#LOUDEST OOPS EVER BUT i hope you both enjoy !
todayisafridaynight · 1 month
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[[sketch comm for @camelia-phoenix as a gift for @oni-kashiwa : tyvm for commissionin me !]]
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omeleta-omelete · 2 years
Gastronomy Day
Originally, this was supposed to be a one-shot for the #norma/frazie week. but it turned out very different from planned. Starting from the fact that I mashed up together lots of different prompts... and that I didn't wrote a one-shot at all.
Specially because I completely dislike Frazie and Norma as a couple. So, writing about them is an awesome way to both practice my writing and to challenge myself.
After all... maybe - only maybe they could be together, as long as Norma went through a huge change of heart. That's what this story is about, if I ever finish it .
For now, I hope you guys enjoy their rough begginings in the journey to love!
Chapter 1 → The Number One Student
Everyone at Whispering Rock High knew that lesser principal Hollis Forsythe could be the most engaged person ever alive if she wanted to. What no one ever imagined was that she would bring back to life the already forgotten Gastronomy Day, in which each of the pairs handpicked by teachers who never considered their students might prefer the company of friends rather than socializing with strangers, should prepare a dish that perfectly represented different cultures. Or that at least didn’t kill anyone from food poisoning.
The jury might not be demanding, but there was still a ranking: the top three would be awarded just like all the other pairs would, in a consolation that already took away all the non-existent fun in competing. At least, according to Norma Natividad’s opinion. The number one junior student, and also the first to consider such festivities as nothing more than a waste of precious time she could spend studying, instead of being by Fiorenza Aquato's side.
— Holy Moly, there’s even macadamia jam here! — I didn’t even know there was macadamia jam at all… like, how do you eat that? With bread? And is it good? It’s not like I know it, right? I’ve never even seen this before and...
Watching her rummage through the fridge was the most excruciating experience Norma could have in life. Mostly because, despite Lizzie telling her that Gisu Nerumen had told Sam, who told her that Fiorenza knew nothing but how to be the loudest as possible, she never imagined she’d be greeted by the hellish horn sound from that crap Dion Aquato dared to call a car. That Fiorenza would slam the door and ring the doorbell a thousand times. A tight hug… and a kiss on the cheek.
Besides being noisy, Fiorenza was also quick. Norma couldn’t even guess when she’d tossed her backpack onto the living room couch and headed for the kitchen, carrying only a blue grocery bag, as big and crammed as the magical bags featured in these cartoons she used to watch as a child. It was only then that Fiorenza opened the fridge, and from there she took out all the fancy foods Mr. and Mrs. Natividad had bought for a get-together between co-workers.
—… it would go so well with the sour cream I bought, right? But I have no idea where to use sour cream! I thought about we make some stew… can we add cream to a stew? Maybe yes, but only if we cook…
It was obvious that she also had to chatter nonstop, wandering around like a headless chicken — until she went silent. Her sea-blue eyes staring at Norma’s winged face so intensely it made her wake up from the trance she was in.
— Norma?
— Hm?
— Is it all right? — She asked as she pulled her hair into a ponytail.
However, Norma was now empty-headed. And so her usual wild ideas were summarized to how the kitchen floor must already be covered with lots of red hair strands, or to how many fingerprints weren’t impregnated in that darn macadamia jam jar.
— W-we’re going to make burritos.
— … what?
— Didn’t I tell you? — Oops… — but now that she was back, regaining her fake smile would be easy — we’re going to make the frozen burritos in that same fridge you just rummaged like a wild beast!
— But… shouldn’t we, like… cook?
— No one will know if we don’t.
— But-
— C’ mon! It’s not like someone cares about it.
— I do! — She exclaimed — And I-I didn’t convince my mom to let me bring all this stuff up for nothing! — Do you realize how difficult it is to convince a real Italian mamma… my mom, to lend you her favorite pasta machine?
— And why did you bring a fucking pasta machine? Didn’t you want to make stew? A macadamia stew or… whatever? — Then she massaged her temples.
— Oh… I was still confused about what to do when I asked mammina about it. — She stretched her arms behind her head, smiling her wide, gapped teeth smile — The thing is that we will cook, yeah! And this is going to be the best… okay. Not the best. But still, I swear this is going to be a very tasty ciorbă de burta!
— Cio-r…?
— Ciorbă de burta.
She made her feel so pissed! And that mischievous laugh, wider and wider as the time passed… hell! Why did she have to get so damn close? Was she really that stupid to not realize-
— Whatever! — She raged — And this thing would be a…?
— Tripe stew!
— W-what?
— A tripe stew, you silly! But we can substitute the tripe - which I already bought - for burritos, since you are willing to use them that badly. — She playfully replied, with a well-placed flick on the tip of Norma's nose.
— No.
It had been a long time since Fiorenza had left her place behind the imposing, white marble kitchen countertop. Laughing heartily whenever she managed to ruffle the tousled curls of her newest, cornered and quitting friend (desperate too, though Frazie never noticed it). Whose fluffy shoulders she leaned so gladly on were identical to those owned by the sedentary ladies who used to watch her perform. Oblivious to how difficult a somersault really was, or to do a perfect jump - Norma might have been one of them, except she was too smart to not know the actual meaning of something.
— Only instead, we can make our own burritos… ah! And they can-
— No.
— … be mini tripe burritos!
She was different… and fascinating. Or maybe just…
— NO! No, definitely no! — Norma pushed her away — And get off me! This… this idea of ​​yours offends the cuisine of at least ten different cultures!
— So-sorry. Sometimes I forget I can’t hug everyone out there! — Fiorenza looked perplexed when she finally released her, silently returning to the other side of the counter.
— Yeah, I noticed.
— Come on…
However, the silence was short-lived. But if it had been up to Norma, it would have lasted forever - instead, Fiorenza insisted on trying to ease the tension that had set in. Chattering, chattering and chattering nonstop.
— W-well… I heard you don’t even know how to fry an egg.
— You heard it, eh?
— At least, that’s what Gisu Nerumen told my brother. — She shrugged — But you’ll help me anyway, right? Y-you can bake your frozen burritos if you like. No problem… I can do the rest.
Observed by a kind smile, Norma just walked over to the electric oven on the other side of the kitchen, doing as she was told, and then clumsily sitting on the living room couch, not at all willing to argue back. All she wanted was to remain there, still. Judging the pathetic lives her colleagues showed on Instagram, while trying to ignore the stink that came out of one pressure cooker borrowed by the nature force that was Fiorenza Aquato.
The scent of tripes, bones and various other things she had thrown into it, before chopping the vegetables she’d stolen from the fridge (not the canned ones she’d brought). Her scrawny arms moved like a dance, an acrobatic performance as beautiful as a mesmerizing Renaissance painting - Norma also heard from Gisu that the Aquatos were acrobats.
She surely would have blushed, if only she could ignore the fact that a brand-new marble countertop was being slashed just like a butcher from some random, hypothetical horror movie tore apart his victims. Heck yeah... everything was so weird, sexy and hilarious until her iPhone, forgotten minutes ago, rang.
“What ‘s up?”
— What do you want?
“It seems you woke up on the wrong side today, eh?”
— What do you want, Elisabeth?
“Oh, no… don’t come calling me that!”
— Then spit it out!
“Ah…” She could practically see her sister’s smirk “… I just wanted to know if mom and dad are back yet.”
— You know they are not! — She growled. — Fuck… it’s still 3 PM.
— And they won't back until night.
“So I’m going over there with Morris.”
— Don’t you dare!
“Stop being an ass, Norma!”
— There’s a good reason why they trust me more than you, you know?
“And there’s also a reason why everyone else finds you unbearable!”
— Seriously, Lizzie… not today.
“Just because you hate Morris?”
— What? I don’t... It’s because... — Norma met Fiorenza’s smile one last time, before curling up into some pillows, covering her face with them and supposedly whispering — Fiorenza Aquato… she’s here, in the kitchen. And it seems she will still be there for a long time…
“Gisu’s boyfriend weird sister?”
— In the flesh. — Norma laughed evilly — She’s doing our Gastronomy Day assignment.
“I thought we bought frozen food for that.”
— Right? — and then she grimaced — But she insisted on cooking… argh! Even its stink makes me sick.
“No kidding! What the hell is she making?”
— Tripe… stew.
— Oh, you have no idea how much this all sucks!
“But Frazie… is she as weird as people say? Or…”
— Oh, she’s weird for sure! You know, she arrived splattering her junk all over the kitchen and-
Then there was the clatter of a bowl being slammed against the kitchen counter, and the sound of an aggressive spoon scraping something metalic. Fiorenza… Frazie was storing her dear recipe. Again, staring at Norma’s winged face - but this time, for the first time that day, she didn’t smile with her gap-toothed smile. Quite the opposite, actually.
— I’m leaving. — Her eyes were wet.
— But your brother didn’t-
And carrying only her crammed grocery bag, identical to the magical ones featured in children’s cartoons, she slammed the door. After all… maybe Whispering Rock High number one student was just a big asshole.
For now, that's all folks! Any mistakes to be pointed out, or anything else you guys want to say is immensely appreciated!
See you next time!
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
Mi Viejito (Ethan x f!MC)
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Words: 1K Warning: None Summary: Father’s Day more than twenty years later. 
Author’s Note: “Mi Viejito” means “Old Man” (affectionate). Thank you to the two anons who requested this!
Also, no editing. Oops. We die like men. 
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Twenty five years are not enough to dull the impact of startling blue eyes meeting hers across a room. For a moment, she feels like that fresh-faced intern she used to be, meeting her medical idol for the first time. Except now, Ethan Ramsey has the elegance of time on his side, carved into every fine line on his handsome face. His hair, once dark brown, is a storm of silver now, making the blue of his eyes even more of a shock.
A pleasant sort of shock that makes her body thrum with warmth.
Ethan removes his spectacles and gives her a tired but breathtaking smile. Lilac returns it, moving to settle into her husband's embrace.
“Happy Father's Day, mi viejito,” she murmurs into a kiss. After his hum of thanks, they melt into the kiss, enjoying the rare few moments of blissful companionship.
“Where are the girls?” he asks after a while, as though reading her mind.
“Andy should be here any moment to drop them off.”
“Ah, the calm before the storm,” he muses with exaggerated dread. It doesn't fool anyone, least of all Lilac. Anyone who glances at Ethan Ramsey with his children for more than two seconds knows just how much he adores them. “What about Lori and Jonah?”
“Jonah hasn't texted me back and Lori is on her date.”
Lilac laughs. “Hunter's a nice kid. He's taking her on a boat ride at the Common.”
Ethan is not impressed.
“It's a cute date for two seventeen year-olds,” Lilac reasons with little success.
“You took me on one of those when we were engaged.”
“I meant his name. What kind of name is Hunter?”
She laughs at that and places a kiss on his cheek, succeeding in softening his expression by a fraction. “You're just upset your little girl is all grown up.”
Ethan's expression is as impassive as ever but Lilac can see the brief flash of sadness in his eyes. She places a comforting hand at his cheek, sweeping the ridge of his cheekbone with her thumb.
“She'll be back in time for dinner. And I'm sure Jonah will text me back later. He's been swamped with school work these past few days.”
Ethan nods but is unable to elaborate an answer because the sound of approaching voices grows louder outside the door.
The youngest Ramseys arrive then, three times more boisterous than any teenagers their age. Though, to the surprise of exactly no one, the person in the little group arguing the loudest is Jasmine. Andy rolls her eyes, unable to contain a smile at the charming young girl trying to talk her way out of whatever trouble she's gotten into.
“Seriously, it's okay. Our dad owns the hospital.”
“He manages it,” her twin, Violet, corrects.
“Same thing,” Jasmine returns dismissively. “He as good as owns it if the place falls apart without him.”
“That,” Ethan intervenes, placing a kiss of greeting atop each of their heads, “would be your mother. She does the brunt of the work around here.”
Jasmine scoffs. “And yet the man gets all the credit.”
“Typical,” Violet adds.
Ethan and Lilac both laugh proudly. After Andy takes her leave for the day, the girls hug their father.
“Happy Father's day!” They chorus.
“We brought you coffee from that place you and mom are obsessed with.”
They thrust a to-go cup in his hand.
“We remembered,” Jasmine says importantly. “Not like Tweedle dee and Tweedle Ugly.”
“Jazzie,” her mother scolds. “Don't call your brother and sister that.”
“Ingrates,” Violet adds, agreeing with her sister. “Write them out of your will, Dad.”
Ethan is fully laughing now, a sound that is rare and wonderful, easily drawn out of him by his family. The little crevices on his face grow deeper with his mirth and it tugs at Lilac's heartstrings.
“If we're divvying up Dad's stuff then I call Minnie,” Jasmine proclaims.
“You can have that cat now,” Ethan returns intently. “I don't want anything to do with that thing.”
“I call Jenner the Second,” Violet calls out before her sister can.
They dissolve into an impassioned argument about who loves the dog more. Luckily for all of them, they are interrupted by the sound of more approaching footsteps, followed by even more arguing voices.
“... doesn't have his license yet.”
“What good is a license if he doesn't even have a car.”
“You don't need a car in the city. You can get around in the train.”
“Then why did you text me begging for a ride here?”
“You're such a jerk, J.”
The eldest of their children appear in the office, ceasing all bickering when their eyes fall on the father. Dolores, beautiful and bright faced from the sun, the freckles on her cheeks more vivid as she smiles. Jonah, tall, collected, and handsome—reassembling his father more than any of his siblings. Lilac watches fondly as they hug Ethan and wish him a happy father's day. After the brief surprise of their sudden appearance wears off, she can see her husband's eyes shining with emotion.
“We're taking you to lunch,” Lori informs him. “Jonah got us reservations at your favorite place downtown.”
“Nice, that place has the best chocolate cake,” Jasmine says excitedly.
“We said we're taking dad, not you freeloaders,” Jonah returns jokingly, ruffling his younger sister's hair.
“It’s father’s day! We deserve to be celebrated, too!”
“How do you figure that, squirt?”
“Who taught you how to throw a ball, Jonah Naveen Ramsey?” Jasmine demands indignantly.
“Who gave you pointers on how to impress that girl down the street you used to have a crush on?” Violet adds.
“Who Googled 'how to drive a stick shift car' when you borrowed Dad's car without asking him?”
“You what?” Ethan asks, turning to look at his son.
“Alright, alright! You can come with,” Jonah cuts in. “You two are insufferable, I swear.”
“That's no way to speak to your fathers,” Jasmine chastises.
The siblings continue their banter, taking turns predicting what their father will order. The one who knows his order exactly, Lilac observes, is Dolores, though she has no chance to boast to her siblings. Ethan’s pager goes off and he groans when he reads the message.
“There’s a problem with the paperwork in the Sawyer case,” he tells Lilac. With a mournful twist of his mouth, he looks at his children. “I’m sorry but I have to go handle this. Lunch won’t--”
“I’ll stay to take care of it,” Lilac interrupts.
Ethan studies her expression. “Are you sure, love? It’s an awfully complicated case.”
“I’m sure,” she assures him with a nod. “Go enjoy lunch with them.”
Ethan gives her a look so laden with gratitude and affection, her heart skips a beat.
“Geez, you were right, Dad,” Jasmine says. “Mom really does run this place.”
“Or she just prefers dealing with grumpy patients over hearing your awful jokes, Jazzy,” Dolores comments, side bumping her sister affectionately.
“Mom is a pro at dealing with grumpy, though,” Jonah tells them sagely. “She’s dealt with Dad all these years.”
Ethan laughs at that. “You kids won’t cut your old man a break on father’s day?”
“Nope,” Violet returns cheerfully. “Roasting you is our way of telling you we love you.”
Author’s Note: Happy Fathers Day to everyone who celebrates! Thank you so much for reading this!
For reference, Jonah is around 20, Dolores (aka “Lori”) 17 going on 18, and the twins are 14
A few notes:
Though I am super behind on replies to my previous fics, please know I am so thankful to everyone who interacted! Love you guys so much!
I haven’t been able to work on Ch 2 of the OPH3 re-write, but I hope to do so soon. I think I’ve decided to take it easy with that series and see where it takes me!
Same thing with the Pictagram series! Thank you to everyone for your patience!
If you tagged me in your content while I was away, I apologize for the delay. I have it all saved up, ready to enjoy this upcoming week!
Tagging in a reblog!
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letshaikyuu · 4 years
𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: can I request headcanons for being a manager in black jackals? - anon
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: you make long-term friends and lose lots of brain cells with them lol ; gender-neutral reader 
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭!
You can never be prepared to ‘manage’ a team like this. It’s purely impossible to do that because the moment you enter the gym on your first day...chaos
Shugo definitely gave the whole team an earful the night before, telling them how they have to behave as good as possible so they don’t scare yet another manager away. Trust me, nobody is ready to handle them, but you somehow manage?
The team welcome you with open arms because they’re excited to have someone new with them tbh. Somehow it makes practice more fun because they definitely show of their skills when it’s your first practice with them
Shugo, bless his captain soul, is always there to help you whenever help is needed and to formally introduce you to the crackheads he calls his teammates. You’d probably comment how they look normal to you and he leans down to whisper: ‘Trust me, they are anything but normal.’ He’s the one that usually stays late after practice to see how you’re doing at the end of a busy day and help you clean up if something is left after them. Also, keeps a close eye on you whenever they’re at tournaments or practice matches. He really doesn’t want others to mess with their manager and the whole team agrees, so he’s like this wall between you and others. Very protective, can be scary sometime, but actually the softest baby
Adrian is such a sweetheart. Self-proclaimed foreigner, he tries his best not to mess up his words when with you and embarrass himself. He’s tall and if you’re as tall as him then he will be your best friend ever. On the other hand, if you’re shorter, he likes to mess with you from time to time because it’s just fun. Probably does it to Hinata as well. Gives head pats and ruffles your hair T^T The member, besides Shugo, that’s probably the most mature and willing to stay behind to help. The others stay behind sometime too, but not without nagging lol. Usually helps out if the team is having a match outside Japan so you don’t lose yourself in English, if you don’t speak it of course uwu. Such a sweetheart, I give him a 15/10
BOKUTO FUCKING KOUTAROU. He loves you. The first time you two meet, definitely hugs the life out of you. Can’t control his happiness and Adrian probably has to pull him away from you. He’s used to having managers back in high-school, so he’s really pumped to have one in this team as well. The one that always greets you with the loudest voice in the morning, offers you some of his snacks during breaks and probably the one that comes to you most often because he did something lol. Once, while you were still in your first week of managing these crazy heads, he came out of the locker room without his shorts on and I shit you not, it was both the hottest thing you’ve ever seen and the most embarrassing lol. Kou couldn’t look at you in the eyes after that for a long time oops-
Sakusa bby. Didn’t really care when the team mentioned they were getting a manager. He wants to stay out of other people’s business so they’d stay out of his. But alas, he has this urge to help you out while you’re still learning the ropes to this team and he completely understands. He thinks they’re crazy too. You learn pretty quickly that he’s a germaphobe because he always smells the towels you washed before actually using it lol. ‘It’s not you. I just want to check. Nice detergent you’re using.’ You and Sakusa wouldn’t have this super close friendship, but he’s always there to help you when needed and he thinks you’re amazing for keeping up with them. Keep up the good work!
It really doesn’t matter if the manager is male or female, Atsumu will flirt with you and mess with you. When you two first meet, he always has stories to tell about the team’s craziest moments to see if you’ll be scared or second guess your decision to be the manager. He finds that a team as strong as this one, needs a strong and reliable manager as well. After you actually survive them for a month, he’s really impressed. That’s when he lets himself become more open with you and you two would have this typical teasing each other relationship. Also one of the members that scares away people or other teams if they even think of flirting with you. He’s cool, so you don’t have to worry about him either.
Shion is such a baby as well. When you two first meet, he’d have this huge smile on his face because he just looks like the softest bean ever and we stan a soft bby. He’d definitely have a lot of bruises, so you’d always have some kind of ointment that he can put on them. So happy you thought of doing that for him and if you always have it with you, Shion is just ecstatic. Shows you gratitude by helping you clean after practice or carrying something that may be heavy for you. Every morning and every practice, greets you with the softest of smiles and it just makes your day omg
OMG MY BABY SHOUYOU <3 He’s the one that always fanboys over you with Kou. Can’t wait to become best friends with you and have someone new he can show his progress to uwu. Loves coming up to you when you arrive at practice and greet you with such a sweet and tight hug T^T. When you compliment his skills, he always blushes and thanks you really loudly that the people closest to him flinch in surprise every time. When the team is celebrating a win and group hug, if you happen to be standing off to the side, comes to you and drags you into the hug as well. ‘You’re part of the team now as well!’ He’s too cute people I can’t-
No matter how chaotic this team is, they’re such an amazing set of people that will make you feel like you’re the most important person ever because you are part of the team. Will be extremely sad if you leave them, so please never do that!
I may have gone a tad bit crazy lol, but I enjoyed writing this very much cause they’re just amazing and wonderful and ye. @baby-boy-taichi​ you seemed to be hyped for this request, so here ya go <3
Hope you like it heh <3 Stay safe people!
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pavlikovskaya · 4 years
the secret history live blogged
forever mad that i got spoilered so much on this book.
anyway hello! and welcome to this … shit fest of the secret history by donna tartt aka the biggest letdown of my life
enjoy! i didn’t
ok whaatttt the fuck. he was walked over?? he was packed and squished under ice?? WHAT DID THIS BUNNY GUY DO TO MAKE Y’ALL SO MAD????? istg what the fuck. cruel cruel fate
four against one, i knew y’all were assholes. you sounded like assholes before i even knew what your names were.
i have to say, i’m not a very big fan on the beginning: hello, my name is richard, i am 28, this is my story. makes it sound like he’s in an AA meeting, but i’ll let this one slide.
years at home dispensable like a plastic cup? fictional history and upbringing tales? [*clears throat in relatable*]
my father was mean, my house ugly, my mum didn’t give me attention, must kill someone to cope and serve the aesthetic™ of rejected, unloved child, brooding and mad at the world. got it.
if richard, plain and poor is the one who kills the rich asshole bc he’s a rich asshole, i might relate to him more than i thought.
[*slams book shut*] okay. okay. am i gonna have to google every other phrase in this godforsaken history book or is donna gonna go easy on my ass?
sounds like a university i would love to go to. oh, pardon me, CoLlEgE.
wait, they’d pay him back for the plane if he GOT IN??? and if he didn’t well then what, soz dude, tough luck , such is life, see ya never? makes a lot of sense. should pay him back regardless imo but hey, i had to pay £50 six times to audition at universities who, all six times, rejected me, so.
three days on a bus and arrival at six in the morning? i cannot fathom a worse scenario.
this prof conducts his selection on a personal level rather than on an academic one, said with a note of sarcasm? is he … you know … ?
ahhhh these saucy saucy tea spilling french people, gotta love em. ‘listen, i know i’ve only met you three minutes ago, but i’m bout to spill some serious tea which i must ask you to keep to yourself and never mention for i have some formidable enemies in the literature division, yes, my very own department, but we all actually love each other. you know, in a very shakespearian ‘i shall murder you at the end of the play but for now, let’s make sweet love under the stars as a witch friend of mine who will later murder you watches’ way. all very platonic. but don’t say a word of it.’
who do you think was with morrow when richard came to see him in the lyceum and what were they talking about? GODDAMN IT, this french bastard put me in a gossipy mood.
bunny — short for edmund…….
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god, i love a redhead.
richard and me being whipped by francis and his long, flapping black coats, love to see it.
‘pseudo-intellects and teenage decadents abounded and black clouting was de rigueur’ can I enrol ~now~????
francis talks to cats and bunny yells from his window down at the incest twins to stop snogging in the garden. i can’t wait to see which one am I at the end of the book
henry and julian driving off together? do i smell something…. gay?
THEY WRITE WITH FOUNTAIN PENS????? [*flashbacks from my childhood intensify*].
i do not understand most of these references or sentences and if the whole book is like this, i will throw myself out the window in attempted suicide even though i live on the ground floor.
i have absolutely no idea what they’re on about.
francis in black cashmere and cigarette smoke brushed past him and almost touched his arm. how bloody delicious is this??
‘give him some flowers and he’ll enrol you.’ ok, julian is definitely the gay prof everyone falls for.
at this stage, i would rater have voted we kill henry, not bunny, but we’ll see.
‘i was tired of being poor.’ [*buys a tie with pictures of men hunting deer on it*] ‘that’s better.’
‘i believe that it is better to know one book intimately than a hundred superficially.’ donna tartt gave me the book and the reason both.
constantly chuckling at the way richard is so completely mesmerised and intimidated by francis to the point that he’ll duck into a doorway to let him pass even though they’re going to the same lesson.
I don’t know how a ‘bostonian voice’ is supposed to sound like so francis will be slightly british in my mind for the rest of the book.
cubitum eamus? cubitum. eamus? CUBITUM?? EAMUS????? OH! GOD! HELP ME! THE SWEET SWEET HOMOEROTIC FORESHADOWING OF IT ALL!!! throwback to when, in a much too similar vein, boris, upon being asked by theo to say something in russian for him, he said ‘fuck you up the ass’. my heart is racing with yearn. i can’t fucking believe i just read this. it’s time to bust out the annotation tabs again.
oh my gooooddd whAt is henry’s problem????? he reminds me slightly of number one from the umbrella academy, but in a meaner, more show-offy, bastardish way that’s supposed to showcase his superior intelligence over all mortals like fuck you, go read harry potter and chill.
‘meke (s.p.) you Wear it’? i take it meke is actually make but what on earth is (s.p.)? google gave me 238 possible definitions for that acronym and, needless to say, i didn’t bother.
i love how donna’s main characters are funny essentially bc they’re bitches towards other people they deem inferior to them in their internal monologues.
if you were drunk and ‘slam-dancing’ at a party, i don’t have to be stuck up or elitist to judge you and hate on you. even less so if you throw your beer in my face.
‘love that jacket, silk, isn’t it?’ ‘yep, my grandfather’s. totally not from that annoying girl in my dorm whose mate your mates beat up at a party last term for shoving camilla and throwing a beer in her face and who probably only gave me the jacket because she wants to fuck me, nope.’
‘let me get that door for you.’ that’s it, that’s the tweet.
when bunny said they should round up the ‘officious fags and burn them at the stake’ i yelled the loudest what the fuck i’ve ever yelled at a book. i can see now why they killed him. and i bet that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
okay, his true colours are starting to show. it’s even more unnerving when i think about the fact that like half of this stuff is supposed to be true.
called it, they’re boning.
i can’t wait until francis locks lips with richard. i am simply tingling for it. i hope he and camilla have a threesome with richard at this country house. oh wait no, they’re all here. eh, maybe another time.
oh, we finally get some juicy inside gossip
if francis and richard don’t fuck in that gorgeous immense library, i will riot.
okay, what’s henry’s deal? he’s nice now? and he’s oddly … interested in/caring towards richard? like who the fuck says ‘i hope you slept well’ without at least a little affection towards them.
AHAHAHAAHA, NOW I GET ALL THOSE MOON LANDING QUESTIONS ON THE TSH RELATED UQIZZES I STUPIDLY TOOK. I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS REAL. imagine them lot in present day completely bewildered and confused at the fact that the whole world is in lockdown for some weird fucking reason. this is the funniest shit ever, swear to god.
dogs get heart attacks?
wow they’re being dicks. that shady shit they’re doing’s so fucking rude aajksdhfkfh and to think i had initially thought richard was the ‘leader’ of their group...
okay, they’re either all into bdsm or they’re some odd breed of late vampires who don’t have much of the traits/qualities of ‘classic’ vampires as they have possibly diminished over the centuries as the species was becoming extinct. maybe witches. hm. or occultists. I REALLY DON’T KNOW!!
richard be like ‘what should I tell you?’ well—and this is merely a suggestion—, how about you start with what they’re actually doing when they’re not hanging out with you?????
i can’t wait for bunny to figure/find out richard’s not actually rich and be a dick about it.
two months??? what kind of bonkers winter vacation between terms is that???
is being constantly cold part of the dark academia aestehtic? cos it certainly seems to be.
what the fuck are these (sp)s bunny keeps putting in his letters??
i hope somebody (henry, or maybe francis? as something that would bring them together?) is fake rich too.
ouuuuu here comes the dark, mental stuff.
richard dropped out of drama to study the classics. if we were villains is a group of people studying shakespeare. coincidence? i think not. it is with dread that i think at the possibility that i might like the other more because so far, i can’t say i’m heavily impressed with tsh.
now i’m all for weird, fancy names, but marchbanks is really an odd one. who the fuck looks at their newborn baby and goes ben? nah. tom? no. MARCHBANKS! perfect.
henry winter saves richard from a piping cold winter. ah, don’t bother, i’ll do it myself [*jumps out the window*]
henry dislikes electric lights? smokes cigarettes without filter? reads milton translated into latin ‘just to see if a language with no noun cases could possibly support the structural order he attempts to impose’? can this dude be any more pretentious?
BUNNY! IT’S BUNNY! HE’S FAKE RICH THE BASTARD! ALL THAT ‘oops, forgot my wallet’ BULLSHIT, I THOUGHT IT WAS A TEST FOR RICHARD OR JUST RICH PEOPLE LEECHING OFF OTHERS (why spend yours when you can spend theirs?) BUT NOOOO, HE’S BROOOOKE! AND AN ASSHOLE! WHAT AN ASSHOLE!!! serves him right, the asshole (that gay people being burnt at the stake comment really bothered me despite the fact that i laughed). and not only is he broke and leeching off of henry, he leeches in the most shameless, greedy, extravagant and ignorant way, ordering the most expensive thing on the menu fuck out of here.
ha! he got fat the bastard. found some sugar daddy to sustain you during your last month in italy or what?
this rabbit dude sure has some big balls for a broke ass bitch.
‘let me see your head wound.’ vs ‘your arm.’
‘that sort of tension which i, being rather more disinclined that way than not, am quick to pick up on. i had caught a strong breath of it from francis, a whiff of it at times from julian (…)’ sounds like we got another one boys, a straight dude with the best gaydar in the world. that being said, julian is the fakest bitch in the book so far.
this secrecy is killing the ever-loving shit out of me. argentina one way?? whY
lol if you’re gonna steal his book with the intention of having him come back to the apartment and see all that shit, at least don’t put it in such an obvious place where he couldn’t have possibly missed it. for such a smart guy, you sure are dumb, dude.
francis’ mother be like ‘give that bad boy a kiss from me’ and i’m like HE BETTER.
richard the worst liar. just say your mum called for fuck’s sake! you could get your boyfriend in trouble!
cheesecake cover: ‘please do not steal this, i am on financial aid.’ bunny: [*steals it*] the cheesecake: [*sucks*] me: serves you fucking right, pig.
THINKING ABOUT HIS HANDICAP. I’M YELLING. funniest thing donna tartt ever wrote.
i bet they’re all there sat at the table like nothing happened and weren’t supposed to leave anywhere at all.
called it! motherfuckers.
what the hell is going on. are they a gang of assassins or something?
richard: ‘you killed somebody, didn’t you?’ henry: [*laughs as if it was the most ridiculous idea in the world and how could you possibly suggest such a thing*] yep
bunny: gays are weirdly obsessed with food, don’t you think? also bunny: [*gets excluded from the bacchanal because he couldn’t stop eating*]
okay. i can see now why this book started the whole dark academia aesthetic
aight, that’s all good and great (far from it) but WHERE IS MY FRANCIS CONTENT????
going through the motions of hating and liking henry every other chapter.
everybody: [*burning clothes, cleaning the car, running this way and that to get rid of evidence*] francis: aight y’all imma take a power nap real quick cool? cool
there is hardly anything in the world i hate more than loose-of-tongues. bunny and that bitch ass hely from the little friend. god, i want to sock each and every single one of them in their stupid bloody loud mouths.
i want to know, i really want to know if there are any bunny apologists or … s…. s… [*grits teeth*] stans out there. don’t worry, nothing will happen to you, i just wanna talk.
if it’s henry and richard and not francis and richard,,,,, i will riot.
boy this henry guy smokes a lot…. more than me in my prime.
as if this dude reenacted the murder he wasn’t even present at in the lobby of a hotel just to torture henry. i can’t believe this character is still alive and has been for so long.
FINALLY! one francis moment that indicated there will be no more francis moments…. .
funny that, reading the secret history put something into perspective about the goldfinch for me.
i love how richard just casually throws it in there whenever he happens to mention camilla that he loves her and wants to kiss her and that she’s so beautiful and blah blah blah and then it’s never brought up again ever because he’s constantly going on and on about henry.
wait, don’t tell me it’s happening now, in the middle of the book! that would be most unexpected as there’s a whole entire book following.
henry is such a stone cold bitch, i wonder where they put his heart when they made him, in his ass?
don’t tell me henry went boxer dogs on JULIAN?!?!?! he wouldn’t. … would he?
i don’t know. i get it, obviously, the gravity of the situation, but going as far as killing him to silence him is a bit … extreme in my opinion.
thank you, charles, for being the only voice of reason in this madness.
okay, i understand it’s in richard’s best interest not to be involved, but they called him there to what, make him listen to all this and then send him on his merry way?
charles: well, if you wake up intending to murder someone at two o’clock, you hardly think of what you’re going to feed the copse for dinner. [*crickets*] francis: hey, how about asparagus?
henry: someone’s coming. quick! act normal! richard: [*turns to inspect the trunk of a tree*] [*footsteps approach*] richard: [*inspection of tree intensifies!!*]
you’re a bit late, bunny, just saying.
and now what the fuck is the rest of the book about? what do we do, let’s run, let’s stay, let’s go to the police, what do we do with him?
i love how richard describes himself as part of the process: we dwelt on it, we convinced ourselves, we devised plans when in reality, he was only there as an attaché, he wasn’t included much, almost at all in the actual planning process of it other than to give his insight on the poison route because henry thought it was his area of expertise so to speak when, really, it wasn’t and then was told about the other plan because they simply thought he should know. even then henry tells him ‘you can go now, if you like’ because there wasn’t anything they sort of needed him for anymore since he wasn’t going to be there, he was just a pair of ears. i like to think he was there in hopes to maybe dissuade them, try to stop them, tell them how mad it is, tell them there’s another way, but he didn’t do much of that either (not that I think he would’ve succeeded anyway, had he tried, henry’s one stubborn motherfucker). he didn’t come up with shit, he wasn’t supposed to even be there, i think, much less contribute in any way. had bunny not told him about the bacchanal, richard would have probably found out about it after it was already done, he was only included for the fucks of it and yet, he talks as if he was right there in the room with them, brainstorming ideas how to kill him. and i get how it only comes from a sense of obvious guilt because he knew about it, he was there and didn’t do anything to stop it, but he’s by far not one to have agreed to the whole thing or condoned it in any way from what he’s told us in book one. he himself says in the very same paragraph that he only watched. he’s very much a dark academia nick carraway type of character and i hate it. because i like him. he deserves better.
i’m pretty sure that the reason that serial killer autobiography you picked up in an airport was bereft of details is because no publishing house would allow such lurid specifications that might shock, disgust, enrage or give ideas to the reader in their book, not because the author is shy, richard, but ok, let’s move on. actually no, let’s not. you can’t expect the autobiography of a killer to only tell you about the murders, especially since in this particular instance, he was caught and went to prison. of course he’s going to tell you more about that than the killings, have you any idea what prison life is like? how much it eats away at your soul? how it crushes your spirit if you have one and how hard it is to get over? the time he spent in jail is going to haunt him forever and after such a long time in there, however long it was, you hardly think about your crime as anything but a huge mistake that was not worth the torment if you’re not a downright psychopath which, since he came out and wrote a book about it, doesn’t seem to be the case here but i guess you’ll find out all about it soon enough.
OH! a francis moment???? could this be it? please dear god may this be it.
it wasn’t, but there’s another one!
‘it’s fun, i promise you.’ [*dies*]
if this is it, if that’s all, i am not forgiving this book.
‘i tried to pull him out but it was no good; his head lolled back uselessly’ YEAH. BECAUSE HE’S DEAD, RICHARD. [*scoffs*] ‘uselessly’
i wish i held any of my teachers and professors in at least half the high regard henry holds julian. i also wish they were half as competent and passionate about teaching as julian.
i can’t help but admire the way they communicate sensitive information to each other in ancient greek, they sound like characters from jane austen novels while talking about drugs and saving face from tabloids and gossip, it’s rather amazing.
quite pointless to go through all that trouble to hide the cigarettes and deny having been smoking when the smell will be there no matter what and she’ll know for sure. i swear, all these seemingly smart ass people are actually idiots
my question is why would anyone, drunk or not, for any reason, leave the top down in the rain? why? what possible pleasure could one get from driving in the middle of the rain with rain actually pouring down on them?
isn’t linoleum a bit tacky for a house that looks like it’s been in architectural digest?
why is charles so on edge? why are they all always hiding??? camilla and her late night 3 am phone calls, her secret phone code with henry, charles mysteriously going out for cigarettes so brusquely without a word in the middle of the night and refusing to talk about it, what are they all always hiding?! nobody trusts one another with anything, it’s very annoying, to be honest. aren’t they supposed to be super best friends? you’d think that after a bacchanal and a double homicide, you wouldn’t keep secrets from one another, but i guess not.
ah, shame. was kind of hoping for some sneaky richard/francis basement action, but alas. what’s their ship name anyway, richis?
i just spoilered myself again, twice, by going through the tsh tag on tumblr and then looking for francis/richard fanfics on ao3 and finding out that francis marries? gets with? a girl who’s apparently called fucking priscilla. donna tartt really has a knack for weird fancy names, huh? i’m here for it tbh
richard you fucking snitch! you had one job!!!!!!
why the fuck are they still keeping him in the dark about shit? henry and charles quarrelled and charles is in jail and henry still won’t tell him what’s so bad about it and why he wants richard to handle all this shit instead of him and why bunny’s murder still matters and why why just why are they still using him as their pawn??
seriously, this exchange was about the worst they’ve had so far. he himself knows it: ‘there was a silence during which I felt acutely the hopelessness of ever trying to get to the bottom of anything with henry. he was like a propagandist, routinely withholding information, leaking it only when it served his purposes.’ THEN WALK AWAY. SAY NO. PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN. FUCKING—UGH!!!!!!!
they’re all so shamelessly using him… i can’t read. it’ll kill him, one way or another.
these ungrateful little shits i swear to god. richard bails him out, he’s all thankful and sweet when he wants him to do ‘this one little favour’ of taking him to his francis’ house so he can break in and when richard’s like i don’t have a car, he immediately turns sour and passive aggressive like you know what?! richard hasn’t slept all night and all morning waiting for your ass to go to court cos you were a drunken idiot and decided YET AGAIN that driving in that state is a great idea so he can bail you out and when you are finally out, you start being fussy and then it’s all ‘right. thanks a lot’??? richard doesn’t fucking need this shit! y’all are horrible friends. he’s not your bloody servant. how about you take that stick and privilege out of your asses and start treating him a bit more kindly, huh???
‘henry made me swear not to tell.’ WHAT. WHAT. BITCH, GET THE FUCK OUT.
this is by far the most toxic friendship i’ve ever heard of.
oh wow that kiss was hot. i thought it was just a speculation that they were incestuous with each other, but i-i guess not.
FINALLY it gets interesting. Mr Abernathy spilling some piping hot tea mmm
he literally just said i’d sleep with you if you got drunk enough to let me. oh dear god help me.
oh fuck it got sad. It’s patrick and brad all over again ugh always happens to the best of gays
finally richard my boy starts hating them, as he should. except francis, you’re a dick in that respect. he’s only joking for fuck’s sake, don’t get all butthurt, jesus. sensitive much?
uuuuuu tunts Tunts TUNTS! shit is hitting the fan. henry, henry, henry, our ‘golden boy’. nothing but a crook himself, the motherfucker. i’ve been waiting for this reveal since the beginning of the fucking book. if they gang up on him and kill him, i will never stop laughing.
it’s as if he’s begging to be excluded and hated, i swear. why is he being such a prick? does he love her? is that it? then there are a BILLION other ways to go about it, he doesn’t have to be such a shady bitch!! besides, wasn’t he in cahoots with julian?
‘i was depressed, i thought if i slept here it might make me feel better.’ that’s so precious tho….. funny, but precious. such child-like innocence in this grown ass intoxicated man, i melt.
clever, luring him out of the playground under the false pretext of a drink when he’s had plenty. think like a drunk
the only consistent, recurring and ever-present elements in donna tartt’s books are the hors d’oeuvres.
it’s so cute how charles needs him, i—
girls be like: watching a film, listening to a podcast, talking on the phone, having dinner, figure painting, filing nails, writing an essay and doing their makeup all at the same time
this so called love he feels for camilla is so unfounded and feeble and just … it seems so out of the fucking blue every single time he mentions it, i can’t read this shit. IT’S SO SEE-THROUGH!!
okay WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DID I JUST READ. WHAT. THE ACTUAL. MOTHERFUCKING. FUCK. one second he’s ‘i love her so much’ the next he wants to strangle and rape her?????????????? i have zero goddamn words. i am fucking speechless. i don’t think i have ever been this confused at something since i watched the turning. i don’t think you realise quite how done i am with this fucking book at this point.
i think i do hate henry more than bunny and i’m afraid i’ll like if we were villains better.
richard: [*takes sleeping pills*] also richard: [*surprised he can’t keep up with the film he started watching after taking sleeping pills*]
‘look,’ said francis. ‘let’s just go, if we leave now we can be in montreal by dark. nobody will ever find us.’ vs ‘well, i’m not going,’ said boris serenely. ‘fuck that, i’m running away. do you want to come?’
this henry bitch is the most difficult piece of shit i’ve ever fucking encountered. ‘you mean, it’s something you need to tell me in private?’ oh FUCK OFF AND STEP OUTSIDE, FOR FUCK’S SAKE. IT’S ONE THING I ASK OF YOU, YOU TWAT.
huh, i thought he was doing this shit on purpose, leaving the page face down on the table so that julian could see it, i thought it was some sick twisted plan of his.
lmao called it. everybody saw through julian’s façade except richard and the others and i completely understand. in a fashion much like julian’s, i think he knew that, he saw it, but just chose to ignore it because the image he posed and richard himself constructed of him in his mind was much more favourable to what he really was. i mean, fuck, who the fuck says ‘i hope we are all ready to leave the phenomenal world and enter into the sublime’ with their whole chest and mean it?
if you think he’s not coming, why sit in silence staring out the window, ignoring everyone and wasting everybody’s time instead of telling them from the very start this piece of information you have on hand that could save everybody a lot of trouble, time and overthinking? why be all mysterious and enigmatic about it? just tell them from the start, you’re not in a film for fuck’s sake……..
charles, one of the four of them (henry, camilla, julian and himself) might be the one i despise the least, almost like had he not been so brutal towards camilla,,,, but i don’t know if i can trust her, that whole scene seemed … staged somehow. i don’t know. i don’t know
didn’t expect henry would turn on julian too though. first real thing he’s done all book.
richard does seem like the type of fellow who would grow up in a household where his dad would strike his mum for no fucking reason.
okay so did henry punch him for that comment or not? what was all that father beating mother bit for?
#boysweekendinthecountry! 🤪 #partytime! #ignoringourproblems! #woooo!!!
oh my fucking god chARLES!!!
yes, henry, great, brilliant, fucking splendid idea to antagonise the man pointing a gun at you.
i love how absolutely nobody noticed fucking richard BLEEDING RIGHT NEXT TO THEM
‘expected everyone to stop and look at me. no one did.’ and they never will. that’s your whole friendship summed up in two lines. you don’t matter to them, you never did, you’re absolutely unimportant. just a tool, a pawn, a nobody. sorry you had to get shot to realise that.
‘’he shot me.’ somehow, this remark did not elicit the dramatic response i expected. before i had the chance to elaborate—’ ELABORATE WHAT? ELABORATE WHAT?! THAT’S ALL YOU NEED TO SAY!! GOD, this hurts to read. this angers me beyond words, but it also fucking hurts so bad…
nothing, not even getting shot can make richard lose his wit
disGUSTING henry and camilla moment. I HATE THEM
oh shit. did not see that coming. well, glad that’s over.
ugh, time to read how francis got hetero married :\
the thing is, right, i read that line, ‘i managed to get out of taking my french exams the next week’ about three or four times and somehow, the following line or even the words ‘gunshot wound’ never made it to my eyes! i don’t understand how! but i’m completely happy about that given the fact that i spoiler myself on every single book i read by reading ahead like an idiot..
how much do you want to bet that it was the inn keep who called the ambulance and not those fuckers? because of course henry, dead henry’s more important than slowly dying, almost dead but not quite richard.
despite everything, it sounds like he had a nice summer in brooklyn. good for him. god knows he deserved it, the poor guy.
yeah no, fuck henry’s post-mortem hero narrrative.
lol, at least he got a nice car out of it. this book shows me once again that things happen just the way they should happen.
i will not say a WORD on this, much less his letter. i am hurt, i am wounded, i am grieving, my head is full of thots and i cannot speak. i died on this bed.
ugh [*rolls eyes*] this fucking guy again with his sudden, out of my ass declarations of love towards camilla. JUST GIVE IT UP ALREADYYYYYYYY!!! TELL IT TO SOMEONE WHO CARES!!! (francis) i wouldn’t be surprised if she was married or engaged and just didn’t bother to mention it ‘because he never asked’ or some bullshit excuse like that.
he’s telling me about all these people and where they ended up after graduation but not only do i not give a single solitary fuck, i actually don’t know who the fuck he’s talking about?? like who the fuck is bram guernesnesnica? rooney wayne? what the fuck do i care what jack jud and frank did?
the only people i do remotely care about are the professors (the saucy french teacher and the boring, senile dude who wouldn’t shut up and who kept referring to richard as ‘jerry’ in his grad school recommendations letter ahahah that is the content i signed up for, not dumb and dumber’s bar or whatever) and the cat charles left at francis’ country house who lives in a ten fucking room apartment in boston.
love how ionic the whole marion storyline turned out to be. marred another corcoran who looked just like bunny and had a daughter who, despite having her and his mother’s name ended up being nicknamed also bunny. i’m sorry, i just—i have to laugh.
a dream. a dream. if it’s a dream of henry i will personally shoot you and make sure i aim a little higher than your abdomen this time.
[*shoots the book*]
oh, you died and suddenly you have a sense of humour?
‘that information is classified’ [*shoots a torpedo at the book*]
‘are you happy?’ / ‘not very.’ vs ‘are you happy here?’ / ‘not particularly.’
okay. so. final thoughts: fuck this book.
good night
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raendown · 7 years
Alright look, it’s me. If you weren’t expecting smut then you were wrong and you should have been.
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Word count: 3789 Story summary: Madara used to be a man feared even by those of his own clan. Life's really changed since the village was built. Among those changes is his relationship with one Senju Tobirama - and apparently everyone else knew about this even before he did.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
Chapter 11
Morning was usually one of Madara’s favorite times of the day. For instance, the morning after Izuna’s party had been particularly nice. Waking up to find that for once Tobirama hadn’t moved them about in their sleep and was still curled up on his chest had been a special delight. Most other mornings were quite similar in pattern, opening his eyes to find the man he loved held in his arms and smiling in his sleep.
Considering the way he was being woken up now, just barely past noon, he may have just found a new favorite.
They hadn’t meant to fall asleep on the couch. Really Madara didn’t even remember closing his eyes. The last thing he could recall was listening to Tobirama’s voice begin to slur as they discussed something that wasn’t coming to mind right at the moment. Now he was being woken from an impromptu accidental nap by lips trailing along his jawline and a large palm sliding up his chest.
A quiet rumbling laugh came from just above him.
“I know you’re awake,” Tobirama’s voice teased him. Madara huffed and tried not to smile.
“Well I wouldn’t be if someone hadn’t decided all on his own that naptime was over.”
“I can think of better things to be doing than napping on the couch.”
Eyes snapping open at the tone that invitation had been spoken in, Madara closed them again only moments later as soft lips finally met with his own. Whatever reply he’d been about to make was choked down in favor of kissing back, nearly melting in to the couch arm his head was resting on. The day he turned this down was the day he had officially gone insane. Tobirama kissed him harder, his tongue darting out to lick Madara’s bottom lip and drink down the whimper he got in response.
With his head already spinning Madara struggled to remember to breathe. The palm resting on his chest slid upwards to drag blunt nails along his clavicle, making him shudder and squirm. He gasped in to Tobirama’s mouth when he felt the younger man crawling up his body, legs settling on either side of his hips so that his partner was sitting astride his lap.
He had hardly dared to dream of this, could barely believe it was happening right now. Really he’d just been expecting a few kisses and nothing more. When the hand scratching near his neck circled around behind his head to set him at a better angle he whimpered again, his own hands finally getting with the program enough to settle on Tobirama’s hips. They didn’t stay still for long though, rubbing up and down his partner’s sides in a gentle caress. He could never get enough of touching this man in any way he could – something he could tell that Tobirama very much did not mind, by the way he purred and kissed him even harder.
Nothing else existed for him at that moment but for the man in his lap. As he often did in the moments when he found himself getting lost in Tobirama, Madara thought absently to himself that he hoped reality never returned. He would be perfectly happy to live out the rest of his life losing himself in Tobirama’s kisses and the way his skin tingled under pale white fingers.
Reality, however, had a way of barging back in and demanding attention in the loudest ways possible. Today is was a loud cry from a mere three feet to the left of his head. Both Madara and Tobirama twitched with shock, pulling apart from each other at lightning speed to whip their heads around and inspect the source of the noise. Kagami looked back at them from where he was sitting in his play pen, lower lip jutting out and dark eyes staring seemingly straight in to their hearts as though to ask why they weren’t paying him any attention.
“Oops.” Madara could feel his face heating up. Poor Kagami! He hoped when the boy got older he wouldn’t remember this. Did babies form memories this young? He didn’t want the boy’s first recollection to be of his father’s kissing on the couch in front of him!
Still perched across his hips, although now he was sitting up straight Tobirama tilted his head, looking slowly between the baby and the man he was on top of.
“I wonder if Aniki would like to babysit,” he mused. Madara swallowed thickly.
“He’s in a conference with the Shimura Clan Head.” Neither of them mentioned how badly his voice was shaking. Tobirama’s eyes locked on to his and he lifted one eyebrow.
“Do you think Izuna is busy?”
“No,” Madara breathed. “I believe he had plans to stay in for the day.”
Tobirama was up off his lap immediately, lifting Kagami out of the play pen while Madara scrambled off the couch and lurched in to the kitchen to grab a prepared bottle, thanking kami they had started the habit of making them ahead of time. When he made it back to the living room Tobirama took his arm and they disappeared from their home with a mere flicker, reappearing outside Izuna’s front door.
Without even knocking the two men let themselves in, both enjoying a quick moment of amusement when they saw their unwitting host leap two feet in the air. Obviously he hadn’t been expecting their intrusion right in the middle of whatever he’d been working on. It looked suspiciously like he was making some sort of art craft at the table. Whatever it was it wasn’t important at the moment.
“We need you to babysit,” Madara announced gruffly as Tobirama all but shoved Kagami in to Izuna’s arms.
“It’s important,” Tobirama assured him. Madara nodded from where he was flinging the bottle inside the fridge, not looking where it landed and not caring in the slightest.
“Wait…” Izuna held Kagami in front of himself a little awkwardly, supporting him under the arms as he watched the other two men head for the door again. “What’s going on?”
“Important!” Madara shouted back as he hurried out. Tobirama gave an impertinent little wave and then they were flickering back to their own home, this time alone.
They arrived in their bedroom and Madara had less than a second to bite his lip and bolster his confidence before Tobirama took his mouth in a kiss that sent fire straight down his spine. Had he ever mentioned that this man knew just how to kiss him? Because he did. He knew just how to make Madara’s toes curl up in pleasure with nothing but lips and tongue.
His tongue certainly came in to play now as the younger man licked his way in to Madara’s mouth, arms circling his neck and holding on tight. Their legs entwined as he stepped closer, so close it was nearly impossible to keep balance. Madara’s quiet cry as they tumbled backwards turned in to a breathless puff when Tobirama landed on his chest, laughing at their awkward landing. While he tried to catch his breath Tobirama crawled over him to straddle his lap like he had been before. Only this time Madara could feel something a little different.
“Oh sweet kami,” he whispered, closing his eyes and burying his face in his partner’s neck. Tobirama rotated his hips to grind their erections together, obviously in an attempt to give him a heart attack.
Yet, strangely, his heart pounded harder for the way he heard his name whispered softly in to his ear a moment later and for the simple delight of being able to feel how Tobirama’s heart was matching the skipping rhythm of his own. It was incredible to feel the proof of how he was affecting the other and know that he wasn’t the only one excited by this unexpected turn of events.
Madara wasn’t really sure how his shirt got undone. He knew his love had clever fingers and that he himself was rather distractible but it still surprised him when suddenly there were hands on his bare skin tracing the lines of his abdomen. He shuddered under the touch even as he wormed his own hands between them to untie Tobirama’s obi. If he could touch then Madara could touch too. It was only fair. Of course, his own touches were far more star-struck, almost hesitant as he explored the pale skin he would never admit to fantasizing about.
It became almost a game of reciprocity. Tobirama rewarded his touches by reaching up to trace a thumb across one of his nipples, to which Madara responded by arching his own back and scratching his nails down Tobirama’s back. The younger man ground his hips down a second time and in turn Madara nipped at his bottom lip.
The game could only go on for so much time, however, before one of them reached for the other’s trousers. Madara was almost shaking by the time they were both naked, although whether it was from anticipation, nerves, or excitement was not something he was willing to fess up to. Possibly a combination of all three but that was his own business. Either way he was hardly capable of giving a coherent answer right then even if only asked what his own name was. His entire brain had shut down the moment his better half had pressed their bare skin together.
Quiet choked noises filled what little air was left between them as Madara gathered his courage and rolled them, pressing the other man in to the sheets with his weight and doing his best to leave him as breathless as he so often felt himself.
“Nightstand,” Tobirama gasped out. “Top drawer.”
Madara looked to the side with a slightly baffled look. They were busy. What could he possibly want right then that couldn’t wait for later?
He understood as soon as he leaned over and opened the drawer. A small tube of lubricant rolled forward and presented itself and Madara wondered if it was possible to have heart failure from being too aroused too suddenly. That didn’t stop his hand from snatching up the offering and turning back to fall upon Tobirama with frantic kisses. His partner caught him with a smile and returned the affections with obvious enthusiasm even as he bent his knees and braced his feet on the mattress.
“I’m all yours, tiger,” he said with a confident grin. Madara huffed and scowled, hoping it distracted from the blush glowing on his cheeks.
“I’m not a tiger,” he muttered. His fingers fumbled with the lubricant, trying not to accidentally squirt a massive puddle out on to his hand. Luckily he managed to acquire only a proper amount.
“No? Ah well. I’m still all yours.”
From the way Tobirama was smirking he could tell his partner knew exactly how flustered he was by those words. Madara shut him up by reaching down and stroking across his entrance with slick fingers, spreading the lubricant and preparing the way to press just the tip of a single finger inside. He kept his eyes on Tobirama’s face to gauge his reaction, venturing a little farther in and swallowing harshly for the sensation of how warm and tight he felt inside. Just the thought of sinking in to him properly, being one with the man he loved, had him close to passing out from a mixture of excitement and heart-melting happiness.
Every time he thought he couldn’t possibly be any happier the man beneath him blew straight through his expectations. He’d never been so delighted to be proved wrong.
Madara took his time spreading Tobirama’s entrance open. The last thing he wanted was to hurt the man despite his obvious impatience for the proceedings. His lover bucked and pushed back against his fingers, silently encouraging him to go deeper, faster, and not afraid to show his appreciation with broken gasps and garbled strings of disconnected syllables. It was both fascinating and arousing to watch him and it only made Madara glad that the other didn’t seem to have the concentration to return any touches beyond clutching at his shoulders. He feared he wouldn’t last otherwise.
When he removed his fingers at last and reached over for a little more lubricant his partner fixed him in place with a look hot enough to melt iron.
“Finally,” the younger man whispered. Madara huffed.
“Well excuse me for caring about your wellbeing.”
“I’m hardly going to break if you get a little rough.” That Tobirama managed to have the wherewithal to wink at him boggled Madara a little.
He still shivered at the implications of that as he grumbled, “You deserve nice things.” He certainly didn’t expect Tobirama to pull him down and whisper intimately in his ear.
“I would consider it nice to have you inside me now.”
Madara needed little more convincing than that. The undoubtedly embarrassing noise clawing its way up his throat was bitten back as his hands tucked underneath Tobirama’s knees and lifted them to wind around his hips. His lover arched and caught his gaze, unwilling to let him go. He couldn’t have looked away if he tried but didn’t truly mind; he didn’t really want to anyway.
Pressing in to Tobirama felt a lot like coming home, like finding something he hadn’t known was missing from his life until he found it. The immediate sense of I belong here was so overwhelming he tried to close his eyes – but couldn’t. The red gaze below him held him captive still, watching his every reaction and in return allowing him a glimpse in to their own depths. It was easy to see Tobirama felt the same, though that didn’t help at all with his inability to reign in his racing heart.
Though it took him a moment to gather his strength Madara did manage to pull away, rocking his hips back until only the head of him remained inside and then quickly sinking back in when the thought of leaving entirely was too abhorrent to even consider.
Sex as Madara had known it in the past was a perfunctory thing, a momentary distraction over with as quickly as possible and indulged in only to satisfy a temporary need. This was different. With Tobirama it wasn’t just sex, it was making love. Until now he’d thought the difference between the two existed only in romance novel clichés but that was before he’d fallen hopelessly in love.  Now everything was different, some in obvious ways and others more subtle.
Most obvious was the emotions choking his lungs and burning in his veins. How was it possible for one human to feel so much and not fly to pieces? It was beyond him. Less obvious was the rhythm of his movements. Gone was the frantic rutting of distant fucking. Their hips rolled together in long smooth motions, sliding out only because it was necessary and sinking back in with relief each time, coming home again and again and again until his mind and body prayed together for this moment to last forever. Madara hitched Tobirama’s legs up higher, searching for a deeper angle just to watch him gasp and quake when his prostate was struck.
That sinful noise was the beginning of both their ends. Having found that hidden spot Madara kept his angle and tried to aim for there with every roll of his hips. Within moments he had Tobirama keening and clinging to his arms in desperation, lips parted and eyes finally falling closed as the pleasure built. Honestly Madara was a little surprised he’d lasted this long himself, although he was hardly complaining. Still, just by watching his partner slowly fall to pieces he knew that neither of them had long left.
His lover gasped against him when he leaned down to take his mouth in a searing kiss, trying to say without words everything he was feeling. Even if he could have articulated them properly right then he wouldn’t have known what words to use so he let their bodies communicate for him instead. Tobirama’s hands released his arms only to wrap around his neck and hold him in place.
“Shit don’t stop,” the younger man breathed.
“Hng!” Madara pressed their foreheads together, breathing each other’s air and refusing to allow his hips to slow their rhythm. The next time he managed to strike true he shivered at the sound of his partner’s whimper.
“Madara!” Tobirama’s body was tensing under him and he understood what that meant, even if it still felt like it was happening too soon. “Nn! I lo– ah!”
Feeling the tension gathering at the base of his own spine, Madara could take it no more. The edge was too close for them both and more than anything else he wanted them both to fall over it together. Kami but he wanted to love this man forever, spend the rest of his life earning the same in return. Maybe someday he would have the words to communicate that but for now all he had was the hand that he wriggled in between their bodies to reach down and grasp the neglected erection bobbing against their stomachs.
“Hah!” Tobirama’s arms held him tighter and Madara instinctively added an extra snap in to his hips.
“Hng,” he gurgled out again, throat working feverishly to try and say something, anything. “Tobirama…my Tobirama…”
His partner was obviously having the same trouble, impending orgasm stealing from him the ability to speak. Tobirama curled upward as best he could, pressing their foreheads tighter together as he finally forced out just a few words.
“I love you.”
If exclamation marks had a verbal equivalent, Madara would have shouted it right then. Whatever noise that escape certainly wasn’t any word he had ever heard before but it was loud, desperate, and more perfervid than any sound he had ever made before. Those words, spoken as they were in such heartfelt desperate, hit him like a fist to the gut. His climax hit him before he could stop it, only a single split second before he felt Tobirama clamping down around him as the other man reached his own peak. Their ringing shouts merged together and nearly became one sound which echoed throughout the entire house
However long it took, when Madara came back to himself his entire body was quaking with the force of the orgasm which had just been wrung out of him. Every muscle in his body trembled and it was a miracle he was still managing to support himself over the man below him without collapsing like wet paper. He did allow his shoulders to sag, dropping his head down to rest itself against Tobirama’s collarbone. The scent of sandalwood and sweat filled his senses and he breathed it in with huge gulps in an effort to ground himself to reality. When Tobirama chuckled weakly Madara wondered where he had even found the energy to do so.
Only after a quick mental pep talk was he able to force his shaking arms to lift him back up, grinning in tired surprise when Tobirama managed to sneak in a quick kiss as their faces passed each other. Once he’d managed to sit up he simply held still for a few seconds, caught in Tobirama’s gaze again. Madara looked away with a slightly embarrassed huff, eyes darting back and forth until he spotted his own shirt, still hanging off the edge of the bed within easy reach.
Tobirama shuddered and moaned quietly when Madara pulled away from him, limbs twitching. Then he looked down with one brow quirked curiously when he felt a soft touch at his now leaking entrance.
“I can do that myself, you know,” he pointed out. His voice was still a little breathless and Madara absolutely was not preening over it.
“No I want to.” Madara dabbed gently and made short swipes, making a mental note to wash this shirt himself and not toss it in with the rest of the laundry. “You deserve to rest.”
“Oh I see,” his partner murmured with a smile.
“Shut up.”
Tobirama huffed out a quiet laugh but lay back and let him do as he wished. He was just trying to be solicitous; there was nothing wrong with that! Anyone could see that Tobirama deserved all the best things and gentle touches and to be taken care of. Madara was just doing was he was supposed to do.
Supposed to or not, however, the aftercare sapped away the last of his energy reserves. Madara tossed the soiled shirt somewhere off to the side without looking and peered sleepily down at his lover, eyes half shut and a slack smile hovering on his lips. Tobirama reached up to trace lazy lines along his forearms where they had dropped in to his own lap.
“Another nap, perhaps? Izuna won’t exactly be expecting us back so soon.” When Madara nodded weakly the younger man opened his arms in invitation. “Come here then.”
It was more of a relief than he could have said to collapse back down in to his partner’s arms. Always before it had been him which held the other when they fell asleep together but now for the first time he cuddled himself in to Tobirama’s embrace – and wondered if he would ever find the strength to crawl back out. Warm and comfortable, he felt like he understood now why Tobirama never wanted to get out of bed in the mornings.
Without opening eyes which he didn’t remember closing, Madara tilted his head up and let out a quiet whine until Tobirama graced him with one last kiss. Just because it was the middle of the day didn’t mean he was willing to go to bed without his goodnight kiss. Once he had that he tucked his head back down and buried his face in a pale neck, listening to his lover’s pulse and letting the steady sound of it help him drift away from reality.
He hadn’t planned to fall asleep on the couch, he hadn’t meant for any of these events to happen, but he was happy that they did. None of the private imaginings he had dreamed up had come even close to the reality that was making love to the man holding him and Madara was the very opposite of disappointed. Honestly the past half year of his life had been so far out of plan he could barely keep up from day to day. But as he sank rapidly down in to sleep Madara reflected that each new change had only brought him more happiness. And he was quite okay with that.
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caratau · 7 years
Dad! Seungcheol.
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y’all ever watched Cheaper By The Dozen?
S. Coups is basically the Dad.
raising 12 kids irl but i’d see him with a good 4 or 6
dominantly boys 
speaking of babies i read on a wattpad comment a million years ago that if theres a dominant amount of sons then that means the dad’s got a big willy and if there’s more girls then its small.
just a fact but idk if its bs so don't rely on me oK I WAS 13 MY INNOCENT (LMAO BIH WHERE) WAS TAINTED AND IDK IF ITS REAL BUT YEAH BACK TO PAPA COUPS.
but yeah like mostly boys for kids and then
hear this
his youngest is a little girl
this bewildered dad man and his three boys watch this little angel in amusement ok it was unexpected asf seen as papa coups and momma coups decided to keep the gender a surprise like hOW I HAVE THE PATIENCE OF A CHIPMUNK I GOTTA KNOW WHAT MY CHILD IS
im also not one who differentiates between genders :)
and that is how papa coups rolls too
hold up before we go onto the life lets go a trip down memory lane from the first boy
momma coups is a worry wart
she's calm and shit but like??? a baby??? she trusts papa coups but like, he’s only ever been a father to 12 teenagers and young adults???
how dis gonna work out??
and so the journey begins
not really lmao coups had to buy a personalised ‘Daddy Coups’ barbecue apron to make it official.
woozi did not approve
nor did momma coups
that apron became a scarring nightmare in those kids lives as teenagers for friendly barbecues imma tell ya that now
# prayforthechoi’s
but yeah back to the pregnancy i derail hella fast
will also buy a t-shirt with ‘daddy coups’ lmao momma coUPS HAS HAD IT
she burns it in a fit of raging hormones
poor ol’ cheol doesnt let the underlying dislike of these raging hormones show
woozi is high fiving momma coups in the bg.
do they have regrets?
being connected to cheol yeah they do
jk jk  they both love him
but yeAH 
he’ll be a wreck at the ultrasounds
not really a wreck
he’ll be all nervous and I'm picturing it now; momma coups’ hand is clutched between his and he keeps the back of it near his lips and he’ll kiss it every few seconds and ik it’s weird but like its a type of reassurance to him aND momma coups as if to say that everything ok bc they just have a fear of losing it and I'm going really sensitive I'm sorry
cheol’s eyes water y’all I'm crying inside
he sees a blob, with help from the nurse, and he just breaks down bc he made that blob y’all.
he made it
and throughout that whole break down, he realises its all real and fuCK he’s gonna be raising a child from biRTH, not from teenage years like he did with svt.
and he's just so happy from there on
honestly theres changes of him in interviews and v lives and all and everyone just loves it
will sO be the dad to take bump pics aW MY ACHEY BREAKY HEART FUCK
will do a montage
he’ll make a pinterest just for nursery ideas bc he’s gonNA BE A DAD
a participating father does diy
it surprisingly goes well
momma coups is impressed
she invites jeonghan over in hopes to watch coups suffer but the two end up stood at the door of the nursery with teas in their hands and they're just admiring the man that probably keep them sane through different points of their lives
speaking about some of svt, they consider you as their momma coups (jeonghan is shaking) 
so when y’all tell the svt kids you're expecting an actual child, the room basically has an earthquake
hug here, hug there, may god help momma and papa coups bc they were being squished 
and then at the baby shower, cheol insisted that his sons be invited bc they're the life of the party
and its true
they are
Seungkwan does a lot of karaoke
but on a stage
and to people
he does some trot
thats when it gets lit
seokmin and soonyoung take over whilst seungkwan pulls vernon over for a slow dance to a song they're screaming to???
meh its svt ok they jam to anything and everything
i forgot to mention that since coups wasn't really so prepared for a bABY (teenagers and young adults aren't a default approach to fathering, ya gotta raise them from birth) he and momma coups are a regular attendee of birthing classes
just so he can be prepared
the classes were more for him than momma coups
she gets bored really easily
tiredness is a symptom of a pregnancy
night of the birth
2:36am is the dreaded time
although seungcheol was half dead bc damn dads need sleep too, dude’s still able to grab the hospital bags, slip shoes on, get the car keys and make it out of the house in record time and into the car
when they get to the hospital, cheol is talking at 100 miles a minute to two phones (maternal and paternal parents) of how the births happening
next is the svt kids
theres a lot of screaming over the speaker but it doesnt beat your scream when you went through a sudden contraction
and that was the beginning of the long ass birth of your first son
we’re at the fourth child
a daughter
a tulip
a little princess for the family to adore
no one expected it, as i said at the beginning
momma coups that she was doomed with boys but nah, theres still hope
from the day of the birth, papa coups has his boys, ages 7, 5 and 3 stand in a line in the hospital room as if they were in the military.
momma coups is cackling in her bed as she holds princess coups.
“boys, we’re now in a default mission.” 3 year old coups struggles a bit with balance and don't even expect concentration from him. baby looks away from papa coups for a sec 
“3rd son coups, look at me please-”
“3rd son coups, where are you going-”
“i demand the presence of 3rd son coups”
lmao 3rd son coups goes to sit with momma coups on the big hospital bed aw aw he pokes princess coups’ hand
“pwincess coups?” he asks momma coups with those starry eyes (coups genetics are amazing)
“princess coups, baby.” momma coups answers back and the whole family just gathers near the bed. 
“she's a diamond, boys, we gotta make sure no one tries to break or steal her, thats all i ask of you”
“yes dad”
cheol will piggyback the kids all day errday YGM
piggyback to brush teeth, piggyback for breakfast agh
everything is also almost like a military operation
this is where cheaper by the dozen tropes come in ok
i wouldn't say that cheol is a competitive person but if someone makes their family (*cough* jeonghan *cough*) out to be better than everyone else then its war
theres also summer trips to a lakehouse w the rest of svt and their families and my heart is hurting more now
but yeah
this is where the ‘daddy coups’ apron comes out.
did i forget to mention that princess coups has a small crush on woozi’s kid
this is when they're like 14 ok
they're both fucking shy too 
ofc cheol knows
instead of being protective, he pROVOKES IT AND OMF ‘DAD CAN YOU STOP WE GET IT’
princess coups isn't the biggest fan of her dads antics
still loves him as a dad tho
lmao his plan acc works tho like woozis kid and princess coups go on dates (both woozi and cheol chaperone lmao it ends up as a dads meeting)
OOH OOH (ooh aah I'm sorry oops)
will be the dad to make a mountain out of a mole hill over his kids dreams and damn i want cheol as a dad i feel as if very morning would be ‘CHASE YOUR DREAMS OK DONT LET ANYTHING HOLD YOU BACK’
would drive you where you needed to for these dreams
soccer games for boys, hell soccer games for the girl too she's grown in a practically all boys household
cheol doesnt degrade it tho
oh yeah all the boys are taught to be respectful towards women but the full on lessons go on at the hong’s.
coups pays joshua in the form of a future son-in-law for one of his little girls
joshua acc slaps coups i lAF
“if i see any of your boys near my princesses, choi, you're dead :))))))”
coups doesnt take it the wrong way bc its understandable?? but also not bc he trusts his kids to not make the wrong decisions
will be an emotional wreck at graduations
will also be the dad to scream their kids name at the graduation too
lmao my brother did that for my sister at hers but it failed terribly
people also had competitions at my brother’s graduation as to who could shout their graduate relatives name the loudest and ngl it was lit
but yeAH
will basically be dead at the kids weddings bC FUCK HIS KID HAVE GROWN UP WTF DID THE TIME GO
princess coups marries woozis kid btw lmao woozi regrets his whole life as cheol drunkenly cries on his shoulder at the reception
is not ready to let his kids go off into the real world but knows that he prepared them enough to be ready
or isn't he sure?? 
BUT YEAH thats the end of dad! seungcheol i hope you enjoyed my first post :) expect some of these coming dad au’s to also be angsty bc I'm an emotional wreck like that :))))
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illusionsofdreaming · 7 years
GangrelxF!Robin imagine request: After Robin is found after destroying Grima, and after she and Gangrel get married and become the king and queen of Plegia, there is an assassination attempt on Robin and Morgan by poison. Robin is badly hurt but not killed, and Morgan is also hurt. Gangrel tries to hunt down the assassin. (I hope this isn't too specific.)
Notes: So last imagine before my trip! Went a bit off trail here oops! Hope it’s alright though! Fair warning though, it’s a bit long!
Ft: Gangrel
“..and so Sir Whatshisname came to my court, demanding justice to be served because a poor nameless merchant happened to step and ruin his dainty shoes. Gwaha the poor man was trembling so much I asked if he was going to piss his pants!” The former ‘Mad’ King chortled loudly as he slapped the dining table in laughter.
“Yes, yes.” You replied smoothly, sharing a knowing look with Morgan across the table as Gangrel shared his ‘adventures’ in court of the day.
“Whatshisname didn’t care much for my humor - which I clearly don’t care because I’m King of Plegia and all. He was making such a big fuss over his ‘ruined’ shoes, asking for the merchant’s life as compensation- Don’t give me that look.” he snorted when you paused mid-spoon to scrutinise him. “Even I have not put a man to death for something so trivial back in the old days - I’ve probably killed for far les- Anyways, I did not execute the man and since Whatshisname made such a big fuss over the merchant walking over his shoes I gave him permission to walk over the merchant’s foot as payback! Well? What do you think? Quite smart and generous of me eh?“ He grinned, waggling his eyebrows at you to which you only rolled your eyes.
“Yes, I can always trust you to come up with petty solutions to solve petty fights.” you grinned before gently tapping his plate. “Honestly, you talk too much, you haven’t touched anything since you sat down, the food’s getting cold.”
“Yes, yes, the food’s not going anywhere anyways, but you should’ve seen his face afterwards!” the King cackled, “Have you ever seen an angry peacock? Well neither have I! Oh how I wish you were there to see his face turn different shades Gwahahaha!” Shaking his head, Gangrel wiped his tears as he picked up his fork to start on his meal - or that was his plan until his plate disappeared, swept to the floor by your hand.
“Grima’s shit!” The King leaped back in his chair more startled by your behaviour than angry at his lost dinner. “One moment you’re telling me to eat my food, the next you’re sending it all to the ground! My Queen, honestly I don’t get you sometimes- _______?” His confusion and prickle of annoyance was swept away by alarm when he registered pain in your expression.  
“______? What’s wrong? Was it something I said-” he flinched as a loud crash sounded next to him and yelled in horror when he turned to find Morgan slumped over on the table. “Morgan?! Morgan! What the hell is happening?! Morga-”
“…p-poison…in the food.” Your weak voice drew his attention and Gangrel almost choked on his panic as he grabbed your hand that held so weakly to his sleeve.
“What do you mean?” he pulled you close, shaking you. “Who did it? Wait! Don’t close your eyes! Don’t! What should I do-“ Gangrel turned to the doors and screamed the loudest he ever remembered screaming.
Why did this happen? How could this happen? He snarled as he kicked a chair across the hallway, the harsh snap of wood shattering across marble floors barely fazed the King from the fury that consumed him.
Someone will pay for this. It won’t matter how long it’ll take, Gangrel will use any and every means there is to find the person responsible and make them pay.
The second the doors to the chambers creaked open, he was already pushing past the medic - barely catching the healer’s reassurance - striding towards the two beds in the room.
As he reached the first bed, his breath caught in his throat, the ugly emotion burning within his veins hissing angrily at the pale complexion of his son. Although the poison’s been countered by the antidote in time, a frown of discomfort marred the prince’s face even in sleep. Gangrel couldn’t help but reach forward, smoothing the lines away, the bitterness within him growing ever stronger when he could feel the heat radiating from Morgan’s skin.
“I’ll find the one responsible and make them suffer.” he whispered softly in promise as he squeezed Morgan’s hand in reassurance before turning to the other bed.
His eyes betrayed none of the fury within as he met your tired gaze although he knew he wasn’t fooling you. Still he tried his best to act jovial, even if the smile on his face felt so, so very wrong. “Hey beautiful.” he said rasped as he pulled over a chair to sit by your side. He took your hand into his, at a loss for words because what was he suppose to say next? He should be romantic and caring and gentle right? But how? He was never good at being romantic- how can he act romantic when all he could think of was getting his hands on the filthy culprit and putting them through hell-
“We’re fine now.” He blinked in surprise, looking up to meet your eyes. “We’re safe.” you said softly and it was the small smile on your face that finally did it. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath and sighed loudly, resting his head lightly against your hand.
“You know for once, I’m glad you talk so much.”
Despite his frustration, he couldn’t help chuckling at your statement. “Hehehe,” he lifted his head with a wry smile, “This is why you don’t tell me to shut my trap.” his smile widening when you laughed at him.
“It’s not like you ever listen anyways!”
He laughed in agreement, the tension in his shoulders easing off. It was at that moment a soldier barged into the medical room. “Your majesty! We have captured the assassin!”
Gangrel shot up from his seat immediately, turning around and would’ve disappeared out the doors had your hand not shot out to grab him, holding him back - just barely.
Although he was facing away from you, his form was so rigid he was shaking in his place. “Let me go _______.” Your grip was so weak, so light, like a butterfly’s touch he dare not rip away for fear of injuring you. He was trying so hard, his voice was soft but it shook with the temper he was barely holding back.
“Don’t kill them.” He knew it. He had been expecting it. “No.” his voice was cold and hardened with steel. “No.” he seethed. It was your wisdom, your kindness and warmth that drew him in, like a dirty moth to shining flames. You made him a better King, have made him a better man. But in the end, one can never truly shake off the tint of darkness and madness once touched by it.
“I won’t forgive them. I can’t.” His nails dug into his palms as his fists tightened by his side. For causing you and Morgan so much pain, for nearly taking both of you away? Never. He’s not as merciful as you. He delighted in this rage and he’ll so enjoy the suffering of the assassin who dared threaten his family and incur the Mad King’s wrath. There was nothing that you can say that’ll change his mind. Nothing.
Some part of him was coldly satisfied as he felt your grip slip away from his, knowing that no one will deny him his justice. However, as he started walking you spoke again.
“Let me talk to them before you execute them.”
“You’re not getting anywhere close to them.” he gritted sharply.
“In order to know if they acted on their own or by another’s command I want to interrogate them.” He didn’t care. Those things mattered little to him. He wanted them to pay for the agony and hurt they put you through- “I understand how you feel but I want to face the person who nearly killed us, I want to find the person behind this, I want to prevent this from happening again…Please.”
He took a long and deep breath, “Ever since you’ve agreed to come back to Plegia with me and became my Queen, a lot has changed. You’ve taught me to be just and fair. To be kind and sympathetic. You taught me to be the King Plegia needed. You taught me what love is and gave me a family. You made a new man of me.” he paused, his fists unfurling. “Do you know how much I need you two?”
“I know.” your voice was soft but it carried clearly to his ears. “We love you too Gangrel.”
He exhaled slowly and walked away, waving at the soldier by the door to lead the way. However right before exiting the doorway he paused, fingers gripping the frame tightly as if he didn’t want to leave.
Echoing from within he heard your soft voice. “We’re alright love. We’re safe.”
He swallowed thickly, blinking away the heat that built up behind his eyes. His fingers finally released the doorframe as he stepped into the darkened hallway.
“I can’t promise anything.” he whispered as he left, but both of you knew he will follow your wish. There won’t be any deaths tonight but it didn’t mean he won’t make the assassin’s life hell.
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askullandbones · 7 years
Teach & Doc’s 1st Valentine’s Day
This is an excerpt from one of the roleplays I did with @beabaseball​ involving a more modern take on Doc & Teach’s relationship. If any of you are familiar with the “3G’s’” universe where all of our Gasters are lumped in the same neighborhood, this takes place in that au some time before Doc & Teach meet the others.
Fair warning: this is incredibly mushy and cute.
As the months started to pass, things got a little less awkward between the two. They slowly learned one another’s boundaries… or rather, Teach learned Doc’s and Doc’s opened up a little more.
They still didn’t do anything in public. They kept their relationship quiet and between themselves, behind closed doors.
But it was getting less awkward.
After a long day Teach could walk up and hug Doc without fear of him flinching away. He could grab his hand and hold it whenever he wanted. They cuddled on the couch while watching their shows and snuggled up together when they were in bed.
It was really nice to have someone so close. Teach hadn’t realized how much he had been lacking without it.
It was getting easier. Being so close.
Doc felt a little healthier, somehow. Maybe it was the constant hugs and affection? But… he looked forward to it at the end of the day. Getting a hug from Teach. Curling up with him. As long as he wasn’t approached from directly behind, surprise hugs or suddenly finding himself being leaned on? It was nice. It was just… an extra bit of warmth to the day.
He also realized that, uh. He. Also liked doing things. For Teach?
First winter holidays was mainly Doc forgetting the holidays even existed and Teach reminding him by turning on the radio to the loudest, most incessant Christmas tunes he could find. First Valentine’s day?
He might’ve panicked, a little? They weren’t really letting the relationship outside the apartment yet, by mutual agreement. But Valentine’s day was something he’d paid attention to, after the disaster that was Christmas, and.
And he might have suddenly remembered how to make paper chains. And bought an awful lot of red and pink paper. And three different heart-shaped chocolate boxes. And red wine.
And made breakfast in bed.
And wrapped a medium sized box and left it on the couch for later.
He had no idea what he was doing, but he was going to do it well.
Teach had work that year on Valentine’s Day, but he did allow himself to sit and eat his breakfast in bed and thanked Doc for it, feeling a little bad that he hadn’t thought to do the same. He planned to definitely get him some flowers on the way home though.
Then he went to work. He bought a nice bouquet of roses for Doc and headed back home once the day was over.
The sight he opened up to nearly made him drop the flowers.
Streamers? Cute little paper chains? A present on the couch?
He looked like a deer in headlights.
Doc hadn’t ever really had a valentine’s day since… elementary school, back when everyone had to exchange gifts with everyone else in the class? His mother hadn’t celebrated it, and if his father had, he didn’t remember it.
Ergo: most of his valentine’s experience was from movies.
Movies told him to make dinner.
He usually made dinner anyways!
So he just.. Made a more expensive dinner than before.
He was, uh. Making a good cut of meat, with a bottle of red wine on the table behind him, when Teach came in.
Holy shit.
Teach had… not been expecting this.
“... I’m home!” He called out like he usually did, setting his bag aside before moving to the noise in the kitchen, bouquet in hand. Upon spotting Doc his smile widened.
“You, uh, really decked out the apartment, huh?”
Doc turned, smiling back upon seeing Teach’s smile, but a sudden bolt of nervousness hitting him.
“Is it too much?”
“No, no! I just… wasn’t expecting it?” Teach laughed a little, then raised the bouquet of roses in his arms.
“Sorry it… isn’t really much.”
Doc’s face lit up at the sight of flowers. “Oh! No, I-- thank you!”
He glanced between the stove and Teach briefly, saying, “Can, can you watch over it? I…”
He took the roses carefully, grinning and trying hard to not hide his face in them.
“Yeah, yeah no problem.” Teach smiled, handing over the flowers and quickly moving over to the stove to check the meat.
“What are you making?” He asked, then paused, “Doc you didn’t have to make me breakfast in bed and dinner, oh my goodness.”
He held the flowers, grinning down at them and fiddling through the cabinets, looking for a vase or tall enough jug to put them in.
“I--I thought both were traditional? It didn’t say to not do them together?”
A realization hit him at those words. “‘It’? Did you read what to do online?”
He tried not to laugh, but was grinning broadly. “Doc, I really hope you didn’t feel obligated to do all of this.”
Oops. He was hiding his face with the roses. “I wanted to do it right!!”
He couldn’t hide how much he was smiling. He turned over the meat before reaching out for his partner, pulling him into a tight hug and careful not to crush the flowers. “You’ve made it wonderful.”
Doc held onto the flowers, only able to return the hug with one hand, his chin against Teach’s shoulder.
He made a quiet, flustered sound and mumbled “‘m glad,” into his partner’s shirt.
Teach wondered if Doc even realized how unintentionally cute he was.
He let the hug linger for only another moment, cheek resting on Doc’s head before letting go and turning to check on the meat again. “I think there’s a big enough vase in the cupboard over the fridge.”
Doc nodded, regretfully leaving the roses to sit on the table for a moment while he climbed up the counter to reach the cabinet and retrieve the mentioned vase, climbing down again with it under his arm.
He gave it a quick rinse and filled it with water, unwrapping the roses, pouring in a little of the plant food that came in the bottom of the bouquet and snipping the stems a little shorter before putting it in.
He set the vase in the center of the dining table, where it would be easily seen every morning and for lunch.
He considered putting it on the coffee table where they watched things in the evening, but decided it might block the TV and was too big a risk.
He threw away the paper and stepped back a moment to admire his work before taking over the cooking again.
Teach stepped aside to let Doc resume his work, having never been too great at cooking meat. He did stand behind him though, arms wrapped around Doc’s middle and chin resting on the better side of his partner’s skull.
“So what’d you decide to cook?”
“Human flesh,” Doc said.
“Auh!” Teach shuddered into him and let go, laughing. “Stop that!”
He playfully nudged him a little.
Doc grinned a bit, keeping his laugh quiet. “Okay, okay. Cow flesh.”
Teach groaned again. “Is this you just trying to get me out of the kitchen?”
Doc laughed again. “No, I’m sorry. It’s almost done, though. Can you get plates out?”
He nodded and then started to get out some plates, but hesitated and moved to get a few of the nicer ones instead, setting them out along with some of their nicer cutlery.
“So did you have anything else planned for this romantic evening?” Teach grinned.
He hadn’t seen the present on the couch.
“Yep,” Doc said, nodding. “Anime.”
He grinned back at Teach.
“A monster after my own heart.” Teach grinned back at him.
Doc grinned back too, finishing up the meat and serving it, adding some vegetables and a few other things on the side.
For a moment he wanted to go closer to Teach again, but… they. They hadn’t said anything about that sort of thing before, so he suppressed the idea and just tried to kept smiling and serve the food.
“All set.”
“It looks great.” He said, sitting down at his spot and eating, complimenting Doc on the food and once again saying that he really didn’t need to do all of this for him, but… but was glad he did.
That he was glad they were together.
Doc grinned again, “Thanks,” and sat down to eat with Teach, hoping it turned out as well as he thought it had.
Teach seemed to enjoy it, chatting about the day like he usually did and asking Doc how his went, and if he liked the flowers.
When they were finished he set the plates aside and grinned down at Doc. “Did you have any anime in mind tonight?”
Doc nodded, grinning a little and reaching out to take Teach’s hand and lead him to the living room, where the present still sat, wrapped on the couch in their usual spot.
He blinked, holding Doc’s hand as he was lead into the living room to the couch.
To the present.
Teach stared at it and looked at his partner again. “You got me a present too?”
Doc looked embarrassed.
“...Technically, there’s chocolate, too?”
Teach stared at him.
One hand went to his face, equally embarrassed before he leaned over and hugged Doc tight against himself again.
“You are too sweet to me.”
“Ahhhhh,” Doc said, hiding his face into the hug. “No, shut up, you deserve it.”
Teach laughed and rocked him a little in the hug. “I just feel a little bad now! You did so much for me and all I got you is flowers!”
He was rocked, grinning against Teach’s collarbone and wrapping his arms carefully around Teach’s ribs.
“If it bothers you that much, you can make it up to me later or something. But it doesn’t bother me. I’m just really, really glad you liked it.”
“I’ll make it up to you somehow.” Teach said, still grinning broadly. After a moment he let go, huffing a little and reaching for the present to open it up.
“Okay. Let’s see what this is.” He said, sitting down and pulling off the glittery pink paper.
Doc sat beside him, watching in anticipation as Teach unwrapped a new box set of Card Captor Sakura, digitally remastered with behind-the-scenes interviews, production notes, and footage, along with a japanese version of the first volume.
He blinked and stared at it, setting the wrapper on the floor. Turned it around in his hands. Finally looked up and stared at Doc.
“... Y-...” Teach looked back at it before setting it down and reaching over to pull Doc into a tight, tight hug. “Oh my stars, I love it.”
Doc grinned wide enough his jaw started to ache.
He hugged back tightly.
“I’m glad.”
He laughed a little and sat back to grab the box again. “Well I guess I know what we’re watching. Should I ask if there are any more surprises?”
He shook his head, laughing a little too. “No. But do you want the wine and chocolates, or leave those for later?”
Teach thought a moment, “... Nah, let’s get stupid on chocolate and wine while we watch.” He laughed, opening the box carefully to pull out the first DVD.
Doc laughed, getting up to go fetch the wine and chocolates while Teach set the DVD player up.
He came back with two glasses, a bottle, and three boxes of chocolates, setting them out on the coffee table and curling up on the couch beside Teach happily.
Teach set everything up and opened the first box of chocolates while Doc poured them wine, popping one in his mouth before holding one to Doc’s too.
“You’re helping me eat these though I hope you know.”
Doc happily took one, popping it in his mouth as well and grinning with it between his teeth.
“Good.” Teach grinned, snuggling up to his partner and settling in for a night of wine, chocolate, and really old magical girl anime.
Best Valentine’s Day ever.
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
  Hmm..well…where do I start here. Oh I know! Hi Crow, how are you today? I hope you had a good week. Mine was a bit exhausting but the weekend is looking pretty great (I actually have very little to do and plan to plop down on the couch and play video games for the rest of the day once my part of this review is done. I haven’t been able to do that in months! I can’t wait.
  That sounds great! I’ll try to turn the review around quickly so I don’t keep you from your video games. I haven’t had as much time for video games as I’d like, either. Like you, my week was exhausting, but I made it to the weekend! Oh, and just to make it official (since I bet it’s clear from the context), I’m bold this week!
  Oh and because Crow has taught me well: spoiler warning. We are going to be discussing episode 24 of Demon Slayer in some detail so if you don’t want to know what happens, please go watch the episode first. Double spoiler, it’s not the type of episode with a lot of twists and turns, not that much to spoil here.
But if you like character moments as much as I do, there were some real gems in this episode! And the therapy nurses were just adorable in a little kid kind of way! And what they did for Tanjiro… Oops, don’t want to get ahead of ourselves… 
Before the beginning of the episode proper, we have a short opening tag between Shinobu and Rengoku. Seems a new powerful demon has risen and has devastated the ranks so Rengoku is going to investigate. This is only a short set up for something that obviously going to become important later, but it also served to make me a little interested in the character of Rengoku.
I like good humoured lugs and at first glance he falls into the category. Too bad the entire conversation was a gigantic death flag. It stopped just short of him announcing he has 3 weeks until retirement. I expect we will not see him alive for long and that bummed me out a little….
Well, at least he didn’t say he would finally get to spend time with his wife and kids or something like that. I agree with you. The scene had a seriously ominous overtone. Even his light-hearted question of what she was planning to do with the “head-butting kid” just emphasized that something’s up. 
Just for a bit of context, Tanjiro (and Nezuko although we don’t see her once again) are now slowly recovering at Shinobu’s manor after the events of spider mountain. Turns out that’s where Inosuke and Zenitsu have also been as the manor is something of a makeshift hospital because reasons.
Inosuke seems to be in a deep depression, which has the fortunate side effect of making him quiet and calm and generally rational, while Zenitsu is potentially worse than ever. Sigh…
Double sigh.
The three of them back together was a low point in the last episode and right from the get-go, we can tell that it’s going to be the majority of this episode. How did you feel about that Crow?
I keep wishing Zenitsu would show some growth like Inosuke did. I’ve developed more sympathy for Zenitsu since his fight on Spider Mountain, but a little of his sniveling goes a long way. A really, really long way.
Were you as happy as I was to see Murata alive and well? Looking might healthy too! I think it’s because Murata represents the everyman. A well meaning but otherwise unexceptional slayer caught at the wrong place in the wrong time and he made it! Most did not have his luck. In many ways Demon Slayer has not been a particularly kind narrative so this bit of improbable happy ending was welcomed in my book!
I’m not too proud to admit I cheered when he showed up, for exactly the reasons you just talked about. Kinda felt sorry for him, too, as he was saying how scary the Hashira were just as Shinobu walked in! Poor guy… 
Aside from resting and taking medicine, the boys have to go through recovery training with the staff(?) of the manor. I’m not quite sure what the relations are here. I know Kanao is a Demon Slayer and basically Shinobu’s apprentice. The girl with the twin tails was also wearing a uniform so she might be part of the corp but the three younger girls I’m not sure about.
I’ve taken to calling them the therapy nurses.
Anywho these ladies are tasked with whipping our heroes back into shape and health. I thought they seemed quite capable if a little scary. Crow, were you worried about them having to wrangle the likes of Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu?
At first I was worried! Then I saw them in action, and I started worrying for Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu! Even the little therapy nurses were really strong! Great teamwork, too. 
In many ways, this episode reminded me of the Wisteria House one. Both are more or less set up and filler. Both involve the boys recovering from serious injuries and both have those silly little character head eye catches. Unfortunately, both feature the characters at their loudest and for me, most annoying. I really can’t blame Inosuke this time around, but Zenitsu stepped up to pick up the slack. Heck even Tanjiro started shouting at some point.
If Demon Slayer is at it’s best in tense and gory action, I think it’s at it’s worse when attempting “slice of life comedy”. Am I being too harsh?
No. My enjoyment dipped in direct relation to how much Zenitsu screamed. When he and Inosuke decided to stop going to therapy, I noticed that I perked up. In fact, there were some seriously cool moments when Tanjiro was alone with therapy nurses. 
Despite what I just said, Zenitsu’s initial glee in the rehabilitation training did make me smirk. It was cute. However, it was just a joke. What I mean by that is that to me, these scenes couldn’t be taken into account for character development or even establishment. This isn’t really the Zenitsu we’ve been introduced to so far. He becomes clingy and pathetic around girls, even more so than usual. Up until now, every time we’ve seen him try to seduce a woman, he was either terrified and physically clinging to her while crying or tripping over his own words.
Not to mention that the girl he was suddenly seducing was the exact same girl he was being a complete brat to when she was trying to give him his medicine. He’s seen and been very close to this exact girl for days now, there’s no reason for his drastic change into a smooth-talking Casanova.
That’s what I mean by it’s “just” a joke and if the humour doesn’t land for you, then it’s a wasted sequence. Did you enjoy it Crow?
The short answer is no. The long answer is also no. My favorite part, actually, was looking at the head nurse/doctor’s expression when Zenitsu tried to hit on her. She wasn’t having any of it. Yeah.. that’s what made me smirk and became my gif of the week!
The second half of the episode clams down a bit and becomes more introspective as Tanjiro decides to train in earnest.
Here we find out that the Hashiras and certain high-ranking slayers use total concentration breathing at all times. This seemed impossible to me and as amazing as the reveal was, something about it bothered me. First it sorts of cheapened the technique itself, so really it’s just normal breathing after a while. We’ve seen it visual portrayed as so impressive but it’s really just plain old breathing after a while.
Second, to both me and Tanjiro the prospect of constant total concentration was amazing. And although Tanjiro is outmatched by all the Hashiras, he is still in the same league. You can imagine him surpassing them after enough training. So exactly what kind of monster will Tanjiro become if he masters this technique? We’re slipping into Dragon Ball Z levels of constantly evolving power to the point that it becomes ridiculous. This should have been held of for later seasons in my opinion. What do you think?
I’m willing to wait and see what they do with it. I got the impression — and they didn’t really say, so it’s only an impression — that even after he learns to do it all the time, he had to give it constant attention. If he didn’t, he’d slowly lose the skill until he needed to restart training.
That being said, I don’t want him to become too powerful too fast. That would drain too much of the drama that they’ve used to such good effect. I’m a little heartened by some of the details in this episode, like it taking Tanjiro weeks to get his stamina back. I think that’s more realistic than many shows I’ve seen where the hero just brushes him or herself off and is fine.
And I just want to give a shout-out for the therapy nurses and how helpful they were to Tanjiro! I have to wonder if Shinobu coordinated with them, so that when they say he had potential and was willing to stick with it, they would give him hints about what to do next. 
I’m just going to assume that Crow’s favourite sequence is the rooftop conversation between Tanjiro and Shinobu. It’s an emotional reveal of Shinobu’s past and motivations that really fleshes out the character and thugs at the heartstrings. I did like the scene. It was well made and constructed. The quiet night and deserted rooftop created a melancholy ambience that was perfect for the story. I assume this will make Shinobu even more beloved by the part of the fandom that are already taken by her.
In practice, Shinobu’s background is on par with all the tragic backgrounds we’ve seen in Demon Slayer so far. Shinobu’s older sister was a slayer and eventually she lost a fight, this seems to be the destined fate of most slayers, unfortunately. As such, even though she does want to be understanding of demons as her sister was, Shinobu harbours a deep hatred and disgust for them that she simply cannot shake. It is admirable that she seems this hatred as something to surmount rather than embrace, but it does explain how brutal she is when dealing with demons.
You guess right. Did you see Shinobu’s expression when Tanjiro asked if she was angry? It was the first time I’ve ever seen her not in utter control of herself. She was shocked. That seemed to help her open up, though.
We’ve known that the Hashira all must have dark backstories. But seeing it so well portrayed in this case did make it more clear to me why most of the Hashira were so ready to kill Nezuko out of hand. It also makes Shinobu’s restraint — e.g., asking Tanjiro to tell his story before they decided — all the more remarkable.
Shinobu’s expression when Tanjiro asked if she was angry!
Shinobu did say one thing that stuck in my ear, she told Tanjiro that she was letting him inherit her dream of peaceful coexistence with demons…Inherit her dream… Great! More death flags! Are we even going to have any Hashiras left by the end of this? I hope weird Mist boy is powerful cause he’s gonna have to step up!
That struck me, too. Especially when she said, “Knowing that you’re working hard in my place reassures me to no end. I can rest easy now.” What? You can do what? Just what is she planning to do? Is brining Tanjiro and friends into her household part of her exit plan? Not sure I like where this is heading! Just thinking about the strain they must always be under makes her saying how exhausted she was seem to tragic. What kind of decisions might that mental state allow?
All in all, this episode had a few great scenes in what was essentially filler. I’ve seen it before so I’m not too worried. I know that Demon Slayer will get back to exciting as soon as we find the next demon to fight. I sure am looking forward to that though!
Me, too! And the scenes that weren’t filler were really, really good. I’m still chuckling about Tanjiro’s reaction to Shinobu being so far in his personal space!
Reviews of the Other Episodes
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 01: Cruelty
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 02: Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 03: Sabito and Makomo
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 04: Final Selection
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 05: My Own Steel
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 06: A Friend fo All Humans
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 07: Muzan Kibutsuji
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 08: The Smell of Enchanting Blood
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 09: Temari Demon and Arrow Demon
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 10: Together Forever
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 11: Tsuzumi Mansion
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 12: The Boar Bears Its Fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 13: Something More Important Than Life
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 14: The House with the Wisteria Family Crest
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 15: Mount Natagumo
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 16: Letting Someone Else Go First
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 17: You Must Master a Single Thing
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Episode 18: In which Tanjiro Dispenses Good Advice
Review Of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 19: The Bonds That Tie Us And A Family Affair
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 20: Playing House
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 21: Challenge Accepted and Be Careful With That Thing
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 22: Master of the Mansion
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 23: Hashira Meeting
  Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Episode 24: Taking a Breather Hmm..well…where do I start here. Oh I know! Hi Crow, how are you today? I hope you had a good week.
0 notes