mompreneuse-life · 9 months
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Nouveau Départ Après les Vacances : Partage de mon Parcours Quotidien d'Entrepreneure
Salut à tous les merveilleux esprits de Tumblr,
J'espère que vous passez une journée aussi épanouissante que le soleil qui brille dans le ciel. Aujourd'hui, je suis emplie d'excitation et de joie en partageant un tout nouveau chapitre de mon voyage personnel et professionnel avec vous. Après des vacances rafraîchissantes et ressourçantes, je reviens avec une nouvelle énergie et une vision renouvelée.
✨ Un Nouveau Défi à Embrasser 🚀
À mon retour de vacances, j'ai ressenti un besoin de documenter mon parcours quotidien en tant qu'entrepreneure. Cette idée s'est transformée en un défi stimulant que je me suis lancé : répertorier les hauts, les bas, les moments de triomphe et les leçons apprises tout au long de mon aventure entrepreneuriale. Chaque journée est une opportunité de grandir et d'apprendre, et je suis enthousiaste à l'idée de partager ces moments avec vous.
📖 Création de ce Mini Blog 🌼
Je souhaite, avec ce mini blog, pour partager ma vie d'entrepreneure avec une authenticité brute. Je veux que cet espace devienne un coin de la toile où je peux dépeindre ma vie quotidienne, les défis auxquels je suis confrontée et les étincelles de créativité qui m'inspirent. Mon but est de construire une communauté qui peut s'épanouir ensemble, apprendre les uns des autres et s'encourager mutuellement.
💡 Le Pouvoir de Partager 🌟
Partager mon parcours quotidien d'entrepreneure va au-delà d'une simple blog. C'est un moyen de célébrer les petites victoires, de réfléchir sur les moments difficiles et de trouver de la beauté dans chaque instant. J'aspire à créer une chronique de croissance personnelle et professionnelle, une ressource pour ceux qui cherchent à embrasser leurs rêves avec détermination.
🌈 Rejoignez-moi dans ce Voyage 🤝
Je vous invite à m'accompagner dans cette aventure passionnante. Que vous soyez entrepreneur, créateur, rêveur ou simplement quelqu'un en quête d'inspiration, ce mini blog est pour vous. Laissez-nous grandir ensemble, apprendre ensemble et célébrer ensemble les merveilles de la vie entrepreneuriale.
Alors, que vous soyez ici pour partager des conseils, offrir des encouragements chaleureux ou simplement pour vous immerger dans les histoires authentiques, je vous accueille les bras ouverts. Ensemble, nous allons créer un espace où nos rêves prennent vie et où chaque journée est une opportunité de briller.
Avec tout mon amour et mon enthousiasme,
Nhu Lan💖
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iqmatrix · 9 months
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NEW IQ MATRIX: Find Your Ikigai [#0508]
The Find Your Ikigai IQ Matrix explores how to find your purpose and calling so that you can do and get paid for what you love. Ikigai philosophy promotes finding joy, meaning, and purpose in everyday life. It is based on the idea that everyone has something unique to offer the world, and it encourages individuals to pursue their passions and discover a sense of purpose. This approach to life emphasizes balance, harmony, and the prioritization of joy, meaning, and purpose. This map guides you on finding your own Ikigai by exploring four key areas: passions, vocation, mission, and profession.
You can read a more detailed outline of this map at https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/find-your-ikigai
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gesslen · 1 month
Wishful Thinkers Drool
🧠💭🤯 Geweldige mensen hebben doelen. Terwijl anderen pizza 🥰🍴🧀 en onbeperkte toegang tot Netflix wensten, was Newton druk bezig met het ontdekken van de wetten van de zwaartekracht 🛩️🪂 Sommige mensen hebben moeite met het onthouden van hun Netflix-wachtwoord 🔓🔑⌨️ Deze wensdenkers 🌙🕸️🌌 droomden ervan de loterij te winnen 🕸️🌌 om te kopen een privé-eiland en nooit meer hoeven te werken. 🌈💭 ✨ Altijd dromen van een wereld waar je al het ijs 🍩🍨🍧 kunt eten dat je wilt, zonder aan te komen. Vergeet niet dat een gezonde geest een doel heeft. En uw doel zou kunnen zijn om het dichtstbijzijnde ijsdessertbuffet te vinden.
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bravelina77 · 3 months
"In the gentle whispers of simplicity, we find the profound melody of a life well-lived. Embrace the beauty in unassuming moments, for within them lies the true poetry of existence. 🌿💫 #SavorTheSimple #LifeInQuotes"
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spiritualsoull1969 · 4 months
"The Art of Contentment: Unveiling the Path to True Happiness in Life"
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जीवन के प्रति
जिस व्यक्ति के पास..
सबसे कम शिकायतें हैं,
वही सबसे अधिक सुखी है!
 English Translation
The person who has the least complaints about life is the happiest.
In the intricate tapestry of life, contentment emerges as a rare jewel, coveted by many but grasped by a select few. The adage, "जीवन के प्रति जिस व्यक्ति के पास सबसे कम शिकायतें हैं, वही सबसे अधिक सुखी है!" encapsulates the profound truth that true happiness resides in the heart of those who harbour the least complaints about life. This article explores the depth and essence of contentment, dissecting the principles that lead to a genuinely joyous and fulfilled existence.
Understanding Contentment:
Beyond Material Acquisition: Contentment transcends the pursuit of material possessions. While external achievements and acquisitions may bring temporary satisfaction, lasting contentment emanates from an internal state of acceptance and gratitude.
The Role of Perspective: Perspective plays a pivotal role in cultivating contentment. Those who view life's challenges as opportunities for growth and appreciate the simple pleasures find themselves on a path towards enduring happiness.
Gratitude as a Foundation: Contentment is intricately linked to gratitude. Individuals who can acknowledge and appreciate the blessings, regardless of their scale, tend to foster a contented mindset that permeates their entire outlook on life.
The Illusion of Constant Achievement: Society often perpetuates the myth that constant achievement leads to happiness. However, the pursuit of perpetual success can leave individuals feeling unfulfilled, highlighting the importance of finding joy in the journey rather than fixating on the destination.
The Contented Individual:
Acceptance of Imperfections: Contentment flourishes in individuals who embrace their imperfections and accept life's inherent unpredictability. Rather than dwelling on what is lacking, they celebrate the uniqueness of their journey.
Adaptability in Adversity: The contented soul navigates adversities with adaptability. Instead of succumbing to despair in the face of challenges, they exhibit resilience, understanding that difficulties are inherent in the human experience.
Balancing Ambition and Satisfaction: Striking a balance between ambition and satisfaction is a hallmark of the contented individual. While they pursue goals and aspirations, they do so with an awareness that fulfillment lies not only in reaching milestones but also in cherishing the present moment.
Nurturing Meaningful Connections: Contentment often thrives in the richness of relationships. Individuals who prioritize and nurture meaningful connections experience a deeper sense of joy, deriving fulfilment from shared experiences and emotional bonds.
The Pitfalls of Discontent:
Comparisons and Envy: Discontent often arises from the habit of comparing one's life to others. Those who constantly measure their success against external standards may find themselves ensnared in the web of envy, impeding the path to contentment.
Chasing Unattainable Perfection: The pursuit of perfection, an elusive and often unattainable goal, can breed discontent. Individuals who understand and accept the beauty of imperfection are better equipped to cultivate lasting happiness.
Overreliance on External Validation: Seeking validation from external sources can be a slippery slope. Those who tether their contentment to the approval of others may experience fluctuations in their sense of happiness based on external circumstances.
Contentment in Various Life Domains:
Professional Contentment: True professional contentment arises when individuals find purpose and satisfaction in their work. It involves aligning one's career with personal values and deriving fulfilment from making a meaningful impact.
Relationship Contentment: In relationships, contentment manifests when individuals appreciate their partners for who they are, rather than seeking to mold them into an idealized version. Healthy relationships thrive on mutual respect, understanding, and shared joy.
Financial Contentment: Financial contentment is not solely dependent on wealth accumulation. It is rooted in responsible financial habits, an awareness of needs versus wants, and an understanding that true wealth extends beyond monetary assets.
Cultivating Contentment:
Mindfulness Practices: Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and gratitude exercises, can cultivate an awareness of the present moment and enhance the capacity for contentment by fostering a positive outlook.
Self-Reflection and Acceptance: Engaging in regular self-reflection, coupled with self-acceptance, is instrumental in cultivating contentment. Recognizing personal strengths and areas for growth contributes to a holistic sense of satisfaction.
Setting Realistic Expectations: Contentment flourishes when individuals set realistic expectations for themselves and others. Unrealistic expectations often lead to disappointment, hindering the ability to find joy in the present.
Contributing to Others: Acts of kindness and contributing to the well-being of others can significantly enhance personal contentment. The joy derived from making a positive impact on the lives of others contributes to a deeper sense of fulfilment.
The art of contentment, as depicted in the phrase "जीवन के प्रति जिस व्यक्ति के पास सबसे कम शिकायतें हैं, वही सबसे अधिक सुखी है!", unfolds as a profound journey within the human spirit. Beyond the transient allure of material pursuits, true happiness resides in the heart of those who navigate life's complexities with a spirit of acceptance, gratitude, and a profound understanding of the impermanence of worldly pursuits. The contented individual finds joy not in the absence of challenges but in the wisdom to appreciate the beauty inherent in every moment. In unravelling the principles and practices that lead to contentment, one embarks on a transformative journey toward lasting happiness and fulfilment.
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noisyexpertobject · 5 months
Living in the Presence of Divine Grace
As a teacher of yoga and Vedantic philosophy, in addition to spiritual counselor and executive coach, Gordon Yonel is a renaissance man with a passion for helping people. Visit my website to learn more about Gordon’s various life-changing services!
I had the immense pleasure of taking an extended course in Vedanta spirituality taught by Gordon Yonel that, I truly believe, would be of great benefit to all of humanity. If a 9-month course seems a bit extreme, like a late-stage pregnancy that you’re not sure how to budget in your schedule, please believe that I survived without any labor pains at all. In fact, the experience felt more like an…
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documentinghumanity · 6 months
Embracing a Life Unapologetically Lived
Fifty-two years into this wild ride called life, and here’s a truth I’ve come to own: the first half was dedicated to learning how to do it – navigating the twists, savoring the highs, and weathering the storms. Now, as I stand at this juncture, the second half is all about doing it, living it, and quite frankly, not giving a damn about what anyone else thinks.
Life is too short to be held hostage by the opinions of others. It’s too fleeting to be shaped by someone else’s expectations. So, here’s my manifesto: I’m seizing the rest of my years with an unapologetic spirit. I’m diving into adventures, pursuing passions, and embracing every messy, imperfect moment.
It’s not about being reckless; it’s about being real. Real with myself, my dreams, and the unfiltered essence of who I am. I’ve spent enough time dancing to the tunes of societal expectations, and now, it’s my turn to choreograph the steps of my own journey.
Maybe some will nod approvingly, and others might raise an eyebrow. But you know what? I’m past the point of letting that dictate the rhythm of my life. I’ve earned these wrinkles, scars, and stories, and I’m damn proud of each one.
The second half isn’t about reaching some imagined summit; it’s about relishing the climb. It’s about savoring the flavors, both bitter and sweet, that life serves up. It’s about turning the page, not because of age but because there’s always a new chapter waiting to be written.
To those who’ve journeyed with me so far, thank you. Your footsteps have etched a beautiful mosaic into the canvas of my life. To those who might question or disapprove, I say this with a smile: re-read the last sentence of the first paragraph, then feel free to watch, join the journey,or hop off at the next port, but I’m steering this ship. And as the First Admiral of the US Navy, David Farragut is quoted, “Damn the torpedoes, Full speed ahead!”
So here’s to the next chapters, the unwritten stories, and the adventures waiting on the horizon. Here’s to doing it, living it, and relishing every precious moment. Because, at the end of the day, the only validation that truly matters is the one that echoes within.
Cheers to embracing life unapologetically!
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lightscamerafilm · 6 months
Michael J. Fox Says He Almost Lost His Hand Due to an Infection.
Michael J. Fox Reveals Ongoing Health Struggles Beyond Parkinson's Diagnosis
In a recent interview with Town & Country magazine, Michael J. Fox, well-known for his candidness about his Parkinson's disease battle, shed light on various medical challenges he's faced in recent years. The Back to the Future actor detailed a series of unfortunate incidents, including breaking his arm and shoulder, sustaining injuries to his orbital bone and cheek, and almost losing his hand due to a severe infection.
Fox referred to this string of health issues as a "tsunami of misfortune." In his 2020 book, "No Time Like the Future," he disclosed a spinal tumour unrelated to Parkinson's that posed a risk of paralysis in 2018. Following surgery and extensive physical therapy, he managed to regain his ability to walk, albeit with difficulties. Shortly after, he had an accident in his apartment, resulting in another broken arm.
In a separate interview with CBS Sunday Morning earlier this year, Fox emphasised the danger of falling for those with Parkinson's, highlighting its potential complications, such as aspirating food and developing pneumonia. He explained, "You don't die from Parkinson's; you die with Parkinson's." Despite these challenges, he remained philosophical about his mortality, stating that he doesn't expect to live to 80.
While he acknowledged the uncertainty of the future, Fox expressed his lack of fear about what lies ahead. He remarked that when the time comes, he'll accept it, saying, "One day I'll run out of gas, one day I'll just say, 'It's not going to happen. I'm not going out today.'" He further mentioned, "I'm 62 years old. Certainly, if I were to pass away tomorrow, it would be premature, but it wouldn't be unheard of. And so, no, I don't fear that."
In addition to his interviews, a documentary titled "Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie," released in May, delves into Fox's life story, chronicling his childhood, rise to Hollywood stardom in the '80s, and his ongoing battle with Parkinson's disease.
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Photo Credit: Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images
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theloulouge · 6 months
Passion-Driven Living
What principles define how you live? The way I see it, the principles that shape my life are centered around the idea of living without any regrets and unapologetically pursuing the things I’m truly passionate about. Firstly, “living without regrets” means that I strive to make choices and decisions that I won’t second-guess down the road. I want to be able to look back on my life and know that…
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Embracing the Changes
I know for me growing older has been some what easy and something I have never really thought about much. Birthdays go by and that number keeps growing and have never really bothered me much....well till I realized that I am going to be 60 soon and my son will be 40 and well, it seems like not long ago it seemed like people in their 60's, wow...that was soooo old! LOL
Well I am past that and again, feel like that is just a number that doesn't really go with how I feel. Now, mind you, my body seems to disagree with that more and more as days go on, but in my mind, I feel like I am still so young and it seems so crazy that all the sudden I am going to be this old! I found this list of things that us women can, have, and probably will go through, and thought maybe it would be helpful to some of you that are within these age groups and things that we will start to experience if you haven't began already. Through out time on this blog will dive into things that we can do to overcome the things that are changing in our minds and our bodies. I hope it helps! check it out!
1. The Dance of Hormones: Navigating the New Normal
In your 40s and older, and shoot some of us it can begin as early as in your 30's, hormonal shifts can feel like a gentle tide of change. Embrace them, for they herald a new era of wisdom and self-awareness. Learn about these fluctuations, understand your body's cues, and explore strategies to support your well-being.
2. The Canvas of Skin: Lines of Experience and Beauty
Every line etched upon your skin tells a story. They're marks of laughter, of battles won, and of a life well-lived. Embrace them as badges of honor, for they are a testament to your journey.
3. Mind Matters: Cultivating Mental Wellness
The mind, too, embarks on its own journey. As you grow older, prioritize mental wellness. Engage in practices like mindfulness, meditation, and cognitive exercises that nurture your mental faculties and keep your mind sharp.
4. The Power of Movement: Nourishing Your Body
Movement is medicine. Engage in activities that bring you joy, whether it's yoga for flexibility, strength training for resilience, or dancing to express yourself. Celebrate your body's ability to adapt and thrive.
5. Nourishment from Within: Embracing Nutritional Wisdom
Food is not just sustenance; it's a source of vitality and nourishment. Explore wholesome, nutrient-dense choices that support your body's changing needs. Savor the flavors of each season and let food be a source of joy.
6. Unearthing New Passions: The Adventure Continues
Your 40s and beyond are an invitation to explore uncharted territories. Discover new hobbies, reignite forgotten passions, and relish in the joy of learning. Embrace the thrill of trying something new and relish the sense of accomplishment that follows.
7. Wisdom in Every Breath: Cultivating Inner Peace
With age comes wisdom, and with wisdom comes inner peace. Engage in practices that ground you - whether it's through mindfulness, journaling, or simply taking a moment to breathe deeply and be present.
Our lives are like a painting...a masterpiece, so to speak, always in progress. Like a canvas painted with the colors of experience and the brushstrokes of resilience. Embrace your changes, for they are the hues that make your story uniquely yours. Celebrate the strength that comes with age, and know that you are a living testament to the beauty of growth. Your 40s, 50s and beyond are a tapestry of strength, wisdom, and immeasurable grace. Embrace them, for they are yours to cherish. 🌟💪🌸
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animakis · 8 months
Understanding Yourself to Beat Distraction and Procrastination
Unlocking Productivity: If you’ve ever found yourself staring at a mountain of tasks, your to-do list growing by the minute, and yet unable to get anything done, you’re not alone. Distraction and procrastination are formidable foes that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and unproductive. In this article, we’ll delve into the psychology of productivity, explore why we often succumb to these…
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The Mind, Will & Emotions
In the rich tapestry of human nature, the interplay of the mind, will, and emotions weaves a complex and beautiful pattern. From a biblical perspective, these three facets play significant roles in shaping our thoughts, decisions, and responses. In this blog post, we'll explore the intricate dynamics of the mind, will, and emotions and discover how aligning them with God's truth can lead to a more purposeful and fruitful life.
The Mind: The Gateway of Understanding: The mind is the epicenter of our thoughts, perceptions, and understanding. It's where knowledge is processed, ideas are formed, and perspectives are developed. The mind can either be a fertile ground for truth or a battlefield for conflicting thoughts.
The Will: The Determiner of Choices: The will represents our capacity to make choices and decisions. It's the force that directs our actions, behaviors, and responses. The will empowers us to exercise agency, and it's through the will that we align ourselves with God's plans or stray from them.
Emotions: The Tapestry of Feelings: Emotions add color and depth to our human experience. They encompass a range of feelings, from joy and love to anger and sadness. Emotions can be influenced by circumstances, thoughts, and spiritual states. Though emotions are a vital part of our existence, they must be guided by God's truth.
Scriptural Insights:
Romans 12:2: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." This verse emphasizes the importance of renewing the mind for discerning God's will.
Philippians 4:8: "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." This verse guides us to focus our minds on virtuous and godly thoughts.
Proverbs 4:23: "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." This verse highlights the significance of guarding the heart, which influences both emotions and decisions.
Harmonizing the Triad: The mind, will, and emotions are intertwined and often influence each other. Renewing the mind with God's Word helps align the will and emotions with His truth. When the mind is grounded in God's wisdom, the will can choose His ways, and emotions can be channeled in healthy and God-honoring directions.
Living in Alignment: To live a life in alignment with God's design, we must seek to align our minds, wills, and emotions with His truth. Renewing our minds through prayer, meditation on Scripture, and seeking God's guidance allows us to make choices that honor Him. As we cultivate emotional well-being under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our emotions can reflect His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).
Conclusion: The mind, will, and emotions form an intricate trinity that shapes our human experience. By aligning these aspects with God's Word and relying on the Holy Spirit's guidance, we can transform our thoughts, choices, and feelings into instruments that honor God. This harmonious alignment leads to a life filled with purpose, discernment, and emotional well-being, allowing us to thrive in our relationship with God and others.
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coghive · 10 months
Living With Purpose: How Awareness of Death Can Transform Our Lives
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I like to imagine things and paint scenarios in my head a lot. It can be overwhelming sometimes, but for the sake of this piece, I would implore you to indulge me. I just want to show you how the awareness of death can transform our lives and help us live more purposefully. Imagine if you were diagnosed with a terminal illness (God forbid! It's not your portion, and I don't wish that on anyone), but just picture it for a moment. If you were given a specified number of years to live, let's say five years give or take, would it change the way you live your life? Well, at first, you might feel depressed and unhappy, but after a while, you would accept your fate. When you finally come to terms with reality, wouldn't you want the little time you have left to count for much? I bet many of us would make the most of those years.  We wouldn't leave anything to chance anymore. We would start by taking care of our health, both physical and mental. We would prioritise our loved ones, our jobs, and the pursuit of our life's goals and dreams. Nothing would be taken for granted.  Some of us might even quit our jobs because we've never derived satisfaction from them and instead launch our own startups where our true passions lie. Others would adopt healthier diets and incorporate exercise into their routines, all in an effort to extend their time on Earth. We would cherish every moment spent with our loved ones and create more meaningful memories.  We would treat each moment with them as if it were our last. We would strive to be more honest, intentional with our time and energy, kinder, more compassionate, more loving, and more accommodating. We would visit places we've always wanted to go and try out new things. We would remove all the limitations we've imposed on ourselves, wouldn't we? We would simply live. Now, what if I told you that you already have a terminal illness? I don't mean leukaemia or cystic fibrosis, but the truth is, we're all running out of time. We all have a limited lifespan, and one day, we will expire.  Therefore, you must protect the integrity of the life you have now. It's bad enough that you don't know how much time you have left on this side of life. Hence, you can't just leave your life to chance.  Having a casual knowledge of the inevitability of death is one thing, but living with the awareness of it is another thing entirely. You don't get to choose the hand life deals you, but that's okay. There's no need to sit around complaining and grumbling about how your life is or how you wish it were. You have to play the hand you've been dealt.  The life you desire won't just automatically fall into your lap; you have to create it. It's time to embrace your purpose and manifest your full potential. Live with such integrity that you can die well. Death shouldn't scare us if we live intentionally.  Instead, the awareness of it should motivate us to make the most of the time we have before it's over. Mediocrity has never benefited anyone greatly. Find a balance. Dance to the rhythm of your destiny.  Let this understanding fill you up and flow through you until you transform into a better person because of it. Don't be a spectator in your own life. Be proactive and play an active role in the script you're writing.  So that when your time on Earth is done, you can peacefully leave with the assurance that you gave it your best shot. It's not the fear of death that gives meaning to our lives; it it is the purposeful way we lived it, embracing the gift of existence until the very end. Read the full article
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yashwon · 10 months
The Path to a Joyful and Healthy Future
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jaytiff · 11 months
Finding Purpose In Life - How-to Guide #lifepurpose
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be-a-ten · 1 year
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believe in something bigger than yourself, give your best and trust that it’s all you need #word #quotes #bea10 #positivity #wordoftheday #reconciliation #selfawarness #bebraveandcourageous #truthwillsetyoufree #selfreflection #mindfulness #innergrowth #personaljourney #aligningvalues #findingfulfillment #seekingtruth #emotionalintelligence #overcomingchallenges #livingwithpurpose https://www.instagram.com/p/CpMTNpfro6t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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