#Listen I get that people in this field are workaholics but I’m not.
rahabs · 2 years
Being in the law field vs. my absolute refusal to stay at the office later than one hour after five or work until midnight on a file.
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Stardew Impact [Genshin+Stardew Valley/xReader]
Part 1/3 Kaeya, Diluc
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Synopsis: “A mysterious phenomenon brought you and your s/o to an unfamiliar world: Pelican Town! Without the power of Visions, the two of you begin to learn the life of what it takes to be...a farmer?”
Coming soon...
Albedo and Childe
Zhongli and Xiao
(A/N): So the brainrot was real in this one. I planned to add Albedo for a Mondstadt edition but kinda went overboard so I gotta split this one into parts too. Wordcount_almost 2k spspspsp
• Already has the whole year planned in his head. Literally if Diluc were to play this game, he'd have a booming farm within year ONE. Calm and collected through and through, though the new environment raises alot of questions, as long as you were still with him, Diluc ain't complaining
• The town welcomes you two with open arms. It was all thanks to the attire. Diluc wore his usual dark coat adorned with regal gold while you had a dress made of Liyue's finest silk, one that he bought for you. Needless to stay both of you reeked the aura of rich aristocrats (Mayor Lewis is pleased that greedy bastard)
• Once the farm was permitted to your owndership, Diluc began to think of ways to turn it into a vineyard. He was a businessman afterall. Although the staff back at the Dawn Winery were the ones who tended the field, Diluc still knew a few things about planting due to his childhood days Master Crepus would bring him out to their yard and demonstrated the process of gardening. He still remembers those days clearly, doing the very same this moment with you.
• Occasionally works at the Saloon bar. It was the perfect opportunity. As you took care of the farm side, Diluc continues to look for more ways to increase the income while gathering information from the folks around town. Gus LOVES to have him over, like he's just so efficient and reliable! They soon become good friends saying if Diluc were ever to own a wine stock, he would gladly buy from him.
• This is why Diluc would stay a little later due to just chatting with the people from the bar. One time you walked into the Saloon only to the front desk with Emily alone. Turns out the others were in the other room, too busy playing a game of pool. You decided to leave him be since it was rare to have Diluc so relaxed in leisure activities. Thus in the end, you spent your time chatting with Emily until a whole hour has passed before your lover notices and apologizes for losing track of time.
• Everything felt like a dream because it was his dream. To live a life undisturbed from chaos, his duties and the dangers that lurk in Teyvat, Diluc grew fond of the domesticity. There was nothing he loved more than to spend his hours by your side, day after day, returning home to your freshly handmade meals.
• Spring: Already up and early planting the parnersnips (I'm very soft for gardener Diluc you see). What do you expect from a workaholic? Even during his leisure time you would often find him near some plant as he does consider this hobby quite therapeutic. But when it rains, Diluc would be standing beside you with an arm around your shoulder, smiling contently as you lean into his touch. He gazes through the dripping window and silently admires the current progress you both made on the farm.
• Between the two annual spring festivities, I would say the flower dance. Diluc is a private man and would prefer to take things where no eyes were on sight. But with a little bit of nudging from Gus (your wingman), he gives in and leads you to the center stage. Elegant. Graceful. The way you two moved together became the talk of the event. Though, Diluc was already used to people staring by now, all he needed to do was to ignore them and keep his focus on you.
• Summer: No blankets in bed. Nope, its bloody hot in Pelican Town. He tends to stay indoors or anywhere with shade, in other words, his work hours in the Saloon increased.
• Diluc always has a nice cold drink prepared for you if by any chance you were to pay a visit after a whole day of labour. It's a habit he's made subconciously as if it would be a natural occurance for you to enter the door. His colleagues would ask him who did he make that drink for? Honestly so cute i cri
• Moments like these remind him of Mondstadt, where he quietly wipes the glasses while listening to you talk. Your voice is soothing. Sun rays peek from the side casting onto the umber tables, reflecting a rich golden light as the radio plays a soft song in the background. It's so peaceful, the town was small hence not many people visited the bar, Diluc came to appreciate this warm privacy (plus no Venti and Kaeya which is a huge pog realization).
• Autumn: Harvest time baby. The kegs are full and the sheds are full of kegs. This season was huge stonks and the house ended up getting an upgrade. Diluc is the type of man who wants to make sure that his spouse wouldn't have to work another day of her life. I reckon this is why he's so ambitious because he wants you to have the best and you deserve the best. (Husband material. Slap a ring on him ladies).
When there was no more work left to do, time would be spend peacefully exploring the woods. While you skipped a few steps ahead as the leaves crunched beneath your feets, Diluc follows slowly from behind. He sees your back but his eyes stares somewhere far beyond whats in front of him: His future. 
It was such a stark contrast to the one he envisioned before. One filled with uncertaintly, blocked by darkness with no silver lining in sight, endlessly wandering as he drags the claymore against the ground. There was never a day in which the Darknight hero wouldn't think of Mondstadt. Leaving the city in the incompetent hands of Ordo Favonious while Abyss Mages continue to lurk fuels him to find a way to return as soon as possible and yet...
"Higher big sis!" Jas tightens her hold on the ropes as you pushed the swing with all your might. She laughs, like a child, it was full of innocence and joy. Later Vincent came in and nugdes you, asking when his turn will come.
"You wanna go too? Alright alright don't worry," waiting for Jas to come down, you lift the boy up so that he was seated safely on the chair, "3..2..1 go!"
He wonders if he could just be a little selfish for once.
• Winter: Best man to have in this season. Every morning Diluc would find himself restricted in movements due to a pair of arms around his waist and legs entangled with yours. Turns out you've been doing it subconciously because he's just so warm (Diluc keeps it lowkey and pretends to sleep longer cuz of it)
• Haha looks like the portal is gone, guess we'll be stuck forever :)). No kidding Kaeya would be so down to stay here for the rest of his life and the best part is to spend it with you. He doesn't show a shred of concern regarding Teyvat, not like he's easily shaken by events that are abnormal, but you can see that Kaeya is truly and genuinely happy. (You're stunned).
• Oho we also have this marvelous landscape just for the two of us? And a cozy little cabin to go along with it as well? This should be fun~ 
• Of course Kaeya would also know a few things about planting, just the basics since he did grow up with Diluc. When they were kids, Crepus would give each of them their own pots so they can grow their own plants. It eventually became a competitive thing where whoever's plant grows the fastest gets to eat the other person's dessert for a year (no one wins. They end up sabotaging each other which Diluc started first, thinking it'll be funny as a joke).
• You are, and will be going on dates with him. In fact, the amount of dates you two went on increased since then. The townspeople would call you two "lovebirds" since he's practically by your side 24/7. 
• I mean he doesn't have the responsibilities as a Cavalry Captain anymore so what else is there to do?
• Would attend all annual events no matter what season. 
• Evelyn constantly gushes how much of a wonderful pair you and Kaeya make and often is the one who provides Kaeya a fresh bouqet of flowers for him to use as a gift. George on the otherhand just rolled his eyes mumbling something along the lines of "youngsters these days" and "crazy hormones."
• Befriends Pam. Love for beer plus somewhat cynical attitude? They get along real swell! She starts sending some recipes into the mailbox of course saying if yall ever need a hand, let her know.
• Spring: I can see Kaeya be switching back and forth between caring for the farm or taking quests posted on Pierre's bulletin board. He likes to keep things interesting, learning the ways of the new world while also getting to know the people around town.
• Would NOT return Mayor Lewis' shorts in which he found in Marnie's room. It's such high quality blackmail material. Kaeya is currently plotting what is the best way to use it to his advantage.
• He didn't tell you of course.
• Summer: There are no blankets because he is your blanket. Since your cabin was small so was the bed. That's why he has to hold you so that no one falls off when rolling over. Either he hugs you with your nose close to his neck, or your back against his chest while spooning you or holding hands if sleeping on your sides became too much. Yall need a serious house upgrade.
• For some reason Kaeya becomes more energetic in the summer. He lets you rest in the shade while handling the farm work for the time being. If you guys got a pet it would be a cat. Hes the first one to refill their bowl every morning outside.
Another day passes as summer comes to an end, the town’s Mayor invited you and your lover to see the annual Dance Of the Moonlight Jellies. Kaeya being the opportunist was delighted to come along. Locking the door of your house, you follow him down the path and made your way to the beach.
Everyone from town was already gathered by the docks when the sun had disappeared down the horizon. You stood by his side in a space far from the others, watching  the candle boats set off to ride the waves, lighting up a small ray of light for creatures to find. 
“Wow,” your tone almost above a whisper, “If only our friends back home could see this too.”
“Perhaps,” he says. Kaeya slips his fingers into yours and you shot him a curious glance, “But let us enjoy this moment shall we? Just the two of us.”
And there they were. A sea of luminescence radiating colours of brilliant blue with hints of green like a city of laterns floating in a world below. Their image reflects in the star of Kaeya's eyes as he wonders, where would they go? Where would the light lead them? They were so free with nothing to worry, so serene just like the sea and unknowningly, he squeezes your hand. It was a sense for confirmation. One to remind him that this moment was indeed a reality he wishes to keep.
Autumn: Finally a house upgrade and a kitchen!! Because it was harvest season, you guys end up making a set of delicious meals with all the recipes the townspeople gave you. Kaeya can cook since he lived by himself back in Mondstadt. Most of the stuff he learned to make were food that can be accompanied by alcohol though...
• Ahah remember Mayor Lewis' lucky shorts? He found a use for them. It was displayed on the stands during the Stardew Valley Fair (Oh my how did this get here? Must be the wind). Ends up buying a Rarecrow for the farm when Lewis bribes him not to tell this to anyone.
Winter: This was mostly an indoor season for the both of you. With the existence of television, nights would be spent until morning while watching movies at the couch. A blanket drapes around your shoulders as extends to his.  Oh and don't forget the hot chocolate! 
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sword-brainrot · 3 years
I’m super glad to see you back and that requests are open. ^^ If it isn’t to much to ask, could I maybe get some relationship headcanons for Kogi and Kuwana (separately)? Welcome back and remember to take as much time as you need with requests! Lord knows life can get hectic and creators block can act up. So just be kind to yourself and go with the flow. ^^ 💜
I’m so glad to be back! It’s been a lot of fun writing since coming back. It’s also been super nice to have such kind people, like yourself, rooting for me and letting me it’s okay to take breaks! So thank you so much for the request and such kind words! ❤️
I hope these headcanons makes you smile!
Kogitsunemaru and Kuwana Gou Relationship Headcanons (GN Reader)!
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♡  Kogitsunemaru is a very affectionate and loyal fox. Even before the two of you date and become a thing. He doesn't shy away from physical touch and actually really prefers it. It is the easiest way for him to get across his truest feelings. Every touch is gently and full of love. He does have a bad temper deep inside that he hides away but they would never come out towards you or grab you harshly. He would never be able to forgive himself if he accidentally hurt you.
♡  Kogitsunemaru does have a special spot that just makes him automatically relax, and that's his hair. If you play with his hair or brush it, he is putty in your hands. His eyes will close and he will lean back in your gentle, soothing motions. All his worries slipping away from him as the world begins to just shape around the two of you.
♡  He will also love to do anything with your hair! If you wish to him to wash, brush, or style it! He will feel so honored that you trust him so much to take care of your hair. Kogitsunemaru treasures hair very much. Not just his own. He will often comment how silky his fur is and how he often needs to groom it. In his mind, if you keep your fur(hair) clean and well kempt, you are a very good person in his mind. Also means he often shys away from those that do not take proper care of their fur(hair). 
♡  He enjoys laying on your lap as you softly stroke his fur. That is his favorite spot in the whole world. It's probably the fox part of him that transferred over in his human sword form. Affection like that just fills his heart with joy and he does not care who sees. Kogi will be overjoyed to have your attention and a permanent smile on his face as he enjoys your touch.
♡  The last thing he really enjoys, other than you, is fried tofu. You can very easily have him on the fence about something and wave some fried tofu in front of his face and his brain waves suddenly just stops. He will agree to almost anything as long as you have that in your possession. It is a double edge sword, however. He will be so happy that you made/got that for him and follow anything you say... but it also doesn't last long. He will sneak into the kitchen when no one is looking and start to munch on all the fried tofu in the citadel. It does not last long as long as Kogitsunemaru and Nakigitsune are around. The foxes are ferocious about fried tofu.
♡  It is very easy to tease this poor fox as well. He leaves his heart on his sleeve. The swords will often use it against him. They will mention how someone has the most beautiful eyes in the citadel and just wait until Kogitsunemaru suddenly sighs and goes, "Ah, Nushi-sama."
♡  They all give him a teasing smile and just look at him as he realizes what he just said and blushes. He doesn't talk to them after and avoids them. It's normally Mikazuki...
♡  Your relationship would never be able to keep in secret because Kogitsunemaru is way too much in love with you and lets it slip any chance there is. He is complimenting you to your face and behind your back. He can't help it! You are just perfect to him!
♡  Big fan of petnames! He loves to call you sir, dear, miss, sweetheart, or my beloved.
♡  If you are ever upset/have things on your mind, Kogitsunemaru will offer to dance for you. He will do a traditional dance and may even tell a story through it. Anything to take your mind off whatever is bothering you. He may even tell you the story of how the fox spirit found the sword smith and he came to be since it was a popular folk story told through dance and plays.
♡  If you prefer to be held instead, he would have no problem with that at all. He will often times open his arms to you while he is sitting just in case you want to sit in his lap instead. His arms naturally wrap around you in a very protective manner, no matter where you two are.
♡  At night he enjoys when you lay your head on his chest so he can stroke your hair as the two of you slowly drift off to sleep but if you want to be held more, he will have you sleep on top of him and just hug you tightly to him as you sleep. He won't let any bad thoughts get to you! His name might mean small but there is a reason they gave him a strong body as a human, and that is to protect the one he loves the most.
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♡  Kuwana is a very quirky person, to say the least. He will say things that will not exactly make sense to you and he will not explain what he means by it. You will have to be very understanding and accepting towards him. He is a very gentle person who thinks everything he says makes total sense. So when he tells you that the soil/earth told him something, you will just have to roll with it.
♡  Unlike Kogitsunemaru, who praises cleanliness, Kuwana is the total opposite of that. It isn't like he wishes to everyone to be covered in dirt (maybe) but you will see him all dirty often. The only time you will see him completely clean will be after a bath and right in the early morning before he goes outside. That will be the only time. Sometimes he will forget to take a bath, so please remind him!
♡  He is a very big workaholic. Mostly with farming. You will not see him most days due to him being so invested in his craft and working hours on end. If you wish to spend time with him, you will have to go find him instead of the other way around. Honestly, even when you get out there, he may not notice you right away. He is constantly tending to the field and talking to the soil. If you offer to help, he will gladly accept your help and teach you everything he knows.
♡  Kuwana is someone who keeps to himself often and doesn't talk much unless talked to first but you will see him overzealous when he begins to explain everything about agriculture and tells you every little detail about any plant or flower you may take interest in. A smile on his face and he will ramble hours on end. He is just so excited that someone is taking interest in his hobby. This is what really gets him to start to open up to you.
♡  As the two of you start to get close, he will make groundless threats towards you if you tease him too much. If you happen to poke him too much to get his attention, he may say something along the lines of; "Ugh... if you happen to wake up tomorrow morning buried up to your neck in the dirt, don't blame me". He would never actually do it but it is just to throw you off your guard. Sometimes small things just happen to get under his skin a little and he jokes it off with a small threat. Don't be scared, he really is like a big teddy bear and would never harm you.
♡  Sometimes, Kuwana will not show up for dinner. If you go searching for him, you will always find him in the field under a tree, fast asleep. Sometimes the sun gets to him too much and he ends up taking a nap after he finishes most of his work. He is a pretty heavy sleeper when he is totally relaxed in nature. Be sure to wake him up gently. He will either wake up rather easily to you and tell you good morning, not even noticing the moon now in the sky. Or, if he is still very tired, might pull you down with him and cuddle with you. Congrats, you are now cuddling with a very tall teddy bear... and also covered in dirt!
♡  Kuwana doesn't mind physical affection that much. He doesn't initiate affection too often but isn't opposite to it either. Most likely he will take you out on a picnic date and hold your hand as the two of you adventure off into the forest.
♡  He is a great cook! Especially with fruits and vegetables. He will learn anything you like to eat and prepare it for you to show that he listens to you even if he doesn't say too much. He will make sure to get it just as you like it so he can see you smile.
♡  If you don't know how to make flower crowns, he will teach you! He will make you a flower crown of all your favorite flowers (or the flowers he thinks match you the most if you don't have a favorite), and he will proudly wear the crown you make, even if you may not think it is the best.
♡  He will show all his brothers after the date with a smile. "Look at what Y/N made me". He will wear it as long as he can because he treasures it a lot.
♡  It is not a surprise that Kuwana is very strong physically but he will not act it. Every touch will be gentle. However, he will easily lift you with ease. Often times putting you on his shoulders when the two of you are alone and hanging out.
♡  He isn't just gentle with you but also with other creatures. He loves animals and will feed them when he has alone time. He also really likes insects. If you are scared of them, he will quickly take them outside so you don't even see them. He doesn't want them to scare you!
♡  Kuwana might not know exactly how to express his feelings towards you because he doesn't give too much verbal affection towards anyone but will subtly compliment you. "The soil says that you are very pretty and the soil would never lie."
♡  He also eats soil, please stop him if you see him trying to eat the dirt.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
that final phone call
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— Miruko is one tough rabbit, but eventually even the toughest of people need a helping hand. — 
pairing: usagiyama rumi (miruko) x fem!reader
warnings: angst, cursing, blood
word count: 5,836
a/n: this is for the bnharem angst april collaboration!!! here for the best girl miruko. I would die for her and yuh, im so tired its 5:40 am and I just finished this LMAOOO and its scheduled for 9am posting. lets hope for the best, enjoy bbs. angst masterlist here.
“Pick up…”
“Don’t ignore this…”
“P-Please pick up,” Rumi mumbled into the phone, her head spinning, her breathing weak and faint. “Pick up the phone, y/n…”
“H-Hello?” your tired voice answered, and just like that, warmth flooded Rumi’s chest. She had to resist the urge from cringing; there was no reason to cringe, she berated herself, accept your feelings Rumi. “If this a prank call, I swear—”
“Y/n,” Rumi finally whispered, the energy that always existed within her fading quickly.
She didn’t need to be in the same room with you; she already knew what you were doing. How your back stiffened at the sound of her voice and how your stomach clenched, remembering what had happened two months ago.
“Why are you calling?” you said so emotionlessly that it was a sucker punch to Rumi’s stomach. A sharp reminder of what she did to you, of what had happened because she was weak. 
A ragged breath escaped Rumi’s lips while she closed her eyes, her head laying against the cold concrete, listening to the lull of the line.
“I needed to hear your voice…”
One and a half years ago.
Usagiyama Rumi, better known as the Number Five Pro Hero Miruko was — to put it lightly — a powerhouse.
Known for her almost brash entrances, sturdy legs, and quick temper, it made sense as to why she wasn’t known as the Bunny Hero. She wasn’t soft enough to be a bunny, nor was she meek or gentle. No, Rumi was a hurricane of energy. She was fast, vibrant, and deadly. She was unmatched in her field of expertise, and she had no problem demanding people know that about her. She dived into her work, no matter how big or how small she handled everything with her fullest capability.
She was obsessed with her job because she always had something to prove.
But even a workaholic such as herself needed a break — or at least time outside of her uniform.
It was nearing midnight, and Rumi was strolling the dark streets of Hiroshima, her hands shoved into her jacket pockets. At the same time, she observed the neighborhoods she protected. It was a Saturday night, meaning that street life was quite busy. After working for two months straight without a single day off, her office staff had forced a two-day vacation on her. Still, it didn’t stop her from scouting these blocks for any sign of criminal activity. 
But she stilled when she heard loud arguing many alleys ahead, and with an excited smirk, Rumi took off.
It took her approximately thirty seconds to travel an entire block and into an alleyway where a large and burly man was arguing with a small woman. Rumi stilled, her eyebrow quirking in her confusion, what was going on?
“You have to let me in!” you insist again, your nose scrunching in your annoyance, your chest puffing out, and your eyes blazing. “I have reason to believe that there is a drug-pushing gang in this very club!”
Rumi shifted closer to you, and this now apparent bouncer who was looking less than impressed with you. A drug-pushing gang? She had been trying to find intel on that gang but had been coming up dry, she wanted to know more, to find out more. It seemed that it was her lucky day that she wasn’t relaxing at home because it seemed that you had information she could use. It was ballsy of you to show up at a hideout with such demands… she liked that. Rumi’s eyes looked over at you, and her smirk turned into a grin.
You wore a charcoal grey pantsuit, a white shirt underneath the opened blazer with the first two buttons undone. Her eyes noticed the scruffed up short heels you wore, and the way that your hair was in a chaotic bun. How amusing.
“Oh yeah, little miss nosey? And who the hell do you think you are exactly?” he sneered, taking an intimidating step forward.
The bouncer was easily twice your height, and Rumi watched you, expecting you to take a submissive step back, but was surprised to see you hold your ground.
“The investigative journalist for The Daily Hiro!” you inform back, your eyes daring him without a single bit of nervousness in their blaze. 
The bouncer opened his mouth, obviously ready to kick your poor journalist ass when another voice from the alleyway spoke up.
“She is not an investigative journalist,” the voice clipped, evidently very annoyed with your words. “She’s an intern. She makes coffee runs and edits my works, ignore her.”
Rumi’s eyes shifted on an angry reporter she knew by name. Hirano Naoko. A ruthless reporter that she often found herself at odds with because he didn’t agree with her... enthusiastic approach to being a hero.
A pained yelp escaped your lips when he grabbed your bicep and pulled you to him.
To an average person, there would be no way to hear the conversation between the reporter and the intern. Still, Rumi was not an ordinary person, after all.
“I thought I told you to take witness’s statements,” he hissed pulling you away into the darkness. “Not stir up fucking trouble! Drop the fucking gang shit before you get wrapped up in things you don’t want to get caught in.”
“But you don’t understand Hirano-sama, I saw—”
“I could give two shits about what you saw! That doesn’t mean you get to do whatever you want! This isn’t some fucking cop show, grow the fuck up. You’re an intern, not a reporter!”
Rumi figured she had enough.
“Hold on!” she yelled, her voice bouncing off the walls of the alleyway, and all three heads snapped her way. Her arms folded across her chest while she tilted her head. There was nothing like the way all three eyes widening when they recognized the famed Rabbit Hero standing before them with a feral grin and civilian clothes. “I want to see if this intern is right, open the door, bouncer.”
The bouncer was like a mountain to the Rabbit.
Tall, muscular, and frightening in this dim and yellow light.
“M-Miruko!” he stammered, his fingers searching for something, and Rumi lowered her stance. Was he trying to inform them that she was here? “What a pleasure seeing you here!”
Then she heard it, the familiar noise of shuffling plastic. He was trying to alert someone.
In an instant, she was before him, her heel slamming onto his chin and sending him flying, knocked out cold.
“This is why we wear heels,” she snickered, watching the mountain of a man crumble to his face. How weak, pathetic. Her attention turned to you, the intern who looked both ready to pass out from this scare and vibrating with excitement. “Intern, you promise those villains are in there?!”
Your eyes flutter, and Rumi takes you all in. Strands of hair fall over your eyes, your painted lips pulled into a large ‘o’ from your shock, but there was that confidence in your eyes that made her lick her lips in anticipation.
“On my life.”
Rumi snickered, now that was an answer she wanted to hear.
And as a one-woman show goes, she flung open the door and, in under twenty minutes, single-handedly brought down the most extensive drug unit within Hiroshima. She had defeated them all, leaving her with significant cuts on her cheeks and arms, a fat lip, a broken heel, and bruises on her toes. But damn did she feel alive.
Rumi watched with a broad grin when the twenty-three men were put into police cars, their injuries far worse than her own. How amazing was that! Months of worrying disappearing on a leisurely night stroll! She couldn’t have done it without… her mouth frowned.
She did it with help?
Her eyes flew over to you, an intern, talking to the cops with a whole file that seemed to come from nowhere with incriminating evidence against this group. Rumi shoved off the medics that were applying more useless bandages on her and walked over to you.
“Oi, intern!” she called, and both you and the police officer turned around. Thankfully, the police officer was either done interviewing you or smart enough to leave once Rumi approached with her trademark grin. “You did good work out there.”
“Miruko-san, oh, um, thank you!” you smiled in return, bowing in greeting when she stopped in front of you. “Congratulations on closing that case!”
“How did you crack them? I’ve been working on finding them slip up for months now, but you figured it out?” Rumi asked, her arms folding and head tilting. “What did you see that I missed?”
Rumi could hear your heart stop and watched the way your eyes widened significantly. “O-Oh, well, I don’t know… I guess I have a knack of being at the right place at the right time?” you laughed, rubbing the back of your head. “To be honest, it was probably more important to me than it was to you… so I able to crack it before you?”
“What makes you say that?” Rumi asks, unsure if she should be offended or not. “Are you trying to say that I’m not working hard enough?!”
“Oh my god, no!” you panic, your hands out in a motion of retreat, your head shaking quickly. Rumi wanted to open her mouth and grill you for answers, but there was something about you that made her hesitate, that made her still. You shrug your shoulders, your hands clasping together. “My future career was riding on this case. The company thinks I’m a nutjob, so if I could prove my ‘conspiracy theories’ were right, I could finally be appointed a job as a journalist!”
Rumi hummed, taking a step closer to you, enjoying the way that your heart sped up when she did so, her head tilting in her amusement, “Well, you did what you had to do, congrats.”
“T-Thank you!” you brighten at the praise, and Rumi does everything she can to not throw an arm around you.
“Usagiyama Rumi,” she introduced herself to you, her hand extended.
You stared at her hand as if she was some goddess instead of a person. But that fire that had interested her well before that erupted back in your eyes. You extended your hand, grasping hers firmly.
“Y/l/n y/n,” you grin, and it’s at this very moment that Rumi solidifies that she indeed likes you.
You were a quiet fire, unlike her own raging one, but she was no idiot. You were something that would burn the entire world down because no one would see you coming, and she liked it.
Six months later.
“RUMI!” your voice shrieks from the kitchen. “HAVE YOU SEEN MY LAPTOP?!”
Rumi was soaking in a bath right now, her eyes closed while absorbing the warm water. Two weeks of straight and intense battles had left her body a bit beat up, but hey, she was currently in her girlfriend’s apartment presently being taught how to relax. 
Yes, shocking, her girlfriend’s apartment.
It took a solid week for Rumi to realize that she had feelings for her, something that took a while for her to sort out because she thought she was mentally ill for a second. Nevertheless, her good friend Hawks laughed in her face about how she was not dying but instead just having romantic feelings for you. After that, it took two seconds for her to confess and three minutes for you to say yes. 
It was very new for both of you, but Rumi was very pleased with where everything was going at the moment. Dating certainly wasn’t something on her radar for years now, but for some reason, that fire that burned through your soul was enough to pique her interest.
“Check under the bed!” she called back, listening to your feet shuffling against the wooden floor to get to the bedroom.
“Aha, I found it!”
Rumi cracked open a single eye to watch you waddle into the bathroom with the laptop in your hands and a wide grin on your face.
“So, I’m a junior journalist now, nothing too big or fancy, but… I think I have something outstanding in the making!” you excitedly inform her, throwing open the laptop while sinking to the floor next to the tub. 
“I thought you said bath time was a no-work zone,” Rumi teases her lips perking and her red eyes drilling into your own. 
An embarrassed look flashed across your face, but as you always did, you stood your ground and challenged her.
“I can give my information to a hero who wants it then!” you huff, moving to close the electronic device. “Like you care about my rule, anyways!”
“What a brat!” Rumi barks with laughter, her shoulders rolling in the warm and murky water. Her eyes watched the way her long white hair gently flowed in the water, something you had pointed out looked like moonbeams one night. It had been stupidly stupid, and she would forever remember the way you curled in a ball at your embarrassment. “Tell me!”
Snickering, you nodded, your fingers moving quickly against your keyboard while you searched for the document.
“I have information on the soon to be most dangerous crime group out there,” you inform her, your voice taking on a serious note when you look up at her. “Name it, they’ve done it, and worse yet, they’re a cultish family.”
Rumi felt a chill run down her spine at that information. That wasn’t a title you gave out quickly, nor with such confidence. Together the two of you had taken down four villain groups, and some of them had been nasty fuckers. 
“What’s their name?”
“They go by the name Shinseina,” you inform her, your knees pulling up to your chest, the laptop balanced on your knees to show Rumi your document. “I got one tip about two months ago, and that’s all I’ve managed to find on them.”
Rumi stared at the document.
‘Organization Name: Shinseina
Symbol: A Black Sun
Number of Members: ???
Warnings: ???
Leaders: ???
Location of Base: HQ thought to be in Hiroshima, the possibility of there being more is very high
Crimes: Quirk canceling drugs, quirk enhancing drugs, murder, gang affiliation, rape, robbery, theft, illegal quirk usage, money laundering, and 12 more.
Number of Heroes Killed: 16+.’
Two months of hard work, and that was all you had managed.
Rumi didn’t even need to use her quirk to hear your hammering heart, this was obviously upsetting you.
Sighing, she pulled her wrinkled hand out of the tub to motion for you to place the laptop away, her eyes holding yours when you do as commanded. “Come here, loser.”
“That’s rude,” you grumble, but still, you slide to the edge of the tub and watch Rumi.
Rumi sits up in the tub, her lips pressing against yours in a sweet embrace.
Your eyes flutter close at the feeling of her soft and smooth lips against yours. The slight coldness of her skin from just sitting in this water, sending a pleasurable shiver down your spine. Rumi chuckled, and the next thing you knew, she was dragging you in.
Rumi relished in the way your pitched screams echoed off the walls, your denial of being brought into the water was useless. Eventually, she pulled your fully clothed body into the lukewarm water with her, and your cries of disapproval faded into beautiful laughter.
Your cheeks burned while Rumi’s fur stood up in triumphant victory.
“I told ya, squirt, I don’t lose.”
You slammed your head against her collarbone, moaning loudly in your defeat, “I hate you!!!”
“Sure, you do!”
Rumi could only dodge out of your way when you went in for a weak attack. It was okay though, she thought, teasing you again for your weak punch. She would always protect you.
Her eyes rapidly blinked when those thoughts fully sank into her mind.
Excuse me?
Six months later.
“An obstacle course?” you repeated, your eyes looking at the bouncy house that was apparently a place for a date. While you pursed your lips, Rumi looked back at her friends who seemed excited. “I’m sorry, but in what world do you expect me — a journalist — to be able to keep up with you Heroes?
Rumi once again turned back to look at Hawks and his intern, who both seem ready to compete. So she turned back around to face you and nodded in egotistical confidence. Your mouth dropped when she finished nodding.
“The only time I exercise is when I chase after people who run away from me!” You cry, obviously not at all prepared to compete against people who practically worked out for living!
“Don’t worry, they won’t use their quirks, and this is a team obstacle course!” Rumi laughs, her arms flexing to show you that there was nothing to worry about. She would make sure you both won even if that meant she would have to carry you to the finish line. “I won’t let you get hurt,”
She knew you wouldn’t like the idea of it; after all, you hated losing. But you were not one to back away from a challenge, and Rumi loved that about you.
“Fine,” you huff, turning towards the obstacle course.
With a loud hoot, Rumi bounced after you, an arm wrapping tightly around your shoulders.
“This’ll be fun.”
The objective of the course was to get across some pretty insane things together. There was a maze, obstacles to climb over, crawl over, powerfully slam through, all leading up to a freakishly tall wall to go down a slide, which was the finish line. Rumi was brimming with excitement, if she had to launch you across the course, she would. No way in hell was she going to let Hawks of all people beat her.
Shoes came off, and Rumi bounced on her toes at the entrance. She was shoulder to shoulder with both you and Hawks, and her eyes were on the finish line. She was going to win with you, that was the truth.
The employee working the festival stand sighed, staring at the four of you and getting an okay from his coworker.
“You both need to be at the final obstacle at the very end, but only one person needs to cross the finish line to be the winner,” he explained, and his hand raised for a countdown. “Ready?”
Rumi turned toward you, her hand reaching out and grabbing yours and placing a reassuring kiss on the back of your hand.
“Stop being so gay, Rumi, how embarrassing,” Hawks teased to her right.
“Suck my lesbian ass, pigeon.”
Rumi took off instantly, tugging you along with her, and before she knew it, the two of you were on the course. It was actually going better than she was expecting, you weren’t as incapable as you thought. You were able to keep up with a bit of struggle, but Hawks had smacked into a wall earlier, so she wasn’t concerned.
Obstacle after obstacle, the two of you conquered until you reached the wall.
Rumi looked back and noticed that Hawks and his intern were still stuck on the second to last course. That maze had been pretty bullshit.
“I’ll climb first!” Rumi explained, and you agreed with a pant.
Rumi turned back to the wall and began climbing the poorly reinforced steps that were there. It was obviously constructed to be able to withstand a child’s footing and not anyone over the age of seven. So as it was already stupidly tall, it was a struggle to climb.
Rumi was almost to the top when she looked down at you. You were a few steps down, your face twisted in your attempt to concentrate, your arms wobbling under the strain of trying to support yourself. Her attention snapped over to Hawks, who seemed to be scaling the wall, and her eyes widened. 
She needed to win.
She scampered up a few more steps before a cry came out.
Her focus slammed back to you and the way that your fingers slipped from the grasp, and in slow motion, you tumbled. It was without a doubt that this fall wouldn’t have hurt you, not a chance in hell would you have been injured, but Rumi’s instincts took over, and before she knew it, her arms were wrapped around you.
The trampoline bottom crashed onto her back, and you slammed onto her stomach.
Rumi had caught you.
She groaned at the discomfort caused by this action but lay still her hands stroking your cheek. Your eyes were wide, staring up at your girlfriend in complete shock. 
“Are you okay?” Rumi asks in a rare moment of softness. “You weren’t hurt, right?”
“Why did you jump after me?!” you yell that amusement she loved so much burning brightly in your gaze. “I wouldn’t have been hurt, you dork!”
“I promised I wouldn’t let you get hurt,” Rumi insists, rubbing her nose against yours. 
Once again, she can hear your hammering heart, and it relaxes her.
“But you let Hawks win!”
Rumi blinks at the realization, and suddenly the wheels in her head are turning rapidly.
“Would you ladies mind moving? The champions are ready to visit other stands unless you don’t wanna hang with us anymore!” Hawks calls out to both Rumi and you.
Rumi watches silently when you push off her, pressing a grateful kiss to her lips before responding back to the Pro Hero. 
“Oh, Hawks! Has Rumi told you about the new detail about the Shinseina case I’m working on?” you called off, skipping to catch up with her friend that she had allowed to win.
Rumi gave up a victory for you… she threw it away to save you from nothing… she thought that there were things about you that she loved. It didn’t sit well in her chest, and she watched with a twitching nose when you exited the course with that captivating bright smile. 
She couldn’t be in love… no, there was no way!
Love made you weak! Love made you insignificant! Love was a demonstration that you weren’t strong enough on your own, and to Rumi — no, to Miruko — that wasn’t okay.
Four months later.
Rumi at the edge of your bed, her head down, ears wilted, nose twitching, and face clouded.
What the fuck was wrong with her?
“Bunny?” your tired voice called out in the silence of the night.
The noise surprised Rumi. It had so quiet until then, and it had completely caught her off guard. Her! The Pro Hero with some of the best ears around! Who could hear the quietest things meters away!
“Are you okay?”
Rumi wasn’t okay.
“I pulled a kick today,” she whispered to you, her hands shifting into fists on her lap. She shook with rage, her body trembling like a leaf.
“Is that a… a bad thing?” you yawn, shifting on the bed and finding her body, relaxing at the heat she gives off.
“Yes.” Rumi snaps, her body stiffening against your touch. “Yes, it’s obviously a bad thing.”
Rumi’s eyes concentrate on her bruised thighs, her frown increasing. How could she tell you the truth? How could she say that you were her weakness?
For years she had been a headstrong hero, someone who didn’t think but reacted. She lived her life to the fullest every day, and she gave it her all every chance she got. It applied to her social life and her work life, especially her work life. She wasn’t one to laze about; she would die on the job if she had to, and her opponents always knew that, but lately, things had changed. 
She found herself praying to some god about making sure she lived through these battles so she could go home to you. She prayed that someone else would find the Shinseina and bring them down so she wouldn’t be taken down. Being weak wasn’t a problem; after all, she was motherfucking Miruko, so she was used to building on her weaknesses, but this was different. No matter what she did, she couldn’t love you any less. Fuck, did she love you.
She loved the way your eyes narrowed whenever you interviewed people. She loved how you were quickly gaining traction in the media for being the best investigative journalist ever. She was so in love with you, and that’s where the problem was. Her love for you was so pure, so genuine, she wanted to give you the fairy tale ending. She tried to think before she acted, and villains were starting to notice.
Villains were threatening to hurt you, and Rumi was trapped.
“We need to break up.”
You weren’t expecting that, not in the slightest.
“I don’t want to be with you anymore,” Rumi lies, and she feels you move away from her body, and it takes everything in her to not cry.
“Why not?” you ask, your voice steely smooth.
“You were access to the information I wanted. My office team is ass, and you were always getting your hands dirty with cases I needed to solve. But it seems that you’re nowhere near close to figuring out the last group I care about,” Rumi wills herself to say, her ears moving back up to show that she wasn’t lying. “I pretended for a year to be in love with you, but I can’t anymore.”
“Y-You’re not a great liar,” you state, challenging her false words.
Rumi loved it when you challenged her, but there was no time for that. So with a tight chest and flaring red eyes, she snapped around towards you, lips pulled into a snarl.
“Do you think I’m lying, y/l/n? I stuck around because you made me stronger, but now? You’re no better than the dirt on my shoes. Pathetic, useless, and a disgrace. I don’t need you anymore, so I’m cutting this off because I don’t want to pretend anymore.”
Standing up, Rumi storms over to the door, ready to leave.
She wishes she could say that it ended there, but it didn’t. Not even close to being done.
You spat acid at her, and she returned it at the same toxicity. Over and over again, the two of you verbally battled. False emotions taking the better of you both until you were in her face, tears streaming down your face, fingers shaking in her face.
“You are a fucking coward, Usagiyama,” you sneer, the effect only dramatized by your red eyes and deep eye bags. “Get over your stupid fucking commitment issues, being apart of a team i-is not weak! I’m here to make you stronger, not for you to want to be a one-man squad again! You’ll die alone that way!”
“I know being apart of a team isn’t weak,” Rumi states, her heart long frozen over. “I just don’t want to be apart of yours anymore.”
A humorless laugh escapes your mouth, and you shake your head, “Don’t show your face here again, if I see you, I’ll call the cops.”
“— and Miruko, you’ll enter first. You’ll be alone for about five minutes if that’s okay.”
Rumi looked up, her mind freed from her daydream about what was happening.
It was two months since she had broken up with you, and things had only taken a turn for the worse. She threw herself into work. Overusing her quirk in ways that over-injured villains who were petty thieves, or underusing it in ways that she kept landing herself in the hospital. To put it simply, the rabbit hero was a mess. 
“Yeah, got it,” she nodded.
Things with the Shinseina ended up being brought to the light finally by you. You had noticed a slight clue in your office that had been undetected and ended up having you thrown into the Witness Protection Program due to the severity of the secret. But still, you provided an updated and completed information:
‘Organization Name: Shinseina
Symbol: A Black Sun
Number of Members: 237 thugs and lower cult members, 57 leaders and mid cult members, 12 senior members of the cult, 1 leader.
Warnings: All have dangerous quirks that can be used for assassination.
Leaders: Hirano Naoko
Location of Base: HQ - Hiroshima. Other sites detailed in the secondary report.
Crimes: Quirk canceling drugs, quirk enhancing drugs, murder, gang affiliation, rape, robbery, theft, illegal quirk usage, money laundering, and 12 more.
Number of Heroes Killed: 84’
“Hey, you get one call on this, we don’t want them finding anything on us in case we fail,” the leader spoke to her. Miruko breathed in deeply, accepting the cellphone that was given to her.
“Got it, thank you,” she muttered, and with that, they headed out.
Five minutes, that’s all it was.
Five minutes for Miruko, the Rabbit Hero, was nothing. Especially when she was zipping through room to room, taking out cult member after cult member. Everything was a blur, and she could only see her streaming hair following her like moonbeams in her wake.
Rumi thought of you, your face when you were happy when you were sad, and that night you broke up. Her lip trembled when her foot connected with someone’s chin sending them flying. Panting harshly, she stood in a room full of unconscious cult members. She had three minutes before backup would storm through the door, but which door to—
She just felt the impact. An intense tingle, similar to a severe electric shock coursing through her body. Rumi realized then that thousands upon thousands of circuits have just been broken, and it was burning her up. The heat was nothing she could have ever imagined, festering strongly in her bleeding wound. But there was still no pain when her foot connected with the man’s throat, instantly knocking him out. 
He had snuck up on her, his quirk concealing him even from her rabbit ears.
Rumi whimpered when she fell to the ground, blood pouring from her wound despite her best efforts. He had managed to land seven blows on her, and the world was darkening quickly.
Three more minutes until they came, but she could call them now…
When Rumi collapsed on the floor, her vision swam when she pulled out the phone, a warm and sticky puddle forming underneath her, staining everything that was white about her. Rumi’s fingers punching in the number she wanted to call.
“Pick up…”
“Don’t ignore this…”
“P-Please pick up,” Rumi mumbled into the phone, her head spinning, her breathing weak and faint. “Pick up the phone, y/n…”
“H-Hello?” your tired voice answered, and just like that, warmth flooded Rumi’s chest. She had to resist the urge from cringing; there was no reason to cringe, she berated herself, accept your feelings Rumi. “If this a prank call, I swear—”
“Y/n,” Rumi finally whispered, the energy that always existed within her fading quickly.
She didn’t need to be in the same room with you; she already knew what you were doing. How your back stiffened at the sound of her voice and how your stomach clenched, remembering what had happened two months ago.
“Why are you calling?” you said so emotionlessly that it was a sucker punch to Rumi’s stomach. A sharp reminder of what she did to you, of what had happened because she was weak. 
A ragged breath escaped Rumi’s lips while she closed her eyes, her head laying against the cold concrete, listening to the lull of the line.
“I needed to hear your voice…” 
“Do you even know what time it is?” you almost growl, and that fighting spirit sends a warm feeling in Rumi’s chest. “What in the fuck do you need?”
“It’s two a.m., I know that, but I need you right now,” Rumi staggers into the mic, your spirit bleeding through the call. 
The line goes silent for a bit, and Rumi’s eyes feel heavier with every passing second. She wants to tell you she loves you, please give her the chance to say it.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t go back to you anymore,” you curtly respond. “You made sure of that.”
How ironic, Rumi thought, because now she would never go back to you anymore… never…
“I know,” she hoarsely responds back, her mouth trembling and tears slowly pouring from her eyes. It hurt so much, how horrible it was to go out because of stab wounds. Of all ways to go out, she never expected it to be like this, nor did she expect it to be done with regret in her actions. Because fuck, she regretted how she ended it with you. She regretted letting you go. She thought of your face and how you looked the first time she admitted she loved you, of how dorky you were for your first anniversary. How your eyes glowed whenever you corned the people you were investigating with something that seemed straight from a story. “I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry, y/n…”
“Are… are you okay, Usagiyama?”
“I love you…” she whispered before the phone fell from her fingers, crashing onto the bloodied floor.
You stared at the phone, confused. 
Frowning you placed it down, the call had ended, but why was she calling you?
How this stupid bunny pissed you off sometimes. Turning your phone back on, you went to recent calls and recalled the number she had reached you on.
“Sorry, but the number you’ve tried to call is no longer available, please try again. Thank you!”
You frowned a pit forming in your stomach, but you put your phone away, and for some reason, you couldn’t fall back asleep that night. 
It was eight in the morning when your phone blew up, and with a heavy hand, you grabbed your phone and looked at the billowing messages. And at the headliner, your stomach dropped to your toes, and bile climbed to your mouth.
‘RABBIT HERO: MIRUKO KILLED IN ACTION DURING Shinseina RAID!: It’s being reported that she was stabbed several times while alone, and while she was given a phone for backup, she used it on a call they cant trace.’
You couldn’t read it anymore, your heart hammering erratically while a blood-curdling scream escaped your mouth.
She was gone, she had called you last night to say goodbye, and you didn’t give her the time of day. She was gone, and you would never get the chance to convince her that having a life partner wasn’t weak.
Usagiyama Rumi was gone, and no amount of hoping, praying, or crying was going to bring her back to you or to redo that final phone call.
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1tarot1with1k1o · 2 years
Can I get a reading about my future husband please? 🐇💞
Take your time! & thank you so much ^^
Hii! Of course <333
cards I got: king of wands, 4 of cups, ace of swords
He is someone very charismatic. He exudes the aura of a natural leader, and people can’t help but give him their full attention whenever he enters a room. He’s not someone that can go unnoticed.
In his career, he might be very ambitious. He gives me Capricorn or Virgo vibes here tbh. He is someone who sets an ideal goal, and everything has to go perfectly. I got the feeling that he might imagine an objective for himself, but not be satisfied if he simply achieves it. He needs to go even higher than he was planning to, or else he won’t be happy with himself. That’s how ambitious he is.
He’s very passionate about his job, and he likes the fact he can use his rational mind for it. He’s someone who might like practical things, and intellectuality; so he’s definitely predisposed to his job.
(I feel like he might work in an industry that’s usually competitive. Possible jobs I’m seeing are in: law, ceo positions, stock market, data analyst, research, science)
He could be well respected in his field (not necessarily well-known. He might just be looked up to by the other employees of his company, or he might have helped greatly with a delicate task, and because of that, his name might be mentioned often as an example in work settings, even if people don’t actually recognize him when they see him). Plus, his aura is naturally quite strong, like I already mentioned. So that is one more reason as to why people automatically respect him haha.
He might be someone adventurous and active (I’m seeing hiking, and going on “high-risk activities”). It’s how he might wind down from all the stress he’s constantly put under.
He has wonderful communication skills when it comes to his job, but I feel that emotionally, he might not really have had someone (or just not a lot of people), that would listen to his personal thoughts. So because of this, he might take a while to open up emotionally to you, an freely communicate his feelings. I do see it happen tho! It just might not be immediate.
He’s someone very considerate and loving. He tends to look confident, and I feel like when you’re with him, you will also feel very powerful; almost untouchable!
He will be so grateful to have met you, and to have you by his side. He will love how like-minded you two are, and how you make him feel loved. He never felt truly appreciated (he might often have others associate his worth with the importance of the achievements he reaches, instead of simply being cared for as a human being). You will both feel very appreciated and loved in the relationship. You will get along well, and have many passions in common. You will spend a lot of time talking to each other about anything and everything. You’ll have fun by simply being in each other’s presence. I feel that the only obstacle you might have to face at the very beginning of the relationship (likely during the dating stage, instead of during the actual relationship), it’s that since he’s such a workaholic, he might often prioritize his job (for example, he could cancel dates/appointments for the sake of work meetings, or to meet deadlines; not make it to dinner because he forgot about it since he’s so used to work after the regular hours; etc.). But he’ll definitely get healthier routines and change his main priorities after getting in a relationship with you, so don’t worry too much!
Thank you again for requesting, and for your patience!! I hope you enjoyed the reading, and if something is confusing or unclear, feel free to ask for clarification! Take care <333
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amazingmsme · 3 years
Ok so I’m here to talk about My Boy
Jackson is my tiefling oc I made for a modern dnd campaign & he’s a forensic investigator. He’s well trained with a staff & hand to hand combat but mostly stays in the lab performing autopsies. But he does go out in the field to investigate the initial crime scene & deliver his input. He graduated high school 3 years early & got his bachelors in only 2 & a half years so he’s a bit of a brain child. He’s a light blue tiefling with heterochromia.
Tumblr media
He was always shy & super awkward & never had many friends. He comes across as slightly annoying & condescending, with an attitude that suggests he thinks he’s smarter than everyone. People think he’s a bit of an asshole but he just doesn’t know how to act with people. But he really is kind at heart. Tends to ramble.
In the campaign, they were investigating strange happenings around the town including disappearances. After 1 of the team members gets abducted, Jackson determines that it’s aliens & manages to make contact. He gets some cryptic messages & traces the location to right above their agency. When he rushes outside, the spaceship is right above him & starts to pull him up. He uses his retractable staff to block the ship’s entrance, bracing himself against the hull with his legs. They give up & let him drop about 100ft to the ground. Now since he’s a huge fucking dork, he’s starstruck by this encounter & honestly flattered. He’s just v excited about aliens.
Jackson is a HUGE workaholic & doesn’t know when to call it quits. He lives off of coffee & has literal withdrawals when he has to go without it. He never takes breaks or vacations because he has no friends to spend that time with. He had constant circles under his eyes & his smiles are always tired. He listens to rock & edm while he’s in the morgue to keep himself awake. He’s actually very caring with the victims he works with. He talks very soothingly to them & uses a gentle touch. He’s always very respectful when dealing with the dead & treats them as though they’re alive.
He has a small blue & red parrot named Gigi & she’s the only reason he actually goes home, even if he does come back at ungodly hours in the night. But he brings her to work sometimes to spend time with her & gives her the love she needs. During his work breaks he heads home to feed her & take care of her then it’s right back to the lab.
Because I’m me you know what I’m boutta do😏
He doesn’t know that he’s ticklish. He was raised in an orphanage cause he was given up for adoption as an infant & was never close with any of the other kids, so he never go that playful affection. He’s very curious about it tho but will refuse to admit it. Since he can’t ever remember being tickled, he rightfully assumes he’s just not ticklish. & when asked, he always says it with such confidence & finality that no one chooses to actually test it. (He’s always just a tiiiiny bit disappointed.) He’s totally tried to tickle himself & when it didn’t work, assumed it was confirmed that he’s not ticklish. He will take that to his grave tho & is incredibly embarrassed & ashamed that he’d stoop so low. He’s low key disappointed that it didn’t work tho.
He has a dangly feather earring that will swipe along his neck sometimes & he always jerks away with a grin & rubs his neck. He never makes the connection that it tickles tho cause he doesn’t know what it feels like.
But his worst spots are his ears/neck, armpits, tummy, tail & calves but he’s surprisingly ticklish pretty much everywhere. The only reason no one’s figured it out yet is because he’s not a super affectionate person, so they’re not really affectionate with him.
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flightsoffandom · 4 years
Pairs: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Words: 5421
Summary: Getting your career at the BAU started gets interesting when you realize you're attracted to your boss.
Warnings: None
Notes: Left completely gender-neutral. I had been interested in watching Criminal Minds for a long time, but a friend of mine finally got me to start it. Suffice to say my damn ass completely fell for Hotch. Was there other things I was planning on writing… Yes… but I couldn't help myself. Hopefully, now my obsession will chill out enough I can work on other projects for a bit.
I found this writing prompt @witterprompts​ and went with it. The original prompt is below.
"Look, I think it's a fairly simple question. Do you or don't you want me to work with you?"
Continuation of Co-Conspirators –Part 1*–Part 2–Part 3–Part 4–Part 5 –Part 6
You had initially gone to college for something completely different. Or at least you planned on using your degree for something else.  One of your classes had Jason Gideon come in as a guest speaker, which sparked an epiphany. So you picked up some extra classes and buckled down, reading as many books as you could on the subject, David Rossi’s books were among the ones you read. Whatever college social life you may have had was put on the back burner, so you could pour all your energy into learning. It took a lot of hard work, but you managed to do it. You wanted to help people. This seemed like one of the best ways you could do that. When you were ready, you pushed ahead and got an interview with the Behavioral Analysis Unit at Quantico.
    You had been beyond nervous. For the past few years, you had been training for this moment. So you steeled yourself before going into the FBI building. You made sure to wear something very professional, wanting to make an excellent first impression. Walking into the building was easy enough. When you got into the BAU area, you saw some of the other employees there. They were already watching you. It was easy to tell that they knew you were there for the job opening. While you walked up the stairs, you tried to absorb all the information around you. You reached the office and knocked on a door that read 'S.S.A. Aaron Hotchner', the man who would be interviewing you. You heard a voice call you in. You were thrown off when you entered Hotchner's office. He was older than you, but even with that scowl sculpted into his face, you immediately found him attractive. So that caused you to begin your interview precariously. You knew he was a profiler, so you did your best to bury your attraction to him. Agent Hotchner was your boss. You were going to handle this professionally. You closed the door behind you, "Nice to meet you, Agent Hotchner." You introduce yourself as you take a few steps closer before stopping a respectable distance from him. Hotchner motions to the chair on the other side of his desk, "Sit. Despite what the other profilers might say, I don't bite." You chuckle, moving to sit in the chair. Hotchner moved some papers around on his overflowing desk, “Hotch is fine.” He looked over what seemed to be your personal file. You weren't sure what to expect before you came here. There were rumors about the team and gossip sure. Agent Hotchner was supposed to be intimidating and mean. While he gave off those vibes at first glance, that wasn’t the feeling you got from Hotch when you took a second to read him. Hotch looked up at you from your file, “Your look qualified for the job, but you’re young. What makes you better for this job than other applicants with more experience.” You hum, quickly thinking to yourself. You make sure to thoroughly look around the room, trying to get every detail. You look back at your interviewer, “There are no other applicants.” You said with a very matter the fact tone. Hotch leans back in his chair, a ghost of a smirk on his face. “What makes you say that?” You sit up enough to get another look at the files on his desk, “All these files are paperwork for cases, the dates, and how they are labeled. Applications aren’t labeled like that.” Hotch narrows his eyes at you, signaling for you to continue. You smile, “You don’t have any other applications on your desk. Which means either I’m your last applicant or there were no others. ” You glance down at your watch, “Judging by the time of day, the stacks of paperwork on your desk, and the bags under your eyes, you don’t have a lot of time for interviews. This is why you’re doing this on your lunch break, and I don’t think you’ve actually eaten lunch yet. I imagine you would have scheduled all your interviews in one day to get it taken care of quickly. Limited time, limited people you are willing to bring in and try to fit into your already busy schedule. I'm guessing that I am the only applicant.” You pause and shrug, “I suppose I could also be the only application you deemed had enough potential.” Hotch leaned forward again, closing your file, “Can you start tomorrow?”
    You curiously peek at the papers on his desk. Interestingly trying to see if you missed anything as you respond, “I can start right now if you need me too…” You pause for a second, before looking back up at Hotch, “Was I right?” Hotch tucks your file away, “Yes.” You perk up. You had done exercises in classes and during training, but you always found them too easy. So being able to test your skills on something more challenging and being right was exciting, “Which one I am then? Only applicant?” You assumed you were the only one. Figuring if someone with more experience had applied, they would have easily won out over you. Hotch shakes his head, “The only file I saw with enough potential to bring in was yours.” You slowly stand up, making a curious noise. “Thank you, then.” You reach out your hand. Hotch raises his eyebrows and shakes your hand, “Don’t thank me yet, You'll still have to prove yourself in the field.”
    That was how you got your job with the BAU. To start out, Hotch partnered you and him together a lot, you were assuming it was a probationary situation. You did some cases with other people while you were learning. After you had been at the job long enough to handle yourself, you were still partnered with Hotch most of the time. Part of you chalked it up to the fact that you could handle Hotch’s grumpy and bully-like behavior. Quickly the whole team became your family. You spent most of your time at work, which meant you spent all your time with the team. You enjoyed hanging out with everyone on the team.
    Emily would help you learn new languages if there was time. You found it oddly soothing listening to Reid talk about whatever he was excited about at the moment, plus you usually learned something. Rossi shared a love for classic art, the two of you also shared a love of snarky banter. You and Penelope shared anything nerdy with each other, whether it was movies, shows, or comics. Derek would discuss books with you, and he would introduce you to new music. You were always happy to look at pictures of Henry while talking about family life with JJ. You and Hotch were workaholics together. Hotch got onto you about it a few times, but you always turned it back on him. It was hard to explain, you and Hotch kind of just gravitated to each other. There was always a calm mutual understanding between the two of you. Working so closely with Hotch didn't exactly help with your attraction to him. You were a professional. So you ignored it for the most part. You had resigned yourself to the fact that Hotch wasn't interested in you. Even if he was interested, he was such a stickler for rules that it wouldn’t matter.
    You had been good at remaining professional for a few years. However, you slipped up one night when you and the team went out to celebrate. A case had gone really well, and you all knew you deserved a break. Emily and Derek were the first two to get the idea rolling. Soon everyone was ready and willing to go, except Hotch. Since you both worked way too much when the team went out, it was usually down to either you or Hotch to be what Penelope lovingly referred to as the ‘designated buzzkill’. You agreed to go but kept wondering if you should invite Hotch. Reid quickly caught onto how you were glancing up towards Hotch’s office, “Shouldn’t we invite Hotch?” Everyone except you and Reid made a face. It was a collective look of ‘We could try, but he’ll just say no.’ Their skeptical looks sealed it for you. You moved away from your desk and to the stairs, “I’ll ask him.” Penelope let out an excited squeak, practically bouncing as she spoke, “You’re the only one of us who can speak fluent ‘Hotchner’. You can do it, sugar.” You chuckled and rolled your eyes as you walked up the stairs. You knocked on Hotch’s office door but didn’t even wait for a response before going right in. You and the team had only been back for maybe 30 minutes, and Hotch had already buried himself in paperwork. You walk over and sit in the chair in front of his desk. Hotch doesn’t even look up as he addresses you, “Yes?” You shift about in the chair using the sweetest voice you could muster, “We have all been talking…” Hotch looks up, cutting you off “A night out? I have paperwork.” Hotch had his scowl on, but it no longer affected you unless he was mad at you personally. You grin at him, “It will be fun.” Hotch just stared at you, waiting. You sighed and rolled your eyes quickly, dropping being overly nice, “Why do you make me do this?” Hotch leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. A smirk threatens to slide onto his face, Hotch still just stares at you. You glare at him, “Fine, you asked for it.” Hotch just waits, already knowing he pushed you to the point where you lose your verbal filter. While he had gotten onto you before for your lack of filter on cases, you think he enjoyed it when you spoke candidly in more casual situations. You point to his desk, “When is the last time you went somewhere that wasn't this building, the plane, or a company car?” Hotch goes to protest. This time you cut him off, “This stack of paperwork has been like this since you hired me... What two years ago now? You always do all your work. Go above and beyond. The files have changed, but the stack remains the same size. It can wait twelve more hours. At which point, you’ll realize trying to sleep is pointless. You'll come into work early anyway.” Hotch makes a face, doing what he does best and avoids the main parts of your argument, “It’s been two years and six months.” You open your mouth, ready to argue again, but are temporally confused. “What?” Hotch moves some papers around, “It’s been two years and six months since I hired you.” You gave him another confused look, “You remember how long it has been?” Hotch once again dodges the main issue. “Also, I’d like to point out that you also haven’t been anywhere other than here or on a case in a while, either.” You scoff, “I totally have…” Hotch rolls his eyes, “Sleeping in your car in the company parking lot doesn’t count.” You grumble and lean back in the chair. You decide to do what Hotch does and just avoid that statement, “What if I promised you I would help you with the paperwork after the teams’ little night out?” You could tell you were starting to win when Hotch sat up in his chair. Hotch motioned to the paperwork on his desk, “This is important.” You stand up and put your hands on his desk, raising your voice in a nonaggressive manner, “Mental health is important too.” You glare down at Hotch, “And I swear to god if I have to drag Reid in here and make you listen to the statistics about mental wellbeing and overworking yourself, I will be so pissed.” You get a bit more dramatic with your voice, “Aaron Hotchner, I already got that lecture from him the other day. If I have to listen to it again just to get you to go to the bar with us, I will.” Hotch puts his hands up in defeat before pushing himself away from his desk, “Please don’t subject me to that.” Hotch stands up, and you start grinning, “Thank you for caving.” You walk to the office door, waiting. When you looked through the window, the whole team automatically looked away. Trying to hide the fact they had been watching. You chuckle, shaking your head at how bad they were at ‘acting casual’. You walk down the stairs, “Stop pretending you weren't paying attention. Bossman agreed to join us.” Derek claps you on the back, “The boss whisperer has triumphed for us once more.” You roll your eyes, going over to your desk. “Why do you all act like Hotch speaks a completely different language?” JJ giggles, commenting, “Asks the only person who understands him half the time.” Hotch walks down the stairs from his office, “Let’s keep it that way. If the rest of you catch on, then I’m doomed.” You laugh. Now that you all were ready, it was time to go. The team went back to their excited chattering as you left the building as a group.
    At the bar, the team stayed together for the first few drinks. After that, though, everyone slowly splintered off on their own. You flitted from each small group for a while until like always, you ended up sitting next to Hotch. Hotch was nursing a drink while watching the rest of the team have fun. You ordered another drink. After a few moments of comfortable silence, you spoke up, “We are supposed to be having fun.” Hotch chuckles, “Is sitting over here with your boss your definition of fun?” You smile leaning back against the counter to relax, “Actually yes.” You take a large drink from your glass, turning to look at Hotch, “But you knew that already.” Hotch turns to face you, “I do. It’s the ‘why’ I could never figure out.” You laugh, playing with the small amount of alcohol in your glass, “You’re a profiler, you tell me.” Hotch glared at you before taking another drink. You couldn’t help the cocky look that fell onto your face. Hotch looks back out at the mixture of people floating around the room, “Really want to go down this road?” You scoff, getting another drink, “Hit me with your best shot Hotch.”
    Hotch motions to all the people mingling in the bar, “You’re as bad of a workaholic like I am. So you don’t have a personal life.” You make a fake offended noise, but let Hotch continue. “You find flaws in anyone who would be considered a potential romantic interest before even speaking to them. Convincing yourself, there is no use in trying.” Hotch glances back over to you, “It's why you like hanging out with me that I don't understand.” You cock your head, “I’ll answer that after I correct you on a few points.” Hotch crosses his arms, leaning back, waiting. You chuckle, “You guys are my personal life, my family. Your right about the romantic interest part, though... Hard to stay interested in someone when you can profile them in one glance...” You pause before knocking back your drink, “I like grouchy, serious people. Lots of nice silence that isn’t awkward gives me time to think. No bullshit, you’ll tell me if I did something wrong or whatever else. Plus, My mouth normally gets me in trouble but not around you. I can be a sarcastic asshole or brutally honest.” Hotch makes a noise, “Your mouth is a huge problem.” You nervously rub the back of your neck and chuckle, “I mean… I’ve at least gotten better when we are on the job.” Hotch smirks, “You have.” He pauses for a second, “What else? You’re leaving something out.” This is the point where you would usually come up with a convincing lie to hide the fact you had feelings for Hotch. You were a few drinks in. You could handle your liquor, so you weren’t drunk per se, but you had drunk enough that you didn’t really think about the need to lie. You smile to yourself as you let out a small hum, “Because… seeing a sullen person smile… and I don't mean smirking… a genuine smile... It’s a special thing to be able to see that.” You realized that was the first time you had said something like that or even admitted it to yourself. You let out a curious hum. Turning back around in your seat, facing the counter. When Hotch turned around, that’s when you notice the two of you were shoulder to shoulder now. You glanced over at Hotch. He had a real smile on his face. It made you happy seeing him like that. You forgot where you were and that there were rules against fraternization at work. Hotch was so close to you, so when your eyes met his, all logic left your body. You closed your eyes before leaning in and kissed Hotch.
    Hotch even kissed you back. It felt so right that you got caught up in it. Both of you kept kissing each other. That was until your brain quickly started to catch up to what you were doing. It only took a split second for your bliss to come crashing down. You had just kissed your very handsome, regulations focused boss. At a party with your coworker’s nonetheless. When you realized that you just put both your and Hotch’s job on the line, you pulled away. Hotch looked confused. You couldn’t tell if it was because you kissed him or because you stopped kissing him. Not sure what else to do, you decided to bolt. Digging cash out of your pocket before putting it on the counter to pay for your drinks. You avoid looking at Hotch, “I… I have to go.” You said it so fast it sounded more like one word then a sentence. You didn’t wait for a response. Booking it out of the bar and straight to a taxi to take you home. You were mad at yourself. You managed to stay professional for over two years. Then it only took one night out for you to ruin that. Though deep down, you knew the real reason you were so upset was that kissing Hotch had felt perfect, but there were multiple rules against things like this. You didn’t want to forget about that moment but thought it might be easier if either you or Hotch just forgot about it by the time morning rolled around. As soon as you went home, you went straight to bed, hoping to sleep it off.
    When you woke up a few hours later, you hadn’t forgotten. It was actually the first thing you thought about. Making you realize that maybe it was more than a crush you had on Hotch. You pushed the thought back in your mind and decided to just go into work. Knowing you couldn’t go back to sleep even if you wanted to. Even though you were walking into work a few hours before anyone else should be there, you weren’t surprised when you saw Hotch’s car already here. You had your fingers crossed that he had forgotten about last night, and you never had to think about this ever again. When you walked into the bullpen, you got your answer. Usually, when you came in early for whatever reason, especially helping him with paperwork, you would sit in Hotch’s office while you both worked quietly. However, today Hotch’s office door was closed. The paperwork you had promised to help him with was sitting on your desk. Last night may have just fucked up your usual routine and, even worse, a friendship. You sighed to yourself and just sat down at your desk and worked.
    Over the next few months, it only got worse. Where you and Hotch typically gravitated to each other, now you were both constantly apart. He no longer paired you two together on cases, never sat next to each other on the plane. The worst part was probably the early and late hours both you and Hotch always worked. You both were the only two in this part of the building at those times, and still, there was no real communication between the two of you. Just basic, stiff sentences. Neither you or Hotch talked outside of team meetings and cases. It was a shock to your system considering how close you two had been before that night at the bar. But you felt you had no one to blame but yourself. You also felt lucky you still had your job considering Hotch could have fired you.
You reached your breaking point one random morning after a few months of this. It just hit you how much you actually needed to know what was going on. You didn’t even care what the answer was, you just wanted to know. So while you and Hotch were still the only two at work, you barged into his office.  Before you could even get the door closed, Hotch spoke up, “Yes?” You closed the door and crossed your arms, “If you’re pissed at me, could you go ahead and just say so?” You shouted that louder than you meant to. Hotch furrowed his brow and looked right up at you. You didn’t give him a chance to say anything just yet, “I was really drunk, okay? So don’t think anything of… of…” You tried to think of what to call it because calling it a kiss reminded you how much you enjoyed it. You subconsciously touched your fingers to your lips. As soon as you noticed, you dropped your hand and continued, “that situation… It meant nothing.” You didn’t even believe yourself and knew that Hotch saw right through it too. As an effort to hide more of your feelings, you let out a loud, annoyed huff before standing there and staring at Hotch. Hotch narrowed his eyes at you, testing you. “Then why are you yelling at me about it?” You scoffed a few times before you started walking around. You stayed mindful enough that it didn’t look too much like pacing. You calmed your voice, “Because I feel like I’m in the dog house because of it. You stopped partnering with me, practically stopped talking to me altogether.” You sigh, “I understand you could have fired me for that drunken mistake. You didn’t, and I appreciate it. But if you really hate working with me that much now, just tell me.” Hotch leaned back in his chair and watched you. There was some emotion in his eyes you couldn’t pinpoint at the moment. It almost looked like he was amused as he spoke, “You weren't that drunk.” Hotch moves some papers around on his desk, “You know, normally anyone else on the team would think being partnered with me constantly would be the punishment. Not the other way around.” You think for a moment watching Hotch, “I don’t feel that way about it.” Hotch nodded, “I know.” He looked a bit too amused for your liking. So you started speaking louder again, "Look, I think it's a fairly simple question. Do you or don't you want me to work with you?" You paused, but your nerves got the better of you. You let out a loud sigh before adding mostly to yourself, “I knew my mouth would get me in trouble one day… this just isn’t the kind of trouble I thought it would be.” Hotch chuckles at your comment, “I’m not mad at you.”  You scrunch up your face, confused. Hotch’s voice turns more serious as he finishes, “I do want to work with you, but I separated us because you’re a distraction.” You glare at Hotch, “What the fuck do you mean a distraction?” At this point, you may not have been thinking too clearly because you automatically took offense. You fully turned to face Hotch, your body language and tone reflecting your irritation, “We have worked with each other for over two years. Suddenly I’m a ‘distraction’?” Hotch stood up, crossing his arms and staring you down. You dug your heels in, “Am I really that bad at my job that I’m affecting your or the team’s work?” Hotch started walking over to you, “Will you stop and listen to me for a second?” Hotch had raised his voice just enough to get your attention. It was stern with no real anger behind it. You let out an exasperated huff but stayed quiet. Hotch stopped a few feet in front of you. Even a few feet away, Hotch seemed to tower over you. The serious look that was normally stamped on his face was softer than normal, “You’re a distraction because I have feelings for you as well.” 
You falter for a second, “What?” Hotch lets a smile slide onto his face, “You heard me.” You take a minute to think it over, “Then why didn’t you say anything before.” Hotch shrugs, “You’re the one who ran, and I wanted to cover all my bases.” You glare at him, wondering if this was a joke. Hotch wasn’t one for jokes, so it was unlikely, but part of your brain wouldn’t accept he was telling the truth. So naturally, you challenge him, “Since when?” Hotch raises his eyebrows at you, “Does it matter?” You give him a firm nod. Hotch looks off to the side, “Longer than I would care to admit…” Hotch knew you wouldn’t be satisfied with that answer, so after a pause, he looked back at you with a smirk on his face, “The first time you yelled at me. I was able to see how passionate you were. It started then.” You start laughing, “Really? You also wrote me up for that.” Hotch nods, “It was still against regulations, so, Yes.” Hotch pauses, “What about you?” This time the laugh that leaves you is a nervous one, “Since my interview.” You rub the back of your neck, “Tall, Dark, and Handsome. What else can I say?” Hotch makes a curious noise, “I just read that as regular nerves, not attraction.” Hotch smirks at you, “If I had known you had such poor taste, I wouldn’t have hired you.” You scoff and roll your eyes, “Shut up.” You look out the window down into the bullpen below, “If ‘poor taste’ is liking a man who is constantly pushing himself to do the right thing and can be an ass at times because of that. Then sure, I have ‘poor taste’.”  Hotch scuffs, “The word I think you meant to use was jaded.” You smile, looking back over at Hotch, “Nope.” You say it very matter of factly, letting the ‘p’ pop as you speak. You tilt your head and give Hotch a cocky grin, “So you like being yelled at?” Hotch rolls his eyes, “Only when you're the one yelling. If I didn’t, I would have fired you by now.” You chuckle but then have a serious thought, “How much trouble are we in?” Hotch sighs, “None… at the moment, but if Strauss catches wind of this…” It was finally time for other people to start showing up for work, just some background workers. Drawing both you and Hotch’s attention to the window watching over the bullpen. You think, “So we don’t let Strauss catch wind of this.” You tap your foot on the ground. “Everyone on the team hates the bitch, but…” Hotch nods, finishing your thought for you, “But… If we keep it a secret from the team, it will at least buy us time.” Hotch glances at you for a second before looking back out the window, “What do you suggest?” You tilt your head from side to side as you think, “We build upon what the team already knows about… We have clearly distanced ourselves from each other. The team has noticed… So we make it seem like we are actually mad at each other.” Hotch nods, agreeing with you so far, “An event about two months ago that would cause this ‘rift’...” Hotch scowls while thinking about it. You laugh, “It is us we are talking about. There are too many things to choose from. The team knows you can be a hard ass, and they know I have a smart-ass mouth.” Hotch chuckles, looking over at you. Your eyes meet for a second, and you can’t help but smirk. “Are you willing to get this elaborate with lying to our friends and colleges?” You were joking at first, but you had a serious thought. Your tone quickly changed, “In all seriousness… I don’t want to put your job on the line… Don’t get me wrong I want this, but not so badly that I’m willing to risk your career without both of us being on the same page.” You look over at Hotch. He furrows his brow, “It’s not just my job. It’s yours too.” You let out a melancholy chuckle, “Im young, I haven't built up my whole career yet. I could find somewhere else to work.” Hotch shakes his head, “You’d be miserable.” You shrug and smile, “ ‘Miserable’ is a relative term.” Hotch’s frown sets in deeper on his face, clearly he was starting to rethink things. So you quickly spoke up, “I just want to make sure we are on the same page. I’m more than willing, but if you want to back out before we break any rules, I want to give you that chance.” Hotch stares at you for a very long moment, “What event are we going to use from two months ago?” You smile softly, relieved that he wanted to proceed with things. You thought, “I cursed out that cop which you got onto me for even though the guy totally deserved it.” Hotch smirks, “He did deserve it but still inappropriate.” You chuckle and nod, “We could use that… act like someone in the department complained about it more and is riding your ass about it. Could combine it with several other things for more drama or leave it at that.” Hotch nods, “We can work with that.” You move away from the interior window, “When everyone gets in, we fake an argument and let the team see it.” Hotch moves back over to his desk, “They will see it and shouldn’t ask too many questions about it.” You sit in the chair in front of his desk, “From partners to partners in crime.” Hotch glares at you and rolls his eyes, “Crime makes it sound much worse than it is.” You chuckle, “Fine. Why don’t we plan something fun then? Maybe it will make you less grumpy.” Hotch sits down, crossing his arms, “Something fun?” You roll your eyes, “A date. I mean, we literally put all this effort into the lie to cover up something that hasn’t even really happened yet.” Hotch smiles, “Tomorrow night, we are supposed to have it off.” You give him a smug grin, “It’s official, then Aaron, we're co-conspirators.” With a sigh, Hotch leans back in his chair. As he rubs his temples, you can see a large smile on his face.
Continuation of Co-Conspirators –Part 1*–Part 2–Part 3–Part 4–Part 5 –Part 6
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arctimon · 3 years
@ficsinhistory said:                                                                
So I was reading your most recent post about Sam. And as Megan in part I almost never got over Hiro and I'm here to add two more cents of angst, lol. I think Dodie's Adored by Him song would go very well with Megan and the ideas behind her, after all Megan and her story deserve to be explored. Truth be told, Karmi is the love of the genius boy's life, they are each other's balance, and Megan knows it and doesn't even resent it. But, man, that must hurt! And that is what the song says. I'm sure Megan is very fond of Karmi and that they would be good friends, aside from the fact that she likes to see Hiro happy with Biotech and supports them. But, I think that especially at the beginning, when Karmi and Hiro made things official, it must have been the most difficult, since Megan would have known that all chances would have been officially closed. Seriously, you look at those two and see that they are a match made in Heaven.
I think it would be a little inevitable to compare herself with Karmi.  Let's put ourselves in Megan's place. She has a crush on one of her best friends who is a cutie pie. Intelligent, funny, kind, courageous. A real superhero. But, he likes someone else. This other person is a girl who is not only beautiful, but she is also a young genius who manages to understand him in a way she never could and who is super talented and visibly makes him shine with joy. Megan can't even compete against that.
And she has to deal. So this is basically my HC! Thanks for listening! 
I think your analysis of Megan pretty much hits it right on the head. Megan, as good as a character she is and all that, is still playing second fiddle to Karmi, and that’s something that I think people don’t always seem to understand.
When Megan first got introduced, people were very quick to throw her onto equal ground with Karmi and immediately get her into the “OMG is she his new girlfriend?” category. You know.  The “Aunt Cass” people. But equating Megan to Karmi was never going to happen.  It’s a lesson that Hiro learned himself (about himself) in “Something’s Fishy”.
Hiro is not normal.  Megan, for all intents and purposes, is normal.  And that’s why it was never going to work out.  That’s something that I wanted to showcase in my stories, and it’s what @ficsinhistory pointed out in their Ask above. It’s also something that Megan is going to hang onto whenever I get around to The Future.
So in The Future, Megan is a workaholic.  She works for Channel 7 News as a reporter, and has been there for a while.  She’s still friends with everyone, she still gets with them from time to time, and she’s a very successful woman in her field.  But she’s become so much of a workhorse that she’s almost alienated herself from everyone.
I do agree that Megan and Karmi would be good friends.  And Megan would never say out loud anything bad about her and Hiro and them essentially being soulmates, because she doesn’t want to be, as I’ve quoted before, “that girl”.
But being happy for them is more important than being resentful. So Megan goes to the wedding, has a great time, sees Hiro and Karmi come together in holy matrimony and all that jazz...and moves on in the only way she knows how: with work.
As you see everyone grow up and get married and have kids, Megan doesn’t do any of that latter stuff.  She works herself to the bone, and for what?  A shiny “Reporter of the Year” award on the wall? Or three (because overkill)?
That’s why I brought up the story in the works involving her and Sam Wilson.  I want to show that it’s never too late to find someone special, and that is what Sam is eventually going to be for her.  When I was looking at potential partners for Megan, one of the very first ones I thought of was Sam.  I know his characterization from the comics and the movies, and he’s smart, caring, quick-witted, and (like Megan) holds a little resentment toward people in his circle. Having PTSD and counseling others who are going through it doesn’t help either. But as Megan is “normal”, she needs someone “normal” to get her out of her funk, and I think that’s what Sam can bring to the table. Going back to Megan and Karmi for a second, it is a shame that proposed Karmi arc by the creators of the show never happened, because if it had, then that means we probably would have had Megan back as well.  And if those two had met in the show, hoo boy. Hiro would have nowhere to hide. This is the kind of character development that I adore, and it’s a shame that we never got it in the show proper.  Megan watching as the guy that she likes go with his soulmate and living with it. People seem to think that since I’m a hardcore Karmiro person that I automatically hate Megan.  I don’t.  I love Megan.  But she’s not the character that everyone thought she would be.  And now we aren’t going to see her any longer. At least animated.  Perhaps she can write her own legacy in fanfiction...
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ja-archived · 3 years
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I saw [JUDE AVERY] at a coffee shop in [BROOKLYN] today. I forgot how much [HE] looks like [SEBASTIAN STAN]. They are a [THIRTY-SEVEN] year old [ATTENDING SURGEON] who’s been in NYC for [HIS WHOLE LIFE] now. Every time we run into each other, they are always [KIND AND HUMBLE] but I’ve heard people say they can also be [SENSITIVE AND NEUROTIC]. [FATHER AND SON BY CAT STEVENS] reminds me of them every time it comes on the radio.
hi! elle here again with another muse. he’s an older one that has taken on many forms and i’m excited to be bringing him back around here :~) below you’ll find a very quick summary of him (which i wanted to get up for the purposes of plotting) so! happy reading. come let me know if you want to interact with him. @villagestart​
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 FULL NAME: Jude Alexander Avery  NICKNAME(S): N/A BIRTHDAY: 8 July, 1984 PLACE OF BIRTH: Manhattan, New York  HEIGHT: 6′0″ WEIGHT: 78 kg ZODIAC SIGN: Cancer  MBTI: ENFJ (The Protagonist)
- Jude is the first and only son of Joseph and Ruth Avery, a fact that holds significance considering his family’s lineage.  - He was born into a dynasty of sorts, his parents married to join together two families that were prominent in the world of business, law and politics. As such, there were countless expectations put onto him. Even as a young boy, he was often reminded of the mantle he would one day take. His parents did more to train him than they did to raise him. Suffice to say, Jude never had a good relationship with them.
- He carried those expectations with him all throughout his adolescence, and it took a toll on him. Luckily, he had a sense of who to surround himself with; good influences that grounded him and kept him on the straight and narrow. Jude counts himself lucky, that the wealth of his family never got to his head. His life could have gone any which way, had he turned out to be like most of the children of his parent’s friends and colleagues.
- Jude had every intention of following through with what was expected of him, seeing no other option. With hopes of getting his parent’s approval, he began his academic pursuits in law. Though, he had quickly become discontent with his choice. He craved to care for people; to be a person of service. And selfishly, he had wanted to stray away from the values of his family; their hunger for power and money. Those factors motivated him to explore other options.
- He eventually came to the conclusion that the field of medicine was his calling, much to the dismay of his parents. Falling out of the so-called obligations he had to his family rendered him the black sheep.
- To further this newfound title of his, Jude had a child out of wedlock. The relationship that conceived his daughter is not one he likes to talk about, considering the fact that it ended with him as a single father. Still, he has no regrets when it comes down to it. 
- Jude still has the family name looming over him, sometimes garnering unwanted attention and manifesting pre-conceived ideas, but he takes it all in stride; more content now than ever before.
- He has managed to distance himself from his relatives, keeping mostly to himself for the benefit of his and his daughter’s wellbeing. There is contact between Jude and his parents, but it is rare and most often hostile in manner.
- Ultimately, he found success in his chosen field. He struggles to find balance between his work and social life, but...he’ll get there. 
- Despite his love for his work, his daughter is his number one priority always. Oftentimes, if you want to see Jude, you’ll have to see her too. Though, he is wildly protective of her and only lets the people he trusts to really form any bond with her. He takes no risks when it comes to his daughter.
- Possessing a subtle sort of charisma, Jude is passionate and headstrong. Admittedly, there are times which these can translate into stubbornness. - Jude has strong, paternal instincts. Whether toward his friends or stray animals, he is very inclined to act upon them.
- He is a workaholic, though this isn’t necessarily something that he is able to identify himself.
- Jude has a clear vision of what he wants to put out into the world, and with that a very strong system of values. He is altruistic, and is very much a helper and a leader.
-  In saying that, Jude tends to be overly idealistic. Because of this, he can get himself into situations where he is unable to make decisions; fearing making the wrong one.
- He also has a tendency to be overly-critical (mostly toward himself). But when it comes to others, he is patient and supportive like no other.
- Jude is a hopeless romantic. He is convinced that that part of him died and left along with his ex, but it’s still very much there. It’ll resurface when the right person comes along.
- He has a cat !! A three-legged stray that he found and had no intention of keeping (considering his work schedule), but came to fall in love with. That, and his daughter begged him. He can never say no to her. 
- He’s a smoker, but he swears up and down that he’s quitting…he’s trying, at the very least.
- Forever stuck listening to 80′s music. Very big Taylor Swift enthusiast, though. 
- He’s a huge stresshead. Luckily, he has healthy outlets for those emotions — running (which he does every morning) and boxing.
- Probably knits. He’s steady with his hands.
- Loves rom-coms. The more predictable, the better. 
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dreamingofscully · 4 years
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6x06. “How the Ghosts Stole Christmas” - X-Files Rewatch
I wrote a lot about this episode, I hope you enjoy! Really thought this one gave us a ton of insight into M&S.
Mulder’s excuse to invite Scully out with him - a haunted house. He just wants to spend time with her. He’s feeling lonely. For some reason he’s not spending Christmas with anyone - not his mom, not the Gunmen. Even if he was, she’s the person he most wants to spend it with.
Mulder does his very best to entertain Scully with a ghost story. He’s being very seductive, but I don’t think he’s too serious about it - just wants her to spend time with him desperately. 
When Mulder describes Maurice (“brooding but heroic”) and Lyda (“a sublime beauty with a light that seemed to follow her wherever she went”) - I mean, c’mon, he’s describing THEM. 
“Driven by a tragic fear of separation they forged a lovers' pact so that they might spend eternity together and not spend one precious Christmas apart.”
Even though Scully has somewhere to be, Mulder’s pull on her is irresistible. She has a family, a gift-opening, many traditions that she loves to take part in, SOMEWHERE ELSE TO BE, but she comes to see Mulder anyway. She protests, tries to leave, but only because she thinks Mulder also has plans, has people to spend the holidays with. Scully loves a good story, and this one hits close to home - scary, romantic and tragic.
Scully’s long monologue about why fearing ghosts is irrational, what it represents. She’s thought about it a LOT. She enjoys the thrill she gets from fear but also enjoys being able to explain it, put it in a box, conquer it.
It appears on the outside that Mulder is being selfish on inviting her here, occupying her time on a date where she has places to be, that he’s being insensitive. But the opposite is actually true. How difficult is Christmas going to be for Scully this year? To be around her family and remember her loss. To spend time with her nephew and having to hide her sorrow at the child she barely knew that was taken from her. To be expected to be full of Christmas cheer when all she wants to do is hide from the world, to yell and cry with anger and sadness. Mulder knows this, but doesn’t acknowledge it. He distracts her with ghosts, and it is the most wonderful thing he could do.
I love the contrast between Mulder and Scully meeting the ghosts, on experiencing the scary haunted house. Mulder is fascinated, while Scully is terrified. An incredible parallel to their experiences with the paranormal - Mulder just wants to know more but Scully rationalizes it to try to dispel her fears.
“Alright, I’m afraid. But it’s an irrational fear.” - Scully (Her first of three admissions this episode.)
This is a wonderful season to explore Scully’s fears. She is terrified of the unknown, of what she can’t explain rationally, which drives her stubbornness all throughout the next few seasons. It’s frustrating for Mulder, he doesn’t understand why she’s so resistant to believe even if she’s seen things she can’t deny, but it all stems from this fear. She doesn’t fully overcome it until much, much later (“all things”, I believe).
Mulder’s “I got your back” when Scully’s about to check out something strange/scary. Hilarious, and a simple attempt at humour. An attempt to show that Scully is the braver one. He might be less scared, but he pushes her, wants her to explore, and while Scully is afraid SHE is the one to open the door because HE pushes her to do so, because she needs to explain things to conquer her fear. She likes that about him, about their relationship. He gives her strength and courage to overcome her fears.
Scully gets into the next room, is comforted by evidence of the mundane. The wound clock, the fire that just went out. This place isn’t haunted, it’s just occupied.
Mulder is such a goofball. Enjoying pranking/scaring Scully, teasing her. He touches her shoulder. He calls her on her fears - that “Rationally, you've been in much more dangerous situations”. In a horror movie, Mulder would be the one doing all the things that YOU SHOULD NOT DO. Scully realizes this, haha.
Scully’s hand on his arm when they realize that the corpses are themselves. It’s meant to scare them, to make them believe something will happen to them. So the things that come later will be more believable and they’ll be more susceptible to Maurice and Lyda’s manipulations.
The psychoanalysis of Mulder and Scully.
A lot of these insights are accurate, but some of them reflect only what they FEAR is the truth.
Maurice → Mulder
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I’m just going to comment here that Mulder is wearing my favourite outfit. Leather jacket, t-shirt and jeans. Hnnnnnnnnng.
“Are you overcome by the impulse to make everyone believe you?”
The one person he wants to believe him the most is extremely resistant to it. She says she believes him, but she can’t quite admit it to herself. This hurts him. 
“Narcissistic, overzealous, self-righteous egomaniac.”
Overzealous, yes, and perhaps self-righteous but I don’t agree with the others. Mulder would be WORRIED about the other things though. That he is too self-centered, that his personal quest has taken so much from Scully. He views himself as selfish, and undeserving of love and companionship because of it.
“You kindly think of yourself as single-minded but you're prone to obsessive compulsiveness workaholism, antisocialism... Fertile fields for the descent into total wacko breakdown.”
Single-minded: YES
Obsessive: YES; compulsive to the extent that he is impulsive and spontaneous when it comes to his quest, but not OCD
Workaholism: YES - Mulder doesn’t ever NOT work, as long as it’s associated with his obsession. He’s always at the bureau, or working at home, or dragging Scully to investigate mysterious things on the weekend.
Antisocialism: YES - He doesn’t care what other people think, doesn’t have much of a social life outside of his carefully chosen friends
Total wacko breakdown: he jokes about his mental stability, that he belongs in a mental institution, that they’d lock him up if he went there, that Scully could see him tied down on a bed. But in reality he is very stable emotionally - with all of the trauma he encounters he is very resilient, bounces back, pursues his quest
“You probably consider yourself passionate, serious, misunderstood. Am I right?”
YES. He doesn’t mind that people don’t get him, because he knows he’s on the right path. His joking and humour only covers up his vulnerability, otherwise he is very serious about most things.
“Most people would rather stick their fingers in a wall socket than spend a minute with you.”
OOF. This hurts him, hits home, gets right down to the core of his greatest fear, of being alone.
He brings up Scully, that he’s not actually alone. He didn’t take her car keys, but the ONLY REASON SHE’S IN THE HOUSE IS BECAUSE THEY WERE TAKEN. 
And where is she? “BEHIND A BRICK WALL.” One of their own construction - mainly Mulder’s.
“You know why you do it-- listen endlessly to her droning rationalizations. 'Cause you're afraid. Afraid of the loneliness. Am I right?”
This is why Mulder, after his frustration in “The Beginning”, is more accepting of her disbelief. He makes very good points about why she can’t believe in that episode, but he doesn’t really push her on it afterwards - because the alternative is loneliness. (He DOES know that the debate is necessary for their process, but also that her denials are unreasonable at this point, after what they saw.)
If he pushes her too much, will she leave?
Lyda → Scully
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Her hand shaking when holding her gun is just perfection. I love how she calms, her hand steadies, but then starts trembling again when Lyda starts making strange insights, knows things she shouldn’t.
“You must have an awful small life. Spending your Christmas Eve with him... Running around chasing things you don't even believe in.”
Again, Scully wants more out of life. She wants to “get out of the car”, wants to experience family, intimacy, have a partner to share her life with. That Mulder seems incompatible with those things, that he could never settle down and stop chasing things in the dark.
“I can see it in your face... The fear... The conflicted yearnings... A subconscious desire to find fulfillment through another. Intimacy through co-dependency.”
Feeling that she can’t obtain intimacy with Mulder, she finds satisfaction just being with him, working with him, being NEEDED.
“Maybe you repress the truth about why you're really here pretending it's out of duty or loyalty-- unable to admit your dirty little secret. Your only joy in life is proving him wrong.”
This isn’t true, she loves working with Mulder, and believes her rationalizations only serve to build him up (they do). Recent tension between them would make her fear that Mulder thinks this way - that she has no purpose in their quest. Her unwillingness to believe, that it’s only about wanting to be right, will only serve to drive him away.
I love that Scully faints from fear at seeing the holes in Lyda’s stomach and Maurice’s head. When confronted with something SO UNBELIEVABLE, something that cannot be denied or rationalized or put in a box she just shuts down.
Lyda → Mulder
“I was young and beautiful once, just like your partner.” Any acknowledgement of Scully’s beauty just makes me 😍
“Maybe you two should have discussed your real feelings before you came out here.”
Heck, yeah! But Mulder can’t let himself. Even if he knew Scully felt the same about him, he doesn’t deserve to be loved by her.
Comparing Mulder’s reaction to seeing the hole in Lyda’s stomach to Scully’s. He’s disgusted because he accepts it as reality as a matter of course, while Scully is (literally) scared out of her mind.
When Lyda suggests Scully would shoot herself, Mulder’s “I wouldn’t let her”. 😍
“We're not lovers.” - Mulder, said with a sigh “And this isn't a pure science. But you're both so attractive and there'll be a lot of time to work that out.” - Lyda
Ummmmmmmmmm… can we have ghost-Mulder and Scully AU fanfic please?
Maurice → Scully
Mulder as “dark and lonely” - suggesting that he took the car keys to keep her with him. The little nuggets of truth that Maurice and Lyda offer to Mulder and Scully make it easier to accept the other things - the fears that they have about each other.
He’s got no one this Christmas, and she had no idea. 😥
Maurice and Lyda trick Mulder and Scully
When she sees “Mulder”, she’s so relieved and happy.
When “Mulder” rants about loneliness. Scully doesn’t believe in it. She thinks they can change, that they can choose to not be lonely. (This comes up again in “Milagro”. A VERY SIGNIFICANT EPISODE. Hnnng.) 
“You’re scaring me.” - Scully (2)
Scully’s face when he’s about to shoot himself. 😥
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Mulder finding “Scully” 😥
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Crawling along the floor in their blood.
“Are you afraid, Mulder? I am.” - Scully (3)
They can’t shoot each other, even when thinking that the other did it to them.
Of course Mulder figures it out first. He’s more open to believing that this is an illusion, a trick. Something unreal and paranormal rather than the reality of them having shot each other. He reaches for her and helps her up, showing her the evidence in front of her face that this isn’t real. Touches her uninjured stomach, covered in blood.
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Lily Tomlin as Lyda and Ed Asner as Maurice were amazing. I loved their playfulness. That this was a horror-comedy instead of just a tragic, scary story.
Back at Mulder’s apartment
“I don’t deserve to be so happy.” - on the television in Mulder’s apartment at the end. How sad. But it describes him so perfectly this season. He doesn’t believe he deserves happiness. That he got to spend some time with Scully was wonderful, but now he’s back in his lonely apartment wishing she was still there, but not thinking it should ever happen. He knows what makes him happy, sharing and spending time with Scully, but she has her own “normal” life that he can never be a part of, that he doesn’t DESERVE to be a part of no matter how desperately he craves it.
When she shows up, he’s delighted. That she wants to be there with him, enjoys spending time doing WHATEVER, even if she’s scared, or refuses to believe. She enjoys their connection just as much as him. She views him as an important person in her life, just as much as her family. He agrees with Scully that it didn’t happen, doesn’t push her on her stubbornness to not believe, because he’s just happy she’s here. He chooses the opposite of loneliness.
Their acknowledgement of the fears that they have. Mulder’s on being selfish, and Scully’s on her reasons for working with him. I love that they mention these things rather than the ones that are actually true.
They do some heavy gazing at each other when talking about their vulnerabilities. 😍
I love how bashful they are when giving each other presents. It’s so cute!
Scully loves presents. I just love that tidbit about her. I don’t think she’s materialistic, the present could be anything. She just loves that someone cares enough about her to get her something meaningful, she loves the anticipation of unwrapping and seeing what it is.
After they opened their gifts, I think Scully invited Mulder to her mom’s house. Knowing he has nowhere to be, no one to spend it with. I just can’t see her choosing to leave him alone, and she WANTS to be with him. WANTS to live a life where they are together for holidays and significant events, not just because of work.
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ethereal-galaxies · 3 years
The question wasn’t unexpected. Jude knew that he was a bit of an unusual case, being fifteen and having not only been a medical student but also pursuing scientific studies. Of course he’d be asked about it. The most he did at first was offer a warm smile in return.
“I’ve been asked that a lot, so no worries,” Jude said. “My parents are both doctors, and I chose to follow that path too. I only managed to get into medical school at this age because my grades were so good.” It was the best basic explanation of things, at the very least. Jude wasn’t all that certain about sharing the more personal meanings behind his choosing his path. All the same, though, Doppo didn’t seem like a judgmental person. So, Jude proceeded to explain further. It felt right.
“...Back home, my parents were always busy with work. And because of that, they hardly had the time to pay attention to me. I thought that, maybe if I became a doctor, I could at least get a little acknowledgment from them.” That hadn’t really happened, though. If anything, it had made his father scrutinize him more than he had before. And his mother? Jude hadn’t noticed much of a change in her. She was just as much of a workaholic as she had been before. But there was more.
“Eventually, though, I met someone who made me realize I could do more than just follow in my parents’ footsteps.” He was, of course, referring to Milla. “She inspired me to pursue scientific studies instead. I’ve just been trying to balance both anyway because I want to help people. No matter what.”
That young and working; studying in the medical and then the science field? He thought back to the time he was young. His current roommate, Izanami Hifumi, is his childhood friend since the time he was about as young as this teen stranger, if not younger. He listened intently to the teen, offering an almost understanding smile. “I know what it is like to work so hard for people to appreciate all that you do, only to be unacknowledged...” he crossed his arms now, leaning back on the cool bench.
And to be always busy with work no matter what he does. He pursed his lips a moment, relating Jude’s parents to himself. “Sometimes... when people expect so much from you all you can do is try to please them... but at the end of the day I don’t think you can actually please anyone. To them we are machines, we aren’t living. I...” Doppo clutched the nametag ribbon still around his neck. “I try to escape work as much as I can. I can’t imagine having a child who I barely get to see because of it...”
Speaking to Jude was perhaps easier because he was young and more easily approachable. The kid seemed wise for his years, but his desire for his parent's love was still clear. He needed that and they weren’t there for him.
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“Sometimes I would love to be young again and just run away. But I’ve been told you have to keep going every day, to continue working even if it’s difficult now. Eventually, when all is done, despite these... episodes, I will finally have enough to rest and live more comfortably. That’s what Jakurai-Sensei has encouraged of me. Oh-, I’m sorry. Jakurai-Sensei is a doctor and a friend of mine. Your desire to help others as you’ve said reminds me of him. Have you heard of him?”
Jinguji Jakurai was more well known in society, as he was the leader of the group Matenrou, representing Shinjuku in the Division Rap Battles. Doppo himself is part of this group as well, but he purposefully did not include himself. After all, he wasn’t really the type to boast of such things.
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luna--reading · 4 years
Hello lovelies~ ���
This is a pick a card reading for “All I need to know about my career.” This is a timeless reading and you are meant to see it right now! Please do find peace if it doesn’t resonate with you~ ♡
So take a few minutes to mediate on these 3 piles:
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Left to right: 1 – 3
Once you’re ready, just scroll below to find the reading that you have chosen!
You can always leave a comment or simply like the post if it resonates with you, thank you so much~ ♡♡♡
Pile 1
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Your purpose: 4 of Wands
I see that in your career, you are meant to have a lot of celebratory vibes, a lot of support from the people around you. So, I’m seeing this support goes both ways, it’s like you benefit more if you are supporting your colleague, or your team member or even your boss and that’s where the support that you need within your career is going to come from.
Your motivation: The Tower
Now, unexpected changes can be your biggest motivation within your career. And I’m seeing that these changes are things that are beyond your control, things that you might feel defeated at some point in time. But I just see that you are capable of putting yourself back together, and just be willing to stand up and rebuild everything on a more solid foundation as compared to where you were previously.
Your responsibilities: Page of Pentacles
I feel like you might come across as someone who is very lucky (I’m just hearing “lucky” when I see this Page of Pentacles) and I feel like you are someone that is always there to provide or to offer something small to others but this “small” thing can lead to something big. But I see that you are asked to cooperate and work with others, so as provide yourself with that avenue for you to learn things that will bring you so much more in terms of your career.
Your projects: 5 of Wands
Okay, I see that you are capable of handling projects that might come off as pretty competitive, you are someone that won’t go down without a fight. So, it’s like the more competitive, or the tougher the project seems like, the more you are willing to take on, and the more you will strive to succeed. And I see that you are capable of handling such projects, in fact, these projects might seem as difficult in others’ perspective, but to you, you might see them as a form of expression for you to mark your stand within your field.
Potential rewards: 7 of Cups
I feel like within your current career, you might be given a lot of different opportunities for you to work with. And I feel like if you are able to see things clearly, to know which projects you are capable of handling, you would be able to succeed with that particular opportunity. So, in a way, as I mentioned, you are really seen as someone who is very lucky among your colleagues but then again, luck isn’t everything when it comes to our career. It’s also pretty dependent effort and hard work, and also seizing the right opportunity at the right time.
Where is it all leading: Ace of Cups
And darling, I see that as long as you are capable of grasping onto that right opportunity, there is going to be a new, beautiful, abundant beginning coming in for you. It’s going to be very emotional for you, it’s almost as if like you’ve been waiting for this opportunity to come in for you to start on your new journey.
Oracle: POWER // STILLNESS // MANIFESTATION (25) // SENSITIVITY (15) // SLOW DOWN (9) – Pause and allow things to unfold.
Okay, darling, so I feel like currently you might feel stuck, like I’m sensing that you are currently in this Tower moment, and I get it, maybe it’s because of the situation that is currently occurring all over the world (depending on when you’re reading this, but the time that I’m doing this reading is during the Covid-19 situation) so I’m seeing that you are pretty lost right now. I’m getting a sense that you don’t know what is to come and you might get a little anxious but I do see that you are also currently working on a project and this can be say a business proposal, or having a hobby turned into a career prospect, that kind of thing. I feel like the Universe wants you to know that you have to slow down and not let your anxiety take over the whole situation. Because there is a lot of potential in whatever you are currently doing, or asking for in a career perspective, and this is something that you have been manifesting. Just let things unfold, because I do see a beautiful new beginning coming in for you in regards to this particular career path that you are asking for. So, this Tower moment that you might currently be in, as I mentioned previously, take it as a chance for you to start on something, use this period in your favour and I do see beautiful changes coming in for you, so hang in there, darling, you have the power to do what it takes within your career path!
Pile 2:
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Your purpose: 9 of Wands
I see that within your career path, you are a fighter. You fight for the things that you truly believe in and I see that you are meant to be a leader within your career path. Even if you currently aren’t a leader or in a higher position within your organisation, I see that you are someone who is wise, someone who is pretty logical, someone who can provide good business tactics or advices for a particular project. I really do see that you are someone that people would go to when they are at lost or when they are stuck in their own job scope.
Your motivation: 6 of Pentacles
Now, I see that you are someone that emphasises a lot on equal balance. To you, there’s no such things as free lunch in the world, I feel like if someone did you a favour, you are one that would want to quickly return that favour because you just don’t like the feeling of owing someone. And I see that this is a good thing, in a sense that if people helped you, you are more likely to return that favour. But at the same time, it might create a little conflict because you are pretty expectant of others to do the same for you as well, if you were to lend a helping hand.
Your responsibilities: 7 of Pentacles
I feel like you are someone that isn’t afraid to wait for long-term benefits, in fact, I see that you are someone that works for long-term benefits. You don’t really care about instant gratification, instead, you are willing to plant the seeds, and to harvest them until your goals are met and these goals, darling, are goals that are there for the long-term. You planned things ahead and you are willing to put in that effort just to achieve those goals. So honestly, I see you having an end goal already, and that you are currently taking the steps to work towards this end goal.
Your projects: 8 of Cups
To you, if your projects, or whatever you are currently doing right now, isn’t benefiting you in the sense that you aren’t walking (or even crawling, you know taking those small steps) towards your goal, you are more than likely to abandon them and to just walk away. You don’t hesitate when you are faced with things that you deemed that are not beneficial for you and you more often than not, look for others that will serve you and your end goal, even if it’s just baby steps.
Potential rewards: The Emperor
So, I see stability, I see security and I see you being in your power. I see you capable of achieving your end goals and darling, the Emperor is a very positive card (to me) in a career reading. Because it just shows that you have what it takes to achieve your goals and you are already sitting on that throne, holding onto that globe, the world, and everything else that you want in regards to your career.
Where is it all leading: 8 of Pentacles
I see the 8 of Pentacles is continuous work in progress but at the same time, I’m also seeing manifestation happening. I love how you have the 6 of Pentacles to the 7 of Pentacles and ending with the 8 of Pentacles. So darling, I’m seeing that there has already been progress for you, and with it ending with the 8 of Pentacles, I’m seeing that you are asked to still put in the hard work, and I feel like you are doing it, because you are currently not at the point where you want, so you aren’t going to just give up right here. Instead, I see that as you put in more hard work, it’s only going to take you further and never backwards.
Oracle: HAPPINESS // TRANSFORMATION // BE SUPPORTIVE (45) – Make a genuine effort to show you care // EMBRACE YOUR EMOTIONS (18) – Allow your feelings to surface and be accepted // SPEND QUALITY TIME TOGETHER (46) – Listen and talk to each other // THE TREE OF ILLUMINATION (7) – Truth, revelations, understanding
So, like I mentioned previously, your motivation when it comes to career might bring in certain conflicts for you, and at this time, I’m seeing that you are asked to allow your emotions to surface, not everything can be calculated and I feel like sometimes when people do lend you a helping hand, it can really jolly well be out of their caring heart or just them willing to do you that favour (and not asking for one in return). So, I feel like you are someone that is very strongly motivated when it comes to your career and it might make you seem a little difficult to interact when it comes to your connections with your colleagues or even your bosses. So, darling I do see that you are asked to be more expressive and just show that genuine care and concern for the people around you (and not just look at the fact if this person is going to benefit you in the long run or not). And really, I do see that it’s going to take time for you to learn this but at the same time, I see that certain truths are going to reveal itself in regards to this aspect of your life and it’s going to transform your life in regards to your career. Honestly, I see a work-life balance. Because I strongly feel like you are some sort of a workaholic, like you are all about work and you don’t really care for your social connections but it’s definitely important for us to gain that balance so as to bring in the joy and happiness in our lives!
Pile 3:
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Your purpose: King of Cups
I see you as the pillar of support, honestly, within your career path. I see that you are meant to be a mentor, a guide to at least one person out there within your career. You are someone that gives very good advice and I see that people usually take your advices very seriously and that it allows you to become that mentor figure in others’ lives. And I see that it’s because you, yourself has gone through so much in your life (whether or not it’s in the career aspects), that you just provide good life advices to people, really.
Your motivation: 5 of Pentacles
Like I mentioned previously, I see that you are afraid of being left out, or abandoned and this can be because of what you’ve been through in life. You are afraid of going through the hardships that you have gone through in the past, and this serves as a strong motivation for you in regards to your career. You are willing to do what it takes to push you away from your past and it creates that sense of resilience and persistence within you when it comes to your career.
Your responsibilities: Queen of Swords
So, I see that you are pretty much successful within your career field, or even if you are not, I see that you are meant to gain some sort of success within your field. And darling, I just see that you are someone that is very wise, and is very logical in regards to the projects that you take on. If you are a boss, you are someone that is capable of clinching deals that will take you to greater heights. Or even if you are not, you see opportunities very clearly and you seize them once you know it’s the one for you, or when it’s the right time. And I see that this clarity helps to bring you to greater heights within your field.
Your projects: Strength
Now, I see that you are often challenged but at the same time, you have the ability, the capability, the motivation to overcome each and every challenge that is in place for you. With a major arcana here, I’m sensing that, like I mentioned previously, you take on projects that bring you to greater heights and this results in major obstacles when you are on this journey. But because you have that potential, you overcome them every time and it only serves to push you to greater heights.
Potential rewards: Queen of Swords
So, I’m honestly shocked at how the Queen of Swords appeared again, so it really just emphasises how much of a mentor, a guide you are. I feel like you are someone that is very communicative and this allows you to be that mentor for the people around you. And I see that you are capable of achieving so much more clarity when it comes to communicating or interacting with other people, which honestly help you to see things from other perspectives that you most likely didn’t see previously. So, it’s like you are a mentor figure to others, but at the same time, you learn as much from other people as they do from you.
Where is it all leading: The Chariot
So, darling, I’m really excited for you, because I see that even though you might be someone in the higher levels or even if you are not, you have already gained a lot of experiences (in regards to career or just life in general), you are still charging ahead. I see you moving forward, and I see you moving forward rapidly and this is the right direction that you should be heading to. I see that wherever you are on your current path, it’s where you are supposed to be, and the Chariot is here to remind you to not give up and simply charge ahead, because this is the path for you.
Oracle: NEW BEGINNINGS // TAKING RISKS // THE HEALING TEMPLE OF THE LUNAR LIGHT (19) – Life cycles, energy healing, communication // ALIGNMENT (14) // ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDLY (49) – Express your love through actions
So darling, I really do see you learning new things, constantly seizing new opportunities and new beginnings occur for you throughout your career path. I see that with the constant communication with the people around you, you gain new wisdom, and that it allows you to realign your thoughts, realign your feelings and to look at things from a new perspective. The Alignment card always reminded me of the Ace of Swords in tarot, so darling, I really do see that you are going to have a new perspective on things and this will bring in new beginnings for you as you continue on this path in your career. It might seem risky for you because you don’t know where this is heading to, but darling, as you take on this new path, as you move boldly on this new journey, I just see you soaring high in the sky. The Universe wants you to know that sometimes we just have to be brave to take that action to start something new instead of just voicing out our plans, because only by taking actions can we then see if it’s the right move or not (but trust that the Universe wants you to know that right now, you are on the right path), so don’t be afraid to make that first step!
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student-by-day · 3 years
oh, another tag game
thanks to @hae-des <33
rules: answer the questions about 2020, and tag some people to pass it on!
five favorite films you watched in 2020?
pride and prejudice (2005)
pirates of the caribbean: the curse of the black pearl (...again, 2003)
jane eyre (1997)
dead poets society (1989)
perks of being a wallflower (2012)
five favorite TV shows you watched in 2020?
peaky blinders (2013)
sherlock (2010)
blood of zeus (2020)
...idk; those were like the only shows i watched
five favorite songs you listened to in 2020?
“why do you love me” by charlotte lawrence
“euphoria” by bülow
“gottasadae” by bewhy
“vicious” by tate mcrae
"holding out for a hero” by nothing but thieves
top five albums of 2020?
when we all fall asleep, where do we go? by billie eilish
the movie star by bewhy
garrett vs. paganini by david garrett (again)
divenire by ludovico einaudi (again)
citizens of glass and aventine by agnes obel
am by arctic monkeys
(there are more, but this is already too many)
top five books you read in 2020?
the wise man’s fear by patrick rothfuss
vicious by v.e. schwab
the little prince by antoine de exupéry // translated by katherine woods
(no other books measure up to these three, so we’ll give ‘em the spotlight)
how did you spend your birthday this year?
i was able to safely meet up with a friend of mine for the afternoon/evening to catch up for the first time in about ten months (lol), thankfully. lots of carrot cake and curry soup for the two of us. ^^
what was your most memorable day this year?
probably my birthday, surprisingly. i tend to keep them low-key, but it wasn’t within my power this year. i was overwhelmed with texts and calls from people who had nothing else to do lmao, and when i met up with that friend, we had some very peculiar experiences at the park.
what was the most memorable meal you had this year?
i started cooking more for my family, so it was probably the creole seafood gumbo i hadn’t made (until then) since i idolized tiana
did you find any new hobbies or interests in quarantine?
(iphone) photography
wasting time (went from a workaholic to a giant procrastinator)
netflix (this isn’t a joke—i used to watch tv only a handful of times a year)
having the time to write more (though writing in itself is not new)
what was the last big thing you remember doing b. c. (before covid)?
(i like that hehe)
in general: prepping for the five million upcoming events like play productions, choir concerts, state contests, exams, field trips, dances, graduation, etc.
the day before they announced the first quarantine: having a sleepover with a handful of friends (a rarity) on a friday night because we could tell it was coming and we’d have to take the chance while we could lol
five good or positive things that happened to you in 2020?
joined tumblr and found a really cool community that i now have close friends outside of the platform from ^^
was able to go see my family over the pond
was less sick than any other year (thanks to masks and social distancing)
nobody close to me got covid, and i didn’t either
i didn’t break another bone (a new record--i am a walking disaster)
biggest messages or lessons learned from this year?
don’t be afraid to be yourself (took me long enough to get the basics down)
life fucks up your plans sometimes, and you just gotta suck it up
you’re allowed to like being alone 23/7
what are you most looking forward to in 2021?
spending too much time on discord with my glucose guardians
seeing my friends over the pond again (hopefully)
getting my life back on track (...as if)
a high school social life (maybe we’ll get events and clubs back?)
i’m done with trying to avoid duplicates, so i’m tagging @sadcypher @coff-chee​​ @min-howl @adhyayana-v @the-abyss-gazed-back @depressed-student @seizethehistory in case they need something to procrastinate with hehe
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keiscait · 3 years
Hello!! I see that your matchups are open and I was wondering if I could get a Living Room and Bedroom one? Living Room would be more preferable if u can’t do both. I’m not sure if this is enough to cover both…I’m sorry agdhshdhejdbjdj
I’m not sure if u can do this but could u make this anon too? You can associate me by this emoji: 🕺
Here’s the info:
PRONOUNS: she/her
PERSONALITY (Living Room): I am generally very shy and closed off, always making sure I avoid people. I stay away from large crowds because I’m a ball of anxiety (I get anxiety easy) and I get really nervous whenever someone approaches me, especially around guys like I usually won’t look at them in the eyes because I become a blushy mess and lose my words. I am also usually very quiet too and don’t talk a lot. 
However, when I talk to my close friends, I literally become Hinata (no joke). I get so hyped, energetic, cheerful, make my friends laugh, and help them a lot too. I am also very passionate about things. When I am suffering with a problem, I don’t like telling friends because I don’t wanna worry them because I feel bad. I end up telling my best friend (they are literally Kageyama to me LOL). I also apologize a lot if I felt I did something wrong and I am quite odd to my friends. I end up getting into playful banter with my close friends where I tease them with playful jokes. I am quite observant too since I don’t usually talk to people, so I notice things from afar. I can tell if a friend of mine has a slight change in their behavior and I will ask if they are ok to be sure. I am also very honest, straightforward and pretty blunt about things. 
Do not get me upset. It takes a lot for someone to make me upset and actually angry. The most I would get is being annoyed. However, if you managed to get me angry, I lose my temper and yell and my friends have mentioned it’s as if I would snap someone in two. I do curse like crazy so people get surprised since I am usually quiet. Again it is rare, but I’ve been told it’s scary when I get angry. I will eventually be alone to recharge and wouldn’t want anybody to talk to me. 
When it comes to relationships, I don’t have that much experience…I hate PDA so I’m really private. I’m actually afraid to love somebody because I’m afraid I won’t be good at all so if somebody was crushing on me and shows affection, I try to divert that attention to something else because I get shy and get so scared. Again it’s hard to look at someone I like in the eyes because I blush so much. It’s hard to show affection by words so I show it by actions like hugs. I would love to hold their hands, caressing them or squeezing them just to feel the comfort and warmth. I think I might be very tender and gentle but I think as I open up, I might get cheery and energetic but that’s a theory. I do try my best to make them happy even if it takes me a while to get comfortable and I’ll try to shower them with love by physical actions. Maybe I’ll draw for them too to make them happy…
I love art. I love to draw for my friends because I love seeing them get so excited for the finished product. I also love listening to music every day so when I’m alone and away from everyone, I just blast music through my headphones. I love gaming too so you’d find me playing the Switch!
I am a perfectionist, hardworking and always try my best even if I get put down. Sometimes I might overwork when it comes to drawing but that’s because I get so eager to improve every day. I also love to give support to my friends for their dreams and but I am not an optimist or pessimist, I am a realist. 
IN BEDROOM: Pretty much the same when it comes down to relationships. I get extremely flustered and shy about physical affection and worry if I’m not good at all. I might be a bottom aagdhhshdhsjdjd I just don’t see myself having confidence in these kinds of experiences. I would love if somebody was gentle and passionate with me tho…Since I don’t rly interact with people in the public, I think I might be touch starved so any physical affection might drive me crazy (in the good way). As flustered as I get, I am pretty dirty-minded. 
THINGS I LOOK FOR IN A PARTNER: quiet, calm, observant, passionate, playful, a tease, cold yet caring, strong, emotional, empathetic, kind, understanding, respectful, and not afraid to speak their mind
HOGWARTS HOUSE: Gryffindor!!
FAV FOOD: I loveeee food. I am always hungry for food. I love spicy food especially. I love pasta/spaghetti, pizza, sushi, and I love chicken burgers
FUTURE PLANS/DREAMS: I just hope to be successful and actually feel happy. I hope I’ll land a good position for art like for animation or games (especially if it’s anime-related!) I’m not sure if I’ll find someone to settle down with but only time will tell. 
MUSIC TASTE: Rock, J-Rock, Future Funk, Lofi, and I adore anime and video game OST LOOKS: I’m smol like 5'3. I have light skin but not pale (it’s like Hinata’s) and I have red/brown hair and brown eyes. I also have little freckles on my cheeks I’m so sorry if it’s so much but maybe it helps ; __ ; Thank u for doing these and make sure to take breaks!!
Hello and welcome, dear! This is wonderful - thank you for all the details, it gives me a lot to work with! ❤️ I’m so excited to get started with this. Let’s go to the living room! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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For you, I’ve invited over…
Kita Shinsuke! (Runner up: Sugawara Koushi)
Our lovely Inarizaki captain may come off as cold and stoic, but he’s really just unbothered my trivial things. He strives for improvement daily, and ensures he goes through the motions before reaching perfection.
- When you two first meet, I don’t think there will be a lot of interaction there - but when there is, it’s definitely more comfortable than it is awkward. Kita has the effect on people that makes them feel safe and secure, like all the pressures of life just disappear for a moment
- This is how your friendship starts. He proves himself more and more approachable by the day. You’re both straightforward and observant people, so you two would probably tag-team when interacting with other people. He’ll make you feel secure in the friendship despite his no-nonsense bluntness, while he appreciates that you aren’t a flashy person
- The fact that you’re a hardworking perfectionist helps him relate to you on a deeper level. He’d be so happy to find someone who understands this part of him
- He will probably make himself more present in your life by doing little things - helping you clean up after class, sending you tips on how to study for a subject you’re having trouble with, offering an ear for you to rant if he notices something’s off
- He does everything slowly and with very close precision, all in the hopes of you becoming more comfortable around him
- the man is near perfect, what more can I say 
- OF COURSE he succeeds. He’s Kita Shinsuke
- Don’t worry, he won’t be thrown off by your more playful side once it comes out. Kita most likely already got hints of your sunshine here and there while he was slowly gaining your trust
- Once he feels like it’s the perfect time, only THEN will he ask you out
- Let out your inner gremlin!!!!! He can 100% handle it, since he’s so used to the chaos of his team by now and he has somehow remained?? completely SANE?? what a man
- AND the difference is, he LIKES YOU!!!1!!!!!!!1!!
- He will adore all your little quirks, and may even participate in your playful banter
- Does not mind that you’re not into PDA. Hell, he might even be relieved–
- He’d notice how you try to divert affection, and will try to talk to you about it. You won’t have to say much, he’ll be able to tell from your body language that it’s because you’re anxious to love somebody, and will never take that against you
- Will work on trying to break through those walls, but wouldn’t ever force it
- Prepare for a beautiful domestic future 🥺🥺🥺 a simple life on a farm in the Japanese countryside with the man of your dreams?? You, an artist, and him, a farmer???? The absolute PUREST domestic dream 😭😭😭
You were sat in your worktable, sketching away the morning. A deadline was fast approaching, so you could hardly allow yourself to rest - so the first thing you did today, as with most days, was work. 
The art block hit a few days back. Your nights have recently been filled with drooping eyes paired with a throbbing headache, and they were now slowly eating up your mornings, too. You massaged your neck, sore from hunching over your desk so much - all you could at the moment was stare at the now blank sheet in front of you. You weren’t satisfied with any of the pieces you made, so you always ended up scrapping whatever it is that you were doing.
You were snapped out of your daze at the sound of the cuckoo clock. You noticed that you were gripping the pen a little too hard, causing some redness on your fingertips. A frustrated groan escaped you as your hands rubbed circles into your temples. The morning felt so dull.
The time read 7AM. Two hours on the desk and not a single thing, you thought to yourself. Like clockwork, you heard the door open and close as Kita came back from field work. He stopped in his tracks upon seeing you.
“You’re awake?” His tone was more concerned than surprised. He had witnessed your restlessness these past few days, doing whatever he can to ease your frustration a a little bit. This wasn’t anything new to him, seeing as you were both workaholics, but he couldn’t help but worry about how this deadline was treating you.
You managed a weak smile as you met his eyes. He looked pretty in the morning light - sweat trickling down his neck, some of his hair clinging to his forehead, lips slightly parted to allow better breathing. It was rare for you to see him like this since he usually gets up and finishes work before you get up. The sight comforted you a bit, as if the bleakness dissipated for a little while.
He walked over to the coffee machine to run it. “Still no luck?”
“I’ve been at it since 5AM.” You let out an exasperated sigh. “I woke up when you went out to work. I couldn’t go back to sleep thinking about it.”
He hummed in acknowledgment. The two of you stayed quiet for a while, with only the sounds of the coffee machine and birds chirping. The peacefulness almost sunk in until you were reminded of the stress looming over your head. You let out another sigh.
You were staring down the blank sheet again, sick of the emptiness it posed. With a pen in hand, you tried to mimic the motions of drawing strokes, hoping for a sudden burst of inspiration. Nothing. 
Kita laid a cup of coffee next to you. “You barely slept, y/n. At least eat a bit.” That elicited no response from you - all you could do was lean back in your chair, feet put up onto the seat.
Your boyfriend placed his finger under your chin, making you look up at him standing next to you. “Y/n.” 
He examined your expression - you were so tired; redness peaked from the corners of your eyes, and your lips were almost pale. “You need food in your system, y/n.”
“I don’t have time to eat, Shin, this is–”
“Food is what the brain runs on. Even a child knows that,” he teased as he pulled you on your feet and led you to the kitchen table, “Eat.”
You had no choice but to oblige. You plucked a banana from its bunch, munching away while Shin scrambled some eggs. Before you knew it, a breakfast was spread out in front of you. The brown-eyed boy pressed a kiss at the top of your head as you praised him. “I don’t deserve you,” you said with a smile.
“It’s just breakfast,” he chuckled, “and you do deserve me. You deserve the world.”
The world suddenly felt full of color again, and you were ready to face the dreary white that’s been mocking you the whole week.
I hope that was alright with you, dear! Let’s head over to the bedroom ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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Look who’s here for some alone time!
Semi Eita! (Runner up: Kageyama Tobio)
One of the prettiest setters to date, Semi here has his moments of sincerity despite the scary attitude he puts up. He comes off as a domineering personality, but I feel like in the bedroom, he’d be incredibly tender.
- Don’t believe the mask he puts up. Semi bb is a big softie for his s/o!!!!! CHANGE MY MIND
- In the bedroom, you well-being would be TOP priority - he would constantly ask you if this or that is okay, and make sure your comfortable with whatever the two of you are doing
- Your first time would be SO intimate: if you planned it beforehand, he’d go as far as laying out candles, setting up a fragrance to fill the room, and maybe even laying out roses; if it isn’t planned, he’d hold you close the whole time, and won’t really get rough with how he handles you
- Has enough confidence to take the lead. He’s pretty self-assured, and this will really translate in the bedroom
- Knows where to touch you and is gentle about it, making sure to test things out first before going at it
- When he gets to know your more dirty side, that’s when he brings up stuff he’d like to try out. Try surprising him every now and then by telling him you want to try something new (  ・ิω・ิ)
- Oh, his moans. SO GOOD. They’re soft, but so raw, and it would almost sound melodic. Would also chant your name a lot
- I can’t imagine him being loud in the bedroom, but he’d definitely be into dirty talk - I imagine it’s one of his top kinks - more praising than degrading
- He’s also into choking, unless you’re not comfortable with it, then for sure, he wouldn’t force it on you 
- Would lay on top of you (or under, whichever position you were in) for a while before aftercare. He wants some time to hold you while winding down
- Aftercare would be quick but careful - he wants to ensure that he’s got everything covered
- The epitome of Making Love, as opposed to simply “having sex”
Sorry for the long wait, darling! I hope you enjoyed all of that, and thank you so much for your patience. Feel free to pay me another visit, or just sit and chat with me anytime :D
Thanks for stopping by! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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goddessofeternity · 3 years
Inari’s Den
Chapter 2: Counterstrike 
I sighed deeply, inhaling all of the crisp fall air that I could as the season rolled in. Summer was ending and I was glad for it, it meant some of my favorite holidays would soon be approaching. I held my injured stomach in discomfort as I remembered my fight a few days ago. That bastard had put up a tough fight and I had to make sure to fatally wound him the next time. I know he probably survived that wound I gave him. I cursed at my mistake. My parents were just glad that I had made it back alive. My father was more than overprotective, but I never complained about it. The last few years have been difficult for our family. I wouldn’t complain about their smothering of me no matter what happened. I shook out of my thoughts and bowed my head in front of our large shrine. I prayed with all my heart that this war would be over soon. I wanted that family to burn in hell for the torment they had caused us. We had sacrificed too much because of them, I could not stand for it anymore. The ground beneath me grew hot in my anger. My parents told me to have better control of my emotions, especially during times of war. I couldn’t help that the thought of that family made me see red.
“Izumi…” My ears flicked back as I looked over my shoulder. My father smiled down at me and I stood to hug him. “Getting angry while praying will upset the gods Izumi.”
“Father...you should be resting.” I rubbed his arms as he chuckled down at me. The bags under his eyes told me quite the story. He was starting to get stressed out over the war and he had collapsed from exhaustion a week ago. My father was a stubborn workaholic through and through. My mother and I could never get him to relax no matter how hard we tried. I was sure that he didn’t expect to run into me, and was probably sneaking off to train.
“My daughter, you know that I can’t do that. We have too much to gain and lose from all of this.”
“Well Mother and I can’t lose you either. Our home is just as important as you are.” He chuckled and I hugged him close and settled under his chin. I didn’t like to think of myself as a daddy’s girl, but I couldn’t help it at times. I was very protective of both of my parents and this war made all of us a bit overbearing. I’m sure my mother was probably looking for us, my father especially. “Come on...let’s walk back home…”
I didn’t miss the reluctance on his face as I wrapped my arm around his and led him down the path back to our home. Being hurt did have its advantages, because I could relax and not feel the weight of war on my shoulders. It also meant I could eat my mother’s mochi cakes. My stomach flipped in anticipation just thinking about them and I walked faster to our home. We approached the village and many stopped their activities to bow and wave at us. I always did my best to greet everyone and let them know their hard work was appreciated. Without all of them, our family wouldn’t be the strong unit it was. As we approached our home, I could smell the mochi and I looked at my father excitedly. He chucked and patted my head as the maids opened the doors for us.
“Mother! We’re back!” My mother walked out of the kitchen cleaning off her hands before she gently grasped my face and kissed my forehead. She stopped for a second to glare at my father before they shared a quick kiss. “I think he was trying to sneak away again…”
“Yes I figured that’s what happened...you are going to get yourself into trouble if you don’t stop doing that.” My father looked away from her and I took the chance to head to the kitchen.
“Izumi….” Damn it.
“Yes Mother?”
“None until you take your medicine and you eat dinner.”
“Mother...I think I can get a pass right?” I fluttered my lashes at her and my father chuckled over her shoulder. She elbowed him in the rib and he cleared his throat quickly.
“Listen to your mother Izumi. Go ahead and take your medicine.” I pouted and they chuckled at me as I went ahead to down that awful substance. I took a peek into the kitchen as I walked by though. I would have snuck a piece but my mother always knew when I was up to something. I never really got away with anything in my youth because of her omniscience abilities, well...until I developed some of my own. I’d be a good daughter though and do as I was told. Besides, the faster I felt better, the quicker I could be back on the field.
The faster I would finally be able to kill him.
“Yamaguchi-sama...here is your medicine.” I tried not to frown as our family doctor handed me the disgusting liquid. The brown color didn’t make the situation easier and the scent made me gag. “It would be best to plug your nose my lady.”
“R-Right…” Holding my nose, I quickly swallowed the medicine and shivered as my hair stood on end. I sat still as our doctor looked my body over for the fourth time that day. “You don’t have to keep looking me over...you said that I’m already healing fantastically.”
“Yes but your parents want me to make sure of it...I think you know why too Yamaguchi`sama…”
“Yes…” My ears fell as I cursed at myself. I told myself I would not complain and I did it anyway. Awful memories flooded back into my mind, and I shook them away before they consumed me again. The clan did not need to see its future head crumble over the past, I had to think of only the future. Thinking about the future meant wiping the Igarashi clan off the face of the map. 
A task I was all too happy to plan for.
“Izumi...I need you to be more careful on these expeditions.”
“Yes Father….” My father sighed deeply as I stared him  down. It wasn’t unusual to find the two of us in a stare off when I did something reckless. My recent fight had almost given my mother a heart attack. Our garden was still recovering from the wildfire my father almost unleashed upon it. 
“We need you to carry on our legacy. I will step down soon enough and your mother and I need to be confident that you can handle it. That means you have to make better choices, not only for yourself but the clan.”
“I understand...but we need to erase them. This war has gone on for far too long. I want to end this. We deserve to live in peace after everything they have taken from us. I’m tired of not doing anything. We have to keep this advantage since we destroyed their rice fields.”
“......” My father sighed again as he stood up and paced around the meeting room. My mother patted my hand as the temperature rose. I hated these moments of doing nothing. Rest only makes people weak and then they lose their edge, an edge I needed to keep sharp for my family and people. “We need to finish this...I agree with you on that front, Izumi.”
“How are we going to do that my love? The Igarashi clan has moved closer to our territory. It won’t be long before they take a bolder approach.”
“How soon would they do that though? A massive source of their food was burned to a crisp. They are going to be too busy recovering to counterattack so soon.”
“Regardless...we have to-”
“HELP!!!” I jumped to my feet quickly and ran out of the room outside. One of the servants was convulsing on the floor. She was foaming at the mouth and her eyes started to roll back in her head. More of the servants ran to her aid, but I could smell the sudden shift in the air. She was dying and we could do nothing to stop it. Her body arched up terribly before she just stopped moving altogether.
“What happened to her?!” I knelt beside the dead woman and looked her over. My father and mother showed up not too soon after to examine her. “Answer me!”
“S-She only took a sip of water! She didn’t have anything else besides that all day…” She began to whimper and cry before my mother led her out of the room. My father stood and we both looked over the pitcher of water perched on the table. Taking a tentative sniff, I couldn’t smell anything different about it. It seemed like plain water, but I suppose that was the point.
“Poison…” My father grit his teeth in anger as he looked at my mother walk back into the room. “Did she tell you anything else mother?”
“I asked her how long ago did she drink it, and she said about 20 minutes ago. So we have an incredibly fast acting poison.”
“That damn Igarashi family!” I waved away the sudden burst of flames that surrounded my father as he stormed out the room down the hall, my mother and I close behind. “Our water comes from only one source, and they’ve poisoned it! Men! To my side!”
My father’s voice traveled quickly through the compound and it was seconds after the echo ended that his task force appeared around us. My father never told me much about them, but I would be informed more about them when I become the head. Their masked faces told me volumes though, they handled the more “dirtier” aspects of this war. 
“All the water that was recently collected remove it from the villagers' homes at once! No one drinks anything that hasn’t been in their home for the past few days. We have no idea when they could have done this. Inform the villagers that the lake will be drained.”
“Father! That water was blessed by the gods many years ago! That is sacred water...we can’t drain it!”
“Izumi! We have no choice! Would you rather we lose more people!? Think about the cons of the situation, daughter!”
“What happens now? The only other fresh water is up in the mountains, and it’s dangerous on those mountains because of the night creatures.”
“We will have to make due with what we have for now.” The men around us dispersed and I felt my own temper rise. Someone would have to have gotten in close to poison our water. One of them was in our territory, they could have launched an assault against us, but why didn’t they? Unless it was that bastard Takeshi...if it was him then he just added more fuel to my hatred for him. I should have known that family would try such tactics, and at least we attacked their fields head on.
My parents went back and forth with each other about what should be done, but I walked away. This had to be handled sooner rather than later. My injuries were the last thing on my mind as I walked into my room and got dressed. As I was tightening my bandages, a noise made me turn, and I stood quickly as my mother looked me over with an unimpressed glare.
“Mother I was just-”
“Going to confront the Igarashi family?”
“Izumi...you have your fathers impatience and stubbornness. What exactly is your plan?” She walked over to me and helped dress me, and I looked at her surprised. “I can’t stop you now can I? I might as well make sure you are protected. Now what is your plan?”
“To kill Takeshi Igarashi.”
“That has always been the plan, daughter.” After tying back my hair, she faced me towards her with a fierce gaze. “I will not let you leave until you give me something more concrete.”
I opened my mouth ready to retort, but I found my words failing me. I...I didn’t really have a plan. I just wanted to get out there and end them. I was frustrated with the fact that they could have almost destroyed us easily. Others could be dead right now and we wouldn’t know about it until later. Either of my parents could have been the victim to that poison. It would have been the end of us just that fast. And I would not stand to fall that easily after over a hundred years of fighting. I guess I have my fathers pride for than I thought I did.
“I...I just want them to suffer…” I felt my spirit start to drain as I sighed deeply. My mother pulled me into her arms and gently rubbed my ears. That simple gesture always made me feel better. Whenever I was down, a simple stroke on my ears was all I needed.
“We have to be smart, Izumi...always, especially in times of war. We have lost...far...far too much…” I felt her tremble as she held me, and I blinked away the fresh tears that threatened to fall down my cheeks.
“We have to do something mother...we have too…” She held me at arms length and we silently stared at each other.
“Izumi….did you have a vision?” Her eyes slitted as she said it. I had been having visions since I was very young. It was not odd for a kitsune to have such abilities, but they had never been more than little mundane things. Ever since the war had begun, my visions had become more dangerous. We had only taken them more seriously when...well we should have from the start. Our naivete cost us more than we could have ever imagined. It was something that still kept my mother awake at night.
“I haven’t had any visions, mother...it’s been years since I’ve had one. I would tell you and father right away if I did have one.” She smiled a bit before brushing my hair from my face. She leaned her forehead against mine before gently kissing it.
“Think of a plan Izumi...we can talk about it later. Your father and I will deal with this poison issue. Go and train instead alright?”
“Yes mother…” As she walked away, I went over to my swords and ran my hands over their sheaths. “I’m sorry I didn’t let you feel his cold dead corpse at your other end. I promise that you will get your chance.”
I had to think of the best course of action to take. Our armies were strong and we’d done a good job over the years, but we had to change the tide somewhere. My mother wanted me to make a plan then so be it. I would do what I must to make sure that everyone survives this coming battle. I had to strike while the iron was hot. 
I already had an idea of what it was that I would be doing, and this time I would not fail. Takeshi Igarashi would lose his life to my blades when they cross again, and nothing would stop me from achieving my goal. 
Next: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/656104039801651200/inaris-den
Previous: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/649494755230810112/inaris-den
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You can’t keep overworking yourself like this (Reader x Orion Amari)
Masterlist  (To view my Masterlist, visit my Tumblr page)
Words: 2.5k
Pairing: reader x Orion Amari 
Orion wasn’t usually stressed about something, or at least he didn’t show he was stressed. He seemed to have things in order. If you could describe Orion in one word, it would probably be balanced. It was something he always tried to teach to others too. Balance was important in Quidditch, but balance could help out in other parts of someone’s daily life too.
Some people found it odd Orion and you started dating. While Orion seemed to be so balanced, you lived a very chaotic life. You did so many things and it was a wonder you managed to do these things at all. Homework, Quidditch, spending time with friends, the Cursed Vaults, people thought it was a miracle you would have any time left for Orion. It definitely was a challenge, but you managed just fine. Orion tried to balance your life a little bit, but it definitely was hard since you weren’t going to drop anything.
Yeah, Orion mostly was calm and collected in his life. However, you weren’t always making it easy for him… He couldn’t help it but to worry about you. He knew you could take care of yourself, but knowing you were risking your life out there scared him.
 Ever since the Portrait Curse caused trouble, you seemed to be having an even harder time. You seemed tired, like you were working non-stop. He wouldn’t be surprised if you were, there wasn’t a time where you didn’t seem to be working on something. Whenever you were talking to Penny Haywood and your other friends, he could sense some guilt coming from you. It was like you blamed yourself.
You always told Orion there was nothing to worry about. It was your fifth year and the workload of the year was higher. You tried to pretend everything was fine, but Orion wasn’t stupid. He knew you weren’t fine. You were overworking yourself. He tried to distract you from time to time, trying to get you to relax, but you weren’t just going to stop working on things. Whenever he expressed his concerns, you would either try to reassure him things were fine or you would just get irritated. He didn’t like where this was heading to…
He tried to talk to some of your other friends, wondering if they had noticed something too. They seemed to be concerned about you as well, but what could they do? You were stubborn and you weren’t just going to stop unless there was a good reason.
  “Come on, Y/N! We really need to try harder than that if we want to win from Rath the next Quidditch match!” Skye told you after training, frowning a little.
You frowned back. “I’m trying, Skye…”
“All I am asking is you should give it your all when we have the match.” Skye said honestly.
You just sighed. You were so tired, you almost considered skipping the training. You wouldn’t do that though, you wanted to play the match and missing a training would really be bad.
Skye’s word may seem a little harsh, but she was right. You knew she was right. Besides, Skye knew you were dealing with a lot… A little part of her hoped it would talk some sense in you, but it probably wouldn’t do much.
You could feel a wave of exhaustion hit you, but you knew there was still a lot to do. You really wanted to go back to work on breaking the curse. You were about to leave the field and go to the locker room too, but you were startled when you felt someone putting a hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N, wait a moment.” Orion said, sounding quite serious.
You blinked, not sure if you have ever heard Orion so serious before. Was he going to kick you off the team because you played poorly? Was he going to let you sit on the bench the next match? You watched everyone leaving the field, only leaving you and Orion there.
  “Orion… I know I have been flying quite poorly during practice, but I promise I will be better the next training.” You bit your lip slightly.
“That’s not the only reason why I wanted to talk with you.” He said honestly.
You once again blinked. “Oh… Did I do something wrong…? If this about not spending enough time with you, I promise I will make up for that soon… I just have a lot to do and-”
“Y/N, you don’t really seem to really realise how exhausted you are… It’s becoming quite unhealthy.” He looked so serious and concerned.
“We talked about this before, Orion. I can manage things just fine.” You told him, not feeling like bringing this up again.
“I disagree. When was the last time you went to bed early?”
“I don’t know…?”
“And when was the last time you actually relaxed?”
“You make it seem like I am some sort of workaholic. I do relax….” You mumbled.
Orion raised an eyebrow. “Oh really? When was the last time?”
You were about to speak up, but Orion decided to add something.
“And I don’t count the moments you are reading books about counter curses in the Common room…”
  You frowned. “Okay, okay…! I get your point. I haven’t really taken some time off to relax. I mean, I do spend some time with my friends-”
“To work on breaking the portrait curse.” Orion pointed out.
“Okay, fine… But I do spend some time with you too, doesn’t that count as relaxing?”
“Not if you keep bringing those books along and just keep reading…”
“Then what do you want me to do? Just drop everything to relax? I can’t just do that, Orion! How could I ever get those students out of the portraits if I can’t break the curse?”
Orion could feel the guilt coming from you again. You were blaming yourself for the curse. “Y/N, you can’t help them when you keep working like this. You need a break.”
“No! How can I ever help Penny to get Beatrice back if I take a break? What if more people get stuck in a portrait? What if one of my friends get stuck? What if…. What if you get stuck in a portrait…?” You looked down at your feet, biting your lip.
  “I can’t stop working on this until the curse is broken… I don’t want anyone I care about get stuck in a portrait…” You mumbled softly before you turned your back to Orion, ready to walk back to the locker room.
“Y/N, don’t walk away…” Orion said when followed you.
“Leave me alone, Orion.” You said softly. “I don’t want to talk about this…”
“I am only trying to help you, Y/N. People are worried about you.” He said honestly. “I am worried about you.”
“There is no need to be worried about me…!” You yelled at him.
Another wave of exhaustion hit you, you were feeling a bit woozy. You decided to ignore the feeling, not wanting to give in now.
Orion wasn’t going to let you go now. No, he needed to get the message through your head somehow. Normally he would tell you not to think and just do what is right, but he knew you weren’t capable of that right now. He grabbed your hand this time. “I love you, Y/N… I think I have every right to be worried about you.”
You wanted to just pull your hand away and leave, but you didn’t seem to have the strength to do it right now. Why did you have to be so tired now? Why did this wooziness not go away?
  Orion seemed to realise something was off. He could feel you were trying to pull your hand away, but the attempt seemed to be rather weak. He didn’t let go your hand and made sure he was standing in front of you. He wanted to look you in the eyes. “Y/N, are you feeling faint...?”
“What…? No…”
A lie….
Orion could tell you couldn’t focus on him; it was like you kept just staring at him. Your whole body was definitely giving it away; you were feeling faint. He wasn’t surprised by it and expected to see it happen weeks ago. You couldn’t just expect your body to keep up with you when you were constantly pushing it over its limits.
“Can I go now…?” You asked him. “I need to…. I need to work on… on breaking the curse…”
Even now, you didn’t seem like you were ready to give up. You seemed to ready to ignore all the signals your body were giving you.
“No.” Orion just looked at you seriously.
“Orion… I need to… I need to keep working on the…” Your voice was trailing off. It was like you didn’t even had the energy to speak anymore.
Orion could see the exact moment you fell unconscious. He was prepared that would happen and just caught you in his arms.
  It took you a few minutes before you opened your eyes again. You still felt exhausted… You could see Orion looking at you. He seemed to be pretty calm, although, you wouldn’t be surprised if he just put up that face to keep you calm.
“Do you understand why I am concerned about you now?” Orion asked quietly.
“I…. Yes…. I do understand…” The volume of your voice was just above a whisper.
“You need to rest.” He said softly. “Let me help you to the locker room, so I can bring you back to our Common Room.”
You slowly tried to get up, but you were still feeling so woozy. Orion just shook his head lightly and then he just picked you up, carrying you to the locker room. In normal circumstances you would probably become flustered if Orion carried you. You were so tired, you just allowed him to do so.
 You should have known you would get scolded by Madam Pomfrey after Orion insisted you should go and see her. She had even contacted your parents. Well, you were lucky they didn’t send you a Howler… However, that didn’t mean you didn’t get any letters from your parents. They were angry and concerned you were neglecting your own health like that. If you didn’t start listening to your own body more, they would make sure you would follow a schedule to make sure you got enough rest. They emphasized you wouldn’t like that schedule.
Orion decided to help you out to make sure you would get enough rest. He wasn’t forcing you to follow his advice, but he made sure you would consider it. Also, he wasn’t the only one who were trying to help you out. Lots of your friends were keeping an eye on you too. They tried to take some of the workload of the Cursed Vaults from you. You did do most things yourself, but they would tell you when they thought you did enough for the day.
Skye had another method to make sure you would rest enough. ‘Y/N, if you don’t rest, I will make sure to tell Orion to put you on the bench during the next game.’
McNully seemed to side with Skye. ‘Seen from a strategic point of view, if you don’t rest enough, you will diminish the chances of winning the match by at least 33,3 percent.’
  So, you decided to follow Orion’s advice more. It wasn’t that hard to follow; Orion would just remind you occasionally about taking a break. A part of you felt like you were slacking off, but another part of you definitely needed a break. It also wasn’t too bad since you had more time to spend with Orion. If anyone could keep you calm, then it would be Orion. His presence was always calming.
You were in Common Room with Orion, sitting on one of the couches together nearby the fireplace. You leaned your head against his shoulder, liking to be close to him. He had wrapped an arm around you, lightly resting his head atop of yours.
“How are you feeling?” Orion decided to ask once again that day.
“Just fine, just like I told you earlier today.” You mumbled back with a small grin.
“I’m just checking. As much as I like holding you close, I’d rather not have you falling into my arms, because you are losing conscious.”
“I don’t think anyone wants that to happen again. I think I got the message afterwards…” You said honestly.
“We are just looking out for you, Y/N. We don’t want you to get a real burn-out.” Orion said, rubbing his hand softly against your arm.
  “I’m sorry for worrying you so much lately, Orion. I hope I didn’t drive you insane when I keep overworking myself like that.” You told him honestly.
“I have to admit. It was hard not to think about you when you were overworking yourself like that. I think I almost lost my cool a few moments.” Orion smiled lightly.
“Well, your face nor body didn’t give it away. You still seemed to be balanced, calm and focused.” You told him honestly.
“Some other people might disagree.” Orion chuckled. “But don’t worry about it. I will be fine as long as you make sure you take good care of yourself. You are very important to me.”
“And you are very important to me, Orion.” You said with a sweet smile. “It makes me wonder how worried you are about me whenever I am busy with breaking the curses of the Cursed Vaults.”
“Well, I’m not going to stop you from looking for the Cursed Vaults, but I can’t say I am never worried about you if that’s what you want to know.” Orion said honestly.
“I suppose that makes sense.”
“Everyone is worried from time to time. Everyone deals with it differently and it’s important to figure out how to deal with these worries without harming yourself in the process.”
  “I think I still have to figure out how to deal with these worries.” You said honestly. “Luckily, I have you and some others to help me out on the way.”
“Just see it like this; Rome wasn’t built in one day. You can’t just change your ways immediately, but after some time, you will know how to deal with it.” Orion told you honestly.
“I suppose that’s true… Behaviour is hard to change, so it takes time to learn how to do things differently.”
“Remember, we are here to help you when you need us.”
“I know and I appreciate that.” You said honestly, slowly sitting up a little straighter so you could face Orion.
He gave you a smile when you were facing him. You gave him a smile back before you moved your head closer to his. It wasn’t hard to figure out what you were planning on doing. Your lips slowly made contact and the two of you began making out.
  “Hey Orion! Don’t tire Y/N out too much after they just start to feel better!” Skye said loudly when she walked into the Common Room.
You both pulled away, blushing slightly. Although, you both had a big grin on your face. Things would slowly get better; you were sure of it.
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