#Ler Hero
fluffyskies · 1 year
This request is for the lovely @kanene-yaaay ! :3
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queenendless · 5 months
🪶❣️🪽This Bird's Beauty (Keigo Takami/Hawks x Adult!Fem!Reader)🪽❣️🪶
A/N: Testing the waters and getting back to writing BNHA stuff. This time on my recent simping/comfort character.
AU time, already established relationship, tickle fluff, and emotional stuff cause I'm an emotional wreck right now.
Plus I have read a lot of tickle fluff with this man and now I want in on it! There is some in here so I count that!
The past month and so this bird man has been on my mind. And I need new anime husbandos to write for!
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Another day in Kyushu.
Another busy patrol.
All to attain his long-term goal of heroes having too much free time on their hands.
Worn out, scuffed here and there, and gliding slowly above his hometown, the #2 hero Hawks was heading back to his favorite spot in the city.
A conversation from earlier surfaced in his mind.
“No villain stands a chance against you, Hawks!” One of his sidekicks ego boosted him.
“And no hero for that matter.” His other sidekick remarked.
Hawks chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Endeavor would disagree on that last one. Even the fastest hero alive can't handle the flames so well.”
“And does the fastest youngest hero alive have their eyes set on anyone lately~?”
“I've got my whole life before this young bird settles down in the nest.” That was his ending remark before saluting off to his crew and flying on outta there.
“Still …” He murmured to himself as he took a certain familiar route through the air. “I've already got my sights set on a particular birdie~”
A precious light amongst the seas of blurred smudges.
Saving you on more than one occasion.
Just a regular quirkless person.
Coincidence turned into a kinda sorta reason.
Spotting you between patrols and breaks.
An instant curiosity turned to intrigue.
Walking with you, talking with you about anything besides hero work, getting some fried chicken together.
This new constant of his day-to-day life as the #2 hero of Japan became the one constant he wished to keep hidden from the rest of the world.
One minute you're the breath of fresh air that he gladly partakes in. The next thing he knows, seeing you waving at him one day had his stoic face burning up at how much his heart was racing.
Your genuine gaze, your comforting scent, your infectious laughter —
Razor sharp vision spotted your apartment a mile away as he arrived at the more tranquil suburbs set against the rowdy cityscape.
He could immediately visualize you reading something curled up on your fuzzy soft rug in your bedroom, laying on your tummy as your bare legs crisscrossed in the air, your balcony door cracked open to let in the fresh air.
“All too easy.” He snickered as he sent several of his small feathers to zoom in through the opening.
Your recognition of the tough supple fuzziness that is his feathers stroking your bare soles had you rubbing away those tingling touches only to giggle absentmindedly as those feathers split up to stroke your heels, your topsides, and your arches.
Viewing your smile growing and picking up your melodious giggles through the sound vibrations in the air his feathers received had him relishing in his newfound hobby on top of winding down with you.
“Beautiful, inside and out.”
Your concentration on reading crumbled as you squeaked from those feathers wiggling against your toes, having you roll over and pull your legs to your chest, rubbing your feet together as your narrowed gaze homed in on those feathers floating back to the big bird man perched outside.
“Hey birdy!” Hawks' cheery face and tone had you at a loss between glee and frustration. “I've missed ya!” He was met with a pillow thrown at his face, taking the plush smack, catching it right after. “I take it the feeling’s not mutual?”
“It's been a week.” You stood up and brushed out your wrinkled attire as he hopped down from his perch on the railing before you, his ruffled feathers straightening themselves out. “And the first thing you do is a sneak attack!”
“Well, performing my heroic duties comes first, of course. Didn't stop me from thinking about you, though.” His flattery could only get him so far out of the doghouse, tossing the pillow aside. “And your lovely voice.”
“Can't see why though – EEK~!” The feather tickling your neck had you squealing and smacking your skin for not catching said feather as Hawks snorted in his gloved hand, smirking his ass off.
“Well cause I like everything about you … and you being ticklish is just a bonus.” He laughed as you playfully smacked his arm. “This is the thanks I get for saving you all those times?”
“Yeah, thanks a lot. I owe you my life.” Your sarcastic remark trails off when his tough supple wings draped around you, pulling you flush against him as his pouting lips and downtrodden eyes made you sigh in exasperated admittance. “Okay okay.”
Grabbing both sides of his fluffy collar, you pulled Hawks down enough for you to gently peck his lips. “Seriously … thank you.”
He blushed bright as a rose, grinning all dopey like. He cupped and brushed your cheeks as he returned the kiss tenderly, murmuring between breaks. “How lucky am I to have a gem like you in my life?”
“Flattery will only get you so far, #2.” Your airy remark was short lived as his golden-brown eyes gleamed with mirth.
“And your teasing will just keep getting you this~!”
His wings scribbled against your backside, causing a stream of squeals to come out, sounding so melodious to his own ears.
“No fair!” Your frantic pushing against his chest only drove him to have his feathers strike your nape. “Stahahap!” You felt your feet slip over your forgotten book, leaving it up to Hawks’ quick reflexes to keep you standing as his arms and wings protectively wrapped you up in his fuzzy cocoon, increasing the tingling sensations rubbing every inch of you. “Hahahahahawks!”
“So sensitive.” His faint stubble brushed the side of your neck, grinning against your skin as you squeaked louder. “So squishy~” He swooned, his arms flexing as he squeezed your waistline, wiggling his fingers into your sides plus squeezing them for good measure. “So squeamish!”
“I hahahate you – AAH~!” Him lifting you by your thighs had your arms and legs instinctively hugging his neck and waist.
“That's not what I see here, beautiful~” His smug smirk made you hide your flushed whining face in his neck, feeling the rumbling of his laughter seep through you. “But okay, I'll stop with the tickles … if you help me strip~”
“God you tease.” Your complaint was betrayed by your heartfelt emotion. Gingerly taking off his visor, his amused affectionate eyes watched as you also took off his headphones with slow tepid care, keeping you steady with his hands pressed to you tight.
“Ya know … you can call me by my real name … if you want to, that is.” He mused as he plopped down on your bed and helped you take off his jacket. “Seems only fair since I always call you by yours.” He pried his gloves off with his teeth, tempting you with his actions. “I wanna hear my name coming off your lips~” He purred.
Tenderly setting his removed items down on your nightstand table, you cupped his own cheeks just so you could look him straight in those golden-brown hues. “Keigo.” His eyes lite up right away. “K … Kei.” He audibly gulped as rose red tinted from his ears to his neck for indeed his blushing face spoke volumes of how overjoyed he was. “Can I call you that? Kei?”
He cheekily grinned. “Anything for you, angel.”
You peppered kisses all over his own giggling face. Prying his boots off with help from the heels, Keigo delicately pushed you to lie down on your back, legs intertwined, as some of his feathers tugged the balcony slide door closed before returning to his wings draping you both in their cozy protective warmth.
“I really did miss you, baby bird.”
He froze up as the sounds of sniffles reached his ears. The sight of tears making your e/c eyes shimmer like jewels are as mesmerizing as they are heart wrenching.
“I missed you too, Kei. So much.” His butterfly kisses to your eyes and cheeks were his way to cheer you up and show you just how much he cares for you, smiling as his stubble tickled your sensitive face enough to make you giggle and smile yourself.
“This optimistic guy is just glad to finally be home with his beauty again.” He sighed deeply as you brushed through his unruly messy hair, relaxing and leaning in to your heavenly touch.
Lulled by your caresses, he felt himself falling asleep, whispering as his droopy eyes turned to you.
“Y/n, thank you.” His lazy kiss gets returned by you, having his tired smile still radiating endearment as you both pulled away. “For coming into my life. Letting me be myself around you. Just … everything.”
“I feel the same way, Kei.” You confess as you too felt the embrace of sleep taking you in, using his chest as a pillow, slacking as having him back in your arms made it that much easier to settle down and unwind, straight to sleepy town. “I love you.”
Keigo's heart beats right outta his chest at that confession, admiring your sweet sleeping self, giving your forehead a kiss, curling into you, lulled by your soft breathing as it became his favorite lullaby. “I love you too.”
His wings settled back, pulling away to rest behind him as Keigo pulled you two to lay on your sides, still enraptured in each other, as nighttime swept throughout Kyushu.
For their winged protector took a nice long rest.
With you, his beautiful partner, safe and sound in his arms.
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gaybananabread · 8 months
TickleTober Day 3 - Cuddles
I've been slowly revisiting my old fandoms for the event, and the MHA curse may or may not have re-infected my brain. Soooo here's some DabiHawks because I'm basic (TvT). Loving this event so far, it's really challenging my creativity and overall commitment levels! As always, I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Hawks
Lee: Dabi
Summary: Dabi and Hawks wake up after a night together, cozy in their bed. Dabi wants peaceful cuddles, but Hawks won't stop being a shit. Lucky for him, Dabi knows just how to get the pesky bird to settle down.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Dabi just wanted one morning where he could wake up peacefully with his bird boy. Just one nice, calm, soft morning. With Hawks, however, that was never an option. He had barely opened his eyes before he felt something poking his cheek. 
“Heeeeey crispy~” Ugh, that nickname… He wished the pro had never thought of it. At least his morning voice was nice. Dabi tried to tune him out, digging his face into his partner’s arm. “Mmmph. Go back ta sleep…”
Peacefulness wasn’t really an option for the winged hero. He was feeling playful, rested and wanted to mess with his man. Besides, twelve o'clock is a perfectly reasonable time to wake someone up. Not his fault that Dabi’s not a morning person. The villain groggily swatted at the other’s hand.  “But I’m not tired. You need to get up, it’s almost noon.”
Dabi groaned, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. Why did he always have to do that? “No. Sleep.” He rested his head against the other man’s chest, hoping to sway him to the sleepy side. He never got the best rest at night, even with Hawks by his side. Mornings were dreaded by him, he always tried to get a few more hours out of his partner.
Hawks just chuckled and shook his head. He was more than used to Dabi’s groggy morning routine. Still, he was a bit antsy, wanting to start the day.  Feeling mischievous, he moved his wings, gently brushing the tips of his feathers on the burned boy’s neck and arms. 
That got a reaction, though it wasn’t the one he was looking for. Dabi pushed himself up, gathering Hawks’ wrists in one hand and pushing them above his head. The ravenette was practically laying on top of him, using his strength and weight to keep him pinned. He was awake now. Hawks wasn’t worried yet, his playful smirk on full display. “Wohoah. Thought you were tired, Dabs. Don’t mind this, though~” 
Dabi rolled his eyes and huffed. That man… He was gonna get it. “Always gotta go there, huh?” His free hand rested on the blonde man’s side, drumming fingers against his bare skin. “Think I got a way to wear you out, birdy.”
Now Hawks was worried. The smirk wavered, a nervous smile replacing his confident grin. Dabi didn’t make empty threats like that. “Hey! Lehet’s- let’s talk about this!” He tugged at his arms, trying to free himself. Pinned on his back, Hawk’s wings wouldn’t be much help. He could get them to Dabi, but the fiery man would easily push them aside. Besides, he’d rather not draw attention to the sensitive appendages. 
“Nothin’ to discuss. You’re being a shit; ’m just returning the favor.” The fingers on his side bent into a claw, slowly scratching the area right under his ribs. Hawks bit his lip, refusing to break so quickly. Dabi wanted a reaction? He was gonna have to work for it.
He wanted to play hardball? Fine. Dabi could play hardball. He kept his clawing light and slow, teasing the other man. The claw climbed upwards, toying with his ribs before moving back down. He was gonna be cruel about it. “Silent treatment, eh? We’ll see how long that lasts..” 
Hawks could feel his cheeks heat up as he squirmed. He was only in his boxers, his lover wearing a loose tank-top. He was almost completely exposed to Dabi’s ticklish teasing. His breathing was only getting shakier, the tight bite of his lip wobbling. The winged hero couldn’t hold out forever.
The fiery man saw his reactions, chuckling. “Look’it you, all blushy and squirmy. Could eat you up, nugs. Actually…not a bad idea.” Dabi lowered his head slowly, his clawing fingers running up and down the blonde’s ribcage. Hawks kicked and squirmed, but nothing he did could stop his boyfriend’s lips from touching down on his stomach. The hero finally broke, squealing and bursting into bubbly giggles as he felt Dabi’s teeth on his stomach.
“GYAAAhahaha! Dahabihihihi noho!” Hawks bucked his hips, trying to get the other man away from his ticklish belly. Dabi chuckled against his stomach, sending little vibrations through the sensitive flesh as he nibbled and kissed on it. He was being so mean!
As if all the teasing and provoking wasn’t enough, Dabi decided to speak against his belly too. “Such a ticklish thing, aren’t we? Wouldn’t it suck if I spilled to the League about this? Even with your wings, I doubt you could fend off Twice’s little army. So many wiggling fingers~” He switched from clawing to scribbling, still focusing on the winged hero’s ribs while nibbling on his belly. 
Hawks was in stitches, giggling and squeaking like there was no tomorrow. His cheeks were burning, the teases hitting their mark and flustering the man. “Youhuhu s-suHUHUCK! GEHEHET OHOhohoff!” The gentle scraping of his lover’s teeth on his belly, the fluttery feeling of the kisses; it was insane. Correction; it was driving him insane.
In a way, Dabi was still getting his cuddles. He was pretty much laying on Hawk’s lower body, he was kissing and loving on him, and his partner was smiling. True, pitchy laughter was right behind that smile, but he wasn’t picky. Pinning his arms above his head and tickling him was just a part of the fun. 
“Bahabe- babe plehEHEHEASE! MOHOHOVE!” Hawks was quickly losing it over the tickles, the nibbles and kisses on his toned stomach more than he was ready for. He was used to Dabi being mean, but he normally wasn’t this cruel. He should’ve just gone for the cuddles…
Dabi’s head finally pulled away, a wide and smug smirk adorning his features. He ran his hand across his boyfriend’s stomach, wiping any loose saliva from his tickly attack off the surface. That man knew exactly what he was doing, and he was enjoying it. “Aww, guess my birdy can’t handle a few kisses. Maybe you should think about that next time you wanna be a shit.” He kept both Hawk’s arms pinned above his head, using his free hand to drill into the blonde’s hips.
Think about that next time? Oh, he’d be thinking about it for the rest of the day, possibly into the next morning. And maybe, just maybe, he’d do the exact same thing tomorrow. But at that moment, all he could do was laugh. “DAHABIHIHIHI! WHYHIHIHI AHARE YOU SOHO MEHEHEAHAN?!”
“It’s my job, Keigo. I’m an evil villain, remember? Gotta keep my bratty bird boy in check.”  That made Hawk’s entire face go red, the blush actually spreading to the tips of his ears. They seldom used each other's actual names, as they had gotten used to the aliases before they started dating. Hearing his name come from Dabi’s mouth, on top of the tickling and teasing tone…it’s safe to say he was flustered. Even better, the worst was yet to come.
Dabi’s eyes wandered, landing on his boyfriend’s wings. He had long since figured out how sensitive they were; that was hardly the first time he’d tickled the man. This meant that he knew exactly how ticklish his wings were, and just how to go at them to wreck the hero. His hand slowly moved behind his ribs, getting closer and closer to the base of Hawk’s wings. “Ya know, there’s one spot I’ve been dying to get to. I’d say I’ve been pretty patient, wouldn’t you?” 
Oh, that ass. “DAHABIHI- DABI NOHOHO! YOUHUHUHU WOUHULDN’T!” Dabi just laughed, leaning down and whispering right in his ear. “Oh, I would~” He let go of Hawk’s arms, quickly flipping the man over now that his hands are free. Hawks, both dazed from the tickled and flustered out of his mind, couldn’t react fast enough. He was straddled in seconds, both of Dabi’s evil hands scratching along the bases of his wings. 
When I say this man cackled, I mean he lost his shit. 
“NAHAHA! SHIHIT- DAHAHABIHIHI! IHI- YOUHU- GAHAHA!” He writhed under his boyfriend’s touch, the crazy ticklish spot driving him up the wall. He could barely think, barely speak, barely do anything other than thrash and laugh his ass off. Dabi found it quite amusing. “Damn, birdy. Got some pipes on ya there. Should be calling you songbird.”
Hawks ultimately gave up, resigning to his ticklish fate. He couldn’t get Dabi off his back, couldn’t focus enough to use his quirk, and couldn’t stretch his wings far enough to retaliate. He just pressed his face into a pillow, laughing his heart out as his boyfriend destroyed him with tickles.
Eventually, Dabi got his fill, seeing the puddle of squirmy cackling beneath him. He climbed off of the winged hero, instead laying beside him and pulling him close. Hawks was still giggling like crazy; the intense tickling left him with plenty of phantom sensations. Dabi just rubbed his back, placing little kisses on his forehead as he cuddled up to the blonde. “Easy, babe. I’m done, you’re good.”
It took a solid three minutes, but Hawks finally regained his composure, sighing into Dabi’s chest. The tickling had definitely worn him out; all the antsy energy he felt that morning was spent. In fact, he could use a nap.  He draped across his boyfriend’s sides, breathing out a sleepily muttered “jerk” before closing his eyes. 
Dabi just chuckled, gently scratching the pro’s head as he drifted off. It was gonna be at least a good hour before he woke back up. Looks like he was getting his cuddles after all…
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fluffyweeby · 8 months
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Tickletober day 4 - Weak spot
Prompts by @tickletober
I think Aizawa having a ticklish neck is canon at this point and he’s gremlin of a husband would use it all the time against him. Wjajswwjssj I love them too much 🥹
Happy tktober everyone! 💜
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intheticklecloset · 2 months
Haiiii 😆 I’m a huge fan of your MHA Fixs! In honor of them, can we do 🍿 🍉 with Lee Bakugou & Ler whoever you want? I hope you have fun with this and I hope you have a good day/night 💕
🍋 Lemonade Special Order 🍋
“DEHEHEHEHEHEKU YOU FUHUHUHUHUHUCK!!” Bakugou roared with laughter, struggling and kicking to no avail as his friend hovered over him, fingers deep in his upper ribs. “THE MOHOHOHOHOHOVIE ISN’T OHOHOHOHOHOVER!!”
Deku giggled. “You weren’t even watching it anyway!”
A particular dig into one of the blonde’s weak spots made him kick out in retaliation, catching the bowl of popcorn the greenette had placed – safely, he thought – on top of the coffee table and sending the kernels flying everywhere, showering down on them like rain.
They had, until moments before, been watching a popular anime-turned-live action movie together to unwind a little and start learning how to be proper friends again, but not even halfway through Bakugou had started to nod off, so Deku poked him playfully to keep him alert, and well…
“AHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” the blonde screamed, clamping his arms to his sides far too late to actually protect himself. His head was thrown back and a giant smile on his face as he cackled.
Deku giggled along with him, continuing to press and knead into that sweet spot between his ribs and armpits, enjoying himself very much despite the change in activity. Usually he was on the receiving end of this kind of treatment from Bakugou; it always felt nice to turn the tables on him when he could.
“Language~” Deku warned teasingly, daring to lift his friend’s shirt enough to expose his tummy and blow a quick raspberry against the skin.
Bakugou went rigid, laughing so hard he went silent, wheezing out what giggles he could before taking a deep breath and rolling over to look up at the smaller boy, mirthful tears in his eyes. “Plehehehehease,” he begged, holding up a hand in surrender. “No mohohohohohore, Izuku!”
Deku grinned but did as he was asked and sat back, letting his friend sit up and catch his breath.
After a moment of regaining his bearings, Bakugou glanced around and muttered, “The fuck happened to the popcorn?”
“You kicked the bowl.”
“And whose fault is that?”
Deku shrugged, still smiling. “Not my fault you’re so ticklish, Kacchan.”
Bakugou had him pinned to the ground and begging for mercy through his own hysterical laughter in three seconds flat.
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tickly-giggles · 11 months
Okay, so can we have lee!Dabi, ler!Hawks with "th3 safeword is tickle." Cuz Hawks knows Dabi can't say it, and he wants a go at his bellybutton!
Anon, you read my mind. The second I made that one of the options, I thought of Dabi being forced to say it~
A/N: Istg, I always put way too much romance in these lol I'm such a hopeless romantic, please forgive me. Also, this doesn't connect to any storyline, this is just fluff <3
Warning: Tickle fic ahead! Also very light bondage
Prompt: "The safe word is 'tickle'."
Characters: Dabi, Hawks
Shipping: DabiHawks, they are together!
Lee: Dabi
Ler: Hawks
Word Count: 1,187
“Alrighty, ya ready?”
Dabi groaned, face flushed as he experimentally tugged on his binds that held him spread eagle on the bed. He wasn’t tied down very tight, it was only his first time trying bondage, but being unable to protect himself made him far more nervous than he would like to admit. He tried to recall how he even got himself in this situation.
Ah, that’s right. Ever since he and Hawks started dating, he had become a lot more comfortable around him. That included attacking him with tickles at any chance he got. The feeling of superiority that washed over him whenever he tickled Hawks into submission was addictive. He knew he liked it, too, so it wasn’t that big a deal. However, one day, Hawks had expressed his desire to get revenge on his boyfriend. 
“I’m always on the receiving end,” he said,
“I just want a chance to get back at you.”
“Not gonna happen, Feathers,” Dabi chuckled.
Hawks smirked mischievously,
“How ‘bout this then? If you can go a full day without tickling me, I won’t get you back. But if you can’t,”
he took Dabi’s chin in his fingers and pulled him closer,
“Then I get to tie you up and get proper revenge.”
The hot head smirked, not wavering from Hawks’ touch,
“Fine. I’m gonna win, though~.”
He didn’t win. In fact, he lost quite spectacularly.
There were no rules set in place when they shook on the bet, and there was nothing saying Hawks couldn’t provoke his boyfriend. From being a little brat to straight up asking to be tickled, suffice to say Dabi did not last the whole day.
So now, here he was, tied down at his boyfriend’s mercy like promised. He watched Hawks, who had a stupid grin on his face. That same stupid grin that never failed to steal Dabi’s breath. 
He huffed and averted his gaze, tugging on his ropes one more time, before succumbing to his fate with a sigh,
“Yeah, I guess so.”
Hawks beamed and slowly began rolling up his boyfriend’s shirt. Dabi instinctively sucked in his belly, which made Hawks chuckle.
“I haven’t even started yet! You’re so cute~.”
“Shut up, feather brain,” Dabi hissed.
“Ahahalright, alright,” Hawks positioned his wiggling fingers over the villain’s belly,
“By the way, the safe word is ‘tickle’.”
Dabi shrieked and bucked as Hawks immediately went for his death spot. Was he trying to kill him? The bed bounced and shook with his incessant struggling. Hawks laughed, meticulously skittering his fingers along the outer rim of the villain’s belly button, sometimes dipping in to lightly scratch at the skin. What really made Dabi go crazy, however, was when Hawks positioned his fingers on the outer edges of his belly button and squeezed. There wasn’t a lot of healthy skin to work with on his torso but, luckily, he never seemed to get used to the sensations.
“Awww, lookit you! You’re such a ticklish wittle baby, aren’t you~?” Hawks teased, smirking when Dabi’s laughter went up an octave from hearing the T word.
Dabi growled through his laughter, frantically tugging on his binds,
“I’m not stopping until I hear the safe word. Which is ‘tickle’, did I mention that already? Tickle tickle tickle~!”
“GOHOHOHOD DAHAHAHAHAMMIT, SHUHUHUT UHUHUHUP!!” Dabi whined and stuck his face in his arm, desperately trying to hide his flushed cheeks and giant smile.
All he had on his mind was revenge. How dare Hawks make the safe word a word he couldn’t even say? He had no choice - if he wanted it to stop, he had to say it. He wasn’t necessarily flustered by it, it just wasn’t a word he felt comfortable saying. Whenever he would say it, it felt like acid on his tongue, and he would feel like he committed some kind of sin. When he heard it in the context of teasing, however, he was absolutely flustered by it. His face erupted in red, his laughter got louder and more hysterical, his squirming doubled in intensity. He couldn’t bear to hear the word while being tickled, let alone say it. He figured he was doomed to be tickle tortured like this forever at this rate.
Suddenly, there was a small reprieve, and Dabi gasped for air. He looked up at Hawks while catching his breath. The winged hero smiled down at him, shimmying down his boyfriend’s legs and repositioning himself a bit.
“You seem like you’re having fun~,” he grinned.
Dabi scoffed, 
“What gives you that idea?”
“Well,” Hawks ran his hands up Dabi’s torso, making him shiver at first, then he relaxed into his boyfriend’s warm touch,
“You haven’t bothered to say the safe word at all. And I’m tickling your worst spot. Are you actually enjoying being at my mercy while I tickle you to pieces~?”
The villain shivered, narrowing his eyes at the cocky bastard he called his partner,
“You know I can’t say it, that’s not fair.”
“And when, my dear Touya, have you ever played fair, hm~?”
Dabi swallowed at the mention of his real name. He huffed and averted his gaze once more, not dignifying Hawks with a response. Another moment of peace passed before there was a sudden intake of breath, and Dabi’s entire tummy erupted in ticklish vibrations.
“GAAAHAHAHAHAA, HAHAHAHAWKS!!” he arched his back, effectively pushing his belly deeper into the raspberries,
“Wohohow, you’re weak to raspberries!” Hawks laughed, squeezing along Dabi’s sides,
“I wouldn’t have guessed~!”
He took another deep breath and blew an even bigger raspberry directly on his boyfriend’s belly button, causing him to throw his head back in shrieking hysteria.
Dabi couldn’t even form full words, he was in such ticklish agony. He thrashed and writhed helplessly, wanting nothing more than to turn these damn ropes to ash.
“You know how to stop this~,” Hawks purred, readying yet another raspberry.
It took about another ten minutes of tickle torture before Dabi could finally muster up the courage to say it. He couldn’t believe how the sensations never died down, he was always just as ticklish as when the sessions began. It was absolute agony, the way his nerves were shocked with such intensity every time Hawks so much as squeezed his tummy. There were days he wished he wasn’t so ticklish.
And like that, it all stopped. Dabi coughed and groaned, letting his head fall against the soft pillow beneath him as he regained composure. He heard Hawks chuckle, and he watched him as he started untying the ropes.
“What’s… so funny?” he panted.
Hawks shot his boyfriend a genuine, beaming smile, and Dabi’s heart skipped a beat,
“Hearing your laugh is so therapeutic. I can’t get enough of it. You’re adorable, and I love seeing you smile.”
Dabi didn’t reply. He lay on the bed, patiently waiting for Hawks to finish untying him.
Maybe being this ticklish wasn’t so bad.
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flames-tstuff · 11 months
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One of my absolute favorite ships/pairings from bnha <3 This was a request from my event (many months ago lol) but I also have been wanting to draw them for ages now anyway.
I wanted to try subverting the ler!mirio / lee!tamaki alignment since that's the easiest way to go about it (but don't get me wrong—I still love ler!mirio / lee!tamaki :) the sunshine boy needs some love too, ya know?
Thank you all for the support and I hope you enjoy! <3
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kiritkl · 5 months
Ticklish Massage
Lee!Midoriya | Ler!Kirishima Foot-focused tickling
Summary: Midoriya complains about his feet aching from training, so Kirishima decides to offer up some help. However, Kirishima's curiosity gets the best of him.
“A what..?’ 
Midoriya raised a brow.
“A massage! You said your feet hurt, right?” Kirishima gleefully replied, a grin on his face.
The green-headed boy thought for a moment, then soon after agreed. After all, how could he pass it up? His soles ached like hell from training so hard - he needed a remedy, quick.
“Alrighty, give ‘em here!” Kirishima held his hands out, signaling to his friend that he was ready to go.
Midoriya thanked him before placing his ankles in his hands. The redhead nodded, “No worries! I’m always here to help, man!”
Kirishima began the massage by suddenly drilling his two thumbs into the top pads of Midoriya’s left foot. He moved his thumbs in circular movements, completely unaware of how it was affecting his friend.
Midoriya nearly bit his tongue trying to keep his laughter inside his mouth. His cheeks held bubbles inside of them, ready to pop and release all of his cute giggles at any moment.
Kirishima glanced over at Midoriya, to see him gripping onto the floor’s carpet and mending his lips shut. He sensed something was off, but continued with his massage.
The boy’s next destination was Midoriya’s arch. He again, used two thumbs to circularly massage into the rather smooth skin. This time, when he looked over at Midoriya, he spotted his fists banging on the floor, as his lips trembled.
“Somethin’ wrong, Midoriya..?” Kirishima worriedly asked, not putting two and two together. He kept massaging Midoriya’s arch, not a care in the world.
“Oh- N…noho-nothing…” Midoriya replied, letting a singular giggle slip. He hoped that Kirishima didn’t hear it, otherwise, he’d probably realize what was going on.
“Oh…ya sure?” Kirishima brushed a finger against Midoriya’s toes - hoping he could prove a past suspicion. 
Midoriya giggled, throwing his hands out to try and stop Kirishima’s finger from going anywhere else. However, Kirishima had already pulled the boy’s ankles into an armlock.
“Ohoho, I knew it! Our little friend is ticklish on his feet! How adorable!” Kirishima teased, fluttering a few fingers against both of Midoriya’s soles.
“No, I’m not!- Ah- stahahahap!” Midoriya chuckled, covering his face. He was afraid this would happen!
“Oh, c’mon…it’s alright to be ticklish,” Kirishima replied, scribbling a finger beneath Midoriya’s toes. He knew how ticklish his friend was from past experiences, so there was no point in trying to hide it.
“Wait!- NohOHOHoh! I cahan’t tahahAHAHEHEhehahake ihit!” Midoriya squealed, thrashing his legs around to no avail. Kirishima’s grip was too strong - he wasn’t escaping anytime soon.
If it weren’t for Kirishima’s love of cute laughter and giggles, this would’ve been done from the start. But how could he resist hearing Midoriya’s sweet laughter?! A simple answer - he couldn’t.
Kirishima raked five of his fingers up and down Midoriya’s feet, starting at the balls, swiftly moving up to the pads, and then making a stop at the toes to tease them. Then, moving back down the pads and so forth. 
Midoriya was done for. He was basically howling with laughter, trying to reach Kirishima’s back to punch him or something. P.S., it didn’t work. It only gave Kirishima more of a reason to tickle him.
“Y’know, a little birdie told me that your thighs were ticklish…” Kirishima hummed. He looked over at Midoriya, who looked like he’d seen a ghost.
“Whohoho tohold you thahat?!” 
“Why’re you still laughing? I’m not even ticklin’ you!” Kirishima chuckled. “Hm, maybe I should check your thighs just to make sure.”
Midoriya yelped when Kirishima pounced on his waist, straddling him. He sat facing Midoriya’s thighs so that he could have full access to the supposedly ticklish area. He quickly began to squeeze the tops of his knees, causing him to writhe around, desperate to escape this ticklish nightmare.
Kirishima then pinched the insides of Midoriya’s thighs. This drove Midoriya crazy, to the point where his face turned red and a singular tear went down his cheek.
Kirishima turned around to see this and giggled. “Too ticklish for your own good, huh?” He asked, getting off of the boy and helping him up on his feet.
Midoriya rubbed his soles on the carpet. He still felt like he was being tickled by Kirishima. 
The redhead gave Midoriya a pat on the back and offered him an actual foot massage if he was still hurting. The boy was smart and decided to do it himself. He knew Kirishima would pull something sneaky again.
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fluffyticklespots · 1 year
Hand It Over! (My Hero Academia)
Warning: Tickle fic ahead!
Characters: Todoroki, Bakugou
Word Count: 1,535
Summary: Bakugou wants to watch TV, but Todoroki had control of the remote first. After (barely) asking nicely, he decides the only way to get it is through torture~.
A/N: This fic isn't necessarily TodoBaku, but it can be read that way or platonically! :D
“I said, give it to me!”
“Stop, Bakugou, I was here first.”
“Like I give a shit, Icy-Hot! Hand it over!”
Todoroki yelped when Bakugou pounced on him. He angrily tried grasping at the TV remote, which Todoroki held high above his head. Everything had been peaceful until Bakugou decided he wanted to come out of his room for once. Todoroki was watching a news program, though not much had been going on aside from the usual reports, and not two minutes had passed before Bakugou started demanding the remote. The half-and-half hero was used to this behavior from his classmate by now, but that didn’t stop him from rolling his eyes at the way he was being spoken to.
He tried grabbing at his explosive classmate’s hands with one of his own while still keeping the remote out of reach. “Stop. I already told you I’d give it to you when my show was over.”
“It’s the news!” Bakugou scoffed, still grappling for the remote, “It’s not even entertaining!”
“Maybe not to you, but it is to me.”
“Gimme the remote!”
“I said no.”
Bakugou growled, aggravated at the fact that his classmate was being so calm and that he was about equal strength with him, if not more so, so trying to grab the remote while he was pushing him away was more of a difficult task than he’d like it to be. In the midst of his fruitless attempts, he shifted his position, and accidentally brushed his hand along Todoroki’s side when rebalancing. He shot his gaze downward when he heard a loud gasp escape from his friend, along with his arm coming down ever so slightly.
“The hell was that?” Bakugou inquired, his usual gruffness accompanied by a sprinkle of interest and confusion.
“N-Nothing,” Todoroki stammered, his heart pounding and face flushed.
The hot headed hero silently scanned his friend beneath him, trying to figure out what could have elicited such a sound. He narrowed his eyes and shot him a glare.
“I’m not dumb, Icy-Hot!”
“I never said you were.”
“Then tell me what that sound was!”
Todoroki felt himself sinking further into the couch, wishing he could just go back to watching TV. He felt his face heating up more and more by the second. He didn’t know how to get out of this. Bakugou was determined and stubborn; there was no way he was going to let this go. Quickly and in a panic, he took the moment Bakugou was distracted to squeeze at his side with his free hand. His classmate yelped in surprise, defensively wrapping his arms around his torso. This didn’t stop Todoroki, as he grinned a little and continued squeezing the side he had a grip on. Bakugou grit his teeth, growling in place of forced laughter, and tried clawing at his friend’s offending hands.
“S-Stop! What are you d-doing?!”
“What’sa matter, Bakugou? Are you ticklish?”
“O-Of course not, moron! Stop it!”
“If you’re not ticklish, then why do you want me to stop?” Todoroki moved his hand up to Bakugou’s ribs, squeezing and scribbling whatever surface he could that his friend wasn’t actively protecting.
“B-Becahause!” Bakugou doubled over, practically falling on top of Todoroki while he clutched his torso desperately. “Leheheave me alone!!”
“Were those giggles I heard~? Did the big, bad Bakugou just giggle?”
Todoroki smirked as his explosive friend came crashing down onto him. He continued to rapidly squeeze and knead at the spot just above his ribcage, not letting up for a second. Bakugou thrashed like a fish out of water, shoving at his friend’s hands in pure desperation. He couldn’t even muster up the strength to back away from him, that was how badly it tickled.
“Not ticklish, huh?”
“That’s not nice, Bakug–”
The half-and-half hero yelped when he felt a squeeze at his own side, and he absolutely melted when the squeezes continued. He lost any energy to keep up his own ticklish onslaught, and used any remaining energy to keep himself from laughing. Gasping for breath, Bakugou kept kneading and pinching his friend’s sides, grateful for the moment of reprieve. Once he finally regained his strength, he sat up fully and dug into his sides with more force.
“Oh, you all quiet now? What happened to that cocky attitude you just had, Icy-Hot?” He smirked and proceeded to explore Todoroki’s abdomen. He squeezed, kneaded, and scribbled his fingers along every inch of his ticklish torso. “C’mon! You were so vocal just a second ago! Laugh, dammit!”
A swift shake of his head was enough to encourage Bakugou to try even harder. He explored the entirety of his classmate’s torso, some spots eliciting more of a struggle than others, but he knew he hit the jackpot when he ventured up to his armpits. A single poke was enough to cause Todoroki to squeal and thrash harder than he had thus far. He shot his arms down and started pushing at his tormentor, but he grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head with one hand. The remote had long since fallen to the floor.
“There we go,” Bakugou grinned mischievously as he drilled into his friend’s hollows with his free hand.
“Please? Please what? You have no room to beg, you started this!” He started kneading his thumb into the pits while scribbling his fingers on the outsides of them. “But I won’t object to hearing you beg. So go on, beg all ya want! See how far it gets you~.”
The smirk on the explosive teen’s face was spine-chilling. He looked sadistic as he tormented his poor classmate, really digging into one of his worst spots with such vigor, and feeding off the desperation in his voice. The combination of his bright red face and shrieking, helpless laughter was intoxicating. He had no intention of stopping anytime soon, and it showed. That is unless…
“You regretting not giving me the remote yet?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? You never gave it to me! Come to think of it…” Bakugou turned his hand into a claw, intensely scribbling into his friend’s armpits with deadly precision. “Is that why you started tickling me? Did I accidentally tickle you while tryna grab the remote? You wanted to distract me from trying to do it again?”
The heat that radiated off of his classmate’s face was enough of an answer. Todoroki shrieked, whined, and thrashed as his armpits were tormented. He wanted to just cover his face, too embarrassed to even wanna be in the same room as Bakugou right now. No one had known he was ticklish. Hell, he hadn’t even known until a particular confrontation with Midoriya not long ago. His upbeat friend had sworn not to tell a soul, though, so he figured he was safe from anyone else finding out. How he hated being wrong.
“Well?” Bakugou pinched the skin around the half-and-half hero’s armpits, drilled directly into the middle of them, rapidly scribbled and tickled every inch of the sensitive skin, doing whatever he could to squeeze out the loudest and most desperate laughter.
“Not yet. You still need to hand over the remote.”
“I don’t think I wanna stop just yet, you’re having so much fun~!”
“Ugh. Fine. After this.” Bakugou proceeded to lift his classmate’s shirt up, hold down his wrists with both of his hands, scoot downward, then positioned his lips above his tummy.
“W-What… Whahahat are you dohoing?” Todoroki looked on with confusion, tensing his belly for the worst. 
Without a word, the explosive hero took a large breath in, then blew a giant raspberry on his friend’s bare tummy. The noise that escaped him was almost inhuman. A mix of a shriek, a snort, and uncontrollable laughter, immediately followed by silent hysterics. Todoroki thrashed and bucked and squirmed, desperately trying to get away from the ticklish torment. He had never experienced such a torturous feeling before. And yet, he would be lying if he said it didn’t feel exhilarating.
Once his long raspberry concluded, Bakugou sat off of his friend, shooting him an amused smirk. His classmate was a mess of tear-stained, red cheeks, residual giggles, and tingling nerves everywhere. After a few moments of trying to calm down, he sat up fully and glared at Bakugou, though it lost any effectiveness due to the wide smile he so desperately tried to hide.
“So, remote?” Bakugou inquired expectantly.
Todoroki huffed as he got off of the couch, legs trembling. He went around to the side the armrest he had been pinned to was on, and grabbed the remote that had fallen to the floor in the commotion. He then plopped back onto the couch, all energy having been expended.
“Here,” he glowered at Bakugou as he handed him the remote.
“Finally,” the hot head relaxed into the couch as he changed the channel, looking victorious. He then peered at Todoroki curiously, saw his attempt at a scowl, and laughed. “What? Your show’s over anyway~.”
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yourllocalaroace · 4 months
Kiribaku sentence starter lee Bakugo and ler Kirishima plz
They were cuddling and kirishima became mischievous 😏
“Kirishima! Stop! Wait! I’m Ticklish!”
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Note: I really like Kiribaku but there’s so little content for it, so glad I can feed the Kiribaku shippers out there <3
Kirishima! Stop! Wait! I’m ticklish! 
‘Huh? But I’m not doing anything~’ He replied in a mocking tone. He wrapped his arms tighter around his waist, fingers digging into his sides. 
They were just lying in Bakugo’s bed; until Kirishima decided to give his boyfriend a hug, he linked his hands around his waist and brought him close. He could hear Katsuki’s heartbeat as he pressed his ear against his back.  At first Bakugo didn’t seem to mind, but soon he felt Kirishima’s breath against his neck making him scrunch away from the tickly feeling. 
‘S-Shit! Fine ,then stop breathing down my neck!’ The blonde boy huffed, seeing he wasn’t getting out of this hug any time soon.
‘Just relax! All I’m doing huggi- MMPFH!’ Kirishima was cut off mid sentence as a pillow smacked into his face, pushing him back. He let go of Bakugo with a jump. 
‘Hey! I’m just  trying to be affectionate!’ The red head complained, rubbing his face where he got hit’
‘I’m not saying you can’t!’ Bakugo huffed back, ‘But stop tickling me!’ 
‘It’s not my fault you’re so ticklish…’ 
‘SHUT. UP.’ 
‘Fine, I won’t try anything now will you please let me hug you?’ 
Katsuki agreed, laying back down and allowing Kirishima to come close. Kirishima wrapped his hands back around his boyfriend’s waist, but what the blonde failed to see was Kirishima’s sly grin from behind him. 
Suddenly Eijiro used his quirk to harden his arms and hold the unsuspecting Bakugo in place. 
!? ‘ Kirishima what are you—!’ He was cut off as he felt fingers slip under his loose black shirt and onto his bare stomach, wiggling gently. 
‘Y-You son of a bihihitch!’ He rapsed,  Kirishima’s cold fingers adding to the ticklish feeling, ‘You said you wouldn’t!’ 
‘Fuck you! I swear I’ll-‘ Bakugo cut himself off, slapping his hands over his mouth to muffle the giggles spilling out. 
‘Hey… I love hearing you laugh you know? So don’t cover up those adorable giggles!’ He moved his fingers to trace along his abs, smiling as the other squirmed in response. 
The older bucked his waist in a futile effort to get those damned fingers off him but he only succeeded in pushing his stomach more into Kirishima’s devious hands. Bakugo still remained stubborn, holding his hands tight to his mouth to stop any noises escaping. He didn’t want to give Kirishima what he wanted so easily.
‘Oh stop trying to put on a tough guy act.’ Eijirou teased before moving to a spot he knew his boyfriend wouldn’t be able to handle -that spot just underneath his armpits but above his ribs- he dug in carelessly and payed close attention to the reaction of the other. 
Just as he predicted, Bakugo’s hand shot away from his mouth and gripped and the attacking hands allowing for loud rich laughs to escape with the occasional squeal. 
‘GAHAHAAH! NAHAHA—AHAH! KIHIHIRISHIMA!’ He bursted out, the laughs basically being ripped out of his throat whether he wanted them to or not. ‘NOHOHOHO! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEEHERE!’ He Thrashed around on the bed, kicking all the sheets and blankets off it.’STOHOHOHOHOP PLEHEHEHEHASE THAHAHAHAHAT TIHIHIHIHICKLES!!’His face turned a nice shade of pink and his face scrunched up which Kirishima absolutely adored.
However after a while he knew his boyfriend needed a break and stopped his tickling. 
‘Ahahahaha fuhuhuhuck,’ Tired, Bakugo just plopped himself back down on the best and didn’t even try to put up a protest when his red headed lover bundled up close next to him.
Hope you enjoyed 🫧🤍
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rachi-roo · 7 months
Hey, I saw your fic requests open and I wanted to know if you could do Lee!dabi and Ler!tomo (I'm pretty sure that's the name of your oc if I remember correctly)? I love his quirk and it'd be interesting to see how you think dabi would react to it! ^^
-------------{ ☆°•○•°☆ }--------------
My Hero Academia: Join the Dark Side, Yo
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Oh my GOODNESS! It's been a little while since I've written something this long! I just love writing dialogue with my Tomo baby. He's such a sassy little shit XD I'd think Canon Dabi would just power through the tickles and incinerate Tomo, then find his family, burn them too, and probably steal his dog XD Buuuut, let's just pretend the tiggles are too strong! Thank you so much for the ask! Love you, thank you for your patience!
Summary: Dabi tries to convince Tomo to join the LOV.
Lee!Dabi, Ler!Tomo
Tw: Swearing, flirting
--------------------☆ ☆------------------------
Money, money, money! Today had been a successful hunt. Tomo had snatched several wallets from unsuspecting rich folk and even a snazzy Gucci watch that would fetch a nice handful at the cash pawn shop.
"Hmm... Udon set from the seven-eleven down the road? Ooor, maybe something from the night market?" He asked himself as he counted his wad of stolen cash. "Nice, I can afford both!"
"Abe Tomohiro."
"Huh?" The boy paused, hearing someone call his name from down an alleyway. "Yello?" He called back, stuffing the money into his pocket as he narrowed his eyes, trying to see who was talking to him in the dark.
Once his eyes focused, he saw a man staring at him with a grin across his scarred face. Dabi.
"Hey, kid. Come on down, I wanna have a talk." Dabi called, gesturing with a wave. He was on the lookout for villains to recruit into the League.
Tomo gulped, looking around for other civilians before taking a step closer, smiling. "My mum told me not to follow sexy men into dark alleyways."
"Hah, your mums a clever woman."
"That she is. Unfortunately, that intelligence didn't get passed down to me." Tomo smirked, walking towards Dabi casually. He knew that being defensive was usually worse in these situations.
Now face to face, Tomo looked up at the shadowy man who loomed over him.
"So, what can I do for you, sexy man in the alleyway? I'm afraid I'm not looking for company tonight if that's what you're offering." He smirked.
Dabi just smirked in return. He seemed to be in a good mood tonight. Otherwise, Tomos sass would find him dead. Dabi cocked his head to the side, looking down at the boy.
"I've heard a lot about you, Abe."
"Tomo is fine. No need for formalities." Tomo smirked as Dabi gave a nod of understanding.
"Tomo. I'm aware of what you get up to. You seem to have a real talent for it. And, you and the Pro hero, Hawks, are on good terms? Right?" He asked, raising a brow as he watched Tomo narrow his eyes.
"How'd you know that?"
"Doesn't matter. What I'm getting at is how useful you could be. I'm looking for people to join our little cause. You clearly understand that society is unbalanced. The way you only steal from those pompous rich bastards is evidence enough."
Tomo folded his arms, biting his lip as he listened. He knew where this was going, and he wasn't sure if he was keen on the idea. "Mhmm... What of it?"
"I think you'd be a handy addition to our group. Hawks, let's you commit crime. He knows you're stealing, and yet, he lets you walk free. That might come in handy for some dirtier jobs that come up." Dabi smirked, leaning close to Tomo, watching his eyes carefully.
"I reckon we see eye to eye on some level... I want what Stain is after. The fall of false heroes and-"
"Pffft-" Tomo cut him off, blowing a raspberry as he gave him a thumbs down. "Stain? Nuh-uh. No thanks, pal. I'm not out here to put anyone in the dirt."
Dabis friendly front immediately faded. Replaced with a blood-lust glare. "No?"
"Nah, I'm too pretty to be digging around in dirt like that. You're hot, but not pretty, so it's fine for you."
"I don't dig graves." Dabi growled, leaning closer, pinning Tomo between him and the wall with his arm.
"You don't? You mean... That smell is just you?"
"Moron. I don't dig graves because there's never anything left to bury!" The flame weirder ignited a warping blue flame in his palm, holding it close to Tomos face, slightly charring the tips of his hair.
Tomo scrunched his eyes shut, leaning away from the heat as he chuckled nervously.
"Ooho, damn. Yeah, that's hot." Tomo smirked, reaching a hand to pat Dabis chest. "Look, I appreciate the offer, I really do. But I'm just not built for the whole super-villain business, Mr- Uh, what was your name?"
"Mr. Dabi. So-" Tomo ducked under Dabis arm, slowly starting to shimmy towards the main road again. "It's been nice, cool meeting a real villain and all, but I gotta go."
"Pitty." Dabi sneered, raising his hand, aiming a fireball at Tomo. "Shigaraki suggested you by name too. He held you in high regard, but I see you- GYAH!?" Dabi arched his back suddenly, yelping as his fire was diminished.
"Sorry bout that, I just hate long ass monologues." Tomo shrugged as he shook his head.
Dabi wasn't sure what just happened, but he was pissed!
"If you value your life, you won't do that again!" Dabi growled, clenching his fists angrily. His pride was already a little damaged due to the noise he made. Tomo chuckled, amused by Dabis reaction.
"Oh? Why?" Tomo asked, stepping a little closer, tilting his head.
"Does it tickle?"
Dabi felt a strange sensation in his chest. What was this feeling? He felt warm. Though not like any heat he had experienced before. This was different. Was he... Flustered?
"Little shit!" He was pissed. He tossed a fireball at Tomo. It was missed by inches as his aim was thrown off by a tickly sensation on his stomach that made him double over, clutching his stomach as he bit back a laugh.
"Oh, you are ticklish then! Never would have guessed~" Tomo teased, hopping up onto a dumpster and making himself comfortable as he watched Dabi consider his options. Which were limited at this time.
"Just get out of here, kid." The dark-haired villain hissed, keeping his eyes fixed on the concrete.
"Hm? And miss out on seeing a sexy villain like you laughing and begging for mercy under my hand? No can do, Mr. Dabi~" He raised his hands, starting to pinch the air. Each pinch made Dabi flinch and snicker.
"Gh-! I-I sweAh-! I swear, if you dOHON'T stop! I'll fihind y-you ahand- FUCK!" The constant random squeezing sensation moved up and down Dabis ribs, making it hard for him to string a sentence.
"You'll find me and what, sir? How forward of you, hehe~!" Tomo smiled, crossing his legs as he looked down at the squirming villain. "You're kinda cute when you laugh. Ya know?"
The light squeezing turned into more vigorous tickling, targeting the villains stomach now.
"Stahap! Y-You little shihiiiit! AHA! GR-! NOHO!" He rolled onto his side, clutching his stomach as a few small, harmless flames spurted from his palms. "Rrrh! NnnAHA!" His eyes scrunched shut, his knees pulled up into his chest as he tried to hide his expression from view.
"Nawww, look at that smile! You know, I love when big scary men like you are ticklish. It's very humbling and adorable. Kichy, kitchy kooo~" Tomo laughed with him, making squeezing gestures in the air that stuck to Dabis inner thighs, making him kick and flail helplessly.
"STAHAP! F-Fuhuhuck it! I-I'll bury yOHOHOUUU! AaaaAHA!"
"I thought you said you don't dig graves? Now you're lying to me? Ugh... It's always the pretty ones that are the liars." The tickling kicked up a notch as Dabis underarms were attacked.
"Kichy, koo~ Little squirmy wormy villy willain! So eeevil! Yes, I'm petrified right now, can you tell? Oh sho shcawy!"
"GOhod damn it! GyahahaAAAHAHA! NO! Noho! NAHAHAAaaa-!... *gasp* StyAHAP! STAHAHAAAAP!"
Dabi clamped his arms to his sides, throwing his head back in hysterics. He felt so vulnerable, something he hadn't felt in years now. And this sensation of tickling. Never before had he felt such a thing, it was so intense! It was... Pleasant? No! Of course not! He'd never think such a thing!
A sort passed his lips as he leaned up against the wall, just managing to prop himself upright as he laughed himself silly.
"HAHA! OHO SHIHIIIT! Dahahamn it! F-Fuhucking stahahap! EH!?" He gasped, looking up and realising the boy was long gone.
"HEY! Where'd you gohOH!? Come BAHAHACK! AHAHAAAaaaa-!... *gasp* GAHAHAD! C-COHOWARD! I'll fIHIIII- AHA!" It was no good. Dabi gave up throwing threats around. He rolled back onto his side, pulling his jacker collar up around his face, trying to keep his crimson red cheeks hidden and his laughter quieter.
Once the tickling finally subsided, Dabi couldn't even bother to be mad anymore. He just lay there for a while, staring up at the stars as he caught his breath. "Damn... Kid... Hah..." He smiled to himself, rubbing his side as a ghost tickle made him jump. Maybe Tomo was right to decline. Someone who tickles people for defence doesn't belong with a group of criminals like them anyway.
"My turn... Next time..."
Thanks for reading! Much love! 😚💕
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fluffyskies · 1 year
I have one thing to say…SIBLING ATTACK
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​Just felt like making this cuz the thought of siblings attacking their younger sibling with tickles is just too good of an idea to pass up.
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t-annuki · 8 months
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Sorry for the inactivity, I'm doing this Inktober from IG called Husbanstober. Trying new brushes and drawing my husband is <3
Day: 1-8
Tadashi Hamada: Big Hero 6
Rex Salazar: Generator Rex
Garrus Vakarian: Mass Effect
Tenya Iida: Boku No Hero Academia
Jack Davenport, actor
All Might: Boku No Hero Academia
The Once-Ler: The Lorax
Tobio Kageyama: Haikyuu!
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gaybananabread · 7 months
I'm so excited to participate in your augtickletober! For number 28, please consider writing lee kirishima! with ler todoroki from my hero academia hehehe, a relaxing massage seems nice~ By the way if the number is already taken, feel free to change to any numbers (probably number 29 or 24 as backups just in case 28 got taken), thank youu!!
TickleTober Day 28 - Massage
Oooooh not a pairing I write for often! Still, the skrimblos must have their fun. Kiri would be the kinda guy to massage his friends, so nice! I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Todoroki
Ler: Kirishima
Summary: A stressed-out Todoroki passes Kirishima, the boy’s mama-bear instincts kicking in. An innocent massage to help him relax leads to a rather tickly situation.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Todoroki was stressed, to say the least. Working tirelessly to get his Provisional License, training hard to stay on top, and regular classwork had him going pretty much non-stop. Cold soba was his only escape, and even that was starting to lose its effect. It was all wearing on him, keeping his muscles tense and eyes sunken with dark bags.
The dual-quirked teen sauntered into the dorm’s kitchen, in search of his comfort food. His shoulders ached from tension, his neck and back in similar condition. The cold soba was the only thing he wanted at that moment. When he opened the fridge door, though, he deflated. “Damn it…” He had forgotten to make more the night before, exhausted from another night of rigorous training.
Kirishima walked into the room, a bright smile on his face. “Hey, Todoroki! How’s it…going.” He saw the other student’s tired, saddened form, concern blooming on his face. “Are you okay, man?”
He sighed, closing the door and cutting off the cool air. Was he okay? He wasn’t sure he knew the answer himself. “Uhm…yes. Why do you ask?” 
That only made the bubbly teen’s brows furrow. “Because you look very not okay. You’re more tense than Aizawa sensei after dealing with Bakubro and Midoriya.” He smiled softly, a small huff of air escaping him. Though they didn't interact much, Todo knew he could trust the boy and enjoyed his company. “Maybe I am a little wound up.”
Kiri chuckled, getting a bit closer and opening the fridge. He noticed the lack of his classmate’s favorite dish. “If you want, I could help. I’m not the greatest cook, but I could try and make you some soba. Maybe a massage or something.”
The massage option caught his attention. He was stupidly tense; he could use a break. “I wouldn’t mind a massage, if you’re willing to give one.”
“So formal, Todobro. You’ve gotta loosen up a bit.” He was more than happy to help out his classmate, moving over to one of the dorm couches. “And of course, I’m happy to. You wanna sit down and I’ll help?”
He nodded, following him and sitting down beside the red-haired teen. Normally, he wouldn’t have been so accepting of the concerned gesture. Midoriya and the others had been working with him on asking for help, though; it was working. Kiri went right to work, rubbing circles in his shoulders. It was unfair how quickly the tension began to ease.
Eijirou moved methodically, working to ease his peer’s tense muscles. The sheer amount of knots he had to work out concerned him. “Jeez, man. You’ve really gotta take more breaks. This isn’t healthy.” 
A small hum came from the tense teen; he was too lost in the calming feeling to do much else. At first, when Kiri was working his shoulders, it felt wonderful. He could feel the tension leaving, the tight pains fading to dull aches or going entirely.
As time passed, Kirishima’s hands wandered, moving to the base of his ribs and back. A small, annoying buzz came with the release, making him smile. Todoroki squirmed a little, trying to distract himself from the feeling.
Kirishima noticed the squirms, pulling his hands away. “You good? Sorry if I hurt you, I’m a little rusty.” Of course that’s where his mind went. That boy was too kind. “No, it’s fine. Just needed to move.” With a nod, the massage continued, right back at the dreaded spot.
Okay, that was fine. He could handle a little buzzing, no problem. At least, he thought he could, until Kirishima moved upwards again, gently poking his neck to feel for tension. Todo went rigid, a small giggle escaping him. Oh, he was screwed.
“Todoroki…are you ticklish?” Previous statement retracted. Kirishima wasn’t nice at all for asking. He knew the answer already, and knew the other boy would lie. “Uh, no. Just, um, thought of something funny.”
Bullshit. Kiri sniffed out the obvious lie, deciding to toy with his friend. “Okay then. I’ll be more gentle, just because.” He went back to massaging the other teen’s neck, making sure to scritch his nails on the skin every once in a while. Todoroki bit his lip, thankful his back was to the hero-in-training. Rosy cheeks and a poorly suppressed smile didn’t really help his case.
This continued for about a minute; Kiishima gently massaging the other teen, occasionally letting his nails scrape the sensitive skin, and Todoroki trying desperately to stay quiet. The bright boy’s patience was wearing thin, and although he’d love to continue massaging his friend, the giggle was too enticing. He gave up on subtlety, going and simultaneously squeezing both Todoroki’s sides.
He muffled a yelp, jolting forwards and grabbing the crimson student’s hands. There was no denying it now; Todoroki was ticklish, and Kirishima was gonna help him let loose. Kiri wrapped his legs around the other’s torso, pulling him back and against his chest. It was a classic Kiri play-fight move, one most of the other students feared and loved; it meant that he was about to get it.
Ten fingers drilled into both his sides, pulling a few surprised giggles from the serious teen. He tried to squirm out of it, but he was essentially trapped in a hug; pinned both around the middle by wiggling fingers and waist by strong legs, Todoroki was trapped. He probably could’ve burned his way out of the hold, but he would never purposefully hurt his classmate. 
“Wow, so wiggly, Todobro. I’m just trying to get you to relax! Like these sides, they must be tense if you’re fighting it this much!” He knew that wasn’t why he was squirming so much, but it was an “excuse” to continue the tickling. Besides, teasing him was fun. He experimentally scribbled Todo’s navel, The results were better than he could’ve hoped for.
“K-KIHIRISHIMAHA! NOHOHO!” He practically squealed when he felt the boy’s nails on his belly button, his cheeks almost matching his left hair as he laughed. Kirishima adored the sound, happy that his classmate trusted him enough to cut loose like that. He didn’t really have much of a choice, but still. “Aww, there we go. You gotta release all that inner turmoil and stress, bro. Laughter is perfect!”
His well-meaning teases were completely unfair. Todoroki drummed his feet on the couch, twisting and shoving at his classmate’s hands. He didn’t totally hate what was happening, but still, it tickled! He just wished Kiri’s nails were focusing anywhere but his belly button. “MOHOHOVE! COHOME OHOHOHON!” 
Feeling merciful, he did as he was asked, instead focusing his fingers on the candy-cane boy’s sides.Loud laughter gave way to sweet giggles, surprisingly bright for such a serious kid. “Kihiri- Kihirishihihimaha! Whyhihihi?”
“Why? You’re stressed, that’s why. I’ve never seen someone so determined to have an aneurysm before adulthood before. You could do with some giggles.” He squeezed his navel, making Todoroki emphasize it with a squeal. “Like that! Very cute, by the way. You should laugh more.”
Such a jerk! He wanted to protest anything Kirishima had just claimed, but he couldn’t. Truth was, the tickling was helping. While giggly and flustered, he was much less tense than when he’d arrived. He also felt much happier, though he attributed that to human interaction rather than the goofy touch. 
Kiri could tell he was enjoying himself, at least to an extent. He hadn’t heard the actual word “stop” once. A certain sound, though, made him halt the touch. Was that…?
Todoroki’s cheeks somehow got redder, that time from embarrassment. His stomach had growled rather loudly, reminding him of his long day and skipped meals. Kirishima was the one to laugh then, releasing his friend from the tickly hold. “Ohokay, your stomach’s got an opinion. Think we should get you some food, huh Todoroki?”
The half-and-half teen mumbled something under his breath, but nodded in agreement. He was hungry, and some cold soba would be nice. Kirishima chuckled, heading back to the dorm kitchen to prepare some grub for him and his friend. 
Todoroki looked after him, a small smile on his face. He felt much better than he had before, his dampened spirits lifted by the other student’s silliness. He got up, following to help with the dish. He’d have to ask for massages more often…
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lee-lucius · 8 months
Tickletober Day 2: Accidental
Summary: When Spinner agrees to help Shigaraki take care of his scars, neither of them expect it to take a ticklish turn.
Word Count: 1,899
Day 2 is done! I want to write for a bunch of different fandoms this month, and I was so excited to get to write for one of my favorite ships! (I love them sm I swear---) Anyway, I hope you enjoy these cute, sappy boyfriends! 💙
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"Are you… ready?" Spinner asked, voice hushed and hesitant, wrestling with his nerves.
Shigaraki hummed in affirmation, running a hand through his wet, slightly knotted hair before shoving it into a messy bun, just good enough to keep it from hanging onto his neck. He looked lovely. Nestled in an oversized dark sweatshirt, he settled himself down on the couch with his back to his boyfriend, fiddling with his sleeves. He never could stay still.
"Right," Spinner swallowed, eyeing the nape of his neck. The scars were better now. Healing. With enough persuasion, the League had managed to get Shigaraki to avoid scratching for the past few days, allowing his old wounds to close. It hadn't been easy to break the habit he'd had for… Spinner didn't know how long, but he was managing. And when it got especially bad, Spinner was always there to hold his hands, much to both of their embarrassment.
A bath, they decided, would help wash away any of the dead skin before they tried to revitalize it, using a lotion Kurogiri had given them. Shigaraki had asked Spinner to help him apply it; he didn't know why Shigaraki needed the help, but he agreed.
Maybe it was a mistake. He didn't think it would be, until Shigaraki had left for his bath, while Spinner tried very hard not to think about what he was doing. Those few minutes were all it had taken for the panic to set it.
And it was only growing worse, being this close to him, the scent of his coconut-shampoo absorbing him, watching his small, nimble fingers toy with the loose strings of his sweaters—
"Spinner?" Shigaraki called, drawing his attention away from his thoughts.
He mentally berated himself, cringing at how much time must have passed. With a deep breath, he tried to gather himself as much as he could. It wasn't a big deal, really. It was only the most intimate thing that they would be doing since they started dating. Arguably, even the most intimate since before they were dating.
No—he shook himself out of his thoughts, holding back a sigh and opening the bottle. He needed to stop thinking. So, finally, he tucked a stray strand of hair behind Shigaraki's ear, ignoring the spark that shot through him at the contact.
"Sorry. I'll—I'll just…" he trailed off, but Shigaraki seemed to understand as he half-nodded, bun bobbing up and down, almost coming loose. 
Smiling, Spinner squirted a glob of lotion into his hand, and slowly, gently, with trembling fingers, he reached out to apply it to his neck.
Shigaraki flinched at the cold sensation, tensing before slowly relaxing into the touch. Physical contact was still a largely foreign concept to him. In his relationship with Spinner, and the rest of the League, he'd gradually grown to become more accustomed to it, but it was nothing like this. Perhaps that explained the heat rising to his cheeks and the odd tingling sensation where Spinner touched him.
As Spinner continued his work in silence, clumsily massaging the lotion onto Shigaraki's dry skin, the sensation quickly grew annoying. The tingling lingered long after Spinner had moved to a different section of his neck and even spread down his back, like little shocks of electricity shooting down his spine. 
But it wasn't completely unbearable, at least not yet. Only because he knew the reason it was taking so long, that his partner was lovingly and painstakingly trying to alleviate his pain however he could, so Shigaraki would sit through it.
That didn't mean he would be still, though. His lips, for whatever reason, wobbled and were forced into a small smile that, thankfully, Spinner couldn't see from his position. 
Unfortunately, he did notice when Shigaraki's occasional twitches grew in frequency and intensity, until he was practically shaking. Spinner stilled his hands, pulling back and allowing Shigaraki a moment to collect himself before asking, "Are you alright?"
"Fine," he mumbled, reaching up halfway to his neck before he stopped himself. 
Spinner took Shigaraki's hand in his, gently squeezing it. "Did it hurt?"
"No. It just felt… weird."
"Should I stop?"
"You're almost done, aren't you? Just finish it."
He hesitated before nodding. "Alright, turn around so I can get the front."
Shigaraki repositioned himself, and Spinner swallowed again, eyes darting around the room as he tried to find anything other than his partner to focus his attention on. 
It was easier before, when he didn't have to stare right at his gorgeous boyfriend and think about how he was touching him and how else he wanted to touch him and—focus. 
Focus. He just needed to focus.
He was already halfway done, and it hadn't been that bad. He could do this. 
So he started again, pushing back his nerves and trying not to think too hard about it. That's why it took him longer than it should have to notice; he didn't realize what was going until it happened. 
Shigaraki giggled.
Just barely. Quiet, so quiet Spinner almost didn't hear him, and raspy. It was the most beautiful thing Spinner thought he had ever heard.
He stopped, more out of shock than anything, and stared at Shigaraki. 
Shigaraki, whose hands desperately clutched his sweatshirt, pinkies up, whose mouth curled in a hesitant, twisted imitation of a smile, whose eyes squinted, body tense, and actively avoided meeting Spinner's eyes.
He knew what it was, but it took him a long moment to manage to form the words. Finally, Spinner sputtered, "You're ticklish?"
"Is that what it is?" he asked, more to himself than anything. 
Tickling was something he could vaguely recall from his childhood in more pleasant moments with his mother and sister, not that he liked to dwell on those memories. He had barely remembered what tickling was, let alone that he was ticklish, but he supposed it made more sense than anything else.
Spinner stared, wide-eyed and slack-jawed. This, this was the most shocking moment of his life. Even more than when he'd left his everyday life to join the League, than when Shigaraki had actually returned his confession, because Shigaraki Tomura, the leader of the League of Villains, his boss and boyfriend, was ticklish.
Spinner clamped his jaw shut; again, he'd been staring for too long. He shook his head, speechless and struggling.
"Nothing," he managed, resisting the urge to say something about how cute that was. "Do—should I keep going?"
"Go ahead," he grunted, willing himself not to react this time. It had been embarrassing enough when he laughed.
It was more hesitant this time; Spinner's touch was lighter, likely trying to save Shigaraki from more embarrassment, but it only made it worse.
The tingling sensation had returned, more intense than before. It felt like it was spreading throughout his whole body, making his skin stand on edge. He wanted to shove Spinner's hands away or scratch himself, anything to relieve the feeling. 
Spinner couldn't help but smile as he watched his boyfriend, who had a growing grin of his own. With a sudden burst of courage, he slowly reached his hand up to gently cup Shigaraki's face. He tilted his chin upwards, angling it so he had better access to his neck.
They both flushed. Shigaraki sank into the touch, instantly forgetting his annoyance as he was held in a way he hadn't been for years. Spinner left his hand in place long after it wasn't necessary, a nervous excitement shooting through him. It was closer than they had ever been. So close that if he leaned in another few inches, they'd be kissing. 
They still hadn't actually had their first kiss. Not yet. And now that Spinner was looking at his lips, he couldn't seem to look away.
Even when his lips parted and another hushed giggle poured out as Spinner continued applying the lotion. Then he bit his lip, eyes squinting and nose crinkling through his attempts to hold back his laughter.
Spinner felt his heart beat faster. God, he wanted to hear more. He moved his hand from Shigaraki's neck, unable to resist shooting it down to squeeze his side. 
With a loud curse, Shigaraki jolted with another burst of rapid giggles. Spinner laughed fondly, snaking his hand down further to shove it under his sweatshirt and tickle Shigaraki's bare skin, while his other hand remained cradling his face. 
"Whahahat ahare yohohou dohoing?"
"I thought we covered this. I'm tickling you."
"Whihihy?" he squirmed, trying and failing to dislodge Spinner's fingers from his side, but there wasn't much he could do without rolling off the couch or risking accidentally using his quirk.
"Well, because you're…" his blush deepened, "you're… really cute like this."
Shigaraki huffed. It wasn't… completely miserable. It was definitely annoying, but it left him feeling oddly sentimental, and Spinner was enjoying himself. So, he figured he could sit through it for a few more minutes.
He was wrong.
His laughter shifted from soft giggles to full-blown cackling as Spinner clawed at his stomach, making him thrash as much as possible. There was no way to even try to hold back his laughter; the strange feeling completely absorbed his body, leaving him absolutely helpless. 
Spinner cooed, staring at him in awe as he brought his other hand down to squeeze at Shigaraki's thigh, making him shriek as he arched backwards away from his touch. 
This, he knew, was something special. Shigaraki wouldn't let just anyone do this, share such an intimate moment with him, and Spinner felt incredibly happy. He felt a lot of things. But most of all, he felt deeply and completely infatuated with his boyfriend.
Suddenly, he stopped. He paused, letting Shigaraki catch his breath,  before he brought both of his hands back up to hold his face.
"Can I kiss you?"
Shigaraki blinked at him, looked into his eyes, looked away, and almost brought his hand back up to his neck, before he lowered it and met his eyes again.
His voice was as hoarse and softer than Spinner had ever heard as he breathed, "Yes."
His lips were rough and chapped and firm against his; they tasted like the chamomile tea Spinner had brewed for them earlier. He felt himself leaving his body, melting, molding into Shigaraki's, feeling himself fit into every crevice and curve of his body. The kiss deepened, and suddenly his hands were in Shigaraki's hair, tangling in its knots and unfurling the sorry excuse for a bun, and Shigaraki's hands, always careful, were around his neck, then his waist, and on his chest, everywhere, beckoning him, pulling his closer, entwining them deeper together, until he couldn't breathe and couldn't tell Shigaraki's body from his own.
Then they pulled back, one of them or both, Spinner couldn't tell, and they were breathless and giddy, smiling then laughing then going back for more and more and more.
It certainly wasn't a bad first kiss,  or second, or… however many they shared. And after they'd both had their fill and settled back down, Spinner leaned against him, still wholly infatuated and unbelievably lucky to be with him.
Then, he remembered what they were supposed to be doing. "I still have to put it on your face."
Shigaraki sighed and grumbled, "Fine," but there was still a smile on his lips and flush on his skin.
At least this part wouldn't tickle. Probably.
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tickly-giggles · 11 months
Can we have a drabble for lee!Hawks, prompt 12, with his wings? I'm a sucker for lee!Hawks and especially ticklish wings! Only if you want to, tho!!
YES OF COURSE YOU CAN, ANON! Thank you for sending this in, I've been waiting for someone to send one!
A/N: Some sentence starters are a little awkward for me to put directly at the beginning, so this one is a little further down, but it's there! This isn't necessarily connected to my current DabiHawks tk universe, but if you wanna think of this as a little flashback type deal, then go for it! Also, I decided to make this a college AU, cuz I couldn't find a proper way to make it in the normal universe and have Hawks be struggling with something that has a deadline that he could fail on. So, college AU it is! A quick thought just popped into my mind, though, about renewing hero licenses, though I don't know if that's a thing. REGARDLESS, ENOUGH RAMBLING-
Warning: Tickle fic ahead!
Prompt: "I'm gonna fail if I don't finish before the deadline."
Characters: Dabi, Hawks
Shipping: Technically DabiHawks, I promise they'll get together soon, guys
Lee: Hawks
Ler: Dabi
Word Count: 1,072
Yet another sleepless night of never ending studying put Keigo into quite the irritated mood. He sat at his desk in front of his laptop, head in his hands, the screen displaying a document that currently only had three paragraphs written. Birds started chirping outside his window as light from the sunrise began streaming into his dorm. With a frustrated sigh, he looked up at his computer screen and glared at the document. He had never been this stressed in his life.
Keigo’s overthinking was abruptly interrupted by a low groan and the shuffling of bed sheets from behind him. Touya slipped out from under the covers and stretched, then he looked over at his roommate, who had his back turned to him and was still staring at the laptop.
“You’re up early,” Touya commented, shivering as his bare feet hit the floor.
“Haven’t slept,” Keigo replied curtly.
Touya frowned and stood, walking over to his roommate. Empty energy drink cans littered his desk, and a small pile of dirty plates sat beside his laptop. When was the last time he even moved from his chair?
“You gotta get some sleep, Keigo,” 
Touya said as he reached for the laptop. He huffed when Keigo swatted his hand away,
“When’s the last time you showered?”
“Like, last night or something?”
Touya hissed, glaring at Keigo, who refused to look at him,
“I had a hard time getting to sleep cuz your sleep deprived ass wouldn’t go to bed, and that damn laptop is brighter than my fire.”
“Tsk. Whatever, I just need to get this done.”
“You need to look after yourself.”
“I’m fine, Touya.”
“You’re not fine,”
the hot head crossed his arms,
“Your wings are drooping.”
“Dude, I’m gonna fail if I don’t finish before the deadline,”
Keigo finally turned to his friend, 
“You know how important this essay is! It’s due tomorrow, and I barely have anything written down. I know how my quirk works and how I can use it in battle, but I can’t explain it!”
he growled and slammed his fist on the desk,
“Why is an essay gonna be the deciding factor of if I graduate or not?!”
Touya sighed and rubbed his roommate’s head soothingly, 
“Relax, birdbrain. It isn’t the end of the world. You still have a whole day to get it done,”
he then took Keigo’s hand and tugged gently,
“But you need sleep first. You won’t be able to think properly if you’re running on fumes.”
“I can’t sleep right now,” Keigo groaned,
“Please leave me alone.”
Touya glared at his friend, getting more frustrated as time passed. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head, and his annoyed expression quickly transformed into a mischievous one.
he huffed as he walked behind Keigo and positioned himself at his wings that hung over the back of the chair,
“I guess I’ll have to make you.”
Keigo shrieked with sudden, uncontrollable laughter. Touya smirked as he dug into his friend’s fluffy wings, then yelped when one of them flapped a little too hard and smacked him right in the face.
“You little shit,” the hot head grumbled.
“I-I’m sohohorry,”
Keigo whined, standing up and holding his hands up in surrender while his roommate approached him,
“Touya, please, I’ll go to sleep, just anything but this– TOUYA!!”
Touya wasted no time, pouncing on his winged friend and pinning him to the bed, then scribbling all ten of his fingers over his sensitive feathers. Ever since they were children, Touya knew Keigo’s worst spot was his wings. He loved tormenting him whenever he got on his nerves, or even if he was just bored. His friend never failed to provide an entertaining experience.
“Too little too late, Keigo,”
the hot head smirked evilly, savoring his trapped roommate’s screams of ticklish agony,
“You should’ve decided before I had to resort to this. ‘sides, you hit me with your wings. I deserve some payback for that.”
“IHIHIHIT WAS AN AHAHAHACCIDENT, YOU PRIHIHIHICK!” Keigo cackled, thrashing helplessly,
“Not my problem,”
Touya shrugged, moving his fingers toward where Keigo’s wings connected to his back, and he chuckled as his friend’s laughter became more high pitched and desperate,
“Poor little Keigo. Can’t handle it, huh? Is it too much? You poor thing~.”
“Awww, does teasing get to you? Hmm? Does it make it worse?”
he leaned in closer to Keigo’s flushed face, still talking in that sickeningly effective baby voice,
“Do you like it when I tease you? Huh, little birdie~?”
Keigo felt extremely hot, and he pushed at Touya’s face with one hand while covering his own with his other hand.
“Ohh~? Do you like that nickname, little birdie? Does it make you flustered? Ah ah ah, don’t cover your face,”
Touya huffed and quickly grabbed Keigo’s wrists, pinning them above his head and giving him a little breather,
“Or I’ll make you regret it~.”
The winged student swallowed nervously and stared deeply into his friend’s eyes while catching his breath. He’d be lying if he said this wasn’t exciting and fun, but he still had his paper to write. He frowned and averted his gaze.
“Can I go back to working on my paper, please?”
“Your paper will be there.”
“Touya, let me up.”
“That’s it.”
Laughter once again rang throughout the dorm room, only stopping when Keigo’s boisterous cackling turned into silent hysteria. Touya knew he wasn’t going to listen, so he had no choice but to tire him out enough so that he wouldn’t even think of anything but sleep. 
About an hour had passed when the hot head finally decided to let up, and his plan had worked. Keigo fell asleep almost instantly after the tickle attack, and Touya tucked him in gently. He smiled as his roommate snored peacefully. It was an adorable sight - his flushed face stained with mirth and a small smile resting on his lips. He looked so comfortable. Touya sighed fondly and ran his fingers through Keigo’s soft hair, his eyes lingering on his lips for longer than he would admit. Finally, he walked over to the desk and made sure to save his friend’s work before closing the laptop, and began cleaning up the mess. He was positive Keigo would do better once he got some rest.
Request a drabble~
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