#gastercest i guess?
askullandbones · 7 years
Teach & Doc’s 1st Valentine’s Day
This is an excerpt from one of the roleplays I did with @beabaseball​ involving a more modern take on Doc & Teach’s relationship. If any of you are familiar with the “3G’s’” universe where all of our Gasters are lumped in the same neighborhood, this takes place in that au some time before Doc & Teach meet the others.
Fair warning: this is incredibly mushy and cute.
As the months started to pass, things got a little less awkward between the two. They slowly learned one another’s boundaries… or rather, Teach learned Doc’s and Doc’s opened up a little more.
They still didn’t do anything in public. They kept their relationship quiet and between themselves, behind closed doors.
But it was getting less awkward.
After a long day Teach could walk up and hug Doc without fear of him flinching away. He could grab his hand and hold it whenever he wanted. They cuddled on the couch while watching their shows and snuggled up together when they were in bed.
It was really nice to have someone so close. Teach hadn’t realized how much he had been lacking without it.
It was getting easier. Being so close.
Doc felt a little healthier, somehow. Maybe it was the constant hugs and affection? But… he looked forward to it at the end of the day. Getting a hug from Teach. Curling up with him. As long as he wasn’t approached from directly behind, surprise hugs or suddenly finding himself being leaned on? It was nice. It was just… an extra bit of warmth to the day.
He also realized that, uh. He. Also liked doing things. For Teach?
First winter holidays was mainly Doc forgetting the holidays even existed and Teach reminding him by turning on the radio to the loudest, most incessant Christmas tunes he could find. First Valentine’s day?
He might’ve panicked, a little? They weren’t really letting the relationship outside the apartment yet, by mutual agreement. But Valentine’s day was something he’d paid attention to, after the disaster that was Christmas, and.
And he might have suddenly remembered how to make paper chains. And bought an awful lot of red and pink paper. And three different heart-shaped chocolate boxes. And red wine.
And made breakfast in bed.
And wrapped a medium sized box and left it on the couch for later.
He had no idea what he was doing, but he was going to do it well.
Teach had work that year on Valentine’s Day, but he did allow himself to sit and eat his breakfast in bed and thanked Doc for it, feeling a little bad that he hadn’t thought to do the same. He planned to definitely get him some flowers on the way home though.
Then he went to work. He bought a nice bouquet of roses for Doc and headed back home once the day was over.
The sight he opened up to nearly made him drop the flowers.
Streamers? Cute little paper chains? A present on the couch?
He looked like a deer in headlights.
Doc hadn’t ever really had a valentine’s day since… elementary school, back when everyone had to exchange gifts with everyone else in the class? His mother hadn’t celebrated it, and if his father had, he didn’t remember it.
Ergo: most of his valentine’s experience was from movies.
Movies told him to make dinner.
He usually made dinner anyways!
So he just.. Made a more expensive dinner than before.
He was, uh. Making a good cut of meat, with a bottle of red wine on the table behind him, when Teach came in.
Holy shit.
Teach had… not been expecting this.
“... I’m home!” He called out like he usually did, setting his bag aside before moving to the noise in the kitchen, bouquet in hand. Upon spotting Doc his smile widened.
“You, uh, really decked out the apartment, huh?”
Doc turned, smiling back upon seeing Teach’s smile, but a sudden bolt of nervousness hitting him.
“Is it too much?”
“No, no! I just… wasn’t expecting it?” Teach laughed a little, then raised the bouquet of roses in his arms.
“Sorry it… isn’t really much.”
Doc’s face lit up at the sight of flowers. “Oh! No, I-- thank you!”
He glanced between the stove and Teach briefly, saying, “Can, can you watch over it? I…”
He took the roses carefully, grinning and trying hard to not hide his face in them.
“Yeah, yeah no problem.” Teach smiled, handing over the flowers and quickly moving over to the stove to check the meat.
“What are you making?” He asked, then paused, “Doc you didn’t have to make me breakfast in bed and dinner, oh my goodness.”
He held the flowers, grinning down at them and fiddling through the cabinets, looking for a vase or tall enough jug to put them in.
“I--I thought both were traditional? It didn’t say to not do them together?”
A realization hit him at those words. “‘It’? Did you read what to do online?”
He tried not to laugh, but was grinning broadly. “Doc, I really hope you didn’t feel obligated to do all of this.”
Oops. He was hiding his face with the roses. “I wanted to do it right!!”
He couldn’t hide how much he was smiling. He turned over the meat before reaching out for his partner, pulling him into a tight hug and careful not to crush the flowers. “You’ve made it wonderful.”
Doc held onto the flowers, only able to return the hug with one hand, his chin against Teach’s shoulder.
He made a quiet, flustered sound and mumbled “‘m glad,” into his partner’s shirt.
Teach wondered if Doc even realized how unintentionally cute he was.
He let the hug linger for only another moment, cheek resting on Doc’s head before letting go and turning to check on the meat again. “I think there’s a big enough vase in the cupboard over the fridge.”
Doc nodded, regretfully leaving the roses to sit on the table for a moment while he climbed up the counter to reach the cabinet and retrieve the mentioned vase, climbing down again with it under his arm.
He gave it a quick rinse and filled it with water, unwrapping the roses, pouring in a little of the plant food that came in the bottom of the bouquet and snipping the stems a little shorter before putting it in.
He set the vase in the center of the dining table, where it would be easily seen every morning and for lunch.
He considered putting it on the coffee table where they watched things in the evening, but decided it might block the TV and was too big a risk.
He threw away the paper and stepped back a moment to admire his work before taking over the cooking again.
Teach stepped aside to let Doc resume his work, having never been too great at cooking meat. He did stand behind him though, arms wrapped around Doc’s middle and chin resting on the better side of his partner’s skull.
“So what’d you decide to cook?”
“Human flesh,” Doc said.
“Auh!” Teach shuddered into him and let go, laughing. “Stop that!”
He playfully nudged him a little.
Doc grinned a bit, keeping his laugh quiet. “Okay, okay. Cow flesh.”
Teach groaned again. “Is this you just trying to get me out of the kitchen?”
Doc laughed again. “No, I’m sorry. It’s almost done, though. Can you get plates out?”
He nodded and then started to get out some plates, but hesitated and moved to get a few of the nicer ones instead, setting them out along with some of their nicer cutlery.
“So did you have anything else planned for this romantic evening?” Teach grinned.
He hadn’t seen the present on the couch.
“Yep,” Doc said, nodding. “Anime.”
He grinned back at Teach.
“A monster after my own heart.” Teach grinned back at him.
Doc grinned back too, finishing up the meat and serving it, adding some vegetables and a few other things on the side.
For a moment he wanted to go closer to Teach again, but… they. They hadn’t said anything about that sort of thing before, so he suppressed the idea and just tried to kept smiling and serve the food.
“All set.”
“It looks great.” He said, sitting down at his spot and eating, complimenting Doc on the food and once again saying that he really didn’t need to do all of this for him, but… but was glad he did.
That he was glad they were together.
Doc grinned again, “Thanks,” and sat down to eat with Teach, hoping it turned out as well as he thought it had.
Teach seemed to enjoy it, chatting about the day like he usually did and asking Doc how his went, and if he liked the flowers.
When they were finished he set the plates aside and grinned down at Doc. “Did you have any anime in mind tonight?”
Doc nodded, grinning a little and reaching out to take Teach’s hand and lead him to the living room, where the present still sat, wrapped on the couch in their usual spot.
He blinked, holding Doc’s hand as he was lead into the living room to the couch.
To the present.
Teach stared at it and looked at his partner again. “You got me a present too?”
Doc looked embarrassed.
“...Technically, there’s chocolate, too?”
Teach stared at him.
One hand went to his face, equally embarrassed before he leaned over and hugged Doc tight against himself again.
“You are too sweet to me.”
“Ahhhhh,” Doc said, hiding his face into the hug. “No, shut up, you deserve it.”
Teach laughed and rocked him a little in the hug. “I just feel a little bad now! You did so much for me and all I got you is flowers!”
He was rocked, grinning against Teach’s collarbone and wrapping his arms carefully around Teach’s ribs.
“If it bothers you that much, you can make it up to me later or something. But it doesn’t bother me. I’m just really, really glad you liked it.”
“I’ll make it up to you somehow.” Teach said, still grinning broadly. After a moment he let go, huffing a little and reaching for the present to open it up.
“Okay. Let’s see what this is.” He said, sitting down and pulling off the glittery pink paper.
Doc sat beside him, watching in anticipation as Teach unwrapped a new box set of Card Captor Sakura, digitally remastered with behind-the-scenes interviews, production notes, and footage, along with a japanese version of the first volume.
He blinked and stared at it, setting the wrapper on the floor. Turned it around in his hands. Finally looked up and stared at Doc.
“... Y-...” Teach looked back at it before setting it down and reaching over to pull Doc into a tight, tight hug. “Oh my stars, I love it.”
Doc grinned wide enough his jaw started to ache.
He hugged back tightly.
“I’m glad.”
He laughed a little and sat back to grab the box again. “Well I guess I know what we’re watching. Should I ask if there are any more surprises?”
He shook his head, laughing a little too. “No. But do you want the wine and chocolates, or leave those for later?”
Teach thought a moment, “... Nah, let’s get stupid on chocolate and wine while we watch.” He laughed, opening the box carefully to pull out the first DVD.
Doc laughed, getting up to go fetch the wine and chocolates while Teach set the DVD player up.
He came back with two glasses, a bottle, and three boxes of chocolates, setting them out on the coffee table and curling up on the couch beside Teach happily.
Teach set everything up and opened the first box of chocolates while Doc poured them wine, popping one in his mouth before holding one to Doc’s too.
“You’re helping me eat these though I hope you know.”
Doc happily took one, popping it in his mouth as well and grinning with it between his teeth.
“Good.” Teach grinned, snuggling up to his partner and settling in for a night of wine, chocolate, and really old magical girl anime.
Best Valentine’s Day ever.
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freshouttaparsnips · 3 years
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Edge has a Gaster. Stretch has a Gaster. And they have each other.
What could possibly go wrong?
(or four skeletons fall hopelessly in love)
this is a new fic series im starting that’s essentially Gastercest+Spicyhoney!! its gonna be good uwu
tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Skippable Smut, Not In Chronological Order, Series, gaster is NOT dadster, No Incest, universe shenanigans, Polyamory, its a skeleton polycule, Smut Chapters Marked
read part 1 on Ao3
or read it below!!
It was a normal day, just like any other. Edge had been setting up his traps, making sure that no one was stuck in any of the ones that laid farther in the woods. On occasion a dog would get caught in the mechanisms, even though he’d warned them all time and time again that sniffing around the dangerous puzzles would only end with them getting stuck.
They were dogs, though, scatterbrained and easily distracted, so he’d have to get one of them unstuck at least once a month. It was a thankless job, one that he happily did anyway for the look of relief on the dog’s face.
Sometimes, stars forbid, a child would get stuck, and he’d have to mount a bit of a rescue to keep whoever it happened to be from panicking and killing themselves on the spikes and sharper parts of the puzzles. It was a bit panic inducing for himself to deal with, but he couldn’t just let them die because of their foolhardiness.
Still, no one had been caught that day, all of the puzzles only needing a bit of brushing from snow and a solid kick to get started up again, rumbling in the chilly air. He’d started on his way back, boots crunching in the fresh snow when a bit of an itch started in the base of his neck, traveling up into his skull until it started to hurt.
He had to stop just before the entrance to Snowdin proper, the sharp pain making it difficult to stay upright. He was panicking a little, sockets wide as he breathed through the pain to try and make it back home… only for it to reach a crescendo, before abruptly falling away. It was as if someone was taking a hammer to his skull, only to stop suddenly just before something actually broke.
Standing rigidly straight, Edge glanced around the clearing, scowling as he started back for the house. He wasn’t about to stand around for a random LV hunter to spot him and smell out his weakness; being attacked was the least he wanted right now.
He’d only just gotten inside, though, locking up the door and kicking off his boots when it happened.
Jumping in place, Edge growled as he whipped around the living room, searching for the unfamiliar voice’s origin. There was nothing, the windows locked, the doors upstairs shut. Rubbing at his skull, he strode to the kitchen over creaky floors, but no one was there either.
“Who is there?” he called, not really expecting a response… but got one anyway.
“Me, asshole, who else?”
Edge stood stock still, staring at the blank wall until he realized that the voice was internal, not from anywhere around the house. Raising a hand, he gently prodded at his own skull. “Who are you?”
“Gaster, Royal Scientist. Who are you ?”
Well this was just fantastic. Edge didn’t know a “Gaster”, and monsters hadn’t had a Royal Scientist for hundreds of years, as far as he knew. He was going insane, that was the short of it. Absolutely nuts, he’d have to tell Red to lock him in the shed like a rabid dog-
“Must you be so dramatic? You’re not crazy.”
Edge squinted at nothing. “How is imagining a voice that is not my own, who tells me that it is “the Royal Scientist”, not crazy?”
The voice… Gaster was quiet for a moment, before finally speaking back up. “Because I think I know how this happened.”
Edge closed his eyes, letting out a breath before heading for the kitchen. “Well you can tell me your theory while I prepare lunch. Red will be hungry and I will not have him asking questions while I’m having a crisis.”
“Whatever, drama queen.”
As it turned out, the voice was indeed a Gaster, one Wing Dings Gaster who had once been the Royal Scientist before he’d done himself dirty and fallen into the CORE. Edge really only had an outsider’s perspective on what that even meant, but according to Gaster, he’d thought he’d died. It was a bit of a shock to wake up inside Edge’s body, unable to move or talk or do anything other than watch. It’d been a few months of that, just watching as Edge lived his life, unable to reach out for help until whatever had changed.
Now he wouldn’t shut up, Edge found. The monster was lonely if he had to guess, having spent years in what Gaster termed as “a Void”. He understood that, to some extent, but it would be nice to take a shower without Gaster making wayward comments about his bone structure.
The most excited he ever got was when Edge made nachos, having apparently been his favorite food when he was “whole”. He never used the term alive, never really seemed to accept that he might have, and probably had died whenever he fell into for all intents and purposes magma, but…
Edge couldn’t help but feel… pleased. When Gaster would chatter in his head about how good food tasted compared to the old days, or when Edge read one of his puzzle mechanics books, the scientist reading hungrily alongside him. He soaked up new information like a sponge, seemingly starved for contact with people. Edge began to care about his new roommate, to the extent that when Gaster went quiet he knew something was wrong.
The amount of noise he made though, when Edge caught Red in the basement, messing with the machine and staring up at them with a seemingly manic look when it kicked on… Edge would never forget it.
The resulting explosion whenever the machine started sputtering and coughing out black smoke was more than a little concerning, but Edge only grabbed Red and used his own little tricks to book it upstairs, waiting until after everything had quieted down, the smoke calming down until it was a light haze in the air.
“What do you think happened? Is the machine alright? That was mine, you know; your thieving brother should be strung up and-”
Edge mentally shushed him, stepping carefully down the wooden stairs back into the basement, Red just behind him. He could hear movement that wasn’t theirs, coughing and hacking and the general noise of someone staggering around in the still thick smoke, but Edge only caught them by the soul, gently tugging them forward despite the gasp of air that quickly turned to choking.
What appeared out of the smoke, hanging like a limp doll and staring up at them with fear in his eyes, was a tall skeleton, the facial structure uncomfortably similar to Edge’s own. He wore what was probably once a bright orange hoodie, though now it was covered in smears of grease and soot.
“Who are you?” Edge demanded, the skeleton perking up, even if it was angry.
“I think you know the answer to that already, asshole.”
And well. Edge couldn’t fault him there. Gaster’s added “Well he’s a looker, huh.” wasn’t exactly helpful though.
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