ew-selfish-art · 10 months
Dpxdc AU: consultant groups can be used to outsource problems for companies so why not monarchies?
Danny is listening to the various eyeballs and ghosts chatter on about all the issues that he now has to oversee and advise and make so many freaking decisions on. It’s annoying that it all has to come down to his call because he was a dumb 14 year old who didn’t want his town to permanently live in the ghost zone.
Now 17, King of the Infinite, and a bit wiser to the world, Danny is doing his best to balance his teenage ambitions to not give a shit and his protective obsession to very much give a shit.
Sams parents are making her learn the family business and Tucker is trying to make this internship he’s got with a fancy tech company out of New Jersey into a career without college… so while they’re commiserating with Danny the idea comes up.
Earth has a shit ton of heroes. Like, ever since the Justice League *poofed* the GIW out of existence with the Meta human acts- more and more caped crusaders seemed to be coming out of the wood work. More villains too but still, more people who seemed wise to their abilities and morals. Danny has literally never taken an ethics class.
But rn, Eye-mothy and Eye-Bert are arguing over how Danny as King Phantom is supposed to tackle the problem of some fucking pool acting as a weird trade route with a cult and… ugh it’s just so boring but like also such a fucking problem. But… maybe it can be someone else’s issue.
Opening a portal, Danny escapes into space and gets to work finding the base of operations- Tucker had told him there was a new satellite after all and there’s no way it wasn’t connected to the hero orgs- and boom he flies into the Watchtower.
“Hey- are any of you guys willing to consult on some weird pools of ectoplasm in Pakistan? Green and glowing little lakes of bullshit and magic?” Danny asks into the meeting room of the JL regardless of their startled and alarmed exclamations.
“… I could consult on that.” A voice comes from the corner, and Danny recognizes him as one of the bat people. Or bird? The guy is in a lot of red and clearly wasn’t supposed to be in this meeting based on the way he’s propped in the corner. The room erupts in protest but Danny barely hears them through his excitement and focus on the dude.
“Great! I’ll have him back before the end of the day! Lets go Bird boy!” And with that, Danny grabbed the Bird, chucked them both through a portal back into his thrown room and begins to explain the way these eyeballs are totally trying to trap him into doing more work than he needs to do.
“What do I call you by the way? I’m Danny but you’ll probably hear them call me King Phantom.”
“I go by Red Robin, and honestly, I’ve been trying to get this shit taken care of for years.”
From there Tim becomes a regular consultant for King Phantom- the Bat Family is losing their minds with him constantly going to the land of the dead but also Constantine said not to piss off the king at all costs.
Danny is just thrilled that this dude has a shit ton of insight as well as business sense- like he could legit run the monarchy way better than him despite the fact that they’re the same age.
They end up working together for years, and even when there’s not an active issue at hand, Danny will meet up with the bird just to talk.
Sam and Tucker think they’re hilarious each time they ask if Danny’s proposed yet.
Tim has already planned their wedding but all of that information is in a folder more secured than the nuclear codes- Danny needs to ask him on a date first.
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spacebubblehomebase · 3 months
Shit post!
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Don't take this too seriously, but LMAO XD. -Bubbly💙
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Leo getting hit with a truth curse but instead of forcing him to admit to super sad or worrying things it’s things like “it was me who broke the remote” “I saw Mikey prank Donnie and helped hide it because it’s way funnier if he didn’t know who it was” “I rip my clothes to look more like Raph’s because he’s really cool” “my stripes aren’t even red they’re pink!”
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rise leo#plot twist he COULD be admitting angsty stuff but he’s pushing the less oof truths forward instead on purpose#raph: hey leo what do you want for dinner#leo: *about to bare his soul on all his internal torment but pivots* I’m afraid of snakes#(no but fr Leo’s stripes being technically more pink instead of red is cute ngl)#(a very reddish pink to the point that in certain lighting it looks red but at the base they’re p pink)#(i also am very fond of the idea that Leo doesn’t just have questionable taste in fashion he also just loves Raph a lot and looks up to him)#but yeah I think that something like this would be 99% Leo admitting to unimportant things or admitting to how much he values everyone#like they all KNOW Leo loves them and he’s talked them up enough for them to know but it’s different when he’s like#‘I just wanna read my comics with you guys around - it’s my favorite place to be’#or again just random bs that doesn’t REALLY have a lot of weight like#‘I like using my portals to prank random people around the world’#‘I’m worried about being a bad influence on hueso jr’#‘sometimes I kinda wanna see hypno’s plans succeed’#‘it’s been way too long since I found this out and honestly it’s embarrassing but I actually don’t have a di-‘#SORRY COULDNT HELP MYSELF#(<-but did u know that that pink rather than red observation actually ties into this headcanon as well if u know about red eared sliders)
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dindjarindiaries · 6 months
Dincember 2023 - December 3: Gloves
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character: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
prompt: Gloves
main masterlist • dincember masterlist
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆ ⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆ ⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆ ⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙
You rolled over in the bed towards what was supposed to be warmth, but was instead an empty, cold void. Your brow furrowed as you lazily sat up and looked at the nearest chrono. It was the middle of the night, and certainly well past any reasonable time for that side of the bed to be empty.
With a quick stretch, you stepped out of the bed, hugging your arms around yourself for warmth. The only sound was your feet pattering against the floor of the cabin until the door of the bedroom slid open for you, revealing the dimly lit living area of your home. You squinted your eyes at the light.
"You're supposed to be in bed." Your scold was soft, and your voice was sleepy. The pity it so effortlessly demanded instantly earned you Din's gaze from the seat just under the light. "We're leaving early tomorrow."
Din shrugged and looked back at what he was doing. "Can't leave without finishing this."
You wrinkled your brow as you made a move for the kitchen and started putting caf on. "What are you working on?"
"The planet Teva's sending us to is cold. You two need proper equipment for that."
You looked up from where you had just set out the mugs for each of you. Din was, indeed, working on something small enough to be shielded within his hands - and whatever it was, it seemed like tedious work. "Couldn't we have gotten it at the market?"
Din shook his head without looking up. "They wouldn't have had anything in the kid's size."
You bit back a smile and tapped your fingers on the caf pot. "You mean, your son's."
Din smiled to himself at that. "Yeah."
You let him be for a moment as you poured the quickly-brewed caf into both mugs. Carefully, you brought each one out to the sitting room, setting one on the table closest to Din before you sat in the chair beside his own. You kept holding your mug in one hand as the other brushed over Din's head and through his hair. Your gaze fell to the small creation in his hand. "What is it?"
Din paused his work, setting the needle down to show you. A tiny three-fingered mitten sat in his palm. "They're gloves." He kept that hand open to you as the other reached down and picked up a larger pair from the floor. "I already made yours."
Your expression softened as you looked at him in amazement. "You hand-knit us gloves?"
Din shrugged in his shyness, his face flushing as he looked down at his work again. "It's the only way I could make sure they were warm enough."
Your free hand pressed against his cheek to turn his face towards you again. You smiled and kissed him. "Thank you."
Din nodded, as dutiful as ever - but with an affectionate smile only you and Grogu ever got to see. "This is the Way." His gaze found the caf on the table, and he gently set aside Grogu's nearly-finished glove to pick it up. "Thank you for this." He raised it to his lips and was about to sip it when he saw your own, his brow furrowing together. "Did you make yourself one, too?"
You raised your brow and sipped it. "I did."
Din placed a hand upon yours, which had since fallen upon your thigh. "You should go back to bed."
You shook your head at him. "Not until you do." You took your mug and gently tapped it against his own in a makeshift toast. "You shouldn't be up all by yourself."
Din beamed at that, offering you one more real toast and a kiss before returning to his caf and his work, but this time, with you there to join him.
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lemonflavoreddishsoap · 8 months
Can I request La Squadra x S/O who's taller than them? Thank you.
yes you caaaaaan! Sorry if these are, ironically, shorter HCs.
jsyk i write this with the opinion that Risotto is by far the tallest
------------------------------------------------- La Squadra with an S/O who's taller than them!
"Well yea, it's easy to be taller than me, heh" *insert shrinking...noises?*
The taller the S/O, the more inclined he feels to shrink himself and ride on your shoulder. Get used to it.
Bro gets on his tippy toes to kiss you. he doesn't even have to but he still does. It's kind of cute?
"No you're not."
Unless you're taller than him by like. A foot or some shit. He is adamant you two are at least the same height.
He doesn't bring it up unless you do but...he subtly tries to make himself seem taller. It's so fucking petty, you decide if it's annoying or charming :/
"Alright, and?"
He probably cares the least about your height. Sure, you're taller than him. So what? Unless his head is at like. boob level 24/7 or something somehow, he doesn't care.
Unless you bring it up, or poke fun at him being shorter. You better think his glares are sexy 'cause....
If you're tall enough for it to matter, he'll do the "pulling you by the collar into a kiss" thing
"Being near you...feels so secure...."
He loves it!!!! When you hug him it feels like you're completely surrounding him...like, not literally, but the idea is so comforting!
I was going to say you should rest your chin on top of his head but...um...how sturdy is his hair?
If you're happy with your height, he'll bring it up a lot when he compliments you.
"Is your whole family like that?"
Excited to know if it's something that runs strong in your genetics. No particular reason. Trust me.
Like Pesci, he doesn't have any issues with having a taller s/o. It's just another lovely aspect about you <3
"Okay fine, I get it! For fucks sake!"
This poor guy. To be honest, he really doesn't care that you're taller than him, he thinks its fine. But people won't leave him alone about it
Yeah he's an "angry little gremlin thing" but they gotta stop dragging his s/o into it...it kind of sours the height difference a little.
But like I said, he really doesn't have any issues with it. If you can get past how much the comments annoy him, you can probably see how much he likes your chin on top of his head, or how you look so slightly down on him when your faces are so close....gah sorry what was i doing-
"Be nice. They're are not scary."
yes you are. my lactose intolerant ass envies you. what the actual fuck.
I guess that's a pro about him being with someone taller than him, that he can't intimidate his s/o with his height? That's not to imply that he's intimidated by you though!!
Unless people are causing a fuss about it though, Risotto doesn't mind your height. I don't think physical appearance means much when it comes to partners to him? Just my personal feeling.
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sweetbrier2908 · 9 months
satan's random headcanons
• gives you kisses on knuckles and forehead because he's a charming prince who normally only exists in fantasy. but your fantasy turns out to be real life and now he's your prince charming.
• the most decent one in the family. the first time you realize he's actually a demon is when he talked about how he was going to tortune a lower demon.
• cat café date at least once a week. if there's a new cat? he goes there everyday for a week. friend with all the cat café owners in devildom, he also has share of some cat café since lucifer doesn't allow him to have his own cat.
• always says that he's gonna snitch to lucifer if his brothers do something wrong so he can trick them to tell him their secrets then blackmails them later. succeeds every time for 5000 years straight.
• actually the best cook in the house. from desserts to main courses. there is nothing that he can't cook, as long as he has his cook book with him. he learns recipes from every restaurant he goes, takes note of them, remembers what dish his brothers like and cook them later when he's on cooking duty (also remembers what dish lucifer dislikes and cook them later). if someone in the family says the dish he cooks today good, prepare to eat it for the rest of the year everytime satan's on cooking duty. yes, he LOVES to take care for his brothers though he never admits it.
• never organize his room unless lucifer angrily and strictly asks him to (which happened a very very long time ago since he casted a spell on his door to stop lucifer from entering his room). always says "it's messy in my own way", that's true, he knows where exactly to find this things. you need to borrow some books about devildom's history? shelf 1, row 2, number two from the right side. need some spicy romance book? on the floor, the whole stack at the left side of his armchair.
• knows some very good if not the best pick-up lines. first of all, he's closest with asmo. second, he reads romance books more than anyone in the three realms. always give you the most poetic love letters you've ever received.
• acquainted with all the high-status people in devildom. some random nobel? oh, he met they once in a art exhibition 1500 years ago, just grabbed a cup of coffee with them last month. some of the most famous corps in devildom or maybe human world? he's one of the shareholders. a businessman. literally a businessman. remember the chat where he said he introduced mammon to some perfume company so he could get 80% of the profit? yes, that's the businesman of the family.
• always befriends with people who benefit him and his family. mammon needs money? he can give his older brothers some modeling gigs. levi wants some limited merch? he knows someone in the company? beel wants to go to some restaurants? he can ask the chef to come to their house. no one knows how he expand his social network this much.
• loves to give you gifts. everything. from the most expensive scarf you can find in the whole world to a cat-shaped stone that he finds on the way home from RAD. gives you everything reminds him of you.
• always loves to try new thing with you. today you two goes to the drive-in cimema, the next day he will bring you to the ocean to go fishing. but if you want to go to the bookstore and then the cat café, he's happy to go with you, it's his most ideal date too! and if you don't want to go outside? he has some very interesting book you can try to read. he.will.never.bored.you.
• so insecure, always thinks of himself as the most avarage guy compared to his brothers, and compared to every guy you know. lucifer is always at the top, diavolo's right hand man and stuff; mammon is one of the most famous model in the three realms and known for his infamous reputation; levi is so passionate about his hobby; asmo is super popular and pretty and always the trend-setter; beel is the athlete, always loved by everyone; belphie is effortlessly smart, he's just straight-up the genius of the family and also a spoiled brat. and he, the middle child of the family, an avarage guy who will never be unique enough.
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toxic-ray · 3 months
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namelysane · 1 year
My favorite headcannon is that Lloyd really liked keeping plants until christofern came along. After that, they just cause him rage.
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celestial-artisan · 4 months
Korean Vox HCs
TW: Mention of sexual assault(not anything related to the characters, only related to Korean history & Japanese occupation)
Korean name Nam Hyeon Chul(남현철)- I chose this because Hyeon(현) means "smart" and Cheol(철) means "iron/metal", and the last name Nam(남) because it fits well with the name. "Smart metal".. Get the pun?
Forced Japanese name being Minami(Nam) Kentetsu(Hyeonchul)- He absolutely hates being called this.
Normally speaking fluent English but slipping up once in a while(e.g. Quietly saying '..잘생겼다' instead of 'handsome' when first seeing Alastor, occasionally swearing in Korean instead of English, etc.)
Born in 1931 in Korea, grew up under the Japanese government until the independence(1945). He was frequently bullied by the Japanese children and though he had an aptitude for technology, he was ignored and ridiculed because he was Korean.
His mother died after his brother was born and his father got arrested for disobeying the authorities. They're both in Heaven.
He had four younger siblings- three sisters and one brother- and always dutifully cared for them. Two of his sisters got captured by the 위안부(An association Japan made to "relieve" their soldiers, they kidnapped young women and got r*ped by them) and only one of them came back. He absolutely loathes Japan even more for this. All of his siblings are in Heaven.
He is fluent in Japanese as well as Korean but highly dislikes speaking it.
He learned English in school but became fluent after falling in Hell.
As the Korean War broke out(1950), Vox, resenting it deeply, immigrated to Japan. With his skills, he worked as an electrician and specialized and was captivated by TVs. One day, one of his clients, completely unaware of his nationality, bragged about how "back in the day" used to be associated with the 위안부(the place his sisters got dragged to). Out of rage, he killed him by electrocuting him and was surprised by how amazing it felt.
From that day, he started to murder Japanese elders he knew were affiliated with abuse towards Koreans. This got him involved in shady businesses.
A malfunctioning TV killed him when he was 28.
He listened to some of Alastor's recordings before he died, learning some English with it. He thought the timbre of his voice was very nice.
He cooks. Since both Velvette and Valentino are unable to function like a normal demon he cooks breakfast, lunch, and dinner for them. He used to secretly gift food for Alastor as well- though he didn't say so, Alastor actually appreciated those.
He only started dating Valentino because of similarities with Alastor- did not work out well but he hides his troubles deep down.
He celebrates seolnal and chuseok by himself;)
Bipolar disorder- As someone who has been diagnosed it themself, I can see this. I might elaborate in some post later on<3
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dootznbootz · 5 months
Menelaus picks up/holds Odysseus to keep him from picking fights/trying to kill people who piss him off. Especially during the war. He does it for others' safety and to comfort his bro. Menelaus is pretty good about self-control while Odysseus isn't. :P This is especially the case with Palamedes
Helen? She picks up Penelope simply because she finds it funny. She just wants to see her tiny cousin get mad.
"HELEN! Helen! Put me down! For fuck's sake, Why do you always do this?! This isn't funny! HELEN!"
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Until Penelope just kicks behind her to get Helen to drop her. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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berrydoodleoo · 1 year
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waiting for dawn in the desert
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anishake · 4 months
Why do I feel like LOA and Nesta would have a great mother-daughter relationship if they got to know each other
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pickedpiper · 3 months
Normally I talk about headcanons I’ve seen from other people or just make one up as like a way to ask a question but there’s one headcanons I’ve come up with on my own:
Vader’s hair can curl up on its own whenever she’s upset, the hair is completely straight by default and she can change her tentacles into hands whenever she wants
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conspirartist · 4 months
Though I should share some of my silly lil headcanons for Twisted since y'all seemed to like the Genshin ones. Today's victim is Crewel, because I have too many thoughts about that man.
As always don't take any of them too seriously, I do those for fun and that means most of the time I just straight up fabricate stuff with little to no regard for canon.
First headcanon comes from a bit of a misunderstanding from my part and lots of my other headcanons come from it. Point is, for the longest time I though Crewel's pointer/cigarette holder thingie was a walking cane. I only realized that wasn't the case when my gf pointed out that I always draw him with a cane despite the fact he doesn't have one in canon.
So yeah headcanon (that I thought was canon for way too long) number one:
- Crewel always has a cane with him, people chalk it up to being a fashion statement (which it is in part), but he does need it for medical reasons.
Expanding on the cane headcanon:
* There are days he doesn't really need it, but he always has it with him in case of having a flare up (he wounded his leg a few years after graduating from NRC, although it healed all right he still experiences pain from time to time)
* He has several different canes so he can coordinate them with his outfits including a few that were enchanted to change color or to let out sparks whenever they touch the floor
* He uses magic to change the grip of the more fashion like canes so they're more comfortable
* Pratical classes almost always mean he'll have to use his cane, since he'll have to stand and walk around class a lot (least he wants to risk someone inhaling fumes they shouldn't or Seven forbid, blowing up a cauldron).
I'll expand on the topic of his leg injury latter on, but for now some headcanons for his classes/teacher career.
- Although he has quite the reputation for his strictness and temper, Crewel is a student favorite
- He has a soft spot for his puppies, even if he's not open about it; the kind of teacher that will ask you to stay after class to check you're ok
- He's very perceptive about his students and he will try to accommodate for them if he notices they're having a hard time
- He will nag his students into taking better care of themselves
* Coming to class looking disvelished? He'll click his tongue and straighten your tie and ask if you had to rush to class
* Looking too drowsy or sleepy? He will tell you to wash your face and will ask you if you're getting enough sleep
* Feeling faint because of low blood pressure? Your assignment will come back with a small note telling you to remember to eat
- I also think he notices students' efforts a lot, be it related to classes or just in general
* You managed to get your marks up after studying even if it's not by a lot? You get a little message congratulating your hard work
* That one quiet student who always comes to class wearing a beaten up hoodie tried something with their hair? They'll get a quiet compliment when handing in their homework
- His first years teaching were particularly tough
* His personal life was in shambles, Trein kinda of coerced him into applying for a teaching position
* He was on his early twenties, barely out of college, the third years were almost his age - he had to fight for their respect (which is why he developed his more 'aggressive' teaching approach)
* It was also around the time he got his leg injury so he was still navigating getting used to his new limitations
* He had a student who upturned their cauldron over themselves during one of his first pratical classes, he had to rush the kid to the infirmary; he was nearly inconsolable once he made to the teachers' lounge
- Crewel takes lab safety very seriously and will put the fear of God on whoever don't follow safety guidelines (basically everyone's lab wear cards, I can heat this man snapping at them 24/7)
- He buts heads with Crowley a lot, over both curriculum and how to deal with the students, it doesn't bear many fruits and generally ends with he doing stuff himself while Crowley remains blissfully unaware (or pretends to anyway) of his own incompetence
* One of such instances was to take love potions out of the pratical curriculum, because he wasn't about to teach the students how to do what are exencially roofies. Since Crowley kept arguing that he couldn't change the silabus. He ended up teaching how to identify love potions; the symptoms they cause; their main antidotes; the current legislation around them and the ethics involved on the production and use of such potion
Now onto some more general stuff and backstory:
- He was afraid of dogs as a child but got over it with time (and a lil exposition, his childhood friend had a very sweet pup)
- He went to NRC the same year his childhood friend Nico (my twisted version of Anita) both were sorted into Pomefiore
- He doesn't have much of a relationship with his parents but he's very close to a maternal aunt
- He has a tendency to depressive episodes but currently (canon time) his symptoms are on remission
- During High School Crewel did very well in Alchemy, but he was also a very skilled summoner (he had a special affinity to hellhounds, known for being temperamental but extremely loyal)
- It was also during his school years that Crewel met Rose (my twisted version of Roger). At first the pair didn't get along, Crewel feeling like she was stealing his best friend from him, but with time the trio grew very close
- Rose taught him how to play the piano, she used to play a little jingle in it to tease Crewel every chance she got (think of a parody of the Cruella song)
- When Nico and Rose got together Crewel was a little afraid of being left out, but it turned out none of them intended to leave him behind, he was the best man at their wedding. They talked about the future as a weird family of three, unconventional but so very happy
- Rose and Nico got into a car accident, a few months after they got married. They both died in the crash. Crewel was devastated by their loss, suddenly he found himself so very alone
- Rose and Nico had familiars of their own, hellhounds, who always seemed to take a liking to their summoner friend. Moved by grief and a wish to hold onto whatever was left of his friends Crewel tried to summon the beasts, to reach someone who knew the pair as closely as him
* That's how he got his leg injury
- Around that time Trein came across Crewel, a little too thin for comfort and way too quiet. Unwilling to let the brilliant young man who was once his pupil dig himself even deeper he contacted Crowley and all but strong armed the young alchemist to NRC
- Crewel has three dogs (all dalmatian of course) a couple, Prometeus and Pandora, and their pup, Panacea. What people don't know is that the trio are actually summons, Prometeus and Pandora were Rose's and Nico's familiars, they forged a new contract with Crewel after a while.
- He has a foster license, although he never had to use it, he keeps an eye on the students he suspects don't have a good home life.
- He gets a lot of notes and trinkets from his pups, I mean students, on fathers day. And he absolutely melts at them, in private, he gushes to the other teachers, he keeps everything in a box in his room, he just loves his students so much
- People called him dad in class so many times he lost count, he doesn't make a big deal out of it but it warms his heart
- He loves when he gets news from graduated students
- My point is he is a proud father and no one will ever convince me otherwise
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turtlemurmurs · 7 months
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as long as I'm posting older sketches I always meant to color, here's a handful of other Don't Starve arts from a couple years ago! they deserve to see the light of day I think :]
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morsobaby · 2 months
Gourmie headcanons bc I love that thang
(any pronouns - I don't actually have a hc for that yet)
- Is a spoonie in both the pains and the energies. I imagine when it enters the winded state in game that's bc it needs to restock on spoons, lest the joint ache become terrible and the energy burn out. Food helps but sometimes it just needs to rest and massage those sore limbs. Particularly knees. Needs to sit down every now and then
- If that thing were human (/anthro) it'd use the bear pride flag in accessories. As well as the femme lesbian flag. Because <3 that thing is both. To me. Queen 💜🫐
- Not a gourm exclusive hc but I imagine it has a baby carrying pouch somewhere - maybe it appears when there's pups around to take care of (either biologically related or like. How some animals can lactate even without giving birth. It's like that)
- Would probably enjoy peanut butter cups and kinder chocolate. And perhaps teriyaki chicken
- At pride, it's that person offering free hugs. Or shirtless with a leather vest + rainbow lei
- Would defo get along with Senshi from dungeon meshi
- Likes to stare at wall art and the sky and ponder the depths of the world sometimes, but tries to remind itself that life is now and you need to cherish it while it is. Still, some thinking time is needed occasionally
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