thememerman · 8 months
is that what this is about. is that what this is about. IS THAT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT. IS THAT. WHAT THIS IS ABOUT??? IS THAT WHAT THIS??? IS. ABOUT???? IS TH
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messydiabolical · 8 months
i’d once read a Mass Effect take that has been stewing in my melon ever since, about Wrex and him demanding a cure for the genophage during the war in 3. (I think it was on twitter but I can’t remember for sure. Just the idea of it stuck with me.) The general sentiment was that this was a dick move on his part, that there were “bigger problems” and this wasn’t the time and it was cruel and manipulative of him to put Shepard in that position. He should have helped out first and Shepard would have helped him back once the war was over. A lot of people chimed in agreeing, saying how they stopped liking Wrex after that. It bothered me for a bunch of reasons I didn’t feel I could adequately articulate, but i’m gonna try now. Prepare for my meandering thought style! The governing bodies of the Mass Effect Galaxy have repeatedly proven that they believe themselves superior to other species and know what’s best for everyone. They don’t let all species have a say in the council, always look out for their own species’ interests in so much as it pertains to keeping things as they are, and will happily go along with literal genocide to aid this. They approve of secret police and biological warfare espionage tactics. They weaponise bureaucracy to hide their cruelty behind ‘oh red tape has us bound, sorry uwu’.   I’m going to try to remain pertinent to the Wrex subject but as one great example of these governing bodies ways of dealing with percieved outsiders: The first contact war is a great example of how ludicrous and fascist things are.. ‘It’s ilegal to use this thing so we’re going to kill you for it’ without so much as a heads up. How were humans supposed to know that, exactly? The governing bodies of this place do not care about anyone outside their own self interests. Fall out of line and they will work to end you. Until you prove you might be useful or of interest to them in some way (or a threat). And then of course we later learn the asari were breaking these laws themselves, hoarding this tech to stay superior. Classic. Anyway, back to Wrex. Wrex knows this. Wrex has seen how the krogan are regarded and treated, the dangerous monolith species, outsiders who can never be let in, never forgiven, never given a chance to grow or change. For a long arse time. “But the krogan were getting out of control and also committing genocide, the genophage was a last ditch resort to stop a galactic war” … And it’s been hundreds of years since then. That 'last ditch resort' wasn’t used as a stop gap, a reset to even out the playing field so that new negotiations and relations could be developed. It was used to end the krogan, and has been actively maintained to continue that, ever since. Do you really, truly believe that if Wrex petitioned the council/ world leaders to negotiate reversing the genophage, they’d even let him have an audience with them? And if they did, do you really think these people, with their history and all the shit they pull, would listen and be reasonable? I can already hear the responses, that weaponised bureaucracy (“you raise an interesting point Mr Wrex but unfortunately we are recovering from a war don’t you know, please come back in 300 years for review, we are very interested in discussing this further then!”) Wrex is old, wise and knows exactly what is up. The only way the governing bodies of power were ever going to have a listen, was if he had something they needed. The war with the reapers provided that. And even then, he knew that they wouldn’t listen outright; having Shepard’s voice was a way to get the foot in the door. It makes my heart hurt to think about that honestly; how dehumanising (dekroganising?) it must feel to be the ruler of your people and know that you have to rely on your alien friend to even get someone to listen to you, when what you want to say is an extremely reasonable “hey committing genoicde against my people sucks, stop that now”. Anyway, Wrex was right, this was his one chance to save his people and he took it. Good for him.
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jjoelswatch · 8 months
okay but--
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this part genuinely sent me. just "aww did my turn to the dark side and attempt to murder you leave you a little traumatized? a little emotionally constipated??" like it was a girls' night out gone bad and not galactic scale genocide asdfk
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toaarcan · 4 months
Hi, hey there, did you know that the whole "Jedi can deflect blasters so Mandalorians used solid-shot weapons to kill them because blocking a bullet with a lightsaber just results in molten metal spraying the Jedi" meme is actually bullshit?
Like, first thing you have to know about that lore is that it was written by Karen Traviss. Traviss is fairly infamous for writing a shitton of military wank and really hating the Jedi, portraying them as cruel, cold, fascist idiots, who are much, much lamer than the cool Mandalorians, who are badass military types and definitely haven't carried out multiple genocides in the past (they have). She was also known for not exactly playing ball with other writers, and ultimately ragequit the franchise when TCW started to include Mandalorians and portrayed them differently. This was not a detail that basically any other writer in anything Star Wars ever actually backs up.
And like, here's the thing... this exists.
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That's a Jedi using the Force to deflect bullets with her bare hand.
This is Tutaminis. And/or Force Deflection, it's not really clear whether they're the same thing or not. It's a pretty standard Force ability that a bunch of characters have demonstrated. Obi-Wan blocks both bullets and a flamethrower with it in the 03 Clone Wars microseries. It's how Yoda catches and redirects Force Lightning during his duels with Dooku in Attack of the Clones and Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith. It's how Vader absorbs Han's shots with his hand in The Empire Strikes Back.
It's also evident from the amount of times that the Mandalorians fight the Jedi with normal blasters instead of breaking out their "anti-Jedi" weapons for their ancient enemies. And the fact that the Mandalorians lost their wars against the Jedi.
If solid-shot guns/slugthrowers were the amazing anti-Jedi weapons that totally always worked against Jedi, then we'd see a lot more slugthrowers and a lot fewer Jedi. We see the CIS' Droid armies fight against the Jedi for three years, we see the Clones being designed from the get-go to kill the Jedi at the end of the war and being highly successful at it, we see the Empire hunting Jedi for the next 19 years and the rest of the Galactic Civil War after that, and y'know what they have in common? None of them use slugthrowers. They all just keep using blasters.
The answer to "How to kill a Jedi" equation has traditionally been depicted as "Use more blasters than they can actually physically deflect."
There's also the detail that Jedi are precognitive space wizards who can move with superhuman speed. If you're actually in range to shoot one with a gun, they'll sense you, evade or block with the Force, close the gap before you can chamber the next round, and revoke your Hand Privileges.
Even the "You'll kill them with a spray of molten metal from the melted bullet!" thing doesn't actually track with what we see on-screen. At the climax of Revenge of the Sith, we see Obi-Wan and Vader fight in the middle of an active volcano. They get splashed with showers of lava a couple of times, and at the end of the fight, both of their clothes are scorched and burned from the embers. Obi-Wan continues to wear his charred robes throughout the rest of the movie. And he's fine. No lava burns. Neither of them actually gets hurt by the lava until Obi-Wan cuts Vader's limbs off and he can no longer move or protect himself, and even then, Vader survives getting burned to a crisp by being really fucking mad about it.
So yeah, it's nonsense. A dumb "Hurr, Jedi are so lame and my unproblematic genocidal warrior race could totally kill them super-easy" take written by Star Wars' own version of Ken Penders.
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thewriterowl · 1 year
Luke Skywalker is Mand’alor
Now that season 3 is done and I was able to stew over it, I find myself liking it more than the initial watch (not in love but I know it is that final scene that has made it loads better/worth it)...but I LOVE the idea more on Luke is the rightful ruler of Mandalore due to the ridiculous line of defeat of the Darksaber
Can you imagine?? We’ve had so much fun watching Din “my god let me just be a side character in my own show” Djarin do his thing...but Luke?? The guy who keeps getting pushed as the center of the galaxy? The poor guy. He already has to deal with being a “shared” Chosen One with his formerly very evil father, seen as a galactic hero who “single handedly” (he keeps saying this is not the case) took out the Empire, reviving a culture that was genocide-d basically on his own (his aunt seems to not be very involved in his life???), going on near-death missions still after doing his Chosen One duties...and now is a king by some weird technicality??
Do you know how DONE he would be???
Because he defeated his father, who defeated Kenobi, who defeated Maul? Or because he defeated his father who defeated the Emperor who defeated Maul? OR  because he defeated his father who defeated Ahsoka who defeated Maul? 
Luke would try to say, “The Emperor defeated me!” or “I didn’t win against my father, technically!” or “Weren’t at least one of those previous matches a draw or something???” or “Surely with all the hands it’s been passed around to the line was officially broken?????”. And like all of them have a counter-argument that still leads back RIGHT TO HIM because, even IF Anakin defeated the Emperor who defeated Luke, he still ADMITS that Luke defeated him by saving him from the Darkside with like his dying breath!! Or, even better because it is the words from Din in the season, he defeated the enemy who defeated/captured/cornered Din & Bo-Katan on the cruiser--cause, within the scene, it is heavily implied they were all about to die (aka be defeated) if he hadn’t shown up!
There is like literally no escape from it!
He literally just wants to be a teacher, like a pre-school teacher at this point and do fun flips over rocks while doing things to make people happy and not kill any more.
And he is made to be a king of a “cursed” planet of a former enemy.
Because of COURSE a Skywalker would have that luck.
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year
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Humans are weird: Interview with the Devil’s right hand
*Recording starts*
Interviewer: Is it alright if I record this?
Subject: Well you’ve already started so why bother asking me?
Interviewer: I’m sorry, it’s a force of habit.
Interviewer: I can turn it off and take written notes if you want.
Subject: Nah, recording is fine.
*Background noise of children playing*
Interviewer: May I ask why you chose such a public place for this interview?
Interviewer: It seems so out of place given your line of work.
Subject: Were you expecting it to be in some shady bar on the far side of town that holds all the ne’er-do-wells and vagabonds meet and scheme?
Interview: *sounds made of sentence starting and stopping*
Subject: Bars get boring after a while and I wanted some fresh air.
Subject: And what do you mean by “my line of work”?
Interviewer: Well, you know….being a hitman.
Subject: Been a while since I’ve been called that.
Subject: Personally I prefer mercenary.
Interviewer: Is there a difference?
Subject: I’m sure you’d be able to find any poor sod that’d give off a list of reasons and nuances, but at the end of the day we all just kill people for money.
Interview: I’ve heard that you have a preference for being called “The Devil’s Right Hand”.
Subject: I don’t actually.
Subject: But you do one job for a galactic dictator with a tad of genocide and the next thing you know you got a nickname.
Subject: You know how hard it is for people to just use my real name and not that cheesy nickname?
Interviewer: What is your real name anyway?
Subject: Francis O’Connell.
Francis: Never got your name by the way.
Interviewer: Mortica Preces.
Francis: Haven’t met a Peline since the resource wars on Nifelen II.
Mortica: You fought in the resource wars?
Francis: I did. I made myself a scarf from the all the sacred braids your people wore from the dead I left on the battlefield.
Francis: Was the only thing that kept me warm during those freezing nights.
Mortica: You scalped my people?
Francis: Only from the dead ones; I’m not entirely a monster.
Mortica: …..
Mortica: Do you realize the religious significance of our braids, and what it means to take them?
Francis: I did and I didn’t care.
Francis: You were my enemy and I was damn upset at your people’s attempts to end my life.
Francis: Thankfully the war ended and we can now meet here as friends.
Mortica: …….
Mortica: When you agreed to do this interview I had pictured this much differently.
Francis: I told you that I would give you my side of the story.
Mortica: You did.
Francis: Did you expect me to sugar coat it?
Francis: Make it like I was fighting for some noble cause and lost myself in the throngs of war to become the monster the universe now sees me as?
Francis: Well that’s just horseshit people tell others to make themselves out to be more sympathetic.
Mortica: So you don’t want sympathy?
Francis: What the fuck am I going to do with that?
Mortica: Then why did you fight in the resource wars?
Mortica: Why did you commit such acts of malice and cruelty upon my people?
Francis: Simple really.
Francis: Because I was paid to.
Mortica: That’s it?
Mortica: Because you were paid to?!
Mortica: You butchered thousands and helped rip a peaceful star system asunder because you WERE PAID TO?!?!
Francis: I was paid very well if that makes the difference for you.
Mortica: How can you sleep with yourself at night???
Francis: *pauses*
Francis: When I go to sleep at night I am greeted in my dreams by the faces of everyone I have ever killed in my line of work.
Francis: Not just from the resource wars, but from every conflict, murder, and killing I have ever committed.
Mortica: So that rumor is true for humans then?
Francis: Oh yeah; that bit is very much true.
Francis: Each dream is the same. I’m walking down a long hallway that stretches on far beyond the horizon, and lining each side like a decorative mask collection is the face of a person I’ve killed.
Francis: Some of them are screaming at me; shouting out their last words or begging for their lives as they weep.
Francis: Some have the bullet or knife wounds from their death fresh on their skin as the blood drips from them like a fountain.
Francis: Then there are the ones that don’t say anything and just stare at you as you walk by; their silence piercing me like a blade through butter.
Francis: It’s a bit impressive how no matter how far I keep walking I never see the same face twice. I would be walking for what seems like hours or days and yet each face is different.
Mortica: A fitting nightmare for one such as you.
Francis: Oh but I haven’t told you the best part yet.
Francis: Attached to each face is a tag, like the ones you see for clothing sold at department stores, and written on each tag is how much I was paid to kill them
Mortica: By the gods….
Francis: I’m not even sure how I remember that but I think it’s my subconscious trying to punish me for the life I’ve lived.
Francis: While I’m walking down the hallway I will stop every now and then and look at the tags and smile to myself at a job well done.
Mortica: I don’t think I can continue this interview?
Francis: Why?
Francis: Because you are just realizing why someone would be called “The Devil’s right hand”?
Francis: You need to grow up.
Mortica: Excuse me?!
Francis: I said you need to grow the fuck up.
Francis: I’ve read your puff pieces promoting military life and the benefits it brings to the enlisted.
Francis: I couldn’t help but notice you left out all the PTSD, the horrific injuries experienced on the battlefields, the emotional trauma of losing your comrades day after day and realize the only way to survive is to cut off any emotional attachment to your squad mates just to ensure that you have some sanity left by the end of the war.
Francis: Only to find out that even if you do somehow survive you find society no longer has a use for you so you are left to rot on some run down street corner begging for scraps.
Mortica: That may be what your people do with your soldiers, but we Peline’s know how to treat our returning veterans.
Francis: Oh do you?
Francis: Then please explain why one of them paid me to do this interview with you?
Mortica: Wh-what?
Francis: I doubt you ever spoke to one of your returning soldiers in your entire career, have you?
Francis: Too afraid to get the real details of military life in favor of keeping the status quo.
Francis: Much less than first grade Ensign Tublek Frent.
Mortica: Who?
Francis: Oh you know who he is.
Francis: He came to you after the resource wars, after losing an arm and a leg, and offered to give you the scoop of the century.
Francis: An in-depth look of how your military bungled the entire war and then cast aside returning soldiers.
Francis: But you didn’t meet him; oh no.
Francis: You reported him to military command, who then had him declared mentally insane and locked him away in some dark corner of your medical facilities.
Mortica: How do you know any of this?
Francis: See my government found out about Tublek and were very much interested in giving your government another black eye.
Francis: So they paid me to break him out of the medical facility and transported back to Terra for a live broadcast.
Francis: Job went easy enough and I was just about to hand him over when the old sod learned who I really was and slipped me a coin.
Francis: Can you guess what that coin was for?
Mortica: You would kill me for a single coin?
Francis: Having read your articles I would have killed you for the sheer pleasure of it, but a man such as myself needs to keep up appearances and the devil’s right hand doesn’t do jobs for free.
Mortica: We’re in a public place; not even you are so foolish to try killing me here.
Francis: On the contrary, it was the only way to make you feel safe and draw you out.
*Rustling sound and the click of a weapon being pulled out*
Mortica: This recording has been going live to my office. If you kill me everyone will know.
Francis: Eh, publicity is publicity these days.
*Cocks gun*
Francis: I wonder where your place on the wall will be?
Mortica: Wa-
*Screams of children in background and footsteps slowly walking away.*
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hollypunkers · 8 days
personal star wars opinion vent
idk why people who like old republic star wars stuff like me are so defensive of the old jedi. they werent great. thats why i like them. its ok. “the jedi were actually right” well, i have consumed more than my doctor’s recommended share of star wars movies and books and tv shows and… um, i never had THAT take. what on earth?
like, even Star Trek knows their fantasy space government isnt perfect but the authors were trying to make their best example of a responsible society where people valued being moral above all else. the authors of Star Wars were explicitly trying to show where the old republic and jedi went wrong. they lived next door to sith lords for years and didn’t even notice, like, they weren’t even good at the one thing that was their “spec-ial-ity”. also, its totally cool to separate kids from their families even if the families would want them back? even if the kids are brought to war zones and expected to fight/work? YALL. what are you defending here.
I like the old republic and the old jedi order too, but like, NEITHER one was good and both explicitly had fallen morally to such a state that a sith lord literally took over and the galaxy suffered TREMENDOUSLY as a result of their incompetence. “Slavery is outlawed in the Republic” well dude, its being openly practiced on multiple planets. if only someone could do something about it. like the galactic wide government and their highly moral magical negotiation/military force? oh, they can’t? maybe theyre not that good at doing what they say they do. maybe they say a lot of nice things but when push comes to shove the jedi commit genocides and hide the evidence (murdering those tuskens was downright jedi-like, dont you know?). maybe questioning your government and not letting them get away with shit, even to the point of direct action and even violent rebellion, is a good thing. its almost like that was always the point.
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lily-orchard · 6 months
I was wondering if you had any thoughts on "jedi genocide" discourse? I've seen people claim that criticism of the Jedi are antisemetic canards in disguise
That breaks down is in a very simple problem in that the Jedi... actually ARE a state power. They ARE an institution. They ARE an arm of a late stage capitalist power. They ARE the Catholic Church.
Remember, Jedi philosophy is not based off Bhuddism or Judaism or even Christianity. It's based off the Freudian rambles of a misogynistic weirdo from the 1940's.
The problem is much of Star Wars buys into the hype of the Jedi whole-heartedly. It's only the Prequels, KOTOR 2 and SWTOR that engage with any moral greyness in the Jedi-Sith war.
Characters will often articulate a lot of great criticisms of the Jedi Order, but the unspoken second half of those critiques are all "And that's why I'm now helping the mass murderer commit galactic genocide!" Virtue in Star Wars in inextricably linked to the Jedi Order, just as vice is always the domain of the Sith.
On a Watsonian level, the Jedi are the quintessential good guys. Why? Because the story said so. On a Doylist level, they are just a religious organization that submits to power.
Now real world religions have these things called "Denominations" because the longer a religion lasts the more people split off from it on fundamental disagreements. But the Jedi and Sith never have more than one active denomination at a time. There's no diversity of thought among the Jedi. You're encouraged to view the Jedi as a monolith... because they are an extension of the monomyth.
I've said for a while the Jedi and Sith codes are wildly open to interpretation, and I've given a thesis before about how the Rebel Alliance embodies the Sith Code to a T. But Star Wars doesn't really do that. Honestly it doesn't really examine the Jedi or Sith Codes at all. You'll recite them in different games, but you're never asked to explain what they mean. Because their creators don't even know what they mean.
The Jedi and Sith don't really have a guiding philosophy beyond "Emotions Bad, Emotions Good." My own work with Star Wars was fundamentally about how the Jedi and Sith cannot continue as they are. They must change. They must evolve. The Sith by rising from the ashes of genocide as they had once been long ago, and the Jedi by evolving beyond their restrictive and apathetic past.
But the real meta-commentary is that they both have to stand for something. ANYTHING. Because in current canon, they stand for nothing. They're a big empty space reading "Insert Good/Evil Here." And that Good/Evil is largely defined by deeply capitalist corporate monopoly.
Always remember: The Empire and the Republic were not separate entities. They were the same thing.
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Palpatine didn't turn the Republic into a corrupt, imperialist state. It already was that. It had been that for centuries. The Jedi fundamentally served the Republic. And the Republic was not a bastion of goodness. It was a wealthy nation that exploited the shit out of the rest of the galaxy.
The Jedi, being the epitome of Lawful Neutral, could only ever be as 'good' as the Republic it served. The Jedi stood for Order and Peace. And there is Negative Peace vs Positive Peace.
These are ideas that people in the real world struggle with, I'm not surprised Star Wars of all things struggles with it.
This is all meta-critique, on how the story is written. So no amount of "But in the movies-" is going to really refute this point.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Gale's Analysis: Frieza: Evolution of Pure Evil
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To those who don’t know, Frieza is one of the most iconic villains in all of anime.
To give some brief background to the few that never heard of him.
Frieza is the Galactic tyrant, basically the emperor of Universe 7, and said to be the evilest villain in all of Dragonball canon.
Frieza is a cut above the rest in terms of villains. Mainly for 3 key reasons.
1. Frieza is naturally powerful, he was born with the power and in the Namek saga, has never trained a day in his life.
2. Frieza is established as successful. His frieza force are feared throughout the universe, even the galactic patrol doesn’t mess with him.
3. He is fully aware he is evil and LOVES EVERY second of it.
Most anime villains have some sort of backstory that made them evil, Frieza doesn’t. He was born powerful and believes EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE is beneath him.
In the show, people would be mortified at the thought of getting on his bad side. With the introduction of power levels in Dragonball, Frieza’s final form was so powerful, the system was basically thrown out immediately after his second transformation.
Frieza was established less of a character and more of a Force of Pure Evil.
At his introduction. Frieza was the antithesis of Goku.
Goku, born with a power level of 2, trained tirelessly and scraped by just to rise up and meet every challenge he faced.
Frieza, born with an ungodly amount of natural power that the only two beings his father told him to watch out for were Majin buu, a magical cosmic threat that killed the Kai’s (basically creator deities) and Beerus, the god of destruction.
Frieza knew he was hot s*** but he was also cautious, killing the saiyans after hearing about their legend of the Super saiyan, and super saiyan god. Resulting in him GENOCIDING most of them by blowing up their planet.
Frieza was never meant to be redeemable, he was the dark opposite of Goku. Which also made him an excellent foil and villain.
Frieza was so powerful, Goku needed to achieve a legend in order to fight him EVENLY!
Not surpass him, MATCH
Many Dragonball Z fans will forget that Frieza was still not at full power when fighting super saiyan Goku. It’s only when reaching 100% that the fight really begins.
But this is where the beauty of Frieza’s defeat comes in. Frieza never trained to utilize his power, so he never mastered his full power and as a result, his stamina drained quickly, allowing Goku to get ahead and frieza to resort to cheap tricks, which backfired. Frieza may have been gifted but his talent meant nothing as he didn’t work hard.
The decline and Fall of Frieza in this
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Frieza eventually finds himself cut in half by his own attack on a dying world, begging for energy from his opponent. Goku, despite EVERYTHING, gives it to him. And Frieza then does what you would expect, tries to kill him only to be blasted back and left for dead.
Funny enough Frieza does survive, gets turned into a cyborg and goes to earth to get revenge.
Only for another golden warrior to appear and
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And so ends the reign of Frieza, killed by the super saiyan legend he tried to prevent, sliced, diced and killed by a warrior he never knew of. And used as a stepping stone to show how powerful the NEW villains will be.
And overtime, frieza was only mentioned as a measuring stick, maybe some filler episodes or movies. But for DBZ. That was it.
“But Gale,” I hear you call. “How does this relate to your title “Evolution of Pure Evil”?”
Well my astute and very attractive Reader.
That’s where the sequel series Dragon Ball Super comes in.
During this new series, Frieza’s empire is in shambles with him gone, so Sorbet (the current head of the empire) decides to revive him. To establish order.
And sure enough, thanks to the dragon balls, Frieza is revived
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In which he then kills a few guards and realizes he is rusty for being dead for so long.
Frieza is caught up with the situation and found out Goku killed Majin Buu and fought Beerus.
This is where Frieza makes a shocking declaration. He will train for 4 months and fight him.
Now this sounds ridiculous at first glance. Especially to those familar with the series. We know how powerful Goku is now. Frieza was basically as strong as Goten or Trunks (who were kids). Goku would one hit KO him. How could he close the gap in four months?
And this is where we remember, Frieza STARTED out with his current power. He never trained to attain it. He was always this freakishly powerful. Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, everyone had to train and fight impossible odds to reach his power. So now, Frieza was going to train with his potential.
And 4 months pass, Frieza shows up, and his power is massive.
Even Gohan, who despite not training was still the strongest on earth, nearly died facing Frieza in his restricted first form. (He killed piccolo who sacrificed himself to save him)
And when Goku and Vegeta arrived. Goku fought him evenly, until Frieza revealed his Evolution
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A form he attained through training, choosing the color as a means of Mocking the super saiyan transformation that killed him in the past, and a way of showing everyone he was back on top.
And sure enough he was stronger than Goku, but there was a flaw, Frieza failed to realize he didn’t master the form, his stamina drained too quickly, something that Vegeta and Goku picked up on.
And the result was Frieza’s death once again.
Frieza learned the benefits of training, but he didn’t learn from his failures, something that Goku always did.
Though this isn’t the last time we see Frieza, he is called back. For Goku recruited him for the tournament of power. Where we learn Frieza learned Mental training in hell and learned to master control of his golden form
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Frieza had learned another means of improvement, now being on par with Goku once again.
And in the tournament, Frieza faced many foes, defeating his universe 6 counterpart, and fighting with Goku to defeat the monsterous Jiren.
Frieza learned that the multiverse was more than he even knew.
In The movie, Dragonball Super: Broly. Frieza is looking for recruits as he realizes that no matter how strong he gets, Goku and Vegeta together can beat him. He needs an ally. Which is where we meet Broly.
And it should be noted that Frieza fought Broly for nearly an hour before Gogeta (fusion of Goku and Vegeta) appeared and put an end to broly’s rampage.
It was here that Frieza learned that there was more he needed to tip the balance back in his favor, if they have a way to fuse and become more powerful.
Now we arrive at the current time. In the manga, Frieza has returned. And he casually killed the villains of the saga with minimal effort, One of which had wished to be the STRONGEST in the universe.
And despite the best efforts of Vegeta and Goku (both of which had new forms/ techniques) couldn’t seem to put down. But Frieza did it with one hit.
Frieza tells the group he found a place where time flows differently (that’s right, he found a room of spirit and time) and stated he trained in that room for the equivalent of 10 YEARS.
Now if you do the math, Frieza after 4 months was able to catch up to Goku and Vegeta who were training with Whis. Imagine what 10 full years did to him?
And then, Frieza revealed his newest transformation
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Black Frieza.
And after he transforms he does this
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One shots BOTH his enemies.
Frieza was back.
And he learned from his mistakes. Frieza had become like Goku in a way. Training and achieving new power. A prodigy that learned to enjoy fighting.
Frieza had learned to evolve because of Goku, Goku had showed Frieza how working hard and pushing limits allowed him to achieve great power. Frieza was changed by Goku. But unlike Vegeta and piccolo.
This change was for the worse. Frieza fell hard and kept failing only to come back and show everyone why HE is the emperor of the universe, becoming arguably the most powerful villain in all of Dragonball once again.
Pure Evil is back on top. No complex motivations, no desires of changing the world. Just a very evil man with a ton of power and LEARNED from its mistakes.
In another anime, one punch man, there is a villain that wanted to be Absolute Evil.
Frieza, is that pure Absolute evil, and loving every second of it
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milk09 · 1 year
Baffling how I’ve seen the take that Andor is a criticism of the Jedi. Bro. Did we see the same show. They aren’t even mentioned. Not ONCE. Not even a slight allusion. Nah.
I don’t think what we’re meant to take away from Andor is that the Jedi were useless and full of hot air when it comes to saving people. My main argument would be uhm. You know. Most of them have died. Big galactic genocide, maybe you’ve heard of it? Was kind of a big deal.
By the time Andor is happening there’s only probably a couple of hundred scattered across the Galaxy. One of the standout quotes in OWK was about how the Jedi were easy to hunt because they are so predictable—they cannot help but help people, even if it lead to their own detriment.
(Literally what do you expect them to do at this point?? Realistically. Like seriously. I’ve even read the extremely cold take that—hold the groaning—the Jedi were at fault for not seeing Palpatine’s manipulations. Ah yes, it’s the Jedi who are at fault. We should definitely not at all place the blame on Palpatine, who orchestrated the whole thing, and instead turn our ire onto the Jedi who were kinda wiped out, to refresh your memory.)
To the people living in Andor, for me, the lack of mentioning the Jedi meant that they could may as well been fairy tales as much as the Rebellion was concerned. That’s how thoroughly they were killed. Not one person even mentions or thinks about the Jedi at any capacity because what help could they be? Sure, one Jedi warrior could be as useful as let’s say ten sentients, but they’re dead. No one can depend on them anymore. Maybe once upon a time, people could look to them with hope, but those days are over. Gone are the days of the Jedi.
The people who want to topple the Empire are on their own, yet they’re never alone. Through solidarity, they’re able to scare the shit out of the Empire. The Jedi aren’t the only ones who can change the course of the galaxy—every act towards freedom, even if spontaneous and uncoordinated and small—it’s a step forward in a collective fight. In a way, they're part of the same side, even if their struggle is separated by decades. Even if they didn't know it yet.
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reconstructwriter · 6 months
So I Finally Finished Attack of the Clones
...for the very first time. When did this movie come out again? I am late, is there still room on this bandwagon? Anyway more thought vomiting on this movie...
Sith Pattern: I do appreciate that Palpatine is old, rich, white male fascist. Dooku is old, rich, white male fascist. Anakin shakes things up a bit by starting out young and poor but he’ll get there and has the rest down. Meanwhile our heroes are Padme Amidala, Mace Windu, Yoda, Bail, etc. Would have loved for George Lucas’ original casting of Obi Wan to have gone through! This does make Mirror!verses and morality flip AU's very weird because the Galaxy is being saved from aliens by three white guys? Unfortunate implications aside I can suspend a lot of disbelief about laser-swords and magic IN SPACE but I gotta draw the line somewhere.
Anakin’s attachment: Is well-shown here with convenient comparison to Cleigg – her husband and her son, the two who should love Shmi the most. At her funeral Cleigg is all ‘you’re in a better place. Thank you for the time we had,’ vs Anakin’s ‘I wasn’t strong enough to save you, I won’t fail again’ and ‘I miss you’. Exact opposites. Cleigg was entirely focused on Shmi while Anakin was focused on himself.
Also Anakin’s focus kinda screwed up Obi Wan’s mission when he wasted precious moments FINDING Anakin to get his galactically-important message through.
Mace Windu Not Killing Dooku: Shatterpoint, along with some fanfics, has Mace beating himself up for not ending the war by killing Dooku but my man you’re too hard on yourself! You only killed Jango when he decided to fuck around and find out with you in the death arena. Dooku did not fuck around and find out so your only chance would’ve been to throw away all your Jedi morals and stab him in the back! Thus risking becoming Darth Tyrannus 2.0 and screwing the galaxy.
Jango why did you fuck around and find out? I get Mace held a laser sword to your throat and you had a working jetpack going into the arena…but that arena is No Man’s Land. Even if Galidraan was canon you could’ve stayed back and taken pot shots.
The scene with Boba giving one last keldabe kiss to his father’s helmet is heartbreaking! Ouch!!!
Padme: So I kinda get being willing to confess her terrible taste in men on Space Fantasy Death Row. She doesn’t want to live a lie and is straight up expecting to die so what does it matter if she confesses? And then she does live so consequence time! Still feels like she’s ignoring the genocide – or George Lucas is ignoring the obvious implications. Genocide does work for foreshadowing Jedi genocide and Nazi comparisons (boy howdy does it!!!). But murdering every single member of an entire tribe down to the babes in arms doesn’t work for ‘Anakin doesn’t Fall here, he just dips his toe in the Dark’.
Padme otherwise doesn’t seem too terribly out of character throughout. She stands her ground against Anakin and where she does give in – rescuing Shmi – or chooses to go after Obi Wan? Well both did do her immensely big favors it’d be weirder if she brushed them off. Plus, rescuing both comes with additional benefits – no assassin will look for her on Tattooine (it worked before) and Obi Wan’s rescue could offer the opportunity to discuss peace with the Separatists before war happened.
And it did – in the cut scene :P
Dual with Dooku: So Anakin did put his duty first when Padme fell in the (barren, sans enemies) sand with an ally but damn if his attachment to her wasn’t still affecting him. The hot-headed idiotic attack was the worst possible timing! Why does everyone beat Mace up (including the man himself) for not killing Dooku but give Anakin a pass when he had every chance of ending the war Right There if he’d been able to keep his head on straight for two minutes.
The End: As with the first movie, we end with Mace and Yoda clearly knowing what the Sith are doing, though they're split with Mace believing Dooku while Yoda thinks its a trick. And I think they’re both right because I read somewhere Dooku and Palpatine were hoping to sow doubt between the Jedi and the Senate but also was telling the truth – from a certain point of view. Anyway, they aren't oblivious. Yoda straight up says the Shroud of the Dark Side has Fallen.
The last scene really drives that home! How the beginning of the war is the beginning of the Empire. The war kills the Republic and this is repeatedly smacked into our brains with the imagery of Palpatine standing at the head of everyone else, the most powerful Supreme Chancellor ever as the army of white-clad troopers marches out into the galaxy below him. The Destroyers lift off. The Empire’s freaking theme music plays.
Overall the movie had its high points and stinkers but that was a damn fine end!
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gergthecat · 3 months
Legacy CH 1 - Lae POV
My alarm is blaring; my head is throbbing, and I can’t find my academy jacket. I’m glad that I set my alarm to four AM, because there is no way I’d make my morning flight call otherwise. I find my jacket on top of my hamper lid in my bathroom, and I pop a few painkillers before heading into the kitchen for breakfast. My dad is humming along to “I Wanna Lick Ya (Lollipop)” and my mom seems to be rolling her eyes out of her head.
“Do you really think that’s appropriate for a father to sing in front of his child?” I say as I slide past him to the fridge.
“Hmm,” I realize my mistake a second too late, “I wouldn’t know. Saeds?”
“Do not involve me.” 
Dad constantly tells me about his father, a stark contrast to the menacing silence that falls whenever I mention my mom’s. I suppose it is a touchy subject, especially because she betrayed him just to be with my dad, though I don’t blame her. All I really know about him is what articles and books I’ve found online, which mostly detail him as a genocidal kink in the ribbon that is Syldrathi history. Not an easy dinner topic. 
With my golden braids slashing behind my back, I snatch a yogurt cup from the fridge's top shelf and race out the door.
Dad yells from behind me, “Fly safely!” 
I roll my eyes. When I chose the Ace path, I thought my dad would be disappointed that I wasn’t following in his footsteps, but he was weirdly happy about it. I’ve asked him dozens of times, and each was dismissed with a different nonsense answer. Mom seems to know, too, though she obviously doesn't like it--one of their many secrets.
I bolt down the Legion halls, taking the same swift turns I’ve been doing my entire life. Just as her door comes into view, Evalie quietly slips out of her home, brandishing her signature Brain Jacket. She turns to me, tucking her bobbed silver hair behind her round ears as she links her arm through mine.
As we walk, she starts with the usual spiel, “Cuz, you’ve got to let me give you a makeover; at least pierce your ears.”
Evalie takes after our Aunt Scar in that when she sees someone needing fixing, she won’t let it go until they yield. I’ve accepted that I inherited my Dad’s signature lack of pizzaz, yet she never has, and it’s led to a decent catalog of skirmishes in the Legion’s battle sims.
“I mean, look at you, you're gorgeous, you look like no other Syldrathi, like, ever, but you are utterly boring.”
“Maybe I like being boring! It’s inconspicuous.”
 One thing I did not inherit from my dad, however, was the ability to look pedestrian. On the surface, he seems like every blond Terran ever, save for his eye. If I can reduce my likelihood of being recognized by simply being plain, I’m doing it.
“Yeah, I’m sure Uncle Ty was super apprehensive about being inconspicuous as he was courting Saedii.”
I roll my eyes. My parents are weird.
We slow down in front of Dariel’s door, awaiting his orthodoxically prompt arrival. As we walk, arms bound at the elbow, he details his morning, both his parents half asleep on the couch when he began making breakfast. Dariel becomes more and more like Dad every day, though that is to be expected when he’s the only other Alpha that Dariel knows. 
The fork in the hall comes, and Dariel and Val turn left, leaving me to make my way to the flight sim hangar alone. The door guard greets me as usual, standing aside as the door slides open with a quiet whoosh. I strap into my jet and shoot off into my portion of vacuum. Watching the beginners in their Chimeras gives me deja vu, and perhaps recklessly, I shoot off into unregulated space, just as I used to do with Dad when I was a child. Being the child of a galactic chevalier and the scariest woman alive certainly has its perks when it comes to bending the rules, especially because when he was a youth (approximately one thousand years ago), he found Aunt Auri in a random hole and inadvertently saved everyone’s asses. 
I think of this as I glide through aerospace, leaving a clean trail of molten asteroid debris behind me, when my scanner picks up a mayday signal. I’ve answered a few before: all young Aces overestimating their competence in space unsullied by our cleaning bots, and change my direction to find them. As I get closer, the signal grows stronger until I can glimpse the outline on one of my twenty-seven screens. It doesn’t look like an academy ship, too angular and bulky, almost like one of the cargos. Only, we are hundreds of klicks away from any cargo port that I can think of; I used to wait by their huge viewing windows when my Dad still did fold-missions.
This ship is massive and looks as though it was constructed entirely with shrapnel and a few pieces of fold-grade platinum here and there, like one of the model ships that Uncle Fin and Valie used to make out of old tin cans and scrap metal when she was younger.
I ease up on the side as quietly as I can, now certain of what I’ve gotten myself into: looters, pirates, probably here to sell my own Legion-Class Chimera for some credits on Sempiternity and then bounce. I’ve never been there—Dad would have a heart attack—but from what I’ve heard from Uncle Kal and the academy’s safety lessons, the folk of Sempiternity are not the type of people with whom I want to engage.
As I’m reaching their port, I expect a few fighters to shoot out, readying my weapons launch for defense, but they never come. The signal just keeps blaring, red light flashing on the display without any means for me to understand what is actually happening.
Regaining my sense of the value of my life, I radio my dad, his face filling the screen in front of me just after the first ring.
“Hey Kiddo? What’s up?” His face betrays worry as he notices the glaringly obvious signs that I’ve done something inadvisable. I can feel it, too; the sweat on my face cools my cheeks, and I feel nauseated the same way I do before an important test.
“Something’s wrong,” I ramble as I attempt to make the most sense out of what I’ve seen, Dad’s eyebrows furrowing more and more throughout my recount.
“Sounds to me like pirates. Send me your location; I’ll be there soon,” I watch as he hurriedly alerts his legionnaires of my situation before ending the call. I drop a quick message his way:
                  Just outside of reg territory, maybe 200klicks?
Ok, just told your mom, she said serves me right for letting you fly out there. Got back-up on the way. Sit tight.
    Only way I CAN sit in this effing shithole.
Don’t swear.
Against my better judgment, I decide to get closer. The more I look at this thing, the closer I feel to the realization that something is seriously weird here. The engines are off, and through the plexiglass window, I can see a chaotic display of overturned furniture and smoldering metal. The reason this hunk of metal looks so battered is because it’s taken a serious beating. Looks like the type of vacuum missiles that the ATF uses, which only does to worsen the churning in my stomach. Until, changing perspective, I see a pile of charred Syldrathi bodies. That does it for me, and I swiftly turn around, barely making it before I vomit my yogurt onto the shiny aluminum floor. Their necks are slit just below the chin, and fairly deeply, causing the gaping holes in their bodies to resemble mouths, wide open. 
I don’t know how long I’ve been shaking before I hear the docking request alert and see my dad’s flight number. With a shaky hand, I press the accept button and watch through the cams as he pulls in, two smaller ships behind him. As I stare at the open docking doors, the images of all those people flash in my head, necks agape and covered in caked deep purple blood.
Check me out on AO3 :)
Legacy Chapter 2
Legacy Chapter 3
Masterlist :)
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 3 months
Oh KND in your AU? Oh boy. Are the Galactic Kids Next Door going to appear in the flashback as arrested by the Plumbers with help from Ben 10, the villains of KND and the KND for wiping out the adults on Earth? It would be an interesting concept to see Nigel Uno and Ben’s interactions and how they works together after Nigel joined G:KND and then the Plumbers arrest them for the attempt genocide of adults on Earth. That is my opinion.
Nah, dude that was just a joke. xD Mostly because apparently the only Nigel on my mind is Mr. Uno himself.
If there is a KND crossover AU that lives in my head its mostly FusionFall! All possible Ben10&KND interactions somehow only happen in that context, haha.
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crimeronan · 7 months
I love political and tactical fantasy shenanigans so I'm very 👀 over that appearing in the princess luz au in some way. There's so much you can play around with, like the public opinion, who gets supplies for not just the castle but the civilians, or runs this or that, and how the different coven's are run (i read a v neat theory that the abomination coven has more opportunities because of Darius, for example), any new covenhead will have to untangle the mess and horrors of their predecessor, and bringing in new people to run a section or help support a coven that's surprise surprise being held together by string and luck because the previous head was incompetent or didn't care enough. Or both.
Like the plant coven's plantations that are mentioned once in Hunting Palismen that guard the remaining palistrom trees. That'll need to be dealt with so more witches can recieve palismen, and then they'll need someone to carve them(possible lead in to Hunter getting intrested in palisman carving? ovo CLAWTHORNE CLAN APPEARANCE MAYBE??). Not to mention the overhaul of the education system, of which TERRA is apparently in charge of, which explains a lot, actually. How many buildings on TBI aren't built to sustain the boiling rain and rely on magic or pure luck to stay standing because the construction coven either didn't bother to do their jobs or they simply couldn't because they didn't have the resources and time, so those who have the most money get priority?
Not to mention taking care of monsters! The empress coven can't be too different from the emperor's coven yet, so they're not very efficient(because they're a cult and that's how they function) and someone has to address that and Lilith is too used to the system to recognise the problems by herself. Maybe Luz makes it law that all coven's now must have a head coven and a vice head of sort, so all the power and decision making doesn't rest with only one person?
Sorry, I'm rambling, I just love this kind of stuff, I go a little insane over it. Adding on all the characters being very stupid or very crazy or both makes for a funny time.
YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!! THIS IS ALL SO GOOOOD these thoughts are all so good. at first i didn't want to plot a big long story about what exactly luz does to solve some of these issues, bc watching and dreaming addressed everything so well... but the circumstances of this AU have changed enough that i'm getting invested anyway. like. how DO you dismantle an empire when you also have to pretend that that empire is normal and fine and that your fragile allyships with power-hungry coven heads are fine and that your so-called "divinity" isn't based on the bullshit lie of a genocidal colonizer. HOO BOY.
i love love love political worldbuilding fic that explores things like infrastructure and different political dynamics and schisms in fantasy worlds, that was ALSO one of my fave things when i would write homestuck ancestor fic. plotting out what a galactic war might look like and how resources were distributed and how empire weaponry could be commandeered and how propaganda on both sides would function.... MMM. my bread and butter
i think the thing i've put the Most thought into toh-wise is the abomination coven, simply because i am a darius girlie and think about darius All The Time. like i think that the abomination coven has opportunities because there's a lot of capitalist stuff going on, because darius has taken a very libertarian-seeming hands-off approach to running his coven. but you can't apply 1-to-1 real world politics to it because actually, darius """small government""" deamonne is letting people get away with having fake abomination coven sigils and repeatedly break the law and game the empire's systems... all under the guise of "i don't know anything about that. i'm just lazy"
i had Extensive palistrom tree lore (and tragedy) planned in the darius & prev gg fic i outlined, i don't know if i'll ever write it in full but MMM the palistrom trees and the bat queen are on my mind Constantly. also tucking these construction coven thoughts into my back pocket for later use because i hadn't thought much about the infrastructure of the isles' buildings but you're RIGHT. living in portland oregon there's CONSTANT vicious local debate about rebuilding our bridges and older buildings and coastal evacuation plans for when cascadia ruptures, bc most of that wasn't built with a 9.0 earthquake in mind. could definitely pull from. All Of That. LOL
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Ok so. I'm in the DBZ fandom-- shocking I know-- and a fairly prominent anti just got some... Very pointed hate. Now I'm forever in the camp of NEVER SEND ANON HATE. Sending anon hate is DISGUSTING. But the way this person brushes it off and the cognitive dissonance is just *chef's kiss* like good lord imagine being this far out of the loop.
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My brother in christ that anon is right you are very much having a proshipping opinion right now. I'm so sorry but your definition for proship is so fucking incorrect. By most anti standards, thinking it's okay to ship with a genocidal world-destroying galactic emperor because he's not real and villainy is hot is VERY MUCH a proship thing jsjwksndjd the fuck😂 I get death and doxx threats for shipping with a NON-GENOCIDAL villain. Who are you trying to fool? How have you gotten to this point without getting bodied? You're like those Furry antis who are shocked when other antis send them hate about smooching animals.
As an aside... Waving away "child exploitation" (you cannot exploit someone who doesn't exist! Jwjsjwodjdn) by saying some shit like "oh we only give the kids we trained to be murder monsters BABY JOBS so it's not ACTUAL exploitation UwU their whole race are forced into being warriors at a young age so Vegeta doesn't actually count as a child anyway" is just... That's so fucking funny to me. "I have decided that this kid, who I choose to believe is never given dangerous jobs despite any and all canon evidence to the contrary, is not being exploited because the man who killed his friends and family and forced him into indentured servitude is BETTER THAN THAT". Like buddy they sent a newborn Saiyan baby to conquer a planet by himself and don't bother even going to check on him until he was old enough to procreate. You have picked one hell of a hill to die on. Laughing so hard I'm crying. Shit like this is the reason I bother following the "#fri//eza" topic/tag. As a fellow Lord Freeza enjoyer I am begging y'all to stop making weird excuses for him before I die laughing.
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ospreyeamon · 7 months
I’ve been trying to tease out reasons why the Inquisitor, who is just trying to get by in a Sith-stab-Sith world, has fewer opportunities for neutral to positive encounters with Jedi than the Warrior, who is there to actively cause problems during Acts One and Two. Doylist-wise, it’s probably because you can’t change faction so there needs to be an implied reason why the Sith Inquisitor doesn’t go skipping off to the Jedi Order as soon as they are permitted to travel to neutral space.
It’s ironic how much less murdery my Warrior’s reputation with the Jedi is than my Inquisitor’s. Especially since one of the things that contribute to them acquiring those reputations is that Lys’trel tries to approach the Jedi she encounters with diplomacy and honesty (her views on the Jedi are ... complicated, but she doesn’t hate them or want them destroyed) while Tsojât is hostile and manipulative (he believes the Jedi Order is rotten to its core and the galaxy would be a better place without it).
Jedi like Nomar Organa and Masters Ryen and Ocera assume Lys’trel is lying when she proposes exchanges of mutual benefit and professes to have no intent to fight because the Empire and Republic are, technically, at peace. She’s a Sith. Obviously she’s lying. Every encounter the Sith have ever had with the Jedi from invading Republic space without making a formal declaration of war to holding the lives of the civilians on the capital hostage while negotiating the Treaty of Coruscant has proven they can’t be trusted.
They decide to lure her into traps to kill her under the justification that it’s what she’s trying to do to them and leave messages that are discovered by other Jedi after their deaths saying things like “played along with Sith’s plot to get Rehanna Rist out of the firing line, will intercept before Sith can enter the Elysium to carry out terrible plan” and “Padawan Zavros was tricked into believing Sith had non-threatening reason to be on Taris, will spring trap in the ruined temple when the Sith infiltrates it” because they’ve convinced themselves that’s what’s going on. When she kills them in self-defence it is taken as evidence confirming that version of events.
Another factor in Lys’trel poor reputation with the Order is that many Jedi’s initial impression of her is that she is a fallen Jedi defected to the Sith. Coming from a family enslaved during the Empire’s conquests during Great Galactic War and raised among many native Basic-speakers, Lys’trel speaks Republic Basic with a Rim accent rather than an Imperial one. She’s a very unImperial looking Rutian twi’lek and the Empire’s former policy towards Force-sensitive slaves is that they were to be killed on discovery. Viewing her as a proven traitor is more comfortable than viewing her as evidence of the fate of the Force-sensitives born in the territory lost to the Empire in the Great Galactic War.
She also has what some people perceive to be an unsettlingly erratic death-tinged Force-presence. Other Sith tend to attribute it to Lys’trel being a necromancer. Jedi, being less familiar with necromancy, are left wondering how many people would need to die around you for you to feel like that and why your aura would oscillate like an amateur unicyclist plotting a sine graph.
Tsojât is on a quest to reveal the Jedi as villains with good publicity. All the Jedi and the Republic’s posturing about peace and tolerance and standing against genocide is just that – posturing. He is going to rip off that mask, which means his own and the Empire’s behaviour must contrast favourably to their enemies’.
He was raised to follow the standards of right behaviour that seek to balance honour and obligation. Honour and obligation don’t disappear just because you’re dealing with enemies and inconveniences. He makes no promises he does not intend to keep, attempts negotiation even when he is certain (and maybe would prefer) that there can be no peaceful resolution with the Pubs, and tries to avoid civilian casualties.
Where Lys’trel proposing exchanges of mutual benefit was deemed suspicious, Tsojât’s stark distain is expected. Sith hate Jedi, so a Sith being open about that is a Sith being honest.
Tsojât spared Master Yonlach and Knight Yul-Li (because that was the price Yul-Li asked when he gave up his information), persuaded the Willsaam parents to leave with him and departed Castle Organa without attacking Master Volryder, spared Knight Ulldin (so he could recount how Zylixx snapped after having a Sith quote the Jedi code at him), and delivered Nomen Karr back to the Order alive (that was Jaesa’s decision and Tsojât considered it a mistake he had to respect her right to make).
To the Jedi, this apprentice of the infamous Darth Baras appears an unexpectedly honourable enemy. A Sith showing signs of somehow overcoming the disadvantages of his birth. Many Jedi who know of him imagined that he is struggling against the genetic disadvantage of a “Sith Pureblood” naturally attuned to the dark-side of the Force (the tsissai aren’t), that his childhood must have been brutal and neglected (it wasn’t), and that Tsojât’s disinterest in killing every enemy in his path is a sign that he is subconsciously feeling the call of The Light and The Jedi Path (he’s not).
Ironically, this interpretation of Tsojât has similarities with Tsojât’s own evolving view of the Jedi, softened by studying Jaesa’s life while hunting her. He hadn’t methodically contemplated how deeply a person’s understanding of the universe would be shaped by the dominant narratives of their culture before. Of course most Jedi don’t know the truth about his people and what the Republic did to them when all the histories they were raised on are a mess of propaganda, prejudice, and omission. Of course they don’t understand the Force if their Masters spoon feed them lies about it. Of course the experience of being on the other side of the Great Galactic War gave many people a plethora of bad impressions of the Empire. Succeeding in flipping Jaesa does nothing to disabuse him from this perspective.
While the SIS and Jedi Order do share information, they aren’t always the most efficient about it which leads to an … interesting conversation at the official big-shot Sith dossier swap after the Battle of Corellia as the SIS agents attempted to figure out why the Jedi Order ranked the new Emperor’s Wrath a lower threat than the freshly named Darth Occlus.
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