mwagneto · 1 year
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marquisegallery · 8 months
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I FINALLY managed to finish the Devil theory pics!! Just barely before the end of the week like I hoped I would ;u;
And so, finally, my very rambly set of headcanons for these gremlins. They're my gremlins now I guess, I have hyperfixated too much lol
(This is going to be long. Incredibly long. And very headcanon-y because these guys don't exactly have a lot going for them in canon anyways. I'm warning you now. :u )
There are some of these borrowed from/inspired by @mechanical-magician's excellent Devil Theory and other BRC headcanons, I will point them out when they come up! :>
Starting off with Devil Theory in general:
The crew name is something all four of them came up with to sound threatening yet badass. With their reputation, it works well!
Their aliases come from the types of weapons most commonly associated with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (for the most part). Daishō is named as such because naming him “Katana” probably would have made the connection too obvious.
He was originally going to have them named after famous Japanese swords/swordsmiths (since it would probably fit the samurai-theming of their costumes better), but decided on the TMNT weapon names because he thinks they flow together better anyways. And secretly, he named each of them after the weapon of the TMNT member they're most similar to.
Plus, he finds it amusing to see other people’s reactions when they find out, lol
The other members themselves did not even realize the themeing until much, much later. Sai and Bō were annoyed by it (Nunchaku still thinks it's hilarious), but by then they were all so used to their aliases that they didn't want to bother coming up with new ones. :P
I personally like to think the gravelly voices they have in game is a sort of "character voice" they do to sound more threatening most of the time.
The only person they genuinely respected before the events of the game was DJ Cyber, though they wouldn’t admit it publicly. Also it’s mostly due to the fact that he can kick (and has kicked) all four of their asses in a 4-against-1 fight. In game, it’s mentioned they were kicked out of Mataan, and in a way I like to think they were quite literally kicked out of Mataan by DJ Cyber himself.
After the game, they do have some respect for BRC overall too. But kind of begrudgingly, and mostly because BRC managed to beat Faux and save the whole city.
On that note! Before and during the game's main plot, they just liked to be heels/assholes for the hell of it (not exactly true, but it's what they tell people if asked). It wasn't until get backstabbed (and almost killed) by Faux as Project Algo did they start reconsidering that, hey, maybe they can afford to be a little less assholish. Sucks that it took that much for them to change, but hey, better than nothing I guess??
So they did manage a sort of Heel-Face Turn… but mostly in that they stop pushing the Code of the Street to the limit, and of course they’ve stopped ratting out rival crews to the cops. They still have their own "heel personas” while in costume though, and still continue their activities as writers. Also occasionally still physically fighting other writers anyways, but its fine, probably!
None of them expect the other crews to forgive them for what happened (especially, y'know, the snitching thing), and indeed no one offers any sort of forgiveness. The feelings from most of the other crews and writers towards Devil Theory ranges from "Well, at least you got what you deserved and learned your lesson. You better make good on your promise to be good or else, alright?" to "I don't fucking trust you and I'm gonna keep an eye on you assholes."
Devil Theory have enough grace to accept this judgement, because hey, it's understandable. And on a more selfish perspective, it's either this or stick to being such unapologetic assholes that they get kicked out of New Amsterdam altogether!
Each of them do feel at least some amount of guilt over the snitching thing and working with Faux behind everyone's backs. Sai was the only one who was opposed to it all in the first place, only being convinced by the others and Faux that it would be "fine". So besides guilt in not pushing back harder, there's also a bit of, "I fuckin' called it that this was a bad idea. I only went along with it because you guys said it'd work out, and look what fuckin' happened!!"
Meanwhile... Daishō is the one who feels the most guilty about what happened, since he's basically the leader, and had convinced the others to go for it. So he feels like it's his fault first and foremost. Not to mention all of his friends nearly dying because of Faux, especially with Sai being the one slammed against the statue in Mataan... If any of them died, Daishō definitely would not be able to live with himself after that. He has not admitted this to anyone and is still personally grappling with that guilt. Nobody knows because he's (unfortunately?) very good at masking these kinds of things...
Sai is the member who ends up leaving DT for BRC, though mostly out of revenge against BRC (and specifically Red) for the crew battle back on Pyramid Island. He gets that out of his system eventually, and sticks with BRC as a genuine member (I have a fan fic idea for this bit of story, hee hee). He's still friends with the remaining DT crew of course, they've all been friends for a long time. (I'll touch on this more in a bit)
So then after the events of the game and Sai joining BRC, as a show of good will, Devil Theory let other writers (and especially DJ Cyber) know how exactly they managed to sic the cops on people: Basically hijacking certain police signals to send in false tips. Because otherwise interacting with the cops directly would have just led to them getting arrested too. (It's something that Faux told them how to do in order to gain their trust and make a "deal")
Everyone thinks it might be at least good as last resort free distraction against the cops. Send in a false tip, something like "Ignore those writers, there's a bigger emergency that is conveniently on the opposite side of the city!!" No one's sure if the cops have the ability to actually trace back the false tips to the source (like what happened with DOT EXE finding out about Project Algo), so writers only use it for emergencies. Still, coincidentally, arrests against writers has gone way down after this!
This also leads to a new addition to the Code of the Street: Any writer found to be abusing the false tips in order to get another writer/crew arrested, will be ratted out to the cops themselves. An eye for an eye! DJ Cyber was considering doing this to Devil Theory as well, but figured them getting pummeled by Faux towards the end of the game was punishment enough.
This one comes from a Mech headcanon: Devil Theory has their own hideout in the shipping container maze on Pyramid Island. The confusing (and frankly rather unnerving) nature of that area means their hideout can stay secure from anyone who doesn’t know how to get there.
My personal addition to this: There are different routes to the hideout based on whether or not it’s Tuesday, raining, a bank holiday, or any combination of those factors. Also, the crew (and even the dock workers of Pyramid Island in general) have not ruled out the possibility of there being any sort of Backroom Beasties in the maze. Sometimes you can hear things in there...
Sai is still invited to hang out at their hideout. Anyone else has to have approval from him and the remaining DT members before they're allowed to visit.
Also based on a Mech headcanon: They have pet crabs they keep at their hideout. Me personally, I like to think they're specifically hermit crabs! So then the crew paint designs onto any shells brought for the crabs, and will let visitors paint one too.
Back to the topic of all four of them being friends for a long time, more specifically: Sai and Daishō have known each other since very early childhood, and then they became friends with Bō and Nunchaku during middle school (i.e. around ages 12/13). Nunchaku in particular was living in California at the time, so it was an online friendship with the other three, eventually moving to New Amsterdam after turning 18.
They may or may not have started an anime-manga club during their time in school, which is how Sai and Daishō met Bō (and with Nunchaku as an honorary online member). All four of them refuse to admit to it these days, lol
Truthfully, the main reason all four of them have stuck together for so long is because they have had rough childhoods in one way or another, mostly due to their respective parents. This is what lead to the four of them becoming friends and wanting to protect/defend each other (sort of like a found family kind of thing), and thus forming Devil Theory together later on. However, they are more likely to admit to the anime-manga club thing than any of this.
(I might elaborate more on how rough it was for each on them in a separate post. Or just save it for a fan fic, if I can manage it...)
All four of them learned to fight mostly from watching wrestling shows and martial arts movies. “But wrestling is fake, those moves probably wouldn’t actually hurt someone--” “Only if you hold back.”
Both Sai and Bō have face scars. Sai has it over part of his lips, while Bō has a mark on part of his jaw. Both of them got these from injuries while trying to learn how to skate and freerun in order to be writers.
With Bō in particular, he outright passed out when it happened, causing the others to panic. They had to take him to the Flesh Prince to get him fixed up (hospitals would ask too many questions for their liking).
For Sai, the only people who know about how he got his scar are the rest of Devil Theory (and eventually he tells Rise too). To anyone else, he just tells them he got it from fighting 3 walking tanks at once. Rise says he should tell people it was 5 tanks at once to make it sound more impressive!
All four of them have cybernetic lower legs (from looking at the in-game models, it definitely looks more like cybernetics/prosthetics than just armor, at least to me). Long story short, each of them lost a foot or part of a lower leg (sometimes on both legs) for one reason or another. It eventually got to the point where Daishō went, "You know what?? Fuck this, we're clearly cursed, so let's just get this over with." And paid for all of them to just get what's left of their lower legs upgraded to fancy cybernetics, as seen in the game!
This is at least another reason for them becoming writers ("With these legs we could probably manage it pretty good, right?"), and then of course eventually forming Devil Theory.
Some more specifics on the why for each member:
For Sai and Daishō, it was directly caused by their Respective Bad Parents. (Like I mentioned earlier in this post, I may go into further detail on that in a separate post. Especially since it gets pretty dark...)
For Bō, it was an accident out in New Amsterdam. Basically there was a failed test involving one of the police's walking tank, resulting in Bō and other civilians getting injured. Some of them fairly severely, and of course Bō being one of those. None of them (including himself) know what actually caused the accident, not even that it was caused by a walking tank.
For Nunchaku, it was a factory accident. This was back when she first moved to New Amsterdam and needed a job. That led her to having to work at a shady factory with unsafe work conditions, and which was taking advantage of new immigrants like her who don't 100% know their rights or who to go to for help right away. Her accident in particular was one of the worst at the factory up to that point, with several other employees getting hurt as well. They all of course quite after that, including Nunchaku herself.
Sai's incident was the earliest to happen chronologically, while Bō's was the last one.
Daishō and Sai tried dating each other at one point in high school. Emphasis on “tried”. At the least, it wasn’t the worst relationship either of them have had, just awkward. So they were able to stay friends afterwards.
And now for each individual member! With bonus head pics. :P
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As previously mentioned, he's the member who joins up with Bomb Rush Cyberfunk in the postgame.
Also as previous mentioned, he at first only joined BRC for revenge against Red, but they sort it out after a while!
Has some anger issues, but since joining BRC (especially after a final serious fight with Red) he’s gotten a much better handle on it.
Eventually after that previous point, he starts dating Rise, there is a whole outline for this I swear…
He and Red still fight each other, but it's more like sparring matches. The rest of BRC end up treating it like actual sport matches, basically cheering on one or the other! Cueball and Bel even act as commentators for these matches, lol
He is fairly stand-offish most of the time, and takes some time to open up to other people.
He can cook, as in cooking without necessarily following a strict recipe. He cooks a lot for his former crew, though it takes him a while to open up and cook for BRC as well. You will not be disappointed if you invite him to a potluck!
He can sing quite well, but he hates singing in front of others, even his own friends (they've only ever heard him by accident when he didn't mean for them to hear him at all). He eventually opens up to singing for Rise at least.
I have a personal headcanon that DJ Cyber will occasionally take suggestions for mixtapes he's working on. Sai suggested several reggaeton songs/remixes, though he expected none of them to be picked. He was super stoked when he found out the DJ actually included one of his suggestions (the AGUA remix) in the particular mixtape that plays on Pyramid Island.
Works as a freelance graphic designer/artist as his day job. He takes commissions on the side. No, he does not take requests and will not draw your OC for free.
He is the one who designed Devil Theory's graffiti in canon, Daishō paid him for it too!
He's Puerto Rican, he moved to New Amsterdam as a kid.
Fluent in Spanish, he has a noticeable Puerto Rican accent when speaking Spanish.
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He is the leader of Devil Theory!
He let Sai leave the group to join BRC because he started getting sick of Sai’s anger issues (it had been growing worse until the BRC crew battle, at which point said issues were at their worst).
Once Sai gets a better handle on his anger, they go back to being friends, even with Sai staying with BRC.
Fairly chill guy (though also arrogant and snarky at times) out of costume.
While in public as the Devil Theory leader, he can be ruthless (as seen by how the group pushes the Code of the Street to the limit). He can also be dramatic sometimes, almost playing it up like an anime villain/wrestling heel at times. At least he’s smart enough to not let himself get distracted by monologuing.
Though if you genuinely piss him off, he can be incredibly petty and cruel, regardless of him being “in costume” or not.
Daishō wears contacts while in costume, but just normal glasses outside of that
He’s the one who designed Devil Theory’s costumes. He has experience with cosplay before forming DT.
He’s also the one that came up with their Hip-Hop dance. He’s particularly proud of the “criss-cross hop” part of the dance, but this was also the part that the other members had a hard time getting right. (I say this as someone who has attempted doing the dance IRL myself, and also had problems with that part :P)
On that note, he's a pretty good dancer in general, with both freestyle and "formal" dances with specific steps.
He supposedly has enough money to just live off of for the rest of his life, but he continues to be a writer for the fun of it (and as an outlet/destressor). He does still work part-time though, as a secretary for one of the companies in Mataan.
He's a theater major and part of a group that holds plays in New Amsterdam. He loves to play as the villains, especially in musicals. Villains always get the best songs!! That being said, his actual singing is about 100% confidence and 65% actual talent. Him singing villain songs is already great, but anything else is usually "just" alright.
Big fan of horror movies, mainly slasher/splatter and body horror. Also the kind of guy who goes looking for director's cut versions and deleted scenes. He will ramble for hours about his favorite horror movies, especially about the acting and special effects! Though he will also rant about genuinely awful horror movies just as much. He has opinions!!
Claims to have a girlfriend, but he never names who he’s dating or goes into any specific details about her, and the other DT members have never met her. They have a running joke about her being his “theoretical girlfriend”. (Truthfully I just haven't decided if she's going to be someone "in canon" or just slap together an OC. I'll decide eventually...)
This one gets its own subsection because it's pretty long lol:
Daishō is terrible with names. In general it takes a while for him to learn other people's names, and he tends to mess up by getting close-but-not-quite with names. And with him being the leader of Devil Theory, most people assume he's just being a jerk and making fun of them. :P
Some examples:
Tryce = Tricycle, Trace, Tracy, Trance, Trick
Bel = Bell, Beth, Bev, Ring (like a ringing bell lol)
Vinyl = Vine, Vino, Vinny, VHS
Solace = Soul, Solis, Crash, Test
He doesn't have this problem with people who are basically celebrities to him (DJ Cyber and Felix being two-thirds of The Big 3, and he knows Rise because he follows her on social media). So then otherwise, the only thing that helps is coming up with mnemonics/associations. "Bel's hair kinda looks like a bell", "Vinyl works at a record store", etc.
One of the rare times he managed to remember someone's name easily is Red. Because, y'know, literal red head. :P
And yes, this also applies to his own friends, at least with their real names. He had no trouble with their street names, but only because he was the one who came up with them, lol
He's half-Japanese and half-Peruvian, born and raised in New Amsterdam. Fluent in Spanish and Japanese. He has a Peruvian accent when speaking in Spanish, his mother insisted on teach him herself (and to avoid him potentially ending up with a Spaniard accent, lmaooo).
As mentioned much earlier, he has known Sai since they were kids in elementary school. Basically Sai latched onto him because he was the only other Latino at their school, and Sai was already being alienated by the other kids because of that. They eventually realizing they have a lot in common anyways (like same favorite manga at the time) and became friends.
On that note! He only got into anime and manga in the first place out of spite towards his dad, who basically looked down on it as "everything wrong with my homeland these days". Dad only very begrudgingly got Daishō stuff in the original Japanese, choosing to see it as at least a way for his kid to learn Japanese more easily.
That leads to a more genuine love for anime and manga, and then forming the anime-manga club, becoming friends with Bō and Nunchaku, and of course eventually all four of them forming Devil Theory. Funny how these things work out!
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Rather stoic while in public as a Devil Theory member, but outside of that he tends to be fairly nerdy and polite.
Arguably the way he acts in and out of costume is probably the biggest difference among the rest of the DT members. Which tends to be rather jarring to most people…
The tech person of the group, bit of a hacker too. He was the one who figured out the false tips thing with the police signals, and frankly he finds the police force's security systems to be insulting pathetic a lot of the time.
His day job is as an IT tech, though he often gets forced into doing stuff outside of his job description, especially since his damn coworkers keep pushing their own work onto him. He even has to take care of coding things as a programmer/engineer, which is even more outside of his job description!
Being a writer is basically a destressor for him at this point. Do not ask him to troubleshoot your tech problems when he’s off the clock, he hates that. The rest of DT know this and don’t ask him unless it’s something genuinely serious (and only after they’ve done their own troubleshooting).
He's a gamer, and especially loves games that he can mod himself.
Related to the previous point: he has strong opinions about how the game industry is going these days (Little-to-no official support for preservation of older games, going after emulators when they won’t even help make their games more accessible, awful dev crunch especially from larger companies, etc.). He will rant about it if you let him!
He can't handle horror content very well, be it movies or video games. And I mean genuine horror stuff, especially with gore. Silly scary stuff like Luigi's Mansion is fine, but getting into Silent Hill and Resident Evil is where he starts genuinely freaking out. He'll at least watch his friends playing through survival horror games, not playing it himself, but he'll insist on having all the lights on.
One time the others did manage to drag him through a haunted house attraction. He ended up freaked out badly, and afterwards got into a fistfight with Sai over it (it was his idea to do that in the first place). Lesson learned!
He has attempted at least once to get a piercing like his friends, but he almost fainted while doing so (he might have a fear of needles). He hasn't tried since.
Knows how to fight like the rest of the DT members, but some people may underestimate him because they assume the tech guy isn’t that strong. Also, Bō is admittedly built more for weightlifting than outright fighting like the others, but that doesn't mean he can't kick your ass!
On that note, he hates when people underestimate him in general, or otherwise think he’s naive.
Inspired by Mech's own CUE.mp4 and Pluto: Bō eventually starts dating Cueball (the DOT EXE member who joins BRC in the postgame). Admittedly at first I was like, only lightly considering something similar in my own stuff, like "That'd be cute, but it probably wouldn't work for these two in my AU/headcanons, ha ha" but eventually after more thinking I realized, "Wait a minute, this could work after all." lol
His family has lived in New Amsterdam for generations.
Knows enough Spanish to follow along with Sai and Daishō when they have conversations in Spanish, though not necessarily respond to either of them in Spanish (or anyone else for that matter).
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In case her real name in my headcanons didn't already tip you off, Samus Aran surprise!! Nunchaku is a gal named Roxanne! She has a naturally deep voice, and can pull off a gravely “character voice” like the rest of DT.
She goes by Rox as a nickname out of costume/with friends.
"Wait so is she cis or trans--" The way I like to handle this with headcanons is, "Would the character themselves be comfortable answering that question?" And in this case, she wouldn't want to answer either way. If she were trans, she would not feel comfortable sharing that publicly. And if she were cis, she wouldn't answer that out of spite, seeing it as something that's none of people's business anyways.
So basically, either way she's a very butch lady in my personal AU/headcanons for BRC, and that's all you really need to know on that front. :P
Overall a very positive and friendly (and energetic) person outside of Devil Theory, but can be surprisingly underhanded when in costume.
Though either way, she tends to be very high-energy. She is in fact the team member with the highest gremlin energy!
Her ears are pierced, but that was something her parents forced her into doing. She refuses to use earrings and stuff even as an adult, though she did eventually get that piercing on her nose.
She likes spicy food! Also has a tendency to add hot sauce to certain foods just to kick up the spice factor. Sai and Nunchaku used to have small arguments over her adding hot sauce to the food he cooked for her (Sai sees it almost as an insult, as if she’s saying it doesn’t already taste good enough). By now they’ve come to more of an understanding, and Sai just side-eyes her whenever she adds hot sauce to her food.
Was a bit of a kleptomaniac as a teen, and these days she still steals things on occasion. She’s good at it and manages to not get caught (a lot of the time).
One time she went to steal a new TV for the Devil Theory hideout. She saw the store she was hitting had a buy one get one free deal on TVs, so she stole two and gave the extra to BRC for their own hideout!
She works as a mechanic as her day job, mainly fixing cars, though also other kinds of large machines and equipment (washing machines, fridges, trucks, construction vehicles, etc). She’s in charge of fixing the crew’s skateboards when needed.
Adding onto her job backstory: The shop Nunchaku works for as a mechanic is owned by a guy who originally mentored her back at the factory she worked at (mentioned a lot earlier on this post). Basically he'd seen a lot of violations and other shady crap, none of it getting fixed despite multiple complaints and reports. And seeing so many people (including unfortunately Nunchaku) end up hurt at once was the last straw. So he quit, opened a repair shop, and offered Nunchaku and other former employees of the factory new jobs at his business. They're all happier to be away from that crappy factory, which has since been shut down due to the accidents and violations.
Nunchaku is crane and forklift certified. She figured it would look good on her resume, and hopefully be impressive to the ladies. Hopefully. It hasn't worked yet.
She has been interested in learning about welding, especially given how much money those types of jobs make, but for now she's happy with her mechanic job.
She likes to take things apart in order to put them back together again. She finds it's the easiest way for her to understand how something works!
She has a personal goal of someday taking apart DJ Cyber's spider tank thingamajig in order to figure out how it works. And ideally being able to make one of her own. Basically imagine the following: Nunchaku: "Heeeey, Mr. DJ, do you mind if I take a look at your tank thing? I promise I won't take long!" DJ: "Hell no."
She has a crush on Vinyl, but gets too nervous to actually ask her out. Nunchaku also keeps going to the music shop that Vinyl works at to buy records (she doesn’t even have a record player) just to talk to her. Note that Vinyl working at a music shop is inspired by Mech's headcanons for Vinyl! :>
Nunchaku's impromptu "record collection" is growing out of hand at this point, a lot of it for genres she doesn't even like, lol
She once tried to learn how to juggle knives in order to impress ladies! That ended in a trip to the Flesh Prince (again, hospitals would ask too many questions), and she hasn't tried that since.
She knows how to pick locks though! Most of the time it's just using one tool to jam everything until they open. She gets excited when she has to pick a lock that actually requires genuine work to get open.
American, as mentioned a while ago she moved from California to New Amsterdam a bit after high school
Fluent in Japanese (she learned it due to being a weeb, lol); in terms of Spanish, she’s in the same boat as Bō, knowing enough to at least follow Sai and Daishō’s conversations in Spanish
SO THAT'S EVERYTHING!! For now. Maybe.
I'm gonna go hibernate like a bear for a while. Feel free to leave snacks in front of my cave if you want, loool
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wetbloodworm · 2 years
reposting some meta i wrote about zenith on my dw specifically so i can reblog and add to it, b/c i like to keep things together. what’s under this cut is gonna be partly outdated b/c i’m tweaking some stuff in the reblog don’t worry about it. if you haven’t read it or plan to reread it i’d maybe recommend waiting until i reblog the additions so all the info is together. though also there’s a lot here because i got that wordy bitch disease so like kudos if you make it though any part of this at any point. okay yeah so everything after this paragraph is Older Content
first, because i haven't talked about him here aside from some outdated aside in a list somewhere, a brief rundown! zenith (pseudonym, he/they) or vol'gelmeth (true name, it/they) is an aberration from the far realm who has projected an aspect of himself into the material plane in the form of a dhampir avatar. his plan is to gather enough strength to eventually be able to manifest fully in the material plane, and also to explore and experience and learn about the material plane because he's fascinated by it. zenith presents himself to others as a human cleric of the vol'gelmeth who's totally a different being and also has an eight pack. the intent WAS for his avatar to be fully human but sometimes you're too alien a being to stuff yourself into just a normal human body, and also he eats dreams, so, dhampir. it's fine. just gives him an extra layer of things to try to hide. second, pics! newest first 
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most recent design-tweaks to make him easier to draw, so this is his most up-to-date design. he looks more blond here than in other drawings but that's just shading though, his hair is white. the amulet is his Amulet of the Devout, since we were allowed two magic items to start, and it's not shown here but it has the symbol for vol'gelmeth that zenith designed himself lol
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drew this when i had the realization that as a dhampir he'd have fangs even if the thing he eats isn't necessarily tangible. i toyed with a design that was ALL sharp teeth instead of just the incisors and i love that but eh. his true form has all sharp teeth so i'll get my fill there. not that anyone but haley as DM gets to see his true form yet. i've got my kid's secrets all laid out for the rest of the party i'm allowed to keep the design a secret even if no one cares but me lmao 
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drawn when i decided i was going to play him for CoS 
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lyrics from 'community gardens' by the scary jokes 
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one of my first pics of him, i kinda miss the scruffier outfit vs the more put-together outfit he's got now but we can mix and match. it's fine. it's all flavor text. and finally... the bullet points
to explain the pronoun situation a bit better, the actual character is comfortable with he/they/it. as zenith, the dhampir avatar pretending to be human, he uses just he/they. when referring to vol'gelmeth as if they're a separate being, it/they. the reason for the difference is one part zenith trying to create differences between his two aspects to make his disguise/deception stronger, one part him picking up on how humanoids most commonly use pronouns and adding that to his disguise/deception (meaning like, it/its isn't a common pronoun for humanoids, but they DO use it/its when talking about non-humanoids), and one part him gaining more of an understanding of gender as he spends time on this plane and deciding he/him is fine
if forced at gunpoint to describe his gender, zenith would go with 'agender' or 'no' or something along those lines. i have no idea what his species is like culturally, but i do know that gender is a new concept to him. he's largely uninterested in it personally, like it's a neat enough thing to learn about but it's separate from him, y'know? he generally prefers neutral language, so they/them and it/its feel comfortable and correct, but as his avatar is seemingly AMAB he's had masc language used for him by others who assumed and he's decided that's fine, both in that it doesn't bother him and that he likes it, again, as a thing that separates Zenith from Vol'Gelmeth. so i guess it's less that he likes he/him on a personal level, it's more just part of his disguise? he hasn't had enough experience with she/her to feel comfortable with it yet so he's just avoiding that set. 
i swap his pronouns around more while talking out loud, like in-game. in writing you'll notice it's mostly he/him. that's just easier for me. it's fine. 
i talked so much more about gender than i originally intended but like [gestures at self] to be expected i guess 
from reading the WOTC lore, my understanding of how dhampir work is that they feed on aspects of humanoids but they don't necessarily need to in order to survive? they're described as having ties to the undead/vampires but not being fully there, and they have their hunger but can control or suppress it through intense willpower. which to me reads like they can eat other stuff due to being partly/technically alive but they crave whatever it is they hunger for? if they NEEDED it they couldn't control/suppress it without starving, right? if anyone has a different interpretation of the text lmk. obviously we can throw WOTC lore in the garbage as necessary and as approved by the DM but i like having the framework sometimes and dhampir are new enough to dnd that i only have so many sources to formulate opinions on. 
zenith in his true form i think like... ONLY eats dreams, or at least primarily does? maybe just primarily, the way i designed his true form he's got a mouth and teeth and all of that implies to me that he's a creature that at least CAN physically eat things, not just psychically. zenith as the humanoid avatar... i'm not sure??? i know he CAN eat other stuff and does, and i think right now i'm hesitantly going with 'needs to eat human food to maintain the humanoid body, needs to eat dreams to maintain the rest of him and get stronger'? so i'm backtracking on the 'dhampir don't NEED to feed their hunger to survive' thing for zenith specifically, not my concept of dhampir in general, since he's a weird situation being an aberration which isn't necessarily supported by the game stats, if that makes sense. 
NEW BULLET I'M CONFUSING MYSELF okay. zenith has to eat both human food and also dreams. needs human food more regularly perhaps so that the humanoid body doesn't just fucking collapse, craves dreams more intensely. i think that's what we're going with. maybe. 
i like being able to do whatever i want with the lore but i also struggle if the framework given isn't clear enough by my standards and i'm struggling here 
god looking at the dhampir stats and i forgot zenith doesn't need to breathe and also has natural spider climb. fantastic. just a normal human dude, hello fellow humans 
he also has the fanged bite ability which i'm looking forward to perhaps using some day 
zenith definitely had a ROUGH time when he first manifested on the material plane because of a combo of four things; 1) being in a new alien plane, 2) being in a new alien body, 3) being in two bodies/places at once, 4) being exhausted from whatever ritual or spell or whatever he did to accomplish the split in the first place 
some differences between the far realm and the material plane are that the far realm is composed of an infinite number of layers that shift continuously, and the air is described as syrupy thick with time and gravity being things that don't exist. far realm denizens move through the air by 'swimming' and can pass through the layers with a thought, or exist on multiple layers at a time.  the far realm is specifically described as Lovecraftian and being 'beyond sanity', and is so far outside even the outer planes that it's often not included in the standard cosmology. which is why it's also referred to as just 'Outside'. so basically it's a real fucked up alien world 
zenith, while very much an alien, is not the same degree as Unknowable and Unfathomable as other far realm denizens can be. i imagine it's a scale, and he falls significantly closer to the end that doesn't drive you crazy if you look at it. this allows him to (mostly) successfully communicate with dreamers of the material plane (though i imagine that took lots of trial and error) and gives him motivations that normal people can understand for the most part; he's driven most by curiosity and by hunger. so he's got a good head start there for successfully transferring to the material plane. he's at least not so completely divorced from reality as its known there as to make him incompatible with it. 
doesn't make the transition easy, though! for all the reasons why waking up in the plane i described a couple bullets up would be jarring for us, waking up in the material plane is jarring for him. i imagine gravity is weird to contend with suddenly, the air simultaneously heavier and thinner. less resistance and more resistance at the same time. the surroundings aren't just completely different, the way you perceive the surroundings is different with the lack of shifting layers. i'd imagine everything feels incredibly still in comparison. so there's all that and more as a thing to adjust to! 
also, new human/dhampir body! his true form is a (mostly) physical one that's very different from a humanoid but it's got a head and eyes and limbs so that's a good start, but still. new body. it's weird. 
ALSO yeah, existing in two places at once! piloting two bodies at once! that can't be easy on top of everything else, there was no way for him to practice or gauge how any of this would feel, he just fucking did it, so it'd just be.... 'disorienting' is probably putting it mildly? 
at the start of the campaign it's been uhhhhh i think we determined like 6 months or so since he manifested on the material plane. so he's had the chance to figure this out! this plane is still alien and weird to him but he can move around in it without feeling like he's having the WORST kind of bad trip anymore. the biggest thing that's still a factor is he's still got two bodies in two different planes. i imagine he has to cope with that by like... focusing 100% of everything on one body at a time. i'm thinking he like parked himself somewhere safe back home, somewhere quiet and secure where he could puppeteer his material avatar from, so he just has to settle in and focus completely on being Zenith and it's fine. 
i'd think that he can't ignore his original body all the time, so when it's safe he'll switch focus and like... stretch, move around, check things out. not for long, he doesn't want to get used to what home feels like and then have to go back to the material plane and adjust to that again, and also the humanoid body is so much smaller and squishier and more vulnerable and he doesn't like leaving it unattended 
he largely avoids switching between the two as much as he can, because it'll always be jarring and it'll always leave him vulnerable. 
one big drive for him to gather enough strength to manifest fully in the material plane is so he doesn't have to be split like this anymore. that's probably like one of the top two motivators, have access to all his power and not be in two places at once. 
i don't fully know what 'eating dreams' looks like yet. i'm sure we'll figure that out as we play but right now i don't know if it's a fully psychic thing or what? i feel like it's not as easy for him to do now that he's split vs when he could just hunt for dreamers from home with whatever psychic power he's got that lets him cross the planes to eat dreams. i don't know if he has to be within a certain physical proximity to the dreamer now that he's on the material plane, or if he has to actively touch/interact with the dreamer, or how exactly it works. i have no fucking clue. i know there's some aspect of hunting dreams down, just not 100% sure what that looks like. on the outside like some form of meditation maybe? idk!
deep speech is the native language of aberrations, and it has no script on its own but mortals use the espruar script to write it down, which implies to me that far realm denizens don't have a use for reading/writing. which means that zenith has taught himself how to read and write, probably mostly while actively on the material plane. maybe picked up a little while he was learning common via dreams but dreams aren't reliable. you ever try to read in a dream 
since he's proficient in deep speech, common, and abyssal, he can definitely read and write fluently, but i think he has the classic problem of not always knowing how things are written/pronounced if he's never heard/read it. like he'll tend to say and write things phonetically and need to be corrected. there's also just a bunch of words he hasn't encountered yet though understanding context clues helps 
his handwriting his probably atrocious 
he doesn't NEED to be able to write in deep speech, it's not a super well-used language in the material plane, but he absolutely learned how because that's his language and he wants to be able to write in it! 
before coming to the material plane, zenith LOVED talking with humanoids via their dreams! they're interesting and he likes talking to people! and then he gets to eat the dream when he's done so it's a great time for him. socialization/entertainment and food. 
i think that if someone were to pray to him zenith would be able to respond back, but i'm not sure if he can communicate through dreams while he's split like this? mostly because it feels OP to give myself that ability. the Dream spell can do that but it's a lvl 5 spell and i don't feel like i can just say Oh I Can Do That y'know lmao. that was very frustrating for him to discover, that he can't do that anymore. another reason for him to want to manifest fully in the plane, hopefully be able to manipulate dreams again instead of only eating them, he likes the manipulating part. 
zenith has absolutely no idea what the experience is on the other side of the dream-eating thing. no clue what it feels like or if it hurts or what happens at all. he'd be interested in knowing but he doesn't particularly care on an emotional level. he's pretty sure it doesn't KILL the dreamer because he's talked to people more than once before but it wouldn't stop him if it did tbh 
part of the reason i'm writing all this down is b/c i know i've been asked if zenith wants/has followers and i have absolutely no idea what my answer was because i said it out loud and didn't write it down but i'm pretty sure my answer has changed? maybe? i have no clue. any way zenith would be thrilled to have followers. i don't think he's tried taking on warlocks or anything like that, like he hasn't shared his power to be anyone's patron, but it's not something he's opposed to. not his priority at the moment but like, sounds like fun! he likes attention and seeing what people do and as long as it doesn't rob him of too much of his own power he'd be down to try! he'd be down to be someone's god. the idea of being a god sounds REAL nice, actually. he loves that. 
outside of actively being a patron, does he have followers? people that pray to him? i don't know! the idea is interesting to me! he'd be happy to chat with people though i don't know what all he'd be able to do in return outside of share any info they want about the far realm or any other realm he's learned about. i know in this split state there's even less he could do than if he was at full power. 
i think right now he's mostly focused on just exploring the material plane and gathering power to manifest in it fully, but after that.... after that, being a patron sounds like fun. being a god sounds like FUN. 
something i wrote before on a related topic; "zenith doesn't necessarily WANT to kill anyone. he'll do it if he feels he has to but that's not his goal. the likes the material plane and its denizens! they're interesting! he just wants to explore and learn and experience! and eat but don't worry about that one. and maybe gain followers but that's one's fine. it's a plane full of creatures that dream and if you play your cards right they might worship you. just gotta get stronger and put out feelers and consider giving gifts of power in exchange. power can be exchanged for worship and services. and perhaps food. he loves this plane." 
aberrations are generally considered monsters and zenith would be mildly offended at the implication though he also wouldn't fight it too hard. he preys on people for food so like he doesn't have much room to argue. but like don't be rude about it 
zenith's only introduction to the material plane before showing up on it was via dreams, so his concept of the world and its general culture was very skewed, though he figured that out quickly. he's still learning stuff and i've got a google doc with a list of facts and 'facts' he's picked up on in the campaign so far. he's now under the impression that mushrooms can talk just in general, though it's not recommended, and as far as he knows it's normal for water ordered at taverns to be murky. 
i wouldn't say that he's gullible, he just... y'know, he's an alien. and he doesn't want to tell anyone that he is so he's afraid to ask for clarification on things. so people say things with a certain confidence and he makes assumptions. or he asks for water at a tavern and he's handed a glass of water that's murky and he figures that's technically what he asked for, so, guess that happens sometimes! 
i've also got notes on the lies that he has planned for his disguise. he picked an isolated town he visited once as his fake home town and has a story about his fake family and why he might not know things that he perhaps should etc. 
i think... that's it for now... i'm sure i'll have more to talk about another time. i like this character a lot so i think about him a lot!!
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saiharacryharasj · 2 years
Some shameless self promotion to get started.
Galaxy Adventures! Character intro;
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Base is used in pic, but character is mine
Meet Sarah! Real last name unknown
"Well hello friend. Are you here for a rest, or here for directions. None the less, it's wonderful to see you again."
Age: 16
Height: 159.9 cm
A young light spirit who used to be human before her birth world was completely reset. Her, along with many many others who have survived the same thing, now resides in the newly created world of Solaria and works to help keep other worlds and universes from facing the same fate as hers.
Travels to numerous worlds under the protection of the GDD and her new found status, to attain her ultimate goal.
Very sleepy girl, angry marshmallow
In the world of TWST
Finds herself, along with a few loved ones, guarding young Yuu as they try to survive Night Raven College and their numerous problems
Commonly fills in Yuu's role of therapist once it becomes too much
Runs around either helping people, talking to people, stalking people, or causing minor problems
Naps anywhere and everywhere
She's attached
You wouldn't think she'd be in Genshin
But she is ( ╹▽╹ )
Forged herself a fake anemo vision
Sticks to the Traveller the entire time, she was separated from her family
Does not like Paimon, the feelings are mutual
Uses a scythe!
(Enemies do a double take upon seeing that)
Imagine you wanna talk to the famous traveller after hearing of their amazing exploits,
You have to get through a pesky fairy thing and a small girl giving ya the most threatening smile manageable (they protective)
Welcome to Jojo's
She cried upon arrival
Calmed down real quick though
Stays through all the parts, she wants to sleep more now
The introduction of stands to this world has confused her, but she thinks it's all cool
Jonathan is still her favorite JoJo, he gave her food upon first meeting
She's way attached
She cried multiple times here
Marshmallow is sensitive
Konosuba what?
She never knew a lot about Konosuba other than the fact that our MCs are all weird and useless in some way
She still wasn't prepared
Wanted to punch Aqua as soon as she opened her mouth
"I am nonviolent, however I will gladly throw a chair at your face."
All said with a sweet smile on her face
Loves every explosion Megumin causes, got hit by 60% of 'em though
Darkness low-key scares her
*Kazuma uses steal on her* "Jokes on you, I have another pair!"
High-key tries to befriend literally every big enemy
Let's fly high!
This time, she spawned in someone's home, awkward
The Hinata family was so confused but ultimately just went with the flow(after a whole scream session of course)
Hinata's mom decided to flat out enroll her into Karasuno as well
Yay, she has to go to school all over again (⌐■-■)
She clings to Shoyo, almost everywhere
Meeting the team was fun for her, she hid behind a door the entire time, only found out because of our queen Kiyoko
Climbs everything she sees, she's gonna give Suga and Daichi a heart attack
It's so Miraculous!
She was so bitter when she was assigned to watch over this world.
But! She's got her friends
Tatiana and Cassidy, and numerous other friends who thankfully know just how to calm her down
She begrudgingly befriended Marinette and Adrien
Ignores Alya completely
Dotes on Chloe and Mylene
Currently trying to curb some of Marinette's worst habits
"Mari, she's only talking to him. That doesn't necessarily mean that she's trying to date him. Adrien's dense as a rock anyway."
Still wonders why people don't get the Marinette and Adrien are Ladybug and Cat Noir
Probably losing braincells
Naruto running from responsibilities
She also cried here
Too many keep taking her soft appearance and assuming that she won't hit them
Not to mention that everyone here talks about her quiet voice and lack of presence
She made up multiple jutsu on the spot just to spite them and cause them pain
"Forget you no Jutsu: Bug Off" *target goes flying miles away*
Has a ball exploring
Would like it if all the ninja villages would stop trying to use her though
Stays literally no where anyone can find her
She nabbed at Naruto as soon as she saw the kid, he now lives in a wonderful little home she built in the village
No one questions how she doesn't age
Despite her loving this place, she still grabs at the next chance to jump back to Solaria
Black Butler?
Save this girl
Her being is similar to that of an angel, Sebastian tried to discretely kill her multiple times
Now uses Ciel and literally anyone else as a shield
Thankfully after proving to be useful enough, Ciel decided to keep her so he ordered Sebastian to stop his assassination attempts
The fiend is bitter about it
Sarah clings once more, she dotes on poor Ciel
He got mad
So she clings to Alois once he finally pops up
Mad that people keep trying to kill her, so she just pwns them and leaves
"Running from world to world is oh so exhausting. Maybe I should just sleep some more. That usually fixes everything."
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senjuhashirama · 2 years
Symbols in Hashirama's jutsus and their implications, part 1
I really like the symbolism and themes in Hashirama’s jutsus, so I decided to do this deep dive into it. The religious / folklore symbols can give us a few ideas on Hashirama’s fighting style, personality, and perhaps intentions too. Although I generally don’t believe that Kishimoto did all of this consciously, there’s a few implications we can gather from it. I added plenty of links for concepts that might be unknown to the reader but that aren’t in the scope of this topic. You can either google them or just proceed on the links I provided. I also recommend reading it in google doc which is more practical, because I added descriptions of pics and it can be read better but it’s up to you - google doc. 
1. Sage Art Wood Release: True Several Thousand Hand
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This monstrous jutsu is, most likely, influenced by Eleven-faced and thousand-armed Kannon.
Originated in India, Kannon is a bodhisattva (which is someone who strives to achieve enlightenment and Buddhahood) who already achieved enlightenment, but decided to postpone Buddhahood to save all sentient beings from the cycle of suffering, therefore it is not Buddha. To put it another way, Kannon is known for indiscriminate compassion, and she is called a lord of mercy. That being said, another name for Kannon in Japan is Kanzeon, meaning the one who constantly surveys (kan 観)  the wold (ze 世)  listening to the sounds of suffering (on 音). Kannon is commonly depicted as a woman in Japan, sometimes with androgenous features, however she used to be depicted as a man in India.
Kannon has many forms and/or emanations (which is basically a duplication of enlightened mind), each having specifics and each watching over one of the six realms. The forms differ in accordance to specific text. In the manga, we can see two of the six main forms of Kannon mixed – Senju Kannon and 11-headed Kannon.
Senju Kannon, 1000-armed Kannon, is supposed to have 1000 arms including two “main” hands (although usually depicted with ~37 or ~42 for practical purposes). Senju Kannon watches over the hungry ghost realm. This form of Kannon is likewise prayed to avoid illness, eye problems and blindness. This can implicate Madara’s blindness, whether it’s literal (as sharingan making him go blind) or figurative.
What’s more, Hashirama’s statue has a few faces above the main face – a typical sign of Juichimen Kannon, who watches over the Asura realm. Although she’s called 11-headed Kannon, she doesn’t have 11 heads in every depiction and art. The main, big face, is supposed to show tranquility and compassion. The smaller heads above the main one usually show other emotions, like anger, compassion and cheerfulness. Statues and paintings show one more face placed on top of the head. It is popularly believed that the 10 faces are supposed to symbolize 10 stages of a path to attain enlightenment and the 11th is supposed to symbolize Buddha. However, Hashirama’s statue doesn’t have such a face. Instead, there’s a wooden golem sitting at the top.
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That being said, Hashirama’s statue has one main face and one row of 8 faces around the head.  10th would be the golem’s face and 11th would be Hashirama’s own face. That way, Hashirama’s Kannon indeed has 11 heads.
According to folk tales, there’s another explanation for 11 heads. It says that a long time ago, Kannon promised to free all sentient beings from the cycle of suffering (samsara). After multiple failed attempts, her distress caused her head to be split into pieces. So she begged Buddha to help her, therefore Buddha gave her eleven heads to see the suffering. Kannon could finally see the suffering and she worked more to save everyone. But she still couldn’t save everyone, so the pain of her failures causes her arms to break apart. She begged Buddha to help her again and he granted her 1000 arms. Having 1000 arms, she could finally relieve the suffering. It’s not clear where this folktale came from.
In conclusion, the hands of Hashirama’s statue are supposed to alleviate the suffering of all people. I believe it can be read either as being ironic he’s using it to inflict pain through combat, but also as extremely explanatory, because Hashirama really wanted to alleviate Konoha’s suffering Madara was casting upon it (see Madara killed 3 vanguard units, killing innocent people). On the other hand, one of the tools typical Senju Kannon holds, is a sword, so there must have been some violence included in protecting the suffering sentient beings. 
As typical for Kannon, Hashirama’s statue has a third eye that symbolizes a state of enlightenment. It also has a robe typical of the Japanese version of Kannon. Moreso, she has two main hands in front in praying position, which is also common for Kannon. Unlike Senju Kannon, Hashirama’s statue doesn’t hold any tools in her hands and the hands don’t have eyes, which is also a popular theme for Senju Kannon in art.
At first, we see Hashirama’s statue sitting strait in the Japanese way, which is how Kannon is shown in works that depict Amida and Attendants (one of the two main attendants being Kannon). The reason for this position is for them to stand up fast and help the dying people reach nirvana.
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We can speculate that Hashirama’s statue stands up right after to help Madara reach some kind of enlightenment, to show him the way Madara doesn’t see.
Without a doubt, this jutsu is supposed to show us Hashirama’s compassion, calmness and his great urge to protect everyone, including, at first, Madara. In the end, he has to use it against Madara to win the combat, but he really saves the village.
Senju Kannon (1000 armed Kannon): 
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Juichimen Kannon (11-headed Kannon): 
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2. Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique
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Dragons (Ryū, Ryu, Ryuu 龍; I will talk here specifically about Chinese dragons that are usually considered a different creatures than Western dragons) are serpentine creatures whose task is to protect Buddhism. They’re considered extremely powerful, however unlike in western culture, they are usually good and bring wealth and good fortune.
Dragons originated in China and they’re connected to the element of wood, or water. They’re also associated with Spring and blue/green colors.
It is usually said that dragons have the head of a camel, horns of a deer, scales of a carp, paws of a tiger, eyes of a hare and claws of an eagle. They also have a whisker under the chin. They have a bump on the forehead that helps the dragon float up to the heavens.
Typically, dragons in Japan have three claws on each leg, however, Hashirama’s dragon has four. Classical Chinese imperial dragon has, in comparison, five, but according to Chinese mythology, dragons with less claws were used for lower rank officials or for the general public. Dragons in Korea and Indonesia also typically have four claws.
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Dragons are swift and they usually control rain, rainstorms and typhoons. They can also shapeshift into a human and mate with humans.
Besides Hashirama using a mokuton version of dragon, in Naruto we can also see a water dragon, fire dragon, Mei’s water dragon, crystal dragon used by Guren and Orochimaru’s snake dragon. 
3. Wood Release: Wood Human Technique
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I can’t really decide what the main influence of this jutsu was, because I found two quite possible options. Because both are extremely vague and not much is known about them, I decided to do a write-up on both. This is actually all I could find and although I believe there must be more in ancient texts, internet doesn’t seem to provide more info. 
Although neither of these options is a Buddha, Golem’s face is placed in the same place a Buddha’s face would be on Kannon.
Option A: Magoraka 摩睺羅伽
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Magorakas are defined as serpentine musicians, or as serpents who walk on their breasts. Their folklore originates in India. They belonged to the Brahmanic pantheon and were associated with dragons they usually have around their torso or, in some depictions, they wear a crown of serpents. Sometimes, they are pictured as a monstrous snake, they are also considered “humans but not humans.” They are one of the Eight Deva Guardians of Buddhism, which is eight legions of sentient and supernatural beings that were present when Buddha  expounded the Flower Sutra on Vultures Peak.
Some of their depictions have a third eye, just like Hashirama’s golem. Unfortunately, there aren't enough depictions. They, just like Hashirama’s golem, often wear serpent/snake/dragon around their torso. I was also wondering if the hair/crown on Hashirama’s golem head is supposed to be snakes or serpents. They also have a similar nose and eyebrows.
Option B: Ryūtōki 龍燈鬼 of Yaksha/Yasha
Ryuutoki is one of the Yaksha. Just like Magaroka, Yaksha is one of the groups of Eight Deva Guardians. Known to be brave fighters, they also used to be, in Hinduism manifestations, spirits of trees, forests and villages. It is said that later they converted to Buddhism. They can be both demonic or they can serve Gods as guardians. They do not have a definitive representation. Sometimes they can fly (or jump really well), just like Hashirama’s golem and they can also have fangs, which is also represented on Hashirama’s wooden golem. They share other similarities too – Yaksha are sometimes depicted with a third eye and large eyebrows. They can have horns and I wonder whether the “crown” on Hashirama’s golem is supposed to be horns after all.
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It was suggested that Hashirama’s golem could be inspired by Ryūtōki, who is a Yaksha and he, just like Hashirama’s golem, wears a dragon/serpent around his torso.. His name means Dragon-Lamp Demon and he is associated with another Yaksha, Tentōki. According to a folk tale, they were once evil and demonic. After meeting Four Heavenly Kings, they were saved and decided to serve the Four Heavenly Kings. Since then, they carry lanterns for them.
Since Golem basically serves Hashirama and Ryuutoki was tamed by Four Heavenly Kings, I believe it’s supposed to symbolize Hashirama’s urge or ability to turn other people “good” and/or to defeat them, just like Four Heavenly Kings were doing. 
Thank you for reading the first part of the symbols in Hashirama’s jutsu! I might write more one day. Currently there’s part 1 only. 
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collisiondiscourse · 3 years
on the wonder duo (part 1)
(BNHA Analysis Post Ahead! This isn’t explicitly romantic, but it is an analysis of the relationship between the two most popular characters in BNHA--Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya. Split into two posts because I realized that this was gonna be long as HELL)
yall ever think about the fact that the wonder duo is perfectly set up in so that bakugou and deku together are the better version of all might?
bc like. ive been thinking.
everyone knows the win to save and save to win parallel. How they are supposedly two halves of a whole perfect hero (which, previously, was defined as all might)
but ever since bakugou and deku started working as one—growing together to win AND save and continuously reminding each other that they shouldnt try to do things alone, ive realized that its BECAUSE theres two of them that they surpass all might. its not a case of deku and bakugou both being 50% of an ideal hero, but rather i think that they are 100% of what all might SHOULD HAVE BEEN from the very beginning.
as early as the AM v AFO battle in kamino, we see the effects of all mights flawed existence. the fact that he, the greatest and supposedly infallible symbol of peace, was destroyed—society had begun to collapse. there was suddenly no pillar to hold people together and the impacts were so severe that even in the latest chapters of mha it keeps on getting worse. the truth is, all mights biggest mistake was the burden he placed on his own shoulders
with bakugou and deku... its different.
its different for them because down to their attributions, they seem like two halves of a whole person.
i think that the wonder duo are going to surpass all might because of the fact that they work together.
@bakugoukatsuki-rising @svpercraigus @tybee​ @isaustraliaathing​
(batshit crazy and conspiratorial essay under the cut !)
1. Complementary Colors
I’d like to first preface literally everything I say by the fact that I am not an expert analyzer or literary major in any way. I am literally just some random fan on the internet who has wayyy too much time and looks wayyy too deep into things, but here we go!
A common thing we see when we talk about bakugou and deku is the way they are... sort of an inverse of one another.
Down to the design of their features and the way they move, Deku is the obviously softer of the two. There’s an intentional contrast between the two of them, in the way that Deku’s drawn with round shapes and curvy hair and the way Bakugou is literally all spikes and half-mast eyes and rough muscles. Bakugou’s movements too are languid and showy, with the way he leans when he walks and splays his legs and kicks open doors. Katsuki, in a casual sense, is loud and dramatic. 
Deku on the other hand s finicky. He jitters when he walks and he’s often fidgeting and mumbling. Comparatively, the aura he radiates is energetic and frenzied, even self-conscious to a point unlike Bakugou’s calm and confident movements.
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the point is, there’s a clear difference in how either of them are designed and what exactly they are supposed to represent. They utterly complement each other down to the way they behave and even their main colors (red-orange and blue-green) being literal complementary colors.
Now, moving to my more ungrounded points, this is quite a bit of a stretch so I’ll try as much as possible to make sense of these with hyperlinked sources because. yeah.
Down to their names, I think Deku and Bakugou both symbolize something deeper. I think that the way Hori expresses characters and what they’re meant to do is something that we have to pay close attention to when we talk about the Wonder Duo’s rise to success.
Izuku Midoriya (緑谷 出久), as some of us may know, does have an interesting meaning when broken up. According to a lovely fan translation of his name, ‘Izuku’--while not an actual name used commonly in real life--means to ‘Come out’ or ‘Long time’. ‘Midoriya’ on the other hand means (Midori) ‘Green’ and (ya) ‘valley’. The translator further pointed out that his first name ‘Izuku’ could be a reference to him being the first legendary hero to come out of the long-running All Might Era. (or, if you’ve been reading @/bakugoukatsuki-rising’s posts, the first significant anime protag in a long while to come out as queer, ppfft)
but that isn’t my focus right now.
We know that Hori LOVES telling stories with names, and more often than not in the BNHA universe, names alone tell us a lot of things about the characters. When referring to Izuku’s last name, Midoriya, it’s important I think to step back and realize that hey, maybe there’s something more to Green Valley than just the fact that his motif is all green.
After searching for a lil on the specifics of green valley, I’ve found out that across many cultures, the colour green and valleys in general tend to represent life. From dream analysts, to Christianity, and even old Taoist teachings, valleys are seen as areas of fertility and escape. They are seen as safe havens and often escapes for people to come to after running away from bad circumstances.
(Sound familiar?)
Deku, in essence represents life and peace. He represents being the “salvation” that the world in BNHA needed. To me, it sounds like Horikoshi is trying to say that he is the long-awaited hero in the sense. The one that people can feel will create a society that feels safe for everyone after years of All Might just saving people from themselves as a band-aid solution.
On the other hand, we have Katsuki Bakugou (爆豪 勝己), who’s name we commonly know means (Katsuki) Winner and (Bakugou) Explosion Master. He is essentially, the champion. The power. His name means success and power and all the things that make up winning.
When putting them side by side, it then becomes increasingly... interesting to me how their names almost perfectly slot into All Might’s save to win and win to save mantra, and how they are both quintessential parts to what made All Might as a hero.
2. Hero Too!
Now, I’m not even gonna really TOUCH much of what happens in canon. If you want me to do a step by step breakdown of their arcs in regards to the plot of manga and anime, feel free to send me a gratuitous ko-fi tip so I can pay for the headache I get after trying to organize my thoughts into word vomit.
What I WILL talk about on the other hand, is the subtle shift both of them slowly have in regards to how they look. Bakugou and Deku, while growing up, seem to have MANY many parallels--but before I elaborate on all of that, I wanna talk about something else.
Detour: Deku’s Red Shoes 
We all know the iconic symbol being Deku’s red shoes. For all his life, save for some outfits like his hero one, we see Deku more often than not wearing his signature red sneakers which have become a running joke in fandom.
But the funny thing is, in Japan, red shoes seem to have an interesting connotation.
In 1922, a popular Japanese nursery rhyme was written, called “Red Shoes”. The interesting part to me about this song was the symbolism that, in my tiny pea-sized brain, I could connect to the story of BNHA.
The story goes that there was a little girl with red shoes named ‘Kimi’. She was from Shizuoka prefecture (which, if you didn’t know, is most likely where Musutafu supposedly is) and was raised by a single mother. When she was young, her mother had to entrust her with a foreigner under the impression that they would give her a better life in America. The stranger is a man named Charles Hewitt (who was described to have blue eyes) and supposedly took her away. 
The singer of the song (supposedly the mother, but some argue it was written from the perspective of a childhood friend) believes that Kimi is happy and living a better life away from them, when the reality of the situation was much worse. The young girl with red shoes in actuality had Tuberculosis, and thus the foreigner whom she was entrusted to had left her to fend for herself and eventually left her to go to America while she died alone and orphaned.
“When I see red shoes, I think of her.”
A very interesting story with very interesting implications indeed.
Anyway, moving on to the more... “nuanced” and connected parts of this section, I have every reason to believe that Bakugou and Deku were simply MEANT to be working together down to how they dress. Now, I’d like to discuss their hero costumes.
At the start of their series, using these godawful pics for reference, it’s clear to see that neither of them seem alike in any way--reflecting the dissonance in their relationship at that point in canon.
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ough. deku why. (yes we know why its because you love your mom you stupid little bunny <3)
Anyway, we see an immediate gap in how the two of them are. Deku’s first costume is one that reflects how he treated his dream of being a hero. He was still in that childlike idolization phase, the one where his dreams and aspirations were hinged on pure feelings and inspiration from All Might. Katsuki on the other hand was a lot more tactical--professional to an extent. The gap between their respective development with their quirks is something that is clearly felt in every fashion decision they’d made.
(Notice how Deku’s green is a lot brighter and less like the green accents Katsuki has all over his costume.)
As time progressed however... their costumes changed. The colors, the silhouettes, the practical functions, most things.
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(Deku’s Gamma Costume and Bakugou’s Winter Costume used respectively)
we begin to notice a few similarities.
As the show goes on and we see more evolutions of their costumes, it almost seems like they begin to look like a matching pair. Deku’s green grows darker and almost teal in nature, while Bakugou’s orange is veering towards red territory. This is important to note because red-orange and blue-green as I said earlier were complementary colors as compared to simply orange and green. The minute shift is something I really wasn’t quite sure was intentional, but something I find interesting to pick up nonetheless as the colors they used to accent their costumes begin to match up.
Secondly, I think and important thing to note is silhouettes. The way that both Bakugou and Deku’s costumes are designed follow a lot of parallels that typically we don’t see with the rest of 1-A. For one, they both have a combination of tight long-sleeved tops with a bulkier set of bottoms. They also share the use of utility belts and metal pieces typically worn around their necks. Deku has his bunny-eared hood that mimics All Might’s hair, while Bakugou has his orange and black explosion ear-pieces that mimic his own quirk.
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i don’t think any other people in class 1-A match each other as subtly yet strongly as these two. Uraraka and Deku and Bakugou and Kirishima do come close however.
“But Codi, you fucking knob!” I hear you plea. “This is such a reach and tells us practically NOTHING!” And yes, I’m inclined to agree with you! You’d be sort of right in the idea that this is a reach. Maybe I am looking too much into this, and maybe it really isn’t that deep--but I do think that them subconsciously matching outfits means something quite brilliant.
In the way that their costumes are designed, each aspect of either outfits have a very logical explanation. The changes were strategic and made with their fighting styles vividly in mind, so what that tells me is that BECAUSE these costumes are so complementary or similar in nature (Bakugou’s reinforcing his arms while Deku reinforces his legs), these two are implicitly showing the audience that their combat styles are complementary as well. 
The evolution of their design choices and similarities tell us that even unknowingly, their minds line up in strategy on the battlefield--a clear exhibit for why they would be INCREDIBLY POWERFUL as a Hero Duo to begin with.
When I look at their hero costumes side by side, I see a mirror. I see the way that these two are reflections of each other and are strong where the other isn’t. The point I see in BNHA repeatedly is that EVERYONE HAS A WEAKNESS. Nothing is infallible, regardless of how hard you train or how powerful your quirk is. Everyone will always have a weakness, but the significant difference I see when fandom discusses the future of Pro-Hero Society is that the new generation is finally raising itself to be RELIANT on each other. 
Observing their fighting styles and the simple use of their quirks, its obvious that they are indeed two parts of a whole hero. Bakugou, who’s quirk emphasized his arms and hands and the power that comes from it, while Deku who’s quirk now emphasizes his legs and lower body and the way he’s always running to save people.
As they become heroes, it is easy to assume that if nothing else, Bakugou and Deku will cover each other’s weak spots (especially when you consider the way Deku probably won’t be able to keep using his arms with the way both the anime and manga are going...) (also chapter 285, anyone?)
Part Two: Interactions, OfA
kofi || commission details
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natromanxoff · 3 years
Queen live at The Forum in Inglewood, CA, USA - September 15, 1982
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Photos supplied by: Bill Cordero
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This is the final concert Queen would ever play in North America. The tour was ultimately not nearly as successful as previous outings. Four nights at the LA Forum had become two. In a 1999 interview with Mojo magazine Roger Taylor recalled, "I remember suddenly realising that we weren't packing them in quite as much as we used to."
According to this review, Staying Power was played on the last night.
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Billy Squier, who has opened for Queen at every show on this tour, joins them in the encore during a one-off version of Jailhouse Rock, adding vocals. Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting is also played before Bohemian Rhapsody for the last night's sake.
A bit of video from this show exists. The band are seen going through the corridor to the stage to begin the concert, and Michael Jackson is with them (thanks to Julien Cohen for the link).
Currently, recordings commonly labelled as being from one or both of these Los Angeles dates are from one of the umpteen bootlegs of the Fukuoka '82 shows. Genuine audience tapes and even an 8mm film are rumoured to exist (most likely due to the historic nature of this show), but have never been confirmed.
The concert pictures, snapped by Robert Matheu, are from Phil Sutcliffe's excellent book, The Ultimate Illustrated History of the Crown Kings of Rock.
Here are a few more pro pics: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Reflecting on this tour, Squier had some kind things to say about Freddie Mercury. "He loved to perform. I think all the words about how great a performer he was have been used up. I just used to stand and watch him every night thinking, 'How do you do that? Just how do you get away with it?' It was the onstage Freddie that was most fearless. He believed in what he and the band were doing so much. He never projected the slightest fear or self-doubt and that just swept the audience along with him. He just knew that the show was going to work. He was made for the stage. His sense of theatricality was the key, and it was a key which so very few other rock performers have at their disposal."
About a week after this show, Brian May was interviewed for the January 1983 issue of Guitar Player magazine. Here are some excerpts:
"We used to do the song 'Son and Daughter' on stage, and the solo section in the middle of that became what was in 'Brighton Rock'. After 'Brighton Rock' was recorded, that solo evolved a lot more. One facet of it was the way it is on the live album, but it's changed a lot since then. Sometimes we've dropped it because I felt I got stale. I don't like to do exactly the same thing two nights running. That should be a time when you can do something different. Now we don't do "Brighton Rock" anymore, so it's gone full circle. In the beginning, the solo was there and the song was around it. And now the song's gone and the solo's there.
"It's just a delay machine set on one delay rather than a multiple, so it's not a sort of echo effect. It's one line coming back at you. I have two delay machines, so I can do three-part harmonies with that: I can play alone - maybe two or three notes - and then it comes back and I can play along with it. And then it comes back again and there are three parts. The delays are mostly about one and a half seconds. A lot of things can happen: You can play in synch with what comes back and make the harmonies, or you can play chords and then single notes on top to get a playing-in-rhythm effect. You can also do various kind of counterpoints. Sometimes they work. It all depends on whether I can hear myself well. If it's a good night and I can really hear well, I can do things that demand very close timing. On this tour I've been experimenting with steps which are not exactly on the beat: so when it comes back at you, they are in a different place each time. I found I could do all sorts of strange things with that, just making them mesh in a different way.
"I've thought it was obsolete many times. We've thrown it out. We haven't done it every night on this tour. But somehow it seems to creep back in there. It's weird. I did it for years, and nobody would talk about it. And then when I threw it out, people said, "Hey! How could you do that?" On this tour we did some special things with the lights. We had t hose pods which can fly about, and I used to do a little battle with those. That gave it a new lease on life. People would tend to notice that. As opposed to not saying anything, they would say, "I like the lights in the solo [laughs]." I've found that people seem to appreciate long solos more on this tour than they did before. I think a lot of people thought our material was veering too far away from the heavy side, and they thought the solo stuff redressed the balance to a certain extent.
"I didn't feel that this tour was making me very happy. I've often felt that in the studio, but that's the first time I felt it on tour. I didn't feel happy until the last concert. The last night in L.A. I felt quite cheered up. I was prepared to think, "Well, I don't really want to do this anymore." Somehow when it got to the last one, Freddie was really on form and giving a million precent, and I felt that it was going well. So the end of the tour finished on a good note for me. I felt like I did want to be out there doing it again sometime. But we are going to have a long rest." [Of course, after the six shows in Japan next month.]
Back in 1977 Brian was quoted saying, "We've always thought it was wrong to regard a tour purely as a promotional exercise, because some people have done that, and gone out and slogged away at the hits and the new album, and I don't think that makes for good touring." Maybe that's at least partly the reason why he didn't enjoy himself this time around.
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maxismatchccworld · 4 years
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To keep it short. All wishes are under the cut. 
You have a wish? Read here how to get it added.
Thank you for doing this! I would love to see solar glass - the glass roofs from basegame, modded to act like the solar roof tiles from Eco Lifestyle.
I would love to see a mesh edit of the fireplace from EL, with the weird rocks replaced by the wood from the SE fireplaces! Bonus points if there's also a version without the weird box and shelf (so just the main fireplace body and chimney).
Hi there! First off, I love your blog and I think the Super Secret Simblr Wishlist is a really sweet idea! I’ve got a build mode submission for the wishlist that I’ve been looking for for a long time; I’d really love a wig stand with some hairstyles that can go on top if possible. I’ve seen it done by alpha creators but the only MM one I found, the download link no longer works and it broke my heart
Fantastic idea. Let's give it a shot! I would love to see if a creator could and would be able to create a maxis-match classic Ballet Workout Set. Including two simple Tutu's one classic short the other one long. A classic leotard, wrap top, wrap skirt, ankle leg warmers as well as a pair of thigh high ones. All in classic ballet colors black, white and pink. ;) Nothing fancy! If the creator wants some examples what I mean I could provide pics. But that would be so dope! ❤️
#SSSWish I'm half Filipino, but I hardly see any Filipino content in the Sims Community. I would love to own a Maxis Match Barong or Maria Clara dress for formal events in the game. I think it would be a great way to add more representation in the game, especially when I know there are a handful of PilAms and Pinoy players. Thanks for hearing me out, and thanks for all the work you do to make this games playable. I really enjoy all your hard work!
i love this idea! i’ve been wishing for a long, straight hair for male sims - like a conversion of CfHair LongStraight. thanks for reading n__n
#SSSWishlist hello! I would love if cc creators can consider making more patterns for Kimono/Yukata (traditional Japanese clothing). I find the in-game versions kinda bland, and there are not many floral Kimonos even though its commonly seen in Japanese festivals. Would appreciate if there's Japanese hairstyle cc with big flowerly accessory to pair with the Kimono too! Same for the male Yukatas, just not floral print maybe. If it's not too much, children's version is also appreciated!
#SSSWishlist Thank you so much for doing this! I've a small request for a mod that allows every destination (specifically the newer lots like Onsens and/or Rental lots) to be an option for dating location under "Ask XX on a Date"
For the SSS Wishlist, I would Love to see a set of three to four hairstyles, all with the same texture. Something like long hair down, a ponytail, and an updo, all with the same wavy or curly or straight texture, all with the same bangs or whatever. Just something that could be used to look like my sims change hairstyle now and them.
I would love to see some moth cc? Like wings and antennae? any colors are fine but I just think it'd be really cool!
#SSSWish: deco fidget toys like cubes and tangles (at4s has a great fidget spinner but there are so many more types out there)
Sorry I wasn’t to sure where to put the hashtag #SSSWish or where to submit the wish.
My wish is to have more swatches for the snowboard and skis. If there could be more LED designs, interesting designs and the swatches for kids for T-E boards. It would be great.
The other wish would be to have more Kimono designs in Maxis Match and/or recolors with more patterns. There are so many patterns that I have seen while looking at real life kimonos and there are so many patterns, styles and colors that are missing in the game.
#SSSWish Hi! And thank you for this great and sweet idea! I wish for a special piece of CC: a long wavy ginger hair based on LoL's Miss Fortune character. I have a pic to send to show exactly what i wish for... It's my dream hair for my sims! Thank you again for this idea. That's super kind ^^
This seems like a fun idea! What I have been wanting for ages (like since TS2 era ages) is a hair style that completely covers one eye, like Violet at the start of The Incredibles. Most of the peekaboo bangs hairs I've seen are a little *too* stylish and I mostly just want one where someone is clearly trying to cover up half their face with it.
That sound like a great idea! It’d be great if someone was interested in a more fantasy/medieval recolor of joliebean’s after dark top. I really like it by most of the colors are very bright. #SSSWish
Hi! I never send asks so I hope this is the right way to do #SSSwishlist . I would be over the moon if someone could create the Zimmermann 'Carnaby Embroidered Bird Dress' in black. I've had my eye on it for such a long time but I'm too poor to commission it lol. Hope this is ok! :)
Hello, not sure if I'm sending this the proper way, but I have a request for the SSSWish? So, there's still no ways of writing books off-grid that I know of, so I think a journal or typewriter or, I don't know, even a magical computer working on batteries would be great, I would just really love to write and publish books off-grid... Also, I think this is a very sweet idea, and thank you for this chance to make requests!
I would love to see snowy escape kotatsu recolors ! #SSSWish
I love this wishlist idea! I'd like to see the Miles Edgeworth suit by Lunar Eclipse on MTS for Sims 2 converted for Sims 4 very much.
I would love to see more horse poses with tack. Severinka’s horses are beautiful but it drives me crazy, posing sims on horseback with the illusion of tack (bridles, saddles, etc) I would love to see some Severinka shaped tack be made. Poses would be a bonus!
SSSWishlist: cc hair inspired by marlo thomas' iconic hair from the 1966-71 tv show That Girl. or really any cc of her wardrobe on that show
 #SSSWish I would love the more door from GF without the windows and maybe in a few more neutral swatches.
The Simblr Wishlist is such a sweet idea, thank you for this! I would love to see a cc hair based on Osamu Dazai’s from Bungou Stray Dogs! It’s such a pretty hair and I think it would translate perfectly into The Sims ♡
#SSSWish This is an amazing idea! I'd love to see some powerpuff cc, like HIM's dress or Mojo's hat. There are lots of dresses and hairs for the girls (and the rowdyruffs) but I can't find anything that really fits with the other characters. Thank you!!
For the wishlist, any sort of Sailor Scouts themed stuff! Not like stuff from the show but stuff that a fan would have!
#SSSWish - I would love to see a someone put together clothing that accurately reflects the Starfleet uniforms seen on the television shows, "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (collar version), "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" (colored shoulders) or the later movie uniforms (grey shoulders w/ colored undershirt). I've seen people asking for these uniforms for quite some time now, and I think, if done well, they could be a popular download. A separate chest combadge accessory would be nice too.
#ssswish this is such an amazing and fun idea! I’d love to see some cut pixie hair cuts (especially with an undercut)!
Hey there, that #SSSWish thing is a super cool idea! I do have a wish too - I would love to see the EL utility jumpsuit converted for male framed sims. It can be unlocked by creating an override and unchecking the frame restrictions in S4S, but then the body changes to a female frame. So if anybody out there could do that properly, I'd be extremely grateful :3
#SSSWish i've been looking all over for a version of a torc to use in my historical plays-- it's an old celtic type of necklace, made of iron, sort of twisted into a collar around the neck... i've seen sims 3 versions of one floating around, so if someone would even be so kind as to convert one of those to the sims 4 i would be so happy!!!
#SSSWish I would love to see any kind of MM D&D adventurer type clothing. Literally anything like top, pants, accessories, shoes. There is so much of it in alpha but so rare in MM. <3
#SSSWish Thank you for this awesome idea that brings the community closer during these not so good times :) I wish someone could separate the skirt from the Snowy Escape school uniform and make it stand-alone !
#SSSWish id love to see some tanline cc?
Hello im a jennifer lopez fan, and i was wondering if someone could make cc clothes (like a dress, two piece suit or whatever) with her iconic jungle print pattern?? Like in green swatch and red swatch and maybe plain black / white?? Hope it's not too much to ask! #SSSwish
Hi, for the SSSWishList I would love it if someone were to either convert or create a more dainty engagement ring type ring for the masculine frame, kind of like the rings glitterberrysims has made for feminine frames, like her pearl antique ring for example. I’ve always wanted more pretty and delicate rings for my male sims but i can never find any that truly work with the masculine frame without most of the ring being absorbed by their fingers lol
Super secret simblr wish! This is such a cool idea. I've been looking for Some haircuts with a mix of curly/wavy- epically mid-length ones. Also A decades challenge- appropriate camera. It feels a bit weird to have my sims whip out there cells to take a picture- I mean I did all this work to make you look like your in the 1910s and now THIS? Sorry for my rant lol. Thank you if anyone actually does any of these!
requesting some recolors of the toddler sp clothing! specifically that butterfly top hehe
I love the idea of the SSSWishlist! I can never find a counter/island set that matches the wood tones of ATS4's Irish Pub bar, I'd be so happy to have some.
I'd love to see more high-waisted, 1950's style clothes like circle skirts for SSSWish!
I hope someone can make a small mod that allows sims to browse for baby names on the computer. And maybe they could gain moodlets from it, like "I love these names" or "All these are terrible names for a baby"? #SSSwishlist
I’d really like to see some more MM earrings that feature multiple earrings. Maybe with some mix and match or something, I only know some basic like ringlets that have several so I’d really like some different kinds.
#ssswish I would love to see Fire Emblem: Three Houses inspired CC, primarily hairstyles! There are some really unique looks in that game and it would be great to have something a little different to give our Sims.
Hi! I'd love to add to the #SSSWish for any cc creator to maybe make a few more frames for our ingame photos, maybe some frames where we can put more than one photo like the Moschino frame, I love having a wall full of photos of my household but there aren't many options. Thanks for having this adorable idea!
For the #SSSWish I'd love to see some eyebrow piercings that look like small naturally growing horns/spikes, kind of like the spikes the Zygerrians in Star Wars have but over the eyebrow rather than on the chin/forehead. Been looking for CC like that and just haven't been able to find any yet, so would be really thankful if anyone could make it.
#SSSWish I'd love to see anything women's wrestling related. Hairs, poses, attires, a small wrestling lot or merchandise. It'd be fun to see what people come up with.
SSSWish - I would love to see some feminine cc made for the masculine frame! For example skirts, dresses, blouses and make up:)
HI! I'd love to see a heterochromia skin detail/tattoo of WildlyMiniatureSandwich's little sad eyes! They're my favorite! I'd do it myself but it comes out a mess. I'd prefer it in the acne skin detail or dimple skin detail if possible!
1. A new Maxis Match sofa or sectional set with a high backrest that people could actually lean on huhu. (or at least a recolor of RAVASHEEN’s Sofa, So Good Sectional.) 2. A Maxis Match version of Wondymoon’s Titanium tall wardrobe with mirrors attached to it. This is my dream wardrobe.
#SSSWish I really would like some more basic clothes for toddlers
#SSSWish I'd like more modest wedding dresses where the arms are covered.
I’m not sure that I have done this right and I hope I have. If not, I am very sorry. First off, I love this blog and thank you for doing this. I would really like it if someone did a MM hair for Lisbeth Salander (the style from the Rooney Mara version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo). I think that it would be a super cool piece of CC! Thank you so much again for doing this! Happy holidays!
I am always looking for more kids/toddler CC. and would love if there was something similar to the 7785 pattern by simplicity! This pattern is from the 1970’s.
Here is a link to the pattern i have in mind!
I wish for a lightning scar for my sim, like lightning hit on his neck and left a Lichtenberg figure
#SSSWish Hi! Something I would really like in my game is little mannequins with unfinished/already finished clothes on it (kind of like if your sim was working on making clothes for themselves and wanted to put it around their workshop)
#SSSWish I would love to see super glamorous toddler/child cc. Kind of like if they were a part of a super rich and famous family and had to go to a gala or something.
#SSSWish -- I would absolutely die for some D&D build/buy items. For example: dice clutter, DM screens, maybe even a map? I'm not sure how intensive that kind of thing would be. TIA!!
I would really like some more island living inspired cc! Or poses with two women, a toddler, and a baby (newborn, older, whatevs). Either or is absolutely okay!
#SSSWishlist i know i already saw some people here ask for more yukata/kimono swatches here and i would like the say i really do think we need them (not just for the adults but the younger ages too, id like for the toddlers kimono not to have the hifu? vest as well but that sounds more complicated). 
BUT for my wish i would like to see some proper tabi socks in the game, for all ages + genders, and also for the geta sandals to be made available for children and toddlers. Im not sure how difficult that would be for the tabi + geta but i think they would be a good to have since the kids always get left behind.
AF to CF Conversion
Hello. Wishing for a conversion of this dress…
…from AF to CF. Here is the link to the original. There is already a Toddler version, too!
Thank you!
1950s Style Hair(s) For Men
Wishing for some 1950s style hair for male sims, not as exaggerated as typical sims style. I’ve included four examples. What you choose to make (if anything) is creator’s choice. Thank you!
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I was wondering if anybody could make a structured corset top that has a v shaped lower torso, kinda like the ones you would see on tiktok? and if possible, maybe a tonya harding inspired ponytail with the puffy bangs? thank you!!!
I saw a request for feminine cc for masculine frames so I'm going to ask the opposite, so uhh feminine frame suits. I do not like seeing the crunchy chest from the base game suits. 😂
I would love anything dark academia for the chillier months- maybe a turtleneck sweater with a pinafore or plaid dress on top, or a blazer/sweater combo, etc. Obviously these are just ideas, but I think it would be so nice to see more of this kind of thing in custom content!
Thanks for reading (’:
I’d like someone to make a few generic maxis match tattoos, any styles but that looks more comicish than the ones I see around, that even claim to be MM. EA gave us very few choices and they don’t exactly go together (like using the ones from IL with BG ones just don’t quite work). Thanks in advance if someone picks out. ♥
Hello there! this idea is amazing, thank you :3 my request for the #SSSWish would be some cute cat and/or mouse ears for human sims that are not on a hairband or part of a hair. I’m thinking a hat or an earring accessory thing that goes on top of the sim’s head anime catgirl style :D I hope it’s not too much to ask :)
Hey there! Could somebody make some more long male hairstyles, like 80s rocker type ones? One of my favorite sims is supposed to be like an 80s rocker dude, and I have a really hard time finding hair for him. Long mullets would be welcome, and long rocker hair would be welcome too. Thanks!
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#SSSWish A dress similar to this would be so beautiful and versatile :)  I also think it would go really well with the new snowy escape aesthetic. If its possible I think it would look best with the same back, but a plain/simple front instead of the collar and detail shown on the front in the image. Merry Christmas!!!
So, there's still no ways of writing books off-grid that I know of, so I think a journal or typewriter or, I don't know, even a magical computer working on batteries would be great, I would just really love to write and publish books off-grid... Also, I think this is a very sweet idea, and thank you for this chance to make requests!
Hi SSSWishlist! Burberry CC! Skirts, scarves anything! For adults or kids or even pets, just all things Burberry!
Maxis Match Sweater Vest Acc/Top Inspired by House of Sunny's Suburban Knit
or anything kind of close/inspired by House of Sunny (maybe the Hockney dress/landscape knit?) bc I cannot afford it on my own, so putting it on my sims would be a sense of wish fulfilment. However, just in general, a maxis match accessory sweater vest
Hello :) I hope a CC creator can make it happen. I would love to see some maxis match eyelashes that are laptop friendly. I know pikypikachu already has created it but the final product it's not my cup of tea. I just want more designs if possible.
Hi! Thanks for hosting the SSSWishlist! My wish is a little vague, but I'd really like to see some feminine clothing tailored specifically to the male frame. I know there aren't hard limits on what sims can wear most of the time, but I just wanna see some catering to gnc/trans sims! 🧡
 I'd love to see more decorative kawaii plushies to put around my sim's room! The only ones I can ever find are for toddlers so I'd love to see some non-function ones that just look cute!
My wish would be for a recolor of https://www.patreon.com/posts/marcia-by-40546842 this hair in a peachy pink color for my sim self! Thanks so much!
More dance mods that aren't just poses. :D
I’d really like some ballet outfits for children through ya. A leotard with a simple wrap chiffon skirt in various colorways would be amazing!
I’d really really love a set of witcher school medallions - the versions from the games, not the series.
US-Style Military Uniforms
HI. Hoping for the US military dress uniforms incl. hats, maybe based around the StrangerVille dress uniforms. Since it’s MM anyway, I’m not looking for anything elaborate or “patriotic” just something to evoke the Navy and Marines, esp., primarily for storytelling purposes. If anyone has concerns this would not be used to depict or celebrate war nor as a political statement, etc.
My Super Secret Wish is a mod, or even a tweak of an existing mod, that stops toddlers from shying away from hugs they ask for during the “Check Toddler” interaction. It is *so* irritating to see a toddler respond to a❓with a ❤️ and open arms then step back, often with a 💔, and push the adult away. I’ve tried to stop it with MCCC but no luck.
One of my favorite parts of the game is creating a restaurant or a vet clinic, but the employees are impossible to keep satisfied and they all eventually quit. It would be nice if there was a way to keep them permanently satisfied, or at least make it easier. There is a mod for this but it is extremely outdated and doesn't work anymore. If anyone could update it or make a new one that would be great! 😁
I would LOVE for someone to edit the Get Famous button down female 3 quarter sleeve shirt with headphones around the neck and remove the headphones and ID badge. I don’t make CC so maybe this is too big an ask?
Edits of the eco lifestyle windows without those chunks of metal. i know it’s been done, but the version that i’ve saw online has a weird shadow. :(
Hey, it's about the #SSSWishlist , i don't know if it's possible but a mod that makes cats and dogs stop meowing and barking would be nice beceause i like using the kalino animals for exemple but the barking and meowing ruin the immersion. Thank you in advance if someone is doing it ^^
Hello, thanks you for this good idea.
I would like a mod that allows to rent a house instead of buying it.
It will be great if is not just for vacation or students in University.
#SSS Wish: I don't think I've seen much hanfu sims4 cc so it would be cool if someone can make some! ziseviolet is a tumblr with a lot of hanfu designs and could serve as a great resource.
Hi there! Thanks for doing this, it’s a wonderful idea!! I was hoping someone could create an edit of the Snowy Escape female shirt with the turtle neck underneath and open/unbuttoned shirt, here is a link. If they could make it so that the turtle neck and shirt can be different colours, like having the turtle neck have an option under accessories to change colours that overrides the original turtleneck’s colour would be amazing! Maybe they could throw in more colours and designs, like 90’s or plaid, that would be perfect
Thank you so much!
I would love to see more CAS stuff with simlish logos/writing! T-shirts (especially with the moschino tee mesh), sweaters, sweatpants, accessories… anything you’d like as long as you keep it simlish. Maybe even make more Harnocks stuff with the Henry Puffer logos that MLys released?
For the SSWishlist, could I request some more clean and chic looking booths? I absolutely adore putting in booths as many places as possible in my builds, but I don't come across much CC using it. Some bench like booths for lil cafes would be ideal <3
#SSSWish I know it's very specific for a wish, but I hope someone can manage to create a long silk nightgown or wrap dress, with an orange stylized koi fish pattern on a light green background. I can't find the tile (at storytiles) I've seen it on, but it was just so gorgeous.. I wish I had one irl.
#SSSWish I hope I'm not the only one, but I wish for some more clothes for my elder sims, cozy-looking grandma & grandpa clothes.
#SSSWish it's such a good idea, thank you! I really wish for a high waisted A-line skirt, with only une button placed on the side, with denim and coloured w polka dots swatches <3
#SSSWishlist I would love Padme's lake dress from Episode II of Star Wars, it's so flowy and beautiful and it would be so pretty to see in game!
how about more enby clothing, hairstyles??? we lacking
Dear #SSSWishlist, I think we need more hairstyles for alternative boys, specially more dyed short hairs, or at least masculine dyed hairstyles. I think our eboys, soft boys, scene boys and all the rest are lacking soooooo much... :(
#SSSWish- Rings that work for guys that also aren't super bulky. Most I'm finding are huge or don't work on guys at all/well. Thank you❤
modthesims.inforecolors for plasticbox's functional tea pot
hi! I love this little tea pot, but I’d love to have it in a variety of more vibrant recolors, including pink, aqua and yellow <3 thank you!
#SSSWishlist I like to give my aliens sims that space suit (that came with gtw?) in all their outfits but I would like more variation. I haven't found any recolours or different style space suits that match the in game ones so I would really like if someone made some. Thank you!
#SSSWish Recolors of CrypticSim's Maddy Palette eyeshadow!
#SSSW: So you know how some creators of CC hairs include an accessory with multiple swatches to better match the outfits you put your Sims in? I'd love to have an overlay like that for EA hair accessories too. No particular hairs in mind, I'd be happy with anything that comes up. If any creator decides to do this-- thank you so much!!
#SSSWish i would love a version of the snowy escape masc frame snowboarders sweater (the first swatch is red white and black with some text on it) that works for femme frames - i am dying to put my femme frame sims in it but the distortion around the neck ruins it for me T.T thank youu!!
#SSSWish - My wish is for any kind of run-down, beat-up, grungy, punky, build/buy items. Wallpapers/floors, items, anything! Everything I find is alpha, and having it in MM would be *chef's kiss*. Thank you in advance, so so so so much!
Hi ! There is quite a few things I’d like, but I narrowed it down to three “small” things:
- An accessory top with a high neckline and no sleeves - just to hide cleavage - maybe with some lace at the edge ? and several grey and pastel colors please.
- Some accessory prints for shirts, like those tukete has, maybe some aimed at kids and toddlers too ?
- Makeup for kids. Some people let their kids wear makeup in real life, but adult cc makeup don’t look right on kids, so if anyone is interested in trying… I’d like eye-shadow and lipstick, with some discreet options (but you can go all out too of course).
There you go, thanks everyone and happy holidays !!! 😊💕
#SSSWish (I think this is where I request things??) A high waisted conversion of those base game rose jeans. They’re super pretty, but I never use them bc of how low riding they are 😭
I would be eternally grateful if a posemaker could make a CAS pose very similar to Shai Hulud’s ‘Profound Hatred of Man’ artwork (image link below), only with the hands further apart on the chest. I’ve had an edit in mind for ages but haven’t found a pose that looks even remotely similar to that. Thanks in advance if anyone decides to grant this wish! https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61HuYY-zJBL._SX342_QL70_ML2_.jpg
Hello! I found your blog a while ago and fell head over heels in love with it, so let me say thank you for all this wonderful hard work you do! For my wish I would love anything maxis match Attack on Titan but if I could only have one thing it would be a maxis match version of Levi Ackerman's hair since we have nothing like that in game. Thanks in advance, and happy holidays!
I would love some recolours of the Nifty Knitting knittable Cable Knit Rug. It’s one of my favourites but the colour swatches in-game are limited. Thanks a whole bunch.
I really want a pair of a-bit-over-the-ankle boots that are slightly open around the leg with a relatively thick, medium length heel. Much like the ones Korean female idols wear during their performances. I have searched everywhere but haven't found a pair that look right. Glittery ones would be perfect but I can easily recolor them myself. Thank you! 😊
My #SSSWish would be a wedding veil that is not in the hat accessory section! I’d love to be able to have my sims wear eg a flower crown and a veil at the same time; but with the beocreations veils (which are the best ones I’ve found) you can’t do that because they are part of the same category. Thank you!
Now that Snowy Escape is out, I'd love to see some Japanese street fashion, hair styles, and accessories! There is a fair amount of stuff out there, but it's almost all alpha, unfortunately #SSSWish
Thanks for doing this, I really hope for more Lolita styles clothes / clockpunk oufits that are maxis matches and even more male fantasy outfits!
Love this blog and this idea! I'd like to submit a request for a set of cool-neutral eyeshadows, opaque, matte, covering the top lid. I wear this daily IRL and haven't quite found a dupe :)
#SSSWishlist - Oh hello! I hope I'm doing this right!! I would just be tickled pink if someone was able to make a MM picture of the Stanley Cup. I have a hard time finding any hockey CC and I would just be over the moon if someone was able to do this. Thank you! Best wishes! Happy holidays! <3
Hello! i’m not sure if its just my game bugging but the male child tiny living hair is broken and i don’t know where to start on fixing it. i tried to find a fix online but found nothing. in my game the hairline for that hair is so bad and its unfortunate cause it used to be my fav child hair. if someone that mods or makes cc could fix it or make a default replacement, i would forever be grateful.
This is such a nice idea, thanks for thinking of it! I really love the toddler bed that came with Eco Living and would love it if it were made into a single bed for children, preferably separated. Thank you!
Well then, may i bring in a #SSSWish of a very odd hairstyle... A high, side ponytail, with messy bangs if possible? Just one of those weird things i can do in real life, but seems near impossible ingame! Thanks to anyone who even considers making it, because i feel it's kind of an absurd idea in the first place.
I would love to see some creative and cool alien CC, specially genetics CC. <3 Thanks for doing this.
Hey!!! I have a #SSSWISH!!!! so is it possible for anyone to make more floor futons for sleeping? especially for toddlers? they really should have come with snowy escape!
#SSSWish I love to take family photos of my sims to put up around the house but I hate that I have to add a random sim to my household to take the picture. My wish is for a mod that allows you to select a sim that's in a pose and make them take a picture without having to come out of their pose and go to the camera. I would be forever grateful for whoever manages to pull this off!
#SSSWish thank you for doing this! I'd love to see some recolours of the tiny living rug, w different patterns too
#SSSWish I really need some simmer make this true: "Feminine" clothes for males. Dresses, skirts, make ups... I dont really care. I just dont want to skip the "masculine" label in the CAS to put them some cool clothes that doesnt fit good enough. Also, the clothes that are done for women, to do swatches for all genders. That would be amazing, thanks for this.
#SSSWish. First of all, thanks for all you work, this idea is brilliant. Second thing, I've been searching for Suits inspired in Harry Styles x Gucci like fancies with flower and all, and most important, FOR WOMEN. I will be really pleased if this idea comes to reality. Thanks!
Hello, I'm from Spain and I think we have a super rich culture so, maybe a Spanish simmer (or worlwide) would be please to do some Flamenca dresses, os something related tu Andalusian Aesthetic. Thank u! I love ur content #SSSWish.
Hi, first of all I love this idea and your blog! 💕 my request is an override for one (or more) of the super ugly City Living blouses - I haven’t seen one and they’re just the worst haha.
Could someone make a mod that gives all base game and DLC showers the option to chose "sing in the shower" like the City Living shower has already? Thanks so much!! #SSSWish
i do the wishlist thing here, right? i guess the thing i'd want the most in the game is ferrets, but that's probably very unlikely haha. the next thing would probably be more trait slots. there are mods that let you add traits in-game, but i'd like to just have that option in CAS, yknow? anyway, cheers, have a good one #SSSWish
Hi!! this is a long shot but i was hoping someone could make the bb missed opportunity #39? It’s a little stuffed puppy with a sweater and I’m distraught it wasn’t included in nifty knitting. Thank you!! <3
I have a wish which is very specific, but I’d be so happy to see it done. I would really love to see Ransom’s coat with a scarf from Knives Out recreated in sims (it’s this one, I’m not sure on how to add the picture here: https://www.pinterest.ru/pin/76350156171255013/). I really hope someone will like this idea. And thanks for creating such an amazing event!!!
#SSSWish I'd love to have pandasamacc's rocking horse retextured (and recolored if possible) so they'd look more maxis match!
#SSSWish I's like to see a wall art that is just a handle bar on an angle so you could out it in stairway walls. Metal colors, black and white and light, medium and dark woods.
What I would really like is just something cute for boys! Toddler or child is fine, but little boys get so little love in the community – it can be a hairstyle, an outfit, some bedding recolors with trucks and animals and such, even just a set of a few ‘boys getting into trouble’ poses. The sky is the limit!
Hello! This #SSSWish is such a fun idea~ Personally, I'd love if someone updated the Plantsims mods that have broken over the numerous updates. Like, G1G2's Revamped Plantsims, Triplis' Plantsim Interactions, and Simonch8's No Cooldown & Trait mods. I've always loved Plantsims since Sims 2 & 3 days, but my knowledge of modding (and especially updating mods) is near nonexistent, so I can't do this myself. It would be awesome if someone could do it so the community could enjoy Plantsims again~!
#ssswish i use both alpha and maxis match but im lacking on maxis match clothes that are really my style, is it possible for anyone to make like some really trendy tik tok clothes????
#SSSWish I'd love to see a subtle body blush in the skin details section that also tints lips slightly! 🥰 I feel like body blushes really makes the sims look more alive but they're so difficult to find in maxis match!
#SSSWish My wish is deco objects, anything from paintings to plushies, of Kirby the Nintendo character. I’m trying to make a Sim home for me and my sisters, one of whom adores Kirby, but I can find almost nothing Kirby-related. Other characters from the franchise such as Waddle Dee would be great too.
Anything The Outer Worlds related would be cool! The characters outfits, hair, traits, furniture, really just anything lol
I wish for weerbesu to add an option to UI Cheats mod to right click on a collection in the collectables tab to complete it. #SSSWish
#ssswish more like victorian cc for the decades challenge for categories that are neglected like kid, toddlers, swimwear, cold weather, etc.
#ssswish i would really love if someone could convert the snowy escape kids outfit with the blouse and pants to adult.
I would serious love if someone could make a flipped version of the Luxury Party Rectangles Bracelet for the right wrist! (It's the one that looks like staggered bars wrapped around the wrist and reminds me of a gauntlet.) #SSSWish.
#ssswish  i have 2 wishes if that is ok. first, i was hoping someone could make some nature prints like the framed botanical prints from cottage garden stuff, but with butterflies? or fruit/veg, birds, other bugs, anything really. my second wish is for someone to make a windsor style rocking chair out of the cats and dogs bench, if that is possible. i know that brazenlotus made an armchair from the bench if that helps?
I’d like to se a no-jealousy lot trait. A no-jealousy club perk would be nice too.
i’d love to see some demonia trinity’s or thigh high chunky platforms! 
How about an Elvis pompadour style or similar male hair that are short on top but longer in the back (not slickback long like Get Famous, just not tapered or shaved)?? :)
Hello! Thanks for this beautiful and sweet initiative! I have 2 requests: 1- Shop/selling/store cc that is a real maxis match. I’d like store furniture, packaging and proper showcases for selling goods, or clothes, or food that really match maxis content (think about a herbalist store, tech store or a country fashion store)
2- Start thinking about translate mods: I am an italian simmer and i really love how maxis turned the game in my language…it’s sooo funny!! they did such a great work and I really would like to see some awesome mods in other languages. I offer my help with italian translation to everyone!!
#SSSWish I will love a messy up bun without bangs ! ❤️ and a full body kawaii tattoos in colors, balck and with too 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Thanks!! Hope someone will be interested!!
#SSSWish I am a major occult fan and would absolutely die for new functional cc wands for my RoM Witches! I have heard they are hard to make but I figured I would see if anyone was willing to try.
I would love some cc for Journey to Batuu. I know most people hate the pack, but I'm a Star Wars fan so I love it. I would love some recolours of the clothes or some new Star Wars themed clothes that could be worn in Batuu. Thank you :)
Hello! It would be amazing if someone can update GrayCurse's Sims RANDOM TRAIT & ASPIRATION MOD or make something similar. #SSSWish
Hi! This is probably not a small ask, but can someone please update teanmoon's Darker Loading Screen Mod V2 wich includes darker launcher, loading screen and world selection screen. #SSSWish
#SSSWish Hello! I would really love it if a talented someone was able to make a Twilight werewolf shoulder tattoo ^^ Thank you!
I really love the new kotatsu table, and while not surprised, I was disappointed to find out that toddlers couldn't use it. It got me thinking, what if someone could make a floor cushion that functioned as a high chair? #SSSWish
Matching unisex high school sports (jersey/shorts) uniforms for teens. Can maybe use red & white spa day shirt as base for shirt?
#ssswish This is such a lovely idea! There are so many fun wishes! What I’d like to have (and I think would also be useful for other Simmers) is a wedding themed recolor of the “large pile of presents.” I usually put one of those piles in my wedding venue so that the bride and groom can “open presents” together. But the colors that are on the original are not what you usually see on presents at weddings. (I usually opt for the one that is mostly purple, since purple and lavender are my favorite colors.) What I’d like to have are recolors in white, white/gold, and white/silver. Maybe some white/pastels (especially lavender, pink and blue. The white/pastel recolors would also be nice for having a party that you call a “baby shower” especially if yellow and light green were also available. That kind of party isn’t in the game, but it should be!)
#SSSWish... Floor tiles that match the sidewalks!
#ssswish I love this idea and I appreciate you coordinating it! I would like to submit a wish please. I would like to ask if someone can convert the geta sandals from Snowy Escape to toddler and children please. Thank you to those who attempt it!
i LOVE THE IDEA OF A HOLIDAYS THEMED WISHLIST. I think it be nice to have a kids/nursery cc pack, with a toddler bed wivh look like a crib.
I would ❤️ love ❤️ a messy bun/pony tail with roots/compatible with a roots accessory; I’m obsessed with grown out hair 🙈
#SSSWish Hi! this is a great idea and i'd love to make a wish - i've been looking for a preset of full lips for male sims, specifically for Black male sims, that dont have that little bow in the middle of the top lip, if that makes sense! i've seen many of that sort for women, or for more 'white' looking sims, but never quite for black men! thank you and happy holidays!
#SSSWish I would really like it if someone could convert the floor-length dressing gown from Vintage Glamour for masculine frames!
Hi, hope I’m doing this right! I was hoping for something Ori and the Blind Forest/Will of the Wisps themed, something to get over how the games completely broke my heart. Maybe some plushies of some of the game’s characters I can put into rooms? I’d be fine with whatever, this is just a really cool thing you’re doing! <3
could someone make a short wall height version of the curtains from cats and dogs please?
I'd love to see anything based on Native American culture(s). Representation would be nice 💖 Thank you!
For the #SSSWishlist, I really just want to see someone recreate Geordi La Forge’s VISOR from Star Trek: The Next Generation. I think it’d look great and we can never have enough futuristic (and nerdy) cc!
I don’t see the #SSSwish I submitted on your public list (I forgot to use the hashtag before) so I’m submitting it again. I would love to see a mod, or tweak of an existing mod, that stops toddlers from pulling away from a hug after they asked for one in response to a Check Toddler. The toddler will hold up its arms with a ❤️ in the speech bubble then step back and refuse the hug, and the relationship takes a hit. I tried MCCC’s tuner to stop it but it didn’t work.
i would love some…chinese cc haha! With snowy escape there’s more build items that can be used, I’ve noticed there tends to be a lot of Japanese inspired cc even before that pack, but not a lot of things from other parts of Asia, especially ancient cultures or cultural items like instruments (decor), clothing, furniture (lohan beds), etc. I’ve gone looking but most of what I’ve found is locked behind chinese-only forums and is usually alpha…I just think it would be cool to see some mm stuff from other places esp as fandoms get more globalized
#SSSWish oh, please, i really want to see the "EA-faces replacement" that random townies get.. i'm from the sims 2 community and it's very strange to me that you put up with THESE faces.. ;; i want them (faces) to be more.."beautiful"?.. so yeah, it's my wish. i hope it's ok?
hi! #SSSWISH for a Carmen Sandiego (the 2019 netflix version) triangle choker? would love to see it in form!
#SSSWish I would love a down hairstyle using the same textures as either the rainbow ponytail from Get Famous or the rainbow top knot from Snowy Escape.
I just want a maxis match ragnarok loki’s hair
Just the Snowy escape bangs as accessories.
For #SSSwishlist, I would love to see someone recreating the Ikea’s Odger Chair in Maxis Match style, as it is one of my favorite chairs and it’s a shame that it’s not available in virtual form yet!
#SSSWish 🤗Thank you for implementing this idea, I'd been hoping that someone would do something like this for a long time. I wonder, would anyone like to try their hand at making a maxis match feather boa or a fur wrap around? They would be perfect for classy elderly (or sims in general).
I would love to see a conversion of the "Rustic stool" from Jungle Adventure from arm chair to dining chair.
I have a historical save, where I would love to use this.
#SSSwish I don't know if you're still taking these, but I really want a neck tattoo of feathery wings wrapping around the neck like a choker. That sounds specific but any style is really okay. Neck tattoos are so difficult to make!
Hi all i have in my sims4 wish list it more traditions for holidays! specially if they’re could be some snowy escape holiday traditions like visit a shrine or go skiing or something. really any new gameplay mods i love thank you all for your beautiful hard work #SSSWish
#SSSWishlist it would be really awesome to see a creator make a maxis match version of Urban Outfitters’ Joaquin sofa and armchair set, I think those look fantastic and will make a great addition to the game
#SSSWish: CC inspired in violet evergarden (anime) like Violet Evergarden or Luculia Marlborough hairstyles or even some of the clothes used on the anime. Merry Christmas!
#SSSWish I’d love to see a TS4 conversion of an old fave or two from TS2 – the tennis dress that came with the Apartment Life EP and the women’s nerdy cute sweater vest over untucked blouse from FreeTime (just the top preferred over the full outfit with the skirt) are the things I’ve been missing most, but anyone who wants to convert clothes from either of those two EPs or H&M stuff will make me super excited, they all had a lot of nice things.
This is an absolutely fantastic idea! I haven't been able to look around lately but I noticed that most rings/hand accessories aren't compatible with SkinDetail eyelashes. My wish is exactly hand accessories, specifically wedding rings, which don't conflict with SkinDetail eyelashes. It may be helpful to know that plumbobteasociety managed it in their RRS pack. Lastly, you guys rock!
#SSSWish If anyone is also interested, maxis match recolors of the folowing would be awesome!: Peace Maker's rockers with canvas seating like the Bamba rocker and Ddaeng Sims' Contemporary Pergola
For the SSSW, as a disabled simmer, I would like to see either a trait if possible or even just some CAS or Build/Buy items that are for disabled sims so I can that aspect into my save.
#SSSWish: I think it would be amazing if someone converted some of the YA-elder clothes from the sims 3 store ragtime in the big easy set (especially the vieux carre and big band swing dresses). Thanks :)
#SSSWish I'd like to see a deco pair of crutches that lean against the wall, if someone wants to make them :)
#SSSWish, Hello thank you for doing this! I would love to see more school uniforms. Particularly K-drama style uniform tops that have variations, such as blazers and the types of ties ( e.g. ribbons, bows, regular ties, loose ties, no ties etc. ), cardigans, vests, half-zips, blouses, button downs and crewnecks ( just some examples ) for sims that like to show off their own style at school, despite the uniform.
#SSSWish I'd love to see some riding pants ( jodhpurs ) and competition blazers for my equestrian sims.
#SSSWish: hey ho! my wish isn't all too specific but it would be awesome to see more maxis match historic or traditional clothing from all over the world (although preferably asia - varrying from everywhere) as well as build objects. please, remember, asia does not only consist of the east. thank you for your time!
Hiii thank you for doing this! Here are my two wishes:
1) This curly Rey hair from the lovely Shellanin on Twitter 
Tumblr media
2) A maxismatch bow necklace where it’s like a choker with a big bow at the back of the neck….Think Marie’s bow from Aristocats, but for humans!
#SSSWish a lip overlay or face overlay with specular mapping?
I would love to see a lobster claws accessory for hands made from Larry the lobster mascot from the Discover University Pack. Similar to HIM from the Powerpuff Girls.#SSSWish
Hi, I know this may be a super longshot because the venn diagram for the average simmer and this particular thing is probably two circles, but… it would be kind of neat for someone to make some MMA-styled gloves, for example here:
and here
#SSSWish I'd really like a hair based on Ardyn Izunia from Final Fantasy ❤️
#SSSWish i would love to see the tray from tiny living separated :) also i just want to say thank you for coming up with this secret santa!
#SSSWish, I would like more Star Wars cc, especially if it’s for Padme, Anakin, or Obi-Wan!!
Hello! Thank you for doing this! Something I am wishing for this year is a mm edit of a hair with a different colored underlayer (kinda like simpliciaty-cc's salem hair). I would love to have something like that in the game! #SSSWish
#SSSWish: Deco books with Simlish covers. Please and thank you if someone fulfills this. ^_^
I have another #SSSWish (if you don't mind). I don't know if it already exists but a mod which adds more family relationship options to CAS or the Sim menu. Like grandparents, cousins, step- and half-siblings, step-parents, etc. It would be easier instead of having to create additional Sims just to create diverse relationships.
#SSSWish Hi this is such an amazing idea! I would love a skintone set in s4simomo's V2 hair palette.
I would love to see some more truly alien clothing options for the aliens, the males especially. I sometimes like to dress mine up in complete different outfits for their alien and disguise forms. When I want to give there alien form a totally authentic feel, but a different outfit in every category, I have so much trouble dressing up the males. So some new alien options would be wonderful.
#SSSWish Ballerina outfits/clothes. SOOOOOO many ballerina poses but I can't find a lot of black swan type ballerina dresses (tutu dresses or skirts).
#SSSWish - Pet based holiday traditions would be wonderful! 'Take dog for walk', 'Adopt a pet', 'Brush your pet' for something like a 'national dog/cat day' :0c
I would love to have the "Easy Machine from Fred's PC Hut" computer from TS3 for Sims 4.
#SSSWish - hello! i would like to wish for a mod/fuctional lot trait which makes live in restaurants possible without the need of an additional lot. just everything packed into a single lot like littlemssam's live in business mod. that would be absolutely fantastic. best regards!
I wish for a formal dresses that looks good on plus size sims.
dear #ssswish i'm hoping for a family inspired poses. Maybe something like two parents, 1 or 2 children and a toddler. i'm unable to post links sadly, but if you look up @moonlitmjn on pinterest they've got a board called 'pose inspiration' that has a lot of inspiration for poses. happy holidays!
#SSSWish It would be amazing to see either teen/university age clutter items: open book stacks, piles of highlighters, simlish monster drinks, boxes of cheese-its that fell over cause you fell asleep at your desk…
Hello, I’ve found so many talented builders in this community (sadly not including myself) and I’m really wishing for a 30x20 lot to go on the island in Windenburg that’s sorta a tiny house cottage (?)… one to two bedrooms would be awesome, I’m personally okay with both cc usage and cc free builds. Thank u so very much in advance (:
#SSSWish i would love to see the little toy that’s on the eco lifestyle toddler beds as a stand-alone item :~) thank you for making this opportunity possible btw! happy holidays !!
Hi! Could someone please make more long messy male hairstyles, preferably curly or wavy? Think rocker/grunge styles. Its for my favorite sim and I would really appreciate it! Thank you in advance and I can’t wait to see what you come up with
Can somebody make some maxis match dreads for male sims? I see a lot of shaved sides for men or female dreads with clips and baby hairs, but I would love for some regular full head male dreads not too short and not to long!! #SSSWish
Ok so I hope this is the right place to ask my request on the wishlist? I read all the instructions and here but I couldn't find anything specific... I'm sorry if I'm too dumb... so what I want is a conversion of this from TS2 to TS4 modthesims. info/ download. php?t=324116 it is a window... thank you!
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frangipanilove · 3 years
Beth’s Knife vs Leah’s Knife - update
Last week I wrote about upcoming parallels between Beth’s knife and Leah’s knife. I theorized that we in Diverged will see Daryl give Leah’s knife to Carol in a parallel to the scene in season 5 episode 10 when Carol gave Beth’s knife to Daryl. Beth’s knife is of huge importance, and a callback to the scene from season 5 would mean that the writers are still concerned with Beth’s knife. They remember it! It’s still relevant and it’s still important!
Well, since I wrote that, TPTB have released trailers, teasers and opening minutes from Diverged. And I’m pleased to inform y’all that everything I hoped for has already happened in the opening minutes of Diverged. Me and my fellow over-analysts have found multiple references to various key Beth-scenes, and that's just from teasers and trailers. We haven't even watched the full episode yet, and we have still discovered so much awesome stuff! I will probably have a lot to say about this after I’ve watched the episode, but I wanted to touch on a few things first because it got fulfilled already in the opening minutes.
Let's take a look at the knife scene from 5x10 Them. TF are on a desperate search for water. They are in bad shape after having lost not just Beth, but also Tyreese. Daryl and Carol go out searching for water together. Carol asks if he sees anything, he says «no it's too dry». So no water.
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The equivalent scene in Diverged is Darol and Carol walking along the road. This is the day after their argument from Find Me, and that is super significant because of the ridiculous amounts of Beth references in that episode. Carol tries to open her flask, but struggles to open the screw cork, it’s stuck. So no water.
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So there we have our first parallel, right? In Them, they were searching for water. In Diverged, Carol has water but can't get to it.
In Them, Carol gives Daryl Beth’s knife.
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In Diverged, Daryl gives Carol Leah’s knife.
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She uses it to pry the cork open. And then she drinks the water. Also, note how she also gives the flask to Daryl , who in turn gives water to Dog. Remember Dog = Sirius = Beth.
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In Diverged:
Carol: You’re not coming back with me? Daryl: I’m gonna stay out a little while longer.
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In Them:
Carol: Maybe we should start back.
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Daryl: You go.
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See how that’s another parallel? They split up at this point in both episodes.
I hope everyone can see how there is no chance in hell the writers didn't think of the scene in Them when they wrote the scene from Diverged. This is a word by word, scene by scene parallel to that time we saw Daryl absolutely shattered and heartbroken over losing Beth. And guys, if you're not on board with how glorious Find Me was from a TD standpoint, I don't know what to tell you! Literally almost every single word of dialogue in Find Me was a callback to a Beth/Bethyl moment. And now, we get this word by word reference to Beth’s knife from season 5, the knife that Daryl carried on him for more than a season. Leah’s knife is a direct parallel to Beth’s knife. Oh, and also, Leah is a hallucination, at least large portions of what we saw in Find Me were.
But guys, I hope y'all realize there's more. A long, long time ago, when I originally started to research the Sirius theory, I read a lot of Robert Frost’s poetry, because his poems Canis Major and One More Brevity basically described the events of Alone. I’ve always seen the Frosty Cola from the white trash brunch as a Robert Frost reference, and the one eyed dog as Sirius. The Sirius symbolism tells the story about returns, because Sirius the dog star disappears from the night sky (it’s «just gone»), and returns one day right before dawn.
Well, in Alone, Daryl suggests they «stick around for a while, and if the others come back, we’ll make it work». And wouldn't you know, TPTB managed to squeeze in a reference to that scene as well in the opening minutes! In the opening minutes of Diverged, Carol mentions that she’s sad they don’t have more to show for, as their original purpose for going out in the first place was to hunt. Daryl replies “you’ll make it work, you always do”
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In the Sirius and North Star master post from a couple of years ago I included a picture of Daryl having packed his bike after he agreed to look after Henry at Hilltop. The actual image was never used in the episode, but was released as a promo picture. The book on his bike is House Made Of Dawn, and we know Daryl brought it with him because TPTB made sure to release the pic even if the scene wasn’t in the episode. It must have been real important, right?
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In one of the promo pics from Diverged, we see Carol going through Daryl’s stuff, I assume she intends to clean up after the Whisperer war. We see her pick up a book, and study its cover.
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I’m 99% sure the book in this picture is House Made Of Dawn.
Remember what I said about Sirius returning before dawn?
It sure looks like it will be dawn pretty soon.
But guys, there’s more!
The Sirius symbolism comes from the Robert Frost poems Canis Major and One More Brevity. It’s a long story, I wrote a bunch of posts about it many years ago, I should probably do an update soon. I also touched on it in the Sirius and North Star masterpost. Anyway. We’ve actually had a couple of other Robert Frost references recently, such as when Siddiq said «Miles To Go Before I Sleep» in 10x7.
But guess what! One of Robert Frost’s most famous poems is one called «The Road Not Taken» but it’s commonly referred to as “Diverged”, because of the line «Two Roads Diverged In A Yellow Wood» in the first and the last verse.
The Sirius symbolism was born from Alone, is this when we get to see it fulfilled? I don’t think it’s an accident at all that Diverged comes when it does. I think Sirius is about to return, just in time for dawn.
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scotianostra · 4 years
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The Scottish golfer Tommy Armour was born on September 24th 1896 in Edinburgh.
In short, Armour, a three-time major champion, is one of Scotland's best ever golfers, but is rarely recognised as such, because he had the temerity to move to the United States to find work.
Tommy, the son of a baker went to Stewart Melville School or Fetes, depending on what source you believe,  before studying at The University of Edinburgh, on the outbreak of the first world war he enlisted in the Black Watch and quickly progressed through the ranks from private to Staff Major in the tank corps, he was blinded in a mustard gas explosion and surgeons had to add a metal plate to his head and left arm. During his convalescence, he regained the sight of his left eye, but never did regain sight in his right eye, yet this was still the best outcome for which he and his family could possibly have hoped. His doctors stipulated that light exercise was crucial to his recovery and so he took to the golf course.
In 1920, to the amazement of everyone, but most of all the surgeons, he won the French amateur championship. This time the fields of France had been kind. By then he had decided that with his country on the verge of recession, his future lay in America. He met Walter Hagen and this led to the role of secretary at the Westchester Country Club, the famous New York course.
In 1924, after Armour had made his fortune on Wall Street and lost it again, Hagen persuaded him to turn pro, but soon “The Haig” wished he had resisted. In 1927, Armour won the US Open at Oakmont and three years later beat Gene Sarazen, one of only nine golfers to win the career Grand Slam, at the USPGA in Fresh Meadow, the Masters was not considered a major in those days. Armours Open win was the first time the major was played at Carnoustie, it has been a regular ever since on the circuit.
It's a shame the likes of Armour is not recognised more in his home nation, other golfers too moved to the states to make a living, Willie Anderson – the only player to have won three consecutive US Opens – and the Smith brothers from Carnoustie – Alex and Willie, also both US Open champions – boast plaques in North Berwick, but nothing more, maybe it's because they are in the past, I know with the world being so much smaller in this internet age, if they had been playing nowadays and winning we would be all over them, we're a very patriotic lot us Scots! With 24 wins and including the three majors just think of the tributes Armour would receive nowadays.
In later life, Armour became a renowned teacher and club-maker and his instructional tome How to Play Your Best Golf All the Time remains the biggest selling golf book of all time. Clubs made in his name are still sold, he popularised the term "The Yips", involuntary wrist spasms that occur most commonly when golfers are trying to putt.
Tommy retired from playing full time in 1935, he became a US citizen in 1942, and during the war played exhibition matches for the Red Cross and other charities. He passed away in Larchmont, New York in 1968, his grandson Tommy Armour III was a two time PGA tour winner and still plays in the seniors.
  Pics are Armour hitting out of the bunker at Carnoustie in 1931 and receiving the Claret Jug Trophy  from the Earl of Airlie that same year.
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mollysfoundfamily · 4 years
Odd idea but Time Travel! Everyone meets their future kids!
Anon I have been waiting for someone to ask this exact thing!! you might wanna get comfy this might get a bit long like this is more of a mini fanfic than a headcanon 
So after falling through the time portal Zora accidentally made when she tried to rewind the tv without the remote 
Molly and Sylvie: Their poor little faces are both beat red and they can't even look at each other!! they were at the puppy love holding hands and snuggling level and suddenly they have two twin children!!! Its especially weird since they're the same age as Molly and keep caller her Mama Bear She asks if she's a good mama...like her's was and they tell her she's the BEST EVER!!! large tears swell up in her eyes they lean in to comfort her and begin to cry themselves *it runs in the family* and Sylvie just comes back to the three hugging in a puddle on the floor He's gonna have his work cut out for him in 20 years They all end up talking about their feeling alot Maverick, unfortunately, ended up with ALL HIS PARENTS ANXIETY and is a tiny shy mess and hearing that his mama and daddy were just as bad at this age and got better really gives them ALL alot of hope for the future   Selena and Sylvie become one with the sheep together as she mentions they're homeschooled and he makes them memorize flashcards all the time and he just whips out the pack he had on him for his own amusement and quizzes her right there Sel: oh my gosh dad, mom was right you where always a nerd Sylvie: hey watch your mouth young lady!! Sylvie is having wwwwaaaaayyyyy to much fun with the dad authority Molly and Mav have a friendly little argument over what the best kind of bear is she still holds that Koalas don't count! and just talk about their pent up sadness while brushing each other's hair They both refer to Percy as Grandma and its too much for her heart to take!! eventually, they show them a family picture... they look so grown up!! Molly is still cute but also very very pretty! and Sylvie is crying laughing and dancing all at the same time because he's tall and handsome and has a beard and IS AN ACTUAL GROWN UP!!!!! They look so... happy together, they look at each other still blushing molly reaches out to hold Sylvie’s hand he takes it shyly they both giggle and end up doing an adorable Eskimo kiss 
Indus and Mera: Indus’s mind is completely blown with so much pure love and joy when he finds out he’s going to be the proud father of 3 beautiful children and have a beautiful family with his beloved Mera (think screaming crying foaming at the mouth but all in a happy way) He hugs all three of his beautiful future babies as tight as he possibly can which prompts Libby to start hugging him back from the other side leaving skinny little bird bone boys Cyrus and Maximus to get squished inside a beef sandwich Cyrus: Dad seriously stop!!! You’re crushing my ribs!! but more importantly, you're being really embarrassing!! Indus: *Sniff, Sniff* Y-you called me ...DAD!!!! *more fire hose pressure crying* Cyrus: it’s my middle school graduation all over again... Indus: AND YOU SOUND JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER WHEN YOU COMPLAIN!!! speaking of which... Mera is completely frozen she doesn’ t know what to think or how to process it until_ Max: *yanks on her shirt* are you okay mama? She just bursts out crying because she never thought she could have children!! let alone three happy healthy ones!! Or a happy life and a family of her own it’s all too much!! a family hug pile around mama ensues Afterward, Indus and Libby spar with each other Mera and her moody boy share their general disdain for life and everyone plays with max because he’s so freaking cute also, they actually show them a future pic of them: Mera is the Karenest looking Karen that ever Karened and Indus is wearing glasses mera is emotionally conflicted and Indus thinks they make him look a genius
Zora and Percy... and Ramsey: Percy and Zora are so freaking proud of their two  beautiful strong little women Zora starts sweating from her eyes because she never thought she'd really ever have a little family like that and a great big group hug ensues Zora also does a little dance and shoots of her guns when she finds out she is commonly referred to as Big Mama Molly almost also almost dies when they refer to her as Big Sis They both then start sparring with Dawn who they don't have to go easy on at all!! she's totally a match for both of them with her whip and the army of zombies she can raise form the dead!! her epithet is Artifact: she can restore anything to its original state! it's so epic!!! They also start cooing over little Nia because she's just such a gosh darn cute little bunny! *cheeks are pinched* it isn't until later that they actually get around to asking who their doner fathers are Nia that points at Rasmey... Zora+Ramsey: WWWWHHHHHHAAAATTTTTTT!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Zora spends a good hour screaming at the sky and comtimplating weither or not to kill Ramsey for getting his gross rat DNA inside her baby girl!!!  while that's happening Ramsey just brakes down on his knees because he can't comprehend how somthing using his DNA could turn out so unbelievably cute and just starts crying while his little bunny niece awkardly consoles him. percy isn't that surpised, she always knew if she and zora had children she'd want Ramsey to be the doner, which only makes Ramsey cry some more. after a while everybody managed to calm down and all agree that no matter what they still love their cute little baby nia! and they tell the story about how Zora AND Ramsey spent months trying  to convince Howie to take his place because they were both so scared of making a baby rat both of them also let Nia braid their hair and put flowers in it the girls show em a pic of future them too Percy is the most beautiful regal police chief woman ever with gray streaks and a freaking cape and everything!! Zora is having a straight up heart attack!!! Future Zora's still pretty beautiful too and looks like a combo of a pj wearing stay at home mom and an assassin, Ramsey's pretty much the same but he's devolved into socks with sandles. the Uncle is really taking over
Giovanni: Gio’s a little confused everyone’s kids are here but he doesn’t see anyone who looks like him anywhere But all the other kids do dog pile their BIG BAD UNCLE GIO!!! Because he is going to be the best and only babysitter they’ve all ever had!!!- also he may or may not have made them all Blasters (hang on folks this is gonna get feely) while he absolutely loves that and all the new minions be can’ t help but feel...Oh well, I guess when you’re living the life of a big-time villain it doesn’t really leave a lot of room for marriage or kids or... family But then he just happens to run into future Crusher and Future Spike they’re both wearing wedding rings and spikes...pregnant... he smiles and says he’ s so happy for the two of them that they could have such a wonderful life together all while he’ s struggling to hold back his tears (very very poorly) Gio: W-Well *Sniff* I-I *Sniff* should leave *sniff* y-you t-two alone *sniff* you could be *sniff* do a-ahny second now!! Crush grabs his hand just as he’s about to run away and cry forever and he notices that the little ring has 3 little diamonds blue, orange, and ...pink so does Spike’s. Crush slowly bring’s his hand over to Spike’s stomach and holds it there with his. It finally all clicks for him. Gio: BBBHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! *a tiny lake is formed out of his tears as he hugs his soon to be baby girl* Her name is gonna be Gianna “Gigi” BearClaw Potage and she’s gonna be the cutest little feral tomato ever!
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So, this post is going to be an analysis on SkekTek the Scientist, comparing his movie self versus his tv self, as well as various predictions for season 2 or onwards. I know there have been analysis of him before, but this is a big ole hodgepodge of my own thoughts.
Ok, so, I will make no secret that SkekTek is my favorite, and as such I may or may not have analyzed him a lot in many pictures from the movie and tv show, and heres what I think;
The first season is only a peek at his descent into madness, as well as the lengths he will go to gain the approval of all around him.
In the show, it is already shown that SkekTek seeks the approval of those around him, especially the Emperor. He is regarded as the weakest Skeksis and, as such, is at the end of a lot of ridicule from the other Skeksis (he is most commonly referred to as "weakling" by various Skeksis including SkekVar the General, SkekMal the Hunter, and I believe SkekSo the Emperor). The ridicule is to the point where he is often secluded in his lab with his only friends being animals and Sidetic. ("SkekTek never forgets a true friend.")
His desire for acceptance from the other Skeksis is so deep reaching that he forsakes many things, such as his friendship with Aughra.
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When she is being strapped to the chair, preparing to be drained, she brings up their past friendship. There is so much nuance behind here doing so. In that moment, she is reaching out to SkekTek, reminding him of what they once had, of how she hasn't forgotten.
She is reaching out and giving him a chance to stop. And if he had simply brushed her off, I wouldn't be bringing this up. But rather than immediately ignore her or respond
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He looks to The Emperor, the Skeksis that rules over all of them, and one that SkekTek has been vying for approval from for so long.
And SkekSo knows it.
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(Gif credit @rabid-apathy)
He doesn't tell SkekTek to get a move on, nor does he berate him. Instead, he looks to the side, almost as in a "you know what to do" type gesture. At this point, SkekTek is in too far deep, so desperate for the approval of his brethren that don't care about him in the slightest that he forsakes the possibility of rekindling a lost friendship.
"Another world, another time."
If you rewatch this scene and watch Aughras reaction after SkekTek says that (because I can't find the gif or pic of it), she is genuinely hurt and saddened by SkekTeks response. She was being genuine when she reminded him of their friendship and was hoping that maybe it could still be there, that he could stop this.
But he didn't.
And after further ridicule from multiple Skeksis and gorging himself on essence, he does what some would say is the moment he snaps.
He kills the Gruenaks.
I know this scene has already been analyzed before, so I won't go as in depth, but that moment was a very pivotal scene. Aside from it being the moment that all the anger that has been building up inside SkekTek comes out, as well as when the idea of the Garthim comes to pass, it is also both a sad and terrifying moment for both the Gruenaks and SkekTek.
For the Gruenaks, the moment is terrifying because they were so close to freedom only for the horrifying reality to come crashing back in their faces.
And for SkekTek, the moment is horrifying for two reasons. One, because he had been going through so much ridicule and mockery for so long despite everything he did for the Skeksis that the moment of two Gruenak slaves defying him ("No slaves") was the ultimate tipping point.
For so long, I don't think SkekTek even felt like one of the Skeksis. It is commented on by the Emperor when he confronts SkekTek on how much essence will be needed for immortality (Can't remember the exact quote, but it is along the lines of how SkekTek takes solace in animals compared to being around the other Skeksis). Time and time again, SkekTek rarely interacts with other Skeksis unless they need something. So when he sees the Gruenaks have turned against him, he goes on a long spiel about how he is SkekTek the Scientist, a master of life and death, etc.
But he ends it with:
"I am Skeksis!"
A yell that is desperate. A need for affirmation, one that no Skeksis has given him. And with it, he snaps.
If the Gruenaks hadn't resisted, it's likely he still would have killed them. If not, they would have at least been severely wounded. There was too much rage and, combined with him being drunk on essence, there was nothing the Gruenaks could have done to calm SkekTek down.
And that moment with the Gruenaks? That is the point where things tip.
That moment is the first big step into his descent into insanity.
There had been smaller steps up until then, such as the draining of Gelfling, the loss of his eye, the constant ridicule, and draining Aughra. But the Gruenaks was big.
Which brings me to my next point:
I don't know if this has been brought up before, if it has I have not seen it, but SkekTek is horrifyingly different when you compare his tv self and his movie self.
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All the other Skeksis are obviously decrepit by the time of the movie (fun fact, movie SkekOk has one extra pair of glasses compared to tv SkekOk), however SkekTek is the most different.
We see him lose his eye in the show, and while the book states that he replaced his own arm and leg with robotic prosthetics, as well as put tubes in his body to study his bloodflow, those things do not happen before the tv show.
And I know this because, if you compare the two, it is clear that Skektek does have both arms in the show where as in the movie:
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You can clearly see that that arm is definitely a robotic one.
(Fun fact 2, watch his scenes from the movie and watch his arms. While he will use the robotic one, he doesn't actually move that one around all that much compared to his other arm.)
Aside from his arm, movie SkekTek has a large amount of tubes, wires, and metal pieces all throughout his body, including even more where his eye prosthetic is.
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I could go on with the side by side comparisons, but I think it is safe to say that there is more that happens to SkekTek aside from him aging.
But a final big change from the time of the show versus the movie has to be his animals.
I've already stated that in the show, they are his only real companions (especially Sidetic). The animals in his lab are his only company and, frankly, are rather calm when it's just SkekTek in the lab. But by the movie? He is constantly yelling at them to be quiet, regarding them cruelly and awfully while they screech about the moment he enters the room.
Which brings me to my final point and some speculation:
It is likely that, despite the creation of the Garthim, as well as him having developed the method for creating essence, SkekTek is still going to be the subject of constant ridicule by the Skeksis, to the point where his last shred of sanity snaps and he begins the experiments on his body.
Whether those experiments are due to the Emperors demand for a solution for his own deteriorating body or because SkekTek is so desperate to no longer be seen as weak that he replaces his limbs in a desperate bid for more strength, that is up for debate.
SkekTek is one of the few Skeksis to actually think about things such as the wellbeing of Thra (his momentary plea to the Emperor that the more they drain Gelfling, the faster the Darkening will spread), as well as having moments of genuine kindness to creatures that aren't Skeksis ("Hush now, hush now. All is well."), but like the rest of the Skeksis, SkekTek is driven by a combination of greed and fear, one that sends him on a downward spiral until he meets his ultimate end.
Tldr; SkekTek has a rougher time in the foreseeable future. Someone give this vulture a vacation please.
(Also, I do not condone any of the awful things SkekTek does. Yes, killing is bad.)
(Final thing, I know there is debatable continuity between the show and the movie. Even so, I still wanted to do this. Because I can.)
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This is just for fun but I know there are OTP prompts/questions that float around here and there, and I wanted to make one with questions from various lists. I am going to focus on my Arkham Origins o/c, Lorelei Jones, and her smug genius boyfriend, Edward Nashton/Enigma. 
Pic is a commission from the lovely @cyber54​ :D
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Feel free to reblog this and answer the q’s for one of your favorite OTPs :)
1. If they had to describe their relationship in one word, what would it be and why?
This one’s kind of tough because it’s no easy task describing Lorelei and Eddie’s relationship in just one word. However, if I have to pick, I would say, “soothing.” They do compliment each other in various ways, both of them having “daddy issues,” neither of them have had it easy getting close to people, and both of them guard their true feelings behind walls they have built up for years. They know how to comfort each other without smothering as they know the need for alone time when things aren’t going well. However, they don’t let the other go into a downward spiral, either, and pull them back simply by being there, even without saying a word.
2. If they had to choose between going to a party or staying in, what would they do?
Oh, stay in definitely. Eddie and Lorelei aren’t social butterflies, they both hate the noise and chaos of clubs, and they enjoy privacy. 
3. Who asks the other how to spell a word?
Lorelei will be the one to ask since Eddie, being the charming genius that he is, has an excellent vocabulary and basically a mental dictionary.
4. Who put their hand on their partner’s knee while driving?
Lorelei will put her hand knee on Eddie’s sometimes....and those times tend to lead to very thrilling conclusions ;)
5. Big spoon/little spoon?
Lorelei prefers to be the little spoon and Eddie has no complaints being the big spoon.
6. Most common argument?
Neither of them are good with emotions, and sometimes, when one of them is upset about something, they might close themselves off or even get pissy with the other. This can lead to arguments where they have to basically break down the other’s walls in order to get through to them.
7. Who wakes up first?
Usually Eddie as he’s always been an early riser (and a frequent insomniac) 
8. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Both take good care of their bodies, so they know about nutrition and what would work for and against their bodies. They split the cooking duties, or, more commonly, cook together.
9. Who initiates kisses?
Lorelei because even when Eddie’s relaxed around her, he can still be a little shy or too distracted by coding to think about stealing a kiss.
10. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Oh, definitely Eddie, but it’s not so much pick up lines but romantic or “sexy” riddles he uses as pickup lines. They are often cheesy as hell, though lol
11. Who kisses the hardest?
Oh, wow...actually, they both can really get into it, so...both. Both of them.
12. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Lorelei. Abso-fucking-lutely Lorelei, and she can really make her lovely riddle boy blush like crazy.
13. Who is always suggesting they get another pet?
Neither as they don’t have any pets, but if I had to guess, possibly Lorelei. Then again, Eddie seems like the type to bring home stray cats because he can “relate” to them more than dogs so...who knows?
14. Who needs more reassurance?
Eddie because he’s deeply insecure underneath all that smugness. His father was mentally and physically abusive to him, often telling him he was worth nothing. Eddie also was bullied often in school and didn’t really have any friends. So, he does doubt himself and his abilities -- and his self worth sometimes, but Lorelei always finds ways to remind him that he’s worth everything and then some to her.
15. What would be their theme song?
Geez, wow...uh, maybe Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance?” It’s a song about loving someone despite their flaws, and I think that suits Lorelei and Eddie.
16. Who kills the spiders?
Neither of them are scared of spiders so it’s always first come, first serve.
17. Who would use more nicknames for the other?
Eddie, actually. He doesn’t have a bunch but he does have a decent handful.
18. How do they wake up next to each other?
Usually cuddling in some way shape or form.
19. Who picks something up, says a pun with the object, then laughs as if it’s the funniest thing they ever heard?
Eddie, the fucking nerd hahaha
20. What is their favorite (non-sexual) activity to do together?
They like to cuddle in bed and watch stupid reality shows on TV for a laugh.
21. Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other?
Neither because they’re both pretty comfortable with their appearances.
22. Who always makes coffee for the other each morning?
Usually Eddie since he’s often the first one up.
23. Who wear’s the other’s jacket/clothes?
Lorelei sometimes “steals” Eddie’s clothes and wears them around the house....not that he’s complaining ;)
24. Who is the messiest?
Technically neither of them but Eddie is a bit more OCD about things.
25. What would they marathon?
Lorelei actually loves fantasy novels, and this includes “The Lord of The Rings” and “The Hobbit.” Eddie doesn’t mind them. Sometimes they may put on one of the movies while they’re busy doing their own stuff to serve as pleasant background noise.
26. Which one is ticklish?
Surprisingly, both Lorelei and Eddie are very ticklish!
27. Who wakes up the other with kisses?
Usually Eddie as he is a light sleeper and often wakes up before Lorelei. Although, they do like to wake each other up in other ways 👀
28. Who sings along to the radio?
More often than not, it’s Lorelei.
29. Who asks weird questions at random in the middle of the night?
Eddie. Definitely Eddie. His mind is always working, he’s always thinking.
30. A headcanon about them that stabs you in the feels?
If one or both of them is feeling very vulnerable or emotional, or had a terrible day, they sometimes will ditch the Dom/Sub play and just make sweet, romantic love while holding each other close and reassuring the other with soft kisses and gentle caresses.
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Anonymous asked: I was fascinated to learn about the vineyard that you and your cousins own and I understand your reticence saying more. My partner and I have done the occasional vineyard trail when we journeyed through France but I was always felt too silly to ask why do vineyards have flowers (roses mostly) planted next to the vines? Is it just for pretty decoration?
Don’t feel silly in asking questions because how else is one going to learn and I’m sure many others have had the same questions too but won’t risk asking because of misplaced sense of pride. Like you I used to think it was for decorative reasons but it’s not. The reasons why you see many pretty flowers - and it’s mostly roses as you correctly pointed out - planted at the end of the vineyard rows are very practical ones.
Planting roses at the end of vineyard rows serves as an early warning system to detect early signs of impending disease that can infect the grapevines itself. Grapevines can be susceptible to the same diseases such as powdery or downy mildew that can have disastrous effects on a winemaker’s crop. Indeed powdery mildew is one of the most devastating diseases for the vine and no vineyard in France is safe from an outbreak. The roses are even more sensitive than grapevines to powdery or downy mildew and so they tend to get it first. In effect if either disease sets in, the vineyardist then sprays the vineyard with appropriate fungicides.
I consulted one of my cousins who actually manages the vineyard and he is one of the brains behind the chateau vineyard. He gave a much more detailed response. So I’ll quote him because he just knows more than I do. He wrote,
“Powdery mildew, also known as Oidium, is a disease triggered by the fungus Uncinula necator (or Erysiphe necator) that causes white powder-like spots on vine leaves and grapes during the growing season, particularly in microclimates of high humidity and temperatures and shade. If the fungus attacks berries, grapes can take on strong earthy (1-octen-3-one) and geranium-like [(Z)-1,5-octadien-3-one] smells, and can split and open and become prone to other diseases. But according to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, research conducted at the world renowned Faculté d’Oenologie of the Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux demonstrated that delicate wine aromas were much attenuated as the compounds are enzymatically reduced by S. cerevisiae wine yeast during alcoholic fermentation. Powdery mildew can be easily prevented with a sulphur spray once (if) signs of the disease appear on the roses.
Downy mildew is a much more serious disease that is triggered by the mold Plasmopara viticola which thrives in more humid and persistently wet conditions. It causes "oily spots" on leaves or greasy yellowish spots that turn a brownish colour. Infected leaves and affected grapes eventually drop from vines, which not only result in spoiled grapes and lost crop, but can survive the winter and once again spread the disease the following spring when the vineyard cycle restarts. Downy mildew can be prevented with a copper sulphate spray solution once, and if, signs of the disease appear on the roses.”
So there you have it. Rose bushes are very much the canary in the mine and help the wine maker take preventative action against harmful fungus activity to the grapes.
There is a second reason why roses are often preferred as well. Roses are a great companion plant as they offer a ‘home’ to harmful bugs and thus serves as a magnetic distraction from the grapevines themselves. So instead of dowsing grapes with pesticides it’s better to do spray the rose bush that serves as a ‘trap’ for annoying insects.
A third reason why rose bushes are planted at the end of of the grapevine row is to act like a quick barometer to monitor the health of the grapevine row. It saves time laboriously going up and down row after row checking when a cursory examination of the rose bushes gives you a clue to the overall health. I’ve seen wine makers use binoculars to check on the flower bushes planted in front of the grapevines from a long distance away as a quick and easy way to monitor things.
Truth the told these days in the age of increasingly sophisticated and commercialised wine making, the French vineyard (especially if they are big commercial operations) are well monitored for even the very first signs of fungus infection. Much smaller vineyards in France will plant rose bushes as a matter of course. But the bigger you are the more sophisticated means you will put in place - indeed those who routinely include fungicides in their vineyard management practices do not need to plant roses.
When my cousins and I first bought the vineyard from the French family of my cousin’s wife (who also co-manages it) they told us the history behind the chateau and also the history of wine making on their lands and the region itself,  their stories revealed how much wine making had changed over 200 years. Apparently one other reason why rose bushes or other bright flowers were planted at the end of each grapevine row harks back to the days when horses and oxen were commonly used to plough the vineyards. Rose bushes at the end helped the horses or oxen navigate the vine rows. Attracted by the bright colours of the petals, the animals knew this to be the end of the row. The thorns also prevented them from cutting corners when they reached the end of a row and damaging the vines.
In the end planting rose bushes is as much to do with tradition as it is to just lend aesthetic beauty to the vineyard. Here’s a pic below of how we are set up on our chateau vineyard.
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Thanks for your question.
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reve-de-dragon · 4 years
Results of the form
results under the cut
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The donjon and dragon is, obviously, not surprising. I’m on the same page here, it counts as a dragon, and is honestly the closest to basic pop culture european dragon i can find. 
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Donjon and dragon wyvern gets some not a dragon answers. From what i gather from looking through the answers, I assume it has to do with the sapience of the wyvern, as aside from a single person, i haven’t seen the “four legs two wings is a dragon” type of answer.
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The tarasque surprised me a bit more! I see them as a dragon, but physical traits of that type (weird chimera) usually doesn’t matters to me if they are quite reptilian, which works here, in most pictures. I think for most dragons however, it is a too weird creature for them to comprehend them as a dragon. There might also be the problem of the dnd tarasque, who is treated as its own thing in the game, which might have influenced some.
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Smaug is overall seen as a dragon. The picture was the movie smaug, so the one not a dragon comes from the “four leg 2 wings is a dragon” answer (btw, not trying to say that is wrong, for this form!).
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not much to say here.
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Had to go back to see what kind of answer said that pernese dragons were not dragon for their own mind, and from what i see of the rest of their answer, I suspect that its the book’s twist on these dragons that influenced the answer. I wondered if i would have more not a dragon because of this specificity, but it seem it overall is seen as a dragon.
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Dutch angels are pretty divided! They are not dragons in my eyes, as they are too mammalian to register as a dragon, which i believe is the case for most people here, from talking with people who answered. 
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Wyrms register as dragons for me. The non dragon part seems to be on the lack of wings (usually also putting the draque as not a dragon) and the lack of limbs. Some may also have thought about sapience, although i can’t check that, and haven’t encountered that one while talking with some who took the form.
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Amusingly, the sea serpent almost mirrors the wyrm. I do not really understand that one, as it tends to be registered as the same thing for me (big long beast who can grow to tremendous sizes). If the wyrm is put as not a dragon, I assume it’s the lack of wings/limb, but some do put wyrms and not sea serpent, as seen here! This appear to be caused by wyrms and sea serpents as different kind of beasts, as a sort of cousin specie.
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:’( Poor chimken. My human logic tells me dragon, because they are referred as such in some myths. As a dragon however, i’m not sure. Size plays a lot into it for me, but the dangerosity of the beast does too. I think I wouldn’t consider it a dragon as the pop culture cockatrice that is small, but as soon as it is human sized or more, i’d have a doubt and consider it something on the same level as me.
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Too mammalian for me, but technically a dragon I guess ahah. It depends on who you ask, in myths. I tend to see it as another kind of creature both as a dragon and human, though. 
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Same, to a further extent.
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That one is very strange! Not because of the amount of not dragon, that i expected, but because I saw quite a few people who did agree that it was a dragon say that a sea serpent wasn’t one, which boggles my mind! I see it as a simple animal myself, and haven’t been able to understand that sea serpent is not but nessie is situation, so if you answered that, would love to know why!
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Was simply to check if reptilian body and sapience was enough for some. Two people did answer yes, but for the most part, it’s a no. 
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Got a friend who is a predacon were, so I was curious if being biological or mechanical would influence some. Amusingly enough, from that predacon, I learnt that they, themselves, didn’t consider all predacons dragons, due to differences in behaviors. The exemple here was predaking, so a pretty normal dragon aside from the mechanical thing. I wanted to add the bipedal cybertronian form too, but was afraid my first question may be lost like that. One person did say they were not dragons to them, so i wonder if it’s due to lore or nonbiological nature.
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The worms from dunes have technically very draconic behaviors and lore, and are inspired from european dragons. One person did agree that they were sort of alien dragons, apparently, but for the most part, i assume the physical form says not dragon. On my side, i am unsure! I think not, because they are not creatures i can really interact with, i assume, so I’d mostly see them as bigger than average animals.
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Wondered where humanoid body type started to be seen as nondraconic. Depending on the anthro dragon, I myself am on a “maybe”. Behavior and dangerosity would probably matter a lot to me here.
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And that’s where I myself draw the line! Flat faces disturb me, and in that case, size and general appearance convey a “not a dragon” feel for me.
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The lack of wings is what makes them not a dragon, for the one who answered that, as it seems. Perhaps some sapience too?
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This one is an animal for me, whereas drakes are dragons. Amusingly enough, some said drakes were not dragons, but those were! I assume it’s the flight/glide.
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Dragon brains says That’s A Horse, whereas human logic says it’s closest to a dragon. Pretty easy to understand here, simply the appearance. 
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Overall, dragon. Logical. However, two person said not a dragon! The first did say Cortos (little wyvern type creatures) were, from the same game, and the other said zinogre (a wolf/dragon that wield thunder) and dah’ren morhan (a gigantic desert leviathan) did say those were dragons! So it’s not the game. I really don’t get that one, and would love thoughts on it.
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Was curious if the mammalian appearance would matter. Zinogre is on the line for me. 
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They look like wyverns, but are very small and weak. They don’t register as dragons for me, but as animals. Seems they do for most though, although i can’t say if all understood their size due to the picture.
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This one is similar to the sand worm for me. Although technically draconic, being similar to a leviathan, he just doesn’t register as one, although there’s the power and size to usually back it up for me.
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Was curious to what extent dragon like horrors would be understood as dragons. I see that one as a dragon, but that may be due to myself seeing my draconity as somewhat lovecraftian. I relate a lot to cthulhu on a conceptual level. 
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I mean. I’m surprised there’s not a dragon human hybrid kind of thing here ngl. What’s the difference? Plus tbh, he does seem more draconic than the pic i used for the human dragon hybrid in my opinion. Probably the pose does it for me. Really like this painting.
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Expected it, but hey! Fun fact! The red dragon of the apocalypse above, and Satan/the devil are the same entity! Bamboozled again. I have to admit, although the depiction above makes me think dragon, due to the imagery associated with satan, i mostly see him as a human looking dude or goaty fellow. I’m pretty sure he is called a dragon in christian lore.
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Not threatening enough for me, but yeah that’s probably what’s going on here, he’s simply not very threatening. Deal breaker for some, but dragon for most.
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Tried to see if more strange looking “dragons” got the same approval as charizard, since they even had the typing. Seems like theropods body type isn’t commonly seen as draconic, as I furthered that question with a smaller group with some other theropod looking draconic creatures! Have to admit, unsure if it’s the human logic that applies here, and makes me go : that’s a real animal, or if it’s a dragon thing.
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Same but more theropod.
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Technically, he can be called one, but yeah he is very mammalian, which is most of those no votes. I’d say I would probably consider him on the same level as me. Something about the tatzelwurm makes me think of a sapient beast, which may play into it. Everything seems more dangerous and more “at my level” if they are intelligent. They are small, and not very powerful, but for some reason it still doesn’t strike me as wrong here.
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Wanted to see both if something very bird like, and very non threatening looking was understood as a dragon. Seems like for the most part, it works. I’d honestly probably just see that one as a weird fire bird. For the most part, most dragonvale dragons don’t register as such for me, in a similar way to pokemons. 
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Putting those two back to back because it’s very funny. Expected both to be dragons, or both not, and turns out there’s also a fair share to one is, but the other no. I can understand toruk yes, ikran no, as toruk is much more imposing, but the other way around i don’t quite see, although a few people did say so. If you have theories, would love to hear.
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Added the thanator last minute as a sort of “pandoran drake”. Seems like most people just see it as an alien. Flight plays a strong part on recognizing something as draconic for most, so if you throw away the obvious reptilian/draconic features, isn’t so easy. Plus, I won’t lie, it acts pretty non draconic, but hey was worth trying. Expected it.
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Similar thought, although more reptilian. although the thanator doesn’t register as same as me, xenomorphs do. Probably the dangerosity/intelligence here too.
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It’s very, very weird, but dragon shaped. I’d see it as a dragon. A lot don’t. Put it for the same reason as the tarasque, but with wings.
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I won’t lie it’s a bird i expected that, but it’s golden? It eats metals? Maybe some feathered dragons could relate. Where does bird dragon stops, and mythical bird begins? Amusing to go back to the peteu or the serre with this thought in mind.
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If quetzacoatl gets to be a dragon, why not them. I see them as dragons like wyrms. Seems like a fair share don’t! Amusingly, I assume like the sea serpent, it doesn’t mirror wyrms, although the two are very close.
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Yeah fair. Honestly though, it’s strange how so many weird appearance don’t get a pass, but that one does. I assume it’s because they fly, or are very powerful? Since other very reptilian looking chimeras or draconic beasts don’t make the cut. Or pop culture i guess. I see them as beasts like me, but actually not as dragons. I see them as “eastern dragons” which for me is a dinstinctly different creature from european dragons on all level, and probably shouldn’t share the dragon name, which is why i try my best to find another term to use, like long or ryu. I do however make them fall in the category of beasts that are “same as me”, although i usually see them as a bit higher, closer to deity like, in folklores.
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Was curious since “he doesn’t act like a dragon anymore” is something I had heard a few times from dragons. From the people who answered, seems there isn’t much here. I personally do feel weird about how toothless act in the third movie, the whole thing is a bit off. Probably because, like another dragonkin said, they are treated as exotic pets or human adjacent.
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Gidorah is pretty dragon like, not much here, it was mostly to introduce the following. We did get a few no, though! I assume it’s because it’s an alien, or something of the sort? Theories appreciated once again.
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Godzilla is honestly very dragon like. Massive, reptilian, breath weapon. He even protects things sometimes. But seems like for most, he isn’t one. Curious as to why so. I assume the theropod look must have struck again, as well as pop culture making you automatically go : no that’s a kaiju, not a dragon.
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Fair. With the zinogre i wanted to see how far i could push it.
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To the 2 people who answered yes : Wrong. I am judging you. 
EDIT : forgot to say : Feel free to give any thoughts! I’d love to start a discussion
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
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                 *Yoongi centered fic with a shared OT7 plot*
CH.1.1   CH. 1.2
**Operation: What’s eating blue!?***
“Stop, this stopped being a you, thing and became a us thing  the minute we chose to show up here tonight! You gave us an out and we stayed...we will always stay...”
1.2 K Sneak Peek
Pairing: Yoongi x OC
Genre: Sugar baby AU/Suspense/Smut/Angst/Roomate AU/FWB AU
WC: 7K
Nonsexual Warnings: Mentions of drug use (Molly/weed/)Strong language/ Alcohol addictions/ brief mentions/ speculations of domestic violence/abuse
Sexual Warnings: Oral (M & F receiving) power bottom Min Yoongi, cum play, breath play, spanking, dirty talk, Slight overestimation, sex toys (Cock rings....) Semi-public sex (A chill little blow job in the car) The sexual warnings are for both parts of CH.1 so the smut is split in half!
NOTE:  Just to clarify the dynamic Yoongi and the OC are roommates who hookup on the side, they are BOTH sugar babies to two separate people! So yes, that would imply that Yoongi and some of the other boys who are also sugar babies are Bi. There is no MxM but there is mentions of it occasionally….as well as some harmless ot7 flirting! Also all of the boys are introed, Tae and Joon just play a lager part here!
I guess, fuck where do we even start? Maybe, will go back to where it all technically started, which was the last time things felt...somewhat normal yeah?
So, that would be...hmm...about 2 weeks shy of you heading into Junior year at USC right? The day your boys picked you up at the airport, and the three of your treated Blue, aka TaeTae to brunch!?
Well, wait let’s back track a little it all started much eariler than that, because you weren’t even aware of your brunch plans until later in the day. So Initially the day in question kicks of with you, in oversized blacked out CHLOE shades, hungover as fuck, sat in at the airport one Sunday afternoon. Smack dab in the middle of Terminal 6, in a bar called Blu2o sipping on a Bloody Mary, scrolling aimlessly through Snapchat. While simotaniously being told for the very first time ...that you’ll be attending a “Haute Couture”  themed charity auction...on Tuesday! Yup,  the day after tomorrow! Thank god he can’t see your damn face right now, biting down on your straw to muzzle yourself!
“No, babe it’s fine, I’ll just hit Rodeo tomorrow morning, and I’m sure my nail and lash girl can fit me-Oh you...haven’t gotten... what ...your wearing either?” Parroting the words back In slow motion as if it would make the words sound better or something!
Oh for fucks sake! Bringing your forehead flush to the marble bartop already feeling a full blown migraine brewing at the nape of your neck. Giving yourself a couple moments to self compose, this man is so damn unorganized it’s unfucking real. His personal assistant better be the 2nd highest paid person within his entire company because…..This is far from new, I don’t even know why your suprised and I’d say you don’t get paid enough for this....but ya do! So you suck it up, lose the attitude and slip right into your “Yes sir” or maybe I should say ‘Yes daddy” voice.
“Don’t worry about it, I know your busy. I totally get it, your a 28 waist right? Of course, I remember...I remember everything you tell me….Ohhh your gonna let me put you in color too???” Eyes flickering up to the notification from your bank, noting a cute little 12k wire pending.
“Yeah, no, I see it, that should be good. I was thinking Versace or Cavili for you anyway...they have good prints to fit the theme, and if all else fails I have my card too…yup..just landed about..hmm... 30 minutes ago actually. Of course, stop apologizing, Sunday's are always your golf days, I get it, hey, tell the guys I said hi and enjoy your day. Text me later if you feel up to it..k....bye..”
Were you actually getting a little flustered there towards the end? It's the slight accent, isn't it? Honestly, it didn't take much for you to slip into “character” with him, even after barely being together a full month. For one he wasn’t an asshole, had a decent sense of humor, and he’s really fuckin hot...however there was one, little, well shit, not so little issue...you noticed while with him recently. Which, then sparked quite a few questions while also answering some that had been rattling through your head since the day you met. But will circle back to the fact that you spent a week on vacation with a man, while dressed in some of the sexiest pieces of 2019 couture! Yet..you barely got touched once outside of a couple chaste kisses and hand-holding while at the two fashion shows you attended together… so, yeah, yeah!
A low groan in frustration rattled from your throat as you continued scrolling through Snapchat, trying to come up with some possible outfit scenarios in your head! It’s kinda funny, how mynute all of that seems now though, how your definition of “Stress” that day was you trying to decide if your sugar daddy was gay, while also  finding time to fit in a self-care day, shopping, and getting your books for school!!  The fact that, that was what you considered migraine worthy, fuck, what you wouldn’t give to consider multitasking your only maltitude of “stress” again …..
Just in your own little world, mind swirling with a couple of stylists you’ve met along the way, considering the idea of them pulling some vintage pieces for you instead!  What you should be doing, is scrolling through your contact list and texting said stylists, instead you find yourself more and more distracted.  Getting lost in the mounds of snap updates from Jimin as he “modestly” sunbathed in a private villa in Italy. Then later sharing a glimpse into his shopping spree from Versace, no doubt a good 20k worth of Italian luxury spread out along the plush white sheets. Sending him a cheeky little “That’s my boy” with a couple of smug winky faces in response!
It’s still kinda crazy to think, things like that are considered normal within your world now, the fact that you aren’t even surprised at the number of gifts. Or, simply the fact that your barley 21-year-old best friend is sunbathing in Italy on someone else’s dime. Then again, you just got sent 12 thousand dollars to spend on an event that would last maybe all of 5 hours, while sitting next to a stack of Louis Vuittion luggage from your first class flight in from Vegas, technically. Opting to land there first after a long 15-hour flight, checking in at The Four Seasons for not even a solid 24 hours before coming home! Honestly?There was no real reason for the pit stop except it gave you an excuse to see a friend while also allowing you to unwind in one of your favorite hotels!
That sentence alone is actually absurd when you really think about it, the idea of you casually booking flights and suites in 5-star hotels as if you’re ordering off the damn dollar menu at Mcdonalds! You, the girl that was working two jobs at the Groove and mourning a piece of shit cheating ex boyfriend her freshman year of college.....is now reminiscing about catching flights to chill with friends and last minute finding dresses for Couture themed galas.Like, what the actual fuck is life.... Oh my bad, life at the moment is constantly being paranoid that you and your friends will get arrested! Life in this moment however...was a fucking perfect!
The friend you where meeting in Vegas was Hoseok by the way, the redhead was currently vacationing in Sin City for the next couple of days, typically residing in LA as well. Just Chillin’ before the semester starts, living his best life, which revolves around “OFF-WHITE'' shopping sprees, private dance lessons, and constantly taking thirst trap pics for his 10’s of thousands of followers online. He randomly texts you saying “I miss your face” you text him saying “I land at 8 tonight bring a bottle and sushi to room 605 at The Four Seasons hotel '' Simple!
Your initial flight, the one that was 15 hours, was originally from Paris, where you spent the last week or so with Jeong-su, being arm candy, sipping wine, sightseeing and of course shopping!. Barley 32 hours ago your Snapchat looked pretty damn similar, if not worse in comparison to Jimin’s but what can I say, you can’t be in the home of Givenchy and Gaulthier and not go to Givenchy and Gaultier!
What your life is, what you and your friends do, I mean, I think it’s safe to say it’s pretty self-explanatory yeah? The average 20 something-year-old in college isn't flying themselves out of the country or going luxury shopping without a little help. In your case, it’s typically thanks to a person you commonly refer to as “Daddy” now, the context behind the word however….is where you and your friends may differ from others…..
But that’s your business, your concern and more importantly your choice, and honestly for a while life seemed too damn good to be true...I guess looking back on it now, I guess that’s because it kinda was!
Sat at the predominantly empty bar alone, more than content by the silence, twirling your straw between your lips, as you scanned back over the shit show that was your schedule for the semester! Getting more of a migraine from that, then shopping or even the fact that you're still hungover and drinking on an empty stomach at half-past 12. Shooting a quick text to your redheaded best friend cursing him out for getting you drunk off your ass on a bottle of Yamazaki 12.
“Can I get anything else for you beautiful? Another drink or maybe an appetizer? We have damn good loaded queso fries if I do say so myself!” Waving the menu in your face playfully, the warm, inviting voice in front of you was the bartender, who’s had his eye on you since you swayed in. Even if you looked like crap for your standards you knew to most you were the farthest thing from it as you swayed into the bar like you owned the place. In your heels, and tiny little black dress, while an airport assistant trolied in your luggage behind you! Ohhh Blair  Waldorf would without a doubt be proud!
“Mmmm…” Lips pursed in a slight pout as you raked over the menu, honestly, you were hungry and they have bomb ass fried pickles…..”Actually, yeah, I’ll get-”
“ 3 tall shots of whatever top-shelf Tequila you have, also add whatever she’s been drinking to my tab, along with an order of fried pickles with extra ranch…please and thank you!” Smoothly sliding his black card, and ID across the marble bartop for review.
The look on the bartender’s face was fucking priceless, torn between shitting himself and maybe….nah, just straight shitting himself! Skin flushed, the sense of panic was clear as day,  wondering if he’d overstepped that fine line between customer service and filtration. Considering whoever the person behind you is, clearly knows you well enough to know your food order. A forced bashful smile playing along his lips as he bowed out in acknowledgment, sliding the gentelmen back is ID and whispering out a faint “Yes sir, coming right up…”
The base vibrating through your ears instantly had you readjusting your posture, a strong tingle running down your spine, back arching ever so slightly. A playful smirk playing along your lips as you slowly laced your tongue back around your staw, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“You sure you wanna do that? My tastes are pretty expensive..” Tone blatantly flirtatious, yet you still hadn’t bothered to even turn around, that’s when suddenly you hear a deep arrogant chuckle rumbling low in his chest. Only...this sounds a little brighter? And like it’s coming from your left instead of behind you…
“Mmm, I’m sure we can handle it baby….”
You could feel the air shift behind you, it felt warmer, and there was a strong mix of scents flooding through your nose. Leaning back in your seat, pleasantly finding your shoulders, the back of your neck, and your head, cradled against a lean wall of silk. Sighing contently, naturally letting your body melt into his frame, nose running into your face as you smiled so hard your cheeks hurt. That’s when a gangle of veiny, porcelain limbs wrapped around your shoulders pulling you even tighter against him, only to find brown, sharp, cat-like eyes staring down at you, though a pair of translucent designer shades. Seemingly a little bit amused at how excited you are to see him. Long dark wavy locks falling messily into his face, a tiny silver hoop dawning his button nose. Tongue playing at the corner of his mouth, letting the tiny silver ball slip between his lips. This angle lets you really appreciate how sharp, yet soft his features were, an oxymoron that honestly makes no damn sense unless you see him in person….jawline sharp enough to cut glass yet he has the cutest cheeks ever when he smiles. It honestly makes no sense whatsoever and he’s one of the many reasons you have trust issues. Well, that and your line of work, considering the number of men you find out are married and still try and sneak around with you.
Then, as if to just make his presence known, there’s another pair of hands making their home along your body, gently squeezing your thigh. Except, he’s polar opposite to the person I just described, the man behind you is your roommate Yoongi, the man who just took a seat to your left, is your other roommate Namjoon! First off, he’s tall as all hell, and an offensively perfect shade of brown, he can’t even go into the burbs without being asked what self-tanner he uses. In which he smugly replies “Genetics” letting them sit there and try and google said company that makes that brand of self-tan. Streams of meticulously placed colored neo-traditional tattoos paint his skin, accompanied by deep dimples, and bleach blonde hair styled into an undercut, sides buzzed into the perfect fade.
“So you gonna get up and give me a real hug or what???”  Placing a kiss in your hair as he pulled back, giving you room to hop out of your seat and right into his arms.
The Full thing is coming soon, this is from summer 2019, I just have to edit, and reread the full thing again! I also wrote the first 3 parts all at once..sooo if your exicted show this some love anddddddddd come let me know!
Love you as always,
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