real bad guys here. Oscar: Are you, uh-.. we’re not gonna need lawyers once you’ve wrapped up in Del Sol, are we?
Norma: No, there’s no evidence against any of you; some dealings here and there, racketeering, assault-.. whatever else? Some of our agents do much worse, it’s a means to an end… I told Bruno we don’t always do things by the book, and I meant it. Oscar: That’s.. good to know.
Norma: [nods resolutely] Such a remarkable story-.. anyway, I think you’ve given me enough of your time. Oscar: Well.. I didn’t think I’d be saying this, but it was nice meeting you. Norma: Likewise! I’ll be sure to let you know of our progress, okay? In the meantime, you ought to try and give yourself a break.
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samsexualdeancurious · 10 months
Enough Hope Left
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Words: 2,072
Summary: Sam and Y/N have been trying to have a kid but without much success.
Warnings: Married Sam x Reader, fertility issues and light discussion.
Written for an Archangel Patron request.
Three tests. Three little windows.
Three negative results.
“Y/N” Sam starts but you’re already pushing past him on your way out of the bathroom. You have to get out. You have to be away from him.
You almost collide with Dean in the hallway but ignore his questions as you continue on your way. Your eyes are already pricking with tears and you need to go somewhere - anywhere - you won’t be seen as you cry your heart out. The tears aren’t going to wait, though. They’re coming on hard and fast and fuck.
Not pregnant. Still.
Fuck. Everything.
You never thought you would be the kind of person to cry over a negative pregnancy test and yet here you are, frantically wiping tears from your cheeks as you lock your bedroom door behind you. You can hear Sam banging on it, calling your name, as you throw yourself onto the bed. A locked door won’t keep him out if he really puts his mind to it but you know Sam. he’ll respect your need for space and probably be sitting against the wall, waiting for you, when you finally emerge.
With that knowledge in mind, you clutch Sam’s pillow to your chest and sob.
It’s been almost two years since you and Sam decided to start trying but nothing has changed in that time. You’ve probably spent a fortune on pregnancy tests and at-home fertility remedies and nothing. Not one single thing has worked. Being a hunter, you don’t really have other options and you’re starting to run out of hope. It’s not like you can just set an appointment with a fertility specialist or adopt a kid. Your fake insurance probably wouldn’t hold up well enough for that. Plus, Sam doesn’t even have a legit form of identification seeing as he’s legally dead at least twice over. You’re out of options.
Maybe you’re just destined to never have a kid and you need to accept that fact. Knowing that and actually accomplishing it, though, are two completely different tasks and you’re not really sure you’re capable of either.
Sure enough, Sam is seated on the floor by the bedroom door with his long knees folded up to his chest. He lifts his head when you open the door and your heart breaks all over again at the sight of his tear-reddened eyes. You forget, in the depth of your own pain, that Sam is hurting, too. He wants this just as much as you do, you know he does.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur, sinking to the floor beside him.
Sam shakes his head and loops one arm around your shoulders to pull you close. “I just… I wish there was something more I could do.”
You burrow into Sam’s side with a sniffle and a little shrug. “I don’t think there’s really anything else we can do.”
He presses a kiss to the top of your head. “We’ll think of something. A spell, a charm…”
No. Using magic to get pregnant sounds like a terrible idea. “Sam-”
“Let me and Rowena do the research, okay? There has to be something out there-”
His mouth snaps closed and you lift one hand to cradle his cheek.
“Sam,” you say again. “I’m not using magic. Don’t even go there. It’s not an option for me and never will be. Just leave it, okay?”
“Leave it. Sam, please.” You draw him in for a soft kiss. You can feel how desperate he is to fix this for you, to make everything right in the world and give you exactly what you want, but you can’t do this. Not right now. “I can’t do this right now.”
Sam hesitates and then gives a small nod of accent.
“Thank you.” You kiss him once more before pushing yourself to your feet and heading for the kitchen to get started on dinner.
To say things are awkward would be an understatement. Neither you nor Sam know what to say for a few days. You’re trying to decide how best to deal with the possibility that you might never have a baby of your own. At the same time, you know Sam is still looking for other solutions. He’s just doing it when you’re not around to see, in the hopes that you’ll come to him when you’re ready for other options. He’ll be prepared if you do. Unfortunately for him, you’re determined not to. Magic is not a solution you’re comfortable with, never will be, and it’s the only one left.
In the meanwhile, Dean’s just dancing around in the middle, even more at a loss for how to help the situation.
“Oh-kay,” he proclaims loudly on the third morning, while you and Sam are making breakfast and avoiding more than the most basic conversation the same way you have every morning. “You two.” He points at you and Sam.
You arch one brow at him in confusion. “Yes?”
“Come here.”
He gestures to the two seats across the table from him. You exchange a quick look with Sam, who just shrugs. You both take the indicated seats.
Dean fixes you with an intense glare, eyes darting between the two of you. Sam shifts uncomfortably.
“Okay,” Dean says. “I don’t know what’s going on and it’s not really any of my business. I’m here to listen if you need it but what I need is the two of you to get your shit together and have a conversation. Do you think you can do that?”
Sam is staring down at his lap and doesn’t respond. You’re not really sure what to say, either.
Dean crosses his arms with a sigh. “Do you need me to mediate or something?”
Fuck no. You’re not dragging your brother-in-law into this shit. “No, we - we’ll be fine. We’ll figure it out.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, we’ll…” you shoot a reluctant glance at Sam. “We’ll sort it out.”
You don’t really want to have this conversation right now but thanks to Dean, you’re not really going to have a choice.
“Right.” Dean slaps his hands, open-palmed, on the tabletop. “Let me know how it goes.”
He gets up then, taking his half-eaten cereal bowl with him, and suddenly it’s just you and Sam, sitting awkwardly side-by-side and trying to decide what to say.
“Y/N,” he starts.
Nope. You can’t do this.
You’re on your feet before you think too hard about it, headed for the counter to continue making breakfast. You forgot to turn the stove off when Dean decided to have his little intervention and the pan is ready for eggs, butter sizzling. You pour the scrambled egg mixture in and dig a spatula from the drawer to stir with.
Behind you, you hear the shuffle of Sam standing. “I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you!”
You don’t turn to look at him, keeping your attention on the eggs in front of you. “And I’m trying to subtly avoid it!”
Sam is still for a minute, breathing slowly in a way that tells you he’s really frustrated but doesn’t want to fuck this up. He’s surprisingly well-adjusted, sometimes, especially considering his upbringing. Winchester men are not known for their ability to talk about their feelings.
You hear his footsteps as he crosses the room and then his solid warmth is pressed against your back, his hands gliding up your forearms. A shiver runs through you at the contact. It’s the most intimate you’ve been in days. “Y/N,” he says softly. “We have to talk about this at some point.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t want to.”
Silence falls between you as you finish cooking the scrambled eggs and scrape them onto a plate. You’re not feeling very hungry anymore but skipping breakfast is never a good idea. When you try to step out of Sam’s hold, though, he doesn’t let go.
“Y/N, please. Just listen to me?”
You frown down at your steaming eggs but don’t move again or protest.
Sam draws a deep breath and his arms curl around your waist. “I can’t even imagine what you’re going through right now. You’re hurting and I’ll never understand how much, but you’re not alone in this. I’m here and I want this just as much as you do.”
“We’ve tried everything,” you mutter. “We need to just let it go. We can keep trying but I think… I think we need to stop getting our hopes up.”
“But here’s the thing. I want to get your hopes up. I know you told me to leave it but I did some digging.”
“I’m not using magic,” you interject and he shakes his head, ducking down to press his face into the curve of your shoulder. “I won’t go that route. It always ends badly and someone pays the price.”
“Not magic,” he says. “I promise. Just good old science. I found a doctor that specializes in this stuff and has a side practice catering to hunters.”
Your brain grinds to a screeching halt, struggling to process what he’s just told you. It seems impossible. Finding doctors that accept hunter patients is already so rare and most of them work out of back rooms, providing sketchy services only the most desperate will pay for. “... what?”
“She’s down in Arizona, so it’s a bit of a drive, but if you want to give this a real shot…?”
He sounds so hopeful, so eager.
“And if it doesn’t work?”
“It’ll work.” He’s so sure of this and he hasn’t even met the doctor yet.
“Sam.” You turn to face him at last. “I don’t think I’ve got much hope left.”
“That’s okay.” He brings both hands up to cradle your face and his sincerity causes tears to blur your vision. You swallow down the sudden swell of emotion. “I think I’ve got enough hope left for the both of us.”
That’s too much. A sob breaks free before you can stop it and you’re being bundled into Sam’s embrace, your face buried in the soft blue flannel he’s wearing. He holds you close and makes soothing sounds until you’re all cried out. He doesn’t let go even when your shoulders stop shaking.
“We can do this,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Together, right? For better, for worse, all that stuff?”
You manage a little nod, finally lifting your head to meet his gaze. “Yeah. All that stuff.”
Sam chuckles and kisses you gently. “Good. We can sit down later and set up an appointment with this doctor. Sound like a plan?”
“Yeah.” It’s a good plan.
“All right. Would you like toast with your eggs?”
“Toast would be perfect.”
Sam kisses you again and steps away to get to work on said toast. You stand there a moment longer, still processing everything that’s happened in the last ten minutes.
You could have a baby.
Dean chooses that moment to return, carefully poking his head around the doorframe. “All good in here?”
“All good,” Sam says. “Asshole.”
“Hey, I just wanna be able to eat breakfast in peace. My methods work!”
You flip Dean the bird but he just laughs. Zero remorse. What a dick. His methods did work, though. You’ll give him that much.
Doctor Kimberly is a dark-haired, bright-eyed woman with a smile that lights up her whole face and a laugh you could hear from the waiting room. She greets you with a firm handshake.
“Sam Winchester,” she says cheerfully. “Never thought I’d see you in my office. Come in, come in, sit down and tell me what’s been going on.”
She listens patiently as you detail your pregnancy struggles up to this point, nodding and never once criticizing your choices even though you’re sure you must have made some bad ones at some point along the way.
“All right,” she says when you’re done. “First off, let me tell you - you’re far from the first couple to struggle with this and you won’t be the last, either. There are lots of options to look at going forward. To decide where to start, though, we need to run a lot of tests. Are you up for that?”
“We’re up for anything,” you say, with more conviction than you’re feeling at the moment but just being here is going a long way towards getting you on board with this plan. “Where do we start?”
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Team Forever: @mrswhozeewhatsis @manawhaat @books-and-icecream @laughing-at-the-darkness @tumbler-tidbits @emoryhemsworth @imsuperawkward
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cosmerelists · 9 months
Random Predictions for Stormlight 5
[Spoilers for Stormlight Archive generally, including major spoilers for Rhythm of War!]
I’m trying as hard as possible to make a fool of myself before Stormlight 5 comes out, doing things like trying to predict Dalinar’s champion, to predict the outcome of that fight, to predict what Kaladin’s fate will be... But I’m not done. Here are just some things that I personally think might happen. Let’s all enjoy seeing how wrong I am!
1. Shallan will get pregnant.
Shallan and Adolin just got married, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re pregnant in the next book. I’m not sure if this will be a plot-point, or if Shallan will just be conveniently pregnant at the end to set up for a Shadolin baby post time-skip. Sanderson has not really seemed interested in writing pregnancies--Steris had her kids in between books, and Siri’s pregnancy ended up being fake--so I assume this will just be a throwaway near the end. But if Shallan IS pregnant in the series, I’d be interested to see how being a Radiant affects that, whether Shallan has a pregnancy personality, etc.
2. Rlain & Renarin will get together (off-screen).
I believe we’ve been promised more queer characters in Stormlight 5, including Rlain and Renarin canonically. That doesn’t mean they’ll actually get together, but I am honestly expecting them to. But in order to manage my expectations, I’m kinda expecting this to all happen off-screen--like they’ll tell Kaladin they’re together and he’ll be like “Huh” and that will be the extent of it. I’d like more, but...I dunno!
3. Kaladin will swear the Fifth Ideal. 
Does this even count as a prediction? I mean, I will be shocked if this does NOT happen...unless I guess it’s being saved for later in the series? But Kaladin is 4 oaths in after 4 books, so if the past is any prediction...
4. Szeth will swear the Fifth Ideal.
Szeth is the focus character for Stormlight 5, and he and Nale already talked about the Stormbreaker 5th ideal, where apparently you become the law. It’s terrifying to think of Szeth I-followed-a-rock-and-then-a-random-guy-who-seemed-cool Stormbreaker being his own law, but...it would be Growth. And he is going to Shinover specifically to finish his fourth ideal. So it does seem like him reaching the fifth is highly likely.
5. Adolin will heal Maya and become an Edgedancer
@arcanistsdelight says this better than I ever could in this post. And I agree! I understand the theories about Adolin becoming a villain or antagonist, but I still have my hopes set on him figuring out how to heal a Deadeye and then bonding with Maya as an Edgedancer.
6. We’ll find out why the Knights Radiants broke their oath...and it’ll be bad.
I am not smart enough to guess as to what horrible reason the Radiants had to break their oaths during the Recreance, but I fully expect to learn the truth in Stormlight 5. Possibly from a healed-up Maya?
7. A kandra will show up.
The Lost Metal really opened the floodgates on world hoppers--and MeLaan revealed that she was being sent off-world. I would not be at all surprised if a kandra character appeared in Stormlight 5, maybe even MeLaan herself. 
8. Someone will Bond the Nightwatcher
We have 2/3 Bondsmiths so far--Dalinar with the Stormfather and Navani with the Sibling. The only Bondsmith bond left would be with the Nigthwatcher. The only issue is that most characters have a bond these days--there’s Adolin, but I’m still holding out for him to bond Maya (although what a Kholin monopoly it would be if Adolin bonded the Nightwatcher!). There are the Listeners--Lewshi maybe? I’d definitely be up for a Lewshi Radiant arc.
As tradition--let’s put it to a vote!
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winnielanddd · 11 months
Let Me Bring Back My Moon Pt. 2
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Kim Seokjin x wife!F Reader
Summary: Jin and Y/N are working hard towards their futures. They meet some bumps along their journey as a married couple. However, Y/N is met with a difficult challenge. Will she be able to overcome this challenge without Jin by her side?
Warnings: none! Just some cute moments...for now hehehe >:3
Word Count: ~2.2k
Read Part 1 Here!
Link to Masterlist Here!
A month passed since that eventful night. Y/N started to feel more at ease now that her presentation to the CEO was almost complete. Jin, on the other hand, was preparing with his members for a comeback and other international events. Things started to feel calm for the married couple.
“Morning jagi. How’d you sleep?” Jin asked, poking his head out of the kitchen to see a sleepy Y/N walking out of their shared room. 
“My head hurts a little. I probably have to change to a better pillow,” Y/N frowned as she went to give Jin a good morning hug and kiss. 
“My poor jagi,” he teased before planting one more kiss on the top of her head, “Don’t worry. Get ready. I made us some grilled mackerel to eat. We can go to the pharmacy to get you some painkillers after we eat.”
Y/N turned her head to look at the fish. Something about the look of the cooked fish made her want to gag. It wasn’t until the smell got to her nose, making Y/N cover her mouth. 
“Jagi? What’s wrong? Are you—” Before Jin could finish his sentence, Y/N ran to the bathroom, feeling the urge to throw up. Bile left her mouth as she continued to gag in the toilet. Jin came running after her, holding her hair up and brushing loose strands away from her face. 
Y/N gasped, trying to catch her breath. “Jagi, you should call in sick today. We can go to the hospital to get you checked. I’ll call in today too,” Jin suggested.
“No…no it’s okay. I probably ate something bad yesterday.”
“Let’s just get you checked out anyways. Just to be sure.” Jin rubbed Y/N’s back, providing some comfort for her as she pondered her decision. She gave him a small nod before flushing the toilet and cleaning herself up.
At the hospital, Jin and Y/N were patiently waiting to be called in. “Don’t worry. We’ll be in and out in no time,” Jin reassured his wife, rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand. 
“Park Y/N, we’re ready to see you now,” a nurse called out in the waiting room. Y/N and Jin followed the nurse into a small examination room. “We’re going to ask you some questions and run some tests before giving you a diagnosis today. What symptoms have you been having lately?
“I’ve just been throwing up all morning. I woke up with some soreness and a headache.”
“Okay, have you been sexually active recently within the past few months?”
Y/N’s face felt flushed as she nodded, “Yes.”
“Okay, are you currently taking any medication or on any medication?”
“Okay. Ms. Park, we are going to run some tests just to be sure. I’m going to draw some blood from you if that’s okay. We’ll give you a call to come back to get your results.”
Y/N nodded, giving Jin’s hand a squeeze while the nurse prepared to draw some of her blood. Y/N felt like it took an eternity to draw her blood although it was fairly quick. 
“All done, Ms. Park. As mentioned, we’ll give you a call when results are ready. Have a good day!” The nurse led the couple to the exit of the hospital, bidding farewell to the lovebirds. 
“Let me make you some seaweed soup Jagi. You haven’t eaten all day.” Jin gave Y/N a warm, reaffirming smile as they journeyed home. Once home, Y/N reflected back to the hospital visit. All the questions being asked, the blood test. No, it can’t be possible. 
“Am I pregnant?” Y/N accidentally asked out loud, enough for JIn to hear.
“Pregnant? But didn’t we use protection last time?”
“We did, but…I don’t know. Maybe I’m just coming down with the common cold or something,” Y/N tried to reason with herself. 
As a few days passed, Y/N regained her strength, enough to return to work. Jin, on the other hand, always checked in on his wife. He would send her text messages, asking if she had her meals or rested enough. These silly text messages would make her heart flutter. 
Ring ring…ring ring…
“Hello, Ms. Park? We have your blood test results from XX Hospital. Please come in today to go over your results.”
“Yes. Thank you.” Y/N’s heart was beating loudly in her chest. This was it. The moment she was waiting for. Her phone went off again. This time a text message from her husband.
Jagiya~ I miss you TT^TT. Let’s go out tonight! I’ll be home early today! – My Handsome Husband
Jinnie-ah~ I miss you too~ XX Hospital just called me and told me my results are ready. Would you like to join me? – Jinnie’s wife
REALLY?? I’ll pick you up from work then ^^ See you later beautiful~ – My Handsome Husband
Y/N laughed at Jin’s last text before busying herself with some last minute reports. Before she knew it, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Y/N jolted in her seat. Jin’s laugh echoed in the room, his wife’s reaction catching him off guard. 
“Jesus, Jin. You scared me,” Y/N chuckled. 
“You’ve been so focused on your work, you didn’t even answer my calls.”
“Calls?” Y/N checked her phone and noticed a few missed calls from Jin, “Oh shoot. Sorry jagi.” Y/N pecked Jin’s lips as a form of apology. She quickly cleaned up her desk for the day, grabbing her jacket and purse. “Let’s go Jinnie.”
Hand in hand, they left for the hospital. Now Y/N was really feeling nervous. She hoped it was just nothing but a cold or something. She couldn’t bear any terrible news since her company was hitting their busy season soon. Jin noticed how silent Y/N was and gave her hand a small squeeze. 
“Don’t worry, my love. Whatever the results are, I’m always here for you.” Jin smiled and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her hand. 
The couple checked in to the hospital at the front desk before quickly being led to a small examination room. The doctor came in, greeting the pair. 
“Congratulations Mr. Kim and Ms. Park. You are a little over a month pregnant. Here’s some things you can take with you to help advise you during your pregnancy. We can do your first ultrasound if you’d like.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped as Jin looked surprised and excited. Jin gave Y/N’s hand a squeeze, rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand. A wide smile plastered on her face. “Yes, that would be great actually.”
As the ultrasound took place, Y/N looked over at the monitor and saw a little white spot on the screen. A sign of their love growing in her stomach. 
“Jinnie, there’s our little one,” Y/N spoke, glancing at her husband who now had some tears in his eyes. 
“Yeah, they’re beautiful, Jagi. They’re beautiful.” 
After finishing their appointment and receiving some photos of their first ultrasound, Y/N and Jin went home, excited to share the news with their friends and family. Getting ready for bed, Jin came up behind Y/N, wrapping his arms around her waist. He planted small kisses along her neck and shoulder before resting his chin on it. 
“Thank you, my love.” Jin planted another kiss on her shoulder. 
“Hm? Why the ‘thank you’ so suddenly?” She turned to look at him, confused.
Jin gave her a deep chuckle, placing a kiss on her lips before giving her a smile. “For carrying our little one. A sign of our love,” Jin gently rubbed her stomach, “Let’s call our little one ‘Peanut’. What do you think Jagi?” 
“I like it. Our little Peanut.” Jin gave Y/N another loving kiss before turning her around and crocheting down to her stomach. 
“Hi Peanut. It’s daddy speaking. I don’t think you can hear me yet, but Mommy and I are so excited to see you grow. Treat Mommy well and grow healthy, Peanut,” Jin spoke to Y/N’s stomach and planted a kiss on her stomach. “Let’s go to bed, my love.”
That night, Y/N slept in Jin’s arms, feeling so much love and comfort from him. The news of her pregnancy was a surprise, but she was thankful that a sign of their love was coming to their lives. 
Before Y/N knew it, months passed. Her stomach was growing as the days went by. She was now peaking 6 months in her pregnancy. Jin’s members always sent little gifts to the couple to congratulate them. From congratulatory flowers to little plushies for Peanut, the guys were just as excited as the couple. Both Jin and Y/N decided to do a gender reveal for Peanut once time came closer. They gave the results to the guys to hold on to until the time was right to do the reveal.
Although their relationship was publicly announced, Jin and Y/N decided to keep their news of pregnancy hidden from new outlets to lessen the stress on Y/N. For her safety, Y/N moved to working from home—which she greatly took advantage of. It was easier for her to wear comfortable clothes and slippers in the house all day instead of business clothes and heels. Jin, on the other hand, continued to go into work, preparing for different modeling gigs and filming a variety of content for their fans. 
It quickly became night for Y/N after a long work day. Meetings after meetings and staring at the computer screen for long hours tired her out. “Oh Peanut, I’m so tired,” she whined while rubbing her now large stomach. In return, Peanut gave a kick as if responding to Y/N’s complaint. Before she could converse more with Peanut, Y/N heard the front door open and close. “Jinnie? Is that you?”
“Jagiya~ I’m home!” Jin went to their office room to find Y/N looking at him while rubbing her stomach. “How are my two wonderful loves today?”
“We’re good,” she responded, giving Jin his usual ‘welcome home’ kiss, “Peanut’s been active as usual. I just finished up work. Have you eaten yet?”
“Not yet. Namjoonie and the guys were actually making dinner. They invited us over. Wanna go?” Jin suggested while changing his clothes to something more comfier. 
“Ooo~ What are they making? I’ve been craving some meat.”
“They said something about grilling—”
“Let’s go!” Jin laughed at Y/N’s enthusiasm, taking her hand into his before grabbing their things and leaving for the shared dorm. On the drive, Y/N continued to rub her stomach, talking to Peanut about visiting their uncles and anticipating good food soon. The little kicks made Y/N giggle; Jin glancing once in a while to see his wife’s interaction with Peanut. If only he could take a snapshot of this beautiful moment. 
Arriving at the dorm, Jin led Y/N in. The guys all welcomed the couple into their home. “Noona! You’re finally here!” J-Hope carefully hugged Y/N. He felt the kicks of Peanut and giggled. “Of course, you too Peanut~”
“Jin Hyung, Namjoonie Hyung and I went to buy some baby clothes for Peanut because we saw them while shopping earlier,” Taehyung said before handing Jin a gift bag. 
“Wah~ You guys are really spoiling Peanut~” Jin laughed and gave his younger members a thumbs up. 
“Yah! Let’s eat! Food is ready!” Jungkook calls out from the kitchen while Yoongi is bringing in the last dish to the dinner table. Y/N took in a whiff of the delicious smells of the different dishes. Her mouth watering at this point. Peanut kicked once again, making Y/N laugh. 
“Okay, okay little one. I’m going. Let’s eat well~”
Y/N and Jin bid their goodbyes to the guys before heading back home. Y/N’s cravings were definitely filled as she ate to her heart’s content. Jin had a great time, per usual, hanging out with his members, his brothers from another mother, outside of work. 
“I heard that Jiminie is finally talking to that person he’s been trying to go for now,” Jin spoke as he began driving home. 
“Oh yeah? Think they’re gonna be official soon?” 
“Oh yeah, definitely. Once Jiminie has his heart on someone, he’s all for them.” Jin and Y/N shared a few more conversations and laughs on their way home, not realizing a car trailing closely behind them. 
Once they arrived home, Jin opened Y/N’s door side for her, taking her hand to help her out of the car. 
“Why, thank you, kind sir,” Y/N giggled.
“Of course, my lady,” Jin replied back, placing a kiss on top of her hand before walking off to their home to end their evening. 
Little did the couple realize that photos were being taken of them. The media blowing up from the sudden news.
Author’s Note: Hello my lovelies! I’m soooo sorry for the long awaited Part 2 of this series. I’m still planning out how I want to end it, so this series might be a little longer than I expected. Please show this series a lot of love! I plan on posting one shots in the meantime. Don’t hesitate to send me asks in my ask box too! I would love to get to interact with you all! Enjoy this part! XOXO
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changingplumbob · 6 months
Chopra Household: Chapter 5, Part 1
Back to Henford-on-Bagley we go. In this part the family learns of a change with mixed reactions.
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3am changeover goes smoothly enough. The girls snuggle in their beds, the chickens head to their coop and Cassandra and Rahul try for a baby again. Then Rahul sets the vacuum to get the dust bunnies that have taken over the empty nursery and spare room.
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Cluckton: *crows* Here ye, here ye. It is 5:20 am, time to awaken
Mrs Feathers: *clucks* yes dear, we know
Cassandra: How do we still hear him when the coop is over a room away
Rahul: He’s an expert, that’s all
Cassandra: I guess we better get up and ready, the girls will be up soon enough
Rahul has a quick shower and sets about shaving off the villain beard while Cassandra does her normal morning pregnancy test
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Cassandra: I’m so glad you don’t ever want to keep that beard
Rahul: You and me both, I suit a goatee but not a massive goatee you know
Cassandra: *shrieks*
Rahul: Oh damn, I think I cut my cheek, you made me jump Cass
Casandra: Ah… sorry… thought I saw a… spider
Rahul: Remember, they’re more afraid of us than we are of them
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Cassandra: Wait, before we wake the girls-
Rahul: You okay?
Cassandra: We are better than okay. We’re pregnant again big guy!
Rahul: That’s why you shrieked? I should have figured, you've never been afraid of spiders
Cassandra: I am so sorry about your face
Rahul: Oh don’t be, you can’t see the damage. My darling, I’m so happy
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Cassandra: My boobs have swollen up already
Rahul: The beauty of science. I feel silly not noticing
Cassandra: Overalls hide many things big guy
Rahul: We’re having another one! Or... maybe they’re twins again?
Cassandra: We’ll get an ultrasound before I head to work. But, I was wondering, could we keep the sex a surprise this time? It was nice to know the first time but-
Rahul: Whatever you wish. Your body, your rules, remember
Cassandra: We’ll need to tell the girls
Rahul: They’ll be thrilled, just like me
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Rahul: Good morning little ladybug. It’s pie for breakfast. Can you say pie
Mercedes: Eye eye
Cassandra: Now tuck your legs in honeybee, we don’t want any accidents
Savannah: Yes mama. Can I has big bit
Cassandra: Of course honey
The twins begin to eat as Rahul and Cassandra sit. Rather than come right out with the news Cassandra tries to warm them up to the idea first.
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Cassandra: Mercedes, how would you feel about another little sim around here
Mercedes: No. Savannah here. Full is us
Cassandra: Are you-
Mercedes: Fly eye fly *pushes plate off high chair*
Mercedes: *giggles*
Savannah: 🎵I love food, food love me🎶
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Rahul: Why did you do that
Mercedes: *giggles* Eye go fly papa
Rahul: No! Now your breakfast is on the floor. You can’t waste food like that
Mercedes: I have fun
Rahul: Do NOT do that again. We do NOT make big mess for papa and mama! That’s bad
Mercedes turns to Cassandra blubbering and pouting
Mercedes: Mama I- I bad? I no wan bee bee bad. Big mess bad *cries*
Cassandra: *sighs* You need to learn to eat at feeding times ladybug. When your papa gives you food, you need to eat it, not toss it away
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Cassandra: How about you Savannah? Would you like a new little sim
Mercedes: Mama, papa, mama, I HUNGRY
Rahul: The rest of us are eating Mercedes. You’ll need to wait until I go into the kitchen next
Cassandra: If you’re hungry, you should have eaten the breakfast papa gave you
Mercedes: No pear! No pear!
Cassandra: Savannah?
Savannah: *chews* I eating mama, I busy
Cassandra: So you don’t mind either way
Savannah: I not want baby. I happy with twin
Mercedes: Why cask us mama
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Cassandra: Well, your papa and I have been working hard. Soon we’re going to have a new baby. You’re going to be big sisters
Mercedes: I- no want! I NO WANT mama
Cassandra: We can’t exactly return a growing baby ladybug
Savannah: I now big sister. I NOT want baby
Rahul: Girls, it’ll be great. We can be a bigger family
Mercedes: I NO WANT *fusses*
Savannah: I NO WANT TO
Rahul: Girls, that’s enough! Do not yell at your mama like that. We’re having another baby, whether you want it or not
Both girls grumble to themselves while a still happy Cassandra eats. She understands, she didn’t want Alexander before he was born either.
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Cassandra takes Savannah off while Rahul makes sure Mercedes eats her cereal. When he lets her out to clean up she follows him, still grumpy
Mercedes: Papa! Want baby WHY! I here, Savannah here, we no feed BABY
Rahul: You mean need, not feed, ladybug. We will feed the baby
Mercedes yells, lets loose and kicks away at his shin!
Rahul: GAH! Mercedes!
Mercedes: No feed baby! Have me! I no WANT
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Savannah: You want baby mama
Cassandra: I do, so does your papa
Savannah: Why
Cassandra: Well, we both want a big family
Savannah: *whispers* I not want baby
Cassandra: Oh honeybee, just wait. When they’re here and you get to know them you might feel differently. Just give them a chance huh. You’re already a great sister to Mercedes, I’m sure you’ll be good with the baby
Savannah: Mama... I no want baby but, give bubbles anyway?
Cassandra: Of course you can still have bubbles, a baby won’t stop the bubbles. Here they come!
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Rahul: Mercedes…
Mercedes pouts angrily
Rahul: Little ladybug, we do not hit other people
Mercedes: But I MAD
Rahul: Oh I know, but we can’t hit other people just because we’re mad. When you feel too much you come hug papa or mama, okay? We’ll have ideas of things you can do that don’t hurt anyone
Mercedes: You *sniffles* you still hug
Rahul: Of course Mercedes. Papa loves you. Mama and papa will still love you when the baby comes, I promise
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Rahul goes out to tend the garden and check in on the chickens. We have a new rabbit visitor who accepts a flower. Mercedes finds herself alone in the dining room, unable to remember where her mama went. She doesn’t want to follow papa because it’s raining out there. Out of options poor clingy Mercedes bursts into tears. Cassandra is already on her way from finishing Savannah’s bath and does her best to calm Mercedes down.
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Cassandra: I’m here little ladybug
Mercedes: Mama, I was by rye self
Cassandra: Oh dear, that’s no good is it
Mercedes: *crying* No mama
Cassandra: Come up here Mercedes, let’s have a snuggle
Mercedes: I sad mama. I sad. I no want baby
Cassandra: I’m sorry to hear that you’re sad but your papa and I do want the baby, so we will have the baby
Mercedes: But… do you want me
Cassandra: Of course I want you Mercedes! I love you. How about a bubble bath? We can play with freezer bunny
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There’s plenty for Rahul to harvest today. The plants look threadbare with the winter weather but thanks to mod magic they still grow in all seasons. Reminder that anything toxic, or its non toxic twin, is kept behind a childproof gate. Since infants and toddlers can play in the plants I don’t want them playing by toxic stuff. I managed to catch Floofy jr mid jump. I don’t know how their lifespans will go this time. Last time the youngest chicks aged up all the way to elder and passed away while the original chickens stayed alive.
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Cassandra: Feeling better ladybug
Mercedes: No mama. Need help
Cassandra: Help with what
Mercedes: Potty
Cassandra: Mercedes, you’re level 2, you can go by yourself, and I actually need to-
Mercedes: NO. Mama I NEED help. Mama’s help
Mercedes then starts to pout and blubber. Cassandra can’t ignore the pleas of someone she loves, despite her own urgent need to use the toilet, and begins to help Mercedes practice using the potty.
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Dr E: Hello again dear
Cassandra: Hey Dr Eriksson, I’m glad we were able to get a last minute appointment
Dr E: If there’s one thing that never happens on schedule, it’s babies, we try to be accommodating
Cassandra: Thank you. I’m afraid Rahul has already let himself in to your office
Dr E: We better not keep him waiting then. After you Mrs Chopra
Dr E: How are your twins doing
Rahul: You remembered
Dr E: We don’t get many sims opting for c-sections, most have it as a last resort
Cassandra: Was it okay that I chose to have one
Dr E: Absolutely. Every pregnant sim has different needs. Are we wanting a c-section for this one
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Cassandra: If it’s safe
Dr E: Absolutely dear
Rahul: We don’t want to know the sex this time, we’ll leave it a surprise if that’s okay
Dr E: No problem. Besides you both have heard my speech before
Cassandra: You remind all patients that our babies may not be their assigned sex, right? That they may grow into someone that doesn’t always align
Dr E: Exactly. If you’re not prepared to have a non-cis child, don’t get pregnant
Rahul: Or if parents can’t deal with non straight kids
Dr E: From your lips to the watchers ears. Ah ha, here we are
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Rahul: We? I mean we want lots of kids but…
Dr E: Don’t worry Mr Chopra, it’s just one this time
Cassandra: Oh there they are. Do they look okay Dr Eriksson?
Rahul: Healthy?
Dr E: Everything looks normal. I’ll get you a copy of this to keep but your child looks exactly how we like them at this stage
Cassandra: That’s our baby big guy, lucky number three
Dr E: There shouldn’t be any complications switched on but if you feel discomfort, or just want a check up, you’re always welcome to come in
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Previous Part (New Goth) ... Next Part
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aajjks · 11 months
tc koo a monster huh? you know my favorite disney princess was bell. her and i are well alike.. we both thought of our men as beast and nothing more but monsters. after everything we was put through we still fell in love with the only men on this planet that would slaughter every souls in the world to keep us safe. now i don’t know much about bell and the beast afterwards but you.. are the perfect beast for me because now i have the life i always dreamed of as a little girl. i was always a bit twisted and liked darker thinking than the other girls around me, probably why i never had many friends. but with you? love me no matter what.. and for that.. i’ll always be by your side. hm.. how about you get me pregnant in front of him? let’s make love right in front of that slimy fucker! please? oh god please.. want him to watch as i cum all over you, show him what he’d never have. that’s why we were so perfect together baby because i’d kill you if you ever even thought about leaving me. no matter what whores we have around here, your eyes have never so much has even looked in their direction.. even though some have tried a little to hard but that’s okay.. as your queen i’ll forever love you for your loyalty but as the queen.. that’s when i have to step in, don’t i.. it really is a shame some haven’t learned their lesson by now.. you’d think after what they’ve seen what i- eh.. anyways i’ll let you know my secrets once i know how you’ll react to everything my love. there’s still some things i can’t tell you just yet. you think you’re gonna cum? baby i’ve barley touched you.. i’ll make it quick and then after you eat your food, maybe my pussy will be your dessert? you like that don’t you baby, i can feel you getting even harder..i’ll give you all the attention you need my baby.. you’ll come chase me again won’t you? hm.. i’m getting wet just think about making you run around trying to look for me.. hm.. now i’ll have to decide on if i should be back in 5 or make you hunt me down.. guess we’ll find out won’t we..
ngl idk if i should leave it here or keep going where she’s talking to the “janitor” or whatnot but she’s finally fucking left the room😂 👏🏾
“Yn, baby I’ll make every single fantasy of yours come true, tell me every single one of yours, you don’t need friends when you have me, it’s okay to like things that other people deem too taboo or dark…. I always loved killing my enemies you know, of course I won’t even let him see you like that yn, he will probably fantasise about you and him being in my place. But you will let me get you pregnant won’t you? Oh yn, you can but I’ll never betray you, I even killed Sana for you. Don’t worry about those whores… you’re the only I want. Baby you can tell me anything- why are you making it seem like you have a big dark secret? Baby you haven’t done anything…. Bad right? Y-Yes, and just the way you’re talking to me it’s making me feel so many things- yes, your delicious taste is still fresh on my tongue yet I can never get enough. Oh yn you’re such a fucking tease, I’ll hunt you down I swear and then no one will be able to save you from me.”
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rossmccallsqueen · 2 years
HC - Having a baby with Joseph Liebgott ❤️
(I just need to state for the record that this is written for Ross McCall’s portrayal of Joseph Liebgott in Band of Brothers, not the actual person. Okay thank you pls continue)
You knew from the moment you met Joe that you wanted to have a family with him
Which was perfect because he told you he wanted a really big family
It took awhile after you started trying. It was happening for all of your friends and Joe’s friends wives but not you
Joe could see how sad you were every month when your period still came, so you agreed to stop trying for awhile and just let the universe speak for itself
And as they say it’ll happen when you least expect it because when you stopped trying was the month you found out you were pregnant and Joe was over the moon
Once he was able to tell people he would tell anyone that listened, including calling everyone from Easy to let them know that he was making good on all the little Liebgott’s he promised
You started to show pretty early on, making Joe think it was multiples
“Just because I’m a whale Joesph does not mean there’s more than one in there!”
“First of all dear I never said you were a whale Im pretty sure I called you sexy just this morning. Second, I’m just saying maybe we should ask Doc to check?”
“Okay fine, we will call the doctor!” You weren’t gonna let him win, because a mother would know if she was having twins right?
A mother would definitely know. And you knew you’d feel more kicks, which you didnt think you did but then again you felt them constantly so it was hard to tell the difference
Later that afternoon your doctor came to call, Joe letting him in right away because he wanted to be right 😂
“Alrighty what are we checking out today? You seemed fine last I saw you and you’re not due for another appointment until next month dear.”
“Joseph here thinks that there may be more than one baby in there because I’m a little bigger. Can you tell him that’s not true?”
“Let’s take a look. Sit down on the couch for me and we’ll check!” You did as told and Joe sat down next to you
You lifted up your shirt like you always did, and Doc took out his measuring tape and stethoscope
First he measured, Joe watching his every movement. You’d never paid much attention before but the look on Doc’s face after he measured.. you already knew Joe was right
“I’m just going to listen around to see if there’s more than one heartbeat okay? It might be a little cold.”
He moved around, making sure to listen to several different points around your belly, and he kept going back to two different spots
“Just tell me Doc, give it to me straight” 😂
“There’s definitely two babies in there Mrs. Liebgott. I’m afraid your husband is right!”
DANGIT not again you thought to yourself
After going back and forth with the doc to confirm it was in fact twins, including letting you listen to the stethoscope yourself to hear the heartbeats which was incredible
Joe was absolutely over the moon, he immediately called his parents to tell them that they wouldn’t just be getting one grand baby but two
A few hours later it was just you and Joe and you were laying in bed together
You were reading a book and Joe was just laying with his head in your lap rubbing your belly
He kept waiting for each baby to kick, absolutely enamored that there were two little ones in there
He absolutely loved your belly and had from the start. He loved resting his head against your bump, like he couldn’t get enough of it
He was proud of himself, and you knew he would be the best dad
“What do you think they will be? Two boys? Two girls? One of each? I don’t even care as long as they’re healthy.” You smiled, running your hand through his hair
You were only 20 weeks so you were only halfway there, and you knew Joe would dote on you even more as you continued
“I just can’t believe there will be two of them. Can we have more?” He asked, still rubbing your belly
“Slow your roll there pal, these ones need to be born first.” 😂
“I know I just can’t wait for them to get here” 🥺
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Masterlist Masterpost
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cyberrat · 1 year
71st Batch Of Fics: 10th Fill
Hanzo/Genji – Inheritance AU – Part 7 – fem!Hanzo – Family bathing fun time.
“You are right, of course. They’re well trained… just a little flick of my finger-” she does just that, flicking her index finger out toward Genji, and immediately he can hear three men taking one step forward, “-and they are just waiting for me to tell them how they should rip you into pieces.”
Genji swallows thickly, heart suddenly thumping in his chest again; this time not at all because he’s horny.
Still, he puts on a brave face and grins as he leans back. “You talk about them like they’re dogs… you think they appreciate that?”
Hanzo slowly puts her little towel off to the side of the tub. She looks more relaxed than during any of the other – two – times Genji had seen her. She certainly seems more talkative.
“They appreciate anything and everything I do to them,” Hanzo murmurs. Her smoky voice makes that sound that much… better. Genji licks his lips. The corner of Hanzo’s mouth briefly twitches up when she sees that, then moves her hand again in a lazy but short waving motion.
Genji can see from the corners of his eyes how the guards sink back into the shadows quietly.
Hanzo continues while watching him closely: “They are being well compensated for their… efforts.”
The trap thrown out is so blatant and yet Genji finds himself almost physically struggling against the need to ask more about it. Try and wriggle some information out of her. Make her say something juicy that will validate his imagination running wild and free.
Instead he says with a croak: “Sounds like a good deal.”
Hanzo’s eyes narrow. She watches him from underneath her heavy eyelids. Is it just him or can he see just a little inkling of begrudging respect? “Indeed.”
She has stretched her arms back out along the edge of her tub, fingers idly drawing little nonsensical patterns against the rounded stone.
It’s only then, surprisingly enough, that Genji drops his gaze to her chest. And only as a semi accident.
He can’t see much. The water is a little milky and the mist wafting over its surface only lets him stare at her cleavage like a teen getting off on the sight of a goddamn ankle. At this point he feels like he could get off on that too. Maybe have her little feet stepping on his cock too? Make him feel the pain?
“Eyes back on my face now.”
Hanzo’s voice has him look up even before the words properly register. It makes him feel like she has allowed him to stare at her tits which… what? What does that even mean?
Genji can feel the withdrawal badly. He needs something in his system. That’s why he feels so paranoid.
Hanzo doesn’t say more. She just looks at him. And he looks back. And in the hot water below his cock is desperately hard. He can’t get up before her for fear of her sicking her dogs on him. So while she is here, Genji has to stay.
He’s a prisoner of his own damn making.
“You know… if daddy dearest doesn’t have me in his will after all… I could be useful to you. I can learn just as well as those guards of yours.”
Hanzo hums thoughtfully. She slowly puts a finger against her lips, tracing their shape as she thinks about his words. “So you mean to say you could make yourself actually useful… instead of just being some dead weight that I have to deal with because our father found it impossible not to get some random call girl pregnant.”
Genji leans back against the wall of the hot tub and shrugs one shoulder, trying to at least pretend like he’s not desperately craving both a hit and the warm embrace of his big sister’s cunt.
“I’m saying that I’m definitely worth more alive than dead.”
“Hm. We’ll see about that.”
Hanzo so casually threatening him is better than he wants it to be. He stares at her through the mist. The heat is starting to get to his head and makes it even more difficult to think than it already had been.
He bounces his leg beneath the water but at least she can’t see that. She’s dissecting his every sign of weakness, it feels like.
Utterly and completely ruthless.
“When will the testimony be read?”
“In two days.” She keeps moving her finger along her lips and it becomes more and more distracting. Genji stares at Hanzo’s mouth, wondering just how she’d look with it wrapped around a cock. Doesn’t even have to be his. He’d pay to watch her suck off just about anybody at this point. While he stares, her mouth slowly stretches into a smile.
Is it the first one he’s seen from her? It looks predatory and more like a show of her perfectly white, perfectly straight teeth. In his cooking brain he can imagine her digging them into flesh and ripping out a bloody piece of meat all too well. “The question is… will you make it until then?” she asks in an almost purr.
Genji is getting short of breath. It starts to dimly dawn on him just how dangerous this woman is.
She doesn’t need any of the guards posted around the estate. She only has them so she doesn’t have to dirty her own hands with the viscera of her opponents.
A wild animal waiting to strike.
“I am sure I will,” Genji replies as casually as he can before changing the subject. “Tell me about yourself, big sister… do you have family? Husband or kids? We’re blood related and I know so little of you…”
“And I know that much more about you, Genji,” she replies silkily without missing a beat. “About what clubs you frequent most… about who are your favorite drug dealers… how often you jerk off that pathetic little dick of yours.”
Her eyes seem to be the only thing clear through the hot mist, their blackness absolutely hypnotic to him as she speaks. She is determined to catch him slipping, that much is obvious. She wants to tease him into failing and his body is only too eager to comply. But his brain isn’t.
The withdrawal makes it feel like it is itching all over but that is only a boon at this point. It keeps him more or less sharp and alert. He stares right back at Hanzo, overly aware of how the water laps at her naked body.
“You’ve let your dogs watch me, hm? I don’t care. I got an exhibitionist streak a mile wide. But you knew that already, didn’t you?”
Again that brief flicker in her eyes. The begrudging respect though he can’t quite pinpoint yet what it is that tickles it out of her.
She chuckles softly. The sound sends ripples of sensation over what is exposed of his arms, goosebumps raising. His nipples become desperately tight in the hot water.
“Hm,” she hums softly. She reaches for a glass of wine that he hadn’t even noticed sitting right there until her fingers curl around it and bringing it to her mouth to take a little sip. “You are a bit… interesting. I have to admit.”
He exhales a soft breath, trying not to make it too obvious that he’s held it in the first place.Fuck why is everything she says and does so intense?
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joy-of-life88 · 1 year
Inked Temptation [a Damian Priest story] 25 Can you believe that?
Ellie POV
As fast as I could in my freaking pregnant state, I went to the catering to get something to eat. My stomach was growling like crazy even though I had just eaten an hour ago.
"Hey Wombat and Wombat mama.... How are you girl?" asked Rhea who suddenly appeared next to me.
"Oh we're fine. Just hungry as hell. Little man takes after his daddy and he's always hungry." I laughed.
"I'll bet he is. How much longer do you have to work? Isn't it all a bit exhausting with flying and all?" she wanted to know as she walked me along.
"Only this week. Damian insisted that I stay at home for the last two months because the traveling plus the summer heat is getting to me. Can you believe that? Only two more months!" I replied.
"I know! The time has gone by so fast. I can't wait to see what Wombat looks like!" she said.
"Probably like an exact copy of D. Or at least that's what I'm hoping for." I replied with a smile.
"Quite possibly. Have a seat. I'll get you something to eat. What do you want?" she said as we arrived at the catering.
"Hmmm.... Pan fried rice and some carrots. Hudson loves carrots." I replied as I carefully plopped down on a chair.
"Coming right up." she grinned.
"Thank you so much. You know... you don't have to try so hard. You're going to be his godmother anyway." I laughed as she came back.
"What, are you serious?" she asked in shock as she handed me a bowl and placed the carrots on the table next to me.
"Of course I am. Although you'll probably spoil him just as much as his dad!" I replied with a giggle.
"Amazing!" She cheered and hugged me.
"What's going on?" I heard Damian's deep voice suddenly ask.
Instead of answering him, Rhea jumped up to him and hugged him tightly, too.
"Oh, I guess Ellie-Bell told you the news, huh?" he chuckled.
"Love, I think her reaction shows we made the right choice," I said.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh I need to start looking for the best gift in the world right now. Maybe a tiny little leather jacket. Or maybe I'll get the little man a unique piece of art with his name on it. Well, his real name and not Wombat." she babbled while Damian sat down next to me and gave me a kiss on the temple and rubbed his hand on my belly where the baby's foot was clearly visible.
As always, he looked at me with pride. He loved to feel his son through my skin. And as far as I could tell, Hudson felt the same way. He loved it and it always calmed him. It was the same with Damian's voice. Whenever Hudson kicked me aggressively, he calmed down almost immediately when Damian spoke to him.
"How are you Mami?" my husband asked me quietly as Rhea headed out.
"I'm fine. Well, now that I have something to eat." I replied, setting the bowl down on my tummy to grab a carrot.
"Is the little man behaving himself today? No heavy punching or kicking?" he wanted to know with concern.
"Nope. We are getting along just fine. Don't worry about it, love. Your family is just fine." I replied as I put my free hand to his cheek.
"That's what I like to hear. I have to get back to work. Can I have another kiss for the road?" said D.
"Always." I replied.
He gave me a long kiss before looking deep into my eyes. A smile on his perfect lips and a sparkle in his eyes.
"Love you. And you Wombat." he said and then pressed another kiss to my bump.
"Love you more. Oh... Before I forget. The furniture for the nursery will be delivered in two days. That means we can assemble it together." I replied.
"That's out of the question. I'll do it on my own. You bake the bun in your oven. That's enough for you." he contradicted me.
"Ha... We'll see about that, Mr Priest." I said with a smirk.
"We will, Mrs Priest." he replied and gave me another quick kiss before he went back to work and I went back to the important things. My food.
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themininthemoon · 11 months
A Color for Which There Is No Name
Ch. 3 <<< START >>> Ch. 5
Min Yoongi/Park Jimin | trans jm | Historical AU | Mail-order bride JM | Kid Fic | Mpreg | Breastfeeding | Misgendering | Vaginal Sex | Hopeful Ending
Jimin gets down on his denim-covered knees in the dirt with some difficulty, wide-brimmed hat shielding his eyes from the midday sun. He’s wearing his overalls, maternity stays under his blouse keeping him supported and comfortable. It’s strangely freeing to have pant legs and a material he doesn’t have to worry about getting dirty. Byungwoo is swaddled snugly on his back.
He sits up straight and surveys his little plot of land; the vegetable garden is coming along nicely, helped along by Eunho’s enthusiasm for weeding.
Jimin uses a trowel to loosen the soil around his carrots and then carefully extricates his homegrown veggies, placing the dirt covered orange roots in his wicker basket.
“Mimi!” Haneul calls from the other side of the garden patch. “Look! I got a green bean!”
Jimin looks up and grins. “Good job, Sweetheart! If you find enough of them, maybe we can have your green beans with dinner.”
Haneul’s face lights up at the words and he immediately gets back to work hunting for mature green beans to pluck.
Jimin smiles to himself, shaking his head as he gets back to his own harvest, pulling five more mature carrots from the garden.
It’s rather arduous work for someone brought up in libraries and drawing rooms, but the Farmer’s Almanac has been a great help and Jimin enjoys it. He and the boys are working hard to get as much produce harvested and stored in the cellar as they can before Jimin is simply too pregnant for all the stooping and crouching.
A bee buzzes near and Jimin stills, waiting for it to check out the garden and be on its way. It lands on his shoulder instead and Jimin closes eyes. He’s frozen where he’s kneeled, praying quietly that the bee steers clear of Byungwoo. He hears footsteps in grass and then a tiny gasp.
“Mimi there’s a bee on you!” Haneul cries out.
“It’s okay-“ Jimin starts, but his reassurance is cut off by a yell and a woosh.
Haneul’s shoe hits Jimin square in the neck, bee gone save for a stinger embedded under Jimin’s skin.
Byungwoo wails, voice loud in Jimin’s ear.
Jimin must have cursed because the side door of the workshop flings open and Yoongi jogs over to see what’s happened.
“What’s going on?” He asks,looking to his son first before zeroing in on Jimin’s pained expression. “Jimin? Are you okay?”
“There was a bee!” Haneul yells, still standing in the wide-legged stance he’d taken to throw his shoe.
“A bee?” Yoongi echoes, kneeling down beside Jimin, “Are you allergic?”
Jimin blinks and shakes his head, hand on his neck.
“I don’t think so.”
“Let me see.” Yoongi says, gently tugging Jimin’s hand away from the sting. Yoongi frowns in concentration then pulls the stinger out with his bare hand, using his fingernail to scrape it out of Jimin’s skin. He flicks it away. “There we go.”
He moves away, giving Jimin some space.
Jimin mumbles, “Thank you.”
Yoongi nods. “I’m just glad you’re not hurt. Well, not seriously at least.”
Jimin huffs a half-hearted laugh, looking down and away.
Things are awkward between them these days. It’s hard.
“Okay.” Yoongi nods again. “Back to the shop for me.”
Jimin offers a weak smile.
“We’ll see you later.”
It’s been a week since that night and Jimin is struggling to act normally again - he’s still embarrassed by his own behavior, hurt by Yoongi’s hesitations. He knows he’s being unfair to Yoongi and his past wife - it hasn't even been a full year since she died. It’s clear Yoongi loved her and still loves her very much.
Jimin wishes it weren’t so difficult to tell his heart that.
Jimin sighs, rubbing sweat from his brow with his left wrist before going back to keeping the scrambled eggs moving in their pan, right arm busy holding Wonbin on his hip. He rocks slightly where he stands, trying to sooth the toddler without letting lunch burn.
“Mimi?” It’s Eunho’s voice behind him, a tiny hand fisted in Jimin’s skirt.
“What is it, Sweetheart?” Jimin asks, flicking his gaze down to make sure he’s not hurt before turning back to the stove and giving the pan of sausage a good shake.
“Um, I peed.” Eunho says.
Jimin freezes. He closes his eyes and swallows a sigh before moving the eggs from the heat so they don’t burn. He turns to face Eunho head on.
“In the potty?” He asks, hopeful.
Eunho hangs his head and starts sniffling, tears obviously imminent.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, Bug. Mimi’s not mad at you.” Jimin assures him.
He crouches, carefully putting Wonbin on his feet as Jimin comes face to face with Eunho. Jimin watches Wonbin toddle over to his blocks before turning his attention back to Eunho.
“Can you tell Mimi where you went potty?”
Eunho keeps his head stubbornly down, tips of his ears red just like his dad when he’s embarrassed. He mumbles something Jimin doesn’t understand.
“What was that?” Jimin asks, keeping his tone soft.
Eunho sniffs. “On the floor.”
Jimin bites his cheek and nods.
“On the floor where, bud?”
“In the bathroom.” His voice has taken on a petulant whine.
“Okay.” Jimin says, gentle. “That’s okay. Are your pants dry?”
Eunho nods.
“Okay so you took them off to potty, but not in the potty?”
He looks up with wide, damp eyes and nods his head.
“That’s okay.” Jimin says, very patiently. “It’s okay. Why don’t you help Mimi clean it, okay? You’ve seen Mimi clean up messes, haven’t you?”
Eunho perks up at the words - he loves helping.
Jimin grabs some tea towels, soap, and a bucket and leads Eunho down the short hall. He stops just before they disappear from sight to point at Haneul.
“Haneul.” He calls.
The boy looks up from his book with curious eyes.
“Do not touch the stove, understand?”
“Okay.” Haneul nods. “It’s hot.
“Wonbinnie. You too, okay? No touching the stove. Mimi will be right back.”
Wonbin stares blankly then nods. “Binnie no touch stove.”
Jimin can’t help but smile.
“Okay, good boys.”
He helps Eunho clean up the mess in the bathroom and is just pushing himself up to stand and wash their hands when there’s a commotion from the living room. He rushes out to find that it’s just Yoongi coming in for lunch, saying hello to the boys and granting the hugs they rush in for. Eunho runs past Jimin to throw his arms around his father’s legs.
Jimin smiles at the sight until he and Yoongi make eye contact and the smile slips from Yoongi’s face.
“Jimin, can I talk to you?”
Jimin immediately feels tense, going still.
“Yes?” He says, confused. “Can it wait until I feed the boys?”
Yoongi’s mouth is a tight, flat line. “I’ll help you.”
Jimin nods slowly before walking over to the wood stove. Yoongi follows suit.
Jimin starts putting plates together, scooping eggs and sausage onto plates when Yoongi finally speaks.
“You left them alone.” Yoongi says flatly.
“What?” Jimin asks, confused. “I was in the bathroom with Eunho.”
“You left them alone out here with a hot stove, Jimin. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?” Yoongi hisses, glaring. “Is that what it’s like in here while I’m working? You hide away, leaving them unattended? Letting them do whatever they want? What if they had touched the stove?”
Jimin feels stunned, frozen in place.
“They wouldn’t touch the stove.” He says when he recovers, quietly but firmly. “They know better than that and I made sure to tell them that I would only be in the bathroom for a moment and to leave the stove alone.”
“They’re children-” Yoongi snaps.
“They’re growing boys.” Jimin asserts calmly. “Haneul is almost seven; he knows better than to touch the hot stove and if Wonbin, for some reason, decided to approach the stove I know that Haneul would call for me-”
“I don’t care what you think you know! I care about you taking care of my children properly! If you can’t do that, then why are you even here?”
The words land like a physical blow, knocking the wind out of Jimin. He doesn’t even think, just pulls his hand back and SMACK.
Yoongi’s cheek immediately turns pink, expression stunned as he blinks wide eyes at Jimin, cradling his face.
“Do not talk to me like that.” Jimin bites out, blinking rapidly to keep tears at bay.
Yoongi opens his mouth, but a sharp cry interrupts him before he can begin.
Jimin presses his lips together tight. “It’s Byungwoo. He’s probably hungry.”
Jimin looks around the kitchen and living room, at the boys who all look upset and confused. He turns back to Yoongi.
“Why don’t you take care of your children, while I take care of feeding your baby, since you can’t.” Jimin says and does his best to walk calmly down the hall.
He steps into the nursery and immediately tears start to fall. He sniffles, trying to hold it back, but it’s hard. He places a hand on his stomach and lets out a little sob, shaking his head. His own cries are hidden by the sound of Byungwoo’s wailing and Jimin rushes over to him, picking him up from his crib and checking that he doesn’t need to be changed before feeding. He settles in the rocking chair near the crib and bares his breast with a now practiced ease, ignoring his damp cheeks and the way his breathing trembles.
Jimin has been torn, arguing with himself over how to navigate their marriage - he hadn’t expected to feel so much, so quickly, to have the center of his universe shift so completely. He can’t imagine a different life for himself now, entrenched in this life, this growing family.
The thought stings.
He places a hand on his growing belly and wonders if Yoongi will even love this child the same as the others, this child of necessity. He doesn’t know what he would do if Yoongi treats their child differently. He puts a hand over his mouth to muffle the sobs, trying to calm himself down for Byungwoo’s sake. They say babies can sense when you’re upset and he doesn’t want to rile the little one up if he can help it.
Yoongi leaves for the workshop as soon as Jimin emerges from the nursery, Byungwoo on his hip. There’s a sink full of dishes by the stove and Jimin grinds his teeth, but doesn’t say a word, smiling at the rest of the boys to ease their nervous looks.
They have a nice afternoon playing inside, roping Jimin into reading stories aloud and playing hide and seek. By evening the boys are all tuckered out, but not too tired to let Jimin leave them in their beds without a lullaby.
His voice is soft and sweet, lulling them to sleep.
By the time Yoongi comes in from the workshop at the end of the night there’s a plate of cold food waiting for him on the kitchen table, everyone in the house asleep for the night.
Jimin doesn’t speak to Yoongi at all that morning, ignoring any and all of the man’s attempts to speak to him about the night before. Jimin only smiles tightly and keeps moving, getting breakfast done and served before taking a step back.
“What are you doing?” Yoongi asks, sitting at the kitchen table with Haneul and Eunho.
“Waiting for you to go so I can eat.” Jimin says blandly.
“Why?” Yoongi asks. “Jimin can we p-”
“It’s not really appropriate for the help to take dinner with the family.”
“Don’t you have work to do?” Jimin cuts Yoongi off. “Building new pews for the pastor?”
Yoongi looks at him for a long moment before sighing softly. He gets up and leaves, but not before pressing kisses to the tops of his sons’ heads. He reaches out a hand toward Jimin's stomach too, but Jimin takes a step back before it can make contact, eyes suddenly burning with unshed tears.
“Don’t touch me.” He says, very quietly.
Yoongi balls his outstretched hand into a fist and nods, pulling it back.
He walks out the front door with a storm cloud over his head.
Jimin waits until he’s sure Yoongi is in the full swing of things, working with a laser-focus on the pews that need finishing.
It’s two hours before noon and Jimin has to pee.
He spends fifteen minutes getting the boys ready to go outdoors, shoes on the correct feet and tied snug, outside clothes on instead of their nicer ones. He hefts Byungwoo up, cradling him against his chest, then leads the whole troupe one by one out of the front door and across the property to Yoongi’s workshop.
He knocks on the door.
Yoongi opens it, confused. His eyes go wide at the sight of them all on the doorstep.
“Jimin, what-”
Jimin holds Byungwoo out to him and Yoongi takes the baby automatically.
Jimin smiles, blinking his lashes.
“I have to pee.” He says, very matter of factly.
Yoongi looks at a loss.
“It will only take a minute, but you just never know what children might get into if left unattended for even the shortest amount of time.”
Understanding dawns on Yoongi like the sun coming up over the hills in the distance, expression going slack as he realizes what’s happening.
Jimin smiles beatifically. “I’ll be back; you’re okay to watch them, right? Since you don’t want them left alone for even a brief moment?”
Yoongi seems too stunned to respond.
Jimin turns on his heel and strides back to the house.
He pees and then paces the living room for a good five minutes, trying to drag this out as long as he reasonably can.
When he does go back to the workshop, it’s clear something has gone wrong. He can hear wailing even from outside. The commotion is so loud that his knock goes unnoticed. He waits a moment longer, then pushes the door open, stepping through and immediately hearing someone screech his name.
Haneul slams into Jimin’s legs, wrapping his arms around them and sobbing into Jimin’s skirts.
“Hey, hey,” jimin pets his hair to soothe him, crouching down so they’re on the same level. “What’s wrong, Honey?”
Haneul sniffles.
“You and daddy are fighting.”
Jimin’s eyes go wide; he shakes his head.
“We’re not fighting, baby. Mimi and daddy just had. . . .a discussion.” Jimin says, politic. “And we haven’t had a chance to finish that discussion, because daddy is sooo busy.”
Haneul’s lip quivers, wringing his tiny hands together.
Jimin nods. “Really.”
“You’ll make up now?”
Jimin pauses.
“Not right this moment.” Jimin says carefully. “Because daddy is very busy, but later - after you and your brothers go to sleep - me and daddy will finish our discussion.”
Haneul nods his head, wide eyed.
Jimin smiles and pushes Haneul’s hair back before standing.
“Alright.” He claps his hands and the three mobile boys line up by him.
Yoongi looks surprised, but he doesn’t say anything, still obviously frazzled.
Jimin holds his arms out to Byungwoo and Yoongi passes him over silently, expression serious, solemn.
“We’ll finish our discussion later?” He asks.
Jimin presses his lips together. He nods.
The idea of going to sleep before Yoongi comes in is tempting, but Jimin knows that his own hurt feelings take a backseat to the care of the boys and offering them a stable, happy home.
Jimin and Yoongi need to talk and figure out how they want to move forward.
Yoongi seems almost surprised when he walks into the bedroom and finds Jimin sitting up against the headboard reading a book in the light of a candle resting on his nightstand. Yoongi stands awkwardly in the doorway for a moment before crossing the threshold, quietly going about his evening ablutions, cleaning his hands and face in the washbasin.
Jimin watches him without turning his head away from his book, tracking Yoongi’s movements with his eyes, not giving up the facade of reading until Yoongi has climbed uncertainly into the bed, seated a foot away from Jimin, mirroring his position leaned up against the headboard.
They cut themselves off and look at each other. After a long moment, Yoongi speaks.
“Jimin. . .I want to apologize to you for my behavior these past couple days.” Yoongi says solemnly. “I haven’t been fair to you and I undermined your care for the boys and I’m sorry.”
Jimin presses his lips together. He nods.
“Thank you for your apology.”
Yoongi goes stiff, peering at Jimin in the dim candlelight. The silence stretches on.
“I also want to say that. . .I didn’t mean to imply that you had no claim on the boys, that you aren’t really their family, our family.” Yoongi offers, hanging his head. “I know how much you care for them-”
“-I love them.” Jimin interjects, tears burning at the backs of his eyes. “I love them like they’re my own-”
“-They are.” Yoongi says, head snapping up to look Jimin in the eye. He speaks firmly. “They are. They’re my boys and Jieun’s boys, but they’re your boys too. And they love you just as fiercely and I- I think I haven’t been doing right by you, Jimin. I haven’t been fair. You-” Yoongi gestures at Jimin’s state, the swell of his stomach. “You’re carrying my child and I haven’t been- I could be more supportive, do more to make you feel like you belong here, with me.” Yoongi’s face has gone pensive, curling in on himself slightly. “I haven’t been treating you like a wife, because I-”
“You don’t have to explain yourself, Yoongi. Not about that. I know that it’s too much to ask that you-” Jimin stumbles over the word, needing a moment to get it out. He whispers, “-I know I can’t make you love me. I know you’re still morning Jieun. You can’t force yourself to have romantic feelings for me, but at least- at least do not try and tell me that I’m not raising those boys right, don’t you dare even imply I would dream of endangering them in any way.”
Yoongi swallows hard. He nods.
“I know- I know you wouldn’t. I know and I’m sorry for how I acted; it was out of line to speak to you that way.”
Jimin nods his head, blinking back tears.
“Okay.” He sniffles. “Thank you.”
Yoongi nods.
They sit in a strange silence, awkward and charged.
“Can I-” Yoongi’s voice feels loud in the quiet. He clears his throat and gestures to Jimin’s belly. “Can I?”
Jimin pauses for a moment, thinking. Eventually, he nods.
Yoongi reaches over and splays his hand over the curve of Jimin’s stomach. A little smile curls his lips, eyes shining in the low candlelight. Jimin feels the kick before Yoongi does. He looks up at Jimin with a smile that shows his gums.
“This is always my favourite part.” Yoongi confides, speaking softly. His eyes are wide with wonder, stuck on movement that can be seen and felt under Jimin’s skin. “It’s amazing to me.”
Jimin blinks back tears, a rush of relief flooding through him. He puts a hand on top of Yoongi’s hand on his stomach.
“I was worried.” Jimin whispers.
Yoongi looks up at him with a crease in his brow.
“I-” Jimin’s eyes burn, cheeks tingling with imminent tears. “I thought you might not want this baby.” Jimin’s whispering. “I was so worried, because you only got me pregnant for Byungwoo.”
Yoongi’s eyes are wide and horrified.
“Jimin.” He moves his hand from Jimin’s stomach to cup his cheek. “Jimin, I would never do that. I would never- This is my child and I will love them just like I love the boys. Just like- I wouldn’t have helped bring a child into the world that I didn’t want.”
The floodgates open and Jimin finally begins to cry, the relief flooding through him. Yoongi pulls him into a hug, Jimin’s head tucked under his chin while Jimin clings.
“I’m sorry I made you question that.” Yoongi whispers in Jimin’s hair. “I’m sorry.”
Jimin sobs against Yoongi’s neck, holding him tight.
Yoongi presses a kiss to Jimin’s hair, giving him a squeeze.
“It’s okay.” He shushes. “I’m so sorry, but it’s okay, I promise. I already love our baby more than any one person can fathom.”
The words make Jimin’s breath hitch, heart skipping a beat in his chest.
He hates it.
He cries harder.
Ch. 5
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