#Latest designs of western tops
vestureforge · 2 years
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Shop Online WESTERN ERA – Blue Lighter Mood Top
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Price:- ₹2,800 The pleated crop top features a comfortable and bold look in our embroidery. Featuring long cuffed sleeves. The soft and breathable cotton fabric ensures all-day comfort.
Shop Here:- https://junctionstore.in/shop/clothing/womens/western-era-blue-lighter-mood-top/
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subhranika · 1 year
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gendercensus · 1 year
On culture-specific gender words
I just had a bit of a ramble about this topic in the latest progress report, and I'll repeat it here for context.
I've been reading the feedback as it comes in, and based on some of that feedback I've been pondering the issue of culture-specific gender words. It's a very difficult issue, because:
If I add an umbrella term like "culture-specific gender" I feel like that won't help as much as people think. I think when you get right down to it there isn't a strict line between a general gender word and a culture-specific one.
I think a lot of people will check that box that the feedbackers were not intending, because when you get right down to it every term is culture-specific really, isn't it?
Marginalised groups relating to culture/region are by their nature fewer in number, which also means that their gender words are very unlikely to be entered frequently enough that they'll end up on the checkbox list.
The checkbox list is just a list of the most commonly-entered words, to make data-processing easier, but to an extent that creates a self-fulfilling loop of culture-specificity - people in marginalised groups come to the survey, don't see their genders in the checkbox list, immediately feel out of place, and check out again. Then their gender words are never anywhere near the top of the list.
So maybe it doesn't feel like the right approach to modify the checkbox list, but maybe the design of the survey can be improved to help people from marginalised groups feel more welcome and to encourage them to type in their culture-specific gender words, to address that bias.
This is something that comes up year after year, and it's always niggling at me, and I would really like to find a solution that feels satisfying! So, I'm thinking about it, and I will keep thinking about it.
Shortly after posting it, I updated some of the text on the front page of the survey a little bit. The previous wording had never sat right with me, and I realised that I could feed two birds with one scone.
Original wording: "As far as we know, most people fit tidily into one of these categories: [gender binary man/woman descriptions]"
New wording: "According to the white Western model of gender called the "gender binary", everyone fits tidily into one of these categories: [gender binary man/woman descriptions]" [See edit, below!]
I didn't announce this, but less than an hour later I got this in the feedback box:
"Not a complaint about the survey itself; Just wanted to say that dropping something like "white Western model of gender called the "gender binary"" maybe isn't the best idea. Not to mention that it's completely false. You probably only meant it as a joke or were trying to be edgy, but maybe think about what you're actually saying/writing beforehand."
I obviously can't take it into account or act on it at all, because they haven't given me any information about what's wrong with what I said or any corrections, they're just being passive-aggressive and ~vaguely ominous~
So I'm posting this as an example of the kind of feedback that has literally zero effect, and I'm inviting some feedback that is more informative and useful. How do you know a statement that I made is false? Why isn't it the best idea? In what universe is it "edgy" to point out that maybe the binary model of gender might not be universal in a survey aimed at people whose genders don't conform to the binary model of gender? I need multiverse co-ordinates, people!!
Anyway, obviously Tumblr is terrible for messaging, so the best way to send me feedback is to reply to this post (because it's all in one place), but if you want to contact me less publicly you can email me: hello AT gendercensus DOT com. For obvious reasons I am more interested in your thoughts on this if you're a person with a culture-specific/-exclusive gender, but basically all thoughts are welcome.
Edit, a few hours later: I've removed the "white Western" part now, because it didn't feel like a particularly constructive thing to include, and because I can't back it up with sources off the top of my head. I want to keep the introduction to just the pertinent information, as common-sense as possible.
So now it says:
According to one model of gender called the "gender binary", everyone fits tidily into one of these categories: [gender binary man/woman descriptions]
And I think I feel better about it. It implies that it's one of several models of gender, without raising it above other models, and race or region are not a factor but anyone not white or Western will hopefully read that and be reassured.
Further thoughts welcome, here or by email!
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mariacallous · 1 month
In recent days, hundreds of thousands of Georgians have taken to the streets of their country’s capital, Tbilisi, to protest a controversial draft law being debated in the Georgian Parliament. The government, led by the Georgian Dream party, calls the draft law the “Transparency of Foreign Influence” bill. Opponents refer to it as the “Russian law” because it mirrors a Kremlin law designed to silence, stifle, and shut down political opposition. In the latest escalation overnight, Georgian police used water cannon, tear gas, and rubber bullets to break up continuing protests against the law.
If passed, the law would require all nongovernmental organizations to declare if they receive a certain amount of their funding from abroad. Opponents of the bill argue that these measures will weaken civil society and threaten freedom of speech. If the experience in Russia is anything to go by, their concerns are well founded.
Last year, the Georgian government introduced similar legislation, only to withdraw the bill from Parliament after several days of major demonstrations. The new bill is basically identical to last year’s draft. The difference this time is that the demonstrations—supported by opposition politicians and civil society groups—are larger and the public outcry greater than before. Georgian, Ukrainian, and European Union flags are commonplace among the crowds, where young people are heavily represented. The bill already passed its first reading in Parliament. This week, the draft law passed its second reading, and Georgian Dream bused people into Tbilisi from around the country for a rally in favor of the bill. In a fiery speech, Georgian Dream founder Bidzina Ivanishvili promised “punishment” to the main opposition party and civil society groups speaking out against the government.
The third and final reading of the bill is expected to take place around May 17—another expected flash point on Tbilisi’s streets. After the bill’s likely passage, it will be sent to Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili, who has promised to veto it. Georgian Dream can then use its majority in Parliament to override the veto and bring the bill into law.
Georgia’s Western partners are ringing the alarms. Today, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell condemned the latest violence against protesters. Earlier, European Council President Charles Michel stated that the draft law “will bring Georgia further away from the EU.” A U.S. State Department spokesperson said: “We are gravely disappointed by the Georgian parliament’s decision to advance Kremlin-inspired ‘foreign influence’ legislation.” Javier Colomina, NATO’s special representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia, posted on social media: “This draft is a step backwards & does not further [Georgia’s] Euro-Atlantic integration.” Considering that almost 80 percent of Georgians see their future in the EU, the mass demonstrations against the draft law are not surprising.
Meanwhile, there has been nothing but support for the Georgian government from Moscow. Outspoken Russian philosopher and Kremlin insider Alexander Dugin declared that “Georgia is on the right track” with the reintroduction of the law. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov blamed the West for provoking “anti-Russian sentiments” among Georgians. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, too, has publicly defended Georgia’s draft law.
After entering office in 2012, Georgian Dream led a coalition that proved to be a good partner for the West. Even though there were always elements inside Georgian Dream whose sympathies lay with Moscow, they were kept marginalized by the coalition’s Euro-Atlanticist mainstream. Over the years, however, the pro-Russian elements of Georgian Dream worked their way to the top while pushing Western-oriented members out of government.
The result is a Georgian Dream that looks nothing like it did in 2012. The party now pursues policies that unfairly marginalize the political opposition. While the government’s official policy remains for Georgia to join the EU and NATO, little is being done to achieve this goal. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Georgian government questioned Western sanctions against Moscow, refused to join, and instead increased trade with Russia. Senior Georgian Dream officials have publicly ridiculed successive U.S. ambassadors. Georgians fighting for Ukraine as volunteers are scorned by the government.
You can bet that the Kremlin is closely watching. The moment it appears that Georgian Dream is losing its grip on power, there is a high likelihood that Moscow will intervene—especially if the government’s downfall comes as a result of mass demonstrations, which, in the Kremlin’s obsessive worldview, would be a “color revolution” conspiratorially engineered by the West. And if you believe that a Russian invasion scenario is unrealistic, you have not been paying attention in recent years. Russian advisors and security forces helped prop up Belarusian dictator Aleksandr Lukashenko after mass protests following stolen elections in August 2020. In January 2022, Russia led a military intervention in Kazakhstan to restore order after several days of political violence. And Russia’s initial invasion of Ukraine in 2014 followed the Maidan Revolution that deposed a Russia-friendly president. There is no reason to think that Russia would not do any of these things in Georgia.
Russia already occupies 20 percent of Georgia’s territory, following its 2008 invasion. Another Russian incursion—triggered by an impending downfall of Georgia’s Kremlin-friendly government—could take a number of forms. Since Georgian Dream likes to portray itself to the Georgian people as the only thing standing between them and another Russian invasion, Moscow might calculate that a military provocation from Russian-occupied South Ossetia or Abkhazia, if it is dramatic enough, could frighten the Georgian public to fall back in line with its government.
Another scenario involves the hundreds of thousands of Russians who have moved to Georgia in recent years. Even if many of them did so to escape military service and economic hardship in Russia, it is impossible to know the extent to which the Kremlin’s security and intelligence services have infiltrated this diaspora. Moscow’s track record shows that it could intervene to “protect” the Russian minority, especially if there have been accusations of mistreatment of Russian citizens.
In the most extreme scenario, Russia could attempt an invasion to bring Georgia fully into the Kremlin’s orbit. This may be a low-probability scenario given Russia’s challenges in Ukraine, not least its vast losses of manpower and equipment. But just as Russia’s full-on invasion of Ukraine in 2022 surprised even the most seasoned experts, nothing can be ruled out. Although there are few public details, it is known that Russia has been militarizing the occupied regions of Georgia in recent years, even if some Russian troops based in Abkhazia or South Ossetia have been sent to Ukraine. Around 2,000 Russian troops are now leaving the Karabakh region in neighboring Azerbaijan, and it’s anyone’s guess where these soldiers will be going next.
Of course, a large number of Georgians would resist a Russian intervention. The Georgian armed forces are better trained and equipped than they were when Russia last invaded in 2008, and there are more soldiers with combat experience, mainly from Afghanistan. There are also thousands of Georgians fighting as volunteers in Ukraine who would be itching to defend their motherland.
Another Russian move into Georgia could have implications for U.S. interests in the region. For example, controlling Georgia would give Moscow access to more Black Sea coastline at a time when its navy is being pushed out of the western Black Sea, including the ports in occupied Crimea, by successful Ukrainian drone and missile strikes. Occupying even a small additional slice of Georgia would also give Russia control of every major oil and gas pipeline that connects the vast energy resources of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan to Europe; at their closest points, both Georgia’s main east-west highway and several energy pipelines almost directly abut Russian-occupied South Ossetia. Any disruption would create significant energy problems for Europe and by extension NATO and the United States.
Finally, Russian control of Georgia would establish a much-desired land bridge with Moscow’s ally Armenia. This, in turn, would create a direct land and air corridor between Russia and Iran at a time of deepening military cooperation between the two countries. Looking at a map, such a corridor between Russia and Iran would allow Moscow to control much of the east-west transit on the Eurasian landmass. Crucially for Russian President Vladimir Putin, a lightning intervention into Georgia could give him a much-needed geopolitical victory after more than two years of being mired in Ukraine.
In a park overlooking the banks of the Kura River in Tbilisi, there is a bronze statue of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan. It is perhaps no coincidence that the statue shows him facing north—toward Russia. The statue could be seen as a reminder for Georgians of how far they have come since the oppressive days of Soviet rule. Before Russia is tempted to intervene, Georgian Dream should stop the escalating confrontation on Tbilisi’s streets and withdraw the bill. This is the message that Western capitals need to be urgently sending.
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randomisedgaming · 10 months
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Here's a really interesting bit of trivia and one that hasn't again been well documented before. On top of the Japanese version of Shining the Holy Ark on SEGA Saturn having hidden cheat codes and Rodi's starting weapon hidden attack. As shown in our latest video: https://youtu.be/PQRRWYF8rdw
Another region change is the sprite for the Ice Siren enemy found in Enrich Dungeon which was altered for the western release.
The Japanese version closely matches how the Syren did look in Shining in the Darkness.
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However the design was changed for the PAL and NTSC/U versions of Shining the Holy Ark this time around. While we don't know the reason for the change, we would take a guess that it was censorship over the female chest design, hence why the water now looks like a dress. That said the water colour change better matches the Enrich water.
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simshousewindsor · 6 months
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BUCKINGSIMSHIRE, Windenburg (SNN) - - Queen Katherine attended the ribbon cutting to unveil renovations made at Lara-Leigh Memorial. It is a monument to Queen Lara-Leigh, located at the end of The Mall.
The memorial was damaged by PETA protesters during the "Million Ranchers March" on 7 November 2016, which took place in greater Easton focused on Old Platz Plaza and outside Buckingsim Palace.
During the following year's protests, the memorial was guarded by police officers.
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The Mall began as part of the tended grounds of Buckingsim Palace in the 1860s. It was envisioned as a major national ceremonial route in the early 20th century, matching the creation of similar ceremonial routes in other cities such as Mt. Komorebi and Willow Creek.  As part of this development, a new façade was constructed for Buckingsim Palace to face down the Mall.
King Edward II suggested that a joint Parliamentary committee be formed to develop plans for a Memorial to his mother, Queen Lara-Leigh, following her death in 1961.
A number of sites were suggested and the decision was announced to locate the memorial outside Buckingsim Palace and slightly shorten The Mall.
Once the site was selected, the committee selected its primary choice for the construction and took it to the King for approval. Brock Speedy was chosen as the designer.
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The Mall stretches a quarter mile and ends on the eastern end, at Memorial Arch.
During Trooping the Colors and other big National events, the Mall is used with Memorial Arch and the Lara-Leigh Memorial as central focuses. The annual Easton Marathon also finishes down The Mall.
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Every sovereign, since Edward I, has enjoyed waving to the many on-lookers who line the mall for a glimpse as they pass. Spectators have even been known to climb the Lara Memorial to witness the royal family step out on the balcony of Buckingsim Palace.
Queen Katherine looked chic in red, wearing the Duchess of Brindleton Bay Pearl Brooch.
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At the top of the central pylon stands a gilded bronze statue of Lara-Leigh, Queen Mother.
Speedy described the symbolism of the memorial, saying that it was devoted to the "qualities which made our Queen so great and so much beloved." He added that the statue of the Queen Mother was placed to face towards the city to represent her "great love for her people."
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Following in her great-grandmothers footsteps, Queen Katherine has a great love for the people. Her Majesty was seen receiving flowers from a young schoolgirl.
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The Easton Fountain was used to supply water to the town in the 1800s. King Edward II had it refurbished and erected in Easton Park in 1937. The park closed in 2021 and Queen Katherine moved the fountain in front of the memorial during these latest renovations.
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Beneath the Lara-Leigh statue, on the eastern and western sides of the memorial, are two lions, representing Peace.
Opposite these, statues of a relaxed Queen Isabella (facing The Mall) and Albert I (facing Buckingsim Palace) depicted with his descendants. These were created from solid blocks of marble.
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Amongst the renovations, were the extension of the sidewalk and the addition of balusters.
The palace hopes the renovations will make the memorial easier to visit, while not impeding traffic. The Mall will maintain its current schedule; closed to traffic on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and on ceremonial occasions.
We expect the memorial to be very crowded during Her Majesty's coronation as millions of sims around the world will be watching.
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kukuandkookie · 1 year
I was wondering why Cure Sky’s design felt a little familiar, and it was only when someone joked that she was a Snow Miku that I realized…
Her hairstyle being pigtails and having a gradient from blue to pink kind of reminds me of Yan Keke, from Balala the Fairies: Magic Star Fate Castle. 😆
I mean, they’ve got the gradient from blue to pink in the hair, the pigtails, the straight bangs (that even vary in style across the whole shape), the things on the top of the head (wings vs cat ears), the bared shoulders even with sleeves, the yellow/gold heels on their boots, the bow(s) at the waist, the heart on their collar accessory…
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There is also the fact that this is the first time we’re getting a leader that’s not a pink Cure (or isn’t equated to pink, the way Cure Black sometimes is)—and is also a blue Cure. Balala the Fairies has been known for having non-pink leaders before, as seen with the yellow lead Shirley (Xiao Lan)’s prominence in the early seasons up to Finding Melody, but also with Azure (Na Xiya), who was the blue lead in Ocean Magic.
Don’t get me wrong though!! Even if I find the parallels amusing, I’m not dunking on Precure or anything lol. I’ve just personally found it fun how the latest Precure seasons constantly have reminded me of Balala the Fairies in some way, which is just like…a little fun detail I enjoy as a fan of both ahaha.
For example, Tropical Rouge Precure does vaguely remind me of Balala the Fairies: Ocean Magic, if only because their themes are both island-esque. I guess the different coloured strips of hair (and gradients) and the purposefully multi-coloured eyes—with Ocean Magic featuring stars while Tropical Rouge features hearts in the eyes—also help make the parallel a bit more evident, although the designs aren’t necessarily that similar overall.
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And of course Healin’ Good Precure’s Cure Sparkle is actually quite similar to Amy (Yin Xiaomin) from Balala the Fairies: Over the Rainbow…and this similarity does have me raising an eyebrow more, if only because the coincidences in design here are way more obvious. 😂
I know a lot of people joked about Precure taking design ideas from Balala back then, which is a fun turnaround considering Balala’s first few seasons started by being inspired by magical girls shows (and specifically Precure) lol.
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I actually did wonder if Precure was—as some anime recently have—focusing a bit on the Chinese market, what with Cure Yum-Yum’s introduction, which is obviously Chinese-themed. I mean, it does make sense to introduce a Chinese-themed Cure for the season about food, although I did find it kind of funny since Cure Precious is Japanese-themed, Cure Yum-Yum is Chinese-themed, and then I guess…Cure Spicy is western-themed because…bread? It makes her category feel a little more underrepresented though ahaha.
I actually really like Cure Yum-Yum’s design despite my slight griping about her falling into many of the Japanese anime tropes about what makes an outfit/character visibly Chinese (the hair ornament-like buns that are reminiscent of buns, the qipao-inspired dress, and…well, it’s not in Cure Yum-Yum’s design but is in her family’s restaurant: the excessive amounts of pandas). At least they didn’t pull a Shaman King and slap a panda right on her chest slfjskdjs.
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Despite containing a visible reference to China, Delicious Party Precure’s designs don’t remind me as much of Balala the Fairies… Although if I had to force a parallel, maybe I’d draw one with Finding Melody? I think it’s just because Cure Precious’ pigtails along with the rest of her hair being down reminds me of Michelle Lin (Lin Meixue), the pink character for that season…plus the big heart being in the centre of the bow tie at their chest, along with some of the ruffles on their sleeves and skirt, and even with their flower-shaped hair accessories holding the pigtails in place along with a headband, and finally with their skirt’s shape opening to reveal an underskirt. 😆
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Final note though: I make these comparisons all in good fun! Especially since magical girl designs will obviously cycle through similar design choices and elements and tropes, so don’t think of this as a diss. I like both series and as an overall donghua fan I can’t help but insert my fascination with donghua wherever I go, and I haven’t been able to help making such parallels since the Cure Sparkle comparison to Amy (Yin Xiaomin) all those years ago ahaha.
Anyway, I’m actually quite excited for Hirogaru Sky Precure!! I haven’t posted about Precure in quite some time (not since Hugtto), but I do enjoy the fandom from the periphery now and I get hyped for every season’s new designs. I was especially hooked by Cure Yum-Yum’s design for Delicious Party, although I did hear that that season was rather lacklustre, so I look forward to Hirogaru, since it seems like they’re pulling out all the stops for the series’ 20th anniversary. 👀
I mean, after all these years of asking, we’re finally getting a boy Cure!! I do still think Rio and Henri were kind of robbed of that chance in Kirakira and Hugtto respectively, although I understand the need for baby steps. But seriously, Rio would have worked so well as Cure Waffle…
And hey, at least this means we’ll see Cure Wing get a proper transformation sequence!! To bring this post back since I got sidetracked here, this kind of reminds me of my excitement over Prince Noah (Youle-wangzi) from Balala the Fairies: Finding Melody, who also got his own transformation sequence!
I guess even Cure Butterfly’s role as the older one in the group (being the first Cure to be 18—although I do agree she seems younger than the previously established 17-year-old Cures) can be considered reminiscent of Shirley (Xiao Lan)’s role as the older member of the Balala the Fairies team for multiple seasons, since she’s 19-years-old—physically anyway, as it is hinted she and Noah (Youle) could be actually around 100.
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^ (Bonus Note: The above shot is still my favourite [from the Finding Melody OP] because like…all they did was touch hands while grabbing popcorn but then they react like this… It still cracks me up that Noah (Youle) is drawn “like a shy girl” here bwahaha. But yeah, he and Shirley (Xiao Lan) did make for a cute ship. ^^)
Alright, to wrap this up, here’s to a new good season of Precure! I’m looking forward to it~ And of course, a happy 20th anniversary to these badass girls (and now one boy)! 🥂
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jaaduse · 2 months
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iliadette · 1 year
What are some reasons to actually like Spirk + Star Trek?
I'm an ORV fan but I used to watch Voyager as a kid and I've seen a one or two of the newer movies a few years back (dark something something?) I stayed away from the Star Trek fandom as an adult because I mainly associated it with racism and misogynistic nerd guys.
Hi, anon. Sorry if this ask will take a long time to appear, English is not my first language an I am bad with words on a good day.
You're probably thinking of Into Darkness. It's the second reboot movie. There's a lot of different opinions about those lmao. Personally, I love them even though they do have bad bad points, but then again, I love everything about Star Trek, even at its worst.
There's no denying that there was a bit of period-typical misogyny in the original Star Trek, and it got worse in the long run after Rick Berman was selected for production. Latent misogyny, hetero and amatonormativity, as any 60-to-90s show does. To deny that would be stupid. But.
Star Trek was one of, if not the first, tv programs to depict people of different races working together, as equal as they could get in a military-like setting, in a time when segregation and Cold War were still a thing. A Black woman, an Asian man, a Russian one, a Scottish one, all holding a major position in a government vessel, all iconic characters to this day. Censorship never let him, but Gene Roddenberry, the original creator, always intended to include queer people in ST, as I will explain better later. ‌The original series had episodes which very clearly condemned nazism, racism, the Vietnam war, genocide. The Ferengi race of the Next Generation were created to be a satire of western capitalists but were wrongly pegged as an antisemitic stereotype. If a major character is disabled, they have accomodations made for them, they don't have their disability erased, though I hear that Strange New World kind of fucked that up. An episode of TNG was in protest of conversion therapy though people didn't like how it ended. A major theme of Deep Space Nine revolves around colonialism. It had the first black protagonist (commander and later captain); the first female first officer in the franchise to have a major role, who formerly fought in a resistance movement against a the occupation of her planet by a fascist imperialist race; the first trans woman in all but designation, who btw very much kissed another woman in an absolutely iconic scene; a canonically very neurodivergent doctor. Voyager had the first female captain to star in a series. Seven of Nine's character is particularly dear to me because while it's obvious that she was added mainly to boost and entice the male audience with her sex appeal (and well, I am sapphic and far from immune), it's also obvious how much the writers and Jeri Ryan cared for her storyline and growth. She's such a complex character, I really love her. Seven-centric episodes are always a treat for me. I can't remember anything else off the top of my head, sorry abt that (I also haven't watched Enterprise and the newest series yet so I can't talk about that).
Does ST have bad moments? Misogynistic, racist, homophobic, ableist, amatonormative moments? Hell yes. Some episodes are really cringy and have very bad writing. But there are more good ones than not, and those are the ones I live for, the ones that can give you a message that stays with you, where there was somebody in the crew/cast who read the script, saw something terrible, and went "this will not pass on my watch" and worked together to fix whatever they could. I'm sorry if your experience with Star Trek was with dudebros who think "the woke of the latest series ruined the franchise".
Now, about K/S. I believe with all my heart that nobody needs a reason to ship any two or more characters together. That said, I think Spirk is one of those ships where you have to wear anti-ship goggles not to see the potential (but no big deal if you don't). They touch each other all the time, they risk their life and career multiple times to save the other. This is not inherently a sign of non platonic feelings, and they sure aren't canon as we usually mean it, but.
Writers sure had a field day sprinkling suggestive bits (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) all throughout the franchise, especially queer writers (Theodore Sturgeon, writer of Amok Time and Shore Leave, may his soul be blessed for all eternity).
Bonus for how they look at each other. (1) (2) (3) (4)
Roddenberry himself described their relationship as one of love. It's not mentioned in the series, but in the books it's revealed that they share a telepathic bond that connects their souls, which in Vulcan culture is called t'hy'la which can mean "friend, brother, lover". This definition was created specifically for the two of them, so this is a very obvious wink/nudge, if not an outright acknowledgement that "yes they're in love, but homophobia exists so this is all we can do."
In The Motion Picture when Kirk looks at Spock like a lovesick puppy after a long separation, and the simple feeling not much later.
And can anyone dare to say that those death scenes from The Wrath of Khan and Into Darkness are supposed to be platonic, or what Kirk says about Spock at the beginning of The Search for Spock, that his death feels like he lost "the noblest part of his soul"? And what about "Not in front of the Klingons"??
The books, too, have some very interesting nuance.
Sooooo yeah I absolutely think that Spirk is and will always be the one ship that best comes to mind when it comes to ST. In my eyes and in those of a lot of people they're canon in every way that matters, and if either of them had been female there would have 100% been a marriage in one of the movies, à la Riker/Troi. They'll forever be my ST otp, though I'll occasionally indulge a little bit of Spones and McSpirk. I could even like and reblog other ships like McKirk or Spuhura but only in fanart and only in moderation. I personally wouldn't be interested in reading fanfiction about those. But every ship is valid and equal in fandom, and none is superior just because it's canon and/or had a major role in the birth of shipping culture. Which is the very point all this behemoth of a post originated from, I guess.
This.... Has turned into way more than I thought. Sorry about thay. I hope my answer was satisfactory, anon. Also that I didn't bore you. Hope you have a great day, and thank you for reaching out. ❤️🖖
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Putin, czar with no empire, needs military victory for his own survival
President Vladimir Putin likes to portray himself as a new czar like Peter the Great or Ivan III, the 15th-century grand prince known as the “gatherer of the Russian lands.” But Putin’s year-long war in Ukraine has failed so far to secure the lands he aims to seize, and in Russia, there is fear that he is leading his nation into a dark period of strife and stagnation — or worse.
Some in the elite also say the Russian leader now desperately needs a military victory to ensure his own survival. “In Russia, loyalty does not exist,” one Russian billionaire said.
Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine began with hubris and a zeal to reshape the world order. But even as he suffered repeated military defeats — diminishing his stature globally and staining him with allegations of atrocities being committed by his troops — Putin has tightened his authoritarian grip at home, using the war to destroy any opposition and to engineer a closed, paranoid society hostile to liberals, hipsters, LGBTQ people, and, especially, Western-style freedom and democracy.
The Russian president’s squadrons of cheerleaders swear he “simply cannot lose” in Ukraine, thanks to Russia’s vast energy, wealth, nuclear weapons and sheer number of soldiers it can throw onto the battlefield. These supporters see Putin rising supreme from Ukraine’s ashes to lead a swaggering nation defined by its repudiation of the West — a bigger, more powerful version of Iran.
But business executives and state officials say Putin’s own position at the top could prove precarious as doubts over his tactics grow among the elite. For many of them, Putin’s gambit has unwound 30 years of progress made since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Putin’s vision of Russia horrifies many oligarchs and state officials, who confide that the war has been a catastrophic error that has failed in every goal. But they remain paralyzed, fearful and publicly silent.
“Among the elite, though they understand it was a mistake, they still fear to do anything themselves,” said the only Russian diplomat to publicly quit office over the war, Boris Bondarev, formerly brd at Russia’s U.N. mission in Geneva. “Because they have gotten used to Putin deciding everything.”
Some are sure that Putin can maintain his hold on power without a victory, as long as he keeps the war going and wears down Western resolve and weapons supplies. For anyone in the elite to act, Bondarev said, “there needs to be an understanding that Putin is leading the country to total collapse. While Putin is still bombing and attacking, people think the situation is not so bad. There needs to be a full military loss, and only then will people understand they need to do something.”
What all camps seem to agree on is that Putin shows no willingness to give up. As Russia’s battlefield position deteriorated in recent months, he escalated repeatedly, shuffling his commanders, unleashing brutal airstrikes on civilian infrastructure and threatening to use nuclear weapons.
Now, with his troops reinforced by conscripts and convicts and poised to launch new offensives, the 70-year-old Russian leader needs a win to maintain his own credibility. “Putin needs some success to demonstrate to society that he is still very successful,” a senior Ukrainian security official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss politically sensitive issues.
As the casualties mount in Ukraine, filling graveyards across Russia’s provinces, Moscow’s glittering facade conveys a hedonistic, indifferent city. Its restaurants and cafes are crammed with glamorous young patrons sporting European designer wear, taking selfies on the latest iPhones, and ordering truffle pizza or duck confit to be washed down with trendy cocktails.
But beneath, Putin is creating a militarized, nationalistic society, fed on propaganda and obsessed with an “existential” forever war against the United States and NATO. So far, no one in officialdom has had the nerve to object — not publicly, at least.
“Whatever he says, it’s taken like this,” the editor in chief of Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Konstantin Remchukov, said with a loud snap of his fingers.
Since Putin rose to the presidency in 2000, his legitimacy has been brd on his popularity and stature among the elite, buttressed by his ability to instill fear by stripping some of their assets and throwing others into prison. The defeats in Ukraine have dented him.
The president seems forever haunted by the moment when as a young KGB officer serving in Dresden, the Soviet Union “gave up its position in Europe” as the Berlin Wall collapsed. And his pursuit of the empire lost with the subsequent Soviet collapse is throwing his country back into a gray, repressive and isolated past. For Putin, his efforts are a quest to right what he has perceived as historical wrongs. In his near-maniacal revisionist view, Ukraine has always belonged to Russia.
But even if Putin somehow forces Ukraine into capitulating and ceding occupied territory, those in the elite who lean toward a more liberal society stand to lose the most. Punitive Western economic sanctions are likely to remain in place, and some oligarchs undoubtedly would be pressed to pay to rebuild Russia’s new lands. Some analysts predict a sweeping purge of oligarchs and others deemed insufficiently patriotic.
Already, there are shocking glimpses of Putin’s new Russia: A couple in a Krasnodar restaurant were arrested, handcuffed and forced to the floor after being denounced to the police by an eavesdropper who heard them quietly bemoaning the war.
An older woman on a bus was dragged from her seat, thrown to the floor and roughly pushed out the door by passengers because she called Russia an empire that sends men to fight in cheap rubber boots.
Videos purportedly show members of the Kremlin-approved but technically illegal mercenary Wagner Group executing “traitors” in beatings with a sledgehammer.
Former central bank official Alexandra Prokopenko described an atmosphere in which officials fear prison amid intimidation by the security services.
“It is a concern for every member of the Russian elite,” said Prokopenko, who is in exile in the West. “It’s a question of survival for high-ranked, mid-ranked officials who all remained in Russia. People are quite terrified about their safety now.” She said former colleagues still at the bank told her they saw “no good exit for Russia right now.”
Increasingly isolated, Putin faces growing resentment from hawkish nationalists who say he should have acted more radically to seize Kyiv and from a liberal-leaning faction that thinks the war is a grave error. He has tightened his inner circle to a few hard-liners and sycophants, ruthlessly eliminated opposition rivals and set up a formidable security apparatus to safeguard against any threat.
Pro-Kremlin analysts see escalation — pumping in more soldiers and ramping up military production — as the path to victory. That appears to fit Putin’s character.
But no one really knows the current military goal or what Putin might consider a victory. Some say he will settle for seizing all of Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where Russia began fomenting separatist war in 2014. Others say he has not given up his designs on taking Kyiv and toppling the government.
In September, Ukraine’s first big successful counteroffensive shone a harsh spotlight on Putin’s instincts in a crisis: a bullish doubling-down designed to sever any path to compromise. His illegal claim to annex four Ukrainian territories, despite not controlling them militarily, was a burn-all-bridges tactic meant to draw sharp new red lines on the map of Ukraine.
His speech on the occasion of the supposed annexations, in the Grand Kremlin Palace’s St. George Hall, reached a new hysterical pitch over what he called the West’s “outright Satanism” and its desire to gobble Russia up and destroy its values.
“They do not want us to be free; they want us to be a colony,” he said. “They do not want equal cooperation; they want to loot. They do not want to see us a free society, but a mass of soulless slaves.” He has repeatedly described a quest to establish a multipolar world in which Russia regains its rightful place among the great powers.
Sometimes, Putin sharply rebukes one of his officials about failures, leaving others fearful of public humiliation. He elevates and rewards thuggish figures, such as Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov and the Wagner founder, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, but swiftly curbs them if they step out of line.
At times, Putin seems oddly out of touch with the realities of his war. Days after pro-war bloggers reported last week that dozens of Russian tanks and many soldiers were lost in a failed attack on Vuhledar involving Russia’s elite 155th Guards Naval Infantry Brigade, Putin boasted to journalists that the “marine infantry is working as it should — right now — fighting heroically.”
Meanwhile, a profound pessimism has settled on the country. Those who believe the war is lost run the gamut from liberals to hard-liners. “It seems it is impossible to win a political or military victory,” one state official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to offer a candid assessment. “The economy is under huge stress and can’t be long under such a situation.”
Publicly, Putin has voiced no concern about Russia’s brutal killings of civilians in cities including Bucha, Mariupol and Izyum, while his propaganda machine dismisses news of such atrocities as “fakes.” The International Criminal Court is investigating war crimes in Ukraine, and the European Parliament has called for a special court on Russia’s crime of aggression, the invasion of Ukraine.
But pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov said talk of war crimes prosecutions only stiffened Putin’s resolve.
“What will Putin’s response be? Fighting — and it doesn’t matter what the price will be,” Markov said.
Kremlin image makers convey Putin’s power in staged events where he looks the archetypal dictator — often a lone figure in the distance placing flowers at monuments to past military heroes. His staged appearances with purported ordinary Russians seem scripted and artificial, with participants simpering in nervous awe. The same faces keep appearing in different settings — dressed as soldiers, fishers or churchgoers, raising questions about how many real people the President ever meets.
As the war casualties pile up, Putin and top propagandists extol a fatalistic cult of death, arguing that it is better to die in Russia’s war than in a car accident, from alcoholism or from cancer.
“One day we will all leave this world,” Putin told a group of carefully selected women portrayed as mothers of mobilized soldiers in November, many of them actually pro-Kremlin activists or relatives of officials. “The question is how we lived. With some people, it is unclear whether they live or not. It is unclear why they die, because of vodka or something else. When they are gone, it is hard to say whether they lived or not. Their lives passed without notice.”
But a man who died in war “did not leave his life for nothing,” he said. “His life was important.”
Venerable rights organizations such as Memorial and the Sakharov Center have been forced to close, while respected political analysts, musicians, journalists and former Soviet political prisoners have been declared “foreign agents,” Many have fled or been jailed.
As sanctions slowly bite, prices soar and businesses struggle to adapt, economists and business executives predict a long economic decline amid isolation from Western technology, ideas and value chains.
“The economy has entered a long period of Argentinization,” a second Russian billionaire said. “It will be a long slow degradation. There will be less of everything.”
Through the war, Putin has profoundly changed Russia, clamping down harder on liberties, prompting hundreds of thousands of Russians to emigrate. In the future, pro-democracy liberals will not be tolerated, analysts say.
“The pro-West opposition will be gone,” Markov said.
“Whoever doesn’t support the special military operation is not part of the people,” he said, using Putin’s term for the war.
But the second Russian billionaire said he was convinced that one day, somehow, the country would become “a normal European nonimperial country” and that his children, who have U.S. passports, would return. “I want them to return to a free Russia, of course,” he said. “To a free and democratic Russia.”
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kateperkins23 · 9 months
Artificial Jewellery: Your Ultimate Online Shopping Destination
In an era characterized by rapid digital transformation, the way we shop for jewelry has undergone a significant evolution. Gone are the days when you had to visit multiple stores, sift through countless options, and haggle over prices to find that perfect piece of jewelry. Today, the world of best artificial jewellery online has emerged as a game-changer, offering a vast array of stylish, affordable, and trendy options. Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear, a leading online shopping destination, has carved its niche as the ultimate hub for artificial jewelry. 
In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the world of artificial jewelry, explore the offerings at Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear, and understand why it has become the go-to platform for jewelry enthusiasts.
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The Rise of Artificial Jewelry
A Brief History of Artificial Jewelry
Artificial jewelry, also known as imitation or fashion jewelry, has a long and fascinating history that dates back centuries. The concept of replicating precious jewelry with less expensive materials has been a part of human culture for generations. Historically, artificial jewelry was made from materials like glass, enamel, and base metals to mimic the appearance of gold, silver, and gemstones. Over time, advancements in craftsmanship and technology have elevated artificial jewelry to a whole new level.
Why Choose Artificial Jewelry?
The allure of artificial jewelry lies in its versatility and affordability. Here are some compelling reasons why people are increasingly opting for artificial jewelry:
1. Affordability
Precious metals and gemstones come with hefty price tags. Artificial jewelry, on the other hand, offers the same aesthetic appeal at a fraction of the cost, making it accessible to a wider audience.
2. Trendy Designs
Artificial jewelry designers continuously innovate, staying on top of fashion trends. This means you can easily find pieces that reflect the latest styles and designs without breaking the bank.
3. Variety
Artificial jewelry comes in a staggering variety of designs, colors, and styles. Whether you're looking for traditional Indian pieces or contemporary designs, you'll find something that suits your taste.
4. Everyday Wear
Artificial jewelry is perfect for everyday wear. You can enjoy accessorizing your outfits without worrying about the risk of losing expensive pieces.
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear - Your One-Stop Shop for Artificial Jewelry
In the realm of artificial jewelry, Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear has emerged as a trusted and go-to online destination. Let's take a closer look at why this platform has gained such popularity.
A Wide Range of Choices
Traditional Elegance
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear offers a stunning collection of traditional artificial jewelry that perfectly complements Indian attire. From intricately designed Kundan sets to beautiful Meenakari pieces, you'll find the ideal accessories to complete your ethnic look.
Contemporary Chic
If you're more inclined toward contemporary fashion, Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear has you covered. Explore their extensive range of modern and trendy artificial jewelry that effortlessly enhances your Western or fusion ensembles.
Quality and Craftsmanship
Impeccable Craftsmanship
One of the hallmarks of Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear is its commitment to craftsmanship. Each piece of artificial jewelry is meticulously crafted by skilled artisans, ensuring that you receive jewelry that not only looks stunning but also lasts for a long time.
Premium Materials
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear uses high-quality materials to create their artificial jewelry. From premium alloys to carefully selected stones and beads, the attention to detail is evident in every piece.
Affordability and Value
Competitive Pricing
At Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear, affordability is a priority. You can enjoy the luxury of wearing beautiful jewelry without burning a hole in your pocket. Their competitive pricing ensures that you get exceptional value for your money.
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Keep an eye out for regular discounts and special offers on Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear. They frequently run promotions that allow you to snag your favorite jewelry pieces at even more attractive prices.
Convenience and Trustworthiness
User-Friendly Website
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear's website is designed with the user in mind. It's easy to navigate, ensuring a seamless shopping experience from browsing to checkout.
Customer Reviews
The platform boasts an impressive collection of positive customer reviews and testimonials, showcasing the satisfaction of countless shoppers who have found their perfect jewelry pieces at Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear.
The Saheli Experience: From Selection to Delivery
Finding Your Perfect Jewelry
Browsing through the extensive collection of Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear is a delightful experience. The website offers multiple filters and search options, making it simple to find the jewelry piece that resonates with your style.
Hassle-Free Checkout
Once you've selected your desired items, the checkout process is straightforward and secure. Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear offers multiple payment options, including credit/debit cards and online wallets, for your convenience.
Prompt Delivery
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear prides itself on timely delivery. Your chosen jewelry pieces will reach your doorstep in pristine condition, ready to adorn your outfits.
Caring for Your Artificial Jewelry
Maintenance Tips
To ensure the longevity of your artificial jewelry, it's essential to care for it properly. Here are some maintenance tips:
1. Store Properly
Keep your jewelry in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent discoloration.
2. Avoid Contact with Water
Remove your jewelry before swimming or bathing to prevent tarnishing.
3. Clean Gently
Clean your artificial jewelry with a soft, damp cloth to remove dust and sweat. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.
4. Rotate Usage
Rotate your jewelry pieces to prevent excessive wear on any single item.
The Saheli Promise: Beyond Jewelry
At Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear, the commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond the exquisite jewelry collection. Here are some additional reasons why Saheli has become the ultimate online shopping destination:
Customization Options
Personalized Touch
For those who desire a unique touch to their jewelry, Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear offers customization options. You can work with their team to create bespoke pieces that align perfectly with your style and preferences. Whether it's a custom engraving or a specific design, Saheli is dedicated to bringing your vision to life.
Customer Support
Expert Assistance
Navigating the world of jewelry can be overwhelming, especially if you're a first-time buyer. Saheli's customer support team is readily available to answer your queries, offer styling advice, and guide you through the selection process. Their friendly and knowledgeable staff ensures that your shopping experience is seamless and enjoyable.
Ethical Practices
Responsible Sourcing
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear is committed to responsible and ethical sourcing of materials. They take steps to ensure that the materials used in their jewelry are ethically obtained, aligning with global sustainability and ethical standards.
Saheli Blog: A Treasure Trove of Fashion Insights
Fashion Trends and Tips
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear's website features a blog section that is a treasure trove of fashion insights. Here, you can explore articles on the latest fashion trends, styling tips, and guides on how to accessorize effectively. Whether you're a fashion novice or a seasoned style icon, the Saheli blog has something for everyone.
Customer Stories and Reviews
The blog also showcases real customer stories and reviews, providing you with a glimpse into the experiences of individuals who have found their perfect jewelry at Saheli. Reading about others' journeys can help you make informed decisions and build trust in the brand.
Community Engagement
Supporting Artisans
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear actively engages with and supports local artisans and craftsmen. By choosing Saheli, you contribute to the livelihoods of these talented individuals, fostering a sense of community and empowerment.
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Stay Updated with Saheli
Social Media Presence
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear maintains an active presence on various social media platforms. Follow them on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to stay updated on their latest arrivals, promotions, and styling ideas. Their social media channels are a source of inspiration for fashion enthusiasts.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Style with Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear
In the world of the best artificial jewelry, Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear stands out as a reliable, stylish, and affordable online shopping destination. Whether you're looking for traditional Indian jewelry or contemporary chic pieces, Saheli has something for everyone. With a commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and customer satisfaction, Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear has earned its reputation as the ultimate online shopping destination for artificial jewelry enthusiasts.
Embrace the world of artificial jewelry, explore the exquisite collections at Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear, and elevate your style with stunning accessories that won't break the bank. Shop with confidence, knowing that you're choosing jewelry that combines affordability, quality, and fashion-forward designs.
Visit Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear today and experience the joy of accessorizing like never before!
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What Are the Must Have Western Dress Styles Every Woman Should Own in Her Wardrobe?
A Western fashion trends and typically associated with Western cultures. Western dresses can vary in style, length, and silhouette, ranging from casual and bohemian to formal and sophisticated. At Junction Store, we believe that every woman should have a well-curated collection of western dresses in her wardrobe. Explore our range of western dress for women at Junction Store and ensure your wardrobe is equipped with these essential styles.
Every woman's wardrobe should include a few essential western dress styles. The must-haves are the little black dress (LBD), a timeless and versatile piece suitable for any occasion. The maxi dress offers effortless chic and comfort with its floor-length silhouette. A wrap dress is flattering and adaptable to different body types.
For a casual and trendy look, a Gown dress is a go-to choice. The fit and flare dress enhances your silhouette, while a shirt dress provides a polished and versatile option. An off-shoulder dress adds a touch of glamour and elegance. Midi dresses are stylish and versatile for various settings. Floral print dresses bring freshness and femininity, while bodycon dresses exude confidence and sleekness. By having these essential western dress for women, you'll always have options for different occasions and personal style expressions.
At JUNCTION STORE we believe that Fashion is more than clothing or what one wears. Fashion is a Lifestyle at JUNCTION STORE.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 2 years
40. kisses that start of passionate but grows more delicate and AfOHiko?
a/n: set in an ambiguous villain!torino au, established afohiko... i don't think i need to put any tws, tbh. wc: 494
Sorahiko’s latest assassination contract keeps him away from home for over two weeks.
He doesn’t usually bother accommodating a sadistic client’s revenge fantasy, especially for a job that would take him three days, tops, accounting for travel--but if he gets on the client’s good side, then a few months down the line, All for One will find it easier to swipe the client’s portfolio of property investments. Sorahiko had been eyeing the Haibori Woods mansion in particular.
Spacious, designed with a sturdy Western appeal, and relatively isolated from urban noise.
Though, Sorahiko supposes, these are all characteristics of his and Hisashi’s current apartment in Fukuoka. He slips past the doorman in the lobby and barely acknowledges the pleasant greetings from the receptionist on his way to the elevator.
The apartment’s a little too high for him to Jet straight for the balcony. Sorahiko hates legging it, but the trade-off is that he can leave the apartment and fly just about anywhere from that vantage point. It’d been a strange compromise. He could leave whenever he’d like, but any time he returned, Hisashi would be able to see him coming from a mile away.
Straight to the top floor. The door slides open, revealing Hisashi’s expectant expression and open arms.
“I have blood on me,” says Sorahiko bluntly, and dodges the first embrace.
“Sorahiko,” whines Hisashi. He spins on his heel. Sorahiko is too exhausted from the work-trip to do anything but yelp at the second lunge, which pins him against a wall. “Sixteen days! What fool thinks he’s paid enough to keep you from me for sixteen days?”
“One with real estate in every prefecture.”
“Meaningless,” he grumbles, and runs his hands down Sorahiko’s waist like he’s checking for injuries. Hisashi noses at Sorahiko’s hair too. A pleased rumble builds in his chest, and Sorahiko finds that he wants to coax it out into the open, so he reaches up to pull Hisashi down, and makes his first kiss back a good one.
Whatever Hisashi had been doing up, he must have eaten something sweet. Sorahiko, having spent the last week deprived of anything but protein bars and filtered tap water (the client paid a lot to have the target killed agonizingly slowly in a remote location), groans in the back of his throat. He arches against the wall and into Hisashi’s frame.
Damn the laundry. Cold water and blood stain remover would do miracles.
Hisashi licks into Sorahiko’s mouth and loosens his hold on Sorahiko’s waist as Sorahiko impulsively kicks off the floor, squeezes his lover’s sides with his thighs, and hooks his ankles to lock Hisashi in. Agreeably, Hisashi holds him up.
Disagreeably, Hisashi lightens the pressure of his kisses, shying from blind lust to a maddeningly teasing brush of the lips against Sorahiko’s.
“Welcome home,” he breathes, and skims a cheekbone with a delicate peck. 
“Yeah,” Sorahiko rasps. He shuts his eyes and lets himself fall gratefully into following Hisashi’s lead.
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carryatunestudio12 · 1 year
Creating Timeless Melodies: The Art of Song Composition in India
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Song composition is an art form that requires a unique combination of technical skill and creative inspiration. In India, there are many talented music composers who have created timeless melodies that continue to captivate audience’s decades after their release.
India's best music composer has contributed immensely to the country's rich musical heritage, with each one bringing their own distinct style and flavor to the table. From classical maestros like Ravi Shankar and Lata Mangeshkar to modern-day icons like A.R. Rahman and Amit Trivedi, Indian music has been blessed with some truly exceptional talent.
The process of song composition involves several stages such as melody creation, arrangement, instrumentation etc., which require artistic sensibility coupled with technical know-how. Here are some ways these top music composers in India approach their craft:
Embracing Diverse Influences
Many great music composers of India have drawn inspiration from diverse sources such as folk traditions or Western classical styles - which showcase how they push boundaries while still maintaining Indian roots! They may also incorporate elements from other genres into their work creating sounds never heard before!
Experimenting with New Technologies
Technology advancements have revolutionized the way we create songs today making it easier than ever before for people without formal training/backgrounds in music production get involved by using software tools specifically designed for this purpose! Top Music Composers use latest tech trends/production techniques/tools/software available at present time resulting in high quality output!
Collaborating with Other Artists
Collaboration can bring out new ideas making it possible for artists/composers discover new dimensions within themselves leading towards innovative solutions during any stage where someone might feel stuck otherwise.
In conclusion,
The art of song composition is alive and well in India thanks to its many great music composers who continue to inspire us through their work! Whether you're a fan of classical, folk, or contemporary music there's something for everyone. With diverse influences, embracing new technologies and collaborations with other artists Indian Music Composers are constantly evolving their craft giving us timeless melodies that we'll cherish forever!
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essco-bathware · 1 year
How To Renovate Your Bathroom with Modern Sanitaryware Products?
How beautiful is your bath space? How well-articulated does your bath space look? Do you ever feel your bathrooms are in no-match with your home's symmetry?
If so, there are plenty of reasons to bring your bath space up-to-date with the latest designs and technology to make it more modernized.
Sneak-peak on this quick guide for renovating your modern bathroom space with modern sanitaryware products:
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Style of Commode Seat
Indeed, an essential aspect of any bathroom. From one-piece and two-piece western or english toilet seats to intrinsic wall-hung English toilets, there are n-number of options available in the market, each with its unique advantages.
For instance: 
One-piece toilet seats are the right fit for those who prioritize hygiene. Their unique build-up helps keep the space speck-free.
Most preferred for high-end durability, flexibility, and effortless compatibility with compact bath space.
Two-piece toilet seats are indeed age-old English bathroom seating that unanimously separates the bowl and the tank of the matter for seamless flexibility and compatibility. 
Most preferred for budget-friendly fixation, high-end flexibility, and seamless compatibility for varied age groups, i.e., young as well for adults
Wall-mounted commodes are attached to the wall and have disposal pathways surfaced through the wall. The water outlet and flushing device are concealed within the wall to impart a feeling of spaciousness. 
Most preferred for high-end compatibility and to give an alluring outlook to the space.
Style of Washbasins
Your bathroom decor needs to be completed with the right washbasin fit. Washbasins are highly popular for their functional benefits, but beyond it, they are expected to enhance the beauty of the space they fit in. 
A few of the best types of washbasin designs for bathrooms are:
Table Top Basin: For adding a more modernized outlook to the space
Countertop basins: For peculiar hygiene
Under mounted basins: For keeping the space clean and canny.
And wall-mounted basins: For adding vintage outlook to the space.
When renovating one's bath space, one must ensure that everything fits nicely in symmetry, i.e., meets functional benefits and mitigates the modern needs of the time. Although many brands are available in the market, Essco by Jaquar is the best sanitaryware brand in india as they provide reliable, durable, and affordable products at a cost-efficient range.
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